#mq screams
mysteriaqueen · 26 days
genshin spoilers under the cut (clorinde's story quest)
i am screaming i am screaming i am screaming i am screaming
i love the little dating sim/vn ass text boxes with the little arts and omg i choose culinary traveller and i love her sm and
ohfasdjkfhasdfh and paimon's art is so fucking cuuuuute i love her sm
asdkjfaksjdfhkj and furina broooooooo you got this girl i believe in you. and navia encouraging her too in character like girl yessssss. this is how ttrpgs should be.
as someone who had a.... mid first experience playing DnD this is really making me so happy
bro and lyney too with his "less than legal tricks" like bro omg you're adorable. and i love the lil thingy he has over his eye bro
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masterqwertster · 1 year
Don't get me wrong, everyone checking to see if Chetney is Orym’s biological dad was hilarious.
But I just feel the need to point out: Orym has stated that his biological father's surname is Tarrintel. So unless Chetney was using a fake name (unlikely with his proud brand name), it's not the old gnome.
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high-voltage-rat · 26 days
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POV: you're a student at GEARS University and the weird 35-year-old who sat next to you in Mecha Piloting 101 and never took off their safety goggles is your neuroscience TA because it turns out she's a literal actual doctor.
As I mentioned in my art of her post-reset self, Ravyn is much more fleshed out as a character in Mechquest. So here's my lore-dump, which may serve as the preface to me posting the fic I'm writing of her (if I can work up the courage to do so, lmao).
As a fun little intro, some trivia:
Always introduces themself as "Ravyn, Ray if you prefer single syllables".
Wears their lab goggles and white coat as part of their piloting gear because they're paranoid about ocular open globe injuries and their coat is fire-resistant. Other medical professionals tease her for being like a med student who wears their first white coat everywhere.
Uses her energy blade for everything: lighting the way to the bathroom, opening packages, making toast, and cutting her hair over the garbage can any time it gets long enough to be in the way.
Lectures everyone who will listen on why acetaminophen and ibuprofen should be taken together for their synergistic mechanisms, the ideal nutrient intake to have energy throughout the day, and the neurochemical reasons why one should maintain good sleep hygiene.
Is also a hypocrite who doesn't eat or sleep right themself.
Considered joining Mystraven, but couldn't bear the jokes about Ravyn and Ravens that were sure to come, so joined Runehawk instead. Still hears bird jokes regularly from Starbuck anyway.
Loves to design new ways to inject mecha into combat. Really enjoys a "fastball special"-esque entry using the momentum of a dropship taking a tight turn to fling her at the enemy. Sys-Zero is the only one brave enough to do it, though.
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(Thanks to @cyraen-ae for the character sheet template!!!)
Unlike most students of GEARS, Ravyn isn't a young teen full of fire when she enrolls. In fact, up until the Shadowscythe war, they'd never really piloted a mecha before. Born in Tibattleonia on Loreon, Ravyn discovered early on in their life that they were gifted with a natural affinity for psychic, specifically empathetic, magic. Able to feel the emotions of others, and even manipulate them to a degree, she naturally fell into the path of a doctor- using her abilities to soothe pain, ease fear, and even diagnose issues in the cases where patients found themselves unable to describe their ailments. In cases where anaesthesia wasn't an option, her abilities were highly valued- though using them always left her feeling quite drained.
She was a Neurocritical Care specialist serving with the Soluna Defence Force's Medical Corps, nearly through her fellowship with no thoughts of a career change- when the MASH unit she was stationed at suddenly found itself under constant fire from a threat they'd never seen before. The Shadowscythe hit them hard, the soldiers posted to protect them were going down, and for the first time, the doctors of the camp had to requisition a communal mech to allow them to chip in on defending their patients. Originally very reluctant to pilot, Ravyn was taught how to pilot by the head surgeon of their camp, Col. Henry, and quickly found that they were a natural prodigy- and a bit of an adrenaline junkie, to boot. Their quick thinking, impulsive but tactical, and highly adaptable nature meant that their piloting was full of decisive and strategic moves that made them a very effective pilot- and the precision of a doctor accustomed to neurological procedures is not to be underestimated.
Over the next few months, she began spending less and less time in the O.R., and more and more time at the helm of their Skuld mecha, affectionately nicknamed "the Monster M.A.S.H.". Her coworkers pushed for her to receive formal training at GEARS, believing that she could do a great deal of good if she honed her natural talent. She didn't want to leave her patients and colleagues, but eventually reluctantly agreed, and the camp chipped in to buy a new communal mecha, sending The Monster M.A.S.H. with her as a not-so-regulation parting gift when she left. In the spirit of that mecha, she tries to keep her oath of non-maleficence whenever possible, avoiding fights with non-Shadowscythe at every opportunity, and fighting to subdue and minimize harm when she can't.
