#mun taro speaks
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wondersbeyondcompare · 2 years ago
but yea i’m still here!! just give me like a day to catch up on notifications/messages;;; i know it’s been months im sorry BUT UNI GIVES ME NO REST + I FORGOT ABOUT THIS TUMBLR LOWKEY
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safehavenofmonsters · 4 years ago
Copying and pasting from my private Twt:
Both Kodi and Berenice are much more dangerous to deal w/ than w/ Majid b/c
1)Berenice doesn’t give a crap about your life
2)Kodi’s an active member of the basketball team/gained muscle from working on his family’s farm and
3) Majid’s stamina sucks
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*throws rose petals at all of you*
I heard Valentine’s Day was this week, so my brain immediately went to my hopeless romantic OC and the boi who got dragged along with her
Went with the hair coloring I used for their roles as supporting characters in my WIP main story (does it count as a WIP if I hadn’t touched it in like 5 years;;;) rather than their Ozmafia hair, but they still look basically the same plus this is still technically their blog so I might as well post this here!
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wheretheredthreadled · 5 years ago
21 Questions Tag Game
Tagged by @clownjail ((^∇^) Thanks, Bloo!)
1. Name: Taro
2. Nickname: ...( ・∇・) Taro?
3. Gender: Female
4. Star Sign: Leo
5. Current Time: (・・;) 10:37 PM
6. Favorite Song Artist(s): Kina Grannis, Michael Bublé, Mrs Green Apple, Marina and the Diamonds
7. Favorite Song: Aaa, it changes a lot, but as of now I really enjoy listening to “Save the Last Dance for Me” by Michael Bublé
8. Song Stuck in Your Head: “One Last Time” from the Hamilton musical (Went over the American Revolution in History this week 😔✊Couldn’t resist going back through the entire playlist)
9. Last Movie You Saw?: Instant Family
10. Last Thing I Googled: “Instant Family” (b/c I forgot if that was the actual name of the film lol)
11. Other Blogs?: @nightingaleandtheredredrose (Ozmafia!! OCs blog)// @yakiimosweetpotato (Kyoukai no Kanata text post edits blog)// @wondersbeyondcompare (Twisted Wonderland OC blog)// @infinitelyamystery (Misc. Art and Writing Blog)
12. Main Blog: @wheretheredthreadled
13. Do you get asks?: Not really ( ̄▽ ̄;) Though it’s mostly my fault for not being that interactive with everyone here, so that’s to be expected!
14. Reason for your URL: I’m a sucker for literally any romance trope istg. And of course the “red string of fate” concept was no exception! Thus, my URL came to be!! (Plus I wanted it to rhyme, so I could remember it better ( ̄3 ̄))
15. Average Amount of Sleep: On a good day;;; 8 hours;;; Otherwise, I usually just get about 6 hours of sleep on a typical school night
16. Lucky Number: 3!!
17. Currently Wearing: T-shirt from my HS junior year Powderpuff games, pajama pants
18. Dream Job: If I wanted to dream a little, maybe being a voice actress? Or something to do with writing? 😅 Currently, though, I’m trying to pursue a medical career since I’m interested in the sciences as well!!
19. Dream Trips: Japan (gotta get me that anime merch and cheese crackers we always bought while on layover in Narita 😤); Just going to a lovely beach in good weather and trying to relax; In all honesty, just let me sleep for a whole week (plz)
20. Fave Foods: Fries with cheese powder sprinkled on top, mackerel sushi, pork sisig
21. Play any Instruments: I can play piano, but
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leorugiet · 7 years ago
Aw, the square enix cafe this month is SINoALICE and I don’t know anything about it. :p
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years ago
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It is time to bring some love on the dash! This is only the first part, I am thinking of writing several of these over the course of the next two weeks because there are a lot of Original Characters who I need to mention and scream about. I will do canons as well by the end of the week, yeeaahhh boi~ Even if these are small and short, but I want to give shout outs to my mutuals! Here’s to the first part~ Three muns/people per me screaming a day. 
