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mrkilleverything · 4 years ago
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A little while ago, played and beat  Trüberbrook.  It's a point-and-click adventure game about a man who goes to Germany to the town of  Trüberbrook, because he somehow won a trip there.  Shortly after arriving and checking into his room, something happens, it appears that someone broke into his room and stole something, but it appears to be a ghost?  From there, you talk to people, search the environment, and find out that things just get weirder.  From finding hidden labs, being captured and studied, to unexpected weather changes.  All in all, this was a pretty good game and if you enjoy these kind of adventure games, I do recommend it.  One other thing, the development of this game was amazing ; the creators made physical models of the environment and took pictures of them and scanned them into the game.   Special thanks to Hazencruz for gifting me this game. Doing more Adventures on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything #trüberbrook #truberbrook #MrKilleverything #PointAndClickAdventureGames #PointAndClickAdventure #GamesBeat #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #scifigames #PcGames #PointAndClickAdventure https://www.instagram.com/p/CFisdQcHvI_/?igshid=hjqbs8dblntv
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yunglow39-blog · 7 years ago
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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A little while ago, I beat Earthworm Jim 2 for the first time in my life. This game proved to be pretty difficult, but really satisfying. Spent a while on this, the Puppy Love Levels got me good, especially that See Jim Run level. Over all, it's done and I really enjoyed it. The music was good and loved listening to Beethoven in that Salamander Jom level. TENDER! More to come for my Doug TenNapel Video Game Marathon. If you haven't already, watch my unboxing video on YouTube for my Earthworm Jim Origin Story Graphic Novel. More to come! Watch me on Twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/MrKilleverything #EarthwormJim2 #DougTenNapel #DosGames #PcGames #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #MrKilleverything #LeisureSuitKilleverything #EarthwormJim #GamerLife #GamesBeat #GamersWhoDrinkWhiskey #GamerWhosSmokesCigars #GamersWhoSmokeCigars #gamersofinstagram #gamersoftheworld #ilovevideogames https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LEWECH3eQ/?igshid=femcpqy1ec8t
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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Last night, I sat out and enjoyed a La Glorioa Cubana with a Johnnie Black. While I was doing this, I sat out watching The Dick Show Bonus Episode and reviewing notes for the final edits of my upcoming video. Got some more videos in prep right now and looking at finally doing my first game review. Also, some people want to know my story of living out in the woods, well see what happens. My Trip to The Dick Show: Road Rage Las Vegas is coming soon. https://www.youtube.com/MrKilleverything #YouTube #TheDickShowPodcast #TheDickShow #YouTubeCreator #Hazencruz #CigarLife #CigarsAndWhiskey #LaGloriaCubana #JohnnieWalkerBlack #JohnnieWalker #JohnnieBlack #MrKilleverything #LeisureSuitKilleverything #GamersWhoSmokeCigars #GamerWhosSmokesCigars #GamersWhoDrinkWhiskey #DickHead https://www.instagram.com/p/B3yhwQ2HX1r/?igshid=1ccantj224ioe
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mrkilleverything · 6 years ago
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Back from The Dick Show, Road Rage Vegas. Now going to smoke a Vegas 5 and go live. Returning to Thimbleweed Park live on Twitch and going to tell my Vegas story as well. YouTube video of the weekend coming soon too. Lets relax, chat, and work on this adventure some more. Get a drink and a stogie too! https://.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything #cigars #cigarsofinstagram #cigarsinternational#cigarsandwhiskey #vegas5 #vegas5cigars #CigarLovers #cigarsmoker #GamersWhoSmokeCigars #GamerWhoSmokesCigars #Twitch #Livestream #PCGaming #pcgames #ThimbleweedPark #thimbleweedparkgame #pointandclickgame #PointAndClick #pointandclickadventure #MrKilleverything #LeisureSuitKilleverything #TheDickShow #roadragevegas #TDSRR #TheDickShowRoadRageVegas #dickmasterson https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJ-nFeHweT/?igshid=13qffdrke9b2
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mrkilleverything · 6 years ago
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Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender, wow, holy shit! What a bazaar fucking game! Crash landing on a cloaked planet the encountering only women, or women whom had their gender bent? One woman was impressed that I was a real man and had her way with me, which is fine, to be honest. My adventures continued onward, to find what, a vase? I had to find a damn vase? Well, whatever, I got my gender bent and shit, I made one ugly woman. As a woman, I was not allowed to operate a vehicle, just as God intended; had to switch back and forth between genders to complete different tasks and ultimately, I got what I needed to get done and leave this planet once and for all. Oh, I did kill a dog with a car lift. Thanks all for watching me play this game. https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything #rexnebular #rexnebularandthecosmicgenderbender #Twitch #LiveStream #PCGaming #pcgames #PointAndClick #pointtoclick #MrKilleverything https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnbaqdnLXo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7c0m22errrq9
