#mostly aquatic art
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mostly-aquatic-velvet · 4 months ago
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Slightly more late than usual but happy launchday to the one and only Nine!! I'm going to pretend like I totally didn't forget so here's a late-night doodle
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possumnest · 1 month ago
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angular roughshark
a strange small shark with a pig-like nose, native to the eastern atlantic ocean & the mediterranean sea. i've attached pictures below - i think they're cute :]
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therummonster · 1 year ago
Sherman: i can't believe you dragged me into this.
Doctor: ...
Sherman: you dragged me into a submarine, after infecting yourself with 1128.
Doctor: sherman.
Sherman: not to mention i have a very good idea on why you wanted me to bring these stupid frickin glasses.
Doctor: Sherman.
Sherman: y'know, at least bright won't-
Doctor: Sherman!
Sherman: right right, here.
Sherman: ... you're staring into the dark? you're sure you don't want me to turn on the lights?
Doctor: ... holy fuck.
Sherman: wha...?
Doctor: OH 343. IT'S HUMONGOUS.
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1128: i never thought i'd see such fun prey..
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
Ello \(⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠)\ 💙
[uhh idk if i'm using tumblr correctly-]
I wanted to ask,
If Desmond and his main ancestors or generally any Assassin's creed character [+anyone you want to add], were part marine creatures , what would it be?
[Since i am not tht creative and not really an expert and deeply hands on in Assassin's creed franchise]
I'm just interested in your and anyone's opinions really-
Plus since it's May and I just found out about the mermay challenge aaand I am currently havin the biggest art block ever [help me], maybe I could take somethin out of this idea and draw it :D
[cuz I could feel myself slowly becomin restless- srsly help me--]
[and i don't even know if you had answered this qns before. [sht, srry if you did alr]]
I haven’t exactly been asked about what marine creature would Desmond and the others would partly be before but I had been asked about a merman!Desmond before and my mind got away with me in this one
From there, there’s the selkie AU from @twitcherpated that brought to life this little Ibn-La'Ahad Selkie AU
Now, as for my thoughts on which marine creature they could partly be:
A part of me wants to say angel fish because he’s our angel (awwww) and also because angel fishes have bright colors. But, I know this might be a bit ‘wtf?’ but, how about an anglerfish? (and no, this is not an "I can be your angle..." joke) I know they have a bad rap for being, well, not really pretty, but if it’s a human top-fishy bottom deal, look at this photo of an angler fish and focus on the bottom half.
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It’s a distinct look, for sure, which worked well with how ‘special’ Desmond is to the eyes of the Isus and the way its fin glows is a nice-ish callback to how the Reader glows in AC Valhalla. You can even make the latern-like antenna be part of his bottom part as some kind of tail.
If the angler fish is not to your liking, how about the Mariana Hadal Snailfish? They’re known to be strong enough to withstand lots of ‘abuse’ and they have wing-like fins as well (they don’t glide/fly though as they’re in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench).
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Honestly, for me, marine animals that glow are a good match for Desmond. (Glowing marine animals in the deeper parts would also work well for the Isus and making Desmond be one of them would show his ‘deep’ connection with them)
Altaïr’s probably the easiest to think about for me. Since his name doesn’t just mean eagle but ‘soaring/flying eagle’, it’s gotta be the flying fish (even if they just glide).
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If you want him to have fuller wings though and don’t mind basing it on extinct animals, the Thoracopteridae is usually described like this.
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Okay, let’s get this out of the way. Ezio would be one of the prettiest ones out there, like a beautifully patterned goby or, if you really want to make him fabulous, a betta fish and, honestly, any of those fishes would work. I am a sucker for koi though, especially a white and red patterned koi that would remind us of his mentor robes in Brotherhood.
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Alternate suggestion would be a Leafy Seadragon because, goddamn, just imagine Ezio swimming like he’s sashaying with that kind of bottom. It’s definitely eyecatching.
