#mounds of mundburg collection
Dream fanfic idea for my niche little area of interest – a Mounds of Mundburg Collection. That would be a grouping of fics, not necessarily tied to one another narratively, but that each star or heavily feature one of the obscure, doomed men whose deaths are commemorated in the Mounds of Mundburg song that ends The Battle of the Pelennor Fields chapter of ROTK.
The fact that these guys all died in that battle is literally all we know about some of them; for others, we might also have just one or two small details, like the town they came from or the weapon they favored. But they’re essentially blank slates, with nearly infinite room to build your own backstories and fill out their worlds with people who love them or hate them, great things they’ve succeeded or failed at doing, aspirations and hopes that they had planned to pursue after the war, ways that they intersect or don’t with major canon events, etc.
The men in question are Harding, Guthláf (♥️), Dúnhere, Déorwine, Grimbold, Herefara, Herubrand, Horn, Fastred, Hirluin, Forlong, Derufin, and Duilin. I’ve already written quite a bit about Guthláf, both in ficlet and multi-chapter narrative form, and I have Dúnhere and Grimbold in my WIPs, but that still leaves a half dozen Rohirrim and all 4 Gondorians. So I don’t know if it’s something I’d ever get to and finish on my own, or if it would be a fun shared effort to build the collection over time with someone else who happens to love one or more of these little NPCs of Middle Earth. But I like the idea.
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