#mujin drabble
chanis-banani · 1 year
king of cherry blossoms
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So I've been thinking about cute scenarios to kick off this short fluff campaign. And since spring is here, what would be cuter than having a cherry blossom picnic with the king himself? :)
genre: cute, lighthearted fluff
word count: ±600
"I think that would be a nice spot," you said to Mujin while pointing to one of the cherry trees ahead of you. It was a lovely day with a perfectly blue sky and an ideal temperature. Needless to say, almost everyone in town decided to go outside to enjoy the weather and thus the park was rather crowded. But luckily, you had spotted a beautiful little open space right beneath one of the many cherry trees. Mujin let out an excited squeal. "Yes! It's perfect! Come on, quickly! Let's go before somebody else sits there!" He immediately started running, clumsily carrying the big basket of food with him. "Hey, wait for me!" you yelled at him and you quickly followed him with the picnic blanket in your arms.
A large part of the grass beneath the tree was already covered in little blossom leaves, creating a beautiful sea of green and pastel pink. After you laid out the blanket, you helped Mujin set up the picnic. Since the two of you had decided to make it a French-themed picnic, you had mostly brought different kinds of fruits and cheeses, along with a big baguette and some cherry jam.
"Here, you should try this," you said while tearing a piece from the baguette and spreading some of the jam on it. Mujin wanted to take it from you, but you nodded your head with a big grin. "Just open your mouth and say aaa." With a little pout on his lips, he reluctantly opened his mouth so you could feed it to him. Once he tasted the delicious jam, he quickly began to smile again. "Wait wait, now you say aaa as well," he said excitedly with his mouth still full. He took one of the strawberries and brought it to your mouth, but just when you wanted to bite down on it, he quickly ate it instead. "Ppfffff, you're so childish," you murmured, but he just continued to laugh happily.
"Okay okay, for real this time," he grinned and he took another strawberry. Of course you didn't believe him anymore and this time you made sure to keep your mouth closed. Mujin pressed the strawberry firmly against your lips and gave you that puppy-eye look, insisting that you should take the it. Eventually you gave in and he smirked happily while he fed the strawberry to you. As you bit down on it, a drop of juice rolled down the corner of your mouth. Mujin gently grabbed your chin and he used his thumb to wipe the juice from your lip, causing your cheeks to flush. The nervous look on your face made him giggle. "Oh? Are you embarrassed?" he mocked. "I am not!" you sputtered and you quickly pushed his hand away from your face.
He laughed at you and pressed a quick kiss on your cheek, which still felt hot from embarrassment. When he pulled away, you noticed that he had a piece of cherry blossom stuck in his hair. "Wait, hold still," you said and you cupped his face in your hands. The clueless look on his face made him look absolutely adorable with the pink little flower in his hair. "What is it?" he asked cutely while you plucked the blossom from his head and showed it to him, making his eyes grow big.
"You really are the king of cherry blossoms," you grinned. He took the flower from you, examining it more closely. Suddenly a huge smirk appeared on his face and he turned to you again. He gently put the flower in your hair, still with a massive smirk on his lips and said: "Then you can be my little jester."
♡ ♡ ♡
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joosbasschick · 2 years
💗Pink Bunny🐰
Warnings: bf!Ivan x gf!reader, tooth rotting fluff, brief moment of crying, use of king and real names interchangeably, former member mentioned, gentle kissing, use of pet name (honey)
A/N: Yes, this is totally self-indulgent but after I saw Ivan perform with his new pink hair, I cried my eyes out remembering his pink hair pre-debut with the 8 Letters cover they did. I had to write this for my own sanity, so I hope you enjoy my emotional drabble that was TOTALLY not written at 3-4am... Feedback is always appreciated!!!♡
Looking at the tall idol in front of you, nothing could stop the gentle tears streaking down from your cheeks with light sniffles following behind. The panic on his face was so endearing and priceless in the moment. You couldn't hide the small giggle that escaped your quivering lips, making him worry even more.
"Honey, why are you crying?! D-does it not look good, i-is it that bad?" Yoosung quickly grabs your upper arms and pulls you closer, eyes darting all across your face with extreme worry.
This only caused you to cup his cheeks and press a gentle, soothing kiss to his. You could quickly feel his tense muscles relax as his hold on you loosens. Pulling away you quickly give a warm smile to your boyfriend, feeling Deja vu wash over you in the blink of an eye.
"Y/N! Look at me, my hair is really bright now!" Yoosung bounces over as soon as he spots you walking into the studio where their first official profile photos for Kingdom were going to be taken. His smile was bright, and the makeup was done beautifully, but the one thing that stood out was his bright pink hair. "Doesn't it look pretty? I'm so nervous for Kingmaker to see it..." He suddenly voices aloud.
"Nonsense, it looks so adorable on you. Just didn't think the corrupted King Ivan would sport bubble gummy pink hair." You tease, ruffling it totally forgetting he was getting pictures done soon. A stylist comes over and gently scolds you before fixing it. "I love it, this is going to be the start of your dream! You will be an Idol Yoosunggie!"
He beams a bright smile and giggles nervously, "Are you staying for the cover we worked on? I wanted to surprise you with it since we are going to film it for Kingmaker! It was our final evaluation song." He fiddles with his fingers nervously, praying you would have time since they really worked hard after such harsh criticism.
