#movie for . the polycule enjoyers
youngninelifer · 2 years
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therealtsk · 9 months
What Your Favorite Worm Ship Says About You
some people have found my crusty, old ass tumblr post on this very topic, so im making a new one with my updated opinions! Cause those are, in fact, allowed to change. Enjoy! Taylor x Lisa: you're into relationships that could be dysfunctional or healthy with one push in either direction. also something something sun lesbian moon lesbian. Taylor x Rachel: You love dogs, and you want a girlfriend who can kick your ass. You're also into bomber jackets. I respect you. Taylor x Alec: Sadly, you do exist, and you did make it weird. Go away! Taylor x Amy: You read altpowers on the daily and complain about canon worm being too grimdark. Solid odds on you having never read worm. To be clear, it's worse if you have. also something something FBI OPEN UP Taylor x Victoria: You like the vibes of Lisa and Taylor's dynamic, but you want them to be a little more heroic and a little less dysfunctional. But only a little. Taylor x Clockblocker: You're straight and liked that one joke that cropped up. I also haven't seen any of you in a hot minute, thank god. No offense but this ship is mad boring.
Taylor x Sophia: You've come to realize that Sophia is a great character who gets done extremely dirty by the rest of the fandom. Also, rivals to lovers. Taylor x Emma: This can go one of two ways. Either you adore childhood friends to lovers, or you love enemies to lovers. Either way, you're obsessed with hurt and/or comfort fics. Taylor x Theo: You actually read Worm and recognize that Theo is criminally underrated in the fandom. Now just stop shipping him with Taylor and you'll complete the next step on your journey to enlightenment.
Taylor x Simurgh: I can't say for sure you're a anime fan, but you're definitely at least a little bit of a monsterfucker. also something something inherent eroticism of being world-destroying power couple. Taylor x Greg. You read Worm SI's unironically and get really defensive when people say that Greg is an incel. Completely unrelated, you haven't spoken to a woman other then your mother in five years. Taylor x Cherie: I've been informed this is a ship. I've yet to be informed as of a reason why I should like it. Cherie likers stay mad!
Lisa x Rachel: I don't remember the last time I saw this ship that wasn't also tagged as a polycule with Taylor, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're an OT3 enjoyer.
Lisa x Victoria: You’re into the “enemies to lovers” trope, but more of the "Spiderman x Black Cat" type then the "you murdered my entire home town but i can't help but find you sexy" type. Also you have a thing for blondes
Lisa x Faultline: Your ideal relationship dynamic is bickering married couple. You're also into heist movies.
Lisa x Simurgh: You have a thing for smart girls... who hate you. Also, you really liked Part of the Whole.  Contessa x Alexandria: You're fucking based. Also something something inherent eroticism of girlbosses winning Contessa x Numberman: you're friends with Peri and enjoy memes about pants and math Numberman x Jack Slash: You think serial killers are hot and are starved for m/m ships. Danny x Eidolon: You're losersexual and are starved for m/m ships. Also you frequent r/wormemes Danny x Miss Militia: Honestly, i think you all died out. I couldn't be happier, this ship is fucking dumb. Amy x Literally Anyone Besides Taylor: listen, there's like a hundred different jokes i could make here, but all of them boil down to amy defenders always defending the rapist for some reason so let's just agree amy defenders are fucking cringe and move on Dragon x Defiant: You understand that this is unironically the only healthy relationship in worm with some of the best character growth and romance in the entire story, and a majority of all of it happens off screen. You're extremely bitter that so many fanfics do both of them so dirty they get beaten into different characters. Alec x Aisha: You like the idea of this ship, cause two pranksters making everyone miserable is the kinda vibe you enjoy, but constantly run into the issue that Alec is...well. Alec. That or you're into Alec's brand of shit, in which case, FBI OPEN UP Aisha x Missy: You read It's Cold Out There Every Day. I did too. Fuck, this fic is so good. I'm going to go cry about the ending again. Lily x Sabah: Yes, you know the age gap is a little problematic, you just want to be happy with your relatively healthy canon lesbians goddamn it Purity x Literally Anyone: You don't understand why people keep calling you racist. You're not! You're just weirdly defensive of the hot milf who murders people of color and seem to constantly bring up that Kaiser didn't actually believe the nazi propaganda he was peddling. You are racist btw Taylor x Brian: You...are Wildbow
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sleephyuns · 10 months
Not a request, just some random thoughts I’d share because I thought you’d find them interesting~
So I couldn’t decide between Mihyo, Sahyo, or Mohyo as the mood today, so i came up with the ultimate ship, Misamohyo, or as I call it, the “harem anime” ship because Jihyo is at the center of the relationship.
