#motonari otome
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Mc being sassy ✨

Whoever came up with these dialogues! Let me kiss you!! 😫 ...I love it when Mc is a mixture of hilarious & bold 😂 it's very refreshing!!!!
Her monologues keeps me entertained, im addicted to it 🙏🤣
#if mc had a diary i would read it like bed time story religiously#ikemen sengoku#ikemen#cybird otome#cybird ikemen#new post#my camera roll pics#otome game#rs cameroll#cybird games#otome games#shojumaru#ikemen sengoku motonari
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"This blade belongs to only one person, the best damned woman anywhere across the seven seas!"
Your pirate king Motonari is back in his Eternal Route!⚔️
Come read his route, and join the Collection Event to get goodies along the way!🎁
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Ikesen Boys React to a Tattooed MC pt 5
Thank you again to @otomedad for this fantastic idea ^_^ This one has Kennyo, Motonari, and Kicho! Approx. 2300 words of tattoo and MC appreciation!
Kennyo stops, his mouth opening and then closing again. It isn’t often that you get to see the abbot at a loss for words. You file the expression away to savor later.
“What is it,” you ask, gentle laughter in your voice. You know what it is, of course. Though you hadn’t expected quite this reaction. It’s really quite precious.
“Is that -” His gravelly voice gives out and he takes a moment to clear his throat. “Is that a buddha?” He gestures to your bare shoulder.
You glance at the tattoo and suppress a grin. “Oh! No, this is a portrait of my auntie.”
Kennyo’s eyebrows rise and a small divot forms in between. “Your auntie?”
The image is clearly an Amitābha Buddha surrounded by the petals of a lotus flower. While you aren’t the type to randomly tattoo religious iconography, the buddha always meant something special to you. Seeing your ink brings back memories of copying out sutras and meditating with your grandmother. The peace and serenity, the promise of better things . . . but you can’t help yourself teasing the abbot.
“Mmm. Did I say auntie? Maybe it’s my uncle. What do you think?” You look back at him, entertained by the series of emotions crossing his face. Some find Kennyo hard to read, but you’ve learned his little quirks. The slight shift of his lips or brows, the depths of his grey eyes.
Kennyo crosses the distance between you and peers at your tattoo closely. His eyelashes brush your skin just a breath before his lips follow. “I think you’re teasing me. Wicked woman.” The air between you thickens with tension from the intensity of his gaze and the subtle humor in his voice.
“Wicked?” You turn to face him, your eyes wide and pretending at innocence.
His eyes crinkle at the corners from the wide smile that lights up his harsh features and turns them soft and kind. “You mock me.”
Your cheeks grow warm under his regard. The gentle admonition of his words leaves you feeling a tiny bit guilty. “Ok, yes. It’s not a family member.” You look away, trying to think of how best to explain the tattoo, what it means to you. Why you got it done. Honest expression is hard, especially with someone like Kennyo.
His rough thumb brushes your cheek. “You need not explain yourself.” His fingertips drift along the curve of your neck to brush the inked skin of your shoulder. “It is beautiful. Unexpected. Like you.”
You cannot help the shiver of pleasure that runs through you at his touch. He is so decently indecent that it is maddening. “I want you to understand though,” you reply, and pull yourself together. “I got it a few years after my grandmother died. She - she wouldn’t have approved of a tattoo but . . . I wanted something special. A way to remember her, and the things she brought to my life. Faith and peace and . . . just that feeling I would get, at the temple with her.”
Kennyo nods, and presses a kiss to your shoulder. “Admirable intent.”
“Do you really like it?” You can’t help the way your insecurity infects your words. You don’t often open up to anyone, preferring to deflect and joke.
“I do. Though I wonder if it is heretical to find you so . . . intoxicating.”
You glance over your shoulder to meet his gaze. The heat in his eyes sends another shiver through you. “I should probably -” you gesture toward the door and all the work awaiting both of you on the other side.
“Probably,” he agrees, pulling you into his arms.
Your head breaks the surface of the water with a splash. You splutter and gag, spitting out the salty taste of the sea as you try to get your bearings. None of which is helped by the smirking laughter of a certain pirate as he bobs in the water nearby.
“I really hate you sometimes,” you mutter, glaring at him from under the ruins of your wet hair. The weight of your wet kimono is pulling you down, so you wriggle out of it.
Motonari grabs your floating clothes. “Don’t much care how you feel right now, princess. We gotta swim to shore.”
“Obviously,” you huff. “But I’m pretty sure we could have taken one of your little boats. You didn’t have to throw me overboard.”
He chuckles. “‘Course not. That part was for fun.”
You sigh, realizing your glare is getting you nowhere. “Fine.” You start for shore with Motonari at your side. Despite saying he didn’t care, you can feel his gaze on you as he stays by your side until your feet touch the sand. And once you arrive, he guides you over to a shady spot to rest.
“Have a sip o’ this.” Motonari holds out a flask.
“What is it?” You reach for the proffered drink. “Rum?” Afterall, pirates drink rum, right?
“Aguardente de medronho. Try it.”
Just as your hand reaches the flask, Motonari grabs your arm, gloved fingers wrapping around your wrist. “What’s that, princess?”
You instinctively pull back, but he doesn’t let go. Instead, he turns your arm to look at the inner side. You realize he must have noticed your tattoo, small as it is. There at the crook of your elbow is a line in the shape of a wave. Easy to overlook, as you intended. Something for you, not to share.
“Would you let go?” You pull again, but to no avail.
Motonari squints at the design, leaning close. “Didja steal something and get caught?”
“What? No!” You can’t help the horrified expression on your face. “I’m not a criminal!”
His gloved fingertip traces the delicate lines and whorls of the wave. The sensation is oddly intimate, and you feel a rush of unexpected warmth. “Nothin’ wrong with being a thief. It’s the getting caught part. Disappointin’.”
“Motonari! I didn’t get caught. I paid for that tattoo. On purpose. From an artist!”
He turns his head to regard your expression, a playful smirk hiding in the corners of his lips. You realize right then that he’s teasing you. “Huh. I’m tempted to believe ya. Your head’s too full of flowers to be a criminal mind.”
You find yourself pulled into his garnet gaze, unable to look away. He’s so close, and you are suddenly very aware of how little clothing you have on, and how little it conceals when its sopping wet. You are half naked on a beach with a mad pirate that thinks he owns you. And instead of being afraid or angry, you are enjoying the banter.
“What’s the matter? All them flowers getting in the way of talking?” The smirk breaks free, turning into a broad, carefree smile.
“N-no!” You take a breath and look away. “Just trying to find the smallest words I can use to explain a tattoo to you.”
Motonari laughs again, the sound a pleasant and low. “I’ve seen plenty of tattoos. Just never one on a woman.”
“Well, where I come from it’s not uncommon.” You glance back at him and realize he hasn’t moved. If anything, he seems even closer now.
“Huh. So why’d you get one?”
You nod, trying to gather your thoughts. Motonari is so frustratingly distracting. It isn’t fair that he is so pretty. And to be honest, you’d rather think about that than explain your tattoo. But he asked.
“I . . . umm. I went through some rough times. Me and my dad. There were times after mom died that I - I felt like we would never be happy. That -” You swallow, remembering the feelings of helplessness. The sense that there was no point to anything. Waking up and just wishing you were still asleep because it hurt to be awake.
Motonari’s thumb strokes the side of your arm, far more gentle a gesture than you would have expected from the brash pirate.
“A-anyway, I wanted to remind myself that storms come and go. Something small and just for me, that I would always have. So I could look at it when I feel hopeless and just remember that this will pass and things will get better.” You clear your throat, trying to pretend telling him this is no big deal. Hoping the dampness in your eyes doesn’t give you away.
You catch his gaze again and there is something unexpectedly soft in the scarlet depths of his eyes. The smirk has fallen away, and his lips part as if he is about to speak. Instead, Motonari lets out a slow breath, and then he looks away. For a long moment, neither of you says anything.
