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motivatemycollegelife · 10 months ago
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Time to kill between classes aka coffee time
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financiallymint · 7 years ago
Yes, You Can Go to University for Free
Read more like this over at Financially Mint’
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You’ve decided you want your higher education to be completely free – no student loans, no accommodation cost.
Whether that’s a wise or not, it’s up to you. But yes, you can go to university for free. Two things you’ll need: a lot of hustle (researching and applying) and flexibility (free education means you might miss out on something else).
Here are some tools and programs you can use to lower those big costs:
Grants are basically a sum of money the government gives you to help you out with university. Notice the give: you’re not expected to return it, unlike student loans. If you qualify for these grants and supplement it with something else, they can help you get to college for free. Pretty sweet.
You get different types of grants:
Maintenance grant
For living costs. You can get up to £3,475 if your household income is £19,203 or less. If it’s more than that, you may be eligible for a partial grant, depending on your income. These may not always be easy to get, but they’re worth a try.
Special support grant
This grant is to help with additional costs such as books, equipment and travel expenses. You could get up to £3,475 depending on your household income, but you also need to be eligible: be a single parent, have a certain disability, come from abroad, etc. You can’t get both the maintenance and special support grant, but you could try for one of them if you believe you’re eligible.
Travel grant
This one’s pretty cool. It’s basically a grant the government gives you to travel abroad, whether it’s on an Erasmus or to do with your university. The amount you’ll get also depends on your household income and some other factors. Here’s how much you can get (it’s a little confusing IMO):
There are a few other grants such as the Disabled Student’s Allowance and Dependents’ and Childcare Grants. As you can see you need to be in pretty specific situations to qualify, so grants are not the answer for everyone. But still worth a mention and a try.
For more info on grants and how to apply visit Gov.uk
Bursaries and scholarships
Bursaries and scholarships are pretty similar to grants except they offer larger amounts of money and aren’t always from the government. Although they may sound like the easy path to free education, they can be quite a hassle. The hardest part: research. There’s tons of bursaries and scholarships out there but you really have to find the right ones and apply as soon as possible. This includes asking your university, asking other students what they’ve done and spending a lot of time on our lil’ friend Google.
You also need specific criteria to pass: your household income, gender, nationality, grades, talents, etc.
The research isn’t easy because there’s not a huge directory with all the scholarships and bursaries available – you gotta do the work. Here are two of the largest directories I found to help you get started:
The Scholarship Hub
Scholarships for international students
List on TopUniversities
The beloved NHS! If you’re studying anything health related (dentistry, medicine), the NHS might come and help you out with the costs. The thing is, this one’s pretty complicated. You get different amounts depending on where you live, your household income and what you’ll be studying exactly. It varies so much that it’s kinda hard to be specific here, but here are some extra resources to find out more:
England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland
The great thing is that this can then help you do practices and internships with the NHS, which will then lead on to a job, a better opportunity, etc. All I’m saying is it could be worth a try…
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Armed Forces
Not for everyone but could be a good option. No matter which degree you’re thinking of pursuing, you could get the Armed Forces to help you out with your education so you can then move on to working in the army. There’s a pretty large range of different bursaries available for army students depending on what subject you want to study.
In some places not only do you get a bursary but you also earn a little income of about £2,000 a year. You get different bursaries depending on what you qualify for: if you have amazing grades and potential to become an officer, you could be getting a total of £24,000!
There’s a ton of different options: training to become an Army medical profession, joining the Royal Navy or the Royal Air Force. I’m telling you, you’d be surprised by the amount of options out there – do a bit of research and planning and the free education will come rolling.
Find out more about your options and check out the guide to getting into the Armed Forces:
Sponsorships are basically schemes where a company pays for your education in partly or in full. You could already be working for the company, going to work for them in the future or not working for them at all. There’s tons of different sponsorships available for different degrees and different cases. An example is Google: offering sponsorship to female students studying Computer Science and who demonstrate strong leadership skills.
You have a few odd ones here and there: sponsorships for vegetarians, for Welsh speakers only and even for golfers! Think you don’t have any skills? Look around… maybe some company has thought of you and has a pretty sweet deal you could take advantage of.