Jihyo and Momo being their futch/tomboy selves with their femmes Sana and Mina, Misamo being best friends turned lovers who invite Jihyo into their polycule and treat her like a goddess because they’re all unfathomably attracted to her; her face, her body, her really nice… heart (one of them is a boob girl so she LOVES this part, can’t decide which) her even-keeled and responsible yet still fun personality…
and a really, *really* nice cock if she’s G!P in this scenario (I’d like to think both she and Momo are)
Of course with three contrasting personalities Jihyo is NEVER bored, and even though they can be a LOT sometimes in different ways she loves them all the same and wouldn’t have it any other way 🤭
Love this idea. I imagine misamo are very comfortable in their relationship (not like it’s boring or anything) and Jihyo just kind of draws their attention. Some thoughts i’ll add on:
* Definitely dragging Jihyo on the most dates
* Also loves spoiling her the most
* Takes her out shopping to try on a bunch of clothes and ends up buying a few outfits for both of them (because maybe Jihyo just looks way too good in that button down. and those joggers. and that sweater. and that sports bra. and that polo-)
* Jihyo ends up carrying all the bags after tho lol
* Also makes sure Sana doesn’t spend too much. Even if she thinks Jihyo looks hot in something, being fiscally responsible is key
* But going out to eat on these trips is a must for Sana, so Jihyo caves with the money a bit
* Very big on skinship. Sana loves laying all over Jihyo whenever she can
* That sort of carries over into the bedroom too. She loves to be on top/having Jihyo under her
* Really big into body worship, though she’s never put a name to it
* Will always tell Jihyo how much she loves the tone of her muscles. Rubs over them, kisses them, compliments them, the whole works.
* Does it to her dick too (because of course she does)
* But overall it makes Jihyo a flustered mess and Sana loves making her melt like that
* The one who Jihyo spends the most time with at home
* A lot of their time together consists of hanging around either misamo’s or jihyo’s apartment
* Watching movies becomes their thing. The pick a specific day of the week (or every other week) to do it. They get pizza and just spend time together while watching
* Sometimes Jihyo will be doing some form of work during it, but Mina doesn’t mind. She takes the chance to work on knitting projects too (when they’re not eating of course)
* A multitasker match made in heaven
* Also. A match made in heaven because Mina’s the boob enjoyer of them all (of course she likes them all but Jihyo’s heart captivated her the most of course <3)
* Always staring indulgently at first, but now Jihyo just lets her have at it if they’re at home (and yes she’ll take any opportunity to cop a feel when it’s just the two of them alone)
* When they have sex they’re both pretty quiet in bed (the opposite if when Jihyo’s with Sana really). But that’s because they’re kissing whenever they possibly can
* Mina loves missionary for that reason (also to hold Jihyo close)
* Was the most awkward with Jihyo when they started out
* Had Jihyo thinking she wasnt interested at first. Just that she was dating MiSana and was cool with her gfs dating her too (obviously not the case)
* Really it was just that Momo thought she was so gorgeous, she found it hard to look at and speak to her
* Thinking of something like the mohyo TwiceDate where they start getting closer and just go out for drives. No destination in mind, just a way to spend time together
* On one of their outings Jihyo drives them to a nice grassy area and they just sit and talk. Maybe bring some snacks. And it’s there Momo confesses about being into Jihyo too
* Well, more like: “I’m sorry it took us this long to go on a proper date. Even if I can’t drive we could’ve taken the train somewhere nice. I understand if you don’t feel the same way about me as Mina and Sana.” “…Huh? Date?”
* Also ended up being the first one to tell Jihyo she loves her somehow. Even with the late start
* They start going on gym dates, bar dates and golfing dates
* Momo isn’t big on golfing but is more down to try than Mina or Sana soooo
* Sometimes they make it even by going to one of those indoor golfing/arcade places so Momo can have her own fun if she gets bored (Jihyo ends up joining her anyway)
* For bar dates, of course there’s a lot of beer involved. Jihyo ends up teaching Momo how to shoot pool too
* Even if theyre both a little tipsy they still do it (and maybe Jihyo uses it as an excuse to cling to Momo’s back. maybe momo uses it as an excuse to grind back on Jihyo)
* Momo is the one who sex the most often with Jihyo. Mostly because she’s always down for it
* She’s not really a top but she’ll end up wherever Jihyo wants her to end up
* If Jihyo wants to get filled that day? She’s on it. If Jihyo wants a hole to breed? She’s on it.
* Also? #FutchesWhoFrot (Momo also likes being kissed a lot so this makes it easy. Also likes how Jihyo’s dick feels against her own)
When they’re all together it’s a great time. Both sexually and not. Sometimes they break off into twos depending on what they’re doing, and it’s nice to see one of then in their own little world with Jihyo while the other two do their usual things. Can also imagine that, when things first started out, Mina and Sana would tease Momo whenever she and Jihyo got paired off. Cue them pointing and giggling and Jihyo’s just like ??? while Momo doesn’t even realize she’s being teased until later LOL
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dinogoofymutated · 1 month
Part 2 of my X-Men hot takes?
