#ms. frizzle is a timelord
multyfangirl16 · 10 months
A tictok video reminded of this and then turned it around.
Dan McCurdy was explaining in his video that Doctor Who follows the same plot style as Mary Poppins
It was brilliant in how he explained it, but I like the way most put it as: Mary Poppins is a timelord, but older than the Doctor. In the comments people were insisting that Ms Frizzle is a timelord as well and I'm in the group that insists that Nanny McFee is also one.
1 comment caught my eye , it was insisting that Mary and Frizzle are the Doctor's aunts.
So I put it to you: Marry Poppins, ms Frizzle and Nanny McFee are the Doctor's aunts and part of the reason why the Doctor is so powerful and why he has an interest in the Earth.
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ghostenluvs · 1 year
okok i know this is a theory but! stay with me here.
never seems to age ever
has died a bunch of times and seemingly always immediately starts glowing and comes back to life
has had like a bajillion companions. [but ik thats not a timelord specific thing more of a doctor thing but i care not its a similarity]
it would be funny for him to be a timelord [we all know about nanny mcphee and ms frizzle and marry poppins, i think it would be hilarious if ash joined them. consider the bit please]
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empressxmachina · 4 years
Bus Down, Tatiana by Imperial-Radiance
Have yourselves a (bonus) fan-art (?) post because this was mad fun to make and I'm mad trash. While an idea like this has hovered in my head for years, I blame BigJigglyPanda for putting my whole focus on this for the last week. I envision that the Bus works like the Tardis, much bigger on the inside. We STAN Valerie Felicity Frizzle, M.S., Ed.D., Ph.D. in this house. Tati, Cody, and their team don't (yet) exist in the MSB lore, but the Frizzles do canonically! (I wanted my prompt to sound as reasonable as possible. A full version of this is something I'd probably commission someone to do, truly. It wouldn't have to be trash, just concrete.)
A tiny tale is told below, followed by links to resources for this picture!
Valerie retired to get a few degrees. Fiona, her sister, took her place. Dottie, their niece from their brother John, followed in their footsteps... and eventually had a daughter that did the same.
Enter Tati, a research scientist with her team, all friendly, some more than others. One of whom, Cody, had been off for a hot minute, deviating from his usual self. He gave no helpful response whenever anyone asks about his well-being, faults coming to a head one day, pressing him to leave abruptly, and then staying away. Studies on the line from his unforeseen absence, the whole team, from heads to interns, was thrown out of whack. Tati, feeling his exit was from more than just burnout, getting that vaguely confirmed from their facility’s H.R., and quite a bit closer to Cody in the group than everyone else, decided she needs to take his struggles into her own hands. However, which path to take to do so was a more challenging decision to make, so she put out an S.O.S. to the smartest people she knew.
With known intentions to return, she made a dash out of her own to get her help, catching a familiarized colleague on her way out chortling, “Say ‘Hey’ to the Prof. for me.”
Said “Hey” to the Prof. she did as Tati, for once, had a topic to raise during the family video chat, explaining her predicament and all its laced emotions. Her grandfather John, even before suggestions were made, was disapproving but not out of malice. Sharing a man’s lens, he felt this wasn’t her fight to fight. Meanwhile, his daughter and Tati’s mother, Dottie, agreed somewhat with a bright smile, but rebelling against the call’s sole man, she thought her little firecracker should still attempt to find the source concern. Dottie’s aunt Fiona and her shining necklace added to the idea, throwing out that she could get an inside look if she tried or at least a bird- or worm’ s-eye-view as it helped her young students learn. To his dismay, knowing he was being ignored and seeing a glow assembling in Tati’s eyes and her ring, John tossed the mic to the matriarch of the family, the busiest bee of them all with alphabets and accolades attached to name to prove it.
Valerie, breaking from her own lab notes, looked to her chameleon – the reptile enamored by the glow in her caretaker’s earrings – bounced in her chair. Her hereditary coils did the same on her head, and she said with a grin, “Take chances, make mistakes, and follow your heart!”