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Ratonhnhaké:ton would make an awesome orca. It’s one of the best predators in the ocean and their closeness with their fellow orcas will be a good show of how much Ratonhnhaké:ton treasure his people. An apex predator that deserves respect is definitely a good combination to a part-marine Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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My alternate suggestion would be a Lionfish though. Mainly because it’s beautiful and metal af. They move with grace but a certain deadliness to them that reminds me of Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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januarycitrus · 1 year ago
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iguanodont · 1 year ago
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Emerges from my cave to announce I have created a new sophont
Tentatively calling swimslugs for now, as their designs mostly draw from mollusc anatomy. These small, colorful creatures dwell on a high gravity world dominated by shallow golden seas. Electrical engineering came early in their history, inspired by the ability of some of their native animals to generate electrical currents… and their own natural electroreception. The last few centuries have been peaceful and prosperous; their myriad cultures emphasize an exchange of art, culture, and friendly competition to sport the tackiest color schemes imaginable. Due to the high gravity of their world and their own physical limitations as aquatic creatures, swimslugs have a very limited history of aviation and have been generally uninterested in space travel, despite having been digital penpals with another group of sophonts for generations now…
On their biology:
Swimslug life relies on symbioses with two different organisms: a worm and a sessile “tunicate”. The worm (also simply referred to as an ‘arm’) is functionally a parasite; biting into the flank under the gills of its host early in life and fusing with its nervous and circulatory systems. This union allows the swimslug to develop fine motor control over the untethered end of the worm by adolescence. Most swimslugs only host a single arm; two or more become difficult for most individuals to acclimate to and can lead to health issues. Many genetic and cybernetic variations of the arm are available in the current era. The ‘tunicate’ (I will refer to as the Vase) is essential to swimslug reproduction; all parents spawn into the Vase to ensure a safe shelter and a steady current of oxygenated water for the developing offspring. The average swimslug has at least two fathers; the hybridization of multiple sets of gametes is essential to the proper development of their species. Family groups often consist of the egg layer, her family Vase (these can last for generations), and a 3 or 4 mates, though the particulars vary enormously by culture. Their eggs have a relatively low hatch rate; unviable eggs are consumed by surviving larvae shortly after hatching. The Vases themselves periodically produce free swimming larvae that are affectionately kept around dwellings as pets.
Swimslugs communicate by grinding and clacking modified stomach-teeth, as well as percussing on the adjacent ‘oil-sac’ organ that also serves to regulate buoyancy and store energy. They come in a dazzling variety of colors owing to both their complex hybridizations and genetic engineering. Cosmetic nanobots applied to their slime coats enhance their appearance by functioning as artificial chromatophores.
And that’s the gist of em! Many thanks to @nknatteringly for all the idea pitching and bouncing in their early development, wouldn’t have felt half as inspired without ya. Not sure how much further I’ll develop these guys, they exist mostly as a fun diversion to contrast the gritty, low-tech world of the birgs and a love letter to all the sparkly stuff I liked as a kid.
If you’d like to support my art, you check out these links here
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passionpeachy · 7 months ago
There are actually a few species of snail and slug whose eyes are on their head instead of their tentacles, including these guys:
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^ Leptopoma perlucidum!
Others with this feature are mostly aquatic. Environmental moisture seems to be a factor in this eye configuration.
I would've mentioned since my sona is LITERALLY based on this snail, but I didn't need much justification for my snail art stylization either way imo
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 3 months ago
I want mama leech to beat up mama roseheart
But in all seriousness, I want mama Ashengrotto and mama Spade to talk about how much they love their boys and how proud they are of them (bonus points if you have the boys being bashful/embarrassed)
I remember seeing a fan art where Mrs. Rosehearts nags Mrs. Leech about her "indecent" outfit (because she's a mermaid; she's not used to concealing and constrictive clothes)... and then Mrs. Leech calls Riddle's mom an "old bitch" or something 😭Mr. Leech has to step in before the two throw down.
Decided to go with the second prompt because I'd like to avoid (physical) fights on NRC Family Day if possible! ^^
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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"There's this really cool on-campus cafe, mom. Here, I'll take you there for dinner--my treat!"
