#muerte total
miubow · 9 months
Blainley: Museum lady. DJ:Candlemaker 2023 Contestants:Museum kids. Cody, Owen, Geoff: Mariachi brothers. Harold:Jorge Sanchez
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Hey, you, yes you👉
Come closer, I have to tell you something...
What if, hey hey keep listening
What if...
I make Death, the ultimate daddy's boy???
Su niño especial y maravillioso??? Su alegría y orgullo????
(Forgive the Spanish, I'm using an online translator)
But seriously, there aren't many parents ocs, and it can be such a cool dynamic to see. Furthermore there're so little example of wholesome father-son relationship dammit!!! I want some!!
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i am now afflicted with dumb dumb stupid bitch disease and its all his fault
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No voy a mentir, siento el aneurisma formándose.
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mossy123302 · 1 month
Okay, after what happened yesterday in the live stream where Phil mentioned he did have a song for Missa. I was ....totally not scavenging the Bleach soundtrack to figure out what song Phil could have probably used.
(I've never watched Bleach. I'm so sorry—)
Anyways, the song I found that I felt fit perfectly for Philza and Missa was "Escalon". It gives the otherworldly feeling, while also still tying to Missa to his heritage. (Philza being the Angel of Death & Missa being a Grim Reaper of some sorts. Would Missa technically count more as a Demi-God? Because I've been finally trying to understand Missa's small lore bits and his mother, lore wise, is a goddess, correct? Like La Muerte? Please correct me if I'm wrong)
I laughed at the comments on YouTube where they said "Escalon" sounds like if aliens were invading Mexico.
It also occurred to me how Philza and Missa are just connected a lot to space themes which is probably another ironic thing.
I really do wish we could have seen more Philza and Missa fighting together. Philza is more direct, quick to kill the mobs but is cautious when it's up against something he isn't familiar with. Missa covers up his weak spots by being more watchful and attacking, sometimes, from afar. This has its downs and ups, because Missa can immediately alert Philza to other nearby mobs but Missa is a bit too far, so Missa ends up attracting the more dangerous mobs to him-
Overall, I think Missa is more or less like the shield while Philza is the weapon. Both needed to work together and find some rhythm.
You ever think about how Missa was teaching Philza how to dance at Mexico's Independence Day event that somehow brought the two to a better understanding of their body movement. They were new and awkward, unfamiliar with each other's fluid of movement and slowly they got better at it together.
So maybe Philza gained a few traits from Missa, being much more observant to assess the situation, to avoid attracting other mobs while also trying to teach his kids, mainly Tallulah, how to fight. Missa charges and attacks without a thought to defend and protect his kids, and picks up a few traits from Philza. He knows how to locate the weak points to kill the mobs faster and how to better avoid mob situations.
God...we were so robbed...
Phil Minecraft plz... Give us more crumbs.
Missa as well. Please...play a game together or something.
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Alright... Hear me out..
You know La Muerte and Xibalbá from the Book of Life? Totally wasn't obsessed with the movie as a kid
That. Except Wifey and Alastor
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STOP I LOVE THE BOOK OF LIFE SO MUCH!! La Muerte was just so beautiful and I loved her so much 😭
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hidropost · 8 months
Hallan muerto a Ociel Baena, magistrade que se convirtió en la primera persona en obtener un pasaporte no binario en México. Baena era un activista de la comunidad LGBT que se identificaba como persona de género no binario. De acuerdo con los reportes iniciales difundidos por la prensa local y colectivos activistas, junto con el cuerpo de Jesús Ociel Baena también fue localizada sin vida otra persona que sería su pareja sentimental, identificada como Dorian Herrera. Ociel Baena contaba con protección y fue precisamente uno de los guardias de seguridad quien se percató del suceso. Los primeros reportes señalan que el elemento de seguridad llamó a la puerta del domicilio y al no recibir respuesta decidió entrar. Fue en ese momento que identificó a le magistrade y alertó a las autoridades.
En redes sociales, el Movimiento por la Igualdad en México lamentó el deceso y lanzó un llamado a las autoridades para que investiguen lo ocurrido de manera debida.