There is tension in the silence between you, but also a sense of comfort. A few breaths to give you a chance to get a hold of your emotions. To relax, held closer to the pirate captain than ever before.
“So . . . anyway, umm, should we keep moving?” You swallow, hoping to move on to a less emotional topic.
He lets go of you and takes a swig from the flask. “To gettin’ through storms.” He holds it out to you and this time you take it.
The liquor heats on its way down your throat, the slight bitterness lingering on your tongue.
“Aaah!” You let out a surprised shout as your door slides open. Your kimono is only half on and it’s still dark outside your shuttered windows. You struggle to pull it on as you turn around to see who invaded your room at this ungodly hour.
Kicho stands in the doorway, his light green eyes almost glowing in the dim lantern light. His jaw is set in a familiar frown, though you aren’t sure why.
“Sorry for shouting,” you murmur, trying to quickly tie your kimono shut.
He ignores your apology. “Is that a tattoo?”
You blink, confused for a moment before you realize he must have spotted the ink on your shoulder blades. “Oh. Umm. I’m not a criminal or anything.” You swallow, feeling the full force of his regard as he crosses the room to close in on you.
“I did not suggest you were. Yet.” He raises one, perfectly arched brow. “Let me see it.”
You nod, realizing a refusal would not look good about now. “So, if I can ask, why did you come to get me? Do you . . . normally wake the maids?”
His response is a soft, impatient sniff. A dismissal of your question as silly. “Stop delaying.”
With a sigh, you lower the back of your kimono again to show your upper back. Three sunflowers cluster just below the nape of your neck, spreading their bright petals over your shoulder blades. “See? Clearly not irezumi kei.” You start to pull your kimono back up, but his cool hand on your shoulder stops you.
“These are . . . I haven’t seen tattoos like this since -” You feel the brush of his hand along your spine, and the accompanying shiver isn’t from the cold.
“They are common where I’m from. More or less.” You turn your head to see his expression. Is he suspicious, you wonder. But his gaze is softer than you’ve seen since coming to his manor, his lips curved in a smile more sensual than cynical.
Kicho’s hand rests between your shoulders as if trying to grasp the inked blossom. “And where is that? There is no village with a horishi so skilled.” His eyes snap to yours, the gentleness gone behind an icy wall.
You can’t tell him the truth, but a lie might get you in as much trouble. “It’s, umm, I . . .” Panicked, you try to look away to give yourself a moment to think.
His other hand catches your chin, holding your head still. “Where?”
“I - I told you before. A small village. It’s not important. I didn’t get it there. A nanban trader did it for me here, in Sakai. Because I - I saw one like it and I thought it was pretty.” You swallow, unsure if he’ll buy it.
Kicho’s eyes narrow as he studies your expression. “A nanban trader?”
You realize that you need to say something to derail this line of questioning. Your eyes go wide. “Does it look bad? I was so worried and since it’s on my back . . . but I thought . . .” Your panic helps bring a damp teariness to your eyes and a genuine worry to your voice.
“It -” He looks down at the tattoo again. “It is very lovely. On you.” His voice carries an unexpected gentleness, and you feel the touch of his finger tracing the line of your jaw. “Lovely.”
The touch and his words bring heat to your face, and you feel your pulse take off at a gallop. You remind yourself again that Kicho is the enemy, but it’s hard to keep that at the forefront of your thoughts in this oddly intimate moment. “Thank you.”
“Why did you get this? Merely for the look of it?”
You didn’t particularly want to have this discussion, but he’s asked and you see no harm in admitting the reason. “Well . . . someone told me this flower means admiration. And that three of them together are a - a confession. Of love.” You can feel the heat in your cheeks as you speak, though you aren’t sure if it’s because of how close he is, or what you’re saying. “The colors and type of sunflowers give them additional layers of meaning but . . . I got them to remind myself I am loved. And that I love myself.”
“You are . . . a strange woman,” he says after a moment. “And we are late. Finish dressing and meet me at the entrance.” Despite the sharp words, he seems reluctant to let you go, only doing so when you step away.
“I’ll see you there? It won’t take me a minute.” You hurriedly pull up the kimono and finish tying it off.
He nods, still focused intently on you. “Don’t dally.” His gaze flits to your now covered ink. “And don’t be ashamed of something you should that has such meaning and beauty.”
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikesen kennyo#ikesen motonari#ikesen kicho#fanfiction#otome#fanfic#otome guys#fluff
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This request came in via DM from @vegecatto. Thank you for the request! I had a lot of fun writing this one! Especialy since you picked my faves! So glad we share some faves haha!
It is my final request in my 400 follower celebration (there are a couple of anon requests that weren't fully in line with the rules of this event, but I will answer them separately from this event later).
400 Follower Celebration
Smut prompt: Suitor reacts to mc/reader teasing them in public
Suitors: ikesen Motonari, Nobunaga, & Shingen
NSFW 18+ content (though not explicit really, more suggestive)
Motonari was always teasing you and making you go red-faced. It never mattered to him where you were or who was around. He LOVED getting a reaction out of you. You always protested it, but you both knew you loved it, you would just never admit it aloud. Just once though, you wanted him to know how it felt. You wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. So you devised a plan.
You go out with Motonari on a date in the next port you arrive in. All dolled up in a special dress from the west you had picked up on your travels (and modified). The dress was much more revealing than your usual kimono. Showing off cleavage, a bit of leg, and more of your arms.
“What d’ya think yer wearin’?” He asks, his red eyes wide.
“Just that pretty dress you bought for me.” You answer with a grin as you move to lace your fingers with his gloved ones. “Now come on pirate boy, show me around town. We’ve got lots to see.”
As you two walk around the town, you decide to be a bit more flirty and handsy with Motonari, as he usually is with you. While looking through the shops of the port town, you casually brush against him. Even pinch his ass a time or two. You find reasons to bend over low in front of him. You watch him grow increasingly more frustrated as your day goes on, but he’s a stubborn one. He knew what you were up to the moment you stepped off the ship in that revealing dress. He’s doing his best not to give in.
While sitting at a tea house together, though Motonari is eating and drinking nothing, you can’t help but to try to fluster your handsome pirate again. As you sit beside him, you reach a hand over to his thigh, fingertips tracing lazy patterns up his leg, getting ever closer to what appears to be a growing bulge, though staying just shy of it.
Motonari’s cheeks are red and he lets out a groan. “That’s it. I can’t take yer teasin’ anymore.”
The next thing you know, he’s leaving money on the table and then picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. He carries you to the closest inn and gets a room where he throws you down on the bed and quickly climbs atop you. “I’m gonna pay ya back fer all o’ that, flower girl. You better be prepared to handle the consequences of yer actions.”
You grin as he kisses you and roughly begins removing your clothes. This is exactly where you wanted to be…and you enjoy the “consequences” as Motonari teases you and pounds you into the mattress.
Nobunaga is never afraid to say whatever is on his mind. It doesn’t matter to him who is around or if you are in the middle of the council or a banquet. He will keep you close during those times and he will give you little teasing touches. It usually results in some jokes and comments…mostly from Masamune and Mitsuhide…and the awkward cough and light reprimand from Hideyoshi.
You decide that Nobunaga needs to learn what it’s like for you when this happens. So, you make it your mission to make his face red in the middle of a banquet. You always sit next to him. It makes it easier for him to tease you, but tonight, YOU will be doing the teasing. You offer to refill his cup, making sure that you find ways to brush against him as you do.
You “drop” things as an excuse to bend over in front of him and find many reasons to give him teasing touches.
“You’re being rather bold tonight.” Nobunaga tells you, an amused smile on his face.
You feign innocence. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
