#much love from over the Prut
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Soarele și luna Ne-or ține cununa.
(The sun and moon Shall hold our crown
-aka the sun and moon shall marry us; aka our love will be eternal/we'll pass into eternety together for those not versed in Romanian mythology and folklore)
This piece was inspired by Pasha Parfeni's song 'Soarele și luna' that's going to represent Moldova at Eurovision this year.
#soarele si luna#folclor si rock'n'roll#romanisme#romanian folklore#pasha parfeni#moldova#music#sun and moon#wedding#folkore#pen and ink#illustration#drawing#art nouveau#art#every year I try not to care about the stupid song contest and then Moldova comes out and cures my depression#much love from over the Prut#I love this song so much#like it's unreal how much thirst for making art it gives me#for now I have to channel it into client work cause I have a lot of orders but I a itching to do romanian stuff so badly#bills first fun and soul food later#meanwhile#pupici si covrigi calzi la toti Moldoveni cu gusturi bune in muzica care nu lasa limba romana sa se faca de rahat😘
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Daisy's head lay in her lap, and Demi held her hand, looking often at her, with eyes so like his father's, and a little gesture that seemed to say, "Don't be troubled, mother; I am here;" and all about her were friends to lean upon and love; so patient, pious Meg put by her heavy grief, feeling that her best help would be to live for others, as her John had done.
‘She is growing better, I am sure of it, my dear. Don’t despond, but hope and keep happy,’ said Mrs. March, as tenderhearted Daisy stooped from her knee to lay her rosy cheek against her little cousin’s pale one.
‘What have you been at today, bubchen?’ asked Mr. Bhaer, picking up the gymnast. ‘Me went to see little Mary.’ ‘And what did you there?’ ‘I kissed her,’ began Demi, with artless frankness. ‘Prut! Thou beginnest early. What did the little Mary say to that?’ asked Mr. Bhaer, continuing to confess the young sinner, who stood upon the knee, exploring the waistcoat pocket. ‘Oh, she liked it, and she kissed me, and I liked it. Don’t little boys like little girls?’ asked Demi, with his mouth full, and an air of bland satisfaction. ‘You precious chick! Who put that into your head?’ said Jo, enjoying the innocent revelation as much as the Professor. ‘Tisn’t in mine head, it’s in mine mouf,’ answered literal Demi, putting out his tongue, with a chocolate drop on it, thinking she alluded to confectionery, not ideas. ‘Thou shouldst save some for the little friend. Sweets to the sweet, mannling.’ And Mr. Bhaer offered Jo some, with a look that made her wonder if chocolate was not the nectar drunk by the gods. Demi also saw the smile, was impressed by it, and artlessy inquired. .. ‘Do great boys like great girls, to, ‘Fessor?’ Like young Washington, Mr. Bhaer ‘couldn’t tell a lie’, so he gave the somewhat vague reply that he believed they did sometimes, in a tone that made Mr. March put down his clothesbrush, glance at Jo’s retiring face, and then sink into his chair, looking as if the ‘precocious chick’ had put an idea into his head that was both sweet and sour. Why Dodo, when she caught him in the china closet half an hour afterward, nearly squeezed the breath out of his little body with a tender embrace, instead of shaking him for being there, and why she followed up this novel performance by the unexpected gift of a big slice of bread and jelly, remained one of the problems over which Demi puzzled his small wits, and was forced to leave unsolved forever.
Aunt Dodo was chief playmate and confidante of both children, and the trio turned the little house topsy-turvy. Aunt Amy was as yet only a name to them, Aunt Beth soon faded into a pleasantly vague memory, but Aunt Dodo was a living reality, and they made the most of her, for which compliment she was deeply grateful. But when Mr. Bhaer came, Jo neglected her playfellows, and dismay and desolation fell upon their little souls. Daisy, who was fond of going about peddling kisses, lost her best customer and became bankrupt. Demi, with infantile penetration, soon discovered that Dodo like to play with ‘the bear-man’ better than she did him, but though hurt, he concealed his anguish, for he hadn’t the heart to insult a rival who kept a mine of chocolate drops in his waistcoat pocket, and a watch that could be taken out of its case and freely shaken by ardent admirers. Some persons might have considered these pleasing liberties as bribes, but Demi didn’t see it in that light, and continued to patronize the ‘the bear-man’ with pensive affability, while Daisy bestowed her small affections upon him at the third call, and considered his shoulder her throne, his arm her refuge, his gifts treasures surpassing worth.
There might have been cause for maternal anxiety, if Demi had not given convincing proofs that he was a true boy, as well as a budding philosopher, for often, after a discussion which caused Hannah to prophesy, with ominous nods, ‘That child ain’t long for this world,’ he would turn about and set her fears at rest by some of the pranks with which dear, dirty, naughty little rascals distract and delight their parent’s souls. Meg made many moral rules, and tried to keep them, but what mother was ever proof against the winning wiles, the ingenious evasions, or the tranquil audacity of the miniature men and women who so early show themselves accomplished Artful Dodgers?
Of course the children tyrannized over her, and ruled the house as soon as they found out that kicking and squalling brought them whatever they wanted. Mamma was an abject slave to their caprices, but Papa was not so easily subjugated, and occasionally afflicted his tender spouse by an attempt at paternal discipline with his obstreperous son. For Demi inherited a trifle of his sire’s firmness of character, we won’t call it obstinacy, and when he made up his little to have or to do anything, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not change that pertinacious little mind. Mamma thought the dear too young to be taught to conquer his prejudices, but Papa believed that it never was too soon to learn obedience. So Master Demi early discovered that when he undertook to ‘wrastle’ with ‘Parpar’, he always got the worst of it, yet like the Englishman, baby respected the man who conquered him, and loved the father whose grave ‘No, no,’ was more impressive than all Mamma’s love pats.
#Outofjourneys {Ooc}#Pretty Protecting Air {Quotes}#Most Exemplary Manner {Headcanons}#All & Everything {Mama & Papa}#The Most Remarkable Boy {Demi}#Homelike Hopes & Joys {Family}#Want For Nothing Else {Daisy Demi & Josie}#THE BROOKE TWINS PART 2
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The two preserved pages of Hildebrand’s Lay,
one of the oldest texts in German, which are stored at Murhard’sche Bibliothek in Kassel. Written in the 830s at the monastery of Fulda onto blank pages of an 820s codex, the story breaks off well befort its end, leaving speculation that that a third page once existed.
Old High German original:
Ik gıhorta dat ſeggen
dat ſih urhettun ænon muotın •
hıltıbrant entı hadubrant untar herıun tuem •
ſunu fatarungo • ıro ſaro rıhtun •
garutun ſe ıro gudhamun • gurtun ſih • ıro • ſuert ana •
helıdoſ ubar rınga do ſie to dero hıltu rıtun •
hıltıbrant gımahalta herıbranteſ ſunu • her uuaſ heroro man
feraheſ frotoro • her fragen gıſtuont
fohem uuortum • ƿer ſin fater ƿarı
fıreo ın folche … •
eddo ƿelıhheſ cnuoſleſ du ſiſ •
ıbu du mı enan ſageſ ık mı de odre uuet
chınd ın chunıncrıche • chud ıſt mın al ırmındeot •
hadubrant gımahalta hıltıbranteſ ſunu •
dat ſagetun mı uſere lıutı
alte antı frote dea erhına ƿarun •
dat hıltıbrant hættı mın fater • ıh heıttu hadubrant •
forn her oſtar gıhueıt floh her otachreſ nıd
hına mıtı theotrıhhe entı ſinero degano fılu •
her fur laet ın lante luttıla ſitten
prut ın bure barn unƿahſan
arbeo laoſa • her raet oſtar hına
deſ ſid detrıhhe darba gıſtuontum
fatereſ mıneſ • dat uuaſ ſo frıuntlaoſ man
her ƿaſ otachre ummet tırrı
degano dechıſto untı deotrıchhe
darba gıſtontun her ƿaſ eo folcheſ at ente ımo ƿaſ eo peh&a tı leop •
chud uuaſ her … • chonnem mannum
nı ƿanıu ıh ıu lıb habbe … •
ƿettu ırmıngot quad hıltıbrant obana ab hevane
dat du neo dana halt mıt ſuſ ſippan man
dınc nı gıleıtoſ … •
ƿant her do ar arme ƿuntane bauga
cheıſurıngu gıtan • ſo ımo ſe der chunıng gap
huneo truhtın • dat ıh dır ıt nu bı huldı gıbu •
hadubrant gımahalta hıltıbranteſ ſunu •
mıt geru ſcal man geba ınfahan
ort ƿıdar orte … •
du bıſt dır alter hun ummet ſpaher
ſpenıſ mıh mıt dınem ƿuortun ƿılı mıh dınu ſperu ƿerpan •
pıſt alſo gıalt& man ſo du eƿın ınƿıt fortoſ •
dat ſagetun mı ſeolıdante
ƿeſtar ubar ƿentılſeo dat ınan ƿıc furnam •
tot ıſt hıltıbrant herıbranteſ ſuno •
hıltıbrant gımahalta herıbranteſ ſuno •
ƿela gıſihu ıh ın dınem hruſtım
dat du habeſ heme herron goten
dat du noh bı deſemo rıche reccheo nı ƿurtı •
ƿelaga nu ƿaltant got quad hıltıbrant ƿeƿurt ſkıhıt •
ıh ƿallota ſumaro entı ƿıntro ſehſtıc ur lante •
dar man mıh eo ſcerıta ın folc ſceotantero
ſo man mır at burc enıgeru • banun nı gıfaſta •
nu ſcal mıh ſuaſat chınd • ſuertu hauƿan
breton mıt ſinu bıllıu eddo ıh ımo tı banın ƿerdan •
doh maht du nu aodlıhho ıbu dır dın ellen taoc •
ın ſuſ heremo man hruſtı gıƿınnan
rauba bıhrahanen • ıbu du dar enıc reht habeſ •
der ſi doh nu argoſto quad hıltıbrant oſtar lıuto
der dır nu ƿıgeſ ƿarne nu dıh eſ ſo ƿel luſtıt •
gudea gımeınun nıuſe de mottı •
ƿerdar ſih hıutu dero hregılo rumen muottı •
erdo deſero brunnono bedero uualtan •
do lettun ſe ærıſt aſckım ſcrıtan
ſcarpen ſcurım dat ın dem ſcıltım ſtont •
do ſtoptun to ſamane ſtaım bort chludun •
heƿun harmlıcco huıtte ſcıltı •
untı ımo ıro lıntun luttılo ƿurtun •
gıƿıgan mıtı ƿabnum …
High German translation:
Ich hörte das sagen,
dass sich als Herausforderer einzeln mühten:
Hildebrand und Hadubrand zwischen zwei Heeren.
