#most of the beasts loosen up a lot
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itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
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Idol Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: Pink really was his colour, and she was nothing more than his number-one supporter and number-one tormentor.
Genre: Fluff (its just a lot of floof)
Word Count: 1.1K
Est. Read Time: 5 min
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @san-network @illusionnet
Banner: @cafekitsune
A/N: Well, back to revising for the last exam (i swear I'm at my limit)
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"What did you just call me?" he paused mid-game, "No- not you- guys wait up, gimme a second, I have to deal with this." with that he muted himself, before turning to what he had to 'deal with', and what he had to deal with was laying on her side, curled up, facing the wall, her phone in hand as she mindlessly scrolled down, one reel after another, after she had mumbled the most grotesque thing known to man, oh so casually, leaving him in utter shock.
"Hello- I'm talking to you," he called out, reaching for the rolled-up sock on the floor, waiting for her response, once he got none, he decided to throw it at her, snorting when it landed right between her face and her phone. Now, all he had to do was wait for her to realise-
"EW! WHAT THE HELL!" her screech caused him to smirk, especially when she sat up to face him, tossing the sock back at him which he dodged with ease, before hopping off his chair and onto the bed, which led her to whine and try to escape, only to have him grab her by the waist and pull her onto his lap, her back pressed flushed against his chest as he placed his chin on her shoulder.
"Now, what did you call me?"
"Nothing~" with a whine she tried to pull away, only for him to pull her closer, squeezing her until she was wheezing out a laugh. His lips brushed against her pulse, trailing up to her jaw until he asked again, "What did you call me?"
"Nothing!" she laughed, trying to wiggle out of his grip, which was pointless, man all that protein was really doing it's stuff huh? Thankfully, she was a smart girl, which meant she could find her way out. Reaching for the pillow beside them, her fingers gripped the edge of the cotton as she hummed, "I called you...." she began, grip tightening on the pillow, "My itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, hunky-spunky, floofy, cutie-patootie, SNOOKUMS!"
As soon as the pillow squared in on his face his grip loosened on her, she made a run for it, leaving the pillow, tumbling out of his lap as she crawled to the other side of the bed, trying to make her escape, only to feel the beast grip her by the ankle, a shriek breaking past her lips as she looked back to meet the glare of a man ready to fight- "Sannie~I'm just a gir-umf"
"No, you're a menacing, little minx!" he huffed, making sure to not put all of his body weight on her, just enough to pin her down under him, smirking when he noticed her gripping onto the edge of the bed, "Did you call me that because I wanted to play a round first?" he asked, only to receive a muffled, "I can't breathe you, big baby."
Rolling off her he sighed, chuckling when she followed, only to slap her hand on his tummy, causing him to wince, whining as he rubbed the spot, face turned to her, while hers was turned to him, both on their backs, laying on the bed, staring at each other.
"What?" she snapped, though her hand was now laced with his, earning a look from her lover causing her to scoff, "It's a cute nickname." Moving closer to him, she pressed onto his side, turning onto hers, so she could hook her leg with his, an arm wrapped around his torso (nah, she tried to, so she was just gripping onto his sweatshirt), chin on his shoulder, so close that their tip of her nose bumped against his, her breath fanning across his face, tickling his skin, "I just think my Sannie-wannie, is an itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, hunky-spunky, floofy, cutie-patootie-"
"Snookums...I know...and as much as I love you- what the f*ck is up with that, that's not a name, it's a whole family tree," he mumbled, tilting his head so his forehead bumped against hers, the thump, causing her to wince, pouting in return.
"I saw your pictures from your Vogue photoshoot in pink~ It suits you," she giggled, her face flushing at the way he raised a brow at her, his signature cocky smirk gracing his lips, causing her to bury her face in his shoulder, "But then I saw your pictures in a tiara~ my boyfriend is such a babygirl~"
"I am not a- the vogue one- I- stop~" he whined, turning on his side to hug her, pulling her closer as he rested his chin on top of her head, squeezing her every time he heard her giggle, "Stop that~ I'm big and strong." His whining only led her to cackle, pulling back a bit as she looked up at him, smiling at the way he had been glaring down at her, visibly irritated by her annoying antics, though she also noted the pink dusted across his cheeks, and how his ears were a cute hue of red- that's what he gets for playing stupid games instead of paying attention to her.
"You just did this so I'd pay attention to you huh?"
"Is it a crime to ask my boyfriend for love~"
"No, no it is not-"
The door slammed open causing her to yelp, and press herself against him, burying her face in his neck, as he tilted his head upwards to look at- oh shit.
Yunho standing there in all his glory, seething, no, fuming, marching to pounce on the fool who left him hanging mid-game, but his steps faltered when he saw another figure next to the idiot, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he ran a hand over his face.
"Next time, just don't play if you have someone over." He mumbled, frowning at him, only to give her a smile when his eyes met hers, earning a sweet, "Hi Yuyu."
"Hey...sorry for barging in. Enjoy your evening." He concluded as he walked out the door, only to pause when she called him out again, having him turn in the doorway to face her as she sat up enthusiastically, " You wanna know what Sannie is?!"
Confused the taller male raised a brow, nodding in return, not noticing the way the other man had begun to panic, especially when she took a deep breath and began narrating, "Sannie is an itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, hunky-spunky, floofy-"
Yunho only nodded, confused at first, but as soon as her words were cut off a Cheshire-like grin stretched across his face as he smiled at the panicking feline-looking man, nodding again as he slowly closed the door with a soft click. Clasping his hand on her mouth, he pulled her into his chest, facing Yunho with eyes filled with nervousness watching him leave, no, this was not going to end well for him, he was in love with the spawn of Satan.
"I love you Sannie~" she giggled against his palm, though all he could do was stare at her helplessly, so in love, yet in so much pain- oh that's what he gets for ignoring his little minx.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp
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thefruitbros · 1 month
Hello Bullet Train nation, how are we doing?? This is my (long-ish?) observation about the Twins' neckties/clothes representing their states in the movie, based on my thoughts. Idk if anyone's mentioned this before, I just kind of noticed this after rewatching BT for the 20th time and I blacked out, I just couldn't stop thinking about it when I noticed the coincidences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the start of the movie, the Twins' neckties are pretty tightened up. All neat and tidy, nothing out of the ordinary right? I always interpreted this as both of them being fully composed and put-together (represented by their neckties) ever since nothing concerning has happened yet, as far as they are concerned, their mission is doing well.
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But then the moment they lost the case, Tangerine's necktie (including one button) looks a bit looser now. As if his composure is also slowly becoming undone or slipping, ever since the situation has taken a turn for the worse
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Lemon fixing Tangerine's necktie — fixing his brother's composure?? maybe?? As if fixing it is saying "Calm down, we can make this right. Now let's go find this case. Hold yourself together, Tangerine." Lemon's necktie is still not loosened at all up to this point. He's still remaining calm.
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After one dead Son, Lemon passing out, and not being able to find Ladybug or the briefcase later.... we now have Tangerine take his tie off completely. Might interpret this as him becoming more serious with the situation and finally on the edge of losing his composure fully + necktie will no longer hold him back (symbolically and metaphorically??)