Nobunaga chuckles. He is clearly enjoying this and can’t wait to see how far you’ll take it. He can’t wait to see what you’ll do next.
You decide to up the ante a bit and lean your head against him as you sip your sake. You pull the collar of your kimono open slightly and start fanning yourself. “It’s a bit warm tonight.” You say.
Nobunaga’s eyes are on you. He pauses with his sake cup held midway between his tray and his lips. “You have taken this too far.” He murmurs before putting his cup down. “It is time we bid you all goodnight.” He declares to the room as he stands up, taking your hand and pulling you up with him.
Whistles and laughter from the others follow you as Nobunaga makes a hasty exit with you. He pulls you into a secluded hallway, your shared room being too far of a distance as far as he is concerned, and pushes you against a wall.
“My lucky charm has decided to test me greatly.” He says before diving in and capturing your lips. His hands work their way under your clothes, fingers reminding you who claimed your body and heart so long ago. He takes you right there in the hall against the wall three times before you two make it back to your room, where he spends the night teasing you and making you writhe in pleasure.
Shingen is always so affectionate with you. Giving you sweet kisses and caresses, holding your hand. He finds excuses to touch you. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Wiping some sweet syrup off of your cheek while you two are enjoying a snack. Though he never really takes it too far and you really can’t complain about his affection. But there is a part of you that wants to drive him absolutely wild. You want to see what limits you can push with him. So you decide to experiment.
First you start by popping in with the maids during councils Shingen is attending. You insist on serving him the meals, making sure your hand brushes his. You wear your kimono in a slightly loosened way so that when you kneel down to place the tray in front of him, the collar opens a bit, exposing your cleavage. You give him a coy smile before walking away.
After his councils have concluded, there is a banquet and you happily attend it with him. As soon as you walk in you make your way over to Shingen and plop down in his lap. His gray eyes widen a moment, but he smiles warmly at you, wrapping his arms around you.
“My goddess is feeling bold tonight.” He says before kissing you on the forehead.
Yukimura is grumbling and red-faced just watching the two of you.
During the banquet, you stay in Shingen’s lap, making sure you wiggle a little bit more than you normally would. You touch him more, a hand on his arm or chest, nuzzling against his neck… tucking his hair behind his ear as he does to you. Shingen is eating it up! He is LOVING this SO MUCH.
Though he does eventually reach his limit when you lift the hem of your kimono up slightly, revealing more of your legs than normal. He scoops you up into his arms and stands effortlessly. “Goodnight everyone and enjoy the banquet.” He declares as he carries you out and to your room.
Once there, he is sitting down and holding you in his lap once again. Though he turns you to face him so that you are straddling him. He lifts a hand to caress your cheek. “Have I not been paying enough attention to you, my goddess?” He asks just before capturing your lips with his. He spends the rest of the evening giving you ALL of his attention by paying special attention to every sensitive place of your body and making you cry out in pure ecstasy.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86
@lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady
#400 follower celebration#whimsey event#ikesen motonari#ikesen nobunaga#ikesen shingen#ikemen sengoku motonari#ikemen sengoku nobunaga#ikemen sengoku shingen#motonari mouri#nobunaga oda#shingen takeda#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#ikemen series#fanfic#otome boys#cybird#fanfiction#head canon
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Oh my heart💖
I can't help imagining it really was gunshots and he'd be riddled with them while protecting her, so tragic😭
#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#ikesen motonari#ikemen sengoku motonari#motonari mouri#otome game#cybird ikemen series#cybird ikemen#otome games#cybird games#ikemen series#otome#cybird otome#ikemen games#cybird#ikemen cybird#ikemen game#ikemen
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Yes, yes. I am mess because I wouldn't even think it would be bad to think bedding him.
#otome#husbandos#ikemen series#otomegamer#cybird#ikemen#otomegames#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#anime#ikesen motonari#ikemen sengoku motonari#motonari mouri#smutty thoughts#ikesen out of context
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Motonari, feeling for the other in the dark 💜💜💜💜
Now that you're done grading, here's a little celebration gift 🎁
Dark and Stormy - Motonari Mouri x Reader (Ikemen Sengoku)
A/N: Part of my New Year, New Celebration event
Pairing: Motonari Mouri x Reader
Prompt: feeling for the other in the dark
Tags: fluff
"Ugh…" you muttered into your pillow as you tossed and turned in the bed, a storm raging outside, causing the ship to rock so much your sleep was disrupted. Cracking open an eye, you were unsure the hour, but certain it was rather late as it was still pitch black in the bedroom. Glancing over at the other side of the bed, you found your bedmate snoring loudly despite the loud sound of rain pelting against the windows.
How could he sleep with all this racket?
You put your pillow over your head in hopes it would help muffle the sounds outside. Groaning when you discovered it did nothing to help the noise or the rocking of the boat, you shifted in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position.
“Ya get used to it. Eventually,” a sleepy voice mumbled.
Tilting your face towards the voice, you found a pair of crimson eyes staring at you. Great, you woke him up.
“What? I just had a bad dream, that’s all,” you replied quickly, not wanting to admit that a silly storm was keeping you up.
Motonari chuckled softly. “That’s the flowers in yer head talkin’ again.” He pulled down the covers and reached for you in the dark. “C’mere.”
You gasped softly as he pulled you towards his chest, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. His hand cupped the nape of your neck, guiding your head to rest against his broad chest.
You nestled your cheek against his chest, the thrum of his heartbeat steady and comforting. Maybe Motonari was right. Maybe you would get used to life on the boat.
But if the reward for waking up was being wrapped in Motonari's arms, maybe you didn't want to get used to waking up during the storms.
Tagging: @violettduchess @alixennial @redheadkittys @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @bellerose-arcana @scorchieart @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen
#new year new celebration#ikemen series#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#motonari mouri#ikesen motonari#ikemen motonari#ikemen fanfic#ikesen fanfic#otome#otome fanfic#otome games
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the classic confession of
“i’ve traveled across vast lands and seas and in those times, i’ve encounter many people. some old, some young, some good, some bad. these eyes have discovered so many things, things that others can only dream of. but though i found tales of glory and views of gold, you and you alone are my only treasure.”
with the merchants of ikemen series.
#ikemen prince#ikemen sengoku#ikepri#ikesen#ikemen series#otome#cybird ikemen#silvio ricci#kicho#motonari mouri#ikemen villains#jude jazza#ikepri silvio#ikesen kicho#ikesen motonari#ikemen vampire#francis drake#ikevil#ikevil jude
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Well now I’m curious, is this something Silvio and Motonari feed their men on long voyages?
YouTube and it’s random suggestions, my favorite 😂💖
#ikemen series#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#ikemen games#ikemen prince#ikepri#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikemen prince silvio ricci#ikemen prince silvio#ikepri silvio#silvio ricci#ikesen motonari#ikemen sengoku motonari#Youtube
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Kicho's Main Story Dramatic Epilogue
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
Kicho's subordinate: "Lady Mai."
Mai: "Are they here already?"
Kicho's subordinate: "Yes. They're already waiting for you in the parlor."
Mai: "Okay, I'll be right there."
Stopping what I was working on, I got up from my chair and picked up the clothes hanging in the corner of the room.
(Yup. Everything is good.)
(I hope they'll be pleased this time, too.)
Kicho: "So everything is sold?"
Mai: "Yes. And they also said they would come back again soon."
Mai: "I'll have to come up with a new design as soon as possible."

