#mostly a joke I listen to random youtube playlists
simplyghosting · 2 years
Neighbor: So what music do you listen to?
Me, internally, desperately trying to act normal: *dontsay naruto openings don’t say naruto openings don’t say naruto openifs*
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Hiya :D! My name’s Sotheby! I wanna request a matchup if you have time! Uhm, I’m a female, age 19, and i’m 5’2 in height. I have long black hair that I usually put into two pigtails! Uhh, my MBTI type is INTP-T and my enneagram is 4w5
When it comes to interests, I’m into a bunch of games and tv shows, but I also draw a lot! Sometimes I do digital art, but I can’t draw on paper for shit :(. I like taking occasional walks on random days, just to be able to get out of the house and do something. One of those “something”’s being socializing! I’m an ambivert, so to me, socialization is a bit of an off/on thing. But on the days I feel like talking to people, I love meeting new people! Preferably someone with a lot of the same interests as me! The one thing I love the most though, is music! I like listening to Lumi Athena, Cade Clair, Luci4, D3r, and surprisingly, Doja Cat. Hyperpop, pop, and breakcore music are my favs(i.e. Various Types of Ads, Smoke it off, On the floor). I also really like physical touch, though! Which is actually my love language; physical touch.
Extra that I forgot to include: I talk a lot, but I’ll definitely be quiet if asked! Sometimes i’ll just ramble on about whatever I’m talking about nonstop, but once it gets to be to much for someone, i’m fine with sitting in silence!
Thanks a bunch :D
your matchup is... nina the killer!
i think nina would be able to match your energy really well! she's definitely a bit more on the extroverted end of things, but she does have her days where she would rather have limited to no contact with people unless she's really comfortable with someone. that someone being you! she could never grow tired of your company. honestly, she's actually worried that you'll grow tired of her sooner or later.
and you two share similar interests!
she plays video games, typically games like mass effect and bg3. she likes getting attached to characters and really enjoys being able to romance her faves as well. honestly, you'll probably catch her at five in the morning bawling her eyes out after seeing garrus and shepard say their final goodbyes in me3.
she also draws too, and she's pretty damn good at it. she draws mostly on paper since that's what she's best at, but she's pretty decent with a tablet as well. you may even catch her drawing with her finger on her phone, because she's also good at that. she doesn't take drawing too seriously though, most of it consists of doodles and random things that come to mind. she just has so many abandoned wips.
as for music, you two are definitely similar in that aspect as well. nina adores hyperpop and breakcore. she also dabbles a bit in alt/indie and rock. she's a major fan of poppy! big fan of nightcore as well. nightcore songs are her jam and she has an entire playlist on youtube dedicated to all of her favorites. and she'll totally make you a playlist! two, actually. a sappy love playlist for expressing her feelings, and a playlist full of songs she thinks you would enjoy.
she can listen to you talk all day, no joke. she also has a habit of rambling, so you two could somehow hold a conversation with each other about two vastly different topics. there is rarely a time when she'll ask you to be quiet, though she does enjoy the quiet moments she spends with you as well.
will 100% ask to do your hair and makeup if you're comfortable with that type of stuff. might even take you out shopping for cute outfits as well if that's your jam. shopping is a fun pass time for her, and she'd love to include you in it.
and she'll always remind you that she cares about you, and she says the sweetest things to you because she finds that she can best express her feelings through her own words, and the words in songs.
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aritamargarita · 8 months
* From when I was 2, I was (and still am) an avid watcher of WWE. It was sort of a hobby of mine. You know damn well I didn't listen to the guy that said "don't try this at home" lol.
* When I was young the only guys I could name off by heart was John Cena, CM Punk and The Miz. The boys at school always had Merch and T-Shirts and had bullied for liking for whatever reason,(maybe because I’m a girl🤷🏾‍♀️) I was 5 at that point.
* So then I grew out of it and only watched whenever i was being babysat and only watched the women's matches (surprising to think these matches were considered "bathroom break" matches.
* Then in late 2017 I started watching consistently again after The Shield reunited and I was genuinely interested in the storyline.
* From then on, my entire youtube feed and gallery was filled with superstars. My spotify playlist was filled with theme songs. The main reason rock music is now apart of my music arsenal along with K-Pop and Video Game soundtracks.
* Then Raw 25 came around and the old clips of raw episodes unlocked distant memories from when I was young and I was in love again.
* | watched Raw and SmackDown religiously for the whole year of 2018 then fell off after Wrestlemania 35. During quarantine I got the network and started watching Ruthless
Aggression and Attitude Era. Fair to say that is one of my favourite eras, despite some of the jokes and insults being considered problematic and offensive and the treatment of the divas being such an ick.
*Getting into wrestling fics like yours made me an even bigger fan of these eras now and the reason why I now crushes on men old enough to be my dad (edge can respectfully get it)😭, so I thank you for that🙏🏾
hi anon, this was fun to read. i loved your story!!!! and i am happy you were able to use fics (even mine!!) as the means to get further into it. :)
I think I did the same as well, right before the pandemic i started really getting into wrestling again and read fics on here (all the blogs i read are mostly gone now…… s/o to theoldwweattitude you were my goat)💔💔
NOBODY LISTENED TO THAT GUY I FEAR. I still have war flashbacks to when my older cousins would use me as the test dummy for moves 😭
and i too was so invested in the divas matches honestly… it was so exciting to see, even when i went back to look at much older ones i was just LOCKED IN
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @kalu-luwa !!! I separated my post cause I can see this becoming very long TvT sorry if i shouldnt have!
Oc asks! : for Tuna!
😍 What's the most attractive personality trait a partner can have to them?
Being super playful or fun to be around! Basically a good sense of humor and always inviting you to do stuff! This can range from just playing video games together or watching youtube to actually going out to do stuff. Tuna just likes to be included and enjoys light-hearted joking!
🤣 What makes them crack up?
Potty humor, dad jokes, and cut-off jokes. They have old man humor. You show them a video with fart with reverb over someone tripping and they will very likely laugh. The man who got his free tacos only to drop them and video cuts off? HILARIOUS, COMEDY GOLD. Anything with a goofy sound replaced overtop the og noise? PURE GENIUS.
😡 What's one surefire way to make them angry?
Yell at them. Tell them their opinion is wrong, that they don't get a say in things, or they are absolutely gonna do something only because you know they will. This is 100% the most annoying thing for Tuna and they will just isolate/ stop talking to you LOL. If you push more they might snap at you with your most sensitive topics soooo watch your step.
😄 When are they at their happiest?
Listening to their fav music and playing around ^v^! Literally put on any song from their likes playlist while they want to play and they're on cloud 9. No thought only random flips and pacing to the song!
😭 What makes them sad?
Being the second choice/ left out completely- TvT The amount of times this has happened hurts, and usually Tuna finds out just on their own by chance. They'll pretend it doesn't change the friendship/ crush, but they usually just try to back off and not be clingy. This mostly applies when its one of their fav persons.
💋 What are kisses with them like?
Their kisses are either goofy and playful or quick and shy. Tuna loves to show affection, but never knows what's too much, so they play it safe bein a goof ball about it! But in some tender moments and after a lot of reassurance, Tuna will have the courage to give a sweet quick peck and then act like nothing happened behind a tomato red blush.
👻 What scares them?
Invasion of privacy and fear of depth (mostly at cliffs and deep ocean). Tuna can be paranoid on if they're being watched or if someone they don't trust/ know is too close. Cliffs are scary cause Tuna has a problem with depth perception. They still like hiking, but just nothing too steep. As for the ocean, they just really suck at swimming LOLOL. They never learned how to hold their breathe properly and are weak swimming. Also deep water is just really dark and has creatures yet to be discovered and as cool as that is it's also terrifying because Tuna is just a smol lil guy.
❤️‍🔥 What sets their heart aflame?
Include them in things and be physically affectionate. They're a hopeless romantic and will swoon at most acts of kindness. Head pats, back hugs, inviting them to hangout, Tuna is easy to please. Though surprisingly they don't fall often and even when they do you may never know.
🧠 What type of intelligence do they excell at? (Booksmarts, emotional intelligence, etc.)
They don't excel at anything LOL. If anything probably booksmarts? But it's more like jack of all trades, they just sorta logic their way through things and most times it works out for them. Just a lot of luck honestly.
🎂 How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
They get themselves a cake and their fav dinner! They don't really have a party or invite anyone since the incident (no one but their bestie came to their birthday despite inviting all their friends).
👗 What's their fashion sense?
They like comfy clothes! Tuna enjoys many styles and it really just depends if they feel in a certain mood! ^v^ But their most go to is big shorts and big shirt. Oversized clothes are great! Easy to move in and cozy.
❄️ How do they handle the cold?
They are a natural heater! Cold isn't too much a problem except for their piercings... Those metals get really cold so their ears tend to freeze the most! Otherwise Tuna just runs around a bit to warm up. Though they've never experienced weather below 4 Celsius.
and voila! the list is done LOLOL thank you again for the tag! Now no pressure tags! : @moomoomooing @oseathepebble @comingyourlugubriousness and anyone who wants to join in too! ^v^
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ellemany · 3 years
Thoughts and Headcanons about Valorant’s Agents Playlist
Font: Voices in my head
So, i ended my self challenge of listen every playlist of Valorant’s Agents. Very fun experience and i highly recommend if you wanna get out your music comfort zone.
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Yes, i listened everything on youtube cause i don’t have a spotify account ;-;
I already even listened some of them more than one time. Jett’s one is my favorite for training in the Range.
Sometimes it was a torture to listen everything (Love you Omen, but that was hard) However, there was positive surprises too. Sova’s russian rap are pretty cool. Don’t understand a word, but the feeling is good.
Just give a chance for they, okay? Killjoy’s playlist can be boring and interesting at the same time so just go for it!
It get me inspired to work on some headcanons, so let’s go!
Words: +1000 (Good luck)
Musical Headcanons
First of all, i had to say that Viper has my musical taste in my emo phase, when i was 13yrs, specifically. 
Knowing that, i am 90% sure that she listens to Green Day, Linkin Park and Evanescence too. I can see her chillin after missions listening to My Immortal.
Also, she and Breach are Pentakill fans. They enjoy the rock vibes. Don't tell Killjoy, but they shared messages while they was participating of the virtual show. And they was on Viego side, obviously. 
Since Viper is basically me, i can say that her guilty pleasure (beyond a certain game band) is Taylor Swift.
Yeah, our “villain” is soft at some point. Specially when is about “You Belong to Me”
And the Folklore album? Pure art! *Chef’s Kiss*
Viper really cares about her bad reputation (A reference? Maybe). She makes this clear in her dialogues with Cypher, Raze and Brimstone, for example. She hate the mere idea of anyone discovering these things about her without her consent. So, even with earphones, she doesn’t listen to TayTay in public. And never uses the random option.
She only listen in her bedroom or lab, at midnight, when she is sure that no one is around. Them, she even sings a little bit.
Viper singing is like  😍 😍 😍
Cypher, as the main font of gossips in the Protocol, discovery this precious information once. He could use this information for blackmailing Viper (he will use someday, probably). But, he thinks is too adorable and decided to help her to keep her secret without her acknowledgement. (”Hey guys! What are you doing here so late? Want to see a movie?” *moves everyone away from Viper’s lab where she is singing Shake it Off*)
Shit, so fanfic
Yet about Viper, the youngest agents once make a joke on her using Toxic from Britney Spears. Every time she was getting close, someone sings a verse of the song, without any context.
She soon realize what was going on (”These kids think they are smarter than me??”) and elaborate a little revenge. She thinks is predictable poison their food, so she makes something more... Creative. Then, she put a somniferous on the ventilation at night. She alone takes every agent that make the joke (mostly duelists) and locked they in the training room. Then, at 5AM, she puts Toxic to play at the maximum volume, starting the combat simulation in the hardest level. While that, she observes everything with her black coffee.
