#much to Loki's chagrin
thisdorkyblogthing · 2 months
Thorki AU where Thor and Loki start a band when they're teens but it's mostly just the two of them because they're messy little fuckers who constantly butt heads and no one can stand to be around them for too long. Somehow, they're still really good and end up getting picked up by a record label and become a hit. This, of course, makes them even messier fuckers and their constant drama makes them an even bigger draw to more people. They manage to find a small team of people who are (mostly) willing to stick it out with them and make a few hit albums and get through a few tours. (They just barely manage to get through them by the skin of their teeth, but still!)
Unfortunately, their latest album hasn't done as well critically or commercially and the tension between Thor and Loki has been at an all time high, which has really made touring unbearable for everyone involved. A particularly rough performance the night before ended up with Loki and Thor getting into a(nother) nasty little ruckus that had their manager calling up the front desk of the hotel with a preemptive "I'm sorry for whatever happens to that suite, we'll pay for the damages, please don't call the cops, thank you."
They show up to the tour bus the next morning and something's... different. Sure, usually after a bad argument they're a bit quiet and sulky until one of them cracks a joke that makes the other laugh and everything's good again until the next shitfit ensues, but this time they're real quiet and avoiding looking at each other(and everyone else) and everyone's getting worried that this might be the fight that finally breaks them up.
Except actually they had an angry fuck after Loki said 'We'Re NoT EvEn ReEeEeAl BrOtHeRs!!?!' for like, the 700th time and Thor was like 'FINE!' and smashed their mouths together. Things Happened and now they're a bit shell shocked and trying to figure how to feel about it. (And trying valiantly to convince themselves It Wasn't That Good.)
(It was That Good. Oops.)
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hunny-beann · 10 months
The Coming of Spring
Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
Synopsis: It is May Eve on Asgard, a Holiday that exists to celebrate love, fertility, and the coming of Spring…
Though, if your lover, Prince Loki has his say in the matter (and he usually does), Spring will not be the only thing to come, nor will it be the only worshiped aspect of this particular eve.
Note: Welcome to the smut fest! For some reason I've found myself up at six in the morning writing this, so please forgive any mistakes I've made while in my horrendously exhausted state. I hope you enjoy! :)
Warnings: Pretty graphic NSFW, vulgarity, somewhat of a breeding kink, and pure unadulterated filth
Word Count: 2,419
There was a rather frantic energy pulsing throughout the room as the palace staff rushed about nervously, not a single set of idle hands to be found in the combined effort to finish the preparations for the afternoon's upcoming festivities in a timely manner.
You blew out a puff of air, already exhausted from the tasks you had completed thus far and silently cursing this day for daring to come at all.
And yet this year, as with every other, the springtime holiday still arrived, the augur of some great change, according to legend, though for you it always meant the same thing:
Waking up at five in the morning to prepare for the upcoming afternoon festival in whatever manner the queen deemed fit for the proper celebration of what had come to be well known Walpurgisnacht, or May Eve, the holiday that brought upon the loud and boisterous worship of love, fertility, and the coming of Spring.
And of course, a day so dedicated to such things was one of pleasant festivities to be certain, and thus you never failed to enjoy it, but even still, your chores weighed heavily upon you as your overworked fingers weaved petals and stems through glistening golden iron.
It had been four hours since you had gotten up to work, and somehow it had felt like an eternity, your hands cramping and begging for relief as the tips of your fingers rubbed themselves raw with duty.
You paused for a moment to yawn into the crook of your elbow, wishing for the one hundredth time within that hour alone that you had gotten more sleep the night before.
Still, it had been a worthy sacrifice, had it not? A little bit of exhaustion today in order to avoid the simmering desire of the realm's younger prince throughout the festivities, or, more accurately yet, throughout your abundant tasks that you had scheduled about your day?
Yes, almost assuredly. You had learned all too well from last year (and the other two before that), that it was rather hard to do such things as wash the finest of the palace's dinnerware with Loki's skilled fingers upon your chest or beneath your dress, after all.
So, if a bit of freedom from your concerns of being dragged off into some dark corner upon every available moment of your dear prince's day came at the cost of you being forced to wake up early while he slept away the previous evening's activities, then so be it.
At least this way, you could know for certain that you still had quite a few hours yet until someone urged the prince to rise, giving you plenty of time to complete at least the preparatory chores before he began his ever persistent search for you.
He seemed to enjoy the game of seeking you out each morning, or at whatever time it was that he rose or found himself at leave, though usually it was to do little more than tease or annoy you as you attempted to work through his ceaseless attempts at distraction.
But on a holiday like today, you found that he was typically all too content with taking his teasing quite a few steps further. That said, much to your (mostly feigned) chagrin, that did not mean that he never found himself seeking out far less innocent sounds than those of annoyance, laughter, or sheer disbelief from you on random days throughout the year.
No, Loki was incorrigible, and beyond even that, incomprehensible with his choices and behaviors, and you could normally never hope to know upon which day you might find yourself sandwiched between his chest and some palace wall, though with the arrival Walpurgisnacht, it was almost always a certainty.
Still, with something that was perhaps akin to a fool's ignorance, you dared to hope that maybe, after a night like the one this dawn had followed, your prince may have been just sated enough to make it through the holiday without torturing you so the way that he usually chose to.
Such a thought could not be so terribly remiss, could it? Not after the hours upon hours of groping, fleeting, and cradling touches that the two of you had offered one another the night before.
Not after an afternoon's worth of teasing at the hands of the god of mischief upon that very same day, or the longing glances that carried on well into the evening.
Not after he had cornered you in the garden after dinner had come to an end, speaking his long withheld and inconceivably filthy promises of what was to come clearly and casually into the cool night air as if the two of you were simply taking an evening stroll together, talking about the weather or your hobbies rather than the way he planned to have you upon his tongue within the hour, hands creating bruising imprints of obvious ownership in the soft flesh of your hips and thighs as he drove you to madness before pulling you right back toward sanity again with the blunt tip of his cock as it kissed up against your wet folds, smearing precum amongst the remnants of his saliva and the glistening drool of your already thoroughly abused cunt.
Not after you had given in a mere twenty minutes after hearing his whorish promises of what he intended to do to you once he laid his hands upon your bare flesh again, knocking quietly at his heavy chamber doors until he finally came to find you standing there, having made you wait in a manner that was no doubt intentional just so he could feel the exaggerated way that you melted against him when he finally pulled you near, kissing you deeply until his amused and teasing chuckles turned into low and rumbling groans that arose from deep within his chest, and he pulled away to order you to your knees before him, mouth open and waiting so he could see the way your eager tongue stuck out to taste him even before he was bare before you, and how your perfect thighs began to rub together in a fruitless attempt to ease the ache that the sight of him never ceased to cause.
Not after he had held you firm against his chest, arm looped around your middle as you'd laid beneath him on all fours while he'd thrust his strong and lithe hips against your trembling ones, not an ounce of mercy to be found as he hissed and moaned with reckless abandon beside your ear, the sounds of his pleasure easily matching and occasionally even drowning out your own as he reminded you of who you had been born to serve, to worship, and to cum for upon his very command.
And oh, did he command.
Eleven orgasms, if you had counted correctly, and you were fairly certain with as hazy as your mind had felt after the first four, that you had not.
Your cheeks burned red at the clear and persistent memories of the previous night, Loki's satisfied groans and sluttish moans playing over and over within your head as if he were right there with you, cock buried in whichever tight, wet hole was deemed worthy of his attentions within that particular moment.
You swallowed thickly, pressing your thighs together tightly as you continued your seemingly endless work, flower after flower coming to rest perfectly upon the third archway that had been granted your efforts for the morning thus far.
Though, in spite of how diligently you worked at your assigned chore, it seemed that the fates themselves had something against it being completed,
For what other reason could there be for such familiarly agile hands to suddenly rest upon your hips so early in the morn, in spite of the tiresome escapades that had occurred the night before?
It was so unlike the younger prince of Asgard to awaken so early after a night of passion, after which he tended to lounge upon his sheets, naked body blessing the very realm with its presence as sunlight danced upon his skin.
You had seen that many a time after all, hadn't you? So you would certainly know, better than most at that, if not better than all.
But then again, it was so very much like Loki to rise early not to seize this day, but rather to seize you upon it as he had done for the past three May Eves since he had claimed you as his own...
And maybe you had not considered that fact as diligently as you should have while working to tire him out the night before, though now you were embarrassed to admit that you scarcely knew why you would have wanted to do so in the first place.
It seemed that your rather vivid memories of the prior evening's festivities had brought about a familiar stirring betwixt your thighs, and you knew all too well that there was only one set of hands, one silver tongue, one long and devastatingly thick cock, and one god of mischief who could help you to ease your sudden discomfort.
"Good morning, my dear."
He purred against the shell of your ear, warm breaths causing your hair to flutter about delicately as his hands traveled over top your gown.
"It would seem that I require some additional support when it comes to selecting and befitting myself with the proper attire for this afternoon's festivities."
He all but purred, forcing you to bite back a shiver as you struggled not to make your already overwhelming need for him too obvious.
It was never fun to just give in, after all.
You knew all too well how much he liked the chase.
So, with that thought in mind, you steadied yourself to the best of your ability, giving your already racing imagination a few brief moments of peace before finally, you spoke,
"Is that so, my prince?"
You asked, feigning curiosity as you did your best to continue working on the task at hand, sore fingers working deftly at soft petals and slightly thorny stems as you weaved them continuously through metal.
"Well, I regret to inform you that your dear mother, our most respected queen, specifically requested that I myself create the flowered arches for the festival this year."
You began,
"She was kind enough to let me know how much she enjoyed my work upon them last eve in Lady Juniper's absence, and asked if I might be willing to work my magic for a second year running."
You heard an amused chuckle arise from behind you, and though you were certain that Loki had already planned something truly devious to drag you away from your duties with, you continued to feign innocence.
"And how could I dare say no to a request such as that, dear prince? It would seem that Lady Juniper's past maternity leave has provided me with quite the opportunity with which to rise into our lady's good graces, and who would I be to squander such a thing?"
There was a thoughtful hum from your lover as he reached beyond you to thumb at a few of the petals that decorated your current project with his left hand, though the right stayed firm upon your hip, the pads of his fingers pressing deftly into your flesh just as they had done the night before, mirroring the bruises he'd left there perfectly.
"An utter fool, to be sure."
He replied easily, voice low and smooth as he continued,
"Though, I can think of a far better way for you to rise into the All-Mother's good graces, sweetling."
He murmured, lips brushing against your neck just enough so that you could feel the smirk that rested so prominently upon them.
He had you exactly where he wanted you, though you could scarcely bring yourself to mind when there was such a tremendous desire building for him deep within your core.
You asked curiously, nimble fingers still working on your once so heavily fixated on project,
"And what might that be, Prince Loki?"
At that, you felt the ever teasing god of mischief crowd your back, his hardness pressed against you as you desperately fought the urge to wriggle against his crotch just to hear the no doubt sluttish groan he would let out if you did.
Thankfully enough though, your lover seemed eager to get to the point, the reasoning for that fact somehow growing even harder at the touch of your warmth, even with it being so dulled beneath your clothing.
He chuckled,
"Well my dear, I think you would find her to be quite pleased if you were to request your own leave in the coming months."
He purred, and this time, you could not even hope to fight back the shiver that followed, your hands finding either side of the nearly completed archway with a gasp as Loki bent you over at the waist, pressing himself as close to your clothed core as he could manage with a low and eager groan, his words dripping with both amusement and thinly veiled arousal as he spoke up again,
"Would you like me to give you a reason to do so?"
He all but growled, offering you one tortuously slow gyration of his hips in order to ensure your understanding of his less than subtle connotations as the hand that had once gripped so tightly to your hip moved swiftly beneath your dress, rubbing firmly against your bundle of nerves through your undergarments as you gasped both out of humiliation for where he had you so plainly in need of him, as well as out of arousal at his confident and ever beseeching touch.
And then suddenly, you were giving fervent and almost pleading nods in response to his previous question, having given up entirely on any hope of completing your most important project of the day.
It was, after all, May Eve, and how else should one hope to properly celebrate the coming of the Spring if not by blossoming beneath the touch of the queen's beloved second son?
And, it was as Loki had so cleverly stated himself,
It was not as if you would not be arriving swiftly and permanently within Frigga's good graces soon.
No, not if the god of mischief had his way,
Not if the two of you celebrated Walpurgisnacht in the way that Freyja herself had intended.
Loki Tag List: @mischief2sarawr
Additional Tag: @lokisgoodgirl (thank you very much for so kindly answering my anonymous questions regarding the SAS earlier! I've found that I have yet to develop the courage necessary to directly message any (other) particular authors yet, but I figured I can at least step outside of my comfort zone and tag you as you oh so kindly gave me permission to in your reply. Thank you again for your encouragement! <3)
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loki-cees-all · 10 months
For the celebration, what would Loki do if he realized your birthday was coming up but you were sad about getting older? Or being alone on that day?
The Distraction {Avengers!Loki x Avengers!Reader}
Cee's Loki Fic Masterlist / Cee and K's Glorious Birthday Bash Celebration Prompt List / AO3 Link
Pairing : (hints of) Avengers!Loki x Avengers!Reader
Summary : Another year, another birthday. All you want to do is not think about it too much, so Loki comes up with a helpful distraction.
W/c : 1.5k words
Content/Warnings : Fluff, a smidgeon of angst, Loki & reader friendship, hints that it could be something more
Author's Note : Apologies this took so long, @queen-paladin. Hope you enjoy it! <3
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“So, what are your plans for this evening?” 
Bruce’s question had caught you off guard. Zoning out a while ago, you were only brought back to the reality of the Avengers conference room once you felt everyone’s gaze upon you. The meeting hadn’t started yet, and apparently the conversation had shifted to the subject of your birthday during the wait, much to your own chagrin. 
“Climbing a mountain? Wrangling a wild lion? Threesome? Stop me when I’m getting warm,” Tony offered without looking up from his cell phone; even while not paying attention, he still needed to make the most entertaining guess possible.
Clint laughed as he twirled a pen between his fingers. “Angling for an invite?”
“Well, surely she’ll be reflecting on her triumphs and accomplishments over the past year. Isn’t that what mortals do on their birthdays?” Thor mumbled through a mouthful of several donuts. His question was a genuine one, and so was his smile; and he meant no harm, but it still made you shift uncomfortably in your seat. 