Kicho: "You're so passionate about your work. No wonder you're so popular."
Mai: "Eh, no. I can't do this job without my customers."
Mai: "And especially you guys. You always help me choose the best clothes!"
Kicho: "I see."
He smiled softly and put the brush down on the desk.
Mai: "Are you done working?"
Kicho: "Yeah. I had less than usual today."
(He said that yet he just finished it now.)
Kicho: "What's wrong? Your expression suddenly darkened."
Mai: "I'm sorry. I haven't been able to help you that much."
Mai: "You're busy because I stopped being your secretary."
Kicho: "Oh, that? I already told you a dozen times not to worry about it."
Kicho: "Since you're busy sewing clothes, there's no need to go out of your way to help me."

Kicho: "Besides, I'm glad it turned out this way."
Mai: "Huh?"
He got up, approached me, and gently took my hand, lightly tracing my fingers.
Mai: "Um, Kicho?"
Kicho: "You have more scars again. You also seem to be working late these past few days."
Mai: "You can tell?"
Kicho: "You're dextrous, so I doubt you'd prick your fingertips this much."
Kicho: "Maybe you did it until late at night and lost focus when you got sleepy."
Mai: "You guessed right. You always see through everything."
Kicho: "I'm closely watching because it's you."
Mai: "Ah..."
He pulled my hand and pressed his lips against my fingertips.
Blushing, he looked up at me and smiled.
Kicho: "You really love your job that you put so much effort into it."
Kicho: "It's one of the things that makes life worth living, so how can I stand in your way for such selfish reasons?"
Mai: "Kicho..."
(He really cares about me.)