The Scholarship Hub has a section on finding sponsorships, or ‘company scholarships’ as they call them.
These are pure gold. And they’re becoming more and more popular nowadays as people realise getting a degree doesn’t always mean getting a job.
With an apprenticeship the company basically trains you for the job and combines it with some classroom style education. Then, the training is over and if you’ve done well – bam, a job.
You can also get a degree apprenticeship: basically the company sponsors you to go to university so you can then go work for them once you graduate. Not only do you get a degree for free but you are guaranteed a job once you graduate. Pretty sweet.
This page on Gov.uk has tons of resources on finding apprenticeships for your particular degree/field.
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This plan may be a little on edge but could work if done well. It basically consists of asking strangers to donate to you to pay for your education. You go on a site like Crowdfunder, Hubbubor GoFundMe and ask for money to support your studies. You write a good essay on what you’re going to do with the money, what you’re going to study and why (something that stands out is better).
Here’s Brian who wants to go to Oxford to study a Masters in Development Studies. His motive? Research on LGBT communities in areas like China and South Africa. He also goes on to explain his achievements, where he’s from and even his sexual orientation (bisexual). He’s raised £18,117 so far. Congrats to Brian!
Crowdfunding is something that takes a lot of time and effort – you really need to convince people to give their money to you. They need to believe in you and trust that you will use the money well. But again, worth a try – and would look great on a CV if successful.
Go abroad
If you’re non-Scot, you won’t get free education offered next door in Scotland (and yes, we’re all sniggering over here). However, there are still some countries which offer a free education: Germany, France, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Why not learn another language? Study something a little different? Get to know an interesting culture? Many degrees are done in English and offer a great range of opportunities for foreigners. Why not make an adventure out of your education?
This is also great for your CV: studying abroad shows an employer that you are flexible, adaptable and you look for opportunities. Great way to stand out from other candidates and gain a different and more interesting set of skills.
I did this for China: one trimester studying Chinese overseas wasn’t too expensive and I made amazing money as an English tutor – effectively making my education free.
It’s a little trickier to apply and organise – no European version of UCAS. You’ll have to go to our trusted friend Google and search for something along the lines of  ‘apply for German/French/Norwegian university’ and see where it gets you from there. Some additional resources to check out are The Complete University Guide, list of countries and Top Universities
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As I said before, if you want free/very cheap education, you’ll need some hustle. You can combine some of the options above and try to find what suits you best. Do your research, ask your university, do some networking. Keep going until you find something that works for you, and if you can’t find anything: do a gap year. Much better to go into university one year later doing something you want than going with everyone else and wasting your time (I say from experience).
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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selfhelpforstudents · 2 years ago
Studyblr - Introduction Post
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Hi everyone! I haven’t done an introduction in ages! So I thought to give it another shot and maybe motivate new Studyblrs to do it too and reach more followers, so we can all be a supportive community! <3 (We already are, but you get the point haha) #studyblrsunite
1. About me
Name: Sophia
Major: Business Administration and Sustainability
Current Average: A+
Where I am studying: Germany and France
Jobs: Student Assistant (Sustainability Department), Working Student at a bank (Sustainable Finance)
Volunteering: G20 Summit, my own EU project “SchoolStainability”, Debating Union Board Memember, Sustainability Lectures @ Uni
Hobbys: helping people, playing the violin, dancing, gym, this blog and insta, going to sweet cafés, studying, being with my cat and boyfriend
2. About this blog
Topic: Studying to get into Oxford (or any elite university), sustainability, mental health
Channels: Instagram, Tumblr, Discord
Posting Frequency: Daily (Insta and Tumblr, posting a bit more on my Insta currently)
Followers: 14,900, (57 on Insta lol)
Challenges: 100 Days of Productivity Challenge; Study smarter, not harder
Thanks for reading and following! I’m tagging some of my favorite people on here (it’s by far not everyone, I love so many people on here) to reblog this and add your own info, so we will have whole chain of studyblr introductions ❤️
@studyingmood @studyforyourself @studyingatsunrise @emmastudies @alilystudies @booknerdstudies @bennistudies @creativelyorganised @decaffs @diaryofastemstudent @learnelle @fluencylevelfrench @ghentlawstudent @hannybstudies @honeylemonstudiess @jennystudy @motivatemycollegelife @nightlystudying @oatberrystudies @problematicprocrastinator @quynhsstudyblog @reading-with-rosie @thecornercoffeeshop @umdiaeuconsigo-studyblr @virtuosicstudyblr @academiix @latetothestudygame @myhoneststudyblr @mal-studyblr @enfleures @medstudentblues @ex-injuria-jus-non-oritur @un-----made @equinesandeducation @caramelcuppaccino @oneanxiousstudybuddy @thelailasblog @siri-of-all-trades @blanketcat31 @waves-and-winds @rxhya
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acadeemia · 5 years ago
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hello everyone! my name is val and, although i’ve had this blog for a while now, only recently have i decided i will start posting original content and join the studyblr community. below this intro post i have reblogged tons of references and resources for my current and future studies, but i hope to be able to make posts like this in the future, as well as create some aesthetics with my own study materials and notes.
