#motivation bug please bite me I need this
shiningstarr15 · 2 months
I need to draw more of Doublestar Duo. I’ve only drawn them like five times and it may seem like a good amount but to me that is CRIMINALLY LOW !! 😭🌟🌟
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ropes3amthoughts · 2 months
I’m going insane right now. I can’t stop thinking about Kabru and I can’t express my feelings well enough in any amount of words or pictures or emojis or anything. I want to analyze every single moment of his, every single thing he says and does, but it wouldn’t be enough. There is no way I could ever convey everything I think about him.
I’m going so fucking nuts right now you guys. He makes me want to stim and pull my hair out and walk in circles and kick my legs and giggle and bite my hands and twirl my hair and write one million words about him and draw a million drawings of him and paint him like a holy medieval oil painting and talk about him to anybody who listens and throw up and write his name all over my skin and save ten thousand pictures of him to my phone and carve his face into a rock and cry and just everything he makes me feel almost everything I could possibly feel it’s so overwhelming I’m not normal about him at all and I need to say something about him I feel like I’m going to explode he drives me crazy I love him deeply
He’s like a bug to me I want to put him in a little glass jar and feed him pieces of vegetables and berries and maybe little bits of my own meals and observe him closely and take little notes in my notepad about his habits and food preferences and I’d have a little light focused on him so I can watch him closely but turn it off at night time so he can sleep and then I’d take him out of the jar and set him on my counter and I’d tell him sit still while I open up a sketchbook and draw him with the fervor of a religious artist who’s seen the face of a god or a scientist who’s been ignored for the past twenty years and has discovered an entirely new species and is thinking this is the chance to finally prove themselves and I would sketch away like my life depends on it and I would fill every single page with his face and his whole body and every bit of how he looks and then eventually my hands would cramp up so bad I’d have to stop and I’d set the sketchbook down next to my notepad and together it would have every single detail to him as if it were a scan from his mind
Can we please talk about Kabru more? Can we please talk about every single one of his scenes? Can we please talk about his motivations? His goals? The way he sees others? The way he sees himself? Can we talk about the scene where he kills those corpse guys from a deep analytical view other than “wow he’s crazy he killed those guys” because it’s much more complex than that and he killed them because he saw them as bad people who were unforgivable and deserving of death and then right after he said his party couldn’t steal their money despite the fact the corpse guys stole from them first and he’s not a “two rights make a wrong” type of guy or a revenge seeker and he is instead a “justice must be achieved no matter what” type of guy? Because he’s determined to reach his goals no matter what, like with eating the harpy eggs? Can we talk about how he thinks bad people deserve to die and how at one point he thinks he deserves to die? Can we talk about how it seems like he’s a people pleaser because he does anything to get people to like him, but it’s not because he wants people to like him, it’s because he wants to use those people to further his goals, but he doesn’t have sinister goals, and by using others, he hopes to reach his goal of helping humanity? Can we talk about the fact he uses himself as a tool to use others to help others? Can we talk about how he is not very good at connecting with others or himself deeply? Sure he can talk to others and convince them of things, but he has a mask, he hardly lets the true him slip, he hardly lets himself be truly known. Can we talk about how Kabru clearly has not allowed himself to process his grief and trauma from Utaya but still throws himself into the dungeon and faces monsters constantly because he wants to help humanity and he sees himself as expendable when it comes to benefiting humanity and how it clearly fucks him up but he shoves it down and ignores it because he thinks there are more important things to worry about than himself? Can we talk about how Kabru’s ambitious goals are a means to cope with his survivor’s guilt and how he thinks the only reason he survived the Utaya tragedy was so he could protect humanity from anything like that from happening again, how it’s a way to try and justify why he deserved to live, when it seems clear he doesn’t think he deserves it? Eating is the privilege of the living, but Kabru is rarely shown eating, often forgetting to eat or eating things he finds gross. Maybe he doesn’t think he deserves that privilege, like he doesn’t think he deserves life. Maybe eating is something that keeps him alive, but it’s often disappointing and something he wants to avoid. He cares so little for himself! There’s his messy room, his disregard for his own feelings, his lack of eating, him drinking to deal with insomnia, etc. but when it comes to others he cares so deeply. He’s so selfless! He doesn’t care for himself and he loves humanity deeply! He has so many different things he wants to do! The story literally couldn’t have happened without his actions. He’s such an interesting guy!
I know it’s fun to put him in little fanon situations and people have probably analyzed all there is to analyze but could we talk about it again even if we aren’t professional analyzers and it’s all been done before just because it’s interesting and fun and he’s such a neat guy and it’s fun to talk about him at least for me when I talk about him it makes my heart start racing and my throat get tight like I can’t breathe and I start stimming and feeling giddy and it doesn’t have to be that way for you but can we talk about him even if it’s something as simple and surface level as “Kabru cool 👍” I know a lot of the anime onlys don’t know that much about him and are missing so much of his character and his arc and his backstory and all that so it’s hard to talk about him but I’m sure at least one other person has read the manga and is like “wow! I love this Kabru guy!” Because that’s how I feel except it’s more like “I love this Kabru guy so much I feel like my head is about to fucking explode” so maybe could we please talk about him more maybe draw him more maybe write about him more maybe he could get some neat little focuses here and there maybe he could have a nice time in fanart and fanfic and maybe someone could say something really cool about him maybe someone could hit me up as an anon and be like “I really like when Kabru did this” and I could be like “HOLY SHIT YES THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS ANON I LOVE YOU YES” that could be us for real
I feel like I’m gonna start shaking and throw up I love him so much do any of you guys get me I feel like pulling off my skin I think about him like 1-17 times every hour he is on my mind I was eating dinner and I was so distracted because I was thinking about the scene where the dungeon could’ve been conquered by the Canaries but Kabru doesn’t want one race to hold all the power so he holds Mithrun hostage and demands answers and when they don’t answer him he states that short lived races will conquer the dungeon and then he falls into the hole holding onto Mithrun fully prepared to kill the both of them if it meant Laios could conquer the dungeon and the island could be controlled by short lived races because he thinks that would be better for humanity the dungeon could’ve been conquered and sealed off right then and there and Kabru wanted the dungeon sealed off he wanted the monsters gone but he wanted more than that he wants power divided up between the races he wants short lived races to be taken seriously he thinks it’s impossible for them to see eye to eye but he wants short lived races to have some power he wants it to better humanity over all he doesn’t want to do what’s easy he wants to do what he thinks is right and he is willing to do a lot in order to achieve that he’s so ambitious but it works for him and he’s so dedicated to his goals and does he even know himself because he almost brushed it off at first I kept thinking about the “wait, am I really ok with this?” Line because like he wasn’t ok with that and he did something so drastic in order to stop it but I think it’s peculiar the way he thinks to himself the way he doesn’t quite know what he wants like he thinks he doesn’t want to eat monster food but then he does and he wants to do good for humanity but what does he even want to do for himself? And I always think about the “What was the purpose in me surviving Utaya?” Or whatever he said I’m not looking up the specific panel I’m on a ramble I’m not stopping for anything this is like a fucking train there are no sudden brakes I’m typing without stopping or editing or anything this is non stop. Does he not see himself as anything other than a means to better humanity? Something to be sacrificed if it’s for the greater good? Post-canon he goes on to study under Yaad and be Laios’ advisor and be Prime Minister but it’s all helping people he’s making decisions to help Melini and his friends and what’s good for people but what does Kabru want to do? Thinking about how Izutsumi goes around asking people what they are going to do and they all have different plans for the future but they decide that right then they’ll be enjoying a nice meal with each other. Has Kabru ever slowed down and thought he wanted to enjoy a meal with his friends? Sure he has meals with others, but it seems like he only has them because he has to eat because he needs it to live or because he’s trying to get Laios to like him so he can figure out what his deal is or because his friends are being held hostage or because he wants to help Laios with the Faligon feast and it’s all out of necessity or for other people. Does he ever sit down and think he WANTS to enjoy a meal with the people he cares about? Does he ever think he’s done so much good for humanity and maybe he can let himself be selfish for maybe an afternoon and eat a nice meal he likes with people he cares about? Miss Ryoko Kui please please can Kabru enjoy a nice meal with people he cares about and it’s because he wants to 🙏 can it be like an extra comic or something on the side please pleaseeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewe In the post canon Laios was playing in some random field with kids and Falin and Marcille were there in the background with a picnic basket because they were gonna have a picnic together but Kabru wasn’t there can he please come to their picnic and enjoy himself and have a yummy meal and have an overall very lovely time and think to himself he’s glad he came and he like smiles pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeee
I just want the guy who doesn’t eat meals very often in the manga about eating meals to have a nice meal 💔 is that too much to ask 💔 please please or can we at least draw fanart of that can we get some fanart of him having some like absolutely delicious food waiter waiter more Kabru fanart please and if the chef is able can we please get him having a nice meal? Ok thanks also can we get some fanfics can we invest more on the DunMeshi food themes I think there is not enough content about them eating meals I also think Kabru doesn’t get enough stuff focused on him so can we get some fanfics of him having some nice meals or do I have to write one myself because I will and it will sit around have done in my notes forever because I’m notoriously bad at finishing things but please please Kabru content and if it’s possible can having a nice time and if we can get even more specific can there be Kabru having a nice meal and feeling loved and happy and letting himself be a little selfish for just a little bit so he can focus on his own nice meal and let himself be happy pleaseeee
He makes me so fucking crazy there are so many things wrong with him and I love him. There are so many things I want to say that I can’t even think of the words to. I don’t know how to phrase any of it all I can think about it is Kabru.
Kabru ily 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He looks so stupid in this picture I love him so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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mylittlediarys-stuff · 10 months
Bite Back!
Link to part 2- https://www.tumblr.com/mylittlediarys-stuff/736028843342807040/bite-back-part-2?source=share
Okay, let’s do this for the first time.
My name is Amara Wanye. I'm 15 and for three wonderful days, I have been the one and only spider person. So, as you can imagine, I don't have an official hero name yet.
But to understand my story, we need to go back three weeks.
“Okay class, for today's tour of S.T.A.R. labs make sure you stay with your groups.” the teacher announced.
S.T.A.R. labs were one of the many things Amara loved, as she knew almost everything there was to know about S.T.A.R. labs. However, there was one thing she really wanted to do; visit the Arachnida lab thing they had here. According to the 5-hour-long research she did the previous night, the laboratory had a whole lot of recent developments- chiefly deciding to study spiders- even making artificial ones.
I wonder if they made-
“Amara!” She was broken from her thoughts by yelling her name.
“We're leaving to start the tour.” A student announced.
“Oh, thank you.” She felt a bit embarrassed as her whole group stared at her, waiting for her to catch up.
Once the tour began she had to stop herself from asking too many questions. In the beginning, she asked questions about every detail and she could tell her classmates didn’t want to hear her voice all day so she toned it down.
She took many photos that she thought would run out of storage.
“Next up is our new Arachnida department,” The tour guide opened up these big brown browns to reach the department and it was beautiful in Amara's eyes. The smell of this department was different from all the others, it gave it a more relaxed and happy vibe. It also has pops of green everywhere. “This department also works with Oscorp Labs.”
“Why are the lab stations green?” A random student asked.
“I was just getting to that, you can notice that most of the testing areas are green due to the fact that it’s one of their favorite colors.”
It’s amazing even the light here has a different hue!
“You guys have five minutes to explore the lab and take photos before we group up to discuss the lab in more detail.” Amara took off the moment she heard “explore the lab”.
If I ignore my fear that the spider will bite me and I die, they look so cool.
She looked over to the tarantulas, they were kinda big but looked oddly soft. She didn’t want to get too close but close enough to take good photos. As she got out her phone to take a photo she felt a pinch on her neck. Almost like something just bit her.
“What the'' She slapped her neck. Just to find some brown dead thing on her hand, probably a bug.
Is this a bug? In a room of spiders O MY GOSH DID A SPIDER BIT ME!
“Miss, are you okay?” The tour guide asked.
“Yes, I am," Amara replied, lifting her hair to show her neck. "I think something… bit me on my neck."
“There is nothing there Miss.”
“But there was a-”
“It’s nothing you probably just a bit scarce. I know we're in a room filled with spiders. You are not the first person to get a bit jumpy here.”
She is probably right.
If you made it this far and liked my story please give suggestion and motivation
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 37 - Unsafe
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Gallic Chick and Porcelet escorted Adrien into his mansion. They crossed the parlor to the stairs when Gabriel cleared his throat. They stopped and stared up at him.
