insomniasix · 7 years
Big Drunk Baby.
@muerlinza said:35 with Prompto!!! 😂😂😂
A/N: This is lame! I couldn’t help but think of the other day (you know which one) So, I made this a reader insert, hoping it would speak to you xD I love you, don’t hate me! 
Warnings: Alcohol Aftermath | Words: 510 | Prompto x Reader | SFW
You always hated getting drunk. The dizziness, the burning when the alcohol slid down your throat; the taste of the damn thing… Gods forbid you ever did get drunk, the aftermath was horrible! The fear of throwing up in your sleep always gave you nightmares.
You’d managed to stay away from it for some time; but today was a special occasion.
It was your manager’s birthday.
Everyone in the Leville -as well as around it -loved Jared; so along with the help of Talcott, the little walking encyclopedia of a kid, you had all managed to prepare a surprise for him.
Your boyfriend, Prompto and his friends weren’t there yet, so you found company in the face of Seasoned Midgardsormr and Ebony-based-Vodka. The spicy taste of the skewers making the alcohol run through your veins faster.
That’s how Prompto found you, about an hour later.
“Has anyone seen Y/N?” he kept asking around, driving your coworkers mad with his worry.
“I think she’s over at the waiting area.” Talcott answered with a smile “She doesn’t look so good.”
“What do you mean, buddy?” the blond asked.
“I think she’s tired. She fell asleep; and I think she’s drooling.” The kid whispered the last part.
“Thanks bud, I’ll take her home so she can get some sleep.” Prompto petted the kid’s head and moved to find you with a smile in his face.
He made his way to you fast, caressing your hair while whispering your name.
“Y/N. It’s time to wake up, baby.”
“Pom-pom.” You laughed, blinking slowly as the room around you danced at the music’s rhythm “Ha ha, whatareyoudoinher?”
“Just how many drinks did you have?” he laughed, helping you off your chair.
“Imissedyou.” You mumbled, smiling widely at him.
“Yeah, I missed you too, ba- what?”
He stopped talking as you petted his hair, being very drawn to the way it moved back to its place every time you moved it around with your finger.
“Hairy… baby!” you laughed with every pet “Hairy bab-“
“Come on, you light-head.” The blond laughed at you, moving your arm around his shoulder so he could carry you back to your shared apartment.
“Promie?” you pouted, looking straight into his sea-blue eyes, using the sweetest, most innocent voice you could master as he stopped and waited for you to continue “Can I wear your sweater tonight?”
“Sure, baby. Once we’re home, I’ll help you put it on.” He smiled sweetly at you.
“I can do it on me own, promise.” You hiccupped and laughed at the sound you made.
Drunk you was something out of a comic cartoon.
Especially when you tried putting his sweater on, like you said you would.
You fought with it for about fifteen minutes before giving up.
Prompto saw you losing battle, one of your arms was correctly in place, but the other one had managed to find the head hole of his favorite upper-wear. You huffed some messy hair out of your face before mumbling your retreat “I’m done.” You said “You can fix it.”
Tagging : @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit​ @mzargentum @alicemoonwonderland​ @fieryfantasy​ ​ @nykamito​ @theyearofdiamonddogs​ @mandakatt​ @thedragontamerying​ @mp938368​ @stunninglyignis​ @lady-asuka​ @ladye11e​ @daschstuff​ @expectogladiolus​ @ffxvhoe​ @valkyrieofardyn​ @insomniacapples​ @frostca11 @eve-is-random @themissimmortal 
(If you wanna be tagged or removed please let me know, I don’t wanna bother ^^)
Thank you for all the love and support! <3
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iizuumi · 6 years
✿Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!✿ ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ ღවꇳවღ c⌒っ╹v╹ )っ [You're quite the interesting person, friend. I'm looking forward to the future of our friendship!]
Aw thank you! ♥
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dreamiggy · 7 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼 (Good to know you ^^ Hope we can become friends 💚)
Aww thank you very much
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uarcana · 6 years
Life lessons.
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"Again!" Silver ordered, smoothly moving away from a frustrated explosion, "What the hell's that, bubbles? You call that an explosion?"
"SHUT UP, OLD LADY!!!" Bakugo's lack of landing an actual attack on his mentor was getting to his head, making him desperate and less careful of his actions "I'LL KILL Y-" as well as his surroundings.
Silver's punch connecting with his stomach sent Bakugo flying against a near by wall; making his stomach find its way to his mouth.
"That's HALF of All Might's strength behind that punch." Silver commented as she snapped her fingers, making the kid hurl pure air instead of his insides, "It's also HALF of the pain Izuku Midoriya suffered at the hands of Muscular."
"Don't --" Bakugo wanted to tell her not to compare him with anyone else. He wanted to tell her that he could take it.
"Who's gonna take you seriously if you're hurling your guts after a punch like this?"