As one might expect, this highly atypical background left them pretty alienated from the rest of their GEARS class- being a solid 12 years older than everyone else will do that to you. They ended up being closer to professors like Sys-Zero, external professionals like Helia, and grad students like Starbuck, Jaania, Casca, and Xaria- though they did also form an odd friendship with the Reliant crew (River, Sally, Dooder). As the war progressed, they grew closer with the crew as they ran missions together regularly, and with Sys-Zero, Warlic, Char, the house leaders, and Odessa as the people bearing the burden of leadership in the darkest times their world had ever seen.
The Shadowscythe take a lot from Ravyn- she witnesses the ruins of her hometown firsthand, has to fight twisted creatures in its crumbling rubble. She watches the mecha of friends crumple and burn under their fire. One day, one of her closest friends from the M.A.S.H. camp comes into Specific Hospital on a stretcher, and breaks down as he tells her that everyone else is gone. She sees the horror of the Shadowscythe virus, turning people she cares about into enemies. This all leaves her with significant PTSD, including night terrors. Despite it all, however, she fights hard to hold onto her sense of humour, to love warmly, and to keep hope alive in the hearts of those she protects.
That's something the reset can never change.
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horizon-aloy · 2 years
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monstersqueen · 2 years
honestly i never/rarely bother making theories on whatever i'm reading/watching/listening. I'm not very good at it, and also, if you just keep going you'll get the answer.
which is why it's on re-reading to catch the hints that i go 'oh ! so in fact in the safe ending we have enough answers to know santa's zero (even though he isn't) and that he's doing this to avenge his little sister (except no that's just a fun bonus)' and laugh because ! oh ! even with all those infos!
how the fuck would you get the conclusion 'this is a rescue mission using time-travelling telepathy'
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mo49ko · 2 months
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1 million kisses for a-xin!!! he loves to kiss a-xin's one (1) dimple 😌💖
mq doesnt like to show affection in public, but sometimes he feels like showing off and surprising a-xin so he will kiss kiss kiss kiss before dropping him off at work. and then fx screams and cant focus all day bc all he can think is qing-er's kisses 💖🥰
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hello guy with the most danny pudi photos on pintrest ever
I need a photo of him that screams gender thanks bbg
i chose a couple (a lot) for you cos i seriously could not narrow it down
under the cut cos seriously. a lot
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these are both photos of brad. obviously. the second one is from s1e8 'Brendan', but i cant remember the first one off the top of my head lol oops
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abed's outfit in s3e17 of community, 'Basic Lupine Urology'. i dont have much else to say but every time i watch this episode i get INSANE gender envy
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another abed one! s1e3 'Introduction to Film', i think this look is so underrated tbh. the green blue flannel. the cigarette. the headphones. askjhdskhds
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danny pudi as brett in The Argument (2020). his suit is sooooo. it's available to watch on amazon prime or to rent on apple tv apparently? havent actually seen this one although i have heard that there's some pretty serious racism towards the end which is obviously not great, so just a brief tw for that
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these are both from this uhh?? interview?? about his short 'Running'. his HAIR
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danny pudi in The Tiger Hunter!! according to wikipedia it also stars parvesh cheena (good friends with danny pudi and plays zack in mq!) again i havent seen this one but again tw for racism (based on what i've heard). if you still want to see it you can rent it on apple tv
i have more!! putting the rest in a reblog cos tumblr only allows ten images
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bafvkun · 6 months
I just wanna talk about how they decided to design Fu Yao and Nan Feng in the anime based off Mu Qing and Feng Xin for a bit.
When I started the anime and then read the books before restarting the anime yet again I got quite confused for some time as of who is who. In my mind Fu Yao was Feng Xin and Nan Feng was Mu Qing.
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When you’re not very familiar with their personalities and overall physical particularities the anime is quite confusing.
I don’t know why they decided to give Fu Yao FX’s hair color and Nan Feng MQ’s one. This created so much confusion in me whenever I watched the anime and even when I read the first book for the first time.
But when you take a closer look you realize how much the deputy generals look like their heavenly official. First their bangs are the exact same, if not a bit longer, and they also truly have the same eyes, FY has sharp and very pretty eyes when NF has thicker brows and more charisma in them.
To take Xie Lian’s words in the first book during their first meeting he says « The one on the left side was taller, with deep brows and handsome features, and his eyes carried a sort of unbridled wildness. » this obviously talks about Nan Feng so indirectly Feng Xin.