            “Thank you for bringing my son home. You may leave,” Gabriel announced.
            “Sir, with all due respect, we need-,” Porcelet started.
            “Leave. Now. I won’t ask it again.”
            Gallic Chick opened her mouth, but Porcelet stopped her. They exchanged glances before they turned and left. Adrien gulped and turned to Gabriel.
            “Father, please. They helped me. You can-.”
            “You’re not leaving this house again, Adrien.”
            “What? Why?”
            “Why? Why? Are you that daft? There is a villain out there that took you from the school with ease. A villain that was using you to get to the butterfly man. What makes you think I’d let you back out there with such a villain running around?”
            “You certainly had no problem with it after those girls assaulted me! You had no issue with assigning me a bodyguard with the ulterior motive of her being my fucking betrothed without my consent! Is anything you actually do meant for my safety? Do you even really care about me?”
            “Adrien! What has gotten into you? I am your father. You will not use such language or tone with me.”
            “That’s what you’re concerned with? Nothing else? Does this really mean that you don’t care about me?”
            “How could you ask such a question? Of course I care. I will always do what is best for you whether you like it or not.”
            “What’s best for me, or what’s convenient for you?”
            “Adrien, how could-?”
            “You haven’t done what’s best for me in ages. You kept me caged here after Mom died. You refused to let me go to school and be with other people my age. You blamed me for those girls, that were supervillains, assaulting me. You made a deal for a bodyguard to also be my future wife without my consent or care about what either of us wanted. Now you want to cage me again because there’s nothing stopping that villain from getting me at school or at home. So, what difference does it make at this point? Does anything even matter at all?”
            “Enough! Nathalie, take Adrien to his room. He is not to leave this house ever again!” Gabriel roared.
            Adrien watched Gabriel storm off while Nathalie nudged him forward. He sighed and obeyed Nathalie’s silent instruction. He headed up to his room with her behind him. He plopped down on his couch and glared at the blank TV screen. Nathalie closed the door and leaned against the couch.
            “Bold move there, Adrien. When did you get such a bite?” Nathalie asked.
            “Why do you care?”
            “Because you seemed like you wanted to talk, but I’ll leave you alone if-.”
            “What is his problem? Doesn’t he see that it doesn’t matter where I go or what I do, I’m in danger? Does he honestly believe me staying here is the best thing when it puts everyone else in as much danger?”
            “Would it not be the same if you stayed in school? Would your new friends be in just as much danger? If it came down to it, who would you want to put in that danger? Your friends, or Gabriel and the rest of us?”
            Adrien grimaced and looked away.
            “It’s not an easy decision, Adrien. No matter how you look at it, someone will get hurt. This way, should trouble find itself here, Gabriel can have a say in trying to keep you safe, not that he really could in the end.”
            “But why? What does he care? He didn’t care before.”
            Nathalie chuckled and headed for the door. “Make no mistake, Adrien, Gabriel does care. He just needs his eyes opened a little.”
            “How can I make him see then? How can I get him to listen?”
            “Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’m sure that’ll wake him up before long. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to oversee dinner preparations.”
            Adrien watched Nathalie leave before he turned back to his TV. He pulled his knees close to him as Stompp plopped onto his shoulder.
            “So, what do we do now?” Stompp asked.
            “I don’t know, Stompp. I don’t want to stay here, but Nathalie has a point. If I head out, be with my friends, would I not be putting them in just as much danger? Even if they’re heroes, would I not be putting them in compromising positions just to ensure my safety?”
            “I mean, most likely. The only time you’d be safe is if you’re out as a hero, but even that can be risky. Not saying you shouldn’t, but just be prepared before you head into battle.”
            “How so?”
            “Like Master said, with my power, you will be safe from the commands of the peacock, however that power will only last for five minutes at your current stage. Which can be enough time providing you outsmart the peacock woman. Because, no offense, but she seems smarter than all of you. Almost like those sciencey research types. You know, the kind that do anything for the pursuit of knowledge.”
            “So, I’m screwed no matter what?”
            “Uh, well, maybe? But it should be fine! At least, I hope it will. I’m honestly not sure what’ll happen and it’s kinda scary. I’ve not seen a human like this since the Mage.”
            “The Mage? What was he like?”
            Stompp looked in the distance as his eyes glazed over. “I don’t completely remember the whole thing. There are just… splinters. His determination to discover new things, push the boundaries, and make something new. It was intoxicating… but terrifying.”
            “Terrifying? How so?”
            “I just… I remember such a whole feeling. A sense of togetherness. It was warm, lavish, and everything. Then there was hollow, crushing loneliness. Like I was torn away from it and cast out. After that, we woke up as we were and in the possession of humans under the supervision of the Mage. We seemed to be doing good things at the time, but before long, we were contained again. When we woke up again, we were in the hands of the Order.”
            “The Order?”
            “That’s right. The Order of the Guardians. It’s who Master was affiliated with before the temple vanished, along with all the other miraculous jewels.”
            “Woah! What happened?”
            “We don’t know. We just woke up and the temple was gone. We tried to ask Master when we had chances, but we never got an answer. But that was also when we learned about Duusu and Nooroo missing.”
            “Duusu is the peacock, right? Who is Nooroo?”
            “Yes, and Nooroo is the butterfly. We lost them both after that incident. We never knew what happened to them, until now. They’ve fallen into, well, I suppose evil hands.”
            “You suppose? I don’t understand. They seem pretty evil to me.”
            Stompp shook his head. “Something doesn’t seem right. The Hawkmoth one is just an idiot. Even I can see he’s not devoted to his villainy. Oh, let’s send out a villain once a week, maybe every other week. Oh, I’m so scared! Pitiful. But that peacock… don’t underestimate her. I fear if you do, it’ll be your undoing.”
            “What should I do then? If I can’t fight her, and she may come for me again, what can I even do?”
            “Assess the situation. Comply, and I don’t mean with her. Comply with your father.”
            “What? Why?”
            “Think about it. Out in the city, the peacock could attack from anywhere. Here, there’s control. You know the ins and outs, who comes and goes, and more. You truly are safest here. Here you have a fighting chance, as little as it already is.”
            “That’s a bittersweet sentiment. I mean, yeah I’m safe, but I don’t want to be stuck here the entire time.”
            “Well, how about when you head out, you are as a hero. You still have me after all. You aren’t completely benched.”
            “But what if Mayura takes you? What then?”
            Stompp considered. “I don’t think she will. If she knew, I don’t think she’d pass up on the knowledge it could bring her. But that is only if she knows. Keep it hidden, and you shouldn’t have to worry about it.”
            Adrien smiled and nuzzled Stompp. “Thank you.”
            “Hey, I do what I can. It may not be much, but I do what I can.”
            “Hey, what do you say we go pay a visit to our friends. Let them know what’s going on.”
            Stompp grinned. “You know what to say.”
            Adrien nodded. He messaged the others to meet at Le Grand Paris. He slipped his phone into his pocket and stood.
            “Stompp, charge ahead.”
            Stompp disappeared into the nose ring. Adrien’s clothes transformed into a blue gray jacket with a dark blue collar and rolled cuffs with gold studs, multicolored blue layered strap shirt, pants, blue gloves with light blue fingers, and blue boots with light blue ox -styled toes. A pair of dark blue belts with gold studs wrapped around each of his thighs and a similar belt around his hip with an ox head buckle. The look was completed with a pair of golden ox horns atop his head and a blue ox tail.
            Adrien grinned and headed out to Le Grand Paris. He landed on the rooftop where he saw Gallic Chick and Porcelet waiting. They waved him down as he joined them.
            “Check out the new threads on you!” Gallic Chick cooed.
            “You look amazing!” Porcelet praised.
            Adrien blushed and looked away. “Oh, it’s nothing much. Just thought I’d try something a little different.”
            “It’s a really good different. And perfect for the designers of Paris,” Gallic Chick commented.
            “What do you mean?” Adrien asked.
            “You know that Heroes Day nonsense? Well, I might have overheard Mother talking about how uninspiring our designs were and these whole fashion lines were going to be an utter disaster. I then went to Daddy and ask him about it, and that’s when I learned he commissioned the elite designers of Paris to create special hero themed clothes lines. Oh, and something about a contest for newbie designers to get their big break and have the heroes model the winning designs.”
            Adrien’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing!”
            “Right? So, and I shared this with Bloody Bug shortly, but I was thinking we ditch the lame supersuits for something way cooler. Give the designers something more. Like what you’re doing, uh, what do we call you?”
            Adrien hummed. “How about… Taureau?”
            “I love it,” Porcelet cheered.
            “It works,” Gallic Chick remarked.
            “Oh, and speaking of Bug, where is she?” Taureau asked.
            “I dunno. When I messaged her all that, she posted to the group chat that she’s currently preoccupied, but she informed our temp cat about this meeting. So, we should be meeting your temp replacement,” Gallic Chick answered.
            Taureau frowned and opened his mouth when a chill ran up his spine. He felt a shadow hover over him that disturbed the air. He moved to turn when a pair of hands gripped his shoulders. He screamed and tore himself away as a girl cackled like a witch. He hid behind Porcelet as he got a good look at the girl.
            The girl was as tall as Juleka and shared her pale skin. She was draped in a black, hooded cloak with black gloves, boots, and pants with shifting ghastly green ghost mist and lights. Her eyes matched Chat Noir’s, but her mask covered her mouth with a hissing cat mouth etched onto it. Beneath her hood were bands of black hair with dyed green tips. A cat tail wagged behind her that betrayed her mirth.
            “And just who are you?” Gallic Chick challenged.
            “I am Death… Death Noire.” Death Noire spoke in a hushed, chilling tone.
            Taureau shuddered and gulped. “Y-you don’t say. Uh, pleased to, uh, meet you.”
            Death Noire darted around Porcelet to Taureau. “So, you’re Chat Noir, eh? Pleasure to meet you, cat to, well, ox.”
            Taureau forced a smile as Porcelet moved between him and Death Noire.
            “Pleasure to meet you, Death Noire. I’m Porcelet.”
            “Pleasure is all mine, little piggy. And you, rooster girl, must be Gallic Chick, right?”
            Gallic Chick flipped her hair. “The one and only.”
            Death Noire hummed as she looked around. “I’m missing something. I had a plus one. Where did… ah ha!”
            Taureau raised a brow as he watched Death Noire dart past Gallic Chick to the patio railing. He tilted his head when he saw the tip of white rabbit ears. He watched as Death Noire grabbed Harlequin and tossed him into the middle of everyone.
            Porcelet cooed. “Bunny!”
            “Wait, how long have we had a rabbit?” Gallic Chick demanded.
            “It’s long and complicated, but the short of it is he was given a kwami first, then the miraculous thingy by Bloody Bug,” Death Noire answered.
            “So, he’s not really part of the team, right?”
            “Oh, he is now.”
            “And who are you to make that call?” Harlequin demanded.
            Death Noire got in Harlequin’s face and stared him dead in the eyes. “Because you need to get out from your doom, gloom, and self-loathing. I’m tired of listening to your pitiful ‘woe be me’ songs because you don’t have the balls to break up with your girlfriend that doesn’t love you anymore and hopelessly pines for short-tempered red head.”
            “Wait! Wait! Luka?” Gallic Chick screeched.
            “What? How’d you know?” Harlequin asked.
            “Because Gallic Chick also has a crush on a short-tempered red head,” Porcelet commented.
            “Porcelet!” Gallic Chick screamed.
            “Wait a minute. Chloe?” Harlequin asked looking at Gallic Chick.
            “Huh, I thought I recognized that hatred,” Death Noire remarked.
            “Excuse me, what? How could anyone hate me?” Gallic Chick asked.
            “You bullied me for years until I snapped off at you promising to offer you up as a ritual sacrifice to the ancient horrors bound to the land. I also claimed that not even the devil would want your soul and you’d be forced to wander the Earth as a forgotten soul, bound to become a horror. You didn’t believe me until I started bringing materials to school to perform what you thought was a satanic ritual.”
            Gallic Chick’s face twisted in confusion before it twisted in disgust. “Juleka?”
            Death Noire bowed.
            “Oh! That makes sense. Luka wouldn’t be caught away from Juleka. We never saw Luka on the field, but now that Juleka is, we’ll see Luka too. Brilliant!” Porcelet mused.
            “And, at a guess, Chat Noir is Adrien, and Porcelet, I’m guessing you’re Sabrina.”
            “Woah! How’d you figure it out?” Porcelet asked.
