#mr travel guy lance my beloved
(adhd lance anon) ahshjdbjdsjd help me omg that’s actually not what i was thinking when i sent that in but i actually LOVE where you took that idea anyway because as someone with adhd (i mean don’t we all have adhd if we’re on tumblr-) i’m suddenly realizing that lance is So Me actually and that maybe i was unwittingly thinking about my experience with adhd when i sent that in?? LOL
i was actually thinking about the fact that i really love driving my car and i have to go out for a drive at least once a week or else i go ape crazy. like i HAVE to drive my car. it’s just an animalistic, primal sort of need for me as an emotionally bedraggled college student who has no time for anything else but schoolwork most of the time. it’s enrichment for me.
and then i thought about lance and was like oh he’s just like me fr?? because i think we all agree he’s an outdoorsy guy, like he Needs to be outside breathing in the fresh air basking in the sunlight appreciating the greenery of the real world, but he’s so damn BUSY all the time and confined to a tiny sad little office and it is not healthy to cage a dragon like that. he needs to go for a walk in the forest or an afternoon flight at least once every few days or he gets hangry(? you know the feeling) about it, hence the stress ball and the dedenne cage- those are WONDERFUL ideas btw!! i can just imagine lance trying to play it cool when he accidentally flings it at cynthia’s face one day during a meeting and she’s determined to find out who did it LOL
mb for the long incoherent ramble but HAHA i just love projecting on this man!! :’)
Oh yes!! I immediately took it as ADHD Lance my bad alsklklshs haha.
But this is so real!! Lance canonically loves to travel. He's always a nature guy in my eyes. Having 10 foot tall dragons makes it so you're spending most of your time outdoors with them.
He loves any kind of weather as well, snow is fine when it's not freezing his hands and his team. Rainy days are his favorite. He loves the smell, how it makes plants grow, the cool breeze, the way his Dragonair sings in the rain, and how Gyarados roar like thunder.
Don't get too afraid when you see some guy in a dark cloak out in the foggy rain. It's not the Grim Reaper, just a Dragon Master enjoying the rain.
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nyssarra · 4 years
Chapter: Six of ?
Summary: Nyssa has a ring and a beautiful sunset now all she needs is for Sara to say yes.
Fandom: Arrow and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
Relationship: Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance.
Characters: Nyssa al Ghul, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, and Quentin Lance.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Lemons aka Proposal smut! 
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Nyssa carefully programmed the shrink ray before pointing it at the camping supplies laid out in the Jump Ship. Once everything was a quarter of their size she stopped the ray and pulled the glove off of her hand. 
“Good job,” Ray said, giving her a pat on the back. “You sure are a quick learner.”
“Thank you Mr. Palmer for assisting me in my endeavor,” Nyssa said as she quickly packed everything away into two simple bags that would be easy for her and Sara to carry.
“Oh well, anything for you and Sara. We're all so excited for tomorrow,” Ray said, raising his eyebrows and rolling from his heels to stand on his toes.
“As am I.” Nyssa smiled as well. “You are set to pick up the rest of the Lance family as well as everyone in Star City, yes?”
“Yep, we'll pick them up on the Waverider before heading out to meet you guys everyone has RSVP even Felicity and the kids.”
“Good, it'll be nice to see them again and I'm sure Sara will enjoy sharing this with her family, but remember you are not to disembark from the Waverider until Sara has said yes, if she declines...” 
“Sara is not going to say no,” Ray said, putting his hand on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “She loves you and she will want to marry you.”
“Sara is many things and I am sure of her love, but I am also sure of her desire to be free,” Nyssa said as she pulled the ring box out of her pocket and opened it. The ring seemed like a rope that would both link them for life and would tie Sara down. She'd hate to cage her beloved yellow bird and the more she thought of it and more that doubt filled her mind.
“Nyssa, has Sara told you that she wanted to get married?” Ray asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yes, she has expressed this sentiment before, which sparked my interest in purchasing this ring.”
“Then she's going to say yes. Take it from someone who's married, marriage isn't about holding yourself down. It's about commitment, and love, and having a shared life.” 
Nyssa finally looked up at him and Ray nodded reassuringly. Nyssa closed the box in her hands and held it against her chest, before slipping it back into her pocket. Ray was right, Sara had talked so fondly about being with Nyssa forever insinuating that she wanted a ring on her finger.
“Thank you.”
“Of course, what are friends for?” 
Ray left and Nyssa finished packing everything. She looked it over to make sure everything was perfect, before packing the bags under the seats of the Jump Ship. Then she went off in search of Sara. Nyssa found her Beloved in their room, lacing up her hiking boots. 
“Are you ready?” Nyssa asked, approaching her and kneeling down to tie Sara's laces. 
“As ready as I'll ever be for this mysterious weekend getaway,” Sara said standing up and taking Nyssa’s hand.
Nyssa leaned in to press a kiss to Sara's lips. “Trust me.”
Sara smiled and leaned in to kiss her again. “I always do.”
