#mucho flow
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headlinerportugal · 1 year ago
10 anos a festejar o futuro [Parte 2] - Mucho Flow 2023 | Reportagem Completa
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Spencer Martin e Jack Martin dos Lunch Money Life, num dos melhores momentos, quiçá o mais incrível | mais fotos clicar aqui Acordei com as pernas ainda doridas da noite longa, mas nada que me fizesse recuar do dia longo que me estava a aguardar. Poderia pensar que naquele sábado a chuva daria algumas tréguas, mas não, na verdade sentia-se ainda mais as baixas temperaturas a recair sobre as ruas labirínticas do centro da cidade de Guimarães.
Este último dia começa mais cedo na blackbox do Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães (CIAJG), único concerto naquela sala, a receber a prata da casa, Tormenta, projeto que junta dois dos mais notáveis músicos nacionais: o baterista Ricardo Martins e o guitarrista Filho da Mãe. Para cima do palco a dupla traz ainda Jibóia para adicionar uma camada extra de poderio musical.
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Radie Peat dos Lankum, um dos bons destaques do último dia | mais fotos clicar aqui Se leram as nossas 6 sugestões para este Mucho Flow, saberiam que às 18:15h, a meio da Avenida Don Afonso Henriques, Lucinda Chua estaria a atuar no auditório do Teatro Jordão. A artista britânica trouxe o seu primeiro LP, ‘YIAN’, para o bonito palco. Para quem lê a frase anterior até pode parecer que a multi-instrumentista é uma novata nestas andanças, mas a verdade é que a artista tem acompanhando ao vivo a bem conhecida FKA Twigs dando-lhe muita experiência por esses palcos mundo fora. Alternando entre o subtil piano e misterioso como foi possível ouvir em “Echo” ou “An Avalanche”, passando para o seu instrumento de eleição, o violoncelo, como foi possível ouvir em “Until I Fall” ou “Meditations on a Place”, carregado de uma boa dose de reverb, deambulando por entre o experimental, soando por vezes um pouco mais caótico do que aquilo que poderia prever, mas sem deixar o seu peso certo de emoção e introspeção, acompanhado sempre pela sua voz incrivelmente afinada. Uma artista que com apenas um disco editado, irão decerto começar a ouvi-la mais vezes.
Este dia 4 de novembro foi na verdade o dia que mais nos cativou, sendo a que maior parte dos nomes que sugerimos na tal lista de concertos a não perder, pertenciam em grande maioria ao último dia do festival vimaranense. Uns atrás dos outros, foi a vez de Contour a entrar em palco, desta vez no piso térreo do Teatro Jordão onde permanecemos até depois das 23h.
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Khari Lucas é conhecido artisticamente como Contour | mais fotos clicar aqui Sempre com o relógio bem marcado, os concertos iam começando à hora marcada não deixando espaço para qualquer atraso. Os ponteiros marcaram 20:15H, Khari Lucas aka Countour subiu ao palco, sozinho, começando a debitar os seus poemas cobertos por uma camada que caminhavam lado a lado entre o jazz e o R&B. Mostrou-se sempre muito sereno, atento, com um olhar bastante cativante e fixo para as centenas de pessoas que começaram a encher aquela cena coberta de cimento de cima a baixo, dificultando por vezes a acústica, mas sem nunca perder a magia sonora.
“Crowded Afternoon”, “At All” ou “Teach Prayer” foram algumas de que que o artista britânico nos presenteou, todas retiradas do seu mais recente disco editado o ano passado, ‘Onwards!’. Em “Teach Prayer” ainda houve espaço para um pequeno discurso de apoio ao povo palestino que neste momento é vítima de uma guerra aparentemente sem fim, ouvindo palavras de apoio mútuo deste lado, sendo um dos mais momentos emotivos que o festival teve - “Say a prayer for the young sailing away, sailing away”.
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Contour em estreia no Mucho Flow e em Guimarães | mais fotos clicar aqui Sem nunca perder a compostura, muito sério, sem mostrar qualquer emoção facial e por muitos momentos cantando num único tom, foi perdendo aqui e ali o público que timidamente lhe retribuíam um caloroso afeto. Uma atuação solida, sem grandes espaços para deslumbres, mas trazendo momentos narrativos bem bonitos e melódicos apoiados no seu talento, perspetivando um bom futuro para Contour.
Tivemos uma pequena folga para voltar a carregar energias no nosso canto favorito da cidade de Guimarães, o Tio Júlio. Um copinho de vinho tinto foi o que me foi servido para aquecer o meu coração naquela noite fria e chuvosa. Na verdade, o que realmente veio aquecer foi a próxima atuação, uma atuação que ninguém estaria à espera, quer dizer, nós de certo modo já contávamos com a explosão sentida nas garagens do Teatro Jordão. Os responsáveis? Lunch Money Life.  
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Lunch Money Life criaram um dos pontos altos do Mucho Flow em 2023 | mais fotos clicar aqui A banda formada por um conjunto de 5 elementos, transporta para cima do palco toda a pujança (e mais alguma) que um concerto deve realmente ter. Munidos por dois sets composto por circuitos elétricos interligados por dezenas de fios, com toda uma conjugação de efeitos, pedais e elementos que elevaram a sua atuação ao expoente.
Não são rock, nem são jazz, não são metal nem trap, ou se calhar são isto tudo e mais alguma coisa. Lunch Money Life entraram em palco e sabiam para onde queriam guiar a sala muito bem composta por volta das 21:15h. Com uma energia contagiante e uma dimensão musical a fazer jus a toda aquela expressão corporal diabólica, entregaram-nos um dos melhores e mais interessantes concertos, que na verdade já não víamos há algum tempo. Sempre com uma atitude punk, rebelde, cada elemento oferecia um pouco de si naquela performance musical como foi possível ver e ouvir em “Jimmy J Sunset”, “Mother” ou “New Herdsmen”.
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Spencer Martin dos Lunch Money Life a felicitar o público | mais fotos clicar aqui Praticamente 90% da sua atuação foi um caos organizado carregado de adrenalina, quanto aos outros 10%? Foi dedicado à angelical “In Jesus Name”, que por entre todo aquela chuva pesada, veio a acalmar e trazer uma boa dose de fé com uma balada grandiosa contrastando bem com todo o resto do concerto. A banda despediu-se sob discos de vinil do seu mais recente disco, ‘The God Phone’, e t-shirts a sobrevoar as nossas cabeças largando uma das maiores demostrações de amor e carinho do publico que vimos nesta edição, com toda a gente em êxtase e ainda a tentar assimilar toda aquela loucura musical.
Antes da garagem fechar e todos aqueles corpos se movimentarem para outra paragem, vieram os Lankum, banda que estreou a música tradicional irlandesa no festival Mucho Flow. Um mundo completamente diferente e oposto de Lunch Money Life, no qual foi possível sentir na cara o vento e a maresia dos campos verdejantes irlandeses. Uma viagem ao passado, talvez mesmo chegando a tempos medievais, sentido aqui e ali uma rutura no tempo onde era possível ouvir uma leve dose de experimentalismo por entre toda aquela música tradicional celta.
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Marcou muitos pontos o folk dos Lankum | mais fotos clicar aqui Todos os 5 elementos se apresentaram sentados com uma panóplia diversa de instrumentos como violino, gaita de fole, pífaro ou acordeão dando uma dimensão ritual a toda aquela experiência, acompanhado pelas vozes em uníssono parecendo por vezes que estávamos a presenciar um ritual qualquer. O Mucho Flow sempre se diferenciou dos demais por arriscar a trazer aquilo que vamos ouvir amanhã, criando tendências sem rótulos ou sem seguir qualquer referência, mas também se destaca por arriscar a trazer diversos musicais a um só ponto, e o concerto de Lankum são uma prova viva disso com o publico a corresponder da melhor maneira possível.
Parecia já se fazer tarde, o sol escuro está sobrevoava o céu há bastantes horas e o corpo começava a ressentir-se da agitada noite anterior, mas nada nos demovia do que ainda o festival nos tinha para oferecer, voltando à bonita sala do Centro Cultural Vila Flor (CCVF).
Fui para Abyss X, muita expectativa foi criada à volta da figura relevante no ecossistema feminista perante uma sala muito bem composta. A verdade é que pouco tivemos de presenciar para tal expectativa tivesse sido destruída devido a todo o seu ego que a artista demonstrou durante a atuação.
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Muita pompa de Abyss X | mais fotos clicar aqui Sem qualquer empatia criada com o público e constantemente mostrando o seu desagrado com a equipa ora do som, ora da luz, foi quebrando muitas vezes momentos de dança que poderiam estar a entranhar-se pelos nossos corpos, deixando a sala a menos de metade já na parte final da sua atuação.
O melhor veio com Aïsha Devi. Após reconquistar o público que se tinha perdido anteriormente, a artista soltou a pista de dança que começou a aquecer os ouvidos e corpos das centenas pessoas que ainda tinham uma noite toda pela frente.
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Aïsha Devi a dar-se a conhecer em Portugal | mais fotos clicar aqui Continuei o percurso musical até ao São Mamede para o incrível Evian Christ. O artista explodiu com qualquer expectativa que alguém tivesse criado. Claramente ganhou o prémio de melhor jogo de luzes, muita culpa pela instalação que levou para cima do palco formada por material translucido que se deixava atravessar por diversas luzes refletindo para toda a sala um tsunami de cor.
O Mucho Flow acabou assim de compor mais uma bela melodia de histórias, que fazem deste festival ímpar no panorama musical português, trazendo ate à Cidade-Berço gente não só de todo o país mas também um pouco por todo o mundo, carimbando cada vez mais a sua importância em criar tendências musicais ditando aquilo que ouviremos num futuro muito próximo.
Reportagem fotográfica completa - dia 1: Clicar Aqui Reportagem fotográfica completa - dia 2: Clicar Aqui Reportagem fotográfica completa - dia 3: Clicar Aqui
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O olhar sempre muito introspetivo e curioso do público | mais fotos clicar aqui
Texto: Luís Silva Fotografia: Jorge Nicolau
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maikissed · 6 months ago
always have always will
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part 3 to post euro Jude Bellingham story I'm back with itttt eat up warning: yeah, there's smut
If you had to choose a word to define the change that made it’s way into your life, you’d call it all-consuming. You started to get to know some different, deep buried parts of yourself that you had never reached, absolutely rebuilding the well organised pattern you had been working hard for. Safe order and strict strategy kept numbing you for years and you did not even realise that it created an armoured blockage to keep away feelings you considered dangerous. People, you considered good and gentle but not suited for your desires. You could not settle for anything else, while your heart called for something it picked out so long ago. You’ve kept your love quiet and obedient, hidden, despite the fact it was eating at your soul. All this time it was here, for you to reach for, and it made you laugh and shake your head whenever you thought about it. Humans can be stubborn and silly.
You were about to see him, first time in two months, and you wanted to say you were nervous about it, yet it was not the truth. Your gaze focused on your leg, jumping in a quick rhythm, your fingers gracefully intertwined on your thighs. The weather was agonizingly hot, your body was hot, the AC blast set on the highest intensity in the cab did not help with your state at all. Furiously you grabbed the edges of the shirt you were wearing on your thin top, tearing it off your sweaty skin. The driver gave you a concerned look in the back mirror and you huffed under your breath realising you were indisputably excited to see the man that could not leave you at peace for even a moment. Your thoughts occupied by the ghost of him, your nights filled with wildest fantasies of him, tormenting to the point you had to actually do something about it. You missed him crazy.
“Hace mucho calor, no?” you joked nervously, trying to not look mad in this man’s presence.
But why did you care, to be honest?
He simply nodded and took a minute before he took his eyes away from you, looking back on the road. You realised your cleavage was quite unveiled after you stripped in the back of his car. The top low and tight on your chest. You scoffed under your breath.
You took just one step further after leaving your luggage near the main doors and you stopped in your tracks when Jude’s silhouette appeared from around the corner. A playful grin appearing on your lips as he noticed you, surprised expression painting itself on his pretty face. He did not smile back yet.
“You were supposed to come tomorrow” no reproach in his voice, just simple curiosity and a tad of teasing.
“I might have get the dates wrong” you swung on your feet, your hands connected low behind your back.
The anticipation.
“Liar” he scoffed, the glow in his eyes gave way for dark greediness.
Maybe you did lie with aim to surprise him.
“Hi” your voice sweet when you batted your eyelashes at him.
You were standing there, pathetically enamoured with him to the point of shameless flirt that flowed from your voice, your gaze and chest pressed up, your hands still behind your back innocently.
“Hi” he murmured and next everything happened quickly.
You started to run to him, reaching him first after he took a few steps your way, your hands wrapping around his neck as you jumped up into his arms. His hands gripping your thighs to keep you close and steady. No more words were needed now when you kissed, your movements rushed, excited, the press of your bodies and the touch of your lips filled with hunger and longing. He was merciless and you were trying to keep up with him. Placing you on the large table he leaned back to take a moment to look at you and you giggled when his hands reached under your skirt unexpectedly. A gentle smirk appearing on his lips at the sound.
“Up” he commanded and you hummed in amusement, mocking him in that manner.
“Eager much?” you joked as he hurriedly dragged your panties down your legs.
“I missed you” his eyes innocent, sparkly and sweet when he voiced it out.
But there was no innocence in the way he yanked the trousers belt to slide it off the loops fast and firmly. His gaze on you all the time but your own eyes travelled lower to watch these ministrations. The anticipation unbearable now. The sound of the zipper opening and you shivered thinking if you were prepared for him. No foreplay, no gentleness, just raw want and ache.
Stepping in between your legs he brought his face close to yours, not kissing you, just lingering there as he positioned himself. His breath fanning your skin, you did nothing yet, just let him adjust you on the edge of the table. It stung a little when he entered you and you groaned.
“Did you miss me?” he breathed against the skin of your cheek, pulling out and pressing back in, slow but thoroughly.
“Yes, oh God” you moaned surprised by the intensity of this experience.
You’ve never felt the high hit you so fast. Just a few pushes of his hips and you already felt like you might snap in a second. All-consuming. Your breathing uneven, your hands holding him close desperately, your lips searched for his. Sloppy as you both moaned into each other’s mouths. The big, heavy table screeching on the tiles when he sped up, you started to feel dizzy. Letting go of his arms you slowly laid down on your back, a scream leaving your lips when he gripped your hips, adding more force to his next thrust. Your heart beating so ruthlessly, you feared it might jump out of your chest. Somehow, you felt like you stopped breathing for a moment, a weak close-mouthed whimper, that turned out was yours, reached your ears.
“Do you want me to stop, love?” he asked but still kept fucking you with relentless pace.
“N-no” you whined “Harder” a whisper.
“Fuck” his voice shaky and his next push was almost painful for you.
But your body accepted it with pleasure as the first strong pull flexed your lower muscles. An overpowering wave bursting inside of you, hotness spreading up inside your veins, reaching your temples and ears. The next wave as powerful as the first. And another and then another, you cried as it seemed to not end just yet. One more and you surely were going to pass out. It became quiet out of the blue, your eyes closed, ringing in your ears. He picked you up by his arm wrapped around your torso and you sighed when your upper body slung onto him.
“Are you alright?” breathless question, his voice soft.
“Mhm” you hummed lazily.
“Are you hungry?”
“No, just tired”
He graced you with the sweetest smile helping you get down from the table. You weren’t the proudest of yourself when as soon as your feet reached the floor, you faltered on your week legs. He caught you in time, a short huff leaving his mouth.
“Uhuh, you have to carry me around now” your tiny joke brought a wide smile on his lips and he bent lower to pick you up.
You were absolutely excited about visiting Madrid, you adored Spanish sun, architecture and people. But the first two days you both spent enjoying each other’s company, since you had too little time for it unfortunately. The decision has been made, approved by both of you. This new relationship was very young still and you could not keep your hands to yourself most of the time. You were insanely besotted with each other, spending all mornings in bed, taking hour long showers, him close to you for the whole day. To be precise, you lived off of sex for two days straight. And the sex was wondrous. In the morning it was blissful when you were still rather drowsy, your body light and so delicate, responsive to the gentlest touches. Buried in the thin sheets, slow and lazy, wet, passionate kisses, soft gasps and murmurs into each other’s mouths and the eye-contact driving you mad, his dark eyes full of adoration. He loved the eye-contact, always craving your attention, and you were falling apart as soon as he stared into your eyes. It was the most powerful feeling. There were moments when you tried to shun from his intense, loving stare and it always amused him, delicate smile playing on his lips.
“Are you being shy on me, love?” his lips moving against yours gently, his voice deep.
You smiled, your eyes still stubbornly closed.
“No” you breathed.
“Then look at me” gently but demandingly.
And for course the moment you opened your heavy lids to grant him what he asked for, the next snap of his hips was quicker and more precise, pushing into you with force, making you feel so full. A breathless mewl escaping your lips, a low moan of his followed. But you kept his gaze.
“Good girl” and you were a mess.