-I think the 90s fits are iconic but at the same time I’m getting bored of some of them? Mainly Rogue and Psylocke, but I think it’s more on how easy it is to sexualize them, like Magik’s fit
-I don’t like the Jean x Logan x Scott polycule, and I hate Jogan for being so boring bc this ship is just them finding each other attractive and I ship Logan with other characters (Kayla for the movie version and Morph for the 97 version). Side note, I’m a multishipper but some ships of my fave character suck
-Foxverse!Quicksilver is overhyped (sorry)
-I’m always amazed at Kurt for imo being the X-Man who’s just so enjoyable in many adaptations bc they never miss with him, unlike Rogue or Scott
-This is more of an artistic preference but I like it if Bobby’s suit is still visible +covered with frost in his ice form?? Like the movie version and WATX
-Continuing with cool characters whose comic outfits are so ugly and desperately need a good redesign, I’d give the honor to Havok and Pyro
-Back to Bobby, I honestly don’t like how in the 90s cartoon he’s just there as Lorna’s angry over protective boyfriend :/
Hell yeah I live for hot takes!!!!
Never apologize for thinking Fox Quicksilver is overhyped bc I agree 😭😭😭 I don't hate him he still has a place in my heart, he just doesn't hit as hard now that I'm an adult 😭
And for Bobby's outfit I AGREEE SO WHOLEHEARTEDLY give that man some clothes PLEASE !!!!!!!!! I can't remember if he wears the ice or become the ice but either way it looks so uncomfortable without a suit on top???
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arvadthecursed · 2 months
Movies I Saw This Weekend
I went to the theater this weekend which I haven't done since Barbie.
Twisters: 3.5/5. Really enjoyable fun summer blockbuster. I loved the character arcs, and thought everyone did a great job. Everyone is talking about how attractive Glen Powell is, and like. Idk. To me he inhabits that weird space of "so attractive it veers into uncanny." But I'm happy for all the girlies into him! I think Kate, Tyler, and Javi should form a tornado chasing polycule. Also the tornadoes were cool as fuck and because they were fake, it's okay to go "WHOAAAA!!" as they shred apart buildings!
Longlegs: 5/5. Holy fucking shit. Methodical, atmospheric, beautiful movie. Great writing and direction. The performances are fantastic. Really can't gush about it enough. It made me wanna rewatch Hannibal to boot! Anyway please go watch it.
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echoes-lighthouse · 3 months
2 and 4 for your chaos iwtv polycule ask game please!! I'm so excited to hear all the lore 👀👀
*happy wiggles* thank you baby I love you so much and thank you for hearing my rough draft at 2am before I made the original post lmao
2- do you and your f/o share any hobbies? what are they? do you see one another as rivals, collaborators, something else? 4- where are your favorite places to go with your f/o? what's your favorite part of that place, or the time you spend together there?
I feel like my answers to most of these are intertwined, so I'm going to answer them both for each character!
Gabrielle: We share everything! She hasn't really kept up on literature for about fifty years, but she scooped me out of an English Degree with a focus on Modern/World War Literature, so we get to catch up on all of that. She likes to explore: her favourite places are high up and quiet and away from humans. When I was still human, he would sometimes carry me to those places in her arms or on her back, but now we can run there together! Those are my favourite : sometimes he wants me to read to him, and sometimes he wants to explore in silence. Sometimes I come with him and sometimes I sit under a tree and read alone, and wait for him to come back to me... so far, he always does.
Lestat: Whereas I usually spend time away from humans with Gabrielle, I spend time with them when I'm with Lestat: bars and concerts and theatre performances. We're not the best theatre companions, since we often don't overlap in our enjoyment, but we go together anyways, and argue afterwards. Which neither of us enjoys. We should really stop going out together. It's better when we stay in and he plays something for me himself, then we both have fun. We also have a lot of fun hunting together, we have compatible styles there.
Louis: Ugh. Not really. I don't like how he treats art as an investment, instead of an end in itself. Often our tastes overlap, but I'm too busy being mad about the way he assesses value to appreciate the fact that he has aesthetic opinions as well. At least we enjoy a lot of the same movies, and we're the two who get into a three-hour discussion after the movie about the Themes (tm). We don't go out together, we're a homebody kind of duo.
Armand: Now, this is someone I can have a good time with at an art gallery. Both of us connect to art on a more emotional level, and I like to go with him and chat about the different eras and mythology. It's not the best thing for him emotionally, but I'm having a great time, so I don't really care. I like Armand less when he's stable, anyways. He's easier to needle when he's a little between the past and present.