“Only if Lady Gaga is the third,” Tony replied to Clint with a smirk. The conversation was already spiraling wildly out of control, and your throat was starting to dry up. 
“Leave her be,” Natasha interrupted, sensing your discomfort from across the table. “You guys aren’t cool enough to hear about her birthday plans anyway…” 
As you brought the coffee cup to your lips, Natasha shot you a wink, and you were grateful for the save. Truthfully, you hated your birthday and therefore had nothing on the agenda…other than your definitely exciting plans of catching some much-needed shut-eye and trying not to think too much about anything. 
“Whatever her plans are, she’s definitely earned it. And we all wish you the happiest of birthdays,” Steve smiled reassuringly before clearing his throat to begin the meeting. 
As he went on and on about intel reports and reminders about the importance of collateral damage mitigation, one pair of eyes continued to linger on you - soft, thoughtful, curious. He hadn’t said much during the previous conversation, but then again, he never did. 
Instead, Loki preferred to study and listen, to learn whatever he could in the silence of everything left unsaid. And once the meeting finally adjourned, you silently retreated to your private quarters, eager for the silence where no one would expect you to say anything. 
The evening snow had cocooned the city in a blanket of chilled warmth, cozy and elegant and quiet. There were no sirens and emergencies that night; it was so cold outside that even villains and criminals couldn’t be bothered to stir up trouble. 
Snuggled up tight in your bed inside Stark Tower with your phone on silent mode, you drifted in and out of consciousness - thinking about everything that had passed you by, dreaming about what you’d never be able to accomplish. You had made it to the Avengers Team, an impressive feat to be sure, but how long would that last?
Would you ever feel like you’d made it in a building surrounded by Gods and geniuses, miracles and champions? Would you ever find love? Did Avengers ever get a happy ending? Probably not…
The knuckles of a careful hand tapped on your door, rousing you from your thoughts. It was late - almost midnight, minutes away from not having to think about your birthday for another year. 
Begrudgingly, you extracted yourself from the warm blankets and trudged to the door of your private quarters. The air was frigid and sharp, and you shivered as you brushed the hair out of your eyes and looked through the peephole. 
Loki waited on the other side of the door, standing tall and regal, yet casual and sincere, all at the same time. And despite the late hour, or maybe even because of it, he looked even more beautiful than usual. 
You had no idea why he was here; you hadn’t spent much time with him outside the confines of missions, but you always wished that was different. When he did speak up, he was clever and funny, and he seemed to be at least somewhat amused by you too. But he preferred seclusion, and so did you. 
Swallowing hard, you scrambled to smooth out your wrinkled pajamas and comb your fingers through your messy hair, trying to appear at least somewhat put together as you pulled open the door. 
“Apologies for the late intrusion, but…could I have a moment of your time?” he greeted, smiling an infuriating combination of charm and consideration. 
You nodded and tried to ignore the butterflies in your belly as you stepped aside to let him in. “Yeah, of course. Sorry, I just got back from the, um…” 
Loki followed you inside, his hands placed casually in his pockets as he looked curiously around your room. But his gaze returned to you as your voice trailed off, waiting patiently for you to continue. 
“From the, um…place with the…” you trailed off again, trying to come up with an interesting thing you had done that night. Loki arched an eyebrow and an amused smile crept across his face as he watched you try to come up with a believable lie. 
Sighing heavily and resigning to admit the truth, you collapsed down on the couch. “I didn’t go anywhere tonight. I really hate my birthday.” 
Loki chuckled and sat down carefully next to you. “Yes, I’d gathered as much. It seems like birthdays are a mixed bag for humans…” 
“Yeah, they really are…” you replied quietly, staring at your fingers as they pressed and fidgeted with one another. “Is it the same way with Asgardian birthdays?” 
Loki shifted on the couch to lean back and cross his legs. “Well, we don’t really have a concept of birthdays where I’m from. After the first thousand or so, I’d imagine that they’d probably become incredibly…tedious,” he answered thoughtfully. 
“Yeah, that makes sense…” 
Silence descended upon you both, and you realized it was the first time you’d ever been alone with him. He smelled like an ancient forest and the spices of a distant land. It was comforting, and suddenly you couldn’t remember why you’d never invited him over before. 
“So what is it about your special day that’s left you so melancholy?” 
You laughed and shook your head as you leaned back too, staring up at the ceiling overhead. “You’re the God of Lies, and from what I’ve gathered, a quick study on humanity. So why don’t you tell me?” 
“Well, from my thorough interrogations of other humans…” Loki smiled teasingly before letting out a deep breath. “I’d wager it has to do with the passage of time. The reminder of your own mortality. The pressures that society places on you to have the best day ever. When in reality, it’s just…another day one needs to make it through.” 
You turned to look at him, and he met your gaze. His green eyes were beautiful, sparkling even in the low light of your quarters. “Mmm. You really are a quick study…” 
“Well, I do what I can…�� Loki hummed in response. His lips parted as if he wanted to say something else, and your breath hitched; but instead, he turned his head to look out the window. 
Returning your attention to your hands, you tried not to think about what he was going to say, or what it meant that he was here. That you were alone together. That he was…trying to comfort you, in his own way. 
“It’s a pity to waste all that…” he murmured absentmindedly as he pulled the curtains aside. 
The snow was starting to pile up outside, and the sky was filled with fluttering sheets of crisp white, effortlessly dimming the lights of the city and making you feel like you two were the only ones left in the world. “Shall we go and have what you humans call a snowball fight?” 
You laughed incredulously. “The God of Mischief wants to spend the last few minutes of my birthday having a snowball fight?” 
Loki turned back to you with a playful grin on his face. It was intoxicating and delightful. “Why not? You seem like you could use a distraction. And what is mischief if not a distraction?” 
You couldn’t help but smile, the biggest one you’d had all day. Loki returned your smile in earnest as he stood up, ready to go. He held his hand out for you to take it, and you couldn’t believe the blessing he was offering. 
“Okay - but no magic. I am just a weak mortal, and it is still technically my birthday…” you teased, accepting his helping hand. 
Loki laughed with a warm smile. “Agreed, I won’t use any magic. Wouldn’t want to humiliate you on your birthday, now would I?”
You really didn’t care whether you won or lost the upcoming fight. All that mattered was that you had a distraction - and Loki was the perfect one. 
⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
Click here to be added to my Loki fic tag list! 💚
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ikkosu · 8 months
summary : prowl gets distracted and it’s not his fault. warnings : suggestive, not full smut
PROWL feels strange and he hates it. Much like entities perched onto his shoulders, he hates that he’s stuck between giving into the warm impulse of the angel and shoving the thing away with the ire of the devil. Not that the latter wasn’t preferable, he’d do it in a heartbeat if he had any, the former was just — too tempting.
In the event he’d give in — to the angel, of course, — his actions would contradict the program he set for himself. The strict routine of a decree he abides by with the full heart of a servant. What is he, a lowly coward to fall prey towards such minuscule temptations?
There. There it is again, that adorable lilt in your tone. The stretch of the vowels that chirps into a playful purr. Oh, to strangle you dead and throw you outside the window was a better temptation than the one you're prodding him with. If Loki was a human, not that he wasn't one, you'd be the prime embodiment of the trickster.
He’s glaring at the datapad than the source of his misery : the lump of human flesh, cradled on his lap, the same way a cat does when it prefers to breach it’s owner’s sense of privacy. Except your face is smushed against his chassis and your arms are curled around his sides. Your pliant lips pressed against the cool metal did nothing to help. Why was it even there in the first place if not to piss him off?
“What’s with the long face?” You had the nerve to ask.
Prowl grimaces. "If you didn't know any better I'd say you’re deliberately trying to distract me.”
“Distract you?" You guffawed dramatically like you weren't. "Me? Me distracting you? What makes you think I, the oh so vulnerable fleshie, am?"
Of course, he didn't have the pride to address that, because if he did you're never going to let it down until the day he's old, worn, rusty and tattered. And Cybertronians live for on centuries. So he hisses. "Don’t test me, missy. I'll have you know I'm still your superior. So you're in no way—"
“You said I could sit, so I sat.”
"On the couch. Beside me."
"On you or off it, it doesn't matter. I followed your orders and stuck to the plan. So suck it."
"In a professional manner. This is, in now way, howba subordinate would treat their superior."
"But this is more better." Your finger curls out to tap his nose and he flinches with a scowl. “You’re the one who’s getting aaaall warm by yourself and you're mad at me?"
“This is ridiculous. I’m getting warm because you’re hogging my body heat.” He grits through his dentas, reigning the last thread of calm. “ I’m not a chair for you to use as you please. I am the chief strategist, the second in command and I demand that you—"
“Too late, I’ve taken colony here,”
He's this close to snapping. Also, inaccurate wording, if you must. “That’s not how it works. Colonization refers to—“
“I meant, I like it here.”
“ I was under the impression humans would prefer things that are warm and soft. Not hard metal that could potentially crush you.”
That’s not the only thing hard, right now. He thinks grimly. Just as he thinks you're out of antics, you pull yourself up further against his torso, thigh against his sides, warmth wrapping around him. Prowl stiffens, hiding the muffled clang from below with a cough.
“Oh, they do. But d’you know what’s interesting about humans?”
His circuits cloud with the buzz of a hundred bees nagging his processors. No, he mustn’t give in. Ignore the thing and it’ll leave when it pleases. As he steels himself not to lose focus, his faceplate burned up, much the same way when he’s chastised by Ultra Magnus for implementing another ‘unruly’, ’inhumane’ course of actions against — well, whatever the problem is. But this time it’s not vexation he feels, no. It’s chagrin.
Your soft hands curl around his neck cables, dancing around the cords, tracing along the lines. Curse Primus and whoever forged that region to be so sensitive. He’s snapped into a trance against once the warmth of your body archs into his cold metal ones, molding into the crevices perfectly. The smile is still there; mischievous, always so playful.
“Do you know what it is, Prowl? Why humans are considered so interesting? So lovable, so adorable so....enticing?"
Prowl feels his dentas grinding and digits further digging into the rims of the datapad. That’s impossible. He can’t possibly be deterred like this. Prowl? The Prowl. Second in Command Autobot Prowl? Please, that’s just atrociously, physically imp—
“If you’re so insistent…” His helm swivels to you. The datapad is long forgotten, tossed to the side and his servos cup your sides with a gentle grip. He's seething calmly if that's even possible. “Can you indulge me about what’s so interesting about humans?"
He leans close, arching his body to dwarf over your own. The heat of his body is just as flaring as his frustration.
"They're inferior, just like you are—" You're now caged in by his arms, "—Emotional, brittle little fleshbags who can't keep their hands to themselves, so pathetic—" His croons rumbles like waves through your body even if he's an ass about it.
"How can they possibly be so...lovable, as you insist it to be so? In fact, I find them quite repulsive. Good for stomping."
His thumb pressed against your lips. What's a better way to counter his attack than striking up a better blow?
“How about you find out for yourself, Prowler?”
Your tongue flicks out, pink and slick and it trails a path down the digit.
He’s not always one to smile, but when he does it’s always that punchable, smug ridden tug of his lips. Like he knows better than half the planet does.Like he's always right and you're wrong. The crook of his nose nudges your own.
“Maybe, I will.”
His helm dives down, dermas latching onto your lips and before you know it you’re pushed up against the desk, datapads and stylus pens cluttering about to the ground disregarded. Your fingers curls into the crevices of his back.
So much for distracting.
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Last Updated: 2024-08-06
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Loki Odinson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ Clandestine F*cks by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Courting Disaster by michelleleewise • 14+ • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You are the cousin of THE Tony Stark, so when you enter a relationship with the God of Mischief himself, you are determined to keep it low-key, much to his chagrin. But your lover's meddling brother has other plans…."
✑ Virgil│Prt. II│Prt. III by coldnique • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✑ Use Me as You Please by lokisprettygirl • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "When Loki gets mad, he loves to take it all out on you, and you absolutely love it."
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✑ A Calm in the Storm by joyful-enchantress • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "You escape to the rooftop [searching for] solitude, [in an effort] to forget about a certain trickster god..."
✑ Absolutely Dripping by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F᜶E〕 •
Summary: "A very wet towel-clad god interrupts your prank."
✑ Accidental Confessions by lokidokieokie • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "After [collecting a mysterious] vile, the team unwinds on the quinjet back to the Tower. What happens when Tony decides [it's] a good idea to unleash whatever [is] inside?"
✑ Admit It by fluffyfantasticducky • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "Loki likes you more than he's liked anyone before, [only he's too proud to admit it]. So when it turns out you already [know], will he [find the courage to confess]?"
✑ Aren't We a Pair by lizmaximoff • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "After being transported in the midst of battle, you're left to ponder on the nature of yours and Loki's relationship. What happens once you're reunited?"
✑ Asgard's A** by give-me-a-moose • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki catches your eyes wandering to a certain teammate. That gives him some ideas."
✑ Bonded by michelleleewise • 18+ • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "After an incident on one of your missions, loki makes a decision...."
✑ Butterflies by beyondspaceandstars • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Who knew that pulling pranks would lead to love confessions?"
✑ Carrara Marble by coldnique • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: After believing you'll need to postpone your anniversary, Loki surprises you with a trip to Louvre.
✑ Chardes by clandestineloki • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "The Avengers are in a very heated game of charades, and Tony decides it’s time Loki knew how much you like him."
✑ Close to You by michelleleewise • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "You work in stark tower and have fallen hard for a certain god, but he would never feel the same... would he..."
✑ Commitments by michelleleewise • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "Your feelings for Loki have grown the closer you get, so you decide to ask him out..."
✑ Drunken Words by lokidokieokie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "If there was one thing that… always [got] on your nerves, [it's] what the press... dubbed 'Stark Parties'..., what else could you [and Loki] do besides get plastered and reveal all your secrets?"
✑ Eavesdropper by oliwrites • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki cant help but overhear your conversation with Natasha"
✑ Feelings by lokisgoodgirl • 〔A᜶E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Date night turns sour when Loki breaks up with you. Finding solace in the arms (literally) of your closest hunky friends, it seems Loki may have been too quick to come to his decision after all…
✑ Finest Asgardian Ale by lizmaximoff • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "It's Wanda Maximoff's 30th Birthday party, and a little bit of Asgardian liquor leads to some secret confessions coming to light."
✑ Green Dress, the│Prt. II by peacefulpianist • 〔E᜶F᜶C〕 •
Summary: When Stark invites you to one of his infamous parties, Nat suggests you wear the green dress you bought months ago. Perhaps it will be enough to inspire a certain god to finally make a move.