You spent the next evening with his friends, a simple dinner on a massive, roof terrace, with cocktails and music. The atmosphere felt like true vacation on a Greek island, under warming sunset, beautiful horizon painting beneath it. You were nervous at first but after some time you relaxed, mixing both English and Spanish in the conversations. Jude’s friends had a little laugh at him, pointing that you were much better in speaking Spanish that him. He acted a bit offended at first but then added that you were much better than him in many things. Socializing with all these people turned out well, it was easier than you expected. It wasn’t exactly the fact that you struggled to make new acquaintances, you just felt some kind of pressure to make a good impression. Wanted to be seen as fitted for him. As the night went by you’ve noticed Jude watching you most of the time. His gaze did not slip your attention, as you parted for some time. Whenever you looked his was he was already looking back at you. His face bright, eyes focused but peaceful, you smiled at him and he smiled back with his honest, boyish smile you adored so much your whole life. You were standing few meters away from him, the eye-contact present still, your smile turning wider because at first it appeared quite funny to you. Like he was trying to say something or point something out and you couldn’t figure out what. He blinked and gulped, you noticed the bob of his throat. His eyes never wandering lower, down your body, as he did earlier, just gazing straight at your face. You blinked remembering you’ve noticed him look at you this way before, couple of times during your whole friendship. But it always seemed like you’ve caught him on it, his head turning the other way nervously as you looked back. This time he kept his gaze on you, confident and sure. You’re his.
He was very calm as he followed you into the house later that night. You were yapping, of course you were, you granted yourself with a few delicious strawberry margarita drinks and you felt overjoyed. The fact that you have to part in few days forgotten for now. He was silently listening to your talking and observing you.
“What?” you giggled standing in the middle of the living room, your face flushed, you were a little breathless.
He came up to you, a smirk on his face but his eyes still calm, not mischievous. His finger rising up to hold up your chin, your deep, shiny pupils gazing at him.
“I want to marry you” he muttered and you bit your lip, a wide smile trying to break through.
Yes! Of course! Yes, please! – a loud scream inside your head.
“I can’t marry you now, Jude” you commented seeing that your answer did not affect him.
“Why not?” he asked with a frown, the ghost of a smile still there.
“Because all of this is still fresh!” you punctuated, always reasonable.
“We know each other since diapers” he sneered, more seriousness in his voice.
And he was right, of course. But at the back of your head there was still a minuscule bundle of fear, almost creating pain as it kept pressing on your skull, that if you take a one wrong step, everything might crumble and the heartbreak following would be too great for you to live with.
You huffed wondering if he was joking, or maybe testing you?
“Yes, but…” you tried but he interrupted you.
“I can go and get a ring first thing in the morning”
You laughed.
“You’re not being serious. And you don’t even know my size”
“Oh, I do know” he licked his lips, his brows up as he smiled at you again.
You stood there, flabbergasted, eyeing him cautiously.
“How the hell do you know? I don’t even wear rings” your voice funnily judgmental.
“It’s a secret”
He embraced you but you placed your hands on his chest to watch his expressions.
“Liar” you stated, your gaze hard and daring.
He put more force into his hold and pressed you closer to him, kissing you on the lips before you could jest more with him. He pulled back, a nonchalant smirk on his lips.
“Marry me” he whispered before kissing you again.
“No” you fought, your lips desperately pressed close to spite him.
“Yes, marry me”
You started to wriggle against him but there was no way you could escape his strong grasp.
“No” you laughed breathlessly, your body pressed against his hard chest.
Somehow it felt the way your little disputes used to feel when you were younger. It brought back the best of memories. Despite the fact that the subject felt rather serious for the age you were in, but when considered it seemed not so complicated and consequential at all. Felt right.
Most likely annoyed with your resistance he bent down very low and picked you up swiftly, you screamed as your head flung low upside down on his back, your hips on his arm, legs in the air.
“That’s unfair!” you squeaked as he started to walk in the direction of the stairs “Put me down” you pressed the heels of your palms on his spine.
“You’re being difficult, have to be handled” he muttered, keeping you in place with his strong hold.
“You can’t settle everything by force!” you brawled and the last scream escaped your chest as you landed abruptly on the bed in his room.
Swiftly he rested above you, his eyes huge and shiny.
“I love you” he breathed “Always have, always will. Marry me”
Your lungs empty, your heart full, limbs tingling, skin warmed, mind quiet. You blinked at his strong confession. No query in his eyes, no doubt. The truth has been there for the longest time. On the both sides.
You started to laugh softly, but not in mockery, not in rejection. The laugh voicing out the obviousness, the joy and pride of the place you’ve finally managed to reach. 21 years later and you were free.
“Of course I’ll marry you, you lunatic” you joked with a full smile “I love you so much” and this last sentence close to bring you to tears.
“You’re so strange” he chuckled before kissing you deeply and passionately.
Many more I love you’s was brought by the rest of your night.
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hoe4sports · 10 months ago
Alexia Putellas x Reader
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Summary: After a miscarriage, you are pregnant again hopeful that this time will be it. But this time, things are not what you hoped they would be.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Something is wrong. The midwife is taking an extra second look at the ultrasound. She’s stopped talking. She’s stopped smiling. She’s stopped everything. She’s just looking. Her eyes glued to the screen without as much as an emotion on her face. She’s moving the probe. And looking some more. Oh no. Not again. Your heartbeat was increasing. It felt like it was about to beat through your chest. You had miscarried once already. The first IVF attempt had surprisingly worked. Only to be ripped away from you after 2 months. No heartbeat. No baby. No future. You had decided that you were ready to try again just shy of Christmas. It was now May, and summer was fast approaching. Alexia had been stuck in traffic as practice had been running late, and she was just around the corner. You couldn’t even imagine having to tell her that once again; your body had killed her egg, her baby. The first time it happened, she didn’t say much. She was so supportive that I t hurt. But when she thought you were sleeping, she let her tears flow. How was she gonna react to this again? What was a third try gonna look like? Would she even want to go for a third try? You didn’t know if that was a possibility. Due to the poor state of her eggs, you didn’t get many good eggs from her, and very few of them had matured into good quality embryos ready for transfer. It had all happened in a short amount of time: from kissing her for the first time to buying a house and trying for a baby all in the span of 3 years. What if she couldn’t handle this? You got nauseous by the thought of it.
“Sorry, I’m just gonna go and get the doctor. Just wait here mrs.Putellas.” The midwife said as she stood up and walked out. You reached for your phone as you pulled your sweater down causing the gel to stick to the inside of your sweater. You didn’t care. You didn’t want to see the tiny bump. You didn’t want to let the doctor see the bumb. You didn’t want the doctor to tell you that your baby was dead. You wanted to hide the bump, and to run away so you didn’t have to deal with reality just yet. You had to once again tell Alexia that you fucked up. It couldn’t have been anyone else’s mistake. It had to be yours. You had been so careful, but you had that one piece of shrimp you shouldn’t have had a few weeks ago and you had a stomachache a few days ago without connecting in to the pregnancy. Alexia had insisted on seeing a doctor, but you insisted that you were perfectly fine. And now you were paying the consequences for it.
“Hola, mi amor, lo siento mucho. The traffic was horrible, so I parked upfront. Don’t expect anything but a fine” the Spaniard sang as she walked into the room, a little out if breath. Her smile quickly faded as she saw your serious grin. “Preciousa, are you okay, no?” She asked with a shaky voice as she pulled a chair out to sit close to you while she grabbed your hand. You shook your head as tears formed in your eyes. “Ale, she said that she was gonna get the doctor to come look” you mumbled as your head hang down. “Oh” alexia said as her good energy died out. “I’mo sorry” you said as you buried your face in your hands. “I’m so sorry, ale. I’ll do better next time, I promise” you said as a tear escaped your eye. “Amor, let’s wait for the doctor. It will be okay. I can get some time off and we can travel, just stay at a resort and relax in the heat, si?” She said as her hand touched your belly as if it was purely routine. “But for now, let’s wait for the doctor” she said as she kissed the side of your tiny belly that were still covered by your sweater. You nodded as you tried to distract yourself with the thought of going on vacation. Thailand would be nice, or Bali. Or south-Africa. Greece was also nice, but you had already been there. Cap verde was close and had lots of beautiful beaches. You sat in silence for a while until the door swung open again. “Sorry again, Mrs.Putellas, let’s take a look now shall we” the older woman said as she gestured for the doctor to sit down on the chair to look at the ultrasound. You unwillingly leaned backwards and pulled up your sweater awaiting your penalty. The midwife pointed on the screen and the doctor nodded. “Mhm, I see” she said as she moved the probe around on your belly. You held your breath terrified of the words that were about to come out of her mouth. You didn’t wanna hear it. You gripped Alexia’s hand hard and got a second of reassurance when she squeezed back.
“So, the results. Two things.” The doctor started as your heart-rate skyrocketed. Alexia gripped tighter in your hand and you felt her skin becoming somewhat damp. “First: Your little girl is perfectly fine, she’s small for her age, but she’s getting there” the doctor said as you gasped. Your little girl. A girl. A girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes looking like her mami. “A girl?” Alexia said as her eyes teared up. The doctor nodded as she smiled. “A girl, a princesa” she said as she smiled. She turned around the screen of the ultrasound so you could see your daughter. She was moving her legs slightly, but she still wasn’t big enough that you could feel it. “The second thing i wanted to tell you is, well, exactly that. Second. The second baby is also a girl. Twins. Most likely identical.” She said. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. “Que? There’s-there’s two?” alexia said as she scooted closer to the screen as the doctor pointed out the second twin. “Si, dos, correct. She was just hiding behind her sister, which is why she hasn’t shown herself yet” the doctor explained as she gave tons of information about how check ups were gonna have to happen more often than before. You didn’t catch any of it, as you were just releaved that the baby was alive. Your eyes were glued to the baby on the screen. Well, the babies. The girls. Your two girls. They were fine, healthy and growing. You were snapped out of your thoughts when the doctor and the midwife left the room to allow you to breathe. None of you said a word. The room was dead quiet.
“I-I guess we need to go shopping again” she stuttered while looking it you. You nodded. “Two cribs, two strollers, two carseats for both of the cars, oh my god! Do we need a new car to fit the girls??” She panicked as her eyes widened kicking your brain into action. “Babe, it’s okay. There is two girls. They are both healthy. Everything is good. We are all good.” You said as you stood up and embraced her. She held you tight. “God, I just can’t believe it. There are gonna be little girls running around soon. Not just any little girls, our little girls” she said as she wrapped her arms around you kissing the top of your head. “Yea, our little girls. And twice the love” You said as you breathed in her scent instantly calming you. “Our perfect little girls” she said as she placed a hand on your belly. «Our perfect little girls» you repeated as she kissed you.
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 4 months ago
New realisations
Heyy guyss, here's another one-shot about Franco cause I can't stop thinking about him, here's my masterlist if you want to read more stories.
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You’ve been friends with Franco ever since he moved to Mallorca. Growing up on the island, you had seen tourists come and go, but something about Franco had been different from the start.
It had been a random day at the beach when you spotted him—lost and looking completely out of place. You didn’t hesitate to offer help, and from that moment on, the two of you became inseparable. You showed him the hidden gems of the island, while he often insisted on driving you around, making sure you never had to walk anywhere. Day by day, your friendship grew, filled with laughter, late-night drives, and endless talks about everything.
Even with his constant traveling for races, nothing could weaken the bond between you. Whether he was in another country or back home, you always managed to stay connected through calls and texts, but now, with the next race weeks away, Franco had finally come back to Mallorca. Back to you.
Excitement surges through you as you walk into his house, not even bothering to knock. The moment he spots you, his face lights up with that familiar smile that you’ve missed more than you realized. Without thinking twice, you rush over, throwing your arms around him, feeling his strong arms wrap around you tightly in return.
"¡Oye! ¿Me has extrañado?" he teases, his voice low as he holds you close. (Hey, have you missed me?)
"Mucho," you murmur into his chest, pulling back just enough to look up at him. "But clearly, not as much as you missed me, right?" (A lot)
"Más de lo que te imaginas," he replies with a wink, his hand lingering on your waist as you both pull away from the hug. "How about dinner on the beach? Just like old times." (More than you imagine)
You smile, nodding eagerly. "I was hoping you'd suggest that."
After grabbing a few towels and ordering a pizza, you both head down to the beach, the sun slowly sinking towards the horizon, casting the sky in brilliant shades of pink and orange. It’s the perfect evening—the sound of the waves, the gentle breeze, and the comfort of being back together again. You spread out the towels, sit down, and dig into the pizza, laughing as you talk about everything that’s happened since he’s been away.
As the conversation flows, Franco’s arm naturally drapes over your shoulders, pulling you closer. His touch feels warm, familiar, and yet, somehow, it makes your heart race differently this time. You lean into him, and he looks down at you with a soft smile.
"I missed you, you know," he says suddenly, his voice quieter than before. "It’s strange. We talk all the time, but being away from you… it’s different."
You glance up at him, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Oh? ¿Ya me necesitas tanto, Franco? ¿Así de importante soy?" (Do you need me that much, Franco? ¿ Am I that important?)
"Siempre lo has sido," he replies, his tone more serious now. "But I’ve been thinking… being away for so long made me realize something." (You've always been)
Your heart skips a beat, sensing that the conversation is about to take a turn. "Realize what?" you ask, your voice softer.
Franco’s eyes meet yours, and there’s an intensity in them that makes your stomach flutter. He takes a breath, as if gathering his thoughts. "I missed you as more than just my best friend. You’re the person I always want to talk to, the one I think about when I’m far away. And no matter where I am, I always feel like something’s missing if you’re not there."
He hesitates, searching your face as he speaks. "These last few weeks made me realize… I want more. I want to be with you, really be with you. Not just as friends."
The confession hangs in the air, the waves crashing softly in the background, but all you can focus on is the sincerity in his eyes. "Franco…" you start, feeling your heart race. "I’ve missed you too. A lot. More than I wanted to admit."
He grins, clearly relieved, his hand cupping your cheek gently. "¿Entonces me quieres un poquito, sí?" (So you want me at least a little?)
You laugh softly, your heart swelling. "Tal vez más que un poquito." (Maybe more than a little)
Franco leans in, his forehead resting against yours. "¿Cuánto es 'más que un poquito'?" he murmurs, his lips brushing yours. (¿How much is it more than a little?)
Before you can answer, he closes the distance, capturing your lips in a soft, lingering kiss. It’s gentle at first, but the longer it lasts, the more it deepens, filled with all the emotions you’ve both been holding back. When you finally pull away, breathless and smiling, you look into his eyes, feeling everything click into place.
"I think… I like you a lot," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe… always have."
Franco’s smile widens, his thumb gently brushing your cheek. "Good," he whispers, pulling you closer again. "Because I’ve always liked you too. I just didn’t realize how much until I almost lost my mind missing you."
You laugh, leaning your head against his shoulder, feeling his arm wrap around you tightly. The sun has fully set now, the stars starting to twinkle above you, but the warmth of his embrace makes you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
"I’m not going anywhere this time," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Not without you."
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liexki · 7 months ago
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: When the first division of TOMAN, Keisuke Baji, passes away, the Commander, Manjiro Sano, take his younger sister, Y/N Baji, in and soon forms a gang in their mid 20s. Now being the leaders of the criminal organization BONTEN and entering the gang scene with a federal bounty on her head, what if love with her No. 2 and a bit of the past resurfaces?? What if there was a little sorrow and betrayal?? Some gang shit in the mix too!?
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: various substances (vapes, weeds, cigarettes, pills, ect.), curse words, mentions of sex work if you squint
“Sanzu, Y/N, respectfully, please calm down on the amount of drugs.” Kakucho said, sitting across from Sanzu. Stubbly looking over to Mikey at the right of him — strangely attending the meeting at the head of the table — asking for approval to question such big figures in the way he did.
Y/N sent a sharp glare towards despite being on the other head, about a metre away from the number 3. Sanzu gave a cheeky smile that people would relate to the Cheshire cat. His pearly whites showed while Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy’s antics.
“I’ll only stop if I bring Mikey and the princess an issue. I do think Y/N should stop. She’ll age really badly!” He responded to Kakucho while a bit of fake sympathy laced his voice.
“I’ve bought enough for Y/n to not age badly. Great retinols and I’ve even showed her some botox places that were rated well. She gave me the same little pretty glare she’s giving you now.” Ran pitched into the conversation.
“Shut the fuck up Ran no one cares about you and your issues about being an old hag.” Sanzu bites the 31 year old to his side, the banter flowing freely among the trio.
“For once I believe I have to agree with the dunce.” Rindou reluctantly admitted.
“I think we should get back to the main problem right now.” Kokonoi started, “We need to start making connections with different gangs at the moment and we also need to work on our financial issue which is being affected with the substance use from all of you.”
“I don’t do drugs!” Mucho stated in defence of his use.
“You dumbfuck! Substances aren’t just drugs. I’m saying those shitty cigarettes you smoke, the vapes that teens these days use, to edibles or drugs that Y/N and Sanzu are using. They’re all substances and FUCK WE SPEND TO MUCH ON THAT SHIT!” Kokonoi explained with frustration.
“So, all you want is for me to stop using drugs? Well then, I’m out of this then. Mikey, Kakucho, Kokonoi, and Takeomi. Make an event sending regards and invite the top 15 gangs to an event at one of the Haitani's clubs. Ran and Rindou, you guys can decide a club you’re fine with being used.” Y/n ordered.
With a click-clack of her MIU MIU heels, Y/N pushed her chair back and walked out of the room. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the room as Mikey watched her leave. As a small grin decorated his face, entertained by the events. A quiet chuckle left Sanzu’s mouth with the same idea.
✈︎ ˖°ʚ 🐈‍ ɞ·˚ ✩
"You guys know the BONTEN event, right??" Kimiko sat with her legs crossed on top of a table.
"Yeah. One of my workers told me when their number 2 was high." Shu replied taking another hit of his blunt.