Daniel: We eventually figure out that both of us like to bother the others and see what we get out of it, so we start teaming up occasionally. I read a couple of his books and ask him a bunch of questions about his experiences: it's a bit refreshing for him to not have someone digging straight into the worst parts of his life, so we end up having good chats about both of our lives. I text him memes from the other room while he's trying to focus on the interview with the other two.
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cookie-waffle · 3 months
I’m currently attempting to watch every animated Disney movie, as well as some of the classic live-action ones, in order (skipping Song of the South and the WW2 propaganda stuff ofc)
Some quick thoughts on the movies I’ve rewatched so far:
Sleeping Beauty- A classic that was a huge influence on the world of animation. We wouldn’t have a lot of the pop culture we have today if it weren’t for this movie. Not much else to say about it. I do wish that Snow White was not 14, because it makes the Dwarves creepy with that context. But, luckily, it never states that she’s 14 so you can just tell any kid you show the movie to that she’s a grown up.
- Pinocchio- Still very fun. Pinocchio himself is very cute and likable. My only real issue is Stromboli. I THINK he’s supposed to be Romani, and if he is then his portrayal is pretty racist. But I think it will fly over most kids heads. I know it did for me when I was a kid.
- Fantasia: Absolutely fantastic. The quality is so high that I actually didn’t know it was from the 40s till I re-watched it. I will say though, that the parts with the human composers on screen may bore some kids. Of course, the biggest issue is a pretty racist caricature of a black person in the centaur short, but that scene has actually been cut out for years. I’m not a super huge fan of animation studios censoring their racist histories, but the upside is that you can probably show this to your kids without much worry.
-Dumbo- “Baby mine” makes me cry harder as an adult than I did as a kid. It’s a very cute and simple movie, but of course it’s biggest downfall is the racist “black” crows. But at the very least, the stereotypes shown in the crows are so old that modern day kids wouldn’t be able to associate them with black people, so it’s probably still okay to show them the movie.
- Bambi: Still as good as I remember. Watching the little animal kids play around is genuinely adorable. Bambi’s mother dying is still sad. Idk what else I can say tbh. And there’s no racism or weird underage stuff, so it’s perfectly fine to show kids.
- Saludos Amigos- Although there were some outdated depictions of south American people that may be considered offensive, I was expecting much worse. It was still enjoyable and I’d say it’s still probably okay to show to kids. It also debuted José the parrot, who I’ve grown to like a lot.
- The three Caballeros: It was fun. Idk what else to say about it other than I’m glad José got a lot of screen time. And Donald Duck is always funny, so I did laugh. Ngl I kinda ship the caballeros as a polycule now lmao.
- Fun and Fancy free: Aside from The Three Caballeros, this is the only classic Disney movie I did not see as a child. It’s cute. I enjoyed it and liked how Jimmy Cricket was the host. The Bongo short was adorable and I really wish I saw it as a kid (I THINK I saw the Jack and the Beanstalk short as a kid, but maybe I’m just misremembering scenes from House of Mouse.) I found it really interesting to see something that was such a clear product of WW2z Walt Disney was not a perfect man by any means, but this movie shows that he truly wanted to make people happy during a dark time in history. It’s no Lion King, but it’s still an enjoyable movie. I just don’t recommend it if you have a phobia of puppets/marionettes because the second short shows them a lot.
- The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: I absolutely loved this. I remembered some of the Ichabod story from childhood, but completely forgot the Mr. Toad part of the movie, so a lot of it was like watching a new movie. Ichabod was still as good as I remembered, but Mr. Toad was WAY funnier than I remembered. The man is a menace to society and I love him.
-Cinderella: I am shocked at how much I loved this as an adult. It’s probably the most well-aged of all the classic Disney Princess movies. It’s about an abuse survivor finally getting what she wants, and honestly? That simple concept is enough for me to love it. I also greatly appreciate how there’s no old racist stereotypes and that Cinderella herself is an actual adult and not 14-16.
- Alice in Wonderland: Absolutely nothing wrong with this one. It’s Alice in Wonderland, idk what else to say about it. The Mad Hatter is still my favorite character just like he was during my childhood. Only new thing I could say is that, as an adult, I finally realized just how fucked up the oyster story was lol. Overall, I think this is a harmless movie to show kids. It’s also fun to watch while high lol.
- Robin Hood: Ah yes, the movie that planted the furry seed in my head as a child. I think I actually enjoyed this more as an adult. King John is very entertaining. This is honestly one of those underrated Disney Gems. Only real criticism I have is the part when Robin and Little John disguise as stereotypical romani women, but I highly doubt most kids will actually understand what they’re referencing.
