#mun: Yohan
xaracosmia · 1 month
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name / alias: yohan age: 27 pronouns: he/him ooc contact: @luzloshiv (twt) other characters in xc: n/a
name: lugh’a kwherri age: 30 pronouns: he/they series: ffxiv canon point: post-7.0 app triggers: spoilers up until 7.0, mentions of racism, dysphoria, transphobia, parentification, apocalyptic scenarios, eye trauma
Keepers of the Moon are known to have reticent, brooding personalities, with a tendency to shun contact from the world and to keep to themselves. Keepers indeed are a mysterious lot, but Lugh’a seems to be the odd one out: he’s friendly and easygoing, and perhaps he’s even high-spirited enough to light a small house. Humor comes easily to him, and he seems as if he rarely takes anything seriously, sometimes even to the point of arrogance, and how could you not be a bit arrogant when you’re the Warrior of Light, anyway?
Friendly and easygoing he may be, however, Lugh’a actually has a rather temperamental nature and a stubborn streak. Though he tries very hard to temper this side of him, scathing words and biting remarks still find themselves rolling off his tongue when provoked. He has a preference for honesty, both in words and in actions. Sometimes they’re a boon, oftentimes they’re a bane, but it never seems to deter Lugh’a from saying what he thinks without a second thought. At the very least, Lugh’a can acknowledge when he crossed the line, and he’s not one to shy away from apologies if need be.
Behind this willful and brash personality, however, is a man worn down by fate, his heart bruised and broken by loss and tragedy; this selfsame heart remains steadfast through the love he bears for his friends and the world they fight so hard to protect. Lugh'a has a muted kindness that’s easily overshadowed by his bravado; knowing the regret of treating others with contempt, Lugh'a now strives to be a source of succor and comfort to people around him, as best as he can, anyway. As Lugh'a was raised to nurture and care for family as most Keepers are, while he no longer bears that obligation as a wanderer, old habits die hard: Lugh'a channels his energies and the childhood lessons he holds in his heart through service to others—even to the point of self-sacrifice.
Though he likes to think of himself as someone who lives in the now and who looks forward to the future, Lugh’a often finds himself thinking too hard on his past actions, on how he could have done things differently, and he quietly berates himself for his failures. At the same time, these regrets he carries are what drives him forward, to do right with those he let down and to continuously better himself. It proves to be a daunting undertaking for him, considering his many, many flaws, nevertheless, Lugh’a takes it in stride and will strive to be the reliable Warrior of Light everyone sees him to be.
something your muse struggles with: how strongly he feels about things, and how they lead him to speak without consideration to others. lugh’a’s supposed ‘honesty’ is often unkind; even with his best attempts to temper it, it still gets the better of him. his true feelings are buried underneath that selfsame ‘honesty’ he prefers.
your muse’s greatest strength: how strongly he feels about things, and how they drive him forward. lugh’a is sentimental to a fault, carrying the pain of his losses and regrets close to his heart, but instead of letting his regrets drag him down, they’re his motivation to move forward and be better.
history / background:
Lugh’a hails from a tribe of Keepers of the Moon Miqo’te that lived deep within the Black Shroud, cut off from the rest of the world. Their tribe was unusually large for a Keeper tribe, composed of several smaller tribes seeking protection and solace from the nearby city-state’s ire towards those they deem outsiders. Their numbers were enough to found a village that would be a sanctuary tucked away in an uncharted corner of the Twelveswood, and they established a tradition unique to them to maintain the very same protection and solace they found in this small corner of the forest.
As Keepers are matriarchal in nature, it was no question that the village required a matriarch to look after them and to keep them united, and one to take on the role was found in the birth of the tribe’s eldest daughter. Lugh’a was one of said daughters, and before he took on the mantle of a man, he was raised with the expectation of protecting and nurturing their village someday, like his mother had.
As the eldest child in his generation, Lugh’a was taught the ways of hunting and of the forest as soon as he could walk, and he knew how to shoot a bow and to throw a spear well before his little sister and younger cousins were even born. At seven summers, Lugh’a was responsible for his sister and cousins—the future of their village, and it was a responsibility he dedicated most of his life to and which consumed his childhood.  
Though Lugh’a’s dedication to his duty was admirable, his ambitions laid somewhere else entirely. Inspired by stories of his father’s adventures, of seeing the world and untethered from tradition and duty, Lugh’a aspired to follow in his father’s footsteps despite the role he seemingly embraced. He made his intentions known later on in his teenage years, discarding his old name and taking on the one he now proudly goes as: Lugh’a Kwherri.
Unfortunately, even with the freedom he found in his new name, Lugh’a’s sense of responsibility to his family kept him in their village longer than he intended. His great love for his little sister Nissa, who was now bound to take on his old duties ill-prepared, kept him from leaving. Though Lugh’a himself practically raised her their whole life, she was not raised to take on such heavy responsibility, so Lugh’a dedicated his time teaching her and preparing her for the day he was no longer around to ease her burdens. However, such a time never came, as Dalamud eventually fell and destroyed the land and much of everything they ever knew.