"OMG DON'T TELL ME YOU GOT US AN INVITE? KIMI!" Aria squealed with excitement while shaking Kimiko's shoulders rapidly.
"Yes, yes, yes. I was able to get myself on the list and asked the man if I could bring you. I also said that I could provide smokes and shit so Shu, you need to be there with something for about 150 people." Y/n rambled. "Aria, keep on the low though. You're not a present figure."
"Yes ma'am!!" Aria chorused.
Kimiko shot her an annoyed look but secretly felt a sense of happiness.
"What's the deal. Why would they hold an event?" Shu interrogated.
Kimiko didn't know but she had one thing on her mind. Build connections with the gang. The others in the room had a similar idea as well but they'd never admit that. As the leader, she needed to step up.
"BONTEN is uptight so I doubt they'd let anyone know but I'm thinking it's about business."
She glanced over to Shu and he cracked a grin to her gaze.
"Let's take this opportunity to talk to them privately and introduce them to us. Aria, you step down on this one. Me and Shu will do the talking, don't expect this to be free time though. Make sure you study the other people at the event."
Aria nods. Shu focuses.
'Y/N should be wary of who she messes with.' Kimiko thought.
✈︎ ˖°ʚ 🐈‍ ɞ·˚ ✩
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“Hey, Kakucho. Who told that one bitch about our event?” Mochizuki asked him at the VIP section of the bar as they just finished the final few touches of the event.
Kakucho and Kokonoi got confused about what he was talking about. The 2 walked over to try and look at the phone he was holding and Y/N just took a glance from her side across the room.
“I told them.” Y/N said.
“Wasn’t it supposed to be underground?” Kakucho asked, “It kinda makes us look desperate…you know?”
Mochizuki looked at the phone in confusion as everyone was on the same page of this being laid-back and secretly trying to find someone to ally with. Nothing too public. That was indeed not the case though and Y/N had other plans that differed with the group.
“It’s just for a bit of excitement. We haven’t said shit or made any moves in a while. Keeps the people thinking and people might less pussy and actually talk to us.” Y/N explained.
The time had now been 10:45 and the rest of the members were doing their own thing while Mikey looked at you with his cold eyes. He was curious about the way you stood silent and looked at the ground instead of scrolling on your phone as usual.
The B2 tweet really got the people going insane and some envied the groups and those who had come out saying they were going. Your ego was as big as a pool but your cold demeanour covered it up. He thought you’d look at them as a laugh.
“Y/N. Let’s talk outside.” Mikey asked.
✈︎ ˖°ʚ 🐈‍ ɞ·˚ ✩
“LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTEDDDD!!!!” Sanzu barged in holding a bottle of beer in front of the crowd of gang members who had arrived.
The crowd went insane after seeing the bubblegum crackhead’s words. Rindou was playing DJ that night and the EDM was echoing throughout the speakers set around the building. Girls were sitting on the speakers still looking pretty to attract the gangs and get them to feel themselves.
Mikey watched everyone from the VIP room. The security cameras had 8k quality. The average company could only wish to own the amount of cameras they have. He thought back to the conversation he had with Y/N. Something she had known.
“You have some plan. Something smartass type shit.” Mikey confronted her softly so she wouldn’t feel as if he was enraged.
“Mhm. Wanna know or something?” Y/n questioned back.
Now Mikey was faced with a sense of curiosity. He had trusted Y/N because it was mutual. She’d put her life for him and he’d do the same but they knew they’d never be in that situation. Y/N was smarts enough to cover for both of their hellish lives. Despite this, in that moment that was something that he wanted to question her on.
What Mikey didn’t realise is that Y/N knew his every expression. Even his pitch black eyes that held no emotions was something that didn’t stop her from figuring out how he really felt. His eyes staring into the ground was enough to tell her he was pondering about asking.
“I’m thinking of making small changes so we can catch these big gangs hitting their most vulnerable moments. More girls around to see how they respect women, seeing how they react under the influence of alcohol. It’s small things that set it up.” Y/n clarified.
What she said really had made a difference in how the delinquents around the club and bar were acting. Some were straight hooligans and some had acted like how old friends of his probably would’ve if they still were here.
As Mikey was attentively watching the cameras he soon realised all the members had left the room, he decided to walk out himself and become a little more social.
✈︎ ˖°ʚ 🐈‍ ɞ·˚ ✩
“I guess we have a lot more in common than I thought. Shu Yamaha, correct?” Kokonoi clarified to the man in front of him.
‘Insanely famous for exporting drugs across Hiroshima to Akita. We could use that. His brother’s motor company could be useful but I doubt he still talks to them when he’s doing shit like this.’ Kokonoi thought
“Yes Mr. Kokonoi. I’m glad I was able to talk business with someone in this industry. No one seems to think about the future in our work. All they do is think about throwing fists and updating their body count just to go home and hook up with someone they barely know!” Shu chats to the executive.
“Agreed. You can never know about what comes next but it’s still vital to stick to the present. Time is of the essence, am I right? Most of the people tonight are on wanted lists. Especially BONTEN. The moment this doesn’t work out we won’t be able to get proper jobs without people fearing our past.”
“Of course. I think I’ll be taking my leave.” Shu said
Shu walke away but before he could go too far, Kokonoi walked over behind him and tapped his shoulder.
“Do you mind if I got a business card?”
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Here's the OPENING POST !!
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @burntmarshmallowchishiya @anahoyingkawata @yeppeun-riaa @miss-kayy @dystop4in14nd @butyfigers @oreologyx @rukiasluver @Itsruki @bbyspiiice @shoyosdoll @haitanibros0007 @pinksilk @Sunshine768 @itsruki
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soubi122 · 1 year ago
heyy I have a request!! so I really loved reading bite my tongue! it was great!!! it gave me kinda teenage vibes yk? party, sex and just fun. could u write a rindou x reader smut? yk 18 y/o RI doi with his 16 y/o gf? would that work? tell me if not. so I imagined that the reader has it's first te with rindou on rans house party (tenjiku or kantou manji time-line)!!! it would make my day?!! love u <33 !!!
Hello! Sorry it took so long to respond. Unfortunately, I cannot write minor content, though I know some countries consider 16 to be an adult. I will age the reader up to be 18. 
WARNINGS: alcohol, smut, virgin reader, unprotected sex, sex, f!oral. oh he's is so soft, i really do love him. IT IS CANNON THAT HE IS VERY SWEET/NICE. (pazuribe shibuya event confirmed lol)
They know you love him - one shot - request.
Having a super popular boyfriend makes it difficult to escape the scathing questions that people ask. How good is he in bed? What's he like in bed? Is it big? How long does he last? It was rather annoying and intrusive. Either way you couldn't give them an answer. Regardless of Rindou’s reputation, he was quite the nice guy - unlike the elder Haitani, Rindou was gentle. You’ve yet to lay with him, or better yet, you have yet to lay with anyone. 
Tonight you were going to face those questions again as the Haitani’s were throwing a house party. Of course Tenjiku members were going to be there and you expected quite the crowd. Not to mention the amount of females who were going to be like vultures and circling around your boyfriend. 
“Shion and I will be buying the booze - do you want anything in particular?” Ran asks you while you help Rindou set up the DJ booth and lights. “Hmm…what can your brother handle?” You say teasingly knowing that Rindou was within range. The hard smack of his lips made you both turn around and face Rindou - he was smirking. “I don’t know babe, I’ll have you crawling out of here - you can’t out drink me.” Challenging him for drinks was a mistake, but you had something up your sleeve. They’ve tried a lot of liquor before but you wanted to try something new. “Get me the Añejo Tequila, the one that’s in a twisted bottle and the cap looks like it was dipped in black wax.” You say mischievously. We’ll see who will be crawling by the end of the night. You think to yourself. 
After finally setting up everything, the first wave of people started to flow in. They brought booze and other things to the mix. Amongst them, the number of chicks slowly increased and began to circle around Tenjiku’s men. Before you knew it, the place was crowded and the music was blaring. Haitani parties were always like this - it was the talk of Roppongi. If you weren’t there, then you weren’t cool or important. Kakucho’s nervous smile always made you laugh, he’s the youngest out of all of them and from what you could see - he has zero experience with women. Shion had two girls on his lap and a third pouring booze in his mouth. Mochi and Mucho were in the crowd with their girlfriends. Izana was making conversation with the girls that were flocking around Kakucho, teasing him and also smooth talking to some of them. Ran, of course, had dozens of girls around him, each of them trying their hardest to snatch his attention with their skimpy outfits or pouty lips. 
That left you with Rindou behind the booth. You made your way back and forth between the booth and kitchen. Bringing him drinks and other things he needed. It went on for a few hours, but you never complained. While he was mixing music, he told you to go have fun, just don’t dance with any guys. As much as you liked their parties they threw, it was always hard to enjoy them when he was always behind the booth. “I want to dance with you.” You say in his ear but the crowd kept requesting songs and made it hard for him to leave the booth. “In a little bit. Gotta give the people what they want.” With that he went back to mixing. It made you feel rather ignored. Instead of protesting, you stepped down and went to the kitchen in search of some liquid courage. 
“Aw, did he blow you off?” One of the girls said as you poured yourself a drink. “gOtTa GiVe ThE pEoPlE wHaT tHeY wAnT.” You say mockingly and drink. They bursted into laughter, your friends knew the answer but they weren’t expecting you to mock him in such a childish way. “So…are you planning on getting your cherry popped tonight?” Someone asked. Their question made you giggle, there was no way, he was too busy and by the time the party's over - he always passes out. “The only thing that is going to get popped are my eardrums.” 
Throughout the night you drifted between the crowd and the kitchen, dancing and drinking. As much as you hated to admit it, he was a fucking great dj and played the best songs, sneaking in some of your favorites. Even though you felt as if Rindou wasn’t paying attention to you, his eyes followed you. Each sway of your hips had him mesmerized, he wondered if there was anyone stupid enough to lay a hand on you. Those who got a little close were met with an elbow pushing them away. You kept your distance and knew that Tenjiku’s men wouldn’t hesitate to start a fight. 
There was one song that he played that had people dancing close and sensual. The heat that radiated off of the crowd made you dizzy, they were close and personal. Some were beginning to make out with each other, others were leading each other out of the party or into the bathroom. Even your friends were slowly getting swallowed up by the sounds and their new boy toys. From the looks of it, you were the only one without a dance partner and it made you feel out of place. Yet the pheromones emanating off the crowd had you feeling more than just the effects of the alcohol. 
Everything looked like it was moving in slow motion with the flashing lights. “What's wrong? You look lost.” A familiar voice says right in your ear. Turning around you see the tall figure and signature braids. You chuckle and respond “The DJ needs a break.” You say with a smirk on your face. Ran wrapped his arms around your waist, gently pulling you in and moving to the music with you. He was close but not close enough to feel his heat. You were surprised, it wasn't like Ran to do something this bold with you - especially in front of Rindou. As long as he wasn't touchy with you, you shrugged and said what the hell. You needed a dance partner since your boyfriend was too busy to give you attention. This will surely bring him to her. Ran thinks to himself as he glances at Rindou, he is met with furrowed eyebrows and a glare so heavy that a chill runs down his spine. 
What followed was Ran spinning you around rather frequently while dancing so that almost the whole floor saw your lace panties. Tenjiku's single men, along with others, only titled their heads down a bit to get a better peek at you. The way you giggled and held on to Ran made it look like he was your boyfriend. “Izana… Isn't she Rindou's girlfriend?” Kakucho asks and gets worried about a fight breaking out. Izana laughed and continued to drink, “That's the point… she shouldn't be alone anyways - he's drawing Rindou in.” Ah, so that was the plan. He was doing you both a favor. 
After a few songs, Rindou still didn't come down from the DJ booth. “Ran, I need a break.” You pant and giggle as he continues to move you around. This man was seriously going to give you a workout. “Nuh-uh, you're my dance partner tonight. Besides, Rindou is still busy right?” Ran chuckles and pulls you in, he was close - a little too close. Oops… He thinks to himself when he feels your figure tightly against his. You quickly pulled away from him, this wasn’t an ok thing for him to do - even if you were close friends. Now he knew for sure that Rindou was going to stop the music, however the music continued without interruption. When Ran looked up at the booth he felt a slight sense of panic, Rindou was nowhere in sight. “Finally.” Izana says to Kakucho when he spots Rindou in the crowd. It took him a few minutes to come down from the booth, he needed to set up music so that he wouldn't have to go back up to the booth for a while. 
In the blink of an eye, Rindou was now standing in front of you - his face was calm, a little too calm. You knew all too well that he was seething on the inside. “Oh, little brother – don’t take my dance partner away…” Ran kept egging him on and you felt a sudden wave of worry when he placed his chin over your shoulder, he was too close to your face. “Ran, don’t tease him like that.” You say and pull away from him, you reach out for Rindou's hand in hopes that he isn't going to start a fight. Gently, he took your hand and pulled you away from the crowd - he was leading you somewhere. “Rin… Wait, where are we going?” You questioned him and struggled to keep up. 
Soon you were pushed through a door and the familiar space felt a little more threatening than welcoming. Strong arms spun you around and now you were facing your boyfriend. Those amethyst eyes were hazy and had a glint of jealousy in them. “It looks like I'm gonna have to claim you right here, right now so that they know you're mine.” His tone was low, his hands were snaking their way around your waist and the heat that radiated off of him was making your core throb. “Wait, Rin…your brother was only keeping me company.” You manage to say before he pushed you on the soft mattress. It didn’t matter, Ran was another man so of course he’d get jealous. The moment he got on top of you, you squeezed your eyes shut and prepared for the worst. 
The gentle kiss on your lips made you open your eyes, Rindou was smiling softly and chuckled. “Babe, I’m not gonna hurt you - I only wanted to take you away to spend time with you.” The sincerity in his voice made you feel warmth in your cheeks and butterflies in your belly. “You’re not mad?” You ask him carefully, you weren’t sure if he was tricking you. The tender kiss he placed on your lips answered your question. The sweet taste of liquor that danced between your tongues had you both panting and roaming your hands around each other. He was taking his time and slowly unbuttoning your shirt. The moment you felt his hand try to go between your legs, you stopped him. “What’s wrong darling?” Your hands were shaking, and your heart was pounding. You hid your face under his chin, you didn’t know how to tell him. 
He pulled away a bit to take a look at your face but you pulled him in and kept hiding your face. “Babe, hey - look at me. What’s wrong?” Rindou asked and managed to get you in front of his face. The worried look on your face made him feel bad for messing with you earlier. He asked you if you were mad at him for what he did or if you were frustrated with him for not paying attention to you during the party. You shook your head no and blushed even harder. “Rindou, I’ve never mentioned it before but I’ve never been touched by someone else nor slept with anyone before.” You whisper and bite your lip, you were expecting him to make fun of you or get turned off by your confession. Rindou snickered and cupped your face, his expression was loving and comforting. “You think I didn’t know? Baby, we’ve been together long enough for me to know you inside and out. Just for the record, I don’t care about that - whether or not you’ve done this before, you’re with me now and that’s all that matters.” Oh sweet baby cthulhu, this man was truly a prince, a king, a fierce god with a gentle soul. 
Looking into his eyes, you could feel a wave of relief wash over you. “A-Are you sure? I thought that-” You barely managed to say before a finger was placed on your lips to shush you. “I already told you, what matters is that you’re with me now. So…can I take care of you?” His words managed to make you let go of your nervousness and fear. With a soft nod, you allowed him to continue. “I promise, I’ll make you feel good. If at any point you want me to stop, just tell me, ok?” He whispered in your ear and began to trail kisses from your cheek to your jawline, and down to your neck. It was giving you goosebumps and making your body tremble beneath him. Soon his kisses trailed down to your chest, leaving open mouth kisses and unhooking your bra and latching on to your nipple. This was nothing like before, you and Rindou never really went beyond kissing, gentle touching over your clothes and dry humping - this was a whole new experience for you. 
You covered your mouth with your hand when you moaned a little too loud. However, Rindou moved your hand away and looked up at you with a devilish grin. “The music is loud enough to cover for us. I want to hear you say my name.” A chill ran down your spine, he was totally a different person. He was sweet and malicious at the same time. He went back to sucking on your nipple and rolling the other hardened bud in his fingers. You could feel the way his tongue licked and swirled your nipple, when he pulled away ever so slightly, he blew on to it. The cooling sensation had you arching your back and panting. Your hips were now rolling into the mattress and you felt your cunt ache - the slick was pooling between your legs. The sensation building up inside you felt like heaven and this was just foreplay. 
Soon his right hand was under your skirt, teasing your pantyline with his fingertips - you clenched in reflex. “Rindou…” You moan his name and feel your heart pounding against your chest, he was so close to touching your honeypot. Having you like this only made him fall for you even more. It was never his goal to take your innocence but he couldn't help having his pride swell up, he was going to pop your sweet cherry. He's heard stories before about how your first always leaves an imprint… he wanted to make sure you will always remember him. 
Once his hand went past that line, he slid a finger through your slit and groaned at how wet you were. “Fuck, darling…” He looked up at you with a mischievous smirk. “I need to taste you, can I do that baby?” He asks and starts to leave open mouth kisses down your chest and belly. Right before pulling your panties down, he looks back up at you and waits for your permission. Your face is dusted in pink and your eyes are hazy, biting your lip you nod a yes. “Use your words pretty girl…” Oh sweet baby Cthulhu… his tone was low and made something feral bloom inside you. This was different from before, he was making you needy and you loved it. “Rin… I want you to taste me.” You pant and grind your hips into his hand. He didn't waste any time and stripped you, those amethyst orbs drank in your bare figure - he basked at how beautiful you looked underneath him. 