(He looks after me and loves me.)
My heart pounded as I kept looking at him, but he took his gaze away from me and looked at the clock.
Kicho: "By the way, you said you'd start tomorrow."
Mai: “Huh?”
Kicho: "I'm talking about work. You'll start designing tomorrow, right?"
Mai: "Yes. I wanted to spend time with you tonight since we haven't been able to spend much time together lately."
Kicho: "I see. If that was your intention all along, then I guess I don't have to seduce you for it."
Mai: "..........."
The words he said made my body tense.
Perhaps sensing this, he let go of my hand, lifted my chin, and kissed me lightly.
Mai: "Nn..."
Kicho: "You're right. We haven't spent much time together lately."
Kicho: "And instead of fading away, my feelings just keep on overflowing."
He carried me and laid me on the bed while kissing me repeatedly.

Kicho: "Mai."
He leaned in close, brushing a lock of my hair over my ear.
Mai: "Nnn...ngh..."
Our breath mingled as he inserted his hot tongue through my parted lips, and lewd wet sounds echoed in the room.
(We're just kissing, but my whole body feels so hot already.)
(I want more of him.)
My eyelids became heavy as my thoughts melted away, caused by the happiness and heat welling inside me.
(I really love him.)
(I really love Kicho.)
Mai: "No way."
I woke up still feeling dazed as I recalled my blunder last night.
(Please, please let it be a dream.)
(I can't believe I fell asleep.)
The room's owner was already gone, and the sunlight was streaming in from outside the window.
In addition, I could even hear the birds chirping.
(I really fell asleep like that.)

(That was so rude of me一Hmm?)
I suddenly noticed something on the table and got out of bed.
(It's a note. He must have left it.)
(Um, let's see...)
Mai: "Eh!?"
Mai: "Ah! Motonari, this way."
Motonari: "..........."
Motonari sighed as soon as he saw me waving my hand while sitting in the teahouse.
Motonari: "What kind of crap have you brought me today?"
Mai: "It's not crap. I'm really in trouble."
Motonari: "You say that, but it's probably about Kicho. Are you here to brag about your love life again?"
Mai: "Love life?"
Motonari: "You're not aware, huh? In the first place, why are you calling me so casually?"
Mai: "Because I know you'll show up."
Mai: "Please sit next to me. I don't want to stand around talking."
I shifted to the side, and Motonari sat, looking pissed.
Motonari: "So, what is it?"
Mai: "Well, from your perspective, does Kicho look like he's pushing himself too hard?"
Motonari: "Let me ask you something. What made you think so?"
Mai: "He's too kind to me."
Mai: "Look at this."

Motonari: "A note? Ha? What's this?"
Mai: "This is from a few days ago, the morning after I fell asleep on him."
Mai: "And yet, he still wrote an apology for leaving the room first."
Mai: "Moreover, when I returned to my room, he prepared breakfast, clothes, and medicine for my wounds."
Mai: "Isn't it too much? Even though we're lovers, I wonder if I'm making him worry about me a little too much."
Motonari: "............."
Mai: "Motonari?"
Motonari: "What's the difference between this and what you told me the other day?"
Mai: "Huh? Wait, what was it again?"
Motonari: "You said something about him being too soft on you and not being able to keep up with his feelings."
Motonari: "He's not forcing himself or anything. He's just like that to begin with, so get used to it."
Mai: "He's like that?"
Mai: "Do you think I'm the right person for him?"

Motonari: "Ha! You picked the wrong guy to ask that question."
Motonari: "If you don't want that kind of romance, find someone else."
Mai: "Ah! Wait!"
Motonari tried to stand up, but I desperately blocked his way.
Mai: "If I look for someone like that leisurely, my heart will reach its limits in no time."
Mai: "When I expressed my feelings, I had no idea this would happen."
Motonari: "Then go talk to a wall. It'll calm you down if you vent, right?"
Motonari: "Anyway, I have another business meeting. See you later, princess."
Mai: "M-Motonari!"
Not wanting to interfere with his work, I watched Motonari's back as he left.
(Talking to a wall is just so dull.)
(I wish I had someone to talk to.)
Kicho's subordinates, acquaintances, the maids in the trading post, and everyone in the Oda army...
Various faces popped into my head and then disappeared like bubbles bursting.
(This is hard. I guess talking to a wall is better, after all.)
(Oh, right!)
Mai: "So, I bought some souvenirs at the teahouse."
Mai: "I had some rice crackers the other day, and he said they were delicious, so I decided to go with those."
Fuku: "Kicho."
Mai: "Yup, that's right. A souvenir for Kicho."
Fuku, hearing my words, shook her head happily and called out Kicho's name a few more times.
(Fuku really likes to chat.)
(I feel like I've picked the perfect choice.)
Since Fuku often spent time in this room with me during Kicho's business meetings, I thought it would be the perfect place for a secret talk.