            “You’re never far from Chloe as Luka is never far from me. And Adrien here is the only person that had been recently threatened and was also the first person Alix really got close to. Which should mean nothing if I didn’t already know who Bloody Bug is.”
            “She told you, didn’t she?” Taureau asked.
            Death Noire nodded.
            “Well, I’m glad we could get this sorted out, I guess. Should make things easier, right?” Porcelet commented.
            “Close. We still don’t have Bomb Bee,” Taureau commented.
            “Bomb Bee? Where are they? I was told I’d get to meet the whole-.”
            Death Noire stopped as she leaned back. She turned as Bomb Bee jumped onto the rooftop with them.
            “What’s up girls? Oh, and guys,” Bomb Bee cheered.
            Death Noire raised a brow then squealed. “Alya!”
            Bomb Bee smirked. “Oh, who told you about little ol’ me?”
            “Me. I’d recognize that familiarity anywhere. Just like Mylene and Alix. I’d say Rose too, but she’s more than you three. No offense.”
            Bomb Bee grinned. “Wait, Juleka? Is it really you?”
            Bomb Bee and Death Noire squealed as they twirled each other around.
            “This is amazing! We just need Rose and Mylene, then we’ll have the full squad!” Bomb Bee exclaimed.
            “Full squad? You won’t bring in Marinette, will you?” Porcelet asked.
            “No,” Bomb Bee, Death Noire, and Harlequin all said.
            Gallic Chick, Porcelet, and Taureau all exchanged glances.
            “Uh, may I ask why? You all seemed the best of friends. As close as me and Gallic Chick,” Porcelet asked.
            “She’s… changed. And this isn’t blaming you, but it really started with Adrien,” Bomb Bee admitted.
            “What do you mean? How am I the cause?” Taureau asked.
            “She just… she kept saying how much she was in love. It was… I don’t know. It was strange, but I just thought she was madly in love. You know, that true love stuff we’re always fed in stories. We all just brushed it off as that and tried to help her get close to you,” Bomb Bee admitted.
            “Until Bee told us about the day at the Louvre. We, uh, may have also suggested she date someone else to get her mind off you. That’s when Rose and I sorta pushed Luka to ask her out. We honestly expected her to say no, but she accepted,” Death Noire added.
            Taureau trotted over and sat beside Harlequin. “How’s that been?”
            Harlequin shook his head. “I hate it. I can feel the love in her heart, but only when you are mentioned or seen. But once I’m around, it’s all gone, but she puts on a show. She pretends to like me, but her eyes are still on you.”
            “Why don’t you break up with her?”
            Harlequin sneered and shot to his feet. “You think I haven’t tried? You think I haven’t reached out to her, wanting to talk? Wanting to break it off? I’ve even texted her that we’re done, but she ignores me. She continues to put up her act that I’m her boyfriend when her heart is only for you, and I hate it. I hate listening to it. I hate being near it.”
            “Near what?” Porcelet asked.
            “Her heart’s song. It was beautiful before, but now it scares me. It’s like the beautiful serenades of people in love, but twisted and bastardized. But not just that. There are loud undertones I’ve heard in other softer, sweeter melodies. But it’s far from soft or sweet. It’s ravenous, unfulfilled, and wanting. A hunger that can never be sated.”
            Taureau gulped and hugged himself. Porcelet placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.
            “I’m here,” Porcelet whispered.
            Tears fell from Taureau’s eyes as he hugged Porcelet.
            “Hey, so, this may be a bad time, but what happened that day? You know, with Volpina and Heart’s Design?” Bomb Bee asked.
            “Bomb Bee, please, leave him-,” Porcelet started.
            “They assaulted me,” Taureau whispered.
            Bomb Bee covered her mouth, Harlequin flinched, and Death Noire’s eyes widened.
            “That explains a lot,” Bomb Bee whispered.
            “More than a lot. Chat Noir, we promise, we’ll do everything we can to keep her away from you,” Death Noire whispered.
            “No, it’s fine. I don’t want to be what ruins your friendship with her, please,” Taureau whimpered.
            “I think there’s nothing left to salvage at this point,” Death Noire hissed.
            “If… if that’s the case, can you do me a favor?” Taureau asked.
            “Anything. Name it,” Bomb Bee said.
            “Marinette wanted to talk with Bloody Bug, and Bug agreed. Can you be there to keep an eye on Bug? I don’t know what will happen, but I’m scared something will.”
            “Why not just tell her not to go?” Gallic Chick asked.
            “Well, hold up. It would be a chance to really see what Marinette is after. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to snoop,” Porcelet pointed out.
            “Go on,” Bomb Bee urged.
            “Well, with Gallic Chick’s powers, she could become invisible and take a look around while Bloody Bug speaks with Marinette. See what evidence we can find to build a case against her and keep her away from Adrien.”
            “I like the way she thinks,” Death Noire purred.
            “Same. Let’s do it!” Bomb Bee exclaimed.
            “You know I’ll do anything to keep Adrikins safe,” Gallic Chick boasted.
            “Perfect. When is the meeting?” Death Noire asked.
            “Two nights from now at nine in the evening,” Taureau answered.
            “Excellent. See you all then?” Bomb Bee asked.
            “Yes, yes. I will need you lot added to the group chat. So, you can give me your numbers now or I can get them from Bloody Bug. Your choice,” Gallic Chick remarked.
            Bomb Bee and Death Noire sighed as they gave Gallic Chick their numbers, including Harlequin’s. They said their good-byes and headed off. Taureau sighed and stepped back.
            “I should probably head home. I meant to bring it up, but Gabriel is restricting me to the mansion again,” Taureau whispered.
            “What? Absolutely not! I’m going to-!” Gallic Chick started.
            “No! Please. It’s safer this way. For me and you guys,” Taureau said.
            “Did he tell you that?”
            “No. Nathalie and Stompp did.”
            Gallic Chick relaxed a little, but crossed her arms.
            “Are you ok with this?” Porcelet asked.
            “No, but I get it. I don’t like it, but the last thing I want is for any of you to get hurt, or put yourselves in a compromising position just for me. Your safety is just as important as mine and I can’t recklessly play with that. Especially knowing Bloody Bug,” Taureau explained.
            “Yeah. You should have seen it earlier. We had to gag her as we dragged her away so she wouldn’t transform in the middle of the schoolyard. It was… it was unpleasant,” Porcelet admitted.
            Taureau grimaced. “I don’t want a repeat of that again.”
            “Ok, but promise me something.”
            “Message us immediately if you’re in danger. If you feel anything, tell us, please. Your safety is just as important as ours.”
            Taureau blinked, then smiled. “I will. As long as it’s in my power, I’ll let you all know.”
            “Thank you. And we’ll be sure to visit, right, Gallic Chick?”
            “Well, of course. Who are we? Gabriel?” Gallic Chick retorted.
            Porcelet smiled. “Be safe, Kitten.”
            “You too, Rin.”
            Taureau and Porcelet planted a kiss on each other’s cheeks, then rubbed their noses together. They giggled and shared a hug before Taureau headed home.
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sencity · 1 year
yan! botanist content? i am eating this up, we are so well-fed. but dare i present, yan! botanist x entomologist darling?
hear me out… as a botanist, he does happen to dabble in fieldwork from time to time. prior to meeting you, he’s always gone out alone, but that won’t be necessary anymore, not with you around of course. and, oh, how perfect it is that you too, partake in nature research.
conducting fieldwork with him is so wonderful! he’s so knowledgeable, and surprisingly even a bit in entomology; plants and insects are crucial for their environment and one another, you know. he’s showing you all the beautiful flora, even informing you about their histories and roles in the ecosystem. while you’re studying the insects, he offers to help catch them in jars for you! no matter how many bug bites he gets, it’s all worth it for you. and how his heart swells with absolute love and adoration when you patch him up with bandaids and kisses afterwards.
nothing beats bonding over two people’s passions that co-exist perfectly–– especially when you’re in a grand field, of tall grass and little visibility, miles and miles away from any type of civilization; no one to bother the both of you, no one to take you away from him, just you two.
RAHH this man has awakened something in me…
you don’t understand how i’m tittering in my covers reading ts. my mind FLOODED with ideas bro. just… let me add onto this thought. your mind is WONDROUS.
nightmare fuel: none, unfortunately. except me not proofreading.
sen’s statement(s): link to the rest of my yandere!stinkers, let alone the yandere!botanist because why not?
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it was a given that mother nature had finally answered his prayers; of course his love interest has an adoration towards insects! could life get any better!? insects are essential to plant life and vice versa. it’s the universe telling you that he needs you, and you need him! the two of you will soon flourish under each other’s love, why wouldn’t you become the butterfly to his pistil?
although you’ve forgotten about the times when he’d try to act cool for you or a little uncharacteristically, he surely goes out of his way to assist you on your projects. whether it’s collecting blister beetles in jars for your research despite the seething pain emerging in his palms or leading you into secluded fields to chase butterflies with wings that match the colors of your guys’ eyes, he’ll be there! still, you do tend to question his motives when he asks what a certain flower reminds you of and comes up with some poetic, philosophical answer to impress you. jeez, save it for the yandere!poet…
“is that right? hm, i’d assume that wisteria reminds you of your dreams… or that little starfish you’re so fond of—”
“the ochre sea star! yes, they’re nowhere near as perfect as you, but they’re lovely—oh! or plums and grapes! i love purple!”
there’s the sencha you love, the one who rambles about his simplistic passions and dislikes since he’s easily (dis)pleased. you’re here to listen to them all, even if they’re a little irrational and aimless like stick bugs…
goddamn, he can’t stand stick bugs.
even though he alters his personality to your liking sometimes (and fails horrifically, of course) he sometimes manages to appeal to your interest… by being himself. there was a time when you fixated on fireflies, wanting to study the patterns and language of their little light bulbs or what genetics causes some lightning bugs to not glow. sencha of course ran with this information and wanted to help to his best ability by insisting on you to sit your pretty self on the porch while he fetches a few for your research. you weren’t too fond of the idea of him doing the job for you, also potentially taking the fun out of it, but you allowed it this once…
you were going to go retrieve him since it seemed that he disappeared, but it just took him so long to collect so many. you would think he used the jar method again but decided that that’s not enough to truly get you to believe that he loves you, therefore he attracted fireflies with his bare hands…
…by coating his hands and forearms with sugar water in order to please the ravenous lightning bugs. primary his sticky hands were coated with tiny gleaming lights since he started off catching them with his palms, and it’s only natural for the rest of them to follow in pursuit.
“i uh, made a few friends along the way…?” he would titter unsurely as his arms expressed ethereality. he was referring to the random moths or flies that were also interested in the treacly treat, but that was the last thing you were fixated on since you were ordering him to not move so you could take pictures…
the two of you were truly an inseparable duo, a nature fusion much like leaf bugs or orchid mantises…
while we’re on the subject of orchids, the flower is one the both of you are very fond of, even though the both of you are suffering from a silly case of synesthesia.
when y/n hears the word orchid she sees a fuzzy yellow that resembles a bumble bee ever so faultlessly. she could never forget how he managed to get his hands on a bee orchid just to prove that his field of study compliments yours greatly. his point has only been proven even more when you giddily bring up that “orchid mantises” exist somewhere in the wild…
when sencha reads the word orchid, your honey-imbued lips drip onto his taste buds which awakens his sweet tooth and sends him into a sugar rush. you were a gift from mother nature, handcrafted by the goddess psyche herself. he even grew different species of orchids just because he cares for the flower so much!
normally you would adulate the bed of vibrant orchids and laborious pollinators that sprawled across the fields while pondering about those simple facts, whereas he would adulate you like how the tides adore the sand. it’s very hard to wrap around that the two of you were a match-made in heaven; he was sure to make you his once the fireflies began to coruscate …
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sapphim · 1 year
/ / nexus mods profile / / sapphimods tutorials / / tag directory / / character directory / / ko-fi / /
main: @vaxilmores
mod updates free of my bullshit: @sapphimods
faq ☆
↳ tag: #faq
↳ see also: #modding tutorial, #modders resource, #troubleshooting
Right now, most of my focus is on DA2 mods and modding tutorials. I am happy to answer modding questions, especially as they pertain my area of interest.
If you can't figure out where to begin with a mod, or if you have been following my tutorials and have gotten stuck at a certain point in the process, and you haven't been able to find a solution elsewhere, I may be able to help. All I ask is that you be understanding that this is something I volunteer to do with my free time!
