#mostly like. i feel so alienated out for like. having such different views of chars.
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sweetandsourcookies · 9 months ago
lying here in bed and thinking abt how alienated out i feel in the cookie run fandom. and then theres a polish sitcom playing in the background from a different room.
#mostly like. i feel so alienated out for like. having such different views of chars.#dark choco is a char i find myself to relate to a lot. i see so much of myself in him.#and yet. i cant get fully interested and that makes me feel. am i even a true fan of his character#if my interpretation is so vastly different from the fandoms#and how his kingdom is probably my least favourite out of all the ancients' kingdoms#for how i feel like ppl and the narrative tend to forget how dark cacaos kingdom is so flawed.#like the whole “no sweet meals” thing. i am not talking abt irl influences and how it impacts the presentation of the kingdom but more like#i feel like ppl tend to perfectionize dark cacao kingdom while ignoring a ton of systematic issues in it.#then theres my opinion on hollyberry. i love her. shes my favourite ancient. but i wish we got a more serious storyline with her#im not all catched up on the lore but i just wish rlly wish we got more of the hollyberry kingdom. and see holly display a wider range of-#-emotions.#i hope the eternal sugar update will get us some hollyberry kingdom angst because i need some more serious characterization for her that r-#-not just snippets#then theres. white lily. i feel like im the only person who liked the fact white lily got her own kingdom and was split into two versions.#it DID come out of nowhere but like. i feel like its sort of more interesting than just white lily being fully DE?#her update was a fiasco with how shadow milk stole the show that was meant to be hers.#but like. so many of my opinions are different than the fandoms that i just cant help but feel like an intruder sometimes#i dont want to sound like a pick me or someone who thinks they r special for being different. because im not.#i do not like this feeling. but i needed to be open abt it ig#cookie chat#theres also like. the lack of proper characterization for carrow besides “good loyal soldier”.#that annoys me as hell too#fyi i DO NOT hate dark cacao kingdom to be clear. i love it a ton. the cultural influences are so interesting and i love the setting.#i just wish ppl didnt brush off a lot of systematic flaws abt it.
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gingerwritess · 6 years ago
How did Loki meet their S/O?
warning: some violence and descriptive injuries
finally wrote how you n Loki met woop HOPE ITS EVERYTHING YOU IMAGINED
friendly reminder that criticism is NOT welcome here if it’s mean and just because you want to be right and you just like telling other people they’re wrong!!! :)))
i know the ending is a bit sudden but don’t WORRY we’re entering slowburn territory folks enjoy
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The feeling of coming-to is a strange one.
Normally it goes with eyes opening to darkness, then you blink a couple times and start to remember where you are.
This time is no different. The blinks come painfully, powdered cement probably catching behind your eyelids, but you pry watering eyes open to glance around.
Your office, destroyed. Only one desk still stands, unfortunately not yours, computer parts litter the floor, half the ceiling appears to have collapsed—a pair of heeled feet bend at an odd angle from under the rubble.
You scramble away, dust settling in your throat with each heavy gasp before you manage to pull yourself to your feet. Something warm trickles down your cheek but you can’t feel it, staring in horror at your humble little office: the new intern, Mark, lies over in the corner, clearly dead.
A pencil sticks halfway out of his neck.
One of the janitors who’s name you hadn’t gotten to know yet is writhing at the top of the stairwell as you stumble past, moaning in agony and clutching her face, something red dripping from behind her hands.
The first step down the stairs sends you retching and you vomit over the handrail.
Fresh air, fresh air—
It’s not much fresher, but you fall to your skinned knees and take in lungfuls of dusty, smokey air.
More bodies. This time both human and alien. Ugly purplish and scaly and distorted, like every alien you’d ever imagined would drop from a portal in the sky.
The scent of charred flesh hits your nose and you double over once again, heaving the bile from your empty stomach onto the stained streets.
“That was dramatic.”
You nearly fall over with a start, heart leaping from your chest—oh god, to hear someone else actually speak, be alive—
One of the alien’s staffs is sticking into a corpse just a few feet away; you take a quick step and pry it from the body, trying not to retch.
He cocks his head.
“Are you going to kill me?”
You take a shaky breath and point the spear at his chest. “I-I’m considering it.”
The god lifts his head, turning his face to the sky and closing his eyes. The throat now bared so plainly to your pointed end of the spear is bruised, you notice, yellowing purple spots starting to appear on the once perfect skin.
“Kill away.”
Awkward and heavy in your grip, the spear shakes with the trembles of your hands as you stare. No, don’t kill him yet—you’re still not sure what you’re looking at.
That face has been plastered across news channels for hours; you’d seen a warning this morning and thought to yourself how freakishly blue his eyes were, not paying much mind to the “dangerous persons” warning that came after the photo.
It’s never a worry, you always think you’ll be fine, but then it happens.
Now this “dangerous person” is sitting on a curb, flakes of rubble and dust on his caped shoulders and in his dark hair, leaning against a stop sign with a hammer of some sort on his knees.
“Why are you just…” you move the end of the spear down and back up. “Sitting here?”
“Would you rather I do something else?”
The pointed tip of the staff meets the hard armour on his chest. “Don’t,” you hiss, fingers tightening around the cold metal. You should just do it, end him now, it’s the least he deserves—
“Please,” you add after a moment, voice coming out much more cracked and desperate than you intended. “No more, please don’t.”
“Then kill me, mortal, we don’t have much time.” He lifts his chin again, this time not closing his eyes, just staring at you down the bridge of his nose.
You can’t move forward, can’t push the spear through the hollow of his throat; your feet won’t move.
“Do you have any idea,” you choke out, pushing the staff against him a little harder, “how many people you killed?”
“Enlighten me.”
It all happened so quickly that looking back, it’s a blur.
You know you cut him, somewhere either along his jaw or his neck—mostly out of self defence, you’ll tell yourself later. It was almost as if he’d known you would strike him when he said that; he bared his teeth and snarled, lunging at you just as you brought the spear down near his neck with a shriek and a set of handcuffs yanked him back into the stop sign with a crash.
So he is a prisoner.
You point the spear right back in his face, trying to slow your pounding heart—good.
“Stay back,” you order, but it comes out in a pathetic whisper.
“Or what?” The god’s lips curl at the corners. “You’ll…kill me?”
Why does he sound hopeful?
A door to the left of you slams open and before you have a moment to even blink, Iron Man is pointing a glowing palm at you, a bag of takeout in the other hand. The other god you’d seen on the news, the good one, Thor, steps in front of your more evil god, blocking that haunting smirk from view.
And Captain America’s hand is on the spear, a burger in his other hand, lowering the weapon from pointing at the two gods and slowly taking it from your trembling hands.
“No one else needs to die today,” he murmurs, tossing the spear to the ground and giving you a small smile.
Your eyes meet for half a second before you crumple to the floor, shaking and curling in on yourself.
You almost killed him.
* * * * * * * *
Stark Industries hired nearly every displaced employee after the attack, adding wings to the tower and new job descriptions to fit everyone he could help.
You’re grateful for the job; it’s not like you had much elsewhere to go. Dumping all your savings into a little apartment put a new roof over your head, but sure as hell drained your wallet for the next few months.
And so begins the rebuilding process.
The god, Loki, you’ve learned is his name, is being held in the tower, too, for who knows how long. No one will say. You don’t see much of the Avengers, besides getting out of their way in hallways and rec rooms and giving an awkward half-wave whenever the Captain looks your way.
It’s not like he stopped you from nearly skewering a man.