@eraba-reta-unmei / @maledictus-maleficus​ : Everi does a fantastic job with creating such unique and fun characters. I’m biased towards Miya respectfully, this flamboyant and straightforward young lady makes me so excited to see what she says and does on my dash. I started to adore Ayden’s presence as well since I started to interact with him more, which makes me want to dive deeper into the story that Everi writes! The spirits are my soul and bread, I love it, I love the fantasy aspect that circles around her blogs and it’s just so beautiful. I enjoy the lighthearted moments that Everi puts on her blog, but then she drops so much feels and angst in just a couple of sentences that just drop you from the seven clouds - it’s a talent. I live by it and I love it. 
@etherux​ : I’ve been a fan of Serin’s writing and Crystal for a long time, years and years, and I’ve never stopped fangirling over the art and the writing. Serin has a broad and unique perspective on Crystal’s portrayal, which makes me want to stay for hours and hours to see and read what her past and present are like. The story of her team, the story of her world, the story of her past. I’d say that Crystal always radiates the air of mystery, she an enigma that continues to drag you towards her without even lifting a finger. The coy, the smart, the petty, the strong - she is not just bad or just good, she is the combo that makes you want to stay and makes you want to scream on top of your lungs. Like, yes, queen, step n me @ both Serin and Crystal. 
@eliteimperialism / @lucetestellae / @planetaryphenomenon : I’ve been speaking on Ravyn’s mastery of different characters before and I will again. I believe that the divergence of characters Ravyn writes is a testament to the abilities and skillset they possess as a writer. The depths of each main character on the blog be it Shigemasa or Rin, be it Midnight, or be it Rena - everyone is distinctive and unique, they are all different and they need the use of a different mood and language set, the jargon used by them is also so different but Ravyn makes it work like a deity, which makes me sit back and enjoy the ride because oh boy it is a rollercoaster of colors and emotions! Not only that, but the first blog I tagged has so many gorgeous side characters on it as well like god damn I’m fascinated by Mihoko! I also want to interact with Taro sooner or later, and I need to look into more of the characters that appear there, but all of them are interconnected with the story and the lore, which makes me want to applaud because of how much respect I’ve got for Ravyn’s colorful set of characters. You will not regret following any of the blogs!! Believe me, it’s a ride that you wouldn’t want to get off. 
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wondersbeyondcompare · 4 years ago
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Nothing to see here ☺️ Just a magicless student and their talking cat demon tanuki Grim
Wanted to create a consistent design for my Yuu! Can’t guarantee it’ll be the same a month from today, but I do like their 👉👈(・・) long purble hair heehee...
I have very little info on them besides the basic isekai premise Twst gives us and the fact that
their “name” is Yuusuke
their pronouns are they/them
they actually don’t speak that much, but when they do people tend to twist it into something profound, giving Yuusuke more credit than they deserve
they have a very reliable aura in general?? even at a magic school???? so they would normally be the 1st person people would turn to for help *COUGH* crowley pay them their salary
i made them all picturesque for my drawing, but this is what they look like most of the time 👇
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safehavenofmonsters · 4 years ago
Majid’s Interactions w/ the First Year Squad
♥️: If he tries really hard, he might be able to remember him. Honestly, anyone outside of his dorm/class is a blur to him. Thinks of him as annoying and loud, but is that any surprise? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Majid doesn’t like how Ace provokes people, feeling like it would be tiring to have him around if he keeps that shit up. He does like how blunt he can be, tho. But he also wishes Ace would develop a little more tact b/c, damn, 😬 his big mouth’s gonna get him in big trouble one day.