Positioning himself between your thighs, he teased you with kisses, slowly getting closer and closer to your core. Your essence was dripping and he couldn't help but feel his member throb under their restraints. Your thighs trembled as he got closer, you could feel his breath fan your cunt and you clenched around nothing. Rindou's tongue took a long and slow swipe between your folds, tasting your honey for the first time had him feeling something he never knew existed. It was ecstasy or maybe even bliss to him. “Ngh… oh god, your tongue… it feels s'good!” You barely manage to say before he rips another moan out of you. Lithe fingers glided through your folds, two fingers prodded your entrance and you felt a jolt of electricity. 
The deeper his fingers went, the tighter you clenched and felt a throbbing sensation around your entrance. The mild stretch was to prepare you for what's to come. Your walls sucked his fingers in and it felt so different from your own hands - curse your small hands for not preparing you better. Once his fingers began to thrust slowly in and out, Rindou focused on your puffy clit and gently teased it with his tongue. There was a tingling sensation that was beginning to build up in the pit of your stomach - it was faint but you knew what it was. Knowing what could come next only made you drip even more. Now his whole hand was coated in your essence. 
“You're gonna take me so well baby…” He pants and continues to eat you out as if it were his last meal on earth. His blonde and blue silky strands were now tangled between your fingers. Rindou took his time, thrusting in his fingers sensually to the point where you were begging him to go a little faster. His lips curled into a smile when he felt you grind your hips into him. He was building up your orgasm little by little, giving your body so much love and affection that you didn't know what to even think anymore. All you knew at this point was that you wanted to feel him, feel his cock between your legs and you wanted him to cum inside you. To feel that close to somebody, to feel that close to him - it was all you wanted. 
He could feel how your thighs were beginning to tremble, you were close and as much as he wanted to see you come undone - he stopped. Rindou wanted you to cum on his cock, he wanted to see your pretty face from up top when you hit that perfect O. Pouting and whimpering, you take a moment to catch your breath and ask him why he stopped. “Rindou… I was so close…” The chill that ran down your spine when he sat up and zipped his pants, oh. Oh indeed. His heavy cock sprung out and dripped precum onto your slit. He was panting and pink dusted his face, those glossy orbs of his reflected nothing but love and desire. 
Your lips began to tremble when he stroked himself, earning him more beads of precum that dripped on you. Absentmindedly, you spoke and admired his member. “It’s so…big.” Already having an idea that he was well endowed when innocently teasing him before, you thought you’d be able to handle him. However, actually seeing it made you feel as if you were going to be impaled. Removing the rest of his clothing, your eyes feasted on him - his broad shoulders, those gorgeous tattoos and that perfect V cut… oh it had you in a daze. You didn’t even notice the little drool that began to run down the corner of your mouth. The sound of his chuckle made you snap out of it and you looked up to see the alluring look on his face. “You like what you see, baby?” That low and husky tone made your heart skip a beat.
Leaning in to position himself, he placed a passionate kiss on your lips and cupped your face. Rindou was a true gentleman, he never gave you a reason to mistrust him nor to question his loyalty to you. Pulling away ever so slightly from your lips, he whispered “Tell me if you want me to stop…” Too enthralled in his affection, you didn’t realize this was his warning to you that he was going in. Your breath hitched the moment his tip prodded your core and slowly stretched you out. The burn was getting more and more intense as he pushed past your walls. Screwing your eyes shut, you grip his shoulders and moan in pain. Rindou placed tender kisses on your lips and wiped the tears that trickled down your face. “I know it hurts, baby. Do you want me to stop?” He asked and paused his movements. You kept your eyes closed and shook your head no, you didn’t want to stop half way - you didn’t want to disappoint him. “Hey, hey…look at me.” He says sweetly and smiles. Opening your eyes, you were met with those beautiful amethyst orbs - they were glossy and his face was dusted in pink. For the first time you see him, the real him…
“No… please. I-I can take it.” You pant and bite your lip. What you just said and the way you said it, lit an even greater fire inside him. “Good girl…fuck.” Rindou said and proceeded to bottom out in one thrust. The pressure between your thighs and hip made you dig your nails into his shoulder and back. Shaky breaths were all you could hear along with the sound of your hearts pounding against your chest. “Breathe baby…” Rindou rests his forehead on yours and slowly gives you shallow thrusts. His member was so thick, that you could feel him throb and pulse inside you. Slowly the burn of the stretch subsided and was replaced with gentle waves of pleasure. “Ngh…” You moan and rock your hips with his. “Such a good girl…” He moans and crashes his lips into yours. The fire that burned between you two had you whimpering and moaning louder and louder with each thrust. 
The high you felt here was nothing like you’ve ever felt before. Your coil was already tightly wound due to his previous actions. He was making you feel special, as if you were truly the love of his life…wait, love? This is what was happening…you were making love. It wasn’t just sex, it wasn’t just a fling or a one time thing - this was love. You couldn’t help but moan out his name and the next words that rolled off your tongue set his heart on fire. “I love you…I love you…” You repeated those words like a prayer. Rindou buried his face into your neck and quickened his pace, the way his cock would kiss your cervix, it made your eyes roll back into your skull. The sound of your slick and skin colliding started to get louder. Such lewd sounds would make anyone’s core throb. For him to hit sweet spots you didn’t know existed had you writhing beneath him. His husky moans in your ear and his warmth on your body brought you closer to bliss. “Rin-Rindou! Ahn-I’m gonna cum!” You scream and clench around his cock. 
He slowed his pace and proceeded to sit up on his knees, those slow but deep thrusts had you clenching the bed sheets. Your beautiful nude figure captivated him. His hand reached to pinch your nipple, he couldn’t help but touch your tits while they were bouncing. “...so perfect.” He groaned and ran his hands down your waist. True to his own words, he wanted to see you come undone and wanted to have the perfect view for it. The hand that was toying with your nipple traveled south and landed right on your clit. His fingers place pressure and move in circular motions on your puffy bundle of nerves. Rindou had your back arching and your screams could be heard to anyone who was close to this bedroom. Slamming his hips into you, he focused on how your pretty face was filled with pleasure. The way your lips parted and said his name as your coil snapped made him reach his peak. His hips stuttered and his pace got sloppy, thick white ropes filled you to the brim and you felt him throb inside your velvet walls. 
Rindou leaned in and gave you the sweetest kiss, “I love you too.” He chuckles and rolls over to pull you in. His scent made your eyelids heavy and your body felt drained. Both of you were on the verge of falling asleep, well that is until a knock on the door disturbed the peaceful bliss. Rindou yells out loud, a little annoyed. “WHAT?!” What followed was Ran peeking through the doorway with a sheet eating grin. You couldn’t see him as your face was pressed against Rindou’s chest. “The music stopped a little while ago…that is all.” Ran said and closed the door. The sound of what you could only assume were Tenjiku’s men giggling like a bunch of school girls could be heard on the other side of the door. “Oh… OH!” You yell. For a moment you could have sworn your soul left your body. No wonder you two were about to float off into a deep slumber. Rindou proceeded to laugh and snort at the expression on your face. “At least they know you love me…”  He says teasingly and pulls you in for another kiss. 
Tags: @anxious-chick
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 10 months ago
Marriage of Convenience Chapter 2
Summary:  Y/N’s father is gone, and he leaves it all to her.  But in 1880s Oregon, she can’t own land without a husband.  Under the threat of it all being taken away by a land hungry Sheriff, what’s a girl to do with no prospects?  Maybe one of the cowboys on the farm can help…
Warnings: smut, slight physical violence
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The next morning Bucky was up bright and early, washed and dressed up fancier than he had been in years.  Thankfully the old, more dressy clothes he had still fit.  As he fed the horses and made sure they were tethered securely to each other and the wagon Y/N came out of the main house.  As she came down the porch stairs she looked up and saw the men waiting for her in a line, each of them holding wild flowers.  
“What is this?” she giggled, adjusting her dress and her purse as she approached the first in line, Diego.
“It’s your wedding day, hermana, you need a bouquet,” Diego answered simply.  
“Aw, well thank you,” Y/N smiled widely at him.  She hugged each of them as she took each small handful of flowers they gave her, clumping them together until she had a proper bouquet of flowers in her hand.  At the end of the line was Luis, holding a flower crown that he had made.
“Oh Luis,” Y/N sighed, her voice becoming heavy with emotion.
“Mija,” Luis greeted her, his own eyes filling with tears.  “I’m sorry your Papa couldn’t be here to watch you get married, so I hope it’s alright if I can at least give you a small father’s blessing in his place.”  He glanced at Bucky then leaned towards her.  “He’s a good man, Y/N.  You will be taken care of.  El te amara mucho (he loves you very much).”
Y/N’s eyes slightly widened and she nodded her head, lowering herself in front of him so he could place the crown on her head.  She adjusted it so the pins in her hair would hold it down and then gave him a long hug.  “Gracias, Papa,” she thanked him.  She cupped his cheek with her free hand and then waved to them all.  “Te quiero todo (I love you all),” she called to them as she backed up towards the wagon.
“Te amo (I love you)!” they called back to her, tears flowing freely amongst them.
Y/N turned and almost ran into Bucky.  “Oh!  Good morning, Bucky,” she greeted him.  
“Happy wedding day,” he greeted her back, then took a step back and looked her up and down.  “You look beautiful as always, but even more so today, sweetheart,” he said appreciatively.  
“Again with the sweetheart, huh?” she joked with him.  “I’m sure seeing me in a proper dress is swaying your opinions there, darlin’.”
“Darlin’?  Hm, I like it,” Bucky’s eyebrow raised, a playful frown on his face.  “And no, it’s not just the dress.”  He winked at her.  “Let’s get hitched, shall we?”  He reached for her hand to help her up into the wagon seat.
“Let’s go,” Y/N agreed, choosing to ignore his hands on her hips as he helped lift her up.
The journey into the next town took four hours by wagon.  By the time they reached the outskirts of the town it was already nearing noonday.  Bucky steered the horses to stop in front of the church house, the Parson, Mr. Stark, living in the little home next door.  Y/N suddenly became nervous as she looked up at the church.  It all became very real.  She was getting married.  To Bucky.  Right now.  Her Papa wasn’t here to give her away.  This was a marriage of convenience…
Bucky helped her out of the wagon but paused at the look on her face as she stared upwards at the church.  
“Hey,” he pulled her chin with his fingers to direct her gaze towards him.  Y/N looked at him with panicked eyes.  “It’s okay, sweetheart.  I know this isn’t exactly what you may have had in mind for your wedding someday, but it’s gonna be okay, alright?”  Y/N took a breath through her nose and exhaled quickly through her mouth, trying to calm herself as she listened to him.  She nodded her head as she gripped her bouquet of flowers tightly.  “Just focus on me, it’ll be over before you know it.”
Bucky tied the horses to the post then led her towards Mr. Stark’s door.  Thankfully he was home.  “Ah, Mr. Barnes, Miss Y/L/N, how nice to see you both.  It’s been a long time.”
“Yes, sir, how are you?” Bucky greeted him.
“I’m well.  My my Miss Y/L/N, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so dolled up!” he complimented her, although it made her cringe internally.
“Thank you, sir,” Y/N said politely.  Bucky snickered quietly at the tightness in her eyes.
“What brings you my way?” he asked.
“Well, we’re here to get married,” Bucky said, winding his arm around Y/N’s back, pulling her closer to him.
“Oh!  How wonderful!  Congratulations to you both!” Mr. Stark shook both their hands.  “Let me get my things and the missus so she can be our witness and I’ll meet you next door.”
“Thank you,” Y/N bowed her head slightly to him and led Bucky back out the door to the church building.  As they entered through the front door and walked down the aisle she slowed as she stared up at the cross in front.  “I hate churches,” she mumbled.
“Really?  Why?” Bucky huffed a laugh.
“I always found them too quiet, too…sterile,” she said, looking away from the cross and flicking her gaze around at the white and brown furnishings.
“Hm, I can see that,” Bucky agreed.  “Can I tell you something?”
“What?” she asked, finally looking at him.
“I don’t know if there’s a God,” he whispered, giving her a sheepish smile.
“Ah!  Bucky Barnes, how dare you!” Y/N dramatically gasped, her hand pressing against her chest in mock disgust.
Bucky laughed at her acting.  “Do you believe there’s a God?” he asked her.
“No,” she answered quickly.
“Why not?” He asked genuinely. 
“If there is a God, he’s got a lot to answer for.  No all-loving, omnipotent being that I was taught about would allow bad things to happen to good people.  All that praise to an invisible man in the sky, and for what?” Y/N sneered at the cross.  “Now if there is a God, I think he’s more like the one the Natives worship.  The “great spirit,” is what they call it.  Not some man, more like a power in nature, you know?”
“I like that idea better,” Bucky said, watching her shift warily.  “Where is that damn Parson?”
“Watch your language in the house of the Lord, Mr. Barnes,” Mr. Stark chastised as he came through a door on the side.
“Sorry,” Bucky apologized quickly, his eyes comically wide, making Y/N have to fight a smile growing on her face.
“We’re here, dears.  Congratulations!” Mrs. Stark came in next, coming up and giving them both a firm handshake.
“Alright, if you’ll both stand here,” Mr. Stark directed them.  “I assume you have rings to give to each other?”
“Yes, sir,” Bucky said, fishing out the rings from his pocket and handing his ring to Y/N to place on his finger soon.
“Let’s begin.”
Mr. Stark read the wedding vows, having them promise “to have and to hold,” “to honor and to cherish,” the basic wedding vows that most couples would recite.  They exchanged rings and signed multiple copies of the marriage certificate.
“I now pronounce you, husband and wife.  You may kiss your bride,” he finished.
Bucky beamed at Y/N, his wide smile making his eyes squint at her as she smiled back at him.  He took her face in his hands and kissed her.  This one was more firm than the night before, his head angling to deepen the kiss.  Y/N’s free hand gripped one of his wrists as he kissed her, the tenderness of the moment making her inhale shakily.
They pulled away from each other and Mrs. Stark clapped for them.
“Congratulations!  Happy wedding day!” she smiled.  “Now take this over to the courthouse and you’ll be all official.”  She made sure the ink was dry on the marriage certificates and passed them on.
“Thank you, to both of you,” Y/N smiled at them.  “Have a wonderful rest of your day.”
“The same to you!”
Bucky held her hand as he guided her out of the church and towards the wagon again.  They quickly went to the courthouse, informing them of her father’s death and giving the clerk one of the copies of the certificate to get it officially stamped and archived.  From there they went straight to the bank and did the same, making sure all of Y/N’s father’s affairs were in order and giving them a copy of the marriage certificate to show that Bucky was now the “man of the estate.”
After a few more errands, selling and bartering with crops they had brought from the farm, they decided to grab a late lunch at the local restaurant and bar.  As they entered the noise enveloped them, the travelers getting a bite to eat as they passed through, the locals talking about the local gossip and news, and the loud drunks in the corner making a scene as always.  Bucky led Y/N over to the bar to order some food, then guided her over to an empty table near the front of the restaurant by the window.  
“Well, we did it,” Y/N sighed as she settled into the chair as they waited for their food.  
“We did,” Bucky smiled.  
Y/N gave him a soft smile back.  She thought about what this all meant for them.  She would be able to keep the land, the farm, be able to keep paying the men as her staff, hire new ones when the brothers left, but all under Bucky’s name.  He had made it clear that he didn’t want to run the farm and would leave it to her to make all the decisions, which she appreciated.  But now what?  Once they went back home as man and wife, what did that mean for them?  As she opened her mouth to try to broach the subject she was interrupted.
“Miss Y/L/N, back in town so soon?”  Sheriff Pierce sidled up to their table, the stink of stale alcohol on his breath as he plopped down on the open seat next to her, too close for her liking.
“Sheriff,” she acknowledged him coldly.  
“Oh, and with Mr. Barnes as well.” The Sheriff barely looked at him, his hungry stare staying on Y/N, hiccupping as a wide mischievous smile spread across his face.  Bucky glared at him.  
“Sheriff Pierce,” Bucky answered, but his tone was so menacing that it scared Y/N.  She had never seen or heard him like this before.  “We just came to town for some business.  But you must congratulate us,” Bucky smirked as he wrapped an arm around Y/N’s back.  
“Congratu…wha’?” Pierce mumbled.
“Meet the new Mrs. Barnes,” Bucky’s smirk deepened as he pulled Y/N’s chair closer to him and away from Pierce.  
“Mrs. Barnes?!” Sheriff Pierce suddenly screeched, standing up and knocking over his chair.  The commotion quieted the entire restaurant, all eyes focused on their table.  Y/N stopped herself from shrinking away from the attention, lifting her chin in defiance to Pierce as he stared at them, mouth gaping.  “You got married?  To him?” Pierce pointed at Bucky as he stumbled slightly.
“Yes, I did,” Y/N said.  “Thank you for your kind offer those few weeks ago, but unfortunately I have had my heart set elsewhere for some time.”  Bucky’s eyes widened slightly as he glanced at her quickly.  “Congratulate us, Sheriff, on this fine wedding day,” she gave him a sickly sweet smile, her eyes flashing with triumph.