Though a secluded tribe hidden away from the rest of the world, Lugh’a and some other elders of the village knew their way to the city-state of Gridania as part of their few trading practises, though it was Lugh’a who convinced the survivors of the Calamity to seek solace in the city-state. With nowhere else to go and the land destroyed by the Seventh Umbral Calamity, their tribe had no other choice but to heed Lugh’a’s advice and go to Gridania. Though welcomed into the city along with other refugees, integrating into the city-state’s society proved to be the greatest hurdle Lugh’a and his people struggled to overcome, with practically everyone failing to do so. Unable to bear the brunt of the Gridanians’ ire for outsiders amidst grief from loss of family and home, their tribe, or what’s left of it, fell apart, with many deciding to leave the city-state and try their luck somewhere else, only to be never heard from again. While his mother and sister had the mind to leave Gridania as well, Lugh’a’s refusal to do so forced them to stay. After all, when all is lost and you’re at rock bottom, your family is the one that will pull you back to your feet.
At the very least, that’s how it’s supposed to go. Lugh’a’s declaration to become a wanderer soured his already strained relationship with his mother, and his refusal to leave Gridania worsened it. Despite this, Lugh’a tried to make ends meet with his sister’s help, completely abandoning his desire for adventure to keep his family afloat. Eventually, their efforts were rewarded, as they were invited to join the Trappers’ League in their goal to restore the forest. As seasoned hunters who know the forests better than any Gridanian, they were the perfect candidates to join the organization. Restoring the forest was a noble enough deed for Lugh’a to accept, and his sister followed suit.
As Lugh’a and his sister shared all their knowledge of the forest and how best to restore it, their relationship with the city-state’s citizens gradually improved. After a long time living in poverty, they found stable work they could be proud of.
For a while, their life in Gridania was uneventful, with the siblings working with the Trappers’ League to restore the forest, but the League and the Wood Wailers’ clash with poachers would eventually reach Lugh’a. A near-death experience with a poacher’s attempt on his life left Lugh’a shaken, leading to his resignation from the League and leaving his sister the sole breadwinner of the family. For a few years, Lugh’a refused to leave the city-state, opting instead to be their home’s keeper while doing an odd job here and there. It went without saying the great disappointment his mother had in him, as she wanted nothing more than a daughter who could honor tradition. Lugh’a quietly bore the brunt of her complaints and beratement, sometimes even cutting insults on a bad day.
For months this would go on, which then turned to a year, until eventually, Lugh’a had enough. Lashing out at his mother for the first time in his life, the fear and shame of even raising his voice at his mother drove Lugh’a to quickly pack his things and leave the home they worked so hard to build. Without even saying goodbye to his sister, Lugh’a left Gridania, hitching a ride with a traveling acquaintance to seek passage to the place farthest from Gridania, and, eventually, he found himself in Limsa Lominsa.
Though heartbroken and regretting his decision to leave, Lugh’a knew his family would fare well even without him, and with nothing else to do and nowhere else to go, Lugh’a enlisted with the Adventurers’ Guild in Limsa Lominsa, finally becoming a full-fledged adventurer. It was the result of emotionally-charged actions, but Lugh’a had taken his first step into fulfilling his long-forgotten dream to see the world and beyond, clueless of what awaited him. After all,  it would not be long before Eorzea would have a need for another Warrior of Light.
powers / abilities:
Lugh’a is a scholar, who are known battle medics that originated from the fallen nation of Nym. These healers employ an advanced form of arcanima not only to heal and preserve life, but also to bolster their allies’ strength. Under their command are faeries that aid in their endeavors to defend their allies, and Lugh’a presents himself to be a brilliant summoner in this field.
In Lugh’a’s arsenal are a grimoire, myriad spells, and his own strategic brilliance to aid him in battle, all focused in support in the form of barriers and damage mitigation.
Physick: Your classic RPG healing spell.
Esuna: Rids a targeted ally of any debuffs. Or headaches.
Adloquium / Concitation: Heals a targeted ally or nearby allies while also granting them a temporary damage-nullifying barrier.
Lustrate / Indomitability: Instantly heals a targeted ally or nearby allies.
Sacred Soil. Lugh’a sanctifies a designated area, wherein damage received by allies is highly mitigated and also grants them healing over time.
Deployment Tactics: A single-target barrier casted on one ally is immediately extended to nearby allies.
Emergency Tactics: Turns the barriers in the next Adloquium / Succor spell into a healing effect to boost the spell’s healing.
Excogitation: A delayed healing spell that only activates when the target it was casted on receives a certain amount of damage.
Recitation: Allows the execution of Adlo, Succor, or Excog without consuming mana or Aetherflow.
Protraction: Heals a targeted ally while also temporarily granting them higher resistance to knockout.
Expedient: Grants damage mitigation and faster movement speed to all nearby allies.
Seraphism: Aided by his fae’s blessing, Lugh’a literally takes on the mantle of a seraph and grants him the following:
Magical girl transformation
Healing over time for anyone within 50 yards around him
Instant casts for Adloquium and Concitation
Resurrection: Restores an incapacitated (NOT DEAD) ally to a weakened state.
Rescue: Lugh’a pulls a target from a distance right to his side. Perfect recipe for trolling (and killing, if you know what you’re doing).
Surecast: Allows Lugh’a to cast spells without interruption and nullifies both knockback and draw-in effects.
Swiftcast: Allows Lugh’a to cast spells immediately.
Repose: Afflicts any target to fall asleep.
Summon Eos / Summon Seraph: Summons Eos by Lugh’a’s side, but to summon Seraph, Eos must leave the field first.
Embrace / Seraphic Veil: Eos / Seraph targets an injured ally and heals them, independent of Lugh’a’s command. Seraph’s heals also generate a temporary barrier that absorbs a certain amount of damage before breaking.