Since them, even the name of Britney Spears is banned between the agents.
Going to the rest of the team, Phoenix and Yoru don’t have any problem in sharing their earphones. They like to listen each other playlist after missions for chillin. Yoru usually critic Phoenix’s british rap and Phoenix says that some beats are boring but, after all, they like it. Sharing songs is one of they favorite things as a couple.
Since Golden Brown and Undo are in their playlists, nothing changes my mind that they like The Weekend, Chasing Atlantic and Rosenfeld.
I promise I’ll love you if you do it  so do it for me
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Btw, Reyna’s playlist is a sex playlist. No discussion.
“But, Sage, how did you learned Spanish so fast?” 
“...Practicing, i guess”
Sage’s playlist is a peculiar mix of my mom and my own musical tastes. One time is that calm R&B and then is a cheerful Pop, i love this. She probably like Kehlani and Norah Jones.
One of Sage’s favorites meditates method is to careful listen to music. She stays in a comfortable position and focus on feeling what the artist feels while interpretates the song. She can make this for a long time.
Jett knows a lot of K-pop choreographies. I just feel this when i listen to her playlist.
Oooooh the playlists remember Just Dance kkkkkkkkkkkk I’ll make another headcannon’s post about the agent’s dance abilities. (One of the Sage’s music is in Just Dance 2020 which i have. I’m proud of being really good in that dance :3 )
Phoenix was the type of person’s that used to hate Kpop. Then, he meets Jett in the Protocol. Now, he have tons of Krap on his playlist. Probably some of Suga. Jett think that it is funny and adorable when he tries to sing in Korean.
Yoru gets like 🙄 but he deal with this.
In the au where he dates Jett, he accept making TikTok dances with her favorite musics. Very cute :3
Shit, so fanfic²
Brim and Skye have a good musical taste. They probably like songs with poetry lyrics, so i think they both like Cat Stevens, Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan.
Despite her trying, Skye isn’t a good singer. But she sings with her heart. After all, the girl is trying, mates!
The agents care about Omen humanity. This includes his playlist that is... Ether? I don’t even know how to explain that. So, everybody shares earphones with Omen for seeing if he feels something close to his past life. They encourage Omen to dance too, even if his moves are unusual.
They don’t really know if Kay/O enjoy music but he seems to have a positive response for Mii Theme. (Riot, give us a Kay/O playlist, please)
Now, at last, my favorite headcanons are for Raze!
Raze have a huge Brazilian music acknowledgment and her official playlist just show a little bit of this. That playlist show her eletronic and rapper side, but she knows forró, axé, funk, samba, reggae, frevo, pagode, sertanejo, MPB, Bossa Nova, etc.
She careful listen to everybody’s playlist, understand they taste and recommend Brazilian songs that most match with them. Soon, everybody in the Protocol have unless one music in Portuguese in their playlist.
Cypher as a sambista is my new dream skin.
Even she doesn’t understand Sova’s DUTS DUTS DUTS, she get some TUTS TUTS TUTS in Brazilian for him.
She really can’t deal with Killjoy’s playlist. She loves her girlfriend but it is hard for her.
For other side, Raze’s constantly energic playlist is very stressful for Killjoy. They maneged to get along deciding that Raze will listen to her calmer songs around Killjoy and Killjoy will give a chance for Raze songs.
In my heart, their special song is “Não quero dinheiro” from Tim Maia. Raze played this song when she asked Killjoy for being her girlfriend.
Now, i don’t really know how the base where the Protocol is work, but, i think they have a cafeteria where Raze choose every day a new playlist for play, depending of the moods of the team. Somedays she lets another agent choose the day’s playlist. It’s pretty cool.
And... I think that’s all! Finally! I procrastinated too much for making this! (Chamber’s playlist was released, i ended listen to it and didn’t finish this post! That’s my level of lazy)
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Love ya all :3
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slyterin-hufflepuff & @punkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death/suicide, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 7:
Bar Playlist: Youtube, Spotify
Fishing In the Dark
“Okay Logan, we are going to be on Peanut together. Sound good?” Leo held a kiss dazed Logan’s face in his hands as they spent the last hour convincing Logan to go on the trail ride with them. Kissing him until he couldn’t focus on his fear was seeming to work the best. Finn got in on it too before he had gotten on his own horse, along with most of the team. Celeste and Dumo decided to stay behind and help Judy clean up.
Leading a still dazed Logan over to Peanut he helps him up, Leo following soon after. Hands under Logan's arms holding the reins. Lo was leaning back into Leo’s chest and only noticed they were on a living vehicle when said vehicle started moving to join the others.
Leo rubbed a soothing hand over his side to let him know he was okay. Finn and Clay trotted over to Leo and Logan with a smile on their faces. There was a brown Burmese cat that was lazily stretched across Leroy’s rear behind Clay.
“It’s about time! From what I’ve heard Logan is pretty good at riding, should transfer over to equine.” Clay winks and Logan smacks Leo’s arm as he tries to hide his laugh. “Just know that Leo tells me everything… even stuff I don’t want to know. But I do the same with him.” Clay shrugs and turns around going over to Thomas, Noelle and Reg, the cat just fully relaxed as Leroy bumped it around.
“How long have you had him?” Thomas vaguely gestures to Clay and his posse.
“About 4 years, found him in the woods eating a rabbit.” Clay smiles at him as they ride side by side down the trail Leo and Logan were leading. Jerry, a little song bird that loves to ride with Leo anytime he goes down the trail perching himself on the rim of Leo’s hat.
“Wha- I thought horses were herbivores!” Clay looks up at a confused Thomas and raises an eyebrow, then it clicks.
“Oooohhhh, you think Leroy is a HE! Nope, she’s a mare! Had her since I was 9 years old. Tina is a man though, fathers all the kitties around the farm.” Smiling his million dollar smile at him. “I also have a sand boa named William-”
“Snakespear?” Clay blinks a few times and laughs nodding.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Maybe to some of us who… maybe still browse Tumblr on occasion.” Thomas winks at him causing Clay's face to heat up, swallowing the happy feelings that he knows he can’t have. He smiles back and trots ahead to be next to Logan and Leo.
Logan was gripping Leo’s wrist the entire trail ride, Finn was so distracted at one point Kuny let go of a tree branch and it smacked him across the face because he didn’t listen when he was told to duck.
It was a nice relaxing ride through the countryside, nothing fancy, just an easy going adventure. Everyone made it back to the pasture in one piece, thank god, everyone was hopping off and unsaddling the horses.
Leo got off Peanut first just for a moment, in that moment he watched Logan completely freak out when Peanut took three steps to the left to graze. Hiding his smiling by sucking his lips in between his teeth, walking over to Lo he helped him off of the horse. Logan was clinging to Leo like a koala, and tight enough it was hard for Leo to breath.
“You okay?” Leo put a hand under Logan’s booty to support him and ran his other hand through his soft curls. Hoping he felt safe now.
“I am now.” Logan looks up at him and smiles before lightly nipping at his jaw. Leo laughs a little and nods a thank you to Reg who is un saddling Peanut. Leading everyone inside to relax until they go out later tonight. Walking into the entrance hall and kicking off his boots all while holding Logan still.
“I thought these were school pictures!” Jackson, or Nado as the team calls him, points to the bunches of framed photos of Leo. “Are these… mugshots!?” He laughs in disbelief. The rest of the team starts to examine the pictures more closely. Some pictures had Leo with bruises or blood, some had him smiling with a middle finger up or peace signs, others had him looking annoyed. His younger one from when he was like 12 -13 years old were of him looking scared or crying.
“Yeah, they are all my mugshots from when I was, I think, 12 to this year. The Sheriff doesn't like us at all, arrests Clay and I for random reasons and even if, like when we were younger we would call the cops because someone vandalized the gate to the ranch and tried to break in. I got arrested for a false call. I was 14 I think. The cops are definitely not afraid to use force with us either… I hope he fucking leaves us alone while y’all are down visiting.” Leo is looking at his first mugshot ever of him sobbing at 12 years old. The week of his birthday, someone threw a rock through a window at a shop and blamed him.
“Is this your sister?” Timmy points to a mugshot of Eloise from last year and Reg bursts out laughing, Clay snorts and Leo looks confused.
“That’s my mom…”
Hours later, the drunk trio had already left for the bar to get a table and to talk to some of their friends they haven’t seen since the beginning of summer. The team was in their little ranch hand house getting ready, the speakers in the house all blaring Fast! By Sueco the Child because they know… they know there will be nothing but yeehaw music to assault and molest their ears tonight.
Thomas was pulling his grey shirt over his head, smoothing the fabric down as Noelle chills in her sweatpants and his t-shirt. People who didn’t want to go out are going over to Clay’s house to learn a bunch of mixed drink recipes and to talk shit. It was mostly the girls who didn’t feel comfortable getting harassed by middle aged men with beer guts, Dumo and Celeste who have become close friends with Judy overnight, and people who didn’t like going out in general. Like Olli, Adam, Timmy, and Sergei.
“We should talk to him.” Thomas sits down next to her and wraps an arm around her shoulders, kissing her forehead. Looking at the ceiling all he can think about is how easy they got along with Clay. How his smile and Noelle together made his heart speed up. When they both turned to look at him earlier he thought he was going to have a heart attack.
“I think you need to talk to him first, this is something new for you. To like a man. I- I’m not going to lie the thought of Clay and you separately give me the same feelings, but you two together. It makes me feel the happiest I’ve ever felt. Do you maybe want to talk to Lo or Finn before we talk to Clay? To make sure this isn’t just us… I don’t know, using Clay in a way we don’t mean to?”
“Yeah, I think that's a good idea. But when can we get them away from Leo long enough to talk to them?” Looking at his watch and hearing all the thumping down the stairs he gives her one last kiss before standing up and stretching.
“You could try to corner one of them tonight?” She smiles at him and winks at him as he shakes his head. “Have a good time tonight, Babe.”
“You too.” He heads out the bedroom down and down the stairs. He was riding with James and Coops to the Bar but maybe he would try to switch and ride with Finn and Logan.
“Red-ay!” James slings his arm around his shoulders and ruffles his hair. He thinks for a moment, then sees Finn swinging the keys to his rental car on his finger as Logan is on the ground struggling to yank his boots on. He was wearing heavy combat boots to dance around at a ‘Honkey-Tonk’ as Leo calls it. Seems like a bad idea.
“Actually I think I’m gonna tag along with Finn and Logan.” He smiles at James who shrugs and slaps his back before running off. Walking over to Finn, he looks down at Logan and gives Finn an ‘is he serious?’ look.
“He doesn’t want to be called short by all the hot cowboys and these are the tallest shoes he owns.” Sighing he looks back at Logan who is laying flat on the ground out of breath from fighting with his shoes. Reaching out he helps him up. “What’s up?”
“I’m gonna ride with you if that's fine.”
“Sounds good, let's go.” Finn skips to the car while Thomas and Logan walk side by side. Getting in the car, Thomas was squished into the backseat. As soon as the doors close he is asking questions.
“How did you guys know?”
“Know what?” Logan looks back at him as Finn starts the car. Thomas looks out his window watching the other cars pull out and start driving towards the gate.
“Know that three was the perfect number for you…” He looks back at them and sees them share a look for a moment, having a silent conversation before Logan climbs into the back with Thomas.
“It took us a long time to figure out, but we knew that Leo was for us because we could barely function as a couple without him. Like we could do it but, it just wouldn’t be the same. There was always something missing after we both started getting feelings for him.” Logan sighs a little. “It's hard to explain but it was like there was always a perfect Leo sized gap wherever we went. Once we both realized we wanted him, and he wanted us… it was a no brainer to ask him to be with us.”
