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SHOOCK! L’Estasi di Sinto Jacqueline e Mara — MRZB at Lungo Stura Lazio, Turin Group presentation with #AnnaBolina, Good & Bad ( #MarinaMKolushiva #VictorStuhlmann #OssiLehtonen ) #JunkieFoxx textcontributions by #IvanCheng and #RadaKoželj & mixes by #KelmanDuran #Golin #TransMom #Gigo8931 and #MoodyMonday @mrzb.merzbau @annabo1ina @junkiefoxx @ic_ic @_opale_di_fuoco_ @kelman.duran , @ringo_noko @pietroagostoni @gigo8931 @mxxdymxnday 🔗 in stories 👀 #mrzb #groupshow #groupexhibition #manequin #offsite #nonwhitecube #turin #turinexhibitions #sculpture #installation #art #contemporrayart #ofluxo #ofluxopatform @ofluxoplatform (em Turin, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL9i4doF2rm/?igshid=15x1li14pd4qt
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mrzb (Andrea Parenti, Désirée Nakouzi De Monte, Filippo Tocchi, Pietro Cortona)
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MRZB is a collective of young Italian artists (Andrea Parenti, Désirée De Monte, Filippo Tocchi, Giorgio Tidoni and Pietro Cortona) who open up the emptiness behind the digital communication surfaces. They reach into casual Net culture, messageboards, forums and shopping sites as a performing poly-persona. They elaborate how to build an identity online.
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Dimmsdale is usually shown to be set in Southern California (Somewhere in or near what we know as Los Angeles County). Fairy Idol & Meet The OddParents for sure both show or imply this (and there might be some others I’m missing). But in a early episode, "Christmas Everyday", it’s shown to be in the middle of Northern California (Several later episodes also show Dimmsdale having a beach),
Obviously this could be written off as an series inconsistency, but I have a theory to explain it. This is a series centered around wishes having unexpected side effects. What if one of Timmy’s wishes caused historical ripple effects that moved his city several hundred miles south? Reminder that in Season 4 (”Oh, Brother!”), Timmy wished for an entire continent (And there’s no mention of him unwishing it). That would no doubt have some effect on history, especially during the colonial era (Dimmsdale was settled in 1665). The existence of Tibecuador could've shifted where European settlers ended up, when you factor in the longer travel around the South America, the fact that climate might be a bit different with North and South America being closer to the poles, etc. TLDR: Dimmsdale WAS in Northern California, but Timmy’s Tibecuador wish had some unexpected implications.
There’s also the mystery of Dimmsdale apparently being a British Settlement on the West Coast in 1665, but that’s for another time.
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ميكروتيا هو الاسم الطبي لتشوه الصيوان الخلقي. يمكن تعريفه على أنه نقص أو تشوه لجزء واحد أو أكثر من الأُذن. غالبًا ما يحدث في جانب واحد ونادرًا ما يظهر على كلا الجانبين. بالإضافة إلى تشوه الصيوان الخارجي ، يُلاحظ غياب ممر الأذن ا��خارجي. لهذا السبب ، قد يعاني الطفل من ضعف أو فقدان السمع في الطرف المشوه. يوصى بإجراء اختبارات السمع والتخطيط للعلاج لتجنب تأثير التكلم سلباً في المستقبل. تضمن إعادة بناء صيوان الأذن المفقود أو المشوه تشكيل الأذن إلى شكله الطبيعي. يتم تشكيل الأذن جراحيًا من غضروف الضلع في جلستين أو ثلاث جلسات. من المعروف أن التدخل الجراحي يجب أن يتم قبل مرحلة الدراسة لتفادي تأثير الطفل من الناحية النفسية سلباً. #ميكروتيا #تشوه_الصيوان #تشوه_الأذن #خلقي #ترميم_الأذن #تجميل_الأذن #مشاكل_السمع #اضطرابات_النطق_والكلام #microtia #microtiakids #microtiababy https://www.instagram.com/p/CfulA7-MRzb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Had the pleasure to create logo & flyer, installation for SOLO SHOW (insta: @solo_show) http://soloshow.online/
An Introduction to Covidian Aesthetics
With texts by Mónica Belevan and works by Alessandro Nucci, Ben Sang, Frenk e Fresca, Giulia Carpentieri, Hanna Umin, Ian Bruner, Ian Swanson, Johanna Härkönen, Julie Warwel, Léo Fourdrinier, Manon Bachelier, Matthias Odin, Mikkel Carlsen & Olivia Willman, MRZB, Nuno Patricio, Orkgotik + Astrosuka, Philip Hinge, Riccardo D'Avola, Samson Stilwell, TH Anatol w. Borsos Lorinc, Barnabás Neogrády-Kiss & Mate Janky, Urbain Checcaroni
Organized by Underground Flower, Rhizome Parking Garage & Harlesden High Street
