#mulan pour the tea
bryonyashaw · 1 year
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authorkarajorgensen · 2 months
Poor Oliver, born too soon to enjoy a cozy sweater.
Poor Felipe, born too soon to wear a crop top.
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mattsmemes · 5 months
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Hello helloooo!
May I request dad!Douma being made to sit through Disney Princess marathons while also being made a guest in his demon daughter’s tea party? :D
Papa Douma do whatever he must for his baby girl! So let’s do this! I missed Dad! Douma!
Douma- Grand Party
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“Daddy! Want some more?” You chirp happily as Douma nods, presenting the empty glittery pink tea cup to you as you pour imaginary liquid into the plastic ceramic with excited hops. For you and only you, his precious little ice princess, Douma has been practicing his imaginary play-along skills and he has found himself cuddled up to fit at a very small wooden table with his precious babygirl, listening to Frozen go on for you
A normal father should hate hearing Disney movies play all day but not Douma, he actually likes each one you want to watch and loves performing all the known songs, plus the infamous ‘Let It Go’ from Frozen for you with a luxurious show of pretty ice statues and trinkles of snow rain to make you feel like you’re apart of the scene. Hearing you laugh and seeing you smile further fuels that new sense of life, love and purpose Douma never had before
Douma hums excited and pleased with your party hosting skills, bringing the fake liquid up to his lips and loudly sipping as to show you that he is enjoying the party you set up for him. Sure, there’s no dead body parts of attractive women or a very fancy silky table sheet but he doesn’t need such treatment to enjoy his time with his precious daughter
You whine sadly, bringing down your cup when you see the dark credits roll. The movie is over already and it made you frown, ah, you won’t be sad for long as Douma politely places his ‘empty’ toy cup and shifts past the delicately organised table to meet the tv screen. Picking out the next movie from the huge stack besides the metal frame, he was quick to switch out Frozen for Mulan
As your very touchy, affectionate father. Douma does everything to make your day perfect, that includes working his brainwashed servants to exhaustion to gather as many Disney movies as possible to present to you. He doesn’t care if his cult members suffer immensely, they’ll be at peace soon by his own claws in one way or another. They must please his daughter and thankfully, he didn’t have to get himself dirty before coming to the party
The classic warning signs and other boring movie ads played on the previously black screen whilst you clapped your free hands together cheerfully and let Douma take them in his much larger palms. He sat down before you, going back to apple-sauce crisscrossing on the floor childishly. Douma is actually childish and playful so being able to play with a child is not as hard as suspected
“Sir Daddy, the cake is ready~” You chime in a playful professional tone when Douma presses play on the Mulan title screen to start up the sixth Disney movie of the early day and the signature Disney opening music begins purring through the air. Douma smiled happily, showing off his clean snowy fangs through his toothy grin. His claws picked at the napkin sat on his toy plate as he picks it up and places it on his lap, his hands folding over as to be respectful to you
In no time, you pulled out a cute wooden replica of a stereotypical party cake from the toy oven sat besides you. Douma eagerly picked up the plastic cutlery wrapped up in a napkin, like the way you saw restaurants handle placing cutlery, as you played cutting the slices of the cake after pulling the fluffy adhesive spot off each other so it became four equal slices
“Is it strawberry? Ooh! How about cherry! Cherry is Daddy’s favourite!”
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adversitybloomed · 10 months
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🌸  ┊ letter received from @caracarnn        𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒍'𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓 : ⛓ / FOR AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE STARTER.
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          annoyance had flickered through her, as she sat upon the cushion among the crowd throne room that housed the imperial court. a heavy headdress weight down upon her head, adding to the headache that had become her life ever since her father had announced that she would be marrying the dragon reborn. a bitterness still could be tasted upon her tongue, as she had not forgiven her father yet for going back on his word and making her soon marry a stranger.
          it mattered little to her that she had heard countless times since the announcement had first been made, on how it was a good and wise match her marriage would be ━━ that fortune would smile down upon the hua dynasty now that a true dragon would be part of the royal family. instead she could not help but worry if her soon-to-be husband would be good and loyal to her. or if he would turn out to be the man that she had always feared marrying who's only goal was to use her for power.
