#mtf zane
spinchip · 2 months
It was all there, in plain sight
Summary: Zane wants something she can't have.
She notices the pit in her chest only after she’s left Birchwood forest behind. It opens up where her heart would be, a black pit of longing she mistakes only slightly for loneliness and loss. There was someone she loved, once there and now gone. There was a life she had that was hidden from her, so the pit gnawed at her until she grew numb to the ache. It made sense, of course. What little she had left- her name, her face, the white sweater and white pants and cold hands- wasn’t enough to pad out the spaces her amnesia left behind. She looked for the rest of her heart in everything, searching for identity in cold still waters ponds and sunsets and the term elemental master the elderly man gave her when he asked her if she was prepared to face her destiny.
“I’m Jay.” The red haired boy greets her with a wave when she drops her meager belongings on the floor next to her bunk bed.
“Cole.” The other boy introduces himself with a crooked smile, “Yo.” He throws a peace sign up from where he’s laying in his own bed, sketch pad propped up on his lap.
“Hello.” She says formally, clasping her hands in front of her, “My name is Zane.” She refrains from adding I think to the end of her name, “It is nice to make your acquaintance.”
The chasm in her chest is a bearable pain, something that only itches at her in the gaps between training when the monastery is quiet and the two boys are preoccupied. She tries to find things to fill her life with- cooking, mostly. There are a handful of half-finished hobbies she’d tried and failed to integrate into her interests. Granny-square knitting scraps in a box under her bed, sewing needles and threads only pulled out to mend a tear in hers or the others robes after her first project has bored her, and a journal she’d abandoned when the pages she wrote were too empty for her to stomach.
Once, she tried drawing with Cole.
He doodles a drawing of her and shows it off with a grin- the boy in the picture seems so foreign to her that she almost asks Cole to throw it away. A sharp angled jaw, thick brow ridge and broad shoulders. Deep set eyes and hollow cheeks that only seem to accentuate the width of her face. Every part of her is rough and harsh. Handsome, but that doesn’t feel like a compliment when Cole or Jay says it to her. She thanks Cole and draws a picture of him in return- crude, not as skilled, but Cole appreciates it anyway.
Kai brings something with him that makes the cavern in her chest bleed- Nya. Nya, who has soft features and gentle hands. Beautiful, Jay sighs dreamily, and Zane wants that. She wants to be beautiful the way Nya is beautiful, the way the models on magazine covers and actresses in movies are. The pit in her chest has a razor edge now, and each time she compares herself to Nya and finds herself wanting she cuts open her heart on the sides. She tries her hand at makeup once, a few products Nya left in the bathroom that she plays with once day- her attempts are like that drawing she did of Cole. Crude, unskilled, clownish. So she washes her face and goes back to training and wants something she can’t have.
And she knows she can’t have it, because the one time she’d grazed her fingers over the femininity she desired she’d been laughed out of the room. A pink apron, so small and simple- a taste of a life she wanted so, so badly.
But she was a boy, and boys didn’t do things like wear pink aprons.
When she finds out she's a robot, the ache eases. It should go away- she knows who she is, she remembers her father, there’s not this big looming mystery clinging to the nape of her neck anymore. Her shoulders aren’t weighed down by a grief she wasn’t able to remember- sure, knowing brought with it a new pain, but there wasn’t any question to who she is. Zane, son of Dr. Julien. Robot. Hero. She could accept that. She could find peace with her past now- and yet the emptiness persists. Not so harsh, not at first- but over time, the chasm spreads until it feels like her whole body is an empty husky she inhabited.
“Father, if I wanted you to make a change in me, would you?” she asks her father after she finds him again, so close to putting into words a desire she was afraid to recognize.
“But Zane, you're perfect. I could never make you any better than you already are.” He smiles, reaches out to place his hand on her elbow with a squeeze, and she loses her nerve. Redirects the conversation to another persistent issue she had wanted to address as well, and doesn’t bring up the way her body doesn’t feel like it fits her anymore.
Maybe it never had- but then the world is ending, and there’s no time to think about that anymore.
And then a year later, the world is ending again and she pays all she has to prevent it.
She meets another android right before she gives up her life to save the world, and Pixal is everything Zane wants to be. She is beautiful, and she can convince herself it might be love when the pit her body is made of floods with a longing so deep her soul aches with it. She wants to ask her what it’s like- to be a girl.
Is it as wonderful as it looks? Is it as fulfilling as she imagines it would be?
She’s dead before she can form the words.
When she rebuilds her body in the blackness of Borg towers basements, she curves her jaw. She softens the harsh lines her father had sculpted her with, blending out solid planes into gentle features that hinted femininity. Not too much, careful to make it so slight that her friends won't look twice. Just enough to slake the hunger in her chest. Just barely enough to stifle her longing.
She touches her body the same way, adds weight to her hips and thins her waist to give the slightest impression of an hourglass figure. She considers her chest and again she wants what she can't have. She sends the blueprints to the machine before her heart breaks over a life that's not hers and she steps out of the machine in a body that's never going to be quite right.
But she's alive again, and there’s work to be done.