- Peter Pan: I’ll admit, I have a soft spot for Peter Pan. And watching the movie as an adult, Captain Hook made me laugh a lot at all his slapstick. I think he’s one of my favorite Disney Villains after rewatching it. But, I do have to address the pink elephant in the room: the racist portrayal of native Americans. Tiger Lilly is the only native character who isn’t designed with super racist overtones. As someone who has a lot of native blood, I have mixed feelings in this movie. I think it would still be okay to show kids this movie to kids if you explained to them that that part of the movie was inaccurate, or just fast forwarded through the racist scenes. It’s certainly NOT the most racist thing that Disney has ever animated, but I can understand why you wouldn’t wan’t to show this to your kids. Other than that, everything else is fantastic and really captures that “Disney magic”
- Lady and the Tramp: This movie is adorable and it WOULD be perfectly fine if it weren’t for the racist siamese cats. However, it’s a similar situation to Dumbo in that the stereotypes are so old that the vast majority of kids will not associate them with the race they’re making fun of (I know I didn’t as a kid)
-Sleeping Beauty: This film’s visuals are absolutely amazing. The animation is fantastic and the design of Maleficent is peak. And I like how Prince Phillip actually has some personality. However, the one GLARING issue with this movie is Araura’s age. Unlike in Sleeping Beauty, they verbally confirm several times that Aurora is 15-16 years old. Personally, I would not want my kids to think that it’s okay to get married at that age. However, when I was a kid, I did not pick up on her age at all. I had always assumed that Aurora was in her early to mid-20s because that’s how old she looks. So, I can’t really say if this is appropriate to show to kids or not. It’s really up to you.
- 101 Dalmations: Simple, but very cute, especially if you’re a dog person. Cruella Devils is a super entertaining villain, and it’s honestly a refreshing change that she isn’t an evil queen or witch, she’s just a massive bitch. I love that. Perfectly fine to show to kids.
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augustheart · 1 year
Tumblr media
without taking into account their culture impact... hmmm. there's still going to be some Cultural Impact Hits on this list, but i've tried to go simply based on my enjoyment of them and the level of quality they were.
the oscar award winning animated feature film spider-man: into the spider-verse, my favorite movie of all time
league of extraordinary gentlemen... i know you said without including their cultural impact but like i said there's going to be some on the list that are just like that. i just had such a fun time watching this movie with you. it's well-put together and stupid and silly and it has a fun polycule in it. what more could anyone ask for
batman and robin. my ultimate plane movie. cheesy campy nonsense.
spider-man 2. there's a reason it's held in such high regard. it's just a very well made movie with practical effects to die for and an extremely fun ride. definitely my favorite of the original spider-man trilogy, which i think is true for a lot of people.
trial of the incredible hulk. they just don't make superhero movies like that anymore
batman returns. like with spider-man 2, it's just a really well made movie that's beloved for a reason. not my favorite of that set of movies (see #3 on this list) but it's just a good movie!
the suicide squad. i really wasn't expecting to like it but it's good and i love to see a king shark winning. also the baby pigeon :)
fantastic four. it's no masterpiece but it's a fun movie and well made for being in the mid-2000s.
batman. also just a well-made superhero movie!
the flash season one. it's a movie to me it even has a danny elfman score that sounds just like every other score he's composed
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tumblingxelian · 1 year
Hiatus fever hurts my soul!!!
Anyway on the Justice League//RWBY movie, I really enjoyed it.
I seriously loved all the designs, but I also ranked them in this post here and I stand by every word.
Its a pretty solid pop corn fic in the sense of being sun without too much baggage and we got to see some other facets to familiar faces.
For instance I am so happy Yang finally got to fly an airship, I am surprised and intrigued to see how much Weiss knew about programming and it was neat to see Jaune helping someone with anxiety, I think one of his sister must grapple with it as he seemed extremely well informed. Also damn Seers got brutal game cos that Pyrrha bit was mean! Loved Jessica's oath scene though.
I loved Nora & Cyborgs dynamic, very enjoyable, as well as how quick Yang was just like, "Ah little brother" to Clark and how fast Blake was to be willing to bring Diana into the polycule lol. Plus it was neat that they used a lesser known villain so effectively. Plus I like that they avoided the usual "Batman is the best at everything" angle by having be be so out of his depth.
On a more critical bent, I think the conclusion to Ruby's arc wasn't really clear enough which did weaken the pay off a little. I don't find Batman wanting powers or to potentially leave things behind as that odd given various comics and the fact he's a teenager, but I do think it wasn't contextualized enough to really work, same for his relationship with Weiss. Also I think the giant Grimm were too small and not utilized in a fun enough way, though I overall enjoyed the action.
So yeah, I had a good time and am intrigued to see the next one!
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cizzle-freezy · 2 years
rules: tag 9 people (or so) you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — I was tagged by @whitewyrmings !~
The Mind Electric-- Specifically the Chonny Jash version.