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Then we get to the Yakuza interaction with Tangerine. More buttons are unbuttoned (also goodbye jacket) and he looks a LOT more disheveled than the last image — might be because he's showing more and more of his true self especially since nothing is holding him back now + composure is fucked at this point due to being bothered so much by The White Death's men Compare his to Lemon's outfit, Lemon's necktie is still pretty tightened up, aside from the amount of blood splatter around his chest area — Lemon is holding up fine still.
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After fighting Ladybug and getting thrown off the train later — Tangerine is completely disheveled and all the buttons are unbuttoned now (ALSO he was extremely pissed off in this scene). I kind of remember from the art book that this is supposed to be "unleashing the beast" or basically showing how Tang is just gone at this point and is about to go full on insane because everything went to shit (I CANT EXPLAIN PROPERLY, please understand)
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Now back to Lemon, the only time we ever see Lemon's necktie slightly loosened up is upon interacting with The Prince and Kimura — interpret this scene as him doubting or finding the duo suspicious + he's also worried at this point in time too ig???
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When Lemon finally woke up, he still had most of his clothes with him including his necktie and his brother's necklace.
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But when he had found Tangerine's dead body, his necktie is gone too and so is his jacket (including buttons are all unbuttoned) — all that remains now is his white shirt and Tangerine's necklace.
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Tangerine's death was so devastating that it was the only thing that could pull apart Lemon's composure throughout the movie. He replaces the necktie with the necklace around his neck, it's about him bringing an important part of his brother with him and that its the only thing that matters. It's supposed to protect him now, like how Tang protected him many times before. also is it a coincidence that Lemon was shot in the chest and Tangerine always wore his necklace near his heart?? are y'all seeing this?? I'm dying here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This might be me being delusion or might even be intentional by the writers of BT idk but whatever it is, I am insane about these small details and I need to share it to the world. This movie is taking a big toll on me guys
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Bot Buddy is Cheetor’s twin
SFW, Familial, platonic, Cybertronian/Bot reader
Buddy has a stricter personality.
Beast mode is an otter.
 Buddy constantly is looking out for Cheetor. Cheetor is infamously known for getting into trouble due to how rash he enters battles, even if he means well. It is a common occurrence to see them both on patrol, as one is never too far from the other.
“Hey, hey where are you going?”--Buddy
“I’m going out to stretch my legs.”--Cheetor
“Okay, give me a minute to get my gun ready.”--Buddy
“No, I mean, I’m going out. Like by myself. Solo bot outside.” --Cheetor
“Cheetor so far, I’m the only thing that gets you back to the base in one piece. Do I need to remind you of the Canyon incident?” -- Buddy
“… So how much longer is it going to take to get the blaster ready?”--Buddy
Cheetor antagonizes Buddy a lot. Cheetor’s impulsive and rash decisions are the bane of Buddy’s existence. The crew honestly does not have the slightest idea on how they are even related.
“So, what if I scared Rhinox right now?”--Cheetor
“How about you don’t? He has a blowtorch in his servos.”--Buddy
Optimus and Rhinox find the differences between them amusing. They are secretly grateful that someone is looking out for Cheetor. They can’t look after him whenever he does his little stunts every time.
“Cheetor what you did was irresponsible- “--Primal
“Hold on Optimus, let me have him for a nanoclick.”--Buddy
“Thanks Buddy I knew I could count on you to save me from the lecture!”--Cheetor
“Who said anything about saving you from a lecture? What in the Allspark did you do out there?!”--Buddy
Rattrap and Dinobot constantly bet which twin will win whenever a fight breaks out. They are often at a tie in the bet’s by the end of the day.
“20 units that Buddy notices Cheetor missing in the next 5 minutes.”--Rattrap
“Absurd assumption… 30 units for the next minute.”--Dinobot
Tigatron and Airazor find the sibling relationship funny and somewhat understand the dynamic and how they work.
“Its quiet today?”--Tigatron
“Maybe everyone is finally taking a break on this calm day.” --Airazor
“Buddy, I swear I did not mean it!”--Cheetor
“Cheetor you better use your legs and run!”--Buddy
“There’s the noise.”--Tigatron
Later when Silverbolt joins he finds the dynamic between the siblings confusing. He is just glad they can work out differences and things end up okay in the end.
“Must you both keep bickering about small things?”--Silverbolt
“I don’t know Silverbolt, can you stop talking about Blackarachnia for the next 5 minutes?”--Buddy
“… understandable, carry on then.”--Silverbolt
Cheetor does bring out the fun side of Buddy. Though it doesn’t show out that often. Sometimes the twins will be at their throats one minute, then, the next fighting enemies together like a well-oiled machine.
“Bet I can shoot Waspinator from here.”--Cheetor
“That’s dumb… I can do it with my optics shut.”--Buddy
They do have their fair share of sibling fights. Most common fight topics are usually about Cheetor’s safety and Buddy trying to have fun and not being serious all the time.
The fights usually are categorized in 3 different stages:
1. A petty little spat
“That’s not how it’s done.”--Buddy
“Says who?”--Cheetor
“Says common sense!”--Buddy
That is over in an hour or completely forgotten in the hour.
2. The Arguments
“You need to loosen up. Your always so serious and grumpy.” --Cheetor
“First off, I can loosen up, I choose when I want to. Also I’m not also ways serious and grumpy all the time.”--Buddy
“Are too!”--Cheetor
“Am not!”--Buddy
That has them trying to avoid the other but reconcile at the end of the day.
3. The rarest, full-on yelling and screaming that ends with the two of them avoiding each other for days at a time.
Rattrap will never admit it, but he genuinely got scared the first time one of those happened while he was around. Most of the crew never knew that it could get so loud and quiet so quickly outside of fighting Predacons. No one likes it when this happens.
But Buddy usually gets to talking with Cheetor first and tries to solve the problem with him. Cheetor does, most times take up for what he had done wrong and reconcile with his twin.
“Guess what I’m trying to say is… I’m sorry.”--Cheetor
“…I’m sorry too.”--Buddy
Strange enough, to the team, if they ever got forcefully separated, example: kidnapped or on a longer than normal patrol, the other will act rasher and impulsive.
If Buddy is gone, Cheetor becomes even more restless than usual and wants to go out and find them.
“We need to go in now! Buddy could be really hurt right now and we are just stuck here!”--Cheetor
“Cheetor calm down.”--Primal
“No! Not until Buddy is safe!”--Cheetor
If Cheetor is gone, Buddy paces a lot and tries tracking Cheetor down with the trackers or will want to go out and rely on good old fashion scent finding.
“I’m going out, I can track Cheetor down with his scent.”--Buddy
“Buddy we need to-“--Rhinox
“We need to move and get Cheetor out of there!”--Buddy
The first time the team witnessed Buddy’s impulsivity they were a bit surprised was an understatement. Dinobot was sure that Buddy had been replaced with a clone for a second.