"Of course, I am! I was going to hang out at the dorm and help cook tonight, remember? Do you really trust Dongsik and Seungjun in the kitchen?" You scowl, chewing your lip nervously. Yoosung laughs, shaking his head in agreement that indeed, it was a terrible idea.
Soon enough Seungbo called everyone over to start the photo shoot. The group shots breezed by fairly quick with exellent and before you know it, it was time to hear your boyfriend sing with his group before they continued with solo shots. This would be the first time you got to actually hear him do anything with Kingdom. He was not at all confident in his skills in dancing, so you never saw him practice around you. He would sing for you all the time, loving to watch you smile and praise him for his high notes when he would belt out songs in karaoke for you. Yet he refused to show you anything he did with the group, excuses left and right. Now as you watch him focus on recording the cover with his members, you understand he wanted to make you proud and surprise you. He wanted to show you he was a king.
Once they got the okay for the recording, they disperse and you head straight for Ivan, wide smile as you tackle him from behind in a bear hug. He stumbles but keeps his balance as Mujin laughs from the affection.
"You did so wonderful, Vannie! I've never heard you sing like that before. It's like the hair color gave you super vocals!" you tease, giving him loads of praise before you turn and compliment Mujin and Jahan who were next to him, "And I didn't know you two have vocals like that, especially you Jahan!" They shyly bow in thanks until Arthur calls the two over, leaving you alone with Ivan and grinning ear to ear.
"So, you really liked it honey?" Yoosung asks, his voice even cracking out of pure nervousness. His hands find purchase around your waist to tug you closer, taking the alone time to get more intimate without being teased by the cloud king, Chiwoo.
"Liked it? Ivan, I loved it! It was perfect, you all sounded wonderful. The snow king has the prettiest voice to me, though..." You coo, arms around his neck to pull him down for eskimo kisses. He laughs, embarrassed before he gently presses a kiss to each corner of your mouth before pressing them your lips. From that day, you were utterly in-love and the proudest person of King Ivan.
"No Ivan, it's perfect..."
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unreleasedwrites · 3 months
May I request Gen 0 + 1 (plus Gun and Goo) when they have had a crush on somebody since highschool (highschool sweetheart)?
Thanks!!!! (keep up your good work)
drabbling about lookism characters with their very own highschool sweethearts and highschool crushes
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pov: lookism characters having a crush on you during and since highschool; and as highschool sweethearts
character(s) included: Gapryong Kim, Elite, Jinyeong Park, Tom Lee, Baekho Kwon, Beolgu Lee, Mujin Jin, Gitae Kim, James Lee, Jichang Kwak, Taesoo Ma, Gongseob Ji, Jaegyeon Na, Seongji Yuk, Park Jonggun, Joongoo Kim
cw: my opinion, they’re all in their prime / highschool, mentions of teasing, stalking, some parts are female reader, 3 variants per scenario, red flags, hints of yandere for the last variant, most characters are repeated on purpose (because it really depends on how you view the character hehe)
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unwrapped on: Friday Midnight, June 28 2024
wrapped up on: Sunday Midnight, June 30 2024
published on: Sunday Morning, June 30 2024 (at around 11 am)
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As A Current Crush
tries ignoring his feelings
This man is in DENIAL. Or even if he’s reached the point where he is no longer in denial, he still refuses to let you know about it. At first, he would notice how much he genuinely likes spending time with you. Until it slowly progresses, he starts taking mental notes of all the little things he’s picked up on you. From how you get to school or what you typically drink in the morning, to how you usually spend your evenings. But he wouldn’t drop hints of his little crush on you. Nonetheless, he would do his absolute best to continue spending time with you as mere friends— putting aside his growing feelings for you.
James Lee, Jichang Kwak, Taesoo Ma, Seongji Yuk, Jaegyeon Na, Park Jonggun
will confess after little to no thought
Oh this man is CONFIDENT. He’ll let his feelings sit with him for a while until he can’t take it anymore. The constant reminder he gets of you wherever he goes is slowly driving him insane. Given his ego, he can’t bare to crumble over some girl who most likely doesn’t care about him. He’ll have to confirm with himself first if he really does like you that much, then once he can finally bring himself to accept that he does like you, he’ll confess his feelings in high hopes that you wont reject him. Which, considering his experience with girls, he likes to think that you most definitely won’t and couldn’t even.
Gapryong Kim, Jinyeong Park, Tom Lee, Beolgu Lee, Mujin Jin, Gitae Kim, James Lee, Gongseob Ji, Jaegyeon Na, Joongoo Kim
avoids you at all costs
This man doesn’t want anything to do with you. He will bluntly push you ASIDE. It doesn’t matter who or what you are to him, he’s got better things to do and bigger plans that doesn’t have you in it. Sure, it might also be that he isn’t ready or is unsure, but for the most part— which he would never admit to anyone, he simply doesn’t want you getting involved in the shenanigans he’s involved in. He knows he’s either got a bad reputation or a torn image on many, so he’s also realized that you’d be put into danger if he were to grow close to you. Which is why he ignores you, avoids you, and shows no signs of liking towards you.
