fuckyoudoyou · 1 year
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avas-poltergeist · 7 months
y'all are so funny to me calling the Dungeon Meshi guy a freak.
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// So, I found this funny and made some with Reservoir Dogs quotes. Feel free to take.
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tangledbeast · 9 months
Zoo Tycoon Hints and Tips
Copied from my 2003 printout of the official site I posted. This is not all of the cheats that exist, just the ones on that specific page.
Cheat Codes
Name a guest Adam Levesque and unlock all Animal Care research programs (Adam Levesque is the CEO of Blue Fang and Creative Director for Zoo Tycoon.)
Name a guest Lou Catanzaro and unlock all Animal Enrichment research programs.
Name a guest Charlie Peterson and unlock all exhibit foliage.(Charlie Peterson is one of the Program Managers on Zoo Tycoon.)
Name a guest Akiyama and unlock all the scenarios that ship with the game (Akiyama is the family name of one of the test team members.)
Name a guest Steve Serafino and unlock all Endangered Animals research programs. (Steve Serafino is one of the designers of Zoo Tycoon.)
Name a guest John Wheeler and unlock all animal shelters. (John Wheeler is the Engineering Director for Zoo Tycoon)
Name a guest Ron Propst and unlock the Dinosaur Foliage research programs.
Name a Guest Hank Howie and unlock all Staff Education research programs.
Name a guest Eggman and all dinosaur eggs hatch more quickly. (DD)
Name a guest Dinoman and unlock all dinosaurs. (DD)
Name a male maintenance worker Bob V and all currently broken fences are fixed ("Bob V" refers to Bob Vila, the well-known improvement show host.)
Name a scientist Dr.Scholl and all scientists walk twice as fast.(DD)
Name an exhibit Cretaceous Corral and unlock the Triceratops.
Name an exhibit Xanadu and unlock the Unicorn. (Xanadu was Kublai Khan's summer capital in China, where he met Maroc Polo in 1275. It is also the title of a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.)
Name an exhibit Super Croc and unlock Deinosuchus
Press $ (Shift+4) and get $10,000, but a random exhibit fence weakens (great for the Bob V cheat!).
Easter Eggs
On September 15 on the in-game calendar (the date of the signing of the contract between Microsoft and Blue Fang for Zoo Tycoon), a biplane with the Microsoft logo flies across the map pulling a banner with the Blue Fang Logo.
On their own turf, penguins are capable of killing pretty much any animal in the game
Guests entering the zoo on January 1 (New Year's Day) on the in-game calendar will be sick.
October is Dinosaur Month! Purchase all dinosaurs at half price during the in-game month of October.
On October 31 on the real world calendar, all guests and buildings wear orange and black in honor of Halloween, a jack-o-lantern is available from the buildings and items menu, and a wicked witch flies over the zoo on a broomstick.
On October 31 (Halloween) on the in-game calendar a witch flies over the zoo on a broomstick and a jack-o-lantern is available from the buildings and items panel.
On Christmas (December 25) on the in-game calendar, Santa Clause flies over the zoo on his sleigh.
Name a male maintenance worker George W and all the foliage in your zoo will vanish, but you'll receive $300 tax rebate.
Name a guest Mr.Brown, Mr.Pink, Mr.White, Mr.Blond, or Mr.Orange and all guests and buildings currently in the zoo change to the associated color.
Name a male maintenance worker The Rock, all buildings are turned to rubble.
Name a bear Deer and the bear will immediately break out of its exhibit unless the fence is electrified)
Place a Mermaid Statue in an exhibit or show tank and it changes into a real mermaid. The Mermaid will not appear in the adopt an animal menu; however,you can continue dropping Mermaid Statues into water tanks to "adopt" more.
Name a guest Zeta Psi and all adult male guests change colors and become sick. (Zeta Psi is a college fraternity.)
Name a guest Alfred H and a flock of birds appears to frighten your guests.
Place a lion, a Bengal tiger, and a bear in an empty exhibit and unlock golden brick walkways.