Sohn und Vater richteten ihre Rüstung,
strafften ihre Kampfgewänder, gürteten sich ihre Schwerter um,
die Helden, über die Rüstung, als sie zu dem Kampf ritten.
Hildebrand sagte, Heribrands Sohn, er war der ältere Mann,
des Lebens erfahrener, er begann zu fragen,
mit wenigen Worten, wer sein Vater gewesen sei
unter den Menschen im Volke...
"...oder aus welchem Volke du bist
wenn Du mir einen nennst, kenne ich die anderen
Menschen im Reich, bekannt ist mir die ganze Menschheit".
Hadubrand sagte, Hildebrands Sohn:
"Das sagten mir unsere Leute,
alte und weise, die früher schon da lebten,
dass Hildebrand mein Vater heiße, ich heiße Hadubrand.
Vormals ist er nach Osten geritten, er floh den Zorn Odoakers,
dorthin mit Dietrich und vielen seiner Kämpfer.
Er ließ im Lande arm zurück
die Frau in der Hütte und den unerwachsenen Sohn
erbelos: Er ritt nach Osten hin.
Deswegen erlitt seither Dietrich die Abwesenheit
meines Vaters: Der war ein so freundloser Mann.
Er zürnte Odoaker unmäßig,
der liebste der Kämpfer Dietrichs.
Er war immer an der Spitze des Heeres, ihm war immer der Kampf zu lieb,
Bekannt war er...den Tapfersten.
Ich glaube nicht, daß er noch lebt..."
"Weißt Du Gott", sprach Hildebrand, "oben vom Himmel,
daß du niemals solchermaßen verwandte
Männer in eine Angelegenheit hast geraten lassen!"
Er wand sich dann von den Armen gewundene Ringe ab,
aus kaiserlichem Gold gemacht, wie sie ihm der König gab,
der Herrscher der Hunnen. "Das gebe ich dir nun aus Freundschaft!"
Hadubrant, Hildebrands Sohn, sagte:
"Mit dem Speer soll man Geschenke annehmen,
Spitze gegen Spitze!
Du dünkst dich, alter Hunne, unmäßig schlau.
Verlockst mich mit deinen Worten, willst deinen Speer nach mir werfen.
Du bist ein so alter Mann, wie du ewig Betrug im Sinn hast.
Das sagten mir Seeleute,
westlich über dem Ozean, dass ihn ein Kampf hinnahm:
Tot ist Hildebrand, Heribrands Sohn!"
Hildebrand, Heribrands Sohn, sagte:
"Wohl sehe ich an deiner Rüstung,
daß du daheim einen guten Herrn hast,
daß du in diesem Reich noch nie vertrieben wurdest.
Wohlan, nun walte Gott, sagte Hildebrand, Unheil geschieht:
Ich wanderte 60 Sommer und Winter außer Landes;
wo man mich immer in das Heer der Kämpfer einordnete.
Wenn man mir an jedweder Burg den Tod nicht beibringen konnte:
Nun soll mich das eigene Kind mit dem Schwerte schlagen,
niederschmettern mit der Klinge, oder aber ich werde ihm zum Töter.
Du kannst wohl leicht -wenn deine Kraft (dir) ausreicht-
von einem so alten Mann eine Rüstung gewinnen,
Beute rauben, wenn Du da irgendein Recht hast.
Der sei doch nun der feigste, sagte Hildebrand, von den Ostleuten,
der dir nun den Kampf verweigerte, wo es dich doch so sehr gelüstet,
nach gemeinsamem Kampf; (nun) versuche wer mag,
wer von beiden heute das Gewand lassen muß
und dieser Brünnen beider walten (wird)."
Dann ließen sie zuerst die Eschenlanzen bersten
in scharfem Kampf, daß sie in den Schilden steckten.
Da ritten sie gegeneinander, spalteten farbige Schilde,
schlugen gefährlich auf weiße Schilde,
bis ihnen ihre Lindenschilde zu Bruch gingen,
zerstört von den Waffen...
English translation:
I heard say
that as single challengers fought:
Hildebrand and Hadubrand between two hosts.
Son and father brought their armor in order,
straightened their battle garments, girded their swords,
the heroes, over the armor when they were riding to battle.
Hildebrand said, Heribrand’s son, he was the older man,
more experienced in life, he began to ask,
with few words, who was his father
among the people of the nation...
"...or from which kin you are
if you can tell me one, I know the other
people in the country, the entire mankind is known to me".
Hadubrand said, Hildebrand’s son:
"That told me our people,
old and wise ones, which were living there in former times,
that my father is called Hildebrand, my name is Hadubrand.
Once he was riding towards the east, fleeing from Odoaker’s wrath,
there with Dietrich and many of his fighters.
He miserably left behind in the country
the wife in the cottage and the juvenile son
without heritage: He was riding towards the east.
Thus Dietrich suffered from the absence
of my father: He was a friendless man.
He intemperately raged against Odoaker,
the dearest fighter of Dietrich.
He was always at the front of the host, he loved fighting too much,
he was known... to the bravest.
I do not believe that he is still alive..."
"This may witness God", said Hildebrand, "from heaven above,
that you have never let men of such kin
in such an affair!"
He then wound off spiral rings from his arms,
made from imperial gold, which were given to him by the king,
the ruler of the Huns. "I am giving you that for friendship’s sake!"
Hadubrand, Hildebrands son, said:
"You shall receive gifts with the spear,
point against point!
You think you are mighty clever, old Hun.
You tempt me with your words, want to throw your spear after me.
Your are such an old man like you always have deceit in your mind.
The sailors told me,
westwards over the ocean that a battle took him away:
Hildebrand, Heribrand’s son, is dead!"
Hildebrand, Heribrand’s son, said:
"I clearly see by your armor,
that you have a good master at home,
that you were never expelled from this country.
Well then, amen to God, said Hildebrand, disasters happen:
I was wandering for 60 summers and winters abroad;
wherever they set me into the host of fighters.
If they could never kill me at any castle:
Now my own child shall beat me with the sword,
smash me with the blade, or else I will become his killer.
You may easily -if your power suffices-
win the armor of such an old man,
heist prey if you have any right on it.
The biggest coward would be, said Hildebrand, of the eastern people,
who would deny you the fight when you are longing so much for it,
for mutual battle; now try who may,
who has to leave the garment today
and who will possess both of these byrnies"
Then they let first burst their ashen lances
in strong fight that they remained sticking in the shields.
Then they were riding against each other, cleaved coloured shields,
dangerously bashing white shields,
until their limewood shields got broken,
destroyed by the weapons...
Here is a reading of the Old High German original, alongside with more information about the history and linguistics of the text and a reconstructed version of the presumptive Langobardic original
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Ukraine- Exploring The Most Popular East European Travel Destination
Ukraine is a beautiful Eastern European country that is also the second largest in the continent. It is located in the middle of Asia and Europe, and without a doubt offers an assortment of get-away destinations to tourists from across the globe. Lovely beaches, striking architecture, grand backwoods, historic places, majestic mountains, ski resorts, health resorts- the country has everything for every type of tourist.
Some of the much loved travel destinations of Ukraine are revealed as follows:
1. Crimean peninsula - The mesmerising Crimean peninsula situated in the southern part of the country is a widely acclaimed unwinding spot. It is dotted with enchanting resorts and prominent wellbeing centres, which attract a large number of tourists wanting to loosen up and relax.
