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presslakay · 5 months ago
Commémoration de l’assassinat de Dessalines : le CPT dépose une gerbe de fleurs au MUPANAH
À l’occasion de la commémoration de l’assassinat de Jean-Jacques Dessalines, le Conseil Présidentiel de transition a rendu un vibrant hommage au père fondateur de la nation haïtienne. Ce jeudi 17 octobre 2024 marque le 218ème anniversaire de l’assassinat lâche de l’Empereur Jacques 1er. Comme c’est le cas chaque année, les autorités commémorent cette date tout en faisant appel à l’unité…
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lucsayimann-12-63 · 8 months ago
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
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The Faustin I crown is the crown of Faustin Soulouque, who ruled Haiti as President of the 
Republic from 1847 to 1849 and as 
Emperor Faustin I of the Second Empire from 1849 to 1859. 
The crown is adorned with emeralds, diamonds, garnets, and 
other jewels. 
It had previously been on display at the Musée du Panthéon 
National Hatien (MUPANAH). 
However, it was discovered that some of the jewels on the crown were stolen at an unknown time. 
Because of the vandalism, the crown was moved to a safe location for protection on 
January 31, 2007.
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aliel-hasina · 7 years ago
I'm starting to notice how prominent my grandfathers are (and how much of a failure I am). I went to Mupanah and one of the exhibits had a interview with my gpa playing and I went "it's Pepère !" And the tour guide went "huh 😳" and my gma explained to him that was my grandfather and that nigga was shook for like a min and got himself together cause I'm a regular ass NYer.
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netalkolemedia · 3 years ago
Célébration du 218ème anniversaire de la bataille de Vertière au MUPANAH 
Ce jeudi 18 novembre Haïti a célébré le 218ème anniversaire de la bataille de Vertière. Bataille qui aboutit à l’indépendance d’Haïti. Les membres du gouvernement et du corps diplomatique ont célébré ce 218ème au MUPANAH.  Credit Photo : La Primature D’entrée de jeu, le premier ministre Ariel Henry n’a pas tari d’éloges à propos des héros de cette bataille qui ont réussi à nous offrir cette terre…
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radarekolokal-blog · 6 years ago
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Musée du Panthéon National Haitien (MUPANAH) Fondation:1983 Mission: Organisme autonome relevant du Département de la Culture, le MUPANAH est un musée historique ayant pour mission de perpétuer et de diffuser le souvenir des Pères de la Patrie, de participer à la conservation du patrimoine ainsi qu’à la diffusion de la culture nationale. Collection : Histoire et Folklore Cf: Haïti Référence #mupanah #mupanahmuseum #haiti #portauprince #ayiti #culture #haitian #museum #caribbean #history #haïti #paup #visithaiti #tourism #haitianhistory #musee #diaspora #hommage #patrimoine #heritage #legacy #travelblogger #champdemars #haitianheritagemuseum #haitiansheros #haitianrevolution #haitiansupport #radarekolokal #thisishaiti (à Port-au-Prince, Haiti) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wCk_Ipb9b/?igshid=1n00o5s67vdxg
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artfullykadokele · 6 years ago
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Repost from @oneikatraveller 📝: Today is the 9 year anniversary of the earthquake that caused thousands of deaths in Haiti and wreaked havoc on the island nation for long afterward. ___ But Haiti is more than its single story of devastation. I had the opportunity to see this with my own eyes when I travelled there two summers ago. Haitians are vibrant, proud, immensely hardworking, and strong. Moreover, the natural and unspoilt beauty of the country are unparalleled. ___ So don't believe the negative press spewed by ignorant and uninformed world leaders. Click the #LinkInBio to read my five reasons you should make Haiti your next vacay destination. Because while Haiti doesn't need your pity, it deserves your tourist dollars. Have you ever been? . . 📍 @jardinsdumupanah . #HaitianBusinesses #Haiti #12janvier #Mupanah #TravelBlogger #Travel #travelnoire #travelphotography #traveldiaries #kadokele #Blogger #perledesantilles ™@haitianbusinesses https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsj0VRsF_sj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wv9gqulo1cxs
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haitianbusinesses · 8 years ago