“Lamentamos profundamente la muerte del magistrade Ociel Baena. Su legado en la lucha por la igualdad y contra la discriminación, a través del litigio estratégico y acciones incansables en favor de la diversidad sexual y de género, es invaluable. Exigimos el esclarecimiento total de los hechos. Su memoria y su obra seguirán iluminando nuestro camino”, fue el mensaje que acompañaron con el hashtag #JusticiaParaOciel.
Fuentes: Infobae, BBC,
Síguenos en: Instagram Tik Tok
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operafantomet · 1 year
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Red Death / Phantom (1983 Ken Michael Jackson doll in Thriller suit... let's just pretend it's the Restaged Tour...)
Star Princess / Christine (1985 Barbie Dream Glow)
Hussar / Raoul (1978 Ken in tuxedo)
Madame Giry (1961 Barbie)
Skeleton / André (Ken "San la Muerte")
Firmin (1985 Ken in suit)
Meg Giry (Barbie 1980s "Rewind" edition)
Spider Dance / Carlotta (2016 Halloween Barbie)
Sun King / Piangi (1991 Ken Totally Hair)
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deathisararemercy · 1 year
Sleep Easy
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Death x Reader
"Mi amor, are you alright?” His worried eyes glowed red in the dark, and after waking up from that nightmare, they were the last thing you wanted to see.
A/N: Thank you for the love on the first 'x reader' I wrote! Here's some Death comforting a gn!reader who had a nightmare because I refuse to sleep. Also it's a tiny bit sad, but mostly soft. I think for this form of writing, I'm going to roll with this sort of short 'slice of life' style content. I gave it some thought, and I decided to have my askbox open for requests. I'm still trying to figure out how to write Muerte, but if anyone is interested, my askbox is open. Request guidelines will in my pinned post.
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When you woke up in the middle of night, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Your eyes shot open and the world around you was dark. The outlines of the objects in the room were barely taking shape. You felt a pressure around you, but you were freezing cold. All you could hear was your rapid heartbeat and your breathing. And you felt so out of breath. Air came in short and quick breaths, but your chest felt tight at the same time.
Firm paws surrounded you and drew you in close, soft fur surrounding you.
“Mi amor, are you alright?”
Oh. This is real. This is real, you thought as you tried to calm your rapidly beating heart. You fell asleep in Death’s arms that night, that’s right. And he was always cold, so that’s why you felt so cold. His body was wrapped around you protectively, shielding you away from the rest of the world. But there was tenderness in the surety of the way he held you. The wolf pulled you in closer, and you realized you were shaking. You took a small peek up.
His worried eyes glowed red in the dark, and after waking up from that nightmare, they were the last thing you wanted to see. You peeled away from his arms and turned your back towards him. You could feel him falter as you pulled the blankets closer to yourself. “I’m fine.”
“Pardon me, for prying,” Death murmured quietly, caressing your hair with a finger, “But I’m pretty sure you’re lying to yourself right now.”
“I’m lying to you,” you huffed. “There’s a difference.”
He was silent for a moment.
“Love, look at me.” You remained where you were, trying to get some semblance of warmth in your still-shaking body. “Look at me.” Your head was pounding. “Look at me.” With these last words, he pulled you around towards him.
His eyes were intense and by their light, bright in the total darkness of the room, you could see his forehead creased in worry. Wordlessly, he drew you back in, rubbing your back with one hand while pressing you closer with the other.
“Breathe. In.” You deeply inhaled as his chest rose. “And out.” You breathed out with him. You could hear him lick his lips as your breathing slowed, and at last, you sighed deeply.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. You were afraid.” He pulled you away, and you looked up at his eyes again. There was…guilt in them now. “Were you afraid of me?”
You buried your face back into his fur. You couldn’t look at him and say what you felt. “Maybe,” you said quietly into his chest. The cold was nice. It cleared your head a bit.
“Lo siento,” he said into the dark, shifting his head so it was on top of yours. “I know I can be a bit…scary.”
“No, no, it’s not like that,” you explained, trying to peel yourself away again. This time, you were unsuccessful; his arms wouldn’t budge. “I…I had a bad dream.”
“I don’t know what it’s like to dream,” Death whispered, “But I hate the idea of something like that frightening you so much. The idea that there are monsters I can’t protect you from.” 
