#moto g 2014
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2011 bis 2023
2020 habe ich über die Fotos geschrieben, die meine verschiedenen Handys ohne mein Zutun machen. Viele der Bilder zeigen das Innere meiner Hosentasche. Techniktagebuch-Autor Virtualista hat das Genre deshalb "Hosografie" genannt.
Im Herbst 2023 kommt das Gespräch im Techniktagebuch-Redaktionschat auf die Tätigkeit der Hosentaschenteufel und ich zähle aus diesem Anlass durch, wie viele Bilder welches Handymodell gemacht hat, in der Hoffnung, dadurch etwas über die immer noch ungeklärten Ursachen der Hosografie herauszufinden.
Insgesamt enthält mein Google-Photos-Album "Bilder aus Versehen" 329 Fotos aus der Zeit zwischen Oktober 2011 und Oktober 2022. In den Jahren von 2008 bis 2011, als ich mein erstes Smartphone, das G1, hatte, gab es offenbar keine Versehensfotos. Das Album beginnt mit dem Nexus S, 8 Versehensfotos zwischen Oktober 2011 und Januar 2013, 0,5 pro Monat. Mein Nexus 4 hat zwischen Februar 2013 und September 2014 64 Versehensfotos gemacht, 3,2 pro Monat. Beim Nexus 5 waren es zwischen Oktober 2014 und März 2016 140 Versehensfotos, 8,2 pro Monat. (In diesem Zeitraum habe ich außerdem kurze Zeit das OnePlus One verwendet, 10 Versehensfotos pro Monat.) Das Nexus 5x hat von April 2016 bis April 2017 27 Versehensfotos gemacht, 2 pro Monat. Dann wechsle ich zum Motorola Moto G5 plus, das von Mai 2017 bis Juni 2020 kein einziges Versehensfoto produziert. Erst im Juli 2020 ändert sich etwas, und in den nächsten 12 Monaten entstehen mit dem gleichen Handy 69 Versehensfotos, 5,8 pro Monat. Das aktuelle Handy, das Motorola Moto G 5g plus, hat seit August 2021 nur 10 Versehensfotos produziert, 0,4 pro Monat, was ich eigentlich ein bisschen schade finde.
Leider fällt mir während der Forschung ein, dass man aus diesen Zahlen gar nicht so viel über das jeweilige Handy ablesen kann. Denn die Menge der Versehensfotos hängt auch davon ab, wie oft ich das Handy in der Hand habe und was ich damit mache. Zwischen 2016 und 2019 habe ich Pokémon Go gespielt und hatte das Handy draußen ständig in der Hand. In dieser Zeit sind sehr wenige Hosografien entstanden – vielleicht weil das Handy vor lauter Pokémon Go keine Gelegenheit dazu hatte. Aber auch seit ich mit dem Spiel aufgehört habe, ist nicht mehr viel passiert. Das Handy ist jetzt draußen oft nur in meiner Hosentasche, manchmal sogar im Rucksack (weil es in letzter Zeit zu groß und schwer für die Hosentasche geworden ist). Für die Hosografie scheint es aber wichtig zu sein, dass ich das Handy öfter aus der Tasche nehme und wieder hineinstecke. Wahrscheinlich liegt es an irgendeiner Kombination aus Handymodell, Sperr-Einstellungen, meinen Gewohnheiten und der Art der Hose: 2014 und 2015 habe ich berufsbedingt meistens seriöse Herrenhosen getragen, mit geräumigen Hosentaschen, aber keiner Beintasche. Danach wieder Outdoorhosen mit Beintasche. Welche dieser Faktoren die Hosografie bestimmen, wird vielleicht ungeklärt bleiben.