✑ Green Knit Sweater by springdandelixn • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You're angry because of Tony's stupidity, [luckily] Loki has a way to calm you down."
✑ His Colour by rorilisa • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "[You challenge Loki's 'ownership' of green with your] very own green dress... [leading to] months of flirtatious comments and sexual tension [to] finally reach a breaking point."
✑ I'm Yours by lokisprettygirl • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "When you catch you boyfriend Loki flirting with a supermodel at Tony's birthday bash, you snap."
✑ Injured by devilbat •
Summary: …
✑ Intoxicated by clandestineloki • 18+ • 〔E᜶M〕 •
Summary: When you accidentally inhale for an aphrodisiac in front of Loki, you flee, not wanting to be around him and your current state. However, he finds you offering a solution to what else you.
✑ Knight in Shining Leather by coldnique • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: When you're in over your head, Loki swoops in to save you from disaster.
✑ Let's Just Have Fun by irishhappiness • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You just wanted to have fun but your boyfriend decided differently."
✑ Light as a Feather by clandestineloki • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "...some ropes, a blindfold, and you and Loki in absolutely no clothes. The possibilities are endless."
✑ Mischief Mission by lizmaximoff • 〔F〕 •
Summary: In the heat of battle, Loki transports the both of you into a weird a spot.
✑ Movie Night by michelleleewise • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: It was your regular movie night with your favorite God, when things take an unexpected turn...
✑ My Little Princess by tricksterlokilaufeyson • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Excerpt: 'Open, open, open,' your baby girl jumped excitedly as you grabbed the handle that was too high for her to reach yet... this was her favorite time of day, when work was done... and she could spend time with her favorite person in the whole world: her father.
✑ No Expert by give-me-a-moose • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Loki ends up in the med bay, and you swear you'll kill him.
✑ Not Fair by peacefulpianist • 18+ • 〔F᜶E〕 •
Summary: Loki overhears you complaining about the inadequacies of your latest lover to Nat and Wanda one night, and decides it's time for him to show you how they do it in Asgard.
✑ Sinful Desire by michelleleewise • 18+ • 〔E᜶M〕 •
Summary: You had pined for Loki for some time, accepting that it was a dream, when an accidental encounter brings new revelations...
✑ So Beautiful by lokiisdaddyblog • 18+ • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "When being amongst Gods and Goddesses leaves you feeling a bit insecure, Loki reminds you just how beautiful you are."
✑ So Pretty by jpat82 • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "..."
✑ Sound of Love, the by fluffyfantasticducky • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "Loki now an Avenger, is quite the reclusive and introverted member in the Avenger's compound and for someone who likes peace and quiet, it's ironic how smitten he is for the loudest member of the team."
✑ Stop and Smell the Flowers by bellesque •
✑ Suprise by michelleleewise • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "Not sure if you were coming down with something, you decided to go to the doctor..."
✑ Thinking of You by michelleleewise • 18+ • 〔E᜶M〕 •
Summary: "Every time you see Loki, your thoughts run wild... unbeknownst to you, he can hear them too..."
✑ Training by jpat82 • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: After coming to terms with your feelings for Loki, Steve decides to play match-maker.
✑ Wait a Minute by give-me-a-moose • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki discovers a new side of you, [causing] a moment of crisis."
✑ Warming Embrace by christinebloodwrittings • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "Loki usually doesn't like to have blood on his hands, but when it comes to you, he throws his rational thinking overboard."
✑ Welcome Home by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki comes back early from a mission. Smutty, sleepy mischief ensues..."
✑ What Ails You by maple-seed • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "Loki is your [best friend], which leaves you struggling when you want something more."
✑ What He Doesn't Know by starks-hero • 〔M᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ What's Your Type?│Prt. II by lokisprettygirl • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: Gossiping, with Wanda, never lead to anything good. When the topic shifts to your taste, in men, you can't help but think about a certain dark, charming, yet mysterious God.
✑ Whisky, My King? by loving-barnes • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Loki finds an unexpected surprise [waiting for him] in the compound's library."
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✑ Adore You by lokisgoodgirl • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Allow Me by lokisgoodgirl • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Always Forever by infinitystoner • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Black Cat by dyns33 • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Breathless by asgardwinter • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Cheerleader by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ End Credits by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 •
✑ Even Gods Dream by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Favourite Mortal by mostly-marvel-musings • 〔F〕 •
✑ Frigga's Wedding Gift by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Frogs by gaitwae • 〔F〕 •
✑ Honestly Mischievous by asgardwinter • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Have a Confession by oliwrites • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Looooove Youuuu by michelleleewise • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Put a Spell on You by goddessofmischief • 〔F〕 •
✑ In a Different Light by psychospore • 〔F〕 •
✑ Little Mischiefs by lokiisdaddyblog • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Loki's Bachelor Party by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Loki's Special Night by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Lovers' Perjuries by idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ My Beloved by christinebloodwrittings • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Not the Alcohol by asgardwinter • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Our Future by your-highnessmarvel • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Public Display of Affection by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Purrr... by michelleleewise • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Sensitive Soul by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Seventeen Lemons by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ So Innocent by clandestineloki • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Tough Human by asgardwinter • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Truth or Dare by michelleleewise • 〔F〕 •
✑ Worthy by peterman-spideyparker • 〔C〕 •
✑ Yeah "Friends" by peterman-spideyparker • 〔F〕 •
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✑ Being in Love w/ Loki by thranduilsperkybutt •
✑ Dating Loki would include… by witchthewriter • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Loki Odinson Master Index
Authors: @asgardwinter || @bellesque || @beyondspaceandstars || @christinebloodwrittings || @clandestineloki || @coldnique || @devilbat || @dyns33 || @fluffyfantasticducky || @gaitwae || @give-me-a-moose || @goddessofmischief || @iamnotoriginalphil || @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 ||@infinitystoner || @irishhappiness || @joyful-enchantress || @jpat82 || @lizmaximoff || @lokidokieokie || @lokiisdaddyblog || @lokisgoodgirl || @lokisprettygirl || @loving-barnes || @maple-seed || @michelleleewise || @mostly-marvel-musings || @oliwrites || @peacefulpianist || @peterman-spideyparker || @psychospore || @rorilisa || @springdandelixn || @starks-hero || @thranduilsperkybutt || @tricksterlokilaufeyson || @witchthewriter || @your-highnessmarvel ||
111 notes · View notes
eggroll-sama · 2 years
Record of Ragnarok: Ideal s/o Headcanons
Warning: suggestive, mention of sex
Poseidon will want someone that will aesthetically compliment his looks and reputation. In other words, he’d like someone that is beautiful, but not as beautiful as him. Specifically, he doesn’t really have a preference. You just need to have nice teeth, kept hair, glowing and unblemished skin, a symmetrical face, and on and on and on. Just don’t be more beautiful than him, thank you.
Personality wise, he’d like someone that is feminine, intelligent and regal.
You can be dominant and arrogant with others, just don’t be when you’re with him. It’ll tarnish his reputation as a strong and fearsome god. Also if you are a virgin he would like that. It would boost his ego to know he has the privilege to be the only one to be with you.
He wants you to be intelligent and to be well versed in history, mathematics, language, and the sciences. He’s more traditional and emphasizes more importance on book smarts than street smarts. Also, if you’re really good at debating and holding your own in an argument, he’d find it very attractive. For example, if during a godly meeting you were to stand your own on a stance against another god, he’d be so smug and in love with you. He wouldn’t show it on his face, but once you get back to the castle he would pin you against the wall and make out with you, growling under his breathe about how it was your fault for making him this way.
Not Ideal: dumb, domineering, scheming :)
More characters under the cut!
Loki sometimes badgers him about his ideal s/o. He wouldn’t answer him -much to his cousin's chagrin- but in his mind his love would have long dark hair and a nice smile.
Personality wise, he’d like someone that is strong. In any type of sense. He would prefer a more physically strong lover, but it is not a requirement. He emphasizes the most on a strong mentality. He believes no matter how muscular or large you are, without a strong soul you are weak. He understands the hardships of being the lover of a god; they’d have to have the mental strength to overcome difficulties of being in that position.
Also, he’d prefer if you are extroverted. He struggles with talking or giving an opinion, so someone that can enhance communication will be great. Of course he’s a really observant god, but observing can take him only so far; a person that is willing to talk to him about everyday things or their problems will make him happy (though he doesn’t show it).
Not Ideal: secretive, complainer, weak-minded
I know he’s literally a shapeshifting god and he transformed into some pretty ugly things in the past, but he still has preferences in terms of looks. If you like piercings and tattoos he’d be very interested in you since he has several of his own. He also finds the grunge/goth look attractive. He loves beauty marks on his partner. But he’d hide that and tease you about them like a jerk. Also, the guy is a sucker for chubby cheeks. He’d be touching them every chance he gets. You feel like a stress ball sometimes.
He wants a partner in crime to pull pranks with and on. Someone that is creative, funny, and a tease. His family is literally full of straight faces; he wants someone that will laugh with him and talk with him about nonsensical ideas. A naturally curious person that will indulge in various ideas and hypotheticals will be perfect for him.
There needs to be something about you that is interesting. It could be intelligence, physical/mental strength, your way of thinking, how you dress, etc. Something that sets you apart from other people. If you are just a normal, everyday individual, he probably won’t give you a second glance. And no, being like the “quirky” girls on TikTok does not count.
Not Ideal: too quiet, serious, bland
Lu Bu
He’s drinking with his soldiers and they ask him in a drunk haze what his “ideal lover” would be. Lu Bu is honest and tells them he’s not interested in commiting to a relationship. He’s not going to date someone when he has the goal of being the strongest. He has one night stands to vent his frustrations and quench his boredom, but that’s the limit. He also deems it very unlikely for him to find love in this time period. Not that he really cares about those sort of things. Doesn’t really believe in true love either.
But low and behold, Lu Bu’s trustworthy strategist, Chen Gong, has spent many a night thinking about this very same topic. He’s deduced from observing his general’s personality and every day interactions that Lu Bu would be best compatible with a strong-minded, caring woman. He needs someone that can rile him up in all sorts of ways. Somehow, a woman that can make a smart remark every once in a while would be a nice change. Someone that has the courage to talk to him. His general hasn’t met a woman who sticks around after seeing his ferocity on the battlefield.
Chen Gong believes they have to be caring. Lu Bu is surrounded by bloodshed and war everyday. He feels that what his general needs the most in a partner is someone that is supportive and will let Lu Bu be vulnerable. Someone that will let Lu Bu relax after a long fought battle. Someone that will treat him like a human than worship or envy his strength.
(Chen Gong doesn’t know this, but Lu Bu finds it attractive when women eat a lot)
Not ideal (according to Chen Gong): cowardly, weak-minded, apathetic
He doesn’t care about looks. He’s the father of humanity, he loves every single type of person: tall or short, hairy or thin hair, big boobs no boobs, etc.
Ideally, Adam wants someone who has a motherly aura and has a kind and selfless heart. Someone who’s gentle and has a nurturing heart. Someone who shows gratitude and appreciation for what they are given.
Although he’s strong, he wants to be with a person that he can trust and rely on. Someone he can be vulnerable with. It will take time for him to warm up to you. He’d have to be sure that you are a good person and will confess to you once he’s gotten to know you for a long time.
Adam also likes to tease and play around sometimes behind closed doors, so he’d like it if you aren’t the most easily-offended person. He’d feel awful if he’s just lightly teasing you and you make a big deal out of it and ignore him.
Not ideal: self-centered, overreactor, untrustworthy
Like Lubu he strives for strength, but is more open to the idea of a relationship. When he was still alive, he’d daydream about having a lover beside him. They’d have the prettiest smile, and skin as smooth as the softened glass shards by the ocean shores. Somebody who’d accompany him on his journey, perhaps. Someone who possessed a voice of wisdom because he knows he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
Although he’d occasionally feel lonely camping alone in the forest, it really wasn’t on his to-do list to find a lover. He felt that the perfect person is the one who will see him for who he is and love him for it no matter what.
They need to be independent. Somebody that wouldn’t mind a long distance relationship. His travels might take 1-2 months, or maybe 6 months. He would occasionally show up at your house unannounced with a gift from his travels. If you try convince him to stay, he’d feel really guilty and might break up with you because you deserve somebody that doesn’t stress you out. But if you’re up for it, he wouldn’t mind taking you with him!
Not ideal: dependent, stability > taking risks
488 notes · View notes
siconetribal · 3 months
Beyond the Bookshelves (5)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Anger, Tension, Somebody's in big trouble
Summary: You’re a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You’ve been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: Sorry this took too long. I had a lot of work to catch up on post Covid-19. I hope you enjoy!
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know! (If I missed ant tags, please let me know, I'll add you right away!)
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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The golden sun gave way to evening shadows as time ticked onwards. Loki sat crouched in the bushes, breath heavy, sweat dripping down the sides of his face, and blue eyes scanning the dark dense foliage surrounding him, looking for any signs of his opponent. His heart was pounding against his chest in a rhythm that seemed far too loud in the silence. Seconds felt like hours as he waited. The distant rustle of branches had him holding his breath. They were close.
“You search East, I’ll go West, and you go North.” The voice was just loud enough to make out the instructions. “They have to be in here somewhere.”
“He’s a lot harder to find than I thought.” The other grumbled. The heavy weight of reluctance was music to Loki’s ears.
“I told you he was not someone to take lightly. He was trained in warfare and is a master strategist, quick on his feet.”
“Yeah, yeah, I heard you, Goldilocks! You sing his praises to the high heavens every time you get.”
“Tony,” the leader, Captain America, hissed loudly. “Lower your voice, or you’ll end up giving us away.” The silence that followed was enough to let Loki know that the method of communication had changed.
I must get in touch with the Snowflake and hawk. He quietly slipped through the trees until he was able to see at least one of them. The tin man. Loki eyed the bright red and gold suit as it moved forward. He could easily take him down now, proving he was able to handle it on his own. But that would lead to failure in this practice. A frown tugged at his lips as he continued to the meeting point.
“Were you able to find them?” Clint’s voice came from above. The younger prince looked up to see him perched on a tree branch.
“Yes, they’ve spread out to find us to the North of us. The overly patriotic leader is heading West, my brother to the East, and the Tin Man further North.” 
“The element of surprise is ours if we work together. Who is the closest?” Bucky stood up from the rock he was sitting on.
