#mr ameg
arytha · 10 months
A minute later, the game ended.
Jiang Yan and Fang Ya'er jumped 45 times, belonging to the normal human category.
Yu Yin and Qin Yirou jumped 0 times, belonging to the abnormal human category.
Qi Baicha and Fu Mingye jumped 168 times, belonging to..
Did this belong to the superhuman category?
The director took off his glasses in shock, doubting life in a blurry world.
They seemed to have broken the world record for two-person jump rope...
Qi Baicha was also surprised when he saw the result of the competition, and whispered to Fu Mingye, "Didn't I tell you to be a little more lowkey? "
Fu Mingye was also at a loss: "Weren't you able to keep up? " The difference in power between gods and humans was too far apart. Theoretically, they could even jump 10,000 times a minute, because gods could float in the air and now land, relying on hand speed to dominate the field...
It was after considering the weakness of human beings, that he limited it to 168 times a minute. For a god whose real strength could exceed 10,000 times a minute, was there a difference between 168 and 8 in their eyes? There wasn't.
Chacha wasn't unable to keep up either, so Fu Mingye thought that this was normal.
Obviously this was normal.
It was the other two groups that were too weak.
This was how Fu Mingye convinced himself.
two gods casually set a record ✅️
obviously normal human behavior ✅️
nothing suspicious at all ✅️
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homosapiennns · 1 year
I’m not sure if I posted this before or was it another 4K HD dream of mine but here is a AmeGer Detective AU:
Ludwig is invited to a corporate party by Toris, and Toris likes him very much so he introduces Ludwig to a lot of people. Alfred is one of them. What is interesting about Alfred is that he is loved by everyone, even though he is younger than the others, he is far from being immature . He is easygoing and he amuses people around him. He gets lots of attention. He “shines” But something about him disturbs Ludwig.
When everyone is tipsy and at the pinnacle of happiness , the murder happens.
Ludwig : if I had to guess Alfred is the murderer.
Toris : what? No way!
Ludwig : I disregard everything you say because you have a crush on him.
Toris (blushing) : how do you even—
Roderich (loosening his tie, scoffing) : The party was horrifying! I have never attended such a disastrous party before!
Ludwig : yeah not many parties has a murder in it. I saw you can’t even cut a fruit, I think you can’t stab someone. You are very rich and annoying. And you are not the murderer.
Elizaveta (with wet eyes) : I know him and his brother since they were children. I love them.
Ludwig : More than his father’s heritage? Because of Mr. Vargas’ death, you will inherit some of it.
Romano : I never really liked my brother to be honest. I couldn’t even cry at his funeral. My father always compared us, and he was always his favorite. We grew apart, but I still hated him so much.
Ludwig : Your honesty astonishes me but I respect it.
Alfred : hey
Ludwig : I’m going to keep things short. Did you stab Mr Vargas?
Alfred: No
Ludwig : fuck you
The CEO, Arthur (holding a glass of bourbon) : I’m glad you were at the party, Detective Beilschmidt. I believe God has sent you for us. I trust you to solve this mystery. Alfred can help you request it. He is a trusted friend of mine.
Ludwig : You really don’t care about the murder because the victim was from the rival company. You only care about your company’s name which is at a huge risk in the moment. But of course Mr. Kirkland. He is my number one suspect anyway.
Francis : I’m just shocked and afraid.
Ludwig : why?
Francis : because again they might kill one of us.
Ludwig : but why would you say something like this?
Ludwig : finally, we are alone.
Alfred : I feel like you don’t like me very much.
Ludwig : I’m just keeping things professional.
Alfred : do you want to have dinner with me tonight? I want to take you to an expensive restaurant with an ocean view. Professionally.
Ludwig : Fuckkkkk you are hot why not. Sure
Alfred : I think Romano is the murderer. It’s the only thing that makes sense. There are witnesses that say the two were talking minutes before Mr. Vargas was murdered. And he is his brother. He will inherit the money.
Ludwig : It confuses me too, but I have a feeling its not right.
Alfred : the ocean is beautiful isn’t it?
Ludwig : yes.
Alfred : Do you have a wife? A girlfriend perhaps? You should take her here.
Ludwig: No, I don’t have neither.
Alfred : I guessed it. (Smiling)
Ludwig : That’s it! It’s your smile. Its pretty evil.
Alfred : aww, do you think I’m pretty?
Ludwig : That —
Alfred : I think you are the one being pretty. I mean look at you, your ironed black and blue suit. Your tie. Its the same one you wore during the party. I remember. You like attention to details, right?
Ludwig: yes.
Alfred : like a good boy. Will you solve the mystery?
Ludwig : what did you call me? Also its not a ‘mystery’, a man has been killed.
