#most would suggest taking a break but ill blow up and die if i do that. i cant stop until this thing is done.
mothusband · 1 year
crochet is suppose to be calming or whatever but instead it's making me EVIL
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Betrothed Ch. 11 - Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
Chapter 11: Broken
Summary: Illumi cannot escape his past - but sometimes that fact isn’t all that bad.
Warnings: Death, Blood, Angst, the usual.
Words: ~2500
A/N: Sorry guys, this chapter probably sucks. When I’m working night-shifts I become erradic and can’t think straight, but I still wanna write, so...
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Story Masterlist
No one knows what it’s like to be the bad man To be the sad man behind blue eyes. And no one knows what it’s like to be hated. To be fated to telling only lies. But my dreams they aren’t as empty as my conscience seems to be. I have hours only lonely. My love is vengeance, that’s never free.
- Limp Bizkit: Behind Blue Eyes
“Keep good care of Alluka, okay?”
He only nodded in response. You never doubtet him to protect her, yet also couldn’t help reminding him either after everything he’s been through. 
After all, his fear of Illumi made him forget about his locked away sister for such a long time...
“And you’ll be listening to your brother, right?”
“Aye!” the little girl cheered, pecking the flustered boy on the cheek.
It was actually very adoring to look at those two siblings who were finally reunited, now able to make up for the time they’ve lost.
The only companion you’d take with you was your familiar Luna, and you also didn’t want to rely on Alluka’s powers now that you had a hint to your husband’s whereabouts.
Your sister-in-law had been through enough, and she also was way more than just someone to grant wishes. She had desires, dreams and a future to look out for. Both of them.
Gladly, Killua could tell you about all safehouses in Yorknew City so the Zoldyck family wouldn’t notice about you prying around. That information was more than enough for your search.
“What are you going to do from now on?”
“Getting my husband back, obviously” you shrugged at Killua’s words, clutching the ace of spades you were holding. Hisoka had given it to you - infused with a powerful nen, you could contact him whenever you felt it necessary.
“I know that’s all very much for you...” Yes, Killua had struggled with his brother’s mental illness ever since his birth. And now to act like all of that never happened just because you told him he had a change of heart? It seemed almost impossible. “So take your time processing things. We won’t bother you until you’re ready.”
Rumpling up the boy’s white hair, you grinned widely at your friends before you boarded the airship.
You were already halfway across the ocean when you got a message from Killua, warming your cautious heart:
“I’m glad you’ve joined our family. Save him.”
Days passed by as you searched safehous after safehous, as well as every shady corner of the city. Much to your dissatisfaction, your husband had always been gone as soon as you reached the scene of crime.
“I’ll find him, no matter what!” you thought just before you reached the next safehouse, deep in the mountains surrounding the great city. He had seemingly destroyed the Zoldyck Personal Transmitter, just as you had - both blessing and curse.
The view was breathtaking, yet you didn’t bother yourself with wasting any minute enjoying it. Luna’s cry told you that you were near, and that was all that counted right now.
Because there were only three spots left, and what if you’d search for him in vain and he had already left Yorknew City? Your guts twisted very unpleasantly at the thought, making it a lot harder to climb the last pile of rocks.
And there it was - a small brick house, nothing more than a one-room-apartment with the most needed items to survive a short time.
There were lights on inside, you clearly saw them from afar.
Fearing that he would leave if he noticed you, there was no other option left than to surpress your Nen completely, leaving you defenseless against every possible threat. 
But when you entered, there was no one there - except...
“Oh?” As you stepped into the dim cancle light of the room, a small cat stumbled in between your legs, purring happily. “Who are you, sweetheart?”
Seems like Illumi made a friend, huh?
The thought alone made your heart feel like it’ll burst out of happiness as you pet the animal’s head, noticing that Illumi had treated it’s wounds.
Leaving Luna and the cat get to know each other, you roamed around the room, searching for any possible hint on Illumi’s location.
The house seemed to still be occupied, so should you just wait here for him?
But then, the TV that he seemingly forgot to turn off bursted the local news:
“The auction is only expected to take place in a few weeks, but the preparations are already in full swing. Even though everone is talking about the possibility of the Phantom Troupe blowing up the occasion, rumors about ‘special measurements’ have been spread. The organizers did not want to comment, however they assured us the auction will run safe and peaceful.”
“Organizers my ass” you gritted your teeth. Everyone on the world knew the legendary Ten Dons were secretly holding an Underground Auction, with the ‘legal’ one just being a distraction.
But now you could very well imagine where your lover has headed up to...
It’s the same every year. Many assassins would gather to protect the auction, very well paid by the Dons.
A very good occasion to start wiping out the profession of assassins completely.
Finding the place of action was no problem. A quick research and you knew that the tallest hotel in town was in their possession, where the assassins would probably be allowed to stay until the big occasion.
The hardest part however was what in the world you could do if you arrived there...
“P-Please, have mercy!”
As you broke into the building and entered the conference hall, the blood-bath was already in full swing, the true strenght of your husband unfolding in front of your very eyes.
“Sorry, but I cannot make exceptions” Illumi spoke calmly, hitting his enemy’s head with a needle.
There were twenty-five - no, thirty corpses laying around.
Did he really single-handedly kill all those highly professional assassins? Then again, you had never seen him go all out before...
Even though your husband seemed to have granted them a quick death, everything was a mess. Broken furniture, scattered bodyparts and puddles of blood everywhere.
Illumi obviously didn’t need any help, but the moment you saw another enemy try to attack him from behind, you snapped.
Before you could even comprehend what happened, your body had acted before your mind, leaving you only able to watch as the man fell to the ground.
That wasn’t right. Those assassins were mostly hunters, who arrested or killed criminals. They weren’t guilty or worthy of death.
And yet you did it...it was a reflex, your inherent wish to help Illumi being stronger than your rationality.
So you stood stock still as your husband turned around, furrowing his brows at the injured person laying at his feet - and finished him off.
"Oh? Y/N...” Why did his tone have to be so cheerfull, even at times like this? “What are you doing here?”
As if this was a casual chat, he stepped over several corpses until he faced you, while still remaining his distance.
You gulped harshly, even after all this time not prepared for this moment. “I-I was searching for you.”
“What for?” he plainly retorted, stepping harshly on one of the twitching bodies. “I’m glad to see you’re alright, but you shouldn’t be here.”
Folding your hands to keep them from shaking, it made your following words seem only more as if you were praying. “Because I want you to come back to me. Please...”
“I can’t do that, Y/N” he said and his pained smile ripped your heart in thousand pieces. “I’m too dangerous to be with you. I see that now. It’s no wonder you didn’t trust me back then - since I can’t even trust myself.”
Seeing your face stained with tears made him struggle with the wish to cradle you in his arms, soothing you like he always did. But he refrained from doing so.
“Don’t be sad.” He rose his bloodied hands in the air, gesturing across the room. "I found something I want to do. See? I’ll cleanse the world of other monsters like me and make it more safe for you!”
“Lumi...” Hearing this familiar nickname in your most alluring voice made him drop the facade for only a mere second. “...are you crying?”
“Huh? So that’s what it is.” Only now Illumi realized that he had been weeping as well, touching his face in surprise. He had already forgotten that he was able to cry as well."Yeah. It happens a lot lately.”
“Illumi, love-” you now pleaded, breaking out in convulsive sobbing. “You’re sick, you know that. But that’s not the right way...”
“No need to worry” he tried to compromise, pointing to his neck. “I used a needle on myself, in case my parents should get the better off me again. If I ever hurt someone innocent again, it’ll tear my aorta apart and I’ll die.”
You dared to take a few steps in his direction, but he backed off. “There’s no other way, Y/N. You’re the only one allowed to put an end to my life if you wish, but nothing else.”
“If I die, I’ll make up at least for a fraction of my deeds” Illumi thought to himself, his face now contorting to a rather mad smirk. “Y/N will be safe.”
You said nothing - no, you were left unable to speak.
Seeing the love of your life suffering so much was just too hard for you to bear.
“I’m not worthy of your love, Y/N.” God knows when he managed to appear right in front of you, but somehow he did, softly raising your chin. “I’ll never be” he added, wiping away your tears with his thumb.
“Y-You...” Softly sniveling, you embraced your husband, face wetting the fabric of his shirt. “You don’t need to be ‘worthy’. Love doesn’t work that way, Lumi. I’ll always love you! That’s up to me and you can’t just change that fact!”
“I could” he suggested himself, struggling with the temptation to kiss all your pain away. A needle could make you hate him, or even forget it all.
But he had promised himself to never manipulate other people or cut their freedom, even if just for their safety.
It was your own decision how to feel, or how you’d deal with it.
“Do you really still not remember, Lumi?”
“What exactly?” Your husband didn’t move an inch as you grabbed him tight, afraid he’d leave as soon as you let go.
“You spared me back then” you whispered, shivering as you tried to get a hold of him again. "We were still young, but you were already under their influence...”
Illumi clearly began to shake too, making you regret the previous words. Of course they would cause a flashback...
“Do you remember?”
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Your husband must’ve been sixteen around that time - yet already a completely trained, fearsome assassin.
Who was his target again? He couldn’t remember.
All he knew was that the orders were to “kill the target as well as it’s allies and leave no witnesseses behind”. The job was precize, requiring to act quick to clean up every proof.
And then there was you.
Still in midst of your hunter education, you were assigned by your family to become the bodyguard over that certain politician, following him on his every step.
But now you saw it all in front of you: Illumi, with his hands firmly strangulating your airway.
He hadn’t developed his Nen abilities at the time, therefore having to do the job with his bare hands. And since you were the last one he had to get rid of, there was no need to hurry.
It was a strange feeling to have such a beautiful person writhing underneath him, piercing him with their pleading look.
Somehow it was a shame you had to die so early, and under those circumstances...
Just when you felt yourself passing out from lack of oxygen, you refrained from trying to pull his hands away - and placed one softly on his cheek.
Illumi froze, shocked by your deed. He had taken so many lives, made countless people suffer already...
But you were the only one who looked at him with such kind, sad eyes...absent of any hint of grudge.
You coughed heavily before you were able to corak out the question burning on your tongue: Why did he stopp fulfilling his mission?
"Yes, why...” he asked himself as well, rubbing the cheek you had just stoked. That sensation, the gentleness and affection of your touch was so foreign to him that he completely lost himself for a moment.
“Why didn’t you struggle?” he turned the interrogation around, almost forgetting about the severe situation both of you were in.
“Dunno” you shuddered, just now realizing that you had given in to your fate just seconds ago. “You seemed kind of sad.”
What?!? This must be some kind of trick!
“Does someone force you to do this?” The compassionate expression on your face scared him, making him want to run away from what he did not know. “You don’t seem happy to do this.”
“I don’t feel anything” the teenager scoffed, taken aback by your worry and care. “I am a highfunctioning tool of darkness and nothing more.”
"How sad...” You cracked a weak smile, and it’s brightness was enough to make him flee, your last words still spinning in his head. “I think under different circumstances, I would’ve loved to become your friend!”
You really were something else...flirting with an enemy that tried to kill you?!? Talking about being insane...
“I get now why my family was so much against our marriage...it’s a joke, really...”
It was a mystery how you didn’t recognize him right away, and how you only now remembered. They had to change all the facts, spending a huge amount of money to silence anyone knowing the truth.
Your name got changed, and everyone would have to act like you were their second child - because the one on the mission had died back then.
So the wrath of the Zoldycks wouldn’t caugh up with you to finish their job.
“You liked me...” Illumi let out a shaky breath, “...even back then.”
“Sure!” you now chuckled weakly, trying to brighten the mood. “How could one not fall for those eyes?”
“I tried to kill you.”
“You didn’t.”
Leading his hands to your neck, you wanted to show just how much you trusted him. And immediately, his hands, wandered up to your face, softly suqeezing and stroking it as if he was making sure this wasn’t just a dream or an hallucination. “You’d never hurt me, Lumi. I know that.”
And finally, he cupped your face, hesistantly moving his own closer to yours.
“Is it really okay for me to love you?” he whimpered ever so slightly - but you already pushed your lips onto his until they were inseparable.
“Yes, it is.”
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Feedback is always appreciated!
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance Part 19/? - Nome Part 20/? - The Future Part 21/? - A Hero’s Welcome Part 22/? - Up to Speed Part 23/? - Expect Further Delays Part 24/? - The Welcome Wagon Part 25/? - Fugitives Part 26/? - A Reluctant Accomplice Part 27/? - Deja Vu Part 28/? - Interview with a Madwoman Part 29/? - Violence
Holy shit, another chapter!  This is the one where Dottie kills a buncha mobsters.
They did not fly to Nevada.  Kay had already been recognized on a plane once, and with all three of them together and all three of them fugitives, there was a greater chance that at least one of them would be spotted.  They got Dottie some clothes that were not a prison uniform, stole another car, and started driving.
“You know, I just realized,” said Peggy, who was at the wheel for the first part of the journey.  “We never did find the bomb on Howard’s plane.  Was there one?”
“Of course not,” said Kay.  “Why would I bother building a bomb when the threat of one would do the trick?”
“Because you’re a coward,” said Dottie.
“I’m efficient,” Kay told her.
“What if she’d called your bluff?” Dottie asked.
“She didn’t.  And even if she had, I wasn’t actually going to blow up the plane.  I needed it.  And the people on board it.  I would have thought of something.  You don’t have to kill every single person who inconveniences you,” she added, sounding exasperated.  It made Peggy wonder if that were something many of the Russian girls tended to do.
“Spoilsport,” said Dottie.
The journey had to be done in stages.  Peggy and Kay could take turns driving, but neither trusted Dottie to take the wheel, and they had to take turns sitting up and watching her during the night so she couldn’t run off.  Dottie seemed to enjoy the attention.  As far as Peggy could tell, she slept quite peacefully during the nights, and during the daytime she let her scarf flutter in the breeze with a smile on her face, and delightedly pointed out roadside attractions that Peggy and Kay refused to stop for.
While they drove, they listened to the radio.  The news talked about things like Burma joining the United Nations, and how the latter organization had established a special body dedicated to public health.  But of course, what Peggy was really listening for was Steve.  His tour of New England continued with cheering crowds all the way.  The announcers described him visiting soldiers whose lives he’d saved, and the widows of those he couldn’t.
There was even, at one point, an interview with him.  Peggy perked up at the announcement and Kay immediately turned the radio up.
Captain Rogers, the interviewer said.  Now that you’re back, what are your plans for the future?
I’m not sure, Steve’s voice replied, and Peggy’s insides twisted. He’d had plans… he’d been going to get married and buy a farm.  She was the one who’d told him he couldn’t do that.  I’m still in the army for the time being.  My discharge was issued on the assumption I was dead, and since I’m not, my service isn’t finished.
“Damn Masters,” Peggy murmured.
Kay thought for a moment.  “What if he got his tie caught in a piece of machinery and it strangled him?”
“Hush,” Peggy told her.
Have you heard the rumors that other countries have begun research on human enhancement? asked the interviewer.
I have, said Steve.  It was my understanding that everyone signed a treaty that they wouldn’t do human experimentation like that.
They did, the interviewer said, but there have been suggestions that America’s enemies think they need to find a way to counter you.
I’m not a weapon, and we’re not at war, said Steve.  When you’re not at war, you don’t need super-soldiers.
So you would be opposed to any such work in the United States?  Or only abroad?
I think, said Steve, that anybody who wants to volunteer for such a program needs to think very hard about what they want to get out of it. Even the people who worked on the serum didn’t know what its long-term effects on my body would be.  I think they’d have been shocked to learn I survived three years frozen in ice.
Peggy certainly had been, and Howard… but now she found her own thought. He’d crashed the Valkyrie fully intending to die.  He’d said he’d realized at the last moment that he didn’t want that after all, but that was before he’d found his plans in tatters.  Had he changed his mind again since?  Was he contemplating suicide, only to realize he didn’t know if there were anything that would kill him?
No, that couldn’t be.  Steve wouldn’t, not when his previous attempt was so fresh in his mind.  Not when he knew that the friend he’d intended to die for was alive and in need of help.
Even so, the idea stuck in Peggy’s mind, and made her feel a little ill. She couldn’t stop picturing him contemplating it.  She imagined him playing with a knife, examining a bottle of rat poison, spinning the chamber in a revolver, and wondering if any of them could do him irreparable damage.  A treacherous lump rose in her throat at the thought.
She wondered, too, if Steve were thinking about her while all this went on.  What with all the autographs and photo opportunities and such things, he probably had very little time to.  If he did, though, what was he thinking about?  He’d told Russel to trust her, so he clearly didn’t believe in the charges against her.  What did he think she was up to?  What had Masters told him?
For that matter, what was Daniel thinking about while he sat in jail?  He doubtless thought Peggy was working on clearing both their names.  Technically she was.  Freeing Dottie would doubles have delayed the trial at the very least.  But she was also thinking about Steve’s desire to free his friend.  He’d been so broken the day after Sergeant Barnes fell into the ravine… at the time, all Peggy had been able to offer was advice.  Now that she could give him an opportunity to fix that awful thing, she couldn’t just let it lie.
Neither Steve nor Daniel had heard from her since her arrest.  Did one or both think she’d simply run off with the other?
Well, to close this on a less serious note, the reporter said.  Captain, I’m sure what the women of America are dying to know is: are you looking for love?
There was a brief pause.  I’m not sure, said Steve.  I had a girl during the war, but three years is a long time.
You heard it here first, ladies, the reporter said.  Captain America may soon be back on the market!  Thank you so much for your time, Cap.  Pleasure having you on the show.
You’re welcome, was all Steve said.
Kay changed the station, and then quickly turned the volume back down again as the Floyd Hunt Quartet’s Fool that I Am came out just a little too loud.
“Aw, don’t love make fools of us all,” Dottie teased.
Peggy didn’t answer.  She had no intention of encouraging her.
Upon arriving in Carson City, they had some lunch and freshened up, and then parked across the street from Governor Strieber’s mansion.  It was a very modest place compared to some of the buildings Howard Stark lived, but still represented hundreds of possible hiding places for a large amount of money.  Especially for a man who knew that no less a mobster than John ‘Moxie’ Blumberg would come down on him if it were found.
“How are we going to find it?” Peggy asked.
“Joseph will show me where it is,” Dottie replied calmly.  “He knows I’m coming back for it eventually.”
“Will he be surprised it’s so soon?”  A smart man would have set it aside to make sure it was there for her, but Peggy’s experience was that most politicians were not very smart where money was concerned.  If he thought it might be a while before Dottie came back, he may well have spent it… especially when Dottie and her ilk were so easy to underestimate.
“Joseph is easy to surprise,” said Dottie.  “It’s one of his more charming traits.”
It was very late, almost one in the morning, when Strieber’s shiny silver Packard pulled into the driveway, and Strieber got out.  He was a very tall man but also quite overweight, with a drinker’s belly that hung over the top of his trousers.  He was dressed up as if he’d been out for a night on the town, no doubt gambling in the new casino he pretended to disapprove of.  A woman climbed out after him and took his arm. She was a brunette, dressed in a pink and black evening gown with an enormous fur stole around her shoulders. The two of them headed inside.
“Forgot me already, Joseph?” Dottie clucked her tongue.  “You’ll break my heart.”
Once the door was closed, Dottie climbed out of the car and headed towards the house.  Peggy and Kay climbed out and went after her.
Dottie took them around the back and knocked on the kitchen door.  A woman in a maid’s uniform answered it, and looked startled.