If you need troubleshooting help with one of my mods, please do not contact me on anon! It makes it difficult and tedious on my end to get the information I need. Either leave a comment on the Nexus mod page (that is what it is there for!) or message me off-anon. I promise I don't bite.
☆ What's your opinion on Veilguard?
↳ I have none. I haven't been following development.
☆Will you be modding it?
↳ Nope! I hate Frostbite, and my graphics card is older than Inquisition, and also, I hate Frostbite.
☆ How did you/How can I get started modding?
↳ I got my initial start fiddling with others' mods that I had downloaded, fixing minor bugs or tweaking them for personal use, which introduced me to the process without having to start from scratch.
My general advice for getting started is to pick something small in scope to work on, where you will be able to start testing it in game in short order. Being able to see results from your work is key to maintain motivation. However, if this doesn't interest you and there's a bigger project that you're super enthusiastic about, go for it! It is all about the enthusiasm.
Just remember that modding is all trial and error. Sometimes you'll try something and it won't work and you'll have to spend a lot of time figuring out what went wrong. Don't get discouraged when this happens. The mark of a seasoned modder isn't that you stop failing, but that you get better at powering through the failures.
For Dragon Age Origins (and DA2) I have compiled some resources to get started here.
☆ What tool do I need to make mod [x]?
↳ I have a list of tools here that I have used for modding. However, I think often a better mindset to start is "how do I make mod [x]?" Once you know where to begin, you'll have a better idea of what tools will be required.
☆ Do you take requests or commissions?
↳ I do not take requests, unless I have specifically solicited requests for additions to a specific mod.
I am open to the idea of taking commissions for mods of the type that I usually post, but I would have to talk through the idea to get an idea of the scope before I could quote a price.
I do not create mods for Frostbite games anymore.
I will not accept commissions for mesh/model/armor mods, which seem to be the type of mod commission people most often try to solicit.
☆ I have a question about mods for Inquisition or Mass Effect or [other game]!
↳ I can try to answer general knowledge questions or give my opinion on a matter, but I haven't modded Frostbite games like Inquisition or Andromeda for years and I'm too out of touch to answer any specific modding questions.
These days, most modding discussion seems, for better or for worse, to take place on Discord servers, and that is imo your best bet for finding people available to answer questions. So I strongly recommend questions be directed to a server such as the Frosty Toolsuite, DAI Modding, or Mass Effect Modding discord.
For good measure, here's a link to the Dragon Age Origns Modding discord for Origins/DA2 mods.
☆ Can I message you off-tumblr?
↳ Yes, you can DM me on the Nexus, or if we are mutual members of a modding discord server, you should be able to find and DM me from there.
☆ Solas/Abelas/Fenris/Orsino is taller than the other male elves in the game, right?
↳ No. ♡
☆ Are you sure?
↳ Yes. ♡
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kiankiwi · 8 months
I felt I needed to say something about why me pumping out fics is very slow right now. I know you guys will tell me that I don't owe anyone an explanation BUT I just wanted to explain.
First off I JUST got done being sick and when I was ill, I didn't have the motivation to write full fledged fics (if you can tell, I've only really been keeping up with my felix catton au) I'm not going anywhere I promise, I'm just not going to be very fast posting fics... :(
So I am better now but for the past 3 days I've just sat on my couch and speed read through the last half of 3 separate books (meaning I've read 7 300+ page books in the last month)
And I'm just REALLY in love with reading right now so I'm letting myself rot on my bed reading away instead of forcing myself to write. And I know myself, I know that if I force myself to write, I'll HATE the end product fic and if I hate it, I don't want to publish it! Because if I don't enjoy what i write, you won't enjoy reading it ykwim?
If any of you guys (and anons too) have sent me a request at all in the last few days, I SEE YOU! Just PLEASE be patient with me because I love your ideas and i don't want to give you guys shitty writing
So please be patient with me! I haven't gone anywhere, I'm okay, I'm just really into my books at the moment! I just have to wait for inspiration I guess <3
Yeah, nothing dramatic, just asking you guys to be patient with me until the writing bug bites me and gives me inspiration again :)
Thank you for understanding. Please don't disappear :)
@earthbaby-angelboy @mooodyblue @elvispresleywife @arianatheangel-girl @sillybookmarks @vintagepresley
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always going to encourage malia headcanons!! she’s literal babyyyy
Hiii!! This was all the motivation I needed to write these 😂
I really hope these make sense and somewhat fit Malia's character as I wasn't actually introduced to her character before Netflix took Teen Wolf off of Netflix :(
(I might have gotten a little carried away here but I had loads of thoughts sooo 🤷)
Regressor Malia Tate/Hale Headcannons
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She doesn't have a set age range that she regresses to. She missed 8 years of her childhood so I really just see her regression being different day to day.
Her regression started off fully involuntary!!! Her friends became her family and so as she felt safe she ended up regressing for the first time! (I want to write this idea)
I think the first time she regressed she was with most of the pack at a movie night or something chill like that. She had no idea what was going on but the others put the pieces together!!!
Omg she loves to bite and chew things!!! Someone has to buy her (and keep on them) chewalry for her because she will forget to bring hers! And trust me she needs it!
^ Jumpers, teddies, her fingers, random items she finds (rocks ect)
^ she has to be monitored if she's ever playing with smaller toys because she will put it in her mouth. 😂
She benefits from having a list of rules. I think it would help her figure out whats acceptable and what maybe isn't? (Such as trying to eat dirt and bugs..)
Peter, Derek and Lydia are normally the ones who look after her. (Noah has watched over her tho on more than one occasion! Especially if Stiles is regressed with her!)
Lydia takes her shopping to get 'kid' clothes, toys anything she could possibly want!!!
^ Peter always tries to come on these shopping trips to bond with Malia!!!
Once Lydia ended up regressed whilst shopping with Malia and that's when the two girls decided that maybe Peter coming with wasn't such a bad idea (he ended up supervising them 😂)
Peter learns to braid her hair!!! (Mainly to stop her from eating it but still he learns)
^ He's extremely good at this 😂😂😂
She loves cartoons!! Anything bright and colourful works!! Peppa pig, bluey, blues clues? Literally anything!!! 😂
Wooden toys >>>
Her, Lydia and Stiles watch Disney films together (+Isaac sometimes joins!!!)
Her and Scott love racing each other!!! (If Malia's too young to walk let alone run then someone will automatically have to have her in on their back and they shall have to run with her on their back instead)
Scott always goes easy on Malia when playing games (Even when he himself is regressed.)
Drawing!!! Give her crayons and watch her!! (She loves them and she has so much fun! If you take your eyes of her she will most definitely draw on the walls :/)
I feel like because she likes chewing and biting pacis are hard to keep in decent condition.
She loves the plastic sippy cups (so she doesn't chew the rubber?)
PLEASE SOMEONE PAINT HER FACE!! She would love face painting and glitter tattoos!!! <33
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Dark Forest Resident: Cavestar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Cavegleam
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Family: Figaroleaf (mother), unnamed father, Frogwhistle, Dawntooth, Carnationwhistle, Pineclaw (sisters), Sweetpad (mate), Fumblefur, Sunnytalon (daughters), Avalancestripe, Mousenight, Bristlespeck (sons), Cragstreak (kit)
Other Relations: Flipbellow (mentor), Lilydusk, Lilynudge, Newtleg (apprentices), Stormmark (Dark Forest apprentice)
Clan: WhistleClan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: ADHD, declawed, charismatic, keen-eyed, good hunter, prone to anger
Murder Motive: kills to feel a sense of relief
Number of Victims: 32+
Number of Murders: 32+
Murder Method: infected wounds, he’s not picky!
Known Victims: Moonfleck, Ashenheart, Whimsyfoot, Lavenderlightning, Partridgehollow, Vineflower, Heronquill, Several unnamed SwiftClan cats, all Black Rabbit victims by proxy
Victim Profile: anyone
Cause of Death: killed by Cavernfilt
Cautionary Tale: do not let vengeance take your soul
Heard from the medicine den while catching bugs…
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen this before in plenty of other cats. He just needs a little extra support.”
Heard from his mentor…
“In Dark and Star’s name, how do you know all of this?”
Heard from his leader…
“I name you Cavegleam.”
Heard from his Clan…
“Cavegleam! Cavegleam!”
Heard from his closest sister…
“Hurry! Twolegs are coming this way, we need to hide!”
Heard from his mate….
“Cavegleam! I thought the Twolegs took you! I thought you were….”
Heard from his medicine cat.
“I’m so sorry.”
Cavestar. It sounds nice, doesn’t it?
I wouldn’t know. It’s not mine.
Well, it did. A small relief for a cat in such terrible pain.
Are you still in such pain now?
Oh yes. But I did find some sort of relief. I felt it after Ashenheart challenged me, and I watched Moonfleck’s vigil from the Spire. A sort of calming. Any usual cat would be ashamed. I felt euphoric. But soon, it was replaced by more pain.
Please continue. I’m here to hear your story after all. Huh. Here to hear.
I had lost a part of myself. But to find relief, I had to kill. It was difficult, doing it to my own Clan. I had to make sure I wasn’t discovered. SwiftClan was easier. Killing in the heat of battle in a vicious war was better. But I had been discovered. Cavernflit had found out, poisoned me, and killed me a second time.
Well, you killed.
But I can help.
Well, alright.
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries
--Frogwhistle is the closest sister, she was his first deputy.
--This ties into the Black Rabbit Legacy storyline.
--Some members of WhistleClan have animal friends. Cavestar doesn’t, but all members of the Black Rabbit Legacy have a Black Rabbit as a companion that only they can see, that points out murderers and evil in the Clan that was gifted by Cavestar, but in exchange the members of the Legacy had to sacrifice their afterlives to live in darkness.
--Cavestar's other deaths are also known. They are:
Life 1 -> wounded by fox
Life 2 -> drowned in river
Life 3 -> snake bite
Life 4 -> infected wound
Life 5 -> greencough
Life 6 -> fell from tree
Life 7 -> snake bite
Life 8 -> poisoned (by Cavernflit)
Life 9 -> killed by Cavernflit
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bmoj-dp · 2 months
Art Commissions are open!
I'm finally deciding to commission art to people :∆ if you are new to this blog I'm trying to make a book series that involves dragons^^ the inspiration is wings of fire because I love the book series so I'm making something that's similar. I'm also new to commissions so if anyone wants to give me tips I'll gladly listen! You can DM me on here or on discord (thefetuspulverizer2000#2595) what type of art you want and we can start the conversation from there :)
Bust shot/head Shot- mild shading/lighting
Bust shot/head Shot- heavy shading/lighting
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Half body- mild shading/lighting
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Half body- heavy shading/lighting
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Full body- mild shading/lighting
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Full body- heavy shading/lighting
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Reference sheets
Yes I'll be drawing reference sheets but that's only very little. Automatically it will cost 250$ because it will take up my time and motivation to do it. And depending on how detailed you want your reference sheet the more the money will add up. If you want it heavily shaded it will automatically be 135 more dollars
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This is mildly shaded which will only cost 250$
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This is heavily shaded which will cost 385$ (I'm using an old ref sheet of mine because I haven't made a heavily shaded ref sheet)
I can draw dragons, birds, reptiles, anthromorph, and feral animals. I will not draw bugs, robots, and humans. I can draw humans, yes, but I'm still trying to learn anatomy.
I might animate your character. It can be a short animation or in an animation meme that I will post on my YT channel. again this will take up my time and motivation and it will cost a lot of money.
Example of a short animation
(These are art fight attacks)
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All of these are from fully animated to not fully animated. The last animation only has 3 pictures that are moved around to create the animation while the first animation is fully animated. All of these animations are on 17fps (15 to make it slower). Each took 5-7 days due to my lack of motivation which is why animations are not up for commissions.
Rules <3
ah yes my favorite part of this whole commission announcement, rules.
NO scaming!
NO selling my art work!
NO taking off my watermarks!
NO copying my artwork!
NO stealing my art!
NO asking for NSFW!
NO asking for fetish art
NO asking for art about racism
NO asking for kid NSFW!
NO posting my art on other platforms without credit!
NO buying my art if you need the money for yourself
NO begging for free art
If you have any questions please do ask! I don't bark nor bite :)
payment Is only on cash app. my cash app name is MMOJ. If you wish to see more references or more of my art you can look at my Art fight account and YouTube account
Break my rules and you'll be blocked, you will have no warnings.