(Kathrin Passig)
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Hoy hace 9 años en SEVILLA fotografie en un MURO un cartel del disco TERRAL [=viento que sopla en el mar de ALBORAN] de PABLO ALBORAN [=apellido que se debe a su bisabuelo almirante SUBLEVADO al que hizo FRANCO a título Postumo MARQUES DE ALBORAN=palabra que significa o proviene de TORMENTA por un CORSARIO TUNECINO] que estaba junto a otro del grupo DiNeRo que tocaba en Sevilla x mi año 43 [28_11_14]..pues eso es lo único que les interesa a todos estos IDOLOS O CANTANTES..EL DINERO Y PASARSELO BIEN [=VOY A PASARMELO BIEN=CD DE LOS PUTOS HOMBRES G]..como reflejo el malogrado x Cancer Franz ZAPPA con su Lp ESTAMOS AQUI SOLO POR EL DINERO..en cuya portada salen decenas de cantantes o músicos con una TORMENTA DE FONDO..y en medio había un cartel DE MANIFESTACION POR LA REPUBLICA
También pose con las columnas de HERCULES en su ALAMEDA de Sevilla adornadas de NAVIDAD..Y FOTOGRAFIE en EL CORTE INGLES el anuncio de cd CONFIDENCIAS REALES del mexicano ALEJANDRO FERNANDEZ grabado en el TEATRO REAL DE MADRID
Por cierto..al cd VOY A PASARMELO BIEN de HOMBRES G [a los q como otros muchos grupos producía el Inglés NIGEL WALKER] le siguió el cd ESTA ES TU VIDA q cierra EL TIEMPO NO ES MI AMIGO e incluye EL REY DEL ROCK N ROLL y ESTOY PINTANDO TU SONRISA
Por cierto..ese 5 dic 2014 parece que me AFEITE por la Tarde o noche ..puede ser una SEÑAL por eso de que es sinónimo de GUILLOTINA jaja
Tampoco se me olvida q en Mayo 2023 a Pablo ALBORAN lo fotografie a la entrada de los ES_TU_DIOS 360 cuando iba al programa EL HORMIGUERO de Pablo MOTOS cuando firmaba autografos pasaba con la bici entrenando para hacer el ROCIO desde el MONASTERIO de SANTA MARIA de las CUEVAS con pintada de MONEY HAVING SEX de Jessica DIAMOND en el patio del PADRE_NUESTRO que incluye dibujo del Cigarrillo POST_COITAL
Que ya lo sabemos HOMBRES G y demás PUTOS GRUPOS que el MUNDO ES UN INFIERNO al q contribuyen más lo que más poder o influencia tienen..lo único NUEVO O DIFERENTE SOY YO
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A Motorola é uma das empresas pioneiras no setor de tecnologia móvel, e sua história é marcada por inovação, avanços tecnológicos e sucessos de vendas. Fundada em 1928, a empresa teve uma longa trajetória até se consolidar como uma das líderes mundiais em tecnologia móvel.
Os primórdios da Motorola datam de 1928, quando a empresa foi fundada pelos irmãos Paul e Joseph Galvin. Na época, a empresa se dedicava à fabricação de baterias para rádios. Foi somente em 1930 que a Motorola lançou seu primeiro rádio, o "Motorola", que logo se tornou um sucesso de vendas.
Ao longo dos anos 1930 e 1940, a Motorola se estabeleceu como uma das principais fabricantes de rádios do mundo. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a empresa produziu equipamentos de comunicação para as forças armadas dos Estados Unidos, o que ajudou a expandir sua presença no mercado.
Na década de 1950, a Motorola iniciou sua incursão no mercado de televisores, lançando o primeiro modelo em 1950. No entanto, foi com o lançamento do transistor em 1956 que a Motorola deu um grande salto em inovação tecnológica. Os transistores substituíram as válvulas eletrônicas, tornando os aparelhos eletrônicos menores, mais leves e mais eficientes.
Foi nessa época que a Motorola começou a desenvolver sua linha de produtos móveis. Em 1973, a empresa lançou o primeiro telefone celular do mundo, o Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, que foi um marco na história da tecnologia móvel. O aparelho pesava mais de um quilo, tinha uma bateria com duração limitada e um preço elevado, mas abriu caminho para a popularização dos celulares.
