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sarahisslytherin · 3 years ago
Platonic Eddie Munson with prompts 19 + 18 from this?
“YOU DID WHAT?!” eddie howls, bursting in laughter.
“i swear it was an accident!” you attempt to defend yourself, hands up as if in surrender.
"how do you accidentally get my name tattooed?” he asks, barely able to breathe and ribs still shaking.
“i was really drunk, okay? these really cool girls were talking about getting their boyfriends’ names tattooed cos they were just as wasted. and then, i didn’t want them to think i was boring, so i joined them!”
“and you had to get my name tattooed?” eddie presses on. ”of all people?”
“i don’t know, i guess my drunk ass thought you were my boyfriend or something.” you pout. “this is so humiliating.”
“aw, come on.” eddie clicks his tongue, holding your arm close to inspect the offending ink. “this can be fixed. yeah, see this can be a guitar or something.” he insists, tracing the lines to show you what he was thinking. “what do you say?”
“alright.” you agree with a sigh. “but only if i can squeeze your hand when it hurts.”
“deal.” eddie says with a grin.
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leossmoonn · 4 years ago
Is this the first time you’re watching twilight? Bc I’m also watching it but for the first time and on Netflix (I’m on the first breaking dawn)
no its not haha. ive seen the first movie like 10 times, new moon and eclipse 2, and breaking dawn pt 1 and 2 once
but ooh how do you like it?
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salemorbit · 4 years ago
Hi Salem! (I really like your name)
I was wondering if I could get a male marvel ship?
Basics: I am 5’7”, cancer (I don’t believe in zodiacs because I’m like the opposite), Slytherin, ENTP, enneagram type 8. Chaotic, sarcastic, dramatic, and according to people I know, mean (sorry not sorry ig?) and a raging feminist.
Looks: Skinny body type (i got nothing😭) hella pale, brown hair with red highlights, and hazel eyes that change color.
Social-related Facts? I am secretly touch-starved and a hopeless romantic. I am pretty social (or at least social enough to have 2 friends; I don’t think people need them though.) love being alone to have time to myself for reading, writing, drawing, playing video games, and listening to music.
My Good/Bad Side: Some of my worst traits are selfishness, stubbornness, jealousy, vindictiveness, being manipulative, and rage. Some of my good traits are my intelligence, creativity, resourcefulness, and humor (which is very dark and sometimes offensive) Overall, I’m a pretty chill person but if you anger or provoke me the only advice I have is to run🙂
Fun Facts/Miscellaneous: I am Pagan/Wiccan and have an unhealthy obsession with collecting rocks and shells (and reading fanfics but let’s not worry about that🥴) I’m Moldovan and Romanian is my first language. I get like either no sleep or sleep until noon and I’m a big over-thinker and have anxiety. Believe me or not, but I can in fact see auras (if I concentrate but also sorta unfocus my eyes kinda; it’s weird)
In short, I’m a difficult person to deal with
Sparkles for you✨✨✨
hey! thanks! hope you like this <33 also i'm literally so sorry this took forever to answer i was suffering major burnout 🥴
Marvel Matchup!
Based on your characteristics, I think you'd do best with...
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(whichever one you prefer askdjdgsg)
he takes all you have to offer with ease and in stride like i'm not even kidding this man be SMOOOOOOOTH
y'all are really similar in demeanor two which is why you get along so well, and he loves it when you really dig into someone
energy is through the charts with this one
pietro is overall pretty happy-go-lucky in the sense that he knows how to handle you when you get worked up, and really knows how to flip the vibe when it's not a serious situation
like one time, someone in the avengers compound had eaten a special lunch you had prepared for yourself and no one was owning up to it
they should've known better because you had already been having a bad day but oooooooh my god did you unleash hell lmao
pietro was out that day and wanda had to call him back like "pietro pls help it's happening again" and that's like all he needed before he was back over in a flash second
he was able to talk you down with some jokes and promises about pummeling whoever ate your lunch (if you didn't get to them first ahskdjsha) and also holding you in a vice grip against him so you didn't go rampaging through the common room again
but if he sincerely does something or says something to piss you off, he'll let you cuss him out all you want until it's his turn to talk
most of the time he knows he deserves it lol
when he learns you like collecting rocks and shells, this man suddenly sees every rock and shell and says it reminds him of you
sometimes he'll keep some of his own (if it really reminds him of you) but mostly he'll give you what he finds when he's out on missions
if you speak to him in your first language, i swear to god pietro just 😳💥❤️‍🔥
pietro.exe has stopped working
he'll obviously want you to teach him some endearing words and phrases (and also a lot of stupid words and phrases) so he'll be able to talk to you and only you
this man will literally run to the ends of the world for you (and he's tried on several occasions)
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anjalis-ennui · 4 years ago
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> fashion week — blackbear
> bang! — ajr
> let's talk about sex — salt-n-pepa
> how you like that — blackpink
> pied piper — bts
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mendesxruel · 3 years ago
𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚, 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚, 𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒚 | 𝐏. 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
summary: angst + fluff, mention of an argument with Pietro and how it sorts out later
warnings: mentions of arguing, mention of breakfast
words: 430+
library account: @lolaslibrary | marvel masterlist
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Cuddling was very special for you and Pietro. It brought you peace and quiet, and for him, it felt good having you in his arms, he liked the warm feeling of keeping you protected.