Also effects are free :) and once the art is finished you'll have to pay first then you'll get the art. I will update this little by little because I am a growing artist and I do want to make money out of my art
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brittlebonesguy · 9 months
time for season 8
NOOOO!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! lex is BACK???????? what, to haunt me? i thought i wouldnever see him again. and fucking TOM>??sexist, pervert tom? this has ruined my day. at least i know thisis the season boston rob meets his wife (amber) so that'll be fun at least. but i have a feeling this season is a stinker. ohgod and that "i'll do anything for you just to look at me" rob from the amazon season. kill me. "no body trusts anybody" boston rob says with his soon to be wife standing 2 feet away. i'm really only rooting for rupert. maybe amber, we'll see. sue you're gonna get brain parasites please. alicia is so right though, its day two who made amber and rob be in charge, richard is obnoxious shii ann say it louder! i want a season long combat between shii ann and richard, that would be funny. colby's face dropping the moment he sees jerri lol. he knows shes gonna hit on him again come merge. bye tina! sad it was you and not ethan
colby.....what does him being gay have to do with it. oh big tom how i loathe you. i actually don't want rudy voted out thanks. damn. okay bye old man. now that shii ann isnt surrounded by the worst filth possible i am liking her more. richard is crazy what was that? biting a shark back? i don't even care if sue is annoying. an enemy of tom is a friend of mine. sue, you are the love of my life. never leave. amazon rob really is just so pathetic. ah yes the classic jerri fight where she says the other person is controlling while also being controlling. she makes points but girl please. yes shii ann colby and lex are incredibly sexist and honestly please never speak to them again.
jenna we're doing this again? why did you come back. this whole thing of her leaving is so dramatic. of course tom would think that amazon rob is smarter than alicia... come on......NO ONE wants tom out? be serious. anyway bye amazon rob
this is colby's worst nightmare: jerri getting put on the same tribe as him. richard being naked on the balance beam think was.....definitely something and definitely gross. fuck YES boston rob winning against the show off with colby. jokes on you robby, i never though colby was tough. i agree that richard should go, however i feel like colby's motivation is homophobic, so actually i think he should stay. yes jerri, reject that alliance/vote. i love this shii ann and kathy alliance. FUCK YES bring jerry in the mix. richard, shii ann, kathy, and jerri? never thought i'd say this but dream alliance right there. kathy.....kathy please....don't ruin this for me. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!! i still have to deal with COLBY????? fuck you guys for getting my hopes up
yeah obviously doing a blinsdside would result in upset feelings kathy but sometimes you need to do them anyway. annoying. who gives a FUCK about LEX???? i forgot about how bug boston rob's ego is. i want shii ann to have a villian arc, and her origin story was colby making a snide comment at her. for sue's sake im glad richards gone because it was really fucked up. the victim blaming that happens with this show is crazy. i'm glad alicia is on her side. yeah im sure you're not sitting back because you suck or anything, ethan. lex they girls already had no compulsion to keep ethan and colby around, please stop patting yourself on the back. everyone being too callous about the whole situation is crazy. i agee with jenna in the splitting of the food. i take back everything i said, fuck kathy. its just the amount of "oh i know the guy and he would NEVER" blah blah.... and im sorry if something violates and humiliates you that much, then sometimes emotions come out, kathy. and its not pretty because its not suppose to be.
idk the jerri hate isn't sitting right with me... oh yay kathy got chosen to be safe...joy🙄. ethan's "some of us are heros and some of us are goats...and i'm a goat" has a completely different meaning now. colby not be annoying challenge failed. the way every cell, fiber, sinew, ligament, joint, nerve, and bone in my body LOATHES tom...if i have to see one more quirky music scene of him acting like a fucking idiot im beating jeff probst with my bare hands. actually lex there was an opportunity to get colby out last tribal, but that was jerri's idea so obvi we'll pretend that didn't happen because a woman came up with the idea. i love how petty jerri is. and yeah shii ann really should set aside her hatred for jerri and get out colby, which she won't because why would she make a move ever. she always talks about doing it but in the end she's just a floater. ethan is so dramatic no one gives a shit. "im sorry jerri to speak for you" "yeah please don't" that...is so funny. THE EVIL IS DEFEATED!!! fuck off colby NEVER come back. thank you shii ann, i take back what i said before and i hope you kick ass the rest of the season. also in defense of jerri, i have actually come around on her. she was right about the jerky, she was right about getting colby out. shes just RIGHT, not the most likable and a little annoying, but men get away with that shit all the time. case in point: ethan.
the men on the other tribe being so mad every time they lose to boston rob is so funny. idk....people making fun of rupert makes me sad. rupert's opinions about boston rob are so correct. i agree. serves boston rob right to miss horribly at the challenge. jerri don't feel too bad no one would have made those shots anyway. sometimes ethan is just so serial killer, i can see why him and lex are friends. why do the women of survivor always do this. they just trust mean implicitly. it makes no sense. "i just trust him, i don't know how to explain it" 🙄 bye ethan!! dont come back. i'm really liking shii ann as well. she's setting aside her personal opinions and seeing the bigger picture, which a lot of players don't do.
the ghandia slide of that book thing......distasteful. and now lex wolf whistling about a woman he doesn't even know. okay i know amber wins this season so im interested to see how she makes it out of this. because no way lex is like oh for sure rob i'll save your gf for a MAYBE alliance. again with this jerri hate. why can't we just vote out lex? i'm also SO SICK of lex being "in charge" and then telling people that thye're being voted out instead of just doing a blind side like hes the godfather or smth. i'll miss you jerri. why on earth does everyone think boston rob will keep his word? he literally doesn't. .......i hate tom. it's always rupert and the girlies. he refuses to play survivor unless he's got two women by his side. i wish men weren't the way they are tho.
exactly lex of course rob was gonna go back on his word. kathy......wtf. don't do that idiot. HA. thanks kathyyyyy. THE OTHER EVIL HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!!! as much as i hate him, i think lex is gonna make a funny juror.
god YES please get out big tom. ......cool rob is safe...😒 that foot shot of alicia was FOUL like back the fuck up. danm kath, i wish that worked out. shii ann is definitely going next. pagonging in an all stars season is so weak. please stir it up shii ann. i hope she gets immunity because.....its getting less interesting. when its just a majority alliance taking over and then going cannibal. i hope this challenge is a wake up call for alicia. and also i relate to her. i too would be emotional. jenna.....is annoying me. oh what a shock you're gonan give shii ann the bowl of rice, as if i didn't call that. rob is also really getting on my nerves. oh? only shii ann is obnoxious jenna? just herno one else here? miss oh im soooooo sorry alicia let me hug you even though we aren't friends and you don't want to be touched or talked to. alicia.....please just betray rob. fuck YES! shii ann got her first immunity. serves the tribe right for ousting her the way they are. its so rude. and the fact that not a single person will talk to her about game play at all is strange and telling. even though straying away from rob and aligning with shii ann is the better option for literally everyone but amber. "don't get too cocky sweetheart." honestly all of you can go fuck yourselves. 👆🏻you've been telling shii ann for days that shes leaving the first chance you guys get and are shocked when she doesn't really like you guys and tries like hell to win immunity, which everyone said "i'd be SHOCKED if she won that" assholes. she was gloating, alicia, because you guys say that she can't win anything and also SHE WAS GOING HOME TONIGHT. like....use your fucking brain. wow very original getting rid of alicia. can rob just leave already.
rupert didn't care about you not catching to fish jenna, he's upset because no one helped him gut and clean them, which all 120lbs of you could have handled. i will miss you shii ann. truly. and the truck curse still prevails. i......do not know how amber wins. and rob wins again 🙄. this game play.. consider me....bored. YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! the final evil has been defeated. go fuck yourself tom if you EVER come back im personally castrating jeff probst.
jenna saying that she's taking fate into her hands by voting out rupert so they don't go to rocks when her literal only two options are vote the way shes being told or go to rocks. ........ i dislike you. oh rupert i wish you had won that immunity 🫤. jenna acting like she's gonna go to rocks....like we all know you're gonna write ruperts name and go to final three (which is as far as you'll go btw). thanks for nothing jenna. no closer to a million than if you actually let it up to chance. and the final immunity goes to rob😐. this romance is so barf. kathy.....that was brutal. i hope rob feels awful after that. "since you're so interchangeable" jenna pleasekjadkjasnkjsbf. tom just sounds fucking drunk all the time. they were absolutely ruthless. rob and amber look SO upset about it too.
cbs is just letting their star host hang out of a helicopter with harness? bold. rob dominated jeff 🤨. okay then. congrats amber! i don't care for your husband. the "you suck" in the audience while lex was talking was me actually. the booing for jerri is a little much jesus. and yet colby gets nothing but cheers? i know sexism when i see it. no seriously lex is being the biggest hypocrite there is. assholes. all the booing made jerri leave. justice for my girl. JENNA AND ETHAN??? girl.....say sike. youre dating him??????? oh so they get to go on a cruise after being voted off huh? thats pretty nice. the audience voting for another winner and i think kathy saying "its rupert!" very true. colby is a contender? 😐that the fuck were some of those sexiest survivors? ROBB??? the man who just finally understood what empathy was? the fuck. AND TOM IS A CONTENDER FOR THE MONEY???? thankfully rupert won because i would have flipped if it was any of the others. all in all this season was kind of disappointing considering it was all stars. it had its juicy moments but it got bogged down by all the people i don't like so I'm gonna give it....5.8 out of 10
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greyscine · 2 years
You cant prank me
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#You cant prank me full
#You cant prank me free
"The court ruling should be viewed as a warning that such behavior won't be tolerated by these or any other individuals. "T-he court's order granting a temporary restraining order underscores the need to provide a sense of stability and comfort in an in-person learning environment and in light of campus safety concerns nationally on college campuses," USC said in a statement Monday. USC's lawsuit also demands financial compensation for damages and seeks to ban the pair from making more content about the university. Kanevsky and Bai did not respond to requests for comment about previous incidents on other campuses. UCLA, Santiago Canyon College and UT Dallas did not immediately respond to requests for comment. In a YouTube video posted last year, the University of Texas, Dallas police appeared to issue Kanevsky a criminal trespass warning after he interrupted a lecture.
#You cant prank me full
This is a full crafting project, though, so only. It will make them think their home is infested with bugs, which is not a good thing to think. What appeared to be campus security removed Bai from Santiago Canyon College in Orange, California, after he interrupted students during a test to give "motivational speeches" in a video posted this month. The do the meanest DIY project possible prank. Last year, Kanevsky and another person boasted about a classroom evacuation at UCLA in a YouTube video. Sometimes pranks can backfire badly folks, so PLEASE read this before carrying one out.Kanevsky and Bai have executed similar stunts at others college campuses, together and separately. Ric was stood on the other side of the window pane watching what he had done. When he got there, he found Mr Hopkinson and Miss Wade still having sex, even though the fire bell was ringing. Brave Mr Chapman decided to investigate, and knowing a new teacher and a married man had been showering, he knew he had to look. On the field, the teachers saw the blood coming out the drain and flowing over the paving. They escaped before the two teachers saw them, and, with blood all over the shower, they left the scene and reported to fire positions on the field. In fright, Eddy went for the door, but put his hand through the glass on the emergency fire button. When they opened the door, they found Mr Hopkinson and Miss Wade naked and having sex in the shower. An innocent prank becomes a nightmare for the pranksters when an old legend proves to be true. Though in year 10, they did not know what was down there, so went in the door at the end of the corridor. Teddy Margulies, Peter Mitchell (Based on Teleplay By), R.L. People won’t be able to tell the difference until they take a bite. students may enter when required.' Reading this, Eddy and Kate went down the corridor. Leave it in the fridge and wait until someone pours themselves a drink. But when it finally happens, it involves actual mud monsters that nearly kill. Be Careful What You Wish For: He is beyond desperate to scare Courtney for one. He and his friend, Hat, want to pull a prank on Courtney. At break both Eddy and Kate turn up at the staffroom, to find a sign reading: 'staff meeting down the corridor this break. Portrayed By: Kiel Campbell ( TV) The main protagonist. You know why? Ric: Summit to do with when you was throwing pens at Noko's head in History on Tuesday. Ric: Y'alright Kate? Kate: Um.yeah? Ric: Right, you gotta go ter staffroom see teachers at break. you cant scare me I Have two Sisters gift for family Kids T-Shirt. In the next lesson, English, Ric decides to tell a mostly innocent girl, Kate, that she too has to go to the staffroom at break. High quality Prank inspired kids t-shirts by independent artists and designers from.