“It’s definitely a feeling of loss when they leave and it's just you two together. So maybe it will cement your feelings when you get away from that person for a while. If they are the main topic of conversation when it's just you and Noelle… maybe three is the perfect number for you as well.” Finn smiles at him as he drives past the gate and follows the google map to the bar.
“What if we have already had time without them and.. We- I don’t know, we want to talk to them but I’m scared because.” He gulps and wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans. “Because I’ve never felt this way towards a guy before.” Finn blinks a couple of times and Logan nods, making a noise of understanding.
“ It’s a scary feeling at first, I freaked out for a long time until I finally met Finn. Then I freaked out even more and actually tried to leave the Frat. Then I finally let myself fall and I fell fast and in the stupidest way.” He laughs a little remembering when he realized he was in love with Finn. “Basically Finn had this mini basketball hoop in our dorm room the first year we had to share a room. Second semester I finally gave in to my desire for him. We had sex, honestly it was terrible because neither of us had any fucking clue what we were doing. But after, this bitch!” He starts laughing as Finn starts getting red on the tips of his ears from embarrassment. “He got up after like two minutes of cuddling because he had so much energy and started playing basketball! I was curled up in my duvet watching him with a sore ass, and a stupid smile… That's when I knew he was for me.” Smiling at Finn, just absolutely in love he turns to look at Thomas who is still laughing a little.
“I think I realized I liked… This person after they sent me a video of them playing a harmonica really annoyingly and another person in the car threw it out the window and he pulled another one out of his pocket.” Snickering, he smiles at them. “Thanks for not freaking out on me, Noelle told me to talk to you guys because she also really really likes Clay.” He realizes he just said the name he was trying to avoid and looks at them a little worried.
“It was pretty obvious how she was flirting with him all afternoon, and you just kind of watched and looked like a little puppy following them around.” Logan moves out of the way as Thomas tries to smack his arm and puts his hands up in surrender. “Sorry! Sorry! I meant like the big strong manly man you are.” Laughing, Finn pulls into a parking spot in front of the bar and shuts the car off.
Walking into the bar the smell of sweat and beer washed over them, making them scowl for a moment. They spot Reg talking to a blonde girl with a red cowgirl hat on. Leo and Clay are already hustling a game of pool with some people who look about the same age as them. The team made their way to the tab Reg was at and got comfortable. Ordering drinks and listening to music. Leo and Clay stopped by after losing $100 on the pool game. Chatting for a few moments when suddenly a sound like bagpipes came over the speakers.
Thomas watched as Clay's face completely lit up, dragging Leo out onto the dance floor. Everyone got into orderly lines and started stepping and dancing to the song all the same. It was mesmerizing. Thomas would be lying if he said he didn’t watch Clay completely lose himself in the music and didn’t have to take a drink to cure his cottonmouth. Especially when those goldish lights would land on them.
Making them even brighter than before, the lights giving Clay’s skin a bronze glow. When Clay pulled his tank top out of the waistband of his jeans, he choked on his beer. Patting his back Finn was chuckling as he watched Leo dance.
He moved so easily, like it was second nature, the dance didn’t look hard but Finn was known to have two left feet off the ice. The lights were amazing, making Leo’s hair poking out from under his hat look like gold leaf.
He was beautiful.
It was obvious that Leo and Clay were platonic soulmates, they mirrored every move perfectly. They had fun and acted like they were the only ones on the floor and whipping their heads back and forth to the beat of the music made Clay kick Leo by accident and he would just laugh.
Once the song was over Logan, Leo, Sirius, Thomas and Clay all went to smoke outside. Sirius and Thomas were out there to get some fresh air while Logan and Leo traded a cig back and forth. Clay puffed on his own and closed his eyes looking up to the sky. Hearing Footloose come on over the speakers Logan and Leo rushed inside because that was one song Logan actually knew how to dance to.
Leo joined him on the floor and would laugh but catch him anytime he would stumble with his boots. He would end up spinning Logan back into place and singing off key from behind him.
Reg was watching his friends as he spoke with Kuny about the wildly different styles of boots and hats people were wearing when a panicked looking Clayton came up to him. Grabbing his arm and walking towards the one dark lit corner of the bar and kicking a couple who was making out, out of the corner. He turns to Reg. Watching someone behind Reg walk towards the door and leave.
“You alright?”
“Thomas just kissed me…” Looking at him with wide eyes looking so lost, Reg grabs his arm to make sure he doesn’t bolt. “He kissed me and he has a girlfriend Reg! I- I’m not a homewrecker I swear!”
“Whoa whoa, hey Clay. Look at me.” Clay makes eye contact with him and starts to relax. “Thomas isn’t the type of person to just kiss someone out of nowhere, and I bet he is going to tell Noelle right away. It’s okay.”
“But Reg, I really like them… like in the way Leo likes both Logan AND Finn. I don’t want to lose them. I just figured it out the other night. I was never going to act on it because, its pretty fucking rare, but now Thomas did and- and what do I do!”
“How about we go and sit down for a couple of songs? Maybe dancing might help you out because it always seems to relax you. Okay?” Clay nods and follows Reg back to the table, after a few fidgeting moments he goes to the bar and orders a couple of shots and takes them all in a matter of seconds. Taking a deep breath he starts to relax. He feels a familiar hand run from his shoulder to his hip.
“Long time no see, huh.” She smiles a sly smile at him and leans her back on the bar. She was wearing a low spaghetti strap tank top and painted on blue jeans with red boots that look like Clay’s. He swallows a little. She did look good, and he was getting to be just drunk enough to be horny.
“What do you want?” She catches him looking at her boobs and smirks; he flushes red and turns around to also lean his back on the bar, looking out to the dance floor where some of the team has joined Leo in dancing to Hillbilly Bone by Trace Adkins. He looked at the table and noticed Reg staring directly at him.
“I just wanted to say hi, looks like you’ve really been taking care of yourself.” She feels his arm that he unintentionally flexes and she squeezes his muscle. He looks at Reg one last time, making his decision, he looks back at her and nods towards the door.
He leaves with her.
“Are you fucking kidding me.” Reg watches him leave. Absolutely shocked. He gets up from the table and walks onto the floor, walking over to Leo he taps his shoulder. Leaning down so Reg can talk into his ear, Reg tells Leo exactly what happened.
Looking up and around the bar he can’t spot Clay anywhere, he excuses himself from the group and walks outside with Reg. Seeing Clay’s truck is still there they walk over to it and knock on the window before looking in. Empty. They left.
“Fuck. I’m texting Judy.” Leo does exactly that.
Leo, having taken a few drinks to calm down, lets himself relax. He was at a bar with his friends and boyfriends, he could have a little bit of fun. They all decided they were leaving in an hour anyway.
So when Fishing in the dark by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band starts he grabs Finn and pulls him close swaying to the beat of the music as he mumbles the words into his neck, still stressing about Clay leaving like that. Holding Finn as close to him as he could he let himself just forget about anything but the man in direct contact with his body.
Once the song had finished he stood there still holding Finn for an extra couple of moments, letting Finn kiss the top of his head, his hat being on Logan’s head who was sitting at the table because his feet hurt. They eventually pull apart and start back towards the table.
“Oh fucking Christ!” Leo sighs as he notices who has taken his chair at the table. Ashley’s brother and the Sheriff’s son. David. He walks over and stands next to the chair. “What the hell are you doing over here?”
“I’m socializing with some new people, you didn’t bring them. Why would they want anything to do with you?” He laughs and his lackeys on the other side of the chair also laugh and slap his shoulder.
“Actually they did come here with me.” He crosses his arms and the rest of the team is looking a little uncomfortable and confused. “So if you and your shithead friends would oh so kindly leave. I would appreciate it.” Narrowing his eyes David stands up in a way that is sizing Leo up. Leo raises an unimpressed brow because David is a good five inches shorter than him and a scrawny man.
“Do they know you’re a fucking faggot? That you’re a cockslut? A fairy?”
“Why do you think we are here?” James pipes up and the three idiots across the table look at him in shock.
“You’re a whore, I could never!” David looking back at Leo and jabbing a finger in his chest. Looking David up and down slowly with a cringed face he nods.
“Yeah, you couldn’t. Now, I believe I asked y'all to leave.” Leo points with his thumb behind him.
“You’re dad would be so proud.” Leo grabs him by the collar of his shirt and aggressively pulls him closer to him with a look of pure fury on his face.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“I said. you’re disgusting dad-” Leo is pulled away from David by Sirius.
“At least my dad wasn’t a murder!”
“AT LEAST MY DAD DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF!” Leo stops fighting against Sirius’ grip and calmly gets away from him, storming out the doors, kicking them open and walking towards his truck. Kicking rocks up and trying his best to hold himself together. Getting into his truck he slams the door and grips the steering wheel, pressing his forehead against the hot plastic and squeezing his eyes shut as tight as he can.
Minutes later Finn and Logan crawl into the truck in silence. Leo goes to apologize but they hush him and just give him understanding smiles and both of them cup one of his cheeks. He was so close to crying but he just couldn’t. Not in front of them, the people who are supposed to see him at his best.
Once they get home everyone goes to their rooms and Leo walks down behind the barn to the pond.
He spends the night by himself under his dad’s tree.
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patrick-hockstutter · 4 years
Modern!Bowers Gang:
Really into cinematography and photography of the unsettling
Never captions his Instagram posts
Goes live on Instagram a lot, even though people really wished he wouldn’t
Makes art out of dead animals or animal bones he finds
Think Banksy, but with roadkill
He’ll take some (somehow) tasteful photos of them, post them, then leave the scene there for some unexpecting bystander to find
Has a nosering (fight me)
Never uses incognito mode
If someone happens to stumble upon his search history, he’s not paying their therapy bill
He likes reading smut more than he likes watching porn
A ps4 guy
Loves spooky games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Until Dawn and Death Stranding
He’s not really into school, but he surprisingly reads a lot when he’s alone in his room
Only about things he likes though
Abnormal psych, criminal psych, and sometimes some zoology (u kno y)
Watches serial killer documentaries like he’s paid to
Listens to grunge, nu metal, and 80s alt
Won’t admit it, but sometimes listens to Joji
He’s not super into emo music, but he’s the only one who will listen to it with Victor (he fckn vibes to Brand New)
Ironically uses a Zune
Has an Android but lowkey wishes he had an iPhone
Doesn’t have a computer, just jailbreaks/hacks the school issued laptop
Has a black line tattooed around some of his fingers, one of his wrists, and the shell of his ear
Has a foot tattoo
Has a fucking Juul
Watches LeafyIsHere on YouTube (tell me I’m wrong)
Spends too much time on Reddit
Wears flannels, skinny jeans, and Vans (a beanie if he’s cold)
Mostly cycles through the same three or four outfits
Wears the same pair of Vans every single day
Big into aromatherapy
He uses lavender soaps and has an essential oil diffuser in his room
Uses incognito mode to watch Vampire Diaries
A Nintendo ass b i t c h
He has the gray Switch Lite
He brings his Switch with him everywhere (yes he’s that guy)
But what else are you gonna do when you wanna ignore Patrick?
Watches conspiracy theories about ghosts, cryptids, and aliens
Also big into podcasts (mostly true crime and conspiracy ones)
He listens to them on his headphones while he takes walks or draws
Posts his drawings on Tumblr
Does art streams on Twitch when he gets really bored
Has an eyebrow piercing (but it’s a small stud one, not a ring)
Has little tattoos on his hands
Wears bomber jackets, skinny jeans, joggers, army jackets, converse, and combat boots
The boy has style okay
Had an emo phase but still listens to the music (especially Tiny Moving Parts)
The emo phase was pretty short because Henry made fun of him so much
He just fucking liked MCR and Taking Back Sunday a lot, okay?
And Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens, but he doesn’t readily admit that
Now mostly listens to new wave, synth pop, and lofi hiphop
His favorite bands are Drab Majesty and Choir Boy (look up their new album btw)
Has a black iPhone and a space gray MacBook Pro
Uses Apple Music
Vapes, but only fruity flavors
Watches BoJack Horseman
Doesn’t really eat fast food but never passes up an M&M McFlurry
Paints his (and Patrick’s) nails black
One time Patrick caught him doing a facemask, so Patrick put one on and started chasing him around screaming as a joke
Cue: hmm… this feels kinda good tho
So now Victor and Patrick have secret mini spa days
Drives a Subaru
Makes Spotify playlists like he’s paid to
He’s just really good at putting songs together
He tried to get into music theory, but he wasn’t one for actually making his own songs
Really into metal (obvi) but also likes some classic rock and punk stuff
Has records hung up side by side all around his room where the wall meets the ceiling
Still buys CDs
His Instagram feed is full of vintage cars and custom import cars
Fast and Furious is his favorite movie series
His favorite shows are Sons of Anarchy and The Walking Dead
But he also loves early 2000s comedies
Has a mini projector to watch movies on his room wall
Wears band tees, flannels, jean jackets, Carhartt stuff, d a d  h a t s
Really wants a tattoo but always gets nervous
Uses incognito mode to watch porn and buy some of his band tees from Hot Topic
Only one in the gang that uses Facebook (Mama Huggins made him so he could keep in contact with family)
Follows a few meme pages but also some cooking ones so he can send his mom any cool recipes he finds
Victor lowkey makes fun of him for actually using the Facebook page
Invests money in really good headphones and car speakers
Has a black iPhone
It’s always at 20% battery cause it’s always connected to his headphones, Bluetooth speaker, or car stereo
Him and Victor FaceTime when they’re bored
Sometimes they won’t even say much, they just like the over the phone company
Doesn’t smoke, but sometimes hits Vic’s vape
A social vaper if you will
Watches Idubbbz and Filthy Frank on YouTube
His favorite fast food place is Wendy’s
Not really into video games but fucking slays at Guitar Hero
And when Rock Band came out nobody saw him for like two weeks
Has a black Hydroflask with band stickers on it
He plays a lot of Xbox
Mostly Halo, COD, Destiny, any first-person shooter really
Baits people on Xbox Live cause he thinks it’s hilarious
He’s also a fucking cyberbully but we all expected that
Has Victor’s old iPhone
Never fucking charges it
He’ll text you back in 3-5 business days (if at all)
And if you try to call him he’ll block your number
Plays iMessage games like cup pong and 8 ball with Belch
The only social media he uses is Snapchat and Tinder to look at girls
In one of his Tinder photos he’s holding a fish (srrynotsrry)
Doesn’t really listen to too much music
He doesn’t dislike music, just usually prefers to do things in silence
His mind is chaotic enough, he doesn’t need background noise
But he will listen to Cigarettes After Sex and TV Girl on a really low volume when he goes to sleep
Uses incognito mode to pick and choose random soft or angsty songs that he likes to put into a bedtime playlist
Otherwise just listens to whatever Belch listens to
Has a tattoo on his wrist
Takes a lot of drives into the countryside/national forests/mountains with Belch
Takes a lot of scenery photos, but never posts them anywhere or shows anyone except Victor
Still smokes cigarettes (he thinks vaping is douchey)
Watches South Park and American Dad
If he’s willing to spend money to go see a movie, he’s going to an IMAX theater
Sometimes he likes 3D, but most of the time it just hurts his eyes after a while
Longboards everywhere
Needs prescription glasses but refuses to wear them
They’re mostly for reading, which he doesn’t do anyway
But he does listen to audiobooks sometimes
Likes Frappuccinos but will kill you before you find out
He orders them through Uber Eats under a fake name so nobody will find out
BONUS: all four!
Victor still has his childhood GameCube that they play Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Melee on
Henry is banned from playing Mario Party after breaking a controller while beating Patrick with it
Patrick only ever picks Waluigi in Mario Kart and everyone is sick of it
When they play Rock Band Patrick is on bass, Henry plays guitar, Belch absolutely slays the drums, and Vicky boy sings his lil heart out
One night a week they order a shit ton of Dominos and make a drinking game out of watching Vine compilations
Victor does everyone’s birth charts
They collectively made a fake Tinder account on Patrick’s phone and catfish guys with it
They all try to one up each other doing vape tricks yikes
They buy bags of chips and candy from Costco and lounge around eating them on weekends
They’re banned from the city metro busses because Belch’s car was in the shop for a week and that week was hell for every bus driver in the city
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ramien · 3 years
Hi! This is just a funky ask blog for my character Damien for minecraft! He's more so a minesona at this point but I use him for smps I join! Feel free to ask questions :] basic info under the cut!
About the muse!:
Name: Damien Fallencrest
Age: N/A [in the range of 18-22]
Pronouns: He/Him [They/Them occasionally]
Sexual Orientation: Queer/No preference
Nicknames: Dames,Dame,Rami,Dami, Flower, anything you want to assign him.
Physical info:
Species: Hybrid-Ram specifically.
Height: 5'10
Build: Athletic, average,thick in the thighs.
Clothing: Ranges from a normal thick green tshirt paired with a white under shirt and checkered brown jeans. Fancy clothing consists of a sheer white pirate esque long sleeve(rolled up and pinned at the elbows with silver arm bands),a dark green vest with silver trimmings/accents,black slacks or a skirt that goes to above the knees with an outer sheer layer of black fabric that reaches mid calf.
Accesories: Piercings,Horn accessories,Pants chain,rings,painted nails[usually chipped,not well taken care of],bracelets.
Eyes: Gold, with a darker golden ring around the edges of his iris. Horizontally Slit like a goat/rams pupil
Hair: Brown,Wavy. Curls when short or wet. Ranges from 2C to 3A
Skin: Tanned and freckled. Several scars.
Sign: Aries
DoB: April 19th
Family: Orphaned with 1 sister.
Likes: Flowers(Favorite is Lily of the Valley,and blue orchids), Fishing, Gardening,Farming,Building,reading or atleast trying to. Studies botany
Dislikes: Fighting,Mining alone, loud noises,Pillagers,
Strengths: Axe wielding,Calming others, Listening to others, Versatile,Friendly,
Weaknesses: Too friendly, Gets overwhelmed quick, Pillagers, lost easily,can't withstand much heat, if overwhelmed,is very quick to anger. Has a lot of rage buried in him.
Random Fact: If Nervous,or empty headed,he will start just eating random things. Can just nibble thru books absentmindedly, can chew on his iron tools.
Favorite color: Green/Gold
Favorite food: really likes pumpkin pie
Occupation: mostly a pacifistic farmer,Damien mostly enjoys just kicking back and farming for others. Will help you with a build and gathering materials. Likes to sell flowers.
Playlist here ! [General]
Character Playlist made by a friend here [Pitchberg SMP]
Playlist about Damien and his sister here ! [Pitchberg SMP]
Playlist about Damien and his long time best friend here! [Pitchberg SMP]
About the Mun:
Name: Seraph/Damien (lol,I know right. Should've named Dames something else-)
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/They
Uhhh idk what to put here but ! I like to draw,I like legend of zelda and I'm just here to mess around and have fun.
My main blog is @sunflowerseraph ,my sideblogs are @linkhasadhd (gaming) and @oonessawness (Youtube/markiplier/Unus annus)
I'm open to asks and art requests ! Also rp if you're up for it! All I ask is that you're kind,and if you're a minor Please don't make nsfw jokes with me and such ! It's very uncomfortable lol. ! I have a discord,and my dms are open if you wanna talk!
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sunflowerhoney · 3 years
Can you answer all of the soft questions please darling? 🥰😘
Of course sweetheart! 🥰 Thank you so much for sending this! <3 (and sorry that it took me a bit to answer them all!!) 
1. your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else)
a very cute playlist that @strawbabie-honey made for me 😊
2. how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they?
In my room none because my one cat tries to eat everything 😅but I have two succulents in the one window in my apartment that he can’t reach 
3. your favourite “grounding” activity (anything that involves using the hands/doesn’t involve “spacing out” or escapism - something like gardening, knitting, dancing, cooking)
4. an account on social media whose posts make you smile
all of you guys on here!! Ily <3
5. 5 tv shows that cheer you up
Ratched (especially the Mildolyn scenes lol), The Office, That 70s Show, Adventure Time, Firefly
6. how you get relaxed when you’re struggling to sleep
Usually I either watch Tiktoks/scroll on my phone or I close my eyes and daydream until I fall asleep haha
7. your favourite board game
Ticket to Ride 
8. if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be?
Maybe something true crime related? I’ve spent a lot of time watching true crime shows lol
9. a quote that you would consider getting tattooed or putting in a frame
“Get out from your house, from your cave, from your car. Get out from the place you feel safe, from the place that you are. Get out and go running, go funning, go wild. Get out from your head, get growing, dear child.” 
If I was getting a tattoo I would probably only want the last line but I would frame the whole thing :o 
10. something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of (a playlist, a piece of art, some writing, a craft hobby, a social media account, etc)
Honestly this blog! I’ve really pushed myself to be more social on this blog than I have been on previous ones I’ve had and I’ve met a lot of amazing people because of it! 😊
11. a tip or hack you’ve learned that makes cleaning or tidying easier
Rolling shirts up when you put them in a drawer instead of folding them, it makes it easier to see them and stuff doesn’t get lost at the bottom of the pile :) 
12. if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick?
13. the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard
I’ve been trying to think about this one for a while but I’m honestly not sure :o
14. an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing
these days I look forward to anything with Sarah Paulson in it tbh 😅
15. the last tv episode that made you laugh out loud
I honestly haven’t watched much TV in a while (other than watching AHS on Netflix) 
16. how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch
I like to stretch my back, like side to side and crack my neck. When I’m tired I like to get up and walk around/listen to music
17. a bath, shower, beauty or toiletry product that makes you feel revived, or that you always re-order when it’s running out
I haven’t had it in a while but I used to have a face jelly thing from Lush that I loved :o ( and now I want it again lol), also even though I don’t take baths that often I love bath bombs 
18. a book series you can always escape in
Percy Jackson because nostalgia lol
19. the sport or exercise you enjoy the most, and what’s helped you get better at it
Softball! I played from like 3rd grade until almost the end of high school. What helped me get better was mostly just practicing and not giving up! :) 
20. a skill you’ve picked up in the past few years
Being able to get rid of things, I used to keep sooo much stuff when I was a kid (like every ticket, every pamphlet, every essay lol) and I’ve gotten better about knowing whats worth keeping/what I can let go of
21. a youtube video you find useful, entertaining or relaxing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs this video is entertaining and informational and I can’t even imagine how long it took the person who made it to put it all together!
22. if you were going to dye your hair any colour of the rainbow, what would you choose?
Pink! or dark purple! 
23. the book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!)
A Clash of Kings, it was really, really good but really, really long. I also made the mistake of watching Game of Thrones before reading the books and I feel like its kind of tainted them for me lol
24. describe the most wacky, weird and wonderful at-home outfit you’ve put together
When I was in high school my best friend and I used to dress up in random outfits from her closet, go to the lake near her house and have “photoshoots” lmao i remember wearing a sweater, shorts with black tights underneath and boots and thinking i was the coolest person in the world 😂
25. a game you’re playing that takes your mind off things
Animal Crossing, I restarted my island after ages of not playing recently
26. the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again
Blue Jay!
27. your favourite flavour and brand of tea
My favorite flavor is raspberry! but im not sure if I have a favorite brand :o
28. a good-will story you’ve heard on the news that’s made you feel hopeful
Any story about people helping animals makes me 🥺
29. a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make
Edible Cookie Dough :o its basically just mixing cookie dough ingredients minus the eggs but its so good! 