In the darkness of that cell in Chen's dungeon, she experiences heartbreak all over again when her memories flood back and she's reminded that she is a boy. In the spaces between memory, she knows what she isn’t. Memory brings reminder. There’s no escaping the words written down in her code. She can leave the island behind but she’s not free, not really.
Tox and Chamille and Nya and Skylor all cluster together and she wants so badly her core seems to wither with the force of it.
Pixal asks, “Is everything alright?” Because her fans stutter with physical pain at the cruelty of it all.
And she’s never been more grateful that Pixal’s abilities in her head are limited- she can’t read her mind, can’t look into her memories and see the longing living in her every breath. “I am fine.” She says, because there is no other option.
In a set of memories that are not hers to keep, she stares as a villain across a chessboard who says “Then I take it you do not want to make a wish…”
And he smiles at her like he knows. Like he can look right down directly into her heart to see a desire she would never voice, a want so so desperately shoved down and strangled because it simply wasn’t allowed. He’s giving her a golden ticket, a smoking gun to fix everything that’s ever been wrong with her life- it would be a simple, easy wish. Something that rewrote history to suit her needs.
I wish I was a girl, and that I always have been.
But she had a plan, and there was no room for this wish in the precious three she had to use.
She’s always been good at compartmentalizing. She could put her emotions away- this was harder, more insidious, but with time and effort she could make the ache a blanketing numbness instead. She fought just the same, cooked like always, and was for all intents and purposes normal- the disconnect she felt with her body was put away, and it didn't affect her duties as a ninja. That was paramount. Of course, it didn’t matter in the end- they lost. the Destiny's Bounty was crushed and it was pure luck that they had the mind to remember Mystakes tea with enough time to use it. Ninjago fell and they were trapped worlds away with no way back in sight.
Things were starting to look up now, though. The Iron baron was on their tail, but with Faith on their side they had put considerable distance between them. For the first time in a long while, things didn’t seem so bleak.
Faith had approached her while she was readying lunch, helping her prepare the meager supplies they had into a decent meal.
“I apologize,” She began quietly, breaking the lull of silence between them, “For mistaking you for a man.” she’s not sure why she brings it up, just that it feels important to say.
Faith's lips curl up ever so slightly, “Thank you.” There’s another pause, “...You didn’t.”
She glances at Faith, confused.
Faith clarifies, “You never used him in reference to me.” She sets the bowl down and studies her, searching for something. She doesn’t know what to say, so she stirs the pot of noodles while Faith comes to a realization. her mouth forms a perfect o before she schools her expression, looking away. “...I wasn’t always a woman.” She sets the words out gently between them.
She drops the spoon and has to clamber to pick it back up, “You were not?” She asks, looking over at the huntress with wide eyes.
“It is a bit of an oversimplification.” Faith admits, “But no. I was born a boy, and I realized I was a woman later in life.”
“Oh. I have… never heard of that before.” She finds herself whispering, the information overwhelming and too big to deal with in the hot desert sun so far from home. It feels like something slots into place- a reality worth pursuing suddenly just over the horizon. No more longing, no more ache-
“I apologize too.” Faith says softly, eyes sparkling with a new kind of warmth, “I didn’t know we were… family.”
She’s always been one to take someone's words at face value, but she understands Faith's words for what they are the moment they leave her mouth. We’re the same. I see you.
Her throat feels too thick to respond so she just finishes lunch and calls the other over to eat, leaving the conversation to repeat in her head over and over again.
After everything, on a day where the team is sprawled out in the living room trying to unwind after twelve hours of rebuilding work in downtown Ninjago, she blurts it out. While clearing rubble or carrying around building materials she’d been running a search program in the back of her head- pinging more and more resources that give the emptiness and desire inside her a name. She found others who felt the same, reading through post after post of personal stories that all voiced her own private thoughts openly and honestly.
Suddenly the world is alight with poetry and videos and potential, boundless possibility to remake who she pretends to me into who she is. The other women on the internet link hands with her and offer her a community she has been deprived of- and her life is her own. Transgender and transcendent and trans joy.
“I’m a girl.” She announces into the room, because now that she knows all there is to know- now that she knows it's allowed she won’t live another second in this identity that crushes her chest and chokes her spirit.
It’s the first time she’s ever said it.
As her friends surround her, she's met with unconditional support and a life worth living spread out in front of her feet.
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(clearing out my drafts heres a ramble from months ago)
Zane doesn’t hate Vylad.
She doesn’t love him, she didn’t care when he disappeared and if she ever had a sibling bond with him it was so long ago, so fragile and inconsequential to her that she doesn’t remember it.
But there was a solidarity between them. A quiet understanding that neither of them were wanted, that both were an accident in one way or another. A silent agreement that whatever happens, they were in the same boat. Zane is a completely selfish person, but she understands that to get far in such a cruel world you need people who have your back.
She sometimes wonders if he’s still alive, that if she found him would she welcome him with open arms as her confidant, welcome him into her world and mold him into another pawn or would she kill him? He may be a basturd and a product of their mothers affair but he still held claim to O’Khasis through blood. She doesn’t know. She doesn’t care to know.
Vylad used to love Zane.
