#multiple friendships falling apart around me
Perhaps a month alone in a log cabin would fix me.
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Hey!! I love your writing so much 🫶🏻 Could you write about reader and Lando’s first time together smut? They both have experience, but they’re in love and it’s all fluffy and it would be super cute (and hot lol)
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warnings: cute smut
best friends to lovers
"Fuck it."
After multiple failed relationships, they both said 'Fuck it'. Not literally, they weren't quite ready for that yet. But, after years of knowing each other, years of the both of them getting into failed relationships.
After this one, Lando was sick of seeing her cry over some asshole. So, he finally did something about it. He took her on a date.
They had a rule, no sex until the tenth date. Neither of them usually had this rule when they dated other people, but this was to protect their friendship. If anything went wrong, they were just two friends getting dinner that sometimes also kissed.
But then the tenth date rolled around. And it went well.
Lando kissed her in the hallway of his apartment building. He held her close, his touch searing. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards his apartment.
She knew the apartment like the back of her hand. It was easy to navigate her way through, unbuttoning Lando's shirt was she went. She pushed it off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He did the same with her, leaving their clothing scattered about.
It may have been Lando's apartment, but he was a lot less graceful with how he moved through it. Bumping into things on his way to the bedroom, pulling away from their kiss to hiss out a curse.
Stripped down to their underwear, they made it to the bedroom. She sat on the bed, staring up at him as he looked down at her. This was it. One more article of clothing was removed and they'd be crossing that line, no longer best friends but something more.
"Do you wanna..."
She reached back, unclasping her bra. It fell from her arms and she dropped it to the floor. Lando kissed her again, pushing her back on the bed and letting his body sit on top of hers.
They took things slow. He kissed all over her body before going anywhere near her underwear. The marks he left down her neck and chest just cemented what they already knew. That this wasn't a mistake. That this was the best choice either of them could have made.
Sex with Lando was like no other. He kissed her thigh gently, looked at her, checked in with her, before he pulled off her underwear and tossed them to the floor. Swallowing down whatever nerves he had, Lando kissed her closer to where she needed him most.
It was slow and sweet but, he was hesitating. With every move he made, he was hesitating. Every time she reaffirmed that she was comfortable, Lando hesitated. Even when he was inside of her, he hesitated.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and forced him to look at her. "Lando, you're doing amazing and your dick is brilliant," she said and kissed him. "Now rail me like you've just won a championship."
With one arm holding him up, Lando held his hand against his head and pulled it away, saluting. "Yessir," he said.
It was kind of strange, realising the person you're in love with is also your best friend. But that moment confirmed it for the both of them. There wasn't anything that could have been more perfect than that (and he really did rail her like he'd just won a championship).
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 12 days
There's no way you can convince me the writing for Eloise in part 2 of season 3 was good.
We're expected to believe that Eloise Bridgerton, who gets so upset about injustices to women, who cares deeply for her friends, would hear about Cressida's issues and be like "hmm yeah sucks to suck."
And people can't say it's because Eloise is only concerned with herself because we've seen her get so upset about the plight of other people, we've seen her going and engaging with conversations outside her circle, we've seen her empathizing with Theo and his circumstances, we've seen her trying to hunt down LW to help Pen back before she knew the truth.
JUST THIS SEASON we saw Eloise go to Cressida's house to check on her because she noticed that she was acting off. So you can't even tell me Eloise doesn't care about her. I feel like the writers are trying to gaslight the viewers in part 2 to thinking Eloise didn't ever care that much about Cressida when WE LITERALLY SAW THAT SHE DID. Cressida even says Eloise was a great friend to her.
Yeah, I understand that Eloise has a lot going on right now, and so to some extent, I could see her not being as present for Cressida as she needs. That happens. But the level to which they made Eloise act like she doesn't care is so insane and is clearly just to prop Pen up.
Eloise heard Cressida tell her about her circumstances so she should understand why she's doing what she's doing.
It just felt like such an insane 180 for Eloise to turn around and suddenly be like "Cressida is a viper" and "our friendship was falling apart anyway" and "I should never have trusted her," when the last thing we saw before part 2 was them BEING GOOD FRIENDS!! And when Cressida hadn't done anything bad, she just claimed to be LW RIGHT AFTER she had explained to Eloise how messed up her circumstances were and that she needed help getting out of them.
I get that the show was going to put Eloise and Pen back together because they have such a clear bias towards her character, but did they have to decimate Creloise in the process? Is Eloise not allowed to have multiple friendships?
Like, Pen can do all these terrible things and cry and be like "sorry about that" and it's fine El and her can be besties everyone will love her and forgive her. But Cressida was sometimes mean (and the show goes to lengths to show us how she became that way, even explicitly spelling it out with her mother's comments about how she raised her to believe in "every woman for herself" AND shows Cressida acknowledging her mistakes and showing true change and growth) and lies about being LW and she's dragged through the dirt, she's "the absolute worst," every single character says awful things about her while we see snippets of her in this dark awful house with her life falling apart and this is supposed to be something we root for?? Literally why. Why even make Cressida sympathetic if this is what you're going to do with her.
It feels so out of pocket for Eloise to be saying Cressida is soo horrible and etc. etc. when we SAW their friendship before. We saw Cressida taking in what Eloise was saying and making changes, we saw Cressida challenging Eloise's beliefs and making Eloise self-reflect. Eloise got a peek into how awful Cressida's home life was and into the kind of good person Cressida could be and that's just suddenly thrown out the window with such little support to back it up.
Even if Creloise just HAD to stop being friends, weren't there better ways of going about it? Couldn't they at least have waited till after the fake LW paper came out bashing the Bridgertons for Eloise to break off the friendship? Yes, that was Cressida's mom writing that, but Eloise wouldn't know that and that would more logically line up with Eloise's random coldness towards her.
Still, why exactly do they have to stop being friends? Why can't Eloise have different kinds of friendships, especially one like hers with Cressida that challenged her, one where they mutually helped each other become better people? I love that Eloise is going to go off on this adventure to Scotland and meet other people but could she not also have retained her friendship with Cressida??
I would have loved to see the Eloise I know and love in part 2 teaming up with Cressida to help her, scheming together, doing everything in her power to help her bestie because that's who she is. That's what we should have seen. Maybe it would take her a second to get there, since she was already wrapped up in the drama with her brother and Pen, but she wouldn't just completely brush off her friend. She would do something.
And I could go on about how messed up it was for the writers to make it pretty clear how bad things have become for Cressida and then make her face the most consequences ever, while Pen gets to ride off into the sunset all happily ever after despite doing things 1000x worse than anything Cressida ever did. I'm actually disgusted.
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darkbluekies · 5 months
Yandere Silas x male reader bodyguard. Relationship:romantic
You and him grew up together in the mafia, Silas fell in love with you but you only saw him as a friend and he ends up falling in love with a girl and this makes you leave the mafia to go abroad with her to live a normal life.
Silas has contacts all over the world and discovers that you are in a country abroad, he kills the girl and kidnaps you
Be mine (you have no fucking choice)
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Yandere!mafia oc x male!bodyguard!reader
Summary: after being friends with Silas for years, you decide that it is time to pack it up and leave, much to Silas’s dismay.
Warnings: criminal stuff, throwing up, getting drunk by force, ropes, cage, mentions of sleeping around, violence, alcohol
Word count: 4.3k
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You put your gun into your belt and get out of the warehouse. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Silas asks and grabs your arm. 
“I’m going home”, you say. “This mission doesn’t interest me.”
You try to walk, but Silas hurries in front of you, blocking your way. He almost reminds you of the little, stubborn boy he once was when he does that. 
“Wait”, he says. “You never drive well after a mission. You have too much adrenaline. You and I can leave together. I can drive you to my house.”
“No, Silas, I’m going home.”
Silas doesn’t react to you calling him by his first name. But he never has. You are special. Only one other person in his entire organization can call him by his first name without getting a bullet through their eyes — that person being his second in command. You and his second in command have known Silas longer than anyone else. You’d dare call his second in command your friend too, although on a more professional level. 
You’ve known Silas longer than his second in command has, and you’ve known his little brother, Ares … and you’ve known about his jealousy for a very long time. It started when you one day went home with his brother to play video games after shool. Next day when you entered school, his brother had a black eye and Silas had not left your side for the entire day. 
It only got worse from there, but you never did anything. You tried to talk to him, but it seemed like the years made him even more jealous. He dated girls time and time again, but created a big fuss when you showed the slightest interest in anyone — be that boy or girl. You became the third wheel in SIlas’ multiple relationships.
He did admit to his love for you, just a few years ago, but you couldn’t reciprocate his feelings. It would make everything harder. You were basically working for him as his bodyguard and didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had with him. Losing him as a friend could mean both mental distress … and physical harm. 
“Does this have anything to do with the girl I’m dating?” Silas asks. 
You look baffled. “No? Why would you think that?”
“Because she’s at the house?”
“No, I just want to go home”, you sigh heavily. “Why do I have to explain my every step to you? You’re not my father, come on.”
“Because I’m worried about you.”
“What a great look for you, mister mafia leader. Don't let anyone else see that.” You nod at him to move. “Move out of the way now, I’m tired and I’m hungry. I want to go home and order a fucking pizza.”
“So this has nothing to do with my girlfriend?”
“What's the matter with you? Are you trying to make me jealous or something? I'm not interested in you, you know that.”
You push past him.
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A month passes. You have been seriously thinking about leaving the mafia for a long time now, but ever since Silas got himself yet another girlfriend it became clear that you have to leave, if you ever want to get yourself one of your own. As long as you stay with him, he will never let you date anyone — apart from him, of course. 
You’ve decided to move abroad. While packing your bags, you feel tears run down your cheeks. You have known Silas for as long as you can remember. You love to be with him, he is your best friend. Betraying him would mean betraying yourself, and his entire organization. People who betray him gets killed personally by Silas. Neither you or Silas would want that.
However, leaving without anyone noticing would be hard. Silas would know that something was wrong right away and he would use his contacts to find you again. You’d need help with creating false documents … and you knew just the man to help with that. 
You hold the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” a familiar voice asks. 
“Hi, Ares”, you say. 
“How the fuck did you get my number?”
“I did some digging.”
“Holy fuck, Y/N, you need help.”
You chuckle and hear how Ares chuckles in return. 
“What did you want?” he asks. 
“I need some help.” You look around, feeling like you’re being watched, which wouldn't be very far off. “Can we meet up?”
“Sure. Now?”
“If you can.”
“Yeah, I’m not busy.”
You decide to meet up at a café an hour away from your house, hoping that Silas’s associates wouldn’t recognize you here. You couldn’t believe that you would meet Ares again, you haven't seen him since you were teenagers. He looks the same, just a bit more grown up. 
“My brother finally removed the leash around your neck?” Ares chuckles and hugs you. 
“No, not really”, you sigh. “This is why I need your help. I know that you scam tight about everyone. And I need you to help me create false documents, passport … yeah, you name it.”
Ares smirks.
“Little Y/N is going on vacation, I see”, he says. “Where are you going?”
“I don't know.”
“Are you trying to get away from my brother?”
You nod. Ares seems to think for a moment. 
“Go to Spain”, he says. “Silas is banned from there, he won't be able to get you.”
“Ah, I feel so bad about it, though”, you sigh and run your hands through your hair. “He's my best friend. And boss, technically. If I leave, I betray both my best friend and his organization … and then he has the right to kill me.”
“Wait, you're planning to leave the mafia? For real?”
“I don't want to, but I can't live like this. I want to have my own life. I'm a grown man now, the window for opportunities is closing every year.”
“I'll go with you. I'll protect you.”
“You don't have to, Ares. Look at me, I'm capable of taking care of myself.”
You were Silas’s bodyguard, after all. No weak person gets that position. 
“Yes, I know”, Ares says. “But I can help. And you don't have to be lonely.”
“You are an ass too”, you remind him.
“Better than Silas, though.”
You scoff and roll your eyes.
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Ares comes with you to Spain. He has given you false documents with new names and nationalities. You sit together at the airport with your phone in your hand. Your stomach is turning.
“I really should tell him”, you sigh nervously. “I don't want to just leave. I have known him for years. I might betray him work wise, but I can't betray him friend wise. I'm going to call him.”
“I don't think you should”, Ares says. “He has been awful to you, why does he deserve your goodbye?”
You groan and hide your head between your knees. Ares brushes his hand through your hair.
“Come on, sweetie, let it go”, Ares encourages you. “Your new life starts soon. Beach, sun and alcohol, all day long.”
You want to tell him that you don't drink, but decide to leave it be. 
“I have to go to the bathroom”, you excuse yourself and stand up to walk away.
But you don't go to the bathroom stalls. You stand by the large windows at the gate and call Silas.
“Hi, Y/N”, he says.”I haven't heard from you in a little while. I was about to go over to your house and drag you over to mine, because I miss you.”
“I have to talk to you about that”, you say,  hesitantly. “I am not at home, and I probably won't be back.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I'm really sorry that I have gone behind your back, but I am actually leaving … going abroad. And it might be permanent.”
“Have you hit your head?”
“I'm really sorry for betraying you, Silas, you’re my best friend … but frankly, you're always stopping me from getting my own family, while you brag about the women you fuck. I need to get away, at least for a while and get to try to find love. It might not be permanent, but I don't know.”
“Where are you going? You know that you can't leave the country without me knowing. The second any of your credit cards, passport or anything along that way is being used, I'm notified.”
“Well I'm not fucking stupid. I have fixed that.”
Silas scoffs out a mocking laugh.“You don't know how to do that.”
“I had help.”
“From who?” He doesn't sound that cocky anymore.
“Oh, you can't be fucking serious”, Silas says. 
You can't detect what emotion he's feeling. Perhaps everything all at the same time. Maybe it was a wrong decision to call him before your flight, but the guilt would have eaten you up the entire way there.
“I am”, you answer, trying your best not to let your voice shake. 
“You know what kind of asshole he is, Y/N”, Silas tells you. 
“I have done stuff too, I’m no angel either.” You sigh, shaking your head. “I just called to let you know that I am leaving. I didn’t want you to hear that from anyone else, I wanted you to hear it from me personally. This is a goodbye, Silas — at least for now. Thank you.”
You hang up and turn off your phone before returning to Ares who’s sipping on a beer by the gate, where you left him.
When you’re allowed to board the plane, you’re already nauseous. What if it wouldn’t work? What if you changed your mind? You already felt bad. Ares puts his hand on your shoulder while you walk through the middle of the plane, trying to find your seat. Ares takes the aisle seat. 
“Thank you for giving me the window seat”, you chuckle. “I feel like a kid all over again.”
“Well, I can’t let random folks touch you, can I?” Ares responds. “I’m a gentleman after all.”
Ares sits with his phone up the entire flight, working. You know all about his dirty business, how he scams people left to right with his false businesses. 
You fall asleep for a while. Your body has been in a tense position the entire day and finally, you were out of reach. He couldn’t create a storm or shoot down a passenger plane, he wasn’t a God or a military flighter. He is nothing more than a man with a bit too much power for his own liking. And hybris. A whole lot of hybris. Ares turns off his phone to look at you. He smiles slightly. For years, he has tried to take you from Silas. You didn’t want him, but Silas was too selfish to let you be put on the market. He wanted you available at all times, for when the timing was right. Ares stopped trying to reach out to you after a while, knowing that it was pointless, thought that if you wanted to get back in touch with him, you would reach out — and you did. Ares lets his eyes wander over you. He has tried to match your physique, but had no chance against the hours you’ve had to spend at the gym to be able to be Silas’s bodyguard. But under all those muscles, you are nothing but a softie, and that’s why Ares wants you … and Silas too, unfortunately. He always has to compete with his brother over toys they both want.
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Silas scoffs angrily and runs his hand through his black hair, and yet he can’t stop himself from laughing. It’s absurd! All of it!
“Why are you laughing, boss?” his second in command asks shortly. “This is nothing to be happy about.”
“I fucking know that?” Silas snaps back. “Do you think I enjoy knowing that my Y/N is on a plane with my psycopathic brother going to fuck knows where?”
“There are not a lot of places he could go to, though. Think about it.”
“I can’t fucking think! Y/N is leaving me!”
“Silas, sit down before you faint, ‘kay?”
Silas, oddly enough, listens and sits down on the couch in his study with his hands gripping the fabric beside him. His second in command stands in front of him with his hands on his hips. 
“Listen”, he says. “Ares would fuck with you, right?”
“Right”, Silas responds. 
“Which countries are you banned from?”
“Spain, England, Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland.”
“So, one of those countries.”
“But which?!”
“His favorite. Which one is the warmest?”
Silas’s eyes widens and he breaks out into a shocked smile. Why didn’t he think about this? Ares isn’t smart.
“...how the fuck do I do this?” he realizes. “I can’t just take a plane into Spain without being arrested the second I step off the plane. We will need another way. We could get a boat and sneak in.”
“I’ll see what I can do, boss.”
“Do it quickly, I know my brother and he will take what I want. If he does, I will never forgive myself.”
The reason why Silas has never let you date anyone is because he wants what can only be had one way, your innocence. 
He sighs and walks out of the room where he finds the woman he’s dating standing with her hands together, looking worried. A certain rage takes over him. The sight of her had made you want to leave. He knows very well that it isn’t her fault, but he can’t help but think that it is. Her existence has put you in a position of discomfort, and for that, she has to pay. Silas doesn’t want to look at her, it only makes him nauseous. 
He pulls up his gun from his belt, and without a second thought, he fires off and watches the innocent girl’s limp body hit the floor. But for now, he can’t bring himself to feel bad. 
He has to find you. Ares is only nice as long as you're on his side, if you want to disagree with him, he's going to strip you off everything. You just don't know how horrific Ares could be.
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Your first few days in Spain couldn’t be more than idyllic — if it weren’t for the fact that you look over your shoulder wherever you go. You scan the areas for familiar faces of Silas’s gang. 
“Relax, will you?” Ares says and hooks his arm around your shoulders. “Just enjoy the scenery instead.”
“I think I’m going insane”, you mutter. 
“A shot will help with that.”
“I don’t drink, you know that.”
Ares just smiles. You’re on your way back to the house from a restaurant Ares had treated you to. It was obviously a date, but you didn’t know how to tell him that you wanted to take things slow. Ares has never been a patient man … and you aren’t even sure if Ares is the person you want to date currently. Frankly, thanks to Silas, you don’t know what you want to do yet. You’ve only gotten your freedom to do whatever you want a few days ago, and it’s more overwhelming than you expected. 
“Do you want to come to my room?” Ares asks when you get to the front door. “We don’t even have to do anything, we can just watch TV.”
“I start to believe that the only reason you wanted to come with me on this trip was to get me in bed”, you scoff and put the keys in the lock. 
“Not only-”
“Ares, go to the bar and pick up someone there instead.”
“I can’t leave you alone, I told you that I was going on the trip to protect you.”
“And i told you that I didn’t need protection. If you’re horny, go.”
Ares sighs and gives up. “Fine, call me if you need me.”
“I’ll be fine, I’m tired.”
Ares nods and gives your back a tap before walking back the way you came from. You unlock the door, going into the house. In the corner of your eye, you can tell that something is moving. Instantly, you go into attack mode, but freezing when you notice who it is that is standing up from the armchair.
“I feel like a dad catching their underage kid sneaking in after a night out”, the second in command says. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you question. 
The second in command jerks his head. “Fucking guess.”
“Did Silas really send you because he can’t enter the country?” you laugh. “That’s so tragic.”
“Laugh all you want, you’re not the one that have been on a small fucking fishing boat for twelve hours straight!” He collects himself and sighs. “I will give you one chance to come with me voluntarily before I beat your head in.”
You scoff and cross your arms over your chest. “Try me.”
Silas must have equipped his second in command with things he knew that you wouldn’t be able to combat, because in one way or another, you lose consciousness. 
You wake up in a dark, cold room. At once, you try to move your hands to your eyes to rub them clean from drowsiness, but quickly notice how your hands are tied to something behind you. That’s when you realize that you’re stuck in a cage the size of a garden shed, in — what looks like — a cargo hold. Your hands are tied to one of the cage’s bars behind you. Your head is pounding from the hit his second in command had given you. 
“Look at that, he’s finally waking up”, a familiar voice says. 
“So we don’t need the water?” his second in command asks. 
“Let’s keep it.”
Silas walks into the cage, crouching down in front of you. He takes a hold of your chin, directing your head whichever way he wants. 
“You gave him a bump the size of mount everest”, Silas mutters over his shoulder. 
“He’s a trained fighter”, his second in command replies. “I had to do what I had to do, you know?”
“I guess.”
Silas lets go of your pounding head. You groan softly, feeling out of your own body, while still being trapped inside the cage. You start to cough and Silas grabs the bucket of icy water, holding it to your mouth. At first, you gulp it down … and then realize that it was sea water. You throw it up, right back into the bucket. Silas gives the bucket to his second in command, telling him to throw it out.
“That was fucking disgusting”, you grimace and gag. 
“You kind of deserve it.” He fixes your hair that has started to stick onto your forehead. “Why did you do that to me, Y/N?”
“You didn’t let me have my own life. I was living yours, as a side character.”
“You betrayed me.”
You meet his brown — almost black — eyes and feel your heart sink. You have never seen such sadness in his eyes before. 
“I know”, you say and turn down your gaze. “I felt really bad about it. I know the rules, and I won’t make a fuzz about it, but can I beg of you that it won’t be you who kills me? I don’t want that to be our last memory together.”
Silas seems to be taken aback. 
“I’m not going to kill you”, he says. “In fact, no one is.”
“But I betrayed you-”
“I know, but I can’t kill you.”
“You can’t bend the rules, or else you’ll get a mutiny.”
“Who said that I was letting you off the hook?”
You watch how Silas walks out of the cage, picks something up from the floor, and returns with a bottle in his hands. 
“I know that you are strong”, he says, popping the bottle open, “and violent. So, I’m going to keep you calm for the rest of the journey to Portugal. Open your mouth.”
“What is that?” you ask suspiciously, eyeing the bottle wearily. 
You shake your head quickly. “That’s so foul-”
“I did not ask for your opinion.”
He puts the opening of the bottle to your lips and you try to turn your head, but Silas forces you to drink. With one hand, he holds the bottle, and with the other he holds your chin to make sure that you can’t turn away. You have no other choice but to swallow the burning liquid. He doesn’t let you stop until half the bottle are gone. You cough and gag, but can’t throw up. 
“You absolute fu—fucking—”, you cough. 
“Calm down, baby boy, it’s just some vodka”, Silas says nonchalantly and takes a sip. “Good for your heart.”
He puts his hand on your heavily raising chest, trying to calm your breathing and feel your racing heart. The alcohol turns your body heat up and you want nothing more than for that bucket of water to come back. 
“My right hand man will be here to make sure that you’re not sober for a single second”, Silas says and stands up. 
“You can’t fucking leave me like this!” you burst out. 
“Then stop me.”
You fight against the ropes and Silas smirks triumphantly before leaving the cargo hold.
The second in command came in every half an hour to give you new sips. You tried to refuse, but with your hands locked behind your back and head spinning with alcohol, there wasn't much you could to to stop him.
You haven't drank anything since you were a young teenager and the rocking motions of the sea wasn't helping you. You refused to throw up again, refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing you in such a state next time they entered.
You hated alcohol even worse now. Fuck Silas. 
After what felt like hours — in your drunken state it could very well have been days, or minutes — you couldn't take it anymore.
“Silas!” you shout and your tone goes to a whining, slurred melody. “Silas!”
You've never felt so helpless.
Silas enters with his second in command tightly behind him. He enters the cage and crouches down in front of your pathetic form.
“What?” he asks, cupping your cheek.
“Please stop”, you beg and sob, but you're not sure if the tears come from the heart or the alcohol. “Please …I will do what you want …”
Silas grabs the back of your sweaty neck and directs your wet face into his shoulder, letting you cry. You can feel that your hands are freed from the ropes.
Silas picks you up, carrying you up to the decks above water. His second in command holds your head so that you won't smash it against one of the sharp corners. 
Silas tucks you into a bed and leaves you to rest. You can see the shining sun outside the round porthole window as you fall asleep. 
He walks out onto the deck of the fishing boat and smirks.
“What?” his second in command asks.
“I'm not single anymore”, Silas chuckles.
“You won again, congratulations. Will you put Y/N into the basement?”
“He can handle that. But most important thing is that he's coming home where he belongs, and there won't be any more childish outbursts.”
“What happened with your brother, by the way?”
“Who cares? I don't want to meet him anyway, so the less I need to deal with him, the better.”
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When the fishing boat reaches Portugal, you are dragged to a car and to the airport. You don't say much. Silas disregard for your hate of alcohol and childish behavior has put you off. If it weren't for the fact that you are hus prisoner now, you wouldn't be his friend anymore.
Silas’s private jet stands ready on an empty field. He holds your arm as he pushes you up the stairs. You rip your arm from his hold.
“I can walk by myself, let me go”, you mutter.
Silas sighs. You sit down in a seat opposite Silas and cross your arms.
“You are glaring at me”, Silas says without glancing up from his phone.
“I'm just trying to determine if you have brain cells”, you spit.
“Aren't you a fun lad?”  
“Where is my phone, by the way?”
“Like sharp objects and weapons should be: far away from you.”
“Oh, I see. You're going to treat me like a child.”
“Y/N, I'm not an idiot. I trained you, I know how dangerous you are with weapons. You are even more violent than I am at times.”
“Obviously with good reasons.”
Silas glances up from his phone. You twitch your eyebrows testingly. You might not have your weapons, but your tongue is still sharp. 
Being in a relationship with Silas might be more interesting than you thought, and Silas sure as hell will realize that you're not going down without a fight.
“Your girlfriend, then?” you question. “What does she think?”
“Frankly, she can't think a lot at the moment”, Silas responds, turns off his phone and luts it on the table between you. 
You get the hint immediately. 
“Killing her was unnecessary”, you say.
“Running away from me was unnecessary too”, Silas adds.
“This is going to be a stable relationship.”
“It will be the second you stop with the childish attitude.”
While keeping eye contact, you push his phone off the table. Silas eye twitches as he bends down to get it.
“You're going into the basement when we get home”, he says.
“Can I hit back? Or are you going to have full control and tie me up again? Is that the only way you can win over me? With me being completely helpless?”
“Oh, shut the fuck up before I let you ride on the airplane wing.”
“Sounds good to me.”
You stare at each other, and you refuse to look away first. You're going to make him regret imprisoning you.
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55sturn · 3 months
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pairing: biker!matt sturniolo x good girl fem!reader
synopsis: y/n takes matt up on the offer he proposes after they meet at a party, their tension thicker than their resolve.
warnings: swearing, reckless driving [ matt’s a thrill seeker / adrenaline junkie ], sexual tension, 18+, sexual content [ groping over and underneath the clothes ], making out, choking, spit swapping, open ending.
y/n has always been a very organized person, every move she made was calculated and meticulous, not leaving enough room for error or her anxiety to spiral up a storm. some would lean toward calling her uptight, but she would let it roll off her back like water because she found a way for everything in her life to fall in line smoothly without many problems arising.
her best friend, jess, has always been the exact opposite of her. she was chaotic and messy, always running late, often being caught in compromising situations and relying on y/n to bail her out. the two were on the opposites of the personality spectrum, and people would screw their faces up at the sight of the two, but they paid no mind because their bond worked.
jess always joked about breaking y/n, turning into the opposite of her but y/n was stubborn, finding the utmost comfort in the way she lived. she didn't see the appeal of chaos and living without restriction.
but her class load had grown rather heavy, and she felt her impulse control weakening the more jess mentioned this massive influencer party that she had garnered invites for through multiple connections, and jess wasn’t backing down.
“fine. i think it’s time i take a break anyway, jess.”
“wait? are you for real right now?” jess exclaimed, shocked that for once in their friendship, she wasn’t going to a party alone.
as y/n followed jess through the crowd of people, she felt an overwhelming swarm of different and conflicting emotions, part of her wanted to turn around and walk back to her apartment, while the other part wanted to stick it out, figuring it couldn’t be as bad as she psyched herself out to believe, especially if jess, who was known for being blunt and outspoken if someone was overwhelming, could tolerate it.
y/n felt out of place, clad in a baby pink pleather mini skirt, and a matching pink long sleeve raglan baby tee, both courtesy of jess, and a pair of pink platform converse. she quickly trailed behind her best friend, who seemed to know her way around the house, more so mansion, they were partying at, heading toward the kitchen.
“so what are you wanting to drink?” jess hums, gesturing the otherworldly amounts of alcohol littering the large island in the kitchen.
“just pick something and make a drink for me.” y/n replies, turning back to face the crowd of people, watching as couples and people nearly fucked each other on various surfaces among the house. as her gaze kept flitting about the crowd of people, she briefly met the eyes of some guy across the room.
she felt her cheeks began to warm as he flashed her a lopsided smirk, his blue eyes boring into hers beneath the mop of shaggy brown hair. she returns his smirk, but hers is much gentler before turning back to jess, taking the red solo cup, staring at the dark liquid swirling in it. y/n cautiously takes a sip, while she trusts jess not to fuck her over and get her obnoxiously drunk, she’s still wary of the alcohol mixed with soda in her cup, she’s only been drunk a handful of times.
she swallows the dark drink, the taste of vodka mixed with the sweet, almost foamy taste of root beer filling her mouth, causing her to salivate ever so slightly as she takes another gracious sip.