Dear goodness has this song given me major earworms lately. Sure, the original is great! Amazing even. But this one tickles my brain in many ways. Not only is it satisfying to listen to, but my mind wanders to the "Bad End AU" plot thread for the Phantom Gang (Seph, Izulda, Angelo, Tempys, and Gelum... and technically Ignis?), and keeps associating the lyrics to different OCs. The feelings that the Phantom Gang has to come to terms with when they meet the worst versions of themselves.
I rarely indulge in fandom ships, because generally I can appreciate the chemistry people write between characters (as long as its not like... toxic or pedophilic or something)
Huntlow (Owl House... despite only watching the first 3 eps and I SHOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM--)
Virgil x Richie (Static Shock)
And whatever the HECK is going on in Maya and the Three (the entire series I kept saying "is this a prophecy or a polycule?")
I do have some OC ships I am especially soft for, but that's so many to list, especially when considering friends and mutuals ;w; (looking at YOU, Greyscale)
I haven't picked one up in a long time because I am DETERMINED to read the Amulet series before anything. I read the first book in middle school (so like, as of 2023, 10-12 years ago??), and it's been stuck in my brain since.
I rarely watch movies unless it's a Discord Watch Party Night, which I haven't done in a long time... The last movie that sticks out in my mind is Turning Red, which I found pretty enjoyable and brought me back to my old Flipnote Hatena days. Maybe it was the Sonic movies?? Which were also pretty fun. Just sadly, movies don't stick out like shows do.
Well... I often crave meat and seafood more than anything these days. I'm diabetic, so ever since I've weaned myself off of excessive sweets, sugary foods like candy and soda haven't tasted the same, but at least chocolate is still pretty good depending on brand. I find that spicy sushi rolls such as crunchy rolls, spicy tuna/salmon/etc are safe bets despite the rice, because by now I've memorized the carb amount. Plus, the sushi guy at my workplace tends to make them special for us!
Outside of food, my brain is always craving drawing, writing lore, and RP. It likes being creatively stimulated, and I'm lucky my workplace is cool with me bringing my art supplies to keep myself entertained when I'm bored.
@jessebizarreart @juan-o-clocks @jorgedrawssomethings @hikaririnku-blog
sorry for the ping yall! but it might get yall more accustomed to tumblr lmaoo
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succikko-nebulae · 2 years
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
The Ame orphans, I could eat up everything about them, platonic, family or romantic. They're just so good together and have an incredible polyamory energy. I also append to them Obito (and more) for the Rain Polycule, the more the merrier. All these sad meow meows deserve a good sex life and love so I'm giving them everything ❤️❤️❤️
Also even if I'm neutral to Kakashi I love the hc of all his main ships as a polycule. Everyone want a piece of Konoha's most depressed dog guy.
InoShikaCho friendship is a very good one too, supporting @loutrem in their ShikaCho romantic pairing agenda as well
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind
I did a whole 180 on Obito fjjfjdkz at first I was so pissed at him for manipulating Nagato then I was like oh shit he's hot... And then they dropped his sad af backstory and I was like ok you're my blorbo too now and I started shipping him with Nagato. Same for Obikonan at first I was like meh... Now I think their dynamic is extremely good for shipping material
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I fell in Naruto first in middle school and I'm still in it at 26 so that's it. That's the one fandom.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Love all of them, all medias have a lil smt they bring to my enjoyment. For Naruto I love the artstyle of the manga, it's gorgeous. The anime has the bonus of giving voices to them (I'm very into voices being able to hear Nagato's voice is such a treat, I'm so mad his va didn't do that many other roles that I can easily look up on yt). And I love the games for all the dumb shit and the being able to control your blorbo ability lol
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lilacs-stash · 10 months
Imma Lilac
RIP old pinned you shall be missed
-they/ey/fae (she/her is also okay if friends)
-Omni/bi, possibly polyam and demi-romantic, nonbinary/demigirl/horsegender
-probably has ADHD but not fully sure
-main fandoms: Inanimate insanity, the daily object show, lego movie, my little pony
-side fandoms: rottmnt, sonic, other object shows, rain world, MCYT, warrior cats
-all the normal DNIs (homophobic racist etc), pro or anti shippers, and exclusionists. Also if your in the ii fandom I block ppl there for really dumb reasons so don't take it personally if I block you.