Nyssa led Sara to the Jump Ship and sat in the pilot's seat as Sara sat in the seat to her left. Nyssa then pulled out a blindfold handed it to Sara. 
Sara rolled her eyes as she took the blindfold. “Is this really necessary?”
Nyssa smiled as Sara put it on and turned back to the screen. Gideon had already programmed their destination. All she had to do was press a button and let Gideon fly them to their destination.
“I said no peeking,” Nyssa tsked as she caught Sara's eye in a mirror. “Or I shall restrain you.”
“Promise?” Sara asked pulling the blindfold back in place with a smirk.
Nyssa took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Must her Beloved’s sexual desires appear at the worst of times? Sara must have seen Nyass’s reaction as when she looked back at her, Sara’s hands were folded in her lap and she had turned her head forward. 
“Okay, I'll be good,” Sara relented a hint of disappointment in her voice.
“Worry not,” Nyssa reassured her. “I shall reward your patience soon enough.” 
Without further ado, Gideon took them to the foothills of the Cascade mountains. Nyssa turned and reached out to put a hand on Sara's knee as it bounced in anticipation. Sara smiled and Nyssa undid Sara’s buckles before pulling her up. She put an arm around Sara's waist and carefully led her down the steps of the Jump Ship. She removed the blindfold and Sara blinked in the light as she looked around. 
The Canadian forest was alive with the sound of squirrels and birds chirping as the wind whistled through the trees. It was mid afternoon, but Nyssa knew the hike wouldn't take very long, especially at their pace. They would be able to set up camp and watch the sunset on a ledge that looked out over the forest peaks. The path ahead of them curved around the sunny forest ready for them to travel. 
“It's beautiful,” Sara said leaning into Nyssa and taking a moment to watch the forest. 
“It has been awhile since we have been able to enjoy a good hike and camping trip, and I know how much you love the trees.” 
“Thank you.” 
Sara turned around and wrapped her arms around Nyssa, tilting her head to press their lips together. Sara was so warm and full of life and Nyssa could taste the sun on her lips. She could have stayed forever like that, in this quiet moment, kissing Sara and feeling her smile against their lips. Nyssa pulled back but leaned in again one last time to kiss Sara’s cheek. Then, she untangled herself from Sara's arms and retrieved the packs from the Jump Ship.
Nyssa got out two water bottles, making sure they were secure on the side of their packs, and pulled out her compass, just in case. Although, it was a familiar trail for both of them, one they had hiked every time they were in Canada. Sara let her hat dangle from her neck and Nyssa poured a good amount of sunscreen onto her hands. She rubbed it into Sara's cheeks as Sara scratched up her nose and closed her eyes at the assault. 
“You don't have to do this you know. It'll be fine, I'll just freckle,” Sara said through gritted teeth as her eyes remained closed.
“Yes you will freckle, but you will also burn,” Nyssa said and she continued to rub the sunscreen down Sara’s neck, making sure to get her ears. 
Sara just huffed and let her do it. She had gotten used to Nyssa’s overprotectiveness, especially when it came to sunscreen. Nyssa moved down to rub it into Sara’s shoulders and Sara finally relaxed. She spent a little extra time massaging Sara's shoulders and getting out the tightness at the base of her neck. Sara whined as Nyssa pulled away, but Nessa quickly placated her with a quick kiss. Then she took Sara's hand and led her down the path.
As they walked up the trail, the forest came to life with the sounds of birds and squirrels and other wildlife, singing in the forest. The afternoon sun filtered through the green pine trees leaving little spots of sunlight glittering through and occasionally catching on Sara’s golden hair. 
Sara’s hair was magnified by her brilliant smile and she skipped and ran through the forest like a child. Her childish excitement was infectious as Nyssa smiled as she followed along, playing with her as they ran up the trail. Sara never let go of her hand and tugged her along, but Nyssa forced her to slow down. She wanted them to take it easy and pointed out the occasional rare bird or flower. 
As they hiked, Nyssa watched Sara. The smile never left her face and Sara would occasionally glance over and catch her staring and Nyssa would just smile back at her.
“You’re completely lovestruck aren't you?” Sara teased, her leaning over to bump her hip against Nyssa’s.
“Yes,” Nyssa said as she looked over at Sara and captured Sara's waist, pulling her in. “Because the sight of you completely happy is something that brings me great joy, my Beloved.”
Sara laughed, that beautiful sound that had Nyssa falling in love with her all those years ago and sent her heart aflutter even now. Nyssa was overwhelmed by how much she loved Sara and couldn't help but kiss her. 
Sara moaned as she settled in Nyssa’s arms, when they paused Sara wrapped her arms around Nyssa’s neck. Nyssa’s brain always short circuited whenever she was kissed, especially by Sara. All she could think about was Sara's lips on her own as Sara murmured and sucked her bottom lip. 
There was something so wonderful about being kissed. The way their lips intimately touched. It was an expression of love and wanting. Every time Sara kissed her, she felt so honored to be on the receiving end of Sara's affection. 
