!Dernière vidéo de l'année !Luigi's Mansion 3 !Cyberpunk !The division 2...
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childofturks · 1 year
Let's hope to see more of FFVII Rebirth this time around ! Keep this aside if you want. :)
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kpissolution · 2 years
You can increase your entertainment intake with online rummy game app development at KPIS. We are also known as the best Game development company. Our professional game development team provides you with the best rummy game services. For more information, contact us at +91-63503 59218 or email us at [email protected]  
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phoenixfiiire · 4 months
@strawberry-barista asked: 📃! | If you slip in a little 📃 I will discuss one five scenarios that have been living in my head rent free | ACCEPTING
Okay so I'm going to order these from Least to Most Unhinged. I also want to preface this to say I have played both TWEWY and NEO, but that I haven't delved super deep into the secret reports which means I know my grasp of the Angelic hierarchy/how they work is shaky at best.
And as I'm writing them, I'm realizing that oh right, Joshua is the name of an angel in TWEWY canon. This won't be confusing at all.
1 - Joshua is dead and is now just a player. P simple, could be based off his modern verse or just somehow normal verse (good luck explaining what a phone is!).
2 - Joshua is a player, but an (in)famous one because he keeps winning and coming back to life and then dying again. (actually this should be lower down; actually putting this down makes it very unhinged like boy why do you keep dying?) because of this he's gotten the nickname Phoenix.
3 - Joshua is The Phoenix. He's a soul that gets reborn that straddles the line between life and death, so can interact with the UG and RG.
4 - slightly off of the former - Joshua is an angel that straddles the line between the UG and NG, but instead of being a soul in a human body he's just an angel tasked with interacting with humans. Maybe to help set up future games or arrange things in the RG, maybe to help with supplies or something.
5 - oh my god i am a dumbass i forgot Undying Shenanigans together. Joshua is so aggravating before they settled on Jote being his knight because he hates people putting themselves in danger for him but he's the Phoenix he can't be the one charging into danger.
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patchesjam · 1 year
we have at least three shooters in ludwig chat
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gir-posting · 11 months
just a heads up since im seeing it a lot on etsy while i look for used games: you can do 3ds hacking yourself and people asking for 50 bucks to do it for you are hucksters
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jayslashthem · 1 month
Man dried apples go hard. Anyway I might start posting abt a nuzlocke I wanna do on here. For funzies.
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thixpro-technologies1 · 6 months
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I found this tweet pretty helpful about Pierre's insights?(not sure that's the right word..)
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So what we can remember from Pierre's intervention tonight on the subject:
He stayed in contact with Pomme (who wants to continue QSMP) & Léa (who doesn't want to come back), especially to reassure them. He's doing a big pressing(?) for Pomme's return.
He's conscious that the changes are gonna take time (weeks or even months) he leaves(?) this time for Quackity to make changes. If nothing changes, he'll leave and do other projects.
He suggested solutions to help finance the project to Quackity, like sponsoring (like a village on the map with the sponsors), to release merch (but it takes a while to be made) or that the QSMP streamers finanacially participate to help pay the admins.
Aypierre is conscious that he isn't a multigaming streamer (his viewership isn't as good on games that aren't minecraft), to go without QSMP, a server he really likes is also a risk for him to lose sponsorship that he can't afford.
He then criticized the big french twitter accounts that only come to add twitter drama on the fact he returned to the server when they don't even care about QSMP usually.
He understands the viewers/ccs that don't want to come back yet.
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sleep-deprived-blonde · 5 months
Why do you love the Legend of Zelda? What first drew you to it?
Breath of the wild! I loved how pretty all of the scenes/art were, and I absolutely adore the soundtrack (I downloaded it on my phone, all 6.5 hours, totally worth it)!
After completing BOTW, I would read all the fanfic I could because I didn't want it to be over,half the time they'd be for a different game, and I didn't realize it until like 4 chapters in 🤣.
For the longest time, I adamantly refused to read LU and other multigame aus, and I really don't know why tbh. But then I decided to read some fics from 3 authors (you @breannasfluff , @tashacee , and @silvermistanimelover ), and it has had me in a chokehold. I've been here ever since with zero regrets 🩵!
(I probably don't say this enough, but you have such a captivating way of writing! It always draws me back in, and no matter how many times I read them, I still feel all of the emotions and cliffhangers 🥰)
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For my English speaking followers !
There’s an event going on now on Twitch to raise funds for NGO « Doctors of the world ». Goal is to help Palestinians in Gaza and Cisjordanie.
From Friday May 31st until Wednesday June 5th, all funds will be given to Doctors of the world.
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The event is gathering loads of French speaking streamers. There are multigaming events, interviews and testimonials, etc....
Give if you can 🙏
Spread the word if you can 🙏
Any help is welcome 🙏
The team : https://www.twitch.tv/team/streamers4palestinians
Merci les ami.e.s!