30. a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom
Electric Love!
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aerostatic · 4 years
i got tagged in a catch up meme by @expertmakodriver yaaay
heres some stuff im into rn:
ahhhh fuck. my go to answer is always shakarian but im also not a super shippy person... i more have particular characters i latch onto? theres definitely pairings i like but im having a complete mental blank abt them all now. i do like geralt and yennefer from the witcher.
the last song I listened to was the stop making sense version of crosseyed and painless by talking heads (ive listened to that album so so much this year) also lately ive been putting on the b-52s radio thingy on spotify bc it plays a lot of fun new wavey stuff and im really into that atm. and this random Dorohedoro themed playlist i stumbled across on spotify that i love??
Since we’ve both been home, ive been re-watching a lot of movies with my brother. We’re currently going through the Lord of the Rings trilogy and making a lot of dumb jokes about Epic Weed Gandalf. I’ve also been re-watching Samurai Jack for the first time since I was a kid and dead mall videos on youtube. i wanna get back into watching more tv shows so let me know if something is good
Mostly comics atm. I finally got volume 3 of Saga of the Swamp Thing after loving the first 2. idk why it took me so long? I just started reading Hellboy too. Im also reading Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs by Caitlin Doughty bc I have read both of her other books and can NEVER read enough about death and decay.
(i actually dont care if my cat eats me after i die. thats not my problem anymore and if theres noone around to feed him so be it. live another day my son.)
Aside from chicken related horrors, mostly pretty good. I passed all my classes this year (im studying textiles) and for next year im actually getting help with this disability accessibility study assistance thing. yay. turns out you actually have to ask for help if you want it and sometimes people are happy to give it to you!
i’m in the middle of a major room cleanout atm but as soon as i’m done with that i’m keen to get started on my sewing again, i’ve got a pile of fabrics ready to be used including this one with a dinosaur print (idk why i keep acquiring dinosaur themed things, but it keeps happening) and i really want to make a weird fuzzy handbag
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter one: just another la devotee
A/N: so... I’ve had this story in my head for a long time, and now I’m finally posting it! I have a bunch of chapters already written, but I’m gonna be posting the first two just so ppl can get a read for them and see if they like them. and if i get some good feedback, i’ll post weekly :)
here’s the description of the story
trigger warning: swearing
word count: 1766
DAY: 1/14
"Are you sure you have everything?" My mom asked, standing in between me and the front door. 
I rolled my eyes, "Yes mom. I literally went over this with you last night. I've been packed for, like, three days now."
She sighed, smiling. "I know, I just don't want you to leave yet. I can't believe I'm not gonna see you for two whole weeks. How will I survive?"
"You'll be fine, trust me. Besides, this is like a trial run to see what it will be like when I actually move out to LA." I stated, grabbing my bags and pulling them closer to me.
"That's not funny, Skylar." Her voice was deadpan. Oh no, not this again.
"I wasn't trying to be, Mother." I remarked, my voice the same as hers.
She exhaled, "Let's not argue before you leave. We'll talk about it when you get home though."
"That's fine with me." I smirked. Then, I heard my phone vibrate. I looked down at it, seeing I had a new message from Casey.
 Casey: ayeee bitch im here leTS GOOOOO
 I chuckled and then looked at my mom, nodding my head. I opened my arms to her, and she smiled sadly. We embraced, hugging as hard as we could. As much as I couldn't wait to leave, I'm still going to miss my mom.
"Text me when you land, okay? Make sure to call me every night, or as often as you want. Whatever hour, it doesn't matter." She whispered.
"I will, Mom," I said pulling away from her. "I love you."
"I love you too, Skye." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. I grabbed my bags and opened the door, seeing Casey in her red Jeep. She waved at my mom.
"Have fun! Don't do anything too crazy! Make sure to use protection!" My mom yelled.
I groaned. "Would you like to yell that to the whole neighborhood?"
"I meant sunblock, not condoms. But now that I'm saying it, maybe don't use too much protection. Ya looking a little pale, and I want grand kids anyway." She laughed.
I snorted, "Bye mom!"
"Bye honey!" She grinned, slowly closing the door.
I rolled my bags over to the car, opening the backseat's door. I threw my luggage in, closed the door, and then opened the passenger side. I huffed, winded from how heavy my bags were.
"Did you bring your whole closet?" Casey asked.
"Just about." I sighed, jumping into the car.
"By the way, I fucking love your mom." She giggled.
Starting up the car, the radio turned on. Panic! At The Disco's 'LA Devotee' started playing. It must have been from Casey's playlist, specifically made from our trip to LA.
After a moment of silence, I smiled. "Oh my God, we're actually going to LA. Like, this is happening."
We both looked at each other. Then we screamed excitedly.
"I have been waiting so fucking long for this to happen!" She yelled, turning up the music.
"You're telling me! The fact that we are actually leaving Philly and going all the way across the country to fucking Los Angeles... is fucking mind blowing. Like, I can't believe it. Why did it take us so long?" I sighed.
We both sighed and nodded our heads at each other, "School."
"If only we could have graduated sooner." I stated, shrugging my shoulders.
"If only we had met sooner." She smirked. I smiled back at her.
Casey and I hadn't been friends that long, only three years. We met because we both went to the same college. I was in the theater program working on my acting abilities, while she was taking dance. We ended up meeting because we both got into the same musical - 42nd Street. If you've never heard of that show, that's understandable. It's old as hell, but honestly still a good musical.
Casey is originally from Florida, while I've always lived in Pennsylvania. We connected with each other because we were both the outcasts. I was always overlooked, not for lack of talent but I'm overshadowed easily. She, however, is amazing at dance and always picked first. This caused a lot of jealousy to be thrown her way, but she took it like a champ.
We also have a lot of the same interest - youtubers to be exact. While we both love the bigger influencers, like Shane Dawson and Jenna Marbles, we also love a lot of relatively smaller ones. Like, the Trap House for instance. We talk about the guys a lot, especially Sam and Colby. I mean, I do most of the talking while she just listens.
Because of them, we started youtube channels. We're pretty popular on there, having both around 500+ subs. She does dance videos, while I do random covers, Q and As, and just whatever I can think of.
"So, explain to me again why we didn't have to pay for a place to stay at?" I asked, turning my head towards Casey.
"My uncle owns a bunch of properties out in LA and he turns them into AirBnbs so I asked if I could 'rent' one for two weeks and he was cool with it." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Thank God you have a rich uncle because otherwise I don't think I could have afforded this trip." I groaned, annoyed.
"What? You mean making eight dollars an hour can't afford you the luxury of living in LA?" She snorted.
I fumed, "No bitch. I can barely afford ramen at this point, and that shits three for a dollar."
"Don't get your panties in a twist now. We both got enough for the trip, and my uncle also stocked the house with food, so we'll have some when we get there. Plus, he's lending me his car for the time being too, so transportation won't be the biggest bitch." She responded.
"Why does everyone have a rich uncle but me?" I mumbled. She slapped my leg and laughed. I giggled back at her.
/  /  /  /
"Skye, Skye... Skye wake up!" Casey whispered, loudly into my ear.
I jolted awake, glaring at her immediately. She snickered back at me.
A muffled voice came over the loudspeaker, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing in Los Angeles in 15 minutes. The temperature right now is a cool 75 degrees. It is currently 2:38 pm. On behalf of me and the crew, thank you for flying American Airways and enjoy the rest of your day."
"Oh shit we're already here?" I asked, shifting myself in my seat.
"Yeah, the moment we got off the ground, you went out like a light." She replied.
"Well, I'm sorry but waking up at the ass crack of dawn isn't something I usually do so I'm little tired." I retorted.
"Yeah whatever. Oh, so you know, we don't have to get a cab anymore to get to the house. I have some friends out here and one of them is gonna pick us up from the airport. He's leaving right now." She stated.
I nodded my head, "Oh that's good. I remember you telling me about your friends, but like, you never went into detailed of who they are."
"The one that's picking us up is an old friend from Florida. We used to live next door to each other until he moved out to LA and I left to go to school in Philly." Casey explained, grabbing her carry-on bag and putting her phone inside of it.
"What does he do?" I questioned.
"Uh... he does youtube and he's a dancer, like myself. He's the one that got me into dance to be honest." She explained, shrugging her shoulders.
"Oh wow, I must meet him then. Without you being a dancer, I never would have met you." I smirked.
She laughed. "How much would your life suck if I wasn't in it?"
"Honestly I would be better off." I joked.
The plane soon landed. After getting our stuff and rushing out, we went and got our luggage.
Casey had told me she had been to LA multiple times, mostly to come visit this friend of hers that lives here. She told me that he has a bunch of roommates that we will probably meet at some point during our stay.
After waiting outside for ten minutes, Casey started to get impatient.
"Ugh, where is he?" Casey groaned, tapping her foot on the ground and looking out into the street.
"Didn't you say he was leaving for us while we were still in the air? Shouldn't he be here by now?" I replied, leaning against my luggage.
"Traffic in LA is a bitch..." She mumbled back.
We both looked down the street, car after car after car passing us. None of them were him apparently.
"Oh shit there he is!" She yelled, pointing at a black car come toward us.
I squinted, trying to see who was driving. I shrugged and grabbed my bags, turning my back to the car pulling up next to us. I grabbed my phone and sent my mom a quick text saying I had landed. She would have been pissed if I didn't say something to her soon.
"It's so good to see you! What's it been, like a year, since I last saw you?" Casey shouted.
I turned around to see Casey hugging the person, their back to me. He was kind of shortish, even though he was still taller than me. He had his hair in a short ponytail. He was wearing a sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers.
"Let me introduce you to Skye." Casey said, pointing at me. Her friend then turned around.
My eyes widened. I shook my head, trying to look away and play off the fact that I knew who her friend was.
"Skye, this is Corey. Corey, Skye." She smirked.
"It's nice to meet you Skye." Corey replied, sticking his hand out.
"Uh, it's nice to meet you too. T-thank you so much for picking us up." I stuttered, shaking his hand.
"No problem. Sorry I'm late though, traffic has been backed up for like the last five miles. Here, let me take your bags." He slowly took my bags from me and popped his trunk, putting them in.
I turned to Casey. "We are having a serious talk when we get to the house."
"What's there to talk about?" She joked. She turned towards the car and got into the passenger side. I rolled my eyes, getting into the backseat.
| CHAPTER 2 >>
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rkminhyun · 5 years
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                                    MGA SEASON FIVE     ∙       skills performance
                                         𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼     :     𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲
                                                𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠     :     𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐡𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞
                                                    1:40 - 2:10     &     2:50 - 4:19
        what he remembers about the eliminations is not very much in retrospect  --  daniel holding his hand and grounding him entirely,  eyes peeled to the judges despite how he tells himself he’d be content with this being his first and last performance.
       an unconvincing lie,  really. ( he’ll laugh at himself later,  when he’s back home and in bed,  reflecting on the day and allowing the growing giddiness make a home in his bones ).
       sungwoon’s name is called and he takes a breath,  shooting the other a proud smile despite himself and their curious friendship  --  can’t be me,  he thinks as the next person’s name settles into the quiet of the room,  uncertainty growing.  he bites down on his bottom lip in habit,  and abides by the anticipation.  
       he almost doesn’t notice it really,  not until daniel squeezes his hand and his brain catches up to the situation does he realize  --  hwang minhyun.
       they called his name.
       from there on,  he feels he’s floating on a cloud,  tight and untethered to the very means of existence.  his heart blossoms as each of his friends’ names are called  --  daniel,  woojin,  kenta,  suwoong.  they made it.  he sits there as quiet celebrations erupt within the group  --  we made it,  he thinks,  a little dumbfounded.