Pierce’s face was flushed red, his eyes bulging as his gaze flickered between the two of them.  He floundered for a moment, but after hearing someone clear their throat nearby he quickly tried to compose himself.  “Hm, yes, happy…wedding day, to you both,” he mumbled. 
“Thank you,” Bucky said, his arm tightening around Y/N’s shoulders.  “You have a good day, now,” he said as a dismissal.
Pierce sneered at him and mumbled something incoherent before turning away and tripping over the fallen chair.  He nearly sprawled out on the floor but caught himself on a nearby post, quickly straightening himself with a grunt, before leaving the restaurant.
The noise steadily rose around the restaurant again as a few of the patrons approached Y/N and Bucky to congratulate them, offering to buy them a dessert or handing them what little money they could spare as a gift.  Once their food was brought to them and they were left alone again they sat silently as they ate.
“I don’t think that will be the last we see of him,” Y/N muttered as she swallowed a piece of steak.
“I think you’re right,” Bucky replied, shoving more mashed potatoes in his mouth and looking out the window.  “There he is,” he gestured to the side.  Y/N looked out the window and saw Pierce, trying to hide in an alleyway near their wagon but failing miserably.  She sighed heavily.  “Sweetheart,” Bucky’s smirk returned as he looked up at her.  “What do you say to giving him a show?”
“A show?  Of what?” Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed, not understanding his innuendo.
“Kiss me,” Bucky licked his lips as his eyes flickered to her mouth and back up to her eyes.
“What?  Here?  Now?” Y/N asked him incredulously, her eyes darting to the people around them.  Even when married it wasn’t customary to see couples kissing each other in public settings.
“Yes.  Right here, right now,” Bucky leaned closer to her.  “We’re newly married and madly in love with each other.”
“Oh are we?” Y/N chuckled.
Bucky rolled his eyes.  “Come on now, wife.  What kind of newlyweds would we be if we weren’t obsessed with each other?  Even in public?”
“I don’t know, husband, perhaps the kind who have not had this discussion yet,” she grew serious, a frown settling on her lips.
Bucky blinked, then closed his eyes and sighed.  “I’m sorry, you’re right.  We haven’t talked about this yet.  What it all means for us.”
“Mhm,” Y/N agreed curtly as she finished her food, drinking the last of her water.  
“Well, we’ve got a four hour ride home.  We can figure it out on the way,” Bucky tried to clear the air, his eyes looking hopeful.  Y/N hated that he was so expressive with just his eyes.  It made it impossible for her to stay mad at him.
“Alright,” she agreed.  “Let’s go home.”
They paid the bill and headed back towards the wagon.  As they got closer Pierce tried to look like he wasn’t watching them.  As Bucky turned to help Y/N back up into the front seat she stopped him, her hand pushing against his chest so that he backed up into the side of the wagon.
“What are you–?” Bucky asked before she cut him off by pulling him down by his collar and slotting her lips onto his in a deep kiss.  Bucky inhaled sharply as she held him firmly to her.  His hands gripped her arms as she continued kissing him, giving a show to everyone around.  She slowly pulled away but not too far, her nose still bumping his, her eyes searching his face before pecking his lips once more.  “Mmh, you’re making quite a show,” Bucky breathed, his voice coming out deeper and more hoarse.
“Yes, but that one was just for me,” Y/N smirked at him this time, patting his cheek before turning and hoisting herself into the wagon seat.  Bucky huffed out a laugh, his cheeks flushing pink at her forwardness.  Pierce let out a loud scoff before heading down the alleyway he was hiding in.
The ride home was long but productive as they talked about the day and what they expected out of the relationship now that it was official.
“You’ll need to move into the main house with me,” Y/N stated matter-of-factly.  
“Of course,” Bucky said.  
“And if you weren’t in my room there would be lots of questions.”
“Sleeping in the same bed.”
“A must,” he fought the smile threatening to give away his excitement.
“And, um…” Y/N stopped, swallowing past the sudden dryness in her throat.
“And?” Bucky urged her on.
“And…I suppose we’ll need to, you know, fulfill our marriage duties,” she rushed the words out.
“Eventually, yes,” Bucky replied.
Bucky pulled the horses over to a creek nearby to water them.  He jumped down from the wagon seat and helped her down before stretching his arms and legs.  Y/N watched him until he sighed heavily and turned back to her.
“Y/N, believe me when I say…” he walked up to her, not stopping and making her back up into the side of the wagon this time, “...that I would love nothing more than to have you tonight.”  He caged her against the wagon with his arms on either side of her shoulders.  Y/N’s heart felt like it was diving straight down to the pit of her stomach.  “That I have thought of little else besides you since I came to the farm years ago.”  Her eyes widened at that information.  “That my feelings towards you may not be completely reciprocated for a while.”  Y/N felt a twinge of guilt at that.  She did like Bucky and found him to be quite attractive.  She had just never let herself really get beyond that point with anyone that had been at the farm.  They were her father’s employees, friends, and eventually became like family, so any kind of childlike crushes or romantic feelings were always tamped down in her mind before they could even start.  But now he wasn’t just a friend or a part of the family.  He was her family.  Her husband.  And she enjoyed kissing him.  “But I don’t want to do anything that you aren’t ready or comfortable with.  So yes, eventually, we will “fulfill our marriage duties,” as you so eloquently put it,” he gave her a smirk, but there was a sadness in his eyes, “just not tonight.”
Y/N felt conflicted.  A part of her knew she wasn’t quite ready yet to give herself over to him, even though she could now that they were married.   Another part of her really wanted to let him have her tonight and show her what all the hullabaloo was over the wedding night.  Being raised by a father who didn’t know how to raise a girl had come with its drawbacks, one of them not being able to help her or educate her well enough when it came to matters of womanhood or bodily functions.  
Bucky could see the conflict in her eyes and lifted his hand to her face.  He cupped her cheek and rubbed the underside of her eye, then lifted a finger and swiped down the furrow in her brow, making her relax.  “It’s alright, sweetheart.  There’s no rush.”
“I-I know, and I appreciate it, Buck,” she sighed.  “I do like you.  And I do think you’re quite handsome,” Bucky’s smile returned at that statement.  “I just…I don’t know how to do any of this,” she said as she anxiously wrung her hands together and looked away from him, unable to hold his gaze.
“I know,” he said.  “I’m no expert at it, either.  So we’ll just take our time and see where it leads us.”  He lifted himself off the wagon and took her hands, rubbing her knuckles with his thumbs lightly.  “Okay?”
“Okay,” Y/N agreed, still not able to fully look at him.
**picture is from Pinterest, A.I. generated, so no known "artist" or "creator"**
@wintrsoldrluvr @vicmc624 @itvy5601 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73
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p1n-p0int · 1 month ago
Ship: Alejandro Vargas x F!reader
Lenght: 914 words
Potential triggers: incorrect use of prayers, religious guilt if you squint hard enough, too much of the "he" word, boner in the house of the god.
A/N: for @gothghostiie the main culprit of this nonsense, we both shall repent in hell hehe
Enjoy muahh!!!
The darkness doesn't prevail. The ever-burning star comes out from under the long line of the horizon, shining down at the land that begged for its warm touch.
The slumbering animals awaken again from the hibernation they succumbed to in late fall. Conducted by the light breeze of spring in the air, they come out of their lairs with a light body and mind. They might have starved during the dark days of winter, yet they prevailed and awoke at last, greeted by the warmth of the first day of a new season.
The drought makes way for the blessing of the rainy season, bringing relief to the scorched plains and gauging their thirst with the miracle of a cold shower from the greying skies.
That's what Alejandro thinks of you. You're his spring after the cold of winter, the sun that shines down on him even during the darkest hours, the long-awaited rain that soothes his dried-out sinner's soul.
Alejandro was a man of God, but even his solemn grace could not compare to the blessings you brought into his life.
It all started innocently. You were the great-niece of one of the old patrons who religiously attended Alejandro's masses. A girl in her twenties, visiting her family for the summer to help your aunt with the chores around the property.
Your aunt bragged about you to her Sunday mass friends, complimenting you to heavens and back, which piqued Alejandro's interest. It's a rare sight for a young lady like yourself to waste summer heat in a small town in the middle of nowhere.
Such querida like yourself should be busy surrounded by her friends, not hundreds if not thousands of miles away from home. That's what Alejandro thought, at least.
But nothing would have prepared him for the sweet sight of your innocence when you stepped through the archway of his church during one of the warm Sundays. A cotton-made dress hugged your body in just the right places, hugging your breasts and accenting the sensual curve of your hips, flowing around your waist with every step that you took.
Your aunt introduced you to the friendly young priest who moved into the town a while ago. A delicate smile that adorned your face with softness Alejandro had never seen before was directed at him.
He was a man gone.
His cock, which he had sworn off the use of when he entered the priesthood, rose to life for the first time since his late teens when it was the last he recalled feeling such primal want.
Persisting and surviving through the service was his way of the cross. Finally, the bell rang, and people began spilling out the main gate, some wishing Alejandro a good Sunday.
He barely made it to his private quarters, the urgency to relieve his body ache almost too overwhelming to hide the sin he was about to commit in his own four walls. Alejandro couldn't help but slam the doors shut behind his back. He threw himself on the bed, unzipping his suit pants that barely contained his erect pride in place. He hissed out a curse as his cold palm made contact with the too-hot-to-touch skin of his cock.
Twisting his wrist, he began pumping up and down, occasionally brushing his thumb against the tip, which was a poor imitation of what your tongue would feel like when you tasted him for the first time. "Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde, ah, mi última confesión..." His head lolled to the side, and he shivered at the electrifying spasm that went down his cock and up his spine.
"Perdóname, Padre," Alejandro grunted out, squeezing the base of his member, "porque he pecado..." He groaned, running his free hand across his face and hair. He spread his muscular thighs apart, sinfully imagining that it's you between them, with your delicate hands wrapped around his leaking cock.
His tongue lashed out from between his lips to lick at the dried-up skin, a filthy moan escaping his throat. He would not last long, not with your angelic face wired hot behind his shut eyelids, smiling down at Alejandro, coaxing him to let go.
And Alejandro did just as you asked him to; with the last rough tug to his weeping dick, he came hard, temporarily blinded by the feeling of climax you eased his weary soul into. His warm seed shot up and landed on his satin stole. The priestly shawl Alejandro didn't care enough to take off his shoulders beforehand, leaving a prominent contrast of his creamy white come against the rich purple of the material.
His breath calming, Alejandro pried his eyes open and looked down upon himself. As if possessed, he raised his arm that was previously squeezing his dick in a near-perfect picture of what your tiny pussy would do to him. With a hand still covered in his juices, he dipped his fingers into the pool of sperm sploshed on his shirt and stole. He brought it to his face to examine the stickiness, rubbing it between his thumb and pointing fingers.
No hell seemed scary when creatures like yourself existed in this world. Alejandro will get you sweaty and moaning between his arms soon enough, and the both of you will reach an absolution together. Him spilling his seed deep inside of you, and you on his cock, hitting and prodding all the right spots that make prayers spill from between your lips.
Spanish vocabulary:
Querida - Dear
Perdóname, Padre, porque he pecado - Forgive me, father, for I have sinned
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde mi última confesión - It's been a long time since my last confession
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headlinerportugal · 3 months ago
Mucho Flow ~ Fantasmas à solta, distorção ao máximo e viva o Mucho Flow - Part2 | Reportagem Completa
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PAPAYA | Foto: João Octávio Peixoto Estávamos no último dia do festival vimaranense Mucho Flow, os monstros musicais que tiveram uma aparição na noite de Halloween, parece que ficaram a pairar pela cidade de Guimarães, revelando-se uma vez mais nas diversas salas que acolheram estas criaturas.
Uma das criaturas que mais queríamos presenciar era Clarissa Connelly, que infelizmente no dia anterior tinha cancelado a sua presença na 11ª presença do Mucho Flow.
Sábado ~ 2 de Novembro
Assim, o bonito palco do Teatro Jordão apenas acolheu Bianca Scout. Entramos na sala escura, sendo praticamente impercetível os degraus que nos levou aos nossos assentos. A artista encontrava-se sozinha na imensa escuridão, apenas acompanhada de uma guitarra carregada de reverb. No centro tinha um set de touchpads e na outra ponta do palco, um piano de cauda.
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Bianca Scout | Foto: João Octávio Peixoto Quem olha para o seu mais recente disco, 'Pattern Damage', conseguia desvendar parte do que iria presenciar ali, não fosse Bianca Scout artista formada em dança contemporânea. Para a cima do palco traz toda essa valência cruzando a vertente musical com a vertente artística, oferecendo uma espetáculo avant-garde, imprevisível e delicado. A dark pop da artista foi encantando a sala muito bem composta, e acompanhada pelos seus movimentos que chegaram a entranhar-se público adentro, foi hipnotizando cada corpo presente.
Saímos do Teatro Jordão pesados, um pouco sonolentos até, após a experiência imersiva e de pura tranquila que Bianca Scoutt nos trouxe. À porta do bonito teatro, foram-se juntando centenas de pessoas que iam demonstrando esse mesmo agrado e leveza, outras iam ja descendo até à cave, para assistirem a uma mudança abrupta de registo.
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PAPAYA | Foto: João Octávio Peixoto Quem deu o mote para os altos decibéis, foi o regresso dos PAPAYA. A banda da casa, que regressa para editar o seu novo disco com nome, 'Nove / IX'. O super trio formado pelo baterista Ricardo Martins, Óscar Silva de Jibóia no baixo, e Bráulio Amado, designer gráfico que tem colaborado com o Mucho Flow, nas vozes e na guitarra. A banda entrou a rasgar, ferindo alguns ouvidos desprotegidos, sendo visível em grande parte da plateia o uso do earplugs, algo que a cultura musical em Portugal está cada vez mais a ambientar-se. A narrativa em português sobreposta pelo punk, noise era definida pelas linhas de baixo certas a bateria incertas e tresloucadas, onde a guitarra coloria a cave com uma casa ainda a meio gás. Talvez porque seria um final de tarde/inicio onde a cena punk ia ser bem audível, muitas das centenas de pessoas que davam forma ao Mucho Flow, iam-se resguardando.
A banda que se seguiu não se contentou com menos e trouxe para cima do palco uma camada musical ainda mais estrondosa. A banda de quatro elementos vinda diretamente do Reino Unido, UNIVERSITY, veio com toda a pujança, fazendo a sua estreia em solo nacional, como não seria de esperar, no Mucho Flow. Ainda sem nenhum disco editado, a banda de hardcore e punk trouxe malhas como "Egypt Tune" ou "Notre Dame Made Out of Flesh". A energia da banda não foi o suficiente para acender o rastilho de uma sala que se juntou para ouvir os jovens talentosos. Para isso não beneficiou o som estridente e caótico expelido pelas colunas devido à fraca acústica que a cave do Teatro Jordão tem, tornando-se por vezes quase impercetível qualquer palavra debitada Zak Bowker e cada riff tocado.
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UNIVERSITY | Foto: João Octávio Peixoto Fazendo lembrar musicalmente And So i Watch You From a Far com uma pitada de FILDAR, a energia jovem e rebelde bem característicos da cena punk de onde vem, a banda foi colocando estes pequenos percalços que são alheios de lado para uma performance consistente, deixando no ar como seria ver o quarteto num cenário em que os altos decibéis e vozes a arrebatar pelas costuras sejam bem percetíveis, e ai talvez verem uma sala a fervilhar.
Quem conseguiu de facto atiçar o tal rastilho independente da envolvência que tinham, foi a dupla que se seguiu. Não fosse o nome já explicativo por si só, Angry Blackmen fecharam esta dose de distorção ao máximo numa serie de bpms diferentes. O som até parecia mais alto que os concertos anteriores, e mesmo com os earplugs afogados nos nossos ouvidos a raiva expelida na voz e nos beats da dupla de Chicago era palpável. Acabamos de editar o muito bem cotado 'The Legend of ABM', o concerto de Quentin Branch e Brian Warren foi em crescendo de forma abrupta contagiando muito rapidamente a multidão que encheu praticamente o espaço de betão armado. Irrequietos, o duo sugou de cada um de nós a energia sendo bem visível ver toda a sala a saltar e e a arrebentar em moche ainda tinha o concerto praticamente começado. Interventivos, agressivos na forma como cuspiam as palavras agarrando pelos colarinhos cada rima que debitavam, as centenas de pessoas iam balançando ao som de músicas como 'Stanley Kubrik', 'Sabotage' ou 'GRIND'.
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Angry Blackmen | Foto: João Octávio Peixoto Por entre corpos húmidos e quentes, deparamo-nos com um corpo corpulento bem suado a vir contra nós, percebemos então que a dupla já se encontrava dentro do vulcão em erupção, não impedindo ainda assim de pregar a sua mensagem anti-sistema e reflexões sobre a vivência de ser negro numa das sociedades mais conturbadas. A ligação entre os Angry Blackmen e o público era audível transformando aquele sinergia em gritos vindos de um lado do palco e do outro: "angry" ... "blackmen".
Estamos no final do ano, por isso é certo dizer que tínhamos assistido a um dos melhor e mais intensos concertos de 2024, e nem mesmo a tal acústica deficiente da sala, conseguiu mudar este rumo.
Tinham sido 3 concertos de distorção ao máximo, entre regressos, estreias e confirmações, tínhamos saído da cave do Teatro Jordão de barriga cheia.