“Miss Abagnale?” she asked.
Dottie punched her in the face.
They tied up the maid with an electrical cord, and found the short flight of stairs that led up into the living area.  Light was coming around the door at the top.  Peggy opened it a crack and looked out into a sitting area… lamps were lit, but she couldn’t see anybody.
The door suddenly jerked open, and Peggy found the barrel of a revolver in her face.
It took a moment for her eyes to re-focus from the dark ring of potential death to the man wielding it.  He was a skinny guy with dark hair, wearing a gray suit and hat and a green tie.
“Come on out, sweetheart,” he told Peggy.  His two front teeth were missing.
Peggy thought fast… no idea who this man was, but she couldn’t let him reveal that they were here.  She dropped to her knees to grab him around the legs and knock him over.  At the same time, both Dottie and Kay leaped on him from behind her.  He squawked in surprise, but it was too late for him to fight back.  Moments later they had him flat on the floor.  Dottie’s foot was in the middle of his chest, and the gun was in her hand, pointed at his head.
“Carbone?” somebody asked.  “What’s going on?”
Peggy swore under her breath – she should have known Dottie would lead them into trouble!  “Let’s go, quick,” she said.
It was too late for that, though.  Another man appeared in the doorway to the siting room.  Dottie shot him, and the second one who turned out to be behind him.  She kicked Carbone in the chin, and strode down the hall like a queen.
Peggy and Kay had no choice but to follow her.
In the sitting room, Strieber and his girlfriend were on a sofa, clinging to each other in terror.  Four more mobsters were standing around them, and Moxie Blumberg himself was halfway through lighting a cigar out of a box he’d taken from the cabinet.  All of them were clearly shocked by what had just occurred, and more so to see Dottie walk in with Carbone’s gun in her hand.
The one nearest Dottie raised his own weapon.  She kicked it out of his hand and shot him.  There was absolutely nothing for it now.  One of the others pulled out a knife and went for Peggy – she grabbed a crystal decanter of alcohol off a table and smashed it over his head.  Kay kicked another one’s legs out from under him and slammed his face into the floor, then snatched the revolver off his belt and shot a third mobster in the knee. He dropped, and Dottie shot him in the head to finish him off.  The last one lost his nerve and turned to run – Dottie shot him, too, and then she was out of bullets.  She threw the gun aside and snatched up the knife the other man had dropped.  By this time, Blumberg was pulling out his own gun, but Dottie threw the knife and it embedded itself in his gut.  He fell.
That left the three women, and Strieber and his mistress.
“Mary-Ann?” asked Strieber in a tremulous voice.
Dottie smiled.  “Where’s my money, Joseph?”
Strieber ran to the bookshelf, stepped over Blumberg’s fallen body, and pulled out a few volumes.  Behind them was a wall safe.  He dialed the combination in with shaking hands, needing several tries to get it right. With each failure, Dottie came closer and closer behind him, and Peggy could see the sweat beading on the back of his neck.  Finally he got it open, and stepped aside.
“T-t-there it is!” he said.  “Take it!”
Dottie pulled out several packets of bills and tossed them to Peggy and Kay. Then she shut the safe and turned to smile at Strieber.
“Thank you, Joseph,” she said.  “I knew I could count on you.”
In a swift motion, she’d gotten a toe under Blumberg’s fallen pistol.  She kicked it into the air, caught it, and shot Strieber in the neck.  His girlfriend screamed.  Dottie turned around, and killed her, too.
“Don’t!” Kay shouted, but it was already too late.
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years
Psych Ward (Bucky Barnes)
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Y/N and Bucky meet in a psych ward for the supernatural. Y/N defends Bucky from other guys wanting to jump him. Y/N and Bucky started to become friends.
Bucky finally convinced Steve that he belonged in a psychiatric facility. He needed mental health and guidance on how to work through the crap that HYDRA stuffed into his head. Steve visited him everyday since Bucky was admitted. The first week in the facility was the worst because of how lonely you can get.
You're figuring out where you belong and finding friends in this place. Bucky was sitting on one of the sofas, reading a book when he felt somone staring at him. He looked around the room to see a tall, slender man with jet black hair and eyes staring at him. Meeting his gaze made Bucky's skin crawl.
Nightfall came and everyone went into their rooms to sleep. Bucky was laying on his bed with his hands tucked behind his head. He stares up at the blank ceiling and thinks about how much damage he's done. There's not enough time in a decade to repent for what he did.
The sound of foot steps growing closer to his room. He stands and looks at the door to see the door handle jiggle. A faint click of a key and the door was open. It was the same man that was staring at him before. "What do you want?" Bucky asks. "To welcome you aboard, the old fashion way." The man says as he takes out a knife.
"You really don't want to do this," "You don't scare me. I've dealt with bigger, stronger men than you," "No you haven't," "Being cocky won't get you very far in here," he says as he steps closer. That's when Bucky realized that there were two other guys behind him that went into the room.
Bucky let the man punch him across the face. The last thing he needs is to be put into jail for killing someone. Y/N heard grunts and punches landing, which can only mean one thing. Jax's stupid initiation pact he made amongst the boys. This facility is meant for the gifted people with mental illnesses or had a mental break
Most of the people are class one, minimal harm or harmless. But there are few that are class three and above. Y/N being one of them, she can inflict pain onto other by touch and eye contact. Her touch is the most fatal because if she touches you for longer than a minute, you die.
"Damn it, Jax," Y/N says before standing up. "Marchelle, I need your help," she says to the telepath and telekinetic next door. "What's up?" "I need you to open up my door," "Uh uh I am not going to be sent to solitary fo--" "Please, he's a newbie." "If he's here then he has some sort of power."
"From the sounds of it, he doesn't have a great hold on it. Please, Marchelle," "Ugh, fine!" She unlocks the door and Y/N runs down the halls towards the loud sounds. She looked into the room to see two boys beating on the newbie and Jax was just about to carve out some flesh until Y/N takes off her gloves. She grabs the back of the neck of two of the boys.
Their body trembled in pain and she made eye contact with Jax. He falls to the ground and drops the knife. She let go of the boys before grabbing Jax's chin. "This is the last time you do this initiation crap, you hear me?" She waited one second longer before letting go and looking away from him.
"How did-" Bucky starts. "Down on the ground, Y/N," one of the guards says. Y/N linked her hands behind her head and says, "Where were you when Jax was about to carve into newbie here?" "Shut up," "Watch your tone. I'm coming respectfully. Don't make me change gears." she states.
"Timms, take these three to the infirmary," the main guard ordered. "A saline drip for a couple days will knock them out of it." Y/N suggested. Bucky watched the whole thing, completely confused about what just happened.
Y/N spent the last five days in solitary and when she finally got out, Bucky was the first one to approach her. "I'm sorry that I got your sent to solitary," "So what's your deal?" she asks, blowing off his previous statement. "What do you mean?" "You have a whole metal arm and you couldn't take Jax and his goons."
"I was.. I was afraid I might have killed them." "Believe me, you would have done all of us a justice." "So what exactly is your power?" "I can inflict pain on to other people by thought and touch." "Wow, that must be hard to deal with," "I've learned to manage," "How long have you been here?"
There was a moment of silence before she says, "Look, I get it. You want a friend, but I'm a lone wolf in here. I only help those that seem to need it." "Just keep your head up and stay alert. Although I'm sure you don't have to worry about Jax for a while." she adds before standing up to leave.
"Wait," Bucky says as he holds Y/N's exposed wrist. "What are you.." Y/N noticed that Bucky wasn't clenching his body in pain. And now she was more fearful than anything else. "Who are you?" she asks, ripping her hand from his grasp."I.." "What are you numb to pain or something?" "Or something," he answers.
"Just stay away from me." With that, she leaves to go back to her room. Bucky couldn't feel an ounce of pain when he touched Y/N. All he could feel was a low vibration. The next few days after that, Y/N avoided Bucky because she's never met someone that could stand her pain before. "Y/N, please, I just want to talk," Bucky pleads as Y/N walks passed him.
She stopped in her tracks before turning around. She sat down next to him and says, "About what?" "Anything. I tried to ask around about you and everyone kept quiet. Like they were scared of you or something," "It's not fear, it's respect. There's a certain respect that comes with having a level 3 or higher power."
"How long have you had this?" he asks. "I've always had it, but it reached it's peak during puberty. A lot of people died, and that's why I'm here." she explains. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault." "I was indirectly involved but still involved. The people are still dead." "How long ago was it?" "Three years, but the nightmares are still there."
"Honestly, I don't think they would go away anytime soon." he says and Y/N finally sits on the couch next to him. She leans her elbows on her knees and says, "How long have you had this arm?" "I don't remember," "What made you want to come here?" "Same reason as you. Didn't want to have the chance to hurt someone."
"We might get along better than I thought," she says and they both look at each other as they slowly started to smile.
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fasterthanmydemons · 3 years
(Eurovision is a contest where every country from Europe brings a song that the artist(s) must perform live and only one wins, it has so many bops and memes so of course this site explodes with it 😂, my country Finland brought a great metal song but tbh Italy's rock song deserved to win!) Speaking about this what are Pietro's favorite genres of music? I feel like he's really into loud songs or fast ones because these type of beats can 'keep up' with his extremely high energy levels.
{out of breath} Ah, okay. I really had no idea what it was, haha. Thank you for explaining! =)
Pietro likes rock, alternative-rock, grunge-rock, those kinds of genres. His favorite band is Bon Jovi. The songs he likes usually have a strong beat to them and lots of base guitar, but honestly the most important things is that the lyrics speak to him and rouse him in some way. Either they validate his feelings, motivate him, or remind him of things he needs help to think about in a constructive way. For example, processing his childhood traumas or his time in the Hydra lab. When he listens to songs with lyrics that take him to those places in his mind, it almost gives him an excuse to immerse himself in the memories even if they aren’t good, and that’s healing for him. It helps him to process things in a healthier way by taking his mind there and then when the song ends, he leaves it behind again. If left to his own devices, Pietro would repress a lot and wouldn’t take the time to think about it and allow himself to feel, which he has to do to heal. Music is something that helps him to do that. He has plenty of songs he just likes the sound of that he listens to while working out or something, but the ones that really touch him are those that take his mind places he really needs to go.
Here are some songs that he enjoys that remind him of...
Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi
Falls On Me by Fuel
Never Too Late by Three Days Grace (trigger warnings for mention of suicidal thoughts in lyrics and suggestions of child abuse/SA and poor handling of trauma/mental illness in video imagery)
...being held in captivity by Hydra:
Savin’ Me by Nickelback
Heavy Is the Crown by Daughtry
...being set free from the lab:
If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback
It’s My Life by Bon Jovi
...his anger towards Tony Stark:
Live Free of Let Me Die by Skillet
I Won’t Back Down by Fuel
Had Enough by Breaking Benjamin
...the Battle of Sokovia:
Into The Nothing by Breaking Benjamin
Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin
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meta-squash · 4 years
I just rewatched Plata Quemada/Burnt Money for the first time in years and WOW that movie is a lot.
Especially the intensity of Ángel and Nene’s relationship and the two very different ways they struggle with being gay and the very different ways they’re terrified that the other will leave him.
Ángel’s biggest struggle is trying to figure out what to listen to inside himself. He obviously loves Nene, desperately wants Nene to stay, and yet his anxieties and voices make him act and react in ways that push Nene away. He even admits to Nene on the beach that he’s scared of Nene leaving, scared he’s going to find someone better. And yet those feelings conflict with the religious paranoias and the ways he feels he has to push Nene away. It’s interesting because any time Ángel is looking at Nene without Nene’s knowledge, you can see the conflict in him; he loves Nene, he desperately wants this, and yet there’s this terror in him, whether specifically religious or partly injected by the voices, partly by religion.
The scene where he climbs back into bed after doing pushups is a parallel to that first sleeping scene, and it’s obvious that there’s the desire there, but when Nene rolls over, it’s like something in Ángel spooks and he just can’t handle it. Every moment of Ángel watching Nene is tinged with that: a desire that terrifies him, that simultaneously seems to make him want to grab Nene and to push him away. He’s absolutely terrified that Nene is going to leave him. Every time Nene is away from him, his psychosis spikes. Every time Nene takes care of him, there’s this obvious fight inside him between clinging to it and pushing it away. There’s the scene where Ángel is in his room reading his dictionary and Nene is outside the door, desperately asking Ángel what he can do to help, asking Ángel to talk to him, say something. Ángel takes his crucifix necklace and shoves it in his mouth. His religion and paranoia silencing him because he doesn’t know how to reconcile them and his desire and emotions.
And I don’t think the moment that this finally solidifies into one thing or the other is the scene on the floor of Giselle’s apartment, the one where Ángel and Nene are lying on each other. I think it actually solidifies when Ángel holds the gun to Nene and confronts him about Giselle. This specifically is the moment Ángel breaks through everything and makes a sort of decision. He knows he’s terrified of religious retribution, sin, hell, whatever it is. But I think he realizes he’s more terrified of Nene leaving. He threatens a breakdown if Nene leaves, but we see over and over again that Nene is just as affected when he’s away from Ángel. When Ángel is clawing at the wallpaper because he thinks Nene has left him, and Nene talks him down, I don’t think the religious paranoia is present here. It’s fully just grief and anger and fear and all these other emotions crashing down on him, and then the relief when Nene returns and comforts him. I think these two moments are Ángel shaking off the shade of paranoia and religiosity that has plagued him. He even says to Nene “Is it you, Nene? It’s me, Ángel.” Part of that is an accusation of sorts towards Nene for leaving, for seeming to have feelings for someone else when it’s always just been the two of them as The Twins. But part of it is also a message, a way for Ángel to show Nene that his mind has cleared a little, that he’s still around and still feels that love.
Nene is so interesting because not only is he single-mindedly in love with Ángel and terrified that Ángel is going to leave him, his love for Ángel only increases the more unwell Ángel gets. Which obviously scares the absolute shit out of him. He doesn’t struggle with being gay as a concept; he struggles with how deeply and completely he loves Ángel. Ángel is way, way more important than any money: when he’s shot during the car robbery, Nene drops everything to go to Ángel, and completely forgets about the money in favor of getting Ángel to safety. He admits to Giselle that he’d do anything for Ángel, that he’d die for him. And yet here he is, with Giselle, with these random men, trying to escape it all. I think the blowjob encounter in the restroom and the scene where he’s tending to Ángel’s wound and tries to make it into something more are very connected. Nene spends so much of his time holding Ángel, touching Ángel, while Ángel is unable to respond like he used to. Even when Nene is tending to his shoulder and starts to move things in a more sexual direction, it’s obvious that Ángel is struggling with the problems in his own mind and which voices or instincts to listen to. Nene is in love with him, wants the relationship to be physical like it has been for years, but Ángel is sliding deeper into this weird religious psychosis and just can’t. So Nene turns to random sex.
But it’s interesting that the type of sex that Nene forces that random man into isn’t the man giving him a blowjob, it’s him blowing the random stranger. Even getting off becomes this weird replacement fantasy. Ángel won’t let Nene touch him, which hurts Nene, but even more than that (and evident in this scene), Ángel won’t let Nene help him. When Nene tries to help, Ángel pushes him away. When Nene leaves, Ángel freaks out. Ángel is receding into himself in a way that’s confusing and frightening, his obsessions and paranoias are increasing to the point where he doesn’t even seem to recognize Nene at one point. But Nene is obviously a natural carer; his reaction to Giselle when she’s crying on her bed is genuine, I think. But he’s still using her as a stand-in for Ángel. Ángel won’t let him help. Ángel is upset and scared and suicidal, but he won’t let Nene help. Giselle, in that scene, admits she wants to die like Ángel wants to die, tells Nene to go away, but Nene pushes until she lets him hold her. Until she “lets” him help her, suggesting they run away together. But it’s another stand-in for Ángel, because at least she’ll let him help.
He confesses to Giselle that he thinks Ángel knows him more than anyone, that he’ll do absolutely anything for Ángel, including get himself killed. But he also says he doesn’t “get” Ángel, and I think wrapped up in that is the fear. When Giselle points out that Nene is in love with Ángel, I think it scares him because he hasn’t put it that way before, but I also think it scares him because Ángel has been drifting away, receding into his head, and he’s scared Ángel doesn’t feel that way anymore. So when he gets home and Ángel has OD’ed, he’s terrified but also really guilty. And then when Ángel confesses his insecurities and then learns Nene has cheated on him, he freaks out and shoots the turntable, because he feels guilty for doubting, because he’s hurting, because they’re suddenly the most out of sync they’ve ever been.
It’s interesting because their entire relationship is so deeply codependent and deeply dedicated and yet they’re both at a loss about how to communicate with each other as Ángel slides deeper into his mental illness and Nene flounders on how to help him. And I think the biggest misunderstanding throughout the entire film, obvious in both their dialogue narrations/dialogue with others and their actions, is that they’re both so deeply in love with and dedicated to each other and terrified of being left alone that they have no idea how to express any of it. Neither of them are falling out of love or anything, they’re both just fucking scared. Of different things, but they’re still scared.
But when their fear becomes about life or death, purely about survival, they return to each other. They’re The Twins again, but I think it’s different this time from the narration about knowing they’re always The Twins on a job. This time it’s returning to the way they had been before. They almost never take eyes off each other except when they’re shooting. When they’re finally lying together, touching each other in a purely casual and romantic way for the first time since the film opened (since I assume that the first shot of the two of them asleep in the bed is a sort of narrative flashback), Ángel confesses that his voices are gone. Ángel and Nene are finally able to be close again, and Ángel’s voices have disappeared. The word “love” isn’t uttered by either of them ever in the film, but I think in this scene they both absolutely know it’s there and the entire conversation is a much more back-and-forth confession of love than any of the other scenes before. When the military starts drilling, it’s Ángel that initiates the kiss between him and Nene; the first time he’s initiated the entire movie.The absolute desperation with which Nene screams Ángel’s name over and over again when Ángel is in the hallway with Cuervo is heartbreaking.
And when Nene is shot, it’s here that suddenly Nene and Ángel switch places. Nene said to Giselle that he thought Ángel knew him basically like they were one person. Suddenly Ángel is holding Nene the way Nene held him when he OD’ed, the way Nene held him when he was having a breakdown in Giselle’s bedroom. Suddenly Ángel hears no voices and Nene is hearing them as he’s dying. Suddenly Ángel is the caregiver when Nene had been before. Nene said he’d get himself killed for Ángel, but because they’re basically one person, we also know that Ángel would die for Nene. Everyone else is dead, but I think if they were both alive they’d still be fighting. In the end, Ángel isn’t still firing the gun because he’s fighting for his life. Nene’s dead so he’s going to die too. He’s not still firing his gun because he’s trying to stay alive, he’s doing it because he knows that he wants to kill as many people as possible for Nene’s death, and because Nene would do the same for him. He tells Nene, “Do you think I’d leave without you?” and “In a few minutes we’ll be far away from here.” There’s no way they’re living without each other; I don’t think that was ever in the plan.