Fey Illumination / Seraphic Illumination: Temporarily mitigates magic damage while also boosting all affected allies’ healing potency.
Whispering Dawn / Angel’s Whisper: A healing over time spell that affects allies nearby Eos / Seraph.
Consolation: AOE version of Seraphic Veil. Allies near Seraph will be healed + receive a temporary damage-nullifying barrier.
Aetherpact & Dissolve Union: Eos, on command, will bond with a selected ally and continuously heal them until Lugh’a dissolves their union.
Fey Blessing: Eos will instantly heal all nearby party members.
Dissipation: Dissipates Eos from the field, granting Lugh’a a full stack of Aetherflow and increased healing potency. AKA Lugh’a “eats the fairy.” Nom nom. Like that.
Broil: Deals unaspected damage to a single enemy.
Ruin II: Instantly deals unaspected damage to a single enemy, though notably weaker than Broil.
Biolysis: Curses a targeted enemy to continuously suffer unaspected damage for the next thirty seconds.
Art of War: Deals unaspected damage to multiple enemies around Lugh’a.
Aetherflow: Lugh’a siphons aether from a target, storing it within his body for later use. Restores mana and grants him the ability to use the following: Lustrate, Indomitability, Energy Drain.
Energy Drain: Deals unaspected damage to target while absorbing aether to heal Lugh’a’s own injuries. Only available upon use of Aetherflow.
OTHER ABILITIES - As Eorzea’s famed Warrior of Light, Lugh’a also possesses the Echo and the Blessing of Light which grant him the following:
The ability to peer into someone’s past and witness the memory as if Lugh’a is the person experiencing it himself. This is completely out of his control, however.
The innate understanding of all languages even without ever learning them, as the Echo allows Lugh’a to understand the soul itself.
Protection from the tempering of primals and even the means to physically protect other people from it.
Lugh’a also possesses special abilities independent of the Echo and the Blessing:
Blessing of the Kojin: Grants Lugh’a the ability to breathe underwater.
Limit Break - Angel Feathers: The strength that lets him exceed mortal limits, should the situation prove itself too dire. Through Dynamis, Lugh’a summons Seraph, who then revives all incapacitated allies within a 50-yard radius and heals all injuries.
inherent abilities: 
Miqo'tes possess feline physical traits, such as their tails and large, furred ears, and Keepers like Lugh'a are distinguished from their Seeker cousins with their fangs, longer tails, and wider, rounder pupils, comparable to a cat’s eyes in the dark.
Being a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te, Lugh'a possesses a keen sense of smell, exceptional balance, and a sharp intuition, all of which are necessary for survival in the thick, forested lands of the Black Shroud. That said, Keepers are talented hunters, and Lugh'a is just as much of a hunter as any Keeper worth their salt.
Lugh'a is a talented warrior with a knack for picking up new disciplines with ease. A jack of all trades, though it’s debatable if he is a master of none.
Though currently a scholar with a book as weapon, Lugh’a is well-versed in different combat disciplines; he has intimate knowledge in wielding gunblades (GNB), greatswords (DRK), daggers (NIN), scythes (RPR), rapiers (RDM), chakrams (DNC), and nouliths (SGE).
As he was also an arcanist before a scholar (and knowledge of arcanima is required to be a scholar to begin with), Lugh’a can also summon his favorite familiar, Carbuncle. He can summon up to three of them at the same time, named Bunky, Binky, and Carkle.
He’s a culinarian, weaver, and alchemist extraordinaire! Do not fuck with him.
items / weapons: 
Azem’s Soul Crystal: The constellation crystal made in the memory of the one who once held the fourteenth seat of the Convocation of Fourteen. Sealed within is Azem’s signature incantation that summons forth friends and allies from faraway.
Soul of the Scholar: A soul crystal where the memories and expertise of various scholars from the past are etched upon.
Eclecticism & Pedagogy Gear Set: A grimoire and a set of healer’s clothing custom made to fit a certain Warrior of Light, gifted to him as thanks from a certain Second Promise.
Eos & Carbuncle & Chimky: Lugh’a’s familiars and chocobo, respectively.
Bunky Sr: Lugh’a’s huge Carbuncle. Like, motorbike-sized maybe. Unlike his other, smaller-sized Carbuncles, Bunky Sr. is not reliant on Lugh’a’s aether to be summoned, and instead has a huge gem on its forehead to maintain its form. Since it’s not in Lugh’a’s control, it likes to sit on him.
starting ability: rescue
starting item: chimky
lugh’a is disabled! he’s blind and has chronic pain due to the light poisoning he endured during shadowbringers.
he has an odd set of scars that snake all over his body, a pattern similar to the golden patterns on humanoid sin eaters. interestingly enough, the pain is completely localized in those scars. he forgets the pain even exists on a good day, but worse days could leave him bedridden. he tries to remedy this with his own made tonics.
lugh’a’s blindness is an extreme form of light and shadow perception. white, gray, and black tones contrast one another in his vision, with white overwhelming the darker tones. he’s still able to see vague shapes and shadows due to the contrasting tones, but finer details are lost to him. also, because of his extreme sensitivity to light, unusually bright places will overwhelm his vision, which leaves him with nothing to see but a bright sheet of white (along with a killer headache… it’s like looking straight at a floodlight). dark places where there’s little to no light pose the same issue to him but with darkness; there is no “adjusting to the dark” per se, just a black void. that said, only his left eye actually has this condition, as his right eye has absolutely no sight left after it was mutilated in battle with nidhogg way back in heavensward.
discord id: expedient.