Terminamos esta 11ª edição do Mucho Flow já no Centro Cultural de Vila Flor, com 33EMYBW acompanhada pelos visuais alucinogénios de Joey Holder, e um dos nomes mais esperados por muitos, a dupla Snow Strippers que abriu a pista de dança para o que a noite ainda tinha para oferecer.
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33EMYBW and Joey Holder | Foto: João Octávio Peixoto Texto: Luis Silva Fotografia: João Octávio Peixoto - joctaviop (Instagram) // Fotos Oficiais Mucho Flow
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cherry-holmes · 1 year ago
Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña
Chapter 11
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Summary: After being attacked, Javier felt guilty for put you in danger. He would do whatever it takes to keep you safe.
Previous chapter
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: +5.4k
Warnings: Mentions of injures and blood. Mention to violence typical of the series. I prefer to not give more details to prevent spoilers, but this is +18. You’re on your own, kids.
A/N: Hello! Chapter 11 finally here! Sorry for taking so long, I’m on finals in college so I’ve been studying, doing lots of homework and starting my thesis!🙈😬 But here I am, I hope you like it!
Javier had never felt such intense fear in his entire life. Everything around him seemed to fade into the background as he fixated solely on your motionless body. His world moved in slow motion as he rushed toward you.
No, no, no... everything except you. He can't lose you, he just would never survive such thing.
He dropped to his knees beside you, his heart pounding so hard it could make a hole on his chest. But when he put his hands on you, relief washed over him. Your eyes were widened with fear and disorientation. You were shaking, you had scraped your chin, and your hands were cut from when you fell onto the sidewalk.
But you were fine. You were alive.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest as you both sat on the ground. As he gently held your face, his heart sank again when he saw the blood on your mouth. Quickly, he checked you and discovered that you had bitten yourself, likely from when you let yourself fall to avoid a bullet.
Javier held you tightly, feeling a rush of emotions. He was relieved you were alive, but anger and fear still coursed through him. He looked around, making sure the area was safe, before helping you stand up.
"Come on, I need to get you out of here," he said urgently. He didn't want to stick around and risk another attack. Javier tried to pull you up, but when you attempted to stand, a sound of pain escaped your lips. "What is it?"
"N-no puedo," you mumbled. "Me duele mucho el tobillo." Without wasting more time, Javier leaned in to wrap an arm around your back and the other behind your knees, lifting you gently as he carried you into the restaurant; it seemed safer in there.
He sat you on the nearest table, still trembling from the shock. Javier crouched down in front of you, his eyes searching yours.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
You nodded weakly, trying to find your voice. "Creo... creo que si. Sólo asustada y me duele el tobillo, " you mumbled.
Javier took off your heel to check your ankle; it was already swollen.
As he focused on your injuries, you looked at your surroundings. People were scared, trying to process what had happened, the sound of police sirens growing increasingly closer. Then, you saw the truck, the bullet holes on the door, and the windows completely destroyed. If you paid enough attention, you could see the holes in the concrete wall of the building next to the truck. If you hadn't seen him before, you would be dead by now... Suddenly, the realization hit you like a ton of bricks.
"Javi?" Your quivering voice captured his attention, and then you broke down. The crying was unstoppable, you were shaking, sobbing, your heart racing with adrenaline.
Javier gently put his arm around you as your tears flowed. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered, his voice filled with reassurance. "I've got you. You're safe now," he held you for a while, letting you cry out the fear and stress that had built up.
By the time the police and paramedics arrived, you were calmer. You still had a slight tremor, but you had stopped crying.
Reluctantly, Javier left your side to speak with the police, who were already cordoning off the area. A young female paramedic began to tend to your wounds as you observed Javier's discussion with the authorities. He appeared so angry and frustrated, like a caged animal.
You noticed Steve and Trujillo, another colleague from the DEA, arriving and approaching to Javier, who engaged in an intense conversation with them, their faces etched with concern. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but it seemed like a heated discussion.
The paramedic continued her work, cleaning and dressing your minor wounds. She asked you a few questions, ensuring you weren't seriously injured, but mentioned that you would need an X-ray to assess the damage to your ankle. You answered her questions with shaky but coherent responses, explaining that you had fallen during the chaos.
As you sat there, you couldn't help but wonder what had just happened, it was all so surreal.
In less than a few minutes, your life seemed to became a completely chaos, you had seen your life passed before your eyes.
You didn't notice when the paramedic finally let you, you still had the metallic taste of your own blood on your mouth, turning your stomach, made you finally vomit. You moved to the side and began to throw up bile and stomach fluid. Javier returned immediately at your side, took back your hair and rubbed your back.
One of the employees of the restaurant gave you some water to rinse your mouth. You rinsed and spat out the bitter taste, feeling so embarrassed for all the mess you made.
"I'm-I'm sorry," you said, thick and quivering voice.
"It's okay, baby," Javier said, "Don't worry about that."
"I wanna go home, Javi," you pleaded, "Please let's just go home."
Javier continued to caress your hair as he finished helping you clean up. He couldn't bear the sight of you, broken and battered: the swollen bottom lip from the fall, your tired and scared eyes, your wounds on your face, and the stains of blood on your knees.
"I want to go home too, bonita, but we can't," he explained, and that caused you to start crying again. The fear and shock still had a tight grip on you.
"We have to go to the Embassy right now; it's safer," he insisted.
"She needs X-rays for her ankle, sir," said the paramedic, which prompted a brief discussion among the authorities and Javier. ''She must go to the nearest hospital.'' It was clear that you needed medical attention, but Javier didn't want to leave you alone in your fragile state, neither exposed you to another attack. After some deliberation, they decided that you could be transported to the embassy for medical care and further evaluation of your injuries.
Javier was relieved that he wouldn't have to leave your side. He continued to comfort you, whispering words of assurance and love as the paramedics prepared to transport you. It was a difficult and frightening experience, but you took solace in knowing that Javier was with you.
You spent the entire day at the hospital. While you needed to use bandages for your ankle and rest for at least two weeks, you were technically fine. The shock of the attack still weighed heavily on you. You couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if you hadn't seen it coming or if Javier had been in the truck...
Both the Bogotá police department and the DEA took the incident seriously, closing a section of the public hospital specifically for you. Their concern was evident, given the attack on one of their agents and the danger you had both faced.
When Messina and some other agents and police arrived at the hospital, Javier reluctantly left your side. He assured you that he had to talk with them in private but promised to return as soon as possible.
After the doctors determined the status of your ankle, Javier returned to your side, accompanied by Steve, Trujillo, and Messina, who looked stressed as always.
Javi moved closer to where you were lying in bed, one ankle elevated and bandaged. "Honey, we need to know exactly what happened. Can you do that?" His gentle and soft voice surprised everyone in the room. His colleagues from the police and DEA were used to seeing him as a tough and serious man, always focused on his job with a bad reputation as a playboy. However, you knew this sweet and caring side of him well.
"I was waiting for you in the truck," you explained, your hands sweating and shaking for recalling the traumatic event. "Everything seemed normal until a car stopped beside me. I don't know why I turned to look at it; I just did, and I saw this man pointing a gun at me." You remembered, "I reacted quickly, maybe by instinct, so I opened the door, and when I tried to step out, the gunfire began. So I just let myself fall."
Javier's grip thighening on your hand, giving you comfort.
"The man fired several shots, and I felt a sharp pain in my ankle as I fell to the ground," you said. "I was so scared and couldn't move. I thought he would come closer and finish me off."
Messina, Javier, and Steve, listened intently as you spoke, their faces a mix of concern and anger.
"Then, Javier came running, and he helped me get to safety," you added, your voice quivering with the memory.
Trujillo nodded and took notes as you described the incident in detail. "Was he driving, or was there someone else?" he asked.
"There was someone driving, but I didn't see him," you said.
"Did you identify the man?" Steve wanted to know, but you shook your head.
"Try to remember, sweetheart," Javi's hand caressed your hair, and his thumb brushed yours while holding your hand.
"He had a mustache..." you sounded like you were questioning.
"Okay," intervened Messina as she stood up, "If she doesn't remember, it could compromise the investigation," she pointed, and everyone agreed. "We are going to follow the lead Peña gave us, but we must manage this under the radar," she warned.
You furrowed your brow, and she intervened again, "The politics are clear: our agents and administrative employees shouldn't get involved with each other." You blushed. "I have to figure out how to manage with our superiors in the US while we solve this on our own."
Messina continued, "We can't jeopardize the mission by getting entangled in personal affairs. Our priority is to apprehend Pablo Escobar and dismantle the drug cartel." Her stern expression softened slightly, and she looked at you. "I understand that emotions can run deep in high-stress situations, but we must remain focused."
You nodded in understanding, despite the lingering sense of fear and unease from the attack.
When your boss and the other agents left the room, Javier, still by your side, gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
Javier sat down beside you, taking a deep breath, trying to regain some composure. He watched you with deep concern, his eyes lingering on the wounds on your body. With a gentle touch, he brushed a strand of disheveled hair away from your face.
"You were really brave back there, you know?" he said softly, his voice filled with admiration for your courage.
You managed a weak smile despite the pain and anxiety still coursing through you. "I had a good teacher," you replied. His eyes softened, and he leaned closer to plant a tender kiss on your forehead; then, a soft and gentle kiss on your injured lips.
"So," you said when he straightened up, "You think this was Diego's, don't you?"
Javi sighed as he scratched his forehead. "There's something I have to tell you."
You were actually nervous about what he could say. No more secrets, you both had promised. The words he just said seemed to break that agreement. From the look in his eyes, you could tell he knew it too.
He took a deep breath and met your gaze. "You deserve to know, and I should have told you before." You frowned, concern filling your eyes. Javier hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "You know that I went to see Helena," he said, as if he were disarming a bomb. It was true; you knew he had gone to see her after your previous breakup. "She told me that Diego has been linked to some of the people associated with the Medellín Cartel. We've been monitoring him closely because it's obvious they're using him to obtain information about the DEA and the government, taking advantage of the resentment he expresses for being fired."
Your mind raced as you tried to process this revelation. "I was more focused on protecting the work that had taken us so much effort to establish. And I was also trying to protect you," his voice suddenly cracked, and hurt was clearly visible in his eyes as he looked at your still-red eyes and the injuries on your beautiful body. "I didn't want to worry you, but now I know it was a mistake to keep it from you. I failed to protect you."
The weight of the situation settled in as he reached out to hold your hand, seeking your eyes. "I-I'm sorry," he pleaded, his voice thick with emotions, guilt filling his chocolate-brown eyes. "Please, forgive me. I couldn't protect you."
"Javi, no," you answered quickly, catching his hand between yours, then caressing his cheek with your thumb. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know he was going to do such a thing."
"When I saw you lying there, I thought... fuck, I thought I had lost you," he confessed, his eyes filling with tears that ran down his face. "It felt like my own heart was about to stop..."
You couldn't hold back your own tears any longer. Emotions flooded over you, and you pulled him into a gentle embrace, his head resting on your shoulder as he cried.
''I'm here, Javi,'' you consoled him, ''I'm okay, I'm not gonna go anywhere.''
Relief, overwhelming and comforting, coursed through him as he realized you were still there, breathing, alive. It was a profound relief that washed away some of the guilt, but it couldn't erase the trauma you had endured. Javier wasn't one to cry. He didn't even remember the last time he did. He had always been so tough, pragmatic, not letting his emotions take over him. Stress, pressure, guilt, disappointment, fear, frustration; were things he put aside to avoid being blinded in his duties. However, he felt a sense of freedom when he found himself letting off steam in your arms.
After sending some police officers to check on Javi's apartment, you both were able to return home. It was already night, and you had a headache from all the shock, stress, and spending the entire day in a small hospital room. Javier hadn't had an car anymore, so Steve took you both on his own, and a couple of officials spent the night on the street checking for anything potentially dangerous.
You decided to take a soothing shower to wash away the stress of the day after brushing your teeth. However, with your injured ankle, you struggled to maintain your balance. The pain was a still sharp, and it was hard for you to stand for too long.
Javier, ever attentive, noticed your struggle. "What are you doing?" He rushed to your side, catching you when you were about to fell in the bathroom.
"I need a shower," you said as you couldn't bear your dirty, dusty clothes anymore.
He helped you sit over the toilet and get rid of the bandage. He was worried that you fell on the shower, so he proposed something. "How about we take a shower together? I can help you."
The idea brought a blush to your cheeks, but you couldn't deny that the prospect of sharing a shower with him sounded appearing. With a nod and a shy smile, you accepted his offer.
"That sounds nice," you said, feeling a mixture of shyness and anticipation.
He smiled, reaching out to take your hand. "Don't worry, I'll be very gentle," he gave you a playful wink.
Javier took off your clothes, one by one, gently, until you were completely naked in front on him. Then, he did the same with his own, and guided you into the tiny space of the shower.
Warm water ran over your body, relaxing your muscles, taking away the stains of soil and blood on your body. He took you by your waist to gave you balance as you washed your hair, and then his. You winced when the shampoo stung the scratches on your hands.
"Careful, baby," he whispered, his warm breath brushing your face as he looked down at you.
As you rinsed his hair, you couldn't resist tracing the path of the soap running down his body when he wasn't looking.
You couldn't resist the temptation to let your hands wander along his skin, tracing the contours of his body. He shivered slightly under your touch, and his gaze met yours with a playful yet longing look.
"You're a bit cheeky, aren't you?" he whispered, his voice tinged with desire.
A mischievous grin played on your lips. "Maybe."
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close, and your bodies pressed against each other in the confined space, under the water.
He leaned down to kiss your lips, and your hands found support on his shoulders. Wet kisses were exchanged, your tongues meeting halfway, and you could feel his masculinity pressing against your lower belly.
Although he had been helping you not to put all your weight on your injured leg, you started to grow tired on your other leg. Javier noticed it and broke the kiss. He, turned off the shower and guided you out of the shower, wrapping an arm around your waist to pulling you up and taking you to his bed, leaving a path of water all over the floor.
"Javi, wait," you protested between giggles, "we're going to make a mess!"
"That's what I intend to do, bonita," he said, gently placing your body on the mattress, a devilish sparkle in his eyes.
He lay beside you, gazing into your eyes with a mix of desire and affection. His hands traced a path along your body, exploring your curves. You felt a shiver run down your spine as his fingers danced across your wet skin. Javier's lips found yours once more.
His fingers found their way to your core, splitting your already wet folds, tracing firm circles on your swollen clit. A gasp escaped your mouth in a shaking breath, your hand wrapping around his forearm by instinct.
"You like that?" He asked, voice so thick and low, close to your lips. You nodded, looking at him with pleading eyes. "Talk to me, baby, I love hearing you."
"Ye-yeah," your voice quivered, feeling his expert movements giving you pleasure. "I like it so much."
"That's right. Such a good girl, as always," he whispered, his tongue tracing your lower lip as his fingers gathered your arousal. "Spread your pretty legs wider for me."
As soon as you obeyed, two of his fingers found the way inside your pussy. You cried out a moan, as his fingers were so thick. Just one had the power to ruin you; two of them felt like too much, but you loved feeling overwhelmed by his touch. Javier Peña was simply addictive.
"Ja-Javi...," you whimpered, moving your hips involuntary to find his touch halfway as his fingers bumped in and out of you, making a wetting, obscene sound that made you blush.
"I know, bonita," he whispered on your ear, causing a shiver run down your body, goosebumps painting your still-wet skin. "I want you to cum on my hand before I fuck you right," his words made you clench around his fingers, making him hiss. You could feel his warm, hard cock against the bone of your hip, twitching with every soft moan that left your throat, pre-cum glistening on the tip.
As his fingers speeded up their movements, his thumb began to work on your clit. You archer your back, your body getting closer to his as your hands took his face, your pelvis turning to meet his, but he never stopped torturing you with his hand.
"Ahhh... ¡Javi!... Ahhh, yes!" you claimed, consumed by the pleasure. His fingers curled inside of you, finding that sweet spot. ''Oh, fuck!''
''C'mon, baby, cum for me,'' he encouraged, as a knot formed in your lower belly, spiraling down to your very core until you detonated in a soundless cry, ''There you go, baby,'' your orgasm convulsing through your body. For a moment, you forgot the pain in your ankle, your knees, the stress of the earlier incident; it was all love and passion. ''Open your mouth,'' he ordered.
Your lips parted, and his two fingers, coated in your own honey, found their way into your mouth. A moan escaped when you tasted yourself on your tongue. "Suck on it," he whispered, his eyes darkened with lust as your tongue played with his fingers. "That little mouth of yours feels really nice, mi amor."
With a slurping sound, he exchanged his fingers for his own lips pressed against yours, savoring the lingering taste of your arousal on your tongue.
With a swift move, he positioned himself on top of you, planting kisses on your neck, descending through your skin, sucking your nipples, licking the soft flesh of your tummy.
Javi kneeled in front of you, between your legs, lifting one of them to place a sweet kiss on your swollen ankle. Then, he reached for your hands and did the same on the scratches in your palms. His lips continued to explore your body, leaving a trail of tender kisses from your knees to your thighs. You could feel the warmth of his breath, and each touch was a soothing balm to the ache in your body.
As his lips reached higher, he met your gaze, eyes filled with a mixture of desire and adoration. "Eres tan hermosa," he whispered, his voice husky with intensity. "Te amo demasiado." You felt a shiver run down your spine, a response to both his words and the gentle caresses.
"Yo también te amo mucho," you answered. A lump formed in your throat, overwhelmed by the recent events and the passion and love you felt for the man in front of you.
Javier's eyes softened with genuine affection. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a tender kiss.