It had become a habit for the two of you since you moved in together. It was always the same way: after you two clean up from having dinner, you’d put on your favourite, most comfortable set of pyjamas, snuggle underneath some blankets and wait for Pietro to do the same and come hold you.
Although, this night was different.
You didn’t want to think about the arguing that had happened an hour ago, it had been too much, so you just stayed quiet, internalising your feelings. You had even forgotten what it was all about - you didn’t exactly want to remember it - you were tired and just wanted to rest.
You could see Pietro pacing around the rooms from the corner of your eye. Instead of a fast, impatient pace, he walked around slowly.
Tilting your head slightly to the side, you noticed the bitter look on his face. He unconsciously tried to hide his distressed expression by staring at the floor, and running his hand through his hair and face, with a million thoughts in his head.
His body wasn’t racing around, but his mind was.
You didn’t have a superpower to read his thoughts, but they were filled with regret. However, he was too proud to apologise, for now.
Later, when your eyelids were already feeling heavy and you felt very sleepy, you sensed Pietro’s presence beside the bed.
You swallowed your pride and gazed at him, but when you did, he was already heading to the living room. You realised he had decided to sleep on the couch.
“Babe?” you whispered, tiredly.
He turned around quickly, like all he wanted to hear was you calling for him.
As he walked back to the bed, you grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed with you, and he snuggled beside you, burying his face in your neck.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” he mumbled onto your skin before placing a soft kiss on it, “I’ll make up to it, promise.”
That was all he could say before falling asleep.
Both of you were mature enough and had stopped being stubborn, giving in to holding each other that night.
The next morning, you woke up to breakfast in bed made by Pietro. After sorting everything out and him apologising again, you two went back to your usual routine: cuddling.
After all, you two loved each other, and that was all that truly, deeply mattered.
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please reblog if you liked! it helps the fic get around :)
📮 pietro maximoff taglist.: @ughgclden @mortem-muse @pinkcloxds @msfandomfreak @sarahisslytherin @weaselbrownie @love-marauders @imabee-oralizard @collieflower215 @ericareyesmylove @fumblelace @benedictsmuse @boxofsteampunkplace @greengarsstuff @bxckbexk
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Can I request cock warming with Jason Todd like him and the reader trying to sleep and he's just like "I can’t sleep if I’m not inside you"
✦ pairing: jason todd x fem!reader
✦ smut warnings: cockwarming, jason being a whiney bitch aha
✦ word count: 134
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✦ smut night masterlist 💦
smut night has finished for the week - thank you so much for participating!
requests are closed
"Jason, for the love of god, stop moving around," you grumble, trying to sleep. You both knew that you had a big day coming up ahead of you, and getting a night of adequate sleep was extremely important.
"I can't sleep if I'm not inside you," Jason protests after you turn away from him. You reply with a sigh, desperately wanting to get some sleep. "Baby, please," Jason whines.
"Get over here," you sigh, not being able to help the small chuckle at his little antics. He eagerly snuggles in behind you, pushing the material of your panties to the side. With a sharp intake of breath, he pushes inside you.
You can practically feel his content smile against the back of your neck, "feel better."
"Oh, much. Thanks," he says way too enthusiastically.
tag list: (click here to be apart of the tag list!)