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geraskierficrecs · 4 years
2/3 Thank you for writing it! If you're still taking prompts, may I suggest something where Jaskier is horribly injured/ill (natch) and Geralt actually is able to bring him to a town- but the people there are *really* all-in on their anti-witcher hatred. It takes some convincing (Geralt, holding Jaskier in his arms, trying to figure out whether threatening or groveling will be more effective, he doesn't *care* which, Jaskier could be dying* and he'll do both and more) the healer to accept him
 as a patient, but the coin finally convinces them and Jaskier is taken inside to a bed. Geralt is not permitted to cross the threshold. He has to wait, in the street (stable?), for hours/days to find out if Jaskier will live or die, enduring taunts and glancing blows from passersby, humbling himself to ask anyone going in the healer's place if they will bring him word of the bard. Meanwhile, Jaskier is semi-delirious inside, doesn't know where Geralt is, begging for him - can Geralt hear him from outside? He can answer him, too, but Jaskier doesn't have witcher ears and he doesn't know he's not abandoned. I assumed it will all end happily, because the healer's skilled even if an asshole, but they're both going to be particularly clingy when reunited, don't you think? Anyway, thanks again and please consider!
This prompt has been a long time coming, but I hope you like the finished result!
For Geralt, blood has never been a cause for fear.
If anything, it was occasionally a relief to see the slow pulse that signals his heart is still beating.  It means he’ll survive so long as he applies pressure and waits for his enhancements to do their work.  In a hunt, blood could mean a new clue to follow in a hunt or signal the end of a long battle against a creature.
Not this.  Not creating a spreading stain across Jaskier’s precious blue silk.  Not dripping freely down shaking hands that are clinging to the front of Geralt’s armor like a drowning man to rope.
“S--sorry.  Sorry,” Jaskier babbles and Geralt’s heart breaks a little more.
“Shh, shh.  No, it’s not your fault.”  
Geralt looks desperately around the trampled clearing and the still twitching body of the Arachas.  It takes him two tries to wet his lips enough to whistle for Roach.
Jaskier is still talking, frantic like he knows his time is running out.  “Never...listen,” he swallows, “Couldn’t let it...get you.”
“Damnit Jaskier--I would have been fine!”
“Poison kills Witchers too.”
It’s almost word for word what Geralt had explained that morning before beginning his hunt.  He’d been worried about the number of Golden Oriole potions in his pack and eager to restock at the next town they reached.  Unfortunately, the farm that hired him wasn’t large enough to have more than the most basic ingredients and they’d needed the money too much to pass up the job.
Venomous Arachas were quick and vicious enough to mean more than the few missing cattle that had been reported.  They hunted in packs, clever and vicious.  It was why Geralt had taken the time to tell Jaskier to stay behind.
“They cover themselves in a layer of poison that they can spray at a target even yards away.  Even a knick could kill a human,” he’d told him.  “Only a few live long enough to reach a mage good enough to save them.”
He doesn’t tell him about how long it takes for the poison to kill the victims.  Or about the hallucinations that meant their last hours would be spent in physical and mental agony.  The bard didn’t need to know about how many villagers had been buried already.
He doesn’t tell him that only the lucky ones die within hours--or that the extremely lucky might have someone willing to put them out of their misery before their organs dissolved within them.
Jaskier looked intrigued.  “Are you immune?”
“No, but I can handle more of it than you.  Which is why you’re staying here.”
“Sure--as long as you swear to let me pick your brains for details afterward.”
He should have known then not to trust the bard’s easy promise not to move from their camp.  Jaskier was loyal to a fault and painfully, terrifyingly courageous when someone he cared about was threatened.  He must have followed Geralt through the woods after the sound of the fight began.
But it wasn’t until the Arachas had thrown Geralt across the clearing that the bard had made his move.
It was like Geralt was there just  to watch.
To watch Jaskier rush into the fray like a hero from one of his stories--only instead of a sword all he had was that stupid fucking lute.  A lute and a feral scream that was echoed by the Arachas when it turned to the new threat and, and--
Jaskier’s hands tighten around Geralt before slowly losing their grip, spasming where they fall limp.  “Ger--geralt--”
“Don’t you dare,” he snarls back, “Don’t you dare try to give me your fucking goodbyes.  You are not dying.”
“S--silly man.” Jaskier’s smile is full of painful fondness.  “Would you fight death for me?”
Geralt swings him up into his arms and nearly weeps at the sound of familiar hooves running in his direction.  “Every. Fucking. Time.”
Read more on AO3.
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thecleverdame · 4 years
The Oath - 14
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Parings: Dark!Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Story Master List
Summary: After an unsuccessful escape attempt, the reader finds herself taken as a spoil of war. She ends up in the bed of a ruthless Alpha, the son of John Winchester, leader of the kingdom of Gilead. She struggles to conceal her true identity and navigate a society where being an Omega means nothing more than serving at the pleasure of powerful men.
Warnings: non-con, sexual assault, rape, attempted suicide, sexual slavery, branding, torture, ownership, voyeurism, anal play, smut, violence, and murder.
Sam is dark in this story. If any of the warnings are triggers for you, I would suggest skipping this one. Please read and heed all the warnings.
Beta: ilikaicalie
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The looming threat of John Winchester grows ever closer. 
For a few days, you have Greta as a company. She’s constantly angry, hovering somewhere on the verge of defeat but she talks to you like you're a person. It’s mostly just her exposition on how much she hates Dean and what she’ll do to him one day when she takes her revenge, but you don’t mind listening. She makes you feel alive and like you’re not in this alone. 
And then one day she’s gone. Dean leaves early one morning taking her with him and you’re again commended to the solitary life of waiting for a stoic Sam who makes ill-suited company. 
“Let me see.” Sam sits shirtless on the edge of the bed. He’s covered in a thin layer of dirt and bruises over this chest and arms. He’s been spending long days with the troops. The hoots and hollers can be heard all across the camp. Men fighting each other for sport, and Sam is no exception. He loves a good brawl more than any of them and he often comes bearing the marks of another man’s knife or fist. 
Tonight he waits patiently as you pull up your nightgown and rollover. 
Since the branding, your spirit has taken a blow. Most days you do nothing more than lie in bed. At first, it was to alleviate the pain, but now it’s to alleviate the stark surroundings of your reality. His fingers trail over the mark on your backside, but he says nothing. With a tap at your hip, you roll over and let him inspect the brand on your inner thigh. He unwraps the bandage while you stare at the ceiling. 
“What do you think of it?” he asks with interest. As if you should admire his handiwork. 
“I haven’t looked,” you admit.
“Haven’t looked?” he balks. “It’s been nearly two weeks.” 
“I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it.” 
“Then look now, while I’m here.” When you close your eyes he sighs, wrapping a large, wide hand around your knee and squeezing. “Look at it.” 
Pushing down the dread you prop yourself up, taking a breath before looking down. The flesh is pink, raised and newly healed. It’s a thin outline of the letters S and W with the small recreation of his family’s crest below. 
“Why?” you whisper, staring at the wound. “Why did you do this to me?”
Sam’s confused, a genuine perplexity settles over his face. 
“Because you’re mine.” 
You laugh out of exasperation. This is what life has come to. He marked you because you’re his. It’s so simple. He thinks you should already understand. 
“And to keep you safe,” he continues. “There are countless men, Alphas, that will never see an Omega in the flesh. I don’t want anyone thinking they can just take you. My mark would make any man think twice.”
“Oh,” you counter, anger bubbling up faster than you can suppress it. “That’s why it’s between my legs? So if another man tries to force himself on me he’ll see it?”
“Yes.” He ignores your frustrations and gets up. “You don’t understand it, but you will. That mark is a gift. If you were taken, any man who found you would know who to return you to.”
“You think someone is going to take me?”
“We’re at war. There are no absolutes. Circumstances change in the blink of an eye. Anything can happen.” The muscles of his back flex, growing bruises bleeding into yellowing healed spots from the week before. 
There’s no point in entertaining this conversation. In his mind you should be grateful he’s taken such care to leave you with this declaration of ownership. Luckily, you’ve become a master of redirecting the moment. 
Clearing your throat, you sit up and adjust your skirt. 
“Would you like me to wash you?” you ask, nodding toward the tub from your afternoon bath. “It’s probably still warm. I’ll put some water on the fire to warm it up.”
You’ve discovered over the last month that he responds favorably when you present your plans instead of ask. So you set water to warm. Sam strips down and sinks into the bath without a word. Once the pot is steaming you carefully carry it over to him and pour it near his feet then sit at the side of the tub, taking a cloth and washing his back. 
There’s a deep scar along the right side of his spine. You’ve spent hours looking at it while he’s sleeping and always wondered how it got there. 
“How did you get this?” you ask, a finger trailing over the flesh. 
“My father tried to kill me. Well, actually, he wanted Dean to do it. But of course Dean would never go through with it, so John tried himself.”
“Why would he want to kill you?”
“Because he thought I was something evil. No longer a man.” Sam shrugs. “He’s not wrong.”
“He had to have cut you deep, this scar is massive.”
“It should have killed me outright. But I’m not sure I can die again. I recovered quickly. And my father learned his place in the order of things.”
As the water turns brown, his skin comes clean. The awful scents of other men’s sweat and blood wash away, leaving nothing but Sam. A strong scent that gives a preview of what’s to come. 
“Your rut is coming?” you ask for confirmation. 
“Yes.” He closes his eyes as you rub a cloth across his back, watching the water rolling across taught muscle. “Does that worry you?”
“A bit. I’ve just heard…”
“What have you heard?”
“Sometimes Alphas can’t control themselves. Especially older...I mean...unmated ones.”
He chuckles, breaking into a smile and turns to look at you. 
“Are you calling me old?”
“No, I, no…”
“It’s alright little bird. I am older than most to be unmated. That’s a fair statement. But you don’t need to be worried. I control myself better than most men. You might even enjoy it.”
Two Days Later
His rut overtakes you both. For Sam it’s an animalistic need to have you. And for you it’s desire beyond reason. His scent curls inside you, vibrating, coming alive until you think you might burst if you can’t have him inside you. 
You wake up out of a dead sleep, body so stiff you can hardly move. Sam is beside you, tossing and turning in his sleep, his face creased in distress. 
You imagine you seem just as desperate in a heat. Lust and pain and desire all coming together in an animal need for each other. You could fight this feeling; resist giving in to what you want and he needs, but there’s no point. Physical pleasure has become the last ray of hope and you might as well hang on to it for as long as you can. 
“Sam,” you murmur, getting to your knees and lifting a leg over his waist. His naked cock is thick and tall, hot skin thumping against your stomach as you straddle him. 
His eyes are still closed, body radiating the heat of his rut like a fever that’s about to break. His head presses back into the pillow when you wrap a hand around his shaft, stroking down and then up under the head of his cock. Precum drips from the head, and you wipe it away with your thumb. 
In one motion, you lift up and sink back down with him inside you. That familiar stretch sending pings of pleasure out in all directions. 
His eyes pop open, meeting yours in a surprised look before dropping down to where your bodies are joined together. Both hands curl over your hips, fingers sinking into flesh as he rolls you quickly onto your back, sinking balls deep back into your cunt with one powerful thrust. 
The connection you felt to him before is nothing compared to the growing desperation you feel for each other in this moment. There’s an energy building in your chest, pressure swelling as he moves faster, his hips slapping against your thighs. 
Your clit is throbbing, just a feather’s touch away from sending you over the edge.
Sam squeezes his eyes shut in concentration as sweat drips from the end of his nose, landing on your stomach. 
“Please,” you find yourself begging without even trying to speak. 
His eyes open again, looking down at you. With one hand he pushes soaked hair away from his forehead. The room feels as if it’s spinning, the moment careening out of control. 
“I’m going to claim you,” he explains, his eyes just as hungry as every other part of his body. 
“I want it,” you nod vigorously. With one hand you reach up, sliding a hand around the back of his neck and pulling him down for a messy kiss. His tongue glides over yours, tasting, searching, before pulling back. “Please.”
The rest is a blur. His knot thickens, and just as you cum his teeth sink into your neck. His bite is deep but the pain is tempered by the pleasure of your climax. You shake around him, wrapping your arms over his back and holding him as close as you can. 
His dead drops into the crook of your neck, hips still moving until he’s got nothing left to give. There’s hot breath at your pulse point while he licks at the wound. His tongue seals the open flesh, sucking and teasing until he’s as boneless as you and collapses on the bed at your side. 
Sam stares at the ceiling of the tent, one hand behind his head and the other wrapped around you where you’re curled into his side. 
He shouldn’t have done it. 
Alphas in Gilead don’t claim Omega’s outside of marriage. You’re meant to be a part of the ceremony, a wedding where he’ll be wed to a Beta of high social standing. Only then would he have the blessing of his father to claim you. 
What the hell happened to his self-control? One moment it was fucking the next minute you were...everything. The whole world narrowed down to the woman in his bed, asking to be his. 
He has to own it, he has no choice. If anyone senses even a hint of trepidation, they’ll take you from him. It’s what should happen, what the law demands. The offending Alpha is beheaded and the Omega paired off with some Alpha who’ll get what he can before she begins to fade. Without her mate, the Omega dies a slow death that sometimes takes years but always kills in the end. 
It’s not that he doesn’t want you. He does. Sam has zero interest in an uptight Beta, but he also knows he should have waited. He’s just created a whole host of complications and his father will be all too happy to find a reason to reprimand him. 
You stir at his side, waking up slowly as your eyes flutter open. You’re not truly awake as your mouth curls into a sleepy smile, eyes closing again as you nuzzle closer until your face is pressed into the side of his neck. 
That’s when he feels it, a pang in his stomach that’s there for a second and then gone. He shifts, pulling your body into his, skin on skin while you purr like a happy cat at his side. This isn’t a bad feeling. He doesn’t mind you being bonded to him in such a permanent way and if it keeps you more content, then it’s worth it. But it certainly does impose a whole set of complications he wasn’t anticipating. 
“Did you kill her?” Dean inspects your lifeless form, nodding from the bloody sheets, to his brother. 
“No.” Sam looks at you as well, gaze lingering longer than it should. “I claimed her.”
Dean’s eyes go wide, but he doesn’t say anything. He stews in silence for some time. 
“Are you trying to create a situation? You know how dad is going to-”
“I know.” Sam raises a hand. 
“At first I thought she was good for you. You were less agitated, not so much of a temper, but she’s proving to be a problem.”
“She’s my problem then,” Sam snaps back.
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deviant3lover · 5 years
Personal Headcanons for the Trio
On a rare spark of inspiration, I’ve decided to compile my list of headcanons for the Trio for you all to look at if you’re interested. :) 
I tried my best to make them rooted in canon so that they may be plausible while still allowing me to indulge. ;)
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Putting this under Read More because boy, it is long.
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Metal Bat/Badd
- From my asks to @atinychai​, Badd likes traditionally masculine things because it makes him feel empowered and keeps most people away. He shows almost all the traits: being into sports, working out, being fierce and intimidating… all except for being attracted to women. (Came as a real shock to him too: his team often found girls cute but Badd couldn’t help but notice that some guys were pretty hot and nobody pointed it out. Doubly so because he loves the thought of being married one day and none of the ladies appealed to him.)
- Very straightforward thinker, but unlike Genos, he isn’t completely tactless or over the top with it. His thought process focuses on what needs to be done, what is needed to do it, and to do it ASAP. Considerations are taken into account, such as what would happen if he doesn’t do it right or in a certain way. This is especially good for him since he’s a busy guy even by S-Class standards, but it does leave him vulnerable to not thinking through long term plans that well.
- The most empathetic and physically affectionate of the three. He keeps his tough look on him in public and in private, but he’s one of the first people to offer to hug it out if you’re breaking down. 
(Obviously where no one can see it: that’s embarrassing on you and would attract too much unwanted attention to him, so he makes sure there’s no one watching. If there is, he’ll clap you on the shoulder, look you in the eye, and offer some advice and encouragement.) 
Young boys and teenagers look up to him, and they usually feel better about crying into his shirt when Badd tells them how hard it was to stop himself from bursting into tears at his first loss in a match, or when he was trying to keep quiet for Zenko’s sake at her recital.
- Continuing on that note, he keeps a nice relationship with some of his sporty fans. Not anything too intensive, but he’ll keep track of the boys who come to him asking him what he was like on his baseball team, what to do if there’s infighting in their group, which ones are worried about their baseball matches and he gives them a proud congrats if they win, or a consolation + inspiration to do better next time if they lost.
- When he’s not blinded by anger, Badd’s surprisingly pretty adept at being a social expert. His experiences of being on the baseball team + hanging out with problem students like him has given Badd a pretty good perspective on both the popular kids and the hated, loner kids, as well as what they’re going through. As a result, he’s usually well received by them. Feels a little embarrassed and uncomfortable around smart kids though, especially when they explain something that sounds a little complicated to him.
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- Back in his younger days prior to all the responsibilities piled on top of him, Badd was a pretty good leader for his baseball team. He checked in regularly with his team mates, their equipment, their training regimens, and their upcoming opponents. He helped some of his team mates with confidence issues, and made sure to keep in check with how they’re doing to prevent in-team fighting. All-star baseball team in their region for sure. :3
- In the future, I imagine that Badd might take up some boxing after taking a hint from all the times monsters knocked his bat out of his hands away from him. Lost his weapon? He’ll use his fists until he can get it back again, and he’ll use them well. Turns out loves the sport, but baseball will always have a special place in his heart.
- He empathizes easily with people experiencing stress; he goes through that daily with everything he has to take care of- but he’s more clueless with issues such as mental illness. Badd’s a little insensitive about it, sometimes suggesting things to take care of it which don’t work, but he’s trying his best to understand what someone is going through and knows enough to know that it isn’t something that can’t be solved by blowing off steam or cutting off some bad things in your life. Gets pissed off if someone dismisses it as ‘something that’s all in their head’ or ‘they’re crazy’ and will confront them. Forcing apologies out of the offender isn’t out of the question. Might want to stop him before he gets too pissed off.
- Like you’d expect, he’s a pretty big fan of sports, but in a more casual way. He likes hearing about his favorite athletes, training regimens, and certain meals/diets that helped stars to build up/maintain their strength and skill, but doesn’t obsessively get himself involved in the subject. On a more sentimental note, Badd finds some solace with famous athletes because they had to work hard to get where they needed to be, and on top of that, have to deal with the pressures that come with their popularity; whether they like it or not.
- Despite not having much time to cultivate attention to honing his skill and interest in cooking, he loves Gordon Ramsay. Seeing him rip entitled, spoiled people apart with words alone and gently encouraging + teaching kids has him placed high on Badd’s list of celebrities that he respects.
- Badd is a Closeted Romantic and a Family Man. Always found it touching where in some old action/thriller films, the male married lead thinks about his wife and kids back home and tells himself that he shouldn’t die, powering through the pain/adversity to get back to them. At some point it shifted to him liking some intense drama/action movie focusing on romance where the couple race against time to get to each other before it’s too late. The idea that someone you love and treat as an equal might actually be gone forever really gets him, and if done right, he’ll cry.
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- Cannot, for the love of him, focus well on books. He’s literate, but he always wants to get to the most important stuff, often skimming over details that might be important later on. This is also evident in how he writes, explaining something simply and to the point, which makes him pretty good at teaching kids basic, simplified concepts, but not so good at constructing incredibly thought out and nuanced writing. Books and audio books just aren’t immersive to him. Consequently, English is one of his worst subjects in school, and he often has to rely on online notes and essay examples to help him out.
- Extending on that, I imagine him to be a kinaesthetic/visual learner. He was born with amazing dynamic vision after all. (Under ‘Fighting Style: Keen Perception.’)
- Loves American action movies, but they’ll have to be really well made for him to remember a specific one. If you asked him about his favorite action scenes, he’ll describe it, but more often than not, he won’t remember the movie’s name unless you gave him some clues.