Mai: "By the way, Fuku, will you hear me out? The other day Kicho..."
Every time I started talking, Fuku would stare at me with her round eyes.
It was nice to have someone accept my feelings, even if the other party was a parrot.
Mai: "Also, he's so handsome and cool."
Mai: "Wait, I got off-topic. Sorry, I'm just confused by what he said."
Fuku: "............"
I would occasionally feed and pet her head as I talked about Kicho, completely immersed in my new conversation partner.
A few days after I started talking to Fuku...
Kicho: "Mai."
Mai: "Kicho."
As I left the room to get a drink, I bumped into Kicho.
Kicho: "You're still awake?"
Mai: "I just finished working on my designs."
Mai: "More importantly, were you going somewhere dressed like that?"
Kicho: "Yeah. I had some missing materials, so I just came to get them."
Mai: "I see."
(Which means he's still working.)
(I shouldn't hold him back here for too long.)
I felt so happy to see him that I could hardly walk away from the place.

Kicho: "Is there anything I can help you with?"
Mai: "Huh?"
Kicho: "Lately, you've been spending a lot of time in your room. I know you're busy with work, but don't push yourself too hard."
Kicho: "If it's just stitching, I'm sure we can get someone else to do it."
Kicho: "If you want, I can arrange for a few seamstresses."
Mai: "No, I'm fine. Thanks, anyway."
(I didn't realize I was spending that much time in my room.)
(He really looks out for me, even though he's busy himself.)
Mai: "Um, Kicho?"
Kicho: "What is it?"
Mai: "If I can help, please let me know."
Mai: "I'm your former secretary, so please don't hesitate to ask me, your lover, for help."
Kicho: "Mai."
(I want to take care of him the way he takes care of me.)
(I want him to think I'm the best partner for him.)
Kicho: "Thank you, but I'll just take that feeling for now."
Fuku: "Kicho!"
Mai: "----!"
Interrupting our conversation, Fuku flew in, flapping her wings, and landed on Kicho's shoulders.

Kicho: "Fuku."
Mai: "Sorry, we were in the same room."
(I probably forgot to close the door, so she got out.)
Mai: "Fuku, come here. Let's go back to my room."
Fuku: "..........."
Mai: "Fuku?"
Fuku: "Kicho."
Kicho: "Kicho?"
Fuku: "Cool! Love him to death!"
Fuku: "Kicho!"
Mai: "F-F-Fu-Fuku!?"
The words Fuku said to Kicho were the words I had recently told her.
(She learned it so well.)
(It's amazing, but now's not the time to show it off!)
Kicho: "Mai?"
Mai: "Y-Yeah. Um..."
Mai: "Can you pretend you didn't hear that?"
Kicho: "Does that mean you don't want me to hear it?"
Mai: "..........."
Flustered, he stroked my cheek and looked between Fuku, who was still repeating the words she had learned, and me.

Kicho: "Looks like you've been a pretty good teacher."
(He totally gets it.)
Mai: “Um, no, that’s not what this is...”
Kicho: “No need to pretend you don’t know, and no need for excuses.”
Kicho smiled more happily than usual and stroked Fuku’s little head.
Kicho: “I thought you’ve been spending a lot of time in your room lately, but you’ve been using Fuku as your companion.”
Kicho: “You probably didn’t expect to see her show off this in front of me.”
Kicho: “I guess you could call this a selection error, or maybe a bird selection error.”
Mai: “Ugh...”
Fuku: “I love Kicho.”
Kicho: “I see. You’ve learned a lot. But it’s already late. It’s time for you to get some rest.”

Kicho: “Mai, I'll put her in your room.”
Mai: “Okay.”
Opening the door, he glanced at me and moved Fuku into his hand.
Kicho: "I'll put her back in the birdcage. You go to my room first."
Mai: "Okay."
After a few minutes of waiting, he came back.
Kicho: "Now, let's continue where we left off."
Kicho: "If you really love me that much, I'll listen to you as much as you want."
Mai: "What!?"
Kicho: "You're the right person for the job. If it's me, I won't have to tell anyone else about it."
Kicho: "Plus, it's only natural that you want to help someone you love to death."
Mai: "Please forget about that one."
Kicho: "How could I forget about it after hearing all those cute words?"
Kicho: "If you don't want those cheeks to blush even more, just be honest about it."
Mai: "Ah..."
Smiling happily, he put his hands around my waist and kissed my forehead.
Kicho: "I want more than anything to pour all these feelings I have for you."

Kicho: "Mai."
He looked straight at me and called my name in a seductive voice, and just like that, the feelings from him flowed into me in a rush.
(I'm all messed up.)
(I'm so deeply loved that I can't do anything about it.)
My heart was screaming that I was at my limit, but that scream was quickly replaced by a flutter of excitement and euphoria.
Shaking my head was no longer an option.
Mai: “Then I’ll take it all in.”
Kicho: “Of course.”
He kissed me hungrily after replying.
This time, our sweet time has started without being lured into a dream.
Previous Part╏Masterlist╏Romantic
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen kicho#ikesen kichou#ikesen jp#ikesen#ikesen spoilers#ikesen motonari#ikesen translations#cybird#otome
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...motonari is poetic in his birthday event and i'm a melting mess...