Sara continued to kiss her and opened her mouth for Nyssa as she let her tongue fill Sara’s mouth. Things quickly turned heated as Nyssa’s heart pounded in her chest and Sara held her head. They quickly tumbled down onto the forest floor. Nyssa got pine needles in her hair and Sara’s back was covered in dirt, but their lips remain glued together as wandering hand-pulled at tight clothing. 
Sara was devilishly good at making Nyssa lose her mind and her clothes. However, they had to reach the cliffside before sunset. She rolled over and untangled herself from Sara pulling away so that Sara wasn't touching her. Sara made the most heartbreaking little whine and reached out to her. Nyssa got up and offered Sara her hand, pulling her up, but maintained their distance. 
“We must keep going if we are to set up camp before nightfall.”
Sara whined and pouted as Nyssa started to walk ahead of her, leaving Sara behind. Sara’s foul mood only lasted for a moment as she ran to catch up to her and grabbed Nyssa’s hand, holding it as they walked. When Nyssa looked back at her, Sara met her with a happy smile and Nyssa leaned in to kiss her cheek.
They continued walking and eventually, they made it to the clearing. Sara unceremoniously dropped her bag and Nyssa pulled everything out and grew it back to size. They worked as a team to set up the tent, fire, and dinner. Sara made their beds in the tent as Nyssa secured the food in the trees and tucked the ice chest safely tucked away inside the tent. They settled down for a quick meal of leftover stew and bread before Sara stood up and grabbed Nyssa’s hand, tugging her towards the tent with a sly smile on her face, yet Nyssa dug in her heels in and pulled Sara in a different direction.
“Let's go watch the sunset.”
“Ugh,” Sara said looking up at the sky, her shoulder slumping. “I don't want to hike anymore, I'm too horny.”
“I promise I will make it worth your while,” Nyssa said, licking her lips with emphasis. 
Sara eagerly nodded and let Nyssa guide her towards the trail. It was a short hike from their campground to the cliffside. There was an opening in the trees with a large boulder that Nyssa sat on and pulled Sara into her lap. They sat together, and Nyssa could feel Sara breath in and out as her arms held her across her chest. 
They were quickly caught up in the beauty of the scenery as they watched the sun disappear behind the horizon and twilight set in. There were several peaks and hills all dotted with evergreen greens as far as they could see. The sky turned from orange to blue with purple clouds. Several flocks of birds flew in the sky and the forest became quiet until the crickets and the frogs came out to sing.
“I love you, Sara,” Nyssa whispered in her ear.
Sara hummed and squeezed her hands as she leaned into her. “I love you too.”
“You've been asking me about your surprise and this is part of it,” Nyssa said as she leaned to put her head on Sara’s shoulders and she saw Sara glance at her from the corner of her eye. 
Nyssa gave her hands one final squeeze before she moved out from behind her. Sara got up, but Nyssa put a hand on her shoulder and let her sit back down. Nyssa dropped to one knee in front of her and Sara's jaw dropped as her eyes became as wide as the Moon above them. Nyssa pulled out the box and opened it as she took Sara's left hand in her own.
“Yes, yes, oh my God, yes,” Sara said, smiling so wide and brightly it replaced the sun that had just disappeared. She jumped up and down and seemed to vibrate with excitement.
“Let me propose, please,” Nyssa said, smiling up at her with a little laugh.
Sara bit her lip and nodded, her body settling as she sat back down and looked at Nyssa.
“I have not always done what was best for you. Although I have always loved you, I have not made the necessary sacrifices in order to put your well being above my own and above my loyalties to those whom I served. But in the past year, you have let me serve you on the Waverider. You have let me prove my loyalty to you and I hope that I have proved to you that I can do what is best for you and for us without sacrifice. From this moment forward, I ask that you continue to let me serve you as I pledge my fealty to you. I, Nyssa al Ghul, vow to always put your needs above my own as your faithful servant. I promise to never ask anything of you that you are not ready to give, but I will ask one thing of you. If you leave, please take me with you, because I want to be with you always in life and in death, please Sara, take me as yours.”
Tears had sprung up in Sara’s eyes and they fell down her cheeks as she held her free hand over her mouth. Sara dropped to her knees and reached out to hold both of Nyssa's hands as they clutched the ring box together.
“You know, you're not supposed to say your vows until we actually get married.”
“A proposal is a promise,” Nyssa said, giving Sara's hands a squeeze as they both look down at the ring. “A promise that I make to you today, on our wedding day, and for the rest of our lives.”
“You're such a sap,” Sara said, leaving in with her shoulder to give Neyssa a nudge. 
“Yes, but I am your sap.” 
Sara chuckled and looked down at the ring Nyssa was holding. She took a deep breath and squeezed Nyssa's hands.
“You don't ever have to prove yourself to me, because I have always known that you are selfless and that you loved me from the moment you fished me out of the ocean. You cared for me and when I left the League, you let me go, and when I came back, you took me back. When I died, you looked after my family. When I came back you sent me away to prevent me from getting hurt in your war. When I came back for you, you let me whisk you away to travel through time. I promise to always take you with me because I can't bear to part with you either.”
