amber-michaelson · 2 years
A New Family
Yandere Thranduil x Oakenshield reader x Yandere Legolas
Summary: did your father actually care about you or was it just all in your head.
Read At Own Risk
Warnings: platonic yanderes,
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getting dragged away from the company along with your dad to meet the king of the elves “do not speak yn” thorin muttered as he shoved one of the guards earning a smack to the head, i heard many stories of the eleven king and how he didn’t help against the dragon or give them shelter after they lost the mountion, as soon as we put infront of the thrown we were forced to our knees "whatever happens don't speak to him" he pleaded as he leaned down so he can see my face "I promise papa" I gave him a confidant smile he was about to say something else but steps interrupted him I moved my gaze to the floor and listened "people say a noble quest is at hand, to reclaim a lost mountain and slay a dragon" I shivered hearing his voice "but you and I know that's not what your after" he murmured I heard my dad shuffle probly standing up "I wanna make a deal" the kings sly words court my dad's attention "I'm listening" my dad said as he started walking around the room "I'll let you go giving you food to take along with you the only thing I ask is for you to return what is rightfully mine "which is" thorin asked "the jewels that shine like the stars I would like them back" the king muttered I slowly raised my gaze up and widened at the kings beauty as he sat on his throne "a favour for a favour" my dad muttered as he came beside "from a king to another" thranduil smiled "where were you when we asked for your aid where were you when we where homeless and starving" my dad yelled making sure the whole castle could hear him "I see how you treat your friends might as well be your enemy" he seethed through gritted teeth the king didn't look so pleased with my dad's answer "guards take him away" the king muttered but as soon as they came close to me he shooed them away and as they dragged my dad away he called "maybe you'll change you mind in 2 years or even 20" he said before turning your attention to me "stand" he murmured and I did as I was told "who are you" he asked but I didn’t respond just stared at him "aw your an oakenshield let me guess your his daughter explains the manners" he chuckled "don't you dare talk about my father" I muttered and rushed to him but was court by one of the guards who held a knife to my throat "let her go" he said and turned away "come" he muttered before walking I looked around not seeing anywhere I could escape be grudgingly followed "what story's have you heard about me" he asked as we walked down the hallway "that you abandoned us when we needed your aid most" I said staring down at the floor and squeaked as he stopped and I bumped into him he quickly turned to me and I quickly moved back scared of what he would do instead he leaned down and the left side of his face started to change showing of a scar "this is what happened when I tried to battle a dragon" he muttered before standing up again his head twitching as it went back to normal "I suffered many loses that day and I vowed to never face a dragon again" he said before he carried on walking I quietly followed behind we soon entered a dining room and he sat at the very end and stared at me "are you going to join me or just watch as I eat this meal" he said side eyeing me as I moved to the table I choose to sit two seats down from him so I wasn't to far away or to close "why am I here" I murmured "we may have imprisoned you bit we're not cruel" a voice murmured from behind us "ah legolus you decided to join us" thranduil said and gestured to a seat but he did the same as me and sat infront of me the rest of the meal was silent and I only just nibbled "what's happening with my father" I asked as the servants took the plates away "he will stay he till he changes his mind" he said and that was the end of the discussion.
They started to treat me like one of them they didn't allow me back into the dungeon or see my father but anything else was fine unless I want to go outside I can only go if legolas or thranduil accompanied me "why are you treating me so nicely" I asked as we sat under one of the many flowering trees "because yn your different from your father and that disgusting company you travel with" he paused "your safer here where me and legolas can protect you and provide for you" thranduil said as he put his and on top of mine but I quickly moved away "you can't keep me here and my dad will never leave me" I yelled standing up and he followed "your dad is a failure of a father he hasn't once even asked to see you he hasn't even asked about you" I stumbled a bit was he right, did my dad not actually care about me "yo-your wrong he does care and he won't leave without me" but as soon as I said that legolas came rushing in "the dwarves have escaped" it felt as if my world came rushing down around me that I didn't even realize thranduil had pulled me into his chest "don't worry you have a new family now".