          sparing a glance in his direction, mulan watched as her father talked to the redheaded male who sat upon the dragon throne, a seat normally sat upon by her father. it was a rare sight, especially since the only other person allowed near him during this time was the empress herself, and yet she sat now to the left of him drinking her tea and chatting with the other ladies who had come to attend the social gathering. as she watched him, she could not deny that he was handsome, but it did little to lesson the blow to her ego. she knew her father was asking him of his journey here and if the dowry that he had received was enough or if he desired more, for not only did he send the traditional gifts, of bedding, new clothing for her as well as the tea set for the ceremony and more, but he had also promised ten thousand men to join with her once the marriage was completed and she left with him so that their alliance would remain strong.
          glancing away, she continued to ignore her meal and the conversations around her, especially after her elder sister came from her seat to whisper in her ear that she was happy for her, for it meant that now she was no longer an obstacle in her path for she would soon be leaving their homeland. yet the sound of her name drew her from her own mind, silence soon befalling the court as her father spoke for her to come forward.
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          taking in a breath, she rose from her kneeled position, her steps around the table graceful as she began to make her way towards the middle of the room and closer to the thrones. moving her hands before her, she kneeled to them both bowing her head to the ground as she wished them a lifetime of health and prosperity before raising her head to look up at them.      ❝  forgive my daughter, she has a willful nature. 𝑴𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒏 come here and greet 𝑪𝒂𝒓'𝒂'𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏 more properly.  ❞    her fathers voice did not speak loudly in volume, but the command in his tone could not be missed.
          rising once more, she lifted the hem of her skirt before climbing the steps to join next to rand. waiting she watched as the staff put down a cushion for her to rest upon before she lowered herself to his side. grabbing hold of the serving spoon, she poured him a glass of wine before raising it with two hands to present to him with a smile,      ❝  i hope that our marriage can be long lasting and full of prosperity.  ❞    her eyes met with his own as she only just began to realize how handsome he truly was up close as well as how tall he was.
      ��   she had never seen eyes like his before, the gray-blue color seemingly piercing to the very depths of her soul. suddenly, all of her anger and annoyance was replaced with a nervousness that she could not understand, for her heart raced so suddenly she thought she might faint. for a moments breath, her mind tried to blame the fact that it was because his aura was so powerful ━━ but deep down she knew that was not the reason for the sudden change within her.
        ❝  have we  ━━ ❞    she stopped herself from speaking such a strange thought out loud, for there was no way the two could know each other, despite the fact that her soul seemed to say it was so. instead she forced such a thought away in favor of appearing polite and sane,      ❝  forgive me, what i meant to ask was if you would like more food or if you have had enough and wish for dessert ?   ❞   
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stars-after-dark · 1 year
i did another thing. posted the first chapter to my mulan/tdj au called 'Solidarity in a New Dawn' which is over on ao3! there's a snippet of the opening under the cut if you're interested. ao3 is the same here: stars_after_dark
He mixes the porridge and the soup at the same time, also checking on the tea in the small teapot over the smaller fire. The porridge is ready, but the chicken isn’t tender enough in the soup. All the same, he picks up the teapot with its cups and the entire pot of porridge. 
“Dad,” Gaon says as he watches his father stumble into his room. “I could’ve gotten it myself, you didn’t need to trouble yourself.”
His father tuts and takes the empty bowl from the floor. He scoops in a heap of porridge, then pours a hefty cup of tea. “Your mother is out buying some more herbs and presents for Soohyun.”
Gaon sighs. “What time is it?”
“Time for you to have your porridge, that’s what time it is.”
His father helps him sit up against the headboard and spoons out some porridge for him. His hands shake as he takes the spoon so he eats it quickly, nervous about spilling it. It’s tedious, especially with having to wait for a moment at which no porridge will fall from his tremors, but his father sits with him patiently and talks while pouring their many cups of tea.
“How are you feeling today?” Gaon asks. “You’re very lively.”
“I feel like I could wrestle three bulls at the same time! You see, if you eat all of your porridge and drink your tea as you should do, you’ll be fine.” His dad downs the rest of his tea. “This sickness in my heart is too scared of the power of ginger and turmeric.”
“But Dad, you know I can’t stand the taste of turmeric, and it stains my teeth.”