Name a scientist Dr.Frankenstein and there's a 10% chance an egg will change contents when the scientist visits. (DD)
Name an exhibit Coprolite Corner, all dinosaur poo turns into rock. (DD)
Name guest Stinky and the guest caused other guests to be sick. (MM)
Name a male guest rpro and female guests will run from him. (MM)
Name a male guest Boogyman and the guest causes children to run away screaming. (MM)
Name an exhibit wonderland and get a bonus towards the chance of visitors entering the zoo.
Name a reindeer comet and all dinosaurs and dino eggs disappear from your zoo.
Name an exhibit Microsoft and get double the normal donations at exhibits.
Name a female tour guide Rosalie and all your tour guides will work for free. (Rosalie is one of the Deep Gameplay testers for Zoo Tycoon.)
When penguins reach a happiness rating of 90+, they will do a happy dance.
When lowland gorillas reach a happiness rating of 90+, they will do a happy dance.
Name a female Zookeeper Susan Kittleson and Zoo Marketing effect is doubled (not cumulative) (DD)
Name a male Zoo Keeper Chuck Frizelle and Zoo Marketing is doubled (not cumulative) (DD)
Name a guest Russel C and all exhibit fences will become broken, letting the animals free.
Earn the Zoo of the Year award and unlock the Elephant Seal Statue. (MM)
Earn the Excellence in Arctic Exhibit Construction and unlock the Iceberg. (MM)
Earn The Best Sea Lion Show in the Country and unlock the California Sea Lion Statue. (MM)
Earn the Best Orca Show in the Country and unlock the Orca Statue (MM)
Earn the Best Dolphin Show in the County and unlock the Bottlenose Dolphin Statue (MM)
Win the Aquatic SHow Park scenario and unlock the Show Grandstand 2 (MM)
Win the Shark World scenario and unlock the Photo Booth.
Win the Super Zoo scenario and unlock the Trio Statue.
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Were bag with a girl and her guar dog (among a bunch of cats ^^') and we will finish this Anime today - no, that is a lie, we will watch it as far as it is currently going as it is in fact not finished yet at all.
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As cute as this anime is, it also shows you that you sometimes do really unhealthy things because of love. Holding hands like this surely feels amazing, but at the end of the day it happened because they pretended to be a couple and not because of real romance. So she is fooling herself right now and eventually, she will have to wake up and face the harsh truth that he is not in love with her and she was just stealing time - I believe he is in love with her, bust she doesn't know that and assumes otherwise.
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I think this is a bit too much to believe it, but its still cute.
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He realized she kissed the dog plushie she wanted so badly because she actually wanted to kiss him... and that is his reaction? Slow down man!
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Okay. That looks innocent enough. We let it slide.
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Don't kiss her when she is asleep! The Western fandom will call you a rapist and ban this anime from western-lands because apparently we have no more sense for romance here ^^'
Seriously tho, it would be more fun if she knew you kissed her.
Episode 6 is over and he didn't kiss her. He asked how much longer he must wait in his thoughts and I couldn't agree more XD
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I have to admit that I kind of miss this kind of girl talk. You know, back when we were still innocent and talked about that moment our crush accidentally touched us XD Ah... youth.
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This guy has decided to piss off Mr.Bodyguard ^^'
(He was in the intro, so I guess he will get kinda important even tho he only showed up in episode 7...)
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Oh! I am all in for that. It reminded me of the mess that was Ranma 1/2 playing that one. Ending with the fake-kiss we all have been waiting for XD
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Don't you dare give me a fake-kiss too!
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True friends XD
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To this day I still wonder if they really do handle so much stuff by playing rock-paper-scissors in other countries ^^'
By the way... there goes my chance for a kiss scene, because Mr.Blond-Guy plays Romeo now V.V
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He might not be Romeo but he uses the excuse to rehears with her really well XD
Episode 7 is over. After Episode 8 there are only two more episodes left for now. Lets hope we get a kiss before that, but I shouldn't get my hopes up ^^'
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Ooooookay XD
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Okay, this is way more than what would be allowed on the list XD
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THIS is your biggest problem right now? Did you notice that his hands wandered downwards?