#You cant prank me free
You know why? Ric: Summit to do with when you broke that chair in maths. free fire ffprankvideo noobprank ffshortsvideoshort b2mgytThanks for watching keep support Follow me on Instagram. Portrayed By: Kiel Campbell ( TV) The main protagonist. You gotta go ter staffroom see teachers at break. Follow Characters / You Can't Scare Me Characters Funny Literature YMMV Create New Eddie Eddie and Hat. He waits until Mr Price arrives with the register, and then deliberately starts talking to Eddy. your phone company cannot be forced to share the details of who is calling you. genuinely thinking that was enough to get a pizza delivered to me. In the morning, he walks in to his classroom as casually as possible. We explain what a prank call is, whether they are illegal in Western. But pranks that go way out of line could be one that lands you in jail. What he doesn't know is that things aren't quite what they seem. It is April Fool's Day, and to Ric's delight, he has yet another prank set up.
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
i just know hslotrry got the best sex of his life after whoring himself out at coachella in front of his wife
After The Show
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prompt: this ask legit just inspired this whole one shot. Harry at Coachella and the what happened after the show.
warnings: smut, 18+ minors dni
if you liked please reblog, recommended, like, and come talk to me about it! (this is what motivates me to continue writing)!
i write for FREE - I am also trying to steer away from paetron so everyone can have access my stories - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here.
Harry was delaying getting in his jumpsuit, he keeps bugging YN to make sure his hair looks just the right amount of messy, if he should shave his stubble, or if he should wear the white or black boots.
He whines like a baby when YN leaves him to decide on shoes by himself so that she can get a water for him.
“You need to breathe. Your vocals are going to be shot if you don’t get it under control,” YN hums calmly when she returns- making him take a few sips before taking his face between her hands and giving him a firm look.
“M’nervous, baby,” Harry groans, leaning into her palms before stealing a soft kiss, “S’freaking me the fuck out.”
“You’ve performed in front of hundreds of thousands of people,” She reminds him as she begins to help him out of his street clothes to prepare for shimmying into the sparkly outfit.
“I was with the boys, it was different. Not everyone was just lookin’ and listening to me,” He tries to argue, it’s just…he’s so clingy and YN really shouldn’t love it as much she does.
He’s always been so attached to her.
“Don’t act like the second you get on stage you don’t turn into a sleazy, fame-hungry popstar,” YN teases as she tugs up his tiny underwear that was falling down his hips that leave little to the imagination, a change from his usual briefs.
“I’m only sleazy for you,” Harry smiles cheekily, his hands starting to wander lower than her waist - big palm sneaking down to give her bum a good feel.
“Oh, you’re more than sleazy when it comes to that,” She smirks, biting at the inner corner of her mouth as he processes the words.
They both know what she’s referring to.
- last night -
“Baby, baby. C’mon, got-gotta let me come,” Harry begs in a higher pitch than his normal bravado, he was so desperate for it.
“I don’t have to do anything, bunny. Think we both know who’s in charge,” She giggles girlishly as she continues to stroke him with a sluggish, nonrushed hand, not enough friction and when he pushes his hips forward to get it - she pinches his hip, hard enough that it leaves tiny bruises near his ferns.
They didn’t have time for this teasing.
He was due to soundcheck in less than two minutes.
A group of hundreds of crew plus his band and tour team were expecting him any moment on stage but he’s too weak for his wife and so he’s pressed up against the wall in a small, dark hallway begging for her to do something.
“You’re being cruel,” Harry accuses in a breathy tone after yet another sting when he thrust his hips into her grip.
“Mmm,” She hums noncommittally, her face soft and relax with the slightest edge of mischievousness, “I’m sorry you married such an awful woman, Hmm?”
Harry’s too sweet for his own good, bumping his nose against hers, “Never said that. Best wife, make me feel like m’on fire. Only you can do this to me.”
Nobody says anything because they already know when Harry appears five minutes later than planned with blush from his chest to his cheeks as well as a blooming red mark under his jaw.
“S’it wrong that I love my wife?” He huffs with an exaggerated pout, pressing his center against her to show his interest in the conversation.
“You’re getting yourself turned on already, save that for the show,” YN scolds playfully, digging her thumb into his hip where she knows it’s sore from the purplish bruises she’d left there the day before.
He rewards her with a pained squeak but he never shys away from the feeling, it spirals into a delightful pleasure after a moment.
Harry Lambert steps into the room without a knock and like clockwork, the popstar gets a sour look on his face at being interrupted.
After he’s helped into his sequined one-piece outfit, it’s nearing stage time, and the crew is starting to surround Harry to get him ready.
YN has to go slip into her outfit for the show, she was excited because she hadn’t let her husband see it despite his pleas to.
“I’m so proud of you. You’re going to do amazing,” YN whispers against his lips, hand squeezing his solid bicep.
“You’ll stand where I’ll be able to see you, yeah?” He asks nervously, fingers coming to fiddle with her wedding band.
She was going to be in a small vip at the front of the stage, right next to the fans. Not off to the side of the stage like usual, not until the end.
“Right up front, I promise,” She assures him, bringing his hand up to kiss his palm, “Know you’ll be a rockstar up there, it’s going to get me so wet for after the show.”
Harry’s anxious expression turns into something more stormy, determined because that was now his goal - to perform well enough to make his wife soak through her cute little outfit.
It was colder than expected for California in April, most people had jackets on, and YN had an ankle-length black gucci leather jacket on that disguised her outfit - she had a plan.
Just like how she knew Harry was going to remove his big, feathery black coat to reveal what was underneath - well she was gonna steal that idea for herself.
The set starts absolutely amazing, as soon as he runs down the stairs to begin As It Was, his eyes are searching the crowd for her and it makes her heart leap.
That with the upwards of a hundred thousand people there, that he was still focused on making sure that his person was on the crowd.
As soon as their eyes connect, he gives her a smile before sticking out his tongue and shimmying his hips a bit to signify that he sees her.
YN blows him a kiss before beginning to dance along with Jeff, Kid Harpoon, James, among other friends that were there to support him.
YN gets overheated fast, from the dancing and being in close proximity to so many people at once that she shrugs out of her jacket and lays it across the barrier rail.
Harry is at the B stage, behind her and doesn’t immediately get to see what she was wearing but she knew she looked good.
It wasn’t necessarily the most ground breaking Coachella outfit but it was sexier than her usual style was .
It was a simple black tube top that pushed her breasts up to show off their fullness while making them look perky.
A sliver of her midriff on display before her high-waisted pants snatched in at the curve of her body.
They were completely sheer with a sequin design making them reflect in the flashing light on the stage - they were the same sequins that made up Harry’s jumpsuit.
Since they were sheer, YN had on a pair of skin colored underwear that were cheeky enough to show quite a bit of her backside but it wasn’t quite a thong.
The pants made her legs look like they went on for days, the shimmer of her pants contrasting beautifully against the tone of her skin and the plain top she was wearing.***
(note: picture is just the inspo but top is black, pants are black, and sequins on the pants are the same ones that are on Harrys jumpsuit).
YN was blinded by the flashes that bombarded her as fans took pictures of her and she tried not to get too self-conscious about her bum being out.
As Harry struts back towards the main stage, he glances over at YN before continuing to walk but stops and does a double take when he sees what she has on.
She can’t help but twirl and show off what the backside is revealing, giving a little shake before turning around and continuing to dance with their friends.
YN purposefully doesn’t meet his line of vision, acting like she doesn’t even know he’s staring but it only last a moment before he has to get back to the main stage.
During one of the slower songs, Harry manages to catch YN’s attention - a thrill of electricity radiates through her because his eyes are hungry and possessive but she knows he wants her more than anything.
As he sways to the rhtymn, his body just is incredible - the way his abs twitch with every movement, his narrow hips moving, his pecs defined and strong, and it was all fucking hers.
With all these thousands of beautiful people lusting after him, willing to give him whatever he would want - at the end of the day, he has a gold band on his ring finger, the most recognized sign of ownership, not to mention her name inked permanently into his skin for everyone to see.
YN hadn’t been allowed at a soundcheck for Coachella last weekend, where Harry was bringing on a special guest. He had insisted that it be a surprise for her too.
She could think of multiple people he might ask to join him on stage but figured it was someone extra special if it was so secretive.
When the first few bars echo throughout the field, the strobe lights flashing in sync, and Harry begins to playfully glance around like he doesn’t know what’s going on - YN is going wild with the rest of the group for Shania fucking Twain.
YN just watches in awe of her husband as he duets Man, I Feel Like a Woman with one of their favorite artists - doesn’t dance as much as just sway and watch with absolute pride, can’t help but pull out her phone to record a clip of it.
But when crew runs on stage to put two stools down, YN gets a huge lump in her throat when she realizes what song they’re about to sing together.
Once again, YN can feel all the fans cameras on her as she watches her husband perform a song that is undoubtedly dedicated to her and the whole entire crowd knows it.
She giggles, embarrassed at herself when she feels tears rolling down her cheeks as they perform - she wipes them away quickly and Harry finds her eyes, brow furrowing for a moment when he sees tears.
YN mouths that she’s loves him and puts a hand on her heart, which in turn, makes him give her a dazzling, heart-stopping smile that makes his dimple pop deep into his cheek.
The crowd doesn’t miss how his eyes barely leave YN as his sings, making it obvious as day that it’s about her and only her.
“You’re a lucky girl,” Harry Lambert nudges her, just teasing as they all cheer for Shania before Harry starts up his set again.
“Lucky doesn’t even remotely cover it,” She murmurs back as her eyes stay glued to her husband for the rest of the time he’s on stage.
When he’s doing Watermelon Sugar, she sneaks back to the side stage because there’s only two songs left before week one is over.
As he absolutely loses his shit during Kiwi, the creeping arousal starts to stir in her belly again because he’s just so….attractive.
The way he licks his fingertips, rolls his body, the way his muscles tense and flexed in the stage light…he was just….filthy.
She loved it.
She loved watching him get himself worked up to the point of when he runs off stage and just needs to fuck.
YN didn’t know if she could wait for the hotel for them to touch each other, maybe not even being able to wait for the car ride home.
After Sign of the Times, Harry’s blowing the crowd kisses, telling them to be kind, and thanking them for coming before he’s bounding off stage towards her.
The crowd captures the scene on their phone when Harry grabs YN by the waist towards him so he can lean down and connect their lips in a rough kiss (despite them thinking they were out of sight of the audience).
However, they disappear out of sight after as they’re ushered away from the massive stage and into the tents connected for the artist.
“Bunny,” YN breathes out when they’re finally away from the noise, standing in the lounge area where there’s tons of other people bustling around, “Holy shit.”
His chest is still heaving from the past hour and a half of intense physical activity, sweat dripping from his hair down onto his chest and neck.
“Was it good enough for you, my love?” He gasps as he starts to try to steady his breathing, eyes searching hers.
The thing that was heartbreakingly cute was that Harry was honestly asking, did he perform well enough for her.
Which he has always done, every single time but he still asks because he wants to make her proud of him and he yearns for her approval.
“There’s not even words for how incredible it was. You’re talent and stage presence is unbeatable. It’s why everyone loves you,” She praises him sincerely, snagging a towel from an assistant to dab it all over his forehead and chest.
“I sang it for you,” He murmurs with a sheepish expression on his face, his hands can’t help but touch her, fingers dancing along the bare skin of her midsection as she wipes him down.
“You’re really in love with me, huh?” YN teases, leaning up to brush their lips together again, “Don’t think you could make it anymore obvious, H.”
As YN says that, she takes her hand and subtly brushes it up against his pelvis, across where he’s already been half-hard for a hot minute.
Harry’s surprised by the boldness, there’s so many people around, and it makes him let out a low groan - barely having enough self control to not buck into the touch.
“Trying to be obvious,” He agrees a bit absently as his eyes trace down her body, “You look bloody indecent in this, flashing your bum at me while I’m trying to work. Could see it jiggling from the stage.”
“Knew you’d like it, I’m so wet for you. Can feel it on my thighs,” YN tells him, biting her bottom lip as she lets her hand palm him once again, “All I could think about when I was up there, you know? Just having you in me. How full you make me.”
“Sweetheart, please,” He begs quietly, his voice raspy and worn from overuse - despite his words, he loved being teased, edged until he was a mess.
It was the fact that if someone stopped rushing around to clean up, they would notice how Harry was desperately trying to get as close to his wife as possible, press himself against her.
“Alright, c’mon,” YN goads, intertwining their fingers and tugging him through the lounge, out of the tent completely and out in the barely warm air of the night.
It was late, the stars bright in the sky and the noise was starting to die down as people begin to filter out of the field for the night.
