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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
My favorite painting right now ❤️ Oilpainting still in progress Exhibition 2019 @mubabasel A story about a village in India @artevm @artstudio_post @3.post.shout.out @arts_promoter #muba2019 #exhibition2019 #art #oilpaintingart#oilpaintings #artist #art #artvideo #basel #contemporaryartist #contemporaryart #oilpainting #conceptart #storytelling #Storyteller #swissartist #switzerland #mubabasel #stillinprogress (at Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtN8K5Jh9kO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12atdpa6r1gv8
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zweimol · 8 years ago
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Our Artist @mubabasel live. 19.05/20.05 #mubabasel #muba #live #artist #nespresso #livanto #coffeelover #design #upcycling #nespressosocial #socialwork #stadtsg #2mol #work
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andreajerger-blog · 7 years ago
Ein Video von meinem Tag an der @mubabasel und @bricklivebasel War ein genialer Tag, mit spannenden Eindrücke! Besonders was alles mit @lego gebaut werden können. Unglaublich! Die Fotos, Videos sind alle mit der @canonswitzerland 77d gemacht worden. Selfi mit meinem IPhone 7 Plus! Wünsche allen einen schönen Sonntag. #muba #messe #bricklive #basel @switzerland.basel #lego (hier: Messe Basel)
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golfsession · 7 years ago
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game on @mubabasel 2018 (day 9) #offgolf #urbangolf #crossgolf #xgolf #golf #citygolf #fungolf #freegolf #stadtgolf #flog #fore #golfsession #streetgolf #strassengolf #asxgolf #almostgolf #basel #messe #fun #holeinone #playgolf #playanywhere #ch #golfing #strassengolf #play #foregolf #golfplayer #player #golfisfun #golfshow (hier: muba)
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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The first print this year! Titel: Heaven I want to thank you for all the lovely comments on my last posts, I truly appreciate your support and trust in my art. Check out the video in my story if you haven‘t seen it yet. More prints available on my online shop: Www.stephaniekuenzli.com/shop Next exhibition February 2019 @mubabasel High quality prints for international and national shippings #art #prints #printworks #printforsale #onlineshopping #oilpaintingoncanvas #exhibition #mubabasel #muba2019 #contemporaryart #swissartist #basel #switzerland #happy #love (hier: Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bscu5bCjf3z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ps0n6h4xp6ml
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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The first print this year! Titel: Heaven I want to thank you for all the lovely comments on my last posts, I truly appreciate your support and trust in my art. Check out the video in my story if you haven‘t seen it yet. More prints available on my online shop: Www.stephaniekuenzli.com/shop Next exhibition February 2019 @mubabasel High quality prints for international and national shippings #art #prints #printworks #printforsale #onlineshopping #oilpaintingoncanvas #exhibition #mubabasel #muba2019 #contemporaryart #swissartist #basel #switzerland #happy #love (hier: Basel-City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BscupiEDeMB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1204jjl2gl5em
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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It's time to say goodbye The first print this year! Titel: Heaven I want to thank you for all the lovely comments on my last posts, I truly appreciate your support and trust in my art. Print No. 001 More prints available on my online shop: Www.stephaniekuenzli.com/shop Next exhibition February 2019 @mubabasel High quality prints for international and national shippings #art #prints #printworks #printforsale #onlineshopping #oilpaintingoncanvas #exhibition #mubabasel #muba2019 #contemporaryart #swissartist #basel #switzerland #happy #love (at Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsf6HK6D36J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pj3wpwfr7ftq
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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I remember when she said: Try to look like a business woman! You‘re independent now and I want to see that! I wasn’t sure how to do that.. But I knew my photographer will find the perfect angle. My vision is to create a new image of myself I want to communicate effectively in an artistic way.. well: it‘s about aesthetic intelligence: particularly when it comes to the visual aspects of your identity. It‘s like saying: „I’m in the game — I get it. Listen to me.” Great Job! @_yokophotography_ Thanks to all this collaborations I‘m able to make a big difference in my art. The next exhibition will be a big challenge but with you all we will make the difference! Location: Petershof Basel Photographer: Antira Herrmann @_yokophotography_ , Alex Wieg @alex_wieg Hair und Make-up Artist: Yolanda Dasilva @goldenchildended Set Designer: Luca Calicchio @luca_calicchio89 Music: Georg Köhler Partner: Petershof, MUBA Basel @mubabasel , Eric Blumenladen #mubabasel #exhibition #swissartist #photography #portraitphotography #art #change #love #strong #independentwoman #brave #storyteller #makeup #team #setdesigner #photographer #photographylovers #basel #switzerland (hier: Kunst im Petershof) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqapWx3gkLV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yq5vkolftih2