Primus help the Predacon that hurts the one of the twins and the other is around. Terrorsaur still shivers a bit whenever Buddy flashes their tiny teeth at him, and it’s not the pleasant shiver.
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
Bakugou Katsuki x darling
TW: NSFW, yandere
part V, W & X
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are they loud? what sounds do they make? or do they prefer your sounds instead?
It comes as no surprise that Katsuki’s a loudmouth even in bed when he is one everywhere else.
He’s full-throated, with rusty growls and groans, hunting your insides like a wolf chasing down prey – only getting louder the closer he comes, rutting against you hard and fast with his face buried in your skin, softly biting and panting out damp breaths while his hands clutch you tighter.
He likes the sound of your moans too. They drive him wilder – fueling the beast within – making him go rabid. A hand closing around your throat, feeling your noises strum against his palm. Mouth his name, and he loses all composure – hearing it drip, sticky sweet off your tongue, along with drool and a whine. 
His head gets so hot and cloudy it becomes hard to think, only feel the pressure way down low in his pelvis, wanting to burst and bloom and spill and fill you up so good you get hearts in your eyes at the milky warmth.
something sexually specific to this character
There’s a lot of sweat. It’s a slippery sport for the two of you, and it’s only ever more wet come summertime.
But it’s quite a pretty site – the way it becomes like steam pilling and rolling off his tough glistening muscles, sparkly in droplets sprinkled on his tan sand-colored skin, dripping from the spikes in his hair like he’s melting.
It would have been more of a problem if it didn’t smell like sweet honeysuckle and caramel. Sweet yet somewhat burning to the taste, it’s almost like syrup and chili – and quite addictive, you confess while dragging your tongue over the dew on his chest, kissing the scars which paint him like a canvas, and licking your lips clean of the oils as he tugs you by your chin to look up at him.
You can tell he thinks it’s kind of gross – the way he leaves a damp print on the sheets after every sleep – or when the two of you walk together, and he doesn’t want to hold your hand. But you make sure to take him between your fingers, placing kisses to his knuckles – over those places where he’s split his skin on punches or torn and worn them on his quirk. 
He’ll tell you that you look like a pet
dirty talk
Curse words, grunting, and filthy little nothings make up most of Katsuki’s dirty talk – plus curt encouraging exclamations of yeah groaned breathily against your neck as the two of you melt against one another.
But it’s when he’s tipsy that his tongue really loosens.
Unknotting into something truly unlike him – lovey-dovey confession just pouring from his lips, mouthing at your skin with his head bowed. 
And it’s not just him telling you how much he loves you – but much sappier stuff – angsty and almost just a little bit��worrying stuff… 
How he needs you to be his forever and never leave him, how you should just get pregnant with his kid already, quit your job and be his beautiful housewife who stays at home with the kids, waiting for him to come back from work and fuss over him when he finally walks through the door.
You giggle at him come morning – teasing him for all his silliness while he lies with his head drowned in a pillow and a hangover. You stroke his hair and ask if you should be the good housewife that you are and go bring him breakfast in bed – and he’ll groan at you to shut up.
tip-jar: Kofi
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catchyhuh · 10 months
Well part 6 made it obvious that besides French and Japanese Lupin can talk at least in English, Italian, Russian, Spanish, German, Turkish, Korean and Dutch (gosh, he's good, I'm jelly).
What languages do the others know? I have some headcanons about Goe, but I'm curious about your ones!
well, the short of it, for all of em really, is: “do i need to learn this language to continue living for the next month? yes? ok let’s learn some conjugation.” so it’s less about which specific languages and just HOW many they know so much as how do they go about the process of learning/how do they USE the language once they’ve learned it so. IT’S A LOT
and uh also they all tend to default to japanese but you probably knew that LET’S GET INTO THE LOT
jigen knows the least out of all of them, mostly because he. does not talk to many people. he’s an unintentional perfectionist about it in just that one sense; if he’s communicating, he wants to be SURE he’s understood, no room for misunderstanding
of course, that doesn’t mean he’s a slouch. i’m sure he can still speak, listen to, read AND write at least ten more languages than you and i can, minimum. BUT STILL, he just doesn’t want any room for misinterpretation, none whatsoever. so usually, he lets someone else do the talking, or he attempts to get by with whatever he and the other party can understand. it’s kind of funny because his stubbornness with this means a lot of times the gang will purposefully leave him to flounder, because THAT’S WHAT HE GETS FOR NOT WANTING TO REMEMBER SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS “no ice in my drink please”
because of this, he’s most proficient in READING in other languages. there’s no need for input on his end, and he can get a hang of sentence structure AND the words themselves, so there’s no embarrassment later. so particular about these things
the only one who can speak a language better than she can understand it being spoken to her. like jigen, she mostly learns by just reading it, (sometimes by rereading a book she already knows, so she already has an easy guide to go off of) so trying to decipher someone TALK talking at a conversational speed is. a different beast
uses the whole multilingual thing as more of a novelty than a necessity. like it’s a party trick to her. like she's a translation dictionary in the flesh! ask her how to say purple in danish! wanna know the word for cookie in malay? if you want to know how to say “penis” in 30 languages, fujiko will frown and go “c’mon. grow up." ...but she'll still answer since it’s actually still just ‘penis’ in like five different languages anyway,
this is mostly because she weaponizes the “you don’t think i can understand x language, but yes, i can, and i can hear you calling me stupid while i’m standing right fucking next to you. you will regret this in time”
absorbs foreign languages the fastest, which is hilarious because he’s always the most stubborn about wanting to just speak his first language. i mean it’s goemon, you probably saw this coming! 
has since softened on the concept, not because of a “loosening of his personal principles,” but rather, he saw how damn DIFFICULT it made things for the average person he interacts with for two seconds of his life. it was initially easy to hold onto it, until he saw the poor waitress grin apologetically and say she was so sorry she didn’t understand. then he softened. a BIT. if you know even a smidge of japanese he’s expecting it from you. 
wore a t-shirt that said COOL GUY in big, obnoxiously american letters once for a disguise. burnt it when the operation was over. lupin has five pictures of it. goemon allows the records to exist because he is, objectively, a COOL GUY
the funny thing is you’d ask him about it and he’d get kind of sheepish. like, yeah, he knows (he pauses to count on his fingers for a second) 23 languages but he’s not REALLY good at most of them it’s just like a thing for WORK it’s not like he’s REALLY got them down--
again, it’s the fault of that freakish hypercompetence that comes up for rule of funny. if he’s just getting off the plane and he realizes he’s left his gloves at home and is desperately trying to find a pair, no, he can’t get through in the slightest. but if it’s LUPIN involved, oh buddy if there is an ELEMENT of DANGER AND/OR LUPIN, he just breaks out entire sentences with almost perfect pronunciation and everything, to the point the other people in the room wonder if he was faking his issues earlier. and the answer is no, he wasn’t, he just didn’t have the proper motivation. NOW he does, and NOW he can speak fucking perfect indonesian, just because!
also kind of sort of treats it as a party trick the way lupin and fujiko do if he’s in a good enough mood (but you actually do get hints of that in the show, like that one little part 3 bit!) so that’s fun
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mitsuyaya · 1 year
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[ a peculiar genius ] bachira meguru
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contains: 800+ words. fluff, knight bachira, maid reader, reader is referred to as ‘my lady’, unedited (will edit tom hopefully 🤞)
summary: Out of all the nobles, knights and sorcerers you've ever encountered or heard of, your master's friend is by far the most peculiar yet.
blue lock masterlist
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For the past three years you've been serving the Marquess Isagi household as a servant, there are a lot of things you've learned about the nobilities, especially the knights that served the entire empire, but one particular knight had left quite an impression on you. A knight with hair as black as a raven, with shining gold underneath — Sir Bachira Meguru.