You see Loki, every once in a while, just in passing. First time, he was being escorted to a holding cell by a few armoured shield agents, and you had been heading up to your office.
Those freakishly blue eyes caught yours.
He smiled.
If you could even call it that. The concept of an “evil grin” was something you’d figured out only happened in movies, no actual person could have an evil grin—until that.
That…was an evil grin. Full on Disney villain smirk, you half expected him to offer you a poison apple.
A shudder ran through your whole body and he disappeared around the corner, handcuffs clanking with each step.
Rumors about him start circulating within days, whispers heard of a second attack, a plot to tear apart the Avengers, assassination attempts on Thor…even mind control. But he has fans, you discover after agreeing to an after-work outing, a lot of your coworkers actually find him attractive—
No more truth or dare four drinks into the night.
“You know that wasn’t really him,” one girl had snorted, swaying in her seat. “He was being brain-played! No, no, m-m…memory…mind controlled!”
She’d snapped her fingers in your face with a laugh and you’d rolled your eyes. “I doubt it, some people are just…” you had paused, trying to capture everything wrong in the world in one word. “I don’t know…hateful.”
“But he’s hot.”
You left early that night.
And a couple days later, you see him again. This time he doesn’t look like himself.
He’s stumbling down the hallway, past the break room with one hand clutching the side of his head, the other leaning his weight against the wall for support. His eyes screwed shut, a look of pure pain twists his face.
Good, he deserves it.
You cringe to yourself as you watch him struggle—that was a pretty malicious thought—and he punches a fist into the wall, leaving broken drywall clouding the air as he shakes his hand out and punches the wall again, clawing at his head with the other hand.
What’s this act for, this time?
Thor comes running, catches Loki’s fist that was about to shatter a window, and slams him into the wall with a shout.
You peek your head out the door and for the first time hear Loki whimper, a pathetic, refreshingly weak noise in the back of his throat. He’s hurting.
“Need me to call for backup?”
The blond slings Loki’s arm over his shoulders and lugs him up against his side. “I have this under control,” he smiles, hoisting Loki’s limp body higher. “We got through him this time. Once more and he might be back to normal.”
“Is normal…” you gesture to the lanky god. “Is normal any better?”
“A bit,” Thor grunts, lifting one of Loki’s eyelids and studying his rolling eye. “He’s a bit less…genocidal.”
“Oh, goody.”
His eyes fly open and he jerks towards you, snarling like a rabid animal.
Barely stopping a scream from ripping from your throat, you shrink back against the wall and shut your eyes, hands covering your face and yelling until Thor takes him by the throat and slams his head into the wall again.
“You should’ve—” Loki’s voice dies in his throat and he slumps, head lolling.
“What the HELL—”
“Cognitive recalibration,” Thor sighs, dragging Loki upright. “He’s…unstable. Teleported himself right out of the lab before we could stop him. My apologies.”
Chest heaving, you nod and try to catch your breath. “Don’t worry about it. Just, uh, please don’t let him kill me.”
“To be fair,” Thor chuckles, “you did nearly murder him.”
“He literally blew up half of New York.”
* * * * * * * *
There’s a guard now, a shield agent with a clunky gun and who probably sleeps in a bulletproof vest, following a few steps behind you everywhere you go.
Apparently Loki had asked for you a couple days ago while he was still being held in the lab. Well, maybe not so much asked rather than demanded Mr. Stark bring you to him.
Mr. Stark said no.
Thank god.
They asked him why and he wouldn’t give any answer more than “even prisoners are allowed their toys,” which upon hearing, you’d tried to quit your job.
The captain, Steve, and the others told you you’d honestly be safer here, where they can keep the recently brainwashed god on a tight leash and keep a protective eye on you—hence the guard.
You’re scared out of your mind, naturally.
He’s sweet though, the guard.
He holds doors open for you, asks you how your days are going, compliments your outfits in a way that’s actually not creepy for a change, and only once brought up the fact that you managed to get yourself on a god’s hitlist—you know, the usual small talk.
But there’s been no talk of Loki the past few days, though, it’s been kind of nice. Nothing to worry about.
Your “special agent” seems to think so, too; he’s getting comfortable.
After another day standing by your office door with a gun in his hands, he yawns and stretches, arms over his head. “I’m gonna get a coffee,” he announces. “Ain’t nobody makes it like I do, sweetheart, want one?”
You laugh and politely decline, going back to your work as the door swings shut.
Sweetheart. That’s new.
Someone clears their throat.
Loki’s leaning against the door, arms crossed and staring at you, hair a wild mess and leather shirt in shreds.
You scream for your guard and nearly fall out of your chair, scrambling to find the gun set under your desk.
“He won’t hear you,” he drones, rolling his eyes and raising a hand.
“No, no, don’t—”
“Relax, sweetheart, I only want an answer.” He takes a couple steps towards you, eyes dark. Cold. Immensely threatening…you have to find this gun.
“Stay away from me.” Finally feeling the cold metal under your fingers, you shoot to your feet and point the gun at him, ignoring the shaking of your hands. “I will shoot you in your fucking face, if you take another step—”
“It’s like you read my mind.” He taps a finger to his temple and stalks towards you, staring down the barrel of your gun.
“Wh-what is that supposed to mean??” You take a couple stumbling steps backwards, keep the gun trembling in his face.
The god pauses in front of you, staring at your gun. Or maybe more so your hands; they’re shaking beyond control now. He raises a finger and pushes the end of the gun, watching it weakly wobble in your grip.
“Finish the job.”
It’s barely a snarl and he makes a sharp, sudden movement towards you; you shriek, squeeze your eyes shut, and pull the trigger.
Gunshots are louder than you imagined.
Once the ringing in your ears has stopped, you don’t want to open your eyes. You’ve seen enough blood, dead bodies, and bullets through the head to last a lifetime—thanks to this guy, though.
The thought slightly comforts you and you crack one eye open.
“So you would have done it?”
His breath is cold on your neck and you whirl around with a shout, pulling the trigger again and again with no direction, no sight, no idea where he is, just needing him gone. No more haunting you, or rather…no more hunting you.
He’s in front of you when you open your eyes again, twisting his head around and rubbing his neck with a quiet groan, the bullet holes in his pale skin sewing themselves shut.
The smoking gun falls to the floor with a clatter.
“Damn,” he grunts, bending to pick up the gun. “You like to see me hurt, hm?”
He moves towards you, one hand behind his back as the other twirls your gun around on a long finger, and you can’t seem to break eye contact until the backs of your thighs hit your desk and you fall to your ass with a dull thud.
A smirk turns at his lips and you swallow hard.
“Next time,” he murmurs, handing you back the gun, “take the coffee.”
“No—w-where are you going??”
He pauses with a hand on the door and turns back to your raised gun. “I got my answer. Worth a try.”
The door swings open before you can ask what that is and your guard walks in with another yawn, two cups of coffee in his hands and a donut balanced on each one.
Needless to say, he was a bit surprised—and confused—to find you a babbling, trembling mess, sitting on your desk in an empty room, pointing an empty gun in his face.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes
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maythedreadwolftakeyou · 8 years ago
the people you love become ghosts inside of you, and like this, you keep them alive
What love was ever as deep as a grave?
Shakarian drabble.  Snippets of a variety of Garrus' thoughts and memories of Shepard, and a growing realization about the nature of love like theirs. Female Earthborn/Sole Survivor Shepard. A decent amount of angst.
numbers are rough chronology in case things get confusing but otherwise just read it start to finish
prompt from @leviathanmirror 
2653 words (complete)
On AO3 here
"Tell me a story," she whispers, "where nobody dies."