“thank you for not giving me something other than vodka.” she laughs, watching as jess grabs two more solo cups, pouring two hefty shots of vodka into them, quickly handing one to y/n, who clinks her plastic cup against jess’ before quickly downing the shot, followed by a large gulp of her drink.
the two slowly make their way out of the kitchen, dancing with each other before beginning to talk and mingle with the rest of the people. y/n was shocked at how easily she fit into the world of influencers and content creators. as she made her way toward the deck, she felt eyes watching her, brushing it off she exited the stuffy house, finding solace in the cool april air clinging to her skin as she leaned against the railing of the wrap-around porch.
as proud as she was of herself for stepping away from her studies for a night, she still needed a moment of peace, or even just a moment alone.
but her tranquility was interrupted by the sliding door opening and shutting softly, she turned to head back inside but she was met with the same blue eyes she held contact with prior.
“hey.” he nods, pulling a cigarette from the pack that sat in his back pocket, grabbing a black and silver zippo lighter, flicking it quickly.
“so what’s a pretty little thing like you doing at a place like this?” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair, the dingy light from the fairy lights lining the roof catching his tattoos, completely enamouring y/n as she watched his arm flex and relax, the muscle tee he wore showing off his lean arms. at first glance, you wouldn’t expect him to have any muscle but as he moved his arm, y/n was thoroughly impressed.
“my friend dragged me here. what about you?” she replies, resting her tailbone against the railing as he smirks, his head cocked to the side as his eyes flick across her features.
“what’d’ya mean?”
“just that you don’t seem like the party either, very quiet.”
“and how do you know that, sweetheart?”
“well seeing as i came out here because it’s overwhelming in there, and you did the same, and we’re the only two people out here, i’m assuming you came out here for the same reason.” she laughs, taking a sip of her drink, holding his curious stare over the rim of the flimsy cup, not once dropping his intense gaze.
“what if i just wanted to get you alone?” he teases, watching as she rolls her eyes, laughing to himself.
“then you’d be a total creep. i don’t even know your name.” she laughs, shocking herself at how easily she warmed up to him.
“it’s matt.”
“you look like a matt.” she hums placing her empty cup on the railing beside before pushing herself up, sitting along the wide railing, her legs dangling slightly as matt puffs on his cigarette, flicking the ashes on the grass below.
“what about you? you got a name or am i gonna have to keep calling you sweetheart?”
“y/n.” she whispers, her face warming at the nickname falling from his lips, she normally wasn’t one for slightly condescending pet names, but it sounded so sickly and sinfully sweet coming from the stranger beside her.
“that suits you, a pretty name for such a pretty girl.” he muses, watching as she turns her head away from in a futile attempt to hide the blush creeping across her cheeks.
“your tattoos are really pretty.”
“you think so?” he hums, shifting closer to her to let her see them, watching as her eyes shift from each intricate piece, marvelling at the dark ink contrasting against his ivory skin.
“what’s your favourite one?”
“probably cerberus or the owl. what about you? you got any?” he asks, genuinely curious to know more about the girl beside him, wondering if there was more to the soft and timid appearance.
“wouldn’t you like to know?” she teased, crossing her legs, causing her skirt to ride up the tiniest bit, showing the smallest amount of ink on the side of her thigh, smirking as matt’s eyes shamelessly drifted to the exposed skin.
the two keep talking and getting to know one another, even going as far as to get each other’s numbers, the tension growing thick between the two until jess stumbles through the door, violently drunk as she babbles away about some guy she wanted to leave with.
“if she wants to go with him, i can give you a ride home on my bike.”
“we took an uber, so i’ll just order another one but i appreciate the offer.”
“well if you ever need a ride, just shoot me a text.”
over the course of a few weeks, y/n and matt continued to keep in touch, constantly texting one another. the tension never faltering as they bounced flirty and sexual innuendos off one another.
matt has begged for the two of them to hang out, either over facetime or in person, numerous times, even going as far as to ask to take her for a ride on his bike. but she declined every time, letting him know that her studies came first.
normally, if a girl wasn’t really interested in meeting up, whether to hang out or hook up, matt would give up within the first few days. but there was something about y/n that had him inexplicably drawn to her. the soft, delicate, almost innocent appeal to her had him feeling all sorts of ways.
talking to her had him feeling the same way speeding down the seventy stretch a couple blocks from his house on his kawasaki bike did. it was exhilarating, freeing, and terrifying all the same. everything she said, made him feel things he had never experienced, it was like he was speeding down a winding freeway, his arms outstretched on either side of him, letting fate decide what happened.
y/n sighed as she waited on the curb of the restaurant, hoping that the guy from her global economics discussion course that had asked her out would show up. but she knew deep down, he wasn’t going to.
it was another story where she was asked, only to be taken for a fool. she knew he only wanted to fuck, she knew guys were attracted to her pseudo-innocent appearance, thinking they could be the lucky one to corrupt her. but she knew better, and she always made sure the guys put up a fight before receiving what they wanted.
she sighed as she stood, wiping off the back of her jeans before pulling her phone out of her pocket. she opened her texts with jess before remembering jess was at a photoshoot for some clothing brand that reached out to her.
she stood there, glancing and forth between her phone and the sidewalk, torn between swallowing her pride and reaching out to matt to pick her up, or walking home, saving ego from taking a massive blow.
she was stubborn. she wanted to see matt, but she knew what his end goal was and she refused to take another hit to her pride and ego so quickly after being stood up and humiliated by some loser in one of her classes. so, she slowly made her way down the winding sidewalk, but the cold air made the walk somewhat unbearable, and before she knew it, she was pressing the call button, listening to the dial tone. after two rings, matt picked up.
“hey sweetheart.” he hummed into the speaker, that same taunting tone never faltering over the device.
“can you pick me up? i’ll send you my location.”
“aw, what happened? did jake stand you up, just like i said he would?” he laughs, causing her to groan. he was never malicious in the way he poked and prodded at her, he just wanted to prove she didn’t have to be right all the time.
“yeah whatever. can you pick me up or not?” she spits, fed up with the way her night turned out.
“lose the attitude and i can.” he spits back, patiently waiting for her to ask in that sugary sweet voice that had his thoughts drifting to a dark place. he knew he was going to pick her up regardless, but he just wanted to use anything he could as an excuse to hear her beg for him, he wanted hee to be completely at his mercy in every possible way.
“can you please pick me up matt? i’m cold and i just wanna go home.” she pleads, her lips falling into a slight pout, internally groaning at how quickly her resolve had faltered the second he implied and demanded that she beg for him.
“i was going to regardless, just wanted to hear you beg for my help, sweetheart.” he chuckles, he knew the way he was acting was sick and twisted, his desire to see this stubborn but oh so innocent woman crumple beneath his command overtaking all sense of chivalry in his body, his desire for her manifested through such deep desperation.
she quickly thanked him before sending a ping of her location. she pocketed her phone again, and wrapped her arms around her torso as a pathetic attempt to keep her shielded from her the cold air.
as she stood there, she fought hard to keep her thoughts at bay, refusing to let the desperation seep into the depths of her mind, fighting to keep herself from feeling pathetic. she didn’t want to feel that way, she knew her worth, but sometimes it felt impossible to find someone worthy of loving her. she wondered if she should just give up the one the thing guys wanted without a fight, she would be fine, right?
but before she could answer her own thoughts of despair, a low rumble came from her left, causing her head to snap in that direction. surely enough, the sound came from the muffled engine of matt’s motorcycle. and as she watched him swerve to idle in front of her, she couldn’t stop the filthy thoughts from infiltrating her mind. her eyes shamelessly fell to the sight of his hands wrapped tightly around the handlebars, the veins in his slender hands flexing as his thumb pressed down on the clutch. she felt her thighs clench tightly as her heartbeat thumped beneath her chest, the thumping slowly travelling down toward her heat as she watched him.
“hey sweetheart.” he hums, his tone thick with arrogance, watching as she shamelessly checked him out. she knew she shouldn’t be thinking of him the way she was, but the way his shoulder blades and muscle tightened and flexed as he shifted forward, leaving space for her to climb on behind him, made her want to rake her nails down the skin, her mind running amok with the possible ways he would react to her touch.
she shakes her head as she steps forward, timidly taking a step toward his bike. he watched her, taking in however scared she was, sighing he, grabs her wrist, stopping her from climbing over and straddling the seat behind him.
“you know i’ll be careful right? i’m not going to do anything that could end with you getting severely hurt.” he whispers, his eyes full of nothing but sincerity as she meets his stare, a meek smile on her face as she nods.
“good girl. now climb on, i’m gonna take my chances and take you on that ride i promised.”
her thighs clench involuntarily at the slight praise that falls from his lips, she could feel her resolve slipping further and further away the longer she was in his presence. and the fact that she would be sitting behind him, with her arms tightly wound around his waist felt much more intimate than it should’ve.
she quickly straddled the seat behind him, her hands began to shake slightly as she wrapped her arms around him, her hands flat against his abdomen as he kicked up the kickstand, leaning the bike to the other side with his foot on the ground as he revved the engine, causing her hands to ball into fists, with his black shirt tightly twisted between her fingers. as matt took off, he couldn’t help but chuckle as her grasp tightened against him, her cheek pressing against his back between his shoulder blades.
her grip began to loosen as matt took her around the city, and her head lifted from his back, as she took in the scenery around her. but matt missed the way she felt pressed so tightly against him, so in true torturous fashion, he sped up, causing her to go right back to pressing so closely against him, her hands pressing against his lower stomach so firmly, he was sure there’d be marks.
but he didn’t wanted to scare her too much, so he slowed down, coming to a full stop as the light above him flickered to red. as she pulled away, she felt her adrenaline build up and she wanted to finally tease him the way he did her, so she let her hands wander down his stomach, teasingly drifting lower, only to stop right above his belt and move back up.
as her hand trailed down toward his belt, matt’s breath hitched in his throat. he desperately wanted to feel her touch him where he needed it most, but his ego was bruised, he wanted to be the one in control, and right now, he was nothing putty in her hand. the light was still red and his heart was beating so harshly against his ribcage, that felt like it was about to burst out of his chest as her hand slipped beneath his shirt, her fingers slipping beneath the waistband of his jeans.
as the light turned green, she pushed her hand further beyond his waistband, and he had never been more thankful to be driving at night. but before he could feel any relief, her hand was back against his stomach, with her head against his back as he drove her along the coast.
but once again they reached another red light, only one other vehicle a few lanes over from them, and this time she threw caution to the wind as her hand drifted downward again, this time not stopping at his belt. and soon enough, her hand was firmly palming his cock through his jeans, and he was biting his bottom lip so hard that the metallic taste of blood began filling his mouth.
he felt his cock stiffen even more as her hand wrapped around his length through his jeans, softly squeezing and applying pressure to it. her hand lifted momentarily, only for it to slip beneath the loosened waistband of his jeans, resuming her teasing but this time, only through one layer of clothing. her thumb traced along his tip, and she smirked to her as she felt the wet spot from his precum seeping through the material. she grasped his semi-thick cock over his boxers, slowly jerking her hand back and forth as best as she could until the light turned green. and matt had never been so lucky that the light turned green when it did because if she had kept up her ministrations, he would’ve cum in his pants right then and there.
he wasted no time in speeding off as the light turned green, taking her to a somewhat secluded turn off. he quickly killed the engine, forced the kickstand down, and ripped off his helmet, moving to stand in front of her before she could ask questions.
his lips were roughly pressing against hers in almost no time as she side-saddled the bike, his left hand pawing at her hips beneath the thin hoodie she wore as he pulled her closer, while his right hand wrapped around her throat, gently squeezing the soft flesh.
the kiss was rough, a clash of teeth, and full of lust. it was desperate and sloppy, their tongues brushing and pushing against one another as spit and drool accumulated along the muscles, transferring from mouth to mouth. her nails scraped against his scalp as she tugged on the soft brown curls, while her other hand held his bicep, her nails digging into the taught flesh slightly, leaving crescent shaped marks along the tattoos. pulling away, matt pulled her bottom lip with him slightly, entrance by the way it bounced back into its natural pout.
“fuck.” he hums, his chest heaving as she watches him, her pupils blown out with lust, the black drowning out their normal colour.
“i don’t know what came over me, i’m sorry.”
“don’t you dare apologize, sweetheart. but that is making it nearly impossible to not take you back to my house and ruin you.”
“what if i want that too?”
taglist: @33sturniolo @worldlxvlys @luv4kozume @gamermattsgf @vanteguccir @sturnioloshacker @greatooglymooglyyy @sugrhigh @thugpugs4lrh @teapartyprincess4two @lustfulslxt @patscorner @guccifrog @muwapsturniolo @soursturniolo @solarsturniolo @sturnioloshacker @sturniolosmind @meanttomeet @breeloveschris @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @mylifeisevenstranger @themattgirl @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @cupidsword @sturnifyed @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chris @hearts4chriss @evie-sturns @nicksmainbitch @inlovewithmattstur @hysteria-things @sturniolossss @iliketotalk
[TAGLIST IS FULL!] © 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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silverbladexyz · 5 months
*Part 2 is here. Third and final part is here*
Imagine unrequited love with Chuuya.
You didn't mean for it to happen, really. The feelings had just suddenly seized you one day, filling you with a rush of warmth so overpowering that it was certain you could never look at him in the same way again. Whenever he looked at you, with those blue eyes of his that reflected the beauty of the skies and the seas- or whenever he offered his hand to help you with whatever you were stuck on, the very same warmth would erupt in your chest, spreading all throughout your body and ensnaring you in such heat that you would certainly have been crowned the title of Cupid's most lovestruck victim.
And who wouldn't fall in love with Chuuya Nakahara? He was strong, handsome, and rich- three qualities that would've already caught the attention of many people the moment they laid their eyes on him. Despite being somewhat violent and brash towards enemies, he was normally calm and thoughtful, alongside being respectful to anyone he deemed as harmless. Nobody could resist his unspoken charm- with you being proof of that.
But beneath that tough guy mask he showed to everyone was a soul so kind and loyal that anyone would weep at his tragic predicament. A soul that clearly didn't deserve to be trapped in the hellish depths of the Port Mafia, where his hands were stained innumerable times with blood; blood that had no right to belong on the palms of an angel. The very same palms that had held yours as you grew up alongside him all throughout the years, offering a strong and stable sense of support in the abyssal underworld of Yokohama.
You were the only person whom he was softer to. He was still rougher around the edges in the friendship, but you didn't miss the way that he would step in front of you protectively when you met a formidable enemy. Or when he would buy you something you'd only eyed for a second longer, not taking no for an answer as he placed the gift in your hands without expecting anything in return.
Those were only the tip of the iceberg. Chuuya had risked his very own life for you multiple times, even if he had tried to deny it with the statement that he had it all under control. He would also bandage your wounds for you, while scolding you about being too reckless on the mission. You knew that he secretly didn't mind treating your injuries, though. It was what best friends were for, afterall.
It was obvious that you had a special place in his heart.
And he had stolen yours.
You would've confessed to him first, if only he hadn't confessed about something else that made the words die on your lips as soon as it left his.
"Hey, Y/N, can I tell you something? You must promise to keep it a secret though."
You looked up at Chuuya, who was standing with his hands in his pockets. The two of you were currently standing on the balcony of the apartment that the Port Mafia provided for it's subordinates, with the city of Yokohama serving as a witness to the moment between the two of you. A pair of best friends whom shared a bond so deep and precious that it couldn't have been replaced by anything else in the world.
"Of course. You can tell me anything, Chuuya. I promise that I'll take it to my grave." You straightened up from your slouched position on the railing, facing him. Underneath the moonlight, he looked as gorgeous as ever- the epitome of beauty for all mortals to admire. As if in response to the thought, your heart beat sped up, preparing you for the confession you'd tell him after he finished speaking.
Chuuya inhaled a short breath, before releasing it in a quick sigh. You tilted your head, staring at him with curious eyes, despite just wanting to grab him by the shoulders and profess how much you loved him. Surely he must have felt the same way you felt towards him, right? Even Mori had noticed how the executive acted different around you compared to everyone else.
Just say the three words already, you silently begged.
"I like Yasuko."
You blinked.
Time seemed to come to a stop as you wondered if you had heard him wrong. But you knew that you didn't.
"T-The civilian girl that you managed to save from an enemy organisation a few months ago?" You cursed at the stutter, but Chuuya didn't seem to notice. Instead, he seemed to be... shy, almost. The look in his eyes had noticeably softened at the mention of her name- a look that he never gave you in all the years of your friendship with him.
"Yes. She wanted to repay me for my help, and I somehow couldn't say no to her. Then after getting to know her for a few months... I realised that what I felt for her was stronger than what I felt for anyone else. She makes me feel... safe. Warm. Like she was a haven I could always return to." Each word felt like an iron-hot knife being stabbed into your heart, with the blade twisting deeper and deeper into your flesh as you slowly comprehended what Chuuya was telling you.
"... That's great," You forced yourself to say, smiling at him through your pain.
"She deserves someone as gentlemanly and loyal as you. Someone who would never hesitate to put her needs before his. Who would treat her right and make all the other ladies jealous of the pure love you have for her."
Your heart was shrieking at you, pleading for you to stop before all chances you had with him were gone. But you pushed your feelings behind the best-friend mask that you always wore around him. Chuuya's happiness was what mattered to you, even if it meant that you had to suffer for eternity to let that happen.
"You should tell her how you feel. Because I guarantee you that she definitely does reciprocate those feelings." You patted him on the shoulder, before heading back into the room so that he could make his decision.
He didn't know that you had collapsed onto the floor as soon as you shut the door behind him, clutching your chest as it threatened to tear you to pieces because of the pain. He didn't know that you had cried yourself to sleep that night, the hot tears staining your pillow that muffled the sounds of your heartbreak so that you wouldn't alert any of the other residents. And he didn't even need to know, because his eyes were focused only on Yasuko.
He took your advice, confessing to the girl a few weeks later with a bouquet of roses and the finest chocolate that you could find in Yokohama; and just as you predicted, she harboured the same feelings towards him. They were the sweetest couple ever, and your best friend genuinely appeared the happiest that you had seen him. His new girlfriend was nice, polite, and slightly shy- an angel truly fitting for the kind sinner that Chuuya Nakahara was. Hell, you even met her a few times, and any sort of dislike you harboured towards her seemed to disappear whenever she smiled that innocent smile at you. How could you hate her when she never did anything bad to you or your friend?
The butterflies in your stomach now turned to shards that pierced your chest whenever you saw him with Yasuko. Those loving eyes that you had stared at him with were now full of pain and longing, housing a heart of glass that already shattered long ago. Yet you covered it all up with a smile and your usual expression, even when it hurt so damn much.
It was you who stayed by his side when the Sheep betrayed him. It was you who comforted him and assured him that he was human even as he doubted it. It was you who held him close that night when he lost his friends after the Dragon's Head incident. And it was you who never left him ever since he joined the Port Mafia.
But why was it her that he fell for? Someone that he only knew for a couple of months, whilst you had known him for seven years. Seven long years of special camaraderie; of hurt, of loss, and of growth. Things that he could never hope to achieve again with Yasuko.
Was it because you were a killer? A monster that had taken away countless lives, and would continue to do so with no restraint for many years to come? Did Chuuya only decide to stay best friends with you because he pitied you? Or did he laugh about your foolish, helpless self with his girlfriend- his sweet sweet girlfriend that giggled and kissed him happily whenever he pulled her closer in private?
La Douleur Exquise, the French called it. The exquisite pain of pining after someone, knowing that it would never be returned even if you gave up your life for them. How fitting that the language of love would describe your situation perfectly.
Oh, how cruel it was, that fate decided to trap you in it's web of misfortune and laughed at your face as you tried so hard to move on from him.
You loved him dearly, but he would never come to reciprocate that love. How could he, when it was Yasuko that was the one he clearly needed and adored? Just like how a flower in the dark yearns for the light, you yearned for Chuuya to look at you like how he looked at her, even if it was for one second.
But you knew that it was impossible.
Because no matter how deeply you felt about him, his heart would forever belong to someone else.
Someone who wasn't you.
@circinuus @riiwrites @ruanais @sariel626 @chocsra @oldworldpoolhall @yuugen-benni @yasu-masashige @justcallmesakira @heartsfourdazai @i-just-like-goats
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brownskinlemon · 6 months
Deal (d.f.)
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pairings: dom/reader
word count: 4,061
summary: You've never experienced the big O, and a night with your best friend Dominic turns into more than you planned
warnings: smutty smut, mentions of smoking, unprotected s3x, cr3ampie, multiple orgasms, some sappy emotions
authors note: this is my first ever story, and I hope you all enjoy :)
!! do not repurpose or repost as your own for any reason on any platform without credit !!
The shuffling of feet was all that could be heard as you and your best friend Dominic paced the grocery store aisles. It was nearly midnight, the store getting ready to close soon. The munchies had taken over earlier in the night, which led you two to an hour's journey around this store, baskets full of junk food in both your hands. 
“Y/N…bro” You turned back to his mouth agape, eyes fixated on a mega-sized Ben n Jerry’s tin. He toyed with his lip between his teeth for a moment, before swinging the door open and obnoxiously tossing it into his already overflowing basket. 
You snorted quietly to yourself, quickly turning back around before you ended up staring at his pink lips for far too long for your own comfort, far too long to be considered platonic admiration.
The streets of Naples were empty and dim, headlights dancing across you in the passenger seat of Dominic’s car as you sped down a main road. Your eyes were glued to the moonlight dancing across the thrashing waves across the shore out of your window. 
“So beautiful” He mumbled to himself.
“ I know right?” You responded without looking at him. Your head whipped around to him, surprised to find his brown eyes already fixated on you, making your heart drop suddenly.
He coughed to himself, straightening up in his seat and turning his attention back to the road, his lips once again being caught in between his lips. Those perfect fucking lips.
With his looks he could easily have every girl in Naples on a leash, but chooses not to, you never understood why. You would like to think he had commitment issues, but it seemed to be pure disinterest in dating at all. You had been friends since middle school, and though you had been in so many friends and “relationships”, your friendship stayed the same. As close as you had been, there were lines you wouldn’t dare to cross. These lines became blurry in your mind as of late. His figure, eyes,lips, voice had all been so…enchanting recently. Staying up till late overthinking every little interaction was excruciating to say the least. You’d rather die than let him know a word of it. 
You snuck glances at him as his ring-clad fingers drummed on the steering wheel to whatever song was currently on. His apartment came into view, and he skillfully maneuvered into the parking deck. After he parked, you hopped out, grabbing the 7 bags worth of snacks you had bought earlier.
“You really think we can actually eat all this?” You huffed as you made your way down the hall to his apartment.
“ I know I can, especially that ice cream.” He nodded, a small smirk pulling lightly on his face. 
“Ok so out of all of them, who was the best in bed?” Dom quipped, eyes fixated on the rolling tray in front of him on the bed, hands skillfully pearling one of several blunts that night. 
You were both clad in a hoodie and pajamas, sitting on his bed. A fiery orange light danced across the dim room from a lamp, “Who Hurt You?” by Daniel Caesar playing lightly in the background.
“Hm…maybe that one soccer guy. But he did the bare minimum and didn’t even make me cum.”
“Well at least you’re able to get yourself off right? Who needs em anyway.”
“Yeah…” you trailed off quietly, eyes locked on your fiddling hands which had now become the most interesting thing in the world. You could see him stop his actions out of your peripheral vision. 
“No way you’ve never…finished? Like ever in your 20 years?”
You sighed, eyes squeezing together. “I have not.” 
Tears begin to burn at the brim of your eyes, threatening to fall with each second of embarrassing silence that follows. Sure you had discussed…sex,all bestfriends do, but there were lines you didn’t want to cross. Dom knowing about your lack of ability to orgasm was one of those lines. 
Without looking up at him you jumped up, rushing past him to the bathroom across the hall, slamming the door behind you. You sighed deeply as you leaned on the counter, locking in on your eyes in your reflection  that were reddened, caused partially by both the weed and your now falling tears. It didn’t help that weed always made everything you felt even more intense. 
“Get it together. It’s not that serious.” You repeated like a mantra quietly until a heavy knock interrupted your thoughts. 
“Y/N come out…I didn’t mean to make you cry.” You couldn’t see him but you knew he was doing that thing where he tapped his feet when he got nervous or worried.
You nibbled on your bottom lip, pausing in the silence.
“You didn’t- I mean- you didn’t Dom. Shit’s just embarrassing.”
“There’s no point in being embarrassed. Why would I care if you’re not like a sex god or something. In fact that’s pretty normal for women to have that..blockage you know?”
You chuckled lightly to yourself, amused at the way his version of comforting you. You breathed out loudly, nodding to yourself in the mirror before swinging the door open to find Dominic leaning on the doorway, running right into his chest. 
You were taken off guard as his arms wrapped around you, your tense shoulders relaxing as you embraced him back.
“You ok?”
“Yeah..don’t rub it in.” You said muffled into his chest. 
His arms loosened around you as his tall frame loomed over you. His brown eyes bore into yours from above, rendering you silent. You watched as his eyes snuck a glance at your lips, quickly snapping back up to your eyes.
Before he could get a word out you moved around him, walking into his room and turning over your shoulder. 
“That blunt and ice cream won’t finish itself Dom!”
You watched him smirk to himself, shaking his head as he made his way back into his room with you 
After several blunts and snacks, you two found yourselves wrapped up in blankets on your second movie of the night: The Breakfast Club. 
“This movie is amazing.” You quipped up with a mouth full of ice cream, eyes not leaving the screen. You heard him hum in agreement, eyes sneaking a quick glance at him as he leaned back, shifting his hips underneath his blanket. My god, if I was on that lap I would-
“Dom” Your eyes were glued to the screen as you pretended to be completely invested in the film, and not as invested as you were intently ignoring whatever conversation he was about to start. 
“About earlier…you know I’m not good with emotional sappy conversations so..bear with me...” He trailed off, pausing the movie with the remote and forcing you to find another object in the room to fixate on.
“I wanted to say that I’m sorry they didn’t..care enough to make sure you were good. I know I clown on you alot but you don’t deserve that shit.”
His hand gently made its way under your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“You hear me?” His eyes searched yours valiantly.
“Yes.” You breathed out, freezing at how intense his gaze fanned over your features. 
His eyes dropped to where he began to cup your hands gently in his, as your eyes followed. You two were never touchy, and the frequency of physical touch tonight was stoking the already intense fire that was stirring in you for him. 
“Fingers crossed the next man that gets the honor of touching you is caring, and gives your body the respect it deserves. Hm?” 
“Fingers crossed” you said quietly, trying to hide your breath that was now ragged from the little contact. 
You looked up at him, surprised to find his eyes already fixated on you. His teeth caught on his full bottom lip, his chest heaving silently. The lighting in the room, combined with the way his hair fell over his face made your body run warm. The sweet smell of his cologne mixed with weed filled your lungs and made you dizzy with desire from how close you were sitting.
Fuck it. 
You leaned over quickly, smashing your lips into his. It took him no time to connect your lips, hands snaking around your waist. A moment later, you pulled away, leaning your forehead against his, eyes filled with desire as they met his.
“What was that for?” He breathed in and out, attempting to catch his breath.
“I…I want to try it…with you.” Your voice faltered as your sentence went on.
“It? What’s it?”
His eyes danced back and forth between yours searching for any doubt.
Your hands covered your face. “Its okay if you don’t we can go to bed and pretend like this never happened I just-”
You were cut off by his lips smashing into yours again, and he flipped you two over so he was hovering on top of you. His hips grinded into the heat between your legs as they wrapped around him . You whined into the kiss from the friction as he pulled back, his hand placed under your chin. 
“Are you sure you want this? With me I mean?” 
“Yes Dom. Please. I need you.” you whimpered out as you grind your hips up into his to emphasize your point.
A quiet groan fell from his lips. “If you ever…and I mean ever want to stop you tell me okay? I want you too but this is about you. I want you to feel good but I need you to let me know what you need more or less of. Deal?”
You nodded silently, eyes boring into his.
“Words Y/N.”
“Yes- I mean deal” tumbled from your lips that had already begun to darken from his kiss.
He chuckled to himself, diving back in to connect your lips again. His lips danced their way from your mouth, across your jaw, and down your neck, deciding on a particularly sensitive spot to mark. Your breath began to waiver and small whimpers caught in your throat as his mouth left marks across your neck, surely to be a sickening purple in the morning. 
“You sound even prettier than I had imagined.” He whispered near your ear, making your stomach turn in the most amazing way.
As he continued his attack on your neck, his long fingers began to toy with the hem of your hoodie, dipping his hands underneath to run his hands up your stomach. 
“May I?” He asked, referring to your hoodie that had been pushed above your stomach by now.
“You may.” You smiled shyly at him as he gently pushed your hoodie off your body, exposing your baby pink bra to him . He met you in your bareness, leaning back to pull his hoodie over his head. Your teeth bit down on your bottom lip at the sight of his chest, the sharpness of his abs that were littered with tattoos had made you clench your legs together in a fever of need.
He leaned back into you, finding his place once again between your legs as his lips kissed across your chest. 
“Arch up for me” He muttered.
You obeyed, arching your back up as he unclipped your bra with his free hand, sliding it off you gently. A gasp from your lips broke the thick silence in the room as his lips gently wrapped around your nipple, his large hand twisting your other nipple gently in his hand. Your hands rushed to loop into his unruly curls. 
He continued his descent down your abdomen, leaving open mouthed kisses on his path until he reached the waistline of your pajamas. He sat up, kissing your forehead as he massaged your hips. 