Nyssa nodded, she had started crying as Sara spoke and was not confident enough to speak. Sara smiled and let out a breathy laugh as she held out her hand. Nyssa took the ring and slipped it onto her finger. Their tears fell together on Sara's hand and she pulled Nyssa in, hugging her so tightly that it hurt, but Nyssa didn’t care. They cling to each other and she felt Sara hold up her ring to see it.
“It's so beautiful,” Sara said, her voice muffled by Nyssa’s jacket. 
It was a gold band with a geometric design. Sara had lamented about how a diamond would get in the way and would fall off if she punched anyone. She pulled back and Nyssa pulled Sara into her lap. Nyssa held up Sara’s hand to see the ring that shined on Sara’s finger.
“You're right,” Sara said as she tilted her head to look up at her and smiled. “The surprise was worth it.”
“I'm glad,” Nyssa said, having no other words for the joy that she felt. 
Nyssa sighed as she smiled and stared down at Sara. Sara looked up, catching her lovestruck expression. Sara placed both of her hands on Nyssa’s face and kissed her. Nyssa felt the fireworks explode behind her eyes and felt the hairs on her body stand up. Sara pulled back only to pull her up and wrapped her arms around Nyssa’s waist. She kissed her again, before walking backwards towards their campsite. Sara fumbled over a rock and Nyssa picked her up. Sara peppered kisses along Nyssa’s jaw and neck as she slowly unzipped Nyssa’s coat.
They barely made it into the tent before Sara had torn off both of their clothes, leaving a trail of clothing outside. Nyssa laid her down on the mat and sat between her legs, pulling back to look down at Sara. Her freckles extended down her body and there were no traces of the scars from her time in the League. There were new scars, but not in the way that Sara’s body had been marked by the trauma of the League. 
Nyssa’s eyes trailed down Sara’s body to her slit. Sara smiled and let her knees fall to the side, she had a triangle patch of blonde curls on her pubic mound that were soaked with her wetness. Sara held her labia open with two fingers showing off her red and swollen vulva. 
“This is yours forever now,” Sara said smiling up at her.
Nyssa slid down and wrapped her arms around Sara’s thighs locking her in place. “I wouldn't have it...”
Nyssa kissed the valley between Sara’s breasts. “Any.”
She kissed her abs and then swirled her tongue in Sara’s navel. “Other.”
Nyssa dipped down and kissed Sara’s mound. “Way.”
Nyssa kissed just above Sara’s clit and Sara raised her hips to meet her, but Nyssa tightened her grip. Nyssa held her down as Sara whined. Nyssa let her tongue run from Sara's opening up to under her clit. Sara practically withered under her as Nyssa continued to lick her hole, her tongue dipping in and out in short quick strokes. Sara kicked out her legs and Nyssa pulled back to press a kiss to Sara's thigh. She then licked her again, but this time she swirled her tongue around Sara's clit as Sara let out a sigh of relief, melting in Nyssa’s arms.
Nyssa continued to lick Sara's clit as Sara became exceedingly wet under her tongue. If not for Nyssa’s tongue Sara would have soaked through the mat. The more Sara got wet the more Nyssa was emboldened with her tongue. Sara whispered words and moans of appreciation as she held Nyssa’s head, her fingers tightening in her dark hair. Nyssa held a steady pace on Sara's clit as Sara moaned and cried out more passionately. Nyssa knew she was getting close as Sara started throwing her head back and breathing in heavy breaths. 
Sara widened her legs and rocked her hips. Nyssa honed in on Sara's clit licking in quick strokes. Sara came underneath her, like a beautiful wave of pleasure. Sara cried out her name as her legs shook and her back arched off the mat. Nyssa worked her through it as Sara reveled in the pleasure. As Sara came down she seemed to melt into the mat, letting her leg fall to the side and her hands let go of their grip in Nyssa’s hair.
Nyssa finished cleaning her up and crawled back to Sara's lips. She gave Sara a warm and lazy kiss. When Nyssa pulled back, Sara smiled through heavy eyes but eventually, she grabbed Nyssa’s thighs and pulled her up to sit on her face. Where Nyssa licked Sara sucked on her labia and her whole vulva. Sara gently teased her with soft subtle kisses as Nyssa tangled her hands in Sara's hair, giving it the gentle tug. Sara giggled against her thigh and flicked her clit with her tongue. She lapped at Nyssa’s vulva and worked more intently on her clit. 
Nyssa threw her head back and bucked her hips as she continued to ride Sara's face. Eventually, Sara just stuck out her tongue and followed Nyssa’s hips as she rocked back and forth. Nyssa slowed her pace, soon stilling her hips as Sara resumed her work with her tongue. Sara uses her tongue to swirl around Nyssa’s clit exactly how she liked. Sara knew her body better than she did and Sara always knew what made her go wild with pleasure. 