-I use tone indicators
-polyam grand slams/rexmetstyle shipper
-Bisexual ii Nickel enthusiast
-1# Lucy Wyldstyle enjoyer
-Object head draw-er
-Nickcase ceo
-character designer
-Fankid maker
Other social media
Side blogs
@lavendercakesverse (lego movie next gen)
@the-ghosts-and-thaddeus (lego movie OC/AU blog)
@lilac-terracotta (Minecraft side blog)
"Look I can draw! Art tag" Art tag
"Lego things" any Lego related thing (tlm or not)
"Object posting" any object show related thing (ii or not)
"Gem posting" the rare Steven universe posts
"Sonic stuff" Sonic related posts
"Late night rexmetstyle posting" Rexmetstyle stuff that's shit posty and/or I don't want in the main tag. Isn't specifically for all three of them, can be any ship within Rexmetstyle
"Terrible polycule tedtalks" Like the last one, but for polyam grand slams instead
"Lilac's ii designs" my II object head designs
Other things
II design master post
II fankid master post
Polyam grand slams playlist
Sona ref
(random stuff below)
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(Art credit @maxphilippa)
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haato-no-ace · 2 years
we all know i’m a vil enjoyer, so my request is obvious, who saw this coming? vil x gn!reader x rook please! romantic <33 two pretty men <33
Vil x GN!Reader x Rook
Polyam relationship, all involved Romantic relationship Genre unspecified, fluff default Writing style unspecified, headcanons default
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Vil tries to spend time with you and Rook, but professional work calls demand a lot of him, especially since he turned 18. Nevertheless, the time the three of you can spend together is fun!
You and Rook ultimately spend the most time together, and while spending time one-on-one is just as important and fun as spending it all as a polycule, most of your time together is spent doing a lot of dorm leader work for Vil.
Otherwise, it is whatever you or Rook desire. That might mean a quiet, gentle picnic at the botanical gardens or town outside NRC, or a mischief-filled afternoon of pranking people. Anything and everything!
The times you spend alone with Vil are more domestic. At-home spa days and watching movies. None with Vil in them though. He'd rather you focus on him right beside you than the one on the screen. He's sorry he can't do much for you in public because of the paparazzi.
Speaking of, Vil and Rook are both touchy people. Very physically affectionate! Of course, Vil has a strict rule for no PDA, but you and Rook have been able to get away with holding his hands in public.
Rook loves it when you and Vil leave lipstick marks on him somewhere, preferably his face. Being marked by the one they've been chasing is a hunter's greatest pride; a sign of acknowledgment.
Vil enjoys soft, plentiful kisses. Doesn't matter if they're long or short, he just likes lots of kisses. Please pepper his face or hands or neck with them.
On kissing you, Rook likes to tease you and hold back on kissing you for as long as he or you can last. Vil also likes to tease, but much less so than Rook. They'd both kiss you for as long or short and as much as you'd like.
When they double-team on kissing you, Vil kisses your face and neck the most while Rook kisses your hands and shoulders! Rook also likes pressing kisses onto your head.
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actualbird · 3 years
Polyam NXX where they all fuck the depressing thoughts out of Luke? Marius fucking his ass, Artem riding his dick, Rosa riding his face, and Vyn kissing and caressing him all over, all at the same time.
n/s//f///w text in response (and also in the ask itself kjdsbfj) and oh god again why is this response so long, it is 1k words
HHGRHRGRGHR ANON....this caters to so many things i love so much, 1) luke being fucked to the high heavens, 2) LUKE TERRIBLY DEPPRESSING THOUGHTS ON HIMSELF, 3) nxx investigation polycule <3!!!
i can sense that this ask wants me to focus on the smut aspect of this and i will get to that but first i wanna talk about like. man, luke, in his relationship with the other four, would have his self doubt and self loathing magnified fourfold than if he was just with one person, i think.
he'd think terrible things like how hes dragging so many people down, how hes a greedy person, letting his life touch so many people's lives and fill their lives with sadness and worry. the other four know that luke has thoughts like this, and they all do their part in reassuring and comforting him and being there for him when hes put himself in a dark place. and it helps. it really, really helps to have people who love you, even the sad parts. but relationships also dont "fix" a person, they cant just magically get rid of doubts and insecurities. nobody in the group is under the impression that love is going to "fix" the sadness luke has, but thats not going to stop them from loving him anyway. luke is grateful, luke pours his love out to them back times a hundred...
but deep in his heart, theres a cruel voice that sounds like his own telling him it's never going to be enough, what he gives. that nothing he will do will ever make up for the fact that he's him.
still, after a while of dating the others, after a while of being steadily encouraged little by little to reach out when he needs help and comfort, luke hazards a chance to ask one day. for the first time ever.
i can imagine the scene something like this:
the whole team managing to find a space in their busy schedules to meet up together outside of nxx business. theyre at mc's apartment maybe. artem is cooking dinner while marius commentates the cooking from where he's seated at the dining nook, "when onions hit the pan, the panties hit the FLOOR." and artem throws a dishtowel at marius' face fondly. softly, music plays from some speakers hooked up to somebody's tablet, some calm old song. vyn and mc are being horrendously romantic, idly dancing to the music and laughing when marius squawks at artem's dishtowel attack. and luke sits on the couch, looking at all of them, feeling such a burst of light from his heart. these are his partners, silly and loving and wonderful, and he wants to give them all the love he has in his heart.