#...he will always be one of my ikesen favs...#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikesen motonari#motonari mori#ikesen event#ikesen spoilers#otome games#otome
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|| ikemen sengoku ||
Mc being sassy part 3 ✨🤣

The best otome Mc award goes to!!!!🥁🥁🥁~ ikesen's Mc!!! ✋😂🙏 ...i really love how relatable & entertaining she is !!
#love her to the core#like everyone would be so serious and she would have the most hilarious monologue going on in her mind#girl can't shut it#😭🤣#my camera roll pics#otome game#rs cameroll#new post#ikesen#forever ikemen sengoku mc!#ikemen sengoku#ikemen sengoku motonari#cybird otome#cybird ikemen#cybird games#otome blog#otome games
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• WHAT IS WITH THESE FACES MAN- AAAA FOR THE LOVE OF- … I'm Fine (luna is not fine she is losing it because of these men and their stupid smirks on their faces) 😤😭😩😔🤚🙈💗 ���
• Her Favourite Men Are Making Her Weak- •
#Ikemen Sengoku#Ikesen Motonari#Motonari Mouri#Twisted Wonderland#Leona Kingscholar#Savanaclaw#The Tale Of Food#Lianhua Blood Duck#Otome#Otome Games#Other Games#my screenshots
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Excuse me for just flying in to your ask box immediately upon seeing that requests are open. *visibly excited* May I request ikesen Motonari and day at the beach? Spicy? Could just be with MC (no name is fine). Please and thank you. I love your work!
Oooh, I do like this one. Motonari is one of my faves! I hope you enjoy, my dear ^_^ Approx 1300 words, very spicy!
Motonari couldn’t help himself. He kept glancing over at MC from behind the safety of his sunglasses, the dark finish ensured no one else could see what he was looking at, but he still felt very conscious of every look he threw her way. But what else was he supposed to look at? When you had a gorgeous woman at your side, and she was wearin’ one of these modern day bathing suits . . . well . . . he swallowed.
She looked up from her book, a smile playing at the edges of her mouth. “Do you want to go grab some lemonade?”
“Huh? No. Why’d ya think I want anything?” He blinked at her, confused.
“You just look thirsty.” The smile broke free now, teasing.
Motonari felt his face go hot and hid it by looking away, out at the ocean. Her head wasn’t always full of flowers, he thought. Sometimes she could see right into him. After a breath, he glanced back at her and grinned. “I don’t think a lemonade is gonna cut it.”
“No?” She raised her brows, pretending surprise.
He stood up and held his hand out to her. “Come swim with me.”
“Alright. But I don’t want to get my hair wet.” She took his hand and stood.
“Afraid you’ll drown the flowers in yer head?” Motonari grinned at her as she stuck her tongue out at him. That cute little tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips made him want to kiss her, so he did.
She gasped against his lips, the sudden intimacy unexpected. Then she was kissing him back, showing him the feeling wasn’t one-sided. Her hand slid to his back, lightly running her nails down his bare skin.
The sensation was bright and hotter than the summer sun, lines of fire in the wake of her teasing touch. It was his turn to gasp, the sensation shivering through him and ending in his low belly. The desire coiled there sprang to life. If he’d been a thirsty man moments ago, he was now parched.
Motonari lifted her up even as she broke the kiss, in part because he simply wanted her in his arms and in part to hide his obvious desire. He trudged toward the waterline, carrying her. She squealed and giggled, wriggling against him which only made his condition more dire.
“Stop movin’, wouldya? Makes it hard to carry you.”
“You don’t like it? Hm.” Her eyes were sparkling as she took in his disgruntled expression. “It feels like you like it.” Her legs tightened around his waist, taunting him with her closeness.
The waves lapped at his toes and then his ankles, and then calves as he continued forward. “Didn’t say that, did I princess?” He pretended like he was about to drop her.
She gave a little scream and clung to his shoulders.
“See? Nearly lost ya.” He grinned.
“That was not funny,” she grumbled, but she was smiling.
The sand dropped off after a few steps, going from about thigh deep to chest deep in one step. For a heartbeat, Motonari was floating, weightless, and then his feet found the bottom again.
She loosed her grip on his shoulders and leaned back to look up at the clear blue sky above them. “It’s a beautiful day, don’t you think?”
“Real beautiful,” he agreed, his garnet gaze fixed on the curves of her breasts. Her nipples were hard, little nubs he could see clearly through the thin fabric of her swimsuit. A quick glance around told him there was no one close enough to see what he was about to do. He cupped a breast, rubbing his thumb lightly over her nipple.
“Motonari!” She sat bolt up, eyes wide. “Someone might see!”
“Nah.” He smirked. “And if they do, so what?”
She didn’t have an answer for that, so she only huffed at him. Then she crossed her arms, effectively blocking his grabby hands.
That was fine, he thought. There was more than one toy he wanted to play with. He dropped his free hand to the water, running it down her belly and over the mound between her legs. She looked like she might object but he spoke first. “Nobody can see what’s happenin’ under the waves, girlie.”
“Does it feel good?”
She nodded.
His thumb drew circles over the heat there, teasing. He knew she liked it from the faces she made. Desperately trying not to make a sound, to keep her expression neutral. But she couldn’t stop the raggedness of her breath or the shine of desire in her gaze.
Her hips twitched toward his teasing hand, and he laughed. “Seems like yer feeling a bit thirsty too.” He loved feeling her like this, being able to touch her and to enjoy it.
“More than a bit.” She tried to sound sassy but it was hard to have much attitude when your voice was heavy with want.
Motonari pushed the hem of her swimsuit out of the way, letting his fingertips caress the cleft of her flesh. It excited him more than he could express. Touching her like this when both of them knew they shouldn’t. Breaking the rules was always fun. Moreso when it involved her.
He slipped a finger between the folds, seeking that little pearl of bliss, finding it. Even if he hadn’t mapped her body and her pleasures, he would have known he’d found the right spot by her reaction. Her legs tightened around him and her breath came out in a whimper.
“Better not make a sound,” he laughed. “Someone might notice.”
“You’re a cruel lover.” She pouted. Then she grinned and slid a hand down his chest, teasing fingers toying with his happy trail until they slipped beneath the waistband of his swim trunks.
“What’re ya doing?” His question came out a hoarse rasp as her fingers curled around the base of his cock.
“Turnabout is fair play, no?” She kissed him lightly. “Don’t make a sound.”
Motonari stifled a groan as she stroked him slowly from root to tip. “Gonna make ya pay for that.” His fingers slipped lower, dipping into her honeyed opening while his thumb brushed the hard little nub of her clit.