Cody had been curling in his comforter in his lonesome, counting all the concerns skittering in his head as he sipped a cup of tea, when he suddenly encountered an uninvited guest. A bearded dragon of indiscernible sex climbed up on his lap, thrusting, of all things, a tablet into his face. The familiar lizard and the even more recognizable, bare torso of its caretaker on the screen raised an eyebrow. Conversations of varying comfort were had in a call. Wishes of support from his laboratorial familiars were sent his way with it. Streams of previously swallowed tea and blushes ran out his face, realizing that all of the former was dangerously close to his being, each set further into danger by the latter and his natural, sedentary actions. Cody caught and held a gulp in his throat, not wanting to disrupt the specks with pulses exploring in his drink or unintentionally send them down his gullet. Yet he felt terror and saw a flinch of some in Tati as the flow in the scarlet tunnel where she and her second headquarters of a Bus floated began to slow. ~end prompt~
Where Inside Cody Do You Think Tati Is? Also, Look at All of THIS. ~Autodesk Sketchbook (the rounds) ~lab ~network swish ~network tips ~plasma (*sips tea*) ~drank ~USFWS boat sampling ~almost invisible divers ~[pair in a boat] "Scientists collecting water samples for analysis." by USEPA Environmental-Protection-Agency, United States Environmental Protection Agency is in the Public Domain ~[trio in a boat]"Sampling (Coring in River)" by USEPA Environmental-Protection-Agency, United States Environmental Protection Agency is in the Public Domain (cast list) ~Tatiana ~Fiona, from the Netfilx sequel series ~Dottie, from only one of the books ~Valerie, the OG ~Val's signature, static hair ~Cody, not Ko, unless... ~Tati's analog of Liz that I've coined Zee (Cody's cozies) ~headboard ~tablet ~logo ~good hairday (phone call) ~bus renovation ~front cam inset ~call button ~mute button ~cam button ~ring-a-ling (bloody bg and misc.) ~glassy ~cells ~oxygen tank ~microscope ~saber ~globe ~anatomy head (bus nature) ~shark ~ceiling vines ~window flora ~tv trio ~plank strands (bus hull) ~yellow submarine ~bussy uwu ~eye lights ~rEVOLution ~misc. graffiti ~angel ~dirty ~lips circa September 2020 - yep, I put this out as soon as possible, lmao.
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malisvitterfolk · 7 years
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Timelord Ms. Frizzle (aka The Frizz) is ready for SDCC! She is 100% complete and ready to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!!
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nightmare-grass · 7 years
Just making sure...
We’re all in agreement that Willy Wonka is a Slytherin wizard, Mary Poppins is a Hufflepuff witch, Ms. Frizzle is a witch and was either a student of Hogwarts (Ravenclaw) or Ilvermorny (Horned Serpent/Thunderbird), and James Bond is a Time Lord, correct?
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hoshihiime · 3 years
Thinkin' about
Watching Mary Poppins with Spencer
Thinkin about dressing up as Mary and Bert for Halloween with your kids and running around. Watching him try and click his heels together and smudge black makeup soot on his face.
Imagine telling him the 'Mary Poppins and Ms. Frizzle are timelords' theory
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Top 5 favorite headcannons? Any series, any character, what just rubs you the right way or lights your heart up.
Honestly, these are all going to be weird.  Basically none of these are stuff that enhances the story, they just make me laugh.
In no particular order:
Based on this post: Luke actually being able to do really good voices and using it to impersonate imperials over the comms to confuse the enemy.
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Based on this post: Crowley became an actor during Shakespeare’s day and had an affair with the bard.  That is why so many of Shakespeare’s characters are named Antonio (Anthony Crowley).  It is also why Aziraphale doesn’t have any Shakespeare in his shop.
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Based on this post: Starfleet’s Medical devision has a version of the Kobayashi Maru. You’re left in a room containing just a random hypospray, told its use has the potential to stop someone’s suffering but it’s never been tried before, and if you inject it into yourself to see what it does, you’re officially crazy enough to lead a department.
Doctor McCoy has the fasted record of injecting himself.
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Based on this post: The first Vulcan to come into contact with humans was down to fuuuuuuuuck.
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And let’s end of a classic: Ms. Frizzle is a Timelord
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Let’s Have a Sleepover
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Umbrella Academy Saturday Morning Cartoons
I know that Reginald Hargreeves probably didn’t let the kids watch much television growing up, but these are the Saturday morning cartoons I think each member of the Umbrella Academy would have liked. None of the kids would agree and they’d definitely fight over the remote. 
Allison: The Power Puff Girls (Alison would love the badass yet super adorable power puff girls! She’d probably think of herself as an honorary power puff girl). Her favorite character is 100% Blossom. Klaus loves this show too, but it’s not his favorite).  
Diego: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (This was Diego’s show growing up! He loved the mutant turtle vigilantes. They still inspire him in his adult life. A perfect Saturday Morning would be watching TMNT and eating cold, leftover pizza. Raphael was his favorite!).
Klaus: Animaniacs (Klaus laughed so much watching this! He watched the movie Wakko’s Wish so many times. He wished his siblings were as fun as the Warner siblings!! He also loved looney tunes. He developed his sense of comedy from his early cartoon days).
Ben: Hey Arnold (Ben loved the normal yet still VERY entertaining life of Arnold. A lot of his supportive, caring personality was inspired by the football head himself. He also secretly had fantasies of finding his biological parents like Arnold. Meanwhile, Alison LOVED the Helga plot. Her first OTP!)