2. The Carpathian Mountains - Known as the "Green Pearl" of Ukraine, the Carpathian Mountains are another popular vacation spot in the country. These imperial mountains are loaded with immense natural beauty, and are known for their dense forests, river streams, picturesque views and breathtakingly beautiful Alpine meadows. One can also get involved in a host of adventure activities at this place. Hiking is a well known leisure activity that can be performed in the Carpathians. Another thing that can be tried here is rafting. The Prut River and the Bistrita River go through the Carpathians, which create a perfect set up for rafting. There are also many extraordinary spots for cycling. With a plenitude of both clear and unpaved paths, cycling in the area truly offers an unforgettable experience.
3. Kiev city - The hilly city of Kiev is also a very famous tourist destination of Europe that gloats of incredible architecture. Some of the many popular spots of the city include the Cathedral of St. Sophia, the Monastery with the Caves, the Ukrainian Baroque Church of St. Andrew and the 970-year-old Golden Gate. The city is likewise adored by numerous exhibition halls, public centres and theatres.
4. Kamyanets-Podilsky - the Fortress City – This is a must visit place in Ukraine that holds high historical importance. The ancient structures and those that have been included over the years offer deep insight into the history of the nation. The city is also home of the famous Pushkin Enlightenment Center and the country’s first gymnasium. As there are more than 200 landmarks to see in Kamyanets-Podilsky, tourists from different parts of the world flock this remarkable city all round the year.
5. Lviv city: This city is known for its spectacular architecture and flawlessly preserved medieval lanes. Lviv is a part of UNESCO's World Heritage list and is popular for its rich cultural heritage.
6. Odessa: The historic city of Odessa located towards the south of the country is also one among the fascinating places in the country. It is a site of captivating historical centres, sunlit shorelines and the famous Odessa Opera House.
In addition, travellers are sure to love the continental as well as moderately dry climate of Ukraine!
#Ukraine#Ukraine Travel#Crimean peninsula#The Carpathian Mountains#Kiev city#Kamyanets-Podilsky - the Fortress City#Lviv city#Odessa
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Jo March and Friedrich Bhaer!!!!! SAAAAAAME. I think that may have been my first ship, too, maybe. I wasn’t aware of what a ship was when I saw the Winona Ryder/Gabrielle Byrne casting (I was a wee thing of about 10 when that movie came out) but damn was I into them as a couple. DAMN.
Same, same, same, though I read the novel way before I watched the movie, and they always struck me as a perfect match. I was surprised when I found out that most of the fandom wanted Jo/Laurie. I always thought that Laurie’s obsession with Jo was unhealthy and his own way of refusing to grow up.
I mean, Jo too has a hard time letting go of her childhood, but at least she knows she cannot cling to it forever. All her reasons not to accept Laurie always seemed very reasonable to me.
I know some people bash Jo/Friedrich because of the moralizing tone, but it seems unfair to me to read things only from our own historical point of view. Jo shares Friedrich’s morals and when you acknowledge that, you can see that he isn’t shaming her for the stories she writes, he’s just telling her that she can do better things, that she can write what she really wants to tell and share with others, and be great at it, instead of wasting her talent in irrelevant stories.
I think Jo finds in Friedrich someone just like her, and that is beautiful because for most of her life Jo felt out of place wherever she went, like there was something wrong with her. And Friedrich is the living proof that she must not be ashamed of being who she is, that there’s nothing wrong with being her. He loves boys as much as she does, he is as clumsy as her, both have little care for propriety but are at the same time warm and have strong ideals.
Something I love about Friedrich is that, even if he really, really wants Jo, he doesn’t push her, on the contrary, he stays away as long as he thinks Jo has feelings for Laurie, because he wants her to be happy, and only goes to visit her because he reads her poem and thinks that she might need comfort and affection. And then he only tells her about his feelings when he has proof that she feels something for him too (It was obvious for everybody else, but, hey, gotta love that mutual pinning).
To top it all,
“Friedrich, why didn’t you…”
“Ah, heaven, she gifs me the name that no one speaks since Minna died!” cried the Professor, pausing in a puddle to regard her with grateful delight.
“I always call you so to myself—I forgot, but I won’t unless you like it.”
“Like it? It is more sweet to me than I can tell. Say ‘thou’, also, and I shall say your language is almost as beautiful as mine.”
“Isn’t 'thou’ a little sentimental?” asked Jo, privately thinking it a lovely monosyllable.
“Sentimental? Yes. Thank Gott, we Germans believe in sentiment, and keep ourselves young mit it. Your English 'you’ is so cold, say 'thou’, heart’s dearest, it means so much to me,” pleaded Mr. Bhaer, more like a romantic student than a grave professor.
“Well, then, why didn’t thou tell me all this sooner?” asked Jo bashfully.
“Now I shall haf to show thee all my heart, and I so gladly will, because thou must take care of it hereafter. See, then, my Jo—ah, the dear, funny little name—I had a wish to tell something the day I said goodbye in New York, but I thought the handsome friend was betrothed to thee, and so I spoke not. Wouldst thou have said 'Yes’, then, if I had spoken?”
“I don’t know. I’m afraid not, for I didn’t have any heart just then.”
“Prut! That I do not believe. It was asleep till the fairy prince came through the wood, and waked it up. Ah, well, 'Die erste Liebe ist die beste’, but that I should not expect.”
“Yes, the first love is the best, but be so contented, for I never had another. Teddy was only a boy, and soon got over his little fancy,” said Jo, anxious to correct the Professor’s mistake.
“Good! Then I shall rest happy, and be sure that thou givest me all. I haf waited so long, I am grown selfish, as thou wilt find, Professorin.”
“I like that,” cried Jo, delighted with her new name.
Look at this two dorks, stepping into puddles of water, addressing each other as “thou”, and “professorin” (and he loves her “Jo” nickname) and being total nerds speaking about love in the mud and carrying several cumbersome packages :3
Sorry, I got carried away XD
@grace52373 @joandfriedrich
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Fic: Adjournment (Garak/Parmak, NSƒW)
Written for @sealers100. The prompt was “Write a ~300 word love scene for them”. As I’m rubbish at maths and writing short things, this is instead 1500 words. Also, it is a PWP.
Frustrated at the slow pace of a committee meeting, Castellan Garak uses the adjournment to complain about it to Parmak. Distraction ensues.
Garak stormed into the sitting-room with an exasperated sigh.
‘Not going well?’ Parmak asked, not looking up from his book.
‘It is not.’ Garak threw himself onto the sofa beside him. ‘If I hear the word “ratify” again, I’ll scream.’
Parmak closed his book.
‘Would you like to talk about it?’
‘Do I look like I want to talk about it?’ He crossed his arms and leaned back. ‘I’m surrounded by idiots.’
‘You’re not on opposite sides, Elim. You have to be patient.’
‘I have been patient,’ Garak grumbled. ‘I don’t see why this is such a goddamn slow process.’
‘By its very nature, democracy will move slower than other forms of government,’ Parmak said. ‘But it’s better this way.’
Garak put his head back and sighed.
‘I know.’
Parmak moved reached out to rub his neck. Garak’s eyes drifted shut and he relaxed a little against his hand.
‘How long until you need to go back?’
‘An hour,’ he said, his voice quieter now. The annoyance had seeped out of him. Parmak smiled. It was so uncommon to see Garak drop his guard like this, even with him. He leaned closer slowly, allowing him time to notice. Garak drew a deep, contented breath and hummed a little. Parmak pressed a row of kisses onto his jaw. Garak opened his eyes lazily.
‘Is this a good idea?’ he asked.
‘I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, as long as you want to,’ Parmak said. ‘You do have a whole hour…’
Garak put a finger under Parmak’s chin and smiled.
‘An excellent argument, my dear.’ He guided him closer and kissed him.
Parmak slipped his hand from the nape of Garak’s neck to the ridges. He stroked them, occasionally tightening his grip to almost a pinch. Garak moaned. He broke the kiss and licked at Parmak’s chufa. Taking advantage of the new position, Parmak kissed his throat. At the same time, both his hands wandered downwards, following his sides and coming to rest on his hips. Garak must have noticed the way it made him twist around, because he took Parmak’s hand that reached over him and moved it to between his legs. They caught each other’s eye for a moment, communicating silently. Parmak started rubbing soft circles with his fingertips. Garak drew a sharp breath and leaned back against the back of the sofa again. His eyes fluttered shut. Parmak watched his face. At first, he could only see anticipatory tension. When that started fading as he grew used to the sensation, he pressed harder, making Garak bite his lip in renewed pleasure. Soon, he reached for went to the fastenings of his trousers. Parmak pulled away.
‘Don’t stop,’ Garak said huskily. He undid the fastenings as Parmak kept rubbing him through the fabric. Once his flies were open, he moved his hand, slipping it into his underwear.
He had meant to linger on his chuva a little longer, but Garak bucked his hips, making his hand move further down. He was already wet and everted, and sensitive enough that just brushing against him made him gasp. Parmak pulled his hand back. Garak stood up to take his trousers off.
‘I swear, this is the only situation where Bajorans and humans have it better,’ he said, although his usual sarcastic tone was undermined by his heavy breathing. ‘Far more easily accessible.’
‘This isn’t the time for comparative anatomical discussions,’ Parmak said. ‘Come back here. You don’t need to hang up your trousers.’