You've seen him every morning training with your master, how he would lift his sword effortlessly as if it doesn't weigh a ton, as if it's something a normal being can wield. And how his nimble feet change into one stance after the other that it makes him look like he's dancing the waltz.
No matter how long, how many minutes they have been sparring, their sweat clinging into their white sleeves, the smile on his face never wavers, intact, gradually widening the more he corners the marquess, the more he clashes his sword against him.
Sir Bachira’s countenance reminds you of those magical beasts in your hometown. So little, charming, innocent yet when they are faced by heartless hunters and predators that are larger than them, they would bare their fangs, unleashing their much terrifying side — it suits him quite well.
And even with his age, he had already achieved a lot of accolades, recognitions that gained him an utmost respect; winning numerous jousting tournaments, catching and detaining the empire's wanted bandits and becoming one of the trusted knights of the crown prince — a genius some might even say.
You believed them at first, the narrative that detailed how astounding Sir Bachira is, but as his visits gradually increase, having seen and conversed with him for the past three years — the more you doubt whether he really is the genius everyone had described him to be.
Because the Sir Bachira you know — “uhm my lady, if it isn't a trouble can you possibly show me where your master's drawing room is again?” — is the complete opposite of that.
As politely as you could, grasping tightly the remaining thread of patience you have left, you smiled and nod curtly.
Marquess Isagi’s manor is of the humble side, compared to his acquaintance and the other nobilities, it only has two floors, few rooms, and the maids and guards aren't that big in number. And yet, Sir Bachira would always get lost, despite visiting this place regularly.
“Follow me, sir” holding back the desire to roll your eyes, you turn around, walking a bit faster, making your way into where your master awaits him.
“You wounded me my lady, I told you to call me by my name, we see each other almost everyday! No need for formalities.” Bachira walks faster, catching up to you, walking side by side. You didn't even have to look at his face to know that he's smiling, a strange one indeed.
“Even so, you're still someone with a higher position than I am, it's only fitting if I call you by your title.” He lets out a childish huff “and please refrain from calling me ‘my lady.’ I am a mere servant not a noblewoman.” Bachira groans, frustrated “you’re such a stickler for the rules, loosen up.”
Your head pounds in irritation. Why did it have to be you who always gets to open the door and be the receiver of his annoying antics?
Just as you thought that you'll be reaching the drawing room in a comfortable silence, he spoke once again, much to your dismay, “you look beautiful today though, have you used a new brand of powder?” you didn't answer, brows twitching, he snaps his fingers, grinning “aha, I am right aren't I?”
“I don't use powder, sir” he freezes, “then are you wearing a new uniform?”
“It’s the same as I always wear” silence, an awkward one for him and a very welcomed company for you. The refreshing silence draws on for a long time, as he was about to break the silence once again, the doors to the drawing room welcomes you both.
“We are here” you knocked the door once, hearing the marquess say ‘you may enter’, you opened the door and showed him inside.
“I will be downstairs to make you two some tea, please call another maid in, if you need anything my lord… and sir bachira.” you say those last few words with a hint of displeasure, hoping that none of them noticed, you bow and leave the room after.
The door closes, an inexplicable atmosphere encompasses the room, Isagi stares, then glances to his friend “What did you do? you made her angry again”
“I didn't do anything!” Bachira’s eyes remained from that spot where you were moments ago.
Isagi sighs, rubbing his temples, already feeling a headache forming “Just how much longer will you pretend to get lost just so you could talk to her?”
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nishloves · 1 year
seventeen boyfriend headcannons;;
some of the points might be inspired by other headcannons I read before writing this ~
(performance unit)
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would be your personal hype boy (man), expect kisses all day around, random back hugs and little whispers where he tells you just how beautiful you are inside and out, short child like banters and minimal arguments because he really can't be happy while knowing that you're upset at something which he did, or said; even if there was an argument he would probably try to talk to you and hug you in the process, reminding himself how absolutely worse he feels when he fights with you. He would sulk, he would get angry and maybe not talk to you for a while but, he would come back, because he misses you just that much.
Passionate and would 100% take you out on very random dates to sweet shops/cafes and more, would probably be very shy internally but would act like your little musings and quirks doesn't faze him at all, while his heart would be performing cartwheels, he just so absolutely loves you and adores you.
Would probably facetime you like twice-thrice a day when you or he himself is away.
Can't handle long term long distance relationships, not because he doesn't love you, but because he can't handle himself and misses you all day long, which may make his mood dampen.
"babe, you know I love you right?"
"yeah ofcourse."
"you're the most beautiful person I have met."
"thankyou, love."
"please hug me."
"soonyoung, you don't have to ask— I love you."
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Gentleman in the day and wild beast at night? Would be probably very reserved at the start of your relationships, would look at you doing funny random things and adore you, after a couple of months, when he has loosened up enough the roles would be reversed and you would be the one looking at his antics. At the start of the relationship he would giggle or chuckle shyly when you do something flirtatious or anything suggestive, after a while he would just stare at you and be like "you asked for it love, and you get it" how did you turn this reserved pup into a wolf in like five minutes?
Lazy dates, Netflix and chill, cuddling and talking, stargazing, small picnics.
Would actually try to never get angry at you, he doesn't trust himself to be rational at that time and he never wants to hurt you ever, during fights he would raise his voice and then after the fight, when you're gone or he is gone or like you both aren't speaking for a while, he would have a breakdown, and then genuinely try to clear things up.
Moody asf but will always adore you.
Would want to facetime you a lot but, wouldn't know when to? When he's busy, you're free and when you're busy he is free. Can handle a long distance relationship.
"you know you're absolutely amazing, right?"
"ofcourse jun—"
"I broke your favorite crockery—"
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Absolutely crazy at times but still the calmer one in the relationship, would be so savage and roast tf out of you, yet absolutely love you on the other side. Wouldn't agree to a relationship if he doesn't see any future and at times he would just zone out while looking at you, the way your hair tresses your face and how your eyes would twinkle at that one thing— he would be absolutely sure to capture everything.
While meditating, sometimes he will have thoughts of you and that will make him smile.
Would care about your well being the most, had an argument? Would try to cool down at first, take breaths, and when you will not shut up, he will snap, and snap hard then it would be harder for him to cool down, but the moment he's fine he would be like 'shit, is y/n okay?'.