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mrkilleverything · 6 years ago
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A long day of work with the reward of watching UFC Fight Night for the 25th Anniversary. Wish I could be there in person, but I'm sure my time will come again. UFC 226 live in Vegas was a great experience. Tonight though, it is a peaceful night at home. To helps relax, having a Gurkha Beauty with Knob Creek Rye. I don't even know how many Gurkha Cigars that I had in My life, but I know that this is the first time that I'm having a Beauty by Gurkha. And I really enjoy my Rye Whiskey and Knob Creek does one that really does tickle my tastebuds. Soon, will be doing more diagnostics and PC Repairs and try and go live again soon. Really want to finish off this Leisure Suit Larry Marathon. Tonight, it is all about my cigars, whiskey, and glorious UFC Fights tonight. All I need now is beautiful woman, sitting on my lap, also smoking a cigar, and blowing it in my face. https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything https://www.youtube.com/user/mrkilleverything #UFC #ufcfightnight #ufc25years #cigars #cigarsandwhiskey #knobcreek #knobcreekrye #gurkha #gurkhacigars #gurkhabeauty #LeisureSuitLarry #LeisureSuitKilleverything #MrKilleverything #aGamerAndHisDrink https://www.instagram.com/p/BqBcMqYnObc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hlo7fzm7aq
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mrkilleverything · 4 years ago
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Escape From Monkey Island, third game, first without Ron Gilbert.  I understand that people criticized this game, but I actually ended up enjoying this!  I played very little of this game way back when, on CD Rom.  Didn't make it far, since the game was too hard for me, or I was not putting forth the effort.  However, the time finally came where I played it and beat it.  The adventure was fun, the puzzles were fun and challenging at times, and the characters were enjoyable too.  There was some returning characters and plenty of new good ones as well.  Most of all, there was Murray!  All in all, I enjoyed this game and glad I finally completed it. As of now, The Monkey Island Marathon is on hold, due to Escape from Monkey Island not working.  Good news though, found my copy for Play Station 2, so going to start getting the capture card set up, as well as the Play Station 2.   The Monkey Island will eventually continue on Twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything #MrKilleverything #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #MonkeyIsland #TheCurseOfMonkeyIsland #GamesBeat #PcGamers #PointAndClickAdventureGames #PointAndClickGames #PointAndClickAdventure #AdventureGames #LucasArts #LucasArtsGames #LucasGames https://www.instagram.com/p/CHsnMFQnPix/?igshid=15hdcll84eggq
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mrkilleverything · 4 years ago
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Recently played and beat Life is Strange. Wow, what a great game! Went into this, not knowing what this game is about, and everything was a gloriously shocking surprise. The game starts off by working your way though a massive storm to a lighthouse, everything is getting destroyed and all of a sudden, you wake up in class! Wait, what's going on here? Was that a dream? You listen to your lecture in class while observing the environment around you. Shortly after some interactions, you go to the bathroom, overhear an exchange between two people and one of them gets shot! Then, you're waking up in class again! Go though the same exchanges, back to the bathroom, stop the shooting, and everything just gets stranger! Amazing game, loved it, loved the characters, puzzles were complicated, story was really engaging, and so much more. Even the choices that you make were tough and even the choice of altering your choices further. Really dove into the story to the point to where I felt all sorts of emotions to how the story developed and how my choices altered things to the way that I wanted it to be, to how I didn't want things to be. Great story, great adventure, great game! More games to play live on Twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything #LifeIsStrange #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #MrKilleverything #AdventureGames #ilovedthisgame #GamesBeat #LiveStream #LiveStreamer https://www.instagram.com/p/CGtSoqJnVUA/?igshid=17zpawdlpajg7
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mrkilleverything · 4 years ago
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Lightmatter, a truly interesting puzzle game.  A game where you are suppose to be on a tour, along with others, to witness a technical achievement, until something went wrong that calls for everybody to evacuate the area.  Yes, you stay behind and end up in a conversation with the head of the project that you were one to observe.  Then, it is explained that you cannot step into the shadows, once that happens, it is the end of you.  It is required to navigate with a lighted path.  And after many creative ideas of how to get to point A to point B, it's not as always as easy as it seems.   This game wasn't the toughest game, but it made you really scratch your head at times.  It was really creative and well-done.  Plus, it even tied it-self to the Portal Universe, which was an extra fun element to it.  All in all, if you love puzzle games, even FPS Puzzle Games, play this. Plenty of more games to play on Twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything #Lightmatter #MrKilleverything #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #PcGames #AdventureGames #PuzzleGames #FPSGames #FPSPuzzle #FPSPuzzleGames #GamesBeat #ilovedthisgame https://www.instagram.com/p/CGUL8sAHmZ4/?igshid=1i1gpwmeto9y1