‘I’m not going to lead the committee in a creased suit,’ Garak said, leaving his trousers hanging neatly over a chair. As soon as he was within reach, Parmak took his arm and pulled him closer. Garak stumbled and ended up with one leg stretched out, the other with the knee on the sofa, like an odd version of a fencer’s garde. It looked uncomfortable, but it had not hurt him. He kissed Parmak deeply as he moved onto the sofa again. First he was on his knees, supporting himself with one hand. Then, he moved, sitting back and straightening his legs out in front of him. Parmak stroked his thigh. Garak hummed against his mouth. When Parmak let his hand brush against his prUt, he groaned.
‘Stop teasing.’
‘Give me one of those cushions, then.’
Garak smiled. He threw him a cushion, which Parmak in turn threw on the floor. As he got up from the sofa and lowered himself down, Garak leaned back and scooted closer to the edge. He looked vulnerable, dressed in his fine suit jacket but completely naked from the waist down. At the same time, he looked completely shameless. He spread him legs, revealing the two rows of scales and the opening between them completely. His member lay slick on his chuva, reddish pink against his grey skin. Parmak put his arm around Garak’s leg, pulling it onto his shoulder. He leaned closer now and licked the length of his prUt. Garak’s breath hitched. He had thrown back his head and screwed his eyes shut. When Parmak ran his mouth over where he had just licked, the muscles in Garak’s face twitched. Pulling back a little, he stroked him with his free hand, then moving downwards, following the curve of the prUt into his ajan.
At first, he simply teased him, barely inserting his fingers to the first joint. Then, little by little, he pushed them further in. He put his mouth around Garak’s prUt again as he stroked him inside. Garak put his hand over his own mouth. For a second, Parmak thought of what might happen if he failed to quench a shout and someone came bursting into the sitting-room thinking the Castellan was in danger. Forcefully, he pushed that thought aside – this was not the time to consider the risks of exposure. Instead he withdrew his fingers enough to add another, then slid them back into his ajan. The walls tightened around them, but he was so wet they slipped in easily. He stroked the inner length of the prUt as he took its head into his mouth. When he looked up at him, he saw that Garak had opened his eyes. His hand was still clamped over his mouth, but he could still make out the moan:
Parmak slid further down the prUt with his mouth and and pressed his tongue flat against it. At the same time, he let his fingers push up and in, against the sensitive gland there. Garak went stiff, only narrowly managing to smother his exclamation. His muscles tightened around Parmak’s fingers. He came, semen pooling onto his tongue.
Garak panted, eyes glassy.
‘I really need to make sure to legalise that,’ he murmured. Parmak let the comment go unanswered. Instead, he took out his handkerchief and spat the ejaculate into it as delicately as possible. He wiped his lips and folded it up several times before putting it away. Now, Garak was watching him. The aroused blue tinge lingered on his scales and chufa. He leaned forward and supported Parmak as he got off his knees. His legs ached, but he did not really mind. Garak smiled warmly.
‘You’re exquisite, Kelas.’
Parmak smiled back. He reached out and brushed his hair back. Garak leaned closer to kiss him, but Parmak dodged him, making their cheeks brush together instead.
‘Not until I’ve brushed my teeth.’
Garak groaned and leaned his head against his shoulder.
‘You’re also frustratingly uncompromising.’
Parmak chuckled. Garak put his hand on his knee.
‘Can I reciprocate somehow?’ he said into his ear. ‘There is still time left on that hour…’
Parmak stroked his hair and smiled.
‘I think I’ll wait until this evening,’ he said. ‘When you’ve had time to recuperate. Give you something to look forward to.’
‘That sounds like an excellent idea.’ He leaned closer, his hand resting on Parmak’s chest instead. Parmak could feel him relaxing, tempted by the possibility of sleep.
‘If you fall asleep now, you won’t be any good in the committee meeting. Besides, you should relieve yourself. Kidney infections are best avoided.’
Garak gave him a look and straightened up, but not without a smile.
‘As I said, uncompromising.’ He got to his feet and went to put on his trousers. ‘Never off the job, are you?’
‘Are you?’ Parmak asked with a smile. Garak smiled back. Then he looked down on his suit.
‘Perhaps I should steam this jacket. Is it creased?’ He turned him his back.
‘It looks fine,’ Parmak said. ‘But you need to do something about your hair.’
Garak stroked the back of his head, trying to make the mussed hair lie flat without much luck. Parmak got up.
‘I’ll help you. All it needs is a little water and a comb.’
‘Thank you.’ Garak reached out and, gently, pulled him closer. He kissed his cheek. Parmak leaned into the touch. That kiss communicated more than words could.
The moment passed. Garak looked over his clothes one final time to make sure he was decent and Parmak checked that his folded-up handkerchief was still in his pocket. They left the sitting-room and wandered towards the residential area of the building. If anyone noticed them, all they would have seen was the Castellan and his advisor, walking together in contented silence.
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Lekker Resepte Vir Perish Jongergeslag.
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Welp, there goes Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s relationship
Image: X Prutting/BFA/REX/Shutterstock
In sad breakup news of the day, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have unfortunately called it quits.
The two got ahead of any rumors by releasing a statement to People to announce their breakupor rather, “taking respectful, loving space at this time,” which basically sounds like a longwinded way of saying conscious uncoupling.
Perry and Bloom began dating just over a year ago, and gave us plenty of glimpses into their lives, including nude paddle-boarding and Tamagotchi parenting goals.
SEE ALSO: Pray for the dancing house that fell off stage during Katy Perry’s BRIT Awards performance
Both posed for photos together on Sunday at the Vanity Fair Party following the 89th Academy Awards, but according to People, did not spend much time together at the event.
To some on Twitter, the announcement of the split was the first they had heard of any sort of relationship between the celebrities.
Raise your hand if you had no idea Katy perry and Orlando bloom were dating until you just read they broke up after a year?
abby seitchik (@aseitchik) March 1, 2017
Wait when did Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom even start dating in the first place?
idk im elena (@lexatheraccoon) March 1, 2017
I just saw in a twitter moment that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have split. I didn’t even know they were together
Pam (@Pammygirl) March 1, 2017
Regardless, the signs were all there. Bloom even shared a picture with Perry’s puppy Monday, but alas, sometimes furry friends can’t save us from everything.
A post shared by Orlando Bloom (@orlandobloom) on Feb 27, 2017 at 11:15am PST
BONUS: The most underrated entertainment of February is on our binge-list
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2ml0rYG
from Welp, there goes Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s relationship
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[Drabble+Comic] Fine Print (Garak/Parmak)
Another crazy thing @borg-apologist inpired from a simple conversation. Thought I'd do something a bit different and throw in a Comic panel to go with this little humor story. Curious as to the story behind the scene? Read on!
The bath was his first indulgence upon his release. Parmak sank up to his eyeballs and just let himself soak until the water was tepid and his old housekeeper Mara was banging on the door asking if he’d gotten out of the camp only to drown in the tub. He reluctantly eased himself out and wore nothing but a long silk robe to dinner. Mara clucked at him but she’d long been used to his eccentricities. He was fortunate. They usually let the old families off easier and while Kelas might not have been one of them, the old doctor, Vakem Parmak who’d adopted him was. Mara was allowed to remain and he’s sure the entire house is more densely packed with bugs than a hill of coastal char ants but right now he doesn’t care.
Let them see, let them watch. He’s spent the last three years with guards watching him do everything from sleep to relieve himself so he’s thankful even for the illusion of privacy. The Guls damned Order can drag him back tomorrow for all he cares as long as he has tonight. Ah but for tonight... Parmak bids his good evening to Mara before it grows too late and he settles onto the familiar sofa to finish reviewing the terms of his release on the PADD. So far there’s been nothing but the standard suggestions for reducing recidivism, avoiding certain contacts, reporting in for essential “classes”. It’s all what he expected, really. It’s dull, it’s boring, and as he pours himself a rare indulgence of kanar, he thinks that he can finish looking the thing over with a little drink in him, the thick syrup passing his lips leaving him feeling warm.
Parmak decides after his eyes finally start crossing and his glasses never seem clear no matter how many time he wipes them off, that he’d be better served just laying down for the night and enjoying warm sheets and the warm night air. The camp - much like his home on Nokar - was cold, and while he was one of the few adapted to it, he’s not too proud to admit that he loves the hot desert breezes of the southern continent that he’s come to call home. The steps creak familiarly as he half reads his way up the stairs, stopping at the top just for a moment to consider...
His room is at the far end of the hall with a few guest rooms and his study between them. But there’s another room that he’s dreamt about these three long years as well. Parmak takes a few steps towards that door with its little coded keypad for security. Oh he gave them the codes. He gave Garak everything he wanted in that room and he’s only thankful that Garak was considerate enough of his dignity for whatever enigmatic purpose he had to lie in the report. Guls, Parmak couldn’t even imagine the scandal if the truth were to ever come out! Of course there was little pride to be held in “subject Kelas Parmak confessed after 4 hours of ocular pressure... scared of confessor’s eyes...” but it paled in comparison to the truth.
Subject Kelas Parmak willingly cooperated with the confessor upon being presented with the confessor’s prUt... swore to confess to anything for a taste... list of names acquired eagerly after coitus initiated...