Harry Lambert was going to be looking for him very soon to collect the outfit from him but they didn’t care in that moment.
It was secluded, sure, but not that secluded - if someone wanted to take a cigarette break or happened to walk by from behind the stage and look over - they’d be caught within an instant.
Harry’s a show off, an entertainer, and when he realizes that YN wants to mess around in such a public place - he’s surprised by her bravery but it makes his cock twitch.
“Baby, anyone could catch us,” Harry reminds her as she leans back against the wall, it didn’t help that he was wearing the most flashy outfit right now.
“Better be quick then,” YN quips with hazy smile, “Wanted to make it obvious like you said, hm? Shouldn’t be a big deal if someone catches you making your wife come then, right?”
Harry can’t help but let out a moan at her words, she was just so fucking sexy is the thing. She radiated confidence, sureness, and he’s not sure how he got lucky enough to have the hottest woman on earth as his spouse.
“Gonna kill me,” Harry rasps, his throat sore and hoarse now like it always got after a show.
There was also something about that fact that even though Harry just worked his fucking ass off on stage - YN just expects him to come bounding right off stage to please her.
She’s one hundred percent right that he will, no matter how tired or overworked he was.
He snags her lips into a kiss, she doesn’t waste anytime in opening her mouth and letting him inside as his hands go straight where they’ve wanted to go all night.
Harry tugs down her top until it sits under her breasts, thumbs rind her harden nipples and rolling them before moving to pinch them.
“Fuck,” YN whines happily, pushing her chest into his hands and cupping her hand around his neck to keep his mouth close.
“Desperate little thing,” Harry chuckles fondly, moving his lips down the column of her neck until he’s cupping her tits in his palms and lapping at her peaks with grazes of his teeth.
Her moans are far too loud but so pretty, he brings his leg between hers until his thigh is pressed right up against her core and she instantly begins to find friction there.
“Jesus,” He murmurs lowly, she’s just so fucking attractive that it is a bit mind blowing at time as he admires her riding him without any shame.
When Harry removes his thigh from between her legs, she lets out a frustrated sigh but it turns into a pleased one when he begins to shimmy the tight fabric of her pants down her hips.
It was exhilarating, YN basically bare where anyone could stumble upon them - usually see would never be so adventurous but something got into her tonight.
Harry crouches down, thumbing at the wet spot on her panties as his other hand moves back to palm at her bum.
“Guess I did my job tonight. You’re dripping, my love,” He hums as he leans forward to kiss her mound over the thin fabric.
“Please, need your mouth,” YN hisses when he pushes her panties to the side but instead of putting his mouth on her - he kisses and licks at her inner thighs.
Harry let’s out a rumbling, rough growl when YN’s hand knots into his damp curls and physically moves his mouth to where she wants him.
She always taste so good that Harry gets lost in it right away, his tongue covering every inch of her, and make sure to not leave anything behind.
It’s intense, messy, needy as he buries his face between her thighs, her hips moving to chase the building feeling of her orgasm but then there’s a sound to their left.
Despite how distracted Harry was, it takes him no time to stand up, pull his wife’s shirt up, snap her panties back into place, and shimmy her pants back up.
By the grace of god, the door was jammed for a good second before Harry Lambert opens it and is frowning, “I don’t have all night to wait around. Come on, I need the jumpsuit.”
“You work f’me, not the other way around,” The popstar grumbles as he tugs YN along back into the building - luckily the tight, unforgiving fabric hides his hard on well enough as they make it to the dressing room.
While he’s changing, everybody seems to file in from Jeff and Glenne to James Corden to Kid and his wife and after he slips into his jeans and tee, everyone is discussing where there afterparty should be.
All Harry can think about is his wife.
“I’m so exhausted,” Harry cuts through the noise, swinging his bag over his shoulder and making eye contact with his wife who was not in the mood to party.
She was eyeing him with intent because she absolutely hated being edged, even if it wasn’t intentionally- didn’t enjoy it the same way Harry did.
He felt like he was in trouble almost, not in a serious way but the in the way that he needs to get his spouse off soon or he won’t be getting anything in return.
“Oh, rockstar. You can’t say no to a little partying!” Kid teases him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him a bit, “Let go back to mine.”
Harry swallows harshly, “Nah, really. I’ve, erm…yeah, I’m just super tired. I won’t be any fun. Just need to relax.”
His friends don’t push it any further and YN gives him an approving smile as they all walk out together to their cars.
“So good for me, H,” YN murmurs in his ear as they hold hands and paparazzi’s camera flashes blind them until they’re inside behind the tinted windows.
The car ride home doesn’t involve sex, it’s a SUV but there’s no type of partition and no privacy with the two body guards in the vehicle as well.
Instead, Harry lays his head on YN’s lap and she cards her fingers through his hair, thumbing at his temples and whispering about how proud she is of him.
YN corrals him into the shower as soon as they get into the hotel room, makes a point of showing her appreciation and adoration of him while she scrubs the grime off his body.
He gets so sweet like this, responds so beautifully to the praise, but only from her - he gets into this state where he’d just do anything for her without question, trusting and committed.
The hot desire for her own pleasure had dissipated over the last few hours, her lost orgasm not as intense anymore, and it allows her to focus on him.
Her lips tracing across his collarbone, his head tilted back against the tile, legs feeling like jello from all the exercise.
“Bloody hell,” Harry gasps in surprise and pleasure when she catches his nipple with her teeth before licking and kissing at both of them.
They trail from his chest down past his butterfly, kissing and nipping at the hard, thick muscles of his abdominal before doing the same to the extra plush at his hips.
By the time she gets to where he wants her mouth most, he’s straining up towards his stomach, swollen and pink from his lust.
It was a sight to see.
When YN first wraps her lips around him, he lets out a relieved moan that echos loudly off the white walls of the bathroom.
YN pets and scratches at his lean but muscular thighs as she takes him down until her nose is nestled against his pelvis.
“Ba-baby, m’close,” He warns quicker than usual, his fingers dancing across her jaw, feeling her cheek as she works him over.
She pulls off regretfully, hand replacing her mouth with tight, slow pulls as she stands up and accepts a kiss from him.
“I can’t wait any longer,” Harry admits, voice sweet and honeyed, he digs his fingers into her hips and spins her until she’s pressed up against the wall, “Gonna let me have it, darling?”
“O-of course,” YN giggles at the absurdity of his question but listens when he murmurs, “Budge up.”
She obliges, moving even closer to the tile, hissing at the coldness against her warm body, and spreads her legs further apart.
Harry is impatient, grabs her thigh and tugs it up to give himself easier access as with his free hand he guides himself inside.
“Holy fuck,” He mewls as he starts moving at a harsh pace, giving no room for adjustment as he begins to pound into her - his hand wrapping around her middle to reach down and roll her clit between his fingers.
It’s embarrassing, the short amount of time it takes for YN to come but he’s hitting her spot hard, she can feel his muscles twitching against her back and his fingers bruising her thigh where he’s holding her up.
“H, there, oh my god,” YN encourages loudly, the cool tile now feeling good against her hot forehead as he continues pressing against her where she needs him.
As she’s coming down from her release, she whimpers in surprise when he pulls out of her and crouches down - spreading her open and lapping at her pulsating bud.
His sucks her clit into his mouth and flicks his tongue quickly, while two fingers tuck right up inside of her without hesitation - rings bumping against her skin.
“S’too much,” She complains but doesn’t do anything to pull away, just allows him to devour her until she has yet another orgasm wrecking her.
Harry is on her again as soon as she’s got hers, he’s manhandled her around so now her back is against the shower and he’s hiking the opposite thigh up and sliding home.
He looks so beautiful as water drops bead off his eyelashes, the tip of his nose, drizzle down his parted lips - his eyes are intense on her as he brings himself off the edge.
“You’re the one I belong to,” He murmurs through low moans, she’d hit him for quoting a song during sex but it just makes her grip his jaw and drag him in for one more kiss.
In bed, Harry’s drifting off to sleep as soon as they slip under the fluffy duvet - his body shutting down in protest from all the activity of the day.
“I can’t wait for weekend two,” Harry hums as he wriggles closer to YN, wrapping himself around her like a cuddly octopus and nuzzling his face into her neck.
“I can’t wait either. You’re gonna be wicked with Lizzo,” YN agrees, welcoming him into her arms and running her bedazzled nails up and down his back.
“Not was I was talking about,” Harry smirks boyishly, hands roaming over her belly and hips without intention, “Can’t wait for the sex after the show.”
did you all miss him sm like me 🥺
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spacexseven · 2 years
omg i REMEMBER that line from when I read the day I picked up dazai! very good LN I liked it a lot. maybe that line made me subconsciously start thinking about eelzai lol.
I've been meaning to bug u more about yanderes As Is My Brand but I have SO MANY ideas banging around in my cavernous skull that I end up not being able to pick one and just rambling like a lunatic in my notes app. I will share a little bit about sea monster dazai since he was brought up, though: I've been considering two big things. 1) I remember a while ago reading that there is a belief that a mermaids kiss can allow you to breathe underwater, if dazai happens to learn about THAT little tidbit of information you KNOW hes gonna run away with it! or, swim away with it, rather. he has to test this new theory right away! come on, get in! he has ZERO ulterior motives for insisting you let him kiss you its JUST an experiment come on please? Please? or if we're going with the storyline where ur mad at him for such a frivolous reason as he attacked and tried to eat you (it was only gonna be a BITE! see, not so bad! its was all a misunderstanding pls come back...) it could be a little stunt on his end to get you to trust him again, etc. hed be a bit frustrated if the effect was only temporary, as this puts a wrench in his plan to take you down to his cave and keep you there forever, but the silver lining is now he can demand kisses from you every few hours and have an excuse as to why. 2) in most depictions of sea monsters I've seen, even ones that are mostly humanoid, theyre rather large! like, almost completely dwarfing pirate ships level large! can probably pick a human up with one hand large! there's even a scene in the little mermaid where Ursula gets that big, so do you think dazai would be able to do that? maybe he sticks to a manageable- but still rather Long thanks to the tail- size usually out of laziness and a desire to stick near the shallow shores (cuz he likes the food better, not cuz thats where his little darling lives. just a coincidence.) where there's less room for him to get to his full size. but once he's in the open ocean? ohhh boy.... maybe try to avoid going put too far on any boats, darling, lest dazai decides to start showing off.
- 🩹
finally answering this oh my god i am so sorry again for the delay 100/10 would read ur notes app rambles you have so much fun thoughts it's insane
cw: yandere character, obsessive behavior, non-con kissing, descriptions of sea monster! dazai (including him being unnaturally large, eel-like body, sharp teeth, etc), manipualtive behavior
please don't proceed if any of the warnings make you uncomfortable!!
i do hc eelzai (cute name btw) as being Huge. he can sort of 'elongate' his body when he needs it, but usually sticks to a length of around 10 feet. thing is, when he's underwater and darling is on the surface, they can't tell how big he actually is. relative to regular people, dazai does have larger hands, but it isn't to an alarming extent. it's pretty normal for something not-human to be bigger than an ordinary human, after all. i'd think it's easier to navigate this way, 'cos dragging around a long body isn't the most efficient way of getting around. there's no doubt in my mind he can definitely go bigger. pirate ship big? possibly, but he hasn't really tried to see how much he can grow. it's too much trouble, too easy for some pesky human to spot him. if darling wanted to see, though, he would entertain them without a thought.
THE KISS THING that's so cute actually but not so much in this context. eelzai hears about this from chuuya (aka the most reliable source of information in the seas) and immediately decides it is the perfect solution for all his problems. now he has an excuse to kiss darling all the time, and can keep them with him underwater where their annoying human companions won't bother them. in the 'darling is mad because dazai is insane and tries to attack them' timeline, dazai lures darling in with the promise of breathing underwater despite not knowing if the kiss theory holds any water. what if mermaids were referring to sirens, like chuuya, and not monsters like him? of course he doesn't tell darling this, opting to just lie through his teeth about how they can finally see all the pretty things under the sea up close. what did they mean, asking if he was telling the truth? does he look like a liar? would he risk darling's safety over a rumour? he's almost offended by their lack of trust in him.
fortunately for him, it does work. unfortunately for darling, it has a pretty short duration period. this means if they want to stay longer, they have to kiss him more. dazai thinks it's an amazing deal, of course. but if this happens to a darling who isn't very well acquainted with dazai yet, it's just terrifying to be dragged underwater and sloppily kissed and later dragged down deep by a large monster with too-sharp teeth and a dangerous look in his eyes.