His hand reacher to his nightstand for a preservative and when he was ready, rubbed the head of his cock along your core. Soft sighs escaped your lips as he teased you. Your hands went to his ass, forcing him against you. "Ple-please, Javi," you pleaded, burning cheeks and pleasure eyes staring at him.
"What is it, baby?" he whispered, his voice thick. You whimpered, pulling up your hips to meet his. He grinned devilishly. He loved having you plead for his cock, his fingers lingering on the delicate skin of your inner thighs. A smirk played on his lips as he watched the anticipation in your eyes.
"I need you," you confessed, desire evident in your voice. "Please, I want to feel you inside."
Without uttering a word, Javier aligned himself with your entrance. You cried out a moan as he buried himself into you in one swift, effortlessly movement.
Your nails dug on his back, his face found a place on the space between your neck and your hair as he growled with pleasure, feeling your walls clenching around his length. He loved that sweet pussy of yours, so warm and tight, and all his.
He waited a few seconds for you to adapted to him, but he was so desperate to fuck you that it was almost painful. All the adrenaline rush of the day, all those emotions, and the love he felt your you culminated in that passionate moment.
Javier moved to find a most comfortable position and then, he lost it. His hips thrust almost desperately against you, making you whimper and moan with intense pleasure as you felt his cock moving in and out of your dripping cunt.
Furthermore, the sight you had of him was like that of a Greek god. His strong arms bulged from holding your hips up to meet his, water still dripping from his hair to his neck and chest, drops twinkling between the freckles on his shoulders. His breath quivered, groans and grunts escaped through his lips with every thrust of his hips.
You swore you could feel him on the entrence of your cervix, he was balls deep on you.
Javi was delighted with the view of your bouncing tits, your blushed cheeks and nose, your pleading eyes filled with pleasure. His heart was racing, his brain shut down for an instant and his world reduced to you. He was ruined by you.
Your bodies moved in sync in a dance of desire. His hands explored your curves, leaving a trail of warmth and electricity. The room filled with the sound of your whispered words and filthy noises.
"Javiii..." you whined, feeling an intense pressure on your core, your body squirming in the sheets. It was too much, you barely could breath. "Ahhh, Javi, I-I'm so... close!"
His hands spread your legs wider in a rough movement, to make space to himself as he let his weight fell over you as he continue with his thrusts. One hand grasped around your neck, applying enough strength to silence your moans, but it felt so fucking good that made you pussy clenched and dripped around his cock, "Fuck, I love your pussy. It's all mine, you're all mine."
"I am, I am," you uttered as best as you could, "My pussy is only yours, Javier."
"My good fucking girl," he whispered, his lips found your and you open your mouth, welcoming his tongue. "I'm yours too, forever."
As his movements became errants and messy and desperately, both of your found your orgasms in synchrony. Your eyes rolled as your back arched for its own will, your fingers tangled in his hair as you said his name like a prayer, over and over again. Javi's back muscles clench with his own release, grunting as he filled the condom, forcing the last thrusts into your cunt as his balls quivered.
The bed was, as he said he wanted, a completely mess. Sheets wet with your cum, and pillows wet with the water of both your hairs.
As you lay together, tangled in the sheets, you traced his jawline with your finger. His eyes were closed, but he was awake. You both were still naked, tired, the smell of sex still lingering in the air.
He opened his eyes, and you could see determination in them, his fingers gently brushed against your cheek. "I won't let him get away with this," he declared, his voice low and resolute. "Diego will pay for what he did to you. I promise you that, mi amor."
You looked into his eyes, finding comfort in his unwavering commitment. "Please promise me you'll be careful. I don't want to lose you or that you do something stupid and ruin your career."
"I promise, bonita. I'll be careful."
You woke up to a soft kiss on your lips and the delicious aroma of crumbled eggs and coffee. As your eyes opened, you found Javi's gaze fixed on you, a warm and affectionate smile playing on his lips. "Good morning, bonita," he greeted you.
You stretched and yawned, feeling a mix of soreness and comfort from the previous night. "Morning," you replied, a smile forming as you took in the sight of him.
Javier leaned in for another tender kiss. "I've prepared breakfast," he announced, gesturing to the tray adorned with eggs, toast, and a steaming cup of coffee on the bedside table.
As you sat up, he handed you a glass of water along with an ibuprofen pill. "First things first," he said. You took the pill, and then he presented you with a much-needed cup of coffee.
Before you could utter a word, he began tending to the bandages on your ankle. The swelling had increased, accompanied by a prominent bruise. A twinge of pain coursed through you as he gently placed it on a pillow, covering it with an ice pack.
"I hope to be back in action by tomorrow," you said casually, taking a sip from your cup.
Javier, on the other side, furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?" he asked.
You looked at him, "I need to return to work," you answered.
"Baby, the doctor said you need at least two weeks to rest," he insisted.
"I can't," you replied, "I haven't even recovered from my sickness leave two months ago, and I have bills to pay."
"Bills for an apartment you barely live in now." He brought your hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss on your knuckles. "Look, mi amor, I can take care of the bills. I don't want you rushing back to work, especially after what happened."
You sighed, appreciating his concern but still feeling the weight of financial responsibilities. "Javi, I can't rely on you for everything. I need to stand on my own."
His gaze held a mixture of understanding and determination. "I get that, but right now, your well-being is my priority. Let me take care of you, at least until you're back on your feet."
You sighed, a feeling of guilt lingering on you. "It's not fair that you pay for two apartments; you have enough responsibilities with your own, and I know you send money to your dad."
"Well, then I don't have to pay for two apartments," he said. Although you felt relief, it seemed weird that he settled for it so quickly. You knew him; he was stubborn like a mule. You looked at him as if he had grown a third eye.
"So, I can get back to work tomorrow," you said, and he shook his head. "Then how am I supposed to pay my rent?"
"You won't," he answered. "You won't pay rent for an apartment you don't have." He looked at you with a determination that hinted at a decision made. "Move in with me," he suggested.
Your eyes widened, caught off guard by the proposition. "Javi, I—"
He gently interrupted, "I want you to live with me. You already spend every day and night here, and even when you slept there, I slept there too. So no more worrying about rent or bills. Just focus on healing and being with me."
"Are you sure?" You set aside the cup and stared right into his chocolate-brown eyes. "It's a big step, Javi."
He sat closer to you, taking both your hands into his. When he looked into your eyes, you saw in them the most confident look anyone had ever given you. "A hundred percent sure," he answered. Then, he moved a bit nervously, but the determination in his gaze still lingered powerfully as he said, "Listen, I've been thinking about us a lot, and yesterday... it put everything into perspective. Life is too short, and I love you so much." As he said those words, you felt like you went pale.
Is he about to...?
"I want to do things right with you. Moving in together is a big step, and there's no one else I'd rather take it with than you, bonita."
You didn't want to actually ask if he was, well, proposing because he wasn't doing it per se. You didn't want to push him to say something he didn't feel or plan, but your delusional side was about to explode with excitement and love, and you could only think about floating down the aisle to him.
However, when he spoke again, you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"We're going to take things one step at a time. We've only been together for a few months, yet I already know that I love you," he assured you, and tears of love started gathering in your bright eyes. "You must know that I'm serious about us and our future. So, what do you say? Wanna live with me?"
You let out a nervous giggle, overwhelmed by his beautiful words, his willing to share a life with you. You were so damn in love with him.
"Yes!," you nodded and a big smile crossed his handsome features, "Let's do this."
He leaned in, sealing the agreement with a sweet and lingering kiss, and you couldn't help but feel that, despite the challenges, you were exactly where you were meant to be.
Chapter 11.5
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latinotiktok · 1 year ago
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Tortugas Ninja
-Miguel Ángel la tortuga ninja versión 2003 / es argentino pq yo lo digo (m identifico mucho con él es irreal) (also hizo una canción en español)
-Leonardo Hamato (si, la tortuga ninja) ESPECÍFICAMENTE de la serie de 2012 mi evidencia es que se llama leo como messi y es la tortuga azul boludo obviamente es argentino es LA TORTUGA AZUL aparte ese insano tiene banda de cuchillos escondidos eso es re argentino a mi parecer, aparte es gay (delusion mia) y tiene psicosis (sorprendentemente canon, alucina a su viejo muerto a veces) aparte tiene 15 y mide 1.54 lol esta chiquito
-Michelangelo the ninja turtle. (any iteration tbh) SPECIFICALLY THE 2012 ONE THO. HE IS PERUVIAN. HE JUST IS
-Miguel Ángel, de las tortugas ninjas 2012. Ese pana es peruano.
-Las tortugas Ninja pero la nueva pelicula Mutant Mayhem pq hacen referencias a shakira y pura pendejada y media, tambien usan frases mexicanas te amo tanto toblaje de las tortugas ninja, tambien le dicen rafita a rafa MWAH
-Las tortugas ninja, son Japoneses y tambien son Latinos. Acaso necesito decir más???
-Las tortugas ninja. Porque si probaran la pizza de acá en comparación con la de NYC emigrarían de inmediato
-Casey Jones. Ya fue. Cual? El que parezca mas latino(EhemehemARGENTOehem), busquen en sus corazones... el de 2012 ya es mexicano asi que no cuenta pero necesito mas personajes de tmnt latinos
-Yo digo las tortugas ninja, que aunque yo preferiría que sean los 4 porque son gemelos/hermanos. Ya que la gente dicen específicamente a Miguel Ángel yo digo Leonardo porque si, y también porque en la nueva película "Caos Mutante" el actor de voz de el en el doblaje original, tiene raíces Mexicanas.
-eu también pongamos a raphael la tortuga ninja (serie 2003 y 2012) / es argento (<- proyectando). m da risa mi headcanon d q si se enoja t lanza 90 insultos como el meme ese "escuchame una cosa hijo d remil-" (no sé cómo era pero le habían hecho mod d friday night funkin AJDHIAAJAJ)
Karamatsu Matsuno de la serie Osomatsu-san porque tiene el swing, las pelotas y el carisma para ser latino honorario profesor de rumba. ¿Han visto algunos de sus trajes oficiales? ¿Su flow? Si lo llevamos a un Carnaval de Río le cambiamos la vida
MATSUNO KARAMATSU just trust me su futuro está siendo un gogo boy en una fiesta de orgullo (Krmts ícono bi tqm)
Karamatsu Karamatsuuuuuu porque lo quiero rescatar de su destino NINI de mierda y hacerlo mi sugar baby. Que me limpie la piscina de plástico no más, bbsote ♥️♥️♥️
Wn el Karamatsu!!! Está tan rico acá lo adoptamos los gringos son demasiado tikis mikis ayy ñiñiñi "es que es cringe🥺" DÉBILES no lo aprecian 😤😤😤
Karamatsu. Oime a ver: - NINI que se dedica a tocar la guitarra y cantar desde el techo de su casa de forma autodidacta y empírica. El que no tenga un primo que canta canciones de Maná en las reuniones que alce la mano. - Era actor en el colegio y a veces es ✨Dramátiko✨ de forma telenovelezca, les juro que todo su repertorio se lo aprendió a Soraya y a los wachos machos de Pasión de Gavilanes - tiene alma de Horse Girl. Lo mismo ^^^. - Cejas latinas LPM - tiene un Alter Ego que se llama Summer Kamen (BUSQUENLO) y si eso solo no basta para nacionalizarlo en Brasil o algún país caribeño pos entonces el sistema nos ha fallado🧐
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nanacuyin · 5 months ago
Vengo a hacer una queja pública, ¿¿¿Cómo es que no hay contenido de los cantantes del Ranking top??? Digo, miren a estos tipos.
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Tienen demasiado flow 😞 ¿¿Por qué no hay contenido de ellos?? Ni siquiera hablo de contenido oc x canon o reader x canon (aunque los haría por mi misma, solo digo) simplemente no hay contenido en general.
Siento que fuera del Tulio x bodoque no hay mucho mas contenido de otros personajes, aunque supongo que es porque no hay muchos vistazos de sus personalidades más que el contenido externo a la serie 😞.
Fuera de eso, se que todos hablan de Juanin y como es una bola de pelos literalmente, sin embargo ¿¿Por qué nadie habla de Dante Torobolino alias El Magiito😭😭??
Literalmente es una de las marionetas más tiernas que ha hecho el estudio.
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Vamos, solo miren esa cara, a él lo cacheteas y te pide perdón por hacerte enojar :c
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En fin, viva maguito, el mejor personaje de media hora y un minuto. Gracias por todo y perdón por nada.
(Den ideas de contenido oc x canon o x reader, se me pudrió el cerebro de tanto pensar😭)
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panelshowsource · 8 months ago
now that s17 is over, how did you like it? it feels like most people either thought it was mild or weak, which makes me sad, so i stopped going to the discussion threads about it :""( i also don't see much anticipation for s18...
aww anon well, first, if you had a good time then that's what matters! so i hope series 17 brought you a little joy each week, that's what panel shows are for in my humble opinion 😚
because i know i'm about to word vomit some word salad, i'll throw out some s17 reactions + s18 thoughts below the cut! that way anyone who is sick of my nonsense doesn't have to scroll past it lmaooo
series 17 was a decent one! i don't think it's in the hall of fame, but it's definitely nowhere near the couple of "unwatchables" as they're (pretty unfairly) called. i've talked before about one of the downfalls of a season is when a group doesn't harness their dynamic and take control of the show — when they're in the studio and just sit quietly, waiting for greg to give them permission to speak, things flow well for the editors but the experience lacks. this is why s1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, even 12 are so silly and chaotic: the contestants were constantly fighting, interrupting or pausing judging, trying to convince or gaslight or challenge greg, just...speaking! talking! interacting! if that doesn't happen, taskmaster can just feel like show and tell, which is not when it's at its best
ultimately, this is why too many polite and well-behaved people in a single series is a pleasant watch but doesn't hit very hard. this series was exceptionally nice, we have to admit. joanne followed by steve may have been the "hang on a second ☝️" contestants of the series, but not by a lot, meanwhile nick and sophie were the loveliest, pretty quiet people and john was dead silent most of the time. actually, that was something that ended up surprising me — john was so focused on the tasks, so focused on winning, most of the time he didn't pause to give significant, funny commentary while filming, didn't give us *nearly* the banter with alex i anticipated, and was particularly quiet in the studio. i knew he'd be in it to win it, don't get me wrong, but he approached taskmaster more as a richard herring than an ed gamble, if you know what i mean. it was very funny to me when he was on the tm podcast and was more or less like "i know i didn't prioritise being entertaining" lmao that earnestness can be sweet, because i do like to watch the show imagining how i would do each task, but his ~no nonsense~ approach was turned up to 11 for a lot more of the series than i anticipated. i almost wish john had leaned a little more into his self-aware neuroticism and competitiveness just because that's generally a good character on taskmaster — and this series was definitely missing that
(you know, talking about this really reinforces my belief that kerry godliman is perhaps the most perfect taskmaster contestant...ever. competitive, no nonsense and full of nonsense, top bantz, stands up for herself and tears down others but fights without being genuinely angry or butthurt, doesn't know enough to try and figure out a workaround for every single task, loves and bullies alex in equal measure... just love the woman. love her. fuck it, same for jess knappett. i miss my girls😭 this is ALSO why i think rosie is a great fit for tm)
anywayz i haven't read mucho mucho discourse about series 17, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the vague "criticism" people: just more lowkey vibes than other series. but some people prefer that, so..!!!
i think, too, too many people look back at series 1–...7? at least and want to see the same greg–alex dynamic, approach to the prize tasks, approach to scoring, lil tricks, what have you — and that is not gonna happen again. ever. for example, greg and alex have talked too many times about how hard they try to score things "fairly" because that's become such a big point of conversation for the viewers at home and, atp, even the contestants. personally, i don't prefer that. fuck fair! this is not a real competition it's an entertainment show!! when greg was throwing out points willy nilly, bonus points for eating hair, giving 5 points to a prize just bc it's his personal sense of humour and ranking another contestant's prize low every week just bc that's a funny recurring joke/dynamic, whatever. i do not care. give phil wang 1 point every time. points schmoints. but that cannot happen anymore because the viewers starting taking the points so darn seriously. (not to mention the opportunity to do coc is now pretty coveted for its $$$ and exposure, too, i'd imagine.) the same goes for greg leaning into his dictator role, the master/slave relationship between him and alex, alex being super stoic and quiet — not only does tm think those characters and dynamics are played out, but in some ways the audience has evolved beyond all that
my point is that people get caught up in the Old Gen Taskmaster that hooked them and can't accept the ways in which the show has evolved — even if it's in their opinion for worse. do i think it would kill taskmaster to go back to slightly less convoluted tasks and commit to the 1–5 point system instead of constant ties (or "this was a 3-point effort")? no. i would like to see that lmao but i don't view the series through the lens of a series 1 fan anymore, either. a reality check would help a lot of complainers
i did read one thing i thought was interesting — that with the huge number of series we're at with tm uk, and now the accessibility of other countries' spin-offs, there is a bigger and bigger pool of God Tier Taskmaster to compare each new series to. it used to be "hmm does this new series stack up against series 4, one of the all-time greats?" but now we're stacking new series up against the top ~6 of tm uk, tm nz s2, a couple of the tm belgiums, tm aus s1, and so on. competition is stiff!! not many series can be The Very Best Of All Time, so with each new tm uk that isn't, people start to feel like the show has gone downhill when it probably is stagnant at worst. does that make sense?