@dylanobrienhehe // @jermaee // @boxofsteampunkplaces // @mollyknm // @greengarsstuff // @caswinchester2000 // @fandomfoodiedancer // @tsukyo // @kim23ivy // @cottonvioletsposts // @lildylsprayberryswhore // @msfandomfreak // @karleetakeenan // @theonewiththenerds // @i-love-scott-mccall // @elenapatricia99 // @zealouspursecowboydeputy // @hellraiser13-102407 // @ghostlygooppeanutwobbler // @theonewiththenerds // @sambucky8 // @ivxury // @rafecameron-drewstarkeyy // @hottia // @maybankprincess // @dylanobriensbitch12 // @black-rose-29 // @slutforjjmaybanks18 // @67-angelofthelordme-67 // @usuistanaccount // @slut-4-fictional-men // @bailaycantaconmigo // @angelcbf // @daniellegreavess // @321adonis123 // @sambucky8 // @yeswibblywobblytimeywimeyfan // @onyourgoddamnleft // @sairamccall11 // @blackbarbie-stuff // @anything-forourmoony // @thegirlyouworryabout // @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer // @joeythommyboy // @whiteneypinkk // @jasontoddslover // @illicitaffaiirs // @eunoia-kth // @couffeeine // @justanotherkpopstanlol // @greengarsstuff // @riddlewife // @ur--mother // @kiwijulia // @allison438 // @jasontoddthezombie // @just-a-random-girl-loves-anime // @stilesstilinskisrealwife // @sh3lov3dyou // @camlovesdylan // @liz-owl
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moonrainbowfish · 4 years ago
Lotr characters and how they would show you their affection Part 1:
I would imagine Aragorn being very gentle, but also protective. He would be more affectionate in private. But he still loves holding your hand in public and looking into your beautiful e/c eyes. Doesn't matter if their light, or dark, your eyes are gorgeous, no matter what. He'd tell you stories about being a ranger and his time with the elves. And he's all ears to also listen to one of your stories. It doesn't matter to him, if they're real, or not. Hearing your beautiful voice is always blessing to him.
"Aragorn is it true, that you captured Gollum? That must've been quite the challenge, capturing such a tricky creature!"
"Oh believe me Y/N it was! He stank so much, I was so glad when I was finally rid of his company."
"I can only imagine, but it must've been horrible."
Boromir would also be very proud of you. He's a loyal partner and would never betray you. I see him falling for either a more delicate and empathetic person, or an independent, strong warrior. If you don't have any, or much fighting experience he'd be more than happy to teach you some techniques with a sword. He would do it as a way to help you protect yourself. Boromir would jump in front of you to shield you from any kind of danger. Maybe taking an arrow or two, but if it's for you, than it's worth it. He would protect you with his life.
Legolas would often tease you, but in a friendly way. You often have competitions over who can kill the most orcs along with Gimli. But if someone would ever dare to insult you, or threaten your life, Legolas would not hesitate to chop their head off. He hates seeing you get picked on and can't stand seeing you sad. I feel like he would enjoy showing physical affection, like holding your hands, or kissing your forehead. He's also actually very gentle and especially loves to braid your hair, if it's longer.
You: *does literally nothing*
Gimli would love to show you off! He's so proud of you and would let anyone know it. He enjoys hyping you up and telling you enlightening stories about his life, or make witty remarks to keep you entertained. He will even try to teach you about dwarvish customs and traditions. But for the most part he would constantly compliment and praise you.
Frodo is definitely more shy and timid when it comes to showing you affection, especially physical and in public. However he'd enjoy listening to you and you both like sharing facts and expanding your knowledge. He will let you know, he will always listen to your problems and supports you in any way he possibly can. Frodo loves it when you ramble about one of your recent interests. He simply enjoys a good conversation, especially if it's with you. He would often compliment you and he blushes when you flirt back.
Now this good boys love language is acts of service without a doubt. He likes to do tasks for you like cooking you a delicious meal, holding doors open for you, helping you with chores, etc. He'd do anything for you and enjoys giving you any kind of love. He would protect you from any pushy people trying to flirt with you. He would basically even die for you, that's how loyal he is. Sam will also happily share his love for gardening with you by introducing you to his favourite flowers and plants.
"Here Y/N, this pretty flower reminded me of you."
Merry would always be there for you. In good times, or even bad times. You went through thick and thin together and Merry often uses his wit to protect you. Like the time when you both got into huge trouble and Merry then tried to take the blame instead to protect you from the punishment by trying to convince the others and saying your innocent, even if you weren't. Merry would also be your number one supporter. He knows what it's like to feel underestimated, so he will always cheer you on!