“The Tin Man relies heavily on his suit to scan the surrounding area, we can use that as a means to lure him into a trap. The next best target would be the Star Soldier, leaving Thor for last if we wish to go with the quickest route. It would be unwise to prolong any fights to preserve our strength.”
“They’ve got strength and firepower, but they don’t take terrain into account. We can use that to our advantage.” Clint hopped down to join them. “Tony first?” The other two nodded their heads.
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The blaring sound of an alarm echoed through the room as the forest that once surrounded time vanished, revealing the large empty hanger where the training session took place. The computer voice announced the winning team of the exercise, much to the chagrin of Tony Stark.
“Beginner’s luck,” he grumbled as Captain America and Thor openly congratulated Loki, Clint, and Bucky for a job well done. 
“If that’s the case, I’m on his ‘beginner’ team from now on. I’ll never have to worry about losing.” Clint snickered. “That can’t have been just an hour, though. How long did that run?” He frowned, looking up at the holographic screen that displayed the details.
“Four hours?” Thor raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“That took a lot longer than we anticipated, but it was a good session.” Steve let out a slow whistle. “I’ll need to read through the notes for the meetings I’ve missed.”
“Anyone who had a meeting will be stuck reading.” Bucky heaved out a heavy sigh at the boring task. As Clint and Tony contributed to the conversation, Loki silently stared at the times listed. Something about it bothered him, like a constant nudge at the back of his mind begging to be identified. 
What’s wrong with any of it? The start time is correct, and the duration adds up to the end time. I don't have as many meetings for the next couple of days due to the changes in mission plans. What could I possibly be missing? The small dips at the corners of his lips grew into a proper frown, his eyebrows knitting together. There was something he was missing.
“Well done everyone, that was an excellent session. I’ll send out the details for reviewing the footage with the rest of the Avengers on a later date.” The lead trainer’s voice came over the speakers.
“Sounds good, looking forward to it.” Steve waved to the control window before leading them all out.
“Loki, aren’t you coming?” He nearly snapped at Thor for breaking his thoughts. He was moments away from realizing what was nagging at him, but it was lost to now.
“Coming,” he followed the rest of them out. What could I have possibly forgotten?
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Y/N glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time. According to the schedule she had, Loki was supposed to be here over two hours ago. It was nearing three, and she was growing more and more irritated with the lack of respect.
If there was some kind of emergency, they would’ve announced it right away. Sure, training can run over by a couple of minutes or even an hour, but three? Is this his way of telling me to eff off? That he hates me for whatever reason? Which I don’t even know why he would! He's the one that's been ignoring me! I thought being raised as a prince comes with etiquette training, was common decency removed from that curriculum or was he trained to be a prickly porcupine? There has to be something, Thor didn't ignore me, he even admitted that Loki was better at devising a plan! But I highly doubt that claim right now.
She hit the refresh button on her email for the hundredth time, another desperate attempt to give him a chance to explain, only to find no response waiting to be read. She would give him a piece of her mind the next time she saw him. That handsome face grew more devilish with each passing minute of no response.
“I get that the task isn't a top priority, but a sliver of decency and respect for your coworker would be nice! I rank above him for crying out loud!” She forced her hand to let go of the computer mouse or else it would have been the victim of her frustration, smashed into the desk or thrown at the closest wall. “Deep breaths, Y/LN, deep breaths. There is clearly a logical explanation, and he will tell you all about it the next time he is available. Things happen, not everyone checks their emails all the time. After he explains himself, I'll ask for his and Thor’s numbers for future contact.” 
The ring of the door was music to her ears. A much-needed distraction was here, and she could now avoid self-imploding and over thinking.
“I'll be right there!” She put on her best smile and shoved everything else into the chest at the back of her mind. There was nothing she could do except wait. Putting her best foot forward, she stepped out of her office to greet the patron. 
“Librarian.” Her smile nearly dropped through the floor at the smooth, accented voice. There was only one person she knew with that voice, and he was at the top of her hit list right now. 
“Loki, how nice of you to finally arrive.” She tried to sound as pleasant as possible. She would finally know what happened. Yes, any minute now I’ll know it all. Any second, he's going to just open up. Floodgates bursting open, telling me exactly why he came so late, which’ll explain the lack of notifying me sooner.  She silently stared at him, expecting him to respond. Nothing came. When he turned away, she quickly spoke up. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Don’t you have something to say to me?”
“No, why would I have something to say to you?” The raising of one eyebrow and the slight scoff she heard in his tone was the last straw.
“The library is closed, leave.” She pulled the last bit of her calmness to avoid trouble.
“No it isn’t, it’s open until,” she cut him off at his haughty tone.
“Until I say it is. This library runs on my command. I say it’s closed, now get out.” She forcibly turned him around and pushed him towards the doors.
“That is arbitrary and,”
“Oh, now you have plenty to say? Maybe you can take this time to think about what you should be saying to me. Breathe some air and touch some grass, or smack your head against a wall, I don’t care what you do! Whatever it is, it can’t be here. End of discussion.” She gave one last shove to force him to step over the threshold. “Oh, and don't bother coming back until you’ve finally remembered. You’re hereby banned until further notice. Good day, sir.” She slammed the door shut in his face and sharply turned on her heel, stomping back to her desk. “Jarvis, you heard me. Loki is banned from the library until I say so. I don’t care if he’s poofing in or climbing through a duct, you alert me right away and tell him to leave or else he will be forcibly removed.” The nerve of him to just blatantly disregard my time and forget his promise! I may have asked for his assistance, but he agreed on his own accord!
“Understood,” the computer voice responded. “Loki, the second prince of Asgard and Avenger, are forbidden from entering the library until cleared by Director Y/LN, the Librarian.”
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @jainaeatsstars @msdjsg7 @tom-hlover @kneelingformyloki @gruftiela @gigglingtiggerv2 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Ground Control To....
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: mild smut in the beginning (nothing graphic), alot of swearing, mentions of blood, innuendos, lokitty being a manace, bucky being kinda mean, the word slut, panic, anxiety, I think that's it.....if I missed anything let me know!
Summay: Loki and Bucky get called on a mission, much to Loki's chagrin....
A/n- graphics by @harlequin-hangout and a special about out to @vbecker10 and @springdandelixn for helping me brainstorm through this!! Love you!!!
Part of the Lokitty series-
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You woke up, stretching as the sunlight filtered through the curtains. Pulling your earbuds out you lifted your head looking over seeing Loki sitting on the green pillow, his stare piercing through you as you sat up, the blanket pooling at your waist stretching your arms to the ceiling giving him a show. "Morning Loki, how did you sleep?" You smiled seeing his jaw clench "aw what's the matter, cat got your tongue?" You snarked pushing the blanket aside you stood up, seeing him stand with as you sauntered to the make shift cell, trying to look as sexy as possible swinging your hips smiling
"Are you ready to behave?" You asked, his expression remaining stoic as you reached up typing the code in watching the orange light brighten before vanishing. In a flash he gripped your arms turning you around pressing your front to the glass wall, gripping your wrists in one large hand lifting them above your head. "Did you honestly think you could provoke a God and not feel his wrath?" He hissed in your ear, pressing his front to your back feeling his erection press into your backside. "I..I was counting on it." You breathed, tilting your head back feeling his teeth dig into your shoulder. "Well my love, you have my full attention." He purred gripping your hip with his free hand.
You closed your eyes, feeling his free hand slowly snake along your hip, his fingers ghosting your pelvic bone as it traveled down, a shiver running through you at his glacial pace. "Is this what you wanted...hmm?" He purred in your ear, nipping your ear lobe between his teeth "what you...longed for?" He continued, placing soft kisses down your neck. you moaned feeling his fingers ghost over the small tuft of hair at the apex of your thighs. "To feel my...retribution." He sneered, his teeth grazing your pulse point. "Loki.." you moaned, pushing your hips back attempting to urge him on when he suddenly flipped you around pressing your back to the glass, keeping your arms above your head your eyes met his lust filled ones, watching his jaw clench tightly.
"Was this part of your plan...goading me....taunting me like some wanton slut so you could have your way with me?" He snarled, gritting his teeth his eyes traveled down your body before meeting your eyes once more, his pupils blown wide. "M...maybe." you stuttered, feeling his hand reach around gripping your ass hard with his large palm. "I am curious, what else did your little plan intale hmm?" He purred, leaning down nudging your nose with his. "Tell me my little mortal, what...do...you...want." he asked, punctuating each word with his sharp tongue. "Well..." you were cut off by Jarvis suddenly speaking from the ceiling.
"Mr Laufeyson, your presence is requested in the conference room." It said "no, I'm busy." He said sternly not taking his eyes off of you "im afraid it is mandatory sir." Jarvis said when Loki's fist met the glass next to you "tell stark I am otherwise engaged, and to find someone else." He snarled to the ceiling making you shudder. "Sir, as part of your probation, I'm afraid you must attend." Jarvis continued as Loki leaned his head down looking to the floor. "Very well, I will be there in a moment." He sighed looking back up at you. "I expect you on the bed, naked and waiting for my return...am I understood?" He asked gripping your chin in his fingers "y..yes sir." You breathed when his lips latched onto yours, his tongue slipping in caressing yours as he deepened the kiss, pulling back biting your lip making you moan "good girl...be ready for me." He smiled.
You watched as his clothes materialized on his tall frame, the deep green leathers wrapping sensuously around his hard muscles, releasing your wrists he smoothed the down the front, tightening the strap across his chest "I swear by the norns this better be urgent or stark is going out the window again." He said stepping back "I will return shortly." He said, pecking your lips as he walked through the bedroom, the thud of his thick leather boots echoing through the room as he opened the door, closing It behind him with a sharp click. You released the breath you were holding, quicky climbing on the bed you tried your best to look sexy as you settled back waiting for your God to return.
You were startled awake by the door slamming, familiar boots pounding against the floor "when did I fall asleep?" You ask yourself sitting up stretching. "Dammit." You heard loki say from the other room, making you get up and slip your robe on. Walking out seeing him packing his gear into a small duffle bag. "Loki, what..." you started when he glanced up at you "I have been informed I have a mission, and I must leave in twenty minutes." He huffed throwing his bag on the couch. "Oh.." you said quietly wrapping your arms around your middle "when will you be back?" You asked looking down "it should only take a few hours, I will be back by this evening." He said striding towards you as you nodded.
"Do not worry love, when I return you will feel my...reckoning." He purred, putting his fingers under you chin making you look at him. "If that is still what you wish." He smiled, Mischief swirling in his eyes "y..yes...please." You breathed, gripping the collar of his leather tunic, you drug his lips to yours in a passionate kiss, swiping your tongue across his lip hearing him moan into your mouth, biting down on his lip as you slightly pulled back, the taste of copper on your tongue "mm...my little minx" He cooed wiping the crimson from his lip. "Hurry...back." you said sternly "yes ma'am." He breathed, pecking your lips as he walked over grabbing his bag "and Loki." You said making him look back at you from from the door "um..be careful...please." You said watching him smile and nod as he walked out closing the door behind him.
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Loki huffed, taking a seat in the cockpit waiting for his partner to return. Of all the people stark could have paired him with, it had to be the soldier. The mortal was the bane of his existence with his brash attitude and constant flirtation with you. He knew the Sargent had asked you out before he had, he also knew you had tuned him down, smiling remembering what you had said "I was waiting for you to pull your head out if you arse." Clearing his throat hearing footsteps walking up the ramp. "Thanks for waiting." Bucky snarked sitting in the pilots sear.
"You seemed to have things under control." Loki snarked back watching bucky roll his eyes "yeah well, not all of us are magicians laufeyson." Bucky said, sarcasm lacing his tone "I have an Idea, how about you get us back to the tower Barnes." Loki snapped, feeling his irritation rising "I have things I would much rather be...doing." loki said smiling, remembering his promise from this morning. "That makes two of us." Bucky said, flipping some switches on the control panel as the engine roared to life, the jet lifting in the air when Loki decided to go to the back of the jet, he needed away from this mortal.
"Need a nap old man?" Bucky snarked making Loki turn back to him "I beg your pardon?" Loki said crossing his arms. "It's just your what...a thousand years old?" Bucky asked switching on auto pilot "would be a shame if you couldn't....perform when we got back." He continued standing up facing Loki. "One thousand sixty to be exact, and what exactly are you implying Barnes." Loki asked sternly stepping forward. Bucky held his hands up smiling "I just noticed your little accessory there." He said pointing to Loki's neck "having trouble handling your woman?" He asked seeing Loki's expression change "maybe that's why she found her way to my room while you were away last time." Bucky smirked. Loki smiled at the mans weak attempt to make him jealous, remembering you telling him you had visited the soldier "yes...I'm sure she will be returning your charger very soon." Loki snarked seeing Bucky's eyes widen.
Assured he had won the argument, Loki continued to the back of jet "so, I was gonna ask...did y/n get a new suit?" He heard bucky ask making him turn back around "why?" Loki asked glaring at him "oh, no reason. She just looked really good on our last mission....and when she bent over." Bucky said fanning himself "you will watch how you speak about her." Loki snapped stepping forward "I'm just saying, she definately knows how to fill that suit in all the right places." Bucky winked making anger surge through Loki's veins "and I would be more then happy to help her out, if you can't handle her." Bucky said turning around beginning to walk back to the cockpit "I am a God you cretin! And you will not..." Bucky turned seeing the jet empty "umm loki?" He called out looking around, nearly tripping looking down seeing Loki's suit on the floor "what the..." he trailed off, leaning down he reached out, freezing seeing the suit move slightly.
"Loki..." he was cut off as a small animal lunged at his face knocking him off his feet, his back hitting the metal floor hard as the animal latched its claws into his skin. "Aahh shit! Get...off!" Bucky yelled trying to pry the animal off him when he dug his claws in deeper. Using his metal arm he pried the claws out of his cheek, tossing the animal aside as he turned his head seeing...."a cat....really laufeyson. Your losing your touch." Bucky laughed, wincing as he wiped the blood off his face seeing the cat dart away. "Yeah, you better run!" Bucky yelled turning to his side lifting himself to his knees. "Ok, where did stark put the first aid kit." Bucky said to himself standing up walking towards the back of the jet. Scrounging around in one of the cabinets he heard a noise in the vent in the wall.
