#mother rosario
joelsbloodyhands · 1 month
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Pedro vibing and Rosario caressing his cheeks like he’s a big kid 🥰
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Yuuki straight up saying she wants to marry Asuna was NOT on my SAO bingo card. Happy pride month!!!!
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illyasfeel · 1 year
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Sword Art Online
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Yo: me pregunto por qué no me sentiré bien
*also mis personalidades y o personajes con los que me Identifico*
Pt 2
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transboykirito · 7 months
i think “nothing happened in the way i wanted, every corner of this house is haunted” is just an extremely extremely asuna-coded lyric in general tbh
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kuro93 · 7 months
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WonderFes 2024 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nkp1981 · 1 year
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Rosario Dawson, David Tennant, and Neil Patrick Harris star in "Eden", a four episodes story on Netflix, which you can watch in two hours.
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gayanimebitches · 1 year
▷ Sword Art Online: Mother's Rosario ♪ Everything Goes On - Porter Robinson
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: My Mother Told Me
This video was released on the 24th of April, 2021, and currently sits at a very-impressive 6.7 million views! It features Jose Rosario Jr (in his first collabration with Voiceplay (on a full-length video at least)), who for a few years performed with Rockapella! (Rockapella is an acapella group who have been around for over 35 years, they were part of the OG Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego show, and they were a bit of an inspiration to Voiceplay (originally 4:2:Five) in their early days).
I wasn't actually sure whether or not this video would give me a lot of moments to point out/talk about (it's been a while since the last time I watched it), but it's obviously a big production (epic, even), and I will undoubtedly be talking about its "sister video", Valhalla Calling, when I eventually get around to it, so long story short, I'm doing this. Let's go!
Each vocalist got filmed separately for this one, each with their own backdrop (and then were all spliced together for "group shots" in the video), so each member gets their own picture when I'm talking about them in this post!
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Jose is wearing some textured blanket-looking thing, plus a plain brown shirt/tunic, and he's got a pair of blueish lines on his face that almost look a little bit like scars. He's standing in front of a sort of desert plains landscape, maybe with some large red mountains/rock formations?
Oh yeah and also it's a little hard to see, but just at the neckline of Jose's shirt, underneath his beard, there's a cool viking(?) symbol on his neck that also shows up in Valhalla Calling (and on the merch for that video too)!
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Eli appears to have a bit of dirt and grime on his skin (which would be intentional of course), as well as some cool-looking tattoos (even on his head!) (fake ones for the video of course), and some very heavy eye makeup. He's standing in front of some grass, rocky cliffs (possibly with water down below?), and sea mist
(Also Eli is credited with "virtual production" on this one, so I guess all these greenscreen backgrounds were his doing? Massive shoutout to Eli!)
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J has the same symbol on his forehead that Jose had on his neck/chest, as well as some white powder-looking makeup stuff on his cheeks. No clue what kind of top/shirt that is, but I like the big fur coat, and cool arm cuff things as well! He's standing in front of a frozen (or partially-frozen) lake, with snow-covered mountains/rock formations behind it.
(Fun fact: Geoff re-used a few costume pieces from My Mother Told Me when filming the videos for his covers of Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold and I See Fire!
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Layne has got a makeup design to Eli, with similiar tattoos on his face, and a bit of extra dirt/grime as well. He's got fur trimmings(?) on his shoulders like Eli, but it looks more like the fur that J is wearing. He's standing in front of wide open plains I guess? I'm not sure, I can't make out a ton of detail.
I think Layne's outfit might be my favourite one of this video; it seems the most complex, like it has the most going on with it, and I like the patterned cuff design thing on his right arm!
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And I haven't forgotten Geoff, of course I haven't forgotten Geoff, and seriously oh my god
I'm honestly not sure if I could give a good description of Geoff's outfit even if I tried, but it works! (Also wait I literally only just realised that, once more, he's the only one in the video with exposed shoulders (well, one exposed shoulder, but still!))
This honestly might be one of Geoff's most terrifying looks of any Voiceplay video so far, if not the most terrifying. Vampire!Geoff in This Is Halloween was "scary" in the "yes please give me more of it" (i.e. hot) way. Oogie Boogie!Geoff in Oogie Boogie's Song was just theatrical and entertaining. Mr Hyde!Geoff in Kidnap The Sandy Claws was (to me at least) just a little bit strange and hard to wrap my head around. But Geoff here? This is "makes you want to move very quickly in the opposite direction" scary!
(So like well done to Rick Underwood on the makeup (but in regards to everyone else as well))
Jose, J, Eli, and Layne all got cool aesthetic landscapes as their backdrops. Geoff got darkness and STUFF ON FIRE (...yeah that checks out 😆)
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Even the fingernails!!! Even the fingernails look like they've got grime on them! (Also, Geoff at his least-terrifying moment of the video)
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Aaaand we're back to "time to run away very fast" mode!