Well, he had stayed true to his word. His butt was planted in a cushy, plum- colored booth, Dylla seated across from him. She swiveled her head around every few seconds, her glossy mouth agape as she took in her new aquatic surroundings. The jellyfish fixtures overhead, the glass partition separating salt water and seaweed from the eatery, the bar with its shelves of rare tea along one wall.
And their waiter?
"A-Ashengrotto-senpai," Deuce greeted him nervously, "you're working the floor today?"
The merman had shockingly dressed down, casting off his hat, scarf, and the dorm leader's jacket he draped over his shoulders. He was in a violet bowtie and simple white button-down shirt, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows, suspenders and a cummerbund accentuating his slight waist. A lightweight, flexible look for squeezing through tight spaces and sliding dishes onto tables before darting away to the next task.
"Yes." His clear blue eyes flicked up from his notepad. With a bare hand, Azul indicated the crowded restaurant. "As you can see, the Mostro Lounge is quite busy today. Normally I work in the back and oversee the establishment--but on days like this, a manager must be willing to roll up his sleeves and walk the talk."
"Oh, it's nice of you to step up like that!" Deuce perked up. "Your parents don't mind you being busy...?"
"Let us say it is a family affair." Azul removed the pencil from behind his ear and tapped it on his note pad. "Now then, do you and your sister need more time to decide what to order?"
"Sister!!" Dylla gasped. "Ahahahah, you didn't tell me your classmates were so funny, Deuce!"
"Oya, have I made a mistake?" Azul's lips pulled back into a smirk. His words were slick and sweet--perhaps overly so. "I could have sworn that this beautiful, vibrant young lady was your sister. Your age doesn't show one bit, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you. Deuce-san and I go way back."
"Really?! He didn't really mention you in his calls back home. It was mostly about Ace-kun, Yuu-kun, and Grim-kun... Was I missing something?" Dylla asked, shooting her son a questioning look.
He gulped. Sweat started to bead on his forehead. "E-Er... Ashengrotto-senpai helped me study for the fall finals," Deuce said vaguely. No deals, no anemones, no indentured servitude mentioned.
"Did he? What a helpful senpai!! It sounds like you're keeping real busy between the tutoring and the part-time job."
"You humble me, Mrs. Spade! I wouldn't be able to run as successful of an operation as I do without the support of the rest of my team." Azul's grin grew. "And, of course, without Deuce-san's own efforts. I commend him for his commitment to the pursuit of academics."
"I know, right?" Dylla belted out a laugh and smacked her son--hard--on the arm. "Deuce is the hardest working man I know!! He did so much to turn his life around since his middle school days, went completely clean. It brings a tear to this old lady's eyes."
Deuce was peony at this point, flushed with pride and embarrassment. “I-It wasn’t much,” he mumbled, bashfully scratching his chin.
"Oh, you don't say... I'm intrigued. I would love to hear more about these tumultuous middle school days," Azul purred, leaning forward--his pencil and notepad at the ready, "and how Deuce-san has changed since then."
Cheeks lit aflame and cherry red, Deuce piped up. "M-Mom, PLEASE!! W-We're here to eat. We can't keep holding up Ashengrotto-senpai when he's got so many tables to wait on."
"My bad, kiddo! Can you fault your mom for wanting to chitchat with your classmates?" Dylla chuckled, shuffling her menu. "... I'm just glad you have so many good friends and reliable upperclassmen looking after you at school."
"Reliable upperclassmen? That sounds like my Azul for you. He's always been one to lend a hand to a poor, unfortunate soul in need--takes after his grandmother in that respect."
The octopus merman stumbled, almost dropping his writing implement. A full-bodied woman in a sleek jet-black gown emerged from the sea of guests and wait staff. She ferried a wicker basket piled with warm bread rolls, which she laid out before the Spades with a smile.
"Fresh out of the oven," she chirped, "and complimentary for Family Day, so eat up!"
"M-Mother," Azul sputtered--and was it Deuce's imagination, or was his senior's calm slipping? "I thought we had agreed you would stay in the kitchen and allow me to handle the front."
"You hadn't come in for a while now to pick up the bread rolls for this table, so I thought to come out and deliver them myself. Can't keep the customers waiting, you know!" Mrs. Ashengrotto wagged a finger at him, as if telling off a misbehaving dog.