Furrowing his eyebrows he pulled the grate off the wall, pulling his flashlight put he shined it into the vent trying to see what the noise was when the light reflected two small dots near the back. "Hey, what are you..." he was cut off again as Loki lunged out of the vent, again latching himself to Bucky's head "Dammit...Loki!" He yelled, trying to reach back and pull him off as Loki dug his claws into his neck sliding down to his shoulders "fuck!" Bucky yelled, looking over seeing a paw on his shoulder "don't you..." he started when his arm suddenly dropped to the floor with a loud bang. "You little..." he growled, trying to reach him with his other hand when Loki jumped down and ran off. "Loki!" Bucky yelled, the only sound the engine of the jet "this isn't funny man come on." He said looking around when he heard a loud beeping from the control panel.
He stormed to the cockpit seeing they were near the tower "Thank God." He sighed, flipping the switch to turn off the autopilot but nothing happened "shit." He hissed, picking up the radio "Hey Steve, I can't switch off autopilot." He said waiting for a response "yeah we just saw that, hang tight we're working on it." He heard Steve say. "Man, I need to land now." He said sternly glancing to the back of the jet "I know, we're trying." Steve said. Bucky slammed the radio down standing up "look, loki we can't land. Just come out and stop acting like a child." Bucky said looking around. "This is ridiculous, I'm talking to a cat." He sighed going to pick up his arm when he heard a thud came from inside the floor vent "Loki....I swear to." He started when Loki lunged out of the floor vent digging his claws into the front of Bucky's suit hissing and biting at him.
"Aahhh! Fuck!" Bucky yelled as Loki dug hard into his suit, ripping it down the front as he climbed back up, latching into his skin "loki stop!" He yelled trying to grab him again as he lept off of him diving back into the vent. Looking down he winced seeing the claw marks across his chest "two can play that game." Bucky said pulling a knife out of his utility belt "Let's go laufeyson." He said slowly stalking across the jet. His nerves were on edge, a sound behind him making him jump and spin around "come out and fight me like a man!" He yelled gripping the knife in his hand walking backwards to the back of the jet as Loki crept along the piping above him. "Are you a coward, or are you gonna come out and face me!" He yelled taking another step when Loki lunged, a ball of claws and rage landing on the top of Bucky's head clawing at his face. "Aaahh damn...fuck!" Bucky yelled dropping his knife trying to get the cat off of him.
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You ran to the landing pad as the jet landed. They had been circling the tower for over an hour and Bucky sounded panicked over the radio when they finally got the autopilot fixed. You stood at the back, watching the ramp drop as Bucky threw himself out, tripping on the way down "h..he's in the vents!" He yelled crawling backwards away from the jet "where's your arm buck?" You asked, taking in his appearance "t..the vents!" He yelled again getting up looking at you wild eyed "what happened to you?" You asked seeing his suit torn to shreds, claw marks across his face and chest and blood smeared everywhere "h..he happened to me!" He said pointing to the jet. You peeked in not seeing anyone "did you hit your head?" You asked turning back seeing Bucky back up more "Stay away from the vents!" He yelled before running into the tower.
You turned back to jet shaking your head as you walked up the ramp "loki, come on." You called out not getting a response when your foot nudged something, looking down seeing one of Loki's boots. "Shit.." you muttered, walking futher seeing a pile of his leathers "he's in the..." you trailed off looking around, Bucky's arm laying on the floor in the corner, his knife laying haphazardly in the middle of the floor. Looking over seeing the vent cover had been removed from the wall vent when realization hit you "Loki Laufeyson!" You yelled, putting your hands on your hips looking around "im going to give you two minutes to show yourself!" You yelled tapping your foot when you heard a small thump in the floor vent by Bucky's arm, it slowly lifted and two bright green eyes met yours.
"Out....here....now!" You said stenrly as Loki crawled out of the vent, walking over he sat down by your feet looking up at you with a quiet meow. You looked down at him crossing your arms "what do you have to say for yourself?" You asked getting another quiet meow as he looked down. "Room now." You said sternly as he leaned up on his hind legs reaching up to you "no, you can walk." You said storming past him. You made it to your room, opening the door seeing Loki rush past you jumping on the bed.
You sighed, heading to the closet seeing him lay out on the bed. Putting on your biggest sweater paired with a pair of sweat pants you came out sitting on the bed when Loki came up nudging your side. "No, you sleep on your side, and I think im going to have a headache for awhile." You said, huffing as you laid down pulling the blankets over yourself hearing Loki meow "Goodnight Loki." You said closing your eyes feeling him settle into the bed. You two were going to have a serious talk tomorrow about your "situation."....
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@mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
Tangles Lies | Chapter #1 - Partners in Crime
Series Summary: Loki and Y/n were some of the most formidable criminals of the gang The Avengers. On a heist, the one thing they didn't plan for happened: they got caught. And what's the best way to ensure they can't testify against each other? They pretend to be married. Only one problem...they pretty much hate each other.
Based on @deity-prompts' fabulous prompt: A and B are part of a criminal group. When they’re caught, they pretend to be married so that they can’t testify against each other in court.
Pairing: Criminal!Loki Laufeyson x Criminal!Fem!Reader
Warning(s): mob!au themes, mentions of thievery, general stupidity, my bad humour, mob violence, possible gore, mild angst, possible references to death, lemme know if I forgot anything
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In the sprawling city of New York, a clandestine world thrived beneath the surface of law and order. Loki, a cunning an enigmatic figure, helped rule the shadows with his silver tongue and a hint of mischief in his piercing green eyes. He was a true mastermind in the art of deception.
And then there was you--a woman of unparalleled intellect and allure, with a reputation that matched Loki's in every single way. But you were no ally; you were a rival, each of you vying for dominance in the criminal underworld.
Despite your mutual animosity, you were both members of the infamous gang The Avengers--a tight-knit group that thrived on pulling off audacious heists; heists that others could only dream of. And tonight, fate had conspired to throw you and Loki together for a mission that could solidify your status within the gang.
The target was a priceless artefact; one hidden deep within the heavily guarded confines of the city's most secure museum. The heist required extreme precision, timing, and a well-coordinated plan. You knew you couldn't do it alone, and Loki, much to your chagrin, was assigned as your mission partner.
As you stood together outside the museum, the tension between you was palpable. "This should be fun," Loki quipped, a smug smile on his face. "Working with my favourite rival, that is."
You rolled your eyes, unimpressed by his attempt at charm. "Oh, please, spare me the pleasantries," you retorted. "Let's just get this over with so I can go back to stealing things in peace!"
Loki chuckled, clearly basking in your annoyance. "As you wish, my dear adversary. Shall we proceed with our extremely cunning plan?"
With a nod, you began to outline the intricacies of the heist, exploiting each other's strengths while ensuring the keep a watchful eye on any opportunity to outdo the other. The museum's layout, security systems, and patrol schedules were meticulously discussed as you both crafted a plan that was sure to confound anyone who dared to stand in your way.
As you entered the museum, disguised in sleek black attire, the adrenaline began to surge through your veins. You exchanged a knowing glance, acknowledging the thrill of the challenge ahead.
The heist progressed flawlessly, a symphony of coordinated movements and unspoken communication. Your rivalry had turned into a delicate dance of skill and cunning, each of you anticipating the other's moves with a begrudging respect.
At one point, as you expertly bypassed a laser grid, Loki's voice danced with amusement. "Not bad, Y/n. Not bad at all. But you're still a few steps behind me!"
You shot him a glare, "We'll see about that, Laufeyson. I'm just warming up."
With a theatrical flourish, Loki retrieved a small, gleaming device from his pocket. "Let's see if you can keep up with this," he taunted, activating the device with a triumphant smirk.
To your surprise, a hidden vent opened in the ceiling above you, allowing Loki to gracefully ascend and evade the laser grid. He looked down at you, a self-satisfied grin on his face.
"Show off," you muttered, but the corners of your lips betrayed a hint of amusement.
Loki laughed, basking in your acknowledgement of his clever move. "Oh, come now, Y/n. Where's your sense of adventure?"
With renewed determination, you followed Loki's lead, leaping and dodging through the maze of security measures.
As you reached the heart of the museum, where the priceless artefact was displayed under bulletproof glass, you exchanged a knowing glance with Loki. This was the moment that would determine your success or failure, and you both knew it.
With a nod, Loki initiated the final phase of the plan. As the distraction unfolded on the museum's opposite side, you moved with calculated precision, slipping through the shadows and disabling the electronic barriers with ease.
The moment your fingers made contact with the glass casing, a tingling sensation coursed through you. It was as if the artefact recognised its impending liberation, and the connection sent a thrill down your spine.
But just as you were about to secure the artefact, a gut-wrenching sound echoed through the halls--an alarm had been triggered.
Your eyes widened, "Shit! We've got to go!"
Loki rolled his eyes, "You don't say? Why don't we just wait and have some tea with the police?"
"Now is not the time for your quips, you asshole," you spat.
Just as Loki was about to spit something back, you both heard the sound of footsteps. "Museum Security! Come out with your hands up!"
"Do they really think that we'd be scared of them?" Loki whispered.
"Not now, Laufeyson!"
Together, you and Loki navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, staying one step ahead of the security team that was now in hot pursuit of you both. The museum was now a maze of danger, but you both managed to move in harmony, being driven by a shared goal and an unspoken understanding.
As you burst through the museum's doors and into the night, the artefact safely concealed under Loki's coat, you exchanged a knowing glance. Despite the obstacles, you had done it--together.
Just as you thought you were in the clear, the sound of police sirens echoed in the distance, growing louder with each passing moment. You and Loki exchanged a glance of realisation--you both had been caught.
As the handcuffs came out, you couldn't help but glare at Loki; anger and adrenaline coursing through your veins. "This is all your fault," you hissed.
Loki scoffed, the corners of his lips curling into a mischievous smirk. "Oh, please. You're the one who tripped the alarm, Y/n. I was simply trying to clean up after your mess."
"This all would've gone smoothly if I wasn't partnered with you!" You shot back, glaring at him with a mix of frustration and grudging admiration.
"We can argue about your faults later," Loki said, his voice low and urgent. "Right now, we need to find a way out of here."
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A/N ahh! I'm so excited for this story! I hope you guys enjoy it!
🏷 @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee @fall-myriad @dryyoursaltyoceantears @avahiddlestonstan
Please lemme know if you want to be added to this or any of my taglists!
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themoonandtheprincess · 5 months
More Chase/Kaz headcanons
•Kaz is very much into alternative music, albeit more popular bands like Fall Out Boy and Rise Against. Spike is into it too but leaning more metalcore and screamo.
°It freaks Adam the fuck out when he goes down to the lab and finds Spike jamming out to some Ice Nine Kills while training.
°Although Adam and Kaz do find it funny because in "Communion of the Cursed" one of their lyrics is literally "Get on your knees and prove your worth."
°Speaking of Spike, Chase learns to control him a lot better when they're older so he doesn't come out as much anymore, but that leaves the times Spike does come out into full blown tantrums.
°Chase would never admit it out loud but that part of him does need attention too and really only comes out when Spike doesn't feel like he's getting enough.
°Kaz has learned that the only way to get through to Spike is to talk calmly to him and as he would to Chase. Which he just sees Spike as a part of his boyfriend, no different.
•Adam is big into country music but he's not elitist about it. In fact, he would love the "This ain't Texas" Beyoncé song.
•There isn't an Elite Force for long. Mighty Med eventually gets rebuilt and Kaz realizes he can't save the heroes if he's being one.
°It might stem from insecurity about not being sure he can 100 percent control his powers or that he's just more comfortable doing the background work.
°Either way, it's all a group decision to split the Elite Force, although Skylar with join Bree on missions sometimes.
°Kaz would be lying if he didn't admit he missed being a part of a team, but being part of Mighty Med soon became a team to him and even a family.
•Somehow, I'm not sure how, they are connected to the Henry Danger universe.
•Kaz "proposed" to Chase with a RingPop like all cringe babygays.
•Their actual wedding had A-list superheroes and company owners, much to Chase chagrin who wanted a small wedding.
•But Kaz made it up to him by flying him across the city and to the Bionic Island.
°Which, it was the thought that counts because Chase is terrified of heights.
•So I don't know if this is obvious, buy the Davenport kids aren't robots. They're humans just with bionic abilities. So I'm guessing in the way I'm seeing things their chips are sorta like a prosthetic if that make sense. I don't know. Feel free to correct me.
°If we're going by that sense of logic, then having bionic chips for super speed or what have you would become more common in the future, albeit for rich people.
°It definitely would make Chase insecure that there are more bionic people but also feel more welcomed into the world then standing on the outside. As for Adam and Bree too.
°But these newer bionics have upgraded systems and overall better functioning for them. They don't glitch as often, rarely with this new tech rolling out, and it embrasses all three of them when they glitch in public because of how old their chips are getting.
°Speaking of glitching, although Kaz isn't an engineer, anytime any one of the glitches he will take them back to the mansion to help Davenport and combine engineering with his medical knowledge. And as they get older it only gets worse.
°Once on a mission, all three of them simultaneously glitched and Kaz could hear it on his radio to them. He immediately called an ambulance to Mighty Med. Although Skylar yelled at him for not just flying over there.
•Kaz is CONVINCED Tony Stark once came in for his reactor messing up.
•When they're in their early 20's, Kaz shoots up taller than Chase to around Adam's height but he likes to joke he's secretly Elastic-Man and be any height he wants.
•Kaz refuses to take a side on the DC/Marvel debate although he will talk for HOURS about how the MCU is deteriorating.
•Skylar and Bree have some pretty sick cosplays of Vision and Wanda though while Kaz goes as Captain America and Chase goes as Bucky Barnes.
°Leo goes as Loki and tries to convince Adam to go as Thor but he goes as Groot instead. And of course, Donald goes a millionaire Playboy Tony Stark.
•Kaz is, of course, everyone's personal heater but he can not stand any of the eighty blankets Chase keeps around him to sleep.
°So they made a deal, only, like, two blankets but to keep them on Chase's side, that way Kaz can still be his personal heater.
•Kaz hates summer but he loves the pool... just not what it does to his powers. (Not to mention it takes an hour or two to come back.)
•Once, to piss Kaz off on his birthday, Chase individually wrapped each page of a comic book.
°But it was better than the time he used actual comic book pages as wrapping paper.
•Chase and Adam have autism while Kaz has ADHD.
•All three of the Davenkids can NOT sleep in darkness. Probably because they grew up sleeping in capsule, but neither can Kaz or Skylar. Kaz because obviously his powers are fire ability and it would scare him shitless if he woke up randomly in the middle of the night and couldn't summon a flame. And Skylar because it's just how she grew up on her planet.