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Come on! If we can do this you might as well give us a damn kiss!
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ma2ereki · 4 years
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anonymousbug · 5 years
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my babies finally arrived and I've been playing around with them for a week now
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alfuoblog · 2 years
I’ve been reading Tom Shone’s retrospective on the filmmaker Tarantino. I'm about halfway through the research but I thought it was rather interesting so I'm posting here. I hope you guys learn something like I have about filmmaking. 
Cinematography-Tarantino knows that what is kept out of a shot is just as important as what is left in. This is done in Reservoir dogs when MR.BLONDE is left out of shot by a slow dolly. When he appears it adds something to his presence.
“When i make a movie, I want it be everything to me; like I would die for it”
The very first page of the book quotes this, which was said by Tarantino. This quote derives from a deep personal connection Tarantino has with each of his movies. This shows the up-most importance of having a love for a product you are making because, when you do, you are able to treat it with the care it needs to be its fully realised self.
Location-Tarantino has written many of his scripts out in the world, whether it be in a coffee shop or restaurants, he makes sure he is out of his usual living conditions. This recently adapted into him sitting on his balcony, at his home, to write Django Unchained. This is important information because he clearly finds creativity in being away from the norm. Even though his balcony is a part of his home it allows a grander view of an area and this is important. Maybe when Tarantino is out there he can look out at the view and allow his mind to wonder. When he's at a coffee shop he allows his mind to wander because he is not tied down by his usual surroundings putting his brain in an unusual scenario where it is allowed to think and be free of the usual at home life.
Stakes-Tarantino is a master of creating tense, intriguing conversations between characters. He uses a very special technique which is much more engaging then a simple action scene or horrific imagery. He often uses subtext to create an innocent perspective for the viewer so that they are aware of stakes that some or all characters aren’t aware of. An example of t6his is ion the4 scene in Inglorious Basterds were the “Jew-Hunter” is questioning a farmer but the audience know that there are Jews beneath the floorboards. It is revealed that the “Jew-Hunter” knows this and this creates further tension because the audience begin theorising on what he will do. In the end he shoots them through the floorboards and confirms the audience's suspicions but by not simply saying or doing Tarantino creates a tense scenario that frightens the audience and makes them engage in the scene at hand. 
Actors-Tarantino will write roles and often have an actor in mind that he would like to play them. He will then go meet this actor and he will want to hang with them before definitely casting them. This is because he wants to have chemistry with an actor and understand whether or not they will be able to fulfil the role he has in mind for them. 
If an actor has a natural stroke of dialogue come across them and it works, Tarantino will not hesitate to have their dialogue in the final product.This was done when they began arguing over who got to be what colour in Reservoir dogs.
The experience-Tarantino aims to create mystery in his movies, not laying all evidence down so that the audience can make up their own conclusion to certain events. He personally enjoys having his emotions toyed with and that is why he does so to his audience making them question what may be the purpose of events and narratives. He decided not to lay it all out because it creates a more engaging experience for the viewer. He once said “If a million people see my movie, I want them to make a million different movies in their head”. This supports this idea of having his movies being unique to different viewers.
Inspiration-His movies are often inspired by other movies because of Tarantino's huge interest in movies. He is very much a movie nerd. He takes from these movies so that he can make unique experiences that may mix up multiple movies into a single one. He makes it clear that this isn’t done to pay homage to the movies but instead mimic them creating references and artistic expression into his movies.
Tarantino also draws from personal experiences to create interesting relatable storylines that he can sink his emotion and being into. This is done in Kill Bill volume one which has a plot that follows a mother after her partner who left her and her child. His mother did not do this but Tarantino’s father did not know he was born when he was. This makes his narratives extremely personal; to him and allows him to invest more himself into the creation of the movie. It also allows the twists that come in life to create compelling narratives. He does make sure that these personal narratives aren't a noticeable element of the movie because he wants that to be for himself and people who know him. It is rather a part of his life that he can draw from to create meaning in a movie without making it obvious the plot comes from a personal place. 