Elite, Jinyeong Park, Baekho Kwon, Mujin Jin, James Lee, Jichang Kwak, Seongji Yuk, Park Jonggun
As Current Highschool Sweethearts
loyal and caring
Some might think that this guy enjoys bouncing from girl to girl, flirting with every lady he might come across, and spending his nights with every girl that lets him, but he’s not. Stereotypically, it might make sense but if in this scenario, he genuinely thinks that you’re for keeps, he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you. He may seem pretty distant publicly but he’s all over you when you two are alone. This is partly because he doesn’t want you becoming a target in his dirty work, and partly because he’s not into pda. But nonetheless, he would do his very BEST in the relationship to make sure it lasts and you’ll be his only one.
Elite, Baekho Kwon, Mujin Jin, Jichang Kwak, Taesoo Ma, Jaegyeon Na, Seongji Yuk
keeping it lowkey
This guy simply doesn’t want people knowing about the two of you. He acts so distant in public that no one could ever assume that you two are actually such sweethearts in private with each other. Just like the others, he doesn’t want you getting involved in his fights and becoming an easy target for whoever is against him. But he also just doesn’t want to publicly display your guys’ relationship YET, it’s not in the way that he doesn’t want people thinking you’re together but he simply doesn’t want any rumors and bad news to stem from the two of you— due to his reputation of course. But dw, he is loyal and caring!!
Elite, Jinyeong Park, James Lee, Taesoo Ma, Jaegyeon Na, Seongji Yuk, Park Jonggun, Joongoo Kim
cheats on you
Why would you even say yes to this idiot..? He’s a ladies man for who knows what reasons. Has never heard of commitment and what a real relationship is supposed to be like. He likes to think that because he’s in highschool, he’s still young and he’s meant to enjoy every last bit of it— which is why he spends it with any girl he can. It’s probably already known that he doesn’t want to hold a relationship but if he seemed sincere to you and you fell for that, then you’re in for a one day or maybe even a one week relationship with this guy. Doesn’t care about the aftermath or what’s bound to happen, he’s just there to have a good time.
Gapryong Kim, Tom Lee, Beolgu Lee, Mujin Jin, Gitae Kim, Gongseob Ji, Park Jonggun, Joongoo Kim (gun and goo are red flags girlies, we gotta face it 😭)
As a crush but never a thing since highschool
watches you from afar
This man will STALK you. Now that you two are adults and are no longer in highschool, you two have lost all contact with one another, or so you thought. He knows your life better than you do from subtly being in the same place as you or having some other people do so. He would never want you to recognize him though, which is why he does his best to stay hidden. He’ll rely on whatever information he can get out of your socials, until he finally finds you and has your complete address, workplace, all of your friends and family, and information of yourself that you didn’t even know about.
Gapryong Kim, Elite, Tom Lee, Mujin Jin, Gitae Kim, James Lee, Taesoo Ma, Gongseob Ji, Park Jonggun, Joongoo Kim
will suck it up and finally confess after all these years
He HATES himself for not doing this sooner. All the wasted time you two could have spent together. But he isn’t even certain on whether or not you’d reciprocate his feelings. Of course, theres only one way to find out— he’s got to finally tell you. He had his reasons for not speaking up about it sooner and he was hoping that he wouldn’t feel this way anymore after all of the years that has passed. Yet, his feelings are still here, he has liked you since high school and he’s hoping you might have been in the same situation as him. He’ll go all out without making it too big of a deal in confessing.
Jinyeong Park, Baekho Kwon, Mujin Jin, Jichang Kwak, Taesoo Ma, Gongseob Ji, Jaegyeon Na, Seongji Yuk, Joongoo Kim
would slowly start isolating you from other people
He has thought about doing the last two. But he still prefers his own idea; keeping you all to HIMSELF. Without your knowledge— he has actually been watching you ever since highschool was finished. He specifically planned to “suddenly run” into you and strike a conversation just after you finished your shift. And you, thinking you just ran into an old classmate, fall for all of his little tricks. Not knowing what you were getting yourself into. He and you eventually start dating and he slowly “shelters” you from the outside world. He promises he’ll keep you safe, he’s all you’ll ever need and that anywhere without him is far too dangerous.
Elite, Gitae Kim, James Lee, Park Jonggun, Joongoo Kim
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notes: i didn’t include every single character in those gens because we didn’t know much of anything abt them and i didn’t think anyone would want them 😇🤨 i also didnt know how to write this in a diff way so i made it into a drabble because its just so much people 😇 But either way, I hope the anon who requested this still likes it 😓
also tysm to the anon who requested this!! 😭😭 I’m so used to writing for gen 2 only so this was a fun experience 💝
This has been sitting in my inbox for a while now so i apologize 💔
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate any feedback like comments, likes, reblogs, and requests
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad and I wasn’t sure if this anon wanted a drabble or something else, so im sorry !! 😭
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peaxhxhair · 2 years
Stop that || Choi Mujin - DRABBLE
Pairing: Choi Mujin x GN! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, wounds and fighting
Summary: Mujin cleans up Y/n’s wounds
Word count: 277
Authors note: This is just a short one
My Name- Masterlist
Consider buying me a coffee! <3
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“I need you to stop doing stupid shit” Mujin muttered as he pressed a piece of cotton wool to my cheek. Originally, I hadn’t meant to do anything too dangerou, but things don't really go to plan in this line of work.
“Hey, I wasn’t planning on getting beat up” I complained, leaning away as he tried to put some weird antiseptic into my cuts, but he grabbed my face to keep me still. What I had planned on doing was training, since it had been a while. Apparently I had managed to piss off some guy, and we got into a fight, a fight that I won by the way. Mujin wasn’t very happy that I got into a fight, so here I was, sitting in his lap as he cleaned all the blood off of my face and hands.