Pippin may not be the wisest hobbit, but he has a heart of gold. He would include you in one of his adventures and would try to ask you a lot of questions to get to know you better. His attempts at affection often end up in flames due to his clumsiness, but that doesn't stop him from trying. He often tries to remember little details you told him. Like when you said you collect rocks so one day Pippin would say to you:
"Hey Y/N! Look at this amazing rock that I've found! Do you wanna have it?"
Thanks to @msfandomfreak for the help
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natashxromanovf · 3 years ago
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Everything For My Girl
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Remus Lupin x fem!reader
WARNINGS: mentions of being stressed
REQUESTED: no, fluff
SUMMARY: Remus helps you deal with your stress.
A/N: i am in need of a massage but no one will do it so i guess i’ll have to pretend like remus is massaging me </3 gif credits to @dailyflicks
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It was a long day. Between having to study for finals, writing many essays and James and Sirius annoying you with the new “amazing” prank idea they have, you couldn’t find any time to relax at all. So now when it’s finally evening, you couldn’t be happier to see Remus walk through the door of your dorm.
“Hi, love,” he greets, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and sitting down on your bed. You put the pen down, even though you know you have to finish this page. You haven’t spent much time with him in the last few weeks and in all honesty, you kinda miss him.
“Hey,” you reply, a small smile adorning your lips.
“Whatcha doing?” he gently questions, actually wanting to know what you’re up to, instead of simply asking.
“Oh, just writing an essay for potions,” you mutter, glancing back at the paper.
“Y/N… you’re working all the time. Whether it’s studying, homework, you’re always busy. Don’t you think it’s time you take a little break?” he softly implies, nothing but love in his voice. You know he’s right, he always is but there’s just so much going on right now.
“I know, but-”
“No buts, darling. You know I’m right,” he shushes you, gesturing for you to come to join him on the bed. You obey, sitting down beside him. “There you go, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” he murmurs and suddenly the tiredness hits you like a train. You feel like you haven't slept in days - which is kinda true, now that you think about it. “You look very stressed, you know,” he whispers, moving closer to you.
“Yeah, feel like it too,” you murmur, closing your eyes momentarily. He’s seen you in a state like this before, so he knows exactly what to do to get you to relax. He moves to sit behind you, each leg on one side of your form. And then he starts to massage your shoulders, a hum of fondness slipping past your lips.
“Oh, you’re doing God’s work, Remus,” you say, a content smile on your face.
“Everything for my girl,” he replies, moving up to the muscles of your neck. He can feel your whole body melting under his touch; your muscles slowly start to become less stiff, and your eyes are now permanently closed, trying to enjoy the moment as much as you can.
“We should do this more often,” you mutter, a laugh escaping Remus’ throat.
“If it’ll get you to take a break, then I’ll gladly do this ten times a day if you want me to,” he grins, and you let out a silent “awww”.
“You’re honestly too sweet. I love you so much,” you grin, slightly turning around so you can reach his lips.
“I love you too,” he says as you pull away, going back to massaging your back.
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harry potter taglist: @voidmalfoy @pad-foots @cunningambitousdetermined @mahjaabeen @sexysirius @pregnant-piggy @lilylovegood @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @leossmoonn @msfandomfreak @pottahishotasf @johnmurphyisqueer @mirclealignr @griffxnnage @fairydxll
remus lupin: @henqtic @mollysolo @jackys-stuff-blog @pinkcloxds @sheraayasherrecs @hallecarey1 @marimorena06
i hope you enjoyed this! don't forget to like, reblog and/or comment, it really helps writers with motivation <33
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cupids-crystals · 3 years ago
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Navigation Masterlist
Hi friends!! Thank you so much for the continual support and interaction on this account, it means more to me than words can say! Come celebrate 2.2k with an angel number themed celebration! From July 8th - July 12th, everyone is welcome to participate!! Feel free to send as many asks as you’d like!
Fandoms include: Harry Potter, Marvel, Shadow and Bone, and Stranger Things
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111 the intuition; tell me about a hidden talent you have and I’ll tell you which character you remind me of (specify fandom please!)
222 right place. right time; tell me about your dream vacation and I’ll tell you who’s going with you (specify fandom please!)
333 mind, body, spirit; send me your sun, moon, and rising signs and I’ll tell you which character I ship you with (specify fandom and gender preference please!)
555 change is occurring; cym, kmk, and other ask games!