Reservoir Dogs was inspired by many different people. These are listed at the beginning of the screenplay. An interesting inspiration was Chow Yun-Fat who made a movie named City On Fire. This movie was about a cop infiltrating a group of people planning a heist. This is very similar to the plot of Reservoir Dogs but with some large tweaks. Reservoir Dogs spins this concept on its head within the focus being on post-heist and also with it going terribly wrong. It is also inspired by Stanley Kubrick's the Killing and Max Bosseck’s Dillinger.
Subtext work-Before Tarantino began filming his movie Reservoir Dogs he went to Sundance film festival where he showed off some of the scenes from the movie in a directors lab workshop. He was asked by the professionals viewing the scenes what the subtext was and this allowed Tarantino to realise that the movie was about a man picking between his metaphorical son and his metaphorical father. Even though this is not what the movie portrays it does in its subtext. 
A beginning-Tarantino began his first project when he and his friend made an 80 page script which they filmed over the next three years for just $5000. This shows that just beginning somewhere is important even if that work doesn’t amount to anything. In Tarantino's case it didn’t because it was set on fire because of a lab fire. This left only 36 minutes of the film safe. 
Tarantino failed at his first filmmaking endeavour and he said he learnt how not to make a movie. He began writing scripts to create funds to make his own movie. True Romance was picked to be adapted into a movie which left the Reservoir Dogs movie unused although praised by the person who wanted the True Romance script.  
Cinematography-Tarantino knows that what is kept out of a shot is just as important as what is left in. This is done in Reservoir dogs when MR.BLONDE is left out of shot by a slow dolly. When he appears it adds something to his presence.
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publicwoohoo · 7 years
simmerjazen said: what are you doing? They are happy, and cute, and happy. She can’t do this!!!!
I know! I feel so guilty! My sims never cheat, but I really wanna use my friends sim and he and Mira have so much in common sooooo... Spicing things up? lol
mdianasanders said: I sense drama…
Drama indeed, but since I don’t really have time to write a story it’s just gonna be you’re regular run of the mill home-wrecking lol 
simmingswimmingly said: uh-oh…
Uh-oh indeed my friend... The guilt is overwhelming me though :/ I don’t really know where I’m going with this... ya know, other then to hell lol!
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Freddy Newandyke x reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: gun wound, blood, undercover officers
Author’s Note: Fredddddyyyyy my baby boyyyyy I love him so much and I love this movie so much so it took me a minute to write this because I wanted to write it well you know? I hope you enjoy it because I love this boy :)
Requested: by anon, hey! may i request a Freddy Newendyke fic? where she’s his wife and is also undercover and is waiting for him at the safe house place and she freaks out when she finds out he’s shot? and tries her best to take care of him? even fighting with the other guys? LOVE YOU! -💜
Summary: the request
Genre: fluff/angst
Song: (this song is perfect for this fic and it was already on my Freddy playlist so YES)
(not my gif)
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You blew a piece of hair out of your eyes and looked across the warehouse. The guys had promised to be back here about 10 minutes ago which meant something had gone wrong and when something goes wrong you get very naturally worried.
You were an undercover cop along with your husband Freddy who was doing the actual heist part of this case. You had been very surprised when you found out that he was on this case as well because he was supposed to have been doing regular cases but you could never really tell what Freds was going to do, especially when he missed you. You were supposed to be some girl that had been sent in to do the patch up at the safe house, split the money, be a good girl for Joe and the guys.
Now that Freds was here you couldn’t help yourself with doing anything with the other guys. Your phone rang and you picked it up immediately.
“Orange was shot, I need you to grab the medical stuff that Joe gave you,” White said on the other end of the phone. You stood up quickly, getting a slight head rush and then calming down.
