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growandsing · 6 years ago
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What a beautiful sight. Families gathering, learning all the wonderful benefits of music for their child's development AND meeting other families who become lifelong friends. This is Kindermusik at Grow and Sing Studios.⁣ ⁣ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶⁣ ⁣ #framily #orlandocommunity #centralfloridacommunity #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #featurebabies #orlandomoms #littlelovefeatures #aroundorlando #orlandocity #little_kid_features #babymusicclass #orlandomoms ⁣#orlandomomsclub #orlandomomsawards #orlandomommy #orlandomommyandme #orlandomoments ⁣ #kindermusik #orlandodoesntsuck #letthembelittle #childhoodunplugged #momblogger #motherhoodunplugged #orlandolife #orlandoactivities #mommyblog #babydevelopment #positiveparenting https://www.instagram.com/p/BwU9RVEFH9h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9kjfqxrx93oi
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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The ease with which a child can manage emotions impacts his or her ability to learn effectively. Whereas positive emotions leave open the pathways to higher thinking and learning, negative emotions -- interpreted by the brain’s emotional center as signs of a potential threat to survival -- trigger the fight-or-flight response in the body. Blood is directed away from those bodily areas nonessential to survival, such as the higher centers of the brain. This effectively puts on hold all potential for learning. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ #kindermusik #orlandodoesntsuck #letthembelittle #childhoodunplugged #momblogger #learningthroughplay #unitedwomansquad #unitycircle1 #luvtoshare754 #supportinginstafriends #thefamilynarrative #documentingmotherhood #unitedmomsnetwork #thisismotherhood #holdthemoments #motherhoodintheraw #motherhoodunplugged #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #featurebabies #orlandomoms #littlelovefeatures #aroundorlando #orlandocity #little_kid_features #babymusicclass #orlandomomsclub #orlandomommy #orlandomommyandme #orlandomoments https://www.instagram.com/p/BydMQljlRHK/?igshid=1sfvrmc2e6c3
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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How happy are these two???⁣ ⁣ Movement and sensory awareness are the primary ways young children learn about themselves and their world. For example, a child moves up and down long before learning the words up and down, and it is through up and down movements that a baby starts to understand the concepts of up and down. When adults label movements they do with a child (tiptoeing, walking, or gliding, for example) they help that child make connections between what he or she is feeling and the word he or she is hearing.⁣ ⁣ So today, bounce bounce bounce!⁣ ⁣ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶⁣ ⁣ #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #featurebabies #orlandomoms #littlelovefeatures #aroundorlando #orlandocity #little_kid_features #babymusicclass #orlandomommy #orlandomommyandme #orlandomoments #orlandomoms #orlandomoms #letthembelittle #childhoodunplugged #kindermusik #orlandodoesntsuck #orlandolife⁣ #musicforkids #learningthroughplay #orlandofamily #centralflorida #toddleractivities #learnthroughplay #toddlerlife #babydevelopment #orlandoactivities #instasupportsquad #unitedwomansquad https://www.instagram.com/p/BxnIcgElTAz/?igshid=1qh05k2v7fbrj
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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How sweet is this Orlando Kindermusik family??⁣ ⁣ ♥️♥️Scientists tell us that more neural impulses travel from the emotional center of the brain to the learning center than the other way around. Why is that important? Well, it tells us that emotions direct learning -- and positive emotions are an amazing motivator. ⁣ ⁣ ♥️♥️When a child is emotionally connected to a loving caregiver, the experiences they share are more likely to foster learning. So bring on a baby’s positive emotions by getting close, making eye contact, and being loving and playful.⁣ ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #featurebabies #orlandomoms #littlelovefeatures #aroundorlando #orlandocity #little_kid_features #babymusicclass #orlandomomsclub #orlandomomsawards #orlandomommy #orlandomommyandme #orlandomoments #momszone #unitedwomansquad #kindermusik #orlandodoesntsuck #momlife #orlandofamily #centralflorida19 #motherhoodunplugged #orlandolife #orlandoactivities #dailyparenting #babydevelopment #earlylearning #positiveparenting #newmom #dadlife https://www.instagram.com/p/BwshF-tl7KH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3j3x0bwwwiox
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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Oh my goodness, isn’t this the cutest?? We had the BEST time with our registered families at our studio Easter Egg Hunt. We are still waiting for the pictures from the photographer, BUT, we do have the photobooth pictures from @funboxorlando ! Who else LOVES photobooth pictures?⁣ ⁣ 🐰🌺🐰🌺🐰🌺🐰🌺🐰🌺🐰⁣ ⁣ #photoboothorlando #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #featurebabies #orlandomoms #littlelovefeatures #aroundorlando #orlandocity #little_kid_features #babymusicclass #orlandomomsclub #orlandomomsawards #orlandomoms #orlandomoments #momszone#musicforkids #earlychildhood #learningthroughplay #orlandofamily #childhoodunplugged #momlife #dadlife #centralflorida19 #toddleractivities #learnthroughplay #toddlerlife #babydevelopment #orlandoactivities #orlandoflorida #familyactivities #easter2019 #photoboothfun https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlOq_jFEfF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19emhtvvlyqar
