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isolaradiale · 6 years ago
hi ml! since the current corvo attano (dishonored) has fallen inactive, i would like to reapp him. the previous one was housed in Crow's House. my app can be found at /app and stats can be found at /stats. if needed my ooc contact is @osmiumthrone on twitter. thank you!
Hi! Welcome back to Scenic Isola Radiale, Corvo!
You'll be housed in Apartment 305.
You'll retain everything you had previously!
Enjoy your captivity!
-- ⋆ δ Caeli
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minteyed-messiah · 6 years ago
Making a visit to Opalaria: part of the plan.
Getting caught by a guard: not part of the plan.
But as it happened, there was a merfolk, scales and all, with a very sharp sword pointed at her.
“Sir, it’s all very innocent, I promise! I wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Rika said, her hands in the air defensively.
“Then start explaining.”
“Gladly, if you could just.. back your weapon off a bit?” The guard jolted the sword back towards Rika threateningly. “Understandable, well, you see...” Rika glanced around, looking for some way to get out of this without causing a scene. An older gentleman passed by, and she grabbed said older gentleman by the arm.
(She would apologize later, probably.)
“I’m merely visiting my uncle! Adopted, obviously -- but my poor mother, may she rest in peace! I just sprouted out of the ground one day, a full baby! And she did what she could. You know, with the things the way they are.. I couldn’t exactly send him a letter, could I? No, it would be lost.”
“It’s very good to see you, Uncle. Such timing!”
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neonchronos-blog · 6 years ago
The shadows are cast as the sun sets over Radiale. Zero’s not sure if that truly is the name, or where he heard of it, all he knows is that the old shopkeeper doesn’t advert her eyes when she realizes that what’s on his robe is blood.
That has its fair share to say about the climate in the ward.
There’s a man at the stall next to him, dark, giving the notion that he’s either a covert or was some time ago- Zero holds the stare. A part of him hopes the man is not in active duty, the other however, grasps at the shopkeeper’s meat cleaver.
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skillxhunter · 6 years ago
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“You have a face that tells me you’ve seen and experienced too much. Otherwise you wouldn’t look like you’ve come from a funeral. What’s your name?” He has nothing better to do than to bother interesting looking strangers on such a warm night.
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edibledragons · 6 years ago
Sinday Headcanons // Still Open
what do they think about their appearance?
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“Um... Plain. Nothing much really. Kite says I’m handsome but he’s the only one who’s told me that. It really hasn’t crossed my mind what I think about myself. I look in the mirror and it’s just me. I just see myself.”
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missingflame · 5 years ago
Perhaps Corvo notices, the peculiar way Ignis shifted when approached so swiftly. Back straight, shoulders squared and feet firmly planted- a face that gives away nothing. So young and yet rigid.
Quite the change in demeanor, from one moment to the other, even if the tension does leave Ignis's shoulders after the older man speaks- there's something to his guard that never quite settles down.
He concentrates on the man's voice, and figures the life he may lead, one that has molded him into strength, or whipped him into a steadfast soldier. Many talk about the eyes of combatants, Ignis has realized their voices say so much as well.
However, it is best not to leave him hanging. "My, how kind of you. However, I am truly, just wandering. Getting acquainted with the breeze like one might say."
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"I wouldn't mind if you wished to stay by, though. There's never any harm in small talk- or company."
♜ @missingflame // starter call.
the mainland has a more hectic air about it than the island his lakeside lodgings sit upon. to corvo, beaulieu feels as though it bears a weight its residents would sooner forget; it’s evident in the ruined buildings that lie just beyond the outskirts of civilization. the royal protector, too, would prefer to spend time away than go asking after things that aren’t his business.
the walk across the bridge to koi does well to clear his head of some proverbial fog. things seem to pick up immediately when he sets foot on the other side. people are everywhere. streets are lined one and all with places to go or things to see.
it’s more than enough of a distraction, he supposes.
corvo picks a young man with a cane out of the approaching individuals on the sidewalk. his steps are measured and slow, and other pedestrians give him a decent enough berth as they move around. 
the royal protector hopes an offer of aid won’t be perceived as shallow pity. it’s just that the man seems… unsure. maybe a little lost. corvo wouldn’t feel right leaving him without asking.
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❝ excuse me — if you’re trying to get anywhere in particular, would you mind if i lent you a hand? ❞
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coluberfoxii · 5 years ago
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tagged by: @afoxhound tagging: @turingtesting @sirens-wrath @elliotwit @antheiin @mostlyfleshandsteel & the blogger reading this!
