#mostly at myself because i was distracted and didnt retort or tell them to fuck off or anything
lovelylovelyartist · 1 year
Hey thanks str8 men for reminding me why I don't like to present fem in public anymore
Decided, hey I feel fem today, I'll wear a low cut shirt and my Holy Cleavage Batman bra out to go to dinner with husby. Walk down street, get what I now realize was a catcall but thought was stupid college boys making dumb college boy noises. Go to cross the street, I'm focused on looking for hubby, he's diagonal to me. After a minute or so waiting for the light to change, he calls out in my direction "I'd keep walking if I was you"
I'm confused, I think he's talking to me, I kinda gesture towards the light, then I go to cross the street, he yells it again and looks pissed, realize the guys were behind me. Luckily hubby is a big scary mf-er, so they kept walking. But like come on man I dress with tits for once and get this? Fucks sakes dude
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