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redlineoffate · 2 months ago
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Hello from the future lol! It's already New Year where I am, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know I haven't been as active as I used to be, but I really hope to fix that next year.
Let Orochimaru's year be a lot easier than this one! Love you all <3
 *:・゚✧    Happy New Year! *:・゚✧
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soulsbetrayed · 3 years ago
“Are you done gawking there so I can put my shirt back on or what?” the red eyed man was complaining about Ramuda’s nonstop staring. “Ugh are you shittin’ me, Ramuda are you even listenin’ to me?!”
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This was one of the reasons why he refuses to show anyone else the tattoos on his back that and it just felt weird given how much bad blood there is between the two.
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diverse-hearts-ocs-a · 4 years ago
Continued from [X] @multimuseheart
What kind of trick was this!? He wasn’t supposed to just accept death like this...what was he trying to pull? None of this made any sense! All he had to do was let the arrow loose, strike that little form - was an easy target, different from how he had pictured all of this going...but that form also stirred up memories that he did not wish to have, Amadeus biting at his bottom lip as he walked closer to Venti, arrow still in his hand, ready to fire - or at least he wished that he could.  “...what are you doing? Do you think you’ll win me over simply by being in this shape? Thats the shape you used last time - to make me trust you! To make me think that we were friends. I’m not falling for that same trick twice!”.  Yet, he couldn’t actually shoot him, could he? As much as he’d been twisted, killing something so defenceless would leave a bitter taste, “Either you fight back or I take you back to my master - your choice”. 
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superbeaucoupdevisages · 4 years ago
@multimuseheart​ continued from here.
    Oh. Well then. He wasn’t really use to having someone around asking so many questions about...Pretty much everything. Not that it was irritating, of course not. It took a lot more than that to bother Rio after all.
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      “Hmm...I guess if you find it fun. Continue, then.”
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awesomeuchuu · 4 years ago
An absolutely massive dolphin plush is seen at times bumping into walls, followed by a soft squeak behind it. Hajime has extreme difficulties navigating while carrying something bigger than him, but eventually he managed to locate his target. Lavender eyes slowly looked up at Kanata, holding out the ginormous plush to him. How Hajime even got this? Simple, he made it himself. ''Uhm...I know you like fish, so...I m-made you a present...I'm sorry if it isn't good e-enough, like usual plushes...''
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The aqua haired boy who was - as per usual - soaking in the school fountain, watched with curious eyes how the plush dolphin with legs (?) ambled his way over toward him. And then, by some peculiar fashion, it began to speak. The voice was faintly familiar, and while Kanata had no problem understanding sea dwellers in general, fish, dolphins, crabs, you name it, he didn’t realize his talents extended themselves to plush sea dwellers as well. A new facet of his gift that he hadn’t discovered before, then! 
Oh... But was that a small human behind the dolphin? Shino Hajime, wasn’t it? Ah... Well, that made sense, he supposed. A calm little smile to his face, Kanata reached out a dripping hand to pet the dolphin. “I didn’t know you would ‘provide’ me with a new ‘friend’ today... Thank you, Hajime.”
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noctuxcellus · 4 years ago
Lumine do a poke
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“Oh-hoh, Lumine~.” He bites his lip.
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virtuallghosts · 4 years ago
 The former knight looked tired at Venti, Diluc stopped counting the glasses that this bard took of wine, he is not even surprised anymore. Despite being a beautiful festival, Diluc is at the tavern working in the hope of hearing some information. — Venti ... Why are you looking at me like that? What you want? More wine?
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usodesuuyo · 4 years ago
@multimuseheart​ :
Ramuda is happy they're both heathens. It just makes the posse more fun!
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          “I’M NOT A HEATHEN -”
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hancfubuki · 3 years ago
@multimuseheart​ / s.c
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     “no, no, no. i came here first, hence it’s now my spot.” he didn’t want to fight, but he was ready to throw hands if necessary. “can’t you see a i need to be comfortable to drink my frozen frapuccino? don’t be selfish.”
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viruscide · 4 years ago
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              before  geralt  could  get  a  proper grip  on  the  situation  as  whole  it  turned  out  exclusively against  his  favor,  including  a  feral  frenzy  of  monsters  on their  tracks  hunting  for  blood.  out  in  the  wilderness  where there's  less  traps  than  around  civilization  they  might've  had a  much  bigger  chance  of  getting  out  of  this  unscathed  – for  the  most  part,  anyway  –  but  as  it  turns  out  there'll be  some  sacrifices  to  make  for  a  swift  escape.  
               „don't say  that  again,“  geralt  hisses,  „i'm  not  leaving  you here.“  the  first  approaching  ghoul  in  all  it's  disgusting glory  is  hit  with  a  swift  aard  and  tumbles  a  good  couple of  feet  back,  granting  geralt  some  more  time  with  that damned  trap;  and  he  sliced  open  his  right  hand  in  the process  of  heaving  it  open  inch  by  inch,  his  blood  making the  whole  process  messier  and  more  complicated  than  it  was in  the  first  place.  
              next  he  knows  he  got  one  of  those ghouls  on  his  back  and  for  what  came  to  geralt  as  the longest  time  he  wasn't  able  to  reach  his  sword.  with  grunts and  shouts  he  throws  the  monster  off  his  shoulders, unsheathes  the  silver  and  pierces  it  through  the  fiends belly;  right  before  the  next  one  sprints  toward  him.  