He then says « The one on the right was extremely fair, elegant, and poised. His expression was a bit overly distant and cold, making him look as if he was extremely displeased. » and this screams Fu Yao so Mu Qing.
At first it’s rather confusing in the anime to be fair but when you get to know them and their temperament as well as get used to their features it becomes so obvious, and once again I’m wondering HOW THE FUCK did Xie Lian not find them out right away. They’re perfect copies of their true self, some details put aside they really are just a slightly different version, like they’re cousins or even brothers to themselves.
Also to talk about he manwha version, they’re total look alike. They just look fairly younger and a bit wilder/more reckless, they look like if they had a kid and he turned out to look so much like them.
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sweepingboy · 7 months
mu qing getting sad in the middle of the sex like
mq: are you mad at me?
fx: ??? no
mq: then what was this silent treatment for
mq: and now you're screaming at me
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lavenderskye29 · 9 months
Hi I found your Page and I love plum princesses and MQ
I have a question
What would they do if they found out that there's queen was abused mentally and didn't have a good relationship with her family.
And al'so if one of her brothers was very voilnt to her
Like the notice that there queen not back yet but they smell blood and they run to there wife and see her with a broken leg after getting pushed down some stairs ( I just broken toes with my family most of them them cuz I came out as she/her trans and it wasn't pretty but I am doing ok I have my girlfriend to help me or my fiance as I should call her lol) but what would they do to them and how would they get the reader home safe. And how would they take care of her.
(First off, I am so sorry this has happened to you. You don't deserve that. I hope you're safe and away from your family. If ever in trouble please seek help, here is the link for the domestic violence hotline.)
Monkey Queen and Macaque would not let Peaches go after capturing her, so there would be no incidents during her time on the mountain... but in the village, when the ladies are posing as monkeys and they come for one of their weekly visits and they see their soon-to-be wife crying and quivering in her bedroll, is when something would happen.
They don't understand at first what happened so they rush over chattering worriedly, looking to inspect the pathetic lump that was Peaches curled up on the floor. Being warriors, the ladies knew what inflicted injuries looked like and the minute they saw her swollen, bruised face peeking out from under the thin sheet she called a blanket, they lost it. It took every ounce of self-restraint to remain in their disguises and to not burn the whole village down to ash. Macaque had to convince Wukong to wait so they could see who the real culprits were before dishing out a punishment. So they waited, curled up against a whimpering Peaches as time passed.
As evening approached, they didn't expect to hear the sound of stomps approaching Peach's room from within, and when they noticed their beaten love trying to curl up deeper into her covers and the quivering of her body start to increase violently, they knew they caught their culprit. As the thin sliding paper door slammed open, they could immediately tell it was one of Peaches family members by the shared features in their face... but whereas Peaches was nearly always smiling or laughing when her furry companions saw her, this person was only snarling at the room. Malice radiated from the person.
The monkeys bristled when the person shouted at Peaches to get up, but nothing compared the anger they felt when the family member approached with a heavy wicker broom and started whacking at the lump that was Peaches and at them. That was enough to send Wukong and Macaque in a vicious flurry of rage. They lept at the attacker, tearing the human limb from limb, and bathing in the blood-curtling screams that ripped from their throat. It didn't take long for the human to die, but the sounds of pain did bring the rest of the family to come rushing in. Wukong and Macaque wasted no time in continuing the slaughter, but not before making the head of the family beg for forgiveness.
By the time they were done, the house was covered in blood and torn bits of flesh. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of giggling coming from Macaque and Wukong. At least that's what they thought until another sound entered the fray... a quiet, sadder sound that clawed at the hearts of the demon warlords... Peaches' light sobbing.
She had been conscious for it all.
Macaque rushed back to Peaches whereas Wukong faltered a bit. Surely, Peaches would fear them now... Would hate them... this was going to take a lot of work to fix on their part. Wukong was going through scenario after scenario in her head as she slowly made her way back to Peaches room of how their little human would react to them. Imagine Wukong's surprise however when from the hallway, she sees Peaches practically clinging to Macaque for some sort of comfort in all the blood; the only spot of white in this ocean of red. The sight made Wukong pause. Suddenly everything came to light for her, and a wide, sharp-toothed grin split across her face.
After that day, Peaches would have no worries... and no use for anyone else but her knights in shining armor.