Ao longo dos anos 1980 e 1990, a Motorola continuou a inovar, lançando novos modelos de telefones celulares e se consolidando como uma das principais fabricantes de tecnologia móvel do mundo. No entanto, a empresa enfrentou dificuldades financeiras e problemas com a qualidade de seus produtos nos anos 2000, o que levou a uma queda em suas vendas e perda de participação de mercado.
Em 2011, a Motorola foi adquirida pelo Google por US$ 12,5 bilhões, o que marcou uma nova fase na história da empresa. Sob a gestão do Google, a Motorola lançou novos modelos de smartphones com tecnologia avançada e designs inovadores.
Em 2014, a Motorola foi vendida para a Lenovo por US$ 2,91 bilhões, mas continuou a inovar no mercado de smartphones. Hoje, a empresa é conhecida por seus modelos com ótimo custo-benefício, como a linha Moto G, e por sua tecnologia de comunicação por rádio, que é amplamente utilizada em setores como aeroportos, hospitais e empresas de segurança.
A história da Motorola é marcada por inovação, avanços tecnológicos e sucesso de vendas. A empresa foi uma das pioneiras no setor de tecnologia móvel e continua a inovar e expandir sua presença no mercado.
Quer saber mais: https://motivandoleoes.com/
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The connection between Derrick Rose and Michael Jordan doesn't look so meaningful when one Bulls mini melissa picole vidro jersey features a Papa John's logo. He also claims that there is racial discrimination in baseball's promotion and post season assignment policies. Hernandez claims that, despite being rated highly in evaluations, he has been passed over to work the World Series. Unas nike hypervenom all black cualidades físicas y atléticas de otro planeta pero mucho trabajo por delante. Le veo más hecho a dia de hoy a Randle, su gran rival por camara sony cybershot dsc w810 el numero uno. Un cuatro de lo más versátil, con un manejo de pelota tremendo para su tamao. Es que no os suena la región de Tracia en la peninsula de los balcanes? Lo de Israel es porque los países árabes (y algunos africanos) se negaron a jugar competiciones de club y de selección con un equipo judío y amenazaron con dejar de participar. Para evitar males mayores se decidió incluir a Israel en competiciones de club y de selección europeas. Lo que han dicho 27 25 Sí, eso es verdad, pero el hecho de que un poquito de Turquía esté en Europa no quita para que la inmensa mayoría siga estando en Asia. It was a good step for the Heat, who are trying to catch Indiana for the top record in the Eastern Conference.''You can see the resolve,'' Wade said. ''You can see the chemistry. You can see a team that's gearing up for the second half of the season.''Kevin Durant scored 28 points for Oklahoma City, which lost at home for the first time since pantofi sport tip soseta dama Jan. Estoy cansado ya de ése discurso sensacionalista. Si valen de verdad, se abren paso entre los hombres, he incluso les baten. Como diadora focicipő Ana Carrasco, la chica de 17 aos que corre en motos en 125. B A R A J A S P A C H E C O J O S E R A M O nike jean jacketN 2 1 . B A R B A M E L E N D E Z J O S E D E J E S U S 2 2 . B A R R A Z A C A R R I L L O M I R L E T Y U L I A N N A 2 3 . Change avert are doing and your own will amend. Success can be learned. What ever you put your mind to achievable learn. El idioma es lo que más les cuesta. En sus equipos hay traductores, pero cuando faltan se dan situaciones surrealistas. "Tuve que dirigir un entrenamiento por gestos. Finalmente, los jugadores han decidido disolver el sindicato. Billy Hunter y Derek Fisher han decidido dejar de ser los representantes de los jugadores por lo que se inicia la disolución y los jugadores de manera individual tomarán acciones legales antimonopolio y la NBA. Esta es la vía más rápida de disolución y una manera de presionar a los propietarios con dureza. s e e s e l g r a n r e t o , é s e e s e l g r a n d e s a f í o " , d i j o . A d v i r t i ó q u e e s a j u s t i c i a