“Orange was shot!” For a moment you forgot all about that whole undercover thing. The only thing that could break you was Freddy and now he was shot and your anxiety had hit the roof and then you got really calm and really angry.
“We’re pulling up now, I’m gonna bring him in, have the meds.”
You hung up the phone and ran to the door, opening it quickly. You saw White dragging Fred's body to you. You rushed forward and helped White drag your husband into the ramp on the back side of the room. You stood up, your hands shaking, covered in blood.
“How could you let this happen?!” you screamed and no one was sure who you were talking to. You, White, Freddy. Maybe everyone. Freddy tried to give you eyes that didn’t give away that either of you knew each other past your one meeting before the heist but that told you that it was going to be okay. A moment later Pink came crashing in the door, screaming about something you couldn’t care to listen to. You had managed to find a very small and limited medical bag.
“Shit Orange got shot?” Pink called as he came close to you. You rolled your eyes and turned to him as you knelt down beside Freddy.
“Yes Pink, that is what happened, everything is fucked.”
You turned back to Freddy and put pressure on his chest and he winced.
“Princess, we’re all fucked you are very right.”
When you turned back he had walked away into a seperate room. You could hear him and White conversing about what had just went down and you were finally able to just look at Freddy and try and find out what you should do in this moment. You strained up a smile.
“Why did you have to fuck around and get shot huh?” you muttered, looking through the medical bag for bandages or something that could stop the bleeding for a moment. He laughed and turned into a wince.
“You think I was trying to?” he asked, breathily. You shrugged.
“Who knows darling,” you muttered, unbuttoning his shirt so that the blood didn’t stick any more with it.
“If you wanted my shirt off you could have just asked,” he whispered and you allowed yourself to laugh just a little bit so that he was eased a bit. You stole a glance back at where Pink and White had gone to and saw they were still arguing, trying to decide what to do next.
“They aren’t supposed to come in until someone else goes out,” he told you cautiously. You shrugged, knowing he was talking about the police.
“They’ll come. I’ll just tell someone you were shot,” you muttered. He grabbed onto your face, his bloody hand smearing your skin. You leaned into his touch as you put together the last of your terrible bandage.
“No one is gonna fucking save me babe,” he told you just as White came in. You wiped your eyes to hide any kind of unwarranted sadness and Freddy dropped his hand from your cheek.
“I see you two are getting cozy. Come on, where the fuck is Mr.Blonde wasn’t he supposed to be here by now? If he even lived that is,” Pink asked the room. You shrugged and turned to look at them, your hand still holding down the pressure on Freddy’s wound.
“I don’t know. I guess we should assume they’re dead if they don’t show soon. Fr-Orange needs to get to a fucking hospital,” you told them and Freddy grabbed your hand. He wanted to go to a hospital but he needed to do his job first, as a police officer and as a husband.
“I don’t...I don’t need a fucking hospital.” Your head whipped around to him.
“Yes you do.”
“Just stay. We’ll be okay.”
Pink and White watched you stare at each other and it crossed both of their minds that you were showing something deeper than they thought you had but there was too much to worry about right now. Too much that needed to be done, thought about and the eyes you were sharing weren’t near the top of that list.
“We’ll be fucking fine. Don’t pussy out on me now.”
You swallowed and looked back at the other two.
“Call Joe or Eddie. We gotta get out of this fucking mess.”
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soul-stolen · 5 years
What’s Broken
@lepusheart​ continued from  ♞.
Mercury looked around, none of Mr.Blonde’s friends in sight but, the same could be said of Mercury’s allies. So he gave himself a moment, he inspected the wound it was broken near the center of the humerus looked like. This guy clearly should not be out wandering by himself, dust damn, Mercury might have felt bad for him, if he wasn’t a spiraling void of anger and indifference.
The hate in the blonde’s eyes wasn’t surprising, Cinder killed his girlfriend or something if he remembered right. Not that Cinder did.
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“I’d watch it if I were you sunshine, you couldn’t win a fight with me on your BEST day and this ain’t it.” he sighed and shook his head, he was clutching that much too tightly.