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blogauroragloryme · 3 months
It's just a headcanon ,but just imagining a scenario where MQ takes on a mission and after completing it he's drained and only has energy to call FX in his communication array to help him. Twist comes here that due to high levels of Yin,MQ against his will transforms into his female form (please don't ask for the details,it's just a rough sketched scenario,I'm not a fic writer 🤣) and cannot return to his male form because of his low energy. In the distance FX descends with a lightning strike and from a distance his grumbling is heard and as FX approaches near he actually screams like a maiden when from the fog emerges a cold beauty he wasn't expecting.MQ albeit embarrassed just smirks seeing FX's reaction.While ascending back FX has to hold MQ by the waist ,but he's so nervous and on the verge of passing out. Somehow they manage to ascend to heaven without any mishap ,but MQ has already a mischief planned on his mind.
A few days later MQ and FX decide to have a friendly sparring match in FX's training ground. While they're fighting FX kicks MQ and he falls on the ground and just as FX is about to touch MQ ,MQ grins and transforms into his female form and FX ends up squishing his boob (or wait a moment ,it would be more hilarious that MQ kicks him on his ankle and FX actually falls face first on MQ's chest and gets a face full of boobs🤣,but yah he will pass out if that happens). A horrifying scream rings across the palace of Nan Yang as FX screams and runs to the nearby fountain to wash his hand and curse MQ loudly and MQ is still sprawled on the ground laughing like a maniac.
Another scene that I imagine is based on this fanart. Again the credit goes to the ORIGINAL ARTIST (whom idk otherwise definitely would have tagged them)
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FX barges into MQ's palace as usual without knocking so MQ decides to teach FX a lesson 😂.
This keeps on repeating. MQ deliberately changes into his female form from time to time to scare FX away. To add more fun to that he keeps on changing his attire which accentuates his figure even more.One time he even calls him ,"Feng Xin Gege(⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪and this time FX finally passes out. It takes a whole day for FX to regain his conscious lol.
(I think it's a funny idea that post canon rather then fighting with insults and violence,they use such methods to tease the other)
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masterqwertster · 9 months
Crazy, wild, unhinged, awesome idea:
What if sundering the vessel of Ashton doesn't kill him, but breaks him apart? (as the word "sunder" is defined as "to break apart")
Like what if failing to hold it together during the bestowing of the Spark and reaching the sunder stage doesn't shatter Ashton into a million little pieces where he's dead, but instead splits them into three bodies: The Heir of Ka'Mort, the Heir of Rau'shan, and a "normal" Ashton with the dunamis infusion.
And then, Bells Hells has to subdue the Primordial Heirs while protecting Duna-Ashton so he can reabsorb them. Because the Heirs would just be filled with rage and the Titans' will to destroy and Duna-Ashton and his powerful will that kept the dunamis and Ka'Mort's Shard in balance is the one thing standing in the way of total, free-range rampage.
Wouldn't that be an epic and wild twist? Just a perfect play on the fact that Evontra'vir said "sunder" and not "destroy" or "kill."
And it would keep up the Bells Hells PvP streak and have a cool "fighting myself" element.
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gremlins-hotel · 9 months
dude the planes are fucking badass i'm hella jealous you got to go!!! what did you see???
oh dude lemme tell ya,,, we were hyping ourselves up for wings over houston for a whole month. but now you've activated my tism so let's see...
we walked to our seats in the middle of an astounding father-son duo doing aerobatics in 2 extra 330s;
another aerobatics performance in a plane i did not hear/didn't recognize, but it looked similar to the others;
static c-17 globemaster & kc-135;
a static navy p-8 poseidon (the military boeing 737-800);
static mq-1 predator aerial drone;
we caught glimpses of the mig-17 and mig-21 before they were sent home, so we didn't actually get to see them see them (we were distraught over this);
the eurocopter mh-65 dolphin (coast guard);
both a static f-35a & a demo by another f-35a (the a being the air force version) which was awesome! that girl thunders something fierce. we got lucky enough to hear it howl;
several t-6 texans, a boeing super stearman, the t-34 "mentor," the t-28 trojan, the bt-13 valiant (aka the "vibrator"), and several other smaller trainers;
the tora! tora! tora! demo group (t-6s dressed as the famed japanese a6m zero, a p-39 aircobra, a p-40 warhawk with flying tigers livery, and a b-25 in the place of a b-17);
the b-17g "yankee lady," which was a HUGE hit with me. they didn't even need to announce her. the fucking moment i saw her vertical stabilizer taxiing down the runway i whipped around to fucking pog at my friends;
two different b-25 mitchells (the j variant) & the pbj-1j "devil dog" (the marines version of the b-25);
the c-47 skytrain "that's all brother" (who i've seen twice before); this warbird has a fascinating story;
a p-51d mustang (who then did a heritage flight with the f-35a);
the me-262 schwalbe, aka, the first jet fighter ever put into service (germany);
an a-1h (ad-6) skyraider, which was basically one of the last propellor-based aircraft in the navy before the jet age;
the usaf thunderbirds in their f-16 fighting falcons, which were loud, screaming, gleaming, and amazing. i could never do those fucking close formations and passes they do! jesus...;
a static f-100 super sabre, which looks lovingly like a catfish and i love them a lot, the f-4 phantom ii, and an a-4 skyhawk;
some static displays from nasa: the b-57 canberra and t-38 talon
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monstersqueen · 2 years
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screaming and yelling
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oldanimefan · 2 months
Just finished volume 3 of Heaven Official's Blessing and even though the first half was a little hard to read for me, I Ioved it. There's such a great mix of humor, trauma, fighting, and love.