(Also yes Geoff's tattoos and makeup are very cool as well)
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Not that Geoff is the only one in this video that I wouldn't wanna pick a fight with!
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Jose is credited with "additional acting direction" in the description, so I guess he maybe camw up with/directed some of these kind of moves?
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Oh hey Geoff has that symbol on him as well! I wonder if Layne and Eli have got it somewhere on them too?
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Wait hang on what is Eli holding?
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A better shot of Layne's face tattoos and the cool sleeve thing!
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Geoff doing a similar hand movement to the one he did in Bang! (which was my previous post actually), after he had just done a bit of an impressive bass-vocal-run (or something like that), except this time it's after holding a quite low note (a subharmonic I think?) for like 6 seconds.
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Oh I think Eli was holding his cape?
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Yes I can see the tattoo, thank you Jose! 😂
Also did Geoff do a bit of hair colouration for this video? Because yes he's got a bit of grey in his hair now, but not that much grey, and it's not always that noticeable (though personally I do love the grey streak he often has in his bangs, it's rather fetching if I do say so myself <3)
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Run fast, and run far!
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And that's the video! Man, can you believe these are the same dudes (well except Jose) that did the Aca Top 10 videos, being all silly and fooling around? Acting skills were freaking on point here! Everyone crushed it!
It's a great arrangement as well (shoutout to Layne!). The song is actually just one single verse, which here is sung like 5 or 6 times over, but you barely even notice it (if at all) because the whole production is just so mind-blowingly good!
I also wanted to do this video because I'll be skipping over You're My Best Friend and Man In The Mirror, so this'll be the last video I'm doing where J is actually a part of the group. It was of course very sad that he left Voiceplay, but he's come back as a guest artist in like 6 full-length videos now (not even counting the minis), and hopefully he might one day return to Voiceplay full-time, once he's done with his stint in the US Navy band!
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casside-sionnach · 1 year
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SAO .. Mothers Rosario ... Asuna goes to see Yuuki outised of ALfheim Online.... This storyline made me cry ugly tears ...
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loopingpyre · 7 months
I like the arc of SAO where Kawahara realises he's having trouble writing Asuna in an interesting manner with Kirito, so he drops Kirito entirely for an arc and we get two girl leads instead.
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kawaiijellymonster · 1 year
Thinking about Sword Art Online, the Mothers Rosario mini arc at the end of season 2(?) and how those 6 episodes do a better job of portraying SAO's main theme than any of the rest of the show. 
For context and those who don't know, SAO came out in 2012 when the internet was starting to get really big, so he created this manga/anime that was intended to explore the idea that peoples online lives could be as important as their real lives. The first bit of the anime did a cool thing because they tied their real lives with their online lives which was interesting and thought provoking, but also isn’t easily translatable to the real life and what people in 2012 were actually living. Everything after the first 11-12 episodes is kinda a mess (not that the first bit didn’t have questionable writing too) but it just kinda forgot its purpose and they went “lets put these guys in situations!”. 
In Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun gale Online they gave the world of gungale to a better writer which let them more complexly explore the question of why people may want or value an online alter ego. Ex: being a really tall woman and feeling undesirable or anxious bc you don’t feel like you look like a girl should, conversely being really small and cute then getting constantly underestimated. Wanting to flip these narratives by having alter ego’s who aren’t like who you are in the real life.
But the Mothers Rosario arc is the only time SAO truly went back to the roots and was like “how do we address this question? who does technology benefit in ways that aren’t discussed? In what ways?” Mothers Rosario mostly throws out the main cast, instead following a group called the Sleeping Knights who in real life are in the hospital experiencing terminal illness. They cannot go outside, they cannot live a meaningful ‘real’ life, the online world is all that they have. It lets them connect with people and live in a way that they feel is worth it. One of their main goals is to beat a floor boss because then their names will be put on a big tablet for everyone to see forever, its their way of leaving their mark on the world, of creating a legacy in order to be remembered. When the head of the Sleeping Knights was dying she went into the game was able to pass with all of her friends around her in a way that they couldn’t in real life. Technology is about connecting people, about giving them the ability to do more and be more than they have the resources to in the real world, and in this way SAO was able to highlight this in a more meaningful way than they have addressed anything else in it’s entire legacy. Those 6 episodes are what SAO should have been. 
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illyasfeel · 2 years
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SAO Yuuki & Asuna
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transboykirito · 5 months
What do you mean that poet department song reminds you of Kirito and Asuna?
1) it’s a song about two miserable people being miserable together because they think nobody else in the world understands their kind of sadness and wanting to stay through their depression and suffering because they understand eachother……
2) “sometimes i wonder if you’re gonna screw this up with me but you told lucy you’d kill yourself if i ever leave and i had told jack about you so i felt seen, everyone who knows us understands why we’re meant to be”
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gabbyp09 · 1 year
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drivemysoul · 1 year
yeah i bet kirito doesn’t evade asuna’s thrusts
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