anthonyamorim · 11 years
i want to tell you i love your kawaii face but you'll probably never see this so yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
no i promise i definitely see all of my asks but i just tend to not respond to the off-anon ones ahhhh 
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teamikaruga · 11 years
You are such a cutie and I love you
Well, thank you. I'm not really sure why you say this, but thank you very much. Ily too, Mrs. Immortal.
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immotalhd · 11 years
i do the thing ✄
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suckmyhd · 11 years
A Little Bit Different
Here is the ImmortalFox Birthday special that MrsImmortalHD asked yet never received. I think. In any case, please enjoy the show.
  Aleks awakened in a tired stupor. His bleary eyes turned to the digital clock next to him, the blinking lights showing it was 7:00 am, and groaned. It was way too fucking early to even be alive, and why the fuck was his head pounding like a hammer?
Whatever. Right now, he needed to take care of the thrumming headache, and the stench of sweat and bile. Ew.
One shower and two Tylenols later, Aleks was on his way to the lobby where breakfast was served. Strangely enough, he hasn't seen any of the other Creatures. Probably sleeping away their own stupors, the bastards.
 The little dining room had contained a few older people sipping at their coffees. God knows he really needed some fucking caffeine in his system right now. He darted straight to the tin, unaware of the eyes watching his movements with determination.
"Should we do it now?" "Not until Fox distracts the Radiation Child" "....Now?" "Not yet." "....You know, this would be a lot less stressful if we just-" "James, Seamus, SHUT UP!"
Speaking of, the Fox had sauntered towards the hungover male who was seated in a table by the window. The luck of freshly made coffee had occupied the brunette from noticing the noisy steps of a the not-so-sneaky Fox.
The Fox waited until the cup was placed on the table (avoiding accidents is key) and made his move. With a gulp of air and grin on his lips, he pounced on his prey.
"ALEEEEEEEEKSSSS~" Eddie yelled into his ears, his arms immediately wrapping around Alek's entire torso.
Aleks yelped, almost jumping from his seat if not for the constrictive arms holding him down. "DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK?" The gasps of the bystanders could not be heard over the Latino's laughter.
"Come on! Is that what you really say to your best friend in the whole wide world~?" "GET OFF OF ME, YOU ASSHOLE!"
Eddie pouted, releasing his grip, and sighed. "Really? After all we've been through last night?"
Aleks just gave a cranky glare at his roommate. "Last night? Uh yeah, I don't remember." He didn't think it was possible, but he swore Eddie's pout only deepened. Said pout was accompanied with a sigh.
"Aleks, don't you remember what today is?"
The Russian had to think for a moment. He didn't exactly check the date when he was too busy puking into the toilet. PAX was only on its second day so....
"....Creature Fan meet and greet?" "....WOW. You really got fucked up last night."
"Excuse me?!"
Eddie only grinned and pulled Aleks into great big hug. Aleks stood there, feeling a blush develop as the elderly women in the corner giggled. He was too dumbstruck to come up with anything sarcastic to counteract the genuine display of affection. Moments later, he slowly returned the hug with only slight hesitation. "Uh, okay."
"It's your birthday, you idiot. Your 21st Birthday to be exact." Oh.
"And last night we dragged your ass to a karaoke bar and got shit-faced. You, especially." Eddie chuckled, mussing up his mop of hair. "I think Dan recorded your best hits."
Aleks groaned in mortification, his head slumping onto a shoulder. "What the fuck, man...."
"Don't be too embarrassed. If it makes you feel better, James was wearing his pornstar wig while singing Lady Gaga."
The image pulled a giggle out his mouth as Sly pushed him back on his seat. He didn't even mind the arm that was still wrapped around him.
"Well?" "Well what?" "Aren't you happy? A year older and finally a legal drinker in these United States."
Aleks shrugged. "I guess. I don't know, man. I don't feel much different than last year."
"Different? How?"
Another shrug, a sigh, and a slump.
Eddie laid back in his seat, thinking. By now, everyone else had left the dining room(except the Creatures, plus Kevin, who were still hiding). Birthdays were supposed to be awesome, exciting! So maybe Aleks needed something a bit more....unexpected.
"Hey Aleks. I gotta tell you something." "What?" The Russian turned his head, and felt lips press against his.
The chaste kiss lasted only for a few seconds, unfortunately. Just as fast as it came, Eddie pulled away. He looked into the Russian's face, searching and finding something to his satisfactory, which brought a bright smile. "Happy Birthday."
Aleks stared at him, the red blush standing out of his pale skin. Before he could open his mouth, a burst of confetti popped over him.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEKS~" Several voices screamed out in a sing-song tone. Jordan held one of those Poppers in hand as everyone busted into the birthday theme. By the end of their singing, Aleks had hid his face into Eddie's chest, the tips of his ears turned absolutely red while the latter guffawed. His laughter only grew louder when Aleks threatened to castrate a few of them. Especially James as he blathered about tweeting Kevin's snapshot of their first kiss.
Eddie mentally patted his back.
Yup. It was definitely unexpected. Very spontaneous. 
And you know what?
That's what made this year's birthday more special.
  I'm sorry if this didn't fit the original prompt. This was my first ever completed fanfic, and I might fix it in the future. The future where my writing is better.  I've never published one of my fanfics before so...I would appreciate some feedback.
Once again, I hope you enjoyed it~
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skyestiel · 11 years
i dig your butifal fictions on archive of our own
akfshfs thank you so much :)
Tell me something you dig about me, anon or not!
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chiihiroh · 11 years
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mrsimmortalhd's request
hope you like it
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x-sherlock-holmes-x · 11 years
you and sherlock make me really happy and warm and fuzzy inside. is that normal?
//yes, accept it, cherish the happy fuzzies, spread them. like pollen.
'cause we're going to crush all of your souls with demon!lock in a week or so >:3
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madhatterteapartys · 12 years
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mrsimmortalhd replied to your post: you and i are gonna be good friends i can sense it in my cheeto veins. you like a lot of things i do, and that’s what i like in a friend. c:
Cheeto u should no i married her. PLS DONT CHEAT ON ME D:
It's okay I'd never cheat on you wife. c:
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sven0xx · 12 years
mrsimmortalhd reblogged your photo
who is this delightfully sexually hot guy that keeps appearing on my dashboard?
His name is Daniel Howell, also known as the Internet personality danisnotonfire and also known as one of my future husbands
His YouTube
His Twitter
His Tumblr
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skyestiel · 11 years
Send me “unf" if you find me attractive!
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unironicallyhowell · 12 years
*slaps your butt* Pass it on to the next 5 people that appear to your dash!
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skyestiel · 11 years
i want to go skipping down the street while singing songs and wearing flower crowns and those creepy face cut outs of cas and dean's face.
Hahahaha omfg, let's do it!!
Fill in the blank in my ask box: I want to _____ you.
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skyestiel · 11 years
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JanxidbsyxvayBzia you're crazy but thank you :)
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