bunorous · 11 months
Finally an ouizzy defender 🥲😂
The second I’m motivated to write actual fic I’m gonna become the #1 ouizzy spokesperson.
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Headcanons of how akeno, asia and koneko when their in-law motherask :what are your intentions with my son?
Unfazed by the question because she was prepared for it and she has the confidence to respond very calmly and caringly
“I simply enjoy being with him and want to be his partner through hardships and successes.”
Embarrassed by the question. She wasn’t ready for something so direct about her relationship, especially from his family member!
“I-I wish to be by his side as someone he can look to for support and companionship when he feels lost or alone!”
Unbothered by the question simply because she is very calm and collected like 90% of the time
“I dunno, he seems cool enough to hangout with I guess. So I want to.”
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 5 years
Mother: Are you proud of all Hel has become?
mother make me a bird of prey. ll accepting.
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“Beyond words. That you even have to ask offends me more than I can say, but it insults her, too. What has she done that I would ever be ashamed, ever see her as anything but a source of great pride? She turned her chains to power, and what she cannot conquer, she endures with patience and cunning I’ve come to expect from this family. What, then, do you think my daughter has ‘become?’ What in her do you find so questionable that you wag your tongue like a braying goat?”
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“She is the blood of my blood. My only daughter. What else could a mother be but proud? She neither breaks nor weeps, unbent and hale as the tallest tree. Silent, and still she shames those who struck against her. One day, she’ll make it right, as befits her wounds and station both. When that day comes, she rides with my blessing.”
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bunorous · 2 months
You’re on my beware/blocklist btw
Can I ask why..? What did I do besides… not follow transphobes and not want to start drama unnecessarily in such a small fandom?
I didn’t say anything about the content itself.. I think it’s fuckin weird too and probably speaks to who he is as a person but stirring up a lot of discourse about it only results in just that, discourse. There’s like 15 people here and most of us are friends. Just tell each other to block him. It’s much easier. I have the person that made the callout post blocked anyway though and have for a while cause I’m sick of seeing discourse on my dash. + my original post that was vagueposted wasn’t even ABOUT that. It’s like you’re intentionally looking for ways to start shit.
More pressingly, the transphobia. Believe what you want, whatever, but you guys seem very passionate about standing by your friends, and I respect that, but so am I, and you should respect that. I never went on your blogs and harassed you and I never sent anyone nasty DMs and I never endorsed telling people to kill themselves. All I did was silently block people in support of my friends, and say that it’s better to just block and move on then to make a callout post about it. That. Is. It. I don’t even know who’s sending me this but I know it’s one of you.
No reason to block me other than childishness. I don’t give a fuck either way but let’s all be clear here.
One more ask from you fucks and I’m turning off my ask box. I have shit to do.
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bunorous · 1 month
Hello my friends,
I am Mohammed Ayyad from Gaza Shuja'iyya
I have sought refuge with you because of the devastating war that caused me to lose my home and my mother and our displacement from one place to another and I lost my children's future and there is a severe shortage of basic materials,
I have sought refuge with you so that I can provide a decent and safe life for me and my family consisting of my wife and my children Yasser, Omar, Maryam, Jana and Sarah, each of whom has dreams but unfortunately they have lost hope and despair controls them,
I hope that you will stand by us whether by donating if possible or participating widely,
Thank you very much
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bunorous · 2 months
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bunorous · 2 months
Give me number 28 song
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Hm.. ok.. this one cause he sounds sometimes like he just chain smoked 10 packs of marlboro reds
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bunorous · 2 months
Supporting incest but not supporting radical feminists is INSANE. Some moral lines should never be crossed.
I did not in any way shape or form say that I rock with incest NOR did I ever even share my OPINION on that person or their art I’m just SAYING if we block people we don’t like and then move on it’s gonna make for a less toxic environment… instead of starting fuckin flame wars and shit… I also never insinuated I think fiction doesn’t effect reality I also never even ONCE made ANY sort of comment or speculation about that persons character. I’m just saying I personally think it’s ridiculous to see someone doing something you don’t like and making a whole big stink about it instead of blocking them and like, silently warning your friends idk. That’s what I’d do! And that’s why I’m so happy. Some people in this world never learned how to navigate the internet safely. And now if anyone disagrees with them on something or does something they don’t like they have to stand on a soap box and preach about it. It’s immature and childish.
As an aside: I don’t see people creating art privately in the comfort of their own home murdering people, driving people to suicide, telling people they’re disgusting… I DO see TERFs doing that. So what’s up?
If you disagree with me, that’s beautiful. That’s fine! That’s your decision and that’s the beauty of it! And you never ever ever ever have to see me or think of me again! Isn’t that lovely?
Now stop spamming my ask box — as far as I can see it’s YOU guys doing this, you guys starting shit, you guys sending toxic DMs and YOU guys harassing fuckin kids online!! Whereas people like me mind our business and NOBODY gets harassed. That’s about the high and low of it.
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bunorous · 2 months
Whom provokes thee to spit vile waste from thine mouth? Nay, I say we settle our dispute in a duel in which I will be crowned victor
Ha! Thou art more jester than thou art knight. Aye, I concede to this request. Let us battle, and thou shalt die by my blade!
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bunorous · 2 months
Let be a thousand plagues upon the threshold of your home so that none can enter and you are forever trapped less you be plagued
Hark! Thou enter into mine abode, which intrudes upon none, solely to curseth me like this? Well, thy should know thine hex shall return to thee threefold! Be gone from mine chamber! Thy execution date… overmorrow, at dawn. I shall send for you when the time is nigh.
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bunorous · 2 months
Piece of crap…
Okay that’s a little far…
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bunorous · 2 months
Racist scum…
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bunorous · 2 months
Do you have a “mind your business” attitude towards actual child abuse, as well?
No I just don’t believe *looks at smudged writing on palm* a drawing is comparable to actual child abuse
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bunorous · 11 months
Check your texts. I have a request to make of you.
Ok I’ll check but it better not be smut
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bunorous · 11 months
Hey, I’m sorry you got so much hate for the unicorn post. People are so fucking disrespectful. I for one thought it was a great analysis. Remember you can always close your ask box
Thank you 😞 for a show about queer acceptance you would think the fandom would be more, you know, accepting. In the future I’m just going to put you guys on blast because a portion of it was NOT anon.
In short: fictional characters are fucking fictional. I seriously cannot understand how people get this heated about their hate for Izzy. You seldom see Canyonites (haha) lashing out like this.
And I appreciate your appreciation of my analysis which was entirely amateur and casual and done for fun not some assertion of what is the decidedly “correct” symbolism of unicorns. Fucking. Unicorns. Can’t wait to receive more harassment in the future
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bunorous · 1 year
Have you ever seen this song youd love it its cannibalism
You could’ve Rick rolled me. You could’ve Rick rolled me and you didn’t. Thank you
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