777 inner strength; (moots only) I’ll make a mini moodboard for you based on your energy
888 the balance; send requests for mood boards based on any character + (sfw) situation you’d like (ex. gardening with George)
999 start anew; send requests for (sfw) dialogues/blurbs for any character that I currently write for!
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Tagging a few mutuals below:
@velvetcloxds @sarahisslytherin @sheraayasher @uraveragequeer @n0agranger @sweetdreamsbuck @dracossweetprincess @mellifluousart @moonbcrry @natashxromanovf @mendesxruel @jackys-stuff-blog @cocoamoonmalfoy @burnthoneymint @leydileyla @mirclealignr @elysian-i @msfandomfreak @henqtic @sereinegemini @yelenalovegood @peppers-analytics @messers-moony @beloved-bucky @bellatrixscurls @saintlike78 @dr4cking @thespiritoflife @nevilleismywhore @o-rion-sta-r @queen-asteria04 @my-my-only-angel @mollysolo @crystal-dee @wrathspoet @lazydreamer19 @nevsluvr @shespeaksinsongs @melmalone @aynanasstuff @moonlitmeeks @spxllcxstxr @maxmayfjeld @ladyvesuvia @desireav + the rest of my wonderful moots <3
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wildroseparadise · 4 years ago
Magenta: Loki x reader
Pairing: Loki x reader
Word count: 1,3k words
Requested: Yes, for @msfandomfreak. I hope you like it!! ♡
Summary: Imagine not seeing color until you meet your soulmate, and then finding him on a mission to save his brother, and your best friend, Thor. (soulmate!au)
Warnings: None, I don't think so, at least [Please tell me if I missed any!]
Here's part II !
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You remembered it from when you were young; hearing about it from adults, learning about it in school, and giggling over it with friends.
"Don't worry, sweetie, when you find the one for you, you will know."
"There is a hormone much like serotonin, which floods your brain--"
"When Eric looked at Maisy today, I could have sworn he saw color!"
Having lived alone in New York for years, it became much more of a reality after moving into the Avengers Tower- always surrounded by "the real deal". Stark and Pepper; Nat and Bruce; Clint having told you about his secret wife and children; and even Thor meeting Jane, and then having to help him through their breakup and his denial.
But even though people around you kept meeting their soulmates, and the blacks and whites that clouded your vision were a stark reminder of it, you started to lose hope and belief in the whole thing.
You contented yourself with the friendships and family you had made with the team, being the closest to Thor- his boisterous presence successfully calming your angst at times. You convinced yourself that you would never meet your soulmate, that you might just have been the exception and just didn't have one, no end in sight.
That was until today,
Having received a distressing message from Heimdal, asked after by the prince, you had successfully infiltrated the planet known by its inhabitants as Sakaar, no more than five hours later.
Apart from distant stars, the luminescent glow from skyscraper windows provided the only touch of light in the city streets, although they looked to be at a greater distance than the burning balls of gas.
It was easy to move through the shadows, the half-finished monument of your friend on the side of a building giving you an idea of where Thor was. Having no idea on how to get in and not fancying getting caught before even getting to your teammates, you opt for the next best thing. The Quinjet.
Bruce must have landed here when he didn't come back, you quirk an eyebrow. Taking a few steps back, you accelerate in speed and leap forwards into the crater shaped junkyard, landing steadily beside the run-down ship. Making your way inside, you decide to quietly wait out the dark and scout for entryways.
Jerking awake to the sound of banging against the metal roof, cursing under your breath when the latch opens, you found that you didn't have to search for your friends anymore.
Moving through the crowded marketplaces and alleyways, you use your powers of manipulation to discourage any wandering eyes. Thor leading you through the Hulk parade, you meet up with a woman who Thor introduces you to,
"Hi," Thor starts.
"Hi," the woman responds.
"I was going to do that," your friend defends, pointing towards the unconscious alien laying in front of you.
"Yeah, well, I did it first" she says with refreshing candor.
"That's good. What are you doing here?" you can practically hear the smile in his tone.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving." the woman peers behind Thor; the way Bruce flinches away surely looking like a schoolgirl hiding from her crush.
Humph, you hum from behind your friend in an attempt for him to acknowledge you.
"I got sidetracked," he muses, pointing towards the pair of you.
"You know everybody is looking for you, right?" she asks, pointing towards Thor's openly displayed features.
"Ah, yes. Well, thanks to Lady Y/n here," Thor throws his arm around your shoulders, a proud grin on his face, "we don't need to sneak around or hide ourselves."