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melodiaemfrp · 2 months
*shaking like a wet dog* sorry i lied about keeping nissa 😭 dropping her plz (pav 9, no lullaby), put lugh'a in hiatus, and bump my age to 27. todays jul 25 and u can contact me here. tysmmm
hi yohan!
happy late birthday!!
nissa has been sent home for you!
lugh'a has been put on hiatus for you until august 23rd!
— scribe fioritura
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elysiummfrp · 2 years
hello, my name is yohan! caster said i can put in a reserve so i'd like to do so for the warrior of light (scholar) from ffxiv! it's march 19 and you can contact me through @cartridgecharge on twitter! thanks much and have a good day! c:
And as has been promised in The Exchange written of in times old, you now have a reserve in Yohan! That will be held for you until April 1st, see you soon!
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them the sunday after the deadline if there are any. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
( important note: besides BANG YOHAN, LI HALEY, SON HAEUN & YOON KIHA, EVERY MUSE in the company will take part in the event canon wise, whether or not a mun writes for it. )
every year, the period between FEBUARY 14 and MARCH 14 is called LOVE MONTH at LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT. during this period, legacy's staff and roster are encouraged to demonstrate their appreciation to their coworkers. however, this year, with many artists and trainees busy, the company has decided to do something completely different ! therefore, from FEBRUARY 14 to MARCH 14 (included), legacy has rented a COFFE TRUCK to offer free hot beverages to passerbys! the truck location, while always near a high school, will change everyday and operate all week - except sundays - from 11AM to 1PM.
TRAINEES (not including FD6 participants)
the ones in charge of preparing and giving orders will be none other than legacy very own TRAINEES ! ON FEBUARY 13, trainees will receive a barista crash course to prepare them for the event. as a single lesson cannot be enough to become proficient, even if trainees will have a partner with them in the truck, a HOLLY'S COFFEE barista will be on site to offer assistance to the pairs, if needed. canon wisely, each trainee will do this task twice over the course of the event. both instances, they will be paired with a different partner (decided through plotting, no gender restriction).
for all the IDOLS, MODELS, ACTORS & FD6 PARTICIPANTS, legacy offers two opportunities to partake in love month this year; either through an AUDITION for the next HOLLY'S COFFEE commercials OR through VISITING THE COFFEE TRUCK.
opened to those with less than 200 NOTORIETY and 1 FREE MODELING SLOT, as of JANUARY 29. auditionees will be given the choice to give a positive reaction while eating/driking either A STRAWBERRY CAKE, AN ICED COFFEE or SQUEEZE LEMON TEA. they will also have at their disposition a table and chair. the audition will be done in front of LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT"s and HOLLY'S COFFEE's representatives.
visit the food truck with another artist or fd6 trainee of the same gender. a manager will be accompanying pairs to take pictures that will be posted on LGC’s OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM to promote the coffee truck. 
in the rewards for this category, you’ll notice that those picking submitting points can either received BASE, GROUP 1 and GROUP 2 rewards. here’s the details on the SPECIAL groups and their respective point rewards;
applicable to anyone eligible participating in the event. 
anyone not in GROUP 1/2, or anyone in GROUP 1/2 who decide not to thread with someone of the opposite group will receive the base reward for visiting the food truck.
applicable only to FD6 trainees/jung jiae/other artists with less than 100 notoriety (as of JANUARY 29). 
may go with anyone eligible, however, must be going with/threading with another muse in GROUP 2 to receive the GROUP 1 reward.
applicable only to son nabi/artists with 200+ notoriety (as of JANUARY 29). 
may go with anyone eligible, however, must be going with/threading with another muse in GROUP 1 to receive the GROUP 2 reward.
TRAINEES: write a A THREAD with 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with your partner, happening while operating the food truck for +7 SKILL POINTS AND 3 NOTORIETY ! ** can be claimed twice, must be with a different muse **
AUDITION: write a 300+ words SOLO of your muse doing the taste test audition for +12 SKILL POINTS in ACTING, MODELING, PERFORMANCE OR VARIETY !
FOOD TRUCK VISIT: write a A THREAD with 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with your partner, happening while visiting the food truck for (base) +7 SKILL POINTS AND 3 NOTORIETY or (group 1): +7 SKILL POINTS AND 6 NOTORIETY or (group 2): +10 SKILL POINTS AND 3 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lovemonth2k23 for your threads and solo. you have until MARCH 18, 2023 at 11:59PM EST to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
- TRAINEES : +7 skill points distribution + 3 notoriety [ LINK 1 ] [ LINK 2 ] (or) - AUDITION : +12 (acting/modeling/performance/variety) [ LINK 1 ] (or) - FOOD TRUCK VISIT: (base) +7 skill points distribution + 3 notoriety / (group 1) +7 skill points distribution + 6 notoriety / (group 2) +10 skill points distribution + 3 notoriety [ LINK 1 ]
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wd-kyohan · 2 years
HELLO, WICKED KIN ! ⸺ i'm myrrh ( gmt -5 ) & very much looking forward to writing with this new child of mine: kang yohan. the tldr is he's just a runaway corporate slave trying to protect his baby fox friend. he vaguely knows about the supernatural but isn't that curious tbh ( though i'd love to see him change his mind! ) you can find more about him here!
as for plotting purposes, i would like to use tumblr dms as much as possible! but if it absolutely pains you to, i also have a discord! just lmk and i'll give! for starters, its not much, but i've got a smoll plot page here! i'm generally pretty open to most ideas as long as its not pwp/nsfw only or plotting otps; those things i tend to let naturally play out to the muse ( and mun's ) discretion! otherwise i have no personal triggers, so feel free to get creative. after all this is a wicked place and yohan is not afraid to get his hands dirty in more than just soil. ^^ ( check below the cut to see what i mean. cw : kidnapping )
talk to you soon !
