#much thanks to the kaishin discord for this prompt
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Murphy’s Law
AN: For @sup-poki and @mintchocolateleaves‘s emogust, I admit I’ve had this idea floating (pun intended, :P) around for a while, and it might not fit the prompt exactly but I thought it would be fun to write
KID cursed as he tripped down the stairs, narrowly missing the officer grabbing for him and landing flat on his ass at the bottom with a sizable bruise lined up for viewing bright and early tomorrow. He got to his feet with a wince, feeling less steady on his feet and like his shoes weren’t quite touching the ground the right way. On top of this disaster of a heist, he was probably sporting a concussion now as his prize for the night, instead of the mystical Emerald of Elevation that he’d only barely been able to touch before the police had arrived.
His cape had caught under his foot when he stepped back from the squad and he’d almost choked at the sudden yank, only barely managing to keep his balance while the police swarmed in. It had been a close call after close call, stumbling and staggering around every officer’s lunging attempts to catch him while wondering how he was ever going to save face after the night was over and Inspector Nakamori had seen him do a nose-dive while dodging another of his policemen.
If he’d been more of a believer in Akako’s mumbo-jumbo, he’d almost have thought his cape was conspiring against him. It caught around his ankles, flew into his face and obscured his view of his attackers more than once and tangled around his arms the first time he tried to run for the vents. He’d never had any problems with it before, it was usually almost like an extension of himself, his magician’s veil to cover any and all tricks he performed in front of his hostile audience. It was betraying him now, and the treachery was rather disheartening to realize. His own flowing cape, the signature of his exits and the dramatic base that provided all his moments of excessive flare, was now his worst enemy.
None of his usual tricks had worked either. The smoke-bombs went awry and he’d gone down coughing with the rest when his aim was off, managing to spot the vent he needed to leave in and crawling in with tears streaming down his face and ruining the makeup he’d applied for the night. The escape route had been cut off too and he’d had to leave the ducts to find another way to the roof. So much for tonight’s grand plans, he was just going to have to turn tail and run away, the Magician under the Moonlight reduced to a runny nose and ducking around corners to avoid getting spotted.
One more floor, he could make one more floor and if his horrible, damned luck would just stop messing him up for five minutes, he’d make a clean getaway on the glider. All it took was five minutes without a mishap, that was all he needed.
As soon as he stepped foot on the roof, he knew his wish hadn’t been granted. Kudo Shinichi stood with a triumphant smirk on his face and the propeller KID had been planning to use was propped against the railing beside him, the screws falling between his fingers to land on the concrete to roll off the edge.
“Not going anywhere tonight, KID. Wasn’t the smoothest operation either,” Shinichi noted, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he strolled towards him.
KID straightened up, wiping at the raccoon-eyes he probably had left over from the night’s horrific accidents, and tried on his most charming smile as he met the detective in the middle.
“I should’ve known that you were the one responsible for the closed ventilation shafts,” KID said, with more confidence than he really felt at the moment. It just figured that the great detective would finally show up to give him a challenge on the night when he was most off his own game. Any other night and he would have been over the moon for a chance to match wits, to see that gleam in Shinichi’s eye when he outsmarted him in a move. Tonight was just embarrassing, he’d gladly scrap the whole initiative if he didn’t think the emerald still held promise.
“Didn’t stop you from getting all the way up here, however. Sounds like you lead them around by the nose this time.”
KID kept the confusion off his face, but just barely, wondering why he thought it sounded like Shinichi was almost praising him for getting this far when it was a ridiculous farce of a heist so far.
“Little under the weather, are we?” Shinichi asked, tipping his head to the side and gesturing to Kaito’s nose as he sniffed yet again, the gas still messing with his sinuses. Kaito sneezed, with the worst timing possible, and shamefully nodded.
“You know, you don’t have to do a heist every week.” Passing over a tissue, Shinichi smiled slightly as Kaito pulled off his gloves to stuff them in his pocket and blew his nose. “If you get sick, just take time off. You look like you haven’t slept in a while either.”
Kaito almost wanted to retort that he was looking just fine when he remembered his mess of a face and figured that having a cold was likely the best excuse he would get in this situation. It wasn’t like he could seriously blame it on his cape acting up without being laughed at.