°Chase figured out a way he wouldn't need to sleep in his capsule anymore but still sometimes does one for familiarity, two for when he's mad at Kaz.
•Also, all Davenkids have done animal therapy at least once (including Leo) and actually got it integrated into Mighty Med. That's how most of the superheroes ended up with their animal sidekicks.
•As he gets older Kaz accepts he's not going to be on the frontlines as a superhero but begins to get comfortable with that as he becomes more concerned with being a doctor.
•Kaz sometimes gets full on Will Solace from Percy Jackson mode. "Doctor's orders" and literally having to drag Chase away from his projects to go to sleep.
Let me know if you guys want more of these!
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.19
Dagur x Reader
Yay! longer chapter and a faster update! I'm finally getting into a better headspace and am enjoying writing again.
Thanks for reading. Also, for anyone interested in AOT, check out my mafia Erwin Fic.
"Tuffnut! * ACHOOO! *" you scream at the blond as the poor Gronkle you were trying treat's rash was interrupted by Ruff and Tuff's prank, replacing your herbs with weeds that triggered your allergies. It's been three years since the war with the Berserkers and a lot has changed. Snotlout is working at the armory, the twins much to everyone's chagrin have pledged themselves to Loki, Fishlegs is a history teacher now, Astrid has told you she plans to join the Berk guard. The atter being something she has yet to tell Hiccup, which left slightly anxious to see how he would react. You had continued your training under Gothi and finished your studying of human medicine. Beyond that, you were learning and inventing medicine and cures for dragons, as well as documenting dragon behavior with Fishlegs. You had even managed to train Scabbard to be a sort of emotional help assistant, helping to calm both human and dragon patients (and even yourself on rough days).  
It seemed like everyone in the group had found their place in the world, all that is, except for Hiccup. You loved your brother, but at the end of the day you had new responsibilities.  You could see that he was struggling to keep the group together. In the beginning, once the war had finished, you and the others had explored every corner of the archipelago and found every known dragon to ever exist. Hiccup still believed there were more dragons out there but with no signs for years, everyone just sort of moved on, all but Hiccup that is. You were worried how the only group member that still went looking with him (Astrid) leaving would affect him.
Wiping your nose and eyes you walked home, calling it quits after the twins' stunt left you puffy eyed and pink nosed. Placing your satchel on the table you stretched out the tension built throughout the day. When the sound of the door opening caught your attention, you didn't need to look to know it was your brother. "Hey Hiccup, how was your day?".
"Yeah yeah fine" he said quiet and defeated making you stop your stretching to watch his slightly hunched over form march to his room with Toothless in tow. Silver Tongue let out an almost questioning coo laced with his regular sour attitude. "I'm not sure bud".
"Hiccup, is everything alright?" you ask knocking on his door. "Yeah, just a long day" the tone of his voice made it obvious that it was a lie, but you didn't want to push it. "Ok... Is it ok if Scabbard sleeps with you. She's a bit upset with Silver Tongue right now, I think she could use some space" the room remained quiet until the door cracked open just wide enough for a small dragon to crawl through. On cue, Scabbard scrambled through, ready to put her newfound skills to the test. "Atta girl. Come on Silver Tongue, let's go to bed" you turned only to see that he had left for your room a while ago. "You suck" you sigh.
The next day was made up of finding and sorting all the herbs the twins had replaced and hidden around Berk. "Y/N!" you heard Astrid call for you as you were half inside a barrel trying to reach the bundle of cloves Ruffnut had no doubt hidden there "Yeah?".
"We have an emergency". You pull yourself out and dust your hands on your apron. "What is it. Did the dragons eat something?".
"I need you to promise you're not going to freak out" Astrids request made you uneasy. "Ok?" Astrid took a deep breath and looked you in the eye, "Dagur escaped outcast Island". Your stomach sank as you were hit by a wave of dread. Dagur was free? As in, roaming the archipelago to do whatever he wants?
"Y/N, breathe" you hadn't noticed you were holding your breath until Astrid put her hand on your shoulder. You thought everything was over, that you wouldn't need to think about that man and his stupid face ever again. Scabbard was quick to jump into action, crawling up onto your shoulder and purring while filling your ears with the sounds of strong steady breaths for you to copy. "Are you ok?" Astrid asks hand on your back, to which you nod.
It's been three years since you last saw him, and the last thing you said to him was a panicked "hi". Seriously you couldn't have even bothered to say "Hey Dagur, you're cool and all, and I really like you. But you tried to steal my brother's dragon so I'm going to have to throw you in prison now" granted that wasn't much better, but you could have said literally anything, and it would have been infinitely better. He was probably on his way to get revenge on you and Hiccup along with the rest of Berk.
Wait a minute... NO nonononono! You. do. not. like. Dagur. Astrid pulled you out of your rambling thoughts when she dragged you along to the old academy so Hiccup could brief everyone on the plan. You could feel everyone's eyes on you when you arrived, but you were too in thought to acknowledge it.
"All we got out of Johann before he passed out was this: Dagur escaped from Outcast Island by commandeering his ship. He threw Johan overboard about here" Hiccup said gesturing to a large map.
"So, what you're saying is Dagur could be anywhere by now" Snotlout crossed his arms. "Well, technically, yes".
"Oh" Snotlout smiles "Great great great. SO that just leaves -- I don't know, let me think about this-- THE ENTIRE OCEAN TO SEARCH!" he screams "No thank you".
"Master Hiccup" Johann greets. "Johann, you're awake". "And feeling much better, thank you for asking. More importantly, I have more than a strong suspicion where our nefarious foe may be heading" he says waving his hand over the edge of the map. "Outside the archipelago?" Hiccup asks.
"No! Just inside the fog bank on our outer group of islands". "We've never been out that far".
"When Dagur commandeered my precious ship, he also came into possession of a very important map-- one that leads to a graveyard of ships hidden in that fog bank" Johann says distressed only for Snotlout to interrupt. "Wow! That's the first place I'd go" Snotlout says laced with sarcasm.
"Can I hit him?" you look to Hiccup who put his head in his hand at your anticks.
"If I may be allowed to finish?-", "Johann, last time we allowed you to finish, we ended up on Breakneck Bog. So, no-- no finishing. OW!" Snotlout stopped as your hand swung down hitting him on the back of the head.
"Enough!" Hiccup called, "What's so special about the graveyard and why would he go there?". "Well, you see--" Hiccup put his hand up to cut him off, "The short version please".
Johann's face fell as he did what even Odin would not think possible; Summarize, "It's where I store all my treasures and wars". The groups jaws dropped, and eyes widened at his words. So short, so precise, and to the point. "Wow, concise, to the point. Who knew he had it in him?" Tuffnut gasped.
"Johann, is there anything else?" Hiccup asked.  "As a matter of fact, there is one ship you must avoid at all costs. It's called... the Reaper. Riddled with booby traps from stem to stern. Barely made it out with my life the only time I dared venture aboard".
"Ok, Toothless, let's go. Unless of course, any of you can make time out of your busy schedules to capture a dangerous maniac?" It was obvious that the rest of the group was already in, and despite your concerns, you knew you couldn't let them do this alone. "Right then. Saddle up, and we'll head out".
You would be lying if you didn't say the flight over was somewhat fun. Hiccup had you do your old formations and like before Snotlout didn't listen. It was familiar, comfortable even. "So, Y/N" Snotlout began to ask, and you prepared for something stupid. "Are you sure, you're gonna be ok locking up your boyfriend again?" your eyes widened and grip on your saddle tightened. "Woah!" snotlout screamed as you flew Silver Tonge into his side, nearly knocking him off. "Alright alright! I get it, touchy subject" he scoffed.  
Astrid and Hiccup shared a concerned look before Hiccup spoke, "Y/N, if this is too much, you don't have to do this. We can handle Dagur". "No. I'm fine".
It was night by the time you reached the fog banks, the water littered with wrecked ships. "I knew it. I knew there was more" Hiccup said. "Some of these ships, I've never seen anything like them before" Astrid chimes in. "Ok, everybody fan out. If you see any trace of Dagur, send a signal".
With a deep breath you wing left, separating from the others. Silver Tongue growled lowly as you swept through the fog, "Easy boy, I know, I don't like this either", maybe you should have brought Scabbard, she would do a much better job at calming him down. At the very least you know Dagur isn't here.
Landing top of a ship you meet the others. "No sign of Dagur" you say as you slide off of your saddle. "Looks like we got here first. What's the plan?".
"We wait". "Wait a minute. For how long? This Fog really gives Meatlug the willies" Fishlegs asks. "He's right, the low visibility is putting Silver Tongue on edge" he hasn't stopped looking around since you got here. And you can only imagine it will get worse when Dagur shows up, seeing as the two didn't leave on the best terms. "They have a point" Astrid says, "We can't wait around here forever". "Well, we can't just leave Johann's treasures here either. Dagur will steal them".
"And use the profits to build a new armada" That wouldn't be good. One Berserker armada was enough for your lifetime. "Not if we steal them first" says Ruff followed by her brother. "That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I hereby disown you!".
"Actually, you know what? I sort of like it" Hiccup says. "Welcome back to the family" You could swear you feel a headache coming on from their idiocy.
"Here's the plan: we search the ships, gather up Johann's treasure, and take it back to Berk. But keep your eyes open for Dagur, he could show up at any time" The sounds of loud hissing interrupted Hiccup as giant eels launch themselves onto the Reaper. "Silver Tongue!" but it was too late. The dragons had been spooked off, taking off, all except for Toothless.
As if things could be worse, several eels began to wrap themselves around one side of the ship, causing it to tip vertically. "The eels are pulling the ship down!" Fishlegs yells as you all begin to slide down the deck. "Fishlegs, grab my foot!" Snotlout yells in a rare moment of courage after he gets a grip on the ship. And like a chain each of you grab onto the other's feet, much to Snotlouts pain.
"We're gonna live!" Tuff cheers enthusiastically. Astrid, who is at the end of the chain, however, and gripping onto your feet begins to slip. "Astrid!" you look down to see as she loses hold of you. "Most of us are gonna live!". Hiccup and Toothless dive into the water after her, blasting the eels under water and pulling her out, scaring the eels away and causing the ship to rock back onto its hull.
As you each pulled yourselves up from the ground you clutched your ears at Snotlouts shouting. "Pardon me, does anyone else think that Johann could have warned us about I don't know, THE GIANT SCREAMING EELS?!".
"Snotlout would you relax" Hiccup scolds, "The dragons will be back. In the meantime, we stick with the plan. We find Johann's treasure, quietly". Snotlout frowns and stomps away, each of you splitting up to search a ship.
Once you had found an unoccupied ship you made quick to check the captain's quarters, which yielded no treasure. The hull, however, was a different story. Creeping down the stairs a gently as possible did nothing to silence the loud creak of the boards. "Odin's beard" you said, your jaw practically on the floor. The hull was filled with chests overflowing with weird green ores.
"What are you?" you inspect the ore; it was definitely not from the archipelago. The sound of a creak sounded behind you, someone is here. Quickly you draw your sword and crouch behind one of the larger chests.  
"Check down there!" with a grumble, another voice trudged down the stairs. "Nuth'n but more of the green stuff" the oafish voice called to the other. Peaking over the chest you looked the man up and down. Until a small sigil caught your eye, Berserker. The other voice called down, "Well, start loading it up".
"Damn it" no way to sneak out of this one.  The Berserker took three steps towards the chest to your immediate left, and you used this to your opportunity. Quickly you pounced on him, covering his mouth so he couldn't scream as locked your legs around his throat. He flailed around for around a minute and a half when he stopped moving. "What's taking so long? Hurry up!", "...".
"Did you hear me? I said, Hurry U-" The Berserker was interrupted by a large brick of green ore hitting him square in the face as you rushed up the stairs. You ran as quickly as you could, trying to use his disoriented state to your advantage but unfortunately, he wasn't the only Berserker on the deck. "Damn it" you were met face to face with five Berserkers two of which had crossbows now pointed at you. Begrudgingly you dropped your sword and kicked it over. leaving your hidden dagger in your boot.
"Sir" one of the Berserkers greeted, looking behind you. Turning your head, above you next to the ships steering stood the source of all of your problems.
Sarcasm spilled from your every pore "Oh well isn't that just perfect".
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gcthvile · 1 year
Thalia Presley
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Thalia Presley, a young girl with a mysterious past, was destined to be the target of a crucial mission taken on by Loki Laufeyson and Agent Mobius M. Mobius. As they embarked on their mission, they discovered Thalia, unaware of her true identity at the time.
Loki and Mobius, initially intending to fulfill their mission, soon found themselves unable to carry out the task of pruning Thalia. Something about her spark and potential touched both Loki and Mobius, causing them to see her as more than just a target. Instead, they made a life-altering decision to adopt her, becoming her loving and protective guardians.
Growing up under the watchful eyes of Loki Laufeyson and Mobius M. Mobius, Thalia inherited the snarky and sarcastic attitude of Mobius, often using her quick wit to navigate through challenging situations. At the same time, she couldn't resist embracing Loki's mischievous and annoying tendencies, finding joy in causing a bit of chaos whenever she could.
Thalia's upbringing was unique, as she was exposed to a blend of Loki's magical prowess and Mobius' expertise in the Time Variance Authority. This combination allowed her to develop a range of skills, including manipulation, illusion-casting, and a deep understanding of the timelines.
Despite her mischievous nature, Thalia possesses a strong sense of justice, instilled in her by Mobius' unwavering dedication to protecting the timeline. She uses her abilities and inherited traits to help her parents in their missions, often finding herself in the middle of intricate schemes and dangerous adventures.
Growing up in TVA
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As Thalia grows older, she begins to question her own identity and her place within the tangled web of timelines. With her two dads by her side, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to uncover the truth about her origins while battling the forces that threaten the stability of the multiverse.
Thalia possesses a vibrant personality that combines the snarky and sarcastic nature of Mobius with the mischievous and cunning traits of Loki. She has a quick wit and a sharp tongue, often using humor as a defense mechanism or to diffuse tense situations. Thalia is known for her clever comebacks and sassy remarks, which sometimes get her into trouble but also make her endearing to those who know her well.
As the adopted daughter of Loki and Mobius, Thalia spent her formative years within the walls of the TVA. Surrounded by the enigmatic and often eccentric agents, she was exposed to the complex workings of the multiverse from a young age. While other children her age may have found the TVA intimidating, Thalia thrived in its structured environment, soaking up knowledge about the timelines and the various threats that the TVA guarded against.