It is not a question, it is a warning; but he can't help but try to think of one anyway. But every tale he was ever told is of honor and war and victory, and none of them came without sacrifices. His people's history is long and moderately bloody to match, and he doesn't know if it's the same for humans or not. He can't imagine it's any different, despite the inexplicable softness of her skin.
Her breathing evens; slows. Garrus lays awake for a long time, searching for an answer he he becoming more and more desperately certain does not exist.
The problem is: the worst has already happened once.
There was already a world where Shepard was killed. He had not loved her then—at least, not this way; he had loved her as a commander and a soldier and a friend. ‘Respect’ was not a strong enough word, or ‘follow’, or even ‘idolize.’ He could never be Shepard, and he knew that. But Garrus tried to anyway, desperately stuffing himself into a void shaped like nothing he could achieve. In those days, his love had been a quiet sort of reverence he could never properly explain to the people he’d left behind on the Citadel, when he failed to resume the life he’d had before her arrival. He just couldn’t. He had changed. She had changed him.
There was no going back. There was the period before Shepard entered his life, muted and dull. There were the glorious and wild days on the Normandy SR-1, burning bright and frantic and so vivid he can hardly stand to remember them; even now that she is here, even now that she is closer than he could have ever imagined. Back then it had all seemed impossible, but they had been so young. Even if they didn’t dare think it, in their hearts they believed they could win.
And then, suddenly, there was nothing but the terrible, terrible dark. He mostly remembers a bleak numbness, the impossibility of the scenario nearly drowning out the grief. The world was devoid of color, or shading: he lived in a sketchbook, nothing but black and white.
Shepard had died.
He has never been good with goodbyes.
When they fight the Thresher Maw on Tuchunka, Shepard goes into a frenzy, darting from cover to cover and shooting into its gaping throat, not even pausing to regroup or reload. It is as though he and Grunt aren't even there to help her. When it falls, it does so spectacularly—with a terrible scream like grinding metal, collapsing into a limp coil on the ground. Shepard stares at it, panting, teeth bared in a terrible grimace he's never seen before. Grunt hollers in victory behind them, whooping as he climbs up onto the rubble of a toppled column while headbutting the stone. She doesn't seem to be paying attention.
"Shepard?" he asks, tentative.
She jumps visibly, whipping her head around to face him, eyes wide and panicked. Her breathing still hasn't slowed, and, oh, how could he have forgotten—
"Shit. Shepard, it's Garrus. You're on Tuchunka." He reaches forward, grabbing one of her hands. Her too-many fingers fit awkwardly between his own. "This isn't Akuze. It's okay."
"I—" she stops, swallows. Closing her eyes, Garrus can see her force herself to take a deep breath, holding it in for as long as she can before expelling the air in a rush. "Yeah. Okay. I'm fine."
He's still holding her hand. Suddenly nervous, he lets go, but she doesn't seem to have noticed.
She shakes her head violently, as though clearing away her ghosts. "Come on. Grunt!" she shouts up to the krogan, sighing in exaggerated exasperation as she walks towards where he still jumps up and down in the rubble. After one last glance at the felled beast, Garrus follows.
There is something about her he does not fully understand and he is beginning to think he will not get the chance.
“This looks like Earth,” she says quietly one day. They’re out of the Mako, digging in the dirt for some long-lost satellite, or something. But when he glances up, Shepard is distracted, staring down the hill into a patch of trees.
“Really?” Garrus asks, curious. The tall green stems sway slightly in the wind, thick clouds of pollen drifting in the breeze.
“Not really,” she replies. “Or at all, I guess. It just looks like what I always imagined a forest was like.”
“You’ve never been to a preserve?”
“Oh, I have, after I joined the Alliance. But when I was just a kid back on Earth, I lived in the city. You’d have had to walk for days to get to anything non-industrialized, which wasn’t gonna happen. We used to pretend, though, on good days. That the buildings were really just huge trees, and we were in a jungle. I forgot all about that.”
It’s startling, to hear Shepard mention her childhood. He’s not entirely sure about her upbringing or her life before the military—just a handful of offhand comments, like these. He’s not brave enough to ask her for more.
She stares in silence at the trees for a minute longer, as though she’s imagining walking through them. Despite the spacesuit and atmospheric filtration helmets they both wear, he can almost see it himself—Shepard, smiling, walking beneath the lush canopy of leaves. He’s never studied her face this closely before; but then, she’s never been this uncharacteristically distracted. For some reason, he’s surprised to realize her eyes, which he always thought were the blueish grey of steel, have hints of green in them. For a heartbeat, he’s seized with the conviction that she is going to go after all, bolt for the trees and leave him and the Mako and the accelerating disaster of the galaxy behind her. She’ll run off the map, and this time won’t turn back, or wait for him to catch up.
But instead—she shakes her head, and he snaps his eyes back to the ground. There’s something just barely visible in the rubble there, the tarnished dull gleam of old metal beneath a charred crumbling frame. He picks up the medallion, and wordlessly hands it to her.
“Oh,” she says, as though she’s forgotten why they came. “You found it. Alright, let’s get moving.”
And then she is Shepard again, his commander, and she turns her back to the view. Garrus, following her lead, climbs—with notable reluctance—back into the vehicle.
“Garrus!” she exclaims, throwing her arms wide. He had seen her approaching, like some sort of merciful ghost, come to bear away his soul. She is dead. He is dead, or close enough to it. It isn’t real, it can’t be real, until her arms are thrown around him, and, oh, she is strong and heavy and suddenly his vision is swimming with purples and reds and blues.
She is frail; bones and skin and not much between them. Her meals these days are mostly coffee and whatever Chakwas forces into her hands before she jumps into the shuttle for the next mission. He can feel her heart beating through her ribs, the vibration rhythmic despite the double-staccato beat, so alien to his own. She lies curled against him, one arm flung across his waist, her head nestled against the crook of his shoulder. He’s afraid to move, despite the urge to run his talons across the exposed skin of her back, the desire to marvel in her smoothness. She sleeps so rarely these days. The dark circles under her eyes haven’t faded, despite the rare five hours of rest they’ve managed to grab together.
He used to think she was invincible. It more than half terrifies him, now, to be so constantly reminded she is not. But it’s still hard to remember, in the heat of battle, when he’s got his eye to the scope and sees nothing but the target before him. He can’t look up for her, he has to simply trust she’s there, raging her way through combat somewhere in on the front lines. And when the smoke clears, she’s always been there, grinning back at them, and the look in her eyes never fails to cause his heart to stutter inside his chest. How could she ever fall? Ever fail? He loves her when she is soft and still; when she is desperate and wild. But this, this is how he pictures her, even now: glancing at them over her red-striped shoulder, mouth quirked into a grim smile, her whole being blazing with the untamed glory of victory.
But here, in this moment; she murmurs, and shifts beneath the sheet. Where her skin no longer brushes his, his carapace is suddenly chilled, and where she rests her hand on him anew smolders with the heat of her skin. He’d never imagined humans would be so warm.
Bullets are flying, some of them his own. It's entirely his fault the thugs came here for Dr. Michel, but at least he's not the only one fighting them off. With a grunt of pain that quickly fades to silence, the woman takes the last brute down, and the fight is over. He lowers his gun. The Alliance soldier surveys the clinic, her wary gaze sweeping back and forth across the bodies as she walks towards him and the shaking doctor.
