#much apreciated
May I have a letter from Stop to their short story writer sweetheart?
Of course!! I hope you enjoy your letter!!
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Hey sweetiepie!!
How are you my dear little writter? Very good i would hope, you know how it is around here, helping my buddy Komaru with the missions. I really hope you have been remembering to take care of yourself, eh! If you haven't i might just hafta go all the way there to do that for ya! And if anyone bothers you my little writter, i'll make sure they pay, okay? I miss you, i cannot wait to see what kinda stories you have in mind when i return to you~♡
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yourstrullyme · 2 years
"binge-worthy show" man fuck that
i want my shows one episode followed by a whole ass week of going a little insane over it with the people on my phone, writing fics theorizing and going over every single scene through amazing gifs and meta, before the next ep drops and the cicle begins anew
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nova-rpv · 1 month
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a redraw of the first drawing i posted here to celebrate the fact that ive been in tumblr for more than a whole year posting my shit and havent deleted my blog in panic yippee \:D/ (mushy rant in tags)
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clockworkclownart · 5 months
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Day 2 - Wish - #DannyMay2024
This was suposed to be a screen shot redraw but it got out of hand 😱 ~ this was inspired by the episode "What you want", where Tucker Phantom bodyslams Danny Phantom through the fenton house.
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the-derelicts-crew · 3 months
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"Six of us went down into the pit. Only one crawled out. I am Eris, the last. I have seen what the Hive call a god."
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deoidesign · 3 months
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oouuuuuuu I love my guyyyy ohhhhh I love himmmm I love drawing him 100 million times every single day
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littlelightfish · 4 months
As a member of Mickbell Nation, and a honorary member of Kuro Nation, for Kuro's and Mick's sake I will speak up. I loved this scene on anime.
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When they arrive to the island, the first thing Mickbell does is go to the window and try see outside. He can barely see anything aside the sky color, that's why he wonders what time is it. Kuro leans towards him, or is looking outside the window, or both, I can't really tell. Here we can see that Mickbell could tiptoe and try to see outside, but I believe he doesn't because: a) he'd still be too short to see and knows it and/or b)he is expecting Kuro to hear him.
Now, he could be just wondering and looking outside with no real wanting of looking outside further (he's ok with just looking at the sky), but his body language tells he wants to peek outside.
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THEN he picks up Mickbell without him asking Kuro to do so. Kuro sees his small friend who can't get the vew strugling and decides that he would lift him up to see. He could have just told him "it's dawn", but he decides, without no-one asking him to do so, to do this. Did Mickbell expected this to happen? Yes, you can see it on his face. He's quite happy being lifted up to see outside the window.
This is meant to show that, even tho Mickbell is his boss, Kuro very much does what he wants. Wich is often what Mickbell wants. Because they know each other so well that Mick can be certain that if Kuro hears him, not even complaining, but wondering what time is it, he would be picked up to see by himself.
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On anime, it happens backwards. The first thing we see is Kuro lifting him up. It takes off the sweetness of "oh, he can't see, I'll help him" that we get when Mick asks first and Kuro lifts second. Even when we still get the message if we look at this images, it's not quite the same. At least at first glance. But... Isn't it lovely that he looks at his short ass friend, thinks "is he trying to look outside? He can't, he's too short. I'll help him". And the little surprise on Mick's face? It gives that Mick wasn't expecting this care. He was just looking outside with thia "Well I can't see shit, I wish I was taller sometimes" look in his eyes. Then he gets just a tiny bit surprised as he feels hands grabbing him, but nothing else. He's so used to this he doesn't even turn around to see who picked him up. He alredy knows.
Here, Kuro looks at him, Mick is trying to look outside with not a word. I at first didn't liked that he sayed nothing. The idea was that Mickbell, knowing how his friend would react, sayed something. Bit the "up we go" Kuro tells him as he lifts him up its everything I needed to keep on the living laughing loving.
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And after he can see outside he wonders what time is it. Wich... is a bit wierd... Because he now can see, not only how the sky is, but how the town down there is. It's not dificult to know if it's dusk or dawn by looking at the people on the streets.
So yes, me (detail-obsessed fish) is quite happy with the comeout after a bit of analysis. But I still feel it could've been better to leave as it was on the manga.
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thenerdperson · 2 months
So I rewatched A New Hope the other night, so I'm making an appreciation post. It's literally the most basic plot ever, farm boy longs for something but he doesn't know what, turns out hes the chosen one with super cool powers not seen in forever, ends up with an old man mentor who dies too soon, a dnd party as freinds and goes to save the princess from the villains and does some cool near impossible feat due to cool powers mentioned earlier. However, Luke longs to see the galaxy without being angsty, keeps his hopeful outlook on life for the series, and doesn't develop the lone wolf attitude and leans on his friends constantly. Han Solo isn't toxic (though he is flawed), he never lies about having debts to pay off, even though he is a rouge and a scoundrel he hugs and laughs freely, and Chewbaca is his freind and equal, not someone less because he isn't the captian or a human. Leia is a princess but is not a damsel in distress. She is not afraid to steal, lie, and kill for her people and the rebellion. She is tortured and witnesses the massacre of her planet and all she loves and still fights for freedom. She is dignified, strong, and stubborn but never assumes she is better simply because she is royalty. Obi-Wan and Chewbaca 10/10. Just, A New Hope, the first Star Wars anything, love it.