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Mari: Sometimes, I wanna murder you. Other times, I wanna talk and it's you I immediately think about. But right now, I can't decide which one so it's better we don't hang out.
Jason: OR you do something else like date me instead. Call it and you have free reign to do all three. I'll even let you design my coffin attire.
Mari (huffs): Bold of you to assume I didn't have free reign even now.
Jason: (smirks, leaning down to bring his face down to her eye level)
Mari: (pokes at his nose)
Jason (winces): Hey!
Mari (laughs): Sometimes, I like that you're tall. Right now, it's irritating.
Jason (flicks at her forehead in revenge): Stop changing the topic. So what's it gonna be, Fae? Name your pick. My name is on the table.
Marinette (stares at him): Do I have to? Really have to? I came to you anyway, didn't I? I had the best and worst day ever, and I came to you, Jailbird. I wonder, what does that say to you?
Jason: (goes quiet for a while, dark blue eyes softening before the confident smirk turned into a sad half-smile. His next words almost sound like begging, they pierced her heart.)
Jason: Tell me. You have to say it. I want us to be done with second guessing and almosts. I want to be done with that.
Mari (frowns): Is that what you think? Cause I don't think we're in the almost. Not to me...Cause after Adrien, it has always been you. You're like a nagging ghost that way. You always show up, keep following me, stalking me. Be it when I need you, want you, or when I just need to feel like myself. You keep saving me from threats and dangers, from fake friends and even my parents when they want to ground me. You even save me from myself sometimes even if I have no idea how. You just do.
Jason's eyes turn bright, looking as pleased with himself as he feels.
Jason: It is my absolute honor to be the ghost of Marinette's present. But you know, I still hope you'll let me keep doing it only forever. So, take it if you want. And if you say yes, you better know that there's no going back. There's no way you'll lose me. I'm yours, even in death and after.
Mari (bites at her lip in thought. Without saying a word, she opens her bag to pull something out and says): Turn.
Jason: Huh?
Mari: Turn around.
Jason (does as told, trusting her even when he's questioning her motivations and sanity)
Marinette (finds herself wearing a giant grin as she pins a sticker to her best friend's back. It says, 'If damaged, bring to MDC'): There. Call yourself mine. No take backsies. Bug's honor.
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The diamond choker
Pairing: Namjoon x fem reader
Warnings: Soft dom master Namjoon, submissive reader, pet play, throat fucking, unorthodox sexual positions, cumming inside OC’s throat, general filth I got a little carried away.
A/N: WHEWWW! I wrote this whole drabble with Jimin, and as I was wrapping it up, something kept bugging me that Namjoon would be better here. And so here we are. Gosh, I kinda am nervous about this one, even though it isn’t the longest one I’ve written. 
Author’s Masterlist.
If you like my stories, please do send in your feedback coz that gives so much motivation to write more!
The new piece of jewelry that adorned your neck glittered in the light of your vanity. You admired the diamond choker your boyfriend had gotten you. He had insisted that you buy something extravagant for once, and though he loved to spoil you, you rarely gave him free reign over what to get you. Because when you did, this is what happened.
To be fair, Namjoon had more than enough money to splurge on you and he loved seeing you in things he bought you. And so it had taken one sentence from him to finally crumble your resolve.
“My pet needs a new collar anyways.”
And that’s what brought us back to where you stood, in a simple nude lingerie set, the loud choker stealing the entire spotlight, waiting for Namjoon to come home so you could show him how thankful you were.
His car pulled up in the driveway of your home, and you rushed to the couch, settling yourself with your legs folded underneath you, you fluffed up your hair slightly and fixed your gaze on the entryway where he’d be standing in a while.
Namjoon slipped off his shoes, running a hand through his mullet, pushing back his bangs, when his eyes came to rest on you, sitting complacently on the couch, eyeing him with soft eyes.
Immediately he felt his weariness slipping away.
“Hello baby.” He cooed, placing his bag in the hallway and coming towards you.
“Hello.” You smiled as his hand reached out to cup your cheek. You leaned into his hand eagerly, rubbing your face against his big palm. “How was your day?”
“It was exhausting, as usual. But I feel good right now.” He conceded, moving his hand lower to tip your chin upwards.
“I’m glad.” You kissed his hand, causing him to bite his lip. You looked up at him, “I missed you.”
“Yeah?” he breathed. “Did you think about me?”
You nodded.
“Good girl.” He leaned down to kiss your forehead. “I missed you more.”
You highly doubted that, but still smiled, loving how attentive he was being, stroking your cheek as he held your eyes. You were getting a little impatient though, since he hadn’t mentioned the very obvious 300 thousand dollars you were wearing on your neck.
“I wore your gift.” You craned your neck, to eliminate the possibility he hadn’t seen it.
“I see that, pet. I wanted you to show it off to me.” He teased.
You rose to your feet, your breasts now at eye level with him as you stood on the couch. “Does it look nice?” you asked.
“Oh baby, you look like an absolute goddess.” Namjoon praised easily.
You grinned widely at his praise.
“But do you like it?” Namjoon raised a brow, gently toying with your nipples through your bra.
You loved it, and you weren’t afraid to tell him as much. “I love it so much.”
“Good girl.” Namjoon’s big hands wandered lower, resting on your hips, as he lifted you, placing you on your feet as he sat down on the couch, his legs spread. You sat down in front of him, placing your chin on his knee, looking up at him in admiration.
“Oh my pretty pet.” He patted your head as you nuzzled your nose into his thigh, just like you were sure he enjoyed.
“Come up, sit on my lap.” He patted where he wanted you, and you immediately complied, climbing onto his thighs, getting aroused by the second.
“Kiss me please.” You asked him.
“Come to me baby.” Namjoon held you close to him as he kissed you just as you liked it. He made you giddy with a simple kiss. You felt him hardening.
“Please let me make you feel better master.” You pleaded.
Namjoon’s breath hitched.
“What do you want to do my baby?” he cooed.
“I wanna… um…” you thought about it.
“Hmm?” Namjoon absentmindedly caressed your face.
“Can I suck your dick?” you questioned innocently.
“Aww, my little baby wants to suck master’s dick?”
“Yes Master.”
“Such an obedient little puppy. Of course you can, since you asked so politely.”
Your eyes lit up as you slipped off him, hands busy with his belt and zipper, pulling down his pants. You palmed him from above his boxers, the familiar contours of his hard member under your fingers. You slipped it out of it’s confines and admired how prettily it sat against Namjoon’s abdomen. 
You gulped, bringing your mouth closer, as you shot the wonderful man above you a look, before taking it in your mouth. Immediately, Namjoon’s breathing increased. 
Once you were comfortable enough having him in your mouth, and his length would touch the back of your throat every other stroke, you locked eyes with him, and began sucking harder. 
By now, Namjoon’s pupils had widened and his eyes seemed almost black. You raised a brow, moving your tongue against the underside of his throbbing cock, as he bit his lip, a faint groan breaking from his throat. 
There was the sound you loved so much. 
You slowly took one hand lower, towards your own aching cunt, to give it some of the friction it craved for. Namjoon’s eyes followed your hand, as a smirk tugged at his mouth at the satisfied huff of air you exhaled when your fingers toyed with your clit. 
But you didn’t appreciate that he had looked away from your face. You swallowed around his dick, humming immediately afterwards, the unexpected action catching him off guard as he slightly rose his hips. That was enough to push his dick into your throat and you gagged. You pulled away, gasping, tears forming in your eyes.
“I’m sorry puppy. Are you okay?” he crooned.
“Yes.” you gasped. 
Then a lightbulb went off over your head. You placed your head on his thigh again, looking up at him with your biggest eyes.
“Would you like to fuck my throat?” you asked.
“You’ll be the death of me.” A fond hand ran through your hair. “Would you like me to?” he continued.
“Yes, please. I want you deep in my throat. Deep enough to touch your necklace from the inside.”
“Oh god, do you have any idea what picture that painted in my head?” Namjoon lowered his face to your level. You nodded.
“That picture? I want that please.”
“Fuck...” Namjoon groaned, taking your shoulders as he rose. “Okay baby, I need you on the couch, legs up and face hanging.”
Now you realized what position he was implying, you were sure that picture he had in his mind ended with you wrecked past breathing. And you loved that idea. So you eagerly complied.
“So eager to please.” he booped your nose, “Such a good little girl for master. Now open.”
You opened your mouth as wide as you could, and as he slipped in another pleasant surprise greeted you as he pushed your legs to the back of the couch and pushed your panties to the side, slowly playing with your pussy lips.
“My baby made a mess of her pretty underwear.” he tsked, pinching your clit, making you hum around his cock.
Drool leaked out from the sides of your mouth, as you shut your eyes, feeling light headed from all the blood rushing to your head. 
As much as he loved making you squirm, it was lowkey hard to do that when you swallowed around him again. 
“Impatient little pet, I think we went over the fact that you shouldn’t rush me.” he pinched your cheek, “Good for you though, I can teach you that lesson immediately.” he slapped the same spot, forcing himself deeper, now actually pushing himself into your throat.
And then Namjoon began thrusting.
Soon you lost all perception of space and time. The only feeling left was the abuse being done to your throat and the empty ache that made your pussy throb and clench for nothing. 
Namjoon knew exactly how to use you for his pleasure, and though he was a very attentive lover, he had made it clear that he wasn’t going to be helping you out in this case any time soon. 
And so you took what he gave you, which was your own idea to be fair. 
The tell tale throbbing of his dick got your attention. He was close.
And then he added one large, ringed hand around your throat to the equation and you gushed out more arousal. The couch was ruined along with your panties. What a filthy whore you were being.
“What a good mouth. What a dirty little, good mouth for master to fuck. You like how I’m balls deep in your fucking throat? You like how you can’t squeak a word like a good little pet?”
“Fucking shit, I feel it inside.” Namjoon gasped as he felt his dick moving up and down your throat, your gag reflex had long been bypassed. 
You hummed in approval.
A smack to your clitoris. His hand probably came back soaked.
“Filthy little whore, crying for cock, I can feel your tears on my balls, what a perfect little cumsack, full of holes for daddy to fuck.”
The tears weren’t of pain, as he well knew. You were crying simply because that was the only function your body seemed to be able to do autonomously. You shut your eyes, praying that he’d be as close as he felt. For a split second, it felt too much. And then heaven descended for you as his lithe fingers, his perfect, skilled fingers found your clitoris and began vibrating, taking mercy on you and granting you the pleasure you were practically writhing for.
His pace was cruel. Your clit would be overstimulated and sore soon, as it engorged almost alarmingly fast. But did you care?
Could you?
Please master please master please please was all that ran through your head, and none of it came out your mouth. No. All that came out were grunts and hums that sent vibrations all the way to Namjoon’s ball sack that slapped your cheeks.
This was filthy, sinful, downright bizarre, and yet you were more turned on than you had ever been. 
“Master’s gonna cum down your throat now pet.” Namjoon informed you.
You nodded. Ofcourse you did. It was his throat now. He had claimed it well enough.
But ofcourse, consent is a sexy addition to whatever a man does.
And so, your poor clenching hole, received two fingers and your clit got a smack, and your throat got a loadful of thick, warm cum, deposited deep inside. 
Namjoon moaned so loudly, it surprised you into swallowing, even though you didn’t technically need to. 
He was swift to pull out after that, as you head hung down, your eyes shut and leaking and your chest heaving.
“Oh y/n...” Namjoon gasped, crouching in front of you. “Oh my good, good girl. You’re so fucking brave. You were so soo good for master. Look at me pet.” his voice was deeper than the ocean yet gentle and soothing. You opened your eyes, a victorious grin taking over your face. He kissed your forehead, pulling your taut body down to lay on the soft couch cushions.
“Perfect for me, so fucking perfect for me.” he crooned.
“All for you, sir.” you tried to say before the fire and thorns in your throat made you wince and realized you had croaked the words. You would lose your voice for a good day or two. A thrill ran up your spine at that idea. 
Namjoon chuckled. “Your poor throat.” he kissed your neck, placing kisses along the perfect choker that lit up as light hit it when you tilted your head to give him access.
“Let me take care of you now?” he asked as he hovered over you, clearly aware of all the sexual tension pent up inside you.
You nodded eagerly, bucking your hips up to him, as he gladly swooped down to kiss you, preferably long enough to make you forget all the exertion you went through and lost yourself to the throes of pleasure that he’d always bring you.
“My princess, always makes me feel like the luckiest man alive,” he growled into your mouth. 
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