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💣Solo Show Chapter 1 is online — an introduction to Covidian Aesthetics. An archive of exhibitions arranged durring the quartine. 1st Chapter features the domestic exhibs by: #AlessandroNucci #BenSang #FrenkeFresca #GiuliaCarpentieri #HannaUmin #IanBruner #IanSwanson #JohannaHärkönen #JulieWarwel #LéoFourdrinier #ManonBachelier #MatthiasOdin #MikkelCarlsen #OliviaWillman #MRZB #NunoPatricio #Orkgotik #Astrosuka #PhilipHinge #RiccardoDAvola #SamsonStilwell #TH natol #BorsosLorinc #BarnabásNeográdyKiss #MateJanky #UrbainCheccaroni Text by Mónica Belevan Flyer installation by @don_elektro Presented by #undergroundflower, @rhizomeparkinggarage and @harlesdenhighstreet Head over @solo___show to discover all! 👁️👌 #soloshow #contemporaryart #ofluxoplatform @ofluxoplatform (at Quarantine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_cwxL3FV7H/?igshid=3ophlvfd7g06
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EPISODE 5: “Exmouth” — Group presentation curated & documented by Underground Flower & Dharma Initiatives between Texel Island, NL & Exmouth, WE 📖 Scrapbook compiled by Torre Alain & Underground Flower with material from Patient Creatures and Nathan Larson Axelrod
Participants include: Isabelle Adams, Bora Akinciturk, Matas Buckus, Omsk Social Club, Rinella Alfonso, Bodhi Wind, Alister Lebeau, Anna Zemankova, Torre Alain, Rasheed Mirza, Ava Phen, Valerie You, mrzb
🎬Full episode up on ofluxo.net, designed by Szymon Hernik @szymoon_hernik & Kexin Hao @kexin_hao @dharma_initiatives @greedy_rigor @isa__________belle @bora__akinciturk @matas.buckus , @omsk_social_club @osnofla33 #bodhiwind @_burly_boy_ @sucklinggazelle @_valerie_you_ @mrzb.merzbau @in.finit3141 @matas.buckus @w.h.w_h @reallynemui @christianroncea @kexin_hao & @nadeszcz___ @exitsimulation @ancabarjovanu #dharmainitiatives #undergroundflower #IsabelleAdams #BoraAkinciturk #MatasBuckus #OmskSocialClub #RinellaAlfonso #BodhiWind #AlisterLebeau #AnnaZemankova #TorreAlain #RasheedMirza #AvaPhen #ValerieYou #mrzb#art #contempoaryart #nonwhitecube #ofluxoplatform @ofluxoplatform https://www.instagram.com/p/CGuxq9PlnTv/?igshid=p8t4mszk9b59
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⚙️🎞'Silent Machines' - A video group show filmed and curated by @hyperlink_athens w/ works by @paul__barsch @tilmanhornig @mrzb.merzbau @v3st_a @e_skensved and @yannis.voulgaris 📹👌 #hyperlinkathens #paulbarsch #tilmanhornig #mrzb #alexandrakoumantaki #emmyskensved #yannisvoulgaris #videoexhibition #groupexhibition #contemporaryart #onlinexhibition #ofluxoplatform @ofluxoplatform https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9wFMIlewF/?igshid=nas8xchz1ay9
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‘Tulpamancer’, a Group Show Curated by Underground Flower with MRZB at Kampung Ava Kayu .
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Why is it that 99% my creative ideas come rushing to me at like 1 to 2 am so I end up staying up until like 4 to 5 in the morning working instead of procrastinating like I usually do.
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Trying to think up a new blog name (Doing away with ineedajob9, I’ll still call myself Job though), maybe something FOP inspired. Anyone have any ideas in mind?
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Chrysanthemum w/ Duncan Herd, Laura F Antolin, Don Elektro, Ian Bruener, Coleman Mummery, Ssignsings, Kanrec Sakul, Orion Facey, Raul Altosaar, Studio_Visiting_Piece_of_Shit, Wednesday Kim, MRZB Curated by Alain Musat, Isa Magalhaes, Tore Zhang Photos by Alain Musat Tho Ngoc, HCMC, Vietnam
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ميكروتيا هو الاسم الطبي لتشوه الصيوان الخلقي. يمكن تعريفه على أنه نقص أو تشوه لجزء واحد أو أكثر من الأُذن. غالبًا ما يحدث في جانب واحد ونادرًا ما يظهر على كلا الجانبين. بالإضافة إلى تشوه الصيوان الخارجي ، يُلاحظ غياب ممر الأذن الخارجي. لهذا السبب ، قد يعاني الطفل من ضعف أو فقدان السمع في الطرف المشوه. يوصى بإجراء اختبارات السمع والتخطيط للعلاج لتجنب تأثير التكلم سلباً في المستقبل. تضمن إعادة بناء صيوان الأذن المفقود أو المشوه تشكيل الأذن إلى شكله الطبيعي. يتم تشكيل الأذن جراحيًا من غضروف الضلع في جلستين أو ثلاث جلسات. من المعروف أن التدخل الجراحي يجب أن يتم قبل مرحلة الدراسة لتفادي تأثير الطفل من الناحية النفسية سلباً. #ميكروتيا #تشوه_الصيوان #تشوه_الأذن #خلقي #ترميم_الأذن #تجميل_الأذن #مشاكل_السمع #اضطرابات_النطق_والكلام #microtia #microtiakids #microtiababy https://www.instagram.com/p/CfulA7-MRzb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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