⸺ myrrh ・❥・
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・❥・ the hunter mentioned in his bio has been missing for half a year. but he is alive and well…in yohan’s basement.
・❥・ yohan has been interested in painting lately. he’s not very good at it, but he enjoys oils and acrylics.
・❥・ despite living on an island, yohan has a mild allergy to seafood, specifically shellfish.
・❥・ he is practically blind ( nearsighted ) but hates wearing contacts & often forgets his specs. if he’s glaring at someone/thing its because he can’t see.
・❥・ since his youth, yohan has been told sweet summer stories about the inhuman folk by his strange grandma, but he is a skeptic that doesn't believe anything without evidence.
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Accepted Characters 7/10/2023
Pink Dino from Dinoandcomics
Seo-ha Mun from 19th Life
Brenda Palmer from Father Brown
Yohan Do  from It’s Mine
Irma Lair from W.I.T.C.H.
Gaeun Lee from Shinbi's Haunted House
Koke from Kickie Cubicle
Cass Wizard from Bee and Puppycat
Myeongja Lee from Tax Reaper
Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell
Dowon Oh from No Longer A Heroine
Billy Bones from The Treasure Planet
Zeya from No Longer A Heroine
Pink Panther from the Pink Panther series 
Jiho from No Longer A Heroine
April Greenway from Brokenwood Mysteries
Director Myeongin Gong from No Longer A Heroine 
Piirka Kellivoite Kollonemi from Borettslaget
Zeya's father from No Longer A Heroine
Audrey from Doc McStuffins 
Billy Nugent from Legit
265 Characters remain
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angara-mfrp · 23 days
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It's time for the results of our latest activity check!
Like previous checks, you’ll have until the end of the day on 9/4 (server time) to send us an ask (or a message via our Google Forms submission linked on the contact page). Your character’s app will remain on your mun page and on the masterlist, and their account will remain in the server during this time. However, if this is your second consecutive failed activity check, the muse will be removed from the server and the masterlist, and they will need to be fully re-reserved and reapped. The re-reserve cannot happen any earlier than 9/8.
To reapp (after only one activity check failure), we just need you to reach out to us with a message containing the following:
Letting us know you’d like to reapp
Character name and series (it’s okay to include multiple in the same ask or submission to google)
OOC contact
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions! The list of muses who didn’t pass activity check will be under the cut. Muses who have failed their second check and will need to be fully reapped will be denoted by an asterisk.
Vivi Ornitier (Shae)
Wuk Lamat (Yohan)
Senadina (Vox)
Polly Geist (Leo)
Keigo Takami, "Hawks" (Kidi)
Trafalgar D. Water Law (Kidi)
Hunter (Dovekie)
Kiona Thorne (Peri)
Rasmorn Axor (Mocha)*
Claire Redfield (Nova)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Cyan)
Number Five (Kidi)
Clarisse Maitland (Kidi)
If this is your first fail, don’t worry! We’d love to see you keep your muses or come back. Just make sure to get all of the needed info in by the deadline if you want to keep anyone that doesn’t need a full re-reserve.
Again, if you need to do a full re-reserve after two consecutive fails, you will need to wait until Sunday, 9/8, to send a reapp. They will be kicked from the server and return at rank 0. They will be able to reclaim their previous rank and any items, abilities, or mutations along with it after two weeks in the server.
As we always say, if you failed this check, we'd love to see you come back! You can always try again. And for this check in particular, there were a LOT of muses that were just one or two days short. We have no doubt you can do it if you try again!
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mpxkiki · 1 year
Thread Log || Kiki
A collective of threads on this muse. New muse/posting rules are forthcoming. Please utilize these thread logs so there is no confusion later!
From Hell with Love (My Turn): * Butterfly pt.1 - Yura (gala) * Promise of Friendship - Athena (gala) [HELD; mun hiatus 09/18] * Mesmerizing Smile - Yohan * Wasting Time - Max * Watercolor Misfortunes - Noel
Awaiting (Your Turn): * Model Friendship - Kaz (gala) @kazxmp * All the Fixin’s - Kaz (not double tagging on this post) * Social Drinker - Alexios @mp-alexios
Dropped: The Bees Knees (Areum)
If you have questions or need clarification on any above threads please message me!
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nepofm · 1 year
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[     𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘  𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐂𝐊  . . .    ]    the  following  have  24  HOURS  to  make  1-3  in  character  posts  and/or  post  their  intro  .  if  you  need  an  extension  ,  please  don’t  hesitate  to  message  the  main  !