"Says the woman who throws up almost every time she uses her quirk." Bakugo sassed, whipping the sweat and saliva from his face, "When was the last time you had a 'clear' win, huh?"
"Some years back." Silver huffed a laugh at his answer. At how alike they were at spitting back, "But if you want answers, you'll have to beat them out of me."
The smile stretching across Bakugo's face was all she needed though. Just enough to make sure she didn't hurt him bad enough, "But I'll leave that for the next time. For now..."
Silver told him about the first and only time she'd managed to beat the Symbol of Peace. Bakugo was entranced by the story. Imagining a young, almost villain-like mentor of his going all out on her friend. How much raw power she must have controlled to be able to beat him. What Bakugo didn't know was how it was the first month of Toshinori Yagi as the new successor of One For All. How he couldn't exactly control his power yet. How, like Deku, everything hurt.
"That's badass." He thought out loud and Silver could almost swear his eyes were sparkling.
"Yeah well. It was the one and only time." Silver laughed.
"I never thought you'd be the kind of person to admit weakness."
"Realizing your mistakes isn't weakness, kid. I've made plenty. And the number just keeps going up. Sacrifices, wrong choices... failure to save people."
"Not saving me wasn't your failure, teach." Bakugo mumbled. Knowing full well she had been blaming herself ever since that night.
"Yeah." She didn't know what to say... how to look him in the eyes.
"You could've tried harder than what I've heard though." Bakugo joked, for the first time being a shoulder for someone to cry on. Being a pillar of emotional support for someone else... for the first time, "I mean, other than All Might, I thought you were able to take on anyone. You could've-"
"You know, I was a little preoccupied being punched in the face by Gunmetal." Silver laughed at what he has trying to awake in her.
"Miss Tamahagane took you down?"
Silver thought back at that moment. Aoi tried anything in her power to keep her friend from doing anything stupid. Silver had lost everything that was keeping her from going full on villain against the people who abducted a kid... her kid.
Aoi tried everything... But when throwing Silver against a solid wall didn't seem to work she knew she'd have to take matters into her own hands, be the friend Silver had been needing for the past ten years.
She was the only one who could keep her from hurting anyone... from hurting herself. Aoi was the only one who knew what this outbreak was about.
"AOI GET THE HELL OFF ME!!" Silver barked as Aoi literally sat on her to keep her down, changing her weigh to that of a ton.
If she was being honest, Silver didn't remember much of that "sweet" encounter with her friend. She definitely remembered being punched in the face and yelled at... about this not being what Bakugo would need. About him having to choose... "He's not Todoroki!"
"Teach?" Bakugo noticed her lack of answer and her wondering stare. He'd also noticed her knuckles turning white as she clenched her fist.
He didn't have time to ask on any of that when Kirishima's voice was heard from behind them, "Hey, Bakugo!! Miss Silver!!"
"What do you want, shitty hair?"
"That's no way to talk to your friends, Bakugo." Silver scolded with a laugh.
"We're going into town, wanna join?" The red haired smiled, pointing at Iida, Todoroki, Momo and Izuku standing in the back, waving and smiling; all except Shoto, of course.
"Go. We're done here anyway."
"I don't wanna." Bakugo mumbled, looking at his mentor like she would understand his need to stay away from the people who saved him.
But Silver wasn't having it, "The saved your life, you ungrateful brat. The least you can do is join them on a walk around town. I promise you won't regret it."
"And if I do?"
"I'll give you a ten second head start next time we fight."
"Ok. Cool!"
"Kirishima... I gotta get this kid some ice cream for saving me... again." The teacher waved them away.
Tagging: Feedback is always appreciated. Please let us know if you wanna be tagged or removed. Thank you for your time and love!
@digitalkanvas @glacian-apocalypse@nykamito@aquathemermaidstripper
@asonataspassions @thedragontamerying
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insomniasix · 6 years
Resident Evil: Rebecca Blade
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Lighting a smoke was all she could do now that things were seemingly a little calmer.
Leon had jumped into the fire of battle to save Ada from Simmons' wrath and had survived his destructive jealousy. All his comments about Leon having an effect on her instead of him.
Simmons believed he wasn't the man Ada needed; and yet... he jumped to her rescue.
"Does he know?" Helena asked when Leon started making his way to them.
Rebecca light her cigarette, letting the smoke fill her lungs and calm her trembling nerves, "Know what?" She let the smoke leave from her nostrils, turning to face her partner; silver eyes searching for a hint of answer.
Helena took a few seconds, making sure Leon was still on his way and assessing the words she wanted to let out. "That he's the one you chose?"
Rebecca's heart skipped a few beats before she turned her gaze to the building, burning on the opposite side of where they were. She felt the scarf he'd given her all those years back. Letting her hand feel the fabric warming her neck. "Probably not."