“Lift up.” He breathed out. Your hips lifted in response as he pulled down your pajamas in one swift motion. He toyed with the hem of your panties, eyes catching onto yours as you stared at him. 
“Remember our deal okay?” His eyebrows raised. 
“Okay.” You responded shakily. Although you were not a virgin, the line you were crossing was enough to leave you in shock. You had reached a point beyond return and there was something about the sheer size of the tent in his pants that did not lend to not being overcome with nervousness. 
He hooked his ring clad fingers into the loop of your panties, pulling them down gently. He sat back on his knees, admiring you completely bare to him, your body running hot from his gaze. 
“Good god you are so beautiful..” He shook his head in disbelief. You looked up at your best friend, and saw everything that love could offer in human form. It was almost comical how whipped he had you from a few touches. He slid down between your legs, flat on his stomach and wrapping his arms around your thighs. 
He peppered open mouth kisses and hickeys between your thighs, getting dangerously close to where you needed him most. He blew a cool stream of air over your clit, causing you to jolt your hips trying to chase some type of sensation, in response he pushes your hips down gently, readjusting his grip on you.
“Relax baby, I got you” He quipped before suddenly wrapping his lips around your center. A silent moan lodged in your throat at the sudden contact. He began to work over you with his tongue, humming in pleasure as your moan finally released from your chest, echoing in his small room. 
Your hands searched the bed wildly for something to hold onto, one of your hands settling deep in his curls while the other gripped tightly on his bicep. You grinded up into his grip, breath labored and laced with ongoing whimpers. Just then, Dominic pulled back from you, earning a whine of frustration from your needy lips.
“Shh…I’m gonna add a finger now, okay?” He asked gently. You nodded fervently, desperate for him to touch you. Your body tensed as his digit slid into you easily thanks to the wetness that had pooled between your legs. He thrusted gently, making your mouth fall open as he repeatedly brushed over your g-spot.
“Can you add a second?” You labored out through heavy breaths.
He silently obliged, sliding a second finger gently inside of you, earning him a gasp and a mantra of his name tumbling from your lips like a broken record. A high pitched sound that he had never heard before left your bruised lips as he returned his mouth to your clit while still pumping his fingers into you. 
Everything felt more intense, and it was making you dizzy. You felt pleasure running through your veins, making your eyes roll back and your nails dig into his bicep. Your hips jolted up and in response Dom wrapped his hands tightly around your thighs, locking you in his grip and keeping you from moving. You felt an unfamiliar coil in your stomach, and it was almost too much for you to handle.
“Dom I-I can’t” You whined out through eyes that were squeezed closed, attempting to loosen his grip on you and run from the intensity that he had built up between your legs. 
“Yes” He peppered in between kisses on your center, his fingers not letting up their pace. “You can. That’s an orgasm baby, I know you can get there for me. Breathe.” 
It was almost like your body was programmed to his words, because just then the coil in your abdomen had snapped. Your vision went white and you could hear nothing but your own pulse in your ears, you were sure you could faintly hear Dom’s voice in the distance. A surge of pure unadulterated pleasure rushed through you, paralyzing you in his grip while rendering you speechless except for the screams of his name that echoed in the tiny room.
As you came down, you slowly opened your eyes to find Dominic staring at you with the goofiest smile one could muster. He looked so innocent as if he wasn’t covered in your juices and hadn’t just performed witchcraft between your legs that were still shaking. 
“Dom, what the fuck.” You heaved out.
“I know right?” He quipped while massaging your hips. He leaned over to kiss your forehead.”Do you still wanna continue? I know that was…a lot, or at least it seemed like it was. I don’t wanna push you too far if not.” Your eyes raked over his frame, nodding enthusiastically.
Your confirmation was all it took for him to remove his pajama pants in one swift movement. He followed by slowly removing his boxers, groaning as his dick sprung free from its confines. Your mouth fell agape. You had always had a guess that he was well endowed, and yes he was, but you never thought that a dick could be..pretty?
“Don’t stare, it makes me nervous.” He mocked with a small chuckle, earning a small exhausted smile from you. He found his place between your legs, his dick rubbing lightly between your wet folds, making you both groan. His free hand dipped between your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“Let me know if you want me to stop, okay? I never wanna make you feel anything other than good. Deal?”
“Deal” You nodded. He pecked your lips, dropping his head to look at where you two connected between your legs. He massaged his tip lightly between your folds, letting his tip gently slip inside, as you held your breath and his own ran shakily. Your eyes squeezed together and your hands gripped his biceps.
“Breathe, don’t go blue on me baby.” 
You tried to remember how to breathe, but all you could think about was the delicious feeling of him gently stretching you out. His thrusts stayed slow as he practiced getting deeper and deeper until your hips met each other. You arched your chest up until it met his tip as his tip began to massage deeply against your g-spot.
In no time, he had worked up to a decent pace after you gave him the okay, your body running hotter than ever as he worked into you while latching his lips onto your already decorated neck. The room felt like it was spinning in the best way, and the groans he elicited into your neck made you wanna explode. You were ripped out of your trance after he suddenly pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach.
“Dom what are you-”  Your sentence was interrupted as the feeling of a cold liquid ran up your spine from base to tip. You whined at the sudden temperature change, whimpering as the cold was replaced with his warm mouth that had begun indulging in the ice cream off of your back. 
“Tasted even better off of you than I imagined.” he commented, following his words with immediately slipping back into you completely, snatching your already ragged breath out of your chest for the thousandth time that night. Your nails clawed into the sheets under you, searching for a grip to cope with the rush of pleasure that had overtaken your body. He trailed his hands up your torso and arms, stopping at your hands as he interlinked your fingers with his own, not relenting on his pace inside of you. 
The room was filled with the melody of your collective moans paired with the harsh colliding of your ass into his hips. A thin blanket of sweat covered both your bodies, and once again he had brought you to a point where you were thrashing underneath his touch.
The whispers near your ear were driving you insane, and he began snaking his hand down around you and between your legs, using the wetness there that had pooled to his advantage. His fingers were now circling your sensitive bundle of nerves. That familiar coil tightened again in your lower abdomen, leaving you biting down into the pillow and arching up into his thrusts.
“You think you can be a good girl and give me a second one?” He toyed.
All that left your mouth was a string of desperate whines. 
“I can’t hear you baby…” He trailed off, thrusting particularly deep at the end of his words, leaving your mouth agape.
“I..I can’t…too much”You forced out between moans.
“I think…” He increased his pace between your hips and rubbed deliciously fast around your clit “You can.”
Your eyes squeezed together as he relentlessly worked at the coil that had tightened beyond belief in your abdomen. His lips trailed up your ear, and soon that coil had snapped, making your legs lock and a string of incoherent moans tumble  from your lips as he brought you to your peak for the second time that night. 
“Fucking hell…” He groaned at the sight of you coming undone and the way you were relentlessly clenching down on him. He pumped a few more strokes, pushing one last time into you to a hilt until you felt his warm release pooling your insides.
He suddenly pulled out, making both of you gasp. You were flat on the bed now, eyes fluttering as you felt the bed dip and his footsteps leave the room. You looked over your shoulder, wondering where he had trailed off to with such urgency. You heard the water run in the bathroom and he returned moments later with a warm wet washcloth. 
“You think you can flip onto your back for me?” He asked as he stood above you. 
“Mhm” You begrudgingly obliged. “What are you doing?”
“Cleaning you up duh” He said, shaking his head.
He spread your legs, trailing the washcloth down to your stomach and thighs. He gently brushed it over your center and beyond, earning a whine from you at the sensitivity.
“Shh I know, but you quite literally made a mess. And I hate to be that guy, but you’re gonna have to come pee baby” he cooed, earning a groan from you. He stood up, slipping on his pajamas before lifting you up and placing his oversized hoodie over you, flooding your nose with his scent. He suddenly lifted you up into his arms. You felt him walking out the room, placing you down on the toilet making your feet come in contact with the cold tile.
He leaned up against the counter, looking down at you with a big dopey smile as you waited for your center to stop pulsing so you could pee.
“You’re just gonna, stand there and watch me?” You quipped, raising your eyebrow.
“Yeah unfortunately, for you.” He fake sighed. 
A moment of comfortable silence passed before you broke it suddenly with your thoughts.
“Dom that was…I didn’t know I could…that it could feel like that.” You shook your head in disbelief before continuing. “I thought I was like..broken.”
He smiled softly before leaning over to kiss your forehead. “You did great. And you know, I’d like to think I know a few things.” You snorted in response to his cockyness. 
After you had finished and gotten cleaned up, you stumbled your way back to the bedroom with his help, flopping onto the bed.
He brought the covers over you, tucking you in and sliding up behind you to hold your frame to his chest. 
“Y/N…I love you.” He whispered, in a tone that made you understand that he wasn’t just saying that as your best friend.
“I love you too.” You hummed contently.
“I know this is probably a weird time to ask seeing as you actively have a little of me leaking out of you..but…” His voice ran shaky “Would you…and I understand if not I just wanted..for you to be my girlfriend. 
You turned in his arms, eyes searching for any sign of a joke, to no avail. “Deal.” You smirked at him, knowing he understood. 
“Deal.” He kissed you, smiling into the kiss, before you turned back into his arms. His curls tickled your neck as he feathered tender kisses down your neck before he finally settled in the pillow and fell asleep. 
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jksian · 6 months
When the end comes (teaser) | JJK
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You loved him with all your heart, held onto the person you knew will never be yours; but, the only regret you had was, you weren't able to tell him about those feelings.
Pairing: best friends brother JK x reader
Genre: super ANGSTY, fwb, smut, unrequited love, grief au.
W/c: 800 (for teaser)
Rating: 18+
Warning: major character death, one sided love from oc' s side, tattoo artist Jk, multiple sex scenes, age gape (more will be included in the story)
A/n: so..... I thought about writing some emotional heart breaking stuff so you should know it's gonna be SAD, like real sad! Full of angst! And if you're into this kinda thing, let me know if you want to be tagged.
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Thanksgiving came and it was time for celebration. It was the time for eating delicious food, show our gratitude to the universe and spending time with our loved ones.
But, you weren’t particularly enjoying.
Every year, the Jeon’s and your family celebrated most of the occasions together, due to your father and Mr. Jeon being friends apart from your friendship with their daughter. But , this year, one more family joined in. You didn’t mind if it was just another random someone, but it wasn’t someone random.
The food was excellent as always. Mrs. Jeon had always been a great cook. All the food was mouth-watering but still, you found your self concentrating more on the scene unfolding in front of you rather than your food.
Jungkook invited his girlfriend to his house on Thanksgiving. That was the first time you saw the girl, your crush was in love with.
She was beautiful would be an understatement. Long, silky hair which was dyed brown, tall with a sweet personality. Anyone could have said on the first glance at them that, they were made for each other. There were many similarities between them too, like both were studying at the same college, Jungkook being art major and she was in the literature department, both belonged to the same city but never met each other before and the most importantly, both were at the same age.
Where you were four years younger than him, basically same age as his sister.
He probably think of you as his sister. No. Definitely he did.
You were burning with rage when you saw them holding hands. Even though everyone was around them, they didn’t seem to care much. It also seemed like Jungkook’s family liked her so much. They were happy that their son have met someone who made him happy. Both their families were happy about their relationship.
When it was evening, everyone was chattering and laughing inside the house but you were on the balcony, standing alone. You couldn’t help but cry. It was too much for you. You’d been crying for days now, but now that you’ve seen his girlfriend, there was no denying that it was real. Their relationship was real and you didn’t had a chance anymore.
“Moon is watching the moon?” You didn’t noticed when Jungkook came here. You abruptly wiped your tears away from your cheeks. He came closer to you and stand beside you, you took a step away, tried harder to hide your face from him.
When he noticed you hadn’t answered his question, he continued “I picked the right name for you, didn’t I?” he asked again, tried to humor you but you were nowhere near to laugh or even smile at his jokes.
You were standing there silently, not staring at the sky anymore. You lowered your gaze and your head fall downwards, shoulders slumped. He must had sensed that something was wrong with you, that’s why he asked “Hey, are you okay–,”
Before he can finish his sentence, an ugly sob slipped past your mouth, unable to held it back anymore. This time he didn’t held back, he placed his hand on your shoulder and made you look at him. You were insistent on not to face him so he settled with just holding you by your shoulder.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks without any resistance but his hands felt comforting even though he was the one hurting you at that time.
“What happened? Does someone hurt you?” you could sense the concern in his voice, his voice was so soft like he was afraid of hurting you. That made you cry even harder.
“____, please tell me what happened?” This time he was rubbing your arms ups and down, a gesture of comfort. He patiently stood there until calmed down and was ready to talk.
When he saw you finally wiping your tears away, he took a loose strand of your hair a tuck it behind your ear. That little affection felt like someone poke a needle into your heart.
“I like someone.”
You whisper to him , tried your hardest to not burst out crying again. You saw his expression turned into confusion, so you continued “But, He doesn’t like me.”
Again, your eyes were filling with tears. The image of them together encrusted into your mind will always hunt your down for sure.
Jungkook seemed to contemplate on how to respond to you. Then, he asked “How could you know that he doesn’t likes you?”
“Because, he has a girlfriend.”
Jungkook was taken aback by your statement. He looked at you with sympathy in his eyes, like he was sad about the situation you were in.
“I- are you sure? Also, do I know them by any chance?”
You avoided his gaze but nodded to his question. You were afraid that he might know about your secret crush on him. What if, he hates you after knowing that he was the person you likes?
No no, you couldn’t let that happen.
“how old is he?”
“Same age as yours. And, I’m sure that he has a girlfriend. I’ve seen them together the other day. You- you might know him but I don’t know…” You shifted on your feet, fidgeted under his curious gaze. He was staring at you, you felt that even though you were looking at the other direction.
“May I know his nam– ,”
“No.” Before he could ask the question, you dismissed immediately. There’s no way in hell you were gonna tell him that.
After seeing your defensive state, he didn’t push that question onto you anymore.
“Okay. You know, you’re a beautiful girl, right? You’ll find someone better than him in the future who will love you.” His smile was surreal, he was looking at you like you were the only one existed in the world, Eyes so gentle.
He was such a kind person, always helping who was in need, from offering jacket to a random person at a cold night to rescuing you from getting embarrassed in front of thousands of people on your first day of period. Even if you tried to assume that he was being caring only to you, that you’re special to him, you knew it wasn’t true.
You were just a random girl who was happened to be his sister’s friend.
He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to you. Your tears were as stubborn as you were, “If he is my age then, that means he is older than you –,” the realization hit him.
“–___, he didn’t do anything to you, right?” his worrisome expression made you think that why does that matter? His brows were pinched as he searched for your eyes.
“N-no, why are you asking that?”
“You should be careful from people, especially older guys. I’m not saying all the older guys are bad, but you haven’t see much of the world yet, so it might be difficult for you to identify who is good. You also haven’t matured enough–,”
“What do you mean by that!?” you got offended by the those words. Matureness doesn’t comes from age, also why was he acting like a seventy years old grandpa?
He got off guard from the sudden change in your tone. Shifted on his feet, he tried to make you understand his prospective, “I mean, many guys in our college targets younger girls like you to take advantage of, and… I don’t want that to happen to you.”
“W-why?” you wiped your nose with his handkerchief as you asked.
“Who wants something bad happens to the people they care about?” his smile was so genuine, the way he looked at you back then, made you feel things you’d never felt for anyone else.
That night you realized that, maybe, your silly little crush on him wasn’t just a crush. It was more than that. Something that might ruin you in the end but, still let that thing to engulfed you completely.
That night, you found comfort in the person who was the reason behind your heart break.
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I do not allow reposting, copying, or translating my work— ©jksian
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toruro · 1 year
— ✧ oh my!
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pairing: xu minghao x reader
description: choosing to be roommates with vernon chwe would undeniably be one of the few life-changing decisions you made in your lifetime. he brought along support, friendship, and most importantly: a hot friend. — or, in which you’re roommates with vernon and you happen to fall for one of his many chaotic friends.
tags: smut (18+), oral (m receiving), just stupid mutual pining, fluff, seriously self indulgent, mentioned past toxic/controlling relationships
w/c: 13.6k
a/n: REPOSTED. this was my first attempt at a kpop fic ever and my first time writing smut so please bear with how awkwardly written it is. a fic that was supposed to be multiple parts but i couldn't come up with a real plot either so ummm … nevertheless i hope u enjoy!
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Moving in with Vernon is among your top life changing decisions, pretty much ever.
You two met in college, first sharing a calculus class together and occasionally studying together. Your friendship was budding—he was someone you could count on and never had to second guess. Spending more time together, you naturally grew closer, eventually reaching a point that when Vernon mentioned moving out of his shitty studio, you two immediately decided to find a place together.
Fresh out of college, it was the best decision in all ways possible—money was not nearly as big of a burden as before, and it was fun having a friend to talk to whenever you wanted in the vicinity of your own home.
It’s been an enjoyable eight months since you two started renting out this place together, and this evening, you’re in the kitchen cooking some brownies with an old package of brownie mix you found shoved in the back of one of your cupboards. You’re making a bit of a mess, but you can only hope that Vernon doesn’t mind too much—you will clean it, after all.
You’re in the midst of pondering about how long it’ll take you to clean up the little (big) splatter of flour you dropped on the ground when there’s a buzzing that comes from your phone. You huff, looking down at your fingers that are coated in oil and brownie batter. Setting down the bowl you were mixing, you then go to wash your hands as the buzzing dies out. After wiping down any moisture left on your skin, you pick up the phone to see a missed call from Vernon.
Did he forget something? you wonder, pressing the call back button and holding your phone up to your ear. You hear him pick up the line almost immediately, curious to know why he called you. “Hey,” you say casually when you know he can hear you. “Everything good?”
There are a few voices in the background that you hear, and you recall how he told you this morning he’d be hanging out with his friends. “Yeah, yeah, everything’s great. Look, I was wondering if it would be okay with you if my friends came over to our place? I would’ve asked earlier but I didn’t think we would be hanging out more and…well you get it,” Vernon sighs.
Your lips make a little ‘o’ shape, nodding to yourself as if Vernon could see you right now. “Yeah of course they can come over!” you tell him.
“Are you sure?” he clarifies, and you smile at the sincerity. “It’s just—I mean like they’re probably going to stay a while?” It comes out as a question and you laugh. “Don’t laugh at me,” Vernon grumbles, “I’m just making sure because they’re probably going to stay late in the night and there’s a lot of them.”
“Yes Vernon, I know there’s a lot of them—twelve to be exact,” you retort. “Yes, I’m okay with it, it’s not like I do anything these days anyways. I’ll be fine,” you tell him honestly.
“Okay, thank you so much,” he replies, relieved. “We’ll be there in like ten minutes.”
“Ten?!” you shrieked, quickly taking in the giant mess you made around you, baffled when you think about how you’re going to clean this up.
“Yes, sorry,” Vernon murmurs. “These guys change their minds so much and—ugh—you get it. We’re already close to the apartment complex so we’re just going to come up. Is there a problem?”
You hum, looking around you. “I might’ve made a bit of a mess in the kitchen, but…but I’ll figure it out.”
Vernon laughs. “I doubt they’ll care—most of them are dogs.” You giggle at the muffled protests heard in the background before he continues. “Anyways, thank you, I owe you one. See you in five.”
Your phone beeps when he hangs up and you stand by yourself in the middle of the kitchen. “Five?” you whisper to yourself, “Fuck! He said ten! But now five? Fuck!”
You whip your head around to look at the kitchen, grimacing as you’re dawned with the realization that there is no way you’re going to clean this up before they come. It takes you around 5 seconds to debate your options, finally deciding to just give up on trying to clean up and focus on finishing the batter and getting the pan in the oven.
You set your phone back down on the counter, picking up the batter bowl and giving it a few more stirs to rid it of any clumps before spreading it all out on a pan. It takes you a few moments to find the mittens and stick it in the preheated oven, a wave of relief washing over you when you’re done.
That’s one thing out of the way…I guess , you think to yourself, letting your hair down from the tight up-do you had it in earlier. Looking down at your black t-shirt and yoga pants, you take a few moments to try and dust off whatever flour rubbed off on the cloth. Of course, many stains still remain, but you figured this was better than nothing.
You’re about to grab a broom to clean up the floor when you hear a knock at the door. Sighing in defeat, you wash your hands once before heading to the door. You’re placing your hand on the door knob before you hear some clicking, hesitating to open once you realize it’s Vernon on the other end unlocking it himself. You step back from the doorway as the door is pushed slightly ajar, allowing you to poke your head through the small gap.
You’re met with the sight of multiple guys crowding around the door, a slightly frantic and honestly exhausted-looking Vernon leading the group. “Hey,” he greets as you step back once more, pulling the door open fully.
“That was less than five minutes!” you exclaim, trying your best to ignore the gazes of the unfamiliar faces behind Vernon. You’ve seen pictures of them before on Vernon’s social media and stuff but you don’t really know them at all—you’re only aware of bits and pieces from the stories he tells you occasionally.
“I’m sorry!” he puts his hands up in surrender, stepping through the doorway as you back into the kitchen that remained in the chaotic state you left it in.
“I didn’t have time to clean!” you whine, frantically waving your hand at the kitchen, allowing Vernon to take in the scene.
“Hey, hey, hey,” a new voice pops in and you see a hand snake it’s way around Vernon’s shoulders. A man with blonde hair and a chiseled face looks at you sympathetically. “It’s not Vernon’s fault,” he tells you calmly. “You can blame it on us for changing plans quickly. Don’t worry, Vernon feels bad about it, he told us.”
You sigh, a small pout making its way onto your face. “Fine,” you huff as the rest of the boys fill the large room that contains the kitchen and living room. You aren’t sure what to do now, watching them all shuffle around, taking off their shoes and attempting (key word: attempting ) to organize them in front of the doorway. You hadn’t really thought this far ahead—should you go to your room now? Would it be awkward to just hang around here while they’re in the living room (your kitchen and living room are basically one large room, so there’s no real way to avoid them)?
You’re glad Vernon picks up on your uncertainty. He turns to his friends, speaking up and saying your name, which catches you by surprise. “My roommate,” he clarifies, as they all look at you. You smile awkwardly, giving a small wave before averting your gaze. Vernon then turns around, pointing at the couch across the room, “Now can one of you set up the Mario Kart?”
The rest of the boys nod, beginning to break out into small conversations by themselves as they all make their way to lounge in the connected room, finally giving you a bit of space to breathe (not that they were making you uncomfortable or anything—you’re just a little shy).
“I’m sorry again,” Vernon tells you, and you can hear the genuinity in his voice. “What were you making, by the way?” he asks curiously, peering over at the mess.
“It’s okay! And I was making brownies—I found some old box mixes in the back of the cupboard and I figured I should make them before they expire,” you explain, looking over at his friends who have now settled in the living room comfortably. “Do your friends want some? I’ve made a big enough batch for everyone, I’m sure,” you tell him.
“Are you sure?”
“Vernon can you stop asking me if I’m sure,” you complain loudly, running a hand over your face. You hear a snicker come from the other side of a room, catching sight of one of Vernon’s friends seated on ground, a playful smirk on his face upon hearing your conversation. You feel your ears burn, quickly turning back to Vernon. “Yes, I just made them for fun. It’s better to share with them than have us eat all of it,” you chuckle, picking up a dustpan from the corner of the kitchen to begin cleaning up.
“Okay fine,” Vernon murmurs. “Thank you a lot,” he concludes, finally turning and joining friends on the couch. You begin your work to clean up the flour you dropped on the ground, getting lost in your own little world after slipping in your airpods, tuning out the noises of rowdy men and Mario Kart sound effects.
You’re practically done with cleaning the kitchen when you hear your timer go off, nearly skipping to the oven to turn it off and pull out the pan of brownies you’ve been putting so much effort into. The aroma floats through the room, and you catch the glances of a few of Vernon’s friends who peek over, trying to get a look at whatever you’ve come up with.
You smile to yourself, placing the pan on the counter before pulling out a knife to make nice, even pieces. It takes you a few moments, but once you’re done, you look down at them happily. Slipping on your mittens, you carry the tray over to the living room, a small, upwards curve pulling at your lips.
The boy you remember from earlier—the one who laughed at your reaction to Vernon—notices you first, and you can’t help but wonder how you didn;t recognize him from any pictures because holy hell he’s pretty. His eyes are looking at you through heavy eyelashes and there’s a coy smile tugging at his lips—he’s charming .
It takes you a good five seconds to realize you’re staring at him and another five to realize he’s caught you in the act. You whip your head away, looking at the rest of the boys, some of which who are intently focused on the game on the screen, others of which who are indifferent.
“Um, I made some brownies, if you guys want,” you tell them all, clearing your throat. “They’re fresh, so they’re a little hot, but you can wait for them to cool down.” You set down the pan on the table as the rest of them quiet down, some immediately spewing out words of gratitude.
“Aren’t you going to have any?” one of them asks, and you recognize him as the tallest. Mingyu? You recall some stories about him.
You shrug. “I kind of just made it because we had the boxes left…I think it’d be better if you guys shared it.”
Another boy with glasses sitting on the armchair speaks up. “You can eat it with us—our way of saying thanks,” he encourages. You throw out a close lipped smile, glancing at Vernon as if to ask if this was all just a show of politeness or an actual offer. He offers the slightest nod, and your once tight smile is let loose. You nod your head cheerfully, looking around you to find a spot to sit.
Noticing your confusion, the boy with the blonde hair and sharp face from earlier points to your right. “Sit next to Minghao, I’m sure there’s room there.”
You look down, met with the gaze of him , trying your best to hide your twinge of excitement as you silently shuffle over and sit down at the edge of the rug. Minghao . You like that name, you say to yourself in your head before shaking your head lightly—what are you thinking? You can’t be crushing on a guy you just laid your eyes on!
Inhaling sharply, you turn your head to the screen, grateful to see everyone else’s attention has also averted to the heated one-on-one match between the glasses guy from earlier (you now have learned his name is Wonwoo) and Mingyu.
They’re a loud bunch, but you can’t find it in you to mind—watching them all get along so well, so freely, is liberating in itself. You feel relaxed in a way you didn’t know you could be.
As content as you feel right now though, there’s an anxious thought buzzing at the back of your mind, and no matter how desperately you try to push it back, it keeps crawling its way up, especially when you feel your thigh brush Minghao’s .
Stop it , you chide yourself. Stop it! A little more harshly. Stop thinking about him!
“Hey…” the first time he says it, the words don’t quite reach your ears. “Hey,” he says again, nudging your thigh with his knee, increasing the minimal physical contact you two already had. You’re snapping out of your daze in an instant, whipping your head up to look at him . “You good?” he asks, and while you can tell he’s being sincere, there’s an almost playful smirk gracing his lips.
“Huh…oh, yeah,” you murmur, bashful that he caught you lost in your own head, thinking about him. “Just zoned out for a second,” you explain with an awkward laugh, pulling your legs into your chest and resting your chin on your knees.
“I could tell,” Minghao replies, and you can’t help but gaze at how cool he is as he reaches toward the coffee table, cutting himself a piece of the brownie. You watch him carefully as he takes a bite—you’re honestly just admiring his face, but you think you can brush off your shameless ogling as looking to see if he likes the brownie. He catches you staring, and you’re unsure of what he thinks of it, opening his mouth to talk again once he’s swallowed it. “It’s good,” he tells you, and you smile.
“I’m glad…it would have been kind of embarrassing if it wasn’t.”
“Don’t worry—chocolate isn’t even really my thing but I like it,” Minghao compliments, and you can’t tell if he’s being genuine or faux out of sincerity. Your grin brightens nevertheless as you sink back into the front of the sofa behind you, averting your gaze to the screen once again.
You’re feeling a little shy, of course, and the silence that now sits between you and Minghao isn’t uncomfortable or awkward, rather it’s…heart-warming. Your smile doesn’t leave your face as the room is full of cries and laughter and taunts as the results of the first round are revealed.
You sit in an amused silence, watching them for around another twenty minutes and even getting to play once (albeit your minimal effort—Mario Kart always gives you a headache anyways), before quietly standing up as the boys are cheering over Wonwoo winning yet another match. Minghao looks at you as you raise yourself above him, and your stomach churns at the way he raised a brow.
“Leaving already?”
You shrug casually. “I think it’s about time I get to doing my own stuff,” you explain, throwing out a small smile before retreating to your room before Minghao—or anyone else—can notice or say anything. You’re grateful Minghao didn’t make a scene about you leaving—it’s not that you don’t like the boys (far from it), but you’ve been tired the whole day and were looking forward to a nice nap.
Settling into your bed after shutting your blinds, you pull the covers up to your chin shooting a quick text to Vernon to make sure he wakes you up for dinner if you didn’t wake yourself up in time. You shut your eyes tight, doing your best to ignore the tight feeling that settles at the bottom of your stomach.
The second you identify the feeling, you squeeze your eyes closed tighter. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Your words don’t aid you, of course, because all you’re thinking about his stupid fucking Minghao and his stupidly hot face and his stupidly cute smirk and the stupidly handsome way he looks at you and— oh my god you need to turn your brain off right now.
You settle on not breathing, trying to pretend you’re dead, in hopes it’ll lull you to sleep. Of course, the effect is the opposite of your intentions—the lack of oxygen only reminds you of the way Minghao took your breath away when you first noticed him.
You huff to yourself, rolling your body over so your face is pressed into the pillow as you quietly curse to yourself. “God, I’m so fucked,” you whine, childishly pounding your fists against the plush of your mattress.