- (Inspired by this fanfic.) His mother died in a monster attack just moments after giving birth to Zenko. Badd used to love and respect his father, but her death lead to him spiraling down to alcohol abuse and neglect due to his grief, leading to his broken pedestal status in his son’s eyes. Badd’s still bitter over it when he thinks about it, saying that his ‘old man nursed his bottle like it was his new kid’ instead of being there for him and Zenko. Caught between poor grades in school, a rough home life, and a baby sister he didn’t know how to take care of, Badd had to convince himself that he needed to be twice the man his father is, and ever was, to get through the worst of what life had to throw at him.
- No matter how hard he tries, he still loves his father, and wants to see him endeavor to become better again. But the combined grief of seeing him crumble and give up on himself, the bitterness over his dad failing to be there for him when he needed it the most, and the anger over how seemingly self-absorbed he was in with his booze and watching the static on the TV when Badd was struggling to cope, makes him force the thought of reconciling out of his mind. Badd forces himself to be outwardly angry over what happened to avoid the conflicted feelings he has over the man he used to see as his hero.
- That being said, if you know what his father used to mean to him, you’ll see subtle signs that while Badd can’t forgive, he had never forgotten him. His father was a big sports fan too, and taught him how to properly hit a baseball. If you knew what he taught and looked closely when Badd fights or does some swings, you’ll see that the tips and tricks that he taught his son has never left him.
- Wanted to get a dog because he thought they were cool, but realized he wouldn’t have enough time for it. Begrudgingly got a cat for him and Zenko after she picked one out. He expected it to be the widespread stereotype for cats: cold, mean, and ruins your stuff… and then he saw how lovable and sweet it was and fell in love. That cat is Tama.
- Hates horror films because some of them remind him of the fact that monsters can manifest for the stupidest reasons, anywhere, anytime. It gets him worked up and restless because anything can happen, and the fact that some monsters in the past had tried to target Zenko to lure him out doesn’t make him feel any better.
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- When he’s sick/injured, he sleeps. A lot. A very heavy sleeper; expect snores and heavy eyelids. Seriously, this guy is practically stuck in either Stage 4 NREM or REM sleep until severe injuries heal quite a bit, and germs making him sick are killed off.
- Does not take kindly to anyone calling him weak or stupid. Despite getting angry easily, he’s very resilient (emotionally and mentally.) He knows from experience that if he can’t resolve it quickly, it’s best to put it on the backburner until the opportunity arrives where he can, and does his best to blow off steam in the meantime. He’s not that smart academically and he knows it, but it’s still a berserk button you should stay away from because while he’ll never admit it, it hurts him to know that despite forcing himself to attend school so that he can build a future for himself and Zenko outside of hero work, he’s still failing at getting the grades he needs.
- Expanding on that, he’s smart, but it’s more akin to Saitama’s words of wisdom than eloquent, polished reasoning and beliefs; straightforward and inspiring in a simple way that leaves no room for misinterpretation.
- Don’t let him play video games. Especially rage inducing ones like Cuphead. He will crush the controller and wonder why his character isn’t responding mid-game. The keys on the keyboard are smashed in. There are cracks on the area around the buttons. There’s a Wii remote sticking out of a wall after a frustrating defeat and the wrist strap wasn’t securely fastened.
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- He likes athletic wear better than punk styles. They’re easier to put on and move in, whilst the leather from some punk clothes heats up too much/gets too stiff for his liking.
 - Hates being restrained. Sometimes, on a very, very rare occasion, it can be interpreted as him being scared of the idea since he lashes out pretty angrily at it. Garou had been held down and beaten up by bullies twice, pinned against a tree and choked by Genos before escaping his blast by the skin of his teeth, and then was implied to be chained up and tortured/punished for his insolence against the MA in their torture room. He’s strong enough to escape most bindings, but he will be on edge if he feels like he can’t get out of them. If you play your cards right, his attack patterns will lack their usual cunning and be more animalistic.
- He’ll eat almost any kind of food except for sweets. It’s too sugary for him, leads to a crash later on, isn’t sustainable, and it doesn’t offer much nutritional value to him either, so he steers clear of them if he can help it. The odd exception are energy drinks. The sugary taste isn’t something he exactly likes, but Garou loves the immediate rush that kicks in soon after drinking them; the slight burn on his tongue from carbonated drinks such as coca cola is a plus.
- Loves the thrill of the challenge of almost any sort. The excitement comes from giving it his all and not knowing for sure how things will turn out; if he won, that’s another trophy to him. If he lost, he relishes in a milestone he has to beat and loves the idea that there’s still room for improvement. Winning or losing too much tends to be boring for him, and he’ll abandon it if he sees no way to rectify it.
- When he’s sick or injured, he’s a restless sleeper; it’s hard for him to get the proper hours that he needs. He drifts in and out of sleeping and waking, usually sleeping a few hours at best before waking up for 10 minutes and falling back to sleep. Being attacked while vulnerable, in places with little means of defense or shelter is a pretty good plan for monsters/bigshots who want his head and he knows it. One of the places he can sleep more peacefully at is Bang’s Dojo, but he hasn’t been back there for some time now.
- Tsundere. Not necessarily the blushy ‘I-it’s not like I like you, b-baka!!’ sort of way, but he’s a more subdued tsundere. He’ll come off as mean spirited at times, but the most reliable way of knowing he loves and cares about his loved ones is when they’re being threatened; he’ll rough up the threat so they won’t get any funny ideas in the future.
- Is Russian-French, with some (suspected) Norwegian in there. Is generally a European mutt who takes a keen interest in Asian culture, especially those that developed sick martial arts and/or those who have interesting, complex histories; however, Garou isn’t as interested in wars and political intrigue as he is in weird, clever, and hilarious events and hijinks that sound too surreal to be true… like Zhao Yun's army being outnumbered by the enemy, retreating, and him choosing to make their fortress look empty so that his enemies get suspicious, thinking that it was an ambush and withdrawing... before launching an attack on them, killing off his enemy's army by inciting chaos. (E.g. Some of them got trampled, others fell into a river and drowned.) He won.
- Continuing off of that, he generally regards European history with distaste due to how... unkind, some of them are.
- (God, I love @the-goddessfighter​‘s headcanons for Garou’s parents, so honestly? I’m all for this being 100% canon. Murata or ONE, make it happen. In my eyes, this is as good as you possibly can get with Garou’s backstory.)
Check out her tumblr for her OC’s for Garou’s parents! (Although I do headcanon Toru as a more neglectful father who didn’t care much for Garou, if at all. He didn’t sugarcoat his words to him nor try to comfort his son.)
- Prefers black/white/grey/neutral colors for his clothes, if only to avoid people saying that the colors clash and that he looks like a fashion disaster.
- It’s an unconscious move on his part, and while he usually has impeccable control over his power, sometimes his fingers feel like they’re jabbing you when he’s distracted. Especially when he grabs or hugs you. Sometimes, there are some small bruises where they’ve dug in a little forcefully. When he’s feeling affectionate or sentimental and you’re his lover, he traces over your skin, and it’s a contrasting mix between the calloused, rough textures from the fingers, and smooth, fluid movements that slide like water. It’s a distinct Garou feature, and whether you love it or hate it depends on your tastes.
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Genos/Demon Cyborg
- Doesn’t care too much about his popularity, but acknowledges the work that his fans put in when it comes to promoting his work and what little information he shares that others will pick up on. E.g. He doesn’t like to be bothered when he’s busy/with that bald guy, but otherwise is OK with signing a few autographs and shaking hands, he avoids certain obnoxious fangirls, he hates it when there’s a group and they crowd him, etc.
- Despite appreciating this info circulating so that some fans are more mindful about how they interact with him, he’s one of the hardest heroes to connect with due to how cold, closed off, busy, and/or socially awkward he may be. Not that many of his fans mind, as it feeds into the mysterious ‘Cyborg Prince’ fantasy that’s popular in his fan base.
- Thinks that Nice Guys/GirlsTM and people who use ‘I’m an Alpha, those betas/omegas can suck it’ are pathetic. At best. He thinks that they’re compensating for something instead of actually trying to improve themselves: for the latter, the added weight of using a disproved scientific theory makes him lose respect for them even more.
- He has a certain amount of fondness for fauna and flora. Prior to meeting Saitama, he’s had to travel long distances in search of the Mad Cyborg, and more often than not, company is fleeting, leaving him alone most of the time. Flowers by the side of the path, blue skies, the sound of chirping birds, or even some berries with rainwater droplets on them are familiar, nice sights that put him at ease. Some of his notebooks outside of taking notes on Saitama have hand drawn illustrations and notes on some plants he’s encountered, as well as their various uses.
- Conversely, barren cities will put him on high alert. Buildings act as great hiding spots, and Genos isn’t a stranger to being ambushed by monsters and criminals alike. (His eyes can be a great asset in these situations; scanning for threats and movements can give him a heads up on how dangerous the area is.)
- His sense of humor is pretty dark, if not outright sadistic at times; especially towards the people he hates. Otherwise, he likes making (mostly. Key word is mostly) harmless jabs and teases at those he loves because he finds it funny when the other person gets riled up/flustered. His tone and expressions don’t change (most of the time) when he makes them though, making it hard for others to know whether or not he’s joking until he clarifies on the matter.
- Hates those who spread misinformation about medicine, or demonizes scientists. He cares about keeping the public safe, and admires/respects science for everything it’s discovered for the sake of humanity: people such as those are a direct attack on both.
- Though on the outside he takes even the most inconsequential things seriously, to the point where he’s gullible and too honest to lie, he keeps his more solemn thoughts to himself and ingrains them at the back of his mind so that he’ll never forget them. His notebooks don’t hint at them even existing. The only way you’ll ever get to hear them is when you directly attack something he holds very dear to him (beliefs, values, aspirations) so that he may fiercely (and furiously) defend them. He berated Saitama for seemingly making a joke at his expense, but he was somewhat more lenient since he knew that Saitama wielded the power he needed. He won’t be nearly as nice if you’re not someone he likes or respects, so it’s a sure-fire way to get onto his blacklist.
- Is German-Japanese. German father, Japanese mother, though a lot of people mistake him for being fully German thanks to his looks. He understands some parts of the language, but isn’t fluent in speaking it. Japanese he’s fully fluent in, and English is getting to that point as well.
- He doesn’t usually use pet names if he gets a lover, but if he’s fallen in love hard, they get sort of ridiculous and a little cheesy. ‘My beloved’ and ‘darling’ are the most modest ones, but you’ll have to stop him from going after extremely specific and loving nicknames because they blur the line between being hilarious and embarrassing.
- Awesome at stake outs, and often keeps a first aid kit handy in his temporary bases (in the case of civilian injury) alongside a repair kit for himself. Genos is incredibly well prepared just from the equipment he has inside them, but unlike other matters (such as learning how to fold clothes efficiently and going taking it far too seriously), Genos shows pretty good judgment in how he sets them up. He doesn’t take more than what’s needed, and prepares some emergency supplies just in case there’s a new development and he needs to stay a bit longer. He’s learned from experience that taking too many things for them makes it harder for him to clear his tracks, and in return, the enemy (or enemies) that he’s been keeping an eye on might catch onto the fact that they’re being watched, making it harder for him to discover new information.
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Shared Traits & Other Bits
- The no-brainer: you will get intimidated into fleeing if you mess with them. Things may get physical if you target their family/loved ones. Injuries vary depending on level of apologetic attitude, how much of a threat you pose, how far you’ve pushed things, etc. Best case scenario is that you flee the scene with no injuries, but scared out of your mind.
- Badd and Genos use the same nickname for their lover: ‘Darling.’ Although Badd will say it as ‘Darlin’’ instead. Other than that, their nicknames are fairly different, with Badd going for things such as ‘sweet cheeks,’ ‘babe,’ and ‘sweetheart.’
- Both Genos and Garou have the tendency to mess with people for their own amusement. Garou comes in the form of taunting and goading, whilst Genos likes to make underhanded comments and jokes that will infuriate you.
- Genos and Garou like books. Genos however, is more introverted and will share his knowledge more thoroughly when prompted by someone who needs it. Garou being Garou, you wouldn’t even know he was into reading until he offhandedly mentions a bit of knowledge from a book he read. Odds are you won’t have time to ask him if he knows how to do x because he would have already gotten up to do it before you can open your mouth. This occurrence is far more common in emergencies.
- Genos doesn’t take any visible joy in fighting. He sees monsters as a threat to society that must be eliminated quickly and effectively. Badd used to enjoy throwing himself into battles and coming out of them victorious, but thanks to time and HA’s obligations, he sees monsters as destructive assholes getting in his way and creating more work for him when he’d rather come home to catch up on other things on the forefront of his mind. Garou loves fighting, the challenge- but it has diminished by a notable amount after his webcomic arc as he’s reflecting on what he needs and wants to do now. Despite this, he usually keeps his eye out for any interesting challenges, if only to distract himself.
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- Slightly digressing from the Trio: Zenko shares the burden of taking on responsibilities with Badd, though he doesn’t know they exist. She’s aware of the fact that her brother isn’t living a normal teenage life and is bothered by the fact that he can’t act like his own age most of the time, making her want to be headstrong, capable, and independent soon so he doesn’t have to worry about her. At the same time, she knows that there aren’t many heroes his age that he can get along with, so she tries to fill in that hole by spending time with him while finding heroes she likes, and hopefully her brother will like- the reason being is that hopefully, Badd will make friends with them, and she can meet her idol often! It’s part of the reason why she was so insistent in having him obtain AM’s signature.
- Genos can sing, but sometimes struggles with singing with enough emotion in his lyrics. Garou can sing pretty well, (and sings almost every Disney villain song like a champ) but he’d be resistant to others goading him into it. He’s pretty uncomfortable at the notion that he’d have to sing in front of people. Badd can… sing, but he’s best at singing the lullabies he sung to a baby Zenko- songs that get him into it can have him be really, really into it; to the point where it’s almost embarrassing to watch. He’s pretty good at rap/singing more sentimental pieces such as this:
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elmidol · 4 years
Faceless Creature :: Unmasked Man (NSFW)
Three Blind Tooke Part One Resistance is Futile
Read on AO3
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Warnings: noncon, threats, facefucking, oral, mind control, coercion
Three Blind Tooke Part One: Resistance is Futile
Chapter Three: Faceless Creature :: Unmasked Man
One night, my child, you wept with me; We mourned the monsters that had fled; They feared, sweet one, all humanity— For not even they could instill such dread.
You were not entirely sure if it was still night or early morning when you awoke. The room you were in lacked a window. The creature behind you sounded as though he was breathing evenly, as though he was asleep. You glanced down at your sorry excuse for clothing. He had never pulled the top back over your chest, which remained bare. With a snarl, you turned over in bed. Kylo Ren was lying on his back, his chest rising and falling at a steady rhythm. With your hands still chained and mittened, you knew you would be unable to do much damage with them. Likewise, you could not seize his jugular with your teeth; they were blocked not only by the rubber seal, but by the muzzle as well. That left you with limited choices. If you attempted to use your knee to press down on his throat, he could easily flip you off of him.
Thus you eased yourself closer to him. You fought off the urge to gag as you pressed your body into his, rolling on top of him. You pressed your head towards his throat, attempting to push the hard surface of your skull into his windpipe. Underneath you, the creature stirred. Kylo Ren wove an arm around your waist. “How affectionate,” he drawled. Whether he mistook your actions for nuzzling or was purposely mocking you, you were uncertain. Either way, his words struck as though he had dealt a physical blow. You froze atop him. You were waiting for him to do something—anything—yet he simply laid there.
Despite that you knew that it was in no way your fault that this creature had taken advantage of you, his words made you feel ill at ease. As though, somehow, it had been your fault. Perhaps you provoked him. He had dug for a weakness to break you—why did you continue to resist him? So many others in the Resistance broke under lesser circumstances, the creature had said so himself.
Your lungs felt as though they were burning. You had been holding your breath, you realized. His arm around you—the creature was holding onto you, and you wanted to die.
You thought of your mother, of her face. It had been so long since you had seen her. Next of your father. Your thoughts lingered here for longer. Father. Dad… Your toes twitched back and forth. Each breath you took, you held onto it for several seconds before exhaling.
Beside you, the creature remained awake. His breathing failed to return to that level pace. You imagined storybooks you had read as a child, holonovels; all the pictures of the monsters therein. What sort of terrifying creature lived beneath the mask? You had, in your own way, been a monster hunter. The righter of wrong; defending children from the war by slaying those who would drag them into it. These monsters with their cruel weapons. This one had managed to catch you.
Once upon a time, when I was a child… Stories began like that. Once upon a time, there was a monster. Yet people could put down stories, whether they had finished reading them or not. They could escape the monster at any time they wanted or needed to.
How do I escape this monster? I can’t escape this. The tears were scalding, stinging the corners of your eyes and wetting your lashes. Daddy, I didn’t want this. It hurts… The throbbing between your legs. Your torn hymen, the orgasm that had been forced upon you only increasing your discomfort both physically and mentally—emotionally. It hurts so bad, but if I scream then he wins…
How dare he have labeled your meager attempt to harm him as affectionate.
Kylo Ren unwound his arm from you long enough to pull the blanket over your exposed chest and shoulders. You ground your rubber-capped teeth together once more. Now that hot rage was fueling you anew, the tears began to die away. It was repulsive, this creature committing an act as though he truly cared whether or not you were cold. After what he had done to you—!
The throbbing made itself known as a fresh wave of pain shot through your body. It was due to this wave that you realized how hurt and exhausted you were. There would be no battles you could win in this condition. Not even the fight of keeping conscious for much longer.
In the morning, you were returned to the cell, where once more you were shackled with your arms stretched to your sides. Two ‘troopers came in; one held an IV and the other what appeared to be a nutritional shake. It was your choice which method you would receive nutrients. Chagrined, you obediently opened your mouth and allowed them to put the straw through your muzzle. In this way were you fed for the following—you were not certain how many—days.
They shackled you often; sometimes in order to clean the cell, other times to take off the mittens so that your skin could breathe, and also times for the purpose of bathing you via a cloth, soap and tub of water. It sickened you that it was one their duties to shave you as well. You felt disgusting when they did so. Your feet were strapped down so that you could not make any sudden movements that would cause the razor to cut you.
The shakes hardly had enough nutrients for you to be in any condition to fight back. It was only enough to keep you alive. Some of the ‘troopers bathing you took the liberty of fondling and groping you. You bit back the tears and angry cries each time this occurred. What was worse was when one would get bored or upset with your lack of a reaction. The wet cloth was placed over your face, the bathwater poured atop it so that you were gasping for air and coughing up the liquid.
Earlier that morning, you had been bathed once more. This time it had been seen fit to also wash your hair, which had dried since then. Instead of redressing you in the usual, laughable outfit, you had been threatened with another session of water boarding should you refuse to cooperate with pulling on the clothing that had been brought. They needn’t have threatened you; you were only too glad to pull on the black long-sleeve shirt—they offered no bra—and the panties as well as shorts that hardly concealed anything at all. Still, the outfit was much preferable to the old one.
It was when the mittens were alternated with different gloves—ones that allowed you to use your fingers, though still were long enough to prevent you from opening a vein, and ones that you were unable to remove on your own—and the muzzle was kept off that you were suddenly not sure whether you should appreciate the change in attire. Boots were slipped onto your feet. You prodded the rubber coating your teeth with your tongue; this you would be unable to remove on your own. You were led outdoors, where you had to squint despite the fact that it was overcast. You were more accustomed to the darkness and fake lighting.