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eidolonpath · 6 years ago
hello! i've moved him to another group, so i'd like to drop corvo attano from dishonored. he was housed in bunkhouse 3. hopefully i can come back with another muse! thanks so much.
hey eden! we’re gonna miss you, and thank you for giving our group a shot!
corvo attano has been dropped for you! 
* radiance
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fighting-instinct-blog · 6 years ago
Starter Call
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Let’s see if Tumblr RP is like riding a bike, shall we? Like for a (fairly) random starter with local sassfast pseudo-tsun fighty blueberry (aka Sasume)— CAP at... five? Yes? Yes! Five it is!
Bunkmates excluded from the cap!
         (I need to go back and quickly finish editing n bordering the last of my icons, but I should be fairly quick with ‘em! In the meantime, like or hit me up for plotting if you want! Also, quick tip that aforementioned bunkmates are: diverdowned, mostlyfleshandsteel, & bloomcoded !)
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isolaradiale · 6 years ago
acting on prior reserve, here's corvo attano from dishonored! app can be found at /app and stats can be found at /stats. ooc contact is the same as before. thanks!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Corvo!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 202.
You’ll retain the use of blink up to five times per day. You’ll also be given a wooden knife.
– mod altair.
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deiciding · 10 years ago
Top 10 Characters
I really wasn’t being productive with drafts as I would have liked so,,,
1. Daud ( guessed by steel-blood-magic ) 2. Emily Kaldwin ( guessed by cryptidkid ) 3. Isabela ( guessed by mostlyfleshandsteel ) 4. Garrett Hawke 5. Shinya Kogami 6. Jack 7. Elizabeth Comstock ( technically guessed by steel-blood-magic ) 8. Derek Hale ( guessed by zevranofantiva ) 9. Pearl ( guessed by voidleviiathan ) 10. Opal
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regalspectre · 10 years ago
      For one such as herself, whose mere existence was a mystery in its own right, there were many things made clear to her in the short amount of time that she was once again, corporeal. First and foremost, was that the suffering of the common man was far greater than she had originally believed. Jessamine had always done her best to lessen the load that her people were forced to bear and yet it was not enough. 
     Secondly, she had learned that despite being, well, who she was, people still were incapable of putting two and two together. People had noticed her resemblance time and time again and yet the conversation never moved past a gracious smile and a small shrug. Jessamine would look away, fingers patting her cheeks as if to stifle a non-existent blush. She was grateful for it, though. There was no need to attract attention to herself-- not when she was merely a shadow of who she used to be-- and definitely not when it was very much possible that her existence could beckon a rather dismal response from the authorities. 
     Tonight, however, Jessamine felt little worry as she slowly paced down the empty street. This part of the city was not half as treacherous as other places; the biggest threat usually being the odd thief here or there. Suffice to say, if a person dies once, it's incredibly hard to be afraid of much else. Jessamine was on her way home, a bag of groceries held closely to her chest., stopping only when she hears sounds of a struggle. 
      "...Is everything alright?" her meek voice questions into the dark. Perhaps this is not the smartest idea-- but Jessamine Kaldwin had never been conventional. 
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eidolonpath · 6 years ago
sorry about that! contact is in the right place now. on prior reserve here's corvo attano from dishonored! app can be found at /app and stats can be found at /stats. thanks so much!
Welcome to Eidolon, traveler. Wishes have brought you far, and we know they will only bring you further.
You will find your residence in Bunkhouse #12.
Your folding blade sits upon your mattress.
Search, seek, persist. Take heart in your heart.
May Diaidem bless you.
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fighting-instinct-blog · 6 years ago
Starter Call
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Before I head off for the night, have a fresh starter call! I’ve got plenty-a’ balls rolling already, though, so cap is 2 and bunkmates are excluded! (Also, quick tip that aforementioned bunkmates are: diverdowned, mostlyfleshandsteel, bloomcoded, glyphgifted, deletedreality, solardaughter, & alteaheir !)
There’s also my opens tag! c:
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isolaradiale · 5 years ago
i'd like to place corvo on hiatus. today's date is 11/13.
– ⋆ capella!
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deiciding · 10 years ago
guess my top ten characters || Open!
1. Daud ( guessed by steel-blood-magic )2. Dishonored3. Dragon Age4. Dragon Age5. Psycho Pass6. Bioshock 7. Bioshock Infinite8. Teen Wolf9. Pearl ( guessed by voidleviiathan )10. Steven Universe
Nope! Hint: But both of them are from the second game.
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