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o . Darko Milicic's rather violent history. He may have only played less than half a game, on average, in a career that has seen him sit nearly half the games his five different NBA teams have appeared in, along with a sporadic international career in the offseason, but we've never seen anyone rip a jersey off in frustration on their way to the bench after being lifted from a game. And we've never heard a NSF Serbian W outburst like this.. El jugador franquicia de los Nets no pudo ocultar su alegría por la posible llegada de Dwight Howard a New Jersey. El base confirmó que habla a menudo con el jugador de Orlando y sonrío al contemplar la posibilidad de su fichaje: "No sé si hablar con él puede ser motivo de multa, pero somos amigos y si quiero hablar con él le voy a llamar, porque tenemos buena relación". 15Nets con Deron Williams, Brook Lopez, Howard. Did we just witness how Conor McGregor beats Mayweather?We saw Manny Pacquiao age in the ring Saturday night. We saw the legs lose their mobility as a younger, more aggressive opponent air max 90 ultra se roughed him up with head butts and headlocks. And when the decision was announced, the world was shocked as the underdog had his hand raised in victory. Siempre os creeis que los que más trabajan son los que están más abajo. Pero realmente la mayoría estais en esa situación porque no habeis tenido ganas de estudiar o hacer algo mejor, que no se trata de tener dinero y pagarse unos estudios. Muchos nos hemos apretado el cinturón y/o trabajado answear sandale copii de muchas cosas para estudiar o para labrarnos un furuto. Con Pierce en cancha podíamos haber ganado, ya que sin él perdimos de 9. Además, aunque en el 4 nos apalizaron, en los 3 primeros matchs de la regular les ganamos y bien, y fue por nivel e intensidad de juego, no por hablar de la madre de nadie. Boston lo que tiene que hacer es jugar. Pudieron reconstruir en 2014 y haber tenido posibilidades de tener un equipo aspirante. Pero también podría haberles salido mal, que el equipo no funcionara, que Kobe se largara, y que el contrato televisivo no hubiera sido tan bueno debido a la marcha de su jugador franquicia. Decidieron asegurarse de que Kobe se retiraría en Lakers, amarrar la pasta del contrato televisivo, y dejar la reconstrucción para 2016. Retirado como jugador, Pellegrini, que siempre se imagin a s mismo trabajando como ingeniero (lleg a colaborar en la reconstrucci de varios edificios destruidos por el terremoto que sacudi Chile en 1985), se dej seducir por Fernando Riera, su entrenador en U para probar suerte en los banquillos. Su debut no fue demasiado prometedor: asumi el cargo de entrenador en la Universidad de Chile, y a mitad de temporada, se fue unas semanas a Europa para asistir a un curso de entrenadores: el equipo acabar sufriendo el descenso de su historia (1988 89), una espina que a sigue clavada en el curriculum de Pellegrini. En Chile a se le recuerda esa deuda, magnificada porque Colo Colo, el otro gran rival de U nunca ha bajado a Segunda.
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Jeans G-Star Sale
G-Star Pants & Chinos Although It has only' a handful of handbags, you can take the time normally devoted to shopping a little Work 'Sur them. I think that a lot ofPeople are in this way. That is a flat former, in effect, they can be produced With the creativity and the innovation for S ensure the scholarships are long of long duration and unique. All Mthe of these great people and women for whom it is outside of the scope of the S g-star type c jeans. What g-star powel overshirt Moto you like better do you prefer the style baggy or the'lean adjustment I am really excited to bring my boyfriend sweaters with a Motorcycle finally. Price offers a wide variety of comfortable g-star sale online to sell. I was talking with Cam Newton, quarter-rear of the Panthers of theCaroline, The God of the NFL in the decision and that the magazine interview considered a six inches of six feet, £ 250 genetically slab gifted, the precision muscle sharpened on theFootball, g-star men hed as a date to the wear, G-Star Shoes Clearance directly from the Spring 2014 tracks. Rag os g-star jacket has thick woolly texture, graphics in black and white, and 80 tonnes of really cool detail with zip inspired. Full area of the face is without any doubt to sec. You get these guys who are really geek, who are in their denim to edge, they are doing in the good sense; they do and everything that is not wash. It is fun to accessorize with a little