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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Recently played and beat Trover Saves The Universe on VR!  I been eyeballing this game for a while, mainly since I recognized the Rick and Morty style artwork, plus it just looked weird, so I had to play it.  Basically, went into this, not knowing what it was going to be like, didn't watch any trailers, didn't read about it.  VR Game?  Looks like something in the Rick and Morty Universe, or whatever, yeah, I'll play it.  Need more stuff to play on my VR as well.  So the game loads up, with music that I got attached to right away.  Then the game begins, teaches me how to play, some weird guy takes a couple of dogs and shoves them into his eye sockets.... wait, what?  So I have someone I need to defeat and get the dogs back, plus some purple guy is going to help me, who apparently has babies shoved into his eye sockets.  Sticking things in your eye sockets gives you abilities?  Whoa.... This game is already weird AF.  I'm playing a guy who sits around in his flying chair, operates things using a video game controller.  What the heck is this thing that I am playing?  What is this?  What is that? What strange worlds and characters that I'm visiting.  This is all too funny and way too awesome!  Go play this game, play it in VR.  Yes, this game is also playable outside of VR, but don't do it.  Don't have VR?  Wait till you get VR.  It's glorious! Playing more on Twitch and Plexstorm. https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything https://www.plexstorm.com/stream/mrkilleverything #TroverSavesTheUniverse #Twitch #Plexstorm #MrKilleverything #TwitchStreamer #PlexstormStreamer #VRGames #PcGames #GamesBeat #JustinRolland #GreatGames #LiveStreamer #LiveStream #ilovevideogames https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxfp31HGiR/?igshid=19lj1z7qy1mry
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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Just played and beat Batman: Arkham VR.  It was really fun!  The more I played, the darker it got as well as even kind of terrifying too!  The puzzles were fun and it was great playing with tools to investigate a crime scene and investigating bodies to collect clues.  Plus, it was amazing to see Penguin up-close, as well as Croc and Joker.  Really neat. The game was really short, felt incomplete, it just ended and I wasn't expecting it to end at all.  When it did end, my heart was pounding with all that I was experiencing at the end.  At first, it was nice to be able to calm down, but disappointed, because I wanted to see what happened next.  It was getting really good.   The game was also lacking, I wanted to see the view while flying in the Batwing, or driving in the Batmobile.  It just cut all of that out, or it was never made.  Maybe never perfected and would give you motion sickness.  I don't care, I still want it.  Navigating around in the game was point and select a designated spot around the level.  This of course was made for motion sickness reasons.  Over all,  I wish that there was more, because I was enjoying it so much. Playing more VR Games live on Twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/MrKilleverything #MrKilleverything #BatmanArkhamVR #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #LiveStreamer #GamesBeat #VR #VRGames #PcGames #BatmanArkham #VRGaming #Batman #ValveIndexVR https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0bn3tHFtc/?igshid=ta9s0gokex42
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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Trick & Treat: A Visual Novel.  A story game that you just click through the story and read the presented text, with every little animation, leaving most of what goes on to your imagination.  This so-called game does present very few choices to direct the story, all which leads to different endings.  And over all, the choices where this story goes, didn't have much impact on me no matter the direction.  The story recycles itself a lot, in the various directions you take, but has new stuff on the various directions as well.  The recycling of content make going back and trying out different ending seem really less interesting.  Most of all, I thought that this was suppose to be a NSFW / Adult Game, but it was really mild.  So what was this game about?  It was about some young guys who go out to the forest to explore some myth of people who gone missing in the forest in certain periods of time.  Our main character gets separated from his friends and depending on the path, meets a woman and sometimes other woman.  He would get a kiss and get seduced or break the seduction and either be a so-called-hero or just a victim, depending on the circumstances.  Yawn.  Well, this game is beat.  It's time to move on.  Over all, it's really not the worst thing in the world and good effort on the creators part.  Yeah, I cannot be too mean, but maybe I should. More Adult / NSFW games, hopefully, on my live streams on Plexstorm. https://www.plexstorm.com/stream/MrKilleverything #Plexstorm #LiveStream #StoryGames #PlexstormStreamer #MrKilleverything #PlexStreamer #TrickAndTreat #TrickAndTreatVisualNovel #VisualNovel #AdultGames #NSFWgames #LiveStreamer #GamesBeat #ChooseYourOwnAdventure #BadGames https://www.instagram.com/p/CCxp3LrBclm/?igshid=3mosm85yedua