“You don’t plan on anything” I scoffed at his words, even if I knew that he was right. Usually it works it in my favour, but clearly not today. He reached behind me to grab a box of plasters from his desk, something he keeps in there especially for me. He placed one on the cut underneath my eye, and a few on my hands. I rested my head on his shoulder once I knew he was done patching me up, and I felt how he leant his head on mine.
“You love me really” I joked, and he hummed in response, an agreement without words. I never asked him to say it back, since I knew he struggled with that sort of thing. Plus, I didn’t need him to. I knew that he loved me.
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yourfatherlucifer · 5 months
On Your Knees (Mujin)
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Subby!Mujin x Male!Reader
Summary: It’s time to teach your good boy some new lessons, he deserves a little treat, doesn’t he?
Warnings: SMUT MDNI, mxm, pet play, Mujin loves readers cock, choking, riding, leash pulling, collar, small cock mujin, degradation, big dick reader.
AU: Non!Idol
Genre: Smut
WC: N/A (Drabble length)
Nets: @night-air-kingme-net
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“What possibly could you do with that thing? It’s pathetic. Is that why you always come crawling to me like a dog in heat? Can’t fuck yourself properly? Tiny cock isn’t doing you justice, how unfortunate.” You laughed in a mocking tone.
Mujin could only whimper beneath your gaze, his hands resting on your knees, “I can’t help it..”
His bare knees were beginning to burn from kneeling onto the carpet. He would’ve climbed onto the bed but you hadn’t gave him permission.
“Look at me when I talk to you, brat.” Your fingers gripped his jaw rather roughly.
“I’m sorry, sir!” His tiny cock was leaking cum from your harsh words yet he loved every bit of it.
You tutted under your breath, “Then show me just how sorry you are, get my cock out and suck it like your favorite treat.”
The complacent boy kneeling by your feet licked his lips in anticipation. His nimble fingers quickly scrambled to release your cock from its confines, the thick and long treat that he very much favorited.
He’d take this over any day.
His smaller hands wrapped around your much larger cock. It was heavy in his hands. But that’s what he loved about it. Plus the way it splits him open.
“Hurry up, puppy. I’m not gonna wait all day.” You pulled on his leash, forcing his face closer to your erect cock.
“Yes, sir. I’ll get to it.” Mujin wrapped his plump lips around the mushroom shaped bulb. The saltiness of your cock brought him great pleasure.
You growled in annoyance, he was taking far too long, “Enough, just stop.” You lifted him up from his arm pits and laid on your back, “Just ride me.”
As Mujin climbed onto your lap, his cock was dripping cum onto your thighs, making a complete mess.
He sunk down onto your length with a cry from his lips, “Mm - ah! Sir!” His hand flew to the bulge on his stomach, “You’re so deep sir, feels so good.”
“That’s it, puppy, fuck me like the good mutt you are.” Your hands gripped his waist, pushing down onto his hips, “Make me cum.”
When he finally began to move, he could only let out whimpers and cries. You felt too good. So deep within him. He couldn’t take it. His hips were already beginning to stutter and his lips were quivering. The tears were pouring down his face.
You were so turned on his by tears, “Fuck yeah, puppy, your hole is so fucking tight.”
The skin slapping filled your ears and you’ve never felt better. Not without his tight hole wrapped around you at least.
His little fingers wrapped around his tiny cock to give him even more relief. When he finally came, his cum spurt all over your nipples and he nearly fainted at the sight, “Oh sir, you look so delicious.”
Your own cum filled him up and you let out a quiet groan, “Fuck..”
You rubbed his hips while you came down from your high.
“Lick up your mess, puppy.”
“I’ll get to it sir.”
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stardragongalaxy · 1 year
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Explicit Warning: This blog is 18+. If I see an ageless blog (put an age or year at least somewhere, its not that hard people, or i will assume you are underage), a bot blog, a minor, sexist, racist, against the alphabet mafia, or think anon hate going to get you anywhere, it is an automatic block and/or deletion in asks, dms, or otherwise. This is a major rule. Please respect it. Thank you!
Networks involved in: @cultofdionysusnet @sandsofire @pirateeznet @wonderlandnet @monsterfvckersunited @cromernet
Kpop gif blog: @kpopcrossworlds
Main blog: @umbralhelwolf
Roleplay blog: @mythicwonderland
Ficrec blog: @hwassnackbra (thank you for @anyamaris for letting me make this! Credit goes to her idea!)
Hello travelers. Welcome to my writing blog.
*bows* I'm Haru. I'm an 89 liner, INFJ, artist, writer, and someone with a variety of interests. By all means, however, rest and relax as you traverse the various wings to each clan of guardians who reside (write for) here. They are: Ateez, Stray kids, Dreamcatcher, Ace, Kingdom, OneUs (ot5), AleXa, and TXT. I will write other groups and sometimes non idols (if the motivation is there), but I will research first because I don't feel comfortable with anyone underage. I also will not write for people like Kris, Seungri, Himchan, or anyone else who has done horrible things (if I see these in asks, I will not hesitate to block you. You have been warned)
What I will write:
Most genres, aus, and tropes. It varies in BDSM (better to ask than to assume people)
What I won't write for:
Most watersports, scat, anything to do with anyone underage
The lists will continue to grow as time goes on!