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              „hang on--  fuck--  just  a  minute!“  he's  not  going  down  without  a fight. @multimuseheart​
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superbeaucoupdevisages · 4 years ago
@multimuseheart​ continued from here.
    Rio was still awkward here and there naturally, but he was getting much more use to having Ramuda around and having him be close to him. He came by everyday, spent time with Rio, talked and got to know him- It was only natural that he would want to get closer to him. And eventually it would lead them to where they were currently. The shorter had sat in his lap for comfort and well- Here they were, lip-locked. Rio only pulled back to let Ramuda talk, raising a brow at what he said.
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    With a hum, one of his warm hands stroked down Ramuda’s back, resting on the lower part- Before tugging him even closer. “Says the one that’s always clinging to me every single time he sees me. I think if anyone is desperate here, it’s you..~” He leaned back in to nip at his lower lip almost playfully, letting out a small, happy hum.
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diverse-hearts-moved · 4 years ago
Starter for @multimuseheart​
It honestly wasn’t unusual for him to still be awake, despite the darkness and silence to otherwise be cloaked over the manor. He’d been reading over the latest scouting reports from the winery’s intelligence network, trying to figure out why some routes seemed to be cut off more than others. There didn’t seem to be too much to worry about but with the festival in full swing, he wasn’t letting his guard drop for one second.
He’d just started reading over a report once more when he first heard the noise, frowning as it seemed to be coming from underneath his feet. Was someone seriously trying to rob him right now? With a heavy sigh, the tired red head made his way out of the office and down towards the cellar, manifesting his sword as he entered the dark area, flames soon forming around the weapon, emitting light to let him see the damage before him. “...what the...”. It looked as though some barrels had been tampered with, nothing that surprised him too much with Venti around like he was, however at the moment he had no idea what it was that he was looking at, a small lifeform that seemed to be attempting to fly outside - by hitting itself against the glass of the window again and again.
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“...Venti - is that you?”. Who the heck else could it really be?
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awesomeuchuu · 4 years ago
✦ My muse bandages yours due to an injury. (IDK if you're still accepting, but if you are... Shinobu and Kanata? :3)
multimuseheart answered:
Why was his unit so good at hurting themselves? Why were they all so stupid? At least Shinobu had plenty of bandages and other things. Why? For when he messed up with his parkour and hurt himself. What a unit they were, patching up a far too carefree Kanata.
‘‘H-how...d-did you slip when you got out of the f-fountain?’‘
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Kanata, who was sporting the beginning of a large bruise on his cheek as well as quite the impressive scrape on his arm, simply smiled at Shinobu. That the boy seemed so troubled was of course a cause of concern, but it wasn’t like Kanata hadn’t had worse. Nothing was broken so everything was fine, he figured. 
“I was talking with the fish...” But there were no fish in the fountain... “We were having quite the interesting conversation and I was going to show them one of our new dance moves... I suppose I was not looking at what I was doing and then I said my hellos to the ground instead...”
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bloody-moon-vampire · 4 years ago
//Closed starter for @multimuseheart
Rei walked into his house, be careful not to jostle Ritsu too much. He had peeked in on Knights practice so he could see Ritsu but found him sleeping instead of practicing. He knew Ritsu would probably sleep there all night if left there, so of course he decided to carry him home. He took Ritsu up to his room and laid him down, covering him with the blankets.
He smoothed Ritsu's bangs from his face and kissed his forehead. It was almost tempting to crawl under the covers and cuddle with him but he didn't want to also deal with the possible tantrum Ritsu would have if he woke up to Rei hugging him. So instead he settled for just sitting beside the bed and staring at his adorable sleeping face.
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dievvalkure · 4 years ago
more prompts for your feels ( x ) | @multimuseheart​
“  i can’t remember what it’s like to be truly wanted.  ”
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      “ ...Whatever do you mean by that, Nito? You are among good company now. Those children of Ra*bits cherish you dearly, I’m certain you’re aware of that. They wouldn’t have been able to flourish without you, and now that they’ve grown, you will continue to stand by them, won’t you? They need you, Nito. ” 
      “ ...or is there something else you’d like to say on the matter? ” 
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usodesuuyo · 4 years ago
@multimuseheart​ ; xXx
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            URGH.....     Anger. Of course anger had ended up being his first response. Gentaro was far better at comforting words when it really mattered, despite the lies he’d always tell. And despite the fact it COULD be hard to tell when he was being sincere or not.
         Carefully, he’d lower Ramuda to his feet. Then, he’d fall to his knees and wrap his arms around the other to snuggle.
        “Stop...... Stop talking like that. The thought of losing you hurts. So what if they have a clone at the ready. A clone could never and never WILL be YOU.”
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