Deuce and Dylla took a deep whiff of the rolls. They smelled rich and hearty of wheat fields and butter on a warm summer's day. The steam from the basket rolled up, coloring their faces pink and causing them to salivate.
"You made these yourself? They smell so good!" Dylla clapped her hands in delight as she plucked up a roll. "I can only make basic egg dishes! Baking is a whole different set of skills."
"I dabble a bit here and there! Baking is primarily a human thing, dear--but when Azul came back from his land boot camp, babbling about all this 'baking' nonsense, I knew I had to try it with him."
Azul had frozen, his eyes wide with panic. "I think that's enough sharing, mother!"
"So Ashengrotto-senpai was a diligent worker back then too..." Deuce clenched a hand into a fist. "That's so impressive!"
"Isn't it? Azul absolutely loves to learn new things! Didn't have many friends in his youth, so he'd study the day away curled up in his little pot--"
"Aaaaaaah, MOTHER...!" Azul yanked away from her and, placing both hands on her shoulders, attempted to steer her away. "I think I heard a new order being called in! You should tend to that this instant!"
"Wait, I didn't get to finish hearing the story!!" Dylla protested. She had a mouthful of bread, so her pleading was somewhat garbled. "What was that about a pot?!"
“H-Hold on, mom…! Sit down and chew your food first, or you might choke!!”
Their shouts mingled with the noises of the lounge. People, both children and parents alike, sipping slow jazz and eating up the underwater atmosphere, the air spiked with salt. Somewhere along the way, their voices were lost, becoming one with the group—like the many waves of the ocean weaving together in a larger body.
Mothers and sons, the bonds tight as that of the moon and its serene sea.
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duckieduccss · 7 months ago
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Here’s some art i did of making my own version of titanousaurus. Mostly staying the same with some parts while also adding/changing a few stuff here n there. (It was a fun challenge). When first looking at the original design, the fins did admittedly remind me of more “aquatic” (tho i cant really recall if they themselves were related to any of that). But i thought that in my version, they could have possible ties to being related. Like being able to survive in both water & on land (a mix of both). They definitely like to show off their ability to attack from their sharper claws & instincts against other opponents/kaiju. On top of making sure they look their absolute best ^^
I also tried out something different in layout for my art (im still trying to see if i like it or not ^^::)
[Happy to have drawn him :) ]
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ahllohehn · 8 months ago
Gem's area ,or whatever the Oracle has, has two kinds of decorations cute cottagecore stuff, and spooky stuff like skulls and stuff
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An excerpt from the Camp Oracle's Journal:
"I put some fairy lights and curtains around the cave to make it seem homier. I also made a really wide tent filled with blankets and pillows to add up to the comfiness. After all, it was going to be my home for the next few weeks until I had to go back to school. Actually, it’s gonna be my home for the next summers to come!
There’s not much yet, but I hope to add more soon. Grian’s sister, Pearl, came to visit for a while to get a look at the new oracle (aka me). She was really nice! She helped me out on setting up the decorations around my cave and even gave me an old plushie of hers to add to my tent.
It was a well-loved wolf plushie, if the way the seams were already threatening to burst from just how much it’s been hugged, probably.
I didn’t want to take it at first because, you know, sentimental value! I couldn’t just take away her childhood plushie! But she was really adamant about giving it to me. She reasoned that Tilly (the name of the plushie, by the way) would be safer with me than it was with Grian.
Pearl couldn’t take the plushie with her because she’s always on the move with the goddess Artemis, Hunters of Artemis duties and all that. “It’d be a shame if it got lost mid-expedition,” she said.
And who was I to reject after that reason, you know? So now I have little Tilly living with little Gem in the super comfy and cool Oracle cave!"
Thank you for continuing to read! Have a tour of what's inside of Gem's cave:
Cat beanbags and plushies - The cat beanbag is customized to look like Jellie. It was mainly put there during times Scar comes by to hang out with her so he wouldn't have to stay for too long on his wheelchair while visiting.
Seawater rug - Personally sewed by Xisuma after hearing that Gem had interest in marine biology. He wanted her to feel happier when resting in her cave since the cave was too far from the shore and the sea.