He admired her, he thought she was so strong to stay so calm by all the fucked up things happening around them in their childhood. He was closer to Zane than he was Garroth, since Garroth had all these responsibilities and expectations. Vylad felt like Zane was his best friend. She acknowledged him when no one else did, she taught him things because no one else could be bothered. But he knew she was ultimately the one who was most easily brought into their father’s world of lies and hatred.
She was so determined to earn her father’s love, something their older brother Garroth got just for existing, that she was willing to do anything for it. And eventually when she realised she would never be enough for her father she decided that she would take everything her father built for herself and that’s when Vylad knew he no longer had a place in her life. He was an obstacle to her, when all he wanted was a sister.
He sometimes wonders if the things she taught his still impacts his world view and his values. Zane was never a sweet or caring person, so what did it say about hin that he was partially raised by her? That for so long her corrupted world view rang true for him? He didn’t know. Vylad doesn’t want to know.
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kopibihun · 2 years
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kinda old ninja doodle dump i just kept adding to in my free time
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it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
**please read!**
hi there, this is my first time publishing a long fanfic on tumblr. updates will be a lot slower here as i like to post longer chapters on tumblr (at least 1-5 chapters need to be written before posting to tumblr) just as a personal preference. that means updates will take a lot longer here than other platforms so please follow me on wattpad or ao3 if you'd like to support me more or read this book faster. find me at @ insaneintheemembrane thanks!
in which a burnt-out detective/vigilante meets the ninjas.
a trans-fem!reader with spiderman? powers x ninjago boys & girls.
slow updates
i will make a male and gender netural version of this book if its wanted! please check out my profile for other books,
posted books; > into the fog (fem!reader x dbd) - only ao3 and wattpad atm > its not paranoia if theyr're really out to get you (fem!reader x ninjago) - all platforms
upcoming books; > teen by day, wicca by night (fem!reader x twilight) > fight for me (sodapop curtis x fem!reader x steve randle)
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chapter 1 & 2
A/N: the timeline is fucked and I've added my own parts to spice up the plot so it isn't similar to other fanfics. i do attempt to stick somewhat to the order of things though. please excuse the spacing, this was copied to multiple sites from notion.
warnings: mentions of blood & violence, swearing words: 1906
chapter 1
i didn't know where i was going or why i even the station, i just needed to get out, needed to do something, anything else. nothing made sense, my thoughts were irrational and i wasn't stable enough for this case. i needed to hand it to someone else, but i couldn't, people were counting on me to solve it.
i'm amazing at cases, this is what ive always wanted to do, what i've dreamed of, so why couldn't i? when it mattered and when it counted why couldn't i solve a singular case? what was wrong with me, why was my brain acting like this? god, it felt like my brain was running at 100 miles per hour.
i kept walking, turning different ways when i felt like it. eventually i came to a tea store. outside was a huge poster for fresh tea and pastries on a discounted price for the winter.
'yes' i thought, 'exactly what i need.'
i walked into the store and was immediately greeted by the smell of an intrusive citrus tea. it flooded my senses and slowed my brain down almost instantly.
"hello dear, something i can help you with?" a calming voice asked.
i spun around to see an older lady, she had grey hair and kind green eyes. she was wearing a light coat of well applied makeup and was smiling at me while holding a cup of tea (which seemed to be the culprit of my relaxation.)
"i, uh, i saw the uhm." i tried to explain using my finger to point toward the window, but my eyes were very obviously glued to the cup of magic the woman was holding.
she followed my gaze and lightly chuckled. "you like the smell of this tea? its ours new brand of organic lemon balm tea, otherwise know as melissa. It increases GABA activity, meaning it's a fantastic choice for calming you down andddd getting to sleep at night!" "sounds just like what i need."
i look from the cup to the shelves, they are covered in hundreds of boxes of tea, ranging from all different colours and types. on the shelves behind the counter sit at least 200 different teapots.
"well lucky for you we have an offer on this type of tea, as its new. 2 boxes for £15. although you do need a good teapot to brew this kind of tea to a high standard. so for an extra £15 ill through in a teapot as well." she responded, putting down her teacup, grabbing two boxes of the tea from the shelves and walking behind the counter to select a teapot.
this woman moved fast, i hadn't even said i wanted it yet.
"right okay, £30 sure." i nodded approaching the counter.
as the woman turned back around she knocked the shelf causing one level to fall. without thinking id hopped over the counter and caught the shelf before it could cause any real damage.
"oh woah, those are some… fast reflexes. and your quite strong too. hm" the woman said stepping back putting the teapot she had selected for me on the counter. she then turned round and looked me up and down.
i propped the shelf back up and sighed nervously.
"aha, yeah well, i am a detective so quick reflexes and all."
"sure sure, whatever you say, just seemed a little… unnatural is all." she responded with a smile.
i walked back round the counter, pulling my purse out of my oversized winter jacket. it was like this woman could see right through me. read me like a book - as cringey as that sounds. i pulled out three 10s and handed them too her. she bagged up my things and handed then to me.
"have a nice evening and come again!"
"thank you."
i spun around making a b-line for the door, 'freedom!' i thought, right before the door opened in front of me and i crashed into the stranger that had walked through.