about me:
- my name is val
- i am sixteen years old (close to seventeen)
- senior in high school
- entj, slytherin/ravenclaw (i have been told to fit the categories of both!), type cd (disc test), enneagram type 1, and a libra
- from the united states
- speak two languages (english and spanish) at a b2 and above level; french (a2), german (a2), mandarin (a1), russian (a1), arabic (a1), asl (a1)
- ib diploma candidate for m21
academic interests:
- looking to major in biological sciences, focusing on genetics and molecular biology
- minor in anthropology and/or linguistics
- extremely interested in natural and human sciences, but also passionate about history
- career goals: medical researcher and ultimately a university professor
other interests:
- languages: i love having the ability to communicate with others from around the globe. my current focus languages are arabic and french, though i continue to study german, russian, and mandarin chinese (as well as some asl on the side)
- mythology (not just greek- i study myths from across the globe and i particularly love the myths from ancient mesopotamia and egypt).
- genealogy and ancestry is also something extremely personal to me. as i continue to grow i am trying to learn more about my family’s culture, backgrounds, and past as they came from so many different countries and places
- reading (fiction and non-fiction!) and writing! at the time of posting this i am currently reading i am malala by malala yousafzai
- film: i have quite a few favorite shows/movies including orange is the new black, breaking bad, avatar: the last airbender, game of thrones, and avengers: infinity war (and the majority of other marvel cinematic universe movies)
- i love the sidemen (british youtuber group) and they are basically the only youtubers i actually watch
goals & why studyblr?
- i chose to make this intro post and studyblr to motivate both myself and others online to continue pursuing their interests. finding something i am passionate about only kickstarted my future, but continuing along with motivation and work ethic only pushed me forward. i look forward to inspiring and/or helping others as much as i can, and perhaps we can work together to build up our motivations with each other
- current goals: university applications; language studies; gpa and essays; research
blog inspirations
@studyign @studyblrmasterposts @athenastudying @adelinestudiess @areistotle @alimastudies @blacklinguist @cielstudies @emmastudies @eintsein @etudiaire @elleandhermione @ennui-pages @historicalemily @intellectys @ib-studyin @journalsanctuary @kkaitstudies @living-the-study-life @language-obsession @myhoneststudyblr @muststudy @motivatemycollegelife @philology-studies @productive-tips @pennyfynotes @studydiaryofamedstudent @studyquill @studyblr @study-aquarius @tiny-personal-university-thing @tatstudies @universi-tea @victoriaacademia (i’m sure this isn’t an exhaustive list, i follow so many studyblr accounts and i have been overall inspired by the desire to motivate myself and others, as well as my passion for specific subjects!)
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procaffeinater · 3 years ago
Thanks @starryvibed for the tag!
Favourite color: Dusty rose
Currently reading: The rest is noise
Last song: No sudden moves- Julia Nunes
Last movie: The unforgivable
Last series: Criminal Minds (S4)
Currently craving: A warm thin based pizza! But broke as fuck!
Tea or coffee: Depends on the crowd to be honest!
Currently working on: Organising my life😆
I tag @motivatemycollegelife @vetmedandchill @lizziedoesvetpath @ryanberga and @universi-tea
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annastudyblr · 5 years ago
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annastudyblr intro!