Aquatic animal plushies - Impulse and Skizz excitedly came over to give her fish plushies as a welcome gift. The clownfish is named Skizzy. The shark is named Impy, named accordingly to who gave which.
Small foldable table - Gem doesn't fold it often as she keeps her art stuff on it. She draws and makes the pins here.
Skull-shaped fairy lights - Not always green in color, but she keeps it green to make everything feel creepy. She had normal fairy lights before this but Cleo jokingly replaced it with string lights she bought during Halloween. Gem liked it so she kept it.
Worn out sword / Worn out shield - Not hers to begin with. They're actually normal weapons Etho had forged as practice before. He gifts them to Gem everytime she wins a spar against him to act as 'spoils of war.'
Desk - There's chairs facing each other on each side of the table. This is where she mainly meets the campers for personal prophecies.
A line of potted plants along the wall - Bdubs offered to give her plants he thinks Gem would like to care for. There's mostly small sunflowers and succulents along the wall. One of the potted plants grew a particular one Gem never saw before. It was only when Pearl came over and questioned why she had a moonlace flower in her cave that she realized she was growing a magical plant. Bdubs never answered as to why he gave it to her.
Where Gem mainly sleeps. In here, you will never feel uncomfy as she's probably got 20 pillows and 5 blankets in there. Pearl's old plushie, Tilly, lives there with her. Grian asks to come in and cuddle with it when he has a particularly rough day.
about au au tag discord
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dragon625 · 2 months ago
I’ve been obsessed with @gtwscratch Project X au, so here’s the specific tests that i think the scientists would run on the subjects:
Grian: how long he can copy powers, any limitations he has, and how it effects the other subject
Scar: pretty much just how strong he is
Scott: the limitations on what he can turn into, and why he can’t do aquatic creatures
Cleo: how the dead people thing works and the effects on the zombies
Gem: they can’t really test how far she can go in astral form, but they probably read brain waves or whatever for science-y stuff
Tango: how speedy can the speedy boy go
Ren: why he’s started turning to martyn, and how long he can be a person
Joel: how jumpy can the jumpy boy go
Lizzie: the length of her blindness mostly. I have a headcanon that they actually used some of the other subjects to test this.
Jimmy: how long he can be invisible
BigB: how well he can control the creakings
Impulse: how far he can teleport
Martyn: how far he can hear
Pearl: I figure that the scientists mostly study anatomy and how similar her wings are to an actual moth’s, but occasionally she flies around in a small room.
I didn’t put etho or bdubs on here because I…didn’t feel like it.
These are just some headcanons, I might do art or a fic for this depending on if I have time.
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mostly-aquatic-velvet · 2 months ago
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didn't make anything for the holidays, so here's something for the new year!
best wishes to everybody and anybody this post crosses, i hope your 2025 will go calmly and very pleasantly :D
bonus alt/doodle ver under the cut just because
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my sillies
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zoomzooml · 4 months ago
Dragons:TNR Jörmungandr redesign (rework?) concept
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(Also I know that my design pushes beyond limits of TNR animation in more than one way but here I just had fun lol)
I feel like he is not intimidating enough in original. He is very small for an "Apex predator of all dragons" (and let's remember that TNR has Giants Realm so-). I expected him to slide way longer when he was escaping his prison. He also had a lot of troubles with catching dragons (it was honestly sad to watch) And yes, as far as I know snakes are expecionally challenging to rig and animate and TNR doesn't have movie-level budget, but c'mon. It's The Final Boss. (*I think that in concept art he actually is longer so perhaps they shortened him to make animation easier (and cheaper??) considering mad speed seasons were coming out)
Sidenote - that poor danger noodle had so little of any kind of build up. It's really sad. And the first time we see him live he: did shitty jumpscare (build up was actually decent imo, but sound effect and bad animation humbled it), had short, off-screen fight with Sky Torcher after which he didn't even kill him (though he did at least leave some nasty scars and broke Torchie's tooth), and then fucked away. For me it was very underhelming.
Low quality clip for those who didn't watch (I hope Tumblr won't take it down).