My Other The Hobbit Works
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thatspyrocomic · 4 months
Hello, what is your most favorite dragon in spyro The dragon? By the way, I love your comics by the way they look amazing and beautiful💖✨️💖🥰🥰🥰🥰🏆🏅🥇🏆🏅🥇
Im gonna be so extra, sorry qvq
TLDR: Ignitus and Titan.
If you mean the original game...maybe Titan?
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His design was so cool, I remember I imagined him like a leopard dragon or a big protector of the mountion lol. They kinda killed him in the reignited one (I love the designs as stand alones but some just...don't catch the vibe.) Love copano and magnus redesigns tho. Fat dragons feels so cute, whimsical and nostalgic for me. I like delbin, too, "keep yer horns on, spyro!!"
in LTOS, I think Ignitus...basic ik.
This scene always stuck with me: https://youtu.be/cdrU6J6n_oY?si=jHnwi5E9Dl2a_ja- Gary oldman was a great choice ToT
He's so gentle and kind, but he has this deep guilt hidden inside him from a troubled past. I'm a sucker for that kind of character. His sacrifice seems to give him a sense of peace, catharsis-- I love that kind of story, because coming to peace is a beautiful thing, but so damn sad ufdvbwfvunwermvbnw
And thank you so much! I feel like Im getting better with each page! Im happy theres still a fandom left to enjoy it with me :D
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thesilentlands · 1 year
Chapter 3: The Mateing Season
-Part 1
Michael and Volt made a good progress, but thats not the end of theier discoveries, theier next stop was a field with tall grass that was surounded by mountions, they walked true the tall grass that reached to theier knees. Sudently they heard something, a loud buzzing sound was getting louder and louder
-what is that sound? -its unknown to me what this means but we should probobly run - as they tryed to run they found the source of the buzzing, it was a mechanical bug like creature, once it was spoted it stopped buzzing and slowly aproched Volt and Michael, then more came and curously watched them both.
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-what are thos things? -im not familiar with this species, give me a minute to contect to them... -what does "conecting" mean? - i simply scan theier minds and bodies to gain all knolage about them, its simpler then normal scan -oh ok then - the mechanical aproched michael closely and inspected him, then it let out a unknown sound of hirps, buzzing and other unknown sounds -it said it likes you -how do you know that - from the mind scan, it seams that they prepering for something... -Volt came up to one of thos bugs and let out a unadeafble sound, the bug said something too, then it flew away
-so what did you discover -its theier mateing season -mechanical creatures can have mateing seasons? -they are bio-mech too -well that explains it, lets g- sudently he notised something in the sky. There were many shades of green there but then large purple nights appered and green lights started to swarm them.
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-so what are they? -theier species is called The Grass Glider, theier structure is very light and filled with green power liquit, also known as energy freteliser, this energy can alow them to create a short lasting energy wings that they use to fly, if the energy is low they will eat grass or small nonmechanical insects, to replenish theier energy levels - can you create wings like that? -its imposible for mine kind to create them, the power liquide only gives me energy that i need, if i try to create wings like them, the liquide will evaporate quickly leaving me deactivated -huh, so what are the large purple lights?- Volt looks up and analizes the lights every move.
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-they are the same species as Grass Gliders but the female counter part, theier form is called Glowing Terror they are more agresive species that have a diate of humans, but because its theier mateing season, so it wont even see us -yeah lets get out of hire before we get killed -good idea- they both slowly started walking true the grass outside the moution circle, the tall grass continued but now there are is no life there, just them walking is the only sound heard there
-so is there something more i can know about them? -its pretty much all the main info i could get out of them -can i know more things about you? -... -its alright if you dont what to tell me, no force needed -it was a bad place there, was forced to do a lot of things, bad things. But now im safe with you, right?- Michael stopped and kneeled down to hug Volt -your safe now, i will insure that -...thank you.