With this having been said, he was the one who pulled away from you. The weight of the bed shifted, and all of a sudden, he was gone. You pulled the blankets closer to you as you sat up and tried to readjust your eyes to the dark and find him. Footsteps. Soft rustling. There. There were his beautiful red eyes, less scary than the first time you saw them. He was there, on your side of the bed. He put something over your head. It was warm. You felt the fabric between your fingers and exhaled softly. “Your poncho.”
The wolf hummed and whistled a slow and soft tune as he crept back into bed. Your mind slowly began to rest until he finished his song. You turned over to face each other. His eyes were soft. He caressed your cheek. “No monster will get you in this.”
“There are no monsters,” you corrected, “there are no monsters when you’re here.” Death drew you back into the dark, and you fell asleep in his arms again.
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streaminn · 1 year
Okok, putting my thoughts here real quick so we have SOME form of legibility on the time line. Everything here is canon, if stated otherwise, ignore that
Streamer Enid au info:
Wenclair are 23-25 smth and they married at 18 right out Nevermore.
Enid or known as Endespair streams horror games to get over her queasiness over gore faster. She's known for being a simp for Wednesday Addams, proudly proclaiming that she is her wife. No one believes her and think she's a stan
She also has some experience being a stunt double and occasional minor actor known by word of mouth as Sin Addams.
Wednesday Addams is an author, director, actor, executive director-basically she's a badass idk what to tell you. Essentially, she's been traveling all over the place and working since she hit 19.
Bc of this, wenclair have been in a ldr bc the have been way too dependent on each other for so long and enid wanted to make sure they could grow as people first before going together.
She also is coming home to Enid the moment she finished writing her final book for a decade or so 'Lycoan Curse' bc she's finally done with projecting/processing all her trauma onto her books.
Wednesday Addams has written a total of six books. First five are known as the Viper series with Viper de la muerte being the Mc and told in first person.
First three is abt Wednesday's life pre Nevermore and the other 3 is the remaining 3 years in Nevermore.
Viper: Hyden truths is literally abt what happened with Tyler in season 1 but glossing over the love triangle. It introduces new characters, like the stunted werewolf roommate Helios
(Enid insisted in the pun in the title.. Also fun fact, if u just say the hel part of helios, it almost sounds like the command 'heel')
Viper: Snake in the grass is abt the stalker teased in the end of Hyden truths. More of Helios' werewolfness/instincts are shown and they grow closer. Viper learns to be more open and Helios showcases more of her culture to Viper. The stalker has made the two more sneakier, making sure to keep close and going through multiple pranks where the two nearly get severely harmed.
(it was around here that people started shipping imperial gold, not really expecting the underlying tension of two roommates taking care of each other's injuries and the intimacy of such actions)
Lunar Ecplise: Lycoan Curse is the first book that skipped the single POV streak Wednesday had. This time, it features a new perspective Helios' and it became a hit. This one was a rather girthy asf book, considering that it was written as either a standalone or a continuation of the Viper series.
It's also the movie/show? Idk tbh, it's still being decided. Its the book being adapted to a film/show that Enid and Wednesday star in.
Nevermore is known as Eden in the book. Despite it's rather heavenly name, it still looks edgy like Nevermore. it's more of an eden for outcasts yknow
Anyways that's it for now, ty for listening
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notasfilosoficas · 10 months
“La vida es lo poco que nos sobra de la muerte”
Walt Whitman
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Fue un poeta, enfermero voluntario, ensayista, periodista y humanista estadounidense nacido en West Hills, Nueva York en mayo de 1819. Considerado entre los mas influyentes escritores estadounidenses y ha sido llamado el padre del verso libre.
Sus padres tenían creencias afines a los cuáqueros, una comunidad religiosa sin credo definido que pretende revivir el cristianismo primitivo. Fue el segundo de 9 hijos y apodado Walt para distinguirlo del nombre de su padre.
A la edad de 4 años, Walt se muda con su familia a West Hills Brooklyn, viviendo en una casa de gran precariedad, y de la cual Whitman recordaría como una época de escasez, mas no de infelicidad por las características propias de la familia.
A los 11 años, terminó sus estudios formales y comenzó a trabajar para apoyar a su familia. Trabajó como empleado en una oficina de dos abogados y mas tarde pasó a ser aprendiz en el semanario de Long Island “The Patriot”, es allí en donde aprendería parte del oficio así como escribirá composiciones sentimentales.