She raises an eyebrow in question, looking between the two of you.
"I can show you," you sigh, lifting your hand and trailing your fingers in the air in front of you as if though you were brushing something.
A rumbling starts in the ground, the vibrations causing the gravel at your feet to sputter and move; the sound of hooves in the distance getting louder. A herd of three-headed, grey mares rode through the crowd, but nobody seemed to move. Their eyes red as blood, and teeth half rotten, their neighs tearing at only her eardrums.
"How- How did you do that?" the woman in front of you asks, fidgeting uneasily in front of you. Although you can detect a clear flicker of delight at such a powerful display by a potential ally.
"Manipulation. That's my power," you shrug, "I use it to keep anyone from suspecting anything when they see us walking past."
She nods towards you, leading the group into a building close by. You walk next to her, talking to pass the time, but mostly to ignore the infatuated musings of the men in your company.
After having established that the woman you now knew was a Valkyrie was joining your team, you walk through the door she had led you to.
First in is Thor, then Valkyrie, before you is Bruce, and lastly you. "Suprise," you hear a new voice call out but before you can look up you hear some metal falling to the floor.
"Ow," looking up at the person in front of you at the same time he does, your eyes meet, and the world seems to stop. You throat is either closing or your lungs had stopped working because you could no longer breath.
The scariest thing was that it didn't even seem important. The fact that you couldn't breathe didn't matter to you. You were too consumed by the color that now sprung out in front of you, like fireworks or explosions of color lighting up a normally grey world.
The things that you had forever wanted to see the color of didn't seem to matter now, either. You knew that there was a large window to your left, you had seen it when the door had first opened, but you couldn't for the life of you tear your eyes away to gaze at the sky. You didn't care to look at the color of your hair or your tight, armored suit.
All you could stare into were those beautiful eyes staring back at you. A sea of blues and greens that mixed in the perfect way, luring you further in with every second that passed.
You knew who the man in front of you was, even with the golden chains that wrapped around him you could tell that he was powerful. Loki, God of Mischief, the brother of Thor and destroyer of New York.
"-/n? Y/n? Hello!" Thor waved his arms in the air to catch your attention, but you were scared to move. You weren't scared of him, though, although you surely should be. This was Loki, the Loki, and you were only ever scared that if you moved- if you even blinked, everything would fall apart.
You felt such peace looking at him, but all you could see in his gaze was surprise and slight astonishment. What if he snapped out of it and realized that he hated you, despite never having met you before? You didn't want to act weak then, throwing yourself into his arms like you wanted to, if he was at that very moment plotting on how to affectively break your heart.
No. You could see a small smile rise on his lips, surely having read your mind. Wait, could he read minds? Surely, he can!
"You." he sounded content. Could you be so lucky as to a have him be happy to see you? To have him feel the same for you as you do him?
"You." you smiled at him, seeing the gleam of mischief in his eyes that you just knew meant that he had heard your thoughts, and felt the same.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you." Loki sighs, eyes flitting across your face, gaze filled with that of newfound love.
Y/N: Another ask, thank you so much! I hope you liked this and I'm sorry that it took so long to do, I just had to decide where in the whole MCU timeline that I wanted it to take place and so I had to watch all the movies with Loki again to decide. THERE WILL BE A PART 2 COMING, I'VE ALREADY STARTED IT.
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couldibeanymorechaotic · 4 years ago
@percyweasleyspuff 300 follower celebration <3
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guysssss! it's only been a couple days or so since I ended my 200 follower challenge, and y'all got me to 300! I'm just so appreciative and grateful for all of you! I have no idea why u follow me bcuz all I literally do is shitposting, but I'm so glad u do! I've met so many new friends whom I absolutely just adore. Thank you all you gorgeous people for following me, and I just can't imagine my life without you guys!
how this works: send an ask with the emoji and/or title and I’ll answer! they can be on anon or non-anon, I’ll answer them regardless! please feel free to send as many as you want, I won’t mind! :))
p.s. these are all songs from Jeremy Zucker! I really recommend u listen to them! they're really good!
this is how you fall in love 💘: I'll write you a blurb, w/ a character (or characters) of your choice! you can specify a special scenario/prompt, or you can let me choose! (can be sfw or nsfw)
talk is overrated 🗣: I'll write you a letter from a character of your choice! it can be platonic or romantic, but please specify! also, like above, you can specify a special scenario/prompt, or you can let me choose!