       “we made it,”  he says,  out loud this time,  just audible enough to be heard.  the smile mirrors the relief and happiness tumbling inside him,  and he embraces it with a laugh as he turns to his group to join in on the cheers.
       the next challenge is finding the ideal song to do.  showcasing his main skill,  it should be easy.  singing,  there’s too many songs in the world to choose from,  it shouldn’t bewilder him the way it does,  but waking up the next day after they’re home and calmed down from the high of making it past eliminations,  minhyun finds it’s everything but that.
       he settles on various different tracks in the short time,  but the more he practices,  the more they all feel entirely wrong.  perhaps he’s thinking too much of the whole process,  but with so many people gone right off the bat,  it feels like pressure is a ghost that has settled onto his back,  a dead weight that he can’t seem to shake off.
       he may say he doesn’t fear elimination,  but he’s reluctant to admit how wrong the train of thought is in all actuality.  as empty enigma makes it past hurdle one,  maybe the truth is something he hasn’t focused on fleshing out much.   an insecurity that festers beneath the surface as he watches people go on with their lives --  
       he fears being left behind.  
       the idea haunts for a while,  at the prospect of being the first to be eliminated from a group so much more talented and skilled than he finds himself being at the moment,  worn down by insecurities and out of practice.  it’s not that he entirely undervalues the talent he’s aware he’s flourished over the years,  but he can’t entirely explain the way his nerves bristle at his attempts at confidence as he practices.  more times than not,  frustration claims his moves and he doubts his reasons for going on.
       he’d made his choice once high school graduation rounded the corner,  turning down k-arts to instead pursue something practical and mundane as accounting.  he is lacking because of his own accords,  he only has himself to blame.  he’d made his choice,  he’d been content.  
       at least until he met empty enigma.  
       there,  he finds passion and music entangled within a love affair he can’t phrase adequately,  the way it set fire to his contentment and has him yearning for a path he’d long since turned his back on.  it’s almost embarrassing how much he misses it,  being on stage and the art of performing itself,  how the high sings in his veins as he would push away his meek tendencies to act as a character,  to be an entertainer.
       after some time,  minhyun finally comes to accept that maybe he’s never really bid farewell to that dream.  maybe it lingers in places he hasn’t wanted to acknowledge.
       it takes time to come to the conclusion,  but joining the mgas with his friends by his side leads to an enlightenment he’d been avoiding facing.  maybe all those people that told him he was making a mistake when he set down roots in practicality over aspirations had been right all along,  an idea that flushes him to his very core with humiliation.  instead,  he ignores focusing on it for too long and instead chooses to sing.  
       mostly for his own sanity,  thoughts all in a mess.
       he finds his pick accidentally,  mindlessly singing along to the track as he tries reading a new bestseller he’d picked up,  less focused on the words and more zoning out as he stares out the window.  the random youtube playlist plays out in the background,  and the current song is one he’s played time and time again since it’s release,  finding a kinship in the lyrics from first listen.
       minhyun takes a breath as he plays the song from the beginning,  and then lets the lyrics wash over him like a wave composed of loneliness and loss.  he’d been settled on doing a more emotional song from the start,  and that’s when he realizes he’s found the perfect pick.
       his mother calls him the morning of d-day.  he doesn’t pick up immediately,  stares at the caller id,  how her contact photo smiles at him,  and after a few rings,  he swipes to finally answer.  
       “you did good,”  she tells him,  after pleasantries have been exchanged and there’s a lull in conversation.  he hasn’t spoken to his family much since making the decision to go onto the mgas,  aside from a brief conversation with his sister after episode one aired to the surprise of all hwangs,  and jungwoo’s words of encouragement.  then again,  he doesn’t interact with his parents much lately,  outside of monthly dinners derived out of an obligation to the couple that birthed him,  a distance formed out of his own accord.  
       he wonders how they’d found out he was participating,  whether his sister spilt the beans or if someone had called them to inquire about their son’s decision to venture into the industry,  upon a survival show of all things.  or,  he wonders briefly,  had they simply tuned in to watch and saw him appear on the screen unexpectedly.  the latter seems like a joke almost,  but considering his mother’s constant interest in where the korean entertainment industry’s headed,  he doesn’t discredit the thought entirely.
       family is hard work,  and emotion squeezes his heart at her words.  he takes a moment to compose his thoughts,  before allowing the smile to shine through in his tone.  “i can do better.” a hint of unearthed cockiness sits in his voice,  and his mother chuckles then,  humour transparent.  it’s a confidence she is far too familiar with,  passed onto him from her,  his role model growing up.
       “do us proud,  baby.”  he’ll never forget the love and adoration his mother was sure to give him as he grew,  the reason he wanted to pursue acting till he graduated and eventually gave up on his aspiration.  he wanted to be as strong and independent as she had been  --  instead,  his nerves won that battle.
       not this time,  he tells himself,  eyes planted on his own reflection as he readies himself for the day.  never again.
       it feels right entering the venue with his bandmates by his side,  and he wonders how many more times he’ll be allowed the privilege.  he’d woken up with the simple thought of performing his best,  whatever that would be,  and refuse to let arbitrary worries plague him as his mind slowly whirs to a start.
       easier said than done,  and his thoughts begin with a faux confidence,  ostensibly building into matters of lingering regret towards things he could’ve perfected before the day arrived.
       his song choice is perhaps a sad one,  but he finds confidence in the prospect of invoking an emotional enough response in the audience,  a plea for them to hear his heart’s call.  how bold of him,  to assume at his twenty one years of life he could understand the true meaning of heartbreak and anguish  --  he’s sure his maternal grandfather would laugh in his face if he mentioned it today,  if the other had still been alive to see him go through the process he was today.
       if only.
       as always it seems,  he zones out once they actually get to their seats,  time quickly closing in.  he taps his foot impatiently on the ground once he’s seated,  instead looking for familiar faces in the smaller crowd of contestants.  he sits back as his friends interact with their other acquaintances,  nodding a greeting whenever it’s required of him.
       at some point he falls into conversation with someone he can’t remember the name of behind him,  before a quiet befalls the room.  it’s time.
       he’s half enthralled in the art of paying attention to those performing but his mind wanders towards the details of his own performances,  towards wondering how the others would feeling in the moment,  if they felt it got easier as time got on or harder.  sungwoon is the first of them to go up,  and minhyun straightens in his seat by the time the other’s on stage.  
       he knows sungwoon is talented,  knows it too well,  but as he watches him perform,  his breath catches in his throat.  the song suits him,  bringing a new image to what he’s already presented the judges,  and the pride is transparent in his expression when sungwoon finishes and trots back over to his seat.  he makes a mental note to congratulate the other later,  when they’re not so in the open,  but a voice at the back of his mind expresses amusement  --  because who is he kidding,  he won’t do that.  
       instead,  his mind lingers on the anticipation of seeing the other’s performances,  finally seeing the rap daniel had worked hard on in full action, laying witness to the prowess of woojin and kenta’s dance performances they’d spent time perfecting outside the home.  his mind wanders towards what the others’ have in store  --  what suwoong will show the world today  --  or alternatively,  off the topic of his head,  eunji, jungeun, joohyun, jinyoung;  what everyone that made it through round one is keen to show.  it’s at this thought he feels he’s truly one of the audience then.
       but not for long,  because his name is next.  he feels he floats his way onto stage,  thoughts glazed until he’s standing under the spotlight with all eyes on him. “thank you for having me back,”  he adds to his introduction,  his eyes impersonating a gentle smile as he readies for his cue.  his sister had given him one piece of advice in all seriousness,  finger waggling in his face.
       “smile,  you absolute Fool.”
       he takes a breath and closes his eyes as the music begins.
우린 다른 꿈을 찾고 있던 거야  (we are searching for different dreams) 아주 어린 날 놀던 숨바꼭질처럼  (like how we played hide-and-seek in our younger days)
       the song fills him with a sense of nostalgia he can’t entirely describe,  his lungs engulfed in the emotion and weighing him down as he performs.  he tries to express it the more he sings,  building up all he’s felt every time he’s listened and sang along.
해가 저물도록 혼자 남은 내가  (i’m left alone until the sun goes down) 지금 여기에 있다 (and now i’m here)
       he understands loneliness,  comes to know it well.  awkwardness belittles him when off stage,  conversations difficult to partake in,  and it’s led to the dissolution of most of his relationships.  you lack communication skills,  an acquaintance once told him with pity in her eyes,  and his ears had flushed,  expressing the embarrassment he’d felt at being read so easily.  he channels the emotions that have left a scar on his heart,  a focus on people he’s let get away without a fight,  deeming it easier to say goodbye.
oh yeah
       the highlight of his performance perhaps falls here,  as he aims to have each note resonate within his audience’s hearts.  his grows clearer and louder as he goes on from here,  pouring whatever he can summon into his voice,  where passion for a love overtakes his every sense as a man who sings for a lost lover he cannot seem to let go regardless of all.  
you are the only you’re the only one in my memory you are the all for me
       he channels heartbreak and longing,  lets it wash over him and into his gaze as he stares ahead,  as if making direct contact with the one he’d given his all to,  the one who’d gotten away and taken his essence with them.  he’d practiced his vocalizing to deliver the message as clear as he can attempt,  and now he can only hope those listening can feel the story as clear as he can.
손에 꼭 쥐었던 너와의 goodbye  (holding tightly in my hand, goodbye to you) 끝내 참지 못한 눈물이 나  (i couldn’t hold back the tears)
       his gaze moves towards the judges,  eventually sweeping over the audience before settling upon where the cameras should be.  he’s zoned out to a degree,  blinded and focused entirely on the delivery and image he’s trying to sell to those watching.  he wonders why he’s trying so hard,  when he became so wanting of survival  --  instead he convinces himself it’s his duty to portray the story the original singer set out to inspire within his listeners,  the bundle of feelings begging to be allowed to blossom in the audience’s hearts.  
어쩌면 오늘이 마지막 goodbye  (maybe this is the last goodbye) 함께 했던 모든 날이 좋았어  (all those days with you were good)
       he feels the song choice is almost ironic  --  a goodbye when he’s making a quiet plea to make it past eliminations once more,  to delay the farewell another day.  even though he tells every one all he can do is try his best,  it’s hard,  isn’t it?  trying not to be so hopeful,  not letting the desperation fill one slowly,  all with the desire to remain long enough to do another performance,  to make it past another hurdle.  the competition is cruel,  how everyone dreams of making it to the finals,  to be able to say their dream is finally coming true.
       cruel,  indeed.
이 말이 뭐라고 그렇게 어려웠을까  (why was it so hard to say this?) 이제 goodbye  (now goodbye)
       he closes his eyes once more,  mirroring his opening position.  his expression had become twinged with anguish as he sings,  and he almost chides himself for getting so carried into the song itself instead of focusing on portraying the image he’d come to show.  he’s unsure how it’ll translate to the audience,  to the cameras,  but he tells himself he’s done his best  --  it’s all he can do really.
       after a moment of quiet reflection,  he opens his eyes and bows.  