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skyllareich · 1 year
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1816, Europe experiences a year so terrible it it referred to as the “Year Without a Summer”. Choking the old world under a layer Sulphr Dioxide and ash. Harvests failed, the sun failed to pierce the clouds for months at a time, snow came in August. This was all the result of Tambora, a massive volcano in Indonesia that would birth the largest volcanic explosion in recent history, sending 150 cubic kilometres of molten rock from earth’s mantle to the surface, along with a massive amount of rock and gases.
Skyllareich has been mostly geologically passive, generally going through a bit of a calm period. This would all change. The Hesperian archipelago is a large group of island that together make up more than half of skyllareich’s landmass. These islands are located in a band stretching from pole to pole, and located along the collision of numerous tectonic plates, each boundary forcing up rock to make individual islands. The most violent of these is the boundary between the Boreal and Hesperian plates. The heavier Boreal plate is slowly being forced under the lighter Hesperian plate. A process that churns up massive pools of magma.
Along the boundary lies Gorgon, the northmost major island in the Hesperian isles, dominated by a range of high mountions in the north, genially sloping down to the sea as you move to the south. Unlike the Himalayas or Andes, the North Gorgon range is still very much active, with small Hawaiian and Strombolian eruptions pock-marking the range. Every once and a while though, a large one occurs. But even these pale in comparison to what happen but a few days prior. Unleashing a massive flood of lava that covered nearly two-million square kilometres in fiery molten rock.
The ash choked the skies, coating costs a dull red, basalt covered the land, and acids poisoned the seas. Even the pockets of gas and magma left in shallow graves beneath the surface. Shown above, one such pocket blasts it’s top, as the vitriolic stained waves crash the corpse of a suffocated shark a giant the shore. The first era of skyllareich has drawn to a close, from the fuming remains of a supervolcano, the Aestuarian emerges.
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tzuyusluv · 2 years
Once Upon A Time
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☆ Seokjin | King of The Bamboo Forest
read here
Title —> tbd
Summary —> The Bamboo Forest is known for its pandas, the trees that grow so close together there’s little walking room and it’s incredibly handsome King. As a merchant, you eventually learn that the rarer the item, the higher pay you’ll get. Though the King doesn’t seem thrilled to let you set up shop there.
Release Date —> tbd
☆ Yoongi | King of Dragon Mountion
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Title —> tbd
Summary —> Since you were little, you’ve traveled to the Dragon Mountains for winter. During winter, a prophecy of the Dragon’s choice is assigned and only certain royals may know about it. So, it’s a surprise when your best friend, Yoongi, only has six months to marry someone before his crown is given to someone else.
Release Date —> tbd
☆ Hoseok | King of the Hot Spring Islands
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Title —> tbd
Summary —> The hot spring islands are a known myth around many towns and city’s. Just a simple bedtime story for children. So why do you see them in your dreams? And why are there voices asking you to come to them? Your beliefs soon change, and once your town finds out, you become the outcast. Now you’re more determined to find and prove their existence.
Release Date —> tbd
☆ Namjoon | King of The Cherry Blossom Grove
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Title —> tbd
Summary —> Every five years, the Cherry Blossom Kingdom opens it gates for tourists to enjoy ‘The Festival of Blooming.’ The festival goes on for six days and five nights, though the King is never seen there. After you meet a handsome man named, Namjoon and he treats you to some traditional food, you find out he’s the king. Now, will you pretend it never happened? Or will you confront him?
Release Date —> tbd
☆ Jimin | King of The Koi Fish Ocean
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Title —> tbd
Summary —> The koi fish ocean becomes vibrant in spring and summer. The orange of the fish clash beautifully with the dark blue of the ocean. While there, the King takes an interest in you and swears you’re more beautiful than the ocean and it’s inhabitants. Too bad you’re betrothed to another.