"Perfect timing, Shepard," he tells her. "Gave me a clear shot at that bastard."
She glances up at him, appraising. "You took him down clean."
"Sometimes," Garrus replies, "you get lucky."
He’s messed up so many things in life already. His career with C-Sec; the disastrous stint as a vigilante that cost him his face, if not his life; his relationship with his father. He can’t—won’t—let this be one of the things his touch ruins.
Her eyes are burning, a green fire flickering behind the grey steel. He’s stared into them many times, now, but he’s never seen her like this. There’s no more running left in her, no thought of it at all. All he wants is to grab her wrist and yank her into the shuttle, but he can’t move. He can’t even breathe, and not because an entire car had just smashed into his chest.
“Don’t argue, Garrus,” she hisses. There’s blood on her face, and he can’t see if it’s red or blue or black in the angry shadows of the beam.
“We’re in this till the end,” he tells her, the plurality of the statement his last plea. Together, you and me. No Shepard without Vakarian. But—
“No matter what happens,” she tells him, her voice more fierce than he has ever heard it before, “you know I love you.” She reaches out, caressing the side of his face. The scarred side. Her armored gloves are thick, blocking out any warmth from her palm. “I always will.” Tears are streaming down her cheeks, despite the vehemence of her stance. In her armor, in the middle of battle, here: this is the most fragile she has ever been. If he says the right words, she will break. She won't do it for herself. But she would do it for him.
“Shepard, I...” his voice cracks. He can’t voice the phrases he wants to, that his whole body is begging himself to say. I need you to stay. I need you to come back to me. Oh, Shepard. I can’t do this alone. “...I love you too,” he finishes. Turians don’t cry, not like humans. But his sub-vocalizations sing out his sorrow, and she knows him, better than anyone, and he has no doubt his grief is as plan on his face as hers.
And then the shuttle is moving, and she is backing away. He stares at her, unblinking despite the smoke of the battlefield. She stares back, for one long moment, and then turns to face the frenzy. He watches, his whole body aching with sorrow and inevitability, as she runs towards the chaos. She does not look back.
When she kisses him, it is like nothing he has experienced before. Not just the physicality—although that, too, is a mystery he has only tentatively begun to explore. But behind the press of her lips—her passion, unbridled, unhindered by growing up in a meritocracy where you were plunged into dutiful servitude at the very beginning of adolescence. No one has ever told her that showing this much emotion, even in private, is unprofessional. He's beginning to see why the Alliance has so many regulations on physical relationships—is this what it's like, for all humans? A longing so deep he feels it not with his heart, but his bones? He doesn't think so. This can't be due to anyone but Shepard.
He runs his hands down her sides, and she is strange and beautiful and his. He, Garrus—just a scarred, beat-up turian who couldn't hack it as a cop—makes her laugh. And gasp, and cling, and moan. She is Shepard and she is so, so alive.
They emblazoned her name onto a thin strip of metal, like the others. Joker brrings it to him now, the night before the memorial, as though he knew it would take Garrus hours to be able to even consider prying open his fingers to release it again. The letters are dark against the burnished steel. He did not say anything as the pilot silently handed it to him, because it does not seem real. It can’t be. He half-expects her to come waltzing in any moment, throwing her arms as wide as her smile, exclaiming his name.
Tell me a story, she’d asked him. The only story he’d been interested in for years now was hers, her, how his fit in with hers. He doesn’t know what else to do if she is gone. He tries to picture the future, now that there is one: tomorrow, the next day, a year, fifty—but there is nothing. Not even darkness. Just... emptiness.
He sits, silent, staring at the plaque.
Eventually, light begins to seep through the holes in the ruined hull of the ship.
Her favorite color is crimson and she likes to walk barefoot when she can (which is never very often) and her favorite constellation from Earth is Cassiopeia. She tastes like ash and starlight and coffee. He doesn't know if this all-consuming supernova inside his chest is what love is supposed to be like, but he can't imagine wanting anything else ever again.
He whispers to her, now, grasping at this one moment where there’s stable ground beneath their feet. Nevermind the bystanders. They're surrounded by armies and rubble, and this planet, the one with trees she'd once dreamed about, is being steadily enveloped by flames. He doesn't know what to do. At least he hadn't been on the ground to see it when Palavan burned.
He knows how these stories end. There has only ever been one real ending, but sometimes, people stop telling the story partway through. They pretend it can turn out some other way: nothing bad ever happens to any of them again. Everyone is happy. The lovers live forever.
“Not sure if turian heaven is the same as yours, but if this thing goes sideways, and we both end up there…" She stares up into his eyes, waiting, always waiting for his answer. "Meet me at the bar.”
            dreamt the earthquake finally came and made everything better dreamt you were alive again no that’s a lie i’m lying you have never been in my dreams but you are in the fruit trees i collect to keep the bees from dying
                       —Yuna Winter, “Nature Poems pt. III”
                        Thank you for reading! You can find more stuff on my AO3 or on tumblr, and I’m also happy to take prompts/requests <3
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jugaddict · 8 years ago
Ladder Talks
Fic: Ladder Talks
Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones (Bughead)
Posting this before tonight's episode makes this impossible to be canon... If you liked this fic, my asks are always open for prompts! You can find me on ao3 as MoonlightShines. 
Fred Andrews leaves a scatter of tools on his grass on the right side of his house. Among his miscellaneous equipment, there is a grey ladder propped up against the red brick that reaches right under Archie's bedroom window. When Jughead was little, he used to climb the ladder to sneak into his house at night. Not because he wouldn’t have been welcomed if he rang the doorbell, because he would have been. There was just no fun in that.  
This night, Jughead took the ladder and walked across the lawn. Carefully, he set the ladder against the Coopers’ house, underneath Betty Cooper’s bedroom, the pink and white room right across Archie’s blue one. With steady steps, Jughead made his way up to Betty’s windowsill. He was about to knock on the glass when a flash of blonde hair entered view through the curtains. Betty opened the window and leaned over the ledge on her elbows. She quirked an eyebrow.
“Is this going to become a habit?” She asked, referring to the last time Jughead snuck in. When he comforted her and kissed her and smiled so softly at her she felt the edges of her world blur. Until she remembered about the car, that is.
Jughead smirked. “That depends, I don’t know if I feel like facing the wrath of the Capulets by knocking on the door every time I want to see my favourite sleuth.”
“Are you calling yourself Romeo?” Betty laughed, giving Jughead a hand as pushes himself up and into her room.
“I’d rather be Shakespeare.”
He stood up so that he was right in front of her and they both gazed shyly at each other, inches apart. Betty bit her lip and reached for Jughead’s flannel shirt. He watched her as she fiddled with it, eventually doing up the buttons. “The opened window made a draft,” she mumbled, as a way of explanation when he gave her an intrigued look. “It’s cold in here.” When she finished the top button, she crooked her finger to tilt up his chin. They both smiled into kiss, chaste and sweet.
“Not anymore,” replied Jughead, sighing and leaning in again.
It’s a lightheaded feeling, bliss. So lightheaded, Jughead momentarily forgot how to use one.
“Tell me you don't love Archie,” he breathed against her skin, but she goes rigid, and he let her go numbly.
“What?” She said, her tone instantly cold and hard.
He didn't clarify or take it back. He didn't say anything.
“Why would you ask me that?” Betty said, her blue eyes bore up into his.