Today is the day! The Hair To The Queen book tour will be in Haiti! This Friday April 21 at @lesjardinsdumupanah. Be there for a special presentation and to retrieve your signed copy. TAG A FRIEND! ========== Written by Tamara B. Rodriguez, mother of two daughters, Hair to the Queen! is a compassionate story of a daughter who plans a surprise for her mother who is ill. This picture book enables adults to talk to kids about an illness via loving and relatable characters. Proceeds of @hairtothequeenbook will benefit The Alfred Beliard Foundation Against Cancer. It is a foundation created by the Beliard Family. Through Fatima Group, a US conglomerate, the family created an Endowment Fund dedicated to creating cancer awareness and prevention for the Haitians living in the Northern Region of Haiti-an extremely underserved region in health care. The foundation is registered in Haiti and plans to register in Canada and in the United States in 2016. #HaitianBusinesses #HairtotheQueenbook #Haiti #Mupanah #HaitianAmerican #Author #Booktour
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fanfan0279 · 5 years ago
SE NAN MUPANAH JOVENEL AL DEPOZE FLE BATAY VETYE A WI Subscribe, suscriptor, Abonné or ПОДПИСКА ПОЖАЛУЙСТА: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7LIb0sEMtav6p0ezMOi76Q?view_as=subscriber&pbjreload=10
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juno7haiti · 5 years ago
Voulant éviter toute confrontation, Jovenel Moïse ne s’est pas rendu dans le Nord en ce 216e anniversaire de la Bataille de Vertières
Ce lundi 18 novembre, marque le 216e anniversaire de la Bataille de Vertières, dernière bataille qui a opposé l’Armée Indigène à l’armée napoléonienne accouchant de l’indépendance d’Haïti. Un 216e anniversaire commémoré sur fond de crise sociopolitique aiguë
Au Palais National, à l’initiative de la présidence, cette date a été célébrée dans le cadre d’une cérémonie spéciale marquée par une…
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alexmyl · 7 years ago
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Hello from Haiti #mupanah
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gouachevalier · 6 years ago
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Crown of Faustin I, Emperor of Haiti (r. AD 1849 – 1859)
The crown of Faustin-Élie Soulouque, who ruled as President of Haiti from 1847 to 1849 and as Emperor Faustin I of Haiti from 1849 to 1859, is decorated with emeralds, diamonds, garnets, and other jewels. It had been exhibited in the Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien (MUPANAH). However, it was found that some jewels on the crown were stolen at some unknown time. Due to the vandalism it suffered, the crown was transferred, under high surveillance, to a safe place for protection on 31 January 2007.
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lemiroirinfo · 2 years ago
«Un don de 60 millions pour Haïti, Un canadien accusé de terrorisme, choléra, des rencontres sur la situation d’Haïti et le kidnapping »
«Haïti célèbre les 219 ans de la bataille de l’indépendance» Les guerriers  victorieux de la grande  bataille du 18 novembre 1803, l’y ont remporté. Une grande bataille qui a  abouti  à l’indépendance d’Haïti. En la circonstance,  le Premier Ministre Ariel Henry a déposé des gerbes de fleurs au musée du Panthéon national haïtien (Mupanah), marquant les gloires héroïques d’Haïti pour son…
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haitiqbohio · 2 years ago
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The crown of Faustin I, Haitian Emperor from 1849 to 1859. 👑 🇭🇹
The crown is decorated with emeralds, diamonds, garnets, and other jewels. The crown is exhibited in the Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien (MUPANAH). However, it was found that some jewels on the crown were stolen at some unknown time.
MUPANAH is located at Champ de Mars, Port-au-Prince.
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netalkolemedia · 2 years ago
17 oktòb : Premye minis Ariel Henry depoze yon jèb flè nan mupanah 
Premye minis Ariel Henry depoze jounen lendi 17 oktòb 2022 a yon jèb flè nan Mupanah pou komemore 216 lane asasina papa nasyon zn Jean Jacques Dessalines.  Akonpanye plizyè manm gouvènman an, Premye minis Ariel Henry prezante nan Mize panteyon nasyonal (Mupanah) pou onore memwa fondatè nasyon an, anperè Jacques premye ki te asasinen nan dat 17 oktòb 1806.  Nan okazyon komemorasyon sa, chèf…
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xlnc1 · 4 years ago
Deadliest Roads - Haiti
Deadliest Roads – Haiti
<div style=”position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;”> https://dailymotion.com/video/x7zu3i9?autoplay=1 </div> Deadliest Roads – Haiti 10 things you should know about Haiti The anchor of Christopher Columbus’s largest ship, the Santa Maria is on permanent exhibit at the Musée du Panthéon National Haitien (MUPANAH), in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-prince.Haiti is the only…
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