#most of my th is public if anyones interested enough but hahah....
raredrop · 2 years
copies and pastes my oc info from my th
just some random facts of why i chose to do certain things in my designs for my console gijinkas (also some of these might be on their bios but whatever)
nintendo family
gamecube was the first one i designed, i dont remember exactly what triggered it, but i was reminded of when i had tried to design a gamecube gijinka maaany years ago when i was a kid (so i wanted to do it again)
her design is inspired by the gamecube's code name: dolphin (the swimsuit like outfit and the dolphin on the top)
nes's design takes inspo from both the english and japanese versions of the console (aka the famicom)
his zapper on his leg is actually a real gun unlike the real life zapper
snes's design inspo comes from a few different games: mother, mario, and zelda (the stars might be from kirby i dont remember)
64's design inspos are mario and zelda (specifically mario 64 and oot)
wii's main outfit was inspired by the wii's original name revolution
wii and wii u consider themselves twins despite the fact that neither console were made at the same time, i just wanted to make fun of the whole "is the wii u just an add-on to the wii?" type of stuff (theyre androids so its ok we can bend the rules)
most of switch's colors come straight from different joycon pair colors
her eyes are also styled after the joycons as well (which is why theyre lazy)
3ds never wears her glasses bc the whole thing about the 3ds is having no need to wear glasses to see the effect
sega family
most of dreamcast's inspo comes from jet set radio and sonic
his jacket is actually the same one i draw my sonic gijinka in, i thought it'd be cute if they matched
the pocket on his overalls represents the vmu (the chao plush for chao adventure)
saturn's inspo is from NiGHTS as the saturn was well known to not have a main sonic title (it did have some side games tho)
master system's head wings come from fantasy zone  
i think her red comes from alex kidd but i forgor
genesis, like dreamcast, has inspo mostly from sonic
sony family
ps3 was an oc i created in high school of my own ps3 alongside another ps3 gijinka based on my friend's (tho i dont consider him a gijinka anymore)
ps1 was chosen to be a girl much for the same reason why i picked 64 to be a guy  (the controllers)
microsoft family + pc
all of them have various levels of an alien theme to them based on the original xbox's very...alien theming
xbox is the only one without earrings
360's eyes are inspired by the red ring of death
he did that to his own clothes, he overheats easily
xbox one has bones bc hehehe xbone
xsx's hair color comes from one of the xsx's code names: project scarlett
as well as his collar: project lockhart (its a heart with a lock in the middle hehe)
another code name is project anaconda and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
pc's main design is inspired by COOL GAMER COMPUTERS hence the rainbow lights
the tube in their left leg is for cooling
pc's second design is based on the imb 704 (and yes thats why there are daisies)
and their third design comes from just a random...windows 95 type design
info not from th that i keep forgetting to mention:
chip (my literal computer wizard) also made them (he also made ant a living computer anti virus program) tho they only consider whoevers under the same company to be family (to avoid things getting...too weird)
this comes from a moment in a dream i had yes i will consider most oc lore that comes to me in dreams step aside twilight
as far as we know theres only one of each in the world, however consoles themselves still exist (except for pc)
however u can bring another one to life
theyre magical androids dont think too hard about things
they can be reverted back to their original non human forms (this also was in the same dream, tho their android bodies usually have to completely break down first)
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thetaylorfiles · 4 years
🧘‍♀️1/ It was an Entertainment Weekly interview. To keep this 'short' I'll share a few quotes: "I think the best messages are cryptic ones", "easter eggs can be left on clothing/jewelry", "I planned this two years in advance!" Let's say that KK is important enough to her music(*muse*ic, if you will) that she is important enough to have deep easter eggs attributed to her. Deep enough they are admittedly planned years in advance. I like to keep in mind TS started as a teen country singer.
🧘‍♀️2/ It's not a stretch to assume she was 'forced' to closet,beard & portray a wholesome, straight, blonde, all-American, girl-next-door. I think she has found some freedom in communicating through secret messages - some easy to decipher, & some extremely complex - this is Taylor Swift after all. KK may get paid to wear clothes, but it's not the least bit peculiar to you that TS wears it after, or is photographed in a shoot using the same purse, or wears complimentary clothes...
🧘‍♀️ 3/ (the black shirt w/eyelashes vs the white one) etc. Now, for their friendship. For me, if I put myself in the theoretical TS shoes I've created, I would also hide my true lover if I hadn't come out yet, and planned to on my own terms. If the friendship created such speculation that it takes away from her owning the moment herself, I would cut it out too. Also, I did just want to let you know, I do much more 'research' than just TTB 😊
Hi again. What is your emoji? It looks like a girl toddler sitting down but I know it can’t be! Hahah! Is it just a girl sitting cross cross?
Yay for your own research besides TTB. I’m so glad to hear it. And also, feel free to send as long a message as you want. Do it as a submission. It’s easier that way.
Thanks for the quote from T. I have a shitty memory sometimes. I was wrong, so forgive me in not remembering. She did clearly say she uses clothes and jewelry to leave Easter eggs on. Now, I don’t know which eyelashes garments you’re referring to specifically, so if you could refresh my memory, I’d appreciate it.