If you are looking for fics and want them filtered. Turn on the mature label and not slap it on us or report. Thank you!
These are no way, shape, or form resonate to the actual idols themselves.
I'd appreciate it if you don't plagiarize, steal, alter (ai included folks), translate, or any other ways to my works I created. Thank you!
Putting this here as well. As much as I create my own banners, I also use @cafekitsune creations also out of support and the work they put into them the most! Thank you if you see this!!
Under the cut is the masterlist
(I am aware that some aren't going by age or position, and that's okay)
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Brightest Jewel
4:57: Before the Boom
Vampire drabble
Infernal Deception
Melody of Red
Vampire drabble
Storm of Stygia
Wind Protector
Melody of Red
The Lion's Heart
Infernal Deception
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Chiwoo (former):
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TXT (Together x Tomorrow):
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Library of Illusion
Before The Boom
Seventeen Collaboration
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Other (kpop and non kpop):
Winter Love
Desires Await - Junhui
☆♤♡◇♧ Dark Web Fics, 19+ ☆♤♡◇♧
This is not to be entered, and whatever is here will not be for everyone. Anyone under 19 interacting with these will be immediately blocked 🚫 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ⚠️
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seokka0o · 2 years
Hello! First of all I'm so ashamed to ask this but I've been wondering if you still plan on posting smut with Kingdom's Mujin and voice kink? I think I've read a date of uploading it somewhere and now it's gone so I'm just curious
Hello! It's ok honey, you don't have to feel that way lol about mujin's smut I'm not sure, I've been struggling a bit to write it, as I didn't know if there were people interested in it I ended up shelving it, maybe I'll start posting small drabbles to see how the interaction works, because I don't know the fandom, so I can post big works
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sungbeam · 2 years
Hello! Are you taking requests right now?
I would really love if you could write a short imagine/Drabble with Sangyeon based on his SoundCloud release Day Off 🥹🥹
If you aren’t taking requests that’s completely fine! Ly so much <333
hi !!! ^_^ i actually don't take requests unless for specific occasions 😔✨
BUT ! i've been thinking of domestic au sangyeon a lot lately, and after seeing his appearance on lee mujin service (EVERYONE GO WATCH RN !!) i have some ideas (゜-゜) and day off is also such a good song so maybe expect something for it in the future hehe
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withleeknow · 2 months
AHAH the patriotism prevails only with sports events (and it's honestly a struggle w/ england, but at least they finally broke their penalty curse 🤧)
ONIGIRI'S HAVING A MELTDOWN wdym we're getting mimo serving vocals w/ lee mujin??? vm.tiktok.com/ZGetNHKTF/ this brought genuine tears to my eyes 🐱🐰
oh, you mean: tinyurl.com/mr3v53we istg spending 24hrs with him would be a factory reset to my brain + I've started my to do marathon and I'm enjoying every bloody moment:'))
fyi rockstar husband's back: vm.tiktok.com/ZGetj15sF/ (with strawberry x carrot head hs lurking in the bg) this is a whole god: vm.tiktok.com/ZGetjpQWc/ also for one of the photo concepts, he's got a lip ring on and it shamelessly took me back to your mimo drabble that sent me to fucking orbit goodnight I hope inspiration came to you for your title <3
is2g he's going to kill me dead with this. vocalracha mimo is going to kill me. does he know how obsessed i am with his voice. when the episode comes out i will cease to exist 😭
ahhh i'm so excited that you're watching to do!! they are so healing to me :') i love beomgyu with my whole heart but honestly i would probably strangle him if i had to be around him all the time lmao. anywhomst, a little bit of a whiplash but this made my heart hurt, my poor son look at him :(((
lmao i didn't know enhypen's cb was yesterday until i opened spotify and the album was recommended 😂 but she slaps !! i was replaying it a lot last night, i'll let it marinate some more and i'll be back to give you my ranking hehehhe. didn't expect a jvke collab tho i kinda hate that dude bc he's annoying lmao. but anywhomst, 1 2 he is so beautiful i think there might be tears in my eyes. like objectively speaking he is one of my the most beautiful people i have ever seen !! crazy. insane. pair that with a guitar and your girl is gawneeeee. also i had to look up the lip ring pic and ngl i always forget that i have a thing for lip rings and whenever something comes out to remind me of it........ oof
dunno if you noticed (not that i was even subtle lol) but enhypen did provide the perfect title for the fic hehehhehheheehe <3
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miffurii · 6 months
masterlist !! ⭑⭒
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🍓 fluff … ♟️smut … 🍙 drabble … 📁series
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just b . . .
works coming soon . .
kingdom . . .
morning sex with mujin!! — anon entry (♟️)
hwon’s size kink..thought!! — anon entry (nsfw)
louis..dom, sub or switch..thought!! — anon entry (nsfw)
cravity . . .
works coming soon . .
atbo . . .
junseok..thoughts!! — anon entry (nsfw)
tnx . . .
!angry/stressed hyunsoo..thought!! — anon entry (nsfw)
!service dom/hard dom junhyeok..thought!! — anon entry (nsfw)
!eunhwi his voice & height..thought!! — anon entry (nsfw)
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nessinborderland · 2 years
A very predictable but surprisingly never done pairing, mujin x taeju x reader. I feel like there's gonna be so much cxm in this pairing. I love it
🍑 anon (bcuz butt stuff)
I do love it, there's so much potential! Here, have some light angst.