“Tell me you don't love him, Betts.” He pleaded, internally cringing at the emotion in his voice. When did he get like this? To feel passion, to feel the swell of emotion rise from within him, for his passive, iciness in his veins morph into growing heat under his skin? To want .
“I can't.”
“Why?” Jughead snaps, and he's angry, mostly at himself, for being stupid enough to think it could be any other way. This wasn't how it worked. He knew that. Archie was the dreamer, Betty dreamed of Archie and Jughead doesn't dream at all. But then, she’d look at him. And she’d smile, she’d beam up at him and grab onto his arm with excitement at any new lead she thought up with and he’d think maybe, just maybe he could dream too.
“Because it would be a lie, Juggie.” Betty whispers, troubled by the subject, or maybe the volume of his voice.
Jughead took a further step back, burned. The temperature in the room dropped drastically, still he feels scorched all over. He imagines Betty Cooper pouring scalding hot water over his head and leaving him dripping to shiver in the puddles left behind.
But his Betty would never do that. Not intentionally. She’d reach over to hand him a cup of something hot and accidentally spill it. She would apologize profusely as he shook his head and swallowed down the pain, forever left with slightly charred skin. “It’s fine,” he would say, clenching his teeth. He’d smile too. God, he's an idiot.
He blinks.
“Does it matter?” She said.
Does it? In Romeo and Juliet, nobody remembers Rosaline. What if Jughead is Romeo, pining for Rosaline, chasing Rosaline, loving Rosaline, only to be rejected by her. Romeo and Rosaline, lost in the void of the world’s most iconic romance, what chance does Jughead stand in the face of that kind of fate and challenge it?
Or maybe Betty is Romeo yet to meet Juliet, willing to discard Rosaline for the chance to pursue her fantasy? Pining for Archie, chasing Archie, loving Archie, only to reject Jughead. Betty and Jughead, lost in the void of Riverdale’s most inevitable romance, what chance does he stand. How long will it last?
“Betty you know I don't do this.” For the first time, Jughead is tripping over his words.
“And What is this, Jughead?” She challenged, but not unkindly, “What is it?”
Jughead hesitated.
Betty sighs. “Because I don’t know what it is. You climbed up my window and kissed me, and now we're doing things but we’ve never talked about it.”
“Because I don't know what the hell I’m doing Betty Cooper! Kissing? Holding hands? I’ve never done this before!”
“I was your first kiss?” Betty gasped.
“I’m here because I like you. I like being with you.” Betty said, and he shrunk into himself.
“It’s not that simple, Betts.”
“Why not?”
He could plainly never tell her. He was never meant to starr in a romantic drama anyways. But she's so honest, so sincere, even when she's crushing him.
“Betty I have never felt for anything what I feel for you. I didn't even know I was capable of it.”
“You’re making yourself sound like a emotionless robot, Jug, that's not who you are. Is that how you think?”
Jughead shrugged, scuffing his worn combat boots.
Betty noticed his discomfort and her voice softened. “You never seemed bothered by this before. Everyone always assumed it was a part of your identity… What made you-”
“-Jughead,” she finished. She gave him a funny look. Some would identify it as pity, but Jughead knew that expression well. It wasn't that.
“I never was,” he admitted, “not until you.”
It was true. All of his life he was disinterested in girls, in boys, in sex. It was like that part of himself-if there even was a part of himself that wanted lust, companionship or desire- was muted or barely existed. He knew others thought it was weird. An extra something that alienated him from the rest even more than he already was. Archie was well used to his blank stares when he asked his opinion on this girl or that one. It wasn't something he thought about. It wasn't something that mattered to him. It wasn't who he was.
But now things are different. Now there's Betty. It wouldn't be a case of melodrama, to know it's only Betty. There won't be anyone else. Jughead would be unaffected, if there was never anyone else for the rest of his life.
But it's Betty. And to lose her would be emptying, even if he never really had her to begin with.
Jughead took a deep breath and forced himself to not give in to his desperate urge to break their eye contact, or worse, run far away from Riverdale and never come back. Because after this…
“I-I love you Betty.”
Her eyes widened- they widened a lot actually. “Oh Juggie,” she sighed, and he sighed too, struggling to breathe with the hurt in his chest. Can you die from heartbreak?  Jughead always thought that was overdramatic and would roll his eyes at romance novels and movies where the protagonist died from a broken heart, but now he was not too sure. He thought he might need a doctor. And if he thought he could never resent Archie any more than he does at this moment, he was wrong. For if Archie Andrews put Betty Cooper in a fraction of the pain Jughead was in right now, he may end up buried under Riverdale in the same earth as Jason Blossom.
“Yeah, I know.” Jughead forced a laugh, but it was dry and loud and laced with bitterness he didn't want Betty to hear.
Betty sat down on her bed and patted the space beside her. “Talk to me Juggie, you’re being distant or not really distant, but you're not present fully or something, I don't know. I’m confused. We used to always talk about everything.”
“When we were ten,” Jughead pointed out.
“You were simpler when we were ten.” Betty said.
“Life is simpler when you're ten,” he countered, but sat next to her anyways, the mattress of the bed dipping underneath him. Their thighs brushed slightly, her body warm and soft and it startled him, how much he liked it, so he moved an inch away.
“My feelings for Archie aren't going to magically go away.”
“Right,” Jughead says flatly.
“But that doesn't mean that I don't have any for you either. You've always been this constant in my life. Of course you mean the world to me. Especially now. Everything I’ve been going through,” she touched his shoulder, making him glance up at her, “ we’ve been going through. We did it together. I couldn't do any of this without you.”
“You’re making me sound important,” Jughead tried to joke. Betty shook her head at his self-deprecating tone.
“You are.” She insisted, with her signature smile.  
Jughead didn't believe that. Not after his childhood, not after his life of being cast aside and left in the shadows behind Archie and Betty, but suddenly, it was true when she said it. He knew deep down that it has to be true. And yet-
“If Archie asked you out tomorrow…” He couldn't stop himself from asking.
“Juggie, Archie made it very clear that’s not going to happen. If it did…” her words tapered off, eyes looking out the window. The window she would look into every night for a glimpse of Archie. The blinds were down. She turned back to Jughead, conflicted.
“I don't know, I don't think I can make my feelings for him go away after them being there for so long. But I don’t think I want Archie anymore. I don't think he will make me happy.” she said simply. As if this mess of a love triangle- god, Jughead is in a love triangle, what the hell-  was simple.
“Besides,” she said with a growing smile, “I have a boyfriend.”
Jughead’s pulse quickened. How bold Betty Cooper could be. How clever. Taking his words and throwing them back at him. Doesn't she know what she could do to him? How easily Jughead Jones’ iconic facade of apathy could crumble because of her?
Nevermind heart on his sleeve, Jughead felt like she was holding his literal heart in her hands. He looked down at them, face flushing and grabbed them with his own and squeezed.
“I thought I loved him, Jug. But he doesn't make me feel the way you do right now. Maybe I don't know what love is.” Betty frowned at that.
Jughead could see her concentration reflecting from the furrows of her brows as she thought. Jughead let go of one of her hands to tentatively reach up to her face. He stroked her left cheek lightly, hesitant, making sure it was okay. She blushed a soft pink, the kind of colour artists would use for a sunset piece. Her eyelashes fanned out as she looked up with her blue eyes, and Jughead was hit once again over how strikingly beautiful she is.
“Okay,” he accepted, and meant it. “Okay.”
She turns to wrap her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek. Jughead's heart went from heavy to light so fast he thought he might faint.
“But I want to love you,” she said, after a moment.