Alfred: was he your type?
Ludwig : what?
Alfred : would you..?
Ludwig: I don’t understand what you mean.
Alfred : No you wouldn’t, because you like to get fucked, not the other way around.
Ludwig (gaping) : Fuck you, you hot piece of shit if only you weren’t good lucking. (Cleans his mouth with a napkin) I should— (Alfred pulls him and kisses him. They make out) I must go.
Ludwig : I don’t understand, if Alfred was the murderer, Mr. Kirkland would see it. Unless? Unless! When is Alfred born? The 4th of July. Where is he born? United States. Where was Mr. Kirkland? In 4th of July 1923? He was staying in the United States! He is his father! He invited him to the company. He is covering the murder! And Francis is his secret lover. That’s why he is afraid! They are all covering for him!
Alfred: Congratulations, Mr Detective. I knew you would do it. (Smiles as he gets handcuffed)
Ludwig : fuck, you are still so hot.
Alfred: I wish I could fuck you :(
Ludwig: I will never admit it but me too
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frukmerunning · 3 years
do you have hetalia fanfic rec’s? I feel like you have good taste.
boy do I!
These are like... all of my favorite fics, I'll organize them by ship. I BELIEVE all of these are completed. if some aren't then you can yell at me later.
I highly recommend all of these, they're all wonderful pieces of literature (and if they're not, then they're still fun to read)
If I Never Asked, Would You Tell Me?
- Human Au where Arthur and Francis meet on a park bench as children and never exchange names, but keep meeting throughout the years. It's very cute, and a short read!
Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship
- FACE Family. Arthur and Francis are the single parents of Alfred and Matthew, respectively. Alfred and Matthew become best friends at school and shenanigans ensue for their parents. It's old, but so worth the read
The Difference Between Angels and Englishmen
- The first of many university au's on this list (I have a bias). Arthur is is med school and Francis is a art grad student. I can't recommend this fic enough. I think it's pretty well known in the fandom for being really good, but it's another oldie.
sign a new agreement with iTunes
- listen.. I'm so in love with this fic that I literally copy-pasted the ENTIRE thing into a google doc just in case the original livejournal page ever gets taken down. And if it does ever get taken down I'll enter a state of mourning akin to the people of England with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed off Sherlock Holmes.
-Anyway... it's very good. Please read it. They were roommates
Every Day
- Every day for four years, Francis stands on his balcony as Arthur walks by, and asks Arthur to marry him. I remember nothing about this fic but I know I liked it. Also it may contain ameripan, I don't remember.
What We Remember
- I also don't remember anything about this fic except that I liked it!
The Art of Being Emotionally Detached
- I think Arthur is a coffin maker in this one which... goals I guess.
The Shapes of Things
- Gilbert is a single dad raising his son, Ludwig. Ludwig watches as Gilbert falls in love with his kindergarten teacher, Mr. Edelstein. It's old but it's a very sweet fic
What Love Is
- This one is nationverse! PruAus from Germany's perspective, he learns what love is through watching their interesting relationship. Also has side notes of GerAus if that's something you don't like.
Whiskey Lullaby
-*Has a graphic depiction of suicide, so read at your own risk*
-This fic makes me bawl, every time I hear the song I have a visceral reaction to it. After Gilberts suicide, Roderich spirals downward while reflecting on the mistakes he made in the past. It's heartbreaking.
Hands of a Musician, Heart of a Soldier
- Gilbert is discharged from the German army due to injuries during WW2. He returns home to find his father harboring a Jew, Roderich Edelstein. They learn to live with each other.
- If you like Lily of the Lamplight by he who shall not be named, I highly recommend that you read this one. It actually has a good depiction of Jewish Roderich during WW2. It's one of my favorite PruAus fics, very much worth the read.
Upright Citizens (GerAus)
- Germany and Austria fucked during the Buon san Valentino strip...
Acceleration Waltz (AmeGer)
- Set in 1950s New York, when anti!German sentiment was at it's highest. Immigrant Ludwig finds an unlikely friend (and more), in Alfred. I haven't read the whole thing, because it just got finished in 2020, but when I started reading it in 2016 I was absolutely in love with it.
Staring at the Sun (Germano)
- This is literally the best fic I've ever read, please read it. If you don't like germano this fic will convert you.
- 1960s Italy. Ludwig is trying to find himself. But he finds a sexy-ass Italian man instead.. upgrades. This is a terrible summary just read the fic
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newstfionline · 7 years
Where’s the beef? Mexico looks to send its meat to the Middle East
David Alire Garcia and Theopolis Waters, Reuters, May 12, 2017
MEXICO CITY/CHICAGO--Mexico’s growing beef industry is targeting Muslim consumers in the Middle East for its prime cuts as it seeks to reduce dependence on buyers in the United States.