"woah! sorry about that, wasn't expecting you to come through." i said apologetically, regaining balance.
i looked at the guy in front of me, he was solid and hadn't even wobbled when i bumped into him. he had fiery brown hair, gelled up into stupid spikes. he had beautiful light brown eyes, but they were currently looking cold and sharp right at me.
"watch where you're going next time." he half-shouted.
i scoffed, looking at him in disbelief. i was being kind and apologising! what was this assholes problem?
"kai! don't be rude to customers." the woman that had served me said from behind.he rolled his eyes walking off to the back grumbling about something. the woman started to say something but id already walked out, fuming.
like my shitty day could get any worse, not only am i in a slump at work, i nearly exposed my powers to the tea lady AND that guy was unnecessarily rude.
i angrily walked back to the station and set my tea down in the locker room. i ignored everyone's confused looks and sat back at my desk, head in hands.
chapter 2
blood dripped down my face and onto my vigilante suit, not like i wasn't already covered in snake juices and blood but it was still an inconvenience. i had been on my way home from work when i heard cries down an alleyway. a group of snakes had stolen a baby. very original.
i dipped into the alley, stashed my bag and tea in an old bin and changed into my suit, before saving the baby. i fought of the serpentine and found the mother a few streets down crying out for her lost child. a few of the slimy bastards got away so i tracked them through the city, to the sewers. it was some kind of hive for all the serpentine clans too meet. how freaky.
that's when i saw them, the ninja. the most irritating men you will ever come across.
4 arrogant, cocky, colourful men in pyjamas. they call themselves ninjas but fail to do the simplest of tasks, not to mention they are always in my way. they believe in no killing unless absolutely necessary, i believe some people just aren't worth keeping around and that not every life is worth saving.
it's fair to say we don't see eye to eye.
they were all here, trying to fight off the serpentine horde and (to my misery) winning. this place must be important because they were all here blue, red, black and… pink? since when was there a pink ninja? what happened to the white one?
i saw the one in black get knocked down and decided to be his knight in shining armour. i pulled down my hood and used my webs to swing myself into the fight. i grabbed the snake on top of the black ninja with my webs and flung him into a wall. the ninja on the ground looked up at me and nodded, swiftly getting off of the ground, rushing back into the fight.
i rolled my eyes, although he couldn't see that. we continued fighting until the serpentine were dead, tied up or knocked out. i'd been scratched a few times but nothing serious. most of the blood on me wasn't mine, not that you could tell whose blood is what anyway, a certain breed of these filthy things exploded into blue goo when it died. extremely gross. there were only a few stragglers left, but i thought that the Pyjama Men could handle them on their own - they were big, scary ninjas after all. i turned on my heel, prepared to leave, when i heard a scream behind me. i looked over my shoulder to see the pink (white?) ninja being lifted up by his neck. the thing lifting him was grotesque; it was like a hybrid snake. it was bigger, stronger, and covered in markings, and metal.
the remaining ninjas rushed to aid their friend, while i took care of the less powerful serpentine who were trying to assist the hybrid. dealing with the remaining serpentine was easy, and i dispatched them quickly while the others did their best to help their icy companion.
the poor guy was choking and struggling as his teammates desperately tried to get the thing off of him, attacking them with everything they had. their golden weapons, powers and strength didn't work so i helped out and tried my best to strike the hybrid with my weapon. nothing worked and the thing just shrugged us off or threw us back. i eventually got fed up and webbed the guy's hands up, he dropped the icy ninja to try and get the webs off. the fire ninja grabbed the ice ninja and we all ran out of there while we still could. there was no point fighting something so strong, especially since we were very under-prepared. plus i could sense that the ninja still weren't my biggest fans even after i just saved them.
we ran out of the sewers and hid in an alleyway. i lifted the bottom part of my mask, revealing my mouth and gasped for air. it stunk in the sewer and i appreciated the fresh air. part of my hair fell out of the mask along with it.
"are you a girl?!" exclaimed the blue lightning ninja.
"i thought that was obvious?" i responded, looking his way.
"not to me."
"it was obvious, you're just a dumbass jay." the earth ninja said rolling his eyes while checking on his injured friend.
"your name is jay?" i asked.
"oh for fucks sake cole!" the red one exclaimed.
"and yours is cole?"
"shut up you two!" the injured white one shouted, his voice sounding croaky and sore. "she knows too much about our identities now, we will have to take her to master wuu."
"yeah good idea. besides, we still need to discuss whatever that monster was." the red one replied nodding, a hint of disgust in his voice toward the end.
"im not going anywhere with you lot." i started backing up, they came toward me and i turned around and bolted.
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p0pcorn-hearts · 4 months
Happy pride month! I will be giving you all my pride headcanons
Aphmau: Pansexual
Travis: Bisexual (prefers women)
Lucinda: Lesbian
Garroth: Demiromantic bisexual (has no idea who he prefers)
Zane: Genderfluid straight (sometimes lesbian)
Laurence: Trans ftm, bisexual (prefers men)
Ein: Pansexual
Sasha: Omnisexual poly (prefers women)
Zenix: Bisexual poly (prefers men)
Gene: Panromantic asexual poly
Dante: Bisexual (prefers women)
Hanami (Kawaii~Chan): Trans mtf
Ivy: Bisexual (prefers men)
Canonically queer
Katelyn: Bisexual (prefers men)
Teony: Lesbian
Melissa: Lesbian
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ambluuya · 6 months
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Introduction + what I write and other extra stuff.