"I don't want to leave," you murmured in such a low tone that at first you thought they hadn't heard you.
But you were clearly proved wrong when Mujin's body tensed under yours and Taeju sighed from his place beside you, arm around your waist pulling your back against his chest.
"We don't want you to leave either, but it's safer this way."
Tonight had been different between you and your two lovers. The way they touched you, kissed you, made love to you... it all felt like the desperation of an unwanted goodbye, the fear of an unknown fate. It broke your heart in two, and they each held a half.
"Are you sure that Gangjae will hurt me?" You knew he had changed, but you had considered him a friend once. You still couldn't believe that the man that made you laugh with his easy smile would one day threaten you like this. "He–"
"He will. He'll do anything to destroy us, including using you," Taeju said with a kiss on your shoulder. "You must leave."
"So what am I supposed to do if–" you couldn't bear to say it. "If you..."
"If we die," Mujin's lips grazed your forehead as he spoke, "you'll be taken care of. We have everything planned; a house, a new identity, money. You won't be lacking anything."
Except you two. You didn't even want to consider the possibility. You couldn't imagine life without one of them in it, but without both of them? You would rather not exist at all. The thought of dying with them sounded more appealing to you than the torture of mourning them for the rest of your life.
"I won't go."
You tried to be as firm as you could, but the words came out shaky like you were holding the will to cry.
"You will," Mujin retorted, and you knew he wasn't suggesting; he was commanding. "But we'll come for you when we're done dealing with him. I promise"
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saidrabbles · 3 years
how i would end "my name": alternative universe
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requested by: @mochacake2016 
warnings: mentions of suicide, depression.
pairing: choi mujin x jiwoo
summary: an alternative ending where it focuses on aftermath of this pair.
author's note: the way they cared for each other in the drama and the way their relationship developed truly needed a better ending. although i don't think they should be romantically paired, because they had a deeper connection than lovers. but we're giving the people what they want wehehe.
exhausted from fighting the bodyguards downstairs and all the way to the elevator, jiwoo breathed heavily, the injuries she received sending waves of pain through her body. she sighs, mentally preparing herself for what's to come on the highest floor of the tower. the elevator dings, signaling its stop. the door opens, revealing numerous guards that were ready to plunge at her any second. she takes a deep breath, and she pushes her way through them.
she makes her way through his door and points the gun at him. "whoa, i didn't expect you'd put that many people to fight me off. were you that intimidated?" he smirks "i didn't expect you'd run out of energy so easily, i thought you wanted revenge?" her pupils shake ever so slightly "you-you bastard...you weren't satisfied with killing my father that you went for pildo as well..." he gets up, a knife visible in his hand, as he wipes it with a cloth. "because.. you need conviction to kill" she scoffs "did you enjoy watching me look for someone who was right infront of me the whole time??" mujin was looking at her with a look that she couldn't quite decipher. he heaved a frustrated sigh, like he was holding the weight of the world at this moment. "this will only end when one of us" he pauses and looks at her "..dies." she takes a few steps forward "i won't let all that i went through to go in vain, i will end this."
in a whim, metal can be heard clanging vigorously, having bearly enough time for either side to take a breath. jiwoo was getting weaker by the second, her energy draining out. at some point, she fell down, the gravity holding her down way too strongly. "get up...get up! come on, stab me! are you giving up?!" and she sees it again. that expression. she didn't know what it meant, but she could feel her heart cry a little. she tries to ignore what she felt, and tries to get up again. she feels her body shake, she has to finish this right now. she musters all the strength she had left, and plunged at him with all her might.
mujin anticipates the pain, but he feels nothing. she didn't stab him. they were both on the ground, breathing heavily. he looks up at jiwoo, only to see tears streaming down her face. "how could you do this to me..to..us" she was holding him by the collar of his shirt, helplessly crying. he slowly, and reluctantly placed his hand on her own, and ever so slightly squeezed it. "do you remember when....i asked you if you had to get revenge? regardless...of the price you pay.." she sniffles "was it all a lie? that day at the junkyard, where you came in, bleeding...you knew the police were coming, the risk of you being exposed...yet you...saved me..." she inhales deeply "if this is how it turned out, why did you save me?? i would've rather died than live to know the truth of it all.." he takes both of her hands in his, and brings it up close to him. "i'm sorry...the day i knew the who your dad really was...the betrayal i felt, my heart felt like it was stabbed repeatedly...i never meant to kill him" he finally let's his tears flow "he was the only person to ever understand me.." he looks at her "i genuinely cared for you, i was...terrified of this day and i thought of never telling you the truth...but i had to, it is your right to know."
she pulls her hand away from his, her heart aching. why did this have to happen to her...to them?? she couldn't handle the pain she's feeling from looking at him, so she tries to get up, again. she looks at him one last time, then leaves. that's when mujin finally breaks down, crying, the guilt overtaking him.
they both head their separate ways physically, but they were in each other's thoughts occasionally constantly. jiwoo left korea and opened her own studio abroad, where she taught other women self-defense. opening that studio saved her, it was the only thing that gave her a purpose to live. that's what she believed would make her father proud. months had passed, seasons changed, and jiwoo felt her heart soften a little.
locking the door of her medium sized studio, she slips the keys into her bag. stretching her arms behind her head, she exhaled loudly. she starts walking, without a destination in mind. somehow, she found herself standing on the seashore. she looked around, and found a small shop that sold gimbap-her favorite. against her will, mujin intrudes her thoughts. how is he...? he wouldn't end up killing himself, would he?? she shakes her head in an attempt to shake these thoughts away. she hates him. she has to. but she can't help worry about him, ever since the incident months ago. she realized she couldn't hate him, because she liked him, whether she accepted her feelings or not.