Thalia's upbringing within the TVA granted her a unique perspective on the nature of time and reality. She became fascinated with the intricacies of the sacred timeline, constantly questioning its purpose and the boundaries it imposed. This curiosity, coupled with her inherited Loki-esque mischief, often led her to engage in unauthorized explorations of alternate timelines within the TVA's vast archives, much to the chagrin of the agents tasked with keeping order.
As Thalia matured, her natural abilities and innate understanding of the timelines caught the attention of the TVA's higher-ups. Recognizing her potential, she was offered the opportunity to train as an agent, a chance she eagerly embraced. Under the guidance of experienced TVA agents, Thalia honed her skills in combat, time manipulation, and investigation.
Thalia's training wasn't without its challenges. Her mischievous nature often clashed with the strict rules and regulations of the TVA, leading to occasional clashes with authority figures. However, her dedication to protecting the sanctity of the timelines and her desire to uncover the truth about her origins propelled her forward.
As an agent of the TVA, Thalia quickly gained a reputation for her resourcefulness, adaptability, and ability to think outside the box. She approached her missions with a combination of Loki's cunning and Mobius' analytical mindset, always seeking the most efficient and unexpected solutions to the problems at hand.
Throughout her journey, Thalia's love for her dads and her desire to prove herself worthy of their legacy served as a driving force. She strived to make her guardians proud while carving out her own path within the TVA, working tirelessly to maintain order in the multiverse and protect it from those who sought to disrupt its delicate balance.
In summary, Thalia Presley's personality reflects a blend of snarkiness, sarcasm, mischievousness, and wit. Growing up within the TVA provided her with a deep understanding of the timelines and a fascination with the workings of the multiverse. Becoming an agent allowed her to utilize her inherited traits and skills, making her a resourceful and adaptable force within the TVA's ranks.
Liv Stark
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Thalia and Olivia Stark, or Liv, form an unlikely but strong bond as they cross paths while Thalia was traveling through different universes. Initially, their personalities seem to clash, with Thalia's snarky and mischievous nature contrasting with Liv's gentle and charming demeanor. However, as they spend more time together, they discover a deep connection and become best friends.
Thalia is drawn to Liv's smart and quick-witted nature, appreciating her ability to see through situations and offer unique perspectives. Liv, on the other hand, admires Thalia's confidence and daring spirit, finding her refreshing and intriguing.
Despite their differences, Thalia and Liv complement each other perfectly. Thalia's snarkiness and mischievousness add a touch of excitement and adventure to Liv's otherwise calm and composed life. Liv's gentle soul and easy-going nature, in turn, help to ground Thalia and provide a sense of stability in their friendship.
Their relationship is built on a foundation of trust and loyalty. Thalia becomes a source of support for Liv, helping her navigate her anxiety and providing a safe space for her to express her fears and insecurities. Thalia's mischievous nature often helps Liv break free from her own self-imposed limitations, encouraging her to embrace her own desires and take risks.
Liv, with her sweet and charming personality, acts as a grounding force for Thalia. She provides a calming influence, helping Thalia consider the consequences of her actions and think before leaping into dangerous situations. Liv's steadfastness and loyalty also serve as a reminder to Thalia of the importance of genuine connections and the power of friendship.
Their friendship is not without its challenges, however. Liv's stubbornness and tendency to sneak out to pursue her desires often clash with Thalia's mischievous instincts, leading to occasional conflicts. Yet, their strong bond allows them to overcome these differences and find common ground, ultimately strengthening their friendship.
Big Sister
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Thalia and Arete share a complex and multifaceted relationship as step-sisters, with both love and friction existing between them. Despite their differences in personality and upbringing, their bond is strengthened by their shared connection to Loki and their mutual care for their family.
Thalia sees Arete as a fascinating and enigmatic figure. She is intrigued by her sister's carefree and bratty nature, finding it both amusing and frustrating at times. Thalia appreciates Arete's ability to live life on her own terms, unapologetically embracing her desires and indulging in her mischievous tendencies. Arete's rebellious spirit often inspires Thalia to break free from her own inhibitions and explore the world with a sense of abandon.
In contrast, Arete views Thalia as a younger sibling to protect and guide. She sees the spark of mischief and potential within Thalia, recognizing the influence of Loki and Mobius on her personality. Arete feels a sense of responsibility to help Thalia navigate her own powers and the complexities of their shared heritage. She acts as a mentor of sorts, teaching Thalia the ways of magic and encouraging her to embrace her own unique abilities.
While they may clash at times due to their contrasting personalities, Thalia and Arete share a deep bond rooted in their shared bloodline and familial love. They understand each other's struggles and are always there to support one another, even in the most challenging of circumstances. Thalia admires Arete's fierce loyalty to their family and her fearlessness in the face of authority figures like Odin. Arete, in turn, appreciates Thalia's wit, resourcefulness, and determination to carve her own path.
Their relationship is not without its conflicts, particularly when it comes to Arete's more extreme tendencies. Thalia may struggle to understand and accept Arete's willingness to engage in violent acts for the sake of amusement. This disagreement often leads to heated arguments and moments of tension between them. However, their love for each other and their shared history ultimately prevails, allowing them to find common ground and reconcile their differences.
In essence, Thalia and Arete's relationship is a blend of admiration, frustration, and sibling camaraderie. They challenge and inspire one another, pushing each other to grow and embrace their individuality while always remaining fiercely protective of their shared family ties.
Lastly, like I do with all my OCs, here are the strength and weaknesses of Thalia Presley.
1. Quick-witted and Intelligent: Thalia possesses a sharp mind and quick thinking, allowing her to come up with clever solutions to problems on the fly. Her intelligence helps her navigate complex situations and adapt to new environments.
2. Master of Manipulation: Growing up with Loki's influence, Thalia has developed a natural talent for manipulation and deception. She can easily read people and situations, using her skills to her advantage when necessary.
3. Skilled in Magic and Time Manipulation: Thalia's upbringing within the TVA and her exposure to Loki's magical abilities have granted her a strong foundation in magic and time manipulation. She can cast illusions, manipulate timelines, and utilize her powers to gain an edge in battles or investigations.
4. Resourceful and Adaptable: Thalia excels at thinking on her feet and finding creative solutions to problems. She can adapt to new situations quickly and make the most of limited resources, making her a valuable asset in unpredictable scenarios.
5. Loyal and Protective: Thalia's loyalty to those she cares about, especially Lokius and Liv, is unwavering. She will go to great lengths to protect and support her loved ones, making her a reliable and steadfast ally.
1. Impulsive and Reckless: Thalia's mischievous nature and tendency to act on impulse can sometimes lead her into dangerous situations. She may prioritize excitement and chaos over careful planning, putting herself and others at risk.
2. Difficulty with Authority: Thalia's rebellious streak and resistance to strict rules and regulations can sometimes clash with authority figures. Her disregard for authority can lead to conflicts and strained relationships within structured environments like the TVA.
3. Emotional Vulnerability: Despite her confident and snarky exterior, Thalia can be emotionally vulnerable at times. Her past and the mysteries surrounding her origins may leave her with lingering insecurities and doubts, making her susceptible to emotional manipulation or self-doubt.
4. Overconfidence: Thalia's intelligence and skills can sometimes lead to overconfidence. She may underestimate certain threats or become too sure of her own abilities, which can put her in precarious situations.
5. Struggle with Trust: Due to her complex upbringing and the secretive nature of the TVA, Thalia may struggle to trust others fully. This can make it challenging for her to form deep connections or rely on others for help, potentially isolating her in times of need.
Hope you guys like her!
@msrochelleromanofffelton @jackiequick @blueboirick @mallowbee4 @gaminggirlsstuff
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redrascal1 · 9 months
In Disney romance is dead.
My advice for anyone who loves a good romance - you won't find it in Disney.
They are known for making some of the most romantic animated films of all time - Beauty and The Beast (90s version) is a classic example.
But recently Disney have been pouring cold water on romance in their movies.
And, believe it or not, the rot began waaay back in 2010 with of all things Alice in Wonderland.
It was a delightful film. Most of all I loved the chemistry between Mian Wasikowska's 'old soul' Alice and Johnny Depp's charming but tormented Tarrant Hightopp (aka Hatter).
I was saddened when at the end she returned to 'real life' and to a life without romance, but heartened when they announced a sequel...only for Alice to once again leave Wonderland, this time for a reason I found appalling - to look after her mother, an unpleasant woman who showed little affection for Alice - and she also had another daughter she was much closer to.
Any reason to keep Alice and the Hatter apart for ever.
And please - don't start with the 'Johnny is too old for Mia' crap, because this isn't about Johnny and Mia, but Alice and the Hatter, and Alice was the more mature one!
But, since AiW I have noticed bit by bit romance in Disney productions is dying.
Mulan - the live action version removed the romantic lead.
Star Wars - Han and Leia's relationship had come to an end. Finn/Rose is quashed in TROS.
And of course, 'Goddess of Jedi Dogma Rey'......doesn't need a boyfriend. Doesn't need anyone and anybody, apparently.
Now it has happened with Loki.
Loki, Thor's tormented God of Mischief, will spend eternity trapped in a tree with no one to love him. Because these days it seems that there is no redemption but death.
Waaaay back in my 20s I was an avid reader of the Dragonlance books. My favourite character was Raistlin Majere. Physically frail but incredibly strong willed and powerful, I pitied and despised him in equal measures when I first started reading the books, but my opinion changed dramatically when he did one thing.
As the heroes were escaping danger Raistlin suddenly went back, to his friends' chagrin, and returned with - Bupu, the little gully dwarf who had been their guide. And who the big, strong men - had completely forgot about. And the only one willing to risk his life to save her was Raistlin.
I started to love his character then.
Probably one of the most tragic figures in fantasy I desperately wanted Raistlin redeemed. Don't get me wrong - he did some terrible things. But, it all came from a place of pain. And I wanted him to get a 'happy ending'. Because this is fantasy folks - and if you can't find happy endings in make believe, where can you find them?
But ultimately....he didn't. I was devastated.
But, there was always Star Wars.
Not anymore.
The Skywalkers are all dead, along with Han Solo. And apparently Adam Driver confirmed in a recent interview Ben aka Kylo...was never meant to be redeemed. That he was meant to die evil.
And also...Harrison Ford actually didn't want Han to die in TFA. Despite years ago wanting to kill his character off, Ford over the years mellowed a lot to him.
Abrams wanted him to die at his son's hands so we, the audience, would hate Kylo. That we would cheer his death. That we would embrace Rey as his replacement.
But they made a drastic mistake.
Because Rey - is a bore.
She may tick the boxes but she is frankly utterly unmemorable as a hero. She's an archetype.
The most memorable character was Kylo. And the 'reylo' romance was the highlight of the ST. No matter how much Finn fans moan. No matter how much the 'woke' criticised it. Because Rey was at her most interesting when interacting with Kylo.
And it wasn't just we fans of it who noticed it - Rian Johnson did.
And the critics did.
But, Disney refused to listen and gave us TROS. Now they intend to continue with their soulless heroine in a new film, or series of films, whilst removing the prince from their forthcoming LA Snow White.
To satisfy #metoo, who apparently were the 'consultants' on the LA Little Mermaid? Which underperformed at the BO?
Frankly, to quote Rhett Butler ....I myself don't give a damn.
Bad enough that Raistlin had a sad ending. Bad enough Loki did. But Star Wars, the film series that had at its heart a message of hope - sorry Disney, SW was the last straw. I loved it for forty plus years. I was 12 when I first saw it. I was 54 when I watched it die with TROS.
Disney turned Lucas's saga into a horror story. And it was meant to be a fairytale.
Fairytales have happy endings. Real life is often heartbreaking and disappointing. Fairy Tales are our escape.
Disney, once the master of fairtales....have completely crushed them.
No romance. No love. No forgiveness.
No redemption but death.
If all someone can expect is that....why bother 'turning good'? Why bother at all?
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winters8child · 3 months
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 34
I had been hiding in the kitchen since my unpleasant encounter with Loki, trying to make sense of things. He was probably just trying to get under my skin, and to my chagrin, I had to admit that it had worked. I was sitting over a cup of coffee I had made myself. The whole airship was full of high-tech gadgets, but they still had an old filter machine, which I found kind of funny.
"There you are," Natasha said, sitting down opposite me. "Steve has been looking for you." There was something about her that made me want to like her; she was strong yet demure.
"I just needed a break. All that science talk is not my thing," I laughed, looking down into my mug. "It is an honor to meet you, by the way. I've read so much about you—the first female superhero," she said in admiration.
I looked up in surprise. It was always Steve who got the praise; he was the face of American patriotism. I was just the sidekick. "People wrote about me?" I asked shyly.
"Of course. You showed the world that women can be strong too and fight for what is right and not just be housewives," she said, laying her hand on mine. "You are an inspiration."
It was still hard to believe that anybody looked up to me, but I did miss the last 70 years, so what did I know? "I never thought of myself as strong. I assumed that someday I would be one of those housewives. This whole superhero thing feels more like a costume," I confessed.
"You are strong, or you wouldn't be here today," she said, looking me in the eyes. "And forget what Loki said. He's a manipulator and a trickster. That's why you're hiding here, right?"
I gulped, having assumed that nobody had paid attention to the fact that he addressed me. "So you noticed, huh?" I asked cautiously. I wondered how much she knew exactly. We had only met today, but she worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., and who knows what they had on me. Maybe they even sent her here to confirm their suspicions.
"It's kind of my job to notice things," she answered. "Speaking of which, there's something I need to do. And welcome to the team, by the way," she added with a smile before she got up and left. The last team I was part of was the commandos, and they had felt more like a family to me. I could not imagine having that with anybody else. Sadness overcame me at the thought of them, so I decided to look for Steve since he was looking for me anyway.
I found him and the others in the lab, arguing about S.H.I.E.L.D. and how they had been planning to use the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction. I knew they couldn't be trusted—they had been lying the whole time. Steve and Tony were standing face to face. "You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle," Tony taunted Steve.
I wasn't planning to get involved, but something in me snapped. I stepped between them, pushing Tony back. "Leave him alone, or I will carve you up like a fish." If he didn't stop speaking like that, I would show him his place. He looked down at me condescendingly. "What are you, his little guard dog? What did Loki call you? A bloodthirsty demon? You know what, I kinda see it."
Steve held me back. "Stop taunting her, Stark," he warned, but Tony was unimpressed. There was only one way to handle this. I grabbed my knife, slicing the air. "You know what I can see? Why your father never loved you." I grinned, seeing the hurt on his face masked by a fake smile.