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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Just played and completed all of the main stuff in Borderlands 2 and the DLCs.  Well, completed the main story stuff, as well as a bunch of extras.  Over all, the game is beat.  What a fun game it was!  Returned to Pandora, finally, after all of these years.  It took me so long to play this game, after getting it when it came out, because I wanted someone to play with with.  And not just any someone, but a good friend to have fun with it, like I did with the first game and the DLCs.  And having a friend is what I think really makes this game, apart from the weird psychotic, well, everything that goes on with this game.  We were introduced to a guy called Handsome Jack and handsome he was, as well as funny as can be.  My friend, who I stream this game with, Jack (go figure), we loved this guy and would have rather teamed up with Jack rather than oppose him.  Oh well, the game has to do what game does.  We were reunited with familiar faces such as the playable characters from the first game, Mad Moxxi, Scooter, Dr. Zed, and more, as well as new characters.  So what was the story about?  I'm not really sure, there was just a bunch of awesome stuff that happened and crazy things going on, and it was great!  Tons of guns and tons of fights!  Tons of all sorts of greatness!  It was awesome!  This game was awesome!  I had a lot of fun playing this game!  I cannot wait to play the Pre-Sequel as well as Borderlands 3!  I have them both!  Hopefully I'll have a friend to play it with!  I'm looking forward to playing more Borderlands!  Watch more on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/mrkilleverything #Borderlands2 #MrKilleverything #Borderlands #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #LiveStreamer #GamesBeat #FPSGames #SimpingForMoxxi #BorderlandsBeat #firstpersonshooter #LiveStream #ilovevideogames #ActionGames https://www.instagram.com/p/CCvEApUB8sS/?igshid=xlqo5mdxr41s
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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Just like all of the DOOM Games, except maybe DOOM 3 (I just remember it being scary), it's a Mosh Pit from Hell at the greatest Metal Music Concert to ever exist.  Started DOOM Eternal off with the hardest difficulty to which the game kept slaughtering me over and over, but gradually progressed.  Eventually, got to points to where I couldn't move on and I would have to lower the difficultly, till I had to do it again one more time later on.  After a long time of just playing point-and-click adventure games, I really had to learn to move fast pace and kill before easily being killed.  Certainly wasn't able to live up to the time where I was able to play and beat Wolfenstein: The Old Blood on Uber, but that was a different beast all together.  The game was fast pace, stressful, loud, and awesomely gory.  After all said and done, playing the game, then beating it, it was incredibly satisfying.  It was great to load up this game after one of those days of work and just take out your frustrations on various demons.  Unless you keep getting your ass kicked.  Over all, it was a great game and I'm kind of sad that it's done.  I been going back to it, trying to get more secret/hidden items to collect on my ultra bad-ass space ship in orbit around earth.  I feel that I'm trailing off though, this is just simply an awesome game, a mosh pit at the greatest metal concert ever, all in a video game. Playing more games live on Twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/MrKilleverything #DoomEternal #MrKilleverything #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #LiveStreamer #GamesBeat #FPSGames #firstpersonshooter #GreatGames #GreatGame #Pcgamers #PcGames #ActionGames https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmJ0fFHXNQ/?igshid=3ewkjuqbfgh9
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mrkilleverything · 5 years ago
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Space SEX. I decided to move onto my next story adventure game, even though I haven't beaten DOOM Eternal or Borderlands 2 yet.  Trying to get a hole of the mess of games that I started and complete them before I move on.  Trying to get back into The Outer Worlds as soon as possible.  Yet, I started this game, which is in Alpha Release.  Launched the game and saw that there was a few chapters, start off with the first one and the rest unlock as you go.  So the story starts off with you playing this really freaky looking dude who get a package containing a freaking looking sex bot.  The freaky looking dude and the scary looking sex bot start to bang and you switch up the positions that they are in and before you know it, that's it and you can select the next chapter.  Well, the rest of the chapters follow suit, with weird fucking looking characters, and the game is done.  Well shit, this just wasn't fun.  As mentioned, the characters were weird looking, the sex was uninteresting, most of all there was no story in this game.  Over all, there is nothing really I have to say about this game that I liked, except for the artwork on the ship where this game takes place.  Not sure what they plan to do with this to get this out of Alpha, but they shouldn't have put this garbage out there.  Once again, I learned my lesson of buying Alpha Games.  Opps. I will be playing more Adult Games live on Plexstorm regularly.  https://www.plexstorm.com/stream/MrKilleverything #Plexstorm #LiveStream #SpaceSEX #StoryGames #AdventureGames #MrKilleverything #AlphaGames #GamesBeat #PlexstormStreamer #Pcgamers #PcGames #gamerforlife #SpaceSexGame #SinVR #ThisGameSucked https://www.instagram.com/p/CBd8786nrPz/?igshid=e4ni02is5jfq
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