"ma'am!" she looks up. "i've been calling your name several times now, forgive me for raising my voice. "ah no, it's fine. i'm sorry for making you wait so long, and thank you" she took the food from him. as she's admiring the view, something, or someone, caught her eye. a guy with an all-black outfit was not what made her notice him, but the metallic mug that resembled one she owned for a long time.
it can't be him, was what she tried telling herself, but her heart was telling her otherwise. before she could process what she was doing, her legs were already carrying her downstairs. she barely catches up to the hooded person and breathes a "hey! hey you !" he freezes. she takes a few seconds to even her breathing and looks up. the guy in the hood is staring at her, pupils dilated, in shock. it was him. "mujin...?" ever since the fight, she convinced herself that she would never cross paths with him again, that it was impossible for him to find her here. her eyes met his, and she saw so much sadness and despair.
mujin was in a greater shock. he, too, knew that they would never cross paths again. he couldn't comprehend the reality he's in, and the fact that jiwoo is standing right in-front of him. she was always on his mind, how she was living, if she's eaten, if she's safe. "jiwoo...have you been well?" she frowned "what are you doing here..? were you following me?" he was taken aback "ah, no i live here...it's that wooden house over there" he pointed at it. jiwoo looked at where he was pointing, and she saw an odd-looking house, far away from the other houses; alone.
jiwoo looked back at him. before she could weigh the words in her head, she started talking. “have you been well?” he looked surprised “i’m doing...okay” jiwoo didn’t know why her legs won’t move...she should stay away from him. “i left the company.” mujin found himself walking closer to the petite figure. “i know this won’t make things any better, but i stopped selling drugs. and i moved here in hopes of staying alive.” she furrowed her brows in confusion. he breathed out a small laugh “i tried to end my life, several times...but it never worked out. my weak self is just not able to do it. i don’t know why im telling you this...you would’ve been the happiest to hear of my death.” he looks down “i wanted to do it for you...im sorry” 
jiwoo was taken aback. she then absentmindedly walked up to him and embraced him. he became stiff at her sudden move, but quickly relaxed in her arms, resting his head on her shoulder. “i never wanted you to die. even when i found out the truth, i couldn’t imagine killing you. my...dad would have never forgiven me if i did and i...would never forgive myself.” she could hear soft sobs and his figure shaking a bit, and held him tighter.
they stayed like that for a good while, when she felt arms resting on her waist, pulling her closer. he waited for a few seconds before saying, almost whispering, the words he's always wanted to say. "i missed you...so much. there was a time when i wanted to send you here, back when we were in Seoul. i wanted to take all the sadness and anger from you for you to feel at peace. for you to stop destroying yourself. to live here, just like your dad had wanted." she felt hot, fresh tears run down her face. it's been a long time since she's felt any emotion at all. she felt...relieved. like the weight she's been carrying on her shoulder being slowly lifted. she felt a hand patting her back, gently. this feeling...she wanted to keep forever. "i love you, jiwoo."
she doesn't know if it's his warmth that's engulfing her, or his words, or just...him. but she confirmed the feeling she had been pushing away for the longest time: she wanted him in her life, she needed him. and he needed her. they were both broken people that feel hopeless, but with him she felt hopeful loved. the time she recalled with him, he was always protecting her. even when it was dangerous, when he was injured. and seeing him after all this time, she realized that he has been tornenting himself ever since he pulled the trigger. he never forgave himself, and maybe he never will. and knowing your dad, he wouldn't want him to feel this way forever. he would've wanted him to live his life. because he knew that he too, betrayed him.
letting go of mujin, jiwoo breathed loudly as she looked up at the clear sky. "dad...can i do this..? am I...allowed to do this..??" her mind was a mess but her heart was clear in what it wants. it wanted to stay with mujin, and give him another chance. mujin stood there, following her gaze to the cloudy sky. "can i...stay with you for a while?" mujin moved his head so fast he felt his muscles cramp. he looked at her, visibly shocked. "i think...i want to give you another chance. to give us another chance. to attempt to heal, together...i...like you too" jiwoo looked at him only to find him on his knees, crying.
she sat on the soft sand, holding him. the clouds parted its way for the sun to shine, and she smiled. it was like her dad's smile, so bright it could light up the world. they held each other tighter, taking in each other's scent, feeling the start of a new chapter in their life. a brighter one.
a/n: this took ages, but it's finally here!! i think it's safe to say that im satisfied with the ending of the imagine, and i know that most of y'all expected a kiss, but it just didn't fit. this seemed to be most fitting way for them to rekindle their relationship, but it will surely grow into a deeper connection. that is the end of the imagines for my name, i hope you like it!
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highflyerwings · 3 years
I’ve been convinced by you to write the mujin/donghoon fic, I was initially working on a mujin/taeju story but kept getting a mental block, and I think it’s because deep down I really wanted to explore the former dynamic instead (mujin/taeju still has a place in my heart tho). I really should be working on my grad finals but this pairing has a chokehold on me. So I’m writing the story as we speak, I feel like it’s going to be quite long because it needs to be organic, I might chapter it or make it a one-shot, depends on how eager I get to post what I’ve written.