Before she knew it she was coming apart on Sara’s tongue. Sara worked her through the pleasure as she leaned down with both her hands on the mat, grinding on Sara's face and chasing every last bit of pleasure. When she came down, she rolled over onto the mat and let herself catch her breath. Her chest rose and fell in heavy breaths. 
She looked over at Sara who smiled and rolled over to lay on her chest. Sara captured her nipple with her mouth, giving it a tug and a little bitting with her teeth. She resumed her suckling and went to squeeze Nyssa's other breast with her hand. Sara barely allowed her a moment of recovery before her hand slipped down Nyssa’s abdomen and over her mound, honing in on her over sensitive clit. Sara rubbed in slow soft circles and Nyssa gasped under her. 
Nyssa turned her hips towards Sara and propped up one leg. She reached over and found Sara's folds just as soaked as before. Nyssa let her fingers run over Sara’s pubic hair giving them a slight tug before she slipped down and parted Sara’s labia. Where Sara was intent on her pleasure, Nyssa continued to tease her and rub her knuckles through Sara’s wetness.
Sara moaned around her breast and licked circles with her tongue. Nyssa smiled as she watched her and stopped her teasing by pushing two fingers into Sara’s center. Nyssa started a steady pace and started to swirl her thumb around Sara's clit. She pushed her fingers deep inside Sara as her hips arched, rolling with Nyssa’s movements. 
Nyssa felt the familiar coil of an orgasm growing deep inside of her, building up like a boiling kettle. Nyssa increased the pace of her fingers, wanting her Beloved to share in her pleasure. She added a third finger as Sara let go of her breasts with a moan. Nyssa captured Sara’s open mouth in a kiss and Sara sucked on her bottom lip. Nyssa let her tongue wet Sara's upper lip as they met with open mouths and wet tongues.
As they sensed each other's impending orgasms, Sara massaged her clit in tight circles and Nyssa continued her thrusts, curling her fingers inside of Sara. She whispered Sara’s name as Sara captured her other breast and continued to suck. Nyssa groaned and pushed three fingers inside of Sara, focused more on kneading Sara’s clit.
“Cum for me and my Beloved,” Nyssa whispered in her ear. 
That was all Sara needed, before she came, moaning against her breasts and shaking under her fingers. Before her thighs stopped shaking, Sara quickly sent Nyssa over the edge as well. Nyssa saw stars as her body shook with pleasure. 
As they came down, they both pulled their fingers away and Sara let go of her breasts, laying her head on Nyssa’s shoulder. They both breathed heavily and Nyssa reached for a water bottle, taking a sip before offering it to Sara. The cold of the night air seemed to settle on their hot skin and Nyssa reached for the blankets, too tired to get dressed. Nyssa put an arm around Sara's waist as Sara reached up to tilt her head and meet Nyssa’s lips in a gentle kiss.
“If our wedding night is anything like the night of our engagement, we should definitely get married as soon as possible,” Sara said, her eyes sparkling as she smiled up at Nyssa.
Nyssa chuckled and leaned down to kiss Sara again. “I'm sure it will be a night to remember, but I want the day to be special for you as well. I want to get married to you in front of all of our friends and family. If you want a big wedding, I would be happy to give you anything your heart desires.”
Sara smiled as she looked over at the ring again. She grasped Nyssa’s hand and intertwined their fingers. Sara seemed to get lost in her thoughts and Nyssa closed her eyes, letting herself drift off. Just as she was about to fall asleep Sara spoke.
“I remember how jealous I was watching Oliver and Felicity, and Laurel and Tommy get married. I kept thinking that it was something you and I could’ve had. Now we can. I don't want a big wedding, but I'd like to have a white dress and I want my Dad to walk me down the aisle. I want all of our friends there and I want to dance with you until morning. I want to fall asleep knowing that you're mine, forever. And I want you to fuck me on our wedding night until I can’t walk.”
Nyssa cuckled, leaning down to kiss Sara's lips. It was a sweet, soft, and lazy kiss and when Nyssa pulled back, Sara kept her eyes closed, sighed in content. “You don't have to wait until we get married to know that you're forever mine, my Beloved. I was forever yours from the day you laughed in my father's face.”
Sara smiled and turned up her chin to meet her in another kiss. When Nyssa pulled away Sara settled back with her head on Nyssa’s shoulder. Nyssa wrapped her arms around Sara’s waist as they settled together. It didn't take long for either of them to fall asleep under the stars with smiles on their faces as they dreamed of their wedding. 
Nyssa woke up to Sara’s lips on her neck and smiled. She allowed herself a lazy morning as Sara's fingers captured her and refused to let her out of bed until Sara had given her another orgasum. They finally got up, if only because they were hungry, and made breakfast. 
Sara insisted on holding her hand and intertwining their fingers, letting Nyssa drag her around the campsite as she cooked. Sara was absolutely content. The smile upon her face was as radiant as the sun and she was giddy with happiness. It took awhile for Nyssa to finish breakfast and she kept staring at her. Sara insisted on sitting in Nyssa’s lap as they ate and rewarded her by feeding Nyssa bites of her eggs.