Coming back to the design. I really don't like his colors. He got wings but to compensate I decided that he's not a good flier. In my mind he is an ambush hunter. And I know that THE Jörmungandr, the spawn of Loki from the myths, did not have wings, and this is pretty consistent as far as I know, but it is not THE Jörmungandr, so yeah
He is in some way mix between King Cobra, Moray Eel and sea snakes (Yellow-Lipped Sea Krait mostly). I changed his hood to be more similar in construction to a king cobra. In short, it is a bit of loose skin and ribs with the ability to move. In my design, the tips of some of the ribs poke through the skin. Now I don't think TNR would be able to animate it (But i'm not very familiar with 3D animation, especially for shows) so in show he probably would just have hood always flared. His head and sail are inspired by mooray eel because they are dope and I love them. I feel that aspects of sea snakes have died in design - they have a paddle at the end of the tail, but this has already been included in the OG design, so I don't feel the need to talk about it. However, like Sea Krait, Jörmungandr is semi-aquatic. He is much slower on land than in the water, but the difference is not as great as with Sea Krait.
I increased his size - and if he wasn't inprisoned he probably would be about 15-25% longer by now. He's old enough to be a Titan Wing but he isn't normal size - he stopped growing a bit after outgrowing average dragon of his species (let's remember that Red Death is Titan Wing as well!).
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*Jörmungandr is longer but Red Death is more massive. Avarage serpents are slightly shorter than Red Death as well.
To be honest, I'm not sure if I didn't overkill it with his size. On the one hand he is large, on the other hand he is mostly long and not that massive. Idk
In addition to the scars, I think Jörmungandr would also be covered with small amounts of moss and other vegetation that started growing on him when he wasn't really active (his cave is very wet/moisty). To survive he spent almost his entire life in a state of brumation, being more active when he sensed meal approaching his reach.
Now, in my mind The Jörmungandr is the name of this particular dragon, not the whole species (Midgard Serpents? IDK), and at the same time he is not a "real" Jörmungandr from the myths. Because words cannot describe how I hate that plot.
I don't know how exactly he got his name but I think it was not because of how big he is, but because of his intelligence and mischievous soul. Again, idk.
Jörmungandr is a tragic dragon. In my version he was not trapped by Hiccup (in my version Hiccup never come back to Hidden World, because c'mon. I don't really like THW but if TNR is continity to that franchise they should follow established canon and not wreck last movie and make it completely insignificant. It loses all it's value if Hiccup, his family and perhaps other vikings, just come back and maybe even lived in the Hidden World anyway! If we have to have human marks and structures, etc. in the Hidden World, I would do it more in the style of “Haddock's Cycle” than “Hiccup and Tom.” Essentially, the creator of these changes is perhaps one of Hiccup's descendants, Tom's ancestors - the "soul of the dragon" that Hiccup and before him his mother had, summoning them to the world of dragons to see "Is it finally time? ”, but it never is, not yet anyway. Idk, I'm trying lol)
I have two concepts: There was once a main entrance to his part of the Dark Realm accompanianed by the waterfalls of magma, but now there's only basalt wall. This would make the closure possible for natural reasons and give Tom an opportunity to show off his geoligical knowledge some more.
Or he was caged in human-build prison, but not by Hiccup. I did that little sketch of how his page in Dragon Book could look in this scenario. Clearly different artstyle than Hiccup's to show that he was not the one to write about this individual (tho in show there's already different styles so--) But at the second thought it can be just illustration for species as whole, so anyway
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In both cases, there are ways to enter his personal prison but he is too large to use them. They are still usefull as this is the only way prey will come to his reach. Not many dragons can escape his jaws.
He has spent most of his life in a rather hostile environment to which he was not adapted, which has left scars on his body and psyche. When he's not hunting, he sleeps. Hunger has halted his growth.
Jörmungandr is a damaged, dangerous dragon, the victim of fate and unknown past.
The psychological damage has made him hyper-aggressive, even by the standards of an already aggressive species. I don't think he could ever satiate his hunger either - if he could he would hunt and eat until he consumed everything in range or died of overeating.