but the thing about luke is that his happiness has always been annotated with doubt. in the footnotes of all his joys is the dark voice inside of him, the voice that sounds like his own, telling him he doesnt deserve this.
but he can see them though. he can see how brightly they all shine, how they always coax him to stand in the light. so after dinner has been eaten (it's delicious, obviously, artem wing homecook masterchef), after the movie they picked out has been watched (it was marius' turn to pick the movie and he picked something stupidly trashy yet raucously enjoyable to watch with others), after they start retiring to go bed together (GOD, im assuming they all get like, bigger beds sjkdbfkjd, marius is the wallet of this polycule, it's fine, he'll cover it), after all that, luke asks.
he asks for help. he trembles ever so slightly as he does it, looking away, and the rest of them can see that him doing this is something agonizing for him. that admitting that hes hurting and asking for comfort is something that seems to pain him, not because he doesnt like them and the love they give, but because he doesnt like himself, because he doesnt see himself as worthy to receive that love.
"i--i dont know what im asking for, actually," luke lets out a self deprecating laugh as he starts to backpedal back into the shadows, overwhelmed by how in this moment, theyre seeing him. theyre seeing the messy part of him he hates so, so much. "sorry, you know me. my head gets like this. sorry. i'll get over--"
hes stopped before he can continue that sentence. mc is the first one to hold his face gently, to coax him to look at her, and in her gaze isnt the disgust luke was expecting. it's something open and beautiful, and when luke looks at everybody else, the same thing is clear in their eyes.
they see this part of him he hates so much and they dont turn him away like he does with himself. they accept him and their kindness starts to wash over the shores of luke's heart.
i like to think they didnt actually plan to have hot group sex focused on fucking the depressing thoughts of luke pearce. it goes more like... mc kisses luke all gentle and sweet and then marius goes to hug luke from behind and he starts praising luke in a teasing way that makes luke laugh softly against mc's lips. when mc pulls away (and she pulls away with a smile), artem is the one who kisses luke next, passionate and devoted and vyn joins in on the "praise luke pearce" agenda, whispering sweet nothings to luke as luke starts to tremble once more, not in hatred or fear this time though, but in how overwhelmed he is. eventually the reassuring kisses and touches start to get a little bit heated because come on, luke is being held and touched by four beautiful people, it's hard to NOT get hard when that happens, and the rest are also easy to get worked up when theyre all together and close and intimate like this.
SO YEAH, they get to fucking!!!! very focused on luke because the other four reach this unspoken agreement to like, make luke feel so good that his mind can go blank tonight. that he can just let go and let them take care of him.
and take care of him they DOOOOOO. in between moaning against mc's cunt, shaking from sensations of fucking artem and being fucked marius, his body relentlessly touched by vyn, all his lovers taking pleasure from luke and giving pleasure back, luke loses himself. he lets go.
the voice in his mind does not quiet so much as be spoken over by the loving voices of his lovers.
his body submits to their actions. his mind fills with their words. and his heart?
he gives that to them to take care of.
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cipheramnesia · 3 years
I caught up with two underwhelming action movies this weekend.
The first was Gunpowder Milkshake which you probably don't remember as the movie Tumblr got super hyped over for about 36 hours, which then dropped without leaving a single ripple on the cultural consciousness. The second was The Losers, a 2010 action movie, based on a comic, which looks like it's from the 1990s, but in the worst possible way for all three.
I watched Gunpowder first because I really expected it to be worse, and instead it was a... mediocre surprise? I was expecting to be more underwhelmed, bored, and irritated by conventional choices. Instead it featured some creative action sequences, modestly enjoyable characters, and what I am pretty sure was an almost all wlw group of protagonists in a polycule. The normal "blink and you'll miss it" way but whatever, it was a bunch of queer girls and a baby and mostly they survived and the bad guys died and that's fine. There are worse things you can do to yourself than watch Gunpowder Milkshake, and realistically not so many watchable action flicks with ladies.
The Losers meanwhile, I figured would be stylishly forgettable, but was more like cringe inducingly terrible with a few decent scenes. I hate to throw around accusations like painfully heterosexual, but the romance scenes were so bad I skipped them. The lead macho man had the charisma of peeled linoleum. The GI Joe Movies did it better, you feel me? Like, someone come collect your rejected video auditions for The Expendables 4, please?
Anyway, by comparison Gunpowder Milkshake ended up looking alright and I recommend if you wanna kill some time or have a background movie to give it a shot.
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nyazazel · 3 years
I wanna play viddy games with youuu. I’ve already told Cherry this, but I can’t wait til the whole polycule can game together. I think it’d be very enjoyable.. just being together and enjoying each other’s company.. maybe some of us could cuddle while gaming :] -Oliver
And don't forget polycule movie nights!!
It'll finally be perfect
Just like I want it to be
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