You’re being immature, you know you are—like a child throwing a tantrum—but who can blame you? He’s just so pretty and that smile of his is so endearing and you can’t help but find yourself so falling for him.
It’s a miracle that you fall asleep at all, let alone so quickly. You figure the exhaustion from the past week has finally caught up to you, even with the onslaught of attraction that came your way after seeing Minghao.
When you wake up, it’s much darker. The sun hasn’t fully set yet, but the sky is painted a deep red which is bound to morph to purple within a few more moments before finally sinking into nighttime. You glance around and you realize that the only thing besides the outside light that’s illuminating your room is your bed lamp that you forgot to turn off.
You rub your eyes a few times, still in a bit of a groggy, drowsy daze, before remembering what woke you up in the first place—the knock on your door. “Hello?” you croak out, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth at the mangles sound that leaves your mouth. It’s quiet for a moment and you’re able to identify the faint voices in the rest of the apartment as Vernon’s friends.
Your mind is suddenly racing through the possibility of who could’ve knocked on your door and— oh my god! What if it’s Minghao?! What if he heard y—
You hear your name being called out softly and your speeding train of thought falters. It’s Vernon. Thank fucking god. “You up?” he says through the door and you pull the covers off of you to meet him at the door. Poking your head through the crack as you open it slightly, you squint immediately at the intrusion of light to your unadjusted eyes.
“Good morning,” you joke, stepping back to let him in. “Thanks for waking me up…jeez, I was knocked out,” you murmur to yourself, rubbing a hand over your face as you walk to your dresser to find yourself a comb. “What time is it?”
“It’s like six…the guys were worried that they were being too loud when I told them you were sleeping,” Vernon muses, pulling up his phone to scroll through something. “But I was like nah she sleeps through everything—and I was right,” he says with a laugh as you roll your eyes, trying to make yourself more presentable as you pull your hair back into a low do.
“Whatever…did you guys have fun? I’m assuming so since they’re still here…”
“Yeah, we’re ordering dinner right now. I told you they were gonna stay for a while. That’s why I woke you up too: I was gonna ask if there was anything specific you wanted—if you wanna eat with us of course,” he explains, holding up his phone to display the food delivery app he had opened earlier.
“Would that be okay? If I had dinner with you all?”
“Yeah of course, no one would mind,” Vernon assures you as you look at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair, narrowing your eyes at your roommate.
“You sure?”
“Okay now you need to stop asking me if I’m sure,” Vernon huffs with a roll of his eyes followed by your laughter.
“Okay okay, fine,” you reply. “Give me like two minutes I’ll come out and we can decide something with everyone,” you say, ushering Vernon out. He puts his hands up in surrender, turning around to join his friends in the other room. After he leaves, you debate with yourself whether or not you should change or join the rest with your pajama pants and loose fit t-shirt.
Overcome with the still lingering drowsiness from your nap, you choose comfort, and decide to just throw on a loose cardigan over whatever you’re wearing now before stepping out of the room. A yawn escapes your lips as you enter the living room, catching sight of all the boys lounging around—some are seated on top of the kitchen island, legs hanging over the edge, while others are laying down on the couch with their feet kicked up, the rest with their legs folded on the ground.
You try not to stare at Minghao too much when he enters your line of vision, but the task is becoming impossibly harder the longer you look: he’s laid back on the couch, feet resting on a blonde boy—Jun, you think is his name’s—lap, and you don’t miss the way his arms are crossed behind the back of his head, shirt lifting up just enough to reveal a little bit of the skin that dons his torso.
You begrudgingly peel your eyes away from the marvelous sight when you hear someone call your name, heads turning to you once they realize you’ve finally joined them.
“About time,” the boy with sharp features from earlier—Jeonghan—says as a greeting, waving you over as he stands next to Vernon. “Come on, help us decide what to order.”
“D’you sleep well?” another asks, and you turn your head to see who’s speaking as you approach Jeonghan. You recognize the boy now as Seungkwan, and you smile while nodding. “I swear me and Chan thought you were dead!” he exclaims jokingly as you furrow your eyebrows.
The boy next to him shoots Seungkwan a death stare before speaking up, much to your amusement. “What Seungkwan means is,” Chan begins with a huff, “we were playing a game and Mingyu lost and he yelled and we were scared we woke you up but nothing happened!”
“I told you, she sleeps through everything,” you hear Vernon mumble from behind you, not missing the joking look that’s toying with his face. You roll your eyes and hit his shoulder, loud enough for everyone to hear and cause them to laugh, smiling internally at the reaction you were able to elicit.
“That’s not true!” you whine, looking over his shoulder to see what restaurants they were choosing from.
“Joking, joking,” Vernon mumbles, turning his phone so you could see better. “We’re choosing between Mexican and Thai. You can choose which, since we’re all pretty evenly split.”
You hum for a second, thinking about which you’re craving more, finally settling on, “Thai!”
There are some cheers that erupt behind you, and your face heats up right away when you turn around to see some of them (Minghao in particular) with cheerful smiles and fists of victory in the air. “Thai it is!” Vernon announces. “Tell me what you guys want,” he says before looking at you. “The usual?” you nod with a grin, backing away as he places the order while the others call out the array of dishes you want, making your way to the seating area to sit down by one of the sofas (totally not because that’s where Minghao was sitting).
As you settle down onto the ground, Minghao speaks up. “Do you want to sit here?” he asks, sitting up from his horizontal position, pulling his legs back to make space between him and Jun on the couch. Your eyes shoot up, darting between Minghao’s deep brown eyes and the space on the couch.
“Are you sure? You can lay down if you w—”
“Nonsense,” Jun says with a chuckle, and you can’t even comprehend what’s going on until you feel Minghao’s cool fingers wrap around your wrist, tugging you up slightly as a direct invitation to take up the spot next to him. God his skin is so soft and his touch is demanding yet so gentle and it’s just enough to get the butterflies that you thought died off to be resurrected once more. “Our way of thanks for choosing Thai,” Jun tells you.
“Yeah,” Minghao agrees, and you try your best to focus on what he’s saying even if it’s impossibly hard with the way his body is pressed up right against you. He leans back as if to stretch his body, arms reaching back behind the couch and settling in the space behind you,
God, you feel like you could die on the spot—it’s not like he’s got an arm wrapped around you or anything so why does this feel so intimate? You can only hope and pray that he doesn’t feel the immense heat radiating off of you as you adjust yourself to sit more comfortably on the couch. In hopes to diffuse the tension that you’re kind of sure you’re the only one feeling, you speak up. “Do you guys want to watch something? A show? A movie?” you suggest reaching forward to pick up the TV remote from the coffee table.
“I’m down,” Wonwoo says with a shrug.
“Oh yeah!” Seungcheol speaks up, “I’ve been wanting to rewatch Batman for a while!”
“Batman then?” you, looking around at everyone as you click the remote to pull it up after you see the nods of their heads. You put on the movie, sinking back into the couch as you do your best to focus on the screen in front of you, and not the faint touch of Minghao’s arm to the back of your neck.
You’re successful for a bit, thankfully, but your peace of mind hardly lasts when the food comes in and everyone settles on the ground to eat—your and Vernon’s rule that there’s no eating curry on the couch. You, Minghao, and Jun slip from your spots on the couch and sit on the ground where your feet lay just a few moments ago, and suddenly you’re hyper aware of the little space you three are squished up against.
It’s a miracle, you think, if Minghao doesn’t notice the way your skin burns against his as his thigh is pressing right up against yours. This touch is different from the one in the afternoon—that one was…light…innocent. This one…this one’s different—it has you burning and yet shivers run down your spine. If you were a little bit more in your senses, maybe—just maybe—you would notice the tight lipped smile that tugs at Minghao’s li ps as well.
Oh my! Now the crush begins.
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That night, after the movie, the food, and some beer, the twelve boys shuffle out of the house at around eleven, murmuring soft and tired “thank yous” and “goodbyes.” You can’t deny that you’ve been…a little stiff the entire evening. Sitting next to Minghao for a good 2 hours wore you out—it was a constant battle between your moral consciousness and your…budding feelings.
Stop looking at him! You’d say one moment, but then, god—oh my god his hands! No! Stop! He’s so close to me —stop acting like you’re in middle school! But his smile is just so pretty, god he lights up the room , but wait, stop being so cliche!
Naturally, you're convinced you’ve gone insane. Once the boys left, you and Vernon are left in the comfort of each other’s silence before beginning to make small conversation as you guys begin to clean up (the others honestly didn’t leave that much of a mess, you were just a bit of a clean freak).
“Your friends are fun,” you tell him quietly as you throw out the food containers that you finished earlier.  Vernon looks up at you with a small smile, and you can tell that he’s been anxious about you not enjoying your time.
“That’s good, I’m glad.”
“Why haven’t you brought them over before?” you ask curiously, pondering about how there might have been a chance you could have laid your eyes on Minghao ages earlier. “Aren’t they like your best friends?”
Vernon shrugs. “Well yeah, they are, but there’s a lot of them, like you saw. I didn’t know if you’d be okay with that, today just happened to be a day where it was hard for me to say no to them.” You laugh heartily at that—the image of Vernon being persuaded by twelve guys looking at him with puppy eyes. “I really am glad you liked them though. If it’s okay I’d like to have them over more,” he puts out tentatively.
Of course, you perk up at that—maybe a little too noticeably. “I’d love that!” you say excitedly, before shrinking back down at how eager you sound. “I mean like, of course I won’t barge on your time with them but they’re really fun to be around and I’d like to see them more often,” you explain, placing your hands on the counter now that you’re done cleaning all the dishes. Vernon seems to catch onto something and you want to die from embarrassment with the way he’s raising a brow at you.
But if he does notice anything, he doesn’t say it, instead choosing to shrug again and trudge away from the kitchen. “That’s great. Can I have them over next Saturday?”
You blink once then blink twice. “Of course,” you reply without a second of hesitation.
Saturday can't come soon enough. With your own work to do, you find your mind drifting constantly to the face of a pretty man who you can't seem to stop thinking about. You need to scold yourself every single time you realize you're daydreaming—god no, more like fantasizing—about a man who you've not only seen only once, but is one of your roommate's best friends.
Daunting as it is, you're finding this whole situation quite...fun. You can't remember the last time you've felt something so pure and rejuvenating as this crush—gosh, you feel childish for calling it that but what else can it be? Your heart palpates when you think about him, your eyes ache to see his beautiful face again, and holy hell you don't even want to get started on the raw goosebumps you get when reimagining the moment where his skin brushed up against yours.
It's Friday night now, and your stomach swims with anticipation of what tomorrow will hold. You're sitting on the couch in your living room when Vernon comes home from the gym, dropping a bag of food on the kitchen counter. "Hey, I was at the gym with Mingyu and he got me some leftovers that his mom made," he tells you as you look up at him.
"Oh sweet," you say, relieved you won't have to go through the effort of figuring out what to make for dinner. "Your friends are coming over tomorrow, right?" you ask, feigning nonchalance—fucking acting like tomorrow hasn't been the only thing on your mind for the past one week.
"Yeah, they're gonna come up pretty early actually. I was gonna ask you actually, if you wanted to come with us since we're planning on going to the beach later. It's gonna be pretty hot and we haven't gone down in a while," he explains, beginning to open the bag of food as you get up and join him, trying to ignore the endless thoughts that run through your mind.
"The beach? Of course I'd want to come—wait, would that be okay with them? I wouldn't wanna intrude in on your day."
Vernon shakes his head with a chuckle. "Oh my god can you stop?" he says jokingly, "they were the one's who suggested, actually. Not that I don't want you to come either—I do—I just want you to know that they enjoyed you being there last week just as much as you did."
"Really? Who suggested it?" You hope you aren't coming off as too curious—Vernon is perceptive, and you'd be a fool to think he couldn't figure out exactly why you're so insistent on figuring out who asked for you to be there.
He seems preoccupied though, taking the food out of the containers, much to your relief. "Uhh, it was Minghao I think. But like everyone agreed after that, Jeonghan even said he'd pay for your ice cream if you came."
You're convinced the universe is bullshitting you right now. Minghao? Your Minghao? Asked if you could join them? At the beach?
You might just pass out.
Naturally, Vernon looks at you funny. "Are you good? You look like you've just seen a ghost."
You shake your head nervously with a smile, turning back to grab a piece of fried chicken he pulled out. "No no, I was just thinking about if I even have any swim suits—I think I threw them out last summer because of Jungho," you murmur, and while it's not the full truth about what you were just thinking about, it is something that's on your mind. Vernon looks at you with a frown.
"You threw them out because of Jungho?" he asks sadly. "Fucking hell, I forgot how crazy he was," he murmurs, looking down to take his own bite of the food. You shrug solemnly, finding yourself in a mood a bit more down than you'd like.
"Weird times," you reply simply. "Think I could just go to the beach in like some shorts and a shirt? It's just water after all."
"Yeah that should be fine. We'd be leaving before noon so I don't think you'd have the time to buy new ones anyways," Vernon agrees, pushing himself off the counter.
You nod with a smile, ignoring the small pang of sadness you felt just moments ago. "Sounds good."
You're a heavy sleeper—you always have been—and given that it's a Saturday, it's no question that you're bound to sleep until Vernon is banging your door to make sure you aren't dead. Seriously. Saturday morning, despite your excitement, kicks off with a groggy start. You're rolling around in bed, ming hazy as you aimlessly try and figure out what time it is and what exactly woke you up since you know you don't set alarms for weekends. It takes a few seconds for the knocking on your door to register in your brain.
You blink once and rub your eyes, squinting so that they can adjust to the light as you peer at the clock, realizing that—shit, oh shit, it's almost 11. Didn't Vernon say that his friends were going to be here in the morning?! And that they were gonna leave before noon?! Shit!
You're scrambling out of bed, digging through your drawer as you call out a meek, "I'n up!" to whoever's knocking on your door, throwing on the only swim suit that you—thankfully—found tucked away in your closet the night before, covering it up with some shorts and a loose top that you picked earlier as well. You're quickly faced with realization that you still look like you just rolled out of bed which, to be fair, you had. That doesn't stop you from frantically brushing through your hair, trying to put it into a simple braid before finally feeling ready to open the door.
You're expecting to see Vernon, in all honesty, since that's how it went the last time they were all over. The man standing in front of your door is, in fact, definitely not Vernon. No, the man in front of your door is Xu fucking Minghao, and you think you're absolutely fucked by the way your knees go week.
"Hi, sorry, I hope I didn't rush you," he greets politely, stepping back, allowing you to take a good look at him. He's wearing a white sleeveless shirt that hugs hugs his body tightly, followed by a blue hawaiian shirt that sits loosely on his upper half. His lower half is adorned by simple swim trunks, and you do your very, very best to not stare at his calf muscles.
"I, uh..." your voice trails off, in a haze from how attractive he is as well from your fading drowsiness. You rub your eyes once under your glasses before responding. "It's okay, I don't know why I didn't get up earlier," you huff to yourself, looking down, "I thought I would."
"Don't worry about it," Minghao murmurs, and he brings a hand up to your head on top of your hair to ruffle it a bit. You might just scream. "It's good that you slept," he continues, walking back to the living room as you follow him. "We thought you'd wake up from how loud we were," he says with a chuckle as you enter the room with everyone else in it as they turn to you.
"Yeah," Seokmin agrees through a mouth full of muffin, Joshua lightly hitting his shoulder and chiding him for talking with his mouth full.
"She's awake!" Jeonghan cheers playfully.
"i know Vernon said you'd sleep through anything," Chan begins to admit, "but literally do not understand how you didn't wake up until now. I swear, there was a moment where Soonyoung was just screaming at the top of his lungs and we were all wondering if that was gonna get you to come out but Vernon didn't even bother to check."
Your face burns at the comment, but there's a warm sort of feeling that bubbles up in you when they all laugh—it's not a mean laugh, no, it's friendly and it's kind, and it's making you feel welcome.
"You guys just don't listen to me," Vernon huffs, tossing you an orange from the kitchen. "We're going to head out in like five minutes," he tells you. "We need to figure out the car situation because I think Wont's car and Joshua's can only five each and mine can hold four."
The next few minutes are spent trying to figure out who's going to go in which car, everyone deciding that Seungcheol, Seokmin, Chan, and Jun would be going in Wonwoo's, Jeonghan, Jihoon, Soonyoung, and Minghao would be going in Joshua's, and Mingyu, Seungkwan, and you would be going in Vernon's. You won't and say that you aren't a teensy bit disappointed that you don't get to sit with Minghao, but the beach is only a twenty minute's drive away anyways, and you feel this is also a chance to get to know Vernon's other friends better too.
The car ride is fun, and you enjoy Seungkwan's cheeky remarks to everything, laughing along to pretty much everything he says, as well as Mingyu's oddly calm hyperness...? You aren't sure how to explain it but there's a constantly endearing and jumpy aura radiating from the tall boy, yet he seems quite tame for the most part. Nevertheless, you're entertained and excited to spend more time with them as Vernon parks the car on the beach, pulling out his phone so he can figure out where the other's are.
"Ah" you murmur, as the fourteen of you are grouped up finally, making your way into the hot sand and towards the water. "This is like the perfect weather for the beach," you say, wiggling out of your slippers so you can walk on the sand with your bare feet. Seungkwan is standing next to you as you both trail behind the rest of the crowd a little, the both of you immersed in the warm feeling of sand between your toes.
"I love the beach," he says, throwing his head back to look up at the bright side. "I'm from a beach town, so when I found out that the beach—and all my friends—were here, I just had to move here too, you know?"
"The beach is nice, but I won't lie, it always makes me so exhausted after I spend a day out here," you admit, dragging your feet across the sand, basking in the hot feeling it brings. "Who knows, I'll probably go home and sleep so hard tonight that even Vernon might think I'm dead," you joke, causing Seungkwan to chuckle.
You two continue to talk about the beach and Seungkwan's home town as your group nears the water, everyone beginning to set up their towels and the picnic blankets you bought. Everyone helps out, and before you know it, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Seokmin, and Seungkwan are ripping off their shirts and running towards the water. You watch them with amusement, standing up to shimmy out of your shorts and shirt.
Vernon looks at you, speaking, "You were able to get a swim suit?" he asks, confused considering your conversation with him last night. You smile somewhat sadly, and Minghao, sitting next to Vernon, can't help but notice.
"Uh, not really," you mumble, looking down at your black bikini. "I think Jungho just never knew about this one so I didn't get rid of it, and it was just shoved in the back of my closet or something. Anyways, I'm burning and I really want to get into the water," you conclude, turning around without giving Vernon a chance to respond.
As you run off into the water, Minghao turns and looks at Vernon him. "Who's Jungho?" he asks, shameless about his curiosity.
Vernon frowns as soon as he hears the name, and Minghao wonders just what kind of person this Jungho guy might be. "Just some ex. A really shitty one," Vernon murmurs, looking out at the sun. Minghao feels something uneasy churn inside of him. He gives Vernon that look, which tells him he wants to know more. "Like he just sucked. Didn't treat her right and shit. I didn't like him at all. None of her friends did. He tried to get her to throw out all of her swim suits and stuff because he didn't trust her at the beach or some bullshit like that."
"Goddamn," Minghao hisses, leaning back on his hands as he watches you play in the water. You looked like you were having so much fun—you were so at ease. He wants to chide himself for looking at the way your skin glistens in the sun, your bikini hugging your body in all the right places and in all the right ways. He knows he shouldn't be thinking about you like this, especially when he's only just met you a week ago, but that isn't to say he hasn't missed your quick glances. The way your eyes dart towards him, his body, his eyes, his lips, and quickly jump away when you realize he's caught you.
You feel the same way, he's sure of it. Minghao knows you feel the same tingles, the same sparks, the same rush of pure happiness when you see each other.
His thoughts are interrupted by Joshua speaking. "He made her throw out her swim suits?" he exclaims incredulously. "Insecure much," he mutters under his breath, and Minghao laughs along with that. "Good thing he's just her ex now—that sounds horrendous."
"Agreed," Minghao replies while Vernon nods, standing up to pull off his hawaiian shirt and top. "I'm gonna go into the water," he tells the rest of his friends before jogging lightly, following in your faint footsteps.
You're feet hit the water, and you stop in your tracks as you take a few moments to get used to the temperature change. You're looking up to see Seungkwan and Jeonghan waving you over to around twenty feet further into the water, but you call out to them to tell them to wait a second as you just melt in the feeling of the water against your toes. You stand there for a few moments before you hear a familiar voice coming up from behind you.
Oh. My. God.
You don't even want to turn around because you're scared of your reaction to seeing him shirtless—god, you aren't even sure if you'll be able to contain yourself! You think if you pass out, you'll just have to blame it on the heat, but still, how are you going to be—
"Hey," Minghao says cooly, stepping next to you in the water and holy crap, he's toned and he's practically glowing in the sunlight, the shadows hugging every peak and curve of his chest, his arms, his hands, his collarbone, his v-line—oh my god you need to stop. Practically ripping your eyes away from the wondrous view that is Minghao's body, you're forcing yourself to look up at his eyes (not that it's any less of a view—his eyes sparkle just as much as he does).
"H-hi." Did you just stutter? No fucking way you just stuttered. You think you might have to drown yourself right now. "I thought you were going to stay around with the others a bit longer," you say sheepishly. Minghao smirks at you, and he thinks now is his chance to try and fluster you up a bit more.
"Well I can't just let a pretty girl go into the ocean by herself, now can I?" he replies smoothly, taking a few steps in front of and waving you to follow him, and you would only if you hadn't just stopped breathing. How could he say that so casually!? How could he—wait. Wait! He just called you a pretty girl. He thinks you're pretty. Xu fucking Minghao finds you pretty, and he's saying it to your fucking face. You actually might die right now.
You can't even formulate a response, just tearing your gaze away from him and smiling shamelessly at the ground as you follow behind him slowly. Mission accomplished, Minghao thinks to himself, and something inside of him goes batshit crazy by seeing you so smiley and undone.
"W-whatever," you finally say as the water near to your hips as you two start nearing the others guys who are currently splashing each other with water. Minghao watches them, and get an idea, playfully splashing some water your way. You jump back quickly, eyes widening before you gasp. "You did not!" You quickly splash water back, but Minghao seems to see it coming and he moves out of the way. "Get back here!" you yell, running after him as he nears Mingyu, hiding behind the larger boy. With your eyebrows, you pay no mind to this, continuing to splash water everywhere, hoping that at least some of it will get on Minghao.
Mingyu puts his hands up, eyes scrunched up as he tries to block the water that's inevitably going his way. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Not me! Not me!" he cries out as the others laigh.
"Get Minghao!" you call out to the other boys who catch on quickly, joining you on your rampage against Minghao. Eventually there's just so much water splashing everywhere that within minutes you're all spent, gasping for air as you all try to rub the water away from your eyes. Once your vision is no longer blurry, you blink hard a few last times before turning your vision towards Minghao again and holy hell, you didn't think he could look any hotter than he did sitting in the sun but wow. His hair is wet and hanging low on his forehead but it's so messy and so hot and all you can think about is running your fingers through those locks yourself and making a mess in your own little way and—okay stop, you can't be thinking about this, especially not in public.
It takes a moment for you to fully calm yourself down before you're laughing with the other guys as they start to play a new game. You try to ignore the butterflies you get whenever you near Minghao, but it's a painfully hard task. You grow to accept the feeling as the minutes go on, simply existing alongside the bubbly feeling instead of pushing it down.
The next hour is spent in and out of the water, everyone else eventually joining those of you in the water, and you find that time is passing faster than you can even think. Time with them is fun, it's carefree, it's liberating, it's refreshing. Once you're all too tired and too spent, you're trudging back to the little spot you all have set up as everyone begins to pull out the food they packed. As you snack on your lunch, the fourteen of you sit in a circle and talk about the plans for the rest of the day.
"Let's play beach volleyball," Wonwoo suggests after everyone's finished eating, and it's no doubt that everyone else pretty much agrees immediately.
"Yeah, I saw a court in that direction, and I'm sure we'd be able to find a ball," Jihoon adds on as everyone stands up.
"I think i'll stay behind," you tell them all, leaning back on your hand as you fan your face with the other. "I'm kind of tired and I think I just need to sit down for a bit," you explain.
"That's okay, but you sure you won't be lonely," Vernon clarifies as he stands up.
You shake your head, but right before you're going to respond, Minghao speaks up. "Don't worry about her, I'll stay behind too." God, someone save you—your poor heart can't take much more of this.
"Oh okay, great!" Joshua says happily, the others standing up as well to go follow Jihoon to the volleyball court. "Catch you later!" You and Minghao wave at the rest as the drift off into the distance before being left in the silence that sits between you.
Minghao speaks first. "It's nice that you came, it's refreshing to have someone new, especially if they're like you."
You raise a brow at him, turning your body so that you're completely facing him, legs crossed as you lean forward. "Like me? What does that mean?"
Minghao gives you a sly smile, like he was expecting this. "Fun. Easy-going." He pauses. "Pretty."
"Is this your way of flirting or do you just enjoy being very direct about what you're thinking."
He laughs at that, throwing his head back. "Nice one. Those two are actually the same thing for me, so take that as you see it," he says with a shrug. You're face is on fire, and you're sure he can tell by now. Minghao catches on and he leans forward. "Is it working?"
"Maybe it is," you murmur nonchalantly.
"I think it definitely is," he shoots back with yet another smirk. God, you can't do this anymore. He's just so close to you and you don't know if it's because it's hot or if you're flustered or whatever but you're burning and not thinking straight and before you know it you're leaning in so close that you can feel Minghao's soft breath on your lips, stopping right before you two can connect.
It's the silent words now: kiss me, kiss me Minghao, and you almost think that this is true love when he leans in immediately after, heeding your silent requests.
Minghao's lips are plump and soft and taste slightly salty from the remains of the ocean water, in contrast to the sweet way he's got one hand cupping your chin. His thumb strokes at your skin and the touch is so light that you think you might go insane, gripping onto one of his biceps as you try to ground yourself in reality—in this moment, that you're scared might almost just be a figment of your imagination.
News-flash, it's not. In fact, this moment is very much real, very much happening, and very much one of the closest things to heaven you've experienced.
When you pull away, his hand is still on your chin and yours still rests on his arm. "I won't lie," you whisper, "I've been thinking about doing that all week."
"Me too," Minghao admits almost immediately, the revelation sending both shock and relief coursing through your veins. You let go of his arm, finally, and he drops his hold too, but you scoot closer to him so you're not sitting side by side as you face the ocean. "We shouldn't do anything else right now," he says quietly, and you know he doesn't have to say to know what you're both thinking. "I don't think you'd want the others seeing anything."
"You're right," you say with a nod, but you still interlace his fingers that are next to you with yours on the ground. Minghao squeezes your fingers back slightly in confirmation that this is very much okay. "Do you want to get something to eat? I saw some people selling fruit on our walk through the sand," he suggests after a few moments. You nod along, shuffling through the pile of clothes that are everywhere so you can find your shorts—it's sp warm out right now that your skin and swim suit have already dried off.
While you're fishing out your shorts and slipping them on, Minghao finds his hawaiian t-shirt and slips it on, although his bare chest is still very much on display, despite your poor heart's cries for him to cover it up—no! Don't let anyone else see! You blush bashfully at your newfound jealousy of others seeing Minghao the same way you do, but those thoughts are soon pushed away as he reaches out a hand to you to help you stand up. You grab his hand with a smile, following after him as you both head toward the fruit stands at the front.
"What do you want to get?" he asks you when he sees you squinting to try and see what they're selling.
"Pineapple!" you cheer when you realize one of the stands has your favorite fruit, and Minghao can feel his heart swell at the sound. "Can we please get pineapple? It's my favorite fruit and it's the best for hot days."
Minghao smiles and nods, and your heart nearly pops out of your chest. "Pineapple and mango?" he suggests as you stand in front of one of the stalls, pulling out his wallet. You nod before thinking for a moment, pulling out your own wallet before he has a hand a hand on your waist, pushing it away. "I'm paying," and it's not a question when he says it. You slowly push your wallet back into your pocket, mind racing with the thoughts of how a man can be as perfect as Minghao.
"Okay well," you reply, pulling your wallet back out in defiance, "I want to buy some fruits for the others too," you explain. "And I don't think it's fair for you to pay for all of that."
Minghao huffs, letting go of your wrist before turning back to guy at the stall. You two end up splitting the cost of five cups of fruits before returning to the set up on the sand that you have with your arms much fuller than before. Back once you're both sitting, you chat about whatever and you definitely forget how to breathe the multiple times that Minghao picks up a toothpick and feeds you the fruits himself. There's something so domestic and so comforting about the way you both smoothly speak, move, flow—being with Minghao is languid and despite your racing heart at the thought of being with him, you feel...relaxed.
This feels right.
After around an half an hour of talking, you find yourself laying on your back as you have Vernon's hat on top of your head as you listen to the ocean. "Should we go to find them? They'll probably be hungry by now and beach volleyball is starting to sound fun," you say, sitting up and readjusting Vernon's cap on your head.
"Bored of me already?" Minghao teases, sitting up as well, readjusting his shirt.
You roll your eyes. "You know that isn't it. The fruit isn't gonna taste as good later, even if we keep it in the cooler. It tastes better fresh," you reason.
"Fine fine," he murmurs in defeat and you grin, getting up to pick up two of the cups of fruit while Minghao grabs the other two.
"You know where they went?" you ask him, looking to your left and right, trying to recall which direction the boys left in.
"This way I think," Minghao says, pointing to your left and you squint, nodding excitedly when you see some volleyball courts in the far distance.