i don't wanna sound like every criticism of tm can be explained away or comes from a bad place. as i've mentioned above, i have my qualms. this series, one of my major qualms and seriously unpopular opinions was that i didn't like that steve wasn't actually bringing in prizes half the time. like, he was doing bits and they were funny bits, but greg was scoring him mad high for the effort he put into his bits instead of the actual prizes he brought in for entry. i stand by that opinion, but the thing is i didn't let that ruin my experience of the show. but, maybe, it just comes down to the fact i want to like it...so i do ^^
maybe i talked way too much about criticism and negativity hahah some things i really enjoyed from this series:
nick is probably the second person following john kearns who i actively disliked before taskmaster specifically because i had only ever seen their comedy characters doing dictionary corner or a bit of standup — and i really didn't like them. (still never seen ted lasso!) lo and behold, they go on taskmaster and are S Tier Sweethearts and i see them both in totally new lights! in fact john's last standup show is being released shortly and i cannot wait to watch it — which me of the past would never believe i'm saying lmao so i'm so grateful the show opened my eyes to what a funny, sweet person nick is!! and may i say his and john's styles in the studio are massively underrated. they are both incredibly snazzy dressers!
steve and nick were a sweet little team weren't they! i think it would have been funnier to have john x sophie (the best and the worst, in their own ways) vs. the more harmonious steve x nick x sophie, but regardless it was very cute stuff
the location was great! i fucking love a big open field, i fucking love a river
greg has had some really strong intro "speeches" the last few series and i loved his this time around. they're just equal parts stupid and weird + his authoritative, classic greg delivery always makes me laugh heh
some of the strongest live tasks in a while!! catching the little monsters, passing the loo through the tube, bouncing the ball on the bar — all felt like quintessential uncomplicated classic taskmaster parlour games and they were good fun
TONS out outtakes content!
and gosh it's wonderful to have a new little hour of pleasantness to have each week :)
regarding s18... it's an interesting lineup! in a good way!! i think rosie's character is more or less a perfect fit for the taskmaster format. obviously she is one of the biggest female comedians in the uk right now, but i didn't bet on her doing tm because i didn't think the show could commit to accommodating her disability for 10 episodes. and, frankly, they may not — and i guarantee she is completely okay with that. she was born from the rhod gilbert school of showing up to fuck around, and i sleep soundly knowing she will do just that. i really like jack dee and i'm happy for alex to have made it work with him. it typically wouldn't be my choice to have two senior comedian white men on one series, and (unpopularly?) i'm not really a zaltzman person, but i have no doubt he'll be quite charming. emma sidi is part of the alex horne bubble of friends i have mentioned a few times before, but i actually don't know much about her. babatunde feels like a sensible fresh pick since he's been doing more variety/panel shows; i don't watch him on googlebox (which i love) because i don't like mo gilligan (very unsorry about this opinion heh), but what i've seen of him i've enjoyed! i don't think the group's dynamic is obvious just from their list of names, but the fact they're all comedians is VERY promising and makes me supersupersuper happy — all comedian lineups are historically the strongest. so yay!! but can you imagine who will be on a team?? god imagine a jack x rosie team lmfaoooooooooooo i live for the thought
hope that made sense and if it didn't whoops! don't mind me heheh
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newhector · 3 months ago
I was remembering a time between a teenager and an adult, at a concert by a famous group of that time, in which the city council spent a lot of money to bring it to the city, it gave votes and the new elections were close. The fact is that the square was crowded, and although I was with my friends pushing and hugging, I distanced myself a few meters from them, and in front of me stood a group of married couples all very excited with the music, dancing and jumping. There was a couple right in front of me, she behind him and I behind her; She had her arms around him and they swayed in time with the music in a constant sway. At first I didn't notice until I noticed that her ass was very subtly touching the front of my pelvis, and how my hormones were revolutionized. My body quickly reacted. Her skirt was very thin and thin, I could feel the hardness of her buttocks, I moved my pelvis forward slightly to feel them better. She noticed, and stopped for a moment, but she thought better of it and continued, her dance became more provocative, leaving her buttocks bruised, leaving my prominent bulge right between both buttocks, which oscillated slowly without being able to remove it from them. I acted brave and put my right hand forward, letting the back of my hand feel the tight buttocks through the fabric. She looked for the lump again, but quickly noticed that it was my hand. She stood up again and waited to see how. I reacted by leaving my hand still for a moment, but slowly, very slowly, I put two of my fingers forward as if it were my cock and I put them between her buttocks, the thin and fine fabric got between both of them, she was motionless even though I music filled the entire square and everyone around us danced and jumped. I turned my hand around and my two fingers reached it, she slowly separated her legs to facilitate my access and through the fabric I began to rub it hard but slowly, without letting go, I could notice how my fingers became soaked and moist. Through the thin, summery fabric, I pushed hard, and she hugged her partner, throwing her arms over her shoulders, which made her stand higher and it made it easier for me. I pulled the skirt up with my other hand and put my hand under it, I noticed her hot skin, I skillfully moved the tiny fabric of her thong to the side and put my two fingers in it, not all the way but enough to Being able to shake them while she rested her head on his back, I felt the destruction I was doing to her and that she was very, very close to the end. Her partner turned around and hugged her while kissing her, I had to quickly remove my hand from her; She kissed him intensely and forced him to turn around so that he could look at the concert, at the same time that she opened her legs again, facilitating access again. I raised her skirts slightly again just enough to put my hand back in and this time I was able to put my two fingers all the way in, I grabbed her waist and shook them tightly, I quickly felt her cum on my hand, when I finished I looked She stepped back for a moment and our gazes joined. Embarrassed, I took my hand out of her wet interior, while trails of flow fell from the inner side of her thighs in a constant downward path. She pushed her partner aside and stood in front of him, placing him like a wall between her and me, ashamed of what had happened. I tried hard and tried hard but I managed to get closer to my friends, while I put my fingers to my face so I could inhale the deep and delicious smell that my two, still wet fingers gave off... I never saw her again, but I will remember her deep look, and the perfume that left in my memory.
Estaba recordando una epoca entre adolescente y adulto, en un concierto de un grupo famoso de aquella epoca, en la que el ayuntamiento se gasto mucho dinero para traerlo la ciudad, daba votos y las nuevas elecciones estaban cerca. El caso es que la plaza estaba abarrotada, y aunque iba con los amigos entre empujones y achuchones, me distancie unos metros de ellos, y delante mio se puso un grupo de matrimonios todos muy animados con la musica, bailando y saltando. Justo delante mia quedo una pareja, ella detras de el y yo tras ella; lo tenia abrazado y se contoneaban acompasados por la musica en un balanceo constante. En un primer momento no me percate hasta que note que su culo golpeba muy sutilmente la parte delantera de mi pelvis, y como mis hormonas estaban revolucionadas rapidamente mi cuerpo reacciono. su falda era muy fina y delgada podia notar la dureza de sus nalgas, yo adelante ligeramente la pelvis para sentirlas mejor. ella se percato, y paro un instante, pero lo pensaria mejor y continuo, su baile se hizo mas provocador, dejaba apoyada sus nalgas quedando mi prominente bulto justo entre ambas nalgas, que oscilaba lentamente sin llegar a sacarla de ellas. me hice el valiente y adelante mi mano derecha dejando que el dorso de la mano sintiera las apretadas nalgas a través de la fina tela, ella buscaba de nuevo el bulto, pero rápidamente noto que era mi mano, se volvio a parar y espere a ver como reaccionaba dejando la mano quieta por un instante, pero despacio muy despacio adelante dos de mis dedos como si fuera mi polla y las fui metiendo entre las nalga, la delgada y fina tela se metió entre ambas, ella estaba inmovil a pesar de que la musica llenaba toda la plaza y todos a nuestro al rededor danzaban y saltaba. di la vuelta a la mano y mis dos dedos llegaron a alcanzarlo, ella separo lentamente las piernas para facilitar mi acceso y a través de la tela comence a frotarlo con fuerza pero con lentitud, sin soltarlo, podia notar como mis dedos se impregnaban y se humedecían a traves de la veraniega tela, yo empujaba con fuerza, y ella se abrazaba a su pareja echando los brazo sobre sus hombros, eso hacia que se alzara mas y mas facil me lo ponia a mi. tire con la otra mano de la falda hacia arriba e introduje la mano bajo ella, note su piel caliente, hábilmente aparte la diminuta tela de su tanga hacia un lado y metí los dos dedos en ella, no hasta el fondo pero si lo suficiente para poder agitarlos mientras ella apoyaba su cabeza en espalda de el, yo sentia el destrozo que le estaba haciendo y que estaba muy muy cerca del final. Su pareja se dio la vuelta y la abrazo a la vez que la besaba, tuve que sacar rápidamente la mano de ella; ella lo beso intensamente y lo obligo a darse la vuelta para que mirara hacia el concierto, a la vez que volvió abrir sus piernas, facilitandome de nuevo el acceso. volvi a levantar ligeramente sus faldas lo justo para volver a meter la mano y esta vez si pude meter los dos dedos hasta el fondo, la agarre de la cintura y con fuerza y los agite, rápidamente senti como se corría sobre mi mano. al acabar miro para atras por un instante y nuestras miradas se unieron, avergonzada saco mi mano de su húmedo interior, mientras de la cara interna de sus muslos caian en un recorrido constante hacia abajo regueros de flujo. aparto a su pareja a un lado y se puso delante de el, colocándolo como un muro entre ella y yo avergonzada de lo que habia sucedido. hice fuerza y trate con dificulta pero lo conseguí acercarme a mis amigos, mientras me llevaba los dedos a la cara para poder aspirar el profundo y delicioso olor que desprendia mis dos dedos aun húmedos...Nunca la volví a ver, pero si recordaré su profunda mirada, y el perfume que dejó en mi memoria.
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marianaaags · 4 months ago
Alerta de spoilers de "In Your Eyes" (análisis y teorías)
Este post terminó siendo más largo de lo esperado, así que agradezco con anticipación si vas a tomar el tiempo de leerlo completo :]
Hay una versión en inglés de este post aquí, en caso de que encontrarás antes este post primero y no hables español
Quiero empezar aclarando que este mapa me dejó con más preguntas que respuestas pero hice lo mejor que pude, de cualquier forma esta publicación va a estar enfocada en Leda/Night Swan y en su historia, también en algunas teorías que tengo sobre como va continuar el lore
No me quedó claro si realmente Jack es hijo de El Viajero pero vamos a darle el beneficio de la duda y asumamos que si lo es. Jack parece admirarlo mucho al punto de intentar imitar sus movimientos desde lejos, mientras vemos a una Leda molesta, que se niega a volver a la tierra y llega a Eternyx
Aquí ella impresiona a la gente con su flow, siendo Cygnus y Mihaly las personas más relevantes, también vemos que su magia genera una interacción interesante con el líquido rosa que recorre las calles de este lugar (este punto lo retomaré)
La rutina continua con Cygnus y Leda interactuando, esto los lleva a lo que parece ser la casa de Cygnus donde este de alguna manera impresiona/manipula a Leda con una profecía en la que ella terminaría tomando el control del danceverso, esto parece agradarle mucho a Leda por lo que cambia su vestimenta y regresa al observatorio para llevar a Jack con ella a Eternyx
Con esto sobre la mesa voy a intentar hacer un recuento cronológico sobre la historia de Leda/Night Swan y destacaré los puntos más relevantes sobre esto
En MOTD descubrimos que Leda es humana y entro al Danceverso gracias a El Viajero y Discoball, por alguna extraña razón El Viajero decide que es buena idea enseñarle a abrir portales a los diferentes danceversos (supongo es un tipo de magia) ella aprende a hacerlo y al final se niega a volver a la tierra, se queda junto a El Viajero y empiezan una relación
Cómo dije al inicio vamos a asumir que Jack nació de esta relación y en este punto se desarrollan los eventos de "In Your Eyes" (y aquí es donde empieza mi teoría)
Hace tiempo me pregunté "Si Cygnus es una cuidad llena de fábricas, ¿Que es lo que producen/procesan estás fábricas?" Y creo que ahora tenemos la respuesta... *Redoble de tambores*
Al parecer es flow (pero un tipo de flow materializado y liquido de un color rosa brillante) aunque no se de que manera se le da un uso, esto es un punto clave en mi teoría así que lo llamaremos "flow liquido"
Volviendo al tema Leda ya parecía estar obsesionada con la perfección desde que estaba en la tierra y el conocer a Cygnus y la profecía fue la gota que derramó el vaso para que está idea la corrompiera. Pero ¿Cómo fue que Cygnus se dió cuenta de que la profecía era sobre Leda? Así es, porque ella podía interactuar con el "flow liquido" y esto nos lleva al plan de Cygnus y Leda para dominar el danceverso
Ahora estamos en el siguiente mapa "Darkest Hour" lo que parece ser la primera parte de su plan, en este mapa vemos a Leda en la zona industrial de Cygnus donde vemos al inicio que el humo que producen las fábricas es de un color rosa pastel, pero durante la rutina la interacción de Leda con las fábricas hace que el humo se vuela color negro, dando a entender que ella corrompió el "flow liquido" y en algún momento ella aprende a usar este "flow liquido" para convertir a los coaches en secuaces
Creo que aquí continúa la historia con "Lose Yourself" pero como sigue siendo una beta solo destacaré que en este mapa vemos el "flow liquido corrompido" en las calles y a los secuaces de quién ahora es Night Swan
Continuamos con todo lo que ocurre en "Enter the Danceverses" (si ya llegaste a este punto asumo que sabes todo lo que ocurrió aquí) pero quiero destacar un algunos detalles. Vemos que Jack recuerda un movimiento muy característico de El Viajero durante su mapa y esto podría ser la causa por la que NS parece molesta con el, el usa también este movimiento para salvar a Wanderlust cuando fue convertido en minion. Al final vemos que NS escapa a Cygnus después de ser derrotada (probablemente para idear otro plan con Cygnus)
Aquí continúa la historia en "Dance with the Swan" (también voy a asumir que sabes lo que ocurrió aquí) y el detalle a destacar aquí es el final. También hace un tiempo me pregunté "¿Porque al final NS se va en un barco en lugar de usar un portal?" Aquí también obtuvimos la respuesta (algo así), el lugar al que se dirige es a la fuente de el "flow liquido" que por alguna razón solo es posible llegar en barco
Ahora volvamos con la profecía, en esta vemos el lugar de donde nace naturalmente este "flow liquido" en Eternyx que es como una especie de volcán en una isla (basado en las imágenes parece ser Chaos Mountain), esté lugar estaba protegido por 3 deidades a las que NS corrompe (asumo que son coaches que ya conocemos o vamos a conocer) y toma el control de este lugar. Después de que ella reúne a un ejército usando el poder de éste "flow liquido corrompido" ella regresa a esta isla y con el poder de éste lugar se vuelve capaz de conquistar el resto de danceversos.
Basándome es esto aquí van mis teorías 🤓☝️
Phoenix es una de las deidades que protegía Chaos Mountain (es la única coach con una rutina en este lugar)
El "flow liquido" es peligroso, incluso si no está corrompido, apesar de que fluye a través de las calles de Eternyx nadie interactuar con el o lo toca, Jack parece estar apunto de tocarlo en "Treasure" pero no lo hace
NS va a usar a Discoball para enviar a sus secuaces al resto de danceversos
Jack de alguna forma va a descorromper a estás dedidades para detener el plan de su madre
También sospecho que Mothigan y Darius podrían ser las otras dos deidades, ya que de alguna forma están relacionados con animales que vuelan al igual que Phoenix
¿Que tienen que ver los animales que vuelan con el flow o ser deidades? No lo sé, honestamente me estoy sacando esta teoría del culo
Mientras releía esto se me ocurrió la relación que pueden tener los animales que vuelan, y es justamente la capacidad de volar, la isla de dónde proviene el "flow liquido" es inaccesible para cualquiera que no tenga un barco pero volar también puede ser una forma de llegar a este lugar, eso también explicaría de dónde viene el nombre de Night Swan y el de Cygnus
Aquí terminan mis teorías, estoy muy sorprendida de que llegarás hasta aquí, gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer todo esto y una disculpa por hacer esto tan largo
Oh realmente acabo de escribir 5000 caracteres de una teoría de un juego de baile, si esto no es la definición de hiperfijacion entonces no se lo que es
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esuemmanuel · 1 year ago
Will I ever write like this again? Free? Loose? Secure? Will I ever feel alive on the page again? Sometimes it seems impossible. I have changed so much. I am no longer the same. If I could sharpen my pencil and forget that, once upon a time, I wrote and was someone, maybe I could give back to the air a little of its scent. I am left with solitude, it is the only living thing I have and I know it will die the day I die; even with all that I am not now, I feel peace snoozing in my chest like the flow of a spring-born stream. This peace gives me away… I don't really care about anything anymore.
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¿Volveré a escribir así? ¿Libre? ¿Suelto? ¿Seguro? ¿Volveré a sentirme vivo en la hoja?
A veces me parece imposible. He cambiado mucho. Ya no soy el mismo.
Si pudiera sacarle punta al lápiz y olvidar que, alguna vez, escribí y fui alguien, quizás podría devolverle al aire un poco de su aroma.
Me resta la soledad, es lo único vivo que tengo y sé que morirá el día que yo muera; aun con todo lo que no soy ahora, siento la paz dormitar en mi pecho como el afluente de un riachuelo nacido en primavera. Esta paz me delata… Ya no me importa realmente nada.
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