Release Date —> tbd
☆ Taehyung | King of The Lotus Flower Field
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Title —> tbd
Summary —> The lotus flower field is a phenomenon. The main flower sits perfectly in the middle of the lake. That’s where every royal wedding is supposed to take place. When you’re invited to Prince Taehyun’s wedding, you meet a shadowy figure. Introducing himself as King Taehyung, you soon realize that there isn’t a wedding but a gathering to find the brothers their brides.
Release Date —> tbd
☆ Jungkook | King of The Ancient Battlefield
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Title —> tbd
Summary —> The King of the Ancient Battlefield is a young one. So when your governess takes you there on a field trip, you soon find a secret that the King was trying to hide from the public.
Release Date —> tbd
©️ Tzuyuluvs | Do not copy, translate or blatantly steal my content.
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myantiquelife · 2 years
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Man on the mountion or Sicily, Italy
Source: @national_archeology
#city #mountain #Sicily #italy #houses #living #town
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vimalb-blog · 2 years
YPV 1 Pair Propeller Mounting Kit Drone Prop for DJI Phantom 4/ 4pro +/ 4 advanced +
Price: (as of – Details) dji phantom 4 propeller mounting is used to replace damaged or crashed propeller mounting on your phantom 4 all series drones. Suitable For DJI Phantom 4/4pro/4po plus/4 advanced/4 advanced plus/4pro 2.0 Including : 2 PCS Propeller Mountion Plates Material : Metal + Plastic Easy to install and quick release phantom 4 motor lock9450S Propeller Installation KitsWarranty…
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Autumn mountain. #roadtrip #mountion #turkey_photo #amaturephotography📷 #amaturephotography https://www.instagram.com/p/B4-AKDAnqy6/?igshid=18o64xdpi44nl
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chromatattoo · 2 years
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Tattoo by Cam Hubel @camhubeltattoos . . . . . #tattoo #tattoos #ink #inked #michigantattooers #mitten_made_tattoos #flowers #flowerstattoo #mountion #mountiontattoo (at Chroma Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chmu4J7uvsZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pgk1130 · 3 years
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누가 저렇게도 멋진 그림을 그렸을까? 자연의 색깔을 흉내내기도 힘들것같다 #하늘구름 #sky#cloud#skyclouds#mountion#자연의색깔 https://www.instagram.com/pgk117/p/CY8-cgsF1ra/?utm_medium=tumblr
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batvillainz · 2 years
These 4 hour lectures on soil erioson are like : bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Sorry they're doing what?? Rage of 1000 suns. Okay Bored agian.
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kamelrahmani-blog · 7 years
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#cave #mountion #natural #kamoo #goprophotography #gopro #کامو
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travelwhore24-7 · 4 years
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ghoulish-fiction · 2 years
A slightly late birthday present for the wonderful, beautiful, talented @nirianvigora! I hope you like it! 💐💚
Mountain/Reader fluff.
As Mountion steps outside he stretches, takes a deep breath of cool morning air, and sighs. It was a beautiful day. The kind of day you deserve considering that it is your special day. Mountain walks the wandering path of the garden to the very back where the first flowers of spring have popped up. They came late this year, but they are just as beautiful as ever.
Snip, snip, snip, snip, snip.
With five daffodils in hand Mountain makes his way back home to you. When he arrives he is pleased to find you are awake and eating the fresh fruit he cut up for you before heading out.
"Good morning." Mountain says as he bends down to kiss your forehead.
"Good morning! Thanks for breakfast!"
"You're welcome. There's more." Mountain says as he presents to you the small bouquet he had hidden behind his back, "This is for you. Happy birthday. One for every year."
"Mountain! They're lovely. Thank you. But...uhh... Mountain? I know I'm a lot-like a lot- younger than you, but I'm not five." You laugh.
"No." Mountain says with a smile, "One for each year I've loved you."
"Oh! Oh Mounty you're so sweet. Come here."
You pull him down into a long, lingering kiss.