"Wow, that's pretty far," you think out loud as you both start walking in that direction.
"Can't handle it?" he coos, looking down at you as he takes his effortlessly long strides.
You scoff, turning your head away as you feign nonchalance. "Whatever."
"I'm joking," Minghao says quickly, reaching one hand over to pick up the cups of fruit your holding so that he's holding all four now. You're about to protest but he simply turns his arms away from you so they're out of your reach.
"Thank you," you say sheepishly, holding your hands behind your back as you two begin to speed up your pace when you both realize that the fruit will grow warm soon. It takes around seven to eight minutes for you guys to reach the volleyball courts, calling out to Vernon when you reach hearing range. "We brought fruit!" you yell, pointing at the cups that Minghao graciously carried for you.
The boys run over, almost all of them in a panting, sweating mess.
"It's like you read our minds," Seungcheol tells you and Minghao, picking a strawberry and stuffing it into his mouth.
Seokmin nods along, picking up a piece of mango. "We were just talking about how we're already hungry again."
"Yeah," Chan agrees, "and I think Mingyu was gonna pass out in the next five minutes if you didn't bring him something to eat." You all look at Mingyu who's sitting across from you, legs out and upper body leaning on his arms behind him as his face is scrunched up—he nearly looks like he's dying.
"Fuck you all!" he groans, falling back onto the sand. "I swear, Jun and Cheol were targeting me! They kept hitting the ball in my direction!"
Jun laughs at that, throwing a hand up to Seungcheol for a high-five. "Damn, I didn't think you'd catch on."
"How could I not!?" Mingyu whines, sitting up again to pick up another fruit. "I was on the verge of the death because of you guys."
Jeonghan ticks his tongue as everyone laughs, "Ah, don't be so dramatic Gyu, we were just having fun. Plus, who doesn't want to win."
Mingyu grumbles as he kicks some sand Jeonghan's way as everyone retreats back into the normal conversation of the plans next. After a few moments of discussion, you all decide to go back to your set up and stay there until sunset before heading home.
Once you all make your way back, the hours are spent chatting, building a moat (Mingyu and Chan seemed especially interested in this for some reason), and playing in and out of the water. As the sky begins to merge from blue to yellow to a deep orange, you begin cleaning up. At the moment, you aren't sure who brings it up, but the word "sleepover" gets thrown around and everyone is practically on their knees, asking to sleep over at Vernon and your place.
"Why our place?" Vernon complains. "Why not Minghao and Jun's? Or Joshua and Jeonghan's?" he begins throwing out the other's names.
"Because we like yours the most," Joshua says simply, everyone nodding their heads vigorously in agreement. Vernon huffs and looks at you for help, but you only shrug—you aren't sure how to respond to this and you aren't going to pretend like you aren't a teensy bit excited about the chance of Minghao spending the night (even though there'll be 12 other guys in your home).
"You guys owe us," Vernon finally says with a deep sigh, "big time."
The car ride back begins by Vernon, Joshua, and Wonwoo yelling at all of the passengers to not get sand into the car, and while you all desperately try to heed by their wishes, it's nearly impossible. You should've expected that nothing with this group is ever especially peaceful, but you're pleasantly surprised by how every event with them somehow has you bursting into laughter until your stomach hurts.
When you all return to your apartment, it takes a messy, chaotic hour or two for everyone to sort out when they would be taking showers, realizing that you should have planned this better once you knew that fourteen people would be scrambling to try and use your and Vernon's single shower. Once you're all washed up, you're left sitting in the living room, trying to figure out how you're going to pass the next few hours. Of course, one brings up Mario Kart, and suddenly they all perch against the couch trying to see who can beat Wonwoo.
It's now when you start to feel the exhaustion of the day catch up to you, recalling how you told Seungkwan that beach days make you tired. You excuse yourself to your room, locking the door behind you before slipping under the covers and nuzzling against the pillow.
In the silence—well not really silence, since apartment walls are thin and boys are loud, but still—of your own room, you find yourself catching a moment for you to properly think. And then it all comes crashing onto you.
Minghao. His lips, his eyes, his arms, his hands, his fingers, his lips (yes, his lips again), his touch, his gaze—and holy hell do you need more. You almost whine out loud into the sheets at the thought of having to wait for him any longer, your brain fuzzy from both your exhaustion and the tingling feeling that courses through your nerves.
Your mind races through the endless possibilities of what has happened and what can happen and before you know it you're falling asleep.
It's two hours later at around 8pm when you hear your phone buzzing by your chest, hardly lifting your head to see who it is. When you recognize the caller as Vernon, you hit the answer button, putting minimal effort into lifting the phone up to your ear as you grumble.
"God, do you ever stop sleeping?" he huffs on the other end, and you can faintly hear someone in the background laugh. You rub your eyes as you push yourself out of bed, rummaging through your drawer to pick out a cardigan to throw on.
"Sorry," you grumble with a yawn. "Beach days make me tired."
"I can see that. Anyways, we're in the living room ordering takeout, so hurry up if you want to have your choice," he threatens playfully.
"Alright alright," you mumble, trying to make your bed a little neater before leaving your room and heading towards the living room. They're all there, as expected, some movie playing on the TV as Jihoon is playing something on the guitar (where the hell did he get a guitar from?!) and Wonwoo and Mingyu are playing yet another game of Mario Kart on the Switch tablet.
"And she's here!" Chan exclaims, causing some eyes to turn to you. Minghao, sitting on one of the chairs at the kitchen island turns to you quickly, and the eye contact has you turning into mush immediately.
"When you went to your room," Vernon begins to say, distracting you from your thoughts and placing a hand on your shoulder, "I thought you were just going to chill for a bit. I didn't expect you to be napping."
Seungkwan comes in and swats Vernon's hand away from you. "You're so judgemental Sollie! Let her be!"
"Thank you Seungkwan!" you agree immediately, turning to raise an accusing eyebrow at Vernon. He rolls his eyes and steps away, holding up his phone which has the food order on the front screen.
"Hey, I'm ordering your food!"
You step back, putting your hand sup in surrender. "Okay fine! Fine! What are we getting tonight?"
"Mexican!" Jeonghan calls out. "It's my treat!" Everyone cheers as you tell Vernon your order, sitting down on the ground in the living room as everyone bunches up in the middle to begin discussing the next big problem you all have—sleeping.
It seems like no one quite thought this out earlier but your apartment is small and fitting fourteen people into this space seems near impossible, especially when you know that they'll all insist on you sleeping alone in your own room. It's a hassle to pull out all the extra pillows and bed sheets that you have, everyone trying to clear space to make as many makeshift beds on the ground as they can.
Somehow, you're all able to fit eight "beds" in the living room, Chan and Seungkwan being the lucky ones to squeeze into the extra space that Vernon has left on his bed and Jun and Jihoon calling the spots on the sofa and arm chair. From there on out, time seems to pass easily with the thirteen of them, and you're starting to understand how Vernon's been able to be their friend for so long. The hours pass quickly and by ten p.m., you're spent and tired from the day—too tired to go on.
Before you know it, you're helping them all make the final touches to the makeshift beds, bringing out as many extra comforters as you can in hopes to make sleeping on the ground a bit more comfortable. Bidding goodnight, you wave to them all and retreat to your room, but not before staring at Minghao for maybe a little too long. He stares back, of course, and anyone else would miss it, but you don't—the way he nods slightly, before turning away to say something to Jun.
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It's eleven when you hear the knock on your door, and it's embarrassing how quickly you scramble out of bed to open it. On the other side, as expected, is Minghao. You're pulling him in without a second of hesitation, grabbing his neck and slamming his lips onto yours hard. His hands are making their way onto his hips immediately, moving up and down along your waist and torso to feel every inch of you that he can. You've both been waiting for this for ages, and it's about time you lose control.
"Hao," you whine softly as he presses you into your wall, his tongue running against the corner of your mouth. His only response is kissing you deeper, teeth clashing as you seek to explore every last bit of each other. Minghao swears he feels his dick twitch at the way you call him by his nickname, his fingers tightening their hold on you.
"You'll drive me crazy," he murmurs, kissing down your neck as you run your hands up and down his arms to feel the curve of his arms.
"That's the—ah—plan," you grunt as you sucks at one spot on your skin. Minghao continues peppering your skin with kisses before you feel like enough his enough, intertwining your fingers in his hair and pulling his head up so he can look at you. "Can I suck you off?"
Minghao is, undeniably, taken aback by your forwardness, and while his head his telling him to take his time with you right now, his other head is telling him to give in. In any other situation with any other girl, he would be denying you, taking his time to at least finger you first but he's been too pent up and too horny since the first time you kissed him to say no.
You're surprised when he quickly nods—you aren't the type to dive right into this kind of stuff but Minghao has been doing something that's reconnecting the wires in your brain, causing the overwhelming urge to sink to your knees for Minghao to crash into you.
The second you're on your knees, you have your hands on the waistband of his shorts, pulling them down at once with his boxers to reveal his length, long and pretty and hard with a bead of pre-cum dribbling off the end. You reach up, holding the base with a hand as you look up at Minghao to meet his eyes.
"Fucking hell," he groans, throwing his head back before you reply with a hiss.
"Quiet! They can't hear," you remind him, before adjusting yourself on your knees so you're in a better position to prod his tip at the front of your mouth. You drink in the way Minghao's breath hitches as your lips wrap around him, tongue swiping at the tip softly before pulling back.
"Don't—" he takes a deep breath, "don't be a fucking tease."
"'m sorry," you mumble, pulling your head back. "Can't help it." You kind of mean it and you kind of don't. Honestly, you aren't sure what to think—all you want to do is make Minghao feel good and do it now. Minghao notices the desperate glint in your eyes, and he takes this chance to wind his fingers into your hair, pulling it back into a makeshift pony tail so he can move your face in the face that he wants. The thought has you both going down into a spiral.
Minghao looks down at you so intensely that you think you just might cum from the look alone, but then he's speaking. "You okay with this?" he asks quietly, running a thumb along your lower lip with the hand that's not holding your hair back.
"Yes," you reply almost instantly, and your eagerness has his eyes darkening—you can see it.
"Fuck," he groans, leaning back again while he takes your hand that isn't wrapped around his length up to his thigh. "Tap twice if you want me to stop, 'kay?" You nod quickly, hoping Minghao will get the idea that you're beginning to grow impatient.
Message received, it seems because before you know it, Minghao is guiding your mouth back to the tip of his length, so you can take him in. Once you have your lips wrapped around him, he pushes you forward more, causing your eyes to widen as you realize he's nearly hitting the back of your throat. You take this as your chance to do exactly what you've been aching for, and you begin to bob your head back and forth.
The moan Minghao lets out is near perfection, and you're immediately encouraged to push more, to push deeper, to do whatever it takes to make him make that sound again. You're about to do it again before you feel your hair being tugged so that you're fully pulled off his cock. "Fuck," he chokes out, looking down at the sight of you with red, puffy lips and blown-out eyes. "Do that again," he demands, and you don't waste a second before you wrap your mouth around him and push down as far as you can. His hand is pushing at the back of your head, his soft words from above encouraging you to go harder to go deeper because you're his angel and he knows you can do it.
God, the words that are spilling out of his mouth are downright filthy but they're messing with your head and before you know it your moving your head back and forth in sync with Minghao's hips that are snapping forward slightly, causing him to batter the back of your throat. It's not the most comfortable feeling but the discomfort definitely not what you're thinking about when you hear Minghao's pants—his soft groans that escape his lips now that you've got him so desperate.
There's drool running down your chin and it's so messy but it's so hot and it has your pussy aching but you can't even think of relieving yourself—not when you can feel the vein on the understand of his dick against your tongue, not when his hand is laced in your hair with such a tight hold you think you might just pass out, not when you know he's so close to his release within minutes all because of you. "Fuck," he grunts again, snapping his hips once more, particularly harder and sloppier this time. "I'm gonna—fuck, I'll come soon."
Your jaw is aching by now but it doesn't compare to the throbbing you feel in your panties—god, you're going to go crazy. You use your hand to rub whatever of his length you can't fit in your mouth, using these last few moments to let Minghao jut his hip and shove your mouth further onto him and holy hell do you love it. You can feel it coming with the way he twitches inside your mouth and you can tell he's about to come when he pulls you off of him, before you're opening your mouth wide again, eyes silently begging him: inside my mouth.
It's like earliedirtr, when you kissed, except now it's so much more frantic, so much more ecstatic—Minghao hears your silent requests and only takes a second to push himself back into your mouth. You only need to suck once or twice before you feel it in your mouth—his cum, hot and shooting down your throat. He pulls out after that, you taking a second to swallow and then lick the glossy tip, your body filling with pride at the way you see his leg twitch.
"God—fuck," Minghao finally manages to say between sputtered breaths, "You're so hot." He pulls you up by the arm as he slips his boxers and shorts back on, placing a hand on your hip as he brings you up for a fierce kiss. Your lips are all swollen and Minghao is extra gentle with the way he runs his tongue along them, kissing you so softly you almost forget that he just face-fucked you less than a minute ago. He's pressed up against the wall right now, but takes this moment to flip you both so it's you who's leaning back.
Minghao pulls away from your lips, chuckling at the way yours chases his in the few seconds after, before connecting his lips to your neck like earlier. "Let me give you something in return, yeah?"
"Yeah," you agree, nodding dumbly the second you feel his hand slip down your shorts, ghosting over your panties.
"Fuck, you're so wet," he groans as he pressed down through your panties.
"Hao," you moan, as he rubs little circles on your clit over the fabric, "please, please, hurry." Minghao chuckles and usually you'd be embarrassed but then again, there's nothing usual about getting fingered by your roommates best friend while all of his friends are asleep in the next room over. Minghao still is going slow with you, taking an extra moment to slowly push your panties aside. You're growing so impatient, the throbbing between your legs getting so impatient, that you think you might start sobbing. "I've been so good, Hao, please? I wanna cum," you beg, meeting Minghao's eyes as you look up at him.
God, you're doing something to him, he thinks—you might just be the death of him. You just look so cute and so desperate and the way your eyes are already glossy has his dick hard again. The fact that he didn't even have to ask  you to beg for him is more than enough for a million thoughts to be racing through his mind, but in all honesty, the only thing he wants to focus on right now is making you come.
"Angel, fuck," he murmurs, into your skin, placing a kiss on your collarbone as he uses one hand to lift your shirt up to your neck so he can hold one of your tits, the other hand running through your folds so he can coat his fingers in your slit. "You wanna come?" he coos, prodding one finger at your entrance, and he thinks he might tease you a little longer but then he sees how quickly you respond and it has his resolve crumbling. He sinks is finger in and it's so long and so thick and reaches places in one go that you can't even even imagine of reaching with your own fingers.
You let out a deep sigh, instinctively grinding down on his hand so that your clit is also brushing against his palm adding to the stimulation. Minghao is gentle in the first few moments, moving his finger in and out at a steady pace before you murmur his name once more, causing him to push a second finger inside. "Oh my god, Minghao," you moan, and his eyes shoot up at yours, using the hand that was at your tits to cover your mouth.
"Quiet," he demands, as he continues to fuck you with your fingers. The sound of your wetness and his fingers against your gummy walls is echoing though the room and all you can think about is how dirty and how erotic this feels, and you moan again quietly again at the thought. Minghao's fingers still inside of you at the sound, and you feel your eyes widen and tear up once more. "Be quiet, or I'll stop," he murmurs, resuming his ministrations once he sees you nod.
"Minghao," you say quietly, throwing your head back when you feel him start to play with one of your nipples. "Feels so—so good," you hiccup, doing your best to keep quiet. He's fucking into you ruthlessly now, the pads of his fingers hitting spots you didn't even know existed, and you know your end is close by the way your vision nearly goes white. You grind against his hand harder, and Minghao picks up on the subtle movement.
"Gonna cum?" he breaths out and you don't even have it in you to say anything, your only response being your quickened movements. "C'mon angel, cum for me," he whispers into your ear and maybe it's his voice or maybe it's the way his fingers have you seeing stars or maybe it's the stimulation of your clit against his palm or maybe it's everything combined but you're cumming hard and fast within seconds around his fingers, and holy shit you think that might just be the best orgasm of your life.
You're left panting as Minghao's fingers slow down inside of you, twitching every few seconds from the overstimulation, before he's pulling them out of you and your panties completely. You want to hide your face, looking away when you realize how wet they are. "Why're you looking away?" Minghao asks, grabbing your chin so you can look at him. "It's hot," he tells you with a shrug, bringing his fingers up to your mouth, raising a brow. You're slightly embarrassed, yes, but you'd be a fool to try and deny him, opening up your mouth and suck your own wetness off him when he presses his fingers into your mouth.
After you swirl your tongue around him a few times, he pulls his hands back, replacing his fingers on your mouth with his lips, kissing you sweetly. You bring your hands up to his hair, moving your lips in unison as he places one hand on your waist, pulling your shirt back down to cover you.
"That was fun," you finally say when you're both pulling away.
"You're gonna drive me up a wall," Minghao mutters under his breath, taking a small step back. "But it was." He's silent for a moment before speaking again. "I'm gonna head back—wouldn't want anyone to wake up and find out I'm not where I supposed to be."
"You think someone would wake up?"
Minghao chuckles, and you feel those butterflies again. "You were pretty loud," he says, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of your neck.
"Whose fault is that again?" you ask.
"Dunno," Minghao says casually. "He must be super hot though."
You click your tongue as Minghao walks backward toward your door. "Hmm, I'll have to agree with that."
He smiles and kisses you hard one last time before ruffling your hair. "Sleep well angel."
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a/n. not even going to bother reading this through because i'll get embarrassed. dw guys i'm working on a better hao fic soon >_<
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thebellearchives · 1 year
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~ inumaki toge ; jujutsu kaisen
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : after an afternoon of gaming, you and inumaki share your first kiss
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, fluff, he uses his cursed speech on you
‧₊˚ a / n : toge can say some words as long as they’re not harmful, onigiri ingredients are in japanese
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“FINALLY!” your voice resonated victoriously from Toge’s room, he loudly groaned and let himself fall backwards onto the bed.
About four hours had passed since you came over to Toge’s dorm to play videogames. And about two of them had been spent in trying to beat him in Smash Bros. Toge had won 2 rounds against 1 most of the time, but you had finally managed to turn the tides against him. Sure, it was just one victory against his multiple ones but it tasted glorious!
“YES! IT WAS ABOUT TIME IT WAS NOT FAIR!!” you punched the air in joy, standing on your knees.
“Tch” Toge clicked his tongue and pulled you down onto the bed while you laughed, he giggled and placed his index in front of his lips “late”
“Oh” your eyes widened with the realization of the time, turning around towards him “you’re right, I should go back to my dorm.”
He groaned and puckered his lips in annoyance. You smiled. He was so cute. You were both on your sides, only centimeters apart, looking at each other. Next thing you knew you were lost in his beautiful lavender eyes, and your heartbeat quickened, thinking about how much you ached to caress his cheek and trace his cursed marks with your index. It was moments like this when you thought about your friendship with him, and how much effort you had put into carefully weaving it without involving the growing feelings in your chest.
“You want me to stay?” your question blurted out in a low voice.
He nodded, his hand catching a strand of your hair and placing it behind your ear. Your cheeks reddened to the feeling of his fingertips grazing your face. A sweet sensation of nervousness sat in your stomach, butterflies suddenly arose to try and turn your insides upside down. He immediately noticed the blush and apparently that made him smile, he seemed intrigued for a moment.
“Come closer.”
Your body moved on its own without permission from your brain. You brought your bodies closer to each other, pulling towards him by grabbing his shirt, your faces now extremely close. Inhaling sharply, your eyes widened and stared at him in surprise, his intrigued expression never leaving his face. He giggled at your reaction. He was teasing you and it was almost unfair, anyone could tell how much he was enjoying it. Shakily, your hand made its way towards his marks, index slowly tracing over the pattern on his smooth skin. As his long white lashes lowered down towards your hand, his lips partly opened at the touch. God, he’s so beautiful. He closed his eyes, his forehead rested on yours. Sighing, he nuzzled against your cheek, and his arms slithered around your waist. With a nervous gulp, you closed your eyes too, feeling his breath over your shaky lips. When you caressed his face, he licked his lower lip. And finally, his lips found their rightful place on top of yours. He kissed softly, causing a warm feeling of longing hugging your body. When you kissed back his arms around you tightened, trying to somehow bring you even closer, his tongue slid through your lower lip. Gasping, you slowly opened your mouth to grant him access, and his hot tongue filled your mouth, making the butterflies flutter with no control. One hand on his shirt turning into a pleading fist, the other one threading his white hair in between your fingers. Tender yearning was the only thing in between our mouths, until he pulled away for a sharp breath. You also breathed in the air you had forgotten you needed at all.
“Toge…” you tried to say something, anything, but the kiss had left your mind wiped clean.
“Hmm” he hummed in response. You didn’t say anything, just wrapped your arms around his neck “kiss.”
Following his orders, you kissed him shortly.
“Kiss” his now slightly husky voice pushed you to peck his lips yet again “more.”
This time, that last word obliged you to properly kiss him, just like the first time. Lips molding against his like they were meant to be together, melting. The sounds filling the room felt like music to your ears, with both of you tangled in between each other like you had been looking forward to it for a while. And it probably was just like that. One of his hands decided to guide you holding your jaw with his fingertips. You stopped the kiss to breathe again, you could’ve sworn the room was revolving around both of you like you had just become the center of the universe. He was the center of your universe. His face moved away from yours and you finally opened your eyes, his thumb caressing your chin.
“Beautiful.” his eyes seemed to shimmer in a new way you hadn’t seen before.
You knew your cheeks were already flushed, but it still felt like that single word prompted the rest of the blood in your body to concentrate on your cheeks solely. A bashful smile appeared on your face. Ironically, it seemed like you couldn’t find the words to tell him how beautiful he was to you. You thought another kiss could convey the words instead, so you just leaned over to connect your mouths once again.
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cinnajun · 1 year
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: zb1 and long distance relationships
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a/n: this was a fun request :) just in general, i think these guys would be pretty good at it (save for a few of them), mostly bc they’re young and very online
notes: yujin is not included due to his age!
wc | 2.5k
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from worst to best at handling it
long distance with jiwoong is just point blank difficult
like i’ve said before i feel like relationships with jiwoong are long lasting so
when you receive whatever opportunity that requires your presence overseas, you’ve been dating for at least a couple of years
your routine is set and there’s a high probability you’re living together
so it’s a major disruption in the flow of your lives
and it’s not to say that jiwoong doesn’t want you to go, nor does he want things between you two to end
it’s just hard to wrap his mind around not having you around for dinner or having to sleep alone :(
so yeah safe to say this is going to be a very difficult time in your lives
depending on how far you are, jiwoong will absolutely be visiting you and staying in whatever apartment you’ve found yourself in
if you’re close enough (aka flight less than 5 hours) he’ll visit multiple times, but anything more than that he’ll probably end up only going once
it’s hard to get time off when you’re a working adult </3
it’s the most difficult for the both of you during holidays
there are days off you had in korea that you don’t have off now, so you physically hurt knowing that jiwoong is sitting at home instead of being on your celebratory day-off dates
and it’s just hard to keep him updated on your life
you fall into a routine of when to call each other and whatnot pretty quickly though
you also write things you want to tell him down in your notes app so when you’re talking you don’t miss anything
and really the main thing that gets you through this is those little sort of habits that you learn to have along the way
but man. you cannot wait to go home
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this might be a hot take but i think hanbin would hate being in a long distance relationship
in the beginning, he’s absolutely convinced that everything will be fine and nothing will change
his mindset is “i kept my friendship with matthew up while he was in canada, so what’s stopping me from keeping up my relationship with my s/o”
and then a week passed without you and he got really depressed
i think being in a relationship with hanbin means spending a lot of time together, holding hands, and staying near him
so when you’re so far that he can’t even fly to you easily it’s just so difficult for him
but his last resort is breaking up with you
like it’s seriously his worst-case scenario
when hanbin loves someone, he loves them very, very hard
so he will do everything in his power to keep your relationship going, but relationships are a two way street
so you need to put in the work that he’s putting in, too
obviously you’re likely abroad because you’ve taken an opportunity (aka a job) so you can’t be online all the time but
call him when you’re free, tell him when you’re going to be busy, and let him know about every single little victory that you have so you can celebrate together
and, for the love of god, do NOT bring up the fact that you can tell he hates long distance
i’m so serious with this one
hanbin absolutely will not tell you that he doesn’t like it
because, if he knows you know, he’ll feel like you feel like he’s not willing to fight for your relationship (does this sentence make sense)
but just know when you get back you’ll watch him finally relax after like 50 years lol
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i’m going to keep it short: taerae’s heart shatters into a million pieces when you break the news to him lol
like obviously he tells you he’s proud of you and that he couldn’t be more excited for you it’s just that he’s actively crying as he says that
with taerae i think you actually almost reject whatever offer you’ve received, but you pretty quickly realize that doing that would make him feel worse so you decide to muscle through it
the worst part of long distance with taerae is the like week before you leave
he cries a lot and then feels bad for crying but he doesn’t want you to go you know
when he drops you off at the airport you have to take hanbin with you because he’s crying too hard to drive back to his apartment
he hugs you outside the airport doors for like 5 minutes and hanbin has to be like okay … let’s go now … okay … we need to let them get on their flight …
and then you ugly cry for half the flight … like someone reports you to the flight attendant and they’re like is everything okay ?? and you’re like no i just left my boyfriend in korea
after that i think it’s not nearly as bad as you both thought it was going to be LOL
he’s a lil bit (incredibly) clingy at first and gets rly butthurt when you don’t update him on your every move, but then he cries to hao and hao is like “here are some tips!”
then he’s very sweet
taerae will send you videos of him playing the guitar or of him just screwing around with the boys
he also sends you cringy little paragraphs about how much he loves you and how proud of you he is
obviously taerae misses you but tbh it’s like you never left
the only reason he’s not higher up is the pure agony you went through for that week before
taerae the man that you are
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graduated from taerae school of how do i deal with my s/o going abroad for a bit
he acts all cool with it
when he drops you off at the airport he gives you the gunwook bear hug and is like “i’ll see you later! love you!”
then you get off the plane 10+ hours later and you have like 17 texts from gyuvin describing gunwook going through the 5 stages of grief
it’s actually kinda funny ngl because it’s like a picture of him hugging a pillow with a pint of ice cream in his hand while he watches your favorite movie and cries
also like taerae, everything is absolutely fine within like a week
gunwook’s really cheesy while you’re gone though and that’s how you tell he really misses you
he’s making playlists and posting old cute pics of u on his story with the caption “10,000 km away”
gyuvin also told you that he giggles and kicks his legs every time you text him when he’s not expecting it
he also just hangs out with your family while you’re abroad
he’ll text you like “damn y/n your mom made the most delicious dinner tonight” and you’re like ??? without me????
you later find out your mom invited him over so they could be sad and miss you together which is soooo embarrassing
gunwook will mail you random items from your room and with a note that says “why didn’t you take this” as if you didn’t meticulously pack every single thing you brought with you
so then you have to spend money to mail it back because you don’t want to have to buy another suitcase (you end up having to anyway, but you’re still glad you mailed the things back)
when you get back he cries in your arms for like an hour lol
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gyuvin acts like it’s not a big deal but lowkey it’s the biggest deal in his life
he’s like “omg congrats do u wanna get dinner”
that night he cries in hao’s arms like a little baby and then he gets over it
he’s genuinely so happy for you, and there are no strings attached to that excitement
one of his closest friends left his home to pursue his dreams so he should let you leave to pursue them too, you know?
the only reason gyuvin isn’t higher actually is because the other three are long distance from everyone they know LOL
long distance with gyuvin is remarkably similar to just being there with him
when he’s hanging out with friends you’ll be on the phone (albeit muted) just in case you need to contribute to the conversation
and he gets really excited when you have him on the phone while you chill out with your (new) friends
assuming you’re studying abroad because gyuvin’s not old enough to have an s/o with a job that has overseas opportunity, a lot of your time is spent in your dorm so you can call him </3
gyuvin is very popular with your overseas friends and they all follow him on instagram
any time someone hits on you they let him know and also let him know that they told whoever hit on you that you’re TAKEN!!
obviously he doesn’t enjoy knowing that people are hitting on you and he can’t do anything about it but he appreciates that your friends shut it down
all in all i think this is a healthy era of your relatioship and it strengthens your trust in one another a lot
but he prefers you being there with him so come home soon pretty please <3
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yeah long distance with ricky is barely an issue
like when you tell him he’s like “oh…okay” and then he’s sad for a little bit
but then he’s sending you off like nothing is wrong!!! and truly nothing is wrong
i think actually you’d be more sad than ricky is but that’s not to say he’s not going to miss you at all
of course he is
but ricky is a seasoned misser and knows how to keep up relationships from far away (even if he’s never had experience with it being a romantic relationship) so he’s mostly concerned with brainstorming the best ways to like keep things going in a way that isn’t jarring
he consults pretty much everyone he knows on what they think he should do, almost like he’s collecting data or something
so once you actually leave ricky is pretty interactive and prepared for your escapade!!!!
he texts you at specific times of day he knows you aren’t busy and you schedule daily calls at the same time once you know your every day schedule
like gyuvin i’m assuming you’re studying abroad, so your class schedule is on ricky’s home screen (it’s a picture widget) but it’s been translated into his timezone
sometimes he texts you during classes he knows you don’t like and you’re like … isn’t it 4 in the morning
he doesn’t answer that question
but to be fair you do the exact same thing so can you really talk…
like gyuvin, your overseas friends LOVE ricky
sometimes he will sponsor you doordashing dinner and by extension your friends (except you make them pay him back LOL)
and they think he’s the funniest guy ever
bonus: sometimes gyuvin will text you pictures of him scrolling through old texts </3
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is this at all shocking
he’s so perfect
doesn’t even bat an eye when you tell him you want to go away for this opportunity you have
“okay! how long until you leave? are they paying for your flights? do you want to start packing now? do we need to get clothes for different weather?”
once you’re off he does get a bit sad but he promises himself that by the time you’re off the plane he’ll be feeling better
he breaks the promise but you don’t know that because he acts like everything is just fine!!!
throughout the duration of your time away, communication with hao is very steady and consistent
you’re each putting in enough energy for a perfect 50/50 split <3
when you start making friends overseas, you show them hao and they’re in awe that you managed to bag the most perfect person on earth
this makes you sad, not because you’re jealous, but because hao would say they should be more surprised he managed to bag you </3
like ricky, he will also sponsor your meals from time to time!! sometimes he doordashes stuff to your place without even telling you like its that serious
hao is the champion at curing your homesickness, mostly because he figured out how to cure it for himself first
if you ever feel like things are too much and you need to leave, he will drop everything to go out there and get you feeling back up to things
he sends little presents every time you have a big achievement or an exciting event
and he’s the number one endorser of getting yourself little treats when you’re feeling proud of yourself
he’s so proud of you
and he’s so happy you got to experience something so exciting
but he can’t lie, it is a big breath of fresh air when you get back lol
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tbh for the sake of this let’s pretend you went to canada bc
why can i see you moving in with matthew’s family idk
you tell him about the opportunity and he’s like My mom will host you
you end up living with his sister LOL
because of that it’s barely like you’re gone
i mean he can come visit you for an extended amount of time and he gets to see his family so its like 2 in 1
in all actuality it doesn’t matter where you go, long distance with matthew is EASY PEASY!!!
i can see him being really trusting in a relationship and that makes things so much easier than not
the first time you get invited out you ask him “hey i got invited to a party tonight, is it okay if i go” and he’s like “ya why wouldn’t it be?? why are you asking me??”
okay feminist
he makes you watch anime with him over like teleparty or something </3 but it’s cute bc his chat reactions are like adorable
#3 of the “your friends love him squad”
they all ask you how you managed to find him because he literally doesn’t care what you do as long as you’re not cheating on him (and you would never do this)
and he’s all happy go lucky every time you talk
when he visits they’re in love with him (PLATONICALLY)
they all ask about his friends in the “haha do you have a brother” way and he’s like “my friend hanbin!”
so now all of your overseas friends want to date hanbin which is awkward
he will also make you buy like presents and things for his friends’/family’s birthdays
obviously with his money but he’s like “can you go to (store) and pick up (item) and then wrap it up and give it to my mom”
it’s very silly
all in all matthew is the long distance relationship you DESERVE!!!!