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gaargoyle · 5 years
rules: 22 questions, tag 22 people (joke's on you, I don't even know 22 people :^) )
Tagged by @theskoomacat (I was also gonna do your playlist post but I listen to my music with youtube, so I actually own 0 music and have no playlist :( )
nicknames: I had one when I was little but now I don't, unless I'm online. Then people call me gaar.
zodiac sign: Leo. I think my moon sign is Aquarius? I looked it up a long time ago.
height: 6 feet, or 183 cm
last movie I saw: I watched the 80's Guyver OVA the other day. Does that count?
last thing I googled: the names of all the characters from Popeye
favourite musician: Too many. I guess I would say Yeasayer.
song stuck in my head: none at the moment
other blogs: None. I am ride or die with this one blog, and I never changed my URL either. All of my longtime followers should recognize me forever
following: 193
followers: 266, I've been on here for 6 years with nothing to show for it. I love you all, tho
do I get asks: extremely rarely
amount of sleep I get: varies between 6 to 9 hours
lucky numbers: anything with a 6 in it
what I'm wearing right now: very casual work clothes cuz I'm at work
dream job: freelance artist or pastry chef
dream trip: I wanna do a cross country trip where the focus is food
favourite food: So many! I love hamburgers, pancakes, cake, ramen, pizza, sweet bread, chilaquiles, creme brulee, and guacamole. That's just what I can think of right now.
instruments: used to play the piano, but now I can't play anything
language: English and some Spanish
favorite song: couldn't even fathom
random fact: I'm actually trained in the formal fine arts. I made gallery art during my time in college. I definitely think it changed the art I do in my personal time.
describe your aesthetic: body horror, a sense of malaise, teeth, bright colors contrasting against monochrome
tagging: anyone! mostly because no one's allowed to see how few friends I have
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moonyxnights · 7 years
“Get Yourself a Colby Brock” || Colby Imagine
I’m writing this whilst listening to my neck deep uk tour setlist playlist lmaooo bc i see them in 3 days and im buzzing so send me colby requests and imma writeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I’m also basing this around them going to a club not being on a boat //
You had joined the boys to the trip to Japan and tonight you were all going out for dinner, and mostly likely to party as well. You were sat on the toilet in the bathroom when Brennen knocked.
“You’ve been in there for ages,” he said loudly through the door. “Can you hurry up so I don’t have to pee out the window?” you rolled your eyes and got up, running out quickly. Trousers still round your ankles, as you came out Colby laughed.
“Jesus, (Y/N), pull your trousers up,” he was flicking through his phone, sat on the bed.
“I was rushed,” you defended, pulling them up and sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You’re not even drunk yet, oh my,” he kicked your back lightly and you groaned.”hmm,” he hummed.
Brennen came out, holding his shirt to his nose. “You fucking stank that place out.”
You were all sat round the table eating when Brennen piped up about a nearby club. 
“I don’t know, man,” Colby shrugged. “I don’t think I want (Y/N) drinking-” he looks at you and laughs.
“What,” you laugh with him. “You are joking, aren’t you?”
“Kinda,” he said. “Like I know what you’re like, but if you wanna drink then go ahead,” he looked away and began to finish his food. 
“You’re gonna be drinking,” you stated, sounding evidently annoyed that he didn’t really want you drinking, even though you knew he was just caring.
“Yeah,” he said.
“Brennen will be,” you widened your eyes to signal that you thought it was unfair. “So will Jay,” you then pointed your hand out to point them both out. Colby looked you in the eyes.
“I’m not saying you can’t, I’m not that kind of guy,” he sighed. “I like that you drink and that you have a good time but I know by the end of the night I’ll probably have to carry you back,” he spoke softly, and you felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt.
“I’m sorry, but I promise and can guarantee that won’t happen,” you said reassuringly. 
Brennen spoke up. “Yeah, bro, I don’t think she’ll be that bad.” The other nodded in agreement. 
You all paid for the food before leaving to head to the club that Brennen had recommended. You walked for about 20 minutes before you came to the place, you walked in one by one. 
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“Yeah and I’m the drunk one,” you laugh at Colby as he dances next to Brennen. He looked over to you and did the moves quicker, thinking he was being funny. “Oh my god,” you laughed with Elton as he filmed them.
“I love this place,” Brennen shouted. “I never want to leave.”
You went to get yourself another drink, and then sat down on a table in the corner. Fans had come up to you for pictures and to talk, some of them also being there on their holidays. They’d offered to buy you a drink, so you accepted. Eventually Jay came over to where you were now alone on the table.
“You okay?” he asked, slightly tipsy. You nodded, your head on the table. “You sure?” he asked, just to make sure. You nodded again, but he decided to stay just in case. You sat up energetically, all of a sudden after a few minutes, making him jump.
“I don’t know why but I’m feeling really happy and bouncy now,” you giggled.
“You’re definitely drunk,” he laughed. 
Colby and Brennen were still drunkenly dancing in the front to the singers, and Elton was still filming them. You sat there slurring about a random story to Jay, whilst he listened but was pretty much zoned out as well.
“Guys,” Brennen bounded over towards the two of you. “Elton wants us to head back now,” Elton and Colby followed him to you. “Scared we’ll get locked out,” Brennen giggled at the same time you did, causing the two of you to giggle even more.
You trailed your words, “Okay,” as you stood up. You wobbled a bit and Colby then went to help you. “I’m fine,” you announced, wailing your arms about. “I’m all good. Let’s go back, I wanna sleep.”
You all headed out and soon enough you were complaining that your legs were hurting and that you didn’t want to walk. The others told you to just carry on until you tripped over your own foot onto the ground.
“I told you,” Colby muttered as he came to your aid. “I must be a fucking psychic or something. Someone get me tarot cards, I’m making a new YouTube channel.”
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“Aww,” Elton laughed as he turned on his camera to film Colby carrying you. “Aren’t you the cutest,” Colby turned to Elton laughing.
“I said this,” he then looked down to you as you just giggled the entire way back to the hotel. 
As soon as you all got in, he put you down on the bed. You sat up and stared blankly at the wall, eyes wide, cheeks like chipmunks.
“Get her to the bathroom,” Elton yelled. 
You ran to the bathroom and Colby followed. You knelt down to the toilet and held a firm grip on the sides of the toilet seat. Colby bent down as he held your hair, looking to see if you were okay.
“Where are your hairbands?” he asked.
You gagged. “In- in my bag,” you began to throw up again.
“Brennen can you get a hairband from her bag, please?” Colby yelled and Brennen went rummaging through. He walked in and gave him it, Colby then tied your hair back into a hideous bun. He then rubbed your back softly, grabbing a small stall to sit on so that he could still see your face, not bothered by the sick.
After you’d stopped, Colby gave you some painkillers and got you into bed. He sat up stroking your head, you lying down by his side. He stared down to you, not realising Elton was filming.
“Get yourself a Colby Brock,” Brennen whispered to the camera and Colby turned, laughing. 
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ac-ars · 7 years
you taught me about your past, thinking your future was me
after this dramatic title don’t think its a fic im just messing around but listen to this song its very pretty 
because i am very bored and @proudtobeadepphead tagged me (thanks dear from saving me from english vocabulary thoughts)
about me (yay)
looks xdddd 
im a blondie i guess but dark blondie what in polish is double funny and im using it recently v much, i guess i have blue eyes that are sometimes blue sometimes grey depends on retrica filters (no that was a joke, i dont really know), bc im basic bitch give me a pair of jeans and i will wear it until it gets ripped, i love sweaters gimme all of them when its cold (now) + i can walk the world in converses or flip flops hehe 
make up who
jewelry who
i brush my hair i guess and when im too lazy i just pull a ponytail, depends really
im a petty bitter bitch but i guess thats bc im polish and we are this kind of ppl (no no dont judge others, dont listen to me) and i love memes so as a result i am a big meme and if you wanna talk to me prepare yourself for many dumb jokes and probs random song lines
im trying to be nice person tho i have my bitch moments (barbara says we all do so i guess its not the worst) but generally im very funny (people tell me so) and supportive and i think patient (bc patience is a virtue ofc), you can joke to me about everything you want unless my mom or my friends and i wont be mad or dramatic really believe me
tho i am v dramatic in general like making fun or sth, i remember all shit, everything unless daily basic stuff like doing the laundry or sth (sorry mom ily) and i can get jealous over the smallest shit (nobody’s perfect), im generally anxious when it comes to ppl i am not comfy around - unless it’s internet, in the internet i love everyone and send hugs yay
i think i like too much shit in my life and writing them all here would make you get bored even more /if you survived until this moment thanks you are v strong ily/ but mostly i like music because well i listen to music like all the time except classes, i also like reading books and fanfiction plus movies (because tv shows and me this ship won’t sail, it keeps sinking) but i also like stupid shit like cleaning or cooking bc it chills me out and idk im weird i also like doing shit in excel dont ask me i really do 
i like making playlists on spotify and sending  dumb snaps
relationship status
fun facts (i doubt fun but whateverrr)
when i was seven i got hit by car (i think i can blame all shit on it)
im studying transportation and its super fun no it’s not this is shit because i hate physics and i barely passed math im sorry science who, once i went to rossmann instead of physics and i spent shit ton of money hehe
im a mess a chaos but yk like they said in the beginning there was only chaos so i dont really mind, i never proofread fics so if you find a typo thats your problem not mine
word “chapter” scares the shit out of me and it’s very intimidating
give me a song i will give you its lyrics
ive seen now you see me movie like a fuck ton of times (pierdyliard hi polish ppl)
i have more friends in the internet than irl boo but if you are my friend i will confess my love to you a billion times a day
is anyone even reading that
my phone is dying all the time, the earlier one because it had shitty battery and new one because it has too good battery and i forget to charge it at night bc why would i if it will work hehe
i deeply love masterchef and project runway with my whole heart plus i love watching makeup videos on youtube even if i dont know how to makeup
i have no sleeping schedule, i can sleep 10 hours but also 6 or 4 or 2 there’s no difference really 
im anxious as fuck when it comes to relations with other people no matter how sure of them i am bc i am lil shit 
i change my phone homescreen every week or so and yet my laptop wallpaper is the same since august 16 xD
i like to curse using astronomy words lol
i tag
it is super fun and i want this fun for you guys @sky-girls, @deliverydefresas, @aquietgirlsmess, @over-the-pink-moon, @alla-voy, @lunambar
you’re welcome ily
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resbang-bookclub · 8 years
AMA Transcript: Pell Grant Matrimony
This weekend, @marshofsleep, @sojustifiable (known as Amanda on Discord), @adorabbey and @tilliquoi braved yesterday's Discordacolypse in order to chat about their 2016 Resbang, Pell Grant Matrimony! Here's some of what went down:
Q: Please, give us a rundown of how this was conceived.
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sleepmarshes: It's almost been an entire year. We've lived with this sin for 11 months. Right, so, like, there was that tumblr post going around about how a bro realized he could help another bro out since gay marriage became legal, and they could get a green card. So my thought was, of course, this is Soul and (somebody).
Amanda: I believe this was the tweet marsh referenced when she first described the initial idea to me before we were collabing on it:
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sleepmarshes: So, the setup would be Maka meets Soul and of course they hit it off because this is why we came here. But it turns out Soul is married.
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sleepmarshes: Then we decided B* would be the best choice. He would be ultra gung ho about PDA. THEN, Amanda started signing up for financial aid, and she was like hey, what if we do it like this instead of green card? And then BAM, COLLEGE AU. Then it became a game of how many tropes, cliches, and memes we could pile in.
Amanda: And then when I was signing up for financial aid I also saw this post and was like hey alternate motivation: http://zhuy-doodles.tumblr.com/post/144803762284. How we ended up collabing and doing it for real was that I was talking to marsh about how I wasn't sure if I was going to do resbang or not, and that if i was, I wanted to do something silly. And she was like, hey you should do that thing I told you about. And I was like I can't do that, it's your thing. And she was like oh we can collab and then we made a blood pact.
sleepmarshes: Now we are borg.
Adorabear: Amanda, marsh, and I did a minecraft FRAND ritual. Very legit.
Q: How did the collab work?
sleepmarshes: At the time, I was busy with house building stuff and other things, so I knew I wasn't going to be able to help a whole lot.
Amanda: I imagine it works differently for different people but ours was a Process. When we discussed collabing we pretty much decided I would do the bulk of the writing while marsh would act as helicopter mom with plotting and everything.
sleepmarshes: HELICOPTER MOM omg. It me.
Amanda: So we plotted together and marsh would be like hey I know this is a joke but we need actual character motivation and shiz and then I started cranking out words. And then marsh trailed behind me, editing and making parts funnier and more coherent and filling in the scenes I was really struggling with.
sleepmarshes: She trucked right on man, just huge chunks. Well, I also kept throwing stupid ideas at you.