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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It‘s time for a change For me it‘s right up there: My mirror and my reflection: I once saw in one of my dreams a mirror in a old shabby room and I looked in the mirror for a sec.. and I couldn’t see my reflection looking back at me.. and suddenlty I saw this broken mirror, a cracked mirror I felt this weired moment where I was questioning my own image. Maybe because I couldn’t connect with my own emotions. Have you ever been in a life situation that has felt like you‘re trying to swim upstream in a swirling cesspool of toxic crazy? Well, instead of padding furiously and putting my head back in the water, maybe it‘s time to swim for shore and get the heck-on-out of there. „Change is hell. Yet not to change, to stay on the path of slow death, is also hell. The difference is that the hell of deep change is the hero‘s journey“ -Robert Quinn This is why I‘m posting this picture, because it‘s an image of me which I want to show the world right now: grateful about the immense luck I have to be able being every day in a creative environment, having an amazing team of photographers, set designer, music director, partners. Thanks to all this collaborations I‘m able to make a big difference in my art. The next exhibition will be a big challenge but with you all we will make the difference! Photographer: Antira Herrmann @_yokophotography_ , Alex Wieg @alex_wieg Hair und Make-up Artist: Yolanda Dasilva @goldenchildended Set Designer: Luca Calicchio @luca_calicchio89 Music: Georg Köhler Partner: Petershof, MUBA Basel @mubabasel , Eric Blumenladen #mubabasel #exhibition #swissartist #photography #portraitphotography #art #change #love #strong #independentwoman #brave #storyteller #makeup #team #setdesigner #photographer #photographylovers #basel #switzerland (hier: Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpjpH2jBe4r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1na6j5so3us36
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stephaniekuenzli · 7 years ago
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Brave enough Recently someone asked me how I started my career as an artist. The person, a young men, wondered how I made the jump from a safe, traditional job into the world of art. „Did you have one moment? Did something happen? What was it?“ The conversation made me reflect. As I have been, for several weeks. Like most things, my introspection ended up as words in my art. Then, words in several photos.. The answer is this: No, nothing major happened. No, I didn’t‘t have a tragedy of major awakening, and I was not visited by a fairy godmother. I didn’t‘t snap. I just had.. enough of not being myself. And one day I decided: I want to be myself I want to be creative I want to be brave I want to be an inspiration I want to be strong I want to be beautiful inside and outside I want to be real I want to be a memory I want to be a part of an amazing story I want to be artist, storyteller, influencer, lover ... So, this is why I decided to be brave enough.. And for my next exhibition I want to show the world How I see myself right now and how I want to inspire other people. A big thank to my great photographer: Antira Herrmann @_yokophotography_ Without you I wouldn‘t be the artist I am today Photoserie: Brave enough #photography #womanphotography #water #photographylovers #photographywater #exhibition #mubabasel #february2019 #photoseries #storyteller #artist #swissartist #basel #switzerland #prints @womanmagazin @woman__revolution @woman_soul (hier: Basel, Switzerland)
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zweimol · 8 years ago
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MUBA BASEL @nespresso #2mol #mubabasel #nespresso #basel #designer #like #bicycle #7 #fahrrad #upcycling #swiss #special 7 bicyclewheels over 3000 nespresso capsules
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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The things I needed the most I kind of lost my mind I suppose I tried to be cool but dying inside I finally found my way tonight tell me baby what you're thinking and I tell you baby what I'm thinking Right here right now Let's just hold this moment for a while And remember just a little what it is to be alive ❤️🙌 The perfect song fot my painting Oilpainting on canvas Exhibition 2019 @mubabasel @artstudio_post @artstudiouniverse #muba2019 #exhibition2019 #art #oilpaintingart #housewives #passion #storytelling #contemporaryartist #contemporaryart #swissartist #basel #switzerland #artistsoninstagram #baselart (at Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiM8lyj4mW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3b6hn5346bbp
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
Finished: The forbidden fruit Oilpainting on canvas Exhibition: February 2019 @mubabasel Inspiration: @iamhamamat #muba2019 #exhibition2019 #art #oilpaintingart ##oilpaintings #artworld #artistlife #africa #africanwomen #snake #nature #forbiddenfruit #fruitart #contemporaryartist #contemporaryart #gallery #inspiration #storytelling #swissartist #basel #switzerland (at Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQlSGQjGuY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p66lwyla5b17
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
Coming soon.. Exhibition 2019 @mubabasel @artstudio_post #artstudio #artist #art #artlife #artinprogress #artsupplies #basel #switzerland #studio #artoninstagram #artwork #contemporaryartist #commission #contemporaryart #comingsoon @art.discover @art_spotlight @artwork_in_studio (at Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqsCq_wAuZJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wrzmr0dbhi92
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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I have a vision about this one 💕 Oilpainting on canvas Exhibition 2019 @mubabasel Thanks to my sponsor Patronen.ch @art.life18 @love_arts_help #art #artist#artwork #basel #switzerland #artistsoninstagram #oilpaintings #oilpaintingoncanvas #oilpaint #buddism #workshop #peace #artlife #artstorytelling #artstudio #artforsale #artshow (at Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqS5o3HAasJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fdiwe8is6lrc
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stephaniekuenzli · 6 years ago
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Es sind fast schon 8 Wochen vergangen seit meiner letzten Ausstellung. Viele fragen mich ob ich meine lange Haare vermisse.. nun, ehrlich gesagt überhaupt nicht! Ich brauchte unbedingt einen neuen Look und bin froh habe ich meine kurzen Haare :) es ist ein neuer Anfang! Dieses Jahr wird sehr spannend! Nächste Ausstellung kommt bald! Fotografin: @_yokophotography_ Ausstellung an der: @mubabasel #kunst #muba #art #exhibition #swissartist #storytelling #basel #muba #contemporaryart (hier: Basel-City) https://www.instagram.com/sky.art.photography/p/BwALrl4Dsmq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3gdhapl8yf1k
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