They watched the sun get higher in the sky until it lingered over them. Then, they both got cleaned up and took down their campsite, before making the hike back down the mountain. As they walked Sara held her hand. She give it a gentle squeeze every now and again, if only to remind Nyssa that they were forever linked. 
The sun filled the forest with its heat and Nyssa insisted they stop at the river. She walked out into the shallows, sticking her feet in the little pebbles and letting the water run over them. Sara wasn't fond of the water and sat in the grass on the bank as she waited for Nyssa with a towel. Nyssa was relieved to be in the cold water and sighed. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up to enjoy the shade from the overhanging trees. 
After Nyssa had let the water cool her down, she walked back over to Sara and sat behind her. She wrapped her arms around Sara’s waist and settled her chin on Sara's shoulder. Sara seemed to be hypnotized by the way the water ran over the rocks. Nyssa knew Sara was still terrified of the running water and when Sara's breath hitched in her throat, Nyssa knew that it was time to go. Nyssa pulled her up and held Sara as they walked away until Sara relaxed in her arms. Even on the best of days, their trauma was with them, but it won't take over them, at least not today. 
As they walked Sara’s smile returned to her face and her steps lightened as they jogged down the path. Nyssa herself couldn’t hide the smile that crept upon her lips as they got closer to where they had left the Jump Ship.
“What?” Sara asked, catching her smile.
“Oh nothing,” Nyssa said, trying to hide her smile as she bit her lip. 
They continued to walk down the trail and Nyssa tried to pretend that her smile was only because she was happy to be engaged. It was only when they walked around the corner to where the Jump Ship should have been, that Nyssa let her excitement show. Sara gasped as they stopped and she saw the sight before her.
All of their family and friends were waiting for them. They had tables set up with food and drinks, and lights and decorations were strung up in the trees. They all looked at them with anticipation and Nyssa held up their hands. 
“She said yes!”
Everybody cheered and shouted, holding up their glasses. Quentin walked over to be the first to greet them, pulling them both in for a hug. 
“Welcome to the family,” Quentin said, pulling back and putting a hand on Nyssa’s shoulder.
“Thank you, Mr. Lance,” Nyssa said with a nod. 
“You’re going to be a Lance too,” Sara said as she smiled over at Nyssa who returned her gaze with a smile of her own. 
“Congratulations!” Tommy said running up with Laurel and Dinah as the rest of the Legends pulled them in for hugs and cheers.
“See I told you she would say yes!” Ray said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Nyssa smiled, it was hard to think that she ever believed that Sara would say no. She looked over at Sara, as she held up her hand to show off her ring and everyone crowded around to see it. 
“So when are we planning the wedding?” Mona asked, sliding up to her and with her phone in hand that Nyssa knew contained no less than a hundred ideas.
Nyssa and Sara exchanged to look. “Soon.”
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cursedcomics · 7 years
What’s right and wrong (to my tastes anyway) on comicbook TV.
This is going to be a little bit of a love letter/ report card of hate for comic related TV shows.   And, honestly, a rant.
TV is a different breed. Any discussion of this subject has to begin with that point. You have to acknowledge that they cannot just mirror comic stories.  You have to give them the freedom to write their own stories.
That said, the entire point of basing a TV show on a comic is that it will start with an established fan base. If you honor the source material, you gain.   If you shit on it , you lose.
The Walking Dead may be the best example of this.  The characters from the comics show up. They are generally the same characters, but each character’s chronology is different. The show has taken a different direction on TV and that changes their path to death. I love that. That is a healthy relationship with your source material.  That gives your comic readers and your new TV fans something to watch.
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is the polar opposite.  It is really a pretty bad show I have binge watched. Almost every character in the show is a jacked up version of their comic selves or doesn’t exist in the comics. Sure, there are some exceptions.  They got Martin Stein right, although his dialogue is way too whiny.  Arguably they more or less got the hawks right. The guy who played Vandal Savage was a good actor, although IMO way too short.  It would be almost totally unwatchable if not for the fact that they have pretty good actors.  They floated a comic based on it and it totally flopped.  That could mean something about the TV show, or nothing at all.  In this instance I think it is your dead mine canary telling you that comic fans have tuned out because your writers are not universally good,  They have jacked up the characters turning off the fans, and that you probably have the wrong characters on the show. 
I would argue that the LOT would profit greatly from a comic-style reboot.  THe Arrow-verse is well suited for reboots. 
Have something irrevocably change the timeline and recast your time travelers.  You only NEED Sarah Lance and I’d argue, Rip Hunter, out of the existing cast.  The other 5 can rotate new characters in and out. I’d love to see Jonah Hex get pulled into different eras, eventually abandoned in the future,  and meet his own stuffed body.  Why not have Booster Gold show up and (intentionally) accidentally screw up missions to yield better results.  Bring in the LOSH for a guest appearance.  There is no reason to restore vandal Savage.  T.O. Morrow, the Lord of Time, Good and Bad Chronos are all ripe players available for season long baddies. I would argue it is time for something new. 