🖤 Hi, it's Ann! I added this account (my personal account is @annhater) bc I really like studyblr community, and i've always wanted to share how i study, make some study friends, and learn new things!
👩🏽 About me
My name is Anna, in russian ppl call me Anya, in english Ann, in french Annette... im cool with anything.
Pronouns: she/her
I’m 15
I'm a libra sun, capricorn moon, scorpio rising
I'm russian & live in St.Petersburg
I'm fluent in russian, english and french & i'm learning swedish rn ( if you want to study with me any of these languages im here for it!)
I love women and Harry Styles (idk which sexuality it is)
👩🏽‍🔬My interests
My favorite subjects are biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, astronomy (STEM, basically), literature and social science.
Hopefully i'll be scientist (i still don't know what kind of scientist)
Im really into academia aesthetic
I'm an eco-activist, lgbtq+ activist, BLM supporter and feminist
I love all kinds of movies, series, music ( my favorite movies are Kingsman,La La Land and Love, Simon; series - Good Omens, Doctor Who, GOT, TBBT; artists - Harry Styles, 1D, Hozier, The Beatles, Florence + The machine, Niall Horan, girl in red, Queen, Rihanna, classical music...)
I love art, especially ballet
I love musicals!!!! (Hamilton is my fav)
I love Marvel, DC and many others comics universes
📓My goals
Stay productive and focused on exams (USE in 2022)
Find motivation, be inspired and insipre!
Read, a lot
Try 100 days of productivity
Find new friends!
🌌 Studyblrs who inspired me:
@eintsein @emmastudies @studyquill @lifesci @noodledesk @lostpalette @caffeineandcoding @studyingmood @studysnooze @motivatemycollegelife @helloimstudying @studytommorow @studying-zoo @acaedmic @studyandhaveahealthylife @medicineinside @studywithchrissy @sun-flower-studies @cappuccino-study @caffestudy @studytwice
🪐Thanks for reading! All love, A.
reblog/like if you want!
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filmbrujita · 5 years ago
Studyblr Intro :)
Hi everyone! I’m Ashley and this is my new blog :) I’ve had the same account since I was in high school and decided it was time to start anew! (no better time than quarantine time, hope ur all staying safe!) I’ve been working on my new studyblr and overall blog for a few days now and I felt like I should introduce myself. 
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About me:
I’m in my senior year of college right now :)
I’m 23 (June 9th, 1996)
I will be attending graduate school in the fall for English literature :)
Fully bilingual in English and Spanish
I’m a huge movie and TV buff and I’m hoping I can talk about both of those things on this blog (aside from my studies)
I’m an avid reader and a huge fan of contemporary fiction, non-fiction & YA 
Making playlists, it’s how I like to de-stress after a long day 
Why a studyblr?
I’ve followed studyblrs for years and have always wanted to start my own, but felt too intimidated. But now that we’re all stuck inside due to the virus, I decided to just go for it!
I am struggling with keeping myself motivated because online school is not something I’m used to. I want to hold myself accountable and get excited about my courses again
I’m hoping this blog helps me stay on top of everything in a healthy way.
I want to familiarize myself with the studyblr and gradblr community before I start my graduate school journey in August. 
The studyblr community has always seemed so loving and welcoming, and I would just love to be a part of it and create new friendships! 
Create original posts and content
Be active and post daily 
Participate in study & reading challenges 
Become a part of the community :)
Favorite Studyblrs:
@elkstudies @sprouht-studies @cafe-study @wellreadfolk @headgirlstudy @stillstudies @starryeize @00roseblush @motivatemycollegelife​ @lustrestudy​ @oceanid-studies​ @emmastudies​ @scandireader​ @studyforwhatmatters​ @studyevergreen​ 
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financiallymint · 7 years ago
How to Build Financial Self-Discipline in College
Habits, habits, habits
Similar to the rules, these habits will help you take control of those shady money spending moments. What are some habits you feel could help the money flow? One of mine was to record everything I spent in an app, whether it was 70p or £20. I did find it a bit tedious in the end and decided to move to another app which syncs with my bank account (love you Money DB).