A shove sent you stumbling forward. Looking over your shoulder, you perceived those who had taken you outside leaving you. A cold feeling crept into your gut; dread. You suddenly knew what was occurring. You were being released for sport.
Still, you had better use of your hands now. You glanced down at those limbs. Your broken finger, though not fully healed, was able to be moved with less pain than previous. That in mind, you took your first hesitant step towards a line of trees. A second step then a third. In no time, you were running, doing what you could to disappear into your surroundings as you crossed the line of trees. All the same, you were searching for something you could use as a weapon against the creature that would be pursuing you.
The first chance you received, you ducked into an area that offered you shading from anyone who might be following you. It was there that you tried to catch your breath. You had not realized exactly how weak you had been kept until that moment; your stamina was almost nonexistent. Reaching to the side, you grabbed a fallen branch. It seemed thick enough to be able to do some damage, though it was not quite the weapon for which you had been hoping.
At the sound of a twig snapping, you tensed before balling yourself more tightly. You shifted your legs slowly so that you would be able to spring out of your hiding place; be it to attack or run. A step closer. Your heart raced in your chest, blood pulsing in your ears while you attempted to keep your breathing level. The very moment a shadow started to fall upon you, you whipped up, quickly twisting in an attempt to strike the creature over the head—one of his gloved hands, however, easily caught the stick. He tore it from your hands, causing a cry to rise from your lips, and chucked it out of reach.
Without saying a word to you, his visor pointed at your face, the creature took a step closer. You scrambled backwards, your wide gaze on Kylo Ren. “A rather rude guest.”
“I…” You paused, your legs feeling as though they were locking up. It took you more than a single second to realize this was the doing of the creature before you. The weight of the Force kept you from running, from moving further away from him; however, the weight was not comparable to previous times he had frozen you. “I’m a prisoner. Guest suggests I’m here willingly.”
The weight upon your body increased, and you found yourself pushed to your knees. You glared at the creature from your position on the ground. Kylo Ren chuckled. “You’re so right.” He stepped closer to you, one of his gloved hands resting atop your head. You did not say or do anything; not that you could do anything with the way he had you trapped with the Force. The hand shifted, Kylo Ren caressing your face, drawing a line down to your lips. “You killed twelve officers. No mere foot soldiers. You’ve done more damage than most those in the Resistance—nearly as much as the pilots have accomplished.” Your eyes searched the expressionless mask. You wondered if this was another reason he was punishing you for surviving.
“The First Order will fall,” you said with much conviction.
Kylo Ren’s hand left your face—only to return, the creature backhanding you. Your head snapped to the side, and blood leaked from your split lip. You ran your tongue over the injury, wincing at the sting the action brought. The leather was placed once more on the side of your face, the creature turning you so that he could peer down into your countenance. “You’ve been deceived…taught lies upon lies… Your general is the greatest liar of all.” At the mention of General Organa, you dropped your eyes from the mask. You recalled full well what had happened when it was first discovered she was the daughter of Darth Vader. What had happened since. That had not lessened the truth to her words, to the cause of the Resistance.
“We will not submit to the tyranny of the First Order.” Amusement from the creature in the form of a chuckle. All that he had done to you, that he had forced you to endure, returned in full force. “You resort to such inhumane actions, vile creature.”
Your captor trailed the very tips of his fingers from the side of your jaw up the corner of your eye. You were forced to blink then squint at this minor irritant. He pushed aside the front of his robe, his hand caressing the front of his pants while the leather-clad limb that was on your face rubbed up and down. You lifted your eyes then dropped them again. The outdoors appeared to make a difference on the effect you had on him; he was hardening at his touch, at touching you. “You’re disgusting,” you hissed.
Kylo Ren moved his pants aside, withdrawing his half-hard cock from the confines of the material. Your breathing immediately accelerated to the point that you feared you would hyperventilate. With quick flicks of his wrist, he was working himself faster and faster, his cock hardening fully. It was then that he paused. “You can’t stop looking…” Heat spread across your features at his teasing, at the truth to his words. You had never been so close to an aroused man in this fashion—and the sight of his cock did prove that he was a man. Human. His nature was still that of a monster. “Would you like a taste?”
“Gross.” You wrinkled your nose. “You’re gross.” He was playing with some of the skin around the head, pulling it back, pushing it forward again. Teasing himself without making any move that would cause him to ejaculate. Kylo Ren chuckled at your expense, wrapping his hand more firmly around his cock and starting to jerk himself again. “Depraved.”
“Mm. Am I?” You paled; he was getting off on your insults. Trembling, you closed your mouth and swallowed down anything else you had planned to say. “Don’t you remember how good it feels—to cum?” You shuddered at the memory of your orgasm. Then gasped as a sudden pressure rolled against your clit. Blinking past the few tears that formed, you grit your teeth to keep from begging him to stop. He was clearly using the Force in a way most inappropriate. You felt the undulation again, and your eyelids fluttered. His hand traveled back up your face to your hair. He entangled his fingers in your locks and yanked back. Your mouth opened in a scream of pain—and he took advantage of this, shoving himself inside.
You gagged as his cock slid toward the back of your throat. The Force was keeping you in place as well as rocking against your clit. You could feel yourself growing wet, though you wished more than anything that you weren’t. I don’t want this! Kylo Ren placed his hands on the sides of your head and started to fuck your mouth. You whimpered and gagged, feeling his shaft on your tongue. Breathing in the musk of his hair as he buried himself fully into your mouth all the way to the hilt. It was a taste that, while not necessarily unpleasant, was something you had not wanted. Something you did not want. He used his hands to force you to bob your head on his length, and you released groans, gags, and other obscene noises. It was the first time when, had you been able to say anything, you would have begged him to stop.
Kylo Ren pulled out of your mouth, and you gulped in air as he lowered himself onto his knees, his legs on either side of yours. His hands were on the hem of your shorts, tugging down both them and your panties. You sobbed when he pushed you onto your back. His hands seized your thighs, which he kept spread as he shifted so that his cock was against your cunt. Kylo Ren rolled his hips, and the sensation of his erection caressing your sensitive clit had you gasping in both horror and, worse than anything, the stirrings of pleasure.
“I’m just Resistance scum!” you shot out, desperate and with a high-pitched voice. “You said it—you said you had no desire to touch me!”
“Perhaps you should be honored then.” Another roll of his hips, the head of his erection brushing your clit.
Kylo Ren started to line himself up with your entrance. “No!” The head began to push in. “Please, don’t! Please!” The result was instantaneous. He paused, pulling back before crawling up the length of your body. He straddled your chest, his hand on his cock. You sobbed and cried under him as he jerked himself until he came. His semen hit your face in strips, and you squeezed your eyes closed.
What was perhaps worse than the feel of cum on his face was that you had crumbled. He had won this won, had had you begging him. What made it worse was that he had shown a sick sense of mercy by not fucking you. By not vaginally raping you.
No longer were you bound by the Force, and so you turned onto your side and curled into a ball as best you could. The man—what a despicable man, if that he could be called—pulled your clothes back on after he adjusted himself. He then rose and stepped away. You could hear his boots crunching the foliage nearby. You tucked the heel of your hand into your sleeve, wiping at your face and trying to rid yourself of his essence.
After a time, Kylo Ren returned to your side. There he lowered himself onto one knee, drew aside your hair, and caressed, with his knuckles, down the first few inches of your spine. “Don’t! Don’t you dare touch me!” You jerked yourself to the side, however failed to break the contact between your body and his hand.
“Defeated so easily.” You hissed, turning onto your back and lunging for him. Your hands went for his throat, your fingers successfully wrapping around it. Kylo Ren, meanwhile, wound his arm around your waist and pulled you even closer. This had you faltering in your attempt to do him harm. “Ah, so there is fight left in you, little tooke.” He took you into his arms. His grip was tight, indicating that you would not be able to resist him even if you tried. You stared at his throat as he carried you back into the building. When he entered his quarters, he deposited you on the bed and then moved to secure the room so that you could not leave.
It was when these tasks were accomplished that the man walked over to a chair, the back of which was facing you. He lowered himself into the seat, sitting forward. You watched from behind as he reached up, the helmet releasing a light hiss as the latches were released. You glowered at the back of his head, at the darkly colored locks of hair that were revealed. That was all you could see of him, and yet it was a punch in the gut still. A slap in the face; another reminder that another human—that a sentient being in general—was doing these things to you.
Kylo Ren leaned back in his chair, reclining with his arms on the armrests. You remained on the bed, your knees drawn up towards your chest and your arms wrapped around your legs. A knock on the door was the only thing that caused you to startle. Kylo Ren raised a hand as he rose from the chair, and you found yourself pinned where you were. You eyed the mattress with a deep frown. Your captor walked to the door, opening it, and then closing it once more. You could smell the food instantly. It wasn’t anything like what you had been being fed. It was real food. Your mouth watered at the scent, and you cursed the man for having you there.
Rather than return to the chair as you had believed he would, Kylo Ren sat on the bed beside you. You eyed the plate of food that he set in front of himself then allowed your gaze to travel, slowly, up his body to his face. You froze, feeling colder than ever. He had been correct in his words; you were suddenly more afraid now that he did not have his mask. He was, in a way, attractive—but that wasn’t what struck you. It was how young he was, how innocent he looked despite his scowl. This was the monster that caused so many deaths. And he did not look the part. You dropped your gaze to your feet.
In your peripheral, you watched as he lifted a bite to his lips. There was a juicy sort of slurp from him, which caused your stomach to grumble and your mouth to further salivate. He reached for another bite, and you stared at the morsel he lifted with want. Jealousy gripped at you when he took the third bite. The pressure of the Force had not left you, otherwise you would have made an attempt to grab some of the food for yourself. Kylo Ren licked the tip of his thumb then pinched another bite. This time it was some of the meat. He sucked the juices off of the piece before pushing the food into his mouth. You felt like crying, but you refused to break down again. You would not beg him a second time.
You watched him grabbing another bite of the meat; this piece looked even juicier than the last. Thus, when he set it near your lips and traced around them before putting the bite into his mouth, you could not help but flick out your tongue to taste the wetness that had been left behind. Your bottom lip quivered. It had been a delicious taste, but that was all he seemed willing to give. Kylo Ren consumed another five bites of food before reaching to the side to seize his wine, which he sipped.
“You’re deplorable.”
He released a noise of thought. Kylo Ren considered you as he ate several bites more. “Perhaps, if you’re good, I will let you lick the plate.” You sneered, your lips curling so that your rubber-coated teeth were bared. This did nothing other than cause him amusement. He ate the remainder of his food without giving you a single bite. Your stomach protested loudly, and you hated it for that. Tracing a lone finger around the rim of the dish, your captor stared at you. Your eyes, meanwhile, were glued on the plate. There was a lot of juice left from the food he had eaten. You licked your lips at the thought of it, not even realizing what you were doing.
Kylo Ren dipped two fingers into the juices, dragging them across the plate so that they were coated, and then placed those two digits in front of your mouth. You wrinkled your nose, pulling your lips into your mouth and pressing down on them with your teeth. After waiting several more seconds, he slipped his fingers into his own mouth then rose, taking the plate with him. You squeezed your eyes shut, a sob wracking your frame as the man set the plate outside the door and once more sealed the room.
As you cried, Kylo Ren lifted the napkin that he had not taken out with the plate. This he wet with his tongue before scrubbing along your face. Your body was handed over to your control only when he had cleaned off the dried semen and discarded the napkin. You wiped at your face, hating the sensation of his spit that remained, hating that you wished you could go back a few minutes in time and lick his fingers. While you were wrapped up in these musings, the man retrieved a book from one of the drawers of his dresser. This he tossed onto the bed beside you prior to moving back to the chair. He sat down, quite as ever.
Your eyes darted to the volume, finding that it was one of the various handbooks of the First Order. You nudged it aside then glared at the back of the man’s head. He ignored you. You sat there watching him for several seconds before realizing he was meditating.
Tentatively, you rose from the bed. Your feet touched the cool ground, and you hesitated, merely standing there quietly. Then, rethinking your strategy, you half-knelt on the bed so that you could reach the book. This you picked up before quietly making your way to the man. You stood behind him, staring at the back of his head. You started to raise the book, angling it so that the spine could do at least some damage when you— “Desperate, are we, tooke?” You faltered, the volume slipping from your grasp and falling with a thud onto the floor. He waved a hand. “Educate yourself.”
“With these lies? I think not.”
“Then sit quietly on the bed. Unless you prefer the shackles and muzzle.” You reluctantly obeyed, walking back to the aforementioned furniture and climbing onto it. The entire time he meditated, you kept your eyes on him. Watching him, thinking of ways to kill him. Imagining him dying.
Your thoughts wandered once more to your family, to your childhood. You missed it, a sort of longing you doubted you had ever experienced before. Let me go where monsters aren’t real. The mocking way he had caressed you before and after he had forced himself into your mouth was a memory that burned you to your core. It was as though he had been debating with himself—how deeply could he objectify you? He had managed to do it so well, had been able to commit himself to the task.
It was only when he rose that your thoughts returned to the present. “Are you hungry, little tooke?” You averted your eyes at the term he had adopted for you, at his taunting. Kylo Ren walked to the end of the bed, set his hands upon the mattress, and crawled up to you. You could not help but realize how much more like a predator he seemed.
He moved upwards until his mouth was level with your ear. You could feel his breath there, could smell it—could almost taste the meal he had eaten in front of you. You swallowed hard at the saliva that started to gather in your mouth. He lifted a hand, setting three fingers against your lips. You turned your head away, not allowing him to press those digits inside. Undeterred, Kylo Ren moved his hand down to your hip.
“How do you taste, little tooke?” Your eyes whipped to his face, which held an expression of mild curiosity. “Do you believe you’ll poison me if I taste you? Is your flesh toxic?” Your heart was racing in your chest again. It stuttered when the man leaned closer, flicking his tongue out, tracing the very tip along your cheek. “Perhaps a better taste…perhaps it’s only if I eat you?” As he spoke, he drew down the clothes that were covering your lower anatomy. You fumbled to catch the clothing, however he simply ripped the articles out of your grasp. He spoke in a passive voice: “Spread your legs, little tooke”—and your mind knew nothing other than to obey.
Kylo Ren moved between your legs, hooking those limbs over his shoulders as he pressed his face close to your cunt. His hot breath caused your lips to part. Your eyebrows drew upwards then knit—why the hell had you obeyed him? His tongue flicking out against you caused all thought to fall away. Panic started to set in when your body responded. Kylo Ren nudged your clit with the tip of his tongue. He shifted, enveloping your cunt with his mouth. You whimpered, growling in frustration and setting the heels of your hands against his head, trying to push him away. The man did not budge, kissing at you.
He trailed his tongue between your lips, waggling it, flicking it in and out of his mouth fast; teasing you in a manner that had you panting. You squirmed underneath him, swearing and moving to strike him. His hand shot up, catching your wrist. Kylo Ren pulled your hand down further, nipping at the glove that was covering your flesh.
“I’m… You said I’m just Resistance scum!” you cried out when he thrust his tongue into your entrance.
He pulled back with a groan, smirking at you, his eyes dancing with amusement. “The First Order will devour the Resistance.” And again his face was buried in your cunt, the man starting to tongue-fuck you in earnest. You could feel yourself growing slick, and you snarled and cursed. When you realized that you were starting to rock your hips, you forced yourself to stop. You bunched up the blankets underneath your hands; by the third time Kylo Ren had caught your wrist when you attempted to strike him, you had recognized your actions as futile.
I want to die!
He flattened his tongue against you, swiping it up ever slowly then nibbling your clit. His hands were cupping your ass, his thumbs keeping your lips spread apart so that he had easier access to you. He was groaning as you continued to grow more and more aroused, as you grew closer to orgasm. The noises, to your ears, were so obscene, and yet they were making your pussy all the wetter for him. Your toes curled, and your legs were trembling. Once more, you were bucking up into him, trying to get his tongue to delve further into you as your vaginal walls spasmed. You failed to suppress the moan as you came. Kylo Ren also moaned, greedily swallowing over and over again. When he unhooked your legs from himself, you found that his face was slick with your juices. You jerked your legs towards the rest of your body, turning so as to block yourself from his view. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his smirk returning.
He rose from the bed, and you found you could not stop shaking. Your eyes went everywhere he did. When he moved to the door, you tensed up further. Then felt as though your mind was in a fog; a new tray of food—identical to what he had eaten, though of a smaller portion—had been brought. This he set in front of you while taking a seat next to you. He trailed a hand through your hair. You sat there, completely still, unsure what to do.
“You won’t be touched by them again, tooke.” It took you several seconds to realize he was referring to the fondling and groping you had received from the stormtroopers the last—how many days had it been? You furrowed your brow and tried to count it out. Beside you, Kylo Ren chuckled. “You don’t know how much time has passed, do you?” Your gaze darted to his face. “Eleven days since you were last here.”
What had changed in those eleven days, you wondered, to make him want to touch you? If he knew about the fact that you had been responsible for the deaths of twelve officers, he had undoubtedly done research on you. Your skills as a fighter appeared to encourage his desire to force you to submit—so much so that it now elicited a sexual response from him.
Though your stomach growled, though the food smelled delicious and made your mouth water—the price of it had been him touching you. Had been him placing you in a submissive position. You turned away from it. “I’m not hungry.” He picked up one of the bites, rolling it around and staring at it speculatively.
“You won’t be given a second chance.”
Your eyes went back to the plate of food. It would hold more nutrients than one of those blasted shakes. Would possibly give you more energy with which to fight the man seated beside you. You swallowed down your pride, reached for a piece of meat, and took the first bite.
His eyes did not leave your face, which was terrifying—largely because his eyes, there was something almost sympathetic in his eyes. Yet also something quite hungry; the creature that had tasted you lying there in wait. Your body had responded once more to him, to actions you did not desire. You nearly choked on the bite of food in your mouth, however forced away the thoughts and memories that were prompting such a reaction from you. You could not allow yourself to become too weak, could not let this creature win.
You reached down onto the plate, pinched a piece of meat between two fingers, and set it on your tongue. It fell apart easily. The juices from it were already slipping down your throat. The creature let his gaze travel to your mouth then back up to your eyes. He was observing you as one would an animal. Waiting to see what you would do next.
Please, look away. He did not. He would not. The same way you could not either. You were enemies; he was attempting to break you, and you were searching for a crack in his shield, a crack that could lead to you being able to kill him.
[Fairytale lands, they fade away, When the real monsters come out to play; So let us hide, and together stay, Or else it shall be us the monsters slay.]
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BakuDeku Lemon Fics
(*) Indicates my most suggested read.
Blinding Brilliance by SecretKiwi
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Pre-Relationship, Explicit Sexual Content, Dry Humping, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Masturbation, Awkward First Times, Praise Kink, top!Midoriya, bottom!Bakugou, Post kacchan vs deku Summary: The fact that Katsuki could even think Izuku looked down on him was mind-blowing. Baffling. He’s only ever looked to Katsuki with stars in his eyes; with a wide-eyed fascination that could only be rivaled by All Might himself. “Y-you thought of me that way…?” Izuku’s voice is soft, unsure, and honestly? Hurt. He couldn’t see how his constant commendation and devotion could ever be seen as something negative. _ Deku and Kacchan work out their feelings towards each other, and Izuku proves to him that his admiration was always sincere.