The Flash seems to bounce between fresh and tired. I can’t tell if the status quo or the writers yield the tired stories. While the Central City status quo is perfect for telling “Supervillian X shows up and flash saves the day” stories, it feels dated now. Plus no one really likes Barry and Iris dating as brother and sister. The one good thing about the flashpoint reboot timeline is that it temporarily cleaned up that awkward relationship into one that TV fans could tolerate. 
I think they would be wise to have some new character unwind the original flashpoint (the one created by the reverse flash) and leave Iris and Barry to have a normal committed relationship, even a married one, with Joe seen as Barry’s beloved mentor.  Keep the characters people like and flush the dead weight story baggage that fans don’t like.  You can bring back the popular Officer Thorne. The guy who plays the reverse flash is fantastic and really hasn’t been given top scripts to go off.   Here is a Zoom who as a scientist from the future, might (should?) have some fairly big concerns about killing "Historical figures” (although he didn’t show any in the past).  The danger of Zoom without the bodycount. 
You can kill off Barry’s dad to make it a stronger relationship and that could be an impetus to explore Keystone City in Jay Garricks’ earth and get out of Central City for  a while.  DO Jay Garrick and Jesse Quick remember the flash and everything that happened?  I would think so, so you don’t have to revisit Zoom.  That might be neat for Barry and Vibe to start calling Jay Garrick’s world Earth 2 as they wouldn’t  remember naming them.   You could then toss the comic fans a bone by introducing the crime syndicate on Jesse's now Earth 3.  But that is admittedly, robbing peter to pay paul.    It would be somewhat befuddling for easily confused TV folk. But that is just some random thoughts, not a prescription like I mentioned for LOT.
Green Arrow is a series where they took everything cool from the comic, added new pieces, and built a new coherent world from it. The dialogue and stories have gone downhill since season one and team arrow is way too big, but they is a good nucleus there. A LOT reboot could tighten that up too.  Mr. Terrific could fall into Jay Garrick’s world and meet his boyfriend there that he just likes better.   Mad Dog could be an Arrow adversary. Ras Al Ghul could stay dead.  Ray, Roy and Speedy could also migrate to earth 2 or 3. John could get back both kids in the reset, which might push him into semi- retirement as a hero.  That could clear the table for fresh new villains to threaten Star City. 
I really like the supergirl series.  It’s not that they do everything right, it’s just a another show where they have a very likable star.  And they really cater to the comic fan.   They write the show from a premise akin to “Hey what if we took the core 1/3 characters of the DCU to populate this universe and then had Superman almost always away on special projects leaving Supergirl to save the day?  How would things shake out?  Anything Superman would normally handle, we will give to her. ”
The writing feels much more organic than on LOT.  I don’t like the guy who plays the Martian Manhunter, but I love that the Martian Manhunter is in the show.  (note you could always “kill off”  that identity). Mon-el is a nice add.  Bringing in the LOSH is very much mirroring what I perceive to be the concept of the show.
Agent Carter has gone by the wasteside and that was a shame. I think the show really blew it by not getting more into the era. Why not have the 1950′s avengers or Marvel’s 40′s Heroes trickle through?  A hearthrob alien from Venus with advanced technology and questionable motives? A killer robot? Venus? Namor and Namora? The Original Black widow?  The Torch? All handled by Agent Carter with an occasional assist from the wasp and Ant Man?  Their directive shunned their comic audience, IMO.
Agents of Sheild has also gotten into trouble for similar reasons. I get that Marvel didn’t want to give them access to the main MU heroes, so they tried to build around a cast instead and an assigned shit storyline eater ---the inhumans, but I think they didn’t make the right arguments.   Ulysses Klaw would have made an awesome villain for shield for the last season....adding to his impact in the black panther movie.  They should have focused on minor villains with International operations.  The Kangaroo.  Batroc the Leaper would have been a screen munching over the top villain straight out of a bond movie.  He could have a plan to kill his nemesis, Captain America, that shield could thwart.  I have always been partial to the mandrill, (and his sister Dansen Macabre), and the success of the purple man character tapping a nerve suggests it is high time for a little monkey business.  
I get that getting the Ghost Rider right was an expensive investment dictating they used that a lot for a season.   The storyline just wasn’t that good.  Another Mort. Maybe guest star the shroud.  Werewolf by night.
Like LOT, the AOS show is really built on only a small portion of their cast.   Three characters since they offed Grant --- Mockingbird, Daisy, and Coulter.  Really everyone else SHOULD be nameless agents who come and go.  It’s a spy show.  You don’t have to have ongoing arcs each week. It’s great to be the prisoner, but  you can be the 1960′s Avengers some weeks.  I think they lost sight of that.
That’s all I really got today.  End rant. 