Al año siguiente la familia de Walt regresa a West Hills pero el se queda en Brooklyn en donde trabajaría en otro semanario y en donde publicaría sus primeros poemas de forma anónima en el New York Mirror.
En 1836, derivado del colapso general de la economía en el nombrado Pánico de 1837, Walt regresa con su familia que ahora vive en Hempstead Long Island, dedicándose a la docencia.
En 1841 inició una carrera como periodista publicando diversos escritos en periódicos, revistas y foros culturales, llegando a ser director de periódicos como el Long Islander y el Brooklyn Eagle.
Viajó a Nueva Orleans en 1850, en donde trabajó como constructor por 5 años y posteriormente con sus propios recursos, editó la colección de poemas titulada “Hojas de Hierbas” que a la larga se convirtió en su única y esencial obra, acentuada por su libertad formal y de un lirismo y poderosa expresividad. La primera edición constó de un total de 795 copias.
El libro recibió un gran apoyo por parte de Ralph Waldo Emerson, quién escribió una carta de cinco halagadoras páginas a Whitman y habló excelentemente del libro a sus amigos.
Durante la guerra civil estadounidense, Whitman ocupó el puesto de enfermero y tras la finalización del conflicto, fue oficinista en el Departamento de Interior y en la Fiscalía General.
Tras sufrir un evento cardiovascular en 1873, Whitman se muda de Washington a Nueva Jersey, y posteriormente a Camden a casa de un hermano, esta época se consideró altamente productiva para el trabajo literario de Whitman, en 1884, Whitman compró su propia casa junto con una ama de llaves.
Al final del año de 1891, Walt Whitman preparó una edición final de Hojas de Hierba y preparándose para el final, hizo erigir un mausoleo de granito, muriendo finalmente en marzo de 1892 a la edad de 72 años.
Whitman fue llamado el primer poeta de la democracia estadounidense, su trabajó rompió todos los cánones de la forma poética y es generalmente cercano a la prosa. Utilizó imágenes y símbolos inusuales en poesía como ramitas de paja y escombros.
Whitman presenta un tono expansionista y afirmativo en su poesía, su voz poética celebra al nuevo hombre y a la nueva mujer en un mundo democrático. Para Whitman, “el poeta debe lograr que las palabras transmitan fuerza, haciendo que las palabras canten, dancen, sangren, naveguen barcos, ejecuten lo masculino y lo femenino, besen, y hagan todo lo que la mujer, el hombre o los poderes naturales pueden hacer”.
El erotismo, presente en los versos de Whitman, potencia una poesía intensa y sugerente a través de imágenes construidas sobre un lenguaje apasionado y delicado a la vez. El erotismo se manifiesta en una relación con el otro, que puede ser hombre o mujer, pero también en la experiencia de una relación autocrítica, que explora la propia sexualidad, recorriendo el cuerpo y las sensaciones sensuales sin pudor.
Fuentes: Wikipedia, alojacriticon.com, biografiasyvidas.com, sácielo.cl
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milanesa42 · 3 months
No hablaré en inglés
El inglés mata la mente.
El inglés es la pequeña muerte que conduce a la destrucción total.
Afrontaré al yanky.
Permitiré que pase sobre mí y a través de mí.
Y cuando haya pasado, giraré mi ojo interior para escrutar su camino.