@gvdlyz​  (  3  posts  )  
@wendvgoode​  (  3  posts  )  
@wylies​  (  3  posts  )  
@enheriter  (  3  posts  )  
@tantrms  (  3  posts  )  
@nepotisms  ––  xavier  (  3  posts  )  
@faerystale  ––  misaki  (  2  posts  ,  1  intro  )  
@lovefells  ––  yohan  (  1  post  ,  1  intro  )  ,  yumi  (  2  posts  )  
[     𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐘  𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒  . . .     ]    just  a  couple  of  house  reminders  in  regards  to  activity  !
our  activity  rules  are  as  follows  so  please  keep  this  in  mind  to  stay  off  checks  :  activity  will  count  as  having  posted  at  least  3  in-character  replies  per  muse  (  with  at  least  2  different  muns  to  discourage  bubble  rping  )  within  the  past  5  days.  you  will  be  placed  on  an  activity  warning  if  you’ve  been  INACTIVE  for  5+  days  and  will  have  24  hours  to  become  active  or  risk  being  unfollowed.
if  you’re  looking  to  bring  in  another  character  :  you  cannot  apply  for  another  character  if  you’ve  been  placed  on  2  consecutive  activity  checks  /  multiple  characters  in  the  same  activity  check
if  you’re  in  need  of  a  hiatus  or  semi-hiatus  ,  please  don’t  hesitate  to  submit  a  HIATUS  FORM  to  the  main  !
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xaracosmia · 1 month
hi, this is yohan, sliding in a reserve for the warrior of light (sch) from ffxiv! 😁 its august 10 and you can find me either here or in twitter @luzloshiv, thanks!
hiii yohan! i can absolutely do that for you!
the warrior of light ( sch ) has been put on reserve for you until 8/18! we hope to see you soon!!
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩ assistant shrimp
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melodiaemfrp · 2 months
*shaking like a chihuahua* hi this is yohan, id like to reapp nissa kwherri (ffxiv) (oc) my bad 😔 u can contact me here 😔
Hiya, Yohan!
Nissa's reapped for you!
0 notes
softidolproject · 2 years
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I posted 732 times in 2022
That's 732 more posts than 2021!
202 posts created (28%)
530 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 587 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#ask call - 175 posts
#silliness - 175 posts
#the mun speaks - 152 posts
#anonymous - 140 posts
#snapshot - 126 posts
#irl stuff - 94 posts
#please specify muse - 88 posts
#ask prompt - 84 posts
#fallen angel - 84 posts
#protein diet - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 57 characters
#just send them some fun and silly and wholesome-ish stuff
My Top Posts in 2022:
The next exciting ask on You's Big Secret!
Hatton squirms as he is on his back, with Yousoro giving him an ominous look on top of him. "Y-Yousoro, why're you doing this? I haven't done anything wrong to you!" He tries to break free, but was unable to.
Finally, the epic continuation begins!
"First off, that's my line. You don't get to say that!" That's a slap across the face to Hatton as she gets it out of her system, before clearing her throat and collecting herself w little again. "My name is You (Yoh) and 'Yousoro~!' is my catchphrase. Everyone knows that!"
"Second off, your mistake was coming into town while I was also in town. And blatantly admitting how close you are to Chika-chan? My Chika-chan? Oh no, Hatton. That's strike three, you see." She huffs as she looms over him like this, still wondering what to do with him. "Strike three is where things get interesting~."
She leans down over him fully, grinning maliciously. "Oh, Hatton. Maybe in another life we could've been just as good friends. However, you are now the enemy. Top of the list, even, so I must take care of you immediately."
That doesn't bode well.
3 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
As for what the heck happened, Yohane... well. One little unintended misspelling by someone led to a FRYING PAN getting launched at her instead of a tasty cookie, and then the ouch happened, and now here we are.
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“I see...good thing that you lot can usually fix that stuff, right? Right?”
3 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
📜 between Mari and Yoshiko!
Mari: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Yoshiko: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Mari: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
3 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
⚠️ Yohane - "Vore Machine" (Is it true? Irrelevant.)
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“Well, I dunno about that? Definitely a streaming machine and converting machine! Maybe definitely a spicy food-eating machine, too~.”
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“Though, uhhhhh, I guess if you watch my more recent streams...you would think that “Vore Machine” is very accurate~? Ehehehe~.”
4 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
8 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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surprise! while it hasn’t been long since we had one of these surprise checks, we decided to take advantage of no one knowing that that one of our new members, ( @lgcaera ) is actually none other than ADMIN G! we’ve heard that legacy is a welcoming place and to reward all of you who make it such a place, we wanted to reward you! the breakdown of the rewards are as follows:
for every muse that FOLLOWED the blog, they will receive +3 HOSTING / MCING
for every mun that LIKED the plot call post, they will receive +3 NOTORIETY ( or +6 NOTORIETY if you were actively plotting and liked the post )
for every mun that SENT a welcome message, they will receive +6 NOTORIETY
if you’re one of the muns that did like the plot call post and sent a welcome message, you will be receiving the highest amount of notoriety possible ( +6 NOTORIETY ).