“If you try to force it to move hard enough, you’ll lose it.” there wasn’t exactly SYMPATHY in his voice, but, it wasn’t a threat either it came from a strange...knowing almost.
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“ as long as i have you, the rest doesn’t matter. ” petra @ traumafcrged to any muse
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"It matters to me. And I want you to be safe and secured if something happens to me." The day he'd met her, he'd known instantly that she was trouble, this Russian girl, for herself first of all, but also for those who would decide to linger around her, but jumped in anyway and stayed close, and then took her home. He understood her, maybe that was the point, his demons understood her demons. One day he decided to go after those who had killed her parents. Of course, he couldn't do this without a good plan and without enough information, and that was what he's been doing during the last couple of months, gathering pieces, planning, and preparing. "There are several bank cells and accounts, I'll give you all the numbers and I want you to keep them close."
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geluga · 3 years
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だらだらと会話が続くようなシーン��� これに限らず好き。
FUN LOVIN CRIMINALSの大好きな1曲スクービーナッツにも入ってて
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ma2ereki · 4 years
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strawberiz-blog · 6 years
i hate battling mr.blond wig because he’s so...extra. why’re you standing like that gladion??? what’s wrong with your face?? your hands???
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askaphmaine · 6 years
@flyingsassysaddles HELLO YES NEWMAINE INCOMING!
The party was going wonderfully. Every business partner Jacob had ever met was in attendance, drinking the night away. The Christmas Eve party was something that his family threw every year to show off their wealth. It was at these parties that he would meet his two closest friends, Liam and Lance. The two were as different as night and day, though both were crucial to his sanity. Neither one bought into the idea that wealth was everything, unlike their families. Jacob’s own family, the Anderson’s, were well known in the business world. Their factories made just about anything one could dream of and, to many, he was a charismatic young man who seemed born to run the company. The truth was, he had been adopted at the age of five from a run down orphanage, a fact people told him he should be ashamed of. But he couldn’t. That run down building raised him more than these parties ever did. And she most of all.
“What a lovely evening. Though, I do think most people would prefer you inside.” Jacob let out a curt laugh, turning to face Lance. Liam gave him a gentle grin from behind the taller man.
“You’re still thinking about her, aren’t you?” Liam shook his head. “I’d tell you to let it go but we all know that will never happen.”
“No, it won’t. I can’t help it. She meant everything to me. Hell, she still does.”
“Jacob, it’s been 15 years. Do you really think you’re still in love with that girl?” Lance questioned, adjusting his glasses before taking a seat beside him. “Do you think she ever remembers you?”
“I hope so.”
“You’re a fool, you know that, right?” Liam rested his hand on Jacob’s shoulder as the other boy laughed, looking down at the town below.
“Better a lovesick fool than a heartless dumbass.”
:: ::
The party lights shone from the hill. Mack hated those lights. While she and the other workers slaved away, those family held parties with their extravagant clothing and imported wine. One thought kept her going, day after day. Him.
“Are you thinking about Mr.Anderson again, Mackie?” Warren was the only person about to get away with such a nickname. Mack honestly didn’t know of any way to get him to stop. She stopped walking, staring at those faint lights. Mr.Anderson. Jacob. They had been so close before they were adopted. Now he was the heir to a major business and she was practically dirt on his shoe. Maybe not even that. “Hey, c’mon. We get tomorrow off, we might as well take advantage of it. Besides, Mr.Fancy-Pants is probably too busy with his oh so important guests.” Warren stuck his tongue out, trying to make the taller girl laugh without much success.
“I’m sure you’re right. Why would someone like him bother to make time for people like us.” If he truly remembered and cared for her, why did he ignore her when he visited the mill? And if he wouldn’t give her the time of day, why would she do so for him? “Let’s get going. I hear someone made pastries and I refuse to miss out.”