He tuts again and pours Gaon’s third cup. “Three in the morning, three in the evening, that’s what the doctor said.” Gaon’s starting to resent her a little more with every sip. “Turmeric doesn’t taste of anything, you're too fussy.”
“It tastes like dirt.” A cup is shoved in his face. “Drink.”
He chuckles and sips the tea, now warm. 
His dad shifts to lean against the wardrobe. “How are you feeling, my son?”
Gaon shrugs. “Better than yesterday. Still a bit weak, but I think I’ll be able to go out properly for spring this year.”
His dad smiles and rubs his arm. “I wish we knew,” he says quietly, “I wish we knew why.”
Gaon chuckles and takes his dad’s hand in his. “I don’t think we’ll get an answer even if we ask every year. Things like this happen.” He breathes in and looks out of the window. “The cherry blossoms will start to bloom soon.”
Gaon’s father watches him gaze beyond their window and slowly stands up. He tries to hide the pain in his chest as he takes in a deeper breath. “Come,” he says, grasping Gaon’s arm, “there’s over an hour before Soohyun’s assessment. She’ll be getting ready now.”
The both of them walk slowly to the bathroom where Gaon freshens up. When he goes back to their open kitchen, his mother is frantically storing herbs in ceramic pots and putting sets of jewellery on the table.
“Quick, choose one,” she says, gesturing vaguely at the table. 
Gaon runs his fingers over a purple ribbon for hair tying. Next to it is a different ribbon in a jade colour. He takes the purple in his hand. It would match Soohyun well. From the selection of necklaces and bracelets, a necklace of indigo pearls with swirls of vibrant violet swirls catches his attention immediately. Between every three pearls is a pink star which glitters in the sunlight. It’s the most artistic and elaborate between the rest of them, and an instant match for Soohyun.
His mother laughs. “I said one .” She packs the rest away in a fabric bag. “You have a good eye for these things. Are you ready? We’ll have to go now if you still want to see her as she’s getting ready.”
Gaon nods and goes for his thick cloak. It’s padded with miscellaneous things, from collected lint off of his clothes to the dead hair that falls from his and his mum’s scalp when they brush through it. It’s the thickest, heaviest cloak of the three there (and the most expensive too). Gaon sighs just thinking about how heavy it rests on his shoulders. 
He turns to his father who’s sitting at the kitchen table. “Will you be alright on your own?” he asks.
His dad nods and waves a dismissive hand. “Go, go. I’ll be fine. Give Soohyun my best wishes.” 
With a smile, Gaon pockets the gifts, links with his mother’s arm and they leave the house, waving his father goodbye. 
^this is just a snippet of a longer, 7000 word chapter lmao
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cityboys-modelgirls · 8 months
tagged by @latinokokonoi, thank you for tagging me!
comfort food(s): French West Indian cuisine/way of cooking or eating stuff, especially rice and cassoulet with a bit of sunflower oil, chocolat de communion and pain au beurre (a special kind of hot chocolate and brioche/bread from Martinique), dombrés or simply rice and red beans. cookies, cakes and chocolate too
comfort drink(s): water, chocolat de communion, verbena tea, brown sugar matcha bubble tea
comfort movie(s): i'm not really into movies so i can't think of one right now...... possible mulan 1998 if i had to choose?
comfort show(s): one piece, b99, julie and the phantoms
comfort clothing: sweatpants, hoodies, soft warm socks. bracelets and a nice bag too
comfort song(s): paradise, tomorrow, intro: nevermind, run, friends, respect, outro: ego, euphoria, epiphany, trivia: love by bts
_world, change up, hit song, still lonely, drift away, healing, together, god of music by seventeen
look at me, talk that talk, sunset, fancy, sweet summer day, the feels, FILA (fall in love again), just be yourself by twice
cartoon theme songs and anime ost from my childhood (special mention for the japanese mermaid melody soundtrack), disney songs, notes pour trop tard by orelsan, flicker by rina sawayama
comfort book(s): one piece, sugar sugar rune
comfort game(s): pokemon
tagging with no pressure: @fullcaps-ethan @sibsattic @dickggansey @scavengerridley @bi-honor @regnigt and anyone who wants to do it!