For this dragon, it seems too late for a happy ending, unfortunately.
Now about the Midgard Serpents (placeholdern name, I have no idea how to name them) as a whole. Apex Predator may be a bit much, given the existence of dragons like Red Death, Purple Death or Bewilderbeast. However, Midgard Serpents remain one of the dragons that feed almost exclusively on other dragons (and sometimes even other members of their own species - they're cannibalistic), and they're damn good at it. When they feel best in the water, they can follow their prey in the sky or on land. They grow quite large and still are able to take down prey more massive than themselves (mostly thanks to venom and poisonous gas).
I think they are the main predators of 'Deaths and Bewilderbeasts (and other equally large dragons) in the earlier stages of life.
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shifting-storm-au · 5 months ago
The vanilla slugs
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Monk who just recently became of age to go on scouts earn his name for showing his pacifist spirit and using his early knowledge of the karmic world to find his brother. Even though he has received his title he is weaker then others his age, he makes up for it by teachin pups the karma system and insuring that they learn before they learn how to fight.
Survivor has also just earned his name from surviving on his own without much help and even helped an other slugcat with their own mission. He was separated from the colony when him and his peers went farther than they would suppose to be and got caught in the rain. He was found by his brother and a slugcat from metropolis.
Hunter a slugcat from far away and started living in the colony as of recently is the representative of the god NO SIGNIFICANT HARASSMENT and was on track to save an other god when he his a road block and needed help. Survivor found him and took him to an other god and kept him from moving while they waited for help. He was able to help the god in need (with survivor taking him to her) and his mission was completed.
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Gourmand a friendly slug who earned his name in a funny way by escaping as a pup (with his littermate) to get popcorn plant. His round nature allowed him the be an excellent fighter in hand to hand combat though a confrontation with the traveler hunter caused gourmand some grave injuries. Even though hunter injured him gourmand allowed the orange one in giving him the name hunter. He is now the representative of Unparalleled innocence
Artificer is the citizen of five pebbles she has given herself her current name when she was exiled from the clan after no one believed the young mother about scavengers killing her pups. Originaly she wanted to try and fix her relationship with her littermate and the scavengers but after realizing that even he didn’t fully believe her she snapped and started a genocide against all living thing mostly towards the kind that made her lose everything. She still hates anything and anyone who she has met with.
Ruffles and Spearmaster
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Ruffles s the slight representative of LOOKS TO THE MOON he lives on her can (causing him to grow some fur) he’s mostly aquatic and despite his lone nature he has been known to be very sociable and is even friendly with the citizen of five pebbles. And has even found blueprints of most iterator puppets developing the tanks for the puppets
Spearmaster is a lone creature representing SEVEN RED SUNS. He is a slugcat to a degree though not all the slug cats are sure about it. Ruffles is the only one who thinks he’s fully slugcat and cause of ruffles not treating him to differently they have become very close to the point some think they are mates (ruffles acts like they are) Spearmaster is very skilled of somethings that ancients are good at (art and music)
Saint and ???
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Saint is a lime slugcat who is at the edge of violence. He is ready to kill everything but for now no violence shall happen
??? Is a clown
The Saint and ??? story’s will be developed later
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dailycharacteroption · 8 days ago
Class Feature Friday: Wave Order (Pathfinder Second Edition Druid Order)
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(art by Brett-Neufeld on DeviantArt)
The last of the currently-available elemental druidic orders, the order of the waves is naturally the order of the oceans themselves, and the element of water.
Life as we know it could not exist without water. After all, the oceans are the birthplace of the first life on earth, and water is such an important part of biological processes that it’s no surprise that the water element is associated with healing and cleansing.
However, like all elements, water has it’s violent and destructive aspects as well. Crushing waves, violent storms, mysterious depths hiding unknown dangers, or even the simple danger of drowning are all in the playbook of water as an element. Add in it’s somewhat downplayed association with the cold as well, and you can add in freezing and hypothermia as well.
Indeed, much like every element, water is capable of destruction and constructive aspects, and must be respected even as it is venerated.