Hello! I am a new writer here on tumblr. You can refer to me mainly by Ambluuya, but if something shorter is preferred then either Zane or Zareh. My pronouns are in my bio.
What I write and for who/which fandoms :
I strictly only write for male/gn! reader when it comes to male characters! If the character I write for is female, I write for all male/gn/fem! Readers. (Fem! Reader won't be included If not requested) BUUTTTTTT I write for ftm! reader, and also mtf! Reader. Feel free to request for that if you wish <3
Fandom(s) : Demon slayer mainly, possible for other fandoms if requested (but of course not always guaranteed I can because I probably know very little of it.)
SFW or NSFW? : I write for both NSFW and SFW, including fluff, angst, comfort, smut, thirsts, slightly suggestive and one-shots. (I CAN WRITE ANGST WITH ANYTHING REQUESTED For example : Self harm, abusive ex/parent/sibling/friend, cheating one-shots, death, grief, angsty stuff like that and any other past trauma that might've happened to reader/character.)
Who can interact? : Everyone can interact on my page, including minors as I am one myself too. REMEMBER!!! If you are a minor interacting on my page, do so with caution, my page will contain smut/other sensitive topics mentioned before.
Stuff I won't write for [character] x reader
I definitely won't be writing SA/noncon/r4p3 or abusive [character] x reader or the other way around. I also won't write pregnancy hcs, or either menstruating reader if reader isn't specified ftm.
I won't be writing ANY NSFW for characters under the age of 18/have no confirmed age! I can write kissing and making out though, as long as it stays on that line.
Requests :
I take requests, emergency requests and all that stuff currently. If you have any questions free feel to ask me right away!! :3 I'll try to respond/fufill your request as fast as possible :D
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That's mainly it! Thank you for reading <333
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confessmau · 1 year
To be honest this may be a hot take, I'm not sure. But I prefer mtf mystreet Garroth and ftm mcd Garroth.
I have my reasons, it's not just vibes or whatever unintentional stereotypes this may imply.
It's mostly because of Garte's behaviour. Almost entirely Garte's behaviour for mystreet Garroth.
Most people seem to agree upon Garte's transphobia, homophobia and misogyny. He just seems very traditional and like a bigot. Looking like minecraft Donald Trump doesn't help.
If you take that then in mystreet transfem Garroth who comes out really late in the story whose arc goes hand in hand with Garroth's character arc to break free from Garte's pressures and influence just makes sense.
Garroth being the golden child in mystreet is crucial to, her character, Zane's character, and the entire family dynamic. If Garte is very traditional, then that title would ultimately fall once Garroth transitions. Making it make more sense if Garroth transitions late and that dynamic stays for the first bit of the story.
Not to mention it makes more sense behavior wise too. Considering Garroth's tendency to run away, so while for mcd Garroth litterly running away gives him the opportunity to come out and transition as a 'disguise' to run away. Mystreet Garroth has no opportunity like this, so mystreet Garroth would stay in the closet about her transness really long. Running away from it in a figurative sense by internally denying it. Coming out and transitioning before the story or any growth in Garroth's character wouldn't make much sense with Garroth being avoidant of conflict.
Garte's heavy favouritism would also make the most sense if he saw Garroth as his son(because misogyny). Aswell as the potion expirements basically forcing a traditionally masculine thing in mystreet Garroth, making Garroth ridiculously strong. If Garte is traditional, wouldn't it make more sense to give your 'son' a strength potion than your 'daughter'?
You also have that mystreet scene were Garroth admires how her head looks on Nana's body when she is pretending to be a mirror holder in mss5.
For mcd Garroth, it happening pre-story makes the most sense. It would fix his lack of a disguise and make his transition a disguise. 'I'll disguise myself as a man in order to avoid being caught' followed by the gender euphoria. But honestly either mtf or ftm works for mcd Garroth to me since this disguise could go either way, it could just aswell be 'I'll disguise myself as a woman'.
It just makes the most sense to me if the transness is a part of the backstory for mcd Garroth, and a part of a character arc for mystreet Garroth.
This isn't meant to start discourse or whatever. I just wanted to share my thoughts. My deepest apologies if it comes over as forceful or rude, that wasn't my intention at all. I heavily respect transmasc mystreet Garroth believers.
(Especially if you don't see Garte as a bigot because then almost my entire reasoning falls apart.)
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What are some of your favorite headcanons about THSC (or other favorite fandoms)?
Ooo, Some of my favorite that I've either said/seen for THSC:
-Sven being adopted by Macbeth (mine that I utterly love)
-Rupert bring related to Jaques in someway (originally started by @androidcharles )
-Randy. Just, Randy's entire being in any timeline. They're so creature and love.