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softpastelqueer · 1 year
Some positivity posts are so wildly hyperspecific that it’s genuinely funny
“I never see positivity posts for people like me so here’s one for the kids who had a turtle shaped birthmark on the right side of their stomach. Here’s to the people who pour iced tea into coffee instead of milk, cream, or sugar. Here’s to the people who choreographed an entire dance to Disney Mulan’s “I’ll Make A Man Out Of You” and performed to their parents so they’d be allowed to go to Chuck E Cheese’s. Here’s to us!”
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tea-hytyyto · 2 years
I just realized mulan on ur pfp!!
Oh yeah! I loved the fact that she's pouring tea and her face is in shock. Kind of represents me when I'm online too
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 7 months
❝ Does he believe a pair of pretty slippers will win my hand? ❞
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Kexin can't help but to chuckle lightly at Mulan's words. "Surely you must be speaking of a no good, vulture of a suitor whom doesn't stand a chance. Because I know for a fact that Sizhui is far too refined and intelligent to think or pull such a thing," she comments, already pouring tea.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 1 year
Mulan (1998) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 150+ sentences from the 1998 version of Mulan to use for your enjoyment!    
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1.      “Now all of China knows you’re here.”
2.      “We’ll set up defenses around the palace immediately.”
3.      “Send your troops to protect my people.”
4.      “I believe my troops can stop him.”
5.      “A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.”
6.      “Whose the smartest doggy in the world?”
7.      “Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning and three at night.”
8.      “You should already be in town. We are counting on you to uphold the family honor.”
9.      “I’m going to pray some more.”
10.   “The matchmaker is not a patient woman.”
11.   “I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.”
12.   “How lucky can they be? They’re dead.”
13.   “This is your chance to prove yourself.”
14.   “Who spit in her bean curd?”
15.   “Recite the final admonition.”
16.   “Fulfill our duties calmly and respectfully.”
17.   “This shall bring you honor and glory.”
18.   “Now, pour the tea.”
19.   “To please your future in-laws, you must demonstrate a sense of dignity and refinement.”
20.   “You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!”
21.   “My, my. What beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one’s late. I’ll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.”
22.   “By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in the imperial army.”
23.   “I will serve the Emperor in my father’s place.”
24.   “I am ready to serve the emperor.”
25.   “You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man’s presence.”
26.��  “You dishonor me.”
27.   “You shouldn’t have to go! There are plenty of young men to fight!”
28.   “It is an honor to protect my country and my family.”
29.   “So you’ll die for honor?”
30.   “I will die doing what’s right.”
31.   “I know my place! It is time you learned yours!”
32.   “You must go after her. She could be killed.”
33.   “So tell me what mortal needs my protection, great ancestor! You just say the word and I’m there!”
34.   “These are the family guardians.”
35.   “And you, O demoted one?”
36.   “One family reunion comin’ right up.”
37.   “Rise and shine. Ya’ll way past the beauty sleep thing, trust me.”
38.   “Don’t look at me. She gets it from your side of the family.”
39.   “She’s just trying to help her father.”
40.   “Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate.”
41.   “Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser!”
42.   “Let a guardian bring her back.”
43.   “We must send the most powerful of all.”
44.   “You are not worthy of this spot.”
45.   “Just one chance, is that too much to ask?”
46.   “I’m doomed and all cause Miss Man decides to take her little drag show on the road.”
47.   “Go get her? What’s the matter with you?”
48.   “The emperor will stop you.”
49.   “By building this wall, he challenged my strength. Well, I’m here to play his game.”
50.   “Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies.”
51.   “How many men does it take to deliver a message?”
52.   “I see you have a sword. I have one, too. They’re very manly and tough.”
53.   “Who am I fooling? It’s going to take a miracle to get me into the army.”
54.   “Did I hear someone ask for a miracle?”
55.   “Your serpentine salvation is at hand, for I have been sent by your ancestors to guide you through your masquerade!”
56.   “If the army finds out you’re a girl, the penalty is death!”
57.   “Who am I? Who am I? I am the guardian of lost souls! I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible.”
58.   “My ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?”
59.   “Dragon. Dra-gon. Not lizard. I don’t do that tongue thing.”
60.   “I’m travel size for your convenience!”
61.   “My powers are beyond your mortal imagination.”
62.   “All right, that’s it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Make a note of this. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!”
63.   “I’m just nervous. I’ve never done this before.”
64.   “You’re gonna have to trust me. And don’t you slap me no more.”