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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As adults give children love, attention, and the encouragement to explore and learn they are helping to support the development of the amygdala, a part of the brain that functions to help regulate emotional states, including the ability to calm themselves. The kind of activity in which an adult and a child can interact together in an enjoyable, comforting way can be a way to nurture a strong bond while also fostering the child’s ability to become secure and confident.⁣ ⁣ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶⁣ ⁣ #orlandomoms #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #orlandomoms #aroundorlando #orlandocity #familyiseverything #familyfirst #familyforever #lovemyfam #habitandhome #mytinytribe #nestingly #thepursuitofjoyproject #momblog #mommyblog #documentingmotherhood #mymamahood #motherhoodunplugged #ig_motherhood #honestmotherhood #motherhoodthroughinstagram #our_everyday_moments #letthembelittle #momsunite #kindermusik #orlandodoesntsuck #momlife #childhoodunplugged #dailyparenting https://www.instagram.com/p/BtCcA_WltML/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2auu0vo85w8a
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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Today was our first day back to class! Connections are happening, and the Kindermusik magic is connecting families. What a fabulous start!⁣ ⁣ This dance focuses on vestibular system simulation and body awareness as they tap their feet and hands together. As the class works together babies are also working on their social awareness.⁣ ⁣ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #orlandomoms #aroundorlando #orlandocity #letthembelittle #childhoodunplugged #kindermusik19 #orlandodoesntsuck #orlandolife #sunshinestate⁣ #musicforkids #learningthroughplay #playmatters #earlylearning #musicclass #orlandofamily #momlife #dadlife #centralflorida #playmatters #learnthroughplay #toddlerlife #babydevelopment #orlandoactivities #babyideas #newmom #loveit #positivity #positiveparenting https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9Vm6ul9Ar/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qqdnzsrbv5yz
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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🎶The power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing.⁣ ⁣ 🎶Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activate the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. ⁣ ⁣ 🎶Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, cause the brain to be more capable of processing information.⁣ ⁣ COMMENT BELOW AND TELL US YOUR THOUGHTS. 💡⁣ ⁣ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶⁣ ⁣ #orlandokids #musicandthebrain #sing #wowmusicians #musicislife #musicflow #thepursuitofjoyproject #mytinytribe #familyforever #familyiseverything #momadvice #mommyblog #documentingmotherhood #motherhoodsimplified #unitedinmotherhood #motherhoodintheraw #holdthemoments #honestmotherhood #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #orlandomoms #aroundorlando #orlandocity #mozart #kindermusikmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1TY61FKVJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ilcd1omap6u8
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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Sensory information does not enter the brain in a slow procession, from one sense at a time. Instead, it pours in all at once. The ability to organize and respond to this flood of information is known as sensory integration. The more a baby engages in multisensory experiences, the more practice his or her brain gets processing and arranging sensory input.⁣ growandsing.com ⁣ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #sensoryclass #sensoryclassflorida #floridasensensoryclass #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #mommiesandbabes #baby_community #kindermusik #letthembelittle #playmatters #childhoodunplugged #creativity #creativemind #creativeminds #creativelife #createeveryday #creativityeveryday #inspiremyinstagram #choosejoy #meetthemoment #calledtobecreative #orlando #orlandoflorida #holdthemoments #music #learningthroughplay #orlandostrong #wednesdayvibes #wednesdaymotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/Bssph1TldrN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wtcrouwgo2cm
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growandsing · 6 years ago
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Eye contact between children and adults is critical for emotional bonding. It causes the release of oxytocin, the “feel-good hormone” or “cuddle chemical” that is known to increase immunity, provoke positive emotional feelings, and reduce pain.⁣ ⁣ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #eyecontact #oxytocin #happiness #eyecontactbenefits #mothersandfamily #mothersandfamilies #mommiesandbabes #kindermusik #letthembelittle #toddlerlife #bestofmom #momlifeisthebestlife #ohheymamas #motherhoodthroughinstagram #our_everyday_moments #motherhoodsimplified #momblog #documentingmotherhood #livethelittlethings #childhoodunplugged #littleandbrave #igers_orlando #orlandodoesntsuck #orlandolife #sunshinestate #communityfirst #orlandoweekly #fun_in_florida #ipreview https://www.instagram.com/p/BsnY6F0lNrS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19e12depu3ab
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