She bucked against him, trying to sink deeper onto his fingers, but he wouldn’t let her. He curled them, stroking her from the inside in little, maddening thrusts. His lover mimicked the motion with her hand, fingers circling the engorged head of his cock.
It twitched in response, aching to be inside her. Aching for more of her touch. A low groan escaped his clenched jaw and she laughed.
He couldn’t simply tease her more. Not now. Not with desire pounding in every beat of his heart. Not with this hunger burning in him. His thumb found her rhythm as his fingers thrust deep. She clenched around them, squeezing tight. A tremor ran through her.
“Motonari,” she gasped. Her fingers glided down his shaft and up, imitating the desperate thrusting of his fingers.
Neither of them cared in this moment if someone noticed. They were lost in each other, in their shared pleasure. Motonari buried his face against her chest, seawater lapping at his chin. He wanted to strip away the swimsuit, tear it from her. Lick and bite her breasts. He wanted to feel her nipples harden against his tongue. He wanted to bury his cock into her so deeply his balls would be coated in her sticky-sweet juices.
He put all of that into his touch, into the pounding thrust of his hand, and she gave it back. Squeezing his fingers inside her, stroking him, tensing against his base, rubbing her thumb across his head.
She let out a soft cry that she muffled against his shoulder. A tremor ran through her body as she bucked against him.
Motonari came at the feel of her climaxing against his hand. The quiver of her muscles, the sudden flood of heat, sent him over the edge. It was good, so very good. But he wanted more. He wanted all of her. And he could tell she wanted the same. Could feel it.
“Let’s go back to the room,” he rasped, at the same time she said, “We should head in f-for a nap.”
“We ain’t gonna get much sleep,” he grinned.
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen motonari#motonari mouri#fanfiction#otome#fanfic#otome guys#ikesen smut#very spicy
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Hello! Congratulations on your milestone!! For the prompt, i thought it would be interesting the one with the suitors reacts to mc wearing a bikini, with Shingen and Motonari!
Thank you my dear! And thank you for asking for my top two faves! This one is definitely spicy! And it was fun to write!
400 Follower Celebration
Smut/NSFW Headcanon: Suitor reacts to MC/reader in a bikini
Suitor(s): ikesen Shingen & ikesen Motonari
NSFW 18+ content
Shingen’s gray eyes are always on you. You are his favorite person to look at and the most beautiful sight he has ever beheld. But when you step out onto the beach, wearing a bikini… his eyes are glued to you…and so are his hands.
“This is the clothing you wear to swim in this time? I like it.” He says, his hands sliding over the bare skin of your curves. “So…revealing.”
You giggle and do a little turn, holding up a bottle of sunscreen. “Can you help me put this on?” You ask.
“With pleasure, my goddess.” He answers. He then gladly lathers you in the sunscreen., his hands moving sensually over you bare skin…even the parts you could actually reach yourself. His fingertips “accidentally” slip under your bikini, caressing your breasts and the curve of your butt.
You will spend your time at the beach, laying out or playing in the water, Shingen unable to keep his hands off of you. And when you get into the water? Oooh…those hands get to wandering, knowing no one can see what is going on beneath the water.
He holds you, your back to his front, allowing him to place kisses along your neck and nip at your ear. His hands will be fully under your bikini, playing with your breasts before one of them slips down beneath your bottoms, fingers playing with that sweet spot between your legs. He will keep going until he has you cumming at least three times…or until you’re begging for him to take you back to your room, which he will happily do.
Once you two are back in your room and alone, he is spending the night properly worshiping his goddess and telling you just how stunning you look in your bikini. He mentions wanting to bring the bikini back home when you return to the Sengoku so he can enjoy you in it more.
Man goes from zero to horny in an instant upon seeing you in the bikini. He hadn’t anticipated that your swimming clothes would be THAT revealing! You had tried to warn him, but he didn’t think the warning was enough. It wasn’t any different than the underwear you had been wearing since you guys had arrived in the modern day!
You give him a playful smirk as you look at him. “You like it?”
Motonari blinks as he looks at you, his face heating up. “Ya really hafta ask?”
You do a little spin, going slowly to make sure he gets the full view. Hips shaking a little when your back is to him. “What? I still want to hear it.”
Motonari doesn’t let you finish turning around before his hands are on your hips and he’s pulling you back against him. You can feel that familiar hardness pressing against your ass. “LIke ain’t the right word fer it.” He growls into your ear, before leaving a stinging kiss on the side of your neck. You KNOW there is a red mark there now.
“There’s others here.” He said. “Gotta make sure they know yer mine.” He says before leaving a series of love bites over your neck and shoulder.
Your face heats up…but you can’t be upset. Enjoying his possessiveness. “Come on, let’s go for a swim.” You say, pulling away from him and heading towards the water.
Motonari quickly chases after you…and realizes the bikini only gets sexier once wet. You’re not in the water for long before he is pulling you out and then throwing you over his shoulder. He gives a playful smack to your ass. “We’re goin’ back. I ain’t waitin’ any longer.”
You gasp and then giggle. In this position, you are able to return the smack with one of your own. When you make it back to your room, he is tossing you down on the bed and climbing on top of you. He is not letting you go for the rest of the night and you are not walking the next day… or the day after that either.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86
@lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
#400 follower celebration#400 followers#whimsey event#ikesen shingen#ikesen motonari#shingen takeda#motonari mouri#ikemen sengoku shingen#ikemen sengoku motonari#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#headcanon#smut headcanons#ikemen series#otome boys#cybird
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It's a miracle, finally Shingen's eternal is coming, god I've been worried and begging for so long because they had skipped him originally. Motonari and Mitsunari are coming too and there's confirmation that Ranmaru's route is being made right now as well as Mitsuhide's sequel. It's a good day to be alive😆
#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#ikesen shingen#ikesen motonari#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen ranmaru#ikesen mitsuhide#ikemen sengoku shingen#ikemen sengoku motonari#ikemen sengoku mitsunari#ikemen sengoku ranmaru#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#cybird otome#cybird ikemen series#otome game#ikemen series#cybird games#otome games#cybird ikemen#cybird#otome#ikemen games#cybird series
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