♠️: Mystery figure #2 (heh... #2... deuce...) Majid doesn’t hold much of an opinion on him due to them being in different classes. He’s heard about the stuff Deuce had gotten up to with Ace, MC, and Grim, but spade boy doesn’t stand out as much as the rest of his friends. Majid has seen Deuce genuinely try to improve himself to become a good high school student ™ and respects that part of him. If only he would stop joining up with the half-a-braincell squad to create a stupid amount of chaos at NRC :/
🐺: Pls stop trying to wake him up during class. Majid sees him as a hindrance to his plan of napping through the lesson w/o getting caught. What a frustrating guy. Majid knows he has good intentions and that Jack’s a stickler to the rules, and he’s fine with that. But can’t Majid be an exception??? 😭😭😭 He also doesn’t like it when Jack starts sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong and starts going off on him saying stuff like “if you don’t pay attention in class, you’ll miss what the teacher is saying, and then you’ll get low grades”, as if Majid hadn’t already planned his way around all of that.
🍎: Also tries to wake him up during class but since Epel’s voice is so soft, Majid can just sleep right through it. Doesn’t have much of an impression of him in all honesty. Sometimes he’ll join him whenever he has lunch with Kodi, but it’s mostly them talking, and it’s kinda hard to enter a conversation between childhood friends. Plus he doesn’t want to talk in general :/ Majid didn’t really get why Epel’s trying so hard to hide his dialect and mannerisms (mostly b/c the latter is just so bad at hiding it). But then he met Vil and developed a new found sympathy for him 😔. Upperclassmen are a pain in the neck after all. Just b/c they’re a little older than you, they find the need to boss you around. 😤 The person he tolerates the most out of the canon first year squad. (Altho he’s a bit wary of Epel whenever he gets angry)
⚡️: shut up about waka-sama. shut up about waka-sama. shut up about waka-sa
Too loud. And too obssesive about Malleus. Majid steers clear of him whenever he enters a room/is walking down a hallway. Would probably jump out of the nearest window just to avoid hearing him yelling.
👤🐱: Majid kinda feels bad for them considering the whole “trapped in a different world w/o magic” situation, but that’s as far it gets. He hates it when they try to drag him along with their shenanigans, especially when the Scarabia chapter came along, and they started showing up more frequently. Of course he’ll intervene for them if he sees things are getting bad, but can they stop running into trouble for FIVE MINUTES??? 😭😭😭😭 He can’t do this anymore. Let the boy take a nap.
Oh and Grim?? Majid doesn’t like Grim at all. Sees him as a selfish little magical cat monster rubbing his grubby little paws over everything that isn’t his. 0/10 could do better.
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Ozmafia!! Character Heights
Hey, idk if anyone is gonna see this, but I recently bought the Ozmafia!!: Ozmania booklet that came with the limited edition PS Vita version of the game off of Ebay!
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(As my assistant seal, Taro, presents) Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get the actual PS Vita version of the game b/c *wheeze* I wish I had $132 ready to spend, but someone was selling the booklet online at a cheaper but still expensive OTL price, so I saw my chance, and I took it!
The booklet came with character profiles that included their heights,
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(Like this)
and since I didn’t really see any other posts with the characters’ definite heights online, I decided to try making a height chart myself! (/^▽^)/ It was interesting to see how tall each person was (and it also reminded me of how pitifully short I am (;-;) I’m the same height as Ande OTL). I’ll put the height charts, the credit for the blank height chart, as well as a typed up version of the charts (both in feet and centimeters) below!
Keep in mind that this is my first time creating this kind of thing, and also I kind of struggled with character hats and hairstyles that got in the way of putting them at their actual height;;; so;;;; yeah, I would recommend reading the typed up version for a clearer idea of what you’re dealing with!
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Character Heights
Caramia: 177cm/5’10”
Kyrie: 175cm/5’9”
Axel: 185cm/6’1”
Caesar: 180cm/5’11”
Soh/So: 167cm/5’6”
Scarlet: 159cm/5’3”
Hamelin: 179cm/5’10”
Pashet: 165cm/5’5”
Robin Hood: 176cm/5’9”
Manboy: 182cm/6’0”
Dorian Gray: 175cm/5’9”
Alfani: 163cm/5’4”
Hansel: 165cm/5’5”
Gretel: 161cm/5’3”
Ande: 152cm/5’0”
Heidi: 172cm/5’8”
*Fuka had a profile thing too, but it was really vague and her height wasn’t explicitly mentioned;; She’s mentioned to be just a bit taller than Scarlet in the game though, so I’m gauging her to be around 160cm or so!! Just a guess!!