The potential for a US-Mexico trade war under President Trump has accelerated efforts by Mexican beef producers to explore alternative foreign markets to the United States, which buys 94 percent of their exports worth nearly $1.6 billion last year.
Mr. Trump has vowed to redraw terms of trade with Mexico and Canada to the benefit of the United States. Mexican beef companies fear they may be dragged into a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement between the three countries.
That has firms looking to the Middle East, where most meat is imported from non-Muslim countries using animals slaughtered by the halal method prescribed by Islamic law.
Mexico, the world’s sixth biggest beef producer, plans to quadruple exports of halal beef to 44 million pounds by the end of 2018 from 11 million pounds this year, according to data from the Mexican cattle growers association AMEG.
The country should have 15 plants certified to produce halal meat by the end of next year, up from a current six, according to AMEG data.
Jesus Vizcarra, chief executive and owner of SuKarne, Mexico’s biggest beef exporter, said his company sees big potential for sales to Muslim-majority countries.
“We have to seek out more markets,” he said in an interview, pointing to near-term targets in Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Lebanon.
“There’s an opportunity in these Middle Eastern countries,” said Mr. Vizcarra, who is known in Mexico as the King of Beef and has boasted of being born in a slaughterhouse.
Plants must be certified as halal compliant by third-party companies such as US-based Halal Transactions of Omaha or United Arab Emirates-based RACS.
Earlier this year, Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, expressed interest in buying Mexican beef for the first time although no deals have yet been cut.
Sales to Muslim countries would take a bite out of the market share for halal meat held by beef packers from the United States and Brazil, according to industry and trade sources.
Mexico’s beef industry is able to grow its export markets due to a successful push to meet exacting US standards and modernize the sector over the past two decades.
That has put Mexican packers in a strong position to diversify away from the US market.
Russia is considering buying large volumes of Mexican beef, and Mexico is also seeking to expand shipments to existing buyers like Japan and South Korea.
“We’re on the path of diversification,” Mexican Agriculture Minister Jose Calzada recently told reporters. “And we won’t stop, because these occasional insults from the United States toward Mexico have opened our eyes.”
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arytha · 10 months
"You're not allowed to eat. " Fu Mingye took away the two boxes of shredded chicken congee, insisting to tell Qi Baicha clearly.
He picked out all the chicken from one serving of congee, put it in the other serving, deciding to let Qi Baicha eat plain congee, while he would eat chicken.
This was how Master Evil God expressed his anger.
Qi Baicha knew what he wanted to do at a glance.
The way he did things was always in those two ways. He never improved, and never got tired of it.
Qi Baicha narrowed his eyes: "Fu Mingye. "
This method of calling his name and surname made Fu Mingye's chopsticks shake.
Qi Baicha smiled slightly: "That's enough. "
Fu Mingye paused for a moment, silently putting the bowl of congee piled full of chicken in front of Qi Baicha, keeping the bowl of plain congee for himself.
He knew Chacha had no fault in this matter.
It was the dark side of his divinity causing trouble.
He was just that easily jealous, sensitive, selfish, and stingy. Chacha's life was limited; all of that time should belong to him. He didn't want to let others have any at all.
But he couldn't do this.
That was Chacha's life. He could only participate in it; he couldn't distort it.
"Eat more meat, it's more nutritious. " Fu Mingye awkwardly corrected himself, as he had a strong desire to survive.
the way these two interact is really funny fhdjsks
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arytha · 10 months
Qi Baicha immediately changed the subject: "What's for lunch? " Fu Mingye said, "There's none for you. " "But I can smell my favorite shredded chicken congee. " Qi Baicha got up, going to unpack the bag. That store didn't do delivery; it was very close to the school. The reason Mr. Fu specifically went there was just to buy this for him. "I bought you lunch under the scorching sun." Fu Mingye got angry just from thinking about it. "When I came back, I saw you and the coquettish bastard alone in the same room. He even praised you for being pretty. ' Qi Baicha asked in reply, "Am I not pretty? " Even if Jiang Yan didn't come to him, he still had to go ask about Ya'er's situation. But this couldn't be said to Mr. Fu, or it would also involve why he paid so much attention to Fang Ya'er, and he couldn't exactly explain the thing about the decaying soul... It would just get messier the more he tried to explain. "Pretty. " Fu Mingye replied immediately. Two seconds later he reacted again: "But that's not the point! " Qi Baicha took out the two servings of shredded chicken congee that were in the bag: "I know, the point is we should eat. "
these two are really funny
fu mingye, evil god: jealous and petty but unable to refute his wife
qi baicha, snow god: doing this on purpose
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