Q: Who came up with my daughter snappy, and also, how do you feed an alligator on student budget?
sleepmarshes: We don't talk about the budget.
Amanda: So once upon a time, I sent marsh this meme:
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sleepmarshes: How DID that happen? This is clearly America.
Amanda: Just as a joke, I was like haha look at this meme and she was like fake gay fic??
sleepmarshes: I don't remember this but I believe it 100%.
Amanda: And I was like, not my intention, but okay, I can roll with it, they have an alligator now. Gained through some vague but nefarious means.
sleepmarshes: Snappy*Star. I think we decided [she was] smuggled from Disney World? I regret not making the epilogue about [Black*Star's] TV show.
Amanda: Yeah there were some interesting epilogue plans for when Snappy got too big to keep in an apartment. Black*Star was gonna have a TV show with Snappy I think on exotic pet care or maybe like, exercising with your pet. Just picture like, 3 years from the end of the fic, Soul and Maka are hanging out and turn on the TV to see the two of them.
Q for the artists: What inspired your arting decisions?
Adorabear: So I knew I'd do drinks, and wanted to do nail art (after getting a lot of encouragment from the resbang discord). I did some trial runs of the nail art shortly after the Resbang matchmaking.
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Q: What inspired Queen Wes?
Amanda: Queen Wes appeared out of nowhere when I was writing the last 15k in three days and was in a delirious state of confusion.
Q: How did you two like collabing? Did it work well?
Amanda: I had a blast and think the collabing probably went better than either of us could've expected.
sleepmarshes: Oh yeah def. I've been terrfied to collab for years.
Amanda: Like, it ended up being even more collaborative with merging our writing styles so we just got this monster of laughs out of it. Tbh I was surprised that marsh even suggested collabing cuz I didn't think she did collabs.
sleepmarshes: I DON'T do collabs, but I get along with you so well I figured well, if anything'll work, it'll probably be this. Actually, Amanda did a lot of work on the timeline.
Amanda: More like I did a lot of work harrassing Marsh about the timeline because I need things to be linear.
sleepmarshes: Yeah I'm definitely not that.
Amanda: Let me pull up some parts of the outline for posterity. These are the kinds of notes Marsh makes in the outline:
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These are the kinds of notes I make which are about 5% more coherent:
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Q: Why Harvar with Wes? I think it was hilarious.
sleepmarshes: Uhhh well we knew we wanted Wes to hit on DTK. Why DID we hook him up with Harv? Just because Harv has put up with his shit for so long and won't leave him?
Amanda: We hooked him up with Harv because you love Harv and love shipping everyone with everyone else.
sleepmarshes: Ok this is probably true.
Amanda: Other random add in about shipping cuz I forgot we had another pm chatlog and found where we were discussing possible ships and I have this quote from marsh's shipping habits:
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sleepmarshes: Can confirm, this is my hobby.
Q: Was there a line or joke or meme that made either of you legit laugh out loud when you realized it fit/it ended up in there?
sleepmarshes: Probably every meme we came into contact with?
Adorabear: Amanda and Marsh are basically the people on the date shoving all the breadsticks in their purse, but the breadsticks are memes. And their purse is overflowing, and they're going into the Olive Garden kitchen to get more breadstick memes.
Amanda: I think there was a lot of coming up with ridiculous lines and then having the other be like "wtf is wrong with you that's hilarious."
sleepmarshes: Yes, exactly that. As for drummer DTK....
Amanda: That was another last minute thing. We knew he was a math metal head but then I was like lol what if he shows up as a guest in the music festival?
sleepmarshes: ROFL when you said that I thought well man, if you wanna write it go for it. And then when I caught up to it for edits even I was surprised. I was like FUCK YEA.
Q: Did you guys have a playlist?
sleepmarshes: I didn't have a fic-specific one, personally. I think I was mostly listening to the Macabre Records mix and maybe a Sufjan Stevens album.
Amanda: I also didn't have any specific writing music, being a musician also I find music pretty distracting so the only music I can write to is if it blends together well and is really cohesive and doesn't have any distracting vocals. Hey, I was listening to Sufjan too. Carrie and Lowell.
sleepmarshes: SAME HAT oh I had uhhh. A Sun Came.
Amanda: And maybe some Seven Swans and some old Bon Iver and Iron and Wine sometimes. But basically I need a specific ambient music to write to as opposed to anything relevant.
sleepmarshes: There was a lot of dialogue in this fic, so I needed some chill stuff towards the end.
Q: Did you guys find any characters really challenging to write?
Amanda: I can't write DTK at all so I needed a lot of Marsh intervention in that camp.
sleepmarshes: DTK is uhhh very polite 'I care nothing about what you just said, let me do what i came here to do.' How happy do you expect goth burberry to be? Despite all that, he's got squishy innards [and] four smile muscles. I had Wes issues so his flamboyancy got a lot of help from Amanda.
Amanda: I turned Wes into a monster. Marsh did most of the bbq scene cuz I was quite stuck in the middle of it and wanted to keep steamrollering ahead.
sleepmarshes: We always knew Wes would be obnoxious but I was watching a lot of beauty gurus on YouTube at the time and like... stuff... happened.
Q: Does Tsubaki continue to be a badass pilates instructor after the story ends? Does B* continue to go to her classes? Q: DO THEY BECOME PARTNERS EVENTUALLY?
sleepmarshes: Maybe they can have a workout show together with Snappy the mascot.
Amanda: B* continues to be a big fan of her workout stuff and they're swolebuds.
Q: How goes Patti's Etsy?
sleepmarshes: She's always in business the more Snappy grows.
Amanda: I think we had another potential future ending in which Patti adopts Snappy and cares for her at a wildlife refuge when she gets too big. There were quite a few potential futures for the different people, especially as we were still playing shipping roulette.
Q: Is it really that easy to get divorced in America?
Amanda: Yes, at least as far as I'm aware. If it's not, then we're going with suspension of disbelief.
sleepmarshes: I mean, as long as both sides want it and no one raises a fuss, yeah no one cares.
Q: Why continue to call Kid 'Morty' instead of Kid?
sleepmarshes: Oh, man, idk, college AU with a guy named Death? I couldn't do it.
Amanda: Like, Kid isn't a name and if it's his stage name people wouldn't probably call him that all the time.
sleepmarshes: Bonus: Shinidaddy calling him Junior.
Amanda: Even with B* it's definitely a nickname, we just decided to go off the walls with his actual name. Like, what if instead of being Blake we call him something ridiculous?
Q: Does Blair ever give up the panty thieving?
sleepmarshes: Actually I had wanted that last sock Blair stole to actually belong to DTK, and he was going to find out at the festival, but I totally forgot. Disgruntled DTK with only one sock... chance missed.
Amanda: Just one of those things that slipped through the cracks in the last three days of screaming.
Q: How did Stein and Spirit move the car?
sleepmarshes: I don't know, I always figured Spirit just annoyed the heckie out of everyone in between parking spaces.
Amanda: I wanted to leave it ambiguous just to leave it like... how the fuck did they do that? Cuz they had to get the people to switch spots with them anyway, but then also had to get everyone to move to let them through too.
[a tilliquoi appears, there is much joy]
Same Q: What inspired your arting decisions?
tilliquoi: Hmmm well for Soul and Maka at the mailboxes, I liked it bc shark slippers and bc that was when they first met. And I drew Snappy and Wes just bc they're both fabulous and I couldnt resist.
Amanda: Both the showstealers of the fic.
Q: How did you make those pieces? What programs/materials did you use?
tilliquoi: They're all digital and done in photoshop. It's the only program i really use anymore.
Q: What made you go: Yes. That. This is the fic I want in the first place?
sleepmarshes: YEAH, I WANNA KNOW, TOO.
Adorabear: For me, I was looking for things that I knew I could make drinks for and uh, yeah, it looked fun af, and I like silly af shit.
tilliquoi: Well, last year I was an artist for another Marsh fic, coincidentally, and that one was a lot more serious. It was amazing but this year I wanted to go for something fun and ridiculous as a change of pace. When I read the summary for Pell Grant I was just thinking that I'd probably end up laughing the whole time, so I was like "that one. thats the fic I gotta art for."
sleepmarshes: When your claim came in I laughed SO HARD.
tilliquoi: Yeah it was pretty funny finding out you were one of the authors.
sleepmarshes: She had no idea I was involved.
Amanda: Marsh messaged me like "lol guess who claimed us" but wouldn't tell me until it was official.
Adorabear: Amanda and I were talking about my list, and she was in my Google doc watching me make my pics, watching me eliminate stuff.
Amanda: I was screaming inside because I couldn't let her know it was me.
sleepmarshes: We were both dying.
Adorabear: The joys of anon claiming, I guess.
Q: What are you guys' next projects?
Amanda: Uhhhh I should probably finish Strangers... but I've been focusing more on writing music lately and taking a break from fic, and then I have a couple back burner fics that I won't go into cuz I haven't decided if they'll be for a Resbang or not. Potential original fantasy story also, but I think working on more music is really gonna be the focus while I'm finishing school.
sleepmarshes: Strangers hype. I'm working on Quantum Entanglement, and intend on finishing Lodestar. Probably no Resbang ficcing for me this year, because I want to finish some fics and work on an original novel.
Adorabear: I'm not going to Reverb this year, but I think I'll Resbang art next year.
Q: Did you all ever have to reign each other in? Like were there moments you had to go whoa whoa whoa too much, too far, time to say when?
sleepmarshes: Uhm I think we were just a cycle of enabling, tbh.
Amanda: Confirmed: no reigning in nonsense, only enabling more and more batshit insanity.
Q: Anything not make the cut?
sleepmarshes: I think stuff that didn't make the cut were things we ran out of time for, since a large part of it was written in the last three days. Like I wanted Wes to have an obsession with cinnabon. I think there was more bean warfare.
Q: How did everyone, writers and artists, feel like they grew/changed/learned during the resbang season?
sleepmarshes: I think overall I learned there are more ways of collaborating in writing than I had thought. Like, I thought there was only some way with magical hand holding sentence by sentence and somehow no one committed murder. But like, we just delegated roles, she did the bulk of it, I did invasive betaing, and we talked in discord a lot about junk.
Amanda: I think my growth was just it being the first time I ever wrote that much in a short period of time. Like the last three days were crazy, but I didn't have any problems micromanaging cuz I was fine with just being like "yolo just make this better", for a murder free experience.
sleepmarshes: I was so worried at first about hurting your writing feelings. But then you were like JUST EDIT IT DON'T SUGGEST 200 THINGS.
sleepmarshes: After that it was just prancing through a field of yolo.
Amanda: I think both our collaboration and our friendship was helped severely by the fact that I don't have control issues or take anything personally, so invasive betaing was no sweat.
tilliquoi: I think if I learned anything or grew from this, it was in experimenting with coloring styles, particularly with that Wes drawing. That was pretty far out of my comfort zone in terms of how I usually color, but it made me a LOT less afraid to use excessive colors in places I wouldnt normally.
sleepmarshes: I had Wes open on all three monitors while I was editing. This is what it's like to have Wes on every channel:
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Adorabear: I think for me, it was just a lot of confidence building in terms of my artwork, because I have been really nervous [about whether] my authors are going to like what I do, or [whether] they'll think I've done enough. I'm just a worrier.
sleepmarshes: Did you get ultra fast at cross stitch? Because that's certainly what it looked like.
Adorabear: I think I just motored through that one. I guess I have gotten faster. But I was like, in beast mode for that one. I am very pleased with it, though.
sleepmarshes: I love it.
Adorabear: Anyway, I think I feel more confident that the things I make are ~enough.~
Thanks to all of our creators for stoppin' by!! Stay tuned for more transcripts!
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