65.   “This is it. Time to show ‘em your man walk. Shoulders back, chest high, feet apart, head up, and strut.”
66.   “It’s all attitude. Be tough, like this guy here.”
67.   “Punch him. It’s how men say hello.”
68.   “I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make your ancestors dizzy.”
69.   “Relax and chant with me.”
70.   “Chicken boy? Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!”
71.   “Excellent strategy, sir. I do love surprises.”
72.   “You will stay and train the new recruits.”
73.   “This is an enormous responsibility. Perhaps a soldier with more experience…”
74.   “I don’t need anyone causing trouble in my camp.”
75.   “Sorry you had to see that, but you know how it is when you get those manly urges and you just gotta kill something. Fix things. Cook outdoors.”
76.   “Your commanding officer just asked you a question.”
77.   “I’ve got a name. And it’s a boy’s name, too.”
78.   “I didn’t ask for his name. I asked for yours!”
79.   “Tomorrow the real work begins.”
80.   “You know, we have to work on your people skills.”
81.   “Remember, it’s your first day of training, so listen to your teacher and no fighting. Play nice with the other kids, unless one of the other kids wanna fight, then you have to kick the other kids butt.”
82.   “But I don’t wanna kick the other kid’s butt.”
83.   “Lets see your war face!”
84.   “I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover.”
85.   “That’s my tough looking warrior. That’s what I’m talking about. Now get out there and make me proud.”
86.   “Wait! You forgot your sword!”
87.   “My little baby, off to destroy people.”
88.   “Looks like our new friend slept in this morning.”
89.   “Are ya hungry? Cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich.”
90.   “You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning. Anyone who acts otherwise will answer to me.”
91.   “The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass.”
92.   “This is not a good idea. What if somebody sees you?”
93.   “Just because I look like a man doesn’t mean I have to smell like one.”
94.   “We’re doomed! There are a couple of things I know they’re bound to notice!”
95.   “Come back here. I know we were jerks to you before, so let’s start over.”
96.   “I never want to see a naked man again.”
97.   “Hey, don’t look at me. I ain’t bitin’ no more butts.”
98.   “You think your troops are ready to fight? They would not last a minute against the Huns!”
99.   “Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers than you are to be captain.”
100. “The general may be your father, but I am the emperor’s counsel. And by the way, I got that job on my own.”
101.  “I’ll hold him and you punch.”
102.  “For what it’s worth, I think you’re a great captain.”
103.  “I saw that. You like him, don’t you?”
104.  “I think it’s time we took this war into our own hands.”
105.  “You men owe me a new pair of slippers.”
106.  “We’re in a war, man! There’s no time for stupid questions!”
107.   “Search for survivors.”
108.   “I don’t understand. My father should’ve been here.”
109.   “We’re the only hope for the emperor now.”
110.   “Prepare to fight. If we die, we die with honor.”
111.   “You missed! How could you miss? It was three feet in front of you!”
112.   “Man, you are one lucky bug.”
113.   “We’re gonna die! We are definitely gonna die! No way we survive this! Death is coming!”
114.   “I knew we could do it! You the man! Well…sort of.”
115.   “You are the craziest man I’ve ever met. And for that, I owe you my life. From now on, you have my trust.”
116.  “I knew there was something wrong with you.”
117.  “I did it to save my father.”
118. “I didn’t mean for it to go this far. It was the only way. Please, believe me.”
119. “A life for a life. My debt is repaid.”
120. “I was this close. This close to impressing the ancestors, getting the top shelf, an entourage. Man. All my fine work.”
121. “I should have never left home.”
122. “You went to save your father’s life. Who knew you’d end up shaming him and disgracing your ancestors and losing all your friends?”
123.  “Maybe what I really wanted was to prove I could do things right, so when I looked in the mirror I’d see someone worthwhile. But I was wrong. I see nothing.”
124. “Your ancestors never sent me. They don’t even like me.”
125. “You risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions.”
126.  “I’ll have to face my father sooner or later.”
127.  “We started this thing together, and that’s how we’ll finish it.”
128.   “Are we in this together or not?”
129.   “Well, let’s go kick some hunny buns!”
130.   “You don’t belong here. Go home.”
131.    “Keep your eyes open. I know they’re here.”