Orange Lace by Devasta
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou KatsukiMidoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Daddy Kink, Lingerie, Fluff and Smut, Established Relationship, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Bottom Midoriya Izuku, Top Bakugou Katsuki, Anal Plug, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Praise Kink Summary: He'd pressed it in with wet noises and his lips brushing Izuku's ear, promising a good, hard fuck if his kitten kept it in the entire time. Katsuki definitely isn't a liar.
Sucker Punch by guess ill die (richkid_asshole)
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll, Porn With Plot, Finger Sucking, Rough Oral Sex, Oral Fixation, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, katsuki's in a band, izuku is bad at being spontanious, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Dirty Talk, writing these tags is more embarrassing than writing the fic itself wow, spot the life is strange reference lol, momo and kyouka are together but they're barely there so im not gonna tag their ship Summary: Izuku never did anything without a plan, without forethought, without looking into every possible outcome and weighing the pros and cons of each. But something about Katsuki made him want to be impulsive.
To Break Down His Walls by Alistairz
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters:Bakugou Katsuki,Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: bakudeku, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Senior year, blowjob, handjob, makeout, Anal Sex, Anal, Rimming, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Accidental Stimulation, Romance, Overstimulation, Aftercare, Oneshot, Piercings Summary: A warm and breezy night as spring fades into summer, Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya spend their evening together laughing away their worries playing their favorite childhood video games. (Innocent enough, right?) But things take an unexpected turn when a daydreaming Izuku reaches for a bottle of soda, and their lives are forever changed.
Give Me Strength by CounterKnight291543
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Smut, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Praise Kink, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Bakugo likes to feel superior, Midoriya just wants to make him feel good, References to Canon, But UA is more of a university, Aged-Up Character(s), i'm sorry for this sin Summary: Seeing how much Midoriya has grown is making Bakugo feel weak. Thankfully, his childhood friend is on hand to change that.
Be Good by Whinyskeleton
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: BDSM, Edgeplay, Vibrators, Dom!Izuku, Light Bondage, Tears, good ones though, Finger Sucking, Praise Kink, Lingerie, whats the tag for being stepped on, basically katsuki gets wrecked, OOC Summary: Katsuki was naked except for the leather collar on his neck and the ropes on his arms, binding them behind his back. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, Izuku between his legs, rubbing his hands up and down Katsuki's thighs reassuringly. His hands were warm, strong, confident. He slowly grabbed a bottle of oil off the bed and began rubbing it over Katsuki's chest while whispering into his ear. "Are you going to be good for me today?"
Soft Spots by Saysi(Lots of chapters)
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Character: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: Blowjobs, handjobs, lots of porn, Lots of plot, Making Out, Masturbation, Anal, D/s undertones, Long, Canon Universe, Possessive Bakugou Katsuki, Because some people misunderstood this is NOT set in first year Summary: Midoriya and Bakugou don't have the best of relationships - except when they find themselves alone. Bakugou quickly finds himself developing a soft spot for the nerd.
Stopping All Stations by glamour_weeb
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Consensual Non-Consent, Exhibitionism, Rape Fantasy, Public Sex, Verbal Humiliation, Established Relationship, Crossdressing, Rape Roleplay, Anal Sex Summary: Izuku begs Katsuki to roleplay as a pervert that feels him up on the train. Katsuki only agrees if Izuku wears a slutty school girl uniform. They both get a little bit too into it.
Shelter in the Storm by baku_bean
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Established Relationship, Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Snowed In, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Riding Summary: After his first plans for Katsuki's birthday fall through, Izuku surprised him with something else. When THAT goes awry and he tries to blame himself, Katsuki reminds him of what was really important from the start.
Body Talk by erza_mikazuki
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto Additional Tags: Clubbing, night club, Strangers to Lovers, Love at First Sight, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Top Bakugou Katsuki, Bottom Midoriya Izuku, Love Hotels, First Meetings, Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Flirting, Porn With Plot, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary: Izuku Midoriya loves letting lose on the weekends. Dancing the night away at the night clubs with friends and drinking. Izuku is a tactile person. He gets high off of attraction & flirtations acted out via body language. That raw desire for close physicality; no words exchanged. Letting the body handling unspoken words. It was just another night out with friends; until he locks eyes with crimson red eyes that seem to want to eat him whole. The attraction between them is instantaneous; drawn to one another like magnets. Izuku just wants to dance with him.
Sweet Nothings by LoveOn_970
Rating: Mature Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Aged-Up Character(s), Light BDSM, Fluff and Smut, Marriage, Body Worship, Anal Sex, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Top Midoriya Izuku, Power Bottom Bakugou Katsuki Summary: Katsuki would never admit it aloud. He thought his husband was strong, of course. Being Number One does that to a man. But... he would do anything for Deku. Anything.
Safe Haven Massage by SurelyHeavenWaits *
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Massage Therapist Midoriya Izuku, Massage, Aged-Up Character(s), Smut Summary: Kirishima and Kaminari have been badgering Katsuki for weeks to accept this gift certificate to their favorite massage parlor until Katsuki finally and grudgingly accepts, despite his suspicions. Which is how he finds himself here, naked as the day he was born and getting rubbed down by a man with the voice of an angel.
You Wonderful Motherfuckers by BeyondPhantomhive
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Pranks and Practical Jokes, Fluff and Crack, Smut, Dirty Thoughts, Dirty Talk, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Getting Together, POV Alternating, Gift Fic, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping Summary:In which the Bakusquad unwittingly get Bakugou and Midoriya together through a series of pranks.
Party Wall by TheBadIdeaBears
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto Additional Tags: Meet-Cute Neighbors, Masturbation, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Mutual Masturbation, through a wall, it's a weird arrangement, like Pyramus and Thisbe but with masturbation, there's a reference no one will get, Misunderstandings, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Wall Sex Summary: Izuku moves to a new building and half of his stuff is missing. Thankfully he has a hot new neighbour he can ask for help.
TGIF by Tokiji(Part 1 of the Tickets Straight to Hell series)
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto Additional Tags: mentions of tododeku, mentions of todobaku, College AU, Party, Aged-Up Characters, No quirks Au, Drinking, Penetrative Sex, Rough Sex, Lord help these dorks, Mentions of Kirimina, Mentions of Kamijirou, Dirty Talk, Sex Jokes Summary: “If tonight was a one-time thing, I get it. But, I dunno, you look decent enough to hang out with, so.” “How flattering.” The arms around him tightened ever so slightly. “I don't… Um.” Deku leaned back until they sunk into the couch together, like a small escape from the world spinning around them, and whispered against his lips, “I really, really don't want this to be a one-night stand.” Katsuki hummed and bumped their noses together. “Do you think we have a chance?” “At this?” Katsuki waved a hand at the non-existent space between them. “I… honestly don't know.”
A Million Answers by Tokiji(Part 2 of the Tickets Straight to Hell series)
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Side Kirishima Eijirou/Ashido Mina Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Shindou You, Jirou Kyouka Additional Tags: No quirks Au, College AU, Fluff, heavy smut, Angst, Why do all of my fics have angst, Semi-Public Sex, Established Relationship, see you all in hell Summary: “Oh?” Katsuki grinned, a mixture of disbelief and bewilderment. “And how the fuck do I look at you, Deku?” “Like I’m the dumbest, shittiest, dorkiest nerd on the planet.” Deku laughed. “And like I’m… Like I’m worth the world.” “And a shirt.” “Yes. The world and a shirt.”
Go Hard by hottamale
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Aged Up, 17/18 - Freeform, technically underage i guess, Sneaking Out, Anal Sex, 69, Power Bottom Midoriya Izuku, late night adventures, Car Sex, Blow Job, eating ass Summary: They always say being a teenager is the time to make stupid decisions, but no one talks about the laughs and good times that go hand in hand with them. With the cool metal of his dad's car keys resting heavy in his hand, Katsuki is more focused on that dumb, bright smile and shitty green hair than the possible consequences of their actions.
rabid. by SageMasterofSass
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta Additional Tags: Smut, this is rly just porn yall theres a plot but it ain't much lmao, Werewolf!Katsuki, Knotting, Biting, Drooling, Xenophilia, as in Katsuki is shifted but aint an actual wolf, Cum Inflation, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, as always in my fics izuku has a size kink, and also as per usual katsuki has a filthy mouth, Dirty Talk, Size Kink, Possessive Behavior, Breeding Kink, knotting dildo, it doesn't get used tho, why use a toy when u can have a real dick? :) Summary: “Does this mean someone wants to fuck Bakugou?” Kaminari asks curiously. “I think it’s the other way around,” Mina says with a grin, and throws Katsuki a wink when he glares at her. “Obviously someone wants his giant werewolf co-” “Hey!” Katsuki snaps, cutting her off. “Knock it off, I’m not fucking anyone!” Famous last words.
Online: Grind Zero by chocolatechipplague *
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Endeavor (mentioned) Additional Tags: Camboy Bakugou, Makeup Guru Bakugou, Prohero Deku, Makeup Sex Test, lipstick stains, Blowjobs, Rimming, Sex, Anal Sex, Cum Eating, Messy, Endeavor_Sucks, BOTTOM BAKUGOu, top midoriya, Aged Up, NSFW, Sex Toys, Cock Ring, Plugs, hint of fluff, Grind Zero, Quirkless Bakugou Katsuki Summary: "Listen, you want your eyeliner sharp enough to fucking kill a man and there's no fucking point going out if your highlight ain't poppin’," Grind Zero commented as he brushed powder across his cheekbones, adding a soft shimmer to his face. He looked into the mirror and pushed his lips into a pout, just to see how it would look before dragging his brush through the powder again, a little more to the top of his cheekbones for the dramatics. He reached for his eyeliner pencil and pointed it to the camera. He pushed his lips into a pout just for the effect before lining the dramatic wings he wanted to create on his eyes over top the smoky eyeshadow he had finished a few minutes prior. "If you're not thinking about murder as you strut in the club, just go the fuck home, Becky. You're embarrassing yourself." Katsuki bakugou is Japan's most loved camboy, taking a focus on makeup and testing its durability with help from his boyfriend prohero Deku, not that Grind Zero's fans would know that little detail.
Caught Up by Mikacrispy *(2nd in the 'Get On My Level' series. Can be read as a standalone. I do suggest reading both because quality.)
Rating: Explicit Categories: F/M, M/M Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: Age Difference, Aged-Up Character(s), Canon-Typical Violence, not slow burn, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki Can't Catch a Break, Smut, Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia) Summary: Midoriya Izuku returns home after living three years away from the country to become the best hero he can... But it is not just his fighting style that improved, the young man now is handsome, assertive and very straightforward. Bakugou Katsuki was not ready for it. (This work is sequel to my other fic Get On My Level, but it can be read on its own.)
Stupid Twink Finds Another Way to Pay Horny Mechanic by decadentbynature
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Some Kind of AU idk, Extremely Dubious Consent, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, mechanic Bakugo Katsuki, Dirty Talk, Short One Shot, Drabble, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Kissing, Rough Oral Sex Summary: Izuku gets a flat tire and being unprepared for such an event, is forced to call for a tow truck. One arrives, being driven by an aggressive, loudmouthed mechanic who introduces himself as Bakugo. Everything is going smoothly...up until Bakugo asks for payment and Izuku realizes that he doesn't have his wallet. That's alright, though, Bakugo has another way for him to pay.
Addiction by MiraChaDoodles
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki Additional Tags: Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Porn Star Midoriya Izuku, Denial of Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Fluff and Smut, Getting Together, Eventual Happy Ending Summary: An abundance of freckles smatters his sun-tanned cheeks, and dark green waves curl around his face. But Katsuki gets hung up at his eyes. They’re huge and green, innocent and filled with tears, just li— Wait. Holy shit. Is that... Deku? --- Or... the first time that Katsuki gets off to a porno, Deku turns out to be the star.
Side by Side by Mikacrispy
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Original Character(s), Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Age Difference, Established Relationship, Aged-Up Character(s), Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia) Summary: Series of oneshots where we see moments of the lives of Katsuki and Izuku now that they are side by side.
Sequel to Caught Up.
Secret Touch by OneDayShipping *(Updating/Incomplete)
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: hinted non-con, mentions of wet dreams, language because bakugou, Masturbation, my own breed of crack psychiatry, loads of assumptions and BS on my part, Minor Original Character(s), some other characters from the series are scattered throughout, Hand Jobs, Coming In Pants, blowing loads on shirts Summary: Quirk Discovery AU. Quirks manifest up until the age of four. After no quirk seemed to manifest within him, Midoriya went about his frantic studies of heroes, meeting All Might, receiving One For All and attending UA. However, this seemingly quirkless teen is about to discover that he had a quirk after all.
oak tree by crunchrapsupreme *(Author says they intend to finish this fic this year.)
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki Additional Tags: Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, Top Midoriya Izuku, Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Choking, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Alcohol, Alternate Universe - College/University, college party, midoriya has big hands and bakugou has a tiny waist, Light Dom/sub, Light Bondage, Recreational Drug Use, Riding Summary: Bakugou's words die in his throat as he glances into the archway of the living room to see a small crowd of people surrounding a guy with unruly green hair. His back is towards him, so Bakugou can’t see his face, but Bakugou's eyes widen as he sees the dude actually lift a girl up in the air over his head, then back down, and then up again - and it’s then Bakugou realizes the dude is legit bench pressing a fucking person. "Yeah, I'm gonna ride that," Bakugou says.
The Benefits Between Us by dat_heichou *(Updating/Incomplete)
Rating: Mature Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Hisashi, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Additional Tags: Future Fic, proheroes au, Aged-Up Character(s), they're 24/25 in this, Friends With Benefits, Mild Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, Canon-Typical Violence, hurt/comfort elements, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Emotional Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, side ships include iichako kirikami miritama, references manga spoilers in the plot, Alcohol Summary: It was never meant to be a serious suggestion. But of course, Deku has always been someone to rise up to Katsuki’s challenges. It’s both his best and worst feature, after all. In which the Wonder Duo agrees to release the stress of being pro-heroes together and discover that sometimes being friends-with-benefits can mean being better friends.
Crybaby by lalazee(Updating/Incomplete)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Phone Sex, Dirty Talk, Smut, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal, Power Play, Romance, Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Drama, Childhood Friends, Alternate Universe - Different High School, Shiketsu High School Students, Phone Sex Operator Bakugou, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Stitches, Semi-Public Sex, Character Study Summary: That awkward moment when you have phone sex with your childhood best friend and neither of you realize who is on the other end. A love story.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2019 Day 17: Friends To Lovers
No Longer A Bat-chelor | @envydean Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6787 Main Tags and Warnings: Wildlife Rescuer!Dean, Wildlife Vet!Cas, fluff, blanket sharing Summary: Dean's always been too busy for a relationship, but, after a visit to the wildlife vet with his latest rescues, Cas asks him out and Dean agrees. Maybe the universe just needed him to wait until the right time.
Catch 22 | @dmsilvisart Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3664 Main Tags and Warnings: friends to lovers, pining, halloween, swearing, suggested or mild sexual content Summary: Their entire town knew that Dean or Cas were a sure thing if you wanted meaningless sex and you were in for a damn good time. Word got around and neither man left their partner wanting when the night was through. DEAN A year ago, at this Halloween party, Cas and Dean ended up tumbling into bed together after the festivities. They had been friends for ages and occasionally fuck buddies when one of their dates hadn’t panned out. Since then, they’ve been a regular for each other but still not exclusive. Dean knew Cas occasionally had other partners and so did Dean. Truth be told, it had been a couple months since Dean got any enjoyment out of sex that wasn’t with Cas. CASTIEL Cas was leaving his schedule open in case Dean called. It was pathetic but that's what it was. He wanted his best friend around as more than just a hookup, He wanted Dean to himself. He hadn’t enjoyed sex for months unless it was with Dean. Don’t get him wrong, he still had sex, but there was no connection. He couldn’t leave fast enough when all was said and done. He always spent the night with Dean though.
C Is For... | @spinnerjen Rating: Mature Word Count: 24369 Main Tags and Warnings: Major Character Death, Cancer, Terminal Illnesses Summary: Summary: Health expert and dietician, Castiel has just been told he has two years to live... He plans to make the most of it.
Since Always | @casbeanwrites Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1936 Main Tags and Warnings: friends to lovers, fluff, mutual pining, best friends, first kiss Summary: They are best friends, they always have been. Or so Dean constantly tells himself.
Memories Can Hurt or Heal | @fangirlingtodeath513 Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1606 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - No Monsters Summary: Dean moved into this house months ago. There's one box on the top shelf of his closet that remains unpacked. A rainy Saturday morning seems like the perfect time to reminisce, doesn't it?
Goddamnit, Cas! | @imbiowaresbitch Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3932 Main Tags and Warnings: Friends to lovers, human Cas, porn without plot, fluff Summary: Human!Cas has an oral fixation and it is positively destroying Dean's ability to think. Cas isn't trying to be a cocktease, but Dean is about to burst. And yeah, Cas is a total cocktease.
Not a couple | @huntersandwerewolves Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2426 Main Tags and Warnings: school reunion, friends to lovers, confessions, first kiss, frottage Summary: Castiel had had enough. After years of sexual tension, unrequited feelings and being teased by their friends, he was done. Dean wasn’t in love with him and he was fine with that, but he didn’t have to rub it in. The length Dean went through to make sure people knew they WEREN’T dating was ridiculous and frankly, Cas had had enough.
trustworthy for such work | @reallyelegantsharkfish Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7474 Main Tags and Warnings: Dragon Castiel, djinn dean, Dragons, Djinni & Genies, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Demisexual Castiel, Mutual Pining, Magic, Wishes References to Addiction, References to Knotting Summary: Cas hugs his pillow, and he’s mostly asleep when a memory works its way in. His father watching Fox news, a fearmongering piece about ifrits in healthcare. His father’s voice, saying, Blood is how they take your wishes. Cas always assumed that meant through feeding. But —
First Words | @suckerfordeansfreckles Rating: General Word Count: 1051 Main Tags and Warnings: friends to lovers, mild hurt/comfort, mentions of alcohol, Cas had too many drinks, love confessions Summary: Cas isn’t sure why he decides to text Dean now, at 3:24 a.m. — but with how his stomach is roaring and his head is pounding, his mouth still tasting like cheap tequila, all he wants is his best friend to take care of him. Cas: I don’t know why i even let Meg drag me out to party, but this isit Cas: i think i’ll die Cas: i didn’t realize i had such a low alcohol tolernce
Untimely Confessions of Love and Other Things - A Hunter's Realization in 5 Parts | @lemonsorbae Rating: General Word Count: 1732 Main Tags and Warnings: Post-Canon, Pining Dean, Oblivious Castiel, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Fluff, Friends to Lovers Summary: They’re dangling off his tongue again, those three little words; the three most terrifying words in the entire English language. It’s getting harder and harder to hang on to them, to keep them imprisoned.
Adventures in Problem Solving | @blueeyesandpie Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5726 Main Tags and Warnings: no warnings, fluff and goodness, College/University AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Christmas, Fluff, Russian Castiel, Human Castiel, Student Castiel, Student Dean Winchester Summary: Dean and Cas have been living together since freshman year and despite their many differences, that's how Dean wants to keep it. Then senior year rolls around and Castiel reminds Dean that his student visa expires soon after he graduates. Dean has a mad plan, but can they keep up the charade long enough for Cas to stay in America where he belongs, or will Dean's growing feelings get in the way?
i need you | @breathingdestiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1688 Main Tags and Warnings: au, actor!cas, actor!dean Summary: Dean and Cas are acting in the same movie after a long time. This would be fantastic if Dean didn’t have a huge crush on his best friend.