As for another fandom, may I say: Ninjago? It has suddenly grabbed us with a chokehold-
(Although, real talk, when talking about Ninjago (in our case) we are referring to pre- Possession (season 5). It's been years, and I can't get myself to watch past Tournament of Elements, nor the movie)
-Nya being trans (whether finding out later to be FtM or before and being MtF, just- Queen shit regardless)
-Cole being an absolute mommas boy before her passing, changing to become a daddy's boy afterwards post-great devourer (season 1 going into season 2)
-Zane keeps half of his face plate off because he finds it cool. Because it is cool
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I am not trans so I wouldn’t know but
I think Zane is so gender. Not because of how he looks but because he can change how he looks and sounds to match how he feels
Someone needs to make a trans Zane in a fanfic. Like he discovers he’s Enby or MTF or even Gender Fluid and swaps his body to match!
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1nindroid · 2 months
Height + Sexuality/Identity Head canons for Bitter Cold!
(Or is it canon because its an isolated fiction interpretation..? Who knows!)
Cole: Cis (He/him), Gay, 6'4"
Kai: Cis (He/him), Gay, 5'11"
Jay: FtM (He/him), Bisexual, 5'10"
Zane: Cis (He/him), Bisexual 6'6"
Nya: Cis (She/her), Lesbian, 6'0"
Lloyd: FtM (He/him), AroAce 5'8"
Pixal: NB (She/they), Bisexual 6'11"
Vex: Cis (He/him), Demiromantic Asexual, 5'8"
Grimfax: Cis (He/him), AroAce 5'11"
Skylor: MtF (She/her), Lesbian 6'2"
Dareth: Cis (He/him), Gay 5'10"
Ronin: Cis (He/him), Straight (bi-curious), 5'11"
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softmoonlightmelody · 2 years
Athena Cabin HCs
Again, this is me simply writing down my personal thoughts on the cabins.
Members (in birth order):
Annabeth Chase - former head counselor, not technically cabin six anymore. geeks out on architecture. uses ivory sword. She/her, biromantic bisexual.
Malcolm Pace - head counselor. geeks out on mathematics - perhaps the only person in the world who actually likes trigonometry. dad is a mathematician, and also really loves Malcolm. uses Celestial Bronze warhammer. He/they, biromantic asexual.
Sophia Ainsley - geeks out on battle formations. lived in Scotland for most of her life and recently moved to America, discovering camp in the process. uses Celestial Bronze bullets for her gun. She/ze, aromantic bisexual.
Zane Carver - literally actually exists in-canon. anyway, geeks out on currency. mum is a literal wood carver, and incredibly good at it. uses Celestial Bronze toothbrush-sword. any pronouns, grayromantic asexual.
Vidya Anand - geeks out on worldbuilding and conlanging (also writes). parent is a writer and is scatterbrained and loves Vidya. uses a really big Celestial Bronze spear. She/they, aromantic asexual.
Aloe Yin (Chinese name is Yin Xue) - geeks out on chemistry. was born under the one-child policy in China, and thinks it's really weird to have siblings. uses a bunch of knives. They/them, aromantic homosexual.
Ella Chaikin - geeks out on biology. has plants EVERYWHERE. they thought she was a Demeter kid, turns out she's a Demeter legacy. prefers hand-to-hand combat. She/her, hasn't figured out her orientation. Trans mtf.
Aloe and Vidya are really close in age, and Aloe is Vidya's go-to beta
Sophia has a strong Scottish accent
Ella has attempted, multiple times, to get Demeter Cabin to let her call them ‘auntie’ and/or ‘uncle’. it has never been successful
Malcolm always asks his math teachers for more homework, or extra credit. the teachers are too scared to tell him they can't give him more homework out of nowhere
Vidya has around six fully developed worlds - including an average of five languages per world. she is currently doing three more at the same time
Aloe is scared of Vidya's writing habits
Zane drinks tea
Ella spends a lot of time with her piblings in the Demeter Cabin
the Athena campers often argue over books and different opinions regarding characters
Aloe sometimes creates poisons
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screamsindepression · 2 years
Ninja hc
• third tallest
• likes laying in body's of water
• called Kai mom/dad many times when sick does it as well
• she/they
• likes comics
• second shortest
• can't stand still
• sits out in lightning storms
• mtf
• likes soft things
Zane: • second tallest
• cold no matter what
• likes ta try and eat the snow for fun
• he/they
• likes reading alot
• third shortest
• part oni/dragon? The ninjas are his hoard
• likes Kai the most bc warm
• actually thinks coles food is okay
• he/she
• tallest
• part oni as well
• eats rocks
• can't cook but can bake
• they/them
Kai: • actual parent of the group
• shortest
• can't read well dropped out of school
• sleeps in insane places
• doesn't care bout pronouns
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beesaysbuzznstuff · 1 year
Here! Have my MyStreet head canons!