“Is that concern, detective? I’ll have to remember this tactic in the future then.” Kaito knew it wasn’t a good attempt at brushing it off but he needed to save face somehow. This caring side to the detective was a rare occurrence and threw him off balance about as much as the rest of the evening had.
“I look forward to your next performance, I’m sure it’ll be marvelous,” Shinichi murmured softly, leaning in and reaching slowly up to rest a hand on Kaito’s forehead. “You look flushed, are you sure you’re safe to be out here?”
Before his hand could touch, however, Kaito was dragged backward, away from Shinichi and his warm hand. Kaito swore under his breath, tugging at the fabric bunching around his wrists. His damn cape was freaking cockblocking him, even after everything it had already ruined tonight!
“I wouldn’t want you to catch it, might mess up that brain of yours,” Kaito said instead, bowing low to cover his attempts to free his hands.
“Wait, how are you going to get down? Don’t get so close to the edge, you’ve been unsteady all night!” Shinichi ran towards him and Kaito was dragged back at the same pace, barrelling towards the rather flimsy-looking safety railing that was all that separated him the yawning depths below.
“Haven’t you ever heard?” KID asked, “A magician never reveals his secrets.”
Those were his last words as he pitched over the edge and Shinichi’s panicked shout was all he heard as he fell.
The cape, after all the mischief it had wrought that night, caught him and pulled him back up in a flight as smooth as he’d ever achieved with his glider. It felt like he was truly flying, weightless amidst the stars and the air threading cold fingers through his hair as he rose back up to the level of the roof and grinned at the stunned look on his dear detective’s face.
“Till the next showtime!” he yelled, hoping the cape knew where it was going as it swooped away, because he sure didn’t.
#DCMKEmogust2019#dcmk#kaito kid#Kudou Shinichi#detective conan#Kuroba Kaito#my writing#this is probably the silliest thing I've written since the#magical bois au piece but I just couldn't resist#i rewatched the doctor strange movie bits for this because i needed inspiration#much thanks to the kaishin discord for this prompt
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E for the fandom meme!
Thank you for asking! ;u;
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Hmm... I guess this one depends of the person, as everyone sense of humor is different, but I just answered another ask with a slightly crack idea, also wrote a KaiShin fic that for my questionable sense of humor is hilarious (do not trust my sense of humor, I watch animes with weird plots because I find them hilarious as well).
I also have a list with 50+ incorrect quotes that I made for me to draw... That I’m not drawing. But as of the moment I answered this ask, I did two (2)! So that’s a thing. You can find them on my incorrect quotes tag!
I don’t know if it counts, as I never shared them outside of the KaiShin discord, but I have a few crack/slightly crack ideas (because I either go angst or humor, no in-between), Kaito The Game Character is one of my favorites. I even have a silly drabble about it. More about the idea under read more! :D
Ask me things? :D (I’m still bored and can’t draw. Hope my new PC arrive soon ;w;)
Being a self-aware player character in a video game has its perks. Kaito doesn't need to think too hard about the consequences of his actions because ultimately everything would work out and if he is almost dying, he knows he will respawn later.
Kaito only wishes his player was less of an idiot.
Shinichi is a romanceable Knight NPC, but originally only for female characters. The player used a mod to make him romanceable, but the voice lines can’t change, so he keeps calling Kaito a princess and overall acting like Kaito was a girl.
The game has a really generic romance route.
The player spends a lot of time modding the game to add romantic events for Kaito/Shinichi
Kaito is well aware of what the player does and facepalm all the time. He just wants to save the kingdom and finish the game for good, but the player keeps doing sidequests and adding events.
He is programmed to fall in love with whoever the player chooses to romance and he can’t help it, but couldn't he at least be treated like the warrior he is instead of a delicate princess? Who are the creators of the game to write female playable character romances like that? He wants to have a conversation.
Kaito hates how much he loves NPC Shinichi anyway
Lots of shenanigans with classics like pressing A too many times to talk and repeating NPC dialogue, saving over and over again, jumping for nor reason or running and circles and walking straight to the walls (and not a single NPC acknowledging it)
And for the silly drabble... I just wanna say that I wrote this in one go just before sleeping and I never polished it up (and probably never will, unless brain decides for me to flash this scene more, which for now seems unlikely).
It was based on a memorable Dragon Age 2 fight of mine.