I'm going to post my notes/ all the random shit that popped into my head as I read from volume 3 below the cut so don't read below if you don't want spoilers.
Also, before my notes, I know who Jun Wu is and more or less his roll in XL's journey so I make references to him in my notes when I shouldn't know what's going on with him at this point.
I would try to block out the whole your country dying and literally nothing you do helps thing too XL
Xianle state preceptor really got to the point with the whole you "ascended too soon because all your people are still alive" bit. I get it where he's coming from, but damn that was a lil harsh.
I love that XL is of the mind set of "what the fuck is the point of being a god if I don't help my people?" I was kinda wondering the same thing my dude.
This is the first series where I am having to put the book down and walk away after every 10 pages. Poor XL is making every possible bad decision he can even with everyone screaming at him not to.
JFC the land of tenders was NOT what I was expecting 😬
I understand why HC is such a snarky prick to FX and MQ lol they were always such assholes to the poor lil guy. He just wanted to make heart eye and protect his crown prince.
Ok so Lang Ying is obviously working with white no face (jun wu), but he's obviously gotta be someone in present day right? I feel like he's too prominent at the moment to not come back in the present.
I'm fucking stupid lol Lang Ying -> Lang Qingqiu. Lang Ying is obviously going to be the first king of Yong'an
Lil soldier kinda disappeared?
Man body horror is gonna be an ongoing theme throughout this huh?
XL is really too pure for this world.
Damnit Qi rong. You and your big mouth
FX - "that brat will definitely grow up to be a good man" bro aren't you the one that kicked him out of the army lol
Oh it's because he's just happy not everyone hates XL 🤣
Hoo boy. 1st half of volume 3 is a doozy. Everyone is getting a big ol helping of trauma and suffering. Hong'er/ Lil soldier breaks my heart when he's telling XL he won't forget him.
Lmfao XL threatening QR with siccing HC on him
I do not like Shi Wudu 😡
Lmfao HC being so extra for his man at the festival he wrote a play and sent up 3k lanterns. Pei ming being all I told you guys HC didn't take XL to be mean 😏
Pei Ming is like that himbo that everyone doesn't like cause he's fucks around, but then you talk to him and he's kinda funny.
Hahahahahaha HC and XLs "first kiss" is killing me. XL pretty much saying he'd stab anyone who did that to him but HC and he's confused about why. Hmm I wonder why XL?
Oh this poor boy lol getting so flustered he's trying to run away only to be caught because he's bleeding from his foot. Poor guy is panicking over his cursed shackle on his ankle isn't he 🥺
I'm so glad the second half of volume 3 is not quite as traumatic as the first.
Dying at everyone thinking that ghost baby is Pei Ming's
I don't like Jun Wu's sword. That's icky
And then on the flip side, Rouye and E-Ming fighting for XLs attention is adorable lol
Poor Qi Rong being subjected to the torture of watching XL and HC flirt. Maybe if they laid it on a little thicker they could get him to leave the body he's in.
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liketheletter-l · 2 years
mq christmas episode absolutely OBLITERATED me!!!
we are barreling into found family territory. poppy and ian being nice to each other AND to david. jo trying so hard to do friendship right. brad mentoring rachel.
and on the flipside, we get what is frankly some very upsetting insight into jo's backstory(!). i'm connecting some dots between the way she treats herself, the fact that her family's uninvited her for christmas, and her confident assertion that "relationships are supposed to be painful." brad's eating disorder has gotten worse to the point where it's starting to seep through his interactions with other people, in ways he would have definitely kept under wraps before, and it makes me think the writers are building up to something there that is VERY nervewracking.
all in all? i screamed i cried i threw up (positive)
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