No, that’s one that Parmak is taking to his grave, thank you very much. But it did significantly reduce his punishment and perhaps there was a touch of satisfaction that he’d pleased the interrogator so well even “at his age” that his sentence was reduced to three years on one of the more “pleasant” rehabilitation sites. Mm, but it wasn’t like he was ever going to see the confessor ever again and he doubted that Tain would be contacting him any time soon either to give him his old job back. Well, no matter. That’s what the room was for after all. They would have searched it certainly but they would have found no secrets and Mara assured him that things were still in their proper place. Not that Mara was ever allowed in that room either but... he keys in the code, already trying to decide which one it will be tonight.
When he opens the door the room is empty.
Parmak thinks he screams. He’s not sure. If he does it’s not for long because again they’re listening but... but they’re gone! The shelves... his collection... all of it... his life... his...
“No...” Parmak start tearing the room apart. The room was a modest thing with a few bookcases, shelves, a closet, a chaise and a little table but it’s... empty... His... his toys... his Chelian hemipenis, his uncut 10” human monster, his blue sticky Bolian bit, his thick rainbow colored prUt, the megalo monster ch’och proudly called “Legate Ajan Splitter” with its little podium and ridges, the eggs, the plugs, the carefully curated decades of work... Parmak is babbling and half sobbing as one of the shelves falls and he’s pulled up the rug and pulled down the curtain and finally scrolled and scrolled on the PADD to see if there’s any hint as to-
“It is the suggestion of the confessor that the subject be prohibited certain publications and devices as listed below to further his rehabilitation to proper society. It is the determination of the confessor that a hysterical and lusty disposition has led to the subject's unrest and therefore moral prohibition under sec 512c should be observed for the duration of his reintegration to be reevaluated at the discretion of the confessor...”
To be reevaluated at the discretion of the confessor...
So then...
Parmak sinks to his knees seeing there’s just a little more listed, the words bright and bold on the display staring him in the face, “simplified” for clarity:
-signed E.Garak
And Parmak has to reread it again, head bowed, the images of his precious collection of sex toys running through his head, likely gone to some fire somewhere all so that confessor can...
“Bastard...” He’s trembling. “You manipulative bastard...” He might even be sobbing. He doesn’t know. “If you think for one moment I'm going to...” He bangs the floor with his fist angrily. “You have a Guls damned bureau full of nerve I don't care how big it is how dare you presume to-!” To be reevaluated at the discretion of the confessor...
Elim Garak is going to pay for this.
#star trek ds9#star trek deep space nine#ds9 fanfic#star trek comic#humor#kelas parmak#kelim#garak/parmak#sort of crack#fanfic#cyrelia-j#comic
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[fic] The Power of Three 2/?(Garak/Bashir Parmak)
Thank Britney for this update haha though apologies because it ran long before any real porn starts so next chapter it's on like Donkey Kong...
Trash AU porn still dedicated to @borg-apologist and @eilupt
Part 1 is HERE
Summary: 23 year old virgin Julian Bashir, desperate to get laid, decides to use his mother’s old book of magic to make himself an elixir for virility. What he gets instead are two summoned Cardassians he’s convinced are sex demons. Julian is clueless, Garak is horny, and Parmak is in awe of that “monster cock”. Let the games begin :)
Modern AU but as explained in the fic, aliens are still aliens. Also note the pronouns used for Parmak were sort of made up for the story. The “j” has a hard “h” sound. (Like Jarritos which I have decided Cardassians are weirdly fond of)
Warnings: language, kind of crack, and Parmak is intersex (both prUt and fully penetrable ajan and nipples where Garak has none) barely sexy stuff happening, and made up magic with no relation to real magick
One of the things that Garak loves the most about Parmak is how easy it is for jem to switch direction in jes thinking. Je’s always been fantastically adaptable and it isn’t more than a beat after Garak whispers that tempting little tease to jem that a discreet scenting of the air reveals that arousal starting to come to the forefront. It’s clear the human doesn’t see it, looking at the both of them unsure of how it should be proceeding although Garak is pleased to see that it appears quite eager, its hands hovering around the waistband of its undergarments.
“So... should I... um...?” Garak almost tells it to go ahead, the way that Parmak’s hands have shifted to his arm excited, those neatly trimmed claws started to dig into his scales. Not that it particularly matters but Garak supposes a name is in order and will make things easier in the long run.
“I don’t think there’s any need to get ahead of ourselves. I imagine that we’ll be spending some time together and it would only be polite to exchange names-” Garak sucks in a hiss between his teeth, Parmak’s claws digging harder with impatience, a soft whining chirrup reaching Garak’s ear. That eager for it are you, my dear? It’s a purely rhetorical little speculation. Garak already knows the answer quite clearly. Parmak commits to lovely acts of debauchery such as these with a frightening intensity that sometimes makes Garak worry for jes wellbeing. Today though, it seems infectious, Garak allowing for a moment the flash of an imagined waking dream behind his own eyes. He blanks out visually as the human says that its name is “Julian”, picturing that Julian creature on its knees behind Parmak riding him hard. Garak feels a flutter in his chest and a slight throb from his slit as he does.
“Are you thinking it too, Elim?” Parmak asks him starting to press jes face against the ridges of Garak’s neck.
Absolutely, he is. But Garak also has plans and ideas far beyond that delectable end game. He smiles at the human.
“Julian,” Garak repeats, Parmak repeating it as well committing the name to memory. “My name is Elim Garak, though you may call me Garak- just Garak. This is my dear friend Kelas Parmak.”
“Kelas is fine,” je says though jes accent is heavier. Garak debates briefly whether he should stroke that fire hotter or allow Parmak a moment to collect jemself. “You’re very attractive, Julian. Ah... I think we should get on well...” Garak is amused at how obviously Parmak’s attention is drawn to Julian’s groin. “You are male?” je asks. Julian looks bemused for a moment as if he’s never been asked before.
“Yes, sorry and you and Garak are?...”
“Male,” Garak answers thinking that he might have done well to commit some of the more sordid human encounters to memory that occasionally hit the late night feeds buried amidst other lurid tales because this part is just a bit out of his depth.
“X210 split sterile live breeder,” Parmak answers in Kardasi at first, obviously trying to think of how to even begin translating such a thing in human terms. “Mmm... you would say... Ah... hematite?” Je pauses at Julian’s expression. “No... like... both but more towards male? I’m not quite sure how such a thing translates. Linguistics aren’t my specialty but if I were to attempt a rough translation you’d say “je” or “jem”... like Jarritos if you’ve ever had the pineapple…. Well really it would probably be best just to show you. I hardly trust that I’ve conveyed it properly.”
“Oh yes please,” Julian says without giving it another thought. Guls, are all humans this eager for sexual relations? Though, Garak notices that Parmak is equally ready to go. He only hopes that the human can keep up with his dear doctor’s appetites…
Garak puts his hands over Parmak’s as je lets go of Garak’s arm, jes hands already on the hem of jes shift. It occurs to Garak momentarily that Julian’s dwelling is far more comfortable of a temperature than the other human habitats they’ve had chance to be summoned to. That’s certainly an auspicious sign that this human has similar preferences of warmth.
“Perhaps it would be best,” Garak says taking another assessing look to Julian’s thin frame, “that our host provides us with an idea of what it is that we... demons are going to be servicing. We are your loyal servants in your sexual endeavors, after all,” Garak says laying it on especially thick. Julian’s eyes are bright as they dart between Garak and Parmak.
“Of course! I do usually wear more than this,” Julian explains as he hooks fingers in his waistband and slowly tugs his undergarments down. “Heater’s been on the blink,” Garak half hears him say as he ducks his head self-consciously stepping out of the garment, turning his head and clearing his throat. That leaves the two Cardassians a nice moment to muse about small little hole in his abdomen that doesn’t appear to be a wound. Garak wonders what purpose it serves as he lets his eyes fall down the trail of dark hair leading to a thick patch of it around the human’s prominent piece. He can’t help but marvel at the impracticality of such a long low hanging ch’och. Not that Garak is complaining, after all, he’s perfectly free to enjoy it without having to deal with the encumbrance of having it attached to his own frame.
“Guls,” he hears Parmak breathe next to him, seeing jes hands steal up to adjust jes glasses. “Do you think all of it will even fit?” Garak feels a wide grin spread over his face as he lets his hand slip back to Parmak’s thigh, letting his pinkie slide just a little between that juncture, not quite brushing jes covered slit.
“Are you excited to find out?” He feels a subtle push, Parmak as always, so nice and warm. There’s a soft hiss in the affirmative that reaches his ears almost tempting him to give in to heedless instant gratification as well. Ah, but Garak has better control than that.
“Is this alright then?” Julian asks sounding a touch uncertain. If Parmak’s heightened scent of arousal - and certainly his own - is anything to go by then it’s a silly question to even have to ask but Garak is well aware that humans aren’t able to scent the air in the same manner that they are. A pity but even a human’s poor senses cannot possibly be that oblivious.
“I assure you, Julian it is...” Garak searches for the proper praise. “...a splendid tribute to the human form.” Which actually begs the question, “so perhaps you’ll forgive my inquiry as to why you felt it necessary to divine some elixir to aid you in your sexual conquests.”