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thank you for reading!
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dreamwritersworld · 30 days
His daughter (sully family x reader) part 3
Days went on and soon months went on and the two teens continued to grow a stronger bond. Jake had tried multiple times to make something out of their friendship but all siblings denied it was anything more than that. Neytiri slightly knew that it was becoming more however..
“…and he walked me to our Maui…Ao’nung is sweet mama, he’s perfect..my best friend!”
Neytiri saw it, she saw the love begin to form in Y/n’s eyes and voice as she continued to speak about Ao’nung and their small walks around the island. Being in a new area of course had the parents on alert, but for once Neytiri allowed it. This would be the first person Y/n genuinely talked to since their move, she felt as a mother she should let her be free for once. Neytiri realized that it would all go by calmly if everyone just settled in and got comfortable with their ways…who was she to tell Y/n to deny the leaders son whom was attempting to show her more of his world and perspective? At least that’s the excuse she held in her head, and when Jake questioned their relationship..she stayed quiet.
Everyone knew. The group of teens even knew.
“Where you going Y/n-“
“With Ao’nung Neteyam!”
In between the pause was a smirk shared between him and Lo’ak, teasing Y/n about her relationship that was waiting to begin. Everyone got comfortable in their steering bond waiting to become more, even Tuk!
“Wait! Wait sister! Can I come?!”
Kiri quickly got up to pull Tuk with her and Tsireya, wanting it to just be Ao’nung and Y/n.
“no..sh!…stop it.”
There was whispered protesting to Tuk’s request from Kiri but Y/n would never deny her baby sister even if everyone wanted her to.
“Come on Tuk! We can find some gems!”
Tuk ran like never before allowing Ao’nung to pick her up onto his shoulders. To the rest of the teens who saw their back facing them…they looked absolutely perfect. They were walking in the sunset, and without looking at their face you’d think they were a beautiful family..
At first it must not be denied that Tonowari and Ronal were iffy about the relationship and they too had denied it being “something”. However with a smile that wide from Ao’nung every time he came home after spending time with her … how much more can you deny it?
Tonowari and Ronal especially grew to accept the relationship. They saw Y/n prosper in their world and environment. She was good at that, accepting Eywa’s world. The strict parents didn’t deny or forbid Ao’nung from continuing to fall in love with Y/n…because they felt the same. Y/n was good with the people and she loved them every part of someone’s culture even if it wasn’t hers.
So there Y/n was sitting at the shore laughing with Ao’nung about every aspect of their world. It was obvious to Y/n that Ao’nung had some troubling parts of him, far to unserious and she was fine with that because she also viewed him as responsible.
It should be noted that although Jake knows they aren’t the top tier family anymore, he still treats his family as they were to be. He expected even higher expectations from them since he knew all of the island had their eyes on them. Jake was even told things by villagers about his daughter…
“Yes! My family is loving your guys culture and the ways of water.”
The group of men laughed at him.
“Yea we’re sure of that! Your daughter is settling in just fine with our future leaders! And so is your son! I’d say a little over friendly even!!”
Jake awkwardly laughed at this, trying to gloss over the fact that he just said that about his kids. Lo’ak had openly been getting friendly with Tsireya and that was fine because they were just kids it’d pass over…but Y/n? She could never do that. She was too gentle for that kind of position in this environment the clan would rip her apart since she wasn’t from there. Jake sat quietly next to the group of men who continued their conversation…he sat there brewing all these thoughts of Ao’nung and Y/n, they were just friends weren’t they?..
For the most part, Ao’nung was ok with her father not knowing because they were just “friends” at the moment. The group knew them as friends who had liked each other but they didn’t believe they’d admit it..until they did.
Y/n and Ao’nung happened to be doing chores together, trying to rush so that they’d have time for themselves. They were laughing in front of each other and suddenly they felt super close..close enough to kiss. And so Y/n did, she went for it and pulled Ao’nung forward. When they pulled away there was a moment of surprise from the both of them..
“I’m sorry..I-i don’t know-“
Ao’nung interrupted her ramble before kissing her again and for the first time they finally embraced each other. They allowed what they denied for the longest to finally become true. Both of them went home with love and prosperity growing stronger within them.
The couple inevitably knew to keep their relationship underground, sure everyone speculated..but it’s nothing compared to actually being confirmed. The clan loved Y/n but it would all come down to their parents…most importantly Y/n’s parents…Their love would have to shamefully be kept a secret for the months to come..
But that secret was cut short…because what the teens had not known was that Jake had caught them when he passed by to drop off some supplies that Tonowari told him Ao’nung would need. It took everything in him to not stop them right then and there, he knew that he’d separate his daughter and Ao’nung for good if he just waited till she got home. And so it was tonight that Jake told Y/n that she should hang out less with Ao’nung because she clearly wasn’t doing the best in adapting to the island, it was a total lie considering what he said was the opposite. He said it though because he knew it’d bother Y/n and Jake believed she wouldn’t even argue against him this time…considering, she would be more concerned with her improvements…however she wasn’t. She knew her father’s ways and she tried to break out from his chain peacefully.
Jake was standing there furious and upset against the Maui, working on his weapon and cleaning them up.
“…you should see Ao’nung less. I’m requesting you to listen this once Y/n..they say you aren’t improving and you aren’t the best compared to everyone. It wasn’t like that at home with you Y/n.”
“This isn’t my home father-“
“It is now. You need to be careful with your words Y/n.”
Y/n sighed trying to go about it peacefully so that he would ease up on the idea of separating her and Ao’nung.
“…he’s just a friend sir-“
“Just a friend? Do you seriously think I don’t know what’s going on?”
“Of course not father, because there isn’t anything-“
“Y/n you spread another lie out that mouth and you aren’t seeing him anymore.”
The teen stood there, staring at him as he continued sharpening the blade. It was like he was scaring her heart with each sharpening, she had finally grew a real connection with someone and now Jake wanted to take that away. In that moment Y/n tried her best to hold the desperation in her voice low..
“…I’m sorry. I know that sometimes you think I lie and not be a good person. But…”
He continued sharpening harsher and ignoring her words
“I’m not lying. We’re just friends so…please don’t tell me that Ao’nung and I can’t speak.”
“I can say whatever I want to say to you Y/n! How could you?! You and Ao’nung are already seeing each other! I saw you two on the beach! I mean seriously keeping the biggest secret like that away from me?!”
Y/n gasped at the words coming out her father’s mouth and all she could do was let out a sob. He was ready to take whatever he wanted away from her…and he didn’t even care.
“Please. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I-I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m ungrateful and I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I wanted more..but please don’t forbid him from me…please.”
“Y/n! This conversation is over!”
Right then and there Y/n collapsed to the floor, crying and begging Jake to just look at her and feel an ounce of sympathy. If only Jake took a little bit of more time to realize the Y/n and Ao’nung were practically his own love story…except this time…it was someone who raised Y/n and whom she grew up to trust…that would ultimately betray her.
It hurts Neytiri to watch Y/n beg for more than just a book to live by, she was practically begging for love.
For that single moment Y/n heard ringing in her ears as she drained out everything just crying on the floor begging him.
“…Jake that’s enough.”
“Neytiri? Are you kidding me? She’s a little girl-“
“She’s your little girl yes, but to the world? She isn’t. In front of Eywa, she’s already growing up to be a women…allow her this Jake, Y/n can swear that they’ll remain friends during her training.”
The sigh Jake let out shower pure frustration at his wife’s needs..
“fine. Y/n I will allow you to be friends with Ao’nung but nothing more.”
Y/n looked up from her blurry hands, disparity and anger wash over her as she looks up to her father. An exhausted and emotional Y/n couldn’t no longer argue and instead shook her head to walk away.
She knew, he showed no signs of relenting no matter how much y/n argued, begged, or cried.
When it came down to who to comfort. For the first time, Neytiri chose Y/n. When her mothers skin touched her, she settled in it and fell asleep to the hand that was running through her hair.
In the early morning when everyone asleep but them, Neytiri decided to just ask the question. How was Y/n really..?
“My child is it true?”
“…is what true?..”
“That you want us to “let you go” as you say, that you feel almost “too tight”
“Yes, please. I want to at least breathe my own air. I love you mother but I cannot keep doing this to myself.”
Neytiri’s heart ached for the longest…she took a breath she didn’t even know she was holding. Y/n could see her mother struggling to understand or process the words Y/n has expressed, she couldn’t bare to be disappointed again.
“..you know im just tired of talking about it. im tired-“
“No. You can talk to Ao’nung Y/n please talk to him. Continue whatever relationship you have, but always remember that I’m here. Just don’t keep arguing with your father it tears my heart.”
In the moment Y/n agreed happily but as they sat in the silence Y/n couldn’t help but get frustrated. She was upset that she agreed to not argue with her father anymore knowing it was something she could not keep. She was also upset that these arguments hurt her mother as well…
Feedback please! And what kind of plot twist would you guys be looking for?? If so, I don’t know if this is my last one, this is just for fun :) Again, js trying to find my way back🩷
Tag list: @ruyaas-world @neteyamyanw3 @elegantkidfansoul @adaydreamaway08 @luxiniary @venomsvl @ratchetprime211 @mushy-mushroom04 @alohastitch0626 @sillysillygyal
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bteezxyewriter12 · 8 months
Desire/ 2
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 2.6k
Includes- Sex, cock riding, missionary, marking, multiple orgasms, sort of fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @hotteokhatyu
Gif Credit- hwanswerland
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Seonghwa Masterlist
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I hate the way the room is filled with tension
Tension that never used to be there between me and Seonghwa
He came over to hang out, watch the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie that came out
But the second he came in my apartment, it's been awkward
I know it's because we fucked
And the way we woke up
In each other's arms, holding each other tightly
We separated once we were fully awake and it's been awkward since then
He was radio silent for a week until I texted him that my friend downloaded the new Guardians movie we've been waiting for
He came over, we got snacks then went to my room where my TV is
His body is so tense as he sits next to me, watching the movie
I can't concentrate on it
I just keep thinking about him
He's the only thing I've thought about this past week
I don't know what it is but when we were together, I felt something
Like a spark of some feelings
And it's the stupidest thing I could ever do
He's a fucking idol
He has no time to date
That's why I don't see him much and why all Wooyoung wanted was to fuck
And that's a whole factor in itself
I fucked Wooyoung, one of his members and friend
Talk about being a skank
Not to mention Seonghwa's completely gorgeous, so outta my league
So is Wooyoung but I never felt anything for him like I do for Seonghwa
I knew with Wooyoung, I was fuckable, not datable
The same applies to Seonghwa
He's around so many beautiful girls all the time, there's no way I can compare
I just wish everything was back to normal
I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship
He's my best friend since we were little
I need him
The next two hours are stress inducing for me and I haven't paid attention to the movie at all
I just keep glancing at Seonghwa, then fall into staring at him, remembering how good he felt
How he looked under me
How beautiful his face was in pleasure
How surprisingly good it felt when he came inside me
That was one of the biggest shocks
His dick is so thick, so massive that I felt him throb inside me when he orgasmed and it felt amazing
And I realize, I want him again
"Jo?", he calls, snapping me out of my thoughts
I look over at him, surprised to see anxiety and nervousness on his face
"Yeah? You ok Hwa?"
"Yeah I uh...wanted to ask...", he trails off
"Uh yeah. Ask", I answer, watching him, all my previous thoughts about being with him coming back
Fuck, I want him
"Can...uh...can...Can you-"
"Sit on your cock?", I blurt, then am horrified at what I said
Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Oh my god
"Never-", I start
"Yes", he answers at the same time
"Yes?", I ask, shocked
He nods, lust in his eyes, "Please sit on my cock. God, fuck, I crave to be inside you again"
I nod, immediately reaching for his pants
Our bottom clothes quickly fly off, his hands on my hips, pulling me on his lap
I wrap my arms around his neck, his arm around my body, his hand leading his cock to my hole
I sit on his head, his hands sliding to my hips, pushing me down on him
I let out a huge moan as I feel him slide inside, his big cock splitting me apart, touching all the right places
I lean my forehead against his as he bottoms out, his tip nestled against my spot
"Hwa fuck", I whimper, grinding on him, wiggling on his cock to open me up more
"Jo, oh god", he moans, his hands moving to my ass, groping hard
"How do you have the perfect cock Hwa?"
He fits inside me perfectly, filling me to the brim with no room to spare
The fucking full feeling of his cock inside me is astounding and so satisfying, I never felt anything like this
"Mm it's not me jagi. You have the perfect pussy"
"Mmm I don't think either of us is going to win this argument", I say, rocking on his thick cock, clenching him tightly
"Fff...fuck", he groans, "So fucking tight. How are you so tight?"
"How are you so big?", I murmur
His hands help me rock back and forth on him, his head rubbing my spot
"I don't know but I'm just for you", he moans
"I'm just for you Hwa", I agree, feeling the pleasure run through every nerve in me
"So fucking good", he murmurs, "So good"
"Can I fuck you Hwannie?", I ask, desperate to bounce on him
I just want to feel his big cock drag through me, wanna feel him split me open over and over
Wanna cum all over him
"Yes jagi, please", he whines
Thank god
Sliding my hands up his body, I wrap my arms around his neck, starting to bounce on him
"Oh fuck", I cry, bottoming him out over and over, his head smashing my spot with each bounce
His hands slide up my body, pulling my shirt up
"Need you naked", he moans, "Need to touch you"
Moving my arms, he peels my shirt off, then I take his off too
I need to feel his skin against mine
His fingers unhook my bra, throwing it somewhere in the room
Moving my arms around his body, I put my hands on his back, feeling his muscles
God, he's so fucking hot it's insane
His hands squeeze my ass, kneading it as I slide up and down his cock
I'm so fucking wet, drenching his shaft, making it so easy to fuck him
Our moans of pleasure fill my room, his sounds so fucking pretty, turning me on so much
And I realize I'm the reason he's sounding like this
I'm the reason he's in pleasure
It's fucking amazing
His fingers so very slowly trail along my back, making each piece of skin he touches shiver
"Fuck baby", he murmurs, "Your skin is so soft. So smooth. So beautiful"
"Hwannie", I moan, loving the compliment
Sliding my hands up his muscular arms, I squeeze his biceps, his strength so sexy
I lean my forehead against his, my arms wrapping around his strong neck, my fingers in his silky hair
I love his hair
The half ponytail, the long strands I can pull, it's styled off his forehead, how soft it is, silky, the strands falling through my fingers so easily
How good it is for gripping and pulling
His arms wrap around my waist, holding on as I ride him hard
"Hwannie", I moan, my eyes closed, his lips so close to mine, they're almost touching
"Baby", he whispers, his breathing labored
I'm so close, his perfect cock entering me over and over so fucking blissfully
"Let me cum on your cock", I whimper, moving my hips faster, "Please Hwannie"
"Yeah jagi. Please baby", he whimpers, "Wanna feel you cum so bad"
My fingers grip his hair hard as I bounce on him, our foreheads pressed together, his mouth breathing so close to mine
"Feels so good Hwa", I murmur
"So good", he agrees, his fingers digging into my ass cheeks, helping me bounce on his cock
I slide down his cock, intense pleasure washing over me, as I cum around his cock
"Seonghwa...ahhh...Hwa", I moan, shaking in his arms, pulling his hair
God, it's so fucking amazing, so intense, his cock so fucking hard inside me, so fucking pleasurable to clench around
I never felt anything like this before
Only with him
"Oh god", he groans, our moans so close to each other's lips
"Hwannie", I sigh, as my orgasm tapers off
I open my eyes to find him already looking at me
His brown eyes are so intense, his hand reaching up, gently tucking hair behind my ear
Before I know it, he leans in, closing the small gap between us, his lips crashing into mine
Electricity bursts in my body, the entire world tilting, my head so dizzy
Just from his kiss
I melt into him, kissing him back with just as much passion
His tongue licks my lips and I open my mouth for his tongue to slide in
As soon as his tongue touches mine, I let out the loudest moan, my tongue playing with his
Fuck me, he is a damn good kisser
His kisses are like heaven and I just want to spend the rest of my life kissing him
How is his kiss this amazing?
This intense?
Making me feel all these things for him?
Or....bringing out all the feelings I had but didn't know about
Either way, I'm so fucking glad he kissed me
He turns us over, getting me on my back, his mouth never pulling away from mine
He kisses me wildly as his cock slides back inside my cunt and I involuntarily clench down on him
"Mmm", he moans, laying gently down on top of me
I move my arms around his body, pressing my palms to his back, just getting lost in his kiss
He doesn't move, just stays buried inside me as we continue to kiss
I had no idea my dorky Star Wars Lego loving best friend could kiss like this
And the crazy part?
I never want him to stop
His arm wraps around me, pulling me against his perfect body, his mouth moving against mine
Slowly, he pulls his hips back, his cock dragging blissfully through my pussy on his way out
Then he surges back in, bottoming out in one stroke and I moan in his mouth
His hips keep moving, moving slow but hard, going so deep I can feel him in my stomach
It feels amazing
His lips break from mine as he thrusts his cock into my cunt, instead pressing kisses to my neck
"Hwa", I whimper, his lips kissing in the sensitive spot on my neck, chills running up my spine
"Jo", he murmurs sweetly, his hand moving around my boob, squeezing gently
Fuck, he's doing everything to make sure I'm in intense pleasure
His mouth sucks softly on my neck, feeling so good, his tongue licking the spot after he lets go
"Is...is there a mark?", I whimper
"No jagi", he answers, kissing another spot
"Leave them", I ask
God, I want his marks on me
"Mmm jagi, if I start I'm not going to be able to stop. I'm going to leave so many on you"
"I want them Hwannie", I beg, "Please"
"Anything you want baby", he answers, his mouth latching on to the same spot he was sucking on before
The pleasure intensifies, my body arches into his body on its own
His arm wraps around my waist, holding me against him
I'm in fucking ecstacy
His body against mine, his cock fucking me deeply, his hand playing with my nipple and his beautiful lips sucking on every piece of skin he can
I honestly can't wait to see all his marks in the mirror
He spreads his hickies down my collarbone on to my boob, sucking desperately, his hips moving faster, cock burying into me over and over, my pussy spasming uncontrollably around him
He moans into my skin as he lifts his lips off me
Finally his mouth wraps around my nipple and he sucks hard like he can't get enough
"Seonghwa!", I yell, gripping his hair hard, my other hand around his upper arm, my nails digging into his bicep
I feel my pussy get so much more wet, soaking his dick as I clench on him
"Fuck fuck fuck", he groans, switching to my other nipple, sucking desperately
The continuous rhythm of his head hitting my spot is driving me crazy, pushing me to the edge
"Seonghwa...I...I'm... Seonghwa", I call
He lifts his head, his lips crash into mine, kissing me deeply as he sends me head first into an intense orgasm
Massive pleasure plows into me as I cum and I moan into his kiss as chills run up and down my back, my body trembling against his
I swallow his moans as our tongues playing with each other, kissing hard
He fucks me through my orgasm, his hips not stopping as he rolls them in to me
Once the last feeling of my orgasm leaves me, he pulls away, smiling softly at me
I can't help but smile back, his smile making me feel warm inside
He kisses me gently, his hand cupping my cheek
God, it's such a fucking mind blowing kiss
After, he sits up, moving my legs around him better, his hands holding my thighs
He pulls out then quickly slides back inside, my spot pleasured again
"Fuck", I cry
This time his hips move fast, plowing me into the bed, our moans so loud
I can hear how wet I am, the sound of my pussy taking his cock actually very erotic
"Such a good pussy", he growls, his fingers tightening on my thigh
"Good cock", I whimper, "The best"
He smirks before he looks down, the sight so sexy
God, my best friend is a sex god
He pounds into me and the sight of him fucking me is so goddamn hot
His face in pleasure, his eyes stuck on his cock plunging inside me, the veins popping on his arms from how hard he's holding onto me
His entire body has a sheen of sweat, making his abs and chest muscles more defined, the muscles flexing as he moves
His black hair is soaked, drops of it falling onto my skin
He's so fucking beautiful
And I feel my heart stir as I watch him, the overwhelming want for him to be mine, just mine, hitting me so hard
Which is ridiculous
He's my best friend, one who has shown no interest in me in that way
And all the reasons as to why he'd never want me hit my mind as I watch him
It's just sex, I tell myself
I need to stop thinking about this right now
Now is not the time
I can worry about what I'm feeling later when I'm alone
Clearing my mind, I keep my eyes on him, watching all the small facial features he does that shows how much bliss he's in
His hips slam into me faster, plunging his cock so deep in, hitting my spot and making me shake in pleasure
I'm so close
"I'm gonna cum", he moans, his cock indeed throbbing inside me, "Can I cum in your pussy?"
I nod, pleasure filling all my senses as I get right to the edge
"Yes Hwannie"
He fucks into me a few more times, his cock sending me right into my orgasm, ecstacy taking over
"Seonghwa", I moan
"I'm coming. Fuck Jo, I'm- fuck!", he yells, the pleasure evident in his voice
His cock buries inside me, his hands squeezing the life from my skin, his head tilted back, eyes closed as he yells my name
Fucking gorgeous
His cock throbs inside me, warm sticky cum filling me right up, just how I like it
I love feeling full of him
Last time was so good and now its even better
His eyes open as his head tilts down to look at me, awe in his eyes
Awe about what I don't know
He pulls out, his eyes moving down, biting his lip as his cum leaks out of me
I love that feeling too, dripping all over my thighs, making a mess
He closes my legs after a minute, laying down next to me
I turn to face him, his gorgeous face already turned to mine, his gaze already on me
His hand moves into my hair, softly running them through the strands
I don't know how strong this feeling in my chest is
All I know is that I am feeling something for him
And right now, I just want his lips against mine
"Kiss me Hwa"
He smiles softly, coming closer to me immediately, his lips right against mine
And I fall into him
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imagrindylow · 10 months
I have a Leander prompt if you’d be interested? MC is back for the start of sixth year and not coping well after the events of the map chamber etc. Leander finds her in the common room late at night upset and they become unlikely friends and develop feelings over time? 👀
Big big fan of your writing! X
Thank you for this request, anon!! I really loved working on this, as you can probably tell from how insanely LONG this is. I also saw your other ask with the added details and I incorporated those too! I hope you like it!!
You See Me
Leander Prewett / gn!Gryffindor!Reader 12.4k words
Content Warnings: Game spoilers, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, MC is dealing with anxiety Summary: MC is having a hard time starting out sixth year. Their friendships from fifth year are falling apart and the loss of Professor Fig is weighing on them greatly, leading to reoccurring nightmares. As things get worse, MC finds comfort in someone they didn't expect to.
~~~~~ The summer holiday following fifth year unfortunately did not give you the reprieve you so desperately needed, after the hell that was your first year of experience as a Hogwarts student. You made some friends and had some fun, sure, but the price you paid mentally and emotionally while being there for those you grew closest to, and while defending the school you’d come to love, left you reeling and distraught over the summer months.
You’d kept in touch with Sebastian, via owl, during the months the two of you spent away from the castle. You wrote him multiple times a week, though not every letter you sent him garnered a response. You were sick with anxiety over the thought of him staying alone in that little house in Feldcroft. Not a happy home to begin with, when his Uncle Solomon had been ever angry and pessimistic, and Anne so ill, nowadays, with only Sebastian residing there, silence and loneliness overwhelmed the small house making the ambiance all the worse.
Sebastian’s letters explained to you how he had seen neither Ominis nor Anne since the events of the catacombs, and how regretful he was for what had happened, how he desperately wished he wasn’t so utterly alone while away from school. You wished that your living situation allowed for him to stay with you for the time being, but it wasn’t possible. Your caregivers wouldn’t entertain the idea for any amount of time. The tone of his letters made you anxious about the state in which you’d find him when you’d finally be reunited after summer.
He was equally concerned for you, and rightfully so. In your letters, you’d written a lot about your grief over losing Professor Fig, and the guilt you felt around the ordeal. You kept the full story from your caregivers over fear of not being allowed back to Hogwarts, and you wanted nothing more than to be in the proximity of someone who understood. You needed your friends now more than ever.
You’d sent Ominis several letters, as well. You weren’t sure if he genuinely didn’t receive them, or if he was simply ignoring your efforts to stay connected to him, but regardless, his lack of response only added to your feelings of unease as you packed your trunks to head back to Hogwarts for your sixth year. You were excited to see them both again, but a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach made you unsure whether or not things would ever be the same among your little group… You could only hope.
Boarding the Hogwarts Express, you could fine neither Sebastian nor Ominis as you walked through the train cars, taking your time to peer into each cabin. Your assumption was that they simply hadn’t boarded yet, though you hadn't seen him on the station platform either. Perhaps they were just running a bit late, or you overlooked them in the massive crowd. Instead, you resigned to sitting in a cabin with a Gryffindor housemate of yours, Natsai Onai. You took the seat across from her, and the two of you started to chat about your summer.
You hadn’t had much time to catch up with her before the door to your cabin was being pulled open again, and you were being joined by two more housemates, Garreth Weasley and Leander Prewett, the two boys dialing up the volume level in your cabin from a 2 to a 10 instantaneously with their banter and laughter. Despite being housemates with the two of them for an entire school year, you hadn’t truly become friends with either of the boys, due to your involvement with Sebastian monopolizing nearly all of your spare time. This fact was obvious and regrettable when the addition of the two boys to your cabin drew Natty’s attention off of you, and made you feel like an outsider even though you were surrounded by people who should have been your closest peers. You made a mental note to try to expand your friendships this year.
You sat mostly quietly, Garreth dominating much of the conversation, speaking to the three of you as a whole about all of the various experimental potions he’d concocted the last few months. You were hearing him, but not quite listening, your gaze focused out the window as the train departed the station. After awhile, the conversation around you calmed. Leander had taken to reading a book, while Garreth chatted to Natty, who remained polite but was definitely less than interested in the conversation.
Having actually been your friend through fifth year, Natty could tell something was troubling you, but she also knew better than to outright ask you about it, especially not in front of anyone else. You didn’t set out to be the mysterious type in your fifth year, but the nature of your various activities didn’t lend themselves to being casual conversation topics. And so, you stewed in your thoughts and anxieties privately as the train drew closer to Hogwarts. Stealing the idea from Leander, you pulled a book from your satchel, and pretended to read in an attempt to look less stricken as you dwelled on whether or not Ominis was angry with you, or if he and Sebastian would get back to speaking terms, or if Sebastian would still be the friend he was when you’d last seen him.