Blank Height Chart Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/ghostwriternext/art/Height-Chart-Complete-Precision-Version-V1-0-332655029
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wheretheredthreadled · 5 years ago
💌 when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of ur fav followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 💌
Ngl, my mind kept blanking whenever I thought about this when I first received it in the morning, and now it is currently 2150 and *sobs* why’d it take me this long to come up with something??? That’s not a good sign???
But seriously thank you, thank you so much for sending this to me!!!! It makes me really happy to be considered one of your favorite followers (*'▽'*)!!!!
1) My voice (moreso when I’m singing or any other time it comes out really strong)
2) The passion I get whenever I become extremely interested in something
3) My intuition
4) My memorization abilities
5) The drive I kept for writing starting in 1st grade (tho I’m sadly hitting a road block at the moment with that...)
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wondersbeyondcompare · 4 years ago
Blog Intro Post and OC Master List
Hello!! (・∀・) Welcome to my Twst OC blog! My name is ✨Taro✨ and I currently have 5 dumb kids in this fandom!!
Here’s my carrd!!
And here’s a basic run-down of me using the template @/ ruggiegucci created on Twitter!
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JP Twst Game ID: NGnjekHd (I’ll accept any friend requests I get until I hit the limit!)
You’ll also see me make fun of my OCs a lot, but I swear I love each of them dearly and hope you’ll, at least, acknowledge them! Asks and submissions are always open for them!
OC Master List found under the cut!
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Grouped Resources:
Current Designs (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Coffin Icons and Groovy Candies (Berenice, Kodi, Majid, Yuusuke)
White Day Messages (Berenice, Majid, Kodi)
Voice Claim Video (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Understand my Ship Templates (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Age Meme (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Twst-Style Plushies (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Twst-Style Chibis (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Info on their Parents (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Interactions w/ Other OCs:
Samara Ask [the27th] (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Acelica and San Ask [mooniscursed] (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Ghost Marriage (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Ghost Marriage Rerun (Berenice, Kodi, Majid, Yuusuke)
Halloween (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Valentine’s Day (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
Fairy Gala (Berenice, Kodi, Majid)
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Profile [Shorter Twst-Style] + Ceremony Robe Concept Design
More facts about Majid
Majid’s Thoughts: Canon 1st Years
Overblot Majid Concept
Spotify Playlist
3rd-year Dorm Leader Concept
Interactions w/ Other OCs:
Mellow and Carol Ask [fumikomiyasaki]
Wanderer of the Desert Story AU [stestylius]
Birthday Card Story [SSR]
Gym Uniform Card Story [R]
Aleab Naria/Arabian Fireworks Event Outfit
School Uniform Card Story [R]
*All other posts about Majid can be found under the “Majid” or “majid insp” tags!*
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Profile [Shorter Twst Style]
Spotify Playlist
Birthday Card Story [SSR]
Gym Uniform Card Story [R]
Union Birthday Card [SSR]
*All other posts about Kodi can be found under the “Kodi” or “kodi insp” tags!*
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Profile [Shorter Twst Style]
More Berenice Lore
Spotify Playlist
Birthday Card Story [SSR]
Gym Uniform Card Story [R]
Union Birthday Card [SSR]
*All other posts about Berenice can be found under the “Berenice” or “berenice insp” tags!*
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Introduction Post
Voice Claim Video
Spotify Playlist
*All other posts about Yuusuke can be found under the “Yuusuke” or “yuusuke insp” tags!*
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Introduction/Shorter Twst Style Profile
Spotify Playlist
Voice Claim Video
Coffin Icons/Groovy Candy
*All other posts about Juro can be found under the “Juro” or “juro insp” tags!*
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wondersbeyondcompare · 4 years ago
Emiko: w-w-wow, you guys l-l-look handsome *Emiko says with a blush on her face and gives majid, kodi, yuusuke and berenice a kiss on their cheeks when they are in their ghost marriage outfits* 💋
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Ghost Marriage ended with Eliza 😤 We get to woo Emiko now
They all thank you for the kiss! Hopefully this will help their pain go away a lot faster (*´∇`*)
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wondersbeyondcompare · 4 years ago
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Happy birthday @stestylius !!!! Thank you for everything you’ve done for me this year, from your fantastic sketches to writing out a whole story w/ our NakiaxMajid au 😭😭😭 It’s always so enjoyable talking with you through DMs too, so thank you for that as well!!!! I hope you have a great rest of your birthday and also that all your wishes come true!!!