Luther: Captain Planet (He loved Captain Planet and would belt out the theme song “We're the Planeteers, you can be one too!” He was like “YEAH I’m a planeteer!” He would be Captain Planet when all the kids played Planeteers but since they’re only six characters Vanya would always be left out)
Five: Magic School Bus (This was his Doctor Who as a kid! Ms. Frizzle was the Doctor and the magic school bus was the Tardis. He also loved learning new things so that was a big plus! He now hardcore believes the theories that Ms. Frizzle is a timelord).
Vanya: As Told by Ginger (She wanted to be Ginger who was ordinary, but was adored by everyone anyway. She started writing her thoughts like Ginger and knew that one day she’d create a book of her life too. Extra-Ordinary: My Life as Number Seven started in scribbles on napkins and construction paper).
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magicsmolbus · 7 years
magic school bus inside jokes
ya kno,, you’d only get these if you’ve seen the episode
credit to @hereidinathoreauwrites for giving me the idea !!!
Season 1:
Episode 1 (Gets Lost in Space): awkward crotch shot + arnolds suicide Episode 2 (For Lunch): THE OLIVE FANTASY Episode 3 (Inside Ralphie): “ my poor sick body “ SMOL RALPHIE Episode 4 (Gets Eaten): take a shot every time you hear “tuna fish sandwhich” or “scum”  Episode 5 (Hops Home): ASDFGGGHJ BELLA AND HERMAN Episode 6 (Meets the Rot Squad): l a r r y = d a d d y,, OH and keesha + arnolds rap Episode 7 (All Dried Up): field trip survival guide Episode 8 (In the Haunted House): “ HELLOOOOO “ + “ HIGH DEE HIGH DEE HIGH DEE HIGH  LOW DEE LOW DEE LOW DEE LOW “ Episode 9 (Gets Ready, Set, Dough): he said the cake was ruined,,something about a moth? Episode 10 (Plays Ball): ralphie is thicc [proof] Episode 11 (Goes to Seed): PHOEBES OLD SCHOOL. oh and mr seedplot Episode 12 (Gets Ants in its Pants): deodorANT  Episode 13 (Kicks Up a Storm): SHIKA SHIKA KABOOM
Season 2:
Episode 14 (Blows its Top): DA AND CARLOS. NO, CARLOS AND DA. DA AND CARLOS. Episode 15 (Flexes its Muscles): ralphiebot Episode 16 (The Busasaurus): arnolds karate moves B) Episode 17 (Goes Batty): MR RAMON Episode 18 (Butterfly and the Bog Beast): janet is actually insane this ep. Episode 19 (Wet All Over): tiffany ?! Episode 20 (In A Pickle): the frizz’s private passion for pickles Episode 21 (Revving Up): peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are not your friend                                                                 Episode 22 (Taking Flight): yo arnold almost dies,,,again Episode 23 (Getting Energized): yeah because throwing boulders at kids is safe Episode 24 (Out of This World): STAR TREK Episode 25 (Cold Feet): we all thought liz died Episode 26 (Ups and Downs): gerri poveri is actually the devil
Season 3:
Episode 27 (In a Beehive): TIM ACTUALLY EXISTS Episode 28 (In the Arctic): harry arm Episode 29 (Spins a Web): YO THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD Episode 30 (Under Construction): damn it william Episode 31 (Gets a Bright Idea): janet is an asshole,,,again.   Episode 32 (Shows and Tells): THE ANXIETY THIS EPISODE GAVE ME Episode 33 (Makes a Rainbow): the frizz comes out of the closet Episode 34 (Goes Upstream): s t o p p u t t i n g h u m a n f a c e s o n f i s h Episode 35 (Works Out): absolute proof that ms frizzle is a god herself Episode 36 (Gets Planted): lol green plant phoebe Episode 37 (In the Rainforest): that accent Episode 38 (Rocks and Rolls): too many rock puns Episode 39 (The Family Holiday Special): wanda sacrifices the one show she’s been looking forward to seeing all year just to make arnold’s holiday special. THATS SO SWEET
Season 4:
Episode 40 (Meets Molly Cule): babe you know i love ya down to the very last bit Episode 41 (Cracks a Yolk): arnold’s chicken suit.. 500% done Episode 42 (Goes to Mussel Beach): mussels have jet packs ??? ok??? Episode 43 (Goes on Air): jfc stop arguing keesha and ralphie Episode 44 (Gets Swamped): i really wanted to see a walkerville shopping mall.. Episode 45 (Goes Cell-ular): ORANGE SKIN Episode 46: (Sees Stars) horace scope is a bad bad man Episode 47 (Gains Weight): basketball court in space?? fuck yea Episode 48 (Makes a Stink): okay im sorry but this episode was disgusting Episode 49 (Gets Charged): wanda and tim are nosey little bitches Episode 50 (Gets Programmed): Hi, how are ya? Nice to see ya! Thanks for comin' to school and...enjoy your day! Episode 51 (In the City): because animals with human faces is totally normal for the city..but tbh i loved this episode Episode 52 (Takes a Dive): the frizz is a timelord
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