Irene Senalda - Her name is Irene now because why not, Platonic soulmates with zane, only listens to whats on the radio, her and aaron are those two friends that have been dating for so long that they are the friend groups parents
Aaron Lycan - def listens to all 3 bands in the emo trinity, still wants his dads approval even though he was kind of a bad father, "Ronnie", Him and Irene are those two friends that have been dating for so long that they are the groups parents
Melissa Lycan - Had a crush on Nana but realized they were too similar, listens to doja cat with Luci, Lesbian
Lucinda Delgado - listens to doja cat with Mel, cuban and black fr, Demisexual pan
Laurance Zvahl - garrance canon cause i say so, garroth and laurance definitely make up choreo to their fav songs, gotta be pan, your average AJR listener, puerto rican
Garroth Ro'meave - DAD BOD GARROTH PLEASE 🙏, garrance canon cause i say so, garroth and laurance definitely make up choreo to their fav songs, so fruity a literal walking talking fruit cake
Zane Ro'meave - Platonic soulmates with Irene, Genderfluid, mitski enjoyer, secretly listens to country music dante suggests to him, willingly sings frozen songs with Irene, Bisexual, chronic nintendo switch user, Zane "tolerates" Travis and lets him watch while he plays animal crossing, all ro'meaves are so babygirl, on the spectrum
Travis Valkrum - your average coldplay listener, crys listening to ABBA songs (same im projecting), FTM Travis has my whole heart, has MULTIPLE dui's, ykw travis is pretty babygirl too, has forced everyone at least once to play just dance with him
Dante Collado - unironically listens and enjoys yung gravy music, Dominican, listens to country music and tells everyone about his cowboy hat, no bitches 🤨, coldplay
Katelyn Reed - Only listens to musicals, Katelyn gets calls from her dad on a daily basis, after season one she has secretly been auditioning for musicals and plays
Nana Gyeon - trans mtf, Pansexual, also listens to whats on the radio, average twitter k-pop stan she will bite and scratch to get NewJeans tickets, Korean and Filipina, Nana turns into a cat very often just to get extra cuddles from Zane and carried around from time to time, copes by baking for her friends
Kim Stephens - AroAce, tries her best to stay calm but after joining this group at the most worst time possible shes given up, art is go to therapy
Ghost/Emmalyn - never really loved zane just connected the name to one she loved
Vlyad Ro'meave - GETS MAD BITCHES he is the actual rizzler, likes to collect crystals he's a crystal bitch
Thats all ! I have some side character ones I might post later tho :3
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rockn-rule · 2 years
Here take this thing I did bc I could
-First oc? evolved? How are they now?
Willow Ashlyn, she used to be a werewolf angel thing with a few scars but now she's a werefox with burn scars and one who works as a chef and on a farm!
-Newest oc? Why we're they made?
Mama Ima, I'm a simp for Jack Horner but I have body dismorph so I make Ocs instead of self inserts
-Self insert oc?
Non in particular but a lot of my fnaf Ocs used to be sort of self inserts
-What music do they listen to?
Anything and everything but mostly things that correlate with their theme (ie willow likes grunge, cottagecœur, and old rock and jazz)
-Ocs fears?
Most are fearful of their past (some had abuse in their past others witnessed terrible things) but they all fear heights and deep water
-Any Ocs w/o stories? Will they ever have one?
Lambchop, buggie, Zane, ant detective, etc. No they won't get back story since they are for fun or fill ins
-Fav relationships?
Eel and arry! They're married and t4t (eel is mtf arry is ftn) they also have an intersex kid named opal
-Oc family trees?
The ashlyns, Their the only true family tree really
-Fav oc?
Most of the time it's the current new one but willow is a personal fav
-Oc I struggled to make?
Stitch and lyre, I made them when I was young and I'm revamping them
-Any wips?
Most of my Ocs are wips but mainly corri trico
-Story with the most research?
Feíl neak and Vílav Drachenstein, I did my research on languages and dragon types and such so they could really fit into the gow universe
-Story with the most lore?
The ashlyns, The Journey to save Mel'Dor, as it's where all of my Ocs come from and where they all begin. (All of them come from Mel'Dor)
-How many projects? Any I won't finish?
So many projects, most will be wips forever due to new ideas and constant revamps
-First big project? How far along is it?
The ashlyns story as it's always evolving with each new oc
-Any tropes or dynamics?
Hero to villain, enemy to lover, lover to enemy, all that angsty shit
-Describe the setting of a wip
A human is slowly transformed into a doll and painfully so. She also films it as she essentially dies and gets reborn again. (Alexis, the porcelain cat)
Avatars world mostly, I just liked the rainforest esq shit and the animals
-Story I'm proud of?
The porcelain dolls. I find it so much fun to think of honestly
-What kinds of stuff do I do?
Painting, sculpting, trad art, digital art, designing, writing, taxidermy
-Discord servers?
Two oc servers, one for irl friends, other for non irls!
-Any careers?
Taxidermy and commissions!
-Fav books?
Escape from furnace and blood for blood
-Fav movies?
Silence of the lambs, knives out, PiB last wish, Shrek 2, 9, fern Gully, hook, night at the museum, the miser brothers films/ any Rankin bass stuff, the mask, the Santa clause 3, the Goonies, etc.
-Fav songs?
Creature half alive, ceux qui rêvent pomme, northern attitude noah kahan, let you break my heart again laufey, solitude Billie Holiday, send me to the lectric chain Hugh Laurie, reefer man big bad voodoo daddy, cum (turbo) whokilledxix, a conversation with death khemmis, I laugh in the face of death aurelio voltaire, non je ne regrette rien Edith piaf, act naturally Loretta Lynn, not a crime to smile make believes, dried up old bones tom willett, etc. Anything on my playlists
-First fandom? Any fan art?