"Happy birthday honey." Mountain says once more against your lips.
You smile into the kiss, feeling so loved, and sigh, "Thank you Mountain."
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prettyyou21 · 3 years
Day 6: Northern Lights 
    (Tanjiro’s POV)
    “Tanjiro, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Zenitsu warned, I smiled as I led him to where the lift would pick us up, so we could go to the top of the intermediate mountain. 
    Zenitsu and I were currently away on our honeymoon. We were going to Canada for five days, then going to Hawaii for 5 days. We didn’t want to get away for too long, we both had jobs to worry about so it’s not like we could go away for a month or anything. I was still happy with this though. Zenisu and I are on our fourth day in Canada, we’re going to be here tonight, tomorrow and then we leave early in the morning for a flight. At the moment we were staying at a ski resort. We’ve been skiing for the past few days now, we ski during the day and then during the night we go to restaurants or have the equivalent of marathon sex at our hotel. It’s nice, and tonight we’re going to see the northern lights. 
    But that’s tonight, for now we’re going skiing. 
    “I think we’ll be fine.” I replied, grabbing Zenitsu's arm so he wouldn’t run away or fall as the gondola swooped us up, starting to carry us up the mountain. We’ve been doing this for three days now and Zenitsu is still scared of this thing. I find it funny, annoying and cute all at once. We’ve been on the smaller hills for a while now and Zenitsu and I are both getting very good at going down the smalle hills. So I wanted to try something bigger today. I figured it could be fun. Zenitsu seemed to have some very different ideas though. 
“No you don’t get it! Would you take a toddler down this hill?” Zenitsu whined, frowning over at me. I noticed how he fidgeted with our wedding ring though the glove and I couldn't help but blush, mimicking him on instinct. 
“I would take an eight year old.” I replied, smirking. Zenitsu had a system. If you wouldn’t take a toddler, don’t take him. It works, he’s as loud as a toddler and can act like one. He underestimates himself and it can lead to some pretty bad things. We’re still working on our self esteem. 
“That’s too old!” He exclaimed, immediately freaking out at the idea. I couldn’t help but laugh softly, Zenitsu hasn’t changed a bit since high school. I smiled and gently rubbed Zenitu’s back with one hand. The other hand gently started to massage Zenitsu’s pulse point in order to help calm him. Zenitsu was calm by the time we reached  the top of the hill. I jumped off a little early, waddling fast enough so I could catch Zenitsu before he went down the wrong side. Zenitsu still isn’t the best at getting off the gondolas, and next to the intermediate hill was a steep, master’s hill. I’m sure Zenitsu could make it but it’s more to protect his mental health than physical. 
    “I don’t want to do this.” Zenitsu said, looking over the edge of the mountion, looking fucking petrified as he stared over the edge of the mountain. I knew Zenitsu, I married him. He doesn’t need comfort right now, he needs a push. I’m going to be that push because if there’s something Zenitsu hates more than being scared it’s being left behind. I knew he would follow me as I waddled to the edge of the mountain. Zenitsu was still letting out little scared noises and a part of me felt bad about it but I knew Zenitsu needed me to push him. He always needs someone to push him and sure enough as I let myself start picking up speed, Zenitsu was right with me. 
Here is the fun part. Zenitsu is always scared when he starts, he’s crying and arguing and whining but before long, he gets into it, he likes it, and then he shines. It’s never for long, always like a bolt of lighting, so bright, and amazing for a few mere seconds, or minutes, and he smiles and laughs as he does whatever he’s doing, perfectly in his element and perfectly him.
Right now was one of those times, he was shaky at first and then he got excited. I watched as the tears and frowns, the face once twisted in fear, melt into excitement and happiness as he went down, I sped up with him, Zenitsu laughing. We went around trees and when a ramp came up I watched Zenitsu go off it, I followed. We both landed, almost falling but staying up. Zenitsu beamed at me and I almost fell over because of how blinding it felt. I managed to force out a smile back though, watching the light shine in Zenitsu’s eyes as we flew down the hill. 
