A ship free, charity zine about the Netflix series "The Dragon Prince" ||| Pre-order here
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
After over a year of work we are happy to announce that this project is officially finished. We’re proud to announce that we were able to donate $1.500 to Akanksha, our chosen charity.
We’d like to thank everyone, from contributors over supporters to followers that just observed the progress. It was an amazing journey that wouldn’t have been possible without you!
Under the cut you’ll find the actual donation receipt and some TDP zine recommendations for those that are interested in either supporting or even participating in other projects.
We have tagged all pieces that were posted so far with tdp art and tdp fic; You can also check out the complete team that contributed to this project on our team page.
And for one final time, Thank you for your continuous interest.

For those interested in buying TDP zines: - we still have some leftover items, we just dont have an open store; if you are interested in getting a copy, please send us an email ( dragon.prince.zine@gmail.com ) and we’ll figure something out :) - the @aaravos-fanzine is opening pre-orders Dec 19th - if you are lucky, @amayazine and @dragonprinceanthology might have leftover sales at some point For those interested in participating in TDP zines: - @xadianzine is currently holding an interest check and has open Organizer Applications (their twitter: here) - we heard that there is also a Rayllum zine being planned over at @falling-for-you-a-rayllum-zine
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Almost on time with the 1 year anniversary of the series (Happy birthday @thedragonprinceofficial!), we are finally able to announce that our leftover sale is live!If you missed our pre-order period, now is the time!
The store will be open for about two months or until stock runs out - whichever comes first.
Some items are very limited such as the Aaravos postcard, the Soren print and our stickersheets. To make some things more affordable for you we do have some deals in store:
4 postcards for the price of 3
3 prints for the price of 2
physical zines will come with at least $10 worth of random merch items, replacing the bundles that we had during pre-orders
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a message.
@fandomzines @zine-scene @zineapps @zinesubmissions @zinefans
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Almost on time with the 1 year anniversary of the series (Happy birthday @thedragonprinceofficial!), we are finally able to announce that our leftover sale is live!If you missed our pre-order period, now is the time!
The store will be open for about two months or until stock runs out - whichever comes first.
Some items are very limited such as the Aaravos postcard, the Soren print and our stickersheets. To make some things more affordable for you we do have some deals in store:
4 postcards for the price of 3
3 prints for the price of 2
physical zines will come with at least $10 worth of random merch items, replacing the bundles that we had during pre-orders
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a message.
@fandomzines @zine-scene @zineapps @zinesubmissions @zinefans
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Almost on time with the 1 year anniversary of the series (Happy birthday @thedragonprinceofficial!), we are finally able to announce that our leftover sale is live!If you missed our pre-order period, now is the time!
The store will be open for about two months or until stock runs out - whichever comes first.
Some items are very limited such as the Aaravos postcard, the Soren print and our stickersheets. To make some things more affordable for you we do have some deals in store:
4 postcards for the price of 3
3 prints for the price of 2
physical zines will come with at least $10 worth of random merch items, replacing the bundles that we had during pre-orders
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a message.
@fandomzines @zine-scene @zineapps @zinesubmissions @zinefans
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Hello, are you guys planning on repeating this zine at all? I know applications are long closed but I would have loved to be a part of the zine. Are you aware of any other zines that are starting up?
No, we do not plan on repeating this zine at this point in time. We’ll of course announce it here should we ever decide to make another Dragon Prince zine but that won’t be in the near future.
But here are some other TDP projects that we are aware of:
The @aaravos-fanzine is currently in the preparation period. Applications are supposed to open in mid September!
(if there are any other TDP zines out there that we aren’t aware of that’d like to be added to this list, just let us know)
If you’re rather looking for zines to order:
@dragonprinceanthology has a post-campaign sale until the end of this month (so today and tomorrow)
@amayazine currently has pre-orders open and they’re also hosting a giveaway so be sure to check that out!
@raylazine is preparing for pre-orders which will hopefully open either in late September or early to mid October.
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My @dragon-prince-zine arrived today! The prints I didn’t scrapbook went onto my wall and they are all gorgeous. Great work everyone!
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Today, my Aspirozine arrived.
Okay so @dragon-prince-zine let me tell you, the aspirozine could not have chosen a better day to arrive. I was having a frankly awful, no-good day and then! A knock at the door! A modest, decently-weighty packet is delivered to my hand via the Royal Mail!

I am intrigued! I immediately send messages to three of my friends making predictions that, perhaps, my day might yet be salvaged from the bleak misery that has fallen upon it.
I open the packet.

And. Look, this is the first thing I see as it escapes the envelope in my haste of opening it, and frankly I challenge anyone to maintain a bad mood when this good adorable young dragon lad enters their life in keyring form.
Increasingly enthused, I lay out my bounty upon the living room sofa whilst my mind performs an admirable impersonation of a keyboard with the ! key stuck.

I attempt, mostly unsuccessfully, to get a good picture of the whole bundle, all the while several shiny things and several fantastic pieces of art all compete viciously for my immediate attention.

Exhibit A of Good Shiny Things.
This pin is so pretty??? Like I don’t even wear pins but I’m gonna have to figure out how because like heck am I leaving this unused in a drawer somewhere. Absolutely not.

And if my bad mood had survived Azymondias and the moon pin then it sure as heck didn’t survive everyone’s good and wonderful son, Ezran, in a variety of adorable poses. Good lord.

And these art card things that came as part of the full bundle I ordered? They’re absolutely gorgeous what the heck. That’s not all of them but these three are my favourites I think.
I’ve not even opened the actual aspirozine yet and my day is already saved. Absolutely impeccable timing, lads.
Congratulations to all your artists for being generally excellent beings and contributing to the benison that arrived at my door today. I’m sure that once I get around to opening the actual book I’m probably going to immediately die from sheer joy, so I’ll let this post stand as testament to my appreciation of the Aspirozine while I yet live.
Good day and good show, my very good fellows.
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@dragon-prince-zine thanks so much for this awesome zine!!!
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I was lucky enough to get Corvus for the @dragon-prince-zine and I was so happy seeing him again in season two u.u
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My artwork of Claudia from The Dragon Prince for the @dragon-prince-zine !
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My piece for the @dragon-prince-zine
A painting appreciating the elves and their culture designs
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here’s my comic that i contributed to @dragon-prince-zine! it was a wonderful experience working with everyone involved!! <3
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Now that lots of people have gotten their copies of @dragon-prince-zine here’s my piece for it! I’m soft for family antics forever.
Commissions | Ko-Fi | Twitter
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Oh, how the tables turn…
I finally get to post the art from the print i did for @dragon-prince-zine ‘s print!! woohoo! I really enjoyed this :D hope you guys do too!
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A Night by the Fire
fandom: the dragon prince characters: azymondias, callum, rayla, ezran, bait word count: 1.6k rating: general tags: fluff, found family
my full piece for the @dragon-prince-zine ❤
Callum might not be able to understand Zym the same way Ez does, but it’s never stopped him from talking as if he could. Zym likes that about him. He also likes watching Callum draw—he makes the funniest expressions, wrinkling his nose and chewing on his pencil—so, once again, Zym does as Callum says and stays as still as possible.
For a while, it works. He manages to ignore the insects flitting about, and the warmth radiating from the fire leaves him content and sleepy.
Unfortunately for Callum, Zym’s success is short-lived.
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I lost track during con prep, but we were given permission to post our @dragon-prince-zine pieces! I drew these a day in the childhood of these good siblings~
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Postcard I made for @dragon-prince-zine. Tried to get those vintage health poster vibes with it ahah
This was such a great project to be a part of, thank you everyone!!!
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