Calm dates at museums, nature (not hiking), would want to spend more relaxed time with you in his vulnerable state. Shopping sprees too!
Can handle long distance relationships, communicate and find time spaces where he can facetime you or call you, would miss you terribly but would be content knowing that you're doing well.
"what are you looking at?"
"your eyes."
"my eyes?"
"they are pretty, very pretty."
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he would baby you a little tbh, coddle you and care for you like you're the most precious thing he has (kinda true tbh), he would want to be taken seriously by you and would want you to listen to him, try to assert his dominance at times but will never over do it, he just wants to show that he's manly. you would never be able to grasp when he's feeling shy or when he's feeling absolutely confident; somedays even your small kisses can make him feel flustered but somedays, he will makeout with you and walk out with a huge smirk plastered on his face.
Fun, adventurous dates; skydiving, amusement parks, arcades, you name it. Would like to get drunk with you, and talk shit and then pass out, would love waking up while seeing your face.
He would try to avoid conflicts, and during conflicts would probably be the one who gives cold shoulders to others and refuses to talk, would get mad when he sees that you're showing no chances of relenting because deep in heart, he really wants to pounce on you and hug you, would keep up with the game until one of you breaks and just hugs the others, he would literally forget everything in a millisecond.
Probably can handle long distance relationships but, would miss you so dearly at times and almost feel like he lost interest because he wouldn't want to call, but whenever he hears your voice even on a call, he realises just how much he adores you.
"I can't climb anymore!"
"come on! Just a few more steps!"
"carry me instead."
"carry me or I will kiss you so hard that you will be unable to breathe again."
"I will carry you, but you're still gonna kiss me."
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silvermoon-scrolls · 9 months
No improving on perfection
Anders is in a bad mood, but Mitchell knows exactly how to cheer him up.
Content: Playing hard to get (not really), pre show(s) Pairing: Anders Johnson/John Mitchell Rating: Teen Words: 1200
Read on AO3
Anders kicked his apartment door closed behind him, dropped his keys on the coffee table, and threw himself down on the couch. His head draped over the armrest and his legs dropped nonchalantly in the lap of a slightly amused Mitchell – all in all, his form was doing a great impression of a wrung out cloth.
“Finally. It’s over,” he declared exhausted with all the bearings of someone who had vanquished the ultimate evil and saved the world with the smallest possible margin. In reality, the ‘beast’ that had been slain was ‘Christmas dinner with the Johnson family’. 
“Oh c’mon,” Mitchell said with a smile while putting away the book he had been reading. “It can’t have been that bad.”
“Trust me. I did you a huge favor not dragging you along.” Anders said, addressing the ceiling from his prone position.
“If you say so.” 
Anders frowned. It had sounded like a lighthearted comment, but Anders didn’t like the feeling of being questioned. He hadn’t even wanted to go. He might have been expected to show up, but he knew he wasn’t really wanted. The only reason he went was because Mitchell – stressing the importance of family – had insisted he’d go. Of course, Mitchell had also insinuated that he could come along, if Anders wanted to; but that was a firm ‘no’.
They had only known each other for about 3 months! They weren’t even really a couple. Were they? Surely, it was more of a long-distance, booty call sort of thing?
Annoyed by his own thoughts, Anders raised his resting head off the armrest – ready to defend himself. “Even if Mikkel likes to pretend he is a ‘regular, innocuous human’,” he said letting his disdain shine through, “he is still Ullr whether he wants to or not. I don't know if ‘vampire hunting’ is included in the Norse God of Hunting’s sets of skills, but personally I wouldn't be surprised if he could ping you as non-human right away.”
Mitchell looked like he was about to interject, but Anders had managed to work himself up into a temper and so he plowed on with a little more bite than he had intended. “And if you think that ‘surely he wouldn’t turn on his own brother’s guest without provocation’, then you should know that being my guest is likely all the provocation Mike needs. ‘Cause in his mind, the only reason I would show up to Christmas dinner with a vampire on my arm would be to purposefully stir up trouble. While I don't think he would stake you right then and there – with oblivious humans like Val and Axl present – I wasn’t keen to risk it.”
A lot of different emotions had played over Mitchell’s features during Anders’ heated monologue, but by the end a small smile appeared on his lips. “Careful there. It almost started to sound like you worry about me.” His teasing words were accompanied by a hand that playfully caressed the inside of one of Anders’ conveniently placed legs.
A grin spread across Anders’ face – his bad mood gone in an instant. But when he sat up, Mitchell withdrew his hand with a smug smile. Playing hard to get, eh? Anders thought, not at all discouraged.
“Forget about Christmas and my Anders-prejudice family.” He used a one-hand grip to loosen his tie – signaling that he was more than ready to take on Mitchell's offered challenge. “New Year’s is coming up. Now that’s a holiday much more in my speed.” He swung his legs down from his companion’s lap and with a grin seated himself next to Mitchell. “Booze. Partying. Girls in skimpy outfits.” He placed a hand on the other man’s thigh and squeezed while humming in his most seductive voice: “What more can you ask for?”
“How about some snow?” Mitchell said with a soft laugh pretending to ignore Anders’ advances by turning his head to look outside at the summer twilight. “Celebrating the new year during a heat wave seems wrong somehow. Does it even get dark enough for fireworks here?” The words might sound nonchalant, but the way the turn of the head exposed Mitchell’s neck was anything but. It was all part of the game. Anders should know; it was a move he had used numerous times to incite his guest’s vampiric cravings. And Anders had to admit it was doing a wonderful job on him too.
“Of course it gets dark enough.” Anders leaned in, placing several light kisses on Mitchell’s exposed neck. “But I’m usually busy creating sparkling fireworks of my own.”
Mitchell’s breath hitched pleasantly in response to the attention, but otherwise played successfully at being unaffected. “Have you planned any New Year’s resolutions?” he asked, still looking out the window as if he was determined to try to catch a glimpse of a small speck of frost in the New Zealand summer.
“No,” Anders snorted with a huff. “Why?” He was too busy nibbling on Mitchell’s earlobe to make any lengthy comments.
“I don’t know. Maybe you’ve got –ah– a change you want to make? To try to improve yourself?”
Anders congratulated himself on the wobble in Mitchell’s voice but decided that was enough subtleties. He grabbed hold of the other man’s shoulders and pulled himself on top of his lap, straddling him. “There’s hardly a need for improvements when you’re already perfect.” He smiled smugly from his new, superior position. “Or do you think I’m lacking?” His smile widened into a grin, and in case there was any doubt as to what his innuendo was referring to he slyly rubbed himself against Mitchell’s lap, making sure that all of him could be felt.
Mitchell laughed appreciatively. “Definitely not lacking.” He wrapped his fingers around Anders’ tie and pulled him in for a deep kiss before lightly shoving him back again. “And what about me?” he asked with a devilish grin, still with a tight grip around the tie.