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anonymously-roseish · 7 years
Voltron x Treasure Planet
Okay, so probably somewhere, at some time someone did this but I’m new to the Voltron fandom and recently rewatched Treasure Planet (2002 Disney). During the movie I thought, “What if there was a crossover where the cast of Voltron played in Treasure Planet?” 
So a couple of these are a long shot, but hear me out (Contains spoilers for both Voltron and Treasure Planet)
Keith as Jim Hawkins  Okay, come on, I feel like this one was a bit of a give-away. Impulsive teenager who makes brash decisions that tend to get him into trouble with a snipping attitude to boot. As Jim does have a human mother, his father did walk out on the family. Keith was missing his mother during his childhood who was Galra. We don’t know what happened to her yet, maybe she returned to space? Either way, both of them grew up with a single parent showing a likeness to their pasts.
Shiro as John Silver But Tangerine, you say, wasn’t he the antagonist? Wouldn’t Zarkon be a better fit? Well, did Keith see Zarkon as a fatherly figure in the absence of his own? No, I believe Shiro played that role. As did John Silver for Jim. John Silver also posed as a great leader for the pirates with a tough voice. Shiro knew how to wield command with diligent thought but is known to make on the spot decisions that could be contradictory. John Silver ordering his crew to turn on the ship just after giving a speech about waiting; Shiro deciding to launch an attack onto Zarkon’s home base to save Princess Alurra after saying it was off-limits until they had more allies and resources. They are both good guys who just went through some rough times. And cyborg
Pidge as Dr. Delbert Doppler Beautiful, adorable, dorky genius who has sparkling eyes at miraculous science stuff. Anyone remember Dr. Doppler’s excitement once they discovered the mathematically elegant sphere showed the way to treasure planet, meaning space travel. Dr. Doppler saving the ship’s butt and stepping up to the plate with his calculations. We all know Pidge has the mind to save the voltron team, they have multiple times. A good instance was in episode one of season 2, when they built a makeshift radio tower when lost in space to contact the castle, inadvertently saving the castle from the time-looped worm hole and then rescuing the rest of the team after? Yeah. 
Lance as B.E.N. Hello, comic relief! I’m sorry, I do wish more for Lance and he is important to the team, but it hasn’t been developed clearly yet. Both are bit on the crazy, eccentric side and have a friendliness about them. As B.E.N. actually liked Jim, the feeling wasn’t mutual and how Jim treated him reminded me of how Keith would behave around Lance. And in desperate situations, I wouldn’t doubt Lance would grab Keith by the boots and shout “I’m not leaving you behind!” until he gets a nasty glare from Keith and follows his own words with, “Unless you look at me like that.”
Hunk as Morph Anyone who was Morph was going to be a stretch. But a friendly marshmallow overall who is beloved by all? Both seem to fit that. They also kind of just, got dragged along into adventures? I mean, John Silver stated that he just found Morph on a planet while exploring and has been with him ever since. Hunk went along with his team and just, kind of, ended up a paladin. And if he had to choose between Keith and Shiro, he’d probably melt from anxiety too because their both his friends. Tbh, Rover might have fit better but--- Hunk.
Princess Allura as Captain Amelia Kick-butt, space mom, ship captains who isn’t exactly motherly with pointy ears. She knows what’s going on in the Universe and has a sharp voice about what she thinks. That sounds like both Allura and Amelia. However both ladies can sometimes play the one who needs to be protected by their friends when trying to protect them. Allura had to be saved by the Paladins after being captured when she attempted to protect Shiro. For Captain Amelia, she is piloting their trio to safety when shot from behind, thus for the rest of the time on planet, is resorted to writhing in agony and trying her best to give commands.
Coran as Mr. Arrow I’m sorry, Coran, please don’t die. Second in command of the ship, second command of the castle. Completely devoted to their captain and knows their duties. Very honorable and tries to take care of things. Of course, Coran also serves more comic relief but I mostly focused on position on the ship for this choice.
Zarkon as Captain Nathaniel Flint he’s basically dead now anyways Alien antagonist who plagued the universe with their greed and stories were told about him as he sits on his throne.
Prince Lotor as Scroop Okay, we don’t know much about how Lotor is going to be presented in the new series. He could be written like his 1980′s self or he could be given a re-write. Either way, he is most definitely going to pose a villainous force. With white hair. And we all assume golden eyes. (Like Scroop) My personal imagination drifts to painting Lotor to be quite the dark antagonist with a sharp impulsiveness. So my headchanon for Lotor fits Scroop. I understand if others don’t agree.
Slav as Billy Bones I mean, just imagine Slav tumbling out of a space ship gasping for air, grabbing someone’s shirt as his neck stretches saying, “He’s a’coming, I can hear ‘im. Those gears and gyros clickin’ and whirlin’ like the devil ‘imself.” then being told he hit his head pretty hard. This was more of just a bonus that I’d see.
The crew? Probably all Galra soldiers or somethin’.
...Now I wanna write a crossover fic for this... No! I have projects due! I can’t get sucked into this!
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