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Totes don't want to spam you guys but the Kickstarter achieved #ProjectWeLove status! Thank you guys for all your support and if you haven't seen it, check the project here: https://bit.ly/3mtR5F7
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Sneak peek...new hats, tails, & ears listing soon at Mostly Monsters CV! #fuzzyhats #hatstailsears #handmadefurries #cosplay #edmfans #burningman #uniquehalloween #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyhandmade #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #mostlymonsterschulavista (at Chula Vista, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnSM5rVHmEX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10tg49dpa0gjx
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Staying open late before the Nit-so-Secret Secret Cabaret at Midnight...so doing some redecorating! #come to the Cabaret! #cometothecabaret #sdfringe18 #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #boxofficeshenanigans #moonlightmadness #fuzzyhats #fuzzytails #pride🌈 (at San Diego International Fringe Festival)
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Not your ordinary basket fillers! Easter Bunny stop here! Show open Saturday 3/13 til 3:00! #easterbunnystophere #notyourordinaryeaster #bunniesandbuddies #readyforgifting #handmadeandadorable #whimsicalandwearable #bowtiesandhairbows #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #mostlymonsterschulavista #lamesacraftshow #lamesahomedecorgiftandcraftshow (at La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMWitVtjkTK/?igshid=1surjdwqjlix7
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First Craft Show of 2021! Mostly Monsters is set up on the South Wall at the La Mesa Community Center. Open Friday 9-5 and Saturday 9-3. (Masks required.) Come find items NOT sold in our Etsy shop! #lamesacraftshow #lamesahomedecorgiftandcraftshow #springcraftshows #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #mostlymonsterschulavista #uniquelyhandmade #whimsicalwearables #monstrouslycute #notyourtypicaleaster #monsterbunnies #basketfillers #100percenthandmade #liveandinperson (at La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMTAB5WjlnC/?igshid=195jexxvdoepi
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Look familiar? Now the fun begins! #timetodressthepuppets #puppetcostumes #funwithpuppets #notmyusualskillset #funproject #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #mostlymonsterschulavista @smokeandmirrorssoundsytem https://www.instagram.com/p/CMOKetyjs3n/?igshid=c5rs0eetwz3s
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Fun with food! Squeaky carrots are perfect Easter basket stuffers! http://etsy.me/3aE0aZD #squeakycarrots #bunnyfood #basketstuffers #toysforall #playwithyourfood #toyfood #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #mostlymonsterschulavista https://www.instagram.com/p/CLgNwrmDnOP/?igshid=aplggdm9g2y5
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CAT-urday happy mail!!! #caturday #happymail #catlovers #ilovekitties #whatshouldimake #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #fabrichoarder #ilovecats🐱 (at Chula Vista, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKrypeDDUco/?igshid=16hu3tv8sete1
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It’s not too late to safely shop in person at the La Mesa Show! Open Sunday 10-2! https://fb.me/e/XfTwmfeC #shopsafely #sociallydistanced #sanitizingstations #lastchancetobuy #lamesahomedecorgiftandcraftshow #lamesacraftshow #handmadeholiday #uniquegifts #shopsmall #shoplocal #shophandmade #supportsmallbusiness #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #mostlymonsterschulavista #lastshow2020 (at La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CILyVv7DxIX/?igshid=qiq0u5ekpw91
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Come adopt a Cuddle Monster while supplies last! https://fb.me/e/XfTwmfeC #cuddlemonsters #pajamaeaters #nightmareeaters #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv #lamesahomedecorgiftandcraftshow #lamesacraftshiw #limitededition #goinggoinggone #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness (at La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJxsdfDrqH/?igshid=2njom2xu0yho
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Not your typical Christmas gifts- come check out the Mostly Monsters table at the La Mesa Craft Show! https://fb.me/e/XfTwmfeC #handmadeholiday #christnasshouldntbeboring #bedifferent #uniquehandmade #shopsmall #shophandmade #supportsmallbusiness #lamesahomedecorgiftandcraftshow #lamesacraftshow #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv (at La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CII9e2njuI9/?igshid=funwidslcay8
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The cats are helping me pack for the craft show! #catsrhelpers #helperkitties #catsofinstagram #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv @ginnykitten https://www.instagram.com/p/CIAIIOQjyAi/?igshid=qof7xesib0jt
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57 hair scrunchies individually packaged and ready- exclusive to the La Mesa show! https://fb.me/e/XfTwmfeC #hairscrunchies #handmadehairties #lamesacraftshow #lamesahomedecorgiftandcraftshow #showexclusive #stockingstuffers #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv (at La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-vGXqjcmO/?igshid=1acxr5k14x0o7
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145 handmade bows ties wrapped and ready! #bowtiebonanza #mostlymonsters #mostlymonsterscv (at La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9kSrDDlWn/?igshid=tkld0xdz8ny9
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