The kiss left Anders hungry for more, but Mitchell’s sparkling eyes told him that they still weren’t finished with their little game. He angled his head and with a self-satisfied smile pretended to inspect the tantalizing body in front of him carefully before giving his verdict. “ You might be close to perfect,” he agreed, but then he scrunched up his face and pinched the sleeve of Mitchell’s washed out t-shirt. “But your clothing is anything but. If you really want a New Year's resolution you should let me take you shopping, get you some nice, tailored outfits to really show off your–” his eyes dipped low before coming back up again, “assets.”
“Since when do you care what I wear?” Mitchell laughed. “You're just gonna strip it off me anyway.”
“Can't argue with that.” Anders grinned, sensing that his persistent pursuit was about to be rewarded. “But think how stylish the pile next to my bed would look.” He hooked his index fingers in Mitchell’s belt loops, slid off his lap, and prepared to coax his willing prey with him to the bedroom when he was unexpectedly trapped by a long leg that wrapped behind him, pressing him forward.
Mitchell’s eager grin filled his vision. “How about a pile right next to this couch?”
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are always appreciated ❤️
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zarvasace · 2 years
Disability AU Summary!
Let's go in alphabetical order just because. This isn't really a "masterpost" but these should be in one place.
To reiterate, this AU is avoiding cure plots and excess angst related to the disability. I've done research and put in my own experiences but obviously not everything is going to be perfect.
Four—paraparesis, also called partial paralysis, due to a spinal cord injury inflicted between his first and second adventures. He can't walk without support, which usually comes in the form of a wheelchair he modified, or crutches. The colors experience different intensities, from Vio with near-full paraplegia, to Red who uses crutches, to Green who does as well, to Blue who can walk without support. Four will stab anyone who tries to move his chair without asking.
Hyrule—retinopathy of prematurity, and mild cataracts. He's functionally blind, though he can make out shapes of light and dark with a few shades in between. He has a favorite carved-down stick he uses as a white cane, and his magic can act a little like a radar that blips on good magic (like fairy fountains and Hero Spirits and Zeldas) and bad magic (like corruption and monsters.) He has deep-seated reflexes to stab anything that touches him unexpectedly so please, everyone, advertise your presences.
Legend—RRMS, relapse/remission multiple sclerosis. Translates mostly into stiffness in his legs that gets worse with heat and humidity, and annoying fatigue. Relapse periods for him are characterized by a lot of joint pain and temporary periods of partial blindness. Relapses last days to weeks, remissions last weeks to months. He has an enchanted cane that he will hit your shins with.
Sky—moderate to severe deafness from birth. He can hear low, loud sounds the best. He speaks very clearly (and maybe a bit loudly) due to speech therapy. He gets magic hearing aids in Wild's world because I want him to, and he can now mostly hear voices when they speak up. He can read lips when people are facing him, but even at the best, that only gives him a quarter of what they're saying. Immune to mean taunts and jabs, partly because he can't hear most of them and partly because he's just like that.
Time—that eye he always has closed? It's missing now. He has a cool eye patch. Don't throw things at him.
Twilight—transverse deficiency. He's been missing his right arm between shoulder and bicep since birth. Wolfie is conspicuously three-legged, not that anyone notices the connection sooner. He either needs his modified clothing (thanks Uli) or help getting things on (thanks for nothing Warriors's world with its fancy balls.) He is the definition of "improvise, adapt, overcome." Still a beast on the battlefield. Ba-dum tish.
Warriors—adductor/tremor SD. His vocal cords don't work correctly. He can talk, but it's gotten worse over the years. His voice is quiet and very rough, and shakes almost too much to understand. He prefers signing as his main method of communication. He gets sore throats a lot, and makes a lot of good tea. His laughs are unaffected, and on occasion, he can yell just fine across the battlefield.
Wild—worse burn scars, hypertrophic and contractual. He has spotty hearing on the left, and his shoulder gets stiff a lot. He has a variety of potions and lotions to loosen up and stop the itching that pops up a lot. The shrine did some skin grafts (or whatever the magical equivalent is) and fixed most interior organ issues. The scar is deep but doesn't interfere with those.
EDIT to add—Wild also has atherosclerosis, a heart condition where plaque builds up and heart attacks become a more serious concern. He just needs to stay active and pay attention to his breathing and chest pain. It's not a huge issue, but it could be if he was negligent. The Link he doesn't remember being had more of a difficult time with the condition, and ended up getting heart surgery for it (something like an angioplasty, where they went in to physically unblock the arteries that had gotten buildup.)
Wind—peg leg pirate! Lost his left leg a few inches past the knee to infection. After getting treasure from his adventure, he got a nice, foot-shaped wood and leather prosthetic. It's starting to get a little small.
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prinzgnomeovonchaos · 9 months
So about my self declared botany peak:
Their responsibilities are threefold:
- research: self explanatory
- growing specific plants: so I think its fair to say that cang qiong imports most of their food and lots of basic medical plants, it doesn't make sense for cultivators to farm rice right? Like I can see mu qingfang having a garden for relatively easy to care for medical plants, but nothing to extensive, his is a doctor's peak. So the botany peak grows just in general very expensive plants for some income, rare or difficult medical plants, and maybe some delicacies. And then of course all kinds of funky plants that are interesting to them. You gotta research something. I bet they have a super nice little scent garden to meditate in.
- a small but elite section of the peak is specialized in regenerative and transformative botany.
Regenerative: if a section of land near a village or something has been ravaged by beasts or invasive/ dangerous plants, they devise a strategy to make the terrain save/useable again (if for example a lead-toed hippo destroys a field you gotta plant stuff to loosen up the soil again and absorb the heavy metals, if the field is close to the village preferably without papapa plants)
Transformative: basically terraforming. But with plants.
Sometimes they'll have no choice but to stop the degeneration of places by putting down plants to stabilize the ecosystem and that's it.
But basically their missions outside of research are all about caring for the land.
Since there are heaps upon heaps of papapa plants other peaks call them the orgy peak behind their backs :(
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neonpaperlanterns · 2 months
A idea regarding Papa worm Leshy and Nuala.
The beasts of Leshys' domain aren't like the followers. They don't converse. They don't worship. They are just simple beasts. Tamed but Leshy and his followers. But beasts nonetheless.
So. How about Nuala has a birthday and papa Leshy surprises them with pet worm-moss-beast-things?
Mimicking how a mortal dad would surprise their child with a puppy or something.
Not a lot could be given to Nuala without someone noticing. So, Leshy uses this "pet" as a way to protect them while he is busy doing bishop things... Maybe he subconsciously searches the remains of Nualas' home village for something to gift them on the next birthday? Something that may (certainly) end up revealing the odd masked worshiper of Leshy was the last lamb in disguise to someon.
Protect them
Leshy was unsure as he hovered over his child. Nuala had just began walking and it was proving to be problematic. No longer could he leave them and still expect to find them where he had left them.
Old enough to venture but young enough not to understand the danger.
He needed to rectify this.
Nuala no longer desired to be held. At least not right now, the lamb was far too enamored with their new found ability. They were not against holding his hand though. Their pudgy fingers wrapped tightly around one of his own as the pair entered his forest.