Another habit could be to evaluate your budget every Sunday. What you spent, what you made, what went well and what went wrong. You can even force yourself out of a habit you feel impacts your finances negatively.
As you start to build these habits, keeping close to your spending won’t seem like such an effort anymore. The habits will make the process of discipline so much easier, since you’ll be doing good without even thinking anymore.
Thy mindset
Discipline isn’t something boring or mundane, it’s really about finding harmony between your brain and your feelings. It trains you to control compulsive emotions, to always be conscious of what you’re spending and to keep track of your financial situation, whether in college or not.
And if you start with financial discipline, you’ll notice how it trickles down. Discipline means less procrastinating, less unhealthy eating, less being rude to person X. You learn to listen more to your rational side, to rely less on your emotions or ‘being in the moment’. Motivation won’t help you reach your goals, discipline will. As you keep practicing and improving those habits, your mindset will start to change in regards to getting things done. Suddenly watching TV is a waste of time, going to the gym is not so hard and your commute is a good time to read/listen to podcasts. You literally become productive.
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Ever splurged on takeaway with still some leftover food in the kitchen? Or suddenly decided to buy drinking rounds for everyone? Or even been surprised with an unexpected bill (it’s-a-me Amazon Prime)?
It’s not hard to be have a ‘just another drink’ attitude when it comes to spending money as a student, and although fine in moderation, doing it too often can have some effect on our already thin wallet. Quite understandable in university: we finally have some freedom with our $$$ and so we want to spend. It’s great, but it’s also dangerous. And a big part of financial education is learning how to take control of money and not let it control you.
Financial discipline is all about controlling your emotions when it comes to money. It’s not falling for the big company marketing tactics, it’s controlling the urge to spend needlessly and it’s about taking responsibility for your money. Discipline is what will hep you achieve your financial goals. And the best part? If you’re disciplined with money, you’ll learn to be disciplined with your studies (wouldn’t mind an A now and then).
From personal experience, financial discipline takes practice and it’s not easy. But it’s simple and very effective. Here are some steps so that you > $$.
Get to know yourself
What are some bad habits that affect your finances? When do you feel you lose control of your money? This is where I say: get to know yourself. Whenever you go out, whenever you go shopping, take a moment to consciously take note of your spending habits. Do you feel you need more financial discipline? This could be cigarettes, going out, shopping or even buying lottery tickets. We all have a weak spending spot.
The hardest for me was controlling money on a night out.  I kept saying ‘one more drink’ until oops there was nothing left in my bank account (did happen one time no kidding). Now I’ve become the lone observer who watches people go back to the bar for more and more drinks, and cringe when I think ‘that’s £12 right there. A meal at a good Indian restaurant’. A bit crazy? Maybe, but my wallet stays full (or at least ‘not empty’).
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The big picture
This basically means creating a budget. (I’ve written and dealt with this word so many times now that it physically pains me to see the word ‘budget’). So you want to have a budget for each area you spend your money on.  And not only create a budget, but also write down and keep track of your credit cards, debit cards, loans and any entity that involves your money. You want to get the big picture of your finances, just to understand where your money is coming and going.
Organisation is essential to building any kind of discipline, since it makes it much easier to track progress and less overwhelming when you’re getting started. Once you have your big picture of the cash flow, you can carefully choose what needs to be adjusted and re-assessed. Imagine you are the God of a little village where money is transferred from one source to another. And you get to choose where most of it goes. Pretty cool, wouldn’t you say?
I realised I was spending way too much when I went out, and drinks are bloody expensive. So what did I do? I basically stopped drinking when we went out and honestly I didn’t feel much of a change. If my budget allowed it I would have a drink or two, but my rule was to drink as little as possible (with large endorsements to do some flat drinking instead).
The ground rules
Something that really helps for me when trying to take back the reins of my money spending is setting some strong rules.  For example, I will never buy a coffee which is more than £2.35 (the price of a Costa coffee). Nowadays I literally will do anything to not spend more than the £2.35, just because of this rule I instilled in my brain. Call it absurd, but it keeps my finances in check (as well as my discipline lol).