firefly 🦋 (ik that is not a firefly): I'll tell you 1-5 things I associate you with (moots only)
wildfire 🐾: tell me why you followed me, and I'll tell u why I followed you (moots only)
Idk Love 💔: Ships! y'all should know how this works by now, but, give me a couple facts about yourself (or a lot), specify a fandom (or fandoms), and I'll ship u with someone!
thinking 2 much 💭: pick a couple characters and ask me to fuck, marry, kiss, kill, best friend, one night stand, or husband/wife them!
ghosts 👻: I'll make you a moodboard based off an aesthetic, color, quote, character, or ship!
icarus 🕊: I'll make u a Pinterest Board that reminds me of you (moots only)
supernova 💫: y'all know the drill! cym (cast your moots) as a topic of your choice!
comethru 👉🏼👈🏼: either give me a song, I'll give you a song or both! if u send me a song, I'll rate it out of 10!
peace signs ☮️: and lastly, ask me whatever you want! please keep in mind I am a minor, tho!
below the cut are my gorgeous moots who u should follow immediately <3
@just-a-smol-spoon @el-imaskingforyourlefthand@transparentcloudbeliever @queen-asteria04 @sethclearwatermybeloved @untowardflower @wolfstar-lb @marauders-lupin @pixaldateblue @acciorxses @roonilwazlibweasley @fiftyshadesoftricia @freyaisaslutandshescomingback @thesunsetsonthehorizon @keepawaythenargles @g1nny-p0tter @harleyseggsandwich @fucky-bucky @im-fucking-bored-rn @peachybaes @cupids-crystals @justmemyselfandthefridge @elemental-of-magic @nevsmommy @no-one-here-is-alive @myalupinblack @oliverwoodmarrymepls @msfandomfreak @creative-girl @mira-cant-spell @supersharkgentlemen @fangirl2o20 @vicky-cooper @welcome-to-gaytown @l0vely-lupin @moony-likes-hot-choc @itsmentalillness @mayajean @amixedwitch @horrorxweasley @books3000 @2manytabsopen @ameliasbitvh @sidereusimber @justadreamyhufflepuff @lunelleuad @i-is-a-fangurl-weeb and all my other precious moots i stupidly forgot <3
ilysm <33
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spqrkles · 4 years ago
colouring - n.r
pairing: natasha romanoff x gn!reader
warnings: angst -> fluff -> crack
fandom: mcu
summary: colouring. that's all you get
prompt: “I thought you loved me”
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“I can’t believe you’ve done this”
You and Nat where staring each other down, Nat about to win the staring battle.
“I thought you loved me” She said, her face turning softer.
You took a step closer to her, your hand coming up to hold her cheek.
“I do darling, it’s just that-” You sighed. “You know that my parents hate the fact that we- we color with each other every week!”
“Who said you need to obey your parents, this is a free world!” Natasha responded, opening her arms. “Do you you prefer me or your parents?”
“You darling it’s just- we really have to thank crayola for this strong bond of ours!”
“And, CUT!”
general: @unedibledaisyduck @o-rion-sta-r @just-a-smol-spoon @slut4drvc0 @shadesofvelma
mcu: @msfandomfreak
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viere · 4 years ago
-Chaotic Days- (Closed)
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Okay, so somehow I've reached 100 followers. To start with, THANK YOU. I never started out on tumblr thinking I would actually get this many follows. So here goes my first celebration. My thanks to the wonderful, exquisite darling @queen-asteria04 for the help with organizing this. This will be open from today (August 30, 2021) to, say, a week from now, depending on how active it is.
🎼 - Send me a song and I'll rate it, and give you one back.
🗝️ - Tell me a secret, and I'll spill one too.
🌃 - I choose a random pin from one of my pinterest boards to share.
✒️ - I'll give you one of my many favorite quotes. (You can also request that I write it out), OR you give me a quote to hand write out.
☕ - I'll share a picture of a random object from my room, give a little explanation behind it.
📖 - I'll tell you what emoji you remind me of. (I can do it for anons too, just provide some details about yourself).
♠️ - Anything. Questions, Would You Rather's, random things that you want to know about me.
♣️ - I'll make a moodboard. Let me know what you want it to be of.