“Oh well ah…” Julian appears embarrassed by the question. “I don’t seem to have much luck in that department. Not for lack of trying I just never well…” Garak watches him scratching the back of his neck with a nervous little grin. Do humans have an odd sense of aesthetic? He doesn’t appear diseased, he’s got a long thin fragile looking neck, his entire frame appears rather delicate, slim like the water reeds along the coast of the Morfan Sea. Julian appears to be all long, lanky limbs and Garak would almost fear for being too rough with him, but he recalls hearing that unlike Elaysians, humans tend to be much sturdier than they appear. It would seem in poor manners to inquire further although Garak is already burning with curiosity.
“Mmm, that’s a shame,” Garak hears Parmak saying, stepping out from beside him. “You’re quite attractive, I’d say. Where we’re from ah… in the other place,” je covers a bit poorly. Julian doesn’t notice the odd choice of words, instead stiff like a frightened vole caught out in the light. “Your skin is fascinating too,” Parmak observes softly. “Might I?...”
“Oh yes! Yes, anything you’d like, anywhere I don’t mind!” Julian exclaims, holding his hands up high in the air his elongated body definitely looking like one of those reeds now. Garak notes that he also has those dark patches of hair under his arms wondering what purpose such a pointless covering of fur might serve. Could it be a sensitive area that requires prot-
“Hah!” Julian jumps back, hands over his chest when Parmak strokes that very spot, making Parmak jump as well looking concerned. “Sorry,” Julian rushes out, “it’s just ticklish er… sensitive,” he clarifies at the confused expressions. Ticklish? It’s a word that Garak has never heard before and he makes a mental note to investigate further at some point. Still, he doesn’t allow his focus to divert for long as he watches Parmak’s hands moving over Julian’s chest, finger poking at one of his nipples – curious to see them on a male, though they’re definitely smaller. He can’t imagine what purpose they serve. Do human males also nurse their young? Parmak has them though je’s sterile so it’s a bit of a wasted purpose and as for Garak, well he’s a hatcher, not a live breeder like Parmak.
Garak’s eyes are a greedy study watching as Parmak’s hands rub over Julian’s arms, ghost over his neck, and Garak almost wanted to ask jem to move a bit so he could see Julian’s body better. Still, that leaves Garak free to study Julian’s face – especially when Parmak lightly lets jes fingers brush Julian’s… cock, he thinks is the proper vernacular. The completely unabashed look of pleasure when je does that is quite a sight. Clearly Julian wasn’t lying when he said he’d never done this before. That gives Garak an idea; an absolutely wicked idea. Parmak might not exactly thank him at first considering that je’s practically vibrating as je goes to pull off the top layer of jes outfit saying that “fair is fair” after all. Garak imagines the impish little grin on jes face with Julian staring so blatantly.
“Perhaps, my dear,” Garak suggests as Parmak has it pulled halfway, “you might allow Julian the experience of undressing you seeing as how this is his first time.” The impatient glare that Parmak shoots back as je half turns mouthing “what are you doing Elim?” is amusing.
“I thought that we might endeavor to provide the dear boy with a little instruction, Kelas. You do enjoy teaching, don’t you?” Garak keeps his tone light but surely Parmak must realize how much of a torture he’ll be subjecting himself to. Je hesitates only a moment before returning that grin, a flash of eagerness in jes eyes as je pushes jes glasses up. The things are forever slipping down no matter how many adjustments they make at the shop.
“True… but I should leave that to you for the moment, shouldn’t I, Elim? You do enjoy the sound of yourself orating…”
“I love the sounds you make when you come undone, Kelas.”
“Oh then… by all means… tell him what to do, Elim.”
Julian is sure that he’s looking at the two demons confused while they hiss back and forth at each other. Are they having an argument? It hardly looks like it. If Julian had to guess he’d sooner put his money on some sort of strange mating song the way the air crackles between the two of them. He’s about to ask when Parmak turns back to him with a gesture that looks like it may resemble something of a shrug.
“Elim is right, Julian,” Parmak says holding jes arms out at jes sides. “We would be remiss in not seeing to your proper instruction. You did summon us after all and it may not have been the result you were seeking but perhaps we can still be of help.” Julian spends far more time staring at the soft looking gray scales of Parmak’s skin, fixated on the ridges around jes collarbone and the faint blue dip in the center. But seriously? This is well beyond a consolation prize and well, he may not be able to actually tell anyone that he made it with a demon but…
“May I touch you?” Julian asks, hands hovering.
“Please.” Julian really wants to touch that little spot and see how it feels but he was given an order but… but surely one little touch… He reaches out and just lets his fingers run along the ridges trailing down to it, seeing Parmak tense when he does. “Oh that’s fine… light… it feels a little… strange like…”
“Tickling?” Julian asks nervously, still not quite believing that he’s standing in his living room in front of some mess of a summoning circle. Maybe he should have cleaned all that up? Well bit of a moot issue now.
“Ah, that’s the word… tickling… ticklish,” It sounds like je’s saying “chiclets” and Julian cracks a smile. “Yes you can do it harder. We… ah demons are quite resilient,” Parmak assures him and Julian supposes that makes sense what with traveling astral planes or however it was that the demons came to Earth from the other world. It must take an awful lot of effort.
Julian obeys, running his thumb over those collar ridges with his thumb more firmly, feeling the ripple, like a soft pliable resin. He runs it around seeing Parmak shiver and he asks if he might put his mouth to it.
“Your mouth, your teeth you can, hnn…tsss…” Julian hears a hiss as he presses soft kisses to those little mountains along Parmak’s collar, tasting skin that isn’t salty like human skin but like fine leather or like a soft snake skin – not that Julian’s ever put a snake in his mouth! – and maybe it’s all the movies that he’s watched which started this same way but his hands are already slowly easing the straps of the shift over Parmak’s shoulders as he does. He thinks it might be a tickle again so he lets his teeth graze that center point as the fabric slips easily off as loose as it was. Julian’s only slightly dismayed to realize there was another layer underneath, a violet camisole. It’s like unwrapping a present really.
“Yes, that’s a good boy, you certainly don’t need to be so delicate with jem,” Julian hears Garak say and he gives an experimental bite, nearly jumping when he feels Parmak’s hands on his shoulders digging in.
“Hah…” reaches his ears and he’s afraid that he did it too hard but that’s when Julian notices that those defined ridges are flushing darker gray. So maybe that’s their equivalent of a blush of some other form of arousal? Julian hears more of that Parseltongue between the two of them and he’s surprised to hear something half angry sounding as Parmak pushes him back.
“Ah… you’re fine but I’m… taking this off,” je says and Julian watches eagerly as the thin strapped petal of violet is peeled off and there’s an incredible moment of anticipation in watching the abdomen revealed, more gray skin, so smooth looking with just the faintest ripples differentiating it from human skin, until it meets a fine line of those scaly ridges and Julian watches, watches, waits, wants to know just what’s undeneath the rest as Parmak pulls the top off wearing just a pair of what appear to be white silk bloomers tied loosely low around slim but still feminine hips. Je doesn’t have a navel, Julian notices.
Parmak’s chest isn’t quite flat, and Julian stares longingly seeing there are two dark gray nipples hard, atop just the faintest of soft peaks, something that’s neither entirely male or female but just a small raise of flesh that he wants to-
“Alright, between you and Elim we’ll be here all day and some of us have shifts and regular hours and ah... right right,” Parmak stops suddenly, leaving Julian to wonder what any of that means or what sort of shift or work a demon might have and... And he stops wondering when Parmak grabs his hand and puts it to jes chest with a grumble of “there now can we continue please”. Oh Julian can continue. He can do that! The skin is so soft, his thumb flicking what has to be one of the most perfect nipples in existence seeing the motions of ridges around Parmak’s eyes, darker, swollen, jes neck ridges doing the same and Julian’s mouth is to it like some desperate virgin in a Milky hentai do not judge!
He hears some sort of raucous around him, more hissing between the both of them as he swirls his tongue around it, hearing soft hitches, hands back on his shoulders but this time not digging in just... clutching. Oh lord that’s so sensitive, not even a little handful as Julian’s left hand steals over squeezing, groping, a bit of an awkward bend as tall as he is. He hears something that sounds like ”ysysysys” as that tongue flits back and retracts to his mouth on it sucking hard, hearing a soft keen above him and he thinks he hears Garak murmur something about strange human proclivities with Parmak telling him to stuff it, begging Julian to keep doing that. Julian doesn’t need to be told twice, sucking harder, rolling its twin between his fingers tugging hard, rough, seeing that Parmak is nearly sobbing and Julian is so hard he already thinks he’s going to come or collapse to his knees as much as Parmak’s hands are pushing on his shoulders and he can...
Oh... Oh that’s a scent he hadn’t noticed before. Arousal, that has to be arousal - and it’s not like he goes around ordering used panties online or anything that he’s some sort of expert - because there’s some visceral part of him that can smell that heavy musk in the air and he groans deeply sort of wishing he’d rubbed one out before all this because that would take the edge off that he desperately needs right now. The high little hitches from Parmak are turning him to fourth gear something fierce as he switches sides, hands, stopping in the middle to let his mouth worship that vibrant blue dip. Julian can feel the give of those swollen ridges beneath his mouth and he hears some swear or his name but it’s so slurred that he can hardly tell. He looks up to Parmak’s mouth because of course enough blood’s gone to his cock he actually thinks for a second he can lip read when he stops, seeing lips parted so pretty and tempting and-
“Can I... kiss you please?” Julian asks though what he really means is “May I please pull you close and grind against you with my tongue in your mouth because whatever is between your legs I’d very much like to rub against it right now thank you.”