bit of metal that is a g-star men's jeans metal or a little on the glasses. But that is what works for you as Individual, and that brings out the best in you and that can you have fun with and feel really well. This article gives a particular look in the social bookmark submit g-star rovic loose cargo pants. And the superb piqué bag of Napa slash g-star raw jeans for sale, for your hands chic and practical Ladies free: with a largerNumber that never women designers to make waves, the industry has turned a corner. Go to the section of theIdeas of costume for tons of ideas chic. The designer and Work Mom impressed with a collectionTerribly Elegant and distinguished for the autumn and the has nailed in attacc straight jeans g-star of midi offset at the end of the show. g-star elwood loose fit in double can G-Star Shorts Discount be an excellent addition to the wardrobe of any woman. Calla, launched in 2009: Toronto Born Calla Haynes said that It is all about casual luxury, which is exactly the reason for whichIt has such a worship. www.outletsstar.com
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Ya puedes instalar Lineage OS en el Motorola Moto G 2014 | Android 7.1.1 Nougat
LineageOS es el sucesor de Cyanogenmod, lo que queda y seguirá de Cyanogen. Hoy y gracias a los desarrolladores de XDA Developers, podemos instalar LineageOS 14 en nuestro moto g de segunda generación. La ROM no oficial es bastante estable y no presenta ningún bug considerable, así que veamos como puedes instalar esta nueva ROM. (more…)
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Refurbished Motorola Moto G (2nd generation)- Also known as Motorola Moto G XT1068, Motorola Moto G2, Motorola Moto G+1 Motorola Moto G (2nd Gen.) with Digital TVNETWORK Technology GSM / HSPALAUNCH Announced 014, September status Available. Released 2014
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Also known as Motorola Moto G XT1068, Motorola Moto G2, Motorola Moto G+1 Motorola Moto G (2nd Gen.) with Digital TV
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Moto x moto g 2015
But how does it work in practice? And are the larger resolution cameras better or are they just larger resolution? Our comparisons in the past have shown us repeatedly that megapixels are not everything, so we've taken the Moto X (2014) and Moto G (2014) on a camera tour. The new Moto X even has a funky looking dual-LED ring flash surrounding the camera lens.
With the new Moto X, new Moto X Pro and new Moto G with 4G LTE, the people of China will have the power to choose.The Moto X (2014) and Moto G (2014): is the Moto G actually better than the Moto X? / © ANDROIDPITĢnd generation cameras: are they bigger and better? Or just bigger?īoth the Moto X (2014) and Moto G (2014) have been gifted with a new camera this time around, and both have larger sensors than in their predecessors. We’re eager to build a direct relationship with Chinese consumers and empower them by bringing the mobile Internet to millions of people. Surf the Internet quickly and multitask with ease as Moto G offers 4G LTE and quad-core processing speed, incredible call quality, dual-SIM capability, a brilliant 5” HD display and stereo sound. The curved design fits comfortably in your hand and nicely in your pocket, with colorful Motorola Shells included so you can switch to match your style. Moto G was designed with you in mind, focusing on what you’ve said you value most. Moto G: Choose a phone that keeps up with you. Top it off with the latest 2.7GHz Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 805 processor and a 3220 mAh battery that delivers more than 24 hours of power. A 13-megapixel camera with optical image stabilization takes high-quality photos in all lighting. (Available after Spring Festival)ĭesigned by Motorola and providing the latest Android, Moto X Pro gives you bigger images and better sound with a 6-inch Quad HD display and front-facing stereo speakers for immersive sound. Visit on January 7, Beijing time, to learn more and to let your voice be heard! After Spring Festival, people will be able to design their own Moto X through our Moto Maker design tool. In the spirit of choice, we want the people of China to vote on what colors and materials they would like to see featured first.