132.   “I know what this means to you. Your father would have been very proud.”
133.   “Your walls and armies have fallen, and now it’s your turn. Bow to me.”
134.   “I tire of your arrogance, old man. Bow to me!”
135.   “No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it.”
136.   “You took away my victory.”
137.   “So what’s the plan? You don’t have a plan?”
138.    “It looks like you’re out of ideas.”
139.   “That creature’s not worth protecting.”
140.   “She’s a woman. She’ll never be worth anything.”
141.   “I’ve heard a great deal about you. You stole your father’s armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the army, destroyed my palace. And you have saved us all.”
142.   “See to it that this woman is a member of my council.”
143.   “There are no council positions open, your majesty.”
144.   “With all due respect, your excellency, I think I’ve been away from home long enough.”
145.  “Take this so your family will know what you have done for me, and this, so the world will know what you have done.”
146.   “Is she allowed to do that?”
147.   “Um…you…you fight good.”
148.  “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”
149.  “You don’t meet a girl like that every dynasty.”
150.  “The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter.”
151.  “She brings home a sword. If you ask me, she should’ve brought home a man.”
152.   “Sign me up for the next war!”
153.   “Would you like to stay forever?”
154.   “Come on. Tell me. Who did a good job?”
155.   “You can be a guardian again.”
156.   “You know, she gets it from my side of the family.”
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chelseaboebellesy · 3 years
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advernia · 4 years
leaf water for dummies || 3 sentences: oliver knight, alice the second + day after day.
It’s the first cup he literally considers spitting out of his mouth because for the love of God, it hardly tastes like anything at all, just lukewarm water poorly sweetened by the two sugar cubes he dropped in - he relays this heart-felt sentiment to her through only two words (’it’s horrible’), and what does he get in return? A big old huff, that’s what, and it was combined with an ugly frown and the puff of plump cheeks.
The twenty-ninth cup had better - repeat, better - water temperature, but whatever lack of heat the water had couldn’t hold a candle to the ridiculous excess of a very bitter flavor swirling in the cup: he spits it out, she spits it out, and after some time at looking at each other she just bursts out laughing, shaking her head as she took his cup away - back to the drawing board, she mumbled to herself while heading back to the kitchen and he sighs a not-so heavy sigh to himself before trailing after her - would he ever get around to drinking decent tea again?
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onlydisney · 6 years
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martinaphillips · 6 years
Mulan met with the matchmaker.  She sat behind a table.  The matchmaker said, “Now pour the tea.”
A little confused Mulan asked, “Are you sure?”
“Okay...well, I heard that baby my neighbor had was not really her husband’s.  Most of us saw this repairman come around several times a week.  Who needs that much repairs? And that rich family down the street, want to know how I heard they got their fortune...”
Mulan was supposed to pour the actual tea, in the teapot in front of her, not that type of tea she was spilling.
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adversitybloomed · 4 months
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🌸  ┊ letter received from  @mxgicshxrd       Lizzie:  ❝ They were bred for war, and in war they died. ❞//Lizzie's thinking about The Facility. And all the children she couldn't save.// / 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 : 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄.
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          Mulan watched her for a moments breath, a solemn expression upon her features as she felt for the loss of not only the innocent lives, but for the woman who survived seeing such horror. war was not kind, nor beautiful. it left destruction in its wake not only for the land, but the people as well.
          it pained her heart to learn that children were bred to serve in such a dark fate, especially since their innocence was stolen from them. part of her wished that she could go back in time to help stop this ━━ or even do her part and help to save them from meeting a terrible end. but, she knew that she could not do anything accept mourn them and help prevent such a horror from happening again.
        ❝  ... war is never easy... not for the survivors and especially not for the victims....  ❞    she began, her voice softly spoken. lifting her hands, she reached in the middle of the two of them, lifting the tea pot and pouring the hot liquid into the glass before handing it to the girl.      ❝  those lost should be mourned and remembered, their names carved into stone.  ❞
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          lifting her eyes to meet the others, she felt sympathy for her, especially since she knew that guilt must be eating at her.      ❝  i know that this must be difficult for you... i wish i could make it easier and i will gladly listen if you wish to talk about it. but i must ask, did those who brought harm to these children harm, face punishment for their crimes ?  ❞
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