Eventually, the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station, and the train deboarded slowly. You tried to scan the crowds the best you could for your Slytherin friends while heading towards the carriages en masse to take the short ride to the castle. It wasn’t until you were seated at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall that you’d finally spotted them from across the room, your heart aching that they weren’t seated together. You knew there would be work to do to get things to return to how they were before every thing had happened. But you knew you had to try.
You sat quietly through the sorting ceremony before dinner was served, eating your food quickly and chatting absentmindedly with your housemates until the meal is over and you’re finally able to slip through the crowds of students making their ways to their common rooms, over towards the Slytherin table, where you’d finally be able to catch up with Sebastian. As you made your way towards his table, among the droves of students exiting the Great Hall, you spotted Ominis, not sticking around to chat with anyone.
You couldn’t formulate words before you were being wrapped in a tight hug, Sebastian’s fists clenching your robes as though you’d vanish if he didn’t hold you tightly enough. “Gods I’ve missed you.” He muttered with his head buried against your shoulder.
“I missed you, too.” You said softly, all of your focus going into keeping the tears inside that were threatening to spill at the feeling of finally being reunited with the only person who really understood.
You clutched him back, squeezing him tight for just a few moments before the two of you backed up a step, holding each other at arms length and really taking each other in. Sebastian could see the sadness and grief in your eyes, the hurt you had from losing Fig, the burden of everything you’d seen beneath the castle, mixed with a new feeling of relief that came with just being near him.
Sebastian’s guilt over the events of the catacombs, the tragic series of events that led him to losing contact with his sister and best friend, was painted all over his face. His eyes were solemn, the smile he had for seeing you again, though genuine, was nothing like the smile you came to know the previous year, before things had gotten complicated.
As the Great Hall emptied, the two of you made your way out of the room with the last of the crowd, him slowly walking you towards your common room and chatting quietly all the while.
“Do you think Ominis will start speaking to you again…? Now that you’ll be forced into proximity in the dorms?” You asked him, worry heavy in your voice. You couldn’t imagine how not only awkward, but painful it would be to have your closest friend so close by, but separated by the circumstances.
“I damn well hope so. He’s been so stubborn, but he’s only human. I’ll do my best, apologize for everything that happened...” Sebastian said, before leaning in and lowering his voice. “Convince him I’m through with the dark arts.”
“I hope you can.” You said.
“I’ll be trying from the moment I return to our common room. If all else fails, you can give it a go. You’ve always had a way with Ominis.” Sebastian sounded more confident than he looked, but it was refreshing to hear the drive in his voice again.
“I think you’ll have better luck with him when it comes to this. He hadn’t returned any of my owls all summer, as I had mentioned.”
“Hm. I know. Mine either, of course. But... We’ll give it our best. He still cares for us, regardless of what happened, there’s no way he doesn't.”
“Well, good luck then.” You said as the two of you approached the portrait of the Fat Lady. Sebastian bid you a goodnight, giving you a little wave while taking a few backwards steps before turning around and making his way towards his own common room.
You headed through the portrait and into your common room, where the rest of your house mates were scattered through the space, chatting, laughing, telling stories about their summers. Despite spending more of your time with your Slytherin friends the previous year, the Gryffindor common room felt soothing and homey as you entered.
Knowing you’d have lost yourself in stressful thoughts if you’d have gone to your dorm room, you settled yourself among a group of your fellow sixth years in the corner of one of the sofas near the fireplace, against the armrest. Nellie Oggspire was sat beside you, along with Garreth who was half underneath her, his arms encircling her waist, holding her in place. Natty was sat in the armchair adjacent to you in conversation with Cressida, while Leander sat against the opposite armrest of the sofa, beside Garreth.
Joining into the existing conversation seemed daunting at first but the group eagerly included you, overall glad that you were making a point to be social by inserting yourself amongst them. As a whole, the group assumed this was a first step to normalcy for you, they knew you were there when Fig passed and that you were likely emotional in coming back to school. But they were happy to see you trying to connect.
The six of you chatted late into the evening. You now knew they details of their summers: that Leander’s family had gone on a long holiday, on which they brought along Garreth, that Garreth and Nellie who’d apparently been close since the year prior started dating, that Natty’s mother had finally loosened up a bit, and that Cressida had not only perfected the charm you’d helped her with the consequences of the year before, but learned to preform it non verbally. It seemed as though each of them had pleasant summers, but you didn’t have much to contribute about yours without bringing down the vibe of the group, so you spoke of the books you’d read to keep the mood light.
You all talked about Quidditch being reinstated, and about continuing on with Crossed Wands, calling Lucan to join the conversation. He promised to get sign ups going as soon as possible. These two things excited you, having hobbies and things to do would keep your mind busy and leave you less time to succumb to your anxieties. You hoped that the group couldn’t tell how as they spoke you seemed to be a bit preoccupied in your own mind, smiling and reacting to their words just a moment later than the rest did. You were wondering how Sebastian was fairing in his mission to speak to Ominis for the first time in months...
But despite being a bit distracted you tried to keep your thoughts positive, and as the conversation went on, you found yourself relaxing a bit more. Overall, you had a pleasant evening and did feel a bit closer to your house mates, and when you tucked yourself into your bed for the evening, you were able to sleep mostly soundly.
The first day of term brought stress and excitement weighed very equally for you. You were excited to get into your new courses, and to get back into dueling, and trying out for Quidditch did sound fun. But at the forefront of your mine when you woke up the following morning, was seeing how Sebastian’s conversation went with Ominis. With any luck, they’d be sitting together at breakfast. You dug through your trunk, grabbing clothes and your toiletries, and readied yourself for the day, before heading down to breakfast along with your dorm mates.
Sitting among your group from the previous evening, you poured yourself your morning tea and served yourself some eggs and toast. Conversation was happening around you, but your gaze was fixed on the Slytherin table, scanning over the long benches for either of your best friends. Part way through your search, you notice Sebastian storming into your peripheral vision, and your eyes shot to follow him. There were only a few times you’d seen him so bitter. A couple of times after interacting with his uncle, and once when he’d heard you’d befriended a goblin… luckily that was something you were able to move past.
Sebastian threw himself down onto the bench beside Imelda and a few of his other housemates, none of whom dared to address him while he was in such a state. You continued to scan across the table, noticing that Ominis was not there, and when he didn’t come into the hall after a few minutes, you concluded that something must have happened between the two boys, and you had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Sebastian caught your gaze, giving you a drawn out stare, his furrowed brows not softening the way they typically did when you looked at him with concern.
You were a moment away from standing up, ready to go to him, to find out what happened and to offer him a listening ear when you felt a nudge to your arm.
“Garreth’s speaking to you, MC.” Spoke a soft voice to your left, snapping you out of it, and bringing you back to the conversation around you. It was Leander. He’d nudged you gently, getting your attention before motioning towards Garreth who was sitting across and down a few heads from you.
“I’d just asked what position you’ll be trying out for, now that Black’s re-allowing Quidditch. Personally I was saying I’d like to be a beater, maybe a chaser. And Lee was going to go for Keeper. What do you think?”
“Oh, uh. I… I hadn’t really thought to much about it yet. Maybe chaser.” You say, honestly shocked realizing that you’d zoned out to the point where you’d totally missed the discussion going on around you.
“I reckon you’d be a fine chaser!” Garreth said and nodded in agreement while sloppily eating his breakfast. Lucan, who was sat beside him, started talking about how he was going to be trying out for seeker, and that conversation pulled his attention from you.
You resumed eating, but your gaze went back to Sebastian, who was eating his breakfast so aggressively it was as though it had personally offended him.
“Are you alright, MC?” Leander’s voice was soft as he spoke to you again. You turned to him, seeing him looking from the Slytherin table then back at you, he’d been trying to see what you were staring at. “Something wrong between you and Sebastian?”
“I’m fine, and no.” You said, not about to elaborate to a boy you’d only spoken to a handful of times since you’d met him. Though, the fact that he even asked made you smile a bit. You hadn’t expected him to be observant enough to tell… Or maybe you were just more emotive than you’d thought you were.
Whatever made him ask, your response was enough to keep him from pressing the issue for the time being. He had looked at you as though he had something else he wanted to say, but had decided against it, and instead hopped back into the Quidditch discussion with the others. Not wanting anyone else to question you, you more actively joined the conversation as well.
Once breakfast was wrapping up and students were starting to disperse, you noticed Sebastian getting up from the table, you did the same. You excused yourself from your housemates, and followed him out of the Great Hall, walking quickly to catch up with him.
“Sebastian! Wait for me!” You called to him, trailing behind him several paces, as he walked with a swiftness that should have told you he didn’t really want to speak right now.
But when you persisted in your following and pleaded calling, he stopped and turned to face you suddenly, and when you stopped a few feet in front of him, he closed the distance quickly. “Undercroft. Now.” Though whispered, he delivered the message very sternly.
You nodded and followed along with him to the defense against the dark arts tower and towards the large ornate clock that housed its entrance. Quickly scanning the area for prying eyes, you followed Sebastian into the Undercroft, where he began pacing, rubbing his temples.
“I’m guessing speaking with Ominis didn’t go well...?” You said cautiously.
“No, it bloody well didn’t, MC.” He snapped, then winced in spite of himself, but didn’t apologize for his tone.
Of course, you didn’t hold his tone against him. You just assumed that whatever happened must have been serious. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I was able to speak with him… I told him everything, bared my heart, told him how regretful I am for how everything happened in the catacombs… How much I missed him, and Anne. I thought the whole thing had been going alright… but then that fucking prick let it slip that he’s in contact with Anne all this time, and he won’t give me her damn information so I can write to her!” He shouted, gripping his hair, his teeth baring as he groaned in what could described as misery. “No owl I have sent her since she left has been able to find her… And that bastard knows where she is.”
Sebastian was pacing as he vented his frustrations with Ominis, and you weren’t exactly sure how to console him. “Do you want me to try to talk to him?” It was really the only thing you could think to offer, and he did mention yesterday that perhaps you’d be able to get through to Ominis instead… but that was in regard to just getting your trio back together...
Before bothering to reply, Sebastian shot off a few blasts of confringo to some of the various crates and things about the Undercroft, letting out his frustration in a way he’d grown accustomed to when he fought goblins with you the year prior.
“Be my guest, because I certainly have no plans to speak with him in the foreseeable future. Unless he come to me to apologize for keeping my own sister’s whereabouts from me, and tells me where she is I don’t wish to speak to him.” Sebastian huffed as he made his way towards an old tattered sofa, letting himself plop down onto it and throwing his head back.
You nodded. “I’ll do that, then. As soon as I see him, I’ll ask him if we can speak.” You assured Sebastian.
He waved you off, and you couldn’t blame him for wanting to be alone, so you turned and made your way out of the Undercroft. You had class to get to, anyway.
As you headed to your first class of the day, you tried thinking of what you’d say to Ominis when you saw him… You wanted to talk to him, not just for Sebastian but for yourself as well… You wanted to know if he’d received your letters, if he was angry with you or just upset as a whole. Perhaps selfishly, you wanted your friendship back with him regardless of any spat he was in with Sebastian. And you had to communicate all of that while also asking him to divulge information to Sebastian that no doubt Anne had asked him to keep secret. It would be no easy task, and you were hardly sure if you were even up for it given your own emotional state, but, as you’d shown time and time again, you’d go to any length for your friends.
Your first class of the day was Charms, which Professor Ronan started in a similar fashion as your first day the previous year, with a refresher of the Accio charm, in the form of Summoner’s Court. This year however, as sixth years, you were required to begin learning how to cast non-verbally, which would provide an interesting twist to the otherwise straight forward game. The Professor paired off you and your classmates, and assigned you to play against Leander. The two of you watched along with the other pairs as Professor Ronan demonstrated, making the task look easy, but you knew that non-verbal casting was supposed to be anything but simple.
The first few pairs of your classmates made goes at the task, some getting the ball to roll a bit, but none of what anyone had accomplished in their allotted time could have actually been considered playing Summoner’s Court. No one thus far had been able to score with all three of their balls, and most couldn’t get a ball to move at all. Professor Ronan assured every group as they tried that this skill would take time, and that he had the utmost confidence that everyone would be able to play non-verbally with more practice over the next several lessons.
After a few other pairs had attempted, Professor Ronan called on you and Leander to try. Stepping up onto the platform, Leander gestured to you, allowing you to go first.
Your head was clouded from your conversation with Sebastian, but you were confident, your use of ancient magic being non verbal, you were more than sure you could manage a simple summoning charm silently. You swished your wand, focusing as best you could at the moment on one of the red balls, willing it towards you… but nothing happened.
It should have been Leander’s turn after your first attempt, but he shook his head, gesturing for you to keep trying. “You go again. You can do this, focus.” He encouraged.
You nodded and took a deep breath, grit your teeth, and tried to focus all of your energy on bringing your ball into the 50 point section of the board. But again, nothing happened. You sighed, letting your hands fall to your side. “You try.” You told Leander, your frustration with yourself evident in your voice.
Leander adjusted his stance and took several deep breaths with his eyes closed, readying himself. Once completely focused, he cast silently, once of the blue balls rolling half a meter towards him, not earning him a score, but still doing enough to earn praise from Professor Ronan.
You tried to smile, but your voice was defeated. “Well done.” You told Leander as you stepped forward, this time attempting to copy his focusing method, your eyes closed, breathing deeply, before attempting your second turn. This time, the red ball you’d been aiming at rocked in place a bit. Not what you were hoping for, you shook your head at yourself and stepped back.
The two went back and forth practicing a few more times and exhausting the rest of your allotted time, before Professor Ronan reset the court and the next pair of your classmates gave it their shot. You and Leander took a seat in the garden, watching the rest of your classmates trying their luck. You leaned back on your hands trying to relax a bit and pretending you hadn’t just made a fool of yourself when you knew everyone would have been expecting more from you after your accomplishments of the previous year.
You could feel Leander’s eyes on you as you watched intently your classmates similar failures. “We could both use some more practice.” He said casually, in a hushed tone as not to be overheard by the professor or your peers sat in the grass scattered around you.
“Mhm.” You hummed, not turning to look at him, for fear his competitive side would rub your crushing defeat into your face.
“I’d be keen to continue practicing together, if you’d be.” He said softly.
“Oh... We can do that, sure.” You agreed, pleasantly surprised that he didn’t give you the snark you’d become used to hearing from him around the castle. The two of you quietly chatted a bit more, as class progressed, deciding to meet during your free period on Wednesday.
Through your classes, the need to speak with Ominis lingered in the back of your mind. But getting the Slytherin alone was proving to be more difficult that you’d anticipated. You shared a several common classes, double Herbology, History of Magic, Potions… But at every strike of the clock as it dismissed lessons, he was too quickly out the door and into the sea of other students in the castle for you to approach him.
It was midweek when you’d found him in the Library before breakfast. You’d taken to seeking him out outside of classes as it was clear he was avoiding you during them. Not expecting your – or anyone else’s – presence so early, he startled when you softly spoke his name into the quiet room.
“Ominis… Can we talk?” You asked.
He set his wand down along the center of the book he’d been reading, and turned towards the direction of your voice. “I’ve already spoken with Sebastian. Has he put you up to this?”
You hesitated for a moment. “I wanted to talk to you, regardless of what Sebastian told me of his conversation with you... Did you get my letters over summer holiday?” You asked as you sank into the chair across the table from him.
“I did. I can appreciate that you’re regretful of how things happened last year, but you… you convinced me to betray my morals on more than one occasion and I have not forgiven you, nor am I sure that I ever will.” Ominis said. “And I am finding it hard to believe that you’re not here right now to try to convince me to betray Anne’s trust by giving Sebastian her whereabouts. He asked you to speak with me, don’t lie to me.”
“He did…” You admitted, leaning forward and keeping your voice down to keep the conversation private. “Ominis, that’s his sister, the only family he has left, and who’s time is likely limited… Don’t you think it’s a bit cruel of you to keep that from him?”
“Cruel of me?” Ominis asked with a scoff. “We can have a discussion what cruelty actually is, if that’s what you would like to do, MC.”
He was clearly offended at your remark, and against your better judgment, you continued to push him. “It shouldn’t be up to you whether or not Sebastian gets the opportunity to say his piece to his sister. It can be up to her to respond, but it isn’t your place to keep that chance from him.”
“I gave Anne my word and I intend to keep it. If she chooses to connect with him, she knows where he is to send him an owl.” Ominis said with finality.
“You will not sway me again, MC!” He almost shouted, rising slightly from his chair and turning the heads of several other early rising students who were already in the library.
A defeated sigh was the last thing out of your mouth before you rose from the table and headed out of the library, and towards the Great Hall, where breakfast would be beginning to be served momentarily.
You really had given it your best attempt, trying to play at Ominis’s heart but his conviction to keeping his word to Anne was making him unreasonably stubborn, and now, you had to deliver word to Sebastian.
You were one of the first in the Great Hall that morning. You didn’t bother fixing yourself a plate just yet, as you sat at the Gryffindor table, eyes locked across the room, waiting for Sebastian to make his appearance so you could undoubtedly ruin his day with the news that you couldn’t win over Ominis this time… You were dreading it.
You sat about 15 minutes before Sebastian came through the tall wooden doors into the Great Hall, and you started making your way towards him quickly, before he’d even reached his seat, the other Gryffindors who’d meandered their way to your table turning to you in confusion over how someone could seem to have so much vigor so early in the morning on a Wednesday.
Sebastian caught your eyes as you headed his way, meeting you at his table, you sunk onto the bench beside each other, he wasted no time in giving you an expectant look. “Well, have you spoken to Ominis? Do you know where she is?”
“I’m sorry… Sebastian. I tried reasoning with him… He’s not planning on telling you, and he wouldn’t tell me. He’s not forgiven me for my part in things and he doesn’t want to speak to me at all, it would seem.” You said as gently as you possibly could, your hand on his shoulder while you gave him the news.
Sebastian said nothing, kept his eyes straight ahead as you told him, bit his lip, likely to keep himself from saying something to you that he’d regret. You could see the rage beginning to simmer up within him, and a moment later, as the hall started to fill with more students, he got up and stormed towards the doors.
You were certain he was heading to the Undercroft, so you got up and went after him, the two of you making you way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower quickly, and through the clockwork door to the secret room.
No sooner did the gate slam down behind you did Sebastian turn to face you, his brows furrowed in anger. “That might have been my last shot at finding out where Anne is… And you blew it!” He said, his last words laced with venom.
You were taken aback that his outburst was directed at you. “Sebastian, I did my best, he shouted at me in the library he was so angry. I did all that I could.”
“You must have used the wrong approach with him! You’ve always been able to get through to him!!”
“Well, he’s not happy with that fact!” You spat back.
“Just go, MC. You’ve done enough.” He said. When you didn’t make a move for the gate, he stepped towards you, making you take a step back. “GO!”
Finally you did turn to leave, looking back over your shoulder at the brooding boy as you raised the gate. You wanted to say more, to sympathize with your friend, but he wasn’t having it at all, at the moment, and so you left.
Breakfast was still being served and would be for awhile longer, but you no longer had an appetite, your stomach twisting in unwarranted guilt. You knew you tried your best, but still, you felt as though you failed.
I did fail. You thought.
Your mind spiraled as you made your way back to your common room. Knowing that you had a free period after breakfast, you let yourself fall into your bed before drawing the surrounding curtains shut and burying your face in your pillow.
Your pillow growing damp beneath your tears, you slowly began to doze off. Your mental exhaustion overriding the fact that you’d only been awake for a couple hours. Before succumbing completely to sleep, you pulled your curtain back a tad, and pointed your wand at your alarm clock, charming it to wake you before your first class of the day.
About an hour later you awoke, your little nap not making you feel any better as a creeping sense of dread weighed in your mind.
I let Sebastian down.
You pulled yourself from your bed, standing in front of the mirror for a moment to straighten out your uniform and fixing your robe which you hadn’t even bothered to remove.
Heading back down to the common room, you intended to grab an apple to tide you over until lunch, but yet another set of disappointed eyes caught yours as you made your way to the fruit bowl.
Leander. Fuck! You’d made plans to practice non verbal casting with him during the free period you’d just slept through. You didn’t think you could feel any more guilty than you already did, but you proved yourself wrong instantly when those deep brown eyes of his met yours, giving you a look of questioning as he closed the book he’d been reading.
“Leander, I’m so sorry! I totally forgot we were supposed to meet outside an hour ago.” You said as you approached, taking a seat next to him on the sofa near the fireplace.
“I waited fifteen minutes… I don’t like being stood up.” He said, annoyance clear in his voice. “Were you sleeping?” He asked, turning in his seat to face you better. He looked you over, taking in the state of your hair… something you hadn’t bothered fixing, and your wrinkled robe. “In your uniform?”
You nodded, your eyes towards the floor in embarrassment.
You were expecting judgment, perhaps even criticism… But the look on his face softened as his eyes studied your face. “Look MC, if there’s something going on, you can tell me.”
Merlin did you want to. You wanted to spill everything you were feeling just to get the weight off of your chest and maybe hear that not everything was your fault, but you bit back the urge to vent. “Can we just reschedule? I still really need the practice and I promise, I won’t forget next time.”
Leander sighed, seeing that he wasn’t getting anywhere with you at the moment. “Sure, we can reschedule.” And so the it was decide. Same time Friday, during your shared free period after breakfast.
Sebastian had been distant from you following your tiff days prior, and Ominis made himself scarce, never lingering after classes, his guard up at all times. You were still feeling an overwhelming sense of loss after Fig, and the dissolution of the little trio that had gotten you through your fifth year was only adding to that feeling.
Through it all though, you were looking forward to practicing some non verbal Summoner’s Court with Leander. Anything to get your mind into a better state was welcomed right now, even if it was essentially just extra class work.
When your free period Friday morning came around, you were tired as you made your way outside to the Summoner’s Court platform. Leander was waiting there already, smiling at you as you approached.
“Morning. Ready to get the ball rolling?” He asked as you stepped up on the platform, chuckling at his own pun with a smirk on his face.
“Hopefully I can get it rolling this time.” You remarked, eyes rolling at his joke. “How’d you do it so easily in class the other day?”
He shrugged. “Was just focused. It seemed like your mind was elsewhere. I think that was your problem.”
Oh, how right he was. You weren’t sure if Leander had always been so annoyingly perceptive or if it was just that overtly obvious that you were already really going through it this year. You nodded at his assertion. “I will try to focus harder. You go first.”
In the same manner he had during class the other day, Leander shut his eyes and took several deep breaths. “Focus on your breathing, let everything else fade away. Concentrate on the ball.” He told you, before pointing his wand and willing one of the balls towards him, without saying the incantation.
He did even better than he had in class, scoring 30 points for himself. He pumped his fist in excitement for himself, before his eyes darted to yours as though seeking validation. He looked almost guilty for doing well at something you’d struggled with. You met him with a smile.
“Good job! Seriously, that’s very impressive. Non verbal casting is supposed to be really difficult. You’re making it look easy.”
“I may have practiced a bit more when I was waiting on you the other day.” He said with a little grin. He took a few steps back and gestured for you to take your turn. “I know you can do this.”
You knew you could too. If learning non verbal casting was something that was taught midway through fifth year, no doubt you’d have crushed the challenge. You’d felt like you could do anything then. This year was different. You did your best to clear your head of everything else that was weighing you down, of your feelings of inadequacy, of your crumbling friendships. You kept your eyes locked on your ball as you cast and this time it came rolling towards you, stopping beside Leander’s.
“You did it! Nicely done!” He exclaimed as you jumped and laughed.
You couldn’t explain why, but in that moment, you had a strong urge to throw your arms around his neck and embrace him… and it seemed like he felt it too. He took a step closer to you, holding eye contact with you, each of you with a wide grin on your face. He reached out towards you then hesitated before playfully nudging your shoulder, then cleared his throat.
“Thank you!” You replied, a beat too late for the pause to not be slightly uncomfortable.
As small as the achievement was, it had been awhile since you felt like you accomplished something… and the last time you had, any feeling of pride you had were quickly swallowed by overwhelming loss and guilt. But not this time. You felt genuine joy, if only for a few moments, before a palpable awkwardness settled between the two of you.
“You’re up.” You said and looked away for just a moment, before stepping back and watching Leander gather himself, closing his eyes to concentrate.
By the end of your shared free period, you’d completed a few games of Summoner’s Court, getting better with your non verbal casts each round, and sharpened your wit with some friendly banter. Score wise, you’d lost to Leander every round, but the score wasn’t what mattered this time, so you took your losses gracefully, and Leander didn’t gloat this time. You were confident now that next Charms class, you’d be able to show Professor Ronan some serious improvement.
The rest of your day was largely uneventful. The small victories you had with your non verbal casting had you in a good mood that spanned most of the rest of the day, until you got to your first double lesson of the day – Herbology – which was shared with the Slytherins. Back in fifth year, in these double lessons, you’d sit between Sebastian and Ominis, but of course that changed with the start of sixth year. Ominis would sit himself clear across the room whenever he could, leaving you beside Sebastian. But today, with Sebastian still bemoaning the fact that despite your best efforts, you couldn’t get Ominis to divulge Anne’s whereabouts, Sebastian sat himself as far away from you as he could, too.
So you were agitated in Herbology, feeling a bit alone, until the empty potting station that Sebastian usually filled beside you, was instead filled by Leander. You were fine with this, but when you looked Sebastian’s way from across and down the row, he was in the middle of the most dramatic eye roll you’d ever seen, followed by a look of contempt over your new company. You shook your head and rolled your eyes at Sebastian, Leander sitting by, watching the silent exchange.
“What’s got his wand in a knot?” Leander asked quietly, leaning in towards you a bit with his eyes still on Sebastian. He’d been able to tell since the other day in the Great Hall that something was off to do with you and the Slytherin, regardless of the fact you told him otherwise.
“Who knows.” You replied dismissively. You weren’t about to tell Leander that of course Sebastian wouldn’t be happy that you were spending time with someone he considered to be a bit of a rival whilst the two of you were in a petty spat.
Leander sighed. You knew your reply wasn’t good enough for him, and you didn’t doubt that he actually cared about whatever you were going through that was clearly troubling you. But Herbology class wasn’t the time or place for that conversation, and you weren’t sure if such a time or place even existed... You had too much else on your mind to stop and consider the growing feeling of warmth you had when in Leander’s presence.
The sound of Professor Garlick’s voice ringing through the greenhouse drew all attention to her. Leander had looked like he’d wanted to say something else to you, but he thought better of it, and turned his head to face the Professor. The class listened attentively to her explaining that the Fanged Geraniums would need tended to regularly this term, and that each student would be expected to procure several fangs for used in Potions later on in the year. You and the rest of your peers donned the precautionary dragon hide gloves and got to work.
As class was dismissed, you were shoving your gloves and textbook back into your satchel, chatting casually with both Leander and Garreth who had been seated to Leander’s other side, when Sebastian passed by making his exit from the greenhouse, bumping his shoulder hard into yours in the process.
Leander and Garreth both shot him a look before turning back to you, expressions of ‘what the hell?’ on their faces. You scoffed, excusing yourself from your housemates, and followed Sebastian out of the room, grabbing his arm and pulling him aside in the greenhouses atrium for a word. You kept hold of his arm and watched the rest of your classmates filter slowly out of the greenhouse and through the large doors returning to the castle, ensuring you were alone before addressing him. Your Gryffindor friends brought up the rear of the line, Leander looking over his shoulder at you before disappearing through the large green doors.
You released Sebastian’s arm before you spoke. “Have you got something to say?” You asked Sebastian, returning every bit of snark he’d given you through Herbology.
“No, I don’t.” He said, standing with his arms crossed in front of you.
“Well, I do. How long are you going to be angry at me when I tried to help you? I tried speaking to Ominis. I did all I could.”
“As long as I want.” He replied, sounding like a petulant child, taking a bratty stance with his weight shifted to one leg, his arms still folded as he looked at you.
“This is ridiculous, Sebastian! We’ve both already lost our friendships with Ominis, do you really want to lose each other too?” You tried to reason with him. The argument was so obvious to you, you couldn't wrap your head around why he was acting this way.
He smirked and rolled his eyes. “What do you care? You’ve got Prewett and Weasley now.”
You laughed and shook your head. “Don’t be daft! You know you’re my best friend!”
“Right. I’ve got to get to class.” He said and headed off without another word.
You shut your eyes tight and leaned back against the glass wall as he walked away, disappearing through the doors exiting the atrium. You heard him shout at someone, or perhaps at his own situation, after the door had shut behind him, but you couldn’t make out what he’d said.
You sank down the wall, letting your head fall to your bent knees, wondering how despite your best efforts, rather than him coming around after a few days had passed, things with Sebastian had somehow seemed to get worse.
Could I have done something differently? Did I take the wrong approach speaking with Ominis?
Thoughts of what you could have done and things you should have said instead flooded your mind, and you could feel tears threatening to spill over your eyelids. You could have easily let yourself wallow in your feelings – it was difficult to think of doing mostly anything else at the moment – but you had Transfiguration class to get to, so you wiped your eyes, pulled yourself up, and headed to class, arriving only a minute or so late.
You absentmindedly went through the motions that propelled you through the rest of the school day, your exchange with Sebastian occupying far too much of your mind.
Why did he have to be so difficult?
You attempted to relax amongst your housemates that evening in the common room around the fire, your legs curled comfortably underneath you in an armchair with a book on your lap, your eyes laid on the page unmoving, the chatter around you sounding dull in your ears as your mind wandered elsewhere. Not waiting to be the first of your peers to retire to bed for the evening, you waited awhile, daydreaming, as one by one they slowly left your peripheral vision to head upstairs to the dorms. You nodded and said goodnight to those sitting around you as you headed upstairs to your dorm to ready yourself for bed.