:: ::
Jacob wasn’t sure who had first suggested that they sneak off. His money would always be on Liam, the younger boy had a knack for trouble, but Lance did hate parties as well and often did what he could to get out of them. Regardless of whose idea it was, Jacob wasn’t complaining. The town was alive, candles glowing on every porch. There seemed to be no boundaries, people walking in and out of houses at random. He even found himself in the middle of a snowball fight with some of the local children.
It was Liam who pointed out the girl. Tall, dark hair, striking violet eyes. His comment was so innocent.
“Say, she matches your description, doesn’t she?”
Jacob froze. No matter how hard his friends tried to pull him, he couldn’t move. After all these years, she lived in the mill town right by his home? For how long? How had he never seen her? Lance hissed in his ear, warning him that people were staring. He finally allowed them to pull him aside, hidden from the masses.
“Wait, was that her? Jacob, was that ‘Mackenzie’? The girl you’ve been pining after for damn near your entire life?” Liam nodded slowly. “I mean, wonderful pick. Stunning woman.” Jacob heard a smack, signaling that Lance had enough of the comments. A snort was heard to their side. Glancing over, the three notice they had been joined by a much shorter boy.
“You can call her stunning all you want, Mackie is not interested, Mr.Blond-Who-Can’t-Whisper.” Liam twitched.
“And who, pray tell, are you?” Lance moved in between the two.
“Mackie’s best friend. Well, friend. Well, I’m not sure if she’d call me a friend. Mackie is very picky. I’m Warren. She and I work at the mill together.” Warren shrugged, moving to leave. “Yeah, she’s still in love with this guy who basically ignores her. Bye!” With that, he was gone among the snowdrifts. Jacob felt his mouth dry up. Ignore her? He would never ignore her. But, then again, how had he missed her? She was working in one of his mills! One he had visited on countless occasions!
“We need to head back. If everyone finds out we-”
“No.” Lance blinked, turning to stare.
“I’m sorry?”
“No. I need to talk to her. Even if she hates me, I just…” Liam sighed.
“Lance and I will cover for you. Just go win your beaut back.” Lance rolled his eyes, grabbing Liam’s arm. “Just be back before morning. Be safe.” With that, they were gone, leaving Jacob alone at the treeline. He turned back towards the town, looking for any sight of his lost love.
It didn’t take too long. Mack had always been hard to miss, even as children. She walked with an air of confidence that generated a lot of respect. However, she was fast. Jogging after her was difficult in the crowded area and he soon lost her again. It felt like hours before he saw her duck into an alleyway, following soon after. Once there, a strong arm grabbed him, shoving him against the wall.
“Who are you and why are you following me?” The cold fury in her voice and eyes stung harder than the wind. A moment later he was dropped. “Mr.Anderson, you ought not be down here. Go home.” The snow crunched under her feet.
“Wait!” A brief pause. “Wait, please.” Jacob forced himself to his feet, stumbling after her. Finally, she turned, giving him a dirty look.
“Yes, sir?” He winced at the tone, standing straight.
“I…” He gulped. “How long…?”
“How long? How long? 15 years and that’s what you ask? That’s rich. I’ve been here long enough. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I plan on enjoying my time off.” As she turned, Jacob felt himself move. She hadn’t expected him to grab her, that much was obvious, but the yank caught her far more off guard. With a snarl, she whipped her head around. All fight seemed to leave her eyes once they met his own.
“Mack. Mack.” Warm tears rolled down his face. He felt himself laugh, though it almost seemed far away. “It’s really you. You’re here. You’re…” A soft sob broke his grin for a moment. Shakily, he lifted his hand to her cheek, rubbing his thumb against it. Her own hand reached up, placing itself over his.
“You ignored me, Jacob. I’m no fool.” He shook his head.
“I would never do anything of the sort, love. And you may not be a fool but I must be. A lovesick fool.” He could hear a faint bell toll, 1, 2, 12 times. Midnight. “A fool whose Christmas wish finally came true.” A harsh yank on his jacket forced him down, making yet another Christmas wish come true.
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