Such druids of the waves might belong to ancestries able to swim and/or breathe underwater with ease, or they might be members of species that have a history as mariners, living by the sea and coming to understand it as aquatic peoples do.
Either way, they are likely to act as protectors of the ecology of the oceans, as well as potentially hiring themselves out as navigators and magical problem-solvers on vessels, guiding the winds and dealing with the hazards and creatures of the water as needed.
So with all that in mind, let’s see what they offer to players!
Due to the association between water and healing, these druids gain an affinity for treating wounds.
Futhermore, they find that shallow water does not impede them, giving them an advantage in such environments.
These druids also gain a spell to conjure a wave to ride on, allowing them to travel over rough terrain and lift themselves up at high speed.
Of course, there are also feats associated with the order, including Natural Swimmer to enhance their mobility in water, Advanced Elemental Spell to hammer foes with a wave of water, and Purifying Spell to wash away corruption and disease.
Other feats they may find useful include Order Explorer, Elemental Summons, Current Spell, Misty Transformation, Steady Spellcasting, Heart of the Kaiju, and other feats that could give them mastery in the water and on land.
This order is a natural choice if your game takes place with a lot of sea travel or aquatic dungeons, or in highly waterlogged areas, granting enhanced mobility in such areas while giving them plenty of options for turning the environment against foes. They may focus on summoned aquatic beasts or aquatic battle forms of their own, or partner up with an aquatic animal companion, or simply make full use of the debuffing and controlling side of the primal spell list. All are good options. However, outside of such aquatic environments, it might be difficult to justify playing one, both mechanically an in-universe.
While the name suggests that these druids are all found by or in the ocean, remember that water’s reach is hardly contained to it’s largest bodies. Lakes, rivers, marshes, and the like are all places where water is just as important, and can be brought to bear, and each one has it’s own cultural associations for you to take inspiration from with your character.
Kashira’s Bluff is named for the strange, inhuman hermit that lives there. While he appears mostly human-like, he has persisted for hundreds of years, a fixture of the region almost like the cliff itself. Some suspect dark magic or strange secrets of immortality, but in truth, the old man is a yaksha who has guarded the region since his formation, boasting great primal druidic power over the sea below to calm them for friendly ships and bring terrible storms upon invading armadas in kind.
The Circle of the Wild Sea has long believed that the seas should not be controlled, and those that dare to sail them should do so fearfully, at it’s mercy. As such, they’ve long campaigned against other casters joining said vessels to lend their magical aid, but recently their newest advisor, an imentesh protean, has been urging more drastic measures, ostensibly to make their chaotic vision of the sea com true, but mostly to cause as much conflict as possible.
The Black Thorn is a horrible spire of corruption, the fragment of an elder god turned dungeon that churns out horrible monsters. Making headway is hard enough, but there may be a secret way in, less guarded, in the seaside cliffs, but navigating the choppy waters will require someone who understands the waves like no other.
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translunaryanimus · 10 days ago
Massive Sacred Estuaries Sketch Dump
I'm gonna try in vain to organize these but this is what i've been doodling behind the scenes whilst at college. Art be upon ye. Chenest Planet (Wildlife + Clothes)
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I wanted to do some more development of the flying wildlife on the Chenesht homeplanet + got around to drawing some more traditional clothes for other cultures. There is one (1) wing-walker because I couldn't help myself. The Crew
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Now including Reeva (character from a Very On Hiatus Short comic I had an idea for) and Alex (Childhood bestie of Temiraan). Reeva's an aquatic GMH from the 3 clades made to work up on Atlantis. Alex is an unmodified human who moved with her dad from the Philippines up to a space colony (i'm still plotting out where these are) when she was pretty young and is, by proxy, calmer than most earth humans with the other sophonts. [Mostly] Just Reeva
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Assorted sketches of my favourite nervous pinniped-esque guy. Bottom 2 pages are their initial design (mostly unchanged) + some ideas for atlantis and a vauge plot for the aforementioned short comic that I have like 15 pages plotted out for. Bonus Whechâp moment. Also the first instance of me moving the wrist joints of the Chenesht up a little.
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Very unserious image that I thought deserved its own place. Enjoy. Eat well. I'm gonna nap.
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