Leshy eyed the beasts they past. Most scurried off into the under brush. Some trailed behind. None of these would do.
Until one decided to get in his way.
It was one of the larger ones. The moss that grew on it was a collection of vibrant reds and dusty yellows. Its eyes glowed curiously as it dared to get closer. The creatures focus on the tiny lamb that reached for it. Raising his hand Leshy was prepared to strike down Valefar’s kin if necessary.
Nothing would hurt his child.
But all the beast did was let Nuala grab it. Their tiny fists bunching up in the moss. The lamb pulled and slapped at the worm but it did nothing but take it.
Maybe it feared the Bishop that loomed above it. As it should but if that was the only thing keeping it in line then Nuala would not be safe with it.
Leshy had to be sure.
It pained him for he worried that if he was not right there then anything could happen. But that was the point. He needed to know that his child would be safe even if he was gone. So he walked away. The giggling baby sounds did not diminish as he disappeared into the rows of trees.
Leshy waited. Watching as Nuala played with the moss worm. The creature mostly moving away a distance and the lamb toddling after it. Others approached, curious and possibly hungry. But they were swiftly pounced upon or smacked away.
It made the knot in his stomach loosen ever so slightly.
Nuala would be okay.
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
61.8% chose "Try to outmaneuver and mount the dinosaur"!
Right. Time to ride a dinosaur.
RIDER readied himself.
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"Riding a dinosaur can't be that different than riding a horse!"
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With that absurd statement being enough to hype him up, RIDER sprinted forward, slipping past the biting jaws of the beast as it lunged forward in an attempt to bite him. Teeth scraped against RIDER's armor, causing him to grimace as he darted past and around the beast, jumping into the air and gripping onto the rough scales as he pulled himself upwards.
- [ RIDER took 1 point of damage! RIDER has 5 HP remaining! ] -
A little bit of damage, but nothing major. At least he was far away from the dinosaur's mouth.
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...Truly a sight to behold.
Taking the reigns- as in, gripping the dinosaur's collar, RIDER yanked his arms back as the beast let out a devastating roar as it tried to wrench itself free, before falling under RIDER's command. Frankly, he seemed like a natural at this. Riding B+ was nothing to scoff at, after all.
He forced the beast to surge forward, thudding up the temple steps, stopping just before the Lair Servant.
The Lair Servant stared up at him, dumbfounded. Reasonably so. The dinosaur was an enemy, not a mount.
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"Ay ay… you all really are something else, aren't you? But you made it to the top without harming my beast, Masters of the Preliminary War. So I can't fault creativity. As Quetzalcoatl, I'm proud. But as the Lair Servant of this domain, I am a bit disappointed. You understand, yes?"
That name... QUETZALCOATL.
JAGUAR MAN had mentioned before than she was a Divine Spirit, but this was a rather powerful god. She looked a bit…- well, a lot different than one would expect from an Aztec deity, but Servants were strange.
RIDER hopped off the dinosaur as it stepped back, stunned and confused at what had just happened, the roaring turning into more of a confused whimpering as it swiveled its head towards its master. QUETZALCOATL shrugged.
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"Lo siento, just hang back, okay? It seems as if fighting isn't the immediate solution that these Masters and their Servants are searching for, despite looking for the Trigger Key. But I introduced myself, who are you, Rider of the Red Faction?"
There was a moment of hesitation, before he spoke.
"I'm… Constantine. Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos."
Most Servants would stop and request permission from their Masters before revealing their True Name, but this put them on equal footing. Or perhaps made RIDER's position on the back foot more apparent. A Divine Spirit from the Age of Gods filled with Authority and Mystery, and an Emperor thoroughly from the Age of Man. If things turned to a fight, it'd be difficult.
Not impossible, just difficult. This was a Grail War, after all. Anything could happen.
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RIDER then turned his attention back towards his Masters, speaking calmly.
"She's smiling, but she hasn't let her guard down for a moment. Either we find a way to loosen her defenses before fighting her for the Trigger Key, or try to convince her to hand it over peacefully. Perhaps we could ask some questions. She's rather reasonable for a Lair Servant. Just… be careful with what you're asking me to say. I'm not going to say something inane to the Lair Servant."
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"Actually, I can hear your Masters just fine. Call it a perk. An advantage that we Lair Servants have over the Participant Servants of this war… I mean, it's almost like mindreading, you know?"
Another direct line of communication, just like in the Preliminary War. This does mean that a certain amount of caution would be needed when talking to- or about her. After all, she is programmed to, you know... kill your RIDER to protect the Trigger Key.
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2af-afterdark · 1 year
I love how u write Mammon, he is a soft himbo and if here for it. We need more soft Mammon, and by "we" I mean "me". If is not too much to ask for can u expand on his and mc's bedroom game?
Soft buff man make brain go 🫠 Honestly, I think Mammon is too smart and conniving to be a true himbo, and I think he's not nice outside of people he likes. I mean, he kind of thinks anything he wants at a moment's notice is his; it's his even if he doesn't want it at that moment. It just so happens he wants MC more than anything else. I don't know. He's MC's personal himbo, but he's not a himbo in general. You know?
As for the bedroom game... the first time was probably awkward as fuck. Mammon took out his dick and they both learned that humans are not as malleable as devils are. They need to be stretched and loosened up. If MC has a vagina, he learned the hard way that humans have limits there too (~8in at most, if you didn't know). Mammon learned that there is a lot of lube needed no matter what, given his size. For MC with a penis, well, they didn't quite expect how different a human and devil would look. It was a learning curve for both of them as they tried to adjust to their different needs and limitations.
It was so slow and loving though. Mammon fingered them as they kissed without being able to pull away from each other. He kept going until they were fingered wide open for him, then he sat them in his lap and let them sink onto him at their pace.
Because Mammon is, uhhhh, rather well endowed, he usually let's MC be on top. Everything goes at MC's pace since they are so much more fragile than a devil and their human body has to adjust. There is so much kissing and groping on his end. He cannot keep his hands off of MC (especially their ass). He loves to watch them cum, especially while riding him. He's more than happy to let them cum as many times as they want, even if he needs to grab their hips and help them keep going.
Make no mistake though. Just because he is patient with MC's needs does not mean he's opposed to being a beast when MC is up for it. He is more than happy to be a real devil and completely ruin them. Well, I say ruin, but it's more like... rough sex while telling MC how pretty they are and how much he loves them. Praise kink go brrrr with this man.
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voxofthevoid · 1 year
i shall ask once more. \o/ 12, 26, 39 (is there another snippet in stock, void-sama?) and 55! <3
Welcome back 💚
List of questions here
(I should start keeping a list of things people call me on Tumblr...)
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
Like I said in response to another of these questions, I am not immune to having expectations...which have admittedly been skewed by hanging around in MCU/stucky (guys, you spoiled me).
Receiving feedback makes me happy, often derangedly happy. There's that simple pleasure in sharing something I made—something I put a lot of time, effort, and joy into—and seeing it have an effect on other people. There's a reason I reread my comments (and Tumblr tags, when applicable) a zillion times.