for reference, here’s a list of those who did one or more of the tasks listed above ( and if we forgot about you or one of your muses, let us know! admin g is going to be gone for most of sunday so there could potentially be changes if you sent a message in the last few hours ! )
ahn jaehwa: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
ahn seyeon: +3 hosting / mcing
ahn yein: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
bae nathan: +3 hosting / mcing, +3 notoriety
baek seona: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
bang yohan: +3 hosting / mcing
cha hyoseop: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
cha sori: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
chae junhee: +3 hosting / mcing
choi kai: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
choi sumin: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
choi yuri: +3 hosting / mcing
chu garam: +3 hosting / mcing
geum danbi: +3 hosting / mcing, +3 notoriety
gong hyejoo: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
han hyunhee: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
han jisoo: +3 hosting / mcing
han keeho: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
han noeul: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
heo yiseul: +3 hosting / mcing, +3 notoriety
hou minghao: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
hwang teddy: +3 hosting / mcing
jeon haru: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
jo sunhwa: +3 hosting / mcing
jung jiae: +3 hosting / mcing
jung wookjin: +3 hosting / mcing
kang maximilian: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
kim alex: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
kim cherry: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
kim jinyoung: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
kim jinseo; +3 hosting / mcing
kim nayoung: +3 hosting / mcing
kim yujin: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
kwon geon: +3 hosting / mcing
kwon sena: +3 hosting / mcing
lee arin: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
lee hayun: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
lee jiho: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
lee minji: +3 hosting / mcing
lee saem: +3 hosting / mcing
lee yejin: +3 hosting / mcing
lee yushin: +3 hosting / mcing
lim sanghyun: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
liu yuxi: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
min soyoun: +3 hosting / mcing
moon hayoung: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
moon somin: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
na sejun: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
noh areum: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
oh dowoon: +3 hosting / mcing
oh eunhye: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
oh rieon: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
okada taiyou: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
park chaekyung: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
park jaekyung: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
park jungmo: +3 hosting / mcing
park seojin: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
pongsak tee: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
sato minami: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
seo minseo: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
seo nina: +3 hosting / mcing
seo yura: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
seong byungho: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
shin jieun: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
son haeun: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
son nabi: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
song koda: +3 hosting / mcing
su parker: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
watanabe miyu: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
won yeonwoo: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
xue yichen: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
yamashita ichika: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
yang aeri: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
yoo daeho: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
yoo kiha: +3 hosting / mcing
yoon dayeon: +3 hosting / mcing
yoon minjae: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
yu milan: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
zhang amelia: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
zheng leo: +3 hosting / mcing, +6 notoriety
11 notes · View notes
idjaekyu-blog · 6 years
rhythm ta.
isac event / @idsuran
jaekyu, like many of the boys scattered around the field, has situated himself close enough to the roped off area for rhythm gymnastics so that he can inconspicuously watch the girls’ routines without coming across like he might be checking them all out. which, don’t get him wrong, he definitely is. he thinks it’s a bit silly to assume he’d do anything but. that a lot of them would do anything but. who wouldn’t want to watch a bunch of pretty girls get a little bendy, or twirl around a ribbon, or whatever the hell it is they get up to in those outfits. admittedly, jaekyu doesn’t know all too much about gymnastics.
but he does know that suran is performing, and he’d wanted to watch. he at least knew she’d probably look cute as hell doing it. and he had been right. did his best to keep the stupid looking grin from tilting across his face, an odd mix of proud and lewd. luckily milo had managed to spot it, distracted him away long enough where it looked like jaekyu might’ve been laughing at a joke. there’s no reason for it, really. they’re not together right now. and he knows, deep down he knows that they’ll never really work out. that if they settle, if they push themselves together, it will probably fall apart. turn bland and tasteless.
but there’s still a part of him that’s somehow puppy-dog hopeful. there’s still a part of him that loves her. there’s still a large part of him that really likes seeing her in a skintight, bedazzled bathing suit. leotard, dumbass (an informative comment from yohan after jaekyu had announced just how much he’d liked them).
he catches up to her after. when the fake jewels are gone and replaced by the color-blocked sports attire. he’d been banking on them being on the same team. it would’ve given them an excuse to mingle more. but he makes sure to keep a safe distance, hopes his fans can write it off as him being sweet, welcoming her into their company. like they haven’t been close for ages. “i liked your...dance thing.” he waves at arm as he says it, imitates an elegant move she had whipped out earlier, if only because he knows his fans will like it. maybe they’ll tolerate him talking to girls if he looks like a full on idiot in the process. “real pretty,” he tacks on, this time more genuine, slips in a smile.
8 notes · View notes
swordboiis · 6 years
Who are your best girls in muse and aqours?
I'll just drop my best to worst girls list. (Worst girl isn't a girl I hate just girls I'm least interested in/have little to no attachment to). Muse1. Honoka2. Umi3. Eli4. Nozomi5. Nico6. Rin7. Maki8. Hanayo9. KotoriAqours1. Yohane2. Mari3. Ruby4. Chika5. Riko6. Hanamaru7. Dia8. Kanan9. YouFun fact about my relationship with my girls!! Honk is always generous with me when I do scout muse. My only ever double ur pull was on her last birthday. Umi is the only girl I've bothered to rank for even when I actually played it actively. Mermaid Maki was my first ur and I have not idolized her. I'm saving love gems on en sif waiting for Yohane's punk rock ur to come!! She is usually kind to me but is sometimes cruel,, You is literally the devil since I accidentally sacrificed my angel Riko ur to her once upon a time. Every time I've scouted for a particular Mari card I've gotten a Chika of the exact rarity of the Mari I wanted so I'm pretty sure that confirms Chika is trying to get between me and Mari.