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ript1de · 1 month
my papaw is heading up to dc in a few months for his job (works for the government (unionstyle it’s not all bad)) and wants to fly me up for a few days. (a) to look for colleges and (b) to see if we can catch a caps game. im LITERALLY sportspilled. dream game with my math teacher. caps with my father. sister wants me to take me to a (her college) hockey game. mother and i are getting multigame tickets to the gladiators. inauguration/avs bruins game with David and company. AND!!!! maybe a hawks game with petey
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kpissolution · 2 years
There are many advantages, and there are no good reasons not to invest in the multi-gaming sector. Getting assistance from such businesses will make it possible to design effective solutions. Developing a multi-gaming platform application is smart if you consider entering the gaming industry and making a lot of money. Connect with KPIS- A top Multi-game App Development Company.
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mbearlytoon · 3 months
My MCs throughout the Multigames!
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I will elaborate more on their relationships after I start writing more AHAHHAHAHA
IzBa and NaLix were originally sisters as it's based on me and my younger sister. The other two the new addition
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blu-orb · 2 months
ANYWAYS now that tumblr is functional. we're here to talk about our silly little guy (Archipelago context here.)
Marsh (artfight link here for appearance) is our silly little hollow knight oc that's set in an archipelago multigame randomizer. but not just one.
no no no
this little thing is a timelooper.
They are eternally trapped in an evershifting world. It wakes up alone except for the voices from other worlds it hears drifting through. It helps these voices find their missing items, gathering progression and re-meeting those it has previously met as it goes. Once it reaches its own ending, battles their sibling... It starts again. With new voices, new locations for items, eternally.
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^ small snippet of a toyhouse sketch compilation. it interacts with the archipelago text box interface for hints and the like directly, eventually discovering it can use said interface as a *text chat* with other people.
Some people are reoccurring, some only show up once and leave forever. They have favorites of those that keep popping up, though.
Lonely little being... Fun fact the water contained in their head is just an infinite well.
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demifiendrsa · 11 months
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Microsoft’s $68.7 billion deal to acquire Activision Blizzard has been approved by UK regulators. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded that the deal can proceed after Microsoft recently restructured the deal to transfer cloud gaming rights for current and new Activision Blizzard games to Ubisoft. The decision clears the way for the deal to close now that the UK regulator has given the green light.
Press release from the CMA
In August this year Microsoft made a concession that would see Ubisoft, instead of Microsoft, buy Activision’s cloud gaming rights. This new deal will put the cloud streaming rights (outside the EEA) for all of Activision’s PC and console content produced over the next 15 years in the hands of a strong and independent competitor with ambitious plans to offer new ways of accessing that content.
As a result of this concession, the CMA agreed to look afresh at the deal and launched a new investigation in August. That investigation has completed today with the CMA clearing this narrower transaction.
The new deal will stop Microsoft from locking up competition in cloud gaming as this market takes off, preserving competitive prices and services for UK cloud gaming customers. It will allow Ubisoft to offer Activision’s content under any business model, including through multigame subscription services. It will also help to ensure that cloud gaming providers will be able to use non-Windows operating systems for Activision content, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
Sarah Cardell, Chief Executive of the CMA said:
The CMA is resolute in its determination to prevent mergers that harm competition and deliver bad outcomes for consumers and businesses. We take our decisions free from political influence and we won’t be swayed by corporate lobbying.  We delivered a clear message to Microsoft that the deal would be blocked unless they comprehensively addressed our concerns and stuck to our guns on that. With the sale of Activision’s cloud streaming rights to Ubisoft, we’ve made sure Microsoft can’t have a stranglehold over this important and rapidly developing market. As cloud gaming grows, this intervention will ensure people get more competitive prices, better services and more choice. We are the only competition agency globally to have delivered this outcome.  But businesses and their advisors should be in no doubt that the tactics employed by Microsoft are no way to engage with the CMA. Microsoft had the chance to restructure during our initial investigation but instead continued to insist on a package of measures that we told them simply wouldn’t work. Dragging out proceedings in this way only wastes time and money.
Martin Coleman, Chair of the Independent Panel who reviewed the original Microsoft deal, said:
Cloud gaming is an important new way for gamers to access games and this deal could have seriously undermined its potential development. On that we, the European Commission and the US Federal Trade Commission are in full agreement. Where we differ is on how we solve that problem. We rejected a solution put to us by the parties which would have left Microsoft with too much control. We now have a new transaction in which the cloud distribution of Activision games, old and new, is taken away from Microsoft and put into the hands of Ubisoft, an independent party who is committed to widening access to the games. That’s better for competition, better for consumers and better for economic growth.
The decision 
In its original investigation, the CMA found Microsoft already held a strong position in relation to cloud gaming and blocked the deal. 
The sale of Activision’s cloud streaming rights to Ubisoft will prevent the distribution of important, popular content – including games such as Call of Duty, Overwatch, and World of Warcraft – from coming under the control of Microsoft in relation to cloud gaming. The restructured deal substantially addressed the concerns that the CMA had following its original investigation, which concluded earlier this year.   
The CMA did identify limited residual concerns with the new deal, but Microsoft gave undertakings that will ensure that the terms of the sale of Activision’s rights to Ubisoft are enforceable by the CMA. 
The CMA consulted on these undertakings and is satisfied that this will provide the safety net needed to make sure this deal is properly implemented.
For more information, visit the Microsoft / Activision ex-cloud streaming rights case page.
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