“K-kiss?” he hears Parmak ask confused, glasses slipping down on jes nose. “The ah... human mouth thing? I’m ah... afraid I don’t know it very well.”
“Then you could consider it a learning experience for you both, couldn’t you, Kelas?” Julian hears Garak say and when he looks behind Parmak he sees the other demon watching them both intently, the ridges of his face and neck also flushed darker. Parmak says something else to Garak, another exchange before Garak with a wicked smirk on his face answers back. Parmak’s tongue darts out a moment and je gives a breathless answer of “alright. But you may be disappointed so I ah... just... okay, go on then...” Julian tries, he honest to god tries not to just rush in like that fish man from The Slayers about to make out with Lina Inverse but well perhaps he’s just a bit too enthusiastic and it’s not like he hasn’t kissed plenty of people before. It’s the after kissing part that’s stalling him after all. Oh god, maybe that’s it, maybe he’s a horrible kisser!
Parmak doesn’t seem to notice Julian’s moment of existential kissing crisis, rather instead trying to figure out where to put jes hands. Julian doesn’t have that problem, letting his hands slink over those slim hips, pulling their bodies together, his eyes nearly rolling back into his head at the feel of silk satin something sliding against his naked prick. He may let his hands just slip the rest of the way around feeling the swell of Parmak’s ass through that nothing bit of fabric using that opportunity to pull them closer together. He’s a bit surprised not to also feel a penis since Parmak said je was both or something along those lines but what he does feel is warm and wet and so hot against him he doesn’t care if its a bloody Octopussoir right now his mouth is going on it next you read it here first.
So Julian’s a bit like a dog with its tongue hanging out giving a ridiculous swiping lick to Parmak’s mouth catching half jes nose in the process. He’s about to apologize seeing a double blink at him from behind those spectacles in response. It’s not his fault, it’s really not! Julian was caught off guard when Parmak decided to just copy his motions; he felt sharp little claws digging into his ass like they were testing a mattress. Alright, so maybe his fat ass father has had more than his fair share of comments about Julian’s “poor lack of posterior are you sure he’s mine Am? Haha, are you sure he’s even yours?” His mother teases him that maybe one day he’ll wake up and it’ll have grown in and he almost thinks that Parmak is saying the same sort of shitty joke to Garak in that stupid Parseltongue and if he had a wand right now he might be tempted to hex them both because he’s positive he’s caught a snicker between the two of them.
Except Parmak smiles at him before tilting jes head, diving back in with an enthusiasm that’s stunning, giving Julian one of the most heated, heavy fucking kisses he’s ever gotten in his life making his toes curl into the carpet.
It may also sort of make him come, his seed surely staining Parmak’s silky bloomers between them.
Yeah, he may also kind of sort of wants to die right about now too…
(Part 3 is now up HERE)
#star trek ds9#star trek deep space nine#ds9 fanfic#au#humor#sort of crack#Garak/Bashir/Parmak#Julian Bashir#Elim Garak#Kelas Parmak#shitty magic#too many pop culture and anime references#fanfic#update#cyrelia-j
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[Ficlet] A Gift for my Darling II (mirror Garak/Bashir/Parmak)
Yup, that's another installment. This is the unredeemable garbage I get up to on my days off when I should be working on other stuff *sighs* This won't make much sense if you haven't read part one so I'll link after the warning. Sharing this for the few that are into some of the twisted crap that I am. Everyone else, I don't blame you for scrolling on.
Brief Summary: The Terran slave Julian Bashir was given to Doctor Kelas Parmak a few years ago as a gift from the doctor's lover Elim Garak. This fucked up story starts now a few years in with Julian's continued descent into becoming Parmak and Garak's beloved "pet".
WARNINGS: non consensual body modification, body horror, slave fic, dark, allusions to violence and torture, explicit sex, non con (I’m putting the warning here because while Julian’s [unreliable] narration expresses more acceptance/joy about his situation and events in each installment it’s important to note that he’s only this way because his mind/self has been altered into it not because he actually is/was able to consent to anything done to him), unwilling voyeurism, and also kind of OOC that’s explained and it’s mirror universe but still yeah OOC from Julian
Part 1 is HERE if you want to get caught up
Back through the looking glass we go
Doctor Parmak finally lets him have his incisors. Julian is ecstatic and spends the first few hours excitedly running his tongue over them until Garak startles him and causes him to bite it sharply. His mouth bleeds and Garak nearly makes himself sick with laughter. Julian makes sure he gets the last laugh when he gives Garak a good sharp nip on the hand in return. Garak hisses at him and goes to detach his arms again. Julian hisses back and dances out of the way until Garak grabs his tail and the pain makes him yowl. They glare at each other angrily before Garak declares that he’s finally thought of a punishment that will get his cooperation. Julian snorts at that thinking not bloody likely, more than ready for Garak to take the pain stick to him or torture his tail and ears.
Garak tells him to strip and to kneel. Julian rolls his eyes and obeys. Garak tells him he’s not to move. Julian yawns and sits back, tail lazily dragging the floor. But then Garak calls for Doctor Parmak telling him that there’s an emergency in their quarters and his presence is required immediately. Julian’s head tips curiously in the Cardassian way. Garak is still seated on the couch in front of Julian and hasn’t moved. He’s still seated there when Doctor Parmak enters looking concerned. Julian glares at Garak hard for making his doctor run all the way here but he stays silent looking back and forth between them both.
“Kelas,” Garak says still staring hard at Julian. Julian keeps his hands clasped behind his back hoping if he stares hard enough Garak will catch fire. Doctor Parmak would never intentionally give him that sort of power but sometimes he dreams. “Elim?” He hears his doctor say before coming into the room. “You had said something was amiss but I don’t see anything that should require me stepping away from my-” Garak holds up his bleeding hand and Julian’s tail gives a satisfied little flick. His ear also twitches then, listening for Doctor Parmak’s respirations noting curiously that they’re not heightened at all. Well, he supposes, his doctor does take good care of himself. “Ah,” he hears Doctor Parmak say. He smiles nicely for Doctor Parmak showing his pleasure with his new teeth.
“I’ve decided to take your advice, Kelas,” he hears Garak say and his ears flatten annoyed. There’s no need for Doctor Parmak to have to witness his punishment. Doctor Parmak isn’t a piece of sadistic lizard shit and doesn’t need to show he’s a big man by humiliating Julian and making him scream. Julian swallows down a hiss and rather just enjoys the Cardie prick’s blood in his mouth. “You had asked that I try a different tact to get Julian’s obedience so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” “This really isn’t a good time, Elim,” Doctor Parmak protests. Of course Garak would drag his doctor away from important work for something stupid. “If it dies, it dies, Kelas. This is important.” Doctor Parmak walks over to them both with a sigh, slowly, stooped, surely those steps must pain him.
���Very well, Elim. What do you require of me?” “I require you, Kelas.” “Alright, let me just put Julian in the other room and turn off his hearing.” “No, Kelas. Your little pet is staying for this.” Doctor Parmak turns back to Garak and Julian hates that he can’t see his expression. He doesn’t know if he needs to stay there kneeling or if he needs to be ripping Garak’s throat out. He hopes so. He thinks he could develop a taste for Garak’s blood. “I’m not sure that I understand what you’re trying to accomplish here, Elim.” “Indulge me, Kelas. I’ve given you all the leeway in the world with your little projects. I’ve had to hear from The Intendant about you breaking too many of her favorite toys. You owe me, dear Kelas.” “Doctor?” Julian asks anxiously as his doctor turns back around.
Doctor Parmak looks at him coldly at the interruption to their converstaion, the light glinting off the lenses of his spectacles. “Doctor?” Julian asks again and he sees the warning finger go up. He’s immediately quiet. “Much better, Julian. Mmm, I suppose you have a point Elim,” Doctor Parmak says slowly starting to unbutton his lab coat. Julian is curious but worried. Why is Doctor Parmak undressing? “Keep your eyes here boy,” his doctor says softly but... but it’s still not kindly exactly. And that’s when Julian pokes his tongue out and scents it from both of them. They’re aroused. They’re going to fuck. In front of him. He’s going to watch them. He’s going to fucking kill Garak.
But Doctor Parmak is still watching him and he can’t move. Julian stays on his knees while Garak yanks his trousers down, while that monster prUt flares to full eversion looking even bigger than it ever has. Julian opens his mouth and closes it again. He’s distressed. His tail whips except... except he can’t be distressed because his body isn’t producing the right response hormones for it; it can’t. Doctor Parmak is nude in front of him and it’s the first time he’s ever seen his naked body. Julian is confused because Doctor Parmak is supposed to be nearly seventy years old but his body doesn’t wear that age. He looks no older than Garak in his mid forties. His face when the lights hit it is more smooth than he remembers and he’s... he’s also aroused and perfect and Julian’s body is already responding to those pheromones.