MLP, fnaf, SCP, and maybe also monster in Paris? Lots of mlp, fnaf, and SCP fan art but not much monster in Paris stuff
-this was made to help me understand myself mostly but also for y'all to see my chaos and judge me once more
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whatupcherry · 2 years
Mystreet Headcaons/Thoughts
Because mys could have been better
Aaron and Aph have a matching tattoos of their old game users
You can't tell me that Aaron, Katelyn, and Lucinda don't have tats Aaron has a sleeve on his right arm that goes over to his chest. Katelyn has a neck tat with a flora print and a sword on her spine and a cluster of stars on her left foot. Lucinda has the moon phase on her collar bone, a vine that wraps around her leg from hip to her ankle. as well as some random ones on her back.
I hate the mask that Zane wears. he doesn’t wear it he just put a a lot of powder to cover his freckles.
KC goes by Nana in mys and mcd cause i hate her canon name. She is also trans mtf cause i said so and i think she is trans coded(?) zane is also trans so t4t
Travis is a college drop out but in his late twenties he want back to to finish. it’s was just a 2 year degree but still.
Sasha periced Aphmau’s ears in pdh. (they also may or may not have kissed but yk)
Katelyn has the side of her head shaved while the other is long.
Aaron wanted to be a video game developer ever since he was small but never was to do it. mainly since he never finished college
Nana is a vegan cause i said so
Travis has a tongue spilt. he said it made him look cool. he also has the most piercings along with zane and lucinda.
Speaking of piercings Katelyn has a whole bunch but they are fake bc she can’t stand needles.
Zane loves indie folk music
Zane never stop wearing eyeliner and became super good at as the years went on. He can also do a full face but never wore them outside of his home. he would do aphmau’s and nanas all the time. His mother taught him almost every he knows abt makeup.
Sasha’s character design was such a miss opportunity. so she is a hard core goth by the time she was out of college. the hair the makeup every thing and she look so good doing it.
i also read a hc that Sasha and Travis are awkward cousins and i love that
Katelyn is a huge wine person, which is ironic cause people would think she would hate wine. The only people who know this are Nana and Aphmau. Katelyn hides things that she like a lot.
Toney and Ivy are dating cause i said so, Ivy's 'crush' on Garroth was pure comphet. They are both lesbians'.
Nana and Aaron became really close over the years mainly in S5. Aaron may or not have lowkey threatened Zane whenever they started dating.
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imjustagayfish · 3 years
Mystreet sexuality headcanons
Aphmau: Bisexual She/Her
Aaron: Bisexual He/They
Katelyn: Bisexual She/Her
Kawaii~Chan: Pansexual She/Her Mtf
Garroth: Pansexual He/She/They
Zane: Demisexual Demiromantic He/They/It
Vylad: Homosexual and literally every and all pronouns
Laurance: Bisexual He/They
Dante: Bisexual Demiromantic He/Him
Travis: Pansexual Demiromantic He/Him Ftm
Lucinda: Homosexual Biromantic She/Xe/They/He
Gene: Bisexual He/Vamp/They
Zenix: Bisexual He/Him Ftm
Sasha: Bisexual She/They
Teony: Homosexual She/Her
Ivy: Pansexual She/Her
Cadenza: Homosexual She/Her Mtf
Nicole: Bisexual She/He
Daniel: Asexual Panromantic He/She/They
Dottie: Bisexual She/Her
Rylan: Heterosexual He/Him Ftm
Blaze: Bisexual He/Him
Maria: Homosexual She/Her/It/They/Vamp
Ein: Bisexual He/They
Michi: Bisexual She/It
June: Omnisexual fem lean She/Him/They
Nate: Pansexual He/Him
Guy: Homosexual He/Him
Reese: Pansexual He/She
Jenny: Pansexual She/Her
Becky: Asexual Aromantic She/Her
Cathy: Bisexual She/Her Mtf
Diana: Omnisexual She/They/Her/Vamp
Tera: Homosexual She/They/He
Xavier: Cishet
Ken: Bisexual He/They/Vamp
Luka: Pansexual She/Her
McCloud: Asexual He/Him
Jenna: Omnisexual HEAVY FEMALE LEAN She/Her Mtf
Marsh: Homosexual He/She/They/It
Raven: Bisexual He/She/They
Jax: Homosexual He/They/She
Kacey: Queer He/She
Ryder: Homosexual He/Him Ftm
Toby: Bisexual He/Him
Sylvana: Bisexual She/Her
Eric: Heterosexual He/Him Ally
Zianna: Bisexual She/Her
Garte: Heterosexual He/Him Ally(he basically has no choice his wife and all three of his children are queer)
Maria(Gene and Dante’s mom): Bisexual She/They
Derek: Bisexual He/Him
Rachel: Bisexual She/They/Vamp
Zack: Bisexual He/They/It
Elizabeth: Bisexual She/Him
Terry: Heterosexual Demipanromantic He/Him
Micheal: Asexual Demiromantic He/Him
Don’t ask where Kai is.
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