His heart did that flip thing again, and the corners of his mouth twitched up into a small smile, briefly he thought maybe he really should see a doctor.
“I’m not asking you to, Betts.”
She shook her head, her golden ponytail swishing behind her as her eyes flickered to her vanity mirror. On the top left side there was an old photograph taken by Mary Andrews of the two of them laughing at Archie, a red blur half out of the shot. Her eyes then drifted to their reflection, a stark contrast of light and dark outfits sitting close on her bed. She turned back to Jughead, pensive.
“Juggie,” Betty proclaimed, confidently and so sure of herself the corners of her eyes were crinkling. She took his face in her hands, “I will love you.”
Good , Jughead couldn't help but think selfishly.
He drew her in even closer, pressing her against him, his insides exploding with warmth and she melts into his side.
“I know I will,”  she murmured, leaning into his chest. He holds her in his arms, and thinks this is the longest he’s ever held anybody. He wouldn't mind doing it forever.
Eventually, Jughead had to leave. They both knew nobody would enjoy Mrs. Cooper finding the two asleep on the bed curled together, Betty with Jughead's flannel over her shoulders. So he opened the window at three AM, and climbed back down the ladder, after kissing Betty, bleary eyed with sleep goodnight. He hopped off the final step and lifted the ladder so that he could carry it across the lawn. It was dark and quiet, nothing but the sounds of dried leaves crunching under his feet. Jughead propped the ladder up against the Andrew's house where it belonged and began to climb up again. He has been crashing with Archie for a while now. When he got into Archie's room, he changed into something warmer and got into the air mattress he's been calling his bed. Archie, a very deep sleeper made no twitch.
He looked at the redheaded boy for a second and wondered why he was so jealous of him all this time. He was the one who blew his chance. That's when it dawned on him. Archie was Rosaline in this story. In their story. No Archie, no Riverdale mysteries, no crazy parents. Just them. Betty and Jughead.
He closed his eyes and slept.
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actual-lea · 8 years ago
Somewhere Among the Stars - Chapter 9
HEY remember when this thing used to update regularly? Me neither! (AO3)
(First chapter | Previous chapter)
“Everybody okay back there?”
Jay opened his eyes, and slowly released his grip on R5, wincing a bit at the indents left on his hands. He realized gradually that his face was pressed to the floor, and, shaking a bit, he pushed himself up and gave himself a quick mental once-over. Nothing hurt any worse than it had before – not significantly worse, anyway – so it seemed that by some miracle, he was indeed okay.
He opened his mouth to declare as much when his eyes found the unconscious Jedi facedown on the floor a few feet away.
Without another thought, Jay scrambled forward to roll him onto his back. Tim didn't stir at the movement, which only served to fuel the panic buzzing behind Jay's eyes. A different buzzing alerted him to R5's presence, hovering just above his head, and distantly, Jay noted that that meant they were back on solid ground.
The crash landing had been proof enough of that, though.
At the sound of footsteps behind him, Jay moved aside to let Jessica approach, keeping his eyes locked on Tim. Despite how still he remained, his chest rose and fell steadily, and Jay let out a relieved breath of his own.
He allowed himself to relax a bit more as Jessica checked Tim's pulse and turned his head to survey his injuries; her movements were quick and methodical, clinical almost, and Jay was comforted by the knowledge that at least one of them knew what they were doing.
Oddly, he wanted to hope that the spark of concern he could see in her eyes wasn't purely selfish, that she was worried for Tim not just because he was the object of her mission, but he shook off the thought as irrelevant.
“He'll be alright,” Jessica stated after a moment. She stood up and turned her attention to the ship's condition instead, with a heavy sigh. “What a mess.”
“The fire spread to the power core,” Jay said, fully aware that he was stating the obvious. “Started in the hyperdrive, but I'm guessing you knew that already.”
Jessica responded with an absent nod as she pried open the slightly charred casing of the hyperdrive in question.
“I've got some experience fixing Corellian ships, if you need any help.” Jay took a small step forward, wringing his hands, as R5 hummed softly in agreement. “Although I've... I've never seen the inside of a VCX model up close like this. Not in person, anyway. No one has them this far out, and anyone who does never sticks around for long.”
“Well, you're not missing much right now.” Jessica swept the hair out of her eyes with a frustrated exhale. “It's all fried.”
He shifted his weight from foot to foot. “We're stuck here, then?”
Jessica shook her head and brushed past Jay to frown at a flickering display on the wall behind him. “Getting the ship up and running again won't be hard. Everything that was damaged by the fire can be patched up, at least until we get to the base for actual repairs. We'll need a new power core, of course, but that won't be an issue, it's pretty generic. It's the regulator that's the issue.” She rubbed her temples with one hand. “Without a new one, we won't make it very far without running into the same overheating problem that brought us here.”
“So...what do we do?”
She took a deep breath and cast her eyes downward for a long moment. “Can I trust you to stay with the ship?” she asked by way of reply, and Jay could hear the unspoken question beneath the words. Can I trust you to keep him from leaving?
With a glance at the unconscious Jedi between them, he nodded once, twisting his face into an expression that he hoped resembled confidence.
Jessica didn't look wholly convinced, but accepted his answer nonetheless. “Shouldn't be too much to ask, anyway,” she said with a quick shrug as she disappeared around a corner. “The air here isn't what I would call breathable.”
Jay blinked and shared a quick glance with R5 before following. “Wait, uh...” He paused at the bottom of the ramp to the cargo deck; now that they weren't in a mad rush to take off, he had a chance to take in the sight more thoroughly. The bay was mostly empty, with only a few large crates stacked and fastened in place a bit haphazardly on the far side. Momentarily, he wondered whether Jessica had already left the ship, but the sound of rummaging behind one of the crates answered the question for him.
“Where exactly are we?” he asked as he approached, craning his neck in an unsuccessful attempt to see what she was doing.
“Ishanna V.” A smaller crate slid out from behind the one Jessica was digging through, along with a slowly growing pile of equipment, most of which Jay didn't recognize. “Not exactly the most civilized place in the galaxy, but in our case, that's probably a good thing. Empire's hard to hide from, even all the way out here,” she paused, then grumbled, “especially after all the theatrics on Saqqar.”
A strange guilt twisted in Jay's stomach at the mention of his home planet. He quickly shook it off; none of that fiasco had been his fault. If anything, his knowledge of the terrain had helped them escape, hadn't it?
Although, if it hadn't been for him, Tim would have been long gone before the Empire had closed in on him. Or the Resistance, for that matter.
Lost in his thoughts as he was, it took Jay several seconds to notice that Jessica was no longer in the cargo bay. In the same moment, he caught a glimpse of golden light flooding into the ship from the direction of the exit ramp.
“Stay on the ship,” Jessica ordered as he approached, her voice muffled by the oxygen mask now strapped to her face. And without another word, she punched a button to her right, sealing the airlock between them and blocking his view.
He had to fight the sudden, intense impulse to disobey, to open the airlock and follow, consequences be damned, if only for a momentary glance at the world outside, a planet that was completely new and alien and undoubtedly dangerous to him.
Instead, he scrambled back up the ramp to the cockpit, barely even noticing the curious trilling of R5 following closely behind him; he was too focused on what he could see as he approached the viewport, the view mostly obscured by a large formation of dark gray rocks several meters from the ship, until he got close enough to see the sky above.
“Whoa,” he breathed.