You settled yourself into bed and drew the surrounding curtains closed tight. You knew that sleep would not come easily to you tonight, your mind playing and replaying your exchange with Sebastian.
You tossed and turned until your exhaustion finally won out over your minds inexplicable need to dwell on conversations you couldn’t change.
Scenes of fifth year played in your mind, flashes of green light mixed with images of things you wished you could forget... Sebastian’s face as he uttered the spell that would end his uncle’s life and simultaneously end his closest friendships... Professor Figs body slowly giving in to its final rest after helping you through a battle no teenager should have had to go through in the first place… Things that most people wouldn’t be able to fathom in their wildest dreams was your history, and it plagued your present, even in your sleep.
Two hours had passed when you shot straight up, tears in your eyes, your breath coming in gasps and your forehead sweaty, as you realized it was just a nightmare. You were no longer under the castle in your personal hell, but in your bed. The panic slowly subsided, but you couldn’t lay back down just yet. You slowly pulled your bed curtains open, your eyes adjusting to the darkness of the dorm, all was still and silent in the room around you.
If you were being honest, you were surprised the nightmares hadn’t hit you sooner upon your return to Hogwarts. Through the summer holiday, they had been frequent. You made your way down to the common room, needing time to clear your head before you’d feel comfortable enough to try to sleep again.
The large room was quiet and dim, such a stark contrast to how lively it was during the day. It was almost eerie. You headed for your favorite armchair but froze in your tracks when you noticed a tuft of fiery red hair against the back of the sofa next to it.
“Leander?” You asked. Your voice into the silence of the room startling him.
His body turned and his head whipped around to face you. “MC, what are you doing up?” He asked, surprised by the sudden company, but not sounding unhappy to see you.
“Couldn’t sleep.” You replied simply, and headed to sit near him, taking the spot on the other end of the sofa rather than on the armchair as you’d planned to.
The smile he had when he first turned and saw you faded as he looked you over, taking in the small details that gave away that you were not awake right now by choice. Your hair at your scalp was damp with sweat and your eyes were red as though you’d been crying. Your skin was pale, unsettled from the fright that had awoken you.
“What’s wrong?” His tone now taking on a more serious edge, genuine concern filling his voice and plain to see on his face.
“I uh... I had a nightmare. That’s all.” You said, offering him a half smile. “It’s fine… I sort of... get them a lot.”
“Looks like it was a hell of a nightmare.” He said.
You sighed and nodded, settling yourself more comfortably in your seat. Silence filled the air again. You could hardly take his eyes lingering on you, studying you as you sat there. “What were you doing up?” You asked him to break the silence.
He held up a book that was sat beside him. “Lost track of time reading.” He said and shrugged. “It’s easy to do when the common room is quiet.”
You just nodded, the air awkward between the two of you.
He looked at you incredulously, not wanting to be insensitive but also seemingly wanting to say more. “If I may, um… I get the feeling that a nightmare isn’t the only thing that’s been bothering you.” He said and turned his body on the sofa to face you better. “You’ve been off since the train ride here.”
You nodded slowly. His assertion shocked you in the way it was totally spot on. His perceptiveness made you chuckle a bit, mostly in embarrassment, for the fact that he’d caught on so early and actually seemed to care enough to call you on your behavior.
“What gave it away?” You asked him.
“We were on that train for hours, and you never once turned the page in the book you were staring at.” He said rather bluntly, but the look in his eyes told you he was nervous bringing it up
You grinned a bit, as did he after you reacted first. “Noted. I’ll try to be more convincing next time.” You said, a tinge of sass in your voice perhaps as a way to downplay his observations.
But at the same time… though a part of you wanted to keep your struggles internal, another part of you, perhaps an equally large part, felt good knowing he could really see you. Perhaps you weren’t quite as alone as you felt.
But Leander wasn’t finished yet. “I can tell there is something wrong between you and Sebastian. And Ominis. The three of you were inseparable last year and now…” He trailed off and cleared his throat, not wanting to get too deep into what he knew would likely be a painful topic for you. “I know it isn't my business, but if you wanted to talk…”
You felt a pull to tell him, a feeling you had a few days prior, when you’d slept through your plans with him… and the feeling was only stronger now. But again, you bit it back.
“I’m fine. And my friends and I will be fine.” You said, trying to sound more confident in this statement than you actually were. You could tell from his facial expression that your attempt was not successful.
What could he really say to that, though? He didn’t believe you but he wasn’t about to beg you for information you were clearly too stubborn to offer to him, even when he could tell you could use a friend. You could see him pondering but all he did was shrug and offer up, “Well, I read in the common room most nights, when it quiets down. If you ever want a listening ear, or some company.”
You offered him a little smile, and nodded in acknowledgment of his offer. “I appreciate it, really. But, I won’t keep you from your book any longer tonight. I’m heading back to bed.” You told him before getting up and heading back upstairs and to your dorm.
The longer Sebastian went without coming around and apologizing to you like you’d expected him to do within a few days of your little spat, the worse your days seemed to get. You knew he was stubborn, but the more time between you, the less hopeful you were for him to realize he was in the wrong here.
A week out from your last words with Sebastian, you were still quite hurt, but now anger had settled in alongside of it. A good day, in the past week, would have been defined by not begrudgingly sneering at other’s friend groups as they enjoyed their time between classes or at meal times. You didn’t have a good day in the last week.
It felt too early in the year for you to be mindlessly going through the motions, but that was the point you were at. Your classes, that should have been interesting and engaging to you simply felt lackluster. You had been looking forward to Crossed Wands to ease the drone of lessons, but like everything else in your life at the current moment, it just couldn’t go as you’d planned.
After Sebastian dodged you during the first rounds of Crossed Wands for the year, partnering up with Nerida Roberts instead, you were less confident than ever that he’d decide to make amends. Dueling against him, rather than beside him wasn’t something you pictured yourself ever doing, but you fell into a rhythm dueling alongside of Leander instead, and it went better than you could have imagined. The two of you were focused, and seemed to anticipate each others next move with incredible accuracy, playing to each others strengths and weaknesses, and coming out on top in the end.
That win did great things for you self esteem, which had been suffering tremendously as of late in the absence of your two closest friends from the year before. For a few precious moments, you weren’t thinking of the things you’d lost out on lately. You let yourself be present in the moment, and to feel happiness. You watched Sebastian brood in his loss, a look of disgust on his face, while you felt yourself being pulled into a tight embrace from behind, and felt your feet leave the stone floor beneath you. Turning your head to the side, you blushed, catching a glimpse of Leander’s wide grin as he celebrated your efforts, playfully lifting you up for a moment whilst cheering.
Sebastian’s loss, along with witnessing Leander’s triumphant display with you seemed to add fuel to the Slytherin’s fire, sharing no post duel pleasantries with you as a graceful loser would, he marched through the gates and out of the clock tower while glaring daggers at you. Even with the threatening look on his face, it was hard to feel too upset by Sebastian’s disdain when your chest was fluttering at the sensation of having been wrapped in Leander’s arms just moments prior.
Despite your win, after an overall not so great week and with a larger distance between you and the friend you longed to be close with again, your nightmares that night came with a vengeance, as though punishing you for feeling a shred of normalcy. You were always quick to slip from your dorm when you’d wake in the night, chest heaving. You never wanted to bother your dorm mates, your startles were never silent. Tonight you shot awake with scrambled images of Sebastian, and the look he gave you as he stormed from the clock tower, in your mind. Although you couldn’t make sense of what had actually transpired in your dream, you had a heavy feeling in your chest, as though you and he had been fighting. It felt all too real, and left you choking tears at the thought. Your body was trembling as you descended the stairs into the common room shortly after midnight, a cold sweat on your brow leaving you with chills.
You let out a quiet sigh in relief seeing Leander, knowing you didn’t have to be alone this evening while you calmed yourself. Noticing the sound of feet on the common room floor coming from behind him, Leander peered over his shoulder to see you, and shut his book as you sat on the sofa beside him.
“Another nightmare?” He asked as you wrapped your robe around you and tucked your legs under your body as you settled next to him.
“Mhm.” You said and nodded. You were quiet for several moments, you gaze lingering on the fireplace in front of you, seemingly in a daydream. Your mind was turning over the idea that you may well have truly lost your friendship with your Slytherin counterpart, as the details of your nightmare started to come back to you. You just couldn’t shake the feeling your dream had left you with.
“You alright?” Leander asked quietly.
You heard his words but didn’t answer or even turn to look at him. Tears welled and threatened to spill and that just wasn’t something you wanted Leander to see from you. Burying your face in your hands, you muttered that you were fine, but your body language pointed to the contrary. Feeling weak for your emotions and for your vulnerability, you let out a frustrated sigh, then felt a warm hand on your back.
“Come on, come here.” He said softly. His hand moved from your upper back to your shoulder, and pulling you to him gently. You let out a breath and laid your head on his shoulder, allowing him to comfort you. “You aren’t alone. Even if it feels like you are.”
“Thank you, Leander.” You said, turning your body towards his and letting him envelope you in his embrace while your head nuzzled below his chin. You draped an arm across his body, returning his affections, though still unsure what it all meant. You could admit to yourself what you felt about him... the pull deep within you that willed you close to him any chance you could be, and the butterflies that swirled in your chest at his proximity… You liked him. A lot. Even when all of his attention could easily be explained away as friendly, you basked in it, wondering if he felt the same.
After a few moments silence you offered, “I wish I could tell you everything… but much of what is troubling me aren’t my issues to share.”
“Why does that not surprise me, MC?” He asked with a dry, humorless laugh. “You’re always there for everyone else, bearing their burdens, but what about yo-”
You cut him off mid thought, “I don’t need a lecture.”
“No, you don’t, do you? You already know where I was heading.” He said and sighed, holding you a little tighter, his hand slowly running up and down your upper arm.
And you did know where he was going. You knew deep down you did a lot for your friends, perhaps even too much, to the point where anyone’s disappointment in you for any shortcomings, haunted your sleep. But you’d always been a people pleaser. You wanted to help your friends. And you thought it was better for you to say yes and fail, than to say no and not try. Or at least… that’s what you always told yourself.
“I’m sorry, it wasn’t my place to say anything.” Leander said after a few moments contemplation.
“It’s okay.” You took slow, deep breaths, letting yourself calm down in his arms. You focused on the gentle feeling of his fingers along your arm, and the crackling fire in front of the two of you, relaxing for several long minutes in comfortable silence before either of you spoke again.
“It’s getting really late.” He said. A gentle way to suggest that you head back to sleep, likely so he could get some rest himself.
You nodded, sitting up slowly, meeting his eyes and exchanging shy smiles with each other. Leander’s cheeks were always rosy but tonight you noticed they were especially so. “Good night, Leander.” You told him before getting up from the sofa. “Thank you again, for being here.”
“Of course. Good night, MC.” He said. Leander watched you as you left the common room and headed up the stairs towards the dorms, staying back just a few more minutes to finish the chapter in the book he’d been reading when you’d came down earlier.
When you made your way into the Potions classroom the following day after lunch, you did not expect to see Sebastian setting his materials up at the station you’d been sharing with Leander and Garreth for the past week and a half. Thinking of the sight before you further, you knew he’d have intentionally gotten to the classroom early in order to be able to secure the spot.
Of your new Gryffindor trio, you were the first to the classroom and you headed straight up to Sebastian, a look of curiosity on your face as you greeted him cautiously with a nod. “Sebastian.”
“Hey.” He said softly, his brows furrowed in what looked to be embarrassment as you set up your station beside him. “Can you meet me in the Undercroft after the lesson?” He asked you, leaning close, his voice hushed.
You nodded, a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. In your heart, you knew one of two possibilities would be incoming. He would either plead for you to talk to Ominis again… Something you’d have to refuse for your own good… Or he’d apologize for the stress he’d caused you lately. You were crossing your fingers for the latter.
Your classmates slowly started to trickle into the room as time drew closer for the lesson. Leander arrived before Garreth and rather apprehensively claimed the third and final station at your table, leaving the other Gryffindor with an amused and confused expression as he entered a few moments later, eyeing up the configuration and chuckling as he approached.
“Right, good luck with that.” Garreth said, nudging your shoulder in jest as he walked past to take an empty spot at the next grouping of tables.
Tension was thick around you, but before things could become too uncomfortable, Professor Sharp made his entrance and began the lesson, commanding everyone attention, and giving you something else to focus on besides the odd mix of your friends around you.
The hands on lesson was a welcomed distraction, while it lasted, but once it was over, you felt the knot in your stomach pulling you back to earth as Sebastian met you with expectant eyes as your peers gathered their belongings and left the room slowly.
“MC?” It was Leander’s voice that snapped you from your thoughts as you packed your potions book into your satchel. “Would you like to walk to Transfiguration together?” He offered.
“Oh… I – um, I’ll meet you there. You go on.” You said, tripping over your words.
You could see the look of disappointment on his face, as subtle as it was. In a way, it made you feel good, the small indication that he wanted to spend any extra time with you that he could – you wanted the time with him too. But your plans with Sebastian came first, and so you followed the Slytherin out of the room as Leander finished packing away his materials. Walking quickly to catch up with Sebastian, the two of you made your ways through the corridors silently side by side, through the sea of other students, and to the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower.
Waiting until the coast was clear, the two of you entered the clockwork door of the Undercroft, heading into the dank expanse of the room, a sense of dread of what was to come filling you. Sebastian leaned back against one of the large stone columns in the center of the room, his hand at the back of his neck as he contemplated his words. You sat atop an adjacent stack of crates in waiting, your eyes on the ground, as not to pressure him to speak before he was ready.
After a few moments, Sebastian cleared his throat and let out a groan. “Look, MC. I’m... sorry.” He said, his voice slow and resolute.
You met his gaze and exhaled a sigh of relief as he uttered the words you’d been wanting to hear for the better part of two weeks. You hoisted yourself from the stack of crates, moving to him with arms open, and he met you with an equally enthusiastic embrace.
He continued muttering his apologies with his face buried in the crook of your neck. “It wasn’t fair of me to take out my anger on you, especially when you tried to help me.” He said, his voice now cracking with emotion. “Will you please forgive me? I need my best friend back.”
“I’ll forgive you.” You said, and immediately felt his arms tighten around you, and heard his sigh of relief.
“Thank you, MC. You’re too good a friend to me.” He said, finally releasing you from his embrace, allowing you to step back a bit, and smooth out your robes. You nodded at his words and he gave you one of his little half smiles. “You ought to get to Transfiguration... You’ll probably be late as it is. Sorry for that, too.” He added.
“Right... I’ll see you later on, then, yeah?” You hated that you had to cut your making of amends short, but he was right, you had a class to get to.
“Mhm. Homework in the library after lessons?” He proposed – a ritual that the two of you had adopted during fifth year that you were all to eager to resume.
“I’ll meet you then.” You told him, a grin on your face as you turned to leave for class, waving over your shoulder at Sebastian as you headed through the gate and out of the Undercroft.
It felt as though a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, as you headed to your next class. The stress and anxiety you’d been carrying recently seemingly melted away with Sebastian’s apologies, and there was a lightness to your stride you hadn’t had in days.
Your change in mood didn’t go unnoticed when you finally strode through the door and into the Transfiguration classroom, just a few minutes late. Professor Weasley gave you a stern look, pausing her lesson just for a moment as you took your seat beside Leander.
“That will be five points from Gryffindor, MC. For your lack of punctuality.”
“Sorry professor.” You said as you pulled your materials from your satchel. Professor Weasley resumed her lesson while you quickly got to the corresponding page in your textbook. Despite the loss of house points, you were still feeling better than you had in awhile.
“You’re too cheery for someone showing up late to class and losing house points.” Leander remarked under his breath, noticing the subtle grin on your face as you got settled.
“Maybe so.” You grinned and whispered back, before turning your attention to Professor Weasley for the remainder of the class period.
Following the days lessons, you excused yourself from your house mates as you left Transfiguration, parting ways to meet with Sebastian, you made your way to the Library. Sitting with him in the back corner of the Library, leaning over your parchment and text books, working together while conversing and making jokes, it had felt as though the argument that plagued your mind as of late hadn’t even happened.
You told him of your nightmares, for which he apologized. You teased him playfully for yours and Leander’s win in crossed wands, a victory he finally admitted was well earned and deserved. It was in these moments of banter you knew that your friendship would be okay. It had survived many trials before, and this likely wouldn’t be the last, but you were more confident than ever that it would stand the test of time.
Homework long completed and dinner fast approaching, you and Sebastian headed for the Great Hall together, where you joined him at the Slytherin table for a meal the first time since sixth year began. You were comfortable. Happy.
Remaining in the Great Hall well past dinner, you and Sebastian watched as few at a time the other students around you headed back to their common rooms for the evening, while the two of you took your time having an evening spot of tea.
When you did finally go your separate ways that evening, you were still riding a bit of a high when you made your way through the Fat Lady’s portrait and into your common room just before curfew. The room was still lively, with mostly fellow sixth, and seventh years about, while most of the younger students were in their dorms. You crossed the room towards Nellie, Garreth and Leander near the fireplace, the boys hunched over a wizard’s chess board on the sofa between them, and Nellie perched on the arm rest of the sofa behind Garreth.
Garreth was muttering under his breath as you joined the group. You sat on the armrest behind Leander, peering over him at the game board, one of Garreth’s rooks being brutally overtaken by one of Leander’s knights.
“Merlin, I’m terrible at this…” Garreth muttered.
“Well, there’s only one way to get better. Keep playing.” Leander told him, chuckling as he awaited Garreth’s next move.
You and Nellie watched the game unfold quietly, letting the boys focus. After about forty minutes, Garreth had officially lost, his last piece tossed unceremoniously off the board by one of Leander’s remaining pieces.
“Right, I’m going to bed.” Garreth said, clapping his hands against his thighs before standing up and stretching, clearly over the game and it’s outcome.
“Oh come on Garreth, don’t be a sore loser.” Leander teased.
Garreth stood from the sofa, shoving Leander’s shoulder playfully as he passed. “Naw, it’s more fun this way.” He said. “Night Lee.” He added as he and Nellie headed out of the common room and up the stairs towards the dorms.
The common room was quiet and empty now, your peers having retired to their dorms while you’d been spectating the game. You moved to sit where Garreth had been, and Leander picked up the chess pieces, putting them back into the folded board for storage. “Good to see that you and Sebastian made up.” Leander said, once your other friends were out of earshot, setting the chessboard aside and turning to face you as he relaxed against the back of the sofa.
You nodded, smiling. “Finally.” You agreed. You knew he’d have something to say of the matter, knowing that Sebastian would have been the reason you were late to Transfiguration after his reappearance at your table in Potions. He’d have seen the pair of you through dinner, and would likely have drawn some conclusions.
“I suppose that’ll be the end of your nightmares.” He said, his eyes right on yours, and an almost wistful expression on his face, his cheeks rosy, as though he was embarrassed he’d even said anything.
“Maybe for now.” You shrugged. “That’s a good thing, though.” You said, though you understood where his feelings were coming from. It was clear to you through his actions lately, that he really enjoyed you coming to him in the night, when you needed comfort. You enjoyed it too, and he deserved to know.
You scooted closer to him, taking his hand and holding it as it rest in his lap. “It doesn’t mean I’ll stop spending time with you in the evenings, though.”
“Oh?” He questioned, his lips curling into a little smile while his gaze laid on your entwined fingers.
“Just because I might not have nightmares as frequently anymore, doesn’t mean I won’t still want to be close to you.” You said, your thumb rubbing gently against the back of his hand. “You make me feel comfortable… and safe.” You admitted.
“That’s… All I wanted to hear.” He said quietly, his grin spreading as you gave him a look of adoration.
Without a word in response from you, he leaned in towards you, gently pressing his lips to yours, still holding you hand. His lips were soft against yours, the kiss short and chaste but more than enough to make your heart race and your cheeks flush pink. His lips had barely parted from yours when your eyes met for a moment and you moved your free hand to his cheek, your gaze dropping from his eyes to his lips, guiding him to kiss you again, this time with an urgency… you wanted more.
You felt his hands at your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your hand ran up his chest to his shoulder, then to his neck deepening your kiss with a gentle tug there as you parted your lips for his. Leander groaned as his tongue brushed you lip before delving into your mouth, your kiss becoming heated, and only breaking when you were both short of breath.
Leander let out an amused sigh, shaking his head, seeming to be in almost disbelief of the kiss you’d shared, his already ruddy cheeks growing even redder the longer your eyes drank him in.
“That was… better than I’d hoped.” You said, smiling at him and taking his hand in yours again, your face as red as his, your heart still racing.
“So you were hoping to kiss me then?” He asked playfully, and you nodded. “Only good dreams from now on.” He said. “I’ll make sure of it.”
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godsfavoritescientist · 10 months
AITA for throwing a party for my best friend?
I (NB, 1 trillion) recently befriended someone (M, 60+) for the first time in ages. At first I only spent time with him because I felt sorry for him (he had no other friends), but after I got to know him, I realized he was really smart and fun to talk to.
Early on in our friendship, he asked me for help with an important project he was stuck on, and I agreed right away. I dedicated several years to helping him out, doing everything from giving him an idea that would solve all his problems once completed to walking him through complex math to encouraging him to keep going when he hit roadblocks. Every single time I helped with the project for all those years, I stayed up all through the night working on it with him.
A year before things started to fall apart between us, he invited a different friend to help with the project too, who I’ll call “F.” This guy hated the local wildlife (which my friend loved and dedicated his life to studying), and my friend insisted on keeping me a secret from F out of fear that F would hate me too. My friend also insisted on delaying his own project (which he had to finish so that he could keep getting funded to do his dream job) in order to keep F happy by building side-projects that F suggested.
Throughout his time “helping” with the project, F kept criticizing my friend and his project. Eventually, F finished a secret side-project of his own, to build a weapon that erases memories, and used it on my friend multiple times without his consent. I tried to warn my friend that F wasn’t trustworthy, but my friend didn’t do anything with my advice.
When the project was almost complete, F saw me for a few seconds and threw a fit. He used some choice words to describe my friend’s life’s work, told him he should destroy his project, and then abandoned my friend.
My friend was really upset about this, and tried to get in contact with me to reassure him. Unfortunately, I was spending time with my other friends for a couple of days at the time, and didn’t get his messages. He responded by barging into my own home, running up behind me, and accusing me of giving him a bad idea for the project we worked on together for years up until that point, probably because he was doubting his own reasoning skills after finding out that his choice to let F stick around had been a bad decision. I reassured him that he is smart (he is insecure about that) and revealed that I was planning to throw him a huge surprise party too, once his project was finished. He got really angry about this, and announced that he wanted to shut down his life’s work just to stop the party from happening.
I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t want me to throw him a party, and assumed that the stress of losing a friend (even a bad friend like F) was making him not think clearly. I also got a little bit annoyed that he could ever throw all our hard work down the drain so impulsively like that. I diligently stopped him from ruining his own creation, and waited for him to get over his moment of irrational feelings so we could get back to finishing his work, but it never happened.
He kept trying to shut down the project, and ended up losing everything because of it. When he invited yet another bad influence into his home (his brother, who had been a criminal for over ten years at that point), his brother used his diabolical mind to come up with a way to use our project against him, in a way that trapped my friend in a really dangerous situation for several decades.
I looked for my friend for the entire time he was lost in a dangerous situation, but I had no luck. And right when my friend miraculously found me, his brother separated us again. But there was a silver lining to this situation: my friend’s brother accidentally created a way for me to finally reunite with my friend and throw him the surprise party I had been planning.
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chaoticsimp · 1 year
Make a Wish
Relationship: Aizawa x Fem!Reader 
Content Warnings: SFW, angst, fluff, y/n, established relationship
Summary: Chaotic couldn't begin to describe your life lately. Just when you start to feel the weight of the world pushing you down you're reminded of all the people that lift you up.
A/N: Happy Birthday Anon! I hope I've done your request justice and that you have a wonderful birthday :D
Request: One-shot with everything going on in the anime (him just being released from the hospital) will he remember his girlfriend's bday? how will he react or celebrate it?
(his girlfriend also being a pro hero and also a teacher at U.A and an old friend of him and hizashi.)
If u could, pls add some friendship between reader and hizashi too :)
Word Count: 1132
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You needed a break. No. You didn’t like to call it that. Maybe a breather? Yeah, a breather didn’t sound as bad. Needing a break from your partner sounded like a slippery slope, and it’s not where you were headed. You just…you needed a breather.
“Hey, y/n!” Hearing your name made you grimace. You had gone out of your way to find a quiet corner of the school. With the gates being opened to civilians your once slice of paradise felt suffocating. You felt bad even thinking about complaining – it wasn’t as if the civilians had a choice.
“Y/N?” You released a slow breath, pulling your legs back and over the ledge to jump down to the roof.
“Hey,” You finally replied, and Yamada’s grin briefly faltered.
“You weren’t answering your phone." You pushed back your hair, taking a moment to rub your temples as you leaned against the ledge.
“I just needed a breather,” You sighed. You dug out your phone, turned it back on and were greeted by multiple missed calls and messages.
“Aizawa said you seemed down.”
“Just tired,” You dismissed. Yamada sighed, stepping closer as you avoided his gaze.
“Let it out,” He encouraged. You bit your lip, crossing your arms as you debated if you had enough space to jump to the next building without Yamada catching you.
“C’mon, talk.”
“It’s like I said, I’m tired Hizashi,” You sighed. “Everything is about Shigaraki, and All For One. Heroes are dropping left and right, we didn’t even get a second to mourn Kayama a-and Shota-”
Yamada noticed your hesitation. It was just like Aizawa had said – you clammed up around the topic of him. In an attempt to avoid hurting his feelings, you were burying your own.
“I’m just tired,” You repeated instead, ignoring the look Yamada gave you.
"Let me help then." He offered his arm, and you raised your brow.
“C’mon, we'll get Aizawa and I’ll cook dinner at my place. Then you two can relax.” You smiled slightly as you took his arm, relieved at the offer and one more thing off your plate. Yamada whisked you back inside.
“You know you’re allowed to complain,” Yamada said gently. “Even if it’s about Aizawa. I know he doesn’t make it easy sometimes.”
“I just feel like I’m coming in second a lot,” You admitted quietly, clutching Yamada’s arm a little tighter as the guilt burned in your stomach. The world was falling apart, but here you were complaining that your injured partner was already back to work. Yamada slowed to a stop before your apartment, he released your arm just to pull you into a tight hug.
“Happy Birthday,” He let you go, a grin on his face as he put his hand on the doorknob. “I just wanted to say it first."
You tried to remember the date, had you really forgotten your own birthday? Yamada threw open the door, and a chorus of Happy Birthday and Surprise washed over you as you stared in shock. Your colleagues, a few students, and friends all crammed into your apartment and Shota front and center with a cake, and lit candles.
“I told you I could get her here!” Yamada laughed as he gently pushed you into the apartment. You felt the tears welling in your eyes as you took a step back.
“I-I just need a minute.” The party went quiet, Yamada and Aizawa exchanged a glance as you took off down the hall to the bedroom.
“Go, go I’ll handle this,” Yamada prompted, taking the cake from Aizawa. “Alright, we need some music!”
Aizawa left Yamada to dazzle the room. The conversations picked up again as music filled the silence from your exit, and the worry in his stomach only got worse as he approached the bedroom. The door was ajar, and he slid into the room making sure to shut the door behind him. His heart sank when he heard your sniffles, your back to him as you lay in bed.
“I’m sorry,” He sighed. “I thought you’d enjoy the break and the party. I know I’ve been a little distant, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise and now I’ve upset-”
“I’m not upset,” You interrupted. “And you shouldn’t be apologizing.”
“So, you like it?” He asked, and you sat up.
"Of course, I love it Sho, but I’ve spent weeks thinking I was second place and needing breaks from you and the world and all this time you were…” Aizawa smiled gently, taking a seat next to you on the bed.
“You shouldn’t feel bad about needing to step back. Our relationship can take it, but it can’t take you holding all this in for my sake,” He spoke gently, lifting his hand to your face to wipe away your tears.
“I know I’ve needed more from you than usual, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you with me through all this but I think you’ve forgotten that you have me too." 
“I just didn’t want to give you something else to worry about,” You admitted. Aizawa sighed, a soft smile on his face as he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“You are always worth the worry, I love you,” He whispered and you nearly started crying again.
“I love you too,” You breathed. It was the first time in weeks that it felt like you were able to take a full breath.
"I can't believe I forgot my own birthday." Aizawa chuckled.
"I was worried when you didn't mention it, but it did give me the opportunity to plan something for you."
“Did you really plan it all?”
“I even made your favourite cake,” He replied. “Took a few tries, but I hope it’s to your standard.”
“Everything is perfect Sho, thank you.” You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his and he pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. For a moment the world slipped away as you were blanketed with that comfort you had been missing for so long. A knock on the door brought you back, and Aizawa pulled back as the door opened.
“Everything okay in here?” Aizawa looked less than impressed as he eyed Yamada.
“Is it too soon to send everyone home?” He asked and you laughed as you swung your legs over the side of the bed.
“C’mon.” You offered him your hand, and he took it letting you guide him from the room. Aizawa let your hand go as you went to greet your guests, and he lingered back.
“Did you do it?” Yamada asked. Aizawa lifted his hand, feeling for the small box hidden in his pocket.
“Today is about her,” He replied, smiling slightly as he watched you. “Tomorrow can be about us.”
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