Kaito is the chosen hero, destined to save the world from calamity. He's invincible, unstoppable and incredibly handsome, able to woo anyone he desires. A true force of nature.
When the king's court was being attacked by the demon pirates and their leader, Kaito and his party showed up on time to save the day, as it's their duty as saviors of the realm.
To avoid needless bloodshed, the leader of the demon pirates proposed an one-on-one duel with a chosen champion. If the king's champion wins, they would leave without causing anymore destruction, if the pirates win, their leader would be the new king.
With Kaito on their side, they didn't hesitate to accept the proposal. How could they not, with the chosen hero at their side?
That's why Kaito now is about to fight the leader. They get ready to fight and… Kaito starts running desperately through the arena, running away from the leader while casting fireballs from the distance?
Kaito would facepalm if he was physically capable to. How could he forget his player's tendency to panic in fights and just run away from everything? Especially from such a heavy hitter like this demon going against Kaito's poor defenses as a mage. If the player tries to fight with the minimum shade of honor, Kaito would be destroyed and they would have to start the fight all over again, his player is that bad at dodging.
Thinking more about it, isn't he basically a blood mage, a practice frowned upon and chased down by the church? How is he the glorified hero again…?
Humiliating twenty in real life minutes of Kaito running away like a scared chicken passed when the leader's HP finally drops to zero. The crowd goes wild cheering, congratulating him for winning the fight and saving the kingdom.
"You won a fair fight." the leader says. "It was an honour to duel with someone as admirable as you. As promised, me and my crew will retire and never bother this land again. You have my word."
That's nice and all that, but please don't tell Kaito that this was any sort of honorable duel, he's already dying inside as it is.
"As expected of the champion!"
"Long live the hero!"
A familiar figure approaches Kaito and takes his hand to press a kiss on it.
"I knew that my princess would be capable of taking care of the pirate leader alone." Shinichi says.
Oh? Not treating Kaito like a breakable figure for once? Now that's an improvement. Maybe the romance route isn't that bad, after all?
Without any kind of prompt, Shinichi holds Kaito and carries him bridal style."You must be tired after all this fighting, let me carry you to the room the king is giving is for tonight, you should rest."
Kaito tries to fight the blush appearing on his face. First that pathetic excuse of a fight, now he is being carried out of the arena, this is just getting more and more humiliating.
Then again, from here he has an excellent vision of Shinichi's face, the way he looks at Kaito like he's the most precious person in the world…
Oh well, Kaito supposes he can live with that.
#kiwi talks#Anonymous#dcmk#kaishin#ask#ask game#me being me#of course I also have an angst version of this same idea
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I thought I’d do a summary (like presume, haaa I’m such a copier) of my writing this year!
Looking at my Ao3 stats shows how much of a nerd I really am in terms of fic as I’ve written 245k of words this year which... omg so many? I wasn’t expecting that many at all, wtf.
I want to thank lots of people for this, because ahhh everyone in my fandoms are just amazing? I’ll throw the rest of this under a read more?
So thanks to everyone who follows me for being amazing. Thank you for the notes, the reblogs and tags you leave. It makes me super happy to read over them, and I always find it reassuring to go back over them whenever I’m feeling down!
I’d like to thank @detectivegeekshin / @bakathief / @dont-touch-my-sons for being such amazing new friends to me this year, you’re all fabulous and deserve the world! I hope 2018 treats you guys as kindly as you’ve treated me in 2017!
@presumenothing deserves her own little section, because that you for being my friend, but also thank you for being an awesome senpai! Thanks for giving me advice and responses to what I write! Similarly to this is Angelicsentinel, whom I miss seeing on my tumblr dash, but still see in my AO3 emails!
I also want to thank the KaiShin discord for generally being amazing and giving me somewhere to feel at home this past year. Especially @shizuna610 who invited me to the server in the first place. It’s been a blast talking with you all!
And then little ideas for where the next year’s going to lead me writing wise! I’m definitely going to have to finish the fics I’ve already got, and hopefully I’ll get to the prompts in my inbox! Let’s see how I fare with my writing alongside med-school!
(Oh shit, did I tell you guys on tumblr? I got into MED-SCHOOL!)
Everyone, have a happy new year, and I’ll see you all in 2018!
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