The golden rays of the sun – Ishanna, he assumed – poured into the cockpit from over the rocks, casting long shadows that were softened by the reflections bouncing off of all the inactive control panels. It felt solid, almost, too dense to be nothing more than light, like a liquid filling the space around Jay, heavy and blinding, and he let his eyes drift closed, drinking in the sensation.
And the warmth! He pressed a hand to the transparisteel; it was cool to the touch, still, likely a residual effect of space travel, and yet he could feel a hint of the heat that was pressing into the ship from the other side. The warmth was intoxicating; he let it spread up his arm and into his chest, like a cluster of glowing embers, radiating into his lungs and his veins, yet not setting him aflame.
The sound of footsteps pulled him out of the trance, and he turned to see a disgruntled Tim stumble into the cockpit next to him.
“Hey!” Jay exclaimed, too loud, ashamed suddenly of how easily he'd forgotten about the unconscious Jedi he was supposed to be looking after. “Are you alright?”
“Great,” Tim grunted. He squinted against the light streaming through the transparisteel, its mesmerizing effect apparently lost on him.
“We're on Ishanna V,” Jay said, to a quick beep of confirmation from R5. He fidgeted a bit as Tim took in the sight of the otherwise empty cockpit, then added, “Jessica went to get some parts for the ship.”
Jay glanced out the viewport, then back to Tim. “Apparently the air here isn't breathable,” he stated.
Tim let out an annoyed sigh. “Great.” He turned and walked away.
“Where are you going?” Jay called after him.
“Nowhere.” Tim disappeared into one of the cabins and slammed the door.
R5 beeped softly, and Jay nodded in agreement. “Yes, very grumpy.” He turned back toward the viewport and closed his eyes again, letting the warmth roll over him once more.
“He'll come around, though.”
(next chapter)
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indy-diary · 7 years ago
Entry 8 : Superstar Libra (Day 2), First Time Outside Thailand!
20 Mar 2018
I’ve never been out of my country before. This is really my first time. Despite Malaysia and Thailand are right next, it still counts. There are actually many differences between the two countries. This 4-day 3-night cruise has only one stop in Thailand, but two in Malaysia. This is the very day that my feet will touch a different country’s land for the first time...
Morning in Different Land
Sun had risen and the new morning came. The internet and phone signal were gone since an hour after leaving Phuket. Me and my brother slept early and woke up quite early. After we did the morning routines, we went straight to Pool Deck. Mariner’s Buffet was open and there was potato wedges, chicken sausages, Nasi Lemak, soup, bread, cereal, and some other food along with drinks. We sat outside instead of inside due to the number of people and better view and weather here.
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(I really love this picture for some reason)
There was water, and more water. My brother and me watched the sea scrolled as we eat our breakfast. We have yet to arrive to the first stop so there wasn’t anything to see yet. But last time we saw the ship position from display screen, we were nearer to Malaysia than Thailand. It was clear that we were no longer in our homeland.
The breakfast was great! They taste really good and I can have as many as I wanted. The cost is included in the ticket and unlimited refill… this is awesome! Another good thing about it was on that morning, no one was noisy. This is a kind of breakfast I don’t often have. Normally at home I eat toast or sausages, and nothing else until lunch. It was so different between the two places.
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(First things I picked up. Delicious!)
After that we spent some time walking around, in our rooms watching the TV and the ship position screen. We then learned that there IS internet available. They have cellular wifi available, at some price. 48 Ringgit for 24 hour usage, but there’s actually other packages like social medias only, or whole cruise package. But since we needed it only for two days, we choose 24 hour package, and buy another on next day. To save money, we bought only one package and swap logins when one wants to use because only one device may be logged in at a time.
The interior of Superstar Libra sure looks luxurious and gives off a simply relaxing vibe. It may not be the most luxurious cruise ship ever, but it’s decent and affordable. With most guests being Asians, it didn’t feel so alien on board either. Walking around always made me feel great, and so did staying in the room. Everywhere felt comfortable… except in toilets because they lacked bum gun TwT At least a bidet would be nice but they’ve got neither! :( It’s kind of difficult to not have washing water… or could it be because I’m used to bum guns at home?
Here’s some images before moving on to the next section
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(Just a little part of Deck 8 that has great view, and a plant)
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(Those sure look comfy, but would feel weird to sit directly in front of elevators and watch people)
A Town Named George Town
Some time have passed since breakfast. My brother and me were in our room when Superstar Libra approaches port. As we came nearer and nearer to the port, other ships start to appear. There was many, but at that time, only one seemed to be passenger ship which was this very Superstar Libra. Other ships I saw was container or oil tanker ships. After a while, Libra stopped moving on her own and a tugboat came. The tugboat dragged her to the port then left.
Libra then arrived at the port and properly docks, then passengers were given some procedures to get down. Those who wish to disembark will collect passport while those who were up for a tour or free strolls have different things to do. Buying a tour has to be paid and registered, but “free and easy” is being on your own, but no charges.
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(Many many more small to large ships are around)
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(They’re small, but they’re super strong!)
After the gangway gate opened, passengers were allowed to leave the ship. It was near noon, but we ate too much breakfast and didn’t feel hungry at all so we decided we would tour before coming back to eat. With that, we showed our access card to the crew at the gangway gate and they let us onto the land.
Soon, we arrived at the building. The building has signs in Malaysian (and I can’t read them lol). At least there were pictures or English along so it’s more understandable. I actually had never been to Malaysia before and I had no idea what to do. I also never read about Malaysian tourism places so I was completely lost. My brother suggested asking tourist information or something, but this was what we found at the port itself..
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(Nice logo, but where did people go??)
On upper floor, all counters were empty. No one was there at all. Not even money exchange or receptionist! Me and my brother looked at each other and followed the crowd. We then came across the tourist map of this town on Penang Island… a town named George Town. (Just how many George Towns are there in the world???)
We took picture of the map and planned our visit. Then we walked some more to go out of the port building. The sunlight outside was harsh, but it was cool in shades, much cooler than shades back in my home region. It just make me wonder why.
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(It looks big and we probably don’t have time to visit all that)
Strolling through the town and the lanes of the town, we saw many interesting things. The buildings seem to be made from plaster, and all of them were neat and clean (barring some broken parts). The different style of architecture I don’t see often made me curious about this town. The zebra crossing on the street is also different. They’re mostly located on the corners of intersections instead of being put in frequently used spots like my familiar places. I admit, there’s a lot of things I’ve never seen before, and that includes street vendor-free area. Back in Thai towns, street vendors are very common and can be found at almost any day, any time.
The unfamiliarity of this town made it interesting to a person like me. This is my first time going out of country. I want to visit so much more places in this town, but the skin-hurting sunlight sure limit my endurance.
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(It’s so neat and clean)
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(I actually like this look of this. It’s just a few meters from the port)
We kept walking around the town, but not too far. Visited some shops and exploring lanes. We got ourselves some snack and interesting things to see everywhere we went. We also visited the 7-11 convenience stores to buy some water. The sun was so strong we tire out extremely quickly and unable to be avoided because shades aren’t everywhere.
The paths under the buildings were quite narrow but weren’t too narrow to walk. It was a bit difficult when someone walk toward us, but wasn’t so much of big deal. There wasn’t much dirtiness or junk to ruin the view and mood either, but something clearly bugs me. Where are all the trash cans??? Up until this point, I have yet to see ANY trash can at all. Where do Malaysians of George Town throw away their garbage when they’re on the streets?
