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mondomoda · 6 months ago
Anitta e Chappell Roan são premiadas no MTV VMA 2024
A MTV Video Music Awards 2024 aconteceu na quarta-feira, 11 de setembro, no UBS Arena, em Long Island, Nova York. Apresentado pela rapper Megan Thee Stallion, a premiação celebrou a carreira de Katy Perry, que recebeu o Prêmio Vídeo Vanguarda. Chappell Roan recebeu o prêmio de Revelação do Ano. Lendo seu diário, ela fez o melhor discurso, reconhecendo a importância da população LGBTQPIA+ em sua…
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minstrel75itg · 2 years ago
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Album Number Four Hundred Eighty Seven. “No Fun Aloud” is the debut solo studio album by #glennfrey . It was released in 1982 on Asylum. My copy is on #AsylumRecords - 1E-60129. The album reached #32 on the charts and contained two top 40 singles, "The One You Love" and "I Found Somebody". The album was certified Gold by the RIAA, selling over half a million copies in the United States. One review stated “it's Frey's perfectly guided vocals and impeccable talent for crafting laid-back love songs that make[s] the album noteworthy ... With Frey's own production assistance, #nofunaloud stands up as a modest debut album." #rockandroll #rock #softrockmusic #poprock #theeighties #mtvvideos https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7oARCOqlY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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canakkale17ege · 4 years ago
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DÜNYA, KORONAVİRÜS @recordingacademy 63. #Grammy Ödülleri #Kovid19 nedeniyle ertelendi #ABD'de, müzik dünyasının "Oscar"ı olarak bilinen 63. Grammy Ödülleri'nin açıklanacağı programın, yeni tip koronavirüs (Kovid-19) vakalarında görülen hızlı artış nedeniyle ertelendiği bildirildi. #NewYork #RollingStone isimli müzik sitesi tarafından duyurulan haberde, #California eyaletinin #LosAngeles kentinde 31 Ocak'ta yapılması beklenen ödül töreninin, Kovid-19 salgınındaki #vaka artışları nedeniyle ertelendiği, konuyla ilgili resmi açıklamanın yakın zamanda yapılacağı belirtildi. Kasım ayında adayların açıklandığı bir röportajda, ödül törenini düzenleyen #RecordingAcademy isimli kuruluşun başkanı #HarveyMason küçük bir izleyici kitlesi için bir etkinlik planlandığını ancak diğer birçok detayın hala üzerinde çalışıldığını söylemişti. #Amerikan medyasındaki çeşitli haberlerde, ödül gecesinin mart ayı içinde yapılması beklenildiği bilgisi yer aldı. Beyonce Grammy tarihinde en çok aday gösterilen kadın sanatçı 63. Grammy Ödülleri'ne 9 kategoride aday gösterilen ABD'li pop yıldızı $Beyonce, #Grammy tarihinde en çok aday gösterilen kadın sanatçı oldu. Beyonce'u, 6 dalda adaylıkla #TaylorSwift #RoddyRicch ve #DuaLipa izledi. 2020 yılında Kovid-19 salgını nedeniyle #MTVVideo Müzik Ödülleri, Latin Grammy'leri ve #Emmy Ödülleri gibi bir çok ödül töreni çevrimiçi olarak veya çok kısıtlı katılımlarla gerçekleşmişti. #MücahitOktay 06.01.2021 (Kartal, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJsR1NyhN6d/?igshid=j0qfgfiy60lo
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paintingqueen1973 · 5 years ago
Freddie, Bri, Roger & Deaky My boys....Queen FOREVER! . . . . . #radiogaga #radiogagaqueen #queengaga #gagaqueen #queenfan #rogertaylorfan #brianmayfan #freddiemercuryforever #johndeaconqueen #mtvvideo #queenvideos #queenvideo #queenforever #ilovequeen https://www.instagram.com/p/B9QptJMhTcB/?igshid=1ptn7vr1wqd68
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hollywoodhorrorfest · 7 years ago
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More raffle prizes courtesy of @mullhousepinworks NIGHT OF THE DEMONS 30th Anniversay Fundraising event. Cast & crew and 1980s party. Tickets on sale now https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3439925 @hollywoodhorrorfest @nightofthedemonsofficial @ #hhorrorfest #hhf #horrorfan #horror #vincentprice #vpam #vincentpriceartmuseum #victoriaprice #nightofthedemons #kevintenney #80shorror #80shorrormovies #80s #billygallo #halloweenparty #kevinstenney #horrorpodcast #horrorgirls #horrorchicks #horrorlovers #horrormovies #80shorrormovies #sisterchristian #nightranger #videovixen #videovixens #mtvvideo #horrorpins #mullhousepinworks
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ghostcultmagazine · 4 years ago
ALBUM REVIEW: Machine Gun Kelly - Tickets to My Downfall - Interscope
ALBUM REVIEW: Machine Gun Kelly – Tickets to My Downfall – Interscope
Whether you know him from his decade-long rap career, role as Felix in Birdbox, spot-on portrayal of Tommy Lee in The Dirt,  comedian Pete Davidson’s BFF, or Megan Fox’s new beau, Machine Gun Kelly, born Colson Baker, has left footprints across the entertainment industry.  Hot off a summer full of home-recorded covers and his first MTVVideo Music Award, MGK takes another step in a new direction…
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iamlovekillz · 8 years ago
This was almost 20 years ago #ripoldirtybastard #riptrl #totalrequestlive #carsondaly #odb #mtv #mtvvideos #praas #thefugees
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detboat-blog · 8 years ago
Fifth Harmony throws shade at Camila Cabello in VMAs stunt
Fifth Harmony throws shade at Camila Cabello in VMAs stunt
Fifth Harmony used their performance during the MTVVideo Music Awards on Sunday to show the world what they really think of their former bandmate Camila Cabello. Read more… Detboat doesn’t own this post or news Author: {Detboat.com} Powered by WPeMatico
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bumpingumz-blog · 7 years ago
71. He Did What
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minstrel75itg · 3 years ago