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wondersbeyondcompare · 5 years ago
OC Introduction Videos
So, y’know the voice claim hype got me thinking... “Hey, this reminds me a lot of the Twst character intro videos!”
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like this
So then my next train of thought was... what if I made introduction videos featuring everyone’s Twst OCs! (・∀・) And before anyone says anything, don’t worry, I think I’ll be able to take care of most of the hard parts.
I already made templates for all the dorms! (Also, if anyone has a clear screenshot of the outside of Ignihyde, could you send that to me? (´;Д;`) I tried to sharpen the one I got from the video, and it doesn’t look too bad but...) 
So all you need to send me are:
1. A bust-up/waist-up sprite or drawing (something I can easily edit into a transparent png plz (´;ω;`)) of your OC(s)
(Don’t worry too much about the quality of your art! Or if the drawing is digital or traditional!)
2. Their name
3. Their name in katakana (there are some katakana charts online that could help you out with this)
4. Their year (1st year/2nd year/etc.)
5. Their birthday
6. Their height
7. Their age
8. A clip of their voice claim (about 5-8 seconds plz; it can be a little bit under or over, but not a full minute) AND THE NAME OF THEIR VOICE CLAIM
A translation of the clip would be helpful! But it’s not required!
9. Their dorm (All 7 dorms are included plus Ramshackle dorm; 🤲 please don’t hesitate to send me your MC OCs as well)
10. What blog you want tagged on the video post
- If your OC has any ���???” for things like their age/birthday or anything else, that’s fine 😆I have an OC that’s like that too.
- Each person can send up to 5 OCs; I can definitely be persuaded to do more than 5, but please don’t go into the double digits _(:3 」∠)_ I can only take so much...
- If you have an idea of a voice claim but you don’t have the voice clip, I can try to download it for you as long as you show me which video it appears in
- There can be characters with the same voice claim/twisted inspiration, but they must have different lines; I’ll check in on both users if this ever happens; don’t worry, I’ll try not to put characters w/ the same voice claim back to back in the videos
- If you don’t have a voice claim for your character but still want to be in the video 👍 That’s okay; just make sure to tell me
- If any of you already made the little intro card for your OCs, you can just send that to me along with the rest of the stuff I’ve requested! 🥺🙏 What a saving grace...
- I want to do fan dorms/schools too, but I also want to see how much attention this post gets 1st before jumping into that! I’ll make a separate post for that if this post does well!
- I’ll make a separate post for staff OCs too!
- If you’re sending me your stuff via reblog, plz don’t chain reblog! I don’t want to clog everyone’s feed, so just respond to this post, and don’t add on to someone else’s submission!
- And if you want to send your stuff through email or other social media, I can do that too; just DM me if that’s the case
- Or just DM me your stuff!
- Don’t worry if we’ve never interacted before (it’s probably my fault b/c I suck at interactions... 😢); I just want to showcase the many lovely OCs this fandom has made so far!
- Shoot me a message if you have any other questions!