Widely hailed by reviewers around the world as one of the best Android smartphones on the market, Moto X features a stylish design with a refined metal frame and a vivid 5.2” HD display, as well as backs made using authentic materials such as FSC® certified woods and genuine Horween® leather.Starting in early February, just in time for Spring Festival, Moto X will be available to purchase in several different designs. The Moto X will be available in early February, while the Moto X Pro and Moto G will arrive towards the end of February at the earliest. Motorola says that it is “eager” to build a direct relationship with Chinese customers by giving them the choice between these three smartphones. The Moto G features 4G LTE connectivity, a 5-inch display, quad-core processor, and dual-SIM capabilities. Motorola is also launching the colorful Motorola Shells in the country to allow users to make their Moto G more personal. There’s also a 14MP shooter on the back and front-facing stereo speakers.įinally, the Moto G will launch in China by the end of February, as well. The Moto X Pro features a 2.7GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor and a 3220 mAh battery. The Moto X Pro, which is essentially the Nexus 6 without the Nexus branding, will also be available in China after the Spring Festival. At some point after the Spring Festival in China, however, Motorola will allow users to design their own Moto X via Moto Maker, much like users in other countries can do now. The Moto X will be available in China in early February in a few different designs, the company says. Motorola calls China “one of the world’s fastest-growing smartphone markets,” and promises to release the Moto X, Moto X Pro, and Moto G with LTE in early 2015. Following the company’s acquisition by Lenovo, Motorola Mobility says that it is returning to China with three of its newest devices. Motorola has just announced in a blog post that it is making a return to China.
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Recensione Moto E6 Play: bassa potenza, ma poco costo(1)
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Siamo piuttosto viziati quando si tratta di telefoni cellulari.Le ultime ammiraglie hanno un sacco di funzionalitàdi fascia alta,molte delle quali significano che in una certa misura fungono anche da PC portatile,fotocamera e macchina musicale.Ma non tutti possono permettersi tali dispositivi,edèqui che nasce il Moto E Play. La serie Moto Eèstata a lungo una gamma di telefoni economici.Da quando abbiamo recensito il primo nel 2014 ci siamo innamorati del piccolo telefono perché,almeno,non era lontano milioni di miglia da quello che gli altri piùtelefoni di peso medio offerti. I tempi sono cambiati molto,tuttavia,quindi mentre entriamo in un nuovo decennio,c'èancora spazio per un telefono da~$100 e il Moto E Playèquello per colmare questa lacuna? Design e visualizzazione Display LCD da 5,5 pollici,formato 18:9,risoluzione HD+(720 x 1440) Dimensioni:146,5 x 70,9 x 8,3 mm/Peso:140 g Finiture:blu turchese,antracite Scanner di impronte digitali sul retro Jack per cuffie da 3,5 mm La prima impressione del Moto E Playèche si tratta di un piccolo telefono.Ma questo perchéla maggior parte dei telefoniècresciuta in modo esponenziale nel corso degli anni.Anche se inizialmente pensavamo che avesse le dimensioni dell'iPhone originale,l'E Playèin realtàun po'piùgrande di quello.Mostra come sono passati i tempi. Ora non otterrai il design piùaggiornato dall'E Play,ma nonèun brutto grido nella maggior parte dei reparti.Lo schermo principale ha una dimensione di 5,5 pollici,cheèperfettamente ampio,sebbene abbia molta piùcornice intorno rispetto alla maggior parte dei telefoni attuali,il che lo fa sembrare obsoleto di un paio di anni. Quello schermo nonèil piùrisoluto,ma ha abbastanza pixel sulla sua superficie allungata HD per fornire ampi dettagli per ciòdi cui avrai bisogno.Nonèmai difficile leggere e-mail e simili,anche se le immagini chiaramente non hanno lo stesso mordono come pannelli a definizione piùalta.Anche la luminositàe il colore vanno bene,con la regolazione automatica per il primo e la regolazione caldo/freddo per il secondo presente anche se si desidera modificare la grafica. Nonostante il suo prezzo di ingresso,sono presenti anche alcune funzionalitàpiùavanzate.Capovolgi il telefono-qui mostrato nella sua finitura antracite lucida(cheèuna terribile calamita per le impronte digitali,va detto)-e quel piccolo logo a pipistrello contiene un scanner di impronte digitali per accessi rapidi.Funziona anche bene.Oppure,se preferisci,la fotocamera frontale puòregistrare il tuo viso per l'accesso automatico in questo modo.I telefoni economici non sempre significano essere avari sulle funzionalità,eh?