2 notes · View notes
kwsoojung · 2 years
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hello!!! i’m so glad to be here after a few months of not being in the rp scene due to school and other messy responsibilities @_@ my name is clem (they/them) and i’m the mun of miss tak soojung, your local theater kid who thinks she is the star of the entire universe! she goes by another name (kira) and she will do all that she can to introduce herself as that, but just ignore her and call her soojung because she’s just being annoying with it. i’m going to list the basics about her underneath the cut but if you guys are interested in plotting, SMASH that heart button and i’ll hit u up in the tumblr dms!! i also have a discord and twitter (just ask for them and i’ll share) if that makes communication easier for u (i actually prefer plotting on there anyways hehe) 
that being said, let’s get this show started!
basic background 
born in gangnam to a loving mother and father. a few years down the line, she gets a new baby brother named soohyuk whom she absolutely ADORES and would do absolutely anything for
soohyuk, however, is quite the weakling in health compared to her. while he was able to have a mostly normal childhood, that started being messed up because of how sickly he was. he would have to visit the hospital often and it got so bad to a point where he ended up staying there for a few years. 
before he got admitted in the hospital for a long while, the two kids were taken to a musical by their parents and it inspired soojung so much. what’s most important though is she took immediate notice of her brother’s bright smile because she was always used to looking at him be a little more sadder. she also noticed how everyone else was smiling while watching the performance and basically gave herself a goal: to make others smile like these performers did. 
her first official “performance” was actually her playing pretend with her brother’s toys in the hospital room just so he could laugh and cheer up from being sad that he was missing out on “normal” life because he was stuck in the hospital all the time. 
she decided to fully invest herself into that goal by becoming more involved with performing and also just general theater activities!!! took part in theater clubs, acted in lots of plays until more people noticed her steady improvement. 
her brother does eventually get healthy enough to leave the hospital and be able to live the normal life he wanted! 
he even went to see soojung’s last high school show in person and when she saw him, she almost cried onstage and then when the show was over, she immediately got out of the back doors that led to the hallway and like was a whole baby about it
that explains how she ends up at kyungwon in the performing arts dept!!! she’s majoring in musical theater, is the president of the glee club (i promise she will not be rachel), and is just trying to get through her life as a student with big dreams!!!! 
(for my weeb rhythm game fans: she is based on yohane yoshiko tsushima from love live sunshine and tenma tsukasa from project sekai/colorful stage)
this video explains her soojung vs kira dynamic 
this video explains her overall attitude 
loud as HELL. whenever she says something that makes her sound cool, she always ends it with a loud “HA HA HA HA!” with her chest puffed out and her hands on her hips. 
if she is not loudly proclaiming how amazing and cool she is, she is most likely making a loud screaming noise
despite her acting as though the entire world revolves around her and that she is great and almighty, she actually genuinely cares about those around her. she works her hardest as a member of her clubs, even if she does come off as arrogant. she will also hype up her fellow glee club members and theater club members because she sees great potential in all of them and wants to encourage them every step of the way 
the only time you’ll see her stressed out is if things are going wrong for everyone during a show because she thinks that she can pull of things well on her own but she gets worried for her fellow castmates if they get hurt / flustered / sick, etc.
she’s also very much vocal about how wonderful her brother is and how she wants the best for him. whenever she’s able to, she drags him to the mall with her so that they can talk and also enjoy doing “normal, teenager” things together. 
making others smile if they look down is definitely her biggest priority. if you look sad at all, she will do anything to make you laugh or smile even if it’s her making a fool out of herself. 
works at an escape room just because she’s able to act in character and get people excited about getting themselves in a puzzle and seeing how they react in the trapped situation they’re in, but also sees teamwork as admirable... as a performer who is fond of teamwork in her own field. 
you will not see any “scary” rooms that have big bugs in them because she hates bugs. when she was training with the one scary room that had a big giant spider, she quite literally passed out. for her sake, they had to change the room into something else and never brought that room back. 
a soprano (obviously). has a humidifier in her room so that her voice remains perfect to a t. also has her own tap shoes and dance shoes (for other choreographies) 
good at piano. will willingly play any show tune song just so she (and others who know the songs) can sing to them. 
she’ll probably play a few pop songs too... like wedding dress by taeyang or all of me by john legend bc she’s dramatic.
basically lives life as if she’s a main character. 
fellow club members!! specifically glee and theater so she can bother the hell out of u 
broadcast members too, but she will most likely be annoying with you.
you call her by her nickname in a /gen way bc u like how excited she gets hearing u call her that
you call her by her nickname in a /j or /s way bc u like messing with her and making fun of her 
the theater club president... her arch enemy... bc she wanted to be theater club president... BUT U TOOK THAT FROM HER 
the one dumb friend who gets her into shenanigans and she’s always trying to get u out of trouble 
the one daredevil friend (in theater) who wants to see her get herself into wild and crazy situations aka u suggest having a wire tied to her during a show so that she can fly. she thinks ur ideas are crazy as hell, but she does them anyway so that u arent disappointed
the one person who pranks her all the time or jokes around w her bc u think she’s a weirdo. fake plastic bugs or saying there’s something on her shoulder when there’s not. whenever u see her being all loud, ur like “OH BROTHER NOT THIS HEADACHE” 
childhood friend with a little sibling (in high school) who is also a seoul native !!!! u guys reunite in this school and basically go on about how different ur siblings are now than when they were smaller </333 
a childhood friend who saw comfort in her presence, as she was always willing to make you and her brother smile no matter what. you had a rough past and she was there there to treat u like family and that u were appreciated. she basically sees u as a sibling figure. 
the one friend she goes to for advice. her “mom” friend, if u will... bc she’s such a mess
customers of the escape room who think she’s good at her job !! or not !!! idk she tries her best even if the pay is not the greatest
i am currently empty brained.... so brainstorming is also always an option!
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