- And please don’t yell at me if you see me posting stuff other than the videos (´;ω;`) I need a break sometimes, y’know?
- Don’t be rude to others or diss their OCs. I will drop kick you to the moon; I have no tolerance for that kind of negativity
- Reblogs just to boost this are appreciated!
I have a small clip of what I expect each part to look like (featuring my idiot boy Kodi)! 
yes you can scroll to the top now
Once all the students are introduced, it’ll end the way the Twst intro videos did! This clip was just abrupt b/c it’s just my tool of a son right now 😔
I’ll leave the submissions open until the end of June! Might close it a bit earlier if I get a lot of OCs (I’m a pretty small blog, tho, so Idk about that...), might extend it if I don’t get that many responses. If you need more time gathering everything/help, just tell me!
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wondersbeyondcompare · 4 years ago
Lowkey I Love your ocs and wanted to interact with you for a long Time, but busy me forgot so. Who do you think Out of my ocs could get along with Majid?
Ah (*゚▽゚*)!!!!! Tysm, Fumi!!! 🥺 I think all your OCs are super cool too!! I just love how unique and fun each and every one of their designs are!
As for Majid... ( ̄▽ ̄) the boy makes snap judgements on who he chooses to avoid, so it’s pretty limited lol Anyone who’s extroverted/looks extroverted is out. People who act like a stick-in-the-mud are also troublesome...
So... 🤔 Let’s see who’s left...
“You. The little red haired guy from the weird factory dorm. Are you really gonna let them boss you around like that?...Haah. You’re hopeless, huh? Just give me a stack of those papers to carry. The sooner it’s out of my way, the sooner I can go back to sleep.”
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I mean when they first meet, they may not get along because Majid gives off a pretty intimidating “don’t talk to me” aura that Mellow might get frightened by at first. And Majid’s not always fond of those with cowardly personalities. But Mellow seems like a sweetheart, and Majid tends to gravitate towards kind people. He also likes how Mellow keeps to himself and doesn’t intrude on his personal matters. Plus he finds Mellow’s unique magic pretty useful since he’s often lost things in the clutter of his room. Ofc... Majid’s never asked him to help out with that, but sometimes he’s tempted to whenever Kalim brings him to the dorm.
Majid would also feel sort of bad if he sees others take advantage of Mellow’s kindness for stupid errands (or just push him around in general), leading him to help Mellow in a “🙄 dont think too much of this. this is just to make things less noisy for me” kind of way. They’re in the same class too, so I think they can interact with each other a good amount as well! Majid’s best subject is Alchemy, so he might be willing to give a few pointers to Mellow during class. And they could bond over their fondness for flying too!
Overall, I can see them being a casual pair of acquaintances, helping out each other every now and then! ☺️
“Hey, could you help me out with this problem from Summoning class? I don’t get it at all. ...Hm? ‘Why am I not asking Kalim or Jamil for this kind of thing?’ Have you met them?”
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they kinda reminded me of this meme 😆
Oh! And Majid might tolerate Carol too! He’ll keep his distance at first (like always), but once he senses that she has good intentions for mostly everyone she meets, he’ll gradually become less wary. Majid might hate it if Carol becomes too overbearing with her “mom friend” treatment, but he’ll secretly appreciate the bit of support he gets from her.
Plus Majid has had a pretty spotty formal education growing up, so having a tutor like Carol around would be nice!
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wondersbeyondcompare · 4 years ago
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Original Template by @/100night
I wanted to wish you all a happy new year!!!! (And I saw some people post their 2020 Twst art summary, and I wanted to join in hehehh...)
(*⁰▿⁰*)🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
It’s been fun being a part of the Twst fandom on here, despite all of the ups and ( ・∇・) downs that’s been going on... But I genuinely do want to thank everyone who’s put up with me so far!!!! And also those who may not know me, but inspire me to keep creating content!!! I really want to send my love to you all (*´꒳`*) but I’m not the best at words, so please accept this string of heart emojis instead 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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