Allí por donde el eurocentrismo haya pasado ya no quedará nada, sólo estaré yo
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deathandthemaiden23 · 4 months
Bro idk who's around me rn idk who's really still here in this fandom idk who will even see this or read it and i dont wanna get into it (proceeds to get into it) but ive been on a grand fucking expedition to confront past trauma and shit lately which whoopeee what else is new for what basically amounts to a dreamworks adult obsessed with the grim reaper from shrek specifically i think there's probably an actual good reason this is my biggest blorbo yet (which by the way, my good bitches, is truly saying something) beyond "big scary wolf sexy" but like anyways its been a hot fuckin second of me just sort of existing in purgatory with basically only this character to keep me real company the whole time chipping away at fanfic and makin doodles here and there while trying to solve the great big fuckin mystery of hey pal is there any particular reason you spend most of your free time fantasizing at length about being loved and cared for by literal fuckin death but um i kinda sorta had been making peace lately with the very real possibility that probably the only reappearances from Death we'd see going forward in this franchise would kinda just be relegated to stuff like being a playable character in that dumbass mario kart game they made recently that they had the audacity to charge $50 for the version with him in it and I was immediately prepared to shell out the fuckin money regardless anyways tldr this is my longwinded way of saying bless harvey fuckin guillen for supposedly saying he wants to reprise his role as perrito in shrek 5 and specifically mentioning he wanted to know more about his backstory including the near death experience he had in the sock that he still wears like ok let me be clear im not getting my hopes up for shit im super excited about the idea of harvey and everybody reprising their roles for future shrek installments but i know shit be disappointing sometimes and it just be like that sometimes blablabla alright nothing is set in stone in this cursed ass timeline we're in bbbbbbut
✨️H O W E V E R✨️
I cannot help but think in some kind of weirdly jaded optimism that surely dreamworks would not fucking let the absolute furry cashcow that Death is go to fucking waste if they're bringing shrek back to the big screen it just seems incredibly fuckin stupid this big fuckin bastard gave everyone a boner when last wish dropped to the extent that i actually didnt know anything about last wish going in to see it in theaters the first time knew nothing of the plot who was in it whatever right THE ONLY FUCKIN KNOWLEDGE I HAD OF LAST WISH PRIOR TO SITTING DOWN AND WATCHING IT WAS "OH I GUESS THERE'S A WOLF CHARACTER AND EVERYONE WANTS TO FUCK HIM" LMFAO UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE FUCKIN YEAR RIGHT LOL anyways if dreamworks doesnt seize the opportunity to give him at least one more like visible cameo appearance anywhere in whatever they can squeeze out of the shrek franchise after it was dead (lmfao) for like years (the puss in boots show is little known to anyone sadly and also it seems vaguely noncanonical if that makes sense stuff gets said on the regular in that show that just seems too batshit even for shrek standards) I'll genuinely like die of shock the entertainment industry is chock full of companies just like dreamworks always achin to get their hands on another iconic character they can squeeze money out of ad infinitum and like i dont want that to happen with Death I dont but also... please just let him show up at least one more time dreamworks throw this bitch a bone im begging you you will make so much money i promise u the thirsty tumblr fans are no joke we'll bankroll your ass to the moon and back
I feel it would be remiss of me not to offer some form of content after all this impassioned war and peace length solilioquy about the scu (shrek cinematic universe) so here's an old WIP from forever ago im like 90% i havent posted here (if i have oh fuckin well tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) its a lil scene from chapter 2 of my death fic where he gets caught redhanded picking flowers for his crush because he's a dork ass loser and wants to impress her without coming on too strong lmao like bro she's so into you just go for it
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jartita-me-teneis · 17 hours
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Se dice que cada alma tiene 13 vidas físicas, mueres y reencarna tu esencia, pero sin recordar nada de tus vidas pasadas.
Hasta que mueres 13 veces y tu alma desaparece de este mundo, por que la luz de tu energía llegó a su ciclo final.
También se dice que en estas 13 vidas no puedes volver a repetir los errores de tus vidas pasadas, es una condena que tu alma vive para poder llegar a la ascensión final, en ciertos casos se nacen con marcas de violentas muertes pasadas.
Cabe recalcar que hasta se puede saber en que vida vas, ya que tiene una conexión con tu fecha de nacimiento.
Suma todos los números de tu fecha de nacimiento omitiendo los cero, si el resultado es mayor a 13, suma cada dígito, si vuelve a dar mayor de 13, se vuelve a sumar.
Nacer un 26 de Marzo de 1982
2+6+3+1+9+8+2= 31
Iría en la 4ª vida
¿En qué vida vas tu?
¿Qué opinan?
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adribosch-fan · 1 year
Justicia desbalanceada: Mientras militares de 90 años mueren enfermos en las cárceles, Ricardo Jaime quedará en libertad después de ser condenado por 51 muertes
Son cientos los militares ancianos de más de 70 años con prisión y decenas con preventiva de más de 10 Foto archivo Son cientos los militares ancianos de más de 70 años con prisión y decenas con preventiva de más de 10 años, que mueren en las cárceles a los 80 y 90 años, pero la justicia ordenó que Ricardo Jaime, uno de los responsables de la muerte de 51 personas en el estrago y crímenes de la…
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