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(It’s cool here, cool as in, both great and not hot)
Having finished exploring nearby areas and ended up in a different lane, we opened the map. City Hall was our next destination so we took some more walk and reached there in no time. The City Hall looked beautiful in my eyes. It was so clean and neat. There were also trees near the town hall and places to sit. It was great to take a break from walk right there, thanks to nice shade by trees and cool wind that blows from the sea.
By staying under the tree’s shade, I began to see the birds. It was because they were making noises directly above me, so I noticed their presence. Apparently they were crows, and they make caw caw noises. Then something just came to my mind…. I saw no pigeons. Absolutely no pigeons was seen. It was strange how there wasn’t any, considering it was most common urban birds.
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The City Hall wasn’t so far away from a historical site, Fort Cornwallis. My brother wanted to see the British-built fort so we took a little walk there, only to find the surprise… The fort was closed for repairs ;w; It’s sad we can’t see the fort this way.
Disappointed with the fort, we walked off from the barred areas and saw a building. Its design is very familiar to us. It looked like a roof for local food stalls, and we were right. Under the roof there were tables and food stalls. The looks of it look almost identical to the same type of thing in Thailand, but more organized.
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(Everything stays under the roof and it’s neatly organized inside too!)
Various stalls were inside, which also means lots of different food to select from. We were hungry and thought of trying out local food for once, so we went in and look through the selection. By that, I mean looking at each stall’s menu. Among the more noticable and memorable stalls, there was local steak, Char Koey Teow, and variety stalls. It felt so much like at home. The atmosphere was also almost identical, yet somewhat different.
Me and my brother wanted to try some local Malaysian food, so we ordered Ayum Nasi Goreng. We initially had no idea what it was, but when it was served… it became clear. It was simply, fried rice! It surprised us so much because we thought it would be some fancy Malaysian traditional food, and even more so when we ate it. That dish of Ayum Nasi Goreng taste very similar to local fried rice at our home. However, we still prefer our Thai style and taste. Perhaps because we’re more used to that too.
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(To be honest, it feels like I’m not far from home)
Unexpected Visitor
Satisfied with no longer being hungry, we headed back to the ship. We were actually tired from walking around so we’d want to rest. On the way back, I saw a huge building that wasn’t there before. I pondered myself several times that it wasn’t here before and it’s so large. Only then it came to me… that it is no building, it’s a ship! She was taller than trees and any building around her. I didn’t realize she was a ship until I took a good look at the design and found her funnels!
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(Just how big is she???)
Upon getting back to the Superstar Libra, we went to her sun to take a clear look at the other ship. On her stern, her name is printed and it reads Mariner of the Seas. Definitely… a Royal Caribbean International ship! The naming pattern of “X of the Seas” is one of their trademark, and on her funnel, the company’s logo is there.
From Libra’s stern, I felt that Mariner is much much larger. She was taller, wider, and most likely heavier too! Unlike Libra, Mariner has glassed balconies for most of the window rooms. Mariner seemed superior to Libra in every way, but with her ticket price being much higher as well. From what I have read, all ships of Royal Caribbean International’s “Voyager-class” have ice rink inside their ships. Mariner, belonging to that class, probably has it too. Every sight of her makes me imagine the amenities and facilities inside, which I will never know if I will have chance to see it.
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(Mariner is just so huge from any angle)
I noticed the clouds and thought it was going to rain. The wind felt wet and it was windier than when we first arrived. Although, my brother said that it won’t rain. The lighting wasn’t so bad during the time, except the cloudy side. I took some more pictures of Mariner along with Libra, and then happened to see something nice up in the sky and snap a photo of it.
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(It’s like a clash of darkness and light. My most favorite daytime picture so far)
After getting back to our rooms, we spent some time resting and playing games. During that, I also looked up information of both Superstar Libra and Mariner of the Seas to compare. Libra is 211 meters long while Mariner is 311. The height and gross tonnage are also different so it was clear why Libra looked so small. The level of luxury were also different. Libra was rather basic for a cruise ship, but was good enough for local and short runs. Mariner was totally on another level.
During sunset, Libra left Penang port and we get a clear side view of Mariner. Passengers on Mariner appeared to be watching Libra leave. Meanwhile on Libra, a lot of people came to sun deck to take a look and photos of Mariner. As tugboat dragged Libra out of the port… Mariner looked more distant and smaller each minute. Libra faced her port side to Penang island, which is coincidentally west. The sun was just above the island and gave a pretty backlight image. I took that chance and kept a photo of Penang Island and Mariner of the Seas in backlight before Libra fully left the island and sail the empty seas once more.
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(It’s one of the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen)
Night Food & Drinks
We didn’t do much that evening after Libra left the port. Since we ate lunch late, we also ate dinner late. It was almost restaurant close time, but we were lucky to enter before they closed it. We tried Four Seasons and Mariner’s Buffet previously, so this time we’re trying another one that was in the “cost included” list. The final one in the list is named Ocean Palace. We used access card to get in and sit. Unlike the other two, we didn’t get to choose food this time. They serve all food listed in the menu, and most of them were Chinese style food. It wasn’t very satisfying, nevertheless, they taste good.
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(I don’t really like the food, but the interior is pretty!)
After we finished eating, went to pool deck. We walked around the sun deck and occasionally stopped to catch wind. At one point, we were asked by another passenger to help take pictures for them. Initially we were facing the sea and the passenger asked us with “excuse me…”. Without hesitation, we turned towards her. Her response was very surprising. She suddenly let out a barrage of Chinese as she saw our faces. We’re not Chinese!! D:<. We politely told her to tell her request in English, and she did so. We happily helped her out, and then faced the sea again. My brother facepalmed and said he wanted to jump the ship. Then we did some more jokes. Still, I don’t think I look very Chinese.. But well, my brother might. He looks a lot like one, in my opinion.
On unrelated topic, I really like the lights on the ship. At some angle of sun deck, the pool deck looked like a little heaven in middle of sea of darkness. The pool deck is brighter than sun deck, probably because aside from railing, sunbath chairs, and some entrance to the ship, there’s nothing there. Pool deck on the other hand, was full of tables and the pools.
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(My brother commented that this photo looks like J. J. Abrams movie)
We were rather thirsty, so we went down to pool deck and sat at Captain’s Order bar. They serve mainly alcoholic drink, but I’m legal now so I don’t think it’s a problem. Also, my brother was with me so I don’t really fear much. My brother ordered me a “Cowboy Coolers”, which is a drink consisting mainly of orange juice and syrup. It didn’t even taste like it has alcoholic mix, but I think it probably has. Last time I tried weak alcoholic drink it wasn’t so good like this. My brother himself ordered “Wild Wild West”, a lemonade + vodka drink.
We sat and enjoyed our drinks for a while. It was calm and cool. The wind blew across the ship but not too strong where the bar is. The atmosphere soothe my body and soul. Me and my brother then spent the rest of the time chatting and joking about things until we thought we should return to the room.
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(Left : Cowboy Coolers, Right : Wild Wild West)
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(Pool deck is probably loveliest deck on Superstar Libra! You’ve got food, drinks, and pool!)
And so… second day spent. It was very fun to be on this ship and I even get to go down and explore Penang. Even though it was just small part of the city, it was a great experience. I get to see new things and try new things. It was also relaxing and full of surprises in the same day. I’m sure there will be more surprises and things to see on the next day!
Anyways I’m sorry that this entry is delayed. I encountered some real life problems and other issues, like temporary writer’s block. I can’t write anything out from my mind, even though my memory of the place was still clear. Anyways thank you for reading! Stay tuned for the next episode!
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