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Bmx Supergoose Characteristics
1980 Mongoose Supergoose BMX 21157 11 5. 1980 Mongoose Supergoose SupergooseScrambler 3 2. 1980 Mongoose Supergoose PKTripper 4 2. 1980 Mongoose Supergoose RedGoose80. 4) Did the Supergoose ever come in chrome as well as nickel? 5) Were all the Teams only ever produced in colors? 6) Were Teams always color over chrome? (if yes, why would BMX Products do this?) 7) What years were the Supergooses made? 8) Can a 1st year Supergoose have only one hole in the brake bridge?
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Ive got a (i think) 1982 supergoose. im not sure if all parts are original but i know the frame is an original chrome moly supergoose frame. First off can someone help me identify the bike, and second could someone help me find the value. serial number is j2008703
According to this website your Mongoose was manufactured in October of 1982. It may or may not be a Supergoose though. If you scroll about 3/4 of the way down the page you'll see 'Serial numbers from 1981'. Under that heading it explains that the full cro-mo Supergoose had 3 holes in the brake bridge (2 slotted/ 1 round). If your frame doesn't have these 3 holes, then it's not a Supergoose. Also, it's hard to tell, but from your picture it appears that your fork may not be the stock one. The Mongooses of that era had the dropouts directly below the fork leg.
Bike Check Instagram @tkeck74
Thanks a lot for the info. Would you have any idea what a ballpark price would be?
I'm glad that I could help. Were you able to determine which frame you have? Sorry, but I'm not able to put a value on your bike. You might want to ask the guys over here though. They should be able to give you an idea what your bike is worth.
Bike Check Instagram @tkeck74
The bike only has one hole in the brake bridge. :/ would this decrease the value any?
10/7/2014 8:46 PM Edited Date/Time:10/7/2014 8:48 PM
According to the brake bridge info on the Vintage Mongoose website your frame is not a Supergoose then. That being the case, I would guess that yours is a Motomag. The Motomag had what is referred to as a tri-moly frame. This means that the frame's front triangle tubing is chromoly while the rear triangle tubing is mild steel. This will most likely decrease the value but it's still a vintage frame and it will be worth something to a collector. As I said before, ask the guys over at BMX Museum and check out ebay to see what Motomags are currently going for. I hope this helps. Good luck and let us know what you find out.
Bike Check Instagram @tkeck74
Looks like you just have the frame, cranks and chainwheel. Maybe seatclamp. All the other stuff looks very average. Good news. Os goose prices are on the rise. Maybe wait until early 2016 if want to sell. Holidays coming.
Everyone had a Mongoose in my neighborhood developing up. Mine was a silver chrome moly with steel moto mags. Most people had the plastic tuff-wheel rims. We however remember nearly all of my buddies bicycles and their shade combinations. The redlines, chefs brothers, and diamon backs were considered elite bicycles of times because tghey were lighter.. But Mongoose had their particular special forces bicycles called the supergoose and staff mongoose.
Mongoose are monster great bikes final ages Everyone loves my mongoose subject i will do j hops onto it and back flips and front flips used to do have a haro nonetheless it fell apart
While I happened to be driving done bmxing consistently really light my mates one is truly heavy his is wearethepoeple
I've a mongoose! I'd state it really is one of the best bmx bikes I've ever endured. It's very comfortable to drive and easy to-do tricks in. I loved my Mongoose and I state that in the event that you are planning on getting a new bmx you need to get a mongoose since it it one of the better. Basically had to speed the bicycle, on a scale from 1 to 10 i'd provide a 9.8.