Sweeten My Heart | @breathingdestiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2332 Main Tags and Warnings: hs!au, pining Summary: Cas is in love with his best friend who is straight and could never love him back. But why is Dean all of a sudden calling him sweetheart, sunshine, and other pet names? Is it possible that Cas's love isn't unrequited after all?
Pen Pal | @peanutbutterjelly-pie Rating: General Word Count: 5246 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe, Pen Pals, Friends to Lovers, Fluff Summary: “Hey, Cas, you wanna be my pen pal?” * * * * * * * * * (Dean is twelve years old when he asks Castiel to be his pen pal, not knowing that it will change his life completely.)
I'm Okay With That | @DesiraeLovesDestiel Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6221 Main Tags and Warnings: Professor Cas/Mechanic Dean, best friends to lovers, pining, love confssions Summary: "Look Cas, I'm sorry, okay? Really. I never meant for you to find out, or make you uncomfortable. We can just pretend this whole thing never happened." "Seriously? Pretend that I didn't just learn you've been in love with me for fourteen years?" Dean has been in love with his best friend Castiel Novak since they were children. A fact that Cas was NEVER supposed to find out.
Hands | @marian-elisa Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2297 Main Tags and Warnings: Friendship/Love, Canon compliant, missing moments Summary: Dean wasn’t sure of when it happened, but holding Cas’ hand had become just as vital as breathing for him. Or: a reflection written from the point of view of their hands.
Let's Just Get a Beer Instead | @a-winchester-scorned  Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5941 Main Tags and Warnings: Destiel, Bottom Castiel, PWP, Top Dean, First Time Summary: Dean’s plan to get Cas laid didn’t go as planned, so they settle for a few beers at a dive bar.
Dean Likes (Cas') Anatomy | @braezenkitty Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2328 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - College/University, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, First Time, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Time, Blow Jobs, Frottage Summary: Dean and Cas have been best friends since they were kids, and they've also had crushes on each other for just about as long. They finally get their shit together thanks to an Anatomy midterm.
Not good enough? | @notfunnydean Rating: General Word Count: 6099 Main Tags and Warnings: sad!dean, Crying!Dean, pining!dean, Pining!Cas, two idiots in love Summary: When Dean finds a list in Cas’ room, where Cas has written down everything he hates about him, Dean tries to become a brand new person. But Castiel seems to hate that as well.
Ten Years Gone | @mittensmorgul Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4011 Main Tags and Warnings: Fluff, Anniversary, Feelings, Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx Mixtape Summary: Ten years after Cas first pulled Dean out of Hell, they both realized that somewhere along the way, they'd saved each other.
What Do You Wish For? | @envydean Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1500 Main Tags and Warnings: Camping, Fluff, Smut, Fingering, semi-public smut, First Time, allusions to Dean/Others, Wishes, Recreational Drug Use, Weed, sharing joints Summary: Dean, Cas, and their senior high school friends are on their annual camping trip. The sun has set and Cas wants some space to reset himself after a lot of socialising and Dean joins him.
Cold-Hearted | @supernatural9917fic Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1595 Main Tags and Warnings: they were roommates, Friends to Lovers, angry breakup songs, Fluff and Smut Summary: Dean's just gone through a bad break-up, so Cas helps him the best way he knows how- booze and angry break-up songs.
Never or Forever | @almaasi Rating: General Word Count: 5604 Main Tags and Warnings: Canon Universe, Fluff, Romance, Relationship Reveal, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Mistaken for a Couple, Resolved Romantic Tension, First Kiss, Family Dinners, Everyone Ships Castiel/Dean, Bisexual Dean, Bisexual Jody, Matchmaker Jody Mills, Wayward Sisters, Everyone Is Alive, Kaia Nieves Lives, Eileen Leahy Lives, POV Jody Mills, Eavesdropping Summary: During an impromptu family dinner, Jody figures out that Dean is in a happy long-term relationship. But does he even know? Cas is clearly paying attention. Yet Dean seems to think he's single. Jody never thought of herself as a meddler – but clearly, under circumstances such as these, something must be done.
Gulls N' Roses | @almaasi Rating: General Word Count: 2414 Main Tags and Warnings: Canon Universe, Romance, Fluff, Gift Exchange, True Love, Roses, Misunderstandings, First Kiss, Holding Hands, Ghost Hunters, Seaside Storms, Arcades, Dean Loves Pie, Angel Castiel, Autistic Castiel Summary: While mid-hunt, Dean gives Cas a red rose. Interpreting the gift as a gesture of true love, Cas decides to give Dean something very special in return.
Prince of the Ether Realms | @almaasi Rating: General Word Count: 5423 Main Tags and Warnings: Canon Universe, Fluff, Romance, Weddings, Misunderstandings, Marriage of Convenience, Dean is Bad at Feelings, Sam Knows, Shipper Sam, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Portals, Cuddly Dean, Angel Castiel, Agender Castiel, Prince Castiel Summary: To complete a spell, Castiel needs to marry a human. Sam, Dean, and Cas make do with a simple two-minute ceremony in the bunker's library. It means nothing, it's just a means to an end. But what begins as a shortcut for spellwork becomes something far more important, as the human Cas chooses to marry is Dean. As it happens, the shift in their relationship is very real – and the effects, one might say, are universe-bending.
Whoa There Cowboy | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5381 Main Tags and Warnings: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Smut, Fluff, Romance, Dean's Cowboy Fetish, Cowboy Dean, Bisexual Dean, Cowboy Castiel, Porn Watching, Misunderstandings, First Kiss, First Time, Masturbation, Roleplay, Frottage, Love Confessions, Cuddling & Snuggling, Castiel Watches Dean Winchester Sleep, Episode: s13e06 Tombstone Summary: If you're gonna jerk off, watch something you find sexy, Dean said. There's a dirty cowboy movie on TV, and that suits him perfectly. But he never expected that Cas would want to watch /him/.
A Place and a Feeling | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 24402 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe, Romance, Schmoop, Domestic Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Feelings With Porn, Real Estate Agent Castiel, Castiel in Glasses, Castiel in Panties, Bisexual Dean, Workplace Relationship, House Hunting, Love Confessions, Desk Sex, Premature Ejaculation, Moving In Together, Cuddling & Snuggling, Pets, Adopted Children, Adoptive Parents Castiel & Dean Summary: Human AU. Dean Winchester still hasn't found the perfect little house in the suburbs he's always dreamed of. On the off-chance that another meeting with his totally adorkable realtor could finally change everything, Dean keeps going back to Castiel's agency. Like Cas always says, home is both a place and a feeling. But what if the place Dean's looking for is Castiel's house, and the feeling is Castiel himself? Sometimes the most unprofessional choices lead to the most enjoyable personal consequences. This is one of those times.
...and so you fell 'verse (WIP) (Series) | @babybluecas 
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 15605 Main Tags and Warnings:canon divergence, alt-season 9, fallen!Cas, fluff and angst Summary: After the fall, Cas finds his way to the Bunker, but that's hardly the end of his road. Humanity comes with its burdens, but it might have some perks as well.
Tag Your Porn | jscribbles (AO3) Rating: Mature Word Count: 3517 Main Tags and Warnings: panty kink, fourth wall, TFW reads fanfiction, naughty Summary: When Becky sends Sam some of EllenOfOz's fanfiction, he makes it his mission to use Destiel fanfiction to mortify Dean. But to his surprise, Cas seems intrigued by panties, Dean slowly becomes engrossed in fanfic, and what the hell are they doing cooped up in Dean's room for so goddamn long? Sam is scarred for life when he goes to find out exactly what they're up to.
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angstmatsuscenarios · 5 years
Headcanon where Choromatsu is mourning for weeks because of his middle-aged friend who unfortunately passed away of heart disease.
Ooooh this one was so sad but I also liked writing this one, I really hope you enjoy it!
For a bit of background, I imagine this taking place in sort of a timeline where Choro starts working at an office, but still lives at home for the time being.
WARNING for heavy discussion of death under the cut:
Tanaka Jiro was only fifty years old when he passed away. 
His death had come as a shock to all of his coworkers, and understandably so--he was still young, and had always seemed so vibrant and healthy to those around him, always smiling and working hard. The cause had been determined rather quickly, and came as another shocking blow when it was revealed he had heart disease, his condition going largely untreated. He should’ve been taking it easy, but he hadn’t heeded his doctor’s suggestion. Work had been more important to him. 
The funeral had been held the weekend after his death. He had been very well-respected and well-loved, and so had been honored greatly. He would be remembered always. But as weeks passed, everyone in the company slowly returned to normal--it wasn’t that they no longer cared, but it was necessary to go back to work. Life had to continue, hard as it was.
And for some people, it was much harder than it was for others.
Choromatsu had only been working at the company for a few months, but he’d quickly become close friends with Tanaka. Their desks had been next to each other’s in the department, and Tanaka had gone out of his way to make sure Choromatsu felt welcome at the company and helped through the rocky transition of his first few days there. They had chatted, made jokes, and commiserated with each other through the day, which made the workload far more bearable. Most days they ate lunch together, sometimes with other people in the department and sometimes on their own, and some nights after work they’d go get drinks together.
In Choromatsu’s eyes, Tanaka was far wiser and more experienced than him, not only at work but in life. He was married, and he had a child, a son in high school--a family, one to call his own, something Choromatsu had often dreamed of having but never thought he could attain. But the closer they became, the more hope Tanaka instilled in Choromatsu about his own future. According to him, Tanaka had been much like Choromatsu when he was young, getting a later start in his career than his peers and not quite knowing where to begin. But he’d turned his life around, becoming a diligent worker as well as a dedicated husband and father. 
He was everything Choromatsu aspired to be, but more than that, he was a good friend--someone Choromatsu felt comfortable talking to about his hopes and dreams, his vents and his fears, or just sharing a beer and a good laugh after a long workday. Oftentimes, getting to talk to him was the best part of Choromatsu’s day, no matter how much work he had piled up or how tired he was, because at least they could watch out for each other. 
And now...he was gone.
      When Choromatsu had found out, he’d been devastated. It was as if his mind couldn’t process it had truly happened. He remembered going to the funeral, he remembered crying, he remembered listening to others sharing their stories about Tanaka...but it all felt surreal, as if he could’ve dreamed about it. When he went back to work, a hollow ache rose in his chest at the sight of Tanaka’s empty desk next to his. On the day that a new employee started at the company and took Tanaka’s old desk, Choromatsu had spent his lunch break hiding in a bathroom stall, feeling too ill to eat but too numb to cry.
Weeks passed. Choromatsu struggled. He went to work and ran practically on autopilot, robotically carrying out his tasks. He went back home and didn’t say much, letting his brothers dominate the conversation. He couldn’t figure out why it was so hard for him to start feeling normal again. No one else at work seemed to be having as hard a time as him, but then again, he’d barely spoken to anyone else at work. He simply wasn’t close enough to them to feel comfortable opening up.
One evening he was sitting on the back porch, watching the sun set. It was something he hadn’t done in awhile--lately when he got home from work, it was either after the sun had already gone down, or he was too swamped with work assignments he’d had to bring home in order to finish them all on time. He tried to enjoy it, but his mind wandered.
“Hi, dear.”
Choromatsu glanced up to find his mother standing on the porch now, gazing down at him. “Hi, Mom.”
“Mind if I join you?”
Choromatsu shrugged slightly. “Sure. Go ahead.”
Matsuyo settled down beside Choromatsu on the porch, and at first neither of them said anything as they watched the sun dip lower and lower in the distance, the sky darkening. Stars were beginning to emerge, little specks of silvery light far out of reach.
Matsuyo was the one to break the silence. “Dear...we’ve been worried about you. You haven’t seemed like yourself lately. You’ve been working so much, and not eating a lot either.”
Choromatsu kept his gaze forward, though he wasn’t really focusing on the sunset now. “I guess I haven’t really felt like myself lately,” he confided quietly.
“If you want to talk about it, I’m here,” Matsuyo said gently. “You don’t have to go through this all alone. You might feel better if you talked about it.”
Choromatsu knew she was right, but it was hard to sort out his emotions. “I just...I’m not really sure why it’s so hard to move on. No one else at work seems to be feeling this bad, so why is it hitting me so hard?”
“You don’t know that for sure, Choromatsu--everyone mourns differently, and don’t always show it. From what I’ve heard Tanaka was a wonderful person. I’m sure he had many friends at the company who miss him and wish he were still with them. They may just cope with the pain differently than you.”
“Yeah...I guess so.” Choromatsu inhaled and then exhaled slowly. “I didn’t even know him all that long, though--not as long as other people who worked there. I’ve only been there a few months.”
“True, but it doesn’t always take long to establish a strong connection with someone,” Matsuyo reminded him. “You became close friends with him quickly. Friends can mean just as much to a person as family--they can be like family, even--so when we lose them, it’s painful. What you’re feeling is natural.”
Choromatsu fell silent for a moment. What his mother said made sense, but it didn’t lessen that dull ache in his chest that had been present for the past few weeks.
“And maybe,” Matsuyo continued, “it’s possible that you’re a little scared now, too.”
Choromatsu glanced up at her, confused. “Scared…?” he repeated uncertainly. “What makes you say that?”
“There are a couple of reasons. For one thing, this is the first time you’ve ever truly been affected by the death of someone close to you, so it’s understandable it makes you think about mortality, how fleeting life can be. And another...you told me that you really looked up to Tanaka, that he was someone you aspire to be like, the reason you’ve been working so hard and dedicating yourself to the company. But now you’ve seen first-hand what overwork can do to a person. Maybe you’re a bit worried the same could happen to you.”
“I...I don’t know…” Choromatsu sighed, his breath wavering a little. “I guess…that sort of has been on my mind lately, too. It’s really scary to think how one day you could be talking to someone, same as always, making plans to get together later in the week, and then the next day he’s just…” His breath hitched in his throat, tearing welling up in his eyes as he croaked out the rest, “...g-gone. And it makes you think how one day...one day, it could be you. I don’t want that to be me, I don’t w-want to die suddenly one day because I didn’t take care of myself...and I w-wish Tanaka had taken care of himself, because maybe he’d still be h-here…”
At this point his voice was shaking and his tears were threatening to spill over. Matsuyo rested a hand comfortingly on his shoulder and waited as he struggled to compose himself, sniffling and rubbing at his eyes.
“You know,” Matsuyo began, after a moment, “I think it’s very admirable of you to want to be like Tanaka, to have goals for the future. I think that is a wonderful way to honor him. But you can change things--you can take care of yourself, know your limits. I think you would make Tanaka very proud.”
That nearly brought Choromatsu to tears again, but he managed to keep himself together. He knew he’d cry over this again, he knew it would take him time to heal—and that was normal. But somehow, hearing his mother voice his concerns and remind him he could do things differently made him feel just a little better.
“Thanks, Mom,” he finally said, his voice hoarse. It was hard to smile, but he managed to turn the corner of his mouth up just a little.
“You’re welcome, dear.” Matsuyo leaned in and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and he rested his head against her. “Just remember, you’re not alone in this. Your family is here for you.” Choromatsu had known this all along, of course, but it was nice to be told again.
Together, the two of them watched the sun disappear from sight, the world blanketed in the almost comforting darkness of night. The stars shone, looking especially breathtaking, or maybe it just seemed that way to Choromatsu.
He knew he’d always miss Tanaka. He’d been a good friend, and a good influence. He knew many other people would miss him as well—maybe he should reach out to them, too, so they wouldn’t feel alone in this either.
And he hoped that maybe—just maybe—a small part of Tanaka would live on in him, for the rest of his days.
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sserpente · 6 years
Mischief and Ice (Chapter 2)
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Synopsis: Thanos’ cruel attempt to wipe out half of the universe failed and the titan is dead; but his actions came with grave consequences. Tears and cracks in the universe, all across space and time formed wormholes within the nine realms and beyond, giving old enemies a vicious opportunity to strike again. When the Jötuns invade Earth and the Avengers assemble to defend the planet once again, it is the help of none other than the former war criminal Loki they are reliant upon to drive the icy warriors back to their own realm. But then the God of Mischief encounters a young woman abandoned in the cold—your body mangled and altered with Jötun blood, a lab rat to the Frost Giants. He decides to take you with him and nurse you back to health, unable to comprehend the confusing affection he begins to harbour for you.
Find all chapters on my masterlist!
Stepping through a make-shift portal was hardly a problem, travelling by Tesseract or Bifrost had proven to be a lot more draining. The challenge was to put up with all the hostile glares the Avengers shot him like daggers when they caught sight of him, following suit after Thor.
He had to admit, Strange was skilled—he conceded him talent, yet he was hardly impressed. After all, he had been doing this for centuries. Last time, the mortal wizard had merely caught him off guard. Loki would not let that happen again.
“So… Frost Giants,” Thor began with a forced smile, sitting down on the chair reserved for him during meetings almost as if he had never left the compound. Loki simply stood, clasping his hands behind his back. There was no reason to get comfortable around these people. Especially Tony looked like he was going to shoot him any moment and Doctor Strange, joining the group at the table after the portal snapped shut behind him, steered clear of the God of Mischief anyway, fuelling the other’s suspicion even further.
“It’s good to see you, Point Break. But why the hell did you bring Reindeer Games?” Tony interrupted him harshly.
Loki only smirked as he lifted his arms in false defeat. Infuriating them had amused him then and it still amused him now. Nothing was ever going to change about this. He was not fond of his own past, and the reputation his own family had besieged him with. There was nothing to be proud of, not really. But, he had begun to come to terms with it. So what was wrong about having a little fun? A malicious smile worked wonders to hide a wounded and tainted heart.
“Look, Loki is…” Thor hesitated. Why did he hesitate? The world knew by now he was not really Asgardian. The God of Mischief sighed. “He knows the Jötuns a lot better than I do.”
Tony opened his mouth to protest, followed by Natasha raising an eyebrow at him.
“Right… next thing we know he sets them against us.”
This time, Loki actually chuckled quietly, almost surprised by himself. He had fought so much in the last couple of years, survived quarrels with his brother, won against the Goddess of Death and lastly, helped to kill the titan who had scarred him for life… and there was absolutely no reason for him to still bother with all the people who had slashed his vulnerable heart not so long ago; not then and not now. Still… that did not mean he could not vex them when it felt like cooling medicine down his throat.
“You are not quite wrong, Agent Romanoff.” His blue glance wandered over to Thor who watched his every movement with widened eyes.
“What are you saying?” He roared.
“I am the rightful king of Jötunheim.”
The entire room fell silent. One could practically hear them all trying to digest what he had just said. Eventually, Thor spoke up again, leaning against the table in the process.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He stated dryly.
“A long time ago, we have tried your method. Do you recall how your blind lust for battle ended?” He paused, his wicked grin widening. “Brother… do you not trust me?”
Bruce scoffed. “That’s a trick question, right?”
Oh, it was. Never trust the God of Mischief. Loki was curious as to what it would feel like to be trusted for once, yet he felt no desire whatsoever to make up with the self-proclaimed superheroes.
“Perhaps it is about time I claim the throne.”
“Okay.” Tony spat. “What’s your plan? If it involves killing or any kind of narcissistic self-glorification, I’m going to kick you all the way back to Norway myself.”