I literally am so in love with you for this. Please make sure your school work comes first! But oh my god I’m so excited to read your story when you’re ready to share it🥰
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key201303 · 3 years
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peaxhxhair · 2 years
Consider buying me a coffee!
Choi Mujin
Regrets - Mujin voices his regrets.
A Little Bit Dramatic - |Request| Y/n gets a little jealous of Jiwoo
Stop That - DRABBLE - Mujin cleans up Y/n’s wounds
Surgery - Mujin helps his partner recover from his surgery.
Jung Taeju
Cuts and Bruises + Brawl + Annoyance - Dongcheon’s doctor gets to know Taeju a bit more.
Cold Weather - Someone forgets their jacket.
Glasses - Men are 10x hotter with glasses.
Midnight Snacks - Y/n relives their convenience store visits with Taeju.
Secrets - |Request| Y/n finds out about Taeju’s secret.
Deceit - |Request| Y/n betrays their lover.
Gym - |Request| Sometimes the gym isn't a safe space
Do Gangje
Shower? - IMAGINE - What it’s like showering with him.
Yoon Jiwoo
Coming Soon!
Jeon Pildo
Coming Soon!
Jealousy and Dating - |Request| C.M, D.G
Them Crushing on you - |Request| C.M, J.T, D.G
Kidnapped by their enemy - |request| C.M , D.G
Child Antics - C.M
Please read my RULES before requesting anything!
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littletxt · 2 years
okay don’t overwork yourself with this request its just a drabble idea hehe, so write little reader being with taehyun in the dressing rooms getting ready for his performance with Lee mujin and him being nervous and though y/n is drifting between both headspaces they can see he’s nervous, so they hold his hands and reassure him that it’ll all go well and just fluff. basically small fluffy drabble of little reader taking care of their daddy ! - 🍰
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Taglist: @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie
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Nervous Daddy
Though Yeonjun had walked him through it repeatedly, having experience from his AOTM work with Studio Choom, Taeyhun still broke out in a cold sweat. Clenching and rubbing his hands together, trying to keep them in his lap, he continuously giggled nervously and wiggled around in his chair as the makeup artists dabbed the smallest amounts of BB cream over his smooth skin, getting him ready for his solo appearance on Lee Mujin Service. It was his first time doing anything without his Hyungs present and he was just thankful they allowed you to tag along. How he performed could mean a lot of things for his group, and while usually confident, he was nervous. All the reassurance he'd received from his members was now shrinking in the background.
Even though it was ridiculously cute, you pouted at the distraught state your Daddy was clearly trying to hide, you first handed him his coffee, giving his hands something to hold on to. Shaking his head no, he gave you an appreciative smile for trying as you set the drink back on the table nearby. Daddy looked especially pretty all dressed up this way and it was hard to maintain a clear head, you felt small and your mind was fuzzy. But you couldn't very well nuzzle up to him right there while they recorded the behind, you still wanted to help. So, wordlessly as he talked into the camera, you took ahold of his shakey hand with both of your own, squeezing a little 'i love you' squeeze. The action seemed so small to you but that little squeeze helped ground him so much. His baby was right there and you'd be right there behind the cameras if he needed somewhere to look, he had his anchor. 
When the cameras were finally put away and you had a moment to speak you gave him another little squeeze, having nearly slipped entirely over the way you could hold one of his hands in both of your tiny ones.  
"Daddy is the best singer... you'll do so good.", you whispered to him, looking at him with big eyes, completely sure of yourself. A little caught off guard by you being small right then he immediately went into Daddy mode and you could see in his expression he was worried and wanted to care for you.
"Don't worry about Daddy, baby..."
Huffing, displeased with that statement you brought his hand to your mouth and bit it just hard enough to make him yelp in surprise. Though it shouldn't be a surprise by now with how often you're found nibbling on the people around you whether it was in displeasure, a form of affection or just a baby with an oral fixation.
"What was that for?", he chuckled, his shaking had stopped a bit, your new distraction method working. 
"Daddy will do gweat.", you nommed on his hand once more, "Can we get strawby ice cweam after??"
The promise of one of his favorite sweet treats, which would be well deserved after all this anxiety, sounded lovely. But not more than your big puppy eyes, such a cute and welcome expression as you pouted and waited for an answer.
"Are you gonna watch Daddy??", he cooed, your hands still tangled with each other, a comforting feeling as it had always been his favorite form of skinship. 
Nodding proudly, you nibbled on his hand once more.
"Okay! Yes, we can get ice cream as long as you stop trying to eat Daddy when he has to show his hands on camera.", he laughed and pulled you into his arms for a quick hug after noticing the staff wave him down, respectfully giving thee two of you privacy, but it was still time to go.
"Are you ready??", he stood, hand still in yours.
"Daddy's gonna wock it!", your giggling exclamation finally seemed to give him back his usual confidence as he stood proud with that shining, slightly-cocky grin and pulled you along gently with him to where they'd be shooting.
"Don't I always?"
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🧸End note: I was feeling awful for going so long without writing so I looked through my requests again and this seemed to be an easy enough one to start with. I wonder if people actually read my end notes. currently listening to Heaven's Cloud by SVT. 💕
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