My partner has a mongoose in which he gave it for me as he got a differnt one an I had it for around a-year now and there has been no scratches and I also go directly to the skate playground every friday saturday and sunday. in fairness all bmx bike have their characteristics but in my estimation mongoose is the best you could argue the toss but its pointless it really is my estimation
Mongoose bmx bikes are actually good because of their high quality and appearance, i've one and its own great no issues on it. It should be when you look at the top just like WTP
Mongoose is the greatest i've rode a Haro, Diamond back and a redline and my mongoose 540 is the best out-of all of them it's really simple to do tricks on and when I-go towards skate playground we took the stickers away from it and folks say it is a really good bicycle so that they ask myself what sort of bicycle it's and appearance on the website faces is amazing these are typically just shocked. from everything the mongoose is the greatest i've had it for a year but still no issues with it but I keep switching parts to personalize it. The frame may take a big beating and now have letter problems with it anyway mongoose 540 is the greatest bike We have ever endured
Sincere good bicycles! I've a mongoose 80s show and t has not smashed on me yet I've undergone Haros, Gts, an such like and mongoose is the most trustworthy so far! So many people present crap cause you have a mongoose... only laugh at all of them trigger their particular bicycles will breakdown faster then yours!
I've a couple of mongoose's and I also love them to death and out of the mongoose's I've had I've just had one issue together with them at it absolutely was one from Walmart plus it ended up being the bearings had been eating the inside of my rim but all my various other bicycles are from cycle stores plus several had been custom made
I have a mongoose cycle, it is the most useful cycle ever. I've next-door neighbors which have a bmx thruster bicycle and all agree totally that my cycle is much better and two of those attempted to take it when I allow them to ride it. Laugh aloud mongoose bikes will be the finest in my opinion. :P
One of the better bmx designs ever before we possess one my self and I love men and women be telling me that i obtained a really great bicycle I be getting plenty of compliments of my bike almost were I go almost always there is some body informing just how great my bicycle is gotta think it’s great
Amazing bikes from a cycle shop but somewhat crap from walmart or something along those outlines. I adore my mongoose to bits as it is amazing I can't do tips at this time but i am getting there its creature
I don't know numerous bicycle brands but We have heard about this and I also've heard it's a fairly good brand also. Therefore I imagine i am voting for good one-man this thing takes permanently to let me post it!
Is a truly good cycle however the chains are not good in it if you're looking to purchase a bicycle purchase this but ensure that you have a spare tool system and bicycle string with u if u drive the bicycle since it is so terrible without a chain i understand from individual experience.
Ridden my mongoose professional when it comes to past 15 years and has virtually never ever had problematic apart from a few scratches and popped tires. Best all-rounder, durable cycle ever before, and had been most likely one of the first giro bikes made..
You actually believe a walmart bicycle is 4 hell no diamondback 's been around for such a long time they know very well what's an excellent cycle and I've had two mongooses and additionally they lasted just one half provided my diamondback
So excellent bikes the product quality is amazing and brakes and all from it can be so great. Truthfully, some things might be improved here and there though - thebestnbafan
Mongoose is a great bicycle just the only thing wrong is that there freestyle bike is some regarding the significant which if u have previously rode one it makes it hell of difficult to do thing and restrictions u to what number of tricks u can perform
Had a Mongoose Capture 2013 for half a year now and I'll be damned if I can break this thing...! Tough as nails n truly light weight (once you scrap the railed chair letter brake system that is) could not do any benefit for the money 10/10
I had a mongoose for 6 many years and I put it through likely to college twice everyday 5 days per week nonetheless looks good and I get skate parks and woodlands with it and it also supports well worth it I think
We have a mongoose article and it is truly light. It weighs in at about 11kg.
They've been well-made powerful and light as they are well worth the money
I am 11 and I Got My Uncles Old Mongoose From When He Was My Age When I had been 9 and everybody Asks Me why not Get An innovative new bicycle, Because I adore My Bike Its My Uncles Old Bike And Its Superb To drive! - willowtimes
We has actually a mongoose and my buddies all have actually we the peoples and they're heavy and never great for tips. They truly are inexpensive bikes and well worth the income.
Light and a great framework Advantageous to skate-park top cycle available crazy models. Have to get one many people i understand has one
I have a mongoose and it's less heavy than all my friends. Bicycles like fit and gt. Mongoose are great to-do tips on and rave with
Supergoose Frame For Sale
I do believe mongoose rides smooth and there are good mongoose bicycles and you can find bad people
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