#much love and admiration for Syrai
abla-soso · 9 months
Syrian people are truly amazing.
I've followed the Syrain revolution very closely since the day it started, and I've seen how Sunni Syrian freedom fighters waged a war against ISIS who came in to secure the Assad regime.
I've watched how Hezbollah marched in and joined the war to kill ISIS AND the Syrian freedom fighters.
I've watched how Hezbollah committed many horrific war crimes against Sunni Syrians (multiple massacres, systematic rape, torture, etc.) and how they've proudly captured them on camera, much like how the IDF did in Gaza. They even sieged and mascaraed a refugee camp full of Palestinas.
I've watched Hezbollah defend and secure the fascist dictatorship of the Assad regime.
I've watched Hezbollah gaslit the whole world into believing they were the heroes who fought against ISIS and their war in Syria had nothing to do with their genocidal hatred towards Sunni Muslims (it backfired spectacularly in most of the Arab Muslim world. Hezbollah completely lost its reputation as the highly popular resistance group who kicked Israel's ass in 2006. People who hung pictures of Hezbollah's leaders in their homes ended up burning them and cursing their names).
Yet most Syrians are not mad at the Sunni Muslims in Gaza for relying on Hezbollah's aid (Hamas is a Sunni organization). They have enough compassion and empathy to understand the dire circumstances the people of Gaza are facing.
It's an outstanding display of love and mercy that I don't think I'm capable of yet. I'm still furious at anyone praising Hezbollah, even though I know the majority of Shia Muslims are ignorant of Hezbollah's crimes. There were times when I caught myself feeling rage at a Palestinian in Gaza praising Hezbollah's military operations against Israel. Don't they know what these "heroes" did in Syria? Do they not care about their Sunni brethren in Syria? But then I look at most Sunni Syrians and I'm reminded of the Islamic virtue of empathy and compassion. Of making excuses for your oppressed brethren before criticizing them. I hope I can live up to this standard.
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