He took a step back, finally taking me seriously, but before I could do anything, Steve dragged me back. He was no fun. "Go hide in your suit, metal man," I laughed as the others looked at me, shocked.
Except for Thor, who started to laugh for some reason. "You people are so petty and tiny." That was enough mockery. I would finally get a taste of godly blood. "Who are you calling tiny? You will bleed for this!" Fury had his hand on his gun, ready to shoot me. Just when I was about to stab him, all the computers started beeping, breaking the tension.
"You located the tesseract," Thor pointed out as Dr. Banner went to check on the screens. I put my knife back, feeling like a fog had lifted, making me think clearer again. These issues were getting out of hand. Being reckless in battle was one thing, but these people and I were on the same side. I walked out to catch my breath, still hearing Tony and Steve arguing—the last thing I wanted was to get involved in their bickering again.
Just as I was about to take the stairs, a huge explosion went off, blowing up the whole lab. I flew backward against a wall and crashed to the ground. My ears rang, and smoke was everywhere. Alarms were going off while people around me panicked, not knowing what had caused the explosion.
I called out Steve's name, worried that he had been injured since he was closer to the blast radius. "I'm here, I'm here. Are you okay?" Steve crouched down next to me, checking me for injuries. I swatted his hands away. "I'm fine. What happened? Do you know what caused the explosion?" I wanted to know.
"This must be Loki's doing. Stark went ahead, but he needs help. You stay here, I'll be right back, alright?" He took my face into his hands. "Don't do anything reckless while I'm gone," he continued. He quickly kissed me, got up, and sprinted away. I was about to follow him when I heard an earsplitting roar coming from where the lab used to be.
I dusted myself off, pulled my pistol, and jumped into the opening the explosion had caused. It was dark, and heavy footsteps thudded ahead of me as the pipes creaked, putting me on alert. Something was in here—something big. I wasn't sure if I wanted to find it. I peeked around the corner, hearing movement to my left, so I tiptoed forward, pressing myself to the wall, gun at the ready.
There was someone or something on the other side of the wall, but before I could check, someone jumped at me, almost hitting my face if I hadn't pulled up my arms. "Oh my god, it's you. I'm so sorry," Natasha whispered, holding her hands up.
"You scared me to death, you know that, right?" I whispered back, holstering my gun. "What is that roaring I've been hearing?" The heavy steps just in front of me answered my question as the Hulk screamed in my face. Natasha didn't hesitate; she shot into the pipes above his head and yelled, "Run, run, run!" grabbing my hand and pulling me after her.
That just seemed to make him even angrier. He followed us, breaking everything in his way. I ran as fast as I could without leaving Natasha behind, but he almost had us—I could feel the ground shake under my feet. Soon, there would be no way to run.
I quickly looked back when I heard Natasha scream in pain. The Hulk had thrown her against the wall and was now advancing on her. I pulled my gun, unsure if bullets would do anything, but I had to try. Suddenly, someone crashed into him with such impact that both of them broke through the wall. The workers on the other side saw who had caused the massive hole in the wall and made a run for it.
Seeing that Thor had saved our lives, I walked over to Natasha to check on her. "Are you hurt?" I asked, looking her over and helping her to her feet.
"I'm good, thanks," she answered, smiling, while Thor and the Hulk continued fighting in the background.
"I think he's more suited for this job, don't you think?" Natasha pointed in Thor's direction.
"I couldn't agree more," I told her. She held up her hand, trying to hear what was said on the comms. "This is Agent Romanoff. I copy," she answered. She looked frightened. "It's Barton, my friend that Loki captured. I have to help him."
"Then go. I'll check on Steve and see if he needs my help," I told her, and we ran in opposite directions. I didn't know where Steve was; this whole aircraft was huge, so I made my way through all the halls and rooms.
When I had almost given up on finding him, a wall on my right burst open, and Loki landed face down at my feet. He was groaning as he pushed himself up on his knees, a grin adorning his face when he saw me. "This must be fate," he said smugly, pointing his scepter at my chest. Then there was only darkness.
Next Chapter
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theaudacitytowrite · 2 years
Congratulations on 1K! Thoroughly deserved! Your one of the best writers on Tumblr and I absolutely adore your stories 💚
I chose some maybe angsty annoyance to fluff 💚
73: You stayed up for me?
68: it's been a long day
32: can I sleep here? Just for tonight?
Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
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The last part of the Jotunheim Saga ... or is it?🤔 We’ll see what the future has in store (idea wise) :)
It really was a blast to write all these drabbles, thank you all again for requesting and reading them<3
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The night had crept over the mountains of the stronghold Utgard, overshadowing it in darkness. You sat patiently in the dining hall, waiting for Loki to return from his last meeting with the council. You felt a bit nervous since you knew that he usually needed some time to compose himself after the discussion with the hard-headed council members.
It was the last night on Jotunheim before both of you were supposed to return to Midgard. You had convinced Loki to cook for him to celebrate the successful peace talks. Loki only had to endure one last diplomatic proceeding to regulate the newly formed governance that would oversee Jotunheim during his absence. But much to your and probably his chagrin too, it had dragged on longer than expected.
You were lounging on a chair as the tall doors slowly crept open with a creak. You felt uneasy and jumped up to your feet. Loki strode into the dining hall with quick strides, still in his Jotun form. His eyebrows were drawn together accompanied by a grim frown on his lips and a murderous glare in his eyes. With every step, his blue skin returned to his usual pale complexion and he seemed to shrink a few inches.
Your stomach turned as you remembered how your last conversation ended when he had come back frustrated from a conference that hadn’t gone as he wanted it to. But all the tension and your fears swiftly vanished as Loki’s eyes met yours and his mood seemed to change instantly, a soft twinkle returning to his sapphire eyes.
"You stayed up for me?" he remarked with an abashed smile.
"Of course!” you beamed at him, sheepishly biting your lip, “After all we had a dinner date... and you know me. I’m terribly nosy, I wanna hear everything!"
"It’s been a long day." he sighed, giving you a longing hug before he was ready to be led to the dinner table. As you ate Loki excitedly reported to you what the council had pulled off as a farewell.
Afterwards, both of you sat down by the fireplace together, your legs entangled as you talked about the departure in the morning and reminisced about what had happened over the last few months.
“Thank you for staying with me.” Loki softly rubbed over your legs, “I know I said it before but without you, I might’ve burned this whole realm to the ground.”
“You can be so dramatic sometimes,” you chuckled.
“I know.” he smiled to himself, “I'm just glad that you decided to lend me your company here. I wouldn't know how I would've managed it all by myself.”
“That's what friends are for, aren’t they?” you smiled sweetly at him.
"You're right, we're friends..." he stared off into the distance. It seemed like he had something else on his heart but he just smiled when he noticed your quizzical gaze.
“What?” you asked him with an unsure smile but Loki only shook his head.
"Nothing. Let’s head to bed." he waved you off, "We'll have a long day tomorrow."
“The last night on Jotunheim... not gonna lie, I think I’m gonna miss it a little bit.” you huffed with a frown.
“Are you sure you'll miss Jotunheim? Or is it something else?" he inquired cheekily.
"What are you trying to imply, Mr. Mischief?" you raised your eyebrow sceptically.
"Nothing." he feigned innocence, "But as I recall, you haven't slept alone in your bed for a single night in over 3 months."
"Are you trying to bring up the possibility that I might miss you, a cover-hogging nightmare, sleeping next to me?" you snickered, "As if it wasn't you who came to my chambers enquiring 'Can I sleep here? Just for tonight.' and insisted that we never sleep apart ever since then?"
There was this look in his eyes again as he examined your face, his facial expression somewhere between thoughtful and amused.
"I don't like it when you have a point." Loki grumbled, "But you didn't answer my question."
"I'll miss you as much as you'll miss me," you remarked with a smirk.
"A lot then." he held your gaze. You inclined your head, surprised by his quick return.
"Did you just try to make me admit something by admitting it yourself?" you asked tentativly.
"Depends how you answer." he licked his lips.
"You're really something." you shook your head impressed.
"I think one would call it smooth." he scrunched his nose as he drawled his words with a grin, "So?"
"So let's go to bed." you gently took his hand, pulling him behind you towards his chambers.
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Taglist: @lucywrites02 @funsized-mimi @gaitwae @queenjosielaufeyson @1marvelnerd3000 @darkacademicfrom2021  @lostgreekgod @tendertalesmain @donttouchmylaevateinn @asgardianprincess1050 @msturi2u @high-functioning-lokipath @elius-learns-to-write @plainlo-inthemorning @kokinu09 @midnights-ramblings @donaweasley @itsreallyjustmeh @sititran  @lindsey-laufeyson @ethanshide @delaber  @anonymousfiction211 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @iamalinarose @xorpsbane @vbecker10 @limiworld @ilovefanfiction  @crazzycrackers04 @tinctureofmaddness @marvelfanfn2187a113 @cosplayingwitch @sylvies4ever @tanushreeg27 @kellatron55 @loveshineslikethesky @scram1326 @camerons-specialinterest @mooncat163 @leucoratia @acefeather2002  @mochie85 @usagishira @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @lokidbadguy @ozymdias
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lizmaximoff · 2 years
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Though requests are currently closed, you can keep up-to-date with all of my written work through this tag or through my AO3 account. 
Included Characters: Jim Hopper (Stranger Things), Loki Laufeyson (MCU)
Aren’t We a Pair? [T] → After being transported in the midst of battle, you’re left to ponder on the nature of yours and Loki’s relationship. What happens once you’re reunited?
The Finest Asgardian Ale [E] → It’s Wanda Maximoff’s 30th Birthday party, and a little bit of Asgardian liquor leads to some secret confessions coming to light.
Fire and Ice [M] → After being stranded on Jotunheim, you and Loki decide to reveal your true forms to one another. (Jotun!Loki)   
Mischievous Mission [T] → In the heat of battle, Loki transports the both of you into a weird a spot.   
According to Plan [M] → Hopper decides to take you away to Chicago for Valentine’s Day weekend for a surprise.
Adorable [E] → Married life comes with a lot of up’s and down’s, but Hopper calling you “adorable” somehow manages to top the list of things that has managed to piss you off this month.
A Little Crush [E] → You can’t sleep, so you decide to join the Chief on the couch and watch some television. Seems innocent enough, right? 
Almost as Much as I Love You [E] → You and Hopper exchange “I love you”s for the first time.
A Supernova [E] → Joyce Byers never understood what it meant to be sexually fulfilled until Jim Hopper got his hands on her. (Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper)
Beast of Burden [M] → Suggestive songs and sexual tension between you and the rugged man across the bar leave a lot to be desired. [Two Parts | Complete]
Changes [E] → After spending your teen years having run-in’s with the chief of police, you return to town after re-starting your life.
Chasing Calliope [T] → Your best friend scores a date with Joyce Byers and you’re forced to make him over. Little did you know that you were what he wanted from the very beginning. [Series | Incomplete]
Cheesecake [M] → Much to Hopper’s chagrin, you manage to drag him to a baking class for Valentine’s Day. 
Color [E] → You can’t help but be distracted by Hopper despite how badly you want to focus on the canvas in front of you.
Counting Sheep [E] → You’ve always struggled with insomnia, but for some reason  counting sheep isn’t what you need to fall asleep tonight.
Courage [T] → After your boyfriend breaks up with you, your best friend redeems your crummy Valentine’s dinner with a shocking confession.
Craving [E] → You can’t stop thinking about a specific part of Hopper’s body all day long.
Don’t Flirt Like That [T] → After graduating from high school, you take a job at the local police station as an assistant for your best friend’s father. If only you didn’t have such a huge crush on him.
Headcanon Masterlist [K, T, M, & E] 
Horizontal [E] → Hopper can’t keep his hands off of you after picking you up from the airport, so you decide to bring him back to your parents’ house while they’re away at work.
I Dare You [E] → You give into a seemingly harmless and immature game of truth or dare with your closest friend.
Kiss the Chef [E] → After opening up your own bakery, you’re surprised to see your friend from high school, and former crush, walk through your doors. [Two Parts | Complete]
Lady in Red [E] → You and Hopper decide to go to a local jazz club for one of your date nights, and jazz isn’t the only thing that’s music to your ears.
Mistletoe [E] → There’s nothing like a little holiday cheer to spark the light between you and your boss. [Two Parts | Complete]
Not a Good Time [T] → You can’t wait for Hopper to get home to tell him some very important news, so you visit him at work.
Obligated [T] → You and your best friend spend a little quality time alone at the cabin while his daughter is at a sleepover.
On Santa’s Lap [E] → You volunteer to take on most of the responsibilities that come with hosting the Annual Hawkins Holiday Foundation Social, and one of those includes finding someone to fill the position of Santa Claus. Thankfully, your boyfriend fits the bill perfectly. [Chasing Calliope Verse]
Perfect to Me [E] → Hopper tries to convince you how sexy you are in his eyes.
Precious Little Chapel [T] → You wake up with a ring on your finger and your best friend is still snoring in his bed. What the hell happened last night?
Rein Me In [E] → Weeks of arguing in the office finally come to a head with some sort of resolution (and a revelation). 
Rebel, Rebel [E] → You’re the co-captain of the Tigerettes, in a relationship with the quarterback of the Tigers, and have your entire senior year ahead of you, but your feelings for your next-door neighbor and the resident bad boy may change things up a little bit. [teen!Hopper] [high school au] [Series | Complete]
Tethered [E] → Your years-long search for satisfaction finally comes to a startling close after meeting a handsome, blue-eyed stranger at the bar. [Two Parts | Complete]
The Definition of Sex [M] → Making out with Hopper is the definition of sex.
The Learning Curve [T] → Holly DelMonica applies to university with the hopes of reclaiming a college experience she denied herself of after high school. She never expected for things to get so complicated. [professor!Hopper] [series au] [Series | Incomplete & Abandoned]
Untamed [E] →  You have an incredibly intense dream about your best friend, but your poker face isn’t as good as you think it is. [teen!Hopper]
Walking on Eggshells [T] → You and Hopper have a really intense argument, leading you to reconsider the dynamics of your relationship.
Warm & Soft [T] → Hopper can’t seem to keep his hands to himself while you both watch a movie.
Word Vomit [T] → The last thing you want is for your boyfriend to see you sick tonight, but Hopper is more than man enough to handle whatever you throw his way.
Send me a message here if you would like to be tagged in any of my works; please let me know if you would like to be tagged in all future works or works for specific characters only. 
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