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Album Number Three Hundred Twenty Eight. “Pyromania” is the third studio album by Def Leppard, released on 20 Jan 1983 #VertigoRecords in UK and Europe and on #mercuryrecords in the US. The first album to feature guitarist #philcollen who replaced founding member #petewillis, #pyromania was produced by Robert John #muttlange The album was a shift away from the band's traditional heavy metal roots toward a more radio-friendly sound, finding massive mainstream success. Pyromania charted at No. 2 in the U.S., No. 4 in Canadian and No. 18 in tge U.K. Selling over ten million copies in the US, it has been certified diamond by the RIAA. My copy is on Mercury Records - 422-810 308-1 M-1. The album was partially recorded with original guitarist Pete Willis, whose rhythm guitar tracks appear on all songs. Toward the end of the recording, Willis was fired for alcohol abuse and replaced by guitarist Phil Collen, who contributed solos and guitar parts not yet recorded by Willis. On the original LP release, Willis is visible in the background of the photograph of singer #joeelliott, while Collen has his own photo as a new full-time member. #rockandroll #hardrock #heavymetal #stevesteaminclark #ricksavage #rickallen #theeighties #mtvvideos #defleppard https://www.instagram.com/p/CdL8xBKu9c1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vipmusicus · 9 years ago
#2pac #tupac #shakur #video #motivation #2pacinterview #tupalive #onelove #onelife #goldwords #music #musicnetwork #musicconnections #Producer #dj #mc #hiphop #rap #rnb #mtv #mtvvideo #musicawards #losangeles #la #boss #bossliving (at MTV Video Music Awards, Los Angeles)
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marshacype-blog · 13 years ago
MtvVideo Mtv Video http://ping.fm/LTRrJ Compare And Buy Best Mtv Video We Offers Best Deal To Buy Mtv Video On Mtv Video.
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detboat-blog · 8 years ago
Paris Jackson decries ‘Nazi white supremacist jerks’ in VMAs speech: ‘We must resist’
Paris Jackson decries ‘Nazi white supremacist jerks’ in VMAs speech: ‘We must resist’
Paris Jackson used her time onstage at the MTVVideo Music Awards on Sunday to denounce white supremacists and Nazis. See more photos from the 2017 VMAs: Read more… Detboat doesn’t own this post or news Author: {Detboat.com} Powered by WPeMatico
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minstrel75itg · 3 years ago
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Album Number Two Hundred Sixty Nine. “American Fool” is the fifth studio album by #johncougarmellencamp released under the stage name #johncougar in 1982. The album was his commercial breakthrough, holding the No. 1 position on the Billboard album chart for nine weeks. My copy is on #rivarecords - RVL 7501, a product of #polygramrecords. Producer Don Gehman stated in a 2011 interview that #AmericanFool was fraught with layers of problems. "We had 20 or so songs, we had a record company that was hoping we were making a #neildiamond‑type album, and after we spent two or three months in the studio recording these songs and mixing them to the best of our ability, I can remember an A&R guy in a pink shirt coming in to listen to them and basically thinking we had nothing. At that point, they put a stop to the project. We had ‘#jackanddiane’ we had ‘#handtoholdonto,’ we had ‘Weakest Moments’ — we had some good songs — and while I don’t know the precise nature of the discussions that took place, Riva went from wanting to get a new producer to not even wanting John on the label anymore. Finally, they came around to letting us finish it but wanting to hear the new songs we were going to cut." #rockandroll #heartlandrock #theeighties #mtvvideos https://www.instagram.com/p/CZeXXQIOTlr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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minstrel75itg · 3 years ago
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Album Number Two Hundred Sixty Eight “John Cougar” is the third studio album by #johnmellencamp . It was his first album to be released by his new record company #rivarecords and to credit him as "#johncougar ". Released in 1979, following the success in Australia of the single "I Need a Lover" from his previous album A Biography (which did not receive a U.S. release), John Cougar included the aforementioned track for U.S. audiences, as well as a re-working of A Biography's "Taxi Dancer". My copy is on Riva Records - RVL 7401, distributed by Polygram Records. On his inspiration for writing "#ineedalover “ , his first Top 40 hit, Mellencamp said: "The song's about a friend of mine who goes to Concordia College. When that song was written, he was pretty sad. He was . . . livin’ in his bedroom. I told him, ‘You got to get the hell out of the house!’ He’d say, ‘Man, if I only had a girl, she’d make me forget my problems.’ I just said, ‘Well . . . ’" #johncougarmellencamp #theeighties #eightiesmusic #mtvvideos https://www.instagram.com/p/CZcnNT8u1gr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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minstrel75itg · 5 years ago
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Signs of Life is the fourth studio album by Billy Squier. It was co-produced by Meat Loaf's famed songwriter Jim Steinman, replacing Reinhold Mack, who had produced Squier's previous two hit records. Described as a personification of early 80's rock music, Squier's most successful period ranges from 1981 to 1984, during which he scored five Top 10 Mainstream Rock hits (two of which were number ones), two Top 20 singles and three consecutive platinum selling albums, along with cyclic MTV rotation and radio airplay. On Capitol Records/EMI - SJ-12361 #rockandroll #musichistory #theeighties #billysquier #mtvdays #mtvvideos https://www.instagram.com/p/CCd7KgklU5L/?igshid=1ha9ysmolhoek
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