But as to the other garments that seem to match or be similar, I don’t mean to be argumentative but I truly don’t see patterns. Yes, when they were friends I think they swapped clothing with one another. But now, I think they’re being put in clothing by stylists who are choosing from what’s extremely on trend at the moment. Taylor’s not shopping for herself. That’s out of the question with her celebrity. She has racks of clothing brought to her by her stylist and his assistants and she selects from that. All those clothes are hand picked from the latest in the stores and runways. Karlie basically has the same except she’s around designers and in showrooms and has her own stylist. They’re choosing from the same array of stuff. It’s not a coincidence that they end up wearing the same colors sometimes because these trends have been decided by the designers about a year in advance, sometimes more (it’s crazy how this stuff is done, way too long to explain). So, I’m sorry. We’ll have to agree to disagree on this. I see nothing in the similar clothing.
As for being forced to beard... maybe if I hadn’t grown up in LA and worked on film for nearly 2 decades and had so many friends in tv and film, I’d see this stuff differently, but this just isn’t what bearding looks like. Being “forced” to beard looks like this:
You’ve got a celebrity who is very hot right now or is on the rise. Their agent or publicist/manager and everyone on their team has convinced them they know what is best and America will never accept an out gay man or woman as the next leading man or top vocalist. And sadly, this is still true. America will accept them to a degree but at the top of their game? Not yet. And the celeb in question knows this. So he goes along with it. He doesn’t like it, because he loves his boyfriend. But he plays the game because he loves acting or singing and it’s the price you pay. And he resents his agent but he gets it.
So he lets his publicist put out tabloid stories of him being caught canoodling with a female celeb here or there. Then he goes out with said female celeb to somewhere like The Grove or one of the it restaurants and they get papped but make it look organic. They don’t comment. They build momentum through “are they, aren’t they?” Because that kind of talk is way more intriguing than a confirmation. Plus, it lets you test the waters. Is it going to be Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez attention grabbing? Or is it going to be a dud romance that no one cares about. Ideally you want somewhere in between because Gay Celeb wants the public to believe he’s with Straight Female Celeb but he doesn’t want to have to be on guard all the damn time and be with her too often. Eventually the couple goes public and they attend red carpets together hand in hand. The Gay Celeb and Female Celeb are friends and get along- that is a must. No one in their right mind would pit two people who didn’t care for one another together and make them sign some “bearding contract”. That’s a recipe for disaster and revenge and who wants to take that risk (so all this talk of Josh and joe and Karlie and Taykor all hating one another? No dice). Also, the Gay Celeb establishes early on that his partner is actually his best friend so that they can hide in plain sight. Trust me on this one. There are several best friendships in Hollywood currently that are more. I know of one. But I’m sure there are more. Think about it. Why in the world would you hide that? Why would you set yourself up to hide your lover and sneak around and set up the possibility to get caught by paps and give them and the Enquirer something to blackmail you with? Or give a producer with no morals who wants you to do his shitty movie something to blackmail you with?
So, no. I don’t see a situation between TS and KK where they ever needed to stop being friends. There was never really any speculation about th em except for one night and that went away quickly and they carried on exactly as they had been, even doing a vogue cover embracing one another. So clearly the speculation didn’t stop them. So why end the friendship all of a sudden?
Any thoughts after what I explained?
I don’t mean to come off as ‘I’m so cool I’m so Hollywood”. I’m not. I used to be in the film business but not in some huge important way. But I did have tons of friends in all sorts of positions ina and around film and tv and angencies. And I had a very good gay friend who dated a closeted tv actor, who I then got to know. I actually witnessed him fake date an actress whom he barely even knew. I know a little. I don’t know everything. Mostly I just use logic. I try to break it down all the time logically.
Like, don’t you think, logically, that what would make the most sense of Karlie and Taylor we’re secretly together would be for them to be friends - maybe not super close, but still friends- and maybe have a boyfriend here or there but not to be married and super serious boyfriend. And not to have to send clues to their fans to speak to them through riddles and code and clues? Why would Karlie choose to stay with josh Kushner if he’s so bad as they say? Why would she fake a wedding? Why is Taylor still with Joe instead of being single? Why does Taylor spend SO much time in London (which is confirmed by the Jetties)?
Just stuff like that. I’d love to hear how you make sense of things like that. I know, for me, Kaylor made sense when they were friends and stopped making sense shortly thereafter, which is why I started questioning and ultimately leaving. So I’d love to hear where your head is at on that. Oh, and also, what about all the broken promises along the way. The “Joe is gone after Rep is released. No, joe is home after Rep tour. No, Joe is home by TS7. No, Joe is gone after Lover. Etc.” and the same for Josh. Like, no matter what, they’re always saying T or K will be “free” of Joe and Josh by this date and it never happens.
Oh! And also, what do you think of Karlie being managed by and friends daycat with Scooter? How does that work?
Please know, none of this is asked maliciously. I’m truly enjoying our back and forth and I hold no ill will and I don’t think you are stupid or have any malice towards anyone or are crazy or delusional. You seem smart and bright and into possibilities. So I’m interested in just talking. And btw, thanks so much for keeping up the conversation. I’ve genuinely enjoyed it.
And remember! Send a submission so you don’t have to keep sending asks. That way you can make it as long as you want. I think you can put in a fake email to be anonymous. xx
(No proofreading again. Sorry! Hope it makes sense!)
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