"Then why not tell him?" Helena's question was sincere. She really couldn't see why the two hadn't reached a conclusion yet.
As she saw it, the two were at the same page... so why...
"It's complicated, Helena." Rebecca smiled sadly, watching Leon move up toward them and holstering her gun to it's place between her arm and side; ready to help him up. "Please, drop it."
"But..." she wasn't going to give up, making her new friend a little faster to end it as Leon was literally almost there.
"Because..." Rebecca took a few seconds, she hadn't spoke the truth behind it to anyone, "Because I need him to be happy. Even if it is without me."
"Hey ladies? A little help here." Leon struggled, half of his body still hanging off the destroyed space the elevator was before.
Rebecca helped him up, making sure he wasn't hurt with a quick scan of his face.
"I'm fine," he smiled, readjusting her scarf so it would keep her warm, "Hello, beautiful."
"Welcome back, stranger."
@asonataspassions @muerlinza @glacian-apocalypse @nykamito @thedragontamerying @digitalkanvas @mzargentum (Don’t know who is a fan of the franchise or wants to actually read about more OCs so... Let me know if you wanna be tagged or removed. Thank you for your time and love. Feedback is always appreciated.)
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insomniasix · 6 years
A/N: Ok, so I read this post  by @far-cry-all-the-time the other day and I got so inspired!! I had to write something of an aftermath? I hope this is alright. 
It was a day of celebration at the Holland Valley of Hope County. John Seed had been dealt with and the streets were once more free of peggies.
All residents of the region were celebrating.
All but one.
The one to actually complete the deed. The one who ended his life.
The Deputy had decided to step out of the Spread Eagle early. Not wanting to partake in any of the many festivities her friends had planned.
She sat at her car, drinking alone while staring up at the night sky; enjoying the silence... until...
"Y'know shorty, you're the only one in Hope County who's not celebrating her own victory over Little Bro." Sharky made his way next to her, lightly hitting the butt of his beer bottle to hers.
"Then again, you're the only one who actually knew him." He continued, seeing as she only blessed him with a small smile.
She was in pain.
"He wasn't really a bad guy, Sharky."
"Fo reals? John Seed. Not a bad guy?" Her words took him by surprise. Sharky knew she had come to care for him ever since the night he helped her. When she drunkenly made her way to his home. When he literally ordered his peggies to leave her alone until she was in a fighting condition. How they'd gotten closer after that. Spending most of the nights talking. Away from everything that tore them apart; away from what made them enemies. But this?
"He was mistreated and used. Just because he wanted to be respected... loved. He was my... I don't really know what we were by the end of it, but it just... it feels wrong. Celebrating his death. Celebrating that I killed him."
She was chocking on the tears she held back. Sharky could see it. Hated seeing it. He thought she was this war goddess, ever since he met her at his trailer park; he had forgotten how she's only one person. Fragile. Scared. Fighting for her life and the lives of the people she cared for.
"There's um... There's something I need to take care of. Go inside. Celebrate. I'll see you in the morning." She smiled warmly, getting up from her seat.
"Na-ah, whatever it is I'm with ya. You don't gotta do this alone, Dep." He stopped her from walking even more, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and holding her tight.
The Deputy sniffed and hugged him back, trying to find the words to explain what her plan was, but lacking an explanation where he wouldn't freak out. So, she decided she'd just blur it out, "He's in the back of the car." She almost whispered, holding on to Sharky's sweatshirt a little tighter as she felt him stiff up in fear.
"He still dead, right?" He asked, not letting her go.
The Deputy nodded against his chest, feeling him exhale sharply, "The hell're you doin' with Dead Seed on the back of your car, man? How many times do I gotta tell ya, corpses get diseases so fast, like. He could have zombie on 'im or worse!"
"I couldn't leave him in the mud to be eaten by wolves, Sharks. I- I-" she couldn't find the words.
"'s alright,shorty. I'll help you give 'im a proper burial."
Her 'thank you' came out in a whimper before she broke out into tears into her best friend's arms.
Tagging: @sharky-boshaw-appreciation @zacklover24 @muerlinza @asonataspassions (If you wanna be tagged or removed please let me know, I don’t wanna bother.) Thank you for your time! Feedback is always appreciated! 
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insomniasix · 6 years
OOooohh, 🖊 + Silver Heiwa? :3c
Ok, so.. thanks to my lovely @muerlinza , I got my ass down to making an OC for MHA to match the awesomeness of her own baby. Honesty, I never thought I'd come to love an OC as much as I love Six Ulric... But Silver happened.
Silver Heiwa is a special character for me. Mixing a lot of the things I love and having a lot of new features I hadn't thought of before, making it fun to write about her.
Can't really say much about her yet, but I think after this whole 'purge' thing is done with, Silver will have her own story..
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