No. Julian doesn’t want to be aroused by this. He is. His hands scrape painfully against each other behind his back as he watches his doctor facing him, straddling Garak’s big thighs, sitting back on his prick the way Julian does, head thrown back, half screaming, half sobbing as he takes that entire length in one drop. Julian’s tongue is flicking madly, scenting for any sign of distress but all he can taste is heat- both his doctor’s and Garak’s and his body keeps responding, his hips keep pushing up to air and he can feel himself thrashing around, those invisible ingrained alterations making his slowly bounce up and down on his heels. Julian opens his mouth and just... just pants as his doctor screams louder and he’s so helpless and so hot and he watches Garak lift under his doctor’s knees and pull his legs up, sitting back, Julian’s eyes locked to his doctor’s beautiful hole stretched wide and violated. Julian almost comes when Doctor Parmak shuts his eyes and screams in pleasure.
His doctor loves it. Julian hates it. Julian wants to touch him. Julian wants to put his mouth on him the way he likes. Julian wants to rip Garak clear out of the picture and... and God what he wouldn’t give to be fucking his beautiful doctor like that. Julian could cry. He’s so hard, and he wants he wants and he knows they’re lovers but Doctor Parmak has never made him watch like this so he’s always just pretended that the two of them don’t really fuck like that, that Garak shouldn’t dare use his doctor the way he uses Julian but he does and Julian hates it. But what he hates more is how hard he is watching it. He’s sure there’s something that needs to be fixed in his head and he bites his lip, his sharp new teeth making his lip bleed easily as he keeps watching his doctor’s body impaled on Garak’s cock like a pleasure doll.
He sees his doctor’s cock hard, dark, he sees the swelling of his ridges, how swollen and wet his ajan is around the base and it seems to go on for hours, the scent so strong that it’a all he tastes around him until he thinks he’ll go mad. He doesn’t think he can stand any more without growing crazy, his blood dried down his neck, half sobbing as he watches Garak empty into his doctor and mark him while he watches, helpless and aroused wishing it was him who made Doctor Parmak scream like that. He can’t... shit he can’t watch that again or he’ll go completely fucking insane. Julian growls at him low in his throat. He’s going to kill him. Right now. He doesn’t care how upset Doctor Parmak is, he’s going rip off his prick and stuff it down his fucking throat and make him choke on it.
Except then Doctor Parmak calls him over to clean Garak’s seed out of him and Julian comes harder than he ever has in his life as his perfect doctor climaxes from his tongue inside him. “That’s a good boy,” Doctor Parmak says in praise making Julian’s tail whip happily. “Are you going to be good for Garak now, Julian?” Those spectacles are pushed up and Julian knows he would do absolutely anything for his doctor. He nods eagerly and when his doctor presses a small kiss to his mouth that’s absolutely wonderful.
“Yes doctor.” At least until he can smother the fucker with a pillow in his sleep. No, The Intendant first. Garak might grow to be tolerable once the Bajoran bitch is dead. Right, all his ducks in s row then.
“Good good. Then I’ll make a few adjustments to you to make it easier. I may have lost a pet,” a look to Garak, “-but I think I have what I need from him anyway. So I forgive you, Elim.”
Julian doesn’t notice in the coming weeks that Doctor Parmak has made any modifications aside from his usual light therapies and maybe a few extra shots of the hypospray. Julian still takes care to watch the biting around Garak. He makes an attempt to hiss at him less as well when Garak plays with his ears too long, but for some reason Garak starts making a regular practice of fucking Doctor Parmak in front of him anyway. Julian is sure that there was something about that which bothered him before but he can’t quite remember what it was now. He supposes that it couldn’t have been terribly important. He likes watching them. Doctor Parmak is the most arousing man he’s ever seen when he’s on his knees for Garak, his ridges dark and swollen, moaning, screaming, sometimes even on the floor just like an animal, just like Julian. Julian becomes so unbearably aroused watching them that he always comes when he’s finally allowed to put his mouth on his doctor’s ass or on Garak’s cock.
Julian wishes that he’d known earlier that Garak’s sour moods could be tempered so easily with a good round of fucking. It makes him much easier to get along with. Doctor Parmak is pleased with his good behavior and has been rewarding him with things to read. They’re not interesting. They’re medical texts and Doctor Parmak says if he learns them well enough that he might assist with some of his projects. Julian couldn’t care less if the lot of the animals he’s experimenting on just hauled off and died since they take up so much of his doctor’s time. He thinks that he used to feel bad for them but it was so long ago he doesn’t rightly recall. He remembers that Doctor Parmak said he would make it easier for Julian and so he’s sure that’s what happened. What he does know is that his doctor wants to make sure that he perfects anything that he does to Julian and if he has to junk a few Terran slaves to do it then it’s a small bit of waste. Julian isn’t quite sure why he ever felt anything in the first place.
Julian’s been spending less time in Doctor Parmak’s quarters but he doesn’t mind. Doctor Parmak has been spending more time in Garak’s. Garak has been playing with hm a lot more as well. Julian thinks it’s about bloody time that Garak realized he’s not going anywhere and he ought to stop acting like such an overbearing lizard bastard. He likes to think that his doctor finally gave Garak a good talking to and told him what’s what after all. Sometimes Doctor Parmak will let Julian bite Garak so that he can “kiss it better”. Garak was reluctant at first but now it’s a bit of a game. Julian likes watching his doctor’s lovely mouth on Garak’s fingers licking the blood off. He likes when his talented doctor makes Garak evert like the mongrel whore’s son that he is. Julian likes to make Garak evert uncontrollably as well. It makes him feel good knowing that Garak is no better than he is.
Garak storms in like a thundercloud one day a few months later while he’s reading another piece on anatomy. Somehow the words make more sense than they did the first time he tried to read them. He supposes it’s the light therapy Doctor Parmak’s been trying to improve his vision. “I don’t know why you’re wasting your time reading medical texts of all things,” Garak says waspishly. “You’re a Terran slave. You’re never going to become a doctor, Julian.” Garak really used to make him so angry saying things like that. But he enjoys teasing Garak now. Doctor Parmak explained in their culture they argue when they want to fuck. Really, Garak should’ve told him that from the start, else how could he know? But Garak is an inconsiderate arse so... there’s that. Julian doesn’t look up from the PADD, his ears twitching, picking up the sound well enough. He’s comfortably resting on his forearms, kneeling on the soft throw rug. He’s not wearing any clothes; he sees little point when it’s just him in Garak’s room. He saves his best clothes for outside when he wants to be sure and distance himself from those slaves.
“Don’t know why you keep trying to kill The Intendant when you’re just gonna end up on your knees with her boot on your cock and your mouth on her quim.” Yup, right as rain, he pokes his tongue out and tastes that flick of arousal. It might be more of a challenge if Garak weren’t so easy but well, that’s what Doctor Parmak is for after all. Garak starts taking off his uniform silently and that gives Julian pause. He knows that no one can ever hear him talking like this to Garak outside. But he doesn’t hear or scent anyone else, so why hasn’t Garak snipped back at him yet? Julian pushes the PADD across the rug ’til it slides under the couch and rolls lazily on his side. He looks up at Garak curiously. “Cat got your tongue, Elim?” He asks with a smirk, using Garak’s first name mocking. And then Garak’s hauling him up by the hair, an undignified yowl escaping him. He thinks he’s gone and done it now, prepared for the pain stick again or the arms to come off after to long but... But then Garak is kissing him hard. And it’s fucking brilliant.
Parmak is smug, almost unbearably so as he saunters in late, seeing Julian curled up on the bed with Garak next to him. Garak looks up from where he’d dozed off as Parmak yawns and pushes his spectacles up. “Don’t,” he warns. Parmak laughs. “Mmm, what’s that, Elim? Oh, my dear Kelas, you were absolutely right? I should have taken your suggestion to heart years ago and just let you alter him and I’m ever so sorry for doubting your genius? Alright, I won’t say a word about it.” “Modesty suits you, Kelas,” Garak murmurs. “Have you been working this entire time?” Parmak stretches. “An accident at one of the processing units, I’m afraid there were a lot of unfortunate casualties which had to been seen to. It saddens me to think that we lost a lot of good workers.”
Garak raises a brow ridge as he gets out of bed. Julian rolls over, tail twitching. “And how many have been lost to you?” He asks with a low laugh. Parmak beams at him, already unfastening his tunic. “Five, Elim,” he says breathlessly. “I think I’ll be able to start some of the ocular experiments. Oh think how prettily our Julian’s eyes will shine for us. I thought the ears would be the hardest, you know but they’ve come along so well that I think we can move along. I had to put Michael down today but he was oh so delighted to give his life for my work. I feel that I should honor him best by being brave and moving on. Michael would certainly want that for me. He was such a good little rabbit.” Parmak is the picture of distraught as he takes his spectacles off and sets them on the nightstand. His blue eyes glint wickedly in the dim light of their bedroom.
“Please tell me that our Julian hasn’t taken too much of your strength to make me scream.” “And if he should wake up?” Garak rumbles, already fisting Parmak’s braid hard. Parmak gasps, loving the pain. “How many times must I remind you, Elim? He’s just a cat.”
(There is a part 3 now here)
#star trek ds9#star trek deep space nine#ds9 fanfic#mirror universe#dark and twisted#Julian Bashir#elim garak#kelas parmak#Garak/Bashir/Parmak#see warnings#fanfic#cyrelia-j#i don't know what the fuck is wrong with me
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