Set a rule for every area of your finances that might need more controlling. Whether it’s transport, takeaway, or shopping, setting rules means you don’t have to think ‘am I spending too much?’ as often. If it doesn’t follow the rule, then forget it (although there are exceptions of course). This really helps build discipline because you have to condition yourself to really stick to the rule; which is why they need to be created intelligently. It slowly gets easier, even to a point where where you get uncomfortable if you break the rule (£15.5 for groceries oh damn).
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Habits, habits, habits
Similar to the rules, these habits will help you take control of those shady money spending moments. What are some habits you feel could help the money flow? One of mine was to record everything I spent in an app, whether it was 70p or £20. I did find it a bit tedious in the end and decided to move to another app which syncs with my bank account (love you Money DB).
Another habit could be to evaluate your budget every Sunday. What you spent, what you made, what went well and what went wrong. You can even force yourself out of a habit you feel impacts your finances negatively.
As you start to build these habits, keeping close to your spending won’t seem like such an effort anymore. The habits will make the process of discipline so much easier, since you’ll be doing good without even thinking anymore.
Thy mindset
Discipline isn’t something boring or mundane, it’s really about finding harmony between your brain and your feelings. It trains you to control compulsive emotions, to always be conscious of what you’re spending and to keep track of your financial situation, whether in college or not.
And if you start with financial discipline, you’ll notice how it trickles down. Discipline means less procrastinating, less unhealthy eating, less being rude to person X. You learn to listen more to your rational side, to rely less on your emotions or ‘being in the moment’. Motivation won’t help you reach your goals, discipline will. As you keep practicing and improving those habits, your mindset will start to change in regards to getting things done. Suddenly watching TV is a waste of time, going to the gym is not so hard and your commute is a good time to read/listen to podcasts. You literally become productive.
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By practicing the steps above, you’ll learn that discipline puts everything into perspective: it helps you to achieve. And something else: for me personally, discipline has brought me closer to myself. My mind and emotions are more in sync, as I now know in which circumstances to use my more rational or emotional side. It’s interesting and it’s improved my overall life as well as my finances, giving me the energy to reach my goals. I’m currently writing this blog post on a bus on the way to the airport after 6 days on the road and with only one wish: to sleep. But by practicing discipline I am able to find the energy and motivation to do some writing on this bouncy bus as the rest of the passengers snore away. Try it out for yourself, you’ll be surprised with the results.
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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papaiyastudies · 6 years ago
A Reintroduction
So I’ve had this blog for a little while now, maybe a little less than a year? I’m not sure. But, in the time I’ve had it, I’ve grown to really appreciate the studyblr and booklr communities, despite only strolling along the edges of them, and I’d like to be more active within both. This past year wasn’t exactly easy, what with getting accustomed to college and navigating everything that came with it; investing time into this blog was difficult, and so I let it slip.
I think now would be a wonderful time to dive back in, though! I have a much better handle on school and my other responsibilities, which means I can now be more active on here. So, without further ado, here is a reintroduction:
The basics:
My name is Maiya, but you can call me Maiya Papaiya (or even just Papaiya)
I love dogs
I am a proud Ravenclaw :)
I procrastinate a lot, and always have…but I’m working on this lol
I think narwhals are pretty great
I am an English major!
I’m currently taking American Literature, Environmental Science, Spanish, Math Foundations, and Government
My favorite classes this semester are American Lit and Spanish
I love learning about English (of course), history, and theatre
I’m currently having a lot of fun learning a new language
I love reading, writing, bullet journaling, history, and theatre (some of my favorite musicals are The Addams Family, Hamilton, and Heathers)
I’ve been trying my hand at painting a bit and so far I really enjoy it
I read a lot of YA novels and a few of my favorites are The Book Thief and pretty much anything by Leigh Bardugo
I enjoy watching movies and TV shows (some of my faves are Legally Blonde, The Breakfast Club, The Book of Life, Game of Thrones, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Vikings), so Netflix and I are pretty close
I LOVE coffee and tea :)
My favorite video game is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Why a studyblr/booklr?
Having a studyblr, despite not being super involved with it, helped me focus more on studying. I learned a lot, including new study tips and how to find the fun in actually studying, and want to learn a lot more.