Then there was another ramp and Zenitsu fucking fell. 
We had gotten to the bottom but there was another ramp and Zenitsu had been looking at me so he went flying. I froze and watched helplessly as Zenitsu went flying and landed right in a huge pile of snow. I skidded to a stop next to it, several other’s coming over to check and I couldn’t see him, was that his ski? Did he get hurt, was this actually a bad idea?
“Fuck!” Was exclaimed, as a blob of yellow hair suddenly popped out the top of the snow pile. “I’m never skiing with you again, you made me fall!” He accused. I felt relief wash over me because he was fine. Zenitsu never complains when he’s actually hurt, he thinks it's a weakness. I don’t know what it is but actually being hurt’s make’s him shut down. The fact that he raised his voice show’s that; yes he is okay. “Help me!” Zenitsu whined. I laughed and pulled him out, we both tumbld in the snow. “Don’t laugh!”
    “But it’s funny! You did a whole flip in the air!” I insisted, the two of us now lying in the snow on our backs, looking up at the sky. Zenitsu gasped. 
    “I’m not funny! I could’ve been hurt!” He argued, grabbing a clump of snow, he slung his arm around and landed it right on my face, I jumped up and quickly shoved it off. 
    “I’ll show you hurt.” I replied, quickly scooping up some snow of my own, Zenitsu kicked off the ski’s immediately and broke into a run, screaming loudly as I chased him. I ignored all the looks we got and almost chased him back up the mountain. 
    “Those are very pretty.” Zenitsu marvaled, head tilted to the sky. I smiled at the amazed look on his face. We were looking at the northern lights, we found someone who had a small cafe close by and got hot chocolate before driving out and settling in the snow. The car was still cooling down a few feet away as me and Zenitsu stood under the stars, sipping our hot chocolate. Zenitsu’s finger tips were red from the cold. I had offered to give him some gloves, Zenitsu said he wanted to have fingers, I offered to get him not mittens and he said he didn’t want fat fingers, we settled on fingerless gloves, Zenitsu seems happy with it. Though I do have to say, not having fingers is very annoying. 
    “They are.” I agreed, turning my head to look up at the sky again. I smiled wider as I saw all the light’s. This was worth it. Zenitsu sighed softly, shoulders slumping. I couldn’t help but find the moment of peace nice. Zenitsu is always loud, it’s nice that he’s being quiet, it means he’s content. 
    “Thanks for agreeing to this.” Zenitsu said, still looking up at the sky, I gave him a confused look because this was my idea and Zenitsu must’ve heard it before he quickly corrected himself. “Thanks for making me agree to this! I-I don’t like the cold, or going outside period. I’m happy you decided to talk me into it, I’m happy you’ve decided to talk me into everything. I know I already said it in my vows I rambled about it but you’ve done so much-” I cut Zenitsu off with a kiss, my face now red from more than the cold. 
    Zenitsu did say all of that in the wedding vows, he started to cry while he was at it too. Nezuko kept him from having a breakdown but he was shaky for a good 30 minutes afterwards. I was just happy everyone there was used to Zenitsu’s breakdowns. Zenitsu’s face was red from the kiss, or the cold, I don’t know which. But it was red and Zenitsu was looking away bashfully with a soft smile and I thought the flush to his face completed it. 
    “I was going to sing.” Zenitsu admitted, chuckling nervously as he shifted back so that we weren’t about to kiss again. “But I dunno if I want to now. It’s nice just like this.” Zenitsu said, looking around. “There’s a herd of deer that way.” He mumbled after, more to himself than anything as he shuffled closer to me. Zenjitsu really doesn’t like the outdoors. 
    “Whatever you want to do.” I mumbled, wrapping an arm around Zenitsu and listening to his happy hum of content. 
The light’s were beautiful out tonight. 
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