Sighing, Loki rolled his eyes. Stark was the one talking.
“Please… enlighten me. Have you got a plan? Your metal armour will be entirely useless against the Jötuns, Stark, they would freeze the parts within mere seconds. What is your strategy?”
Steve was the only one willing to reply. Morally, the soldier out of time was perhaps the only one thinking rationally when it came to him. He could not exactly say that he liked him but at the very least, Loki was able to tolerate him.
“We should be headed to Norway right now. If they attack, without us the people will stand no chance.”
“Then what?” Loki probed, clearly unimpressed. “What about the places they have already taken? You are suggesting what has been on Thor’s mind since he first laid hand on his hammer—to hurl yourself into battle and strike where they will be at their strongest. The Jötuns will send their fiercest warriors to Norway, rest assured Asgard will defend it but their leaders… their leaders will hide, cowardly, in the background.”
“How would you know?” Tony snapped. In response, the God of Mischief turned straight to Thor.
“Laufey ruled Jötunheim for decades. The Frost Giants would not take kindly in leaders and commanders changing their utmost principles. I watched them for a long time, learned how they operate, remember? They do not like surprises.”
Bruce raised his eyebrows, crossing his arms with a thoughtful expression. “So what do you suggest?”
“I suggest we take the war where we want it to be.”
They have abandoned their palace and they left me behind to die. Was it mercy… or was it a worse fate they had tossed you into? You had run out of edibles two days ago. Covered in frost bites, bruises and other injuries but most importantly half frozen, you were surprised you still managed to melt the ice between your hands to drink some water.
No. Death would be mercy and yet, you did not want to perish. If only you had listened to your brother.
Come home early, he had said. Mum’s making supper, he had said. You didn’t know whether they were still alive. Your mum suffered from an incurable illness. She was weak, bed-ridden for the most part but she loved cooking more than anything in this world. Whenever she felt energised enough, she would prepare gorgeous and delicious meals for you all.
You should have come so you would be together now. You should have screamed at your boss and insisted on leaving. It wasn’t like you were getting paid for all the extra hours he forced on you… but you still needed the money on your bank account every month, if anything to pay your mother’s medical bills—you couldn’t risk getting fired.
What had happened to the rest of the country, you did not know. Iceland was fairly small compared to other places, the chances there was help on the way were ridiculously little. Maybe they were all dead. Maybe you had gotten lucky.
You scoffed, your breath blowing white fog into the cold air around you. Your will to live was strong but you had long bent to the Frost Giant’s cruel rules, learnt not to try and run away or lash out and fight back. Compared to them, you were tiny, fragile.
The worst part, however, had not been when they had impaled you with their ice cold cocks and filled you with their chilly seed, not the many bruises they had inflicted on you and not how they had made you bathe in a tub full of cold water and ice as a punishment or simply for their amusement but the many times they had injected you with their blood, watching you wither away.
They had told you many things—but they had never told you why they would attempt to break your body. Instead… they had simply done it.
It was short of a miracle you were not dead yet but if no one found you soon, then you would be.
Tony cursed quietly, earning himself a half-hearted scolding from Steve as he flew over the ocean, leading the quinjet to its first destination—Iceland. Natasha had been forced to switch off the routing signals. There was no need to give away their position, after all. What they had on their side was the element of surprise. That, and Loki’s ridiculous but unfortunately also very plausible plan.
Who was he to trust the one man who had caused his PTSD?
Once they had gotten suited up and ready to leave, for none of them wanted to lose any more time, he had stopped Loki with a scowl, grabbing his upper arm. The God of Mischief’s growl had been deadly.
“Why are you doing this, really?” Tony had inquired quietly. “Helping us, I mean. Surely not from the kindness of your heart…?”
Loki had had the audacity to smile—maliciously.
He trusted Thor—and if Thor believed that taking Loki on a mission and putting their lives into his hands was a good idea… he sighed. Loki had hoodwinked, betrayed and fooled his own brother quite a few times. No… it was still a bad idea and he doubted that he would make it out alive without having to kill Loki slowly at some point.
“What exactly are we looking for, Reindeer Games?” He started languidly after they had landed. Natasha was loading her guns—silent clicks echoing through the ice cold air—Bucky was adjusting his metal arm, Steve was fixing his shield and even Thor’s lightnings crackled through his new weapon. They all expected a fight upon their arrival and they were not entirely wrong.
The Frost Giants had left traces. It was almost beautiful. The rivers, houses, bushes, trees and streets, everything was frozen and glittering and glistening in the weak sunlight. Loki knew they must have established themselves a little empire and now abandoned it to hunt their next big prize.
“Look around you,” he explained impatiently. “Does this look like a battlefield to you? It is not. Mortals are no match for Jötuns and they knew this. Anything that is made of ice and moves—kill it. What we are searching for are their headquarters. A place for them to hide while the lower among them do the dirty work.” It did not sound much different from how Odin had ruled. Loki suppressed a scoff. It was a trait the dead king had passed on to his only biological son. He, Loki, was the brains, Thor was only the muscles. Some things would never change…
“So what do we do?” Wanda’s voice cut through the air, her Eastern European accent heavier than usual. He had by now noticed it did so whenever she was upset or nervous. Nothing Loki should be worried about as long as she kept her powers in control.
“We split up.” Thor announced loudly before Loki had a chance to reply. But yes. Working in solitude was what the God of Mischief had learned to prefer when the only person he could ever truly rely on was himself. Besides, upon an encounter with another Jötun, he would not have to dread turning all blue and monstrous in front of the Avengers—they mistrusted him as is.
There were no castles in Iceland, not really. But the God of Mischief, knowing exactly what to pay attention to, soon found what he was looking for. It was an old ruin, a former farm house—and it was the perfect place for starting an icy kingdom. The first of many places to find Jötun guards, councillors or even one of their leaders.
“I found something,” he announced dryly, still getting used to the little headset device that enabled him to communicate with the Avengers. “Stay where you are, I am going in first.”
“Hold on a second, Reindeer Games. What’s your location?”
But he had already turned the annoying piece of electronics off. It would only distract him, especially if he was forced to listen to Stark’s dull voice. Rolling his eyes, he approached the frozen farm house and pushed open the door, not even flinching when his skin made contact with the ice cold doorknob. Then, he stepped inside.
A/N: And so it begins...
If you enjoyed this chapter, would you consider buying me a coffee for the next? I’d appreciate your support so much! kofi.com/sserpente (or hit the ‘Support me’ button on my blog!)
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1. who hogs the duvet?
definitely clementine. she’s got a lot of funny sleep habits, like kicking and talking in her sleep. she moves around a lot too, whereas violet is like a rock, super heavy sleeper. violet wakes up to clem having stolen the blanket a lot. sometimes neither of them have the blanket and its just...on the floor. 
2. who texts/rings to check how their day is going
they don’t need to they have a sixth sense. 
3. who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
violet is! she says she hates arts and crafts but its a lie. shes very creative and prefers to make gifts rather than buy them. most of her presents to clem are probably something artsy like a drawing a poem or something cheesy and heart-felt like that. clems more of a ‘ill buy you everything you’ve ever wanted’ kind of gal. 
4. who gets up first in the morning?
it’s basically canon that clementine oversleeps. violet may sleep like a log but she wakes up super early. it’s just a habit she can’t break. 
5. who cries at movies?
clementine. but then again clementine gets more into movies than violet does. vi just sort of...critiques everything she sees and doesn’t give a shit about the characters. unless it’s like, a movie about a dog or something. 
6. who gives unprompted massages?
neither??? clementine probably tries one time but violets spine just snaps like a kit-kat and it scares her so bad she never touches violets back again. 
7. who fusses over the other when they’re sick?
clementine becomes more outwardly concerned than violet, and she’s usually really practical about it. like she wants violet to stay in bed and drink soup or something. but for violet it’s like...internal panic. like she totally thinks that clementines going to die if she gets a cold but she refuses to show this panic and eventually it blows up in her face because clementine can’t take of herself and now she actually MIGHT die like wow they’re stupid :/ 
8. who gets jealous easiest?
kind of similar to the above. they’re both equally as jealous as eachother they just show it differently. clementine tends to be more closed off with it, like she denies being jealous and thinks she isn’t, but finds herself acting more clingy than usual. but with violet she knows shes jealous and she’s gonna work with that emotion by being Extremely affectionate in public and it’s :))) 
9. who has the most embarrassing taste in music?
that...depends. clementine unironically listens to country music and violet still listens to early 2000′s emo bands so like...take ur pick. 
10. who collects something unusual?
clementine literally collects animal bones...so like....
11. who takes the longest to get ready?
violet because she has to put on her emo makeup. (dhfhd probably clementine, but i can’t imagine either of them ever really dress up that much) 
12. who is the most tidy and organised?
violet. she is a virgo, afterall. 
13. who gets most excited about the holidays?
clementine gets excited about holiday events, like halloween and all that stuff, but violet gets excited about holidays as in ‘off school’. so really i’d say clem? she probably really enjoys that kind of celebratory stuff. 
14. who is the big spoon/little spoon?
i can’t decide so like: they face eachother while cuddling. kinda like a cocoon. they’re both getting cuddles. 
15. who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?
clementine becomes unhinged when playing video games. she’s more chill with sports but anything competitive that she’s not automatically amazing at? she loses it. she has to win. violet likes to unleash that unbridled fury on her friends a lot. 
16. who starts the most arguments?
neither! i don’t see why they would? unless it’s like some dumb shit like...u kicked me in your sleep again...then like...idk...no point
17. who suggests that they buy a pet?
violet! she’s never had a pet before!!!
18. what couple traditions they have?
star gazing...does that count as a tradition? 
19. what tv shows they watch together?
violet really likes dinosaur documentaries and clementine really likes watching baseball but they both hate the other so basically: none. they might watch cartoons together sometime if aj’s around but other than that they just...don’t like the same tv shows. 
20. what other couple they hang out with?
none lmao. no other couples can stand them they’re so annoying (no they probably hang out with some random ppl i just cant think of who) 
21. how they spend time together as a couple?
doing dumb shit. pulling pranks on their friends etc. they literally just do a bunch of childish kid shit or study together. 
22. who made the first move?
clementine!!! in a modern au i imagine clementine just stomped up to violet one day and said can i kiss you? and vi was like ‘sure’ and then they kissed and thats it fellas ! but in canon it was clem. 
23. who brings flowers home?
violet!! she has a lot of flower knowledge! sometimes clem will bring flowers home but she’ll bring yellow and vi will get like lowkey upset (but joking) with clem like ‘are you breaking up with me?’ and clems like ‘huh????’. anyway vi knows all the flower colours and meaning so...
24. who is the best cook?
they’re both average at it! nothing special but nothing bad. 
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1st February >> Mass Readings (Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia & Canada)
Feast of Saint Brigid, Abbess, Secondary Patron of Ireland 
Saturday, Third Week in Ordinary Time
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Feast of Saint Brigid, Abbess, Secondary Patron of Ireland
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
Job 31:16-20,24-25,31-32
Have I been insensible to the needs of the poor?
Have I been insensible to poor men’s needs,
or let a widow’s eyes grow dim?
Or taken my share of bread alone,
not giving a share to the orphan?
I, whom God has fostered father-like, from childhood,
and guided since I left my mother’s womb.
Have I ever seen a wretch in need of clothing,
or a beggar going naked,
without his having cause to bless me from his heart,
as he felt the warmth of the fleece from my lambs?
Have I put all my trust in gold,
from finest gold sought my security?
Have I ever gloated over my great wealth,
or the riches that my hands have won?
The people of my tent, did they not say,
‘Is there a man he has not filled with meat’?
No stranger ever had to sleep outside,
my door was always open to the traveller.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 106 (107)
R/ Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his love has no end.
The Lord changes desert into streams,
thirsty ground into springs of water.
There he settles the hungry
and they build a city to dwell in.
R/ Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his love has no end.
They sow fields and plant their vines;
these yield crops for the harvest.
He blesses them; they grow in numbers.
He does not let their herds decrease.
R/ Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his love has no end.
But he raises the needy from distress;
makes families numerous as a flock.
The upright see it and rejoice
but all who do wrong are silenced.
R/ Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his love has no end.
Gospel Acclamation
1 John 4:12
Alleluia, alleluia!
As long as we love one another,
God will live in us
and his love will be complete in us.
Luke 6:32-38
Be compassionate just as your Father is compassionate.
Ps 106 (107):35-38, 41-42. R/. v. 1
Jesus said to his disciples:
‘If you love those who love you, what thanks can you expect? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what thanks can you expect? For even sinners do that much. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what thanks can you expect? Even sinners lend to sinners to get back the same amount. Instead, love your enemies and do good, and lend without any hope of return. You will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.
‘Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and you will not be judged yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant pardon, and you will be pardoned. Give, and there will be gifts for you: a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap; because the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, Third Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green)
First Reading
2 Samuel 12:1-7,10-17
David's penitence over Uriah
The Lord sent Nathan the prophet to David. He came to him and said:
‘In the same town were two men,
one rich, the other poor.
The rich man had flocks and herds
in great abundance;
the poor man had nothing but a ewe lamb,
one only, a small one he had bought.
This he fed, and it grew up with him and his children,
eating his bread, drinking from his cup,
sleeping on his breast; it was like a daughter to him.
When there came a traveller to stay, the rich man
refused to take one of his own flock or herd
to provide for the wayfarer who had come to him.
Instead he took the poor man’s lamb
and prepared it for his guest.’
David’s anger flared up against the man. ‘As the Lord lives,’ he said to Nathan ‘the man who did this deserves to die! He must make fourfold restitution for the lamb, for doing such a thing and showing no compassion.’
Then Nathan said to David, ‘You are the man. So now the sword will never be far from your House, since you have shown contempt for me and taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.”
‘Thus the Lord speaks, “I will stir up evil for you out of your own House. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to your neighbour, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun. You worked in secret, I will work this in the face of all Israel and in the face of the sun.”’
David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’ Then Nathan said to David, ‘The Lord, for his part, forgives your sin; you are not to die. Yet because you have outraged the Lord by doing this, the child that is born to you is to die.’ Then Nathan went home.
The Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife had borne to David and it fell gravely ill. David pleaded with the Lord for the child; he kept a strict fast and went home and spent the night on the bare ground, covered with sacking. The officials of his household came and stood round him to get him to rise from the ground, but he refused, nor would he take food with them.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 50(51):12-17
R/ A pure heart create for me, O God.
A pure heart create for me, O God,
put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
nor deprive me of your holy spirit.
R/ A pure heart create for me, O God.
Give me again the joy of your help;
with a spirit of fervour sustain me,
that I may teach transgressors your ways
and sinners may return to you.
R/ A pure heart create for me, O God.
O rescue me, God, my helper,
and my tongue shall ring out your goodness.
O Lord, open my lips
and my mouth shall declare your praise.
R/ A pure heart create for me, O God.
Gospel Acclamation
cf. Psalm 26:11
Alleluia, alleluia!
Instruct me, Lord, in your way;
on an even path lead me.
John 3:16
Alleluia, alleluia!
God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son:
everyone who believes in him has eternal life.
Mark 4:35-41
'Even the wind and the sea obey him'
With the coming of evening, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let us cross over to the other side.’ And leaving the crowd behind they took him, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him. Then it began to blow a gale and the waves were breaking into the boat so that it was almost swamped. But he was in the stern, his head on the cushion, asleep. They woke him and said to him, ‘Master, do you not care? We are going down!’ And he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet now! Be calm!’ And the wind dropped, and all was calm again. Then he said to them, ‘Why are you so frightened? How is it that you have no faith?’ They were filled with awe and said to one another, ‘Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Genesis 3:9-15,20
'The offspring of the woman will crush your head'
After Adam had eaten of the tree the Lord God called to him. ‘Where are you?’ he asked. ‘I heard the sound of you in the garden;’ he replied ‘I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.’ ‘Who told you that you were naked?’ he asked ‘Have you been eating of the tree I forbade you to eat?’ The man replied, ‘It was the woman you put with me; she gave me the fruit, and I ate it.’ Then the Lord God asked the woman, ‘What is this you have done?’ The woman replied, ‘The serpent tempted me and I ate.’
Then the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this,
‘Be accursed beyond all cattle,
all wild beasts.
You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust
every day of your life.
I will make you enemies of each other:
you and the woman,
your offspring and her offspring.
It will crush your head
and you will strike its heel.’
The man named his wife ‘Eve’ because she was the mother of all those who live.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
1 Samuel 2:1,4-8
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
My heart exults in the Lord.
I find my strength in my God;
my mouth laughs at my enemies
as I rejoice in your saving help.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
The bows of the mighty are broken,
but the weak are clothed with strength.
Those with plenty must labour for bread,
but the hungry need work no more.
The childless wife has children now
but the fruitful wife bears no more.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
It is the Lord who gives life and death,
he brings men to the grave and back;
it is the Lord who gives poverty and riches.
He brings men low and raises them on high.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
He lifts up the lowly from the dust,
from the dungheap he raises the poor
to set him in the company of princes
to give him a glorious throne.
For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,
on them he has set the world.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
Gospel Acclamation
cf. Luke 1:28
Alleluia, alleluia!
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee!
Blessed art thou among women.
cf. Luke 1:45
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who believed
that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.
cf. Luke 2:19
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed is the Virgin Mary,
who treasured the word of God
and pondered it in her heart.
Luke 11:28
Alleluia, alleluia!
Happy are those
who hear the word of God
and keep it.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed are you, holy Virgin Mary,
and most worthy of all praise,
for the sun of justice, Christ our God,
was born of you.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Happy is the Virgin Mary,
who, without dying,
won the palm of martyrdom
beneath the cross of the Lord.
Matthew 1:1-16,18-23
The ancestry and conception of Jesus Christ
A genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham:
Abraham was the father of Isaac,
Isaac the father of Jacob,
Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,
Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah, Tamar being their mother,
Perez was the father of Hezron,
Hezron the father of Ram,
Ram was the father of Amminadab,
Amminadab the father of Nahshon,
Nahshon the father of Salmon,
Salmon was the father of Boaz, Rahab being his mother,
Boaz was the father of Obed, Ruth being his mother,
Obed was the father of Jesse;
and Jesse was the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife,
Solomon was the father of Rehoboam,
Rehoboam the father of Abijah, Abijah the father of Asa,
Asa was the father of Jehoshaphat,
Jehoshaphat the father of Joram,
Joram the father of Azariah,
Azariah was the father of Jotham,
Jotham the father of Ahaz,
Ahaz the father of Hezekiah,
Hezekiah was the father of Manasseh,
Manasseh the father of Amon,
Amon the father of Josiah;
and Josiah was the father of Jechoniah and his brothers.
Then the deportation to Babylon took place.
After the deportation to Babylon:
Jechoniah was the father of Shealtiel,
Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,
Zerubbabel was the father of Abiud,
Abiud the father of Eliakim,
Eliakim the father of Azor,
Azor was the father of Zadok,
Zadok the father of Achim,
Achim the father of Eliud,
Eliud was the father of Eleazar,
Eleazar the father of Matthan,
Matthan the father of Jacob;
and Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary;
of her was born Jesus who is called Christ.
This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph; being a man of honour and wanting to spare her publicity, decided to divorce her informally. He had made up his mind to do this when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save his people from their sins.’ Now all this took place to fulfil the words spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son
and they will call him Emmanuel,
a name which means ‘God-is-with-us.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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