I think this is a great way to express my love of learning and books, talk about general academic interests, and find new ways to better my studies among others who feel the same way.
I can also see what people are saying about books and whatnot
Some studyblrs and booklrs I find particularly inspiring:
@smilestudy, @thepaige-turner, @therobotstudies, @academiix, @motivatemycollegelife, @stardust-and-books, @crescentstudies, @sootudying, @slayinnschool, @pianoandstudy, @aou, @warmhealer
I’m really looking forward to being more active on this blog! Happy studying and reading to you all :)
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pinnacle-studies · 7 years ago
✨New Studyblr Reintroduction✨
Hello Everyone!
My name is Grace and I go by the name Pinnacle-Studies.
I made a tumblr last month with the idea of making it a studyblr but it quickly became everything except that! 😅 ( you can check my main @pinnacle-greatness )
I wannted a space that I could fully dedicate to my studies and that is where the creation of Pinnacle-Studies is founded!
A little about myself:
Im 20 years old
Im a Junior in college
I study Political Science, Spanish and Criminal Justice
Im learning Italian and Russian on my own so I guess that makes me a langblr too!
I love theater and I've been acting since I was little.
I love art ✨
And jamming out on my ukulele :)
My goal for this studyblr is to create a space where I can motivate myself and others to continue their studies. I am always open to have a chat so if you have any questions feel free to send me a message! Come say hello! I'd love to meet you!
I have some original content tagged under #pinnacle-greatness but I will also be tagging under #pinnacle-studies.
Here are some of the blogs that inspired me to fully join this community: @financestudies , @studyblr @studyign , @studywithinspo , @nocturne-studies , @studylustre , @55studies , @emmastudies , @studyquill , @tbhstudying , @areistotle , @theologianstudies , @mochi-studies , @motivatemycollegelife , @lawyerd , @architstudy
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I look forward to interacting with you guys!
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motivatemycollegelife · 5 years ago
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Heyyyy! I created a chat group to try to keep us motivated! You are welcome if you want yo join! ❤️
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undergradnerd-blog · 8 years ago
🌼 new college studyblr🌼
Hi there, Studyblr Community! I’m Liv, an Early Childhood Education and Communications double major with a Special Education minor, hoping to create a successful college-life themed blog (@undergradnerd)! I found this incredible community and was instantly inspired to create something of my own! Though I don’t have any original posts up yet, I plan to begin posting some general college stuff such as packing lists and stuff like that very soon! 
 A few things about me: I’m a rising senior at Bridgewater State University (woo! go Bears!)
 I hope to be an inclusion kindergarten teacher in the near future! 
 🌼My Likes: I love animals, Panic at the Disco!, calligraphy, handwriting, reading, theatre, ASL, working with kids and my job (being a proctor and intern for a summer camp!) 
 🌼Reason for Creating my Blog: mainly to keep myself motivated and to gather ideas from various places. I love helping people, and I’ve done well in school so far, so I would love to help inspire others the way that other studyblrs and friends have inspired me! 
 🌼What to Expect from my Blog: POSITIVITY! I’m a super positive person, so there will be many quotes and general motivational posts as well as just about anything I can think of that has helped in my college career: living in dorms, working hard through classes, and of course, balancing a social life! 
 Blogs that I support and find inspiration in: @nerdastically​ @emmastudies​ @studyblr​ @studywithinspo​ @fiona-studies​ @studyskylar​ @eat-sleep-stvdy​ @studylustre​ @motivatemycollegelife @tianmiimii @studydiaryofamedstudent @theorganisedstudent @motivatemycollegelife @study-harder @the-girlygeek @alistudys @bulletjournal
Thank you for welcoming me to this amazing community! I’m so excited to finally get started! Xo💛
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amyisthinking · 6 years ago
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motivatemycollegelife: “Pretty won’t ever be enough to describe us. ” https://ift.tt/2ZIO25C
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motivatemycollegelife · 7 years ago
Clean your desk.
Turn off your phone. Charge it.
Fill a glass with water.
Set 3 easy goals.
Get done as much as you can.
Take a break. Get out of the room.
Fill another glass.
Come back, keep going.
Repeat step 5.
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