Tagging some mutuals
@sidereusimber @daisy-herondale-tsc @lim0nadatripin @allysbookshit @oliveandjune @janeyreworld @she-nuwanda @a-dash-in-the-middle @achillesdespair @thelesbianalligaytor @duxpuella @theleechwhodrinksbleach @msfandomfreak @mais-e @under-the-nightsky @ohtodd598 @moonlit-vi @queen-of-bohemia @my-mind-was-lostintranslation @etherealpaper @alwaysreading @lonerishem
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enchanting-disaster · 3 years ago
hey guys, i'm back i took an unscheduled hiatus and just had to regroup myself, btw i am back in the u.s. but yeah, hey guys, happy holidays, and happy new year! I missed you all so much! so, give me time, but i will get back to work on my requests and asks. thanks for your patience, support, and understanding.
@renbuckleydiaz @the-second-tonks @angelinar
@moonmaidensdream @msfandomfreak
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anjalis-ennui · 4 years ago
uwu i'm bored so i'm starting a tag game: take this quiz
like you can love again
you need to be loved in a way that shows you love is sacred, it is divine. you need to be loved so purely, so lightly, so you can learn to love. you need to be loved in the way oceans rise, but also fall. you need to be loved in the way wind rushes through leaves. you need to be loved gently, and patiently, and understanding. you need to be loved in a way that even if you cannot love, you will still be loved.
tagging: @mysterystarz, @kitacharm, @animated-moon, @tooru-luvs, @keiwaizumi, @sunhee-sun, @msfandomfreak, @epi-metheus, and @/you!
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mendesxruel · 3 years ago
𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 | 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫
➵ summary: Peter takes you to a field of flowers in the Netherlands (from Far From Home)
➵ words: 500
➵ warnings: none :) (this fic is pre-No Way Home)
⑅·˚ ༘ navigation.| marvel masterlist.| library acc: @lolaslibrary
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When you arrived at the flower field in the Netherlands that Peter had always told you about, you finally understood why he talked so much about it. Regardless of all the bad memories he had about this place – of him being badly injured, feeling lost and betrayed by the person he had started to trust the most… – he was still able to forget those things when he gazed at all the colourful petals in front of him.
The view was mesmerising, you'd never seen anything like it before. Peter was right, it was breathtaking, and it was very pleasing to look at.
He glanced at you, smiling at your expression. Your eyes were glinting in awe.
"Y' like it?" he asked.
After a few seconds, you were able to turn your thoughts into words, "Peter, I… I love it. Prettiest thing I've ever seen."
He let out a soft chuckle, and looked at the ground "well I'd disagree..."
You furrowed your brows, feeling confused, "...Wait what?"
Grinning at you, Peter held your hand and squeezed it lightly.
"Well, you've looked at yourself in the mirror, haven't you?"
"Yes...?" you answered, still a bit unsure what his point was.
Peter let out a genuine, loud laugh, "love, I'm telling you that this field isn't the prettiest thing you've seen..."
You were starting to catch on to what he was trying to tell you.
"You are the prettiest thing you've ever seen. And that I have seen as well," he told you, cupping your face with his warm hands.
You couldn't help but melt onto his touch. Despite all the superhero work, his hands were always, somehow, very soft. And you loved the feeling of them on your skin.
"Now c'mon, let's check out the flowers," he guided you through the field, pointing out each pretty colour he'd see.
The soft wind hitting your hair and face felt liberating, and gave you peace. It brought a smile to your face to see your boyfriend calm and beaming at everything he saw.
Peter kneeled to grab a pink flower that was laying on the grass, and tucked it behind your ear, putting your hair back.
He admired you for a moment and slowly held your hand, kissing the back of it.
"Y'know... this field looks way more beautiful when you're standing on it," he blushed.
"You're so silly," you giggled, shyly.
Peter put his arm around your waist gently and pulled you closer. He closed the distance between you two with a sweet, long kiss.
For a moment, you completely forgot where you were. It felt like the whole world went silent, and even the birds that were previously singing loudly had stopped. In your mind, you felt like you were floating in space. You felt light and comfortable, being held by your boyfriend’s arms and lips.
You finally opened your eyes and looked at Peter.
He rested his forehead against yours, and whispered, "I love you."
"I love you too," you smiled.
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please reblog if you enjoyed !
📮 peter parker taglist.: @leossmoonn @ughgclden @the-second-tonks @mortem-muse @msfandomfreak @sarahisslytherin @weaselbrownie @love-marauders @imabee-oralizard @ericareyesmylove @fairydxll @fumbleface @natashxromanovf @florqlness @sarasbaby @boxofsteampunkplace
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