shacklda · 2 years
@mslangley cont.
She’d be lying if she said she thought she looked better in the hat than Langley did, but it was still nice to wear nonetheless. (Especially when partner’s gaze snapped to her and gave her that look, a playful voice in the back of her mind whispered). 
It was rare for the Chief to allow herself to have fun like this, and maybe it was a little childish but... consequences be damned. She didn’t want it to end now.
Big eyes went even bigger, and she cocked her head to the side at Langley’s request, looking much like the ‘puppy’ she’s been named. Jaw clenched and unclenched at that barely hidden threat, even if chest did flutter with warmth at the praise underlying it. 
You were doing so well. It affects her more than it should, and it was those words that got her walking, hand reaching for the hat. Lift. For barely a fraction of a moment was it extended towards Langley’s waiting palm.... and tugged back when hand began to close around it. 
“.... How about you take it from me?” Brows raised now, holding the property behind her back and a cocky smirk forming on lips. “I mean. If it means that much to you.”
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shacklda · 2 years
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@mslangley​ dont look at me like that
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shacklda · 2 years
[ URGE ]  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter one’s chin up so they can look at their face.  haha hi
[ URGE ]  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter one’s chin up so they can look at their face.
Firm hold was met with only a second of resistance before giving in, preferring to not let any more pain come to swollen cheek if she could help it. Well, that and... one glance up and the Chief became pliable to the touch, letting Langley turn her head any way she pleased to examine the bruises that lined her skin from latest dispatch. Shy all of a sudden like she’d been caught doing something she was told explicitly she wasn’t allowed to do.
How different from the version of her that had so recklessly allowed self to be kidnapped and beaten to get what they needed... now here she was. Biting her tongue and waiting for the chance to speak. Maybe the lapdog jeers weren’t so far-fetched. At least, not until Langley got a hold of her. Trained her well.
The silence stretched on for too long, it was nerves that made her break it first. “I’ve had worse, it’s not as bad as it looks... probably.”
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shacklda · 2 years
‘ You’re driving me insane . ‘ :)
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“I am?” If the Chief had noticed, she’d done a pretty good job at hiding it. Keeping a miraculously straight face as chin remained tucked into the blonde’s shoulder, arms had wrapped around her middle, and fingers wandered wherever they pleased. There’d been silence for a moment, possibly Langley giving her the chance to stop but expression remained impassive like the idea had never occurred to her.
When she actually tried, even someone others like to tease of being oblivious could be quite deceptive.
“... Would you like me to go?” Brows raised, her warm breath blowing the hair on Langley’s neck before she began nuzzling into it. Even when she was being a pain, there was still a note of care in her tone. If it was genuinely asked of her, she’d cease all movements at once and let the woman continue working. Completely get out of her hair.
Until then... 
Head lifted back up, mouth brushing along earlobe for a second before giving it a quick nip.
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shacklda · 2 years
icb @mslangley is pavlov dogging my chief.
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