Not receiving it is predictably disappointing, though the intensity varies a lot with my level of investment in the fandom/ship and, more importantly, the particular story. You know those jokes about how the fics we work most on and are most proud of tend to be less well received than something we throw together in a hurry? Yeah, that's always an...interesting experience.
What feedback doesn't affect is whether I write or what I write. This wasn't the case until last year or so, but now, nearly everything I post is already fully written and being posted on a monthly schedule. It spares me from being discouraged in the middle of writing a fic. Similarly, darkfic tends to not be as popular as fluff or even hurt/comfort, but literally nothing else sparks up my brain like some gourmet fuckery, so nothing's going to make me stop writing those stories.
...holy shit, that got long.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I cannot tell you how weird/wild it is that this thing unraveled the way it did. I know I post a lot of multichapters for JJK, but I don't really consider them multichaps as such. More like...six-shots or something (don't ask). I was content poking at porny bits of canon divergence scenarios.
And then @nearalways asked one(1) question: What'd have happened if Yuuji had chosen not to be Sukuna's host when Gojou tells him to choose his hell? We'd also been talking a lot about how dead-eyed and done Yuuji looked in most of his middle school-era flashbacks. Long story very short, I wrote a 119k answer that has done irreparable damage to my sanity and irrevocably changed how I write Gojou in particular.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
I always have snippets! Especially since I've got some...300k of JJK fic I haven't even posted yet. You can find it under the cut.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Yuuji, hands down. The whole reason I'm even in this fandom is because I adore that kid. I haven't been this fascinated by a shonen MC in ages. Me being me, this does mean I put him through unimaginable horrors though!
And no, not at all. You, uh, might notice that I tend to be very set in my opinions 😂
Snippet here:
Yuuji yanks at the hand pinning him down.
There’s a moment where it works. Gojou’s fingers loosen, and his whole rhythm falters, and Yuuji almost, almost frees himself, wholly intent on flipping them over, but then there’s a soft breath of laughter, and a second hand clamps down on the wrist Yuuji has nearly wrenched free.
He makes a furious final attempt, throwing the whole of his strength into it, but this time, Gojou’s hold doesn’t waver for even a second. He’s grinning down at Yuuji, the devil on his lips.
“Devious,” Gojou tells him; it sounds like a compliment. “You’ve grown stronger, Yuuji—much, much stronger.”
And that sounds like pure sex.
Yuuji’s hips buck up helplessly, and Gojou bears down against him, pinning him there too.
“Clearly,” Yuuji hisses through clenched teeth, “not enough.”
“I’m a different kind of beast,” Gojou says easily. His eyes grow heavy-lidded. “But one day soon, Yuuji, you’ll be able to hurt me. Really hurt me. Won’t that be fun?”
Yuuji’s brain is abruptly yanked away from his dick and shoved back into his skull. “What? No! I don’t want that!”
“Of course you do,” Gojou says, laughing. “You will. It’s alright. I’ll let you.”
“But that’s for later. What do you want right now, Yuuji?”
“You,” Yuuji says incredulously, a thousand meanings packed into that one word.
Gojou’s eyes narrow, a different kind of heat than the look he shot Yuuji before. “Don’t cop out on me now. What were you going to do, Yuuji?”
“Fucking—” Yuuji lifts his head just to slam it down on the mattress; it’s not satisfying at all. “I want to fucking touch you! What else!”
“Cute,” Gojou says, his smile growing wider and more unhinged at Yuuji’s growl. “Where, Yuuji? How? I’ve only been gone for nineteen days, but you already forgot the game. I trained you better than this.”
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queenveela · 2 years
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Hogwarts legacy MC bio/headcanons
Avian Grey was born to a Welsh witch in the Pyrenees, France (close to Beauxbatons) she does not have any memory of her parents. She was raised by her mothers sister and research partner “Aunt Efa”.
While researching magical creatures in the Pyrenees, Avians mother had an affair with a man from one of the local villages, all Efa knew about him was that he was from a family that had strong Veela lineage. Avians mother passed away not long after giving birth to her.
Ave and Efa had a very nomadic lifestyle traveling from place to place for purpose of Efa’s research. She gained a lot of experience fighting due to run ins with poachers and other undesirables during their travels. Perhaps it was due to her fate as a wielder of ancient magic that the constant traveling caused her to be late in her admission to Hogwarts, and enter as a fifth year.
Her patronus/potential animagus: A hippogriff. Powerful and dignified, once you earn her trust she will protect you fiercely. If you cross her she will fight you.
Coincidentally her name is French for “bird like”.
I like to think the hippogriffs appearing in her storyline are immensely symbolic having to do with those she trusts. For example during her first trip to Hogsmeade with Sebastian two hippogriffs flew out of the forest, perhaps foreshadowing her relationship with him. Especially as they shared their first kiss after she took him to ride highwing (see fanfic for full story). Additionally the creatures have shown up in situations that involve Natty and Poppy.
Her interests:
-flying and magical beasts, love kneazles and has an entire vivarium just for kneazles. Despite her princess like appearance she likes to play as a beater during quidditch, after all she loves a good fight.
-She gets a high off of fighting. During 7th year her and Sebastian spends alot of their “dates” raiding poacher camps, not only because she wants to save beasts and loves fighting but they both find it insanely attractive watching each other fight (hence why their first duel in Hecat’s class is when they started to like one another) their kink is raiding different poacher camps and then doing it in the empty tent afterwards
Her strengths:
Excellent duelist
Highly ambitious and competitive (can also be a flaw if it gets out of hand)
Fiercly protective of those she loves.
Her flaws:
-Slight temper
-Jealous and sometimes manipulative but she’s better at hiding it than Sebastian. If she sees Sebastian talking to another girl she’ll use subtle tactics to get his attention might take her hair tie out for a second to adjust her hair, he doesn’t get to see fully undone often (until they become official) so it gets his attention, she also might loosen her tie and unbutton the first button of her shirt exposing more of her neck. If she’s feeling extra ambitious she’ll go talk to another student who isn’t Ominis, Poppy or Natty and be mildly flirtatious in asking them for help with something.
-Not always the most trusting..better with beasts than people. However she adores Poppy, Natty and Ominis.
-Easily distracted by anything having to do with Sebastian. Will drop important tasks to spend time with him.
After Hogwarts:
After Hogwarts Her and Seb elope in a quiet ceremony with only their close friends present. They start off as aurors but after Ave nearly gets killed while pregnant with their third child they calm down with the fighting obsession and settle for a more quiet lifestyle. They end up taking over Brood and Peck when Ellie decides to relocate and spend a majority of their lives taking care of magical beasts. They eventually wind up having a total of four daughters and three sons, out of which is a pair of twins (boy and girl like Sebastian and Anne). Because they lost so many of their family members when they were younger, a large family is important to them. Their family goes on to be a very well respected wizarding family throughout the decades. Newt Scarmander visits their shop regularly and they’re really fond of him, usually selling him beast-care tools at a high discount. They also see Poppy regularly as she is the care of magical creatures professor at Hogwarts.
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