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dianagj-art · 3 months
I'm gonna try to anwer a few asks cause I keep getting them, aswering them in my mind, go "I'll write that down latter" and then not doing that
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avatar-mikazuki · 10 months
Sonic is beginning to realize how much he values others' company, and I need to talk about it.
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Can you believe we actually got this inner monolog!!?!? We really SAW Sonic open up as the comics progress. This is an incredible moment of awareness. The moment it really clicks that friendship, companionship, and adventure don't have to be exclusive. He can enjoy others company and still be free, still have fun, and still get things done. He can still be himself, while others join in on the ride. It makes me so happy. I'm so happy to watch him grow.
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Look at him!!! He's not just lying down hands behind his back, eyes closed all the time anymore. He's engaging!! He's so much more alive.
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Joe: Land ho!
Ren: Home sweet home ahead!
Monkeyfarm: What'd you call me?
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littlelovelore · 6 months
Been taking it easy the past few days on posting + creating but i'm back in swing today 🖤
to learn some things about me keep reading 🦇
tw chronic illness //
I have some serious physical health issues that I deal with every day, hence why I have so much free time to do this stuff (writing, screenshots, learning to draw ect. Which is a blessing I have the energy and motivation to do, truly, because at a certain point that wouldn't have been possible. ) Let alone the fact i'm still alive to experience Baldur's Gate 3! (I seem to be on the mend and thus feeling more comfortable to talk about this)
This Astarion Fandom means so much to me and has become a huge part of my life. When I could be focusing on much darker things, this place brings me light. I especially want to thank @herdarkestnightelegance for always chatting with me on my works and photos, you brighten my day with this friend , probably more than you know.🖤 and @avenananana thank you for inspiring me to learn to learn art, something I had lost my connection to, but loved to do as a child.
Whenever I bounce back from this (been going on for about 3.5 years and I'm actually making a good progress right now as well) I would like to share more of the specifics of my story because I think it could really help people whom struggle with all sorts of things especially chronic illness.
Anyways thanks for listening to my tiny violin / ted talk/ monolouge thing and THANK YOU ALL for giving me a place to still be able to create, express myself and have some community in my life where once there was none.
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"One person's 'barbarian' is another person's 'just doing what everybody else is doing." - Susan Sontag
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greykolla-art · 7 months
Hey op, just letting you know that i am seasoning your art and shoving it into my mouth real fast/pos
And I’m just letting you know I’m offering you your favourite milkshake with that! 😂
Thank youuu!
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batwynn · 1 year
Commissions are open this month!
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(Pricing for something like above: Starts at $80)
You can find the detailed prices here:
Busts/icons are currently on sale for $15 each! Sketches are on sale for $10!
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October Waitlist:
5-10: potentially open
*Please feel free to message me with any questions about prices, request content, etc. I’m open to all fandoms, OCs, animals, etc. but I do reserve the right to decline drawing something.
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witch-sweets · 11 months
I remember this one post on here that changed my whole Tumblr experience
It was a post for the refugees from Twitter/Reddit and it said a few things that stood out to me
1. It hammered in CRINGE CULTURE IS DEAD HERE into my brain and made me less afraid to express myself as an autistic person
And 2. "You are a raccoon and your blog is your trash pile. You must go out into the world to collect things for your trash pile (aka rebloging) and fill it with whatever you want!" And the moment I read that I thought out loud "IM GONNA BE SUCH A RACCOON YOU DONT EVEN KNOW!1!1!1!1!1" and so I started rebloging and doing more than just posting my own art with a semi professional mask
I started being myself and connecting with other awesome blogs (@the-moth-from-elsewhere and @slime-sandwhich-nom y'all r really cool and I love ur art!) And felling a lot more confident on social media
So confident I started treating Twitter like it was Tumblr Retweeting cool art, being more open about my feelings, and overall understanding social media and what it means to have your own trash pile better than before
So whoever made that original post
I just want you to know you made my life on the Internet so much better than it was before! :3
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prettyflyshyguy · 3 months
Seeing inFAMOUS (2009) fanart from you in the year of our lord 2024 is a blessing. I was SO obsessed with it in high school and it’s criminally underrated as a really good super hero game. I hope you continue to enjoy it! RERELEASE WHEN PLAYSTATION? RERELEASE WHEN??
HELL YEAH I skipped it back in the day, mostly due to not having the console, and also because I falsely assumed what the game was about content wise.
Turns out it is SO up my alley, I'm not a superhero person but whatever this game's doing it's got the special sauce in it. Think it's cause it takes what I do enjoy more about the genre (I deeply dislike marvel, for instance.) and it just tickles a bunch of specific interests and the themes are so on point it kills me.
I greatly enjoyed watching a playthrough of 1, now onto 2 and HOOOHOOOBOYYYY 2 is spicy and I'm so here for it. Shockingly relevant too, the narrative really holds up.
Hysterical, that I'm here due to the vampire spin off. First Supernatural, now this. What's next universe. WHAT'S NEXT??
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