#mr.frog smiling friends
sf3uuf · 3 months
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Everyone really liked these, so I made a part 2!
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onomakota · 2 months
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Can I Touch your Hair?
I'm sorry that I made this??
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crying-k0ala · 2 months
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Mr. Frog really scared the shit out of me
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Peach Peach Dopple but doing the mr.frog raining money pose
[Replace the money with peaches]
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And the original for reference just in case:
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Thanks for letting me STEAL YOUR IDEA I GUESS-
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piefullofspiders · 3 months
SMILING FRIENDS ENDING LEAKED! Charlie: heh, maybe smiling was the friends at the end of the day Pim: that adventure TRULY bring us some smiling friends Mr. boss: hey lets put some jam on! Smormu (angel): Jam! i love jam! (everybody looks at smormu) Pim: oh you silly! Jam like the music! (jojo siwa karma starts playing and everyone starts dancing) Mr.frog (sad in the corner crying) Pim looks at him Mr.Frog: um hello, im sorry, um hello i was so terrible,,,, GYULP Pim: oh mr.frog you did a lot of mess but you can get better! Pim walks in with mr.frog and everyone gasps Everyone: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mr.Frog: um hello im so sorry, before i go to jail i want to do something Everyone: GULPPPPPPP Mr.frog starts breakdancing and jaming to the music (Epic credits to the edd sheeran music) epic post credit scene: pim and charlie makes out and everyone is happy and heh they are truly SMILING FRIENDS. Mr.frog goes to jail where he becames a better person
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strebcr · 2 months
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I made a smiling friends oc! Her name is Maggie. A former resident of hell and Jeremy's bitch #girlboss ex wife who took the house in the god danm divorce 😔 she left hell to fulfill her business pursuits. She's Mr.Frog's current PR manager. My headcanon voice for her is just Bitsy Brandenham.
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caliboron · 4 months
I’ve gotta sleep but I finally found motivation to write. Here’s some of the fic I’m working on rn, I’ll keep writing when I wake up
It was a slow day at the office for the four Smiling Friends, but none of them seemed to mind. A comfortable silence had filled the room, aside from the droning hum of the refrigerator. Allan had the door propped open while he bent over and examined it’s contents.
“Alright. Who keeps eating my yogurt? It’s not funny anymore.” Allan let the fridge door slowly close on its own as he gave his coworkers a suspicious glare.
Pim and Glep sat next to each other at the table. They had a Mr.Frog coloring book spread open so they each had a page to color. Crayons were scattered across the table. “Meh.” Glep groaned. He sounded uninterested.
“It’s not me. I wouldn’t do something like that without permission.” Pim stuck out his tongue as he focused on the half-colored page of The Bug before him.
“That’s exactly what a guilty person would say.” Allan squinted at Pim, then his attention turned to Charlie. “What about you?”
Charlie was glued to his phone at the moment. “Huh? What about me?”
“Have you been eating my yogurt?”
“Oh, those were yours?”
“I knew it! Of course they were mine! They had my name on them.”
“They did? I guess I just never noticed.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Charlie.”
“Whatever man, just… Oh, holy shit.”
“I think I’ve finally tracked down Jombo. I actually did it.”
“What’s a Jombo?” Allan raised a brow in confusion.
“Oh, it’s um. This guy Charlie met at The Boss’s wedding.” Pim mentioned as he accidentally colored out of the lines. “Aw, shucks.” He mumbled.
“Yeah, I thought he was cool, like fifth smiling friend material cool, but then he ripped me off and ghosted me.”
“How did he rip you off?” Allan crossed his arms as he spoke.
“He sold him a fake knife. Like one of those plastic, retractable gag knives.” Pim propped his head up with his hand, looking over his coloring page and admiring his work.
“And how much did you pay for it?” Allan watched as Charlie worked up the nerve to answer him.
“…Six hundred dollars.” Charlie shamefully admitted.
“Holy crap, why? How did you even… Did you not realize it was made of plastic when you bought it?”
“Look, man, I was drunk off my ass, okay? You don’t have to rub it in all smug-like.”
“Oh, but I love doing that.”
“Yeah, I know you do.”
“Well I knew that you know I do.”
“Whatever! The point is, it doesn’t matter because I’m gonna get my money back. Every last cent.”
“I thought you said he deleted everything and moved to New Jersey?” Pim said as he watched Glep finish his coloring page, patiently waiting to turn the page until he was done.
“He did, but I found him. Every day since we saved the boss from that demon chick, I’ve been googling Jombo and lurking on forums and shit, and I just found someone talking about a pawn shop called ‘Jumbo Jombo’s’ that’s in Red Bank, New Jersey. It’s gotta be him.”
“So you’re gonna go visit him?”
“And demand my money back, yep.”
“What if he says no?”
“Well, I, uh… He probably won’t.”
“How are you going to get there?”
“I mean, I figured you could drive me there in the company car.”
“Ah, gee, I would if I could, Charlie, but I can’t. My license expired last week and I haven’t gotten around to renewing it yet.”
“Damn, that sucks. I can’t drive either, my license is suspended.”
“You don’t have a license.” Allan flatly stated.
“Um, yes, I do. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Because it’s not true. I told you earlier; you’re a terrible liar.”
“Dude, I’m not lying.”
“Okay, then show me your license.”
Charlie stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweat pants and pulled them out to reveal they were empty. “It must be in my other pants.”
“Mhm. I’m sure it must be.”
“Get off my case, man.”
“…Glep, can you drive?” Charlie rolled a crayon in Glep’s direction to get his attention.
“Zweeezasaysbhav.” Glep brushed Charlie off.
“Glep‘a not allowed to drive no more. Not after the incident.” Allan explained.
“I’m not gonna waste my time wondering what that means.” Charlie sighed, heavily. “Allan?”
“Could you drive me to New Jersey?”
“I suppose I could drive you with my real license that actually exists. But, what’s in it for me?”
“I’ll give you a hundred bucks once I get my money back.”
“Make it two hundred and I’ll consider it.”
“Okay, sure, fine.”
“Are you sure The Boss will let us take the company car for this little endeavor?”
“I think he’s at a nude beach or something. That’s what he said, anyway. He won’t care.”
“Me and Glep can come too, right?” Pim asked, excitedly.
“Nah, somebody’s gotta stay behind in case we get a call to make someone smile. You can handle that on your own, right?”
“Um… I guess so. It shouldn’t be too hard! Right, Glep?”
Glep muttered some gibberish under his breath. He didn’t plan on helping Pim at all.
“Alright, let’s go.” Charlie said as he and Allan headed out the doorway.
Pim ran after them and waved goodbye. “Bye Charlie! Bye Allan! I love you! Byyyye!”
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vncannyvalleygrrl · 3 months
On my hands and knees for glep content
*kicks you*
Glep Headcanons
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- only includes general headcanons -
As he is well over 1000 years old, Glep has seen the rise and the downfall of civilizations for centuries, and half the time he caused it just because he was bored.
He got his purple wizard hat from an old wizard in the 15th century, being his apprentice in cool wizard shit. Got fired because he accidentally made magic mustard gas in a magic cauldron.
Has had some indirect hand in causing several wars around the world without realizing.
Spits on/bites people that try to pick him up without consent. People (and other critters) think that Glep is a youngin' because he's so small, but he will attack people on sight who treat him like a baby.
Non-binary king. His sex is literally green.
Uses Marge Simpson (his wife) and Allan to reach tall places. Really only trusts them with the task.
Can climb legs like a cat.
Has social media but only to piss off other people and argue. He never actually takes a stance on any issue going on, just whatever would get someone mad quickest. Has gotten doxxed several times, but he just doesn't care anymore. He has a magic VPN anyway.
The reason he's been alive so long is simply because he hasn't died, and he doesn't plan on that anytime soon.
Because he's been alive for so long, he has built up quite an empire of money. Using investing and the constantly inflating price of money, he is the world's first ethical billionaire, only less powerful than Mr.Frog.
He's only ethical in the sense that he hasn't done horrible things for profit. In every other aspect, he is NOT ethical.
Since he met (and married) Marge, he has done much less violent things in the world for funsies. Turns out, Glep just needed someone to help him relax.
Drinks black coffee and actually enjoys it. (There's something wrong with him.)
Even he isn't sure how he got the job at Smiling Friends. One day he just walked in and took a nap on the bean bag, and eventually he just started getting paid for it. Now he mostly manages social media and maybe cleaning when he feels like it.
Knows countless languages, even the ones no one else knows about. Decided that no one else can learn them, the language will die with him.
The reason he doesn't